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Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424

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What is the aquatic toxicity of saponin-rich plant extracts used as

Xiaogang Jiang*, Hans Chr Bruun Hansen, Bjarne W. Strobel, Nina Cedergreen
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Saponin-rich extracts from Quillaja saponaria and Chenopodium quinoa have been registered by US EPA as
Received 7 May 2017 active ingredients in biopesticides, and extract from tea seed powder, Camellia oleifera has been proposed
Received in revised form for biocidal use. If saponin-rich biopesticides are efficient against pests, they are most likely also
10 January 2018
bioactive in the aquatic environment against non-target organisms. The aim of this study was to conduct
Accepted 17 January 2018
an effect assessment of saponin-rich plant extracts by using species sensitivity distributions based on
acute toxicity tests. The maximal concentrations protecting 95% of the aquatic species (HC5) of saponins
extracted from quillaja bark, tea seed coat and quinoa seed coat were 2.91 ± 1.00, 0.22 ± 0.11 and
22.9 ± 5.84 mg/L, respectively. The 100-fold difference in toxicity between the saponin-rich extracts from
Biopesticides different plant species, indicate that saponin toxicity depends on the species it origins from, making
Species sensitivity distribution “read-across” between saponins a dubious exercise. In addition, the predicted environmental concen-
Aquatic toxicity trations of different saponins are close to or higher than their water quality standard, which means that
the extracts might pose a risk to the aquatic environment if not used cautiously.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction extracts belong to the first group, and saponins from Quillaja sap-
onaria and Chenopodium quinoa have already registered by U. S. EPA
Saponins are a class of natural compounds, found abundantly in as biopesticides (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2007,
more than 100 families of plants (Güçlü-Üstündag  and Mazza, 2005).
2007). They are characterized by their structure containing a tri- Saponins from Q. saponaria can be used for control/suppression
terpene or steroid aglycone bound to a sugar moiety (Fig. 1). Sa- of pathogenic fungi or plant parasitic nematodes in vegetable or
ponins have antiviral (Güçlü-Üstündag  and Mazza, 2007), fruit fields using a dose of 1.4e3.7 g liquid extract/m2 (~8.6% of
antiprotozoal and antibacterial activities (Potter et al., 2010) and are saponins) (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2007). Saponins
regarded as wormicides (Szakiel et al., 2005), fungicides (Rubio- from tea seed powder or pellets (Camellia oleifera) have been used
Moraga et al., 2011) and piscicides (Cannon et al., 2004). These as soil additives with documented growth enhancing effects with
uses indicate that saponins are bioactive and may be used as bio- 1.5 g powder/m2 for pot-grown beet, oat, and barley plants
pesticide ingredients. The definition of biopesticides by the U.S. (Andresen and Cedergreen, 2010), or have been used to expel
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is: “Biopesticides include earthworms from golf courses and sport fields applying 30 g pel-
naturally occurring substances that control pests (biochemical lets/m2 once a month (Potter et al., 2010). Saponin extracts from
pesticides), microorganisms that control pests (microbial pesti- C. quinoa can be used for control of pathogenic fungi on tubers,
cides), and pesticidal substances produced by plants containing legume, and cereal seeds, with 1 g liquid/m2 (U.S. Environmental
added genetic material (plant-incorporated protectants).” (U.S. Protection Agency, 2005). They also showed potential use against
Environmental Protection Agency, 2017). Saponin-rich plant snails, with an application dose of 0.6 g coat/m2 (10 mg saponin/L in
the water of rice fields) (Joshi et al., 2008). The saponin-rich ma-
terials are often biowaste products. The tea seed pellets are, for
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Dr. Harmon Sarah example produced during oil production (Andresen and
Michele. Cedergreen, 2010), while quinoa coat is generated during clean-
* Corresponding author. ing of the quinoa seed for consumption (San Martín et al., 2008).
E-mail addresses: (X. Jiang), (H.C.B. Hansen),
There is a great interest in creating a rational reuse of the biowastes, (B.W. Strobel), (N. Cedergreen).
0269-7491/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Jiang et al. / Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424 417

Fig. 1. Structure of quillaja saponin. R may be either -H or substituted by one or more sugar moieties to form different saponins. The lipophilic part (shown in red) located in the
middle of the structure is the aglycone. Modified after Fernandez-Tejada et al. (2014). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
Web version of this article.)

