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Rizal Obtl Computer 222

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Rizal OBTL Computer 222

Lifespan Psychology (City University)

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URDANETA CITY College of Engineering and Architecture

Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering


RIZAL Life and Works of Jose Rizal


Urdaneta City University adheres to the educational worldview set forth by its founding father, Dr.
Pedro T. Orata, that – VISION
1. Education contributes much to the development of an individual and the society in which he Urdaneta City University will be known as one of the leading regional institutions in engineering and
lives; architecture education. Its graduates will be equipped to excel in their engineering and architecture
2. It is possible to make education available and accessible to all people in all walks of life, both in fields, and to adapt to changes in the technological sector. Its faculty will create an environment
urban and rural areas; conducive to student-centered learning and collaborative research.
3. The education provided will determine the quality of life of the people and the progress of the
nation; and MISSION
4. The institution shall provide such kind of education and development which are congruent to The mission of the College of Engineering and Architecture is to provide students with the best possible
the national development goals. engineering education whereas promoting ethical and spiritual values. The college is dedicated to equip
students with the knowledge, technical skills, and values that prepare them to excel as engineers and
VISION leaders in their profession. The faculty members endeavor to serve the community through research and
A leading university that transforms individuals into morally upright and globally competitive supervision of industrial projects.
professionals through quality and practical education for all
MISSION Through advanced and modern instructions, the college aims to produce competent engineers and
To provide exemplary outcome-based and advanced instructions; socially relevant and innovative architects who are academically and technically skilled to contribute to the attainment of national
researches; and inclusive extension services, partnerships and/or linkages developmental goals by providing scientific and technical researches.

Instruction Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Instill formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes necessary to make an individual a
responsible member of the society, enhance the development of instruction to produce high- E– Endow with a solid foundation in engineering and architecture education for continuous
level professionals, and harness the productive capacity of the country’s human resource-based professional growth in fact-based reasoning and analysis.
toward international competitiveness.
Research N– Nurture in-depth knowledge and experience in specific engineering and architecture topic
2. Mold individuals who will conduct scientific, innovative and advanced researches in the quest areas in preparedness for their first job or for entry into a graduate engineering or architecture
for new knowledge, provide leadership in various fields toward dynamic and self-sustaining program or a professional school.
economy, and enrich historical and cultural heritage.
Community Services G– Geared toward a high degree of personal integrity, and the belief that they can each make a
3. Undertake participatory and inclusive extension services which are relevant and responsive, difference.
accessible and equitable, through efficient and effective community development programs, and
broaden symbiotic partnerships and linkages to establish intergenerational responsibility for the G– Grasp an optimistic self-confidence by developing their professional competence outlined
common good. above through persuasive communication skills in a variety of media including written reports
and oral presentations with visual or aural aids and by engaging them in team-based activities
OBJECTIVES and strengthening their interpersonal skills.
1. To provide professional, technical, and expert instruction in arts, sciences, humanities, and
2. To conduct systematic investigations geared toward the establishment and discovery of novel
facts, solve present or existing problems, provide new ideas or develop new theories, satisfy
curiosity, and mastery of nature.
3. To establish sustainable livelihood projects that will uplift the quality of life of the members of
the community, and to expand transnational collaborations that will have socio-economic
benefits to the present and future generations.

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URDANETA CITY College of Engineering and Architecture

Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Institutional Outcomes: The UCU Core Values

Integrity Competence
True UCUians imbued with the spirit of nobility live their lives guided by the Passion for excellence drives noble persons to shine in their chosen craft.
ideals of honesty and authenticity. Their words and actions consistently reveal their They do not settle for mediocrity, and capacitate themselves with the requisite
commitment to decency and honor. They pursue the path of truth even if this were know-how and skills to establish their expertise and credibility in their
the less popular choice. discipline. They continue the pioneering character of Dr. Pedro Orata by
spearheading innovations while building on traditions of excellence.

