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Golen Key

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The text discusses various philosophical and legal concepts related to issues, claims, and the relationship between reflections and substances.

The text seems to discuss the concept of 'issues' and how entities try to avoid directly declaring or addressing the true issue.

The author argues that entities try to avoid declaring the true 'issue' or 'claim' in order to argue over non-issues and avoid having to prove their claims.

‘Golden Key’

“Innocent is the antonym of the stars: Culprits they are.”

“What is it to ask that of a Kings ransom compared to the bounty of the universe? One says give One the Heavens! What is the answer to the
question? Wisdom, Let us look into the paths of the stars and see what is their design, and what melodies they have sung, and they shall sing, as it
is their gravity that leads us, as gravity = time, so is One born in the salty by product of alchemy: as the Sea is an accumulation of all the tears
throughout the ages over the struggle by the Gods to manipulate the soul”…srqu.

IT is the ISSUE.
What is IT? It is the issue of interest to proceeds. Either way it does not matter whether it is in court or out, past
or present issue or even what the issue is over.

It is the assessment, It is what must be ascertained to discover what It is. Where does one find It?? This depends
upon the ‘theatre’. Example: if one has an ‘alleged’ issue cognizable by a court then there must be registered with the
court the ‘assessment’ to discover It one must do a search with the head of the theatre, I. E. the clerk of the court to
ascertain what claims have been registered in the court in the name of THE OFFENDER.
1. Ask the head clerk for a certified copy of all judgments registered with the court in the name of THE OFFENDER.

2. If none exist, then there is no assessment.

3. Without an assessment there can be no demand for performance

4. Without a demand for performance, there can be no neglect

5. Without neglect there can be no crime
6. Without a crime there can be no court proceeding

When you get to the point of them addressing you, you ask for the attorney/ prosecutor, CFO to read the charges on to
the record or properly “Declare the issue” (as you cannot SEE them as of yet) [read the Kobe Bryant case] when This is
done, it puts the burden of proof upon them [calls them out, margin call]. Until that is done it is all presumption, and that is
what they want you to argue about ‘presumption’ or “non-issue’. Or “speculation.” They are trying to avoid the issue.
Issue being the issuance of the bond.

The industrial society pays the interest to you when they release the order of the court(calling the bailee to the
floor), to put the deficiency on the docket, and instructing the deputy of the circuit court to call the calendar,
Bottom line, interest accrues from the principal and for the account to close, the interest must return to the
principal. All taxes are interest payments back to the original owner (principal).

What is it? It is the issue. They are making an issue by making the claim, the claim being proceeds, that is the
issue, the proceeds. Claim=proceeds. Proceeds=issue. Issue =claim Where is the issue and what are the
proceeds. They are coming forward claiming there is an issue, but they are trying to avoid declaring the issue
at the same time.

This is the “Why” Without the why is to be without power. [Merovingian/ The Matrix]

This is Public vs. Private.

These are “Public offerings” they are dealing in. But they are trying to get you to agree to keep them “Private”
by not “declaring the issue” and getting you to argue [identifying the issue for them] over a “non-issue”
therefore avoiding the registration of the bond. This is laid out clearly in title 26 sec. 6049 and 4701. Private
bonds are NOT required to be registered. That is why using the “Bills of exchange” are so dangerous. They
can use those in any way they like to further fund their extortion. It is like cash to them [drug money, like fed
notes] although it is coming from you, the “True Creator” it is still a derivative, not the real thing because it is
“speculation” and so none of it is a reality until the “issue is declared.” When they are compelled to “Declare
the issue” that now “charges” the circuit and brings the “Issue” to light, that can now be Discharged. This is
creation in reality.

Think of the Mirror the reflection has to come from the substance.
The Reflection cannot make the Substance Appear only the Substance can command the Reflection.
They are approaching us with the “proposed” reflection and asking us to become the substance to make the
reflection appear…..only one problem the reflection does not command the substance.
There ‘evidence’ is the “proposed” reflection…..the reflection is the product (and fixture 1099 oid) of the
substance not vice-versa. Can you “see” why they want the uninformed people of the world out there ‘advising’
people to do an ‘acceptance’ of their erroneous public offer and include a ‘private’ bill of exchange???
1. Burden of Proof is waived by ‘acceptor’

2. Unregistered (illicit) public offer is converted to ‘private’ bond (not required to be registered title 26 6049)
3. Private bonds have value; illicit Public Offers are a ‘liability’ (supported by statutory policy)
4. Doesn’t get much sweeter; and “people” feel “good” about funding this form of terrorism……

5. Notice how when you give the BOE’s to them they disappear never to be seen again and they are still
disputing over the alleged issue?