and the saponin-rich bioproducts seem to have a considerable effect assessment underlying the PPP Regulation, a distinction is
potential. The saponins in the three plant species contain a tri- made between an acute (based on acute LC50/EC50 data) and a
terpene aglycone, which means that all saponins have a similar chronic (based on chronic No Observable Effect Concentrations
aglycone with different functional groups and sugar chains NOEC or EC10 values) Regulatory Acceptable Concentration (RACs-
attached. It is, however, unknown to what extent the naturally w;ac and RACsw;ch, respectively). In deriving the RACsw;ac and
produced but different saponins have a similar biological activity. RACsw;ch by means of the SSD approach at least 8 valid toxicity data
Also, information on their specific toxicity to a wide range of spe- for the potentially sensitive taxonomic groups should be provided
cies is lacking. Information on toxic concentration ranges and (European Commission, 2011). For saponins with a more or less
source-specific saponin toxicity are important, if we are going to biocidal mode-of-action toxicity data of aquatic vertebrates, in-
use saponin-rich plant extracts in large quantities as biopesticides vertebrates, plants and microorganisms may be used to construct
in an environmentally sustainable way. the SSD if the toxicity data comprise at least 6 different taxonomical
The very low octanol/water partition coefficient (kow) of sapo- orders/families (EFSA PPR, 2013). Note that in pesticide risk
nins and hence poor bonding to organic matter make saponins assessment the functions of microorganisms need to be protected
prone to leaching from soils (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and not necessarily their structural properties. For RACsw;ac deri-
2007). Hence, to know their toxicity to aquatic organisms is vation the median HC5 from an SSD constructed with acute toxicity
important. In Europe, there are two regulatory frameworks giving data (LC50 and/or EC50 values) and an AF of 3e6 is selected (EFSA
guidance on how to produce water quality standards. One is PPR, 2013). The size of the selected AF depends on several
Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for chemicals which are criteria, amongst others, on the position of the toxicity data in the
used for chemicals in general and used retrospectively described in tail of the SSD, the goodness-of-fit of the SSD curve, the steepness of
the Water Framework Directive (WFD) (European Commission, the SSD curve, the toxicity data used and the 95% confidence limit
2011). Another one is Regulatory Acceptable Concentrations around the HC5 estimate. This study will use both the SSD derives
(RAC), which is used prospectively for Plant Protection Products MAC-EQS and RACsw;ac estimates to assess the potential risks of
and their Residues (EFSA PPR, 2013). Within both frameworks, saponin-rich plant extracts to the aquatic environment.
several options are possible to derive water quality standard for The aim of this study was, therefore, threefold: first, to test the
saponins depending on the data available. One of the more sensitivity of non-target aquatic species to saponin-rich plant ex-
comprehensive and preferred methods is to use Species Sensitivity tracts to find the more sensitive species among plants, algae,
Distributions (SSDs). SSDs describe the variation among a set of worms, mollusks, arthropods, fish embryo and bacteria. Secondly,
species in the sensitivity towards a certain compound (or a mixture to test whether the bioactivity of the saponin-rich extracts of
of compounds) by applying a statistical distribution to the data different botanical origin based on triterpene sapogenins was
(Posthuma et al., 2002). Based on the distribution, a concentration similar, making read across between saponins possible and thirdly,
protecting a certain percentage of the species in the community can to determine the MAC-EQS and RACsw,ac for the three different
be determined. Hence, if we want to protect at least 95% of the saponin-rich plant extracts and to evaluate them in relation to the
species, the environmental concentration must be below the con- Predicted Environmental Concentration (PEC).
centration that is not hazardous to 5% of the species (HC5). The SSD
based water quality standards underlying the WFD and Plant Pro- 2. Materials and methods
tection Products Regulation both use the median HC5 derived from
the SSD curve and an additional assessment factor (AF) for 2.1. The tested saponin-rich plant extracts
extrapolation to the field, but the methodology used is slightly
different as well as the terminology. The WFD makes a distinction Three kinds of saponin crude extracts from quillaja bark, tea
in AA-EQS (based on chronic toxicity data) and an MAC-EQS (based seed coat, and quinoa seed coat were tested in this study, together
on acute toxicity data) and for both AA-EQS and MAC-EQS deriva- with one pure quillaja saponin mixture, which was included as a
tion based on SSDs at least 10 valid toxicity data for at least 8 reference and used as a standard for tentative quantification of
different taxonomic groups are required. For MAC-EQS derivation saponin content of the extracts. The sources of the three saponin
the median HC5 from the SSD constructed with acute toxicity data crude extracts were: quillaja extract: S7900® from Q. saponaria bark
(50% effect or lethal concentrations, LC50 and/or EC50 values) and an (Sigma-Aldrich), tea extract: water extract of tea seed coat powder
AF of 10 is selected (European Commission, 2011). In the aquatic from C. oleifera (NOR-ADD A/S, Denmark), quinoa extract: water
418 X. Jiang et al. / Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424