Teamwork Transcendence
The spirit of nobility moves UCUians to cooperate with other members of the Noble UCUians are selfless stewards of goodness and compassion to their
university in realizing a common goal. With humility, they accept that each fellow human beings, to the school, to the community, and to those in need—
member of the UCU community brings his or her own capabilities to actualize the prioritizing the cause of others before theirs, willing to accept, do, and get the
university’s vision. Noble UCUians seek and pursue to achieve unity in any area or job done without expecting recompense. Going beyond self-actualization, they
situation, understanding that the best outcomes almost always happen in the aim to reach their full potential to best serve noble causes beyond the self.
spirit of cooperation.

Program Outcomes (CMO 87 S. 2017)

The BS Computer Engineering graduates have the ability to:

(a) Facilitate and perform knowledge of mathematics and science to solve documentation, make effective presentation, and give and receive clear
complex computer engineering problems by applying knowledge in instructions.
mathematics and sciences. (h) Innovate engineering solutions that will bring impact in a global,
(b) Conduct and perform experiments with analysis and interpretation of economic, environmental and societal context.
data. (i) Engage in life-long learning.
(c) Plan and propose a system, component, or process to meet desired (j) Apply the attributes of integrity, competence, teamwork and
needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, transcendence in the trifold functions of institution, research and
social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and extension to foster and share the spirit of nobility of Dr. Pedro T. Orata;
sustainability, in accordance with standards. (k) Use appropriate techniques, skills and modern tools in the practice of
(d) Function in multidisciplinary teams. the profession in order to remain globally competitive.
(e) Innovate and formulate solution to complex computer engineering (l) Act as a team leader by employing their management principles in
problems multidisciplinary environment.
(f) Practice the profession ethically and responsibly.
(g) Communicate effectively on complex computer engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as
being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design

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URDANETA CITY College of Engineering and Architecture

Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

Course Information

Course Title: Life and Works of Jose Rizal Course Credit: Theory – 3 units (54 hours)
Course Code: RIZAL Prerequisite: None

Instructor’s Information
Course Description

As mandated by Republic Act 1425, this course covers the life and works of
the country’s national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. Among the topics covered are Rizal’s
biography and his writings, particularly the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Consultation Schedule
11:00-12:00 MW
Filibusterismo, some of his essays, and various correspondents.

Course Outcomes

1. Understand professional and ethical responsibility;

2. Communicate effectively civil engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large;
3. Understand the impact of civil engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
4. Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning ;and
5. Know contemporary issues;

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

Study Learning Strategies

Guide Learning Outcomes Contents Time Assessment
No. Lecture
No. Allotment

1 Determine student’s expectations of the Reorientation (Synchronous and 1 hour Open Forum
course. Asynchronous)
1. UCU VMGO and Core Values Instant Feedback
Apply knowledge of Orata’s guiding Online Video Conferencing
philosophy in the practice of computer 2. CHS Philosophy, VMGO and Core Receipt of OBE Course
engineering. Values Video Presentation Syllabus

Adopt the computer engineering and/or 3. OBE Course Syllabus: Course Student handbook and
UCU core values of a student. Overview, Policy, Grading System other
and Academic Requirements College/University Policies
(Soft Copy)
4. Student Handbook and other
University/College policies.

1 1 Relate the relevance of Life and Works of A. R.A. 1425 The Rizal Law (Synchronous and 2 hours Scheduled quizzes and
Jose Rizal in engineering profession. 1. Definition Asynchronous) periodic examinations
2. Concepts
3. Origin and History Rubrics:
Appraise the link between individual and
Read and Study the Course Instant, Oral/ Written
2–3 2 B. 19th Century Philippines as Rizal’s Guide uploaded in iKonek 2. 6 hours Feedback
Context Essay Writing
Analyze the various social, political,
1. Ideas that bloom during Rizal's
economic, and cultural changes that
birth and childhood Access the Interactive Links
occurred in the nineteenth century
➢ French revolution provided in the Study Guide.
➢ American revolution
Understand Jose Rizal in the context of his
Participate in the Lecture-
Discussion via Google Meet
Analyze Rizal’s family, childhood, and early
and/or in the iKonek
4–5 3 C. Rizal’s Life: Family and Early Discussion Forum 6 hours
1. Rizal’s family and childhood
2. Education in Binan


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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