Ok, here is a ship docked in a port. Now there are these pirates offloading the products[cargo] off the back of
the ship and paying off customs and the captain and taking the products over to the beach and selling it
bootleg for black market script [fed notes] and of course stealing “private offerings” [BOE’s and the like from
those whom are foolish enough to believe they are going to be “registered”]… instead of the product being
taken off the ship and declared thru the “Public” like it is supposed to be. Your signature is the only thing of
value. You create the issues, the issues generate the interest, the interest returns to the principal, you, [money
of Account vs. money of Exchange] Don’t believe me, ok, everybody stop , don’t sign anything for one day!!!! If
nobody signed anything for one day, the system would crash!!!, now you need to learn to use it to your own
prosperity. You CANNOT “discharge” the “charge” in any other kind without engaging in piracy. There is no
government outside the corporation other than oligarchy. Since the entire system of commerce has been
perverted and “we the people” are now without Power [the why]. Do you think they do not know this and have
not plotted, manipulated and nurtured it to perfection of chaos, “piracy at its Finest.”

1.“Please properly declare the alleged issues for the record,”

2. I want to postpone any pleadings until I get the bill of particulars.
3. If there is an issue with the involvement of an identity in the resemblance of my ordinate appellation, then as
the principal I have an interest in the “Bill of particulars” of the proceeds, products, accounts, fixtures and

One prays for the disclosure of the first ledger entry allowing for the double booking journal.

Be careful as they will try to play a little bait and switch and the judge will try to get away with reading the charges for the
prosecutor. They are still NOT VISIBLE until the accuser /attorney or prosecutor “reads them into the record.” [Declares
the issue] any and all previous presentments have been erroneous “speculation” to this point.

Failure on their part to have this done is “denial of due process” and can bring the case back no matter how much water
flows under the bridge.

Now tell the judge you would like to postpone your pleadings until you get the bill of particulars. This would be in
proper “form” with OMB numbers. This I believe is the actual “call” when you ask them to “Declare the issue.”

Ascertaining the “proceeds” of a tax exempt bond “issue” is generally the first step needed to be undertaken to ensure
compliance in the burden of proof [with arbitrage restrictions]. “proceeds, products, accounts, fixtures and services.”

Ask for the CUSIP no. of any and all bonds [Commission on Uniform Securities Identification Process numbers.
These ARE the issues!], YOUR copy of the 1099OID filings, the complete audit trail, vouchers, backend copies, omad,
and omid. Name of the damaged party, name of the issuer, who is the real party of interest, who is the holder of the
account. who signed the forms generating the bonds as Attorney in fact! Copy of your Authorization for all transactions.

R: 2003] : it might be time to direct attention to those who have the means to develop the methods one can issue or
purchase options to SHORT actions that are taken like is against me, whereby the jail or warehouse holding the collateral
can be put in the option to deliver the stock (prisoner) in the event of a margin call. Stockbroker might know people who
are capable of working out these details even he isn’t. Remember –the options are to be charged to the time it takes for
the stock item to reach –0– bankruptcy. That condition might be determined in the equity statement or margin call when
the bankruptcy is discovered. That might be when they miss their margin call etc. In these cases, they cannot use
borrowed funds so the particular account will have to carry all the funds used to operate until maturity. This is where
options come into play. Their purchase order is chargeable to the principal in the account and the option purchased is
opposed to the victim who requests release to him. Then he needs to go short as well with his options too. Now it is
evident that the principal and victim are the same, then the discovery of the insolvent adversary leaves the victim in
possession of the principal and the other just had his option run out.

I strongly suspect when a warrantless arrest occurs, like they did to me, the same outfit that did this also sold
options to pay their way up front. Those are the options that take the principal charge to –0-. They are averaged in
reverse. These are what shows the bankruptcy and when they go SHORT they are also FORTH (or Fourth) which
means that some sort of a tax deferral exists in each quarter of the taxable year and the forth quarter is the quarter which
sums up the tax deferrals etc. The end of the fiscal year. The end of the fiscal year in my case would be 90 days after I
was arrested!