extract of quinoa seed coat powder, a Real-type variety originating described concentration-response curve in the cases where the
from Bolivia (Ruiz et al., 2017). slope was steep. Generally, the highest concentration used in the
Water extraction was conducted by adding 5 g tea or quinoa tests was 200 mg/L of saponins.
seed coat powder to 50 mL MilliQ water. After 20 min stirring
(using a 10 mm magnetic stirrer at 100 rpm/min), the supernatant 2.3. Semi-quantification of total saponin content of the extracts
was passed through a filter paper (Whatman® quantitative filter
paper, ashless, Grade 41, Sigma-Aldrich). The crude extracts were To be able to compare the toxicity of the different plant extracts
frozen and freeze-dried (Christ® LOC-1m, Germany) for 24 h to relative to their saponin content, a semi-quantitative method was
obtain a storable powder that could be used throughout the study. used for determination of saponin. Quil-A was used as a standard,
The reason for using water extract in this study was to mimic the assuming 100% pure saponin, and relative saponin contents of
scenario in the field, where the saponin-rich plant products are quillaja extract, tea extract and quinoa extract were expressed as a
often directly applied instead of the pure saponins. weight percentage relative to Quil-A, w/w % (Quil-A/sample %).
The saponins from three extracts were marked as quillaja sa- The method uses a vanillin-sulfuric acid assay and exploits the
ponins (saponins from quillaja bark), tea saponins (saponins from colour reaction of oxidized triterpene saponin backbones (agly-
tea seed coat powder) and quinoa saponins (saponins from quinoa cones) with vanillin, which was measured as the absorbance at
seed coat powder), respectively. The reference saponin (Quil-A®) 480 nm using a UV/VIS spectrometer (Lambda 25, PerkinElmer)
was a purified commercial Purified quillaja saponins, from Brenn- (Cheok et al., 2014; Goel et al., 2012). For the vanillin-sulfuric acid
tag Biosector A/S, containing >95% saponins, <5% residue water, assay, 100 mL samples were added to a 20 mL glass vial containing
and it was marked as Quil-A in this study. 0.3 ml of vanillin reagent (8% vanillin, w/v in 99.9% ethanol) and
3 ml of 72% (v/v) sulfuric acid placed in an ice water bath. The
2.2. Organisms and acute toxicity tests methods samples were then heated in a 60  C water bath for 10 min and
cooled in the ice water bath before measuring absorbance. In order
Twelve organisms were cultured and tested based on the ‘‘OECD to reduce the effect of the matrix in the extract on the absorbance,
guideline for Testing of Chemicals’’ or “International Standard standard addition was used as an analytical method (Harris, 2010),
(ISO)”, including plants, algae, worms, mollusks, arthropods, and which is further described in Supplementary Materials.
microbes. An overview of the endpoints and test conditions used in
the twelve tests is given in Table 1. 2.4. Statistics
The concentrations of tests were firstly set at 12.5, 25, 50, 100,
and 200 mg/L (saponin extracts’ concentration). If the 50% effect Concentration-response curves of the 12 acute toxicity tests
was not reached with these concentrations, lower or higher con- were performed and plotted using the open source software R,
centrations would be chosen in the adjusted tests. Apart from version 3.3.2 (R Team, 2014). Data was described with a three
adjusting the concentration range, smaller intervals between con- parameter log-logistic regression model using the drc-package
centrations could be implemented as well in order to get a better- (Ritz and Streibig, 2005), assuming normal or binary distribution

Table 1
Experimental conditions of the individual toxicity tests and the guidelines followed. Climate chamber conditions are given as temperature ( C) and light:dark period in hours
(L:D). Irradiance is given in mmol/m2/s Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) for the photosynthesizing organisms.