7 4 Explain the assimilation advocated by the E. Rizal’s Life: Higher Education and (Synchronous and 3 hours Scheduled quizzes and
Propaganda Movement Life Abroad Asynchronous) periodic examinations
1. Education of Rizal
Appraise Rizal’s relationship with other ➢ Philippines Rubrics:
Propagandists and his growth as a ➢ Abroad Read and Study the Course Instant, Oral/ Written
Propagandist and disapproval of Guide uploaded in iKonek 2. Feedback
assimilation Essay Writing

8 5 Analyze the factors that led to Rizal’s F. Rizal’s Life: Last travel abroad, Trial, Access the Interactive Links 3 hours Essay questions
execution and the effects if his execution on Exile, andDeath. provided in the Study Guide. regards to professional
Spanish colonial rule and the Philippine 1. Rizal in Dapitan and ethical of
Revolution ➢ Exile computer engineering:
Participate in the Lecture-
➢ Trial
Discussion via Google Meet
Analyze Rizal’s ideas on how to rewrite ➢ Death and/or in the iKonek Right after Rizal landed
Philippine history Discussion Forum in Barcelona, he
9 6 G. Annotation of Antonio Morga’s 3 hours immediately noticed
Compare and contrast Rizal and Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas ugly and dirty inns. As
different views about Filipinos and 1. Rizal’s annotation and engineering students
Philippine culture Bluementritt’s prologue how would you apply
the concept of
Appraise important characters in the novel professional and ethical
and they represent responsibility based on
10 – 11 7 H. Noli Me Tangere 6 hours Rizal’s perspective?
Examine the present Philippine situation 1. Nole Me Tangere Novel
through the examples mentioned in the Noli Rizal discovered several
Me Tangere. species, and
contributed different
Understand professional and ethical solutions for the
responsibility betterment in our
Communicate effectively civil engineering
activities with the engineering community As computer
and with society at large engineering give at
least three (3) civil
engineering solutions
in a global, economic,
environmental, and
societal context.

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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

13 – 14 8 Compare and contrast the characters, plot, I. El Filibusterismo (Synchronous and 6 hours Scheduled quizzes and
and the theme of the Noli Me Tangere and 1. El Filibusterismo novel Asynchronous) periodic examinations
the El Filibusterismo
Value the role of the youth in the Read and Study the Course Instant, Oral/ Written
development of and future society Guide uploaded in iKonek 2. Feedback
Essay Writing
15 9 Assess and explain the legacy of Rizal to the J. Letter to the Young Women of 3 hours
Filipino people with his writings Malolos and the Indolence of the Access the Interactive Links
Appraise the value of understanding the Filipinos provided in the Study Guide.
past 1. Letter to the young woman of
Frame arguments based on evidence 2. Sobre La Indolencia delos Activity:
Filipinos Participate in the Lecture- Choose at least one (1)
Discussion via Google Meet infrastructure that
16 10 Interpret views, opinions and assess K. Jose Rizal and Philippine and/or in the iKonek 3 hours Filipino is involved and
concepts about Bayani and Kabayanihan in Nationalism: Bayani and Discussion Forum how did they
the context of Philippine history and society Kabayanihan contributed to this land
1. Filipino Nationalism mark.
Examine the values highlighted by the 2. Factors that contributed
various representations of Rizal as a national
17 11 symbol L. Jose Rizal and Philippine 3 hours
Nationalism: National Symbol
Advocate the values Rizal’s life encapsulates 1. Philippine nationalism
2. Other historical figures
Understand the impact of civil engineering 3. Criteria for national heroes
solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context

Recognize the need for, and engage in life-

long learning

Know contemporary issues;


Learning Flexible Learning Environment

Environment Independent Study: Use of learner’s time spent for self-directed learning using available resources (actual and on-line resources) equivalent to 20-30%
of the hours
Resources Non-print materials, and electronic materials, equipment (laptop and Audio-visual) and supplies, case studies/scenarios

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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

Course Periodical Examination (Preliminary, Midterm and Final Periodicals)