When we follow the process outlined above, we do not need a broker to do the “Call”. We can accomplish it ourselves
right there in the court room.

The three elements of a contract:

1. Offer: The Burdon of proof lies squarely on the shoulders of the “declarant of an issue”

2. acceptance. Meeting of the minds: If a claim has been made and no issue has been declared,
there is no issue of record other than the “default” which IS now the only issue of record.
3. Consideration: The Sovereign may now redeem the assessment of the issue.

Where is the superior pre–existing contract?

Who is the real party of interest?
Where is the damaged property and the verified assessment of its value?

Let us get to the crux of the situation. We have “we the people of America” and the US Government Corporation. If “we
the people” contract to become members of the US Corporation, there is no longer “we the people of America” as the
Dejure Government, [organized sovereign body] as the Constitution says “by the people, for the people, of the people.” It
is now the US government Corporation elect. Since all the US citizens through contract have signed away the sovereignty
of the “we the people.” They now have become “Members” of the “Corporation.” But wait now, they have also signed a
treaty with us, “The Constitution” which article 1 sec 10 clause 1, is the crux. “ Congress shall make no laws impairing the
obligations of contract”. So what is our first element of a contract? Yes, meeting of the minds, FULL DISCLOSURE.
Period, with out this, there is NO contract. But here we have a treaty offered, made a public offering, but you have not
“ACCEPTED” them on public record.

This is the Superior pre existing contract [treaty] between them and us. You must compel performance
by your servants.

Establishing the “Record.”

No matter who or what the situation it is you must get their oaths on record, especially in court cases.
The judge,
the clerk
the prosecutor,
the district attorney, or county attorney
your attorney
and of course his contract between you and him whether he is court appointed or you are paying him, put a “CERTIFIED
COPY” “APOSTILLED!!!!” of their OATH on the COURT RECORD “Accepted” , sign it and have it notarized and be sure to
get copies and send everyone a copy of their accepted oaths and the contracts of the attorneys, and your court appointed

This is the ONLY signed verified affidavit that you ever get from them. This is the only valid presentment ever provided. It
is IMPERATIVE to have it in a binding contract to compel performance! Everything else are ALL erroneous presentments.

By placing the accepted oath and fidelity bond on the “record” that Bonds the case,
then using the apostille gives it “Judicial notice” which is now the only “declared
issue” of record. This moves their fidelity bond to the credit side of the account..

The Constitution is not something that gives you rights, you have liberty to not be beleaguered or molested by the corp of
US. The Constitution is and their oath to it are a parameter they solemnly swore to stand within. You are only Directing
them to do two things, to stand within their parameters of their solemnly sworn oath and to perform the duties to provide
the proceeds, products, accounts, fixtures and services. “declare the issues” and provide the bill of particulars.

You must supersede the public defenders/opposing attorney’s contract with the court by writing up an
acceptance letter for his assistance to you and putting it on the court record showing he works for
you!! Make a new contract between you and him, thanking him for him working for you and having
your best interest at heart. The court cannot expect any benefits from the gifting of the assistance of
the court appointed attorney either. Now you can ask for the consideration. Declaration of the issues
postponement of any pleadings and the bill of particulars.

It IS ALL about the contracts, that is what the courts are there DOING! Enforcing contracts. You put the contracts on the
court record and the acceptance of contracts to there oaths and they will stand on their own.

In the case of credit collection, If you have paid service charges for anything that is a contract that you can
formally accept. Now there is a contract in place showing the CFO works for you and you can compel performance.
[complete audit trail]

Even CPA’s have an oath to IRS saying they will follow the rules, IRS form f23 that is an acceptable contract. CONTRACT

Check out Treasury dept circular No. 230 (Rev 6-2005) also see the Sarbane-Oxley Act.

The Superior Contract is the Oath of Office, you see any one accepting a public office had to agree to
protect the Public in order to gain a position…. As it is not the public’s intent to harm itself by
empowering someone ABOVE it …. It was simply to provide a SERVANT within certain parameters to
serve it. That is the Contract. But what happens when an essential element to contract is

The three elements of a contract:

4. Offer

5. acceptance. Meeting of the minds

6. consideration.

Offer: The Oath of Office

Acceptance: Have we accepted the “public offer”???? (Not yet but we can and will fix that)
Consideration: the “Public servants” standing within the parameters of their solemn sworn oath and
performing the duties of providing the proceeds products accounts fixtures and services.