Organisms Taxonomic Age/Size Duration Endpoints Medium Climate chamber Replicates per concentration References
group conditions

Vibrio fischeri Proteobacteria e 30 min Luminescence 2% NaCl 10 ± 1  C in dark Three replicates (ISO, 2007)

Pseudokirchneriella Chlorophyta e 48 h Relative growth Algae growth 20 ± 1 C, 24:0 h, Three replicates (OECD,2006a)
subcapitata rate medium 90
Lemna minor Tracheophyta Two weeks old 7d Relative growth K-medium 24 ± 1  C, 16:8 h, Six replicates with one frond (OECD, 2006b)
rate 100 each
Daphnia magna Arthropoda 24 h old 48 h Immobilisation M7 medium 20 ± 1  C, 16:8 h Four replicates with five (OECD, 2004)
neonates in each

Chironomus riparius Arthropoda Fourth instar 48 h Immobilisation M7 medium 20 ± 1 C, 16:8 h Four replicates with five larvae (OECD, 2011)
larvae in each
Chaoborus Arthropoda Around 10 mm 48 h Immobilisation M7 medium 20 ± 1  C, 16:8 h Four replicates with five larvae (OECD, 2011)
crystallinus in each
Gammarus pulex Arthropoda Random size 48 h Mortality Artificial 10 ± 1  C, 12:12 h Twelve replicates with one (Rasmussen
(>5 mm) freshwater gammerus in each et al., 2016)
Tubifex tubifex Annelida Random size 48 h Mortality Artificial 20 ± 1  C, in dark Four replicates with five worms (OECD, 2007)
(>10 mm) freshwater in each
Lumbriculus Annelida Random size 48 h Mortality Artificial 20 ± 1  C, 16:8 h Four replicates with five worms (OECD, 2007)
variegatus (>10 mm) freshwater in each
Lymnaea stagnalis Mollusca 12 weeks old (5 48 h Mortality Artificial 20 ± 1  C, 16:8 h Four replicates with five snails (Ducrot et al.,
e10 mm) freshwater in each 2014)
Lymnaea stagnalis Mollusca 24 h old 7d Mortality Artificial 20 ± 1  C, 16:8 h Sixteen replicates with one (Hallett et al.,
embryo freshwater embryo in each 2016)
Danio rerio embryo Chordata 24 h old 4d Mortality Artificial 26 ± 1  C in dark Five replicates with two (OECD, 2013)
freshwater embryos in each

V. fischeri was a BioTox™ kit with lyophilized bacteria, from Aboatox Oy, Finland. C. crystallinus and T. tubifex were bought from an aquarium store (Neonfisken) in Copenhagen,
Denmark. L. variegatus was originally from Department of Science and Environment, Roskilde University, Denmark. G. pulex was collected from a small stream in the north of
Copenhagen, coordinates: 55 480 5800 N 12 180 4500 E (d m's’’). L. stagnalis were originally from Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark. All acquired organisms
were acclimatized to growth conditions for at least two days prior to testing. D. rerio embryo was provided by Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, University of
Copenhagen, Denmark. Other organisms were kept and cultured in our own lab. All used mediums such as K-medium, M7 medium and Artificial freshwater are described in
the previous papers (Jessing et al., 2014; OECD, 2011; Rasmussen et al., 2016).
X. Jiang et al. / Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424 419

of data depending on the endpoint monitored (Equation (1)): calculated from the weight of the dried extracts dissolved in the
stock solutions multiplied with the saponin percentage.
y¼  (1)
1þ x b 3.2. Acute toxicity results