Requirements Class Standing:
Knowledge: Quizzes (short/long), assignment; journal/case study presentations/reporting/recitations/research work
Skills: Teaching demonstration/ skills demonstration-return demonstration
Attitude: Behavior (act of beginning professional)/attendance/courteousness/UCU Core Values/Nobility
Grading System Final Grade is computed as follows:
FG = (PG + MG + TFG)/3
• FG refers to the Final Grade
• PG refers to the Prelim Grade
• MG refers to the Midterm Grade
• TFG refers to the Tentative Final Grade
The Prelim Grade is computed as (1st CS)+(Prelim Exam)
The Midterm Grade is computed as (2nd CS)+(Midterm Exam)
The Tentative Grade is computed as (3rd CS)+(Final Exam)
• CS refers to Class Standing which is 60% composed of Review Questions, Quizzes, and Critical Thinking Activities
• Recitation includes participation in discussion prompts for online classes and discussion activities for offline classes.
• Major Exams = 40%
and Standards All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying, and other forms of unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found
guilty of cheating in examinations or plagiarism in submitted course requirements will receive an F or failure in the course requirement or in the course.
Cheating refers to securing help in a test; copying test, assignments, reports or term papers; collaborating with other students during an examination
or in preparing academic work that has not been designated as collaborative activity; signing another student’s name on an attendance sheet; or
otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.
1. In view of the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic on the educational landscape, the university is modifying its policy on
attendance for this semester.
2. Every student is required to attend his classes for every week of the course.
3. For online-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s participation in an interactive online study
group or discussion prompt, student’s submission of outputs (assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a documentation showing that
the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject related to the course.
4. For correspondence-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s accomplishment of outputs
(assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a
question about an academic subject related to the course.
References • Calilung, Froilan Jose Rizal the Synergy of Greatness and Heroism. 2011
• Zaide, Gregorio and Zaide, Sonia. Jose Rizal: life works and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist and Natonal Hero 2nd edition (2014)
• Atutubo, J. (2018) Jose Rizal : Social Reformer and Patriot. Revised edition
• Mañebog Jensen(2013)The Importance of the Jose Rizal Subject.
• RepublicActNo.1425(1956)
• Blumentritt, Ferdinand. Prologue to Jose Rizal, Annotated Copy of Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de (es Isias Filipinas (Manila: National
Centennial Commission, 1962)

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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

• Ocampo, Ambeth. “Rizal's Morga and views of Philippine History” in Philippine Studies vol 46 no. 2(1998) http://www.philippinestudies.
net/ojs/index.php/ps/article/v iewFile/662/663
• DR. Gerdalitz G. Mingarine and Bb. Julie B. Dela Cruz. Buhay, Gawa at Isinulat ni Dr. Jose Rizal Pp. 145 - 159.

Prepared by: Reviewed: Noted: Recommending Approval

JAYSON BIANAN,MEd Social Studies Program Head

Candidate Bachelor of Science in Computer ENGR LORENA ANGULO NOEL L. GUEVARA, Ph. D.
JERWIN BARROGA Engineering Dean, College of Engineering and Vice President for Academic Affairs



Sharp, distinct Substantial, specific Sophisticated Precise, illustrative use Evident control of
controlling point made and or illustrative arrangement of if a variety of words and grammar mechanics,
about a single topic content content with evident sentence structures to spelling usage and
4 with evident demonstration strong and/or subtle create consistent sentence formation
awareness of task development and transitions writers voice and tone
sophisticated ideas appropriate to

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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

Apparent point made Sufficiently developed Functional

Generic use of variety of Sufficient control of
about a single topic content with adequate arrangement
words and sentence of grammar, mechanics,
with sufficient elaboration or content that sustains
structures that may or spelling, usage and
3 awareness of task explanation a logical order with
may not create a sentence formation
some evidence of
writers voice and tone
appropriate to
No apparent point but Limited content with Confused or Limited word choice Limited control of
evidence of a specific inadequate inconsistent and control of sentence grammar, mechanics,
topic elaboration or arrangement of structures that inhibit spelling, usage and
2 explanation content with or voice and tone sentence formation
without attempts at
Minimal evidence of a Superficial and or Minimal control of Minimal variety in word Minimal control of
specific topic minimal content content arrangement choice and minimal grammar, mechanics,
control of sentence spelling, usage and
1 structures sentence formation

RUBRIC FOR oral presentation

4 3 2 1
Content The speaker provides a variety of The speaker focuses primarily The speaker includes some irrelevant The speaker says
types of content appropriate for the on relevant content. The content. The speaker wanders off the practically nothing. The
task, such as generalizations, details, speaker sticks to the topic. topic. The speaker uses words and speaker focuses primarily
examples and various forms of The speaker adapts the concepts which are inappropriate for the on irrelevant content. The
evidence. The speaker adapts the content in a general way to the knowledge and experiences of the speaker appears to ignore
content in a specific way to the listener and the situation. listener (e.g., slang, jargon, technical the listener and the situation
listener and situation. language).