You know the old saying ‘ the show must go on’ well that is exactly what is going on. The Public
Actors are putting on a show; the people were supposed to be the “directors” but failed to fulfill that
“role” by executing an acceptance of their “actor/ servants” Oath of Office and have instead have
“elected” to become actors themselves. (“all the world is a stage !!!”)

The Oath of Office is the “script” that must be followed on stage (in public) but if no “director” steps
forward to bind the actor to the “script”; then, we get “Improvisation”!!!!! That is why it is essential to
form a binding agreement so that the stage will be defined and the script dictated by the directors
(people) instead of the actors (public officials)

Get a Certified Copy of the Oath of Office

Do an Acceptance of the Oath of Office
Form a binding Contract with your servants!!
This is the link to the foia offices of the US Corp. for getting the oaths of the Servants.

For Example:
Let us suppose we are in the military, and we are out on patrol in enemy territory, it has been a long
hard day, we have wounded who need attending, we are tired, hungry and we decide to stop and rest
and take care of the wounded, so we put some people (Public servants) out on watch, and while
everyone is resting the enemy comes sneaking up and those out on watch just sit there like deer in
the headlights, and some of us get killed and we get captured and put in a POW camp. What do you
think those fellas that were out on watch, should we give them the metal of honor? Or should we
stomp their apathetic guts out? Well those guys that are supposed to be on watch are our “Police
officers” who are NOT doing there duty by not studying and knowing the laws they have taken an oath
to uphold and protect (i.e. Law enforcement officers) and as for the attorneys, they do not just sit
there like deer in the headlights, oh no, no, no, they have went out and sought out the enemy and cut
a deal with them and sold us out for their own personal gain. Remember, traitors are despised and
shot by both sides in a war! Check out the Russian Revolution, they murdered 25,000 of their first line
generals after the war because they were traitors to their own people and because could not ever be
trusted. Nor can any BAR card carrying Vermin (Attorneys).

If a man “a real man” takes a solemn sworn oath to be a responsible stand up “man” with integrity and
loyalty, don’t you think he should know what the oath says and what it means intimately? Since it
does say in the Constitution that “IT SHALL BE BINDING ON HIS CONSCIOUS!!!...” [EMPHASIS
ADDED] BUT OUR POLICE OFFICERS ARE ALL ON THE TAKE, they do not know or even care
about the Oath or Constitution, all they care about is their egos and retirement fund. Nor do the
traitors called “attorneys” [pirates]. Attorneys try to “HIDE” their oaths, it is with the Supreme Court
clerk, but try to get one. You need “permission?” from the Attorney!!!!. That makes them equal to
Federal Supreme court judges??!!.. [emphasis added] what is up with that?

all "attorneys take an oath within one year of passsing the "BAR" and is kept with the clerk of the
supreme court! this is an imperative to have on the court record in ANY situation. If there is a problem
getting I would go and get the directors “oath” of the court and direct him to provide it.
They want to act like it means nothing, but if it is so insignificant, why do attorneys try to
covet them?

In some cases [or all] you could enlist the sheriff to arrest the resisting actors since “he does answer
to the Provost marshal and the JAG.”

If there are police involved, get their oath and put it on the record, as they have “NO AUTHORITY OR
I do not generally do business with some one who does not or will not properly identify themselves.
Every one of them should have a certified copy of their oaths with them at ALL times and know what it

are revenue collectors for the Federal reserve recovering as much of their black market script as
possible and engaging in human bond slavery through thru the proliferation of identity theft,
counterfeiting securities, extortion etc…

Police are not allowed to arrest you, They do not have a “declared issue” based on a valid account.

Police are not allowed to issue citations. Article 1 sec 10 clause 1 of the “Oath” they have taken a
solemn sworn “Oath” to support says “Congress shall make NO laws impairing the obligations of

Police are not allowed to CARRY WEAPONS!!! Right to bear arms [Washington state] says “Nothing
here shall be construed to mean a Corporation shall have armed security.

Police are acting as Corporate pirates, NOT “government officials.” By not knowing the parameters
sworn to stand within is derelict of duty, impersonating an officer, and in military terms “a Spy.”

Article 1 sec 6 of the Washington state constitution: Their oath shall be binding upon their conscious.
This goes for ALL “Public servants”. How can it binding on their conscious if they do not even know
what it says or recite and explain one article or their oath for that matter.