where y is the measured endpoint (survival/growth rate/inhibited The E(L)C50 of the different saponin-rich plant extracts are
rate); d corresponds to the untreated controls; e is the concentra- shown in Table 2. The concentration-response curves are shown in
tion causing 50% lethality or effect, depending on the endpoint Supplementary Materials (Figs. S2eS13). The full concentration-
measured; b is proportional to the slope around e, and x is the response curves of the acute tests were conducted on quillaja
treatment concentration. extract and the reference saponin, Quil-A. Some organisms were
E(L)C50 (the concentrations causing 50% lethality/effect) was not sensitive to saponins and 50% effect was not reached even at
retrieved and used for the SSDs. SSDs are generated using a log- 200 mg/L of saponins. This was the case for Vibrio fischeri, Chiro-
logistic distribution (Equation (1)) (Xu et al., 2015), using open nomus riparius, Chaoborus crystallinus and Gammarus pulex. Those
source software R version 3.3.2 based on the drc-package. In the organisms were considered as insensitive species, and the whole
SSD model, y in Equation (1) is the proportion of affected species, x acute tests were therefore not conducted on tea extract and quinoa
is the saponin concentration of different E(L)C50, and e is the extract, but the highest concentration (200 mg/L of saponins) was
saponin concentration of 50% species affected. The proportion of tested to show no effect. Therefore, E(L)C50 of those insensitive
affected species was calculated as shown in Equation (2) (Posthuma species is expressed as above 200 mg/L.
et al., 2002). To the reference Quil-A, there is more than 20-fold difference in
toxicity between the most sensitive and most insensitive species,
Ri with the E(L)C50 estimates varying from 11.9 mg/L to more than
yi ¼ (2)
nþ1 200 mg/L. The most sensitive species was the Danio rerio (fish)
embryos. A similar pattern was shown for quillaja saponins, the
where yi is the proportion of affected species; Ri is the rank of crude extract from the same plant species. Tea saponins showed
species and n is the number of E(L)C50 values used in the model. higher selectivity between species, with an approximately 100-fold
From the SSDs, a hazardous concentration (HCp) is identified at difference in species sensitivity, varying from the lowest LC50 of
which a certain percentage (p) of all species is assumed to be ~2 mg/L for the fish embryo, followed by the snail, L. stagnalis, the
affected. HC5 is derived from the SSD model using the software R. two worm species Tubifex tubifex and Lumbriculus variegatus to over
Species not reaching and E(L)C50 value at the highest saponin 200 mg/L for the arthropod C. crystallinus. Quinoa saponins seem to
concentration tested (200 mg/L) were included in the rank but not be the least toxic of the three plant extracts, when given on a
in the SSD-fit. The EFSA Aquatic Guidance Document suggests that relative saponin content basis, with a concentration of 49.5 mg/L
a larger than toxicity value can be used in the SSD if this value is for the snail embryo test being the lowest LC50 value.
higher than the highest non-censored value (EFSA PPR, 2013).
In principle, the PEC of saponins should be estimated using 3.3. Species sensitivity distributions
implemented exposure scenarios and models (e.g. FOCUS). As little
guidance to the application is given and the input required to model The SSDs are constructed using the E(L)C50 values in Table 2 and
surface runoff and leaching is not available, we choose to use a are shown in Fig. 2. The data of Lymnaea stagnalis is not included in
simple “worst-case loading” scenario based on spray drift (Equa- the SSD approaches since the more sensitive life-stage (L. stagnalis
tion (3)) (EFSA PPR, 2013). The biopesticide environmental con- embryo) is used. In addition, in order to make all dataset compa-
centration, expressed as the mass that enters the water per surface rable and consistent, the data of L. stagnalis is also not included in
area of water, can be obtained with knowledge of water depth, field tea saponin SSD approach, even though the snail adult is more
dose per area, and percent spray drift. In this case, we assume a sensitive than the embryo in this case. Therefore, there are 11 E(L)
field dose on 30 cm depth water with 30% spray drift deposition. C50 values applied to construct the SSD giving n ¼ 11 for Equation
(2). The species that has an E(L)C50 value > 200 mg/L are considered
Dsd App
c¼ (3) in the rank, but data are not included in the SSD-fit. Detailed
h regression parameters of SSDs are shown in Table 3. Generally, all
where c is the saponin concentration in surface water (g/m3); Dsd is species display the same overall pattern in terms of sensitivity. The
the spray drift deposition as fraction of the application dose; App is most sensitive species are worms, fish and snail embryos, while the
the application dose given as mass per surface area (h/m2) and h is tested microbe and arthropods are relatively insensitive.
the surface water depth (m). Quillaja saponins and the standard saponin Quil-A, have similar
SSD curves (Fig. 2 A, D), which was expected as they originate from
the same plant species. Due to the higher variance in species
3. Results sensitivity towards tea extracts, the tea saponins SSD curve is
relatively shallow with a b parameter of e 0.58 (Fig. 2 B). Hence, the
3.1. Semi-quantification of total saponins retrieved HC5-value is almost 10-times lower than the LC50 of the
most sensitive species and the coefficient of variation (CV) of the
The total saponin content in the different plant extracts was parameter gets relatively high (50%, as opposed to the 34, 26 and
estimated using a standard addition method, and the standard 30% for quillaja saponins, quinoa saponins and Quil-A, respec-
addition curves of quillaja extract, tea extract, quinoa extract are tively). The quinoa saponins are the least toxic and the SSD curve is
shown in Supplementary Materials, Fig. S1. The resulting total relatively steep (1.21) according to the PPP Regulation, defining
saponin contents of the quillaja, tea and quinoa extracts were steep as there is less than 100-fold difference between the least and
estimated to be 67.2 ± 1.2%, 57.3 ± 1.3%, and 67.9 ± 1.4% of saponins most sensitive species (EFSA PPR, 2013) (Fig. 2 C). The differences in
in the dried extracts, respectively (w/w % Quil-A/sample %). The the species sensitivity towards the different plant extracts has the
E(L)C50 and HC5 of the different saponin extracts shown in this consequence that the saponin concentration derived from quinoa
study are expressed as total nominal saponin concentrations saponins protecting 95% of the species (to a 50% effect level) could
420 X. Jiang et al. / Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424