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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

Organization The message is overtly organized. The message is organized. The organization of the message is The message is so
The speaker helps the listener The listener has no difficulty mixed up and random. The listener must disorganized you cannot
understand the sequence and understanding the sequence make some assumptions about the understand most of the
relationships of ideas by using and relationships among the sequence and relationship of ideas. message.
organizational aids ideas in the message. The
ideas in the message can
outlined easily.
Delivery The speaker delivers the message in The volume is not too low or The volume is too low or too loud and the The volume is so low and
a confident, poised, enthusiastic too loud and the rate is not too
rate is too fast or too slow. The the rate is so fast that you
fashion. The volume and rate varies fast or too slow. The pronunciation and enunciation are cannot understand most of
to add emphasis and interest. pronunciation and
unclear. The speaker exhibits many the message. The
Pronunciation and enunciation are enunciation are clear. The disfluencies, such as "ahs," "uhms," or pronunciation and
very clear. The speaker exhibits very speaker exhibits few
"you knows." The listener is distracted by enunciation are very
few disfluencies, such as "ahs," disfluencies, such as "ahs," problems in the delivery of the message unclear. The speaker
"uhms," or "you knows." "uhms," or "you knows. and has difficulty understanding the appears uninterested.
words in the message.
Creativity Very original presentation of material; Some originality apparent; Little or no variation; material presented Repetitive with little or no
captures the audience’s attention. good variety and blending of with little originality or interpretation. variety; insufficient use of
materials / media. materials / media.
Length of Within two minutes of allotted time . Within four minutes of allotted Within six minutes of allotted time . Too long or too short; ten or
Presentation time. more minutes above or
below the allotted time.


4 3 2 1
Content and Program shows a continuous Fairly well documented and Portions may be poorly Not organized. Difficult to follow.
organization progression of ideas and tells a organized. Format is easy to documented and/or organized. Poor quality shows poor effort
complete, easily followed story. follow. Good explanations Hard to follow the progressions
Well documented and well shows good effort of the story. Explanation shows
organized some effort

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College of Engineering and Architecture
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

usefulness Project is focused and very Project is focused and Project demonstrated Project’s usefulness is in
informative; promote the use of informative; promotes the use development of computer question. Does not inform; does
computer technology to create of computer technology to technology; has problems not say focused on topic
the video and makes others want create the video deliver staying focused on topic
to use the same type of format information

Creativity and Excellent sense of design. Good use of graphics and/or Minimal use of design and Use of elements detracts from
elements of Effective camera techniques other design elements. Some elements. No transitions. Sound video. Too many or too gaudy
used for the video and pictures transitions are inappropriately is lacking or inappropriate or graphics; transitions, too many
design smooth transitions are placed. Sound quality is good. scratchy. clips. Pictures or video clips may
appropriate and aid in delivery of Video clips or pictures are be out of focus or shaky
the presentation clear and in focus

Mechanic Grammar, spelling, punctuation, Includes 2-3 grammatical Includes 3-4 grammatical Includes five or more
capitalizations are correct. errors, misspellings, errors, misspellings, grammatical errors,
Sources are documented punctuation errors. Sources punctuation errors some misspellings, punctuation errors;
correctly are documented correctly sources are documented but not sources are not documented

Oral presentation Well-rehearsed. Voice and Fairly fluid delivery. Some difficulty communicating Great difficulty in communication
skills pacing hold interest and Communicate ideas with ideas. Poor voice projections; ideas, poor voice projection,
attentions of audience. proper voice projection; no introduction, long pauses or mispronounced words and had
perhaps one mispronounced somewhat confused long pauses

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