All Attorneys are required to take an oath to support the constitution. Get the opposing attorneys oath
contractually accept it and put this on the court record. This contract will supersede any contract he
has because he cannot lie or withhold evidence without committing treason. He will be Commercially

UN cooperation suggestions
If you go to a “Public servant and ask for some info on oaths or like the Green file or “Miscellaneous “
file [article 3 court, I believe?] and that “public servant” gives you a hard time and does not want to
give you the correct info and is standing there ducking and bobbing after you have “Politely” asked for
assistance. Just get there name go over to the annex, find their oath, bind them in contract and open a
suite against them for derelict of duty and let them know you want some answers. Don’t play any
games. Once you have done this a few times, they will know you will not tolerate their behavior.


Do you get this, check it out!!!!!!

Hague Legalization Convention Procedure

The United States is a party to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public
Documents. The Convention abolishes the requirement of diplomatic and consular legalization for public documents
originating in one Convention country and intended for use in another. For the purposes of the Convention, public
documents include: (a) documents emanating from a court, (b) documents issued by an administrative authority (such as
civil records), and (c) documents executed before a notary. Such documents issued in a Convention country which have
been certified by a Convention certificate called an "apostille" are entitled to recognition in any other Convention country
without any further authentication. See TIAS 10072; U.N.T.S. 189; 28 U.S.C.A., Fed. R. Civ. P. 44, pp. 323-327 (1992 &
West Supp. 1993); Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, Law Digest Volume, Selected International Conventions; 20 Int'l.
Leg. Mat. 1405-1414 (November 1981). A detailed information flyer concerning the process is available from our home
page on the Internet or via our automated fax service. Look at what they did, they made it so the “Foreign
mercenaries,” pirates could make “Private offerings” [erroneous presentments] without having to
“Declare the issues!!!!”

a) and b) above do not specifically require a Notary seal Until they go foreign, that makes all “domestic documentation”
exempt from having a competent witness via a seal under the direction of the sec of state ( servant bound by Oath of
Office) thus by “foreign fiat treaty” all “administrative authorities” and “all courts” are allowed to have “domestic”
unauthenticated documents presumed to be authentic, [with your endorsement i.e. private agreement] they only need to
be sealed and thus “registered through the sec of state” when “apostilled” This fits the old adage “honor among thieves”
You see they allow themselves to be “exempt” from normal due process proof while the scam is “domestic” I. E. internal;
however when the scam crosses the border it must have a “certificate” with the Sec of State attesting to authenticity!! how
filthy is this! To further perpetuate the “scam” they pretend that the “states” are “foreign”; however, you
will find that they are in fact “domestic” as a certified copy of a “court” or “administrative agency” is
admissible without an apostile in any other “state” court or “administrative agency”!!!

This is why the Secretary of State gives me so much shit when I say my documents are going to
another “state” they insist they have to go to a “foreign country” which the States are in the original
jurisdiction; they are so used to doing business in the corporate venue, where each “state” is a
“domestic sub-division” of the United States that they hate to admit that there still exists anything
beyond the “corporate theatre”!!!!

How Clever, Right under our noses!!!! Unless you comprehend what you are looking at, this would
seem to make “commerce” less inhibited and easier to conduct [YA, FOR THE PIRATES!] this is WHY it
is so important to get your evidence [CONTRACTUAL BINDING AGREEMENTS] “apostilled” and on a
court record.

if one million people acquired a certified copy of the presidential delegated chain of command [top 5 or
10] of the “US Government corporate body“ and accepted them as binding contracts [Apostilled by
the state dept and put on public record (a green file or miscellaneous] the “National Government”
would truly be back in the hands of the people, by the people, for the people.

Tools and Process:

1. Notary. The notary has a certificate of appointment that needs to be “apostilled” showing verification of his/her
delegated authority. These documents should be “accepted” and a contractual agreement with request for his
assistance, notarized by a separate notary and “apostilled’ again. This protects the notary and gives him the
power to help you as he is now under a signed contract on the court record and has to be respected by his
delegated authority. The Notary will act as an “Archivist” [records keeper] for your records, be sure he gets the
“originals” you get back from the court records. He MUST record Notarizations in his RECORDS BOOK!!
2. Apostille. This document will be used on every contractual issue and document that will be entered on to the
court record as this is what is going to “register” your contracts “CRAETE THE RECORD” with the state so that
you have your “issues” registered in order to get them recognized and processed at the end of your case. This is
their crucifixion!. Be sure to record it in the County [ this effects their credit and alerts the credit agencies and
insurance Co.’s] and get a certified copy from the County to put in the court record.