Table 2
E(L)C50 of saponin-rich plant extracts towards different organisms. All values are given ±standard error with 95% confidence limits around E(L)C50 given in brackets.

Organisms E(L)C50 (mg/L) towards different organisms

Quillaja saponins Tea saponins Quinoa saponins Quil-A

Vibrio fischeri >200 >200 >200 >200

Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata 146 ± 18.7 63.4 ± 3.91 >200 >200
(109, 183) (55.7, 71.1)
Lemna minor 103 ± 11.7 60.8 ± 4.68 >200 92.8 ± 11.9
(80.1, 126) (51.6, 70.0) (69.5, 116)
Daphnia magna 18.3 ± 1.53 15.1 ± 2.49 190 ± 60.4 22.9 ± 0.73
(15.3, 21.3) (10.2, 20.0) (71.6, 308) (21.5, 24.3)
Chironomus riparius 313 ± 79.5 104 ± 17.2 283 ± 25.3 108 ± 8.17
(157, 469) (70.3, 138) (233, 333) (92.0, 124)
Chaoborus crystallinus >200 >200 >200 >200
Gammarus pulex >200 148 ± 79.2 >200 115 ± 32.0
(0, 303) (52.3, 178)
Tubifex tubifex 47.6 ± 3.74 2.77 ± 0.25 127 ± 11.5 37.3 ± 2.18
(40.3, 54.9) (2.28, 3.26) (105, 150) (33.0, 41.6)
Lumbriculus variegatus 40.1 ± 4.01 1.95 ± 0.16 85.8 ± 8.63 39.0 ± 40.5
(32.2, 48.0) (1.64, 2.26) (68.9, 103) (0, 118)
Lymnaea stagnalis 52.1 ± 96.5 2.23 ± 0.36 65.6 ± 113 31.5 ± 28.3
(0, 241) (1.52, 2.94) (0, 287) (0, 87.0)
Lymnaea stagnalis embryo 37.0 ± 3.76 10.7 ± 1.35 49.5 ± 7.12 18.7 ± 2.81
(29.6, 44.4) (8.05, 13.3) (35.5, 63.5) (13.2, 24.2)
Danio rerio embryo 9.02 ± 1.30 1.93 ± 0.27 89.6 ± 13.6 11.9 ± 1.80
(6.47, 11.6) (1.40, 2.46) (62.9, 116) (8.37, 15.4)

All concentrations expressed in saponin concentration relative to Quil-A.