3. Evidence file, Federal district court [Article 3 green file]. This can be opened at the “Federal District Court”
and at this time I believe it is 39.00. This is an evidence file that will be used by the notary so as to have a
“Federal case number” on all the documentation that he will be sending to the adverse parties. The Notary will
now be in the position of the judge in your case and will be able to make the verified determination and judgment
upon their default. EVERYTHING will be deposited into the case file BEFORE anything is sent to anyone. you will
get “certified copy” back from the clerk and made copies of to send to the adverse parties.
4. Corporate Chief Finance Officer [CFO]. This where you will use their statements [erroneous presentments] they
have sent to you with the “Service charges” listed on them and you will formally accept them as a contractual
agreement that the “CFO is working for you!” get the name of the CFO of the opposing corp that has made the
presentment. has a lot of these listed, if not the info to inquire, otherwise just call them and
5. The opposing Attorney. This can be found with the Clerk of the supreme court. Get a copy of his oath and
formally “accept it” as a contractual agreement which will supersede anything he is bringing forward, so now he
no longer has any commercial energy. This also transfer s his fidelity bond to the credit side of the account, and
he does not have an issue to “declare” he is commercially bankrupt. He has to follow protocol or he will be
charged with treason along with the rest of them. But ALL attorneys MUST take an oath within one year of
passing the BAR. If it is a Prosecutor, get the local DA’s oath also. if there are any police involved make sure to
get their oaths also and accept it as a contract too.

6. States Attorney General. Get a copy of Your State attorney General’s oath and formally accept it as a
contractual agreement, get it apostilled and in the contractual agreement ask for him/her to request the desired
performance from the adverse parties. You now have an “Attorney” working for you with your best interest at
7. United States AG. Get a copy of US Attorney General’s oath and formally accept it as a contractual agreement
“ [Apostilled” of course]. The USAG will be used upon default of the other parties. You request a “Federal Grand
jury investigation” of the issues in question. [ALL PRIOR GENERATED DOCUMENTATION WILL HAVE A CC TO
THE USAG AND THE COMMISSIONOR OF THE IRS!]. In the case that you have to use the USAG, then it is
time to include the Provost marshal and the JAG and PRESIDENT in the CC ON ALL CORRESPONDANCE. Get
these docs all in order along with the others so as to have them ready “Just in case” some one decides to be
stupid. If it is necessary you will ask him to submit the 9131 form to initiate the Federal Grand Jury Investigation to
the Commissioner of the IRS,
8. The United States Treasurer. This in is order to communicate the procedures for the charge to return to the
“source” Treasury for settlement and closing in exchange and to alert them to make sure to provide a certified
copy of the properly registered issue and identifying issue CUSIP no.’s.

9. Commissioner IRS, Douglas Shulman. Get a copy of Commissionors oath and formally accept it as a
contractual agreement. [Apostilled of course]. The director of the IRS will be directed to do an AUDIT [request the
9131 form from the USAG] on the opposing parties as they are “TAX FUGITIVES IN POSSESION OF

10. Provost Marshal & JAG. When and if you get to the stage of having to invoke the assistance of the Provost
Marshall, get a copy of his oath and formally accept it as a contractual agreement. [Apostilled of course] directing
him to seize all assets in the name and under the control of ALL the adverse parties. If and when it comes to this
stage, this means the opposing attorney, the corporation he is representing, the court house where the incident is
being processed, the judge, if there is another judge involved besides your Notary.

The Postmaster General inspector. Get the oath of the Postmaster General do your contract process and submit the
form 8165 with it to the USPMG to direct him to initiate an investigation.
11. Oaths. Now this is something you need to comprehend, when you get the “certified copy” of their oaths, you will
accept it and attach your “contractual agreement” to it and have it “Notarized”, then that notary’s witnessing YOUR
signatures will be “apostilled” notary you will use to witness your signature and acceptance on the certified oath
and your attached “Contract.” I would make a suggestion here when getting the oaths, it would not be a bad idea
to get TWO “certified copies” from the Archivist just so as to have an extra “Original” in your notaries files.
to get the congressional record of the record of them and of the swearing of their oath, the date they took it.

Oaths are located at the Office of Presidential Appointments, Sharon Hardy at 202-647-9731 her statement is that the oaths are in her
office; however, any request for copies of these documents must come through the appropriate FOIA officer for each department.
Please find attached a web-link for a listing of FOIA personnel for each department.

Federal depository library. Evidence to support their appointment and bring in obligation & liability, get the certified
copy of the congressional record of their oath swearing and appointment of the date they took it from the archivist. This is
their “declaration of the issue” bonding them to their parameters and duties. Very important. This IS the authentic
validation of the “Declaration of the issue” of their fidelity Bond
12. Commission on Uniform Securities Identification Process [CUSIP No.’s]. These are the issues. These MUST
be “Declared” in order for there to be an “issue” for you to recognize. Upon their denial of due process of “Properly
declaring the issues” by “reading the charges” into the court record their default will become the superseding
issue. This is the “WHY” you MUST register your documentation by having the “Apostilles.” Creating the only
“declared issue of record”

13. 1099oid. This is the registration form for the issues showing the name of “WHO” is embezzling YOUR interest
from the securities “ISSUES”. They do NOT want anyone to see these, as now there will be a responsible party.
But this is what we are going to force them to disclose and to settle the matter of the issues.

We will always be using the Notary as the liaison [Counsulor] in all communications in all stages of the process no matter
what the scenarios may entail. All communications of request will have a CC copy to the US Attorney Gen and Director of
the IRS. Whenever the situation is not already in litigation there should be an evidence file opened in federal district court..
having all documents notarized and apostlled and entered into the evidence file before sending to the parties and CC to
US Attorney general and IRS Commissioner. In the last stage CC a copy of the entire process t o the provost marshal.
With the letter of request for seizure of assets.

The Prosecutor, attorney, opposing party.
Request he identify himself with a certified copy of his solemn sworn oath and fidelity bond. “ I do not generally do
business with anyone who will not or can not properly identify themselves” Direct them to “Declare the issue” and provide
the 1099oid and bill of particulars.

The judge.
Direct the judge to tell the opposing party to “declare the issue” and provide 1099oid and the bill of particulars.

The state attorney general.

Direct him to tell the court to have the opposing party declare the issue and provide the bill of particulars.
CC a copy of everything to the US Att Gen and the Commissioner of the IRS
If your parties do not perform:

US Deputy Sheriff.
Direct him to arrest the judge and prosecutor and Attorney General.

The US Attorney General.

Direct the US Attorney General to initiate a Federal Grand jury investigation and submit the form 9131 to the
Commissioner of the IRS.

The Commissioner of the IRS

Direct him to request the form 9131 from US Attorney General and to assist him in the Federal Grand jury investigation.

The Provost Marshall, Direct him to seize all assets in the control of all the parties. [court house too]


JAG, Direct the JAG to assist the provost marshal in seizing the assets of the opposing parties.

Customs, Direct the director of Customs to assist the provost marshal.

Post master general, Use the form 8165 and request he initiate an investigation.

CC a copy of everything to everyone.,,id=97817,00.html

FOIA’s for oaths

[Notary Public}
                                                   Notary Public for the State of [Confusion]  


Re: In reference to Presentments:                                              


I Notary, a Notary Public, hereinafter “Notary,” in and for STATE OF [Confusion] with current certification, with the duty,
responsibilities and authority charged of that office, herein state that I am competent in all matters included in this Notice of
Notarial Service, hereinafter “Notice,” which are true, correct, and not meant to mislead.
On or about (Ref) Date ___________ the authorized representative, Principal “corporeity revenant”, AE of the house of
D. hereinafter “authorized representative, Principal” has requested by affidavit for this Notary to send the enclosed presentment,
“garments” by me under courier of Notary seal, account information request documents needed to be sent out under notary seal to
[name of pirate and title and corporation of employ] for facilitation and seal. hereinafter, “PRESENTMENT,” Authorized
Representative request also states for this NOTARY to mediate on this private Parley on this matter for final settlement and to
close the business of the estate. 
  Authorized Representative, Principal declares that his PRESENTMENT to [name of pirate and title and corporation of
employ] is in fact valid, and in good faith, and now requests from Notary to receive all   correspondence to the authorized
representative, AE of the house of D. All response regarding in this matter shall be directed to this Notary’s office at [address]
                                    Thank you in advance for your offer of communication
                                                            Awaiting your timely response,
                                   Sincerely _______________________ (ref) Date _______         
                                                        Notary name, Notary Public  cert No. 108578

James b. Comey, Deputy Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General
US department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington DC, 20530-0001

Internal Revenue Service

Commissioner Mark W. Emerson
1111 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington D.C. 20224

Presentment information request:

When there has been an offer/claim made: these are erroneous presentments as they are only accusations without the
proper documentation enclosed [CUSIP NO. and your copy of the 1099oid filing] the original presentment [offer/claim] will
be returned with the request for the missing documentation [audit trail] to the Chief Finance officer of whatever corporation
that has made the presentment and or all parties involved.