affect nearly 50% of the species if they had been derived from tea ultimately killing the organisms (Augustin et al., 2012). Surpris-
saponins, as the HC5-value of quinoa saponins is close to HC50- ingly, the microbe, V. fischeri, is extremely insensitive to all three
value of tea saponins (Table 3). kinds of saponins. This is unexpected since saponins are supposed
The median HC5 derived from the SSD model, giving the highest to have a high cytotoxicity to single-cell organisms, because of their
concentration protecting 95% of species to a 50% effect level, are membrane disrupting properties, and because of their documented
shown in Table 3. There is approximately 100-fold difference be- antibacterial activities (Dinda et al., 2010). Study on rumen mi-
tween HC5-values of tea saponins and quinoa saponins, which are crobes, however, has shown 100% degradation of saponins within
the most and least toxic saponins in this study. However, there is 24 h (Makkar and Becker, 1997). Hence, some microbes may be
only around 8-fold difference between tea saponins and quinoa resistant to the soap-like properties of saponins and might rather
saponins when comparing the HC50-values. This demonstrates use them as substrates. This possibility cannot be excluded to occur
clearly the effect the slope of the SSD has on HC5-values, as also for V. fischeri. Moreover, a recent study shows an EC50 of quillaja
mentioned above. saponin towards V. fischeri of 578 mg/L, supporting our V. fischeri
The HC5-values were used to calculate quality criteria for surface test has an EC50 > 200 mg/L (De Oliveira et al., 2017). The study also
waters according to the WFD and PPP Regulation, as MAC-EQS and shows that organisms in their early stage are more sensitive to
RACsw,ac, respectively (Table 4). MAC-EQS is derived from median saponins than more grown individuals. This is evident for
HC5-values divided by an assessment factor of 10, and RACsw,ac L. stagnalis where the embryo is more vulnerable than 5e10 mm
using an assessment factor between 3 and 6. Here we use the grown individuals for three of the four extracts. The similarity in
higher value of 6, as the factor between the lowest and highest E(L) which species are the most sensitive across the different saponin-
C50 values used to construct the SSD curve is less than 100 (EFSA rich extracts illustrates that the saponins most likely have a
PPR, 2013). For tea saponins, it could, however, be discussed if the similar mode of action.
assessment factor should be lower, due to the relatively low slope of The activity of the different saponin extracts may depend both
the curve and the consequent conservative HC5-value (Fig. 2 B). To on the composition of the saponins and on the non-saponin con-
get an estimate of potential surface water concentrations, we used tent of the extracts, such as tannins and polyphenol. Comparing
Equation (3) assuming a field dose with 30% spray drift deposition Quil-A and quillaja saponins, however, they have very similar SSD
on 30 cm depth water and a 10% saponin content in the solid patterns and similar HC5-values (Fig. 2, Table 3). This suggests that
product (10% saponins content is estimated by U.S. Environmental it is the saponins that contribute most to the bioactivity, at least in
Protection Agency, 2007) and no degradation or sorption (EFSA this species, while the non-saponin content contributes less. For
PPR, 2013). As official recommended doses are rarely given, we the much more toxic tea saponins, we do, however not know if
used doses given in the literature together with what they were other components do also contribute to toxicity. Studies of the
used for and the references. The PECs in the surface water of quillaja molluscicidal activity of tea extract and tea saponins do, however,
saponins, tea saponins and quinoa saponins are given in Table 4. show similar responses indicating that the saponins in the tea
extract are the main toxic compounds (LC50 of tea saponin is
4. Discussion 0.66 mg/L, while it is 6.79 mg/L for the extract) (Kijprayoon et al.,
2014). The much lower toxicity of saponins from quinoa saponins
The present study confirms earlier observations of “soft skin” compared to the standard quillaja saponins (Quil-A) emphasizes
organisms, such as worms, snails and fish embryos, being the most that the difference in the structure and composition of the saponins
sensitive to saponins. This is believed to be due to saponins from different plant species does affect their bioactivity and
detergent-like structures, causing damages to cell membranes by resulting toxicity. We, therefore, recommend not using surrogate or
creating pores, vesiculation and membrane domain disruption, read-across data during registration of saponin-rich plant extracts
X. Jiang et al. / Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424 421

Fig. 2. Species sensitivity distribution curves. A: quillaja saponins, B: tea saponins, C: quinoa saponins, D: reference quillaja saponins (Quil-A). All concentrations are expressed in
total saponin concentrations. The dots are input data, E(L)C50 values of different species, while the line it the regression line based on Equation (2).

Table 3
Summary of regression parameters of the SSD model for quillaja saponins, tea saponins, quinoa saponins and reference quillaja saponins (Quil-A), given together with the HC5
of different saponins. All values are given ±standard error with 95% confidence limits around E(L)C50 given in brackets.

Parameters Stressors

Quillaja saponins Tea saponins Quinoa saponins Quil-A

b (proportional to the slope around e) 0.82 ± 0.10 0.58 ± 0.06 1.21 ± 0.20 1.06 ± 0.12
(-1.02, 0.62) (-0.70, 0.46) (-1.60, 0.82) (-1.30, 0.82)
e (HC50, mg/L) 105 ± 11.0 34.4 ± 5.17 260 ± 25.7 72.0 ± 6.93
(83.4, 127) (24.3, 44.5) (210, 310) (58.4, 85.6)
HC5 (mg/L) 2.91 ± 1.00 0.22 ± 0.11 22.9 ± 5.84 4.42 ± 1.33
(0.95, 4.87) (0, 0.44) (11.5, 34.4) (1.81, 7.03)

for the use as pesticides or for other purposes, due to the strikingly attempt to make an overview of bioactivity of the different sapo-
different bioactivities. nins (Fig. 3). There are many types of aglycones in saponins
Assuming that only the aglycone is the causative agent of depending on the plant species it derives from, and often the
bioactivity, neglecting the effect of the sugar moiety, we may functional groups differ from each other as well. Although quillaja
422 X. Jiang et al. / Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424

Table 4
Predicted environmental concentration (PEC) in the aquatic environment based on doses given in the literature together with the water quality criteria MAC-EQS and RACsw,ac.
All concentrations are given in mg/L.

Saponin-rich Objectives Dosing PECa MAC- RACsw,ac References

plant products EQS

Liquid quillaja For control/suppression of pathogenic fungi or plant parasitic nematodes in 1.4e3.7 g 0.1 0.29 0.49 (U.S. Environmental Protection
extract vegetable or fruit fields liquid/m2 e0.4 Agency, 2007)
Tea seed coat Expel earthworms in turfgrass 30.0 g 3 0.02 0.04 (Potter et al., 2010)
Quinoa seed For control/suppression of pathogenic fungi or bacteria in vegetable fields and 0.6e2.0 g 0.1 2.29 3.82 (Joshi et al., 2008; U.S. Environmental
coat Golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in rice water coat/m2 e0.2 Protection Agency,  2005)

dose 30%10% 
a m2
Assuming a field dose with 30% spray drift deposition on 30 cm depth water and a 10% saponin content in the solid product, which is PEC ¼ 30cm .

Fig. 3. Structures of different aglycones depending on the functional groups attached to the R1 and R2 positions.

saponins, tea saponins and quinoa saponins may include many observation of the importance of the aglycone structure (Augustin
types of aglycones, the most abundant ones being reported for the et al., 2012). Other studies show that the functional group of
three species are shown in Fig. 3 (Güçlü-Üstündag  and Mazza, aldehyde at C-4 is essential for quillaja saponin bioactivities (anti-
2007). There are basically three types of very abundant aglycone body stimulation and induction of an immune response), as de-
structures present, which are defined by their functional groups at rivatives modified at this function (without aldehyde group) did
the C-4 position. Quillaic acid has an aldehyde (eCHO) group, not show adjuvant activity (Moses et al., 2014). Despite this, there
hederaginin has a hydroxymethyl (eCH2OH) group and oleanolic are studies showing that aldehyde is a more important functional
acid has a hydrogen atom (eH) at the C-4 position (Fig. 3). While group for adjuvant effects than the other two groups (eCH2OH, eH)
aglycones of quillaja saponins mainly consist of quillaic acid, tea (Greatrex et al., 2015), as oleanolic acid has a higher cytotoxic ac-
saponins mainly consist of quillaic acid and hederagenin (Kitagawa tivity when measured on cancer and normal cells than quillaic acid
et al., 1998), while quinoa saponins contain approximately 50% of and hederagenin (Barthomeuf et al., 2002; Gauthier et al., 2009;
hederagenin and 25% of oleanolic acid while rest are unknown Podolak et al., 2010). Hence, the relative bioactivity of aglycones
aglycones (Ruiz et al., 2017). As we observe tea saponins to be up to may differ depending on the endpoint measured.
10-fold more toxic to some organisms than quillaja saponins, it The effects of the sugar moieties on bioactivity can, however, not
suggests that the oleanolic acid type of aglycone may be relatively be ignored. Numerous studies confirm that the bioactivity of sa-
inactive. Hence, the additional functional groups at C-4 of quillaic ponins is influenced both by the aglycone and the sugar moieties
acid and hederagenin seem to be essential to the bioactivity, no (Podolak et al., 2010), especially the sugar attached at the C-3 po-
matter if it is an aldehyde or a hydroxymethyl group. A study of sition. The study on Barbarea vulgaris saponins reports that ole-
saponins from Barbarea vulgaris which reported that the type of anolic acid and hederagenin with a sugar chain attached in C-3
saponins with oleanolic acid had a less antifeedant effect on her- position increased the antifeedant effect, compared to those that
bivorous insects than the ones with hederagenin supports this have no sugar attached (Augustin et al., 2012). Pilot studies in our
X. Jiang et al. / Environmental Pollution 236 (2018) 416e424 423

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