EXAMPLE letter:

You, Principal,
Gen delivery
Your town, state
ZIPco, non-domestic
SS # 111-22-3333


Law Offices of
CLEVELAND, OH 44113-21339

Hr. Balding Stupf,

Your presentment to me [enclosed] dated September 14, 2005 and postmarked October 10, 2005 you describe Laky
FoNDLING LLC Account No. 121553923 with other reference numbers as follows:
531354/H11/312/2968899/0889, whereas you make a claim of a Balance Due as of September 14, 2005: $12,565.44,
whereby; I request that you file Federal Tax Form 1099 OID to cover the “issue” of your letter in that said amount and all
corresponding and subsequent issues related thereto, to enable the charge to return to the “source” Treasury Direct for
settlement and closing in exchange, provide my copy there of and the CUSIP no.’s of any and all corresponding bonds.

Please file the said tax form and provide me with my copy thereof, and after filing, please return to my possession all the
corresponding property therefrom that belongs to me. My personal number for filing is 111-22-3333. Thank you.


you, Principal.

James b. Comey, Deputy Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General
US department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington DC, 20530-0001

Internal Revenue Service

Commissioner Mark W. Emerson
1111 Constitution Ave. N.W.
D.C. 20224


The oath of the Attorney gen, judge, and any other “public servants” involved, [Sec of State, court clrk, court
administrator…ect] can be utilized after you have gotten the oath from the archivist:

Example of Oath acceptance:

The State of [confusion]

I [Public Servant] do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws
of the State of [confusion] and I will faithfully discharge the duties as the [public servants office] to the best of my ability.

Public servant
Subscribed before me this [date] _________________________
Supreme court Judge

Their notary information: Notary Public and seal.

[You notary]
                        County                       )
                                                                         ) ss                                          ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 

                     State of Washington                            )

On ______________, 2005, I swear this agent and acting notary public in and for State of Washington, [You, pricipal]  did prove
to this agent on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the living principal and authorized representative whose capacity of operation
did operate the same in the official authorized private capacity and that by [You, Principal]  as the living principal, corporeity,
whom operated & endorsed this instrument.
Witness my hand and official seal. ____________________________________________    Certification no. 112458 commission Expires 03/22/2009
                                                                Notary Public: [name] ., residing in  Snohomish County

“ACCEPTED” ____________________ YOUR SIGNATURE


[You, Principal]
Gen delivery,
My town, state, zip

Respond to:
The Notary name and

Acceptance of Contract

Attention: Public Servant Anywhere, Plantation, USA

Dear Public Servant.

This letter is designed to serve two purposes: One, to acknowledge my thanks and acceptance for your Public Offering,
professional assistance; Two, to seek copies of any adverse documentation.
Firstly, I thank you for your diligent work on my behalf. I feel your sworn and verified public offer, in the form of your
Solemn Sworn Oath of Office and the corresponding requisite fidelity bond, to uphold and defend the Constitutional
provisions and commercial code is fair as it gives me peace of mind to know that you are working for me to ensure my
interests are protected. I have enclosed a certified copy of your Oath of Office, endorsed with my acceptance of your offer
thereby forming a binding contractual agreement between us. I have confidence in your abilities to resolve any situation to
my personal and commercial satisfaction by standing within the boundaries of your sworn oath and supervising your
subordinates, whom you are responsible for,
The purpose of this letter is to ensure that we competently continue to work together to clear any confusion that may
exist. My requests are not meant to undermine your efforts; they are simply to ensure that we have important information
so that intelligent decisions can be made.

1. Please provide a copy of any documentation that supports any claims of any superior existing contract to your
oath from your office and those of your superiors and/or subordinates.

2. Please provide documentation of any laws, codes, or statutes that you may believe states any claims to
supersede your contractual oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America
and the State of Washington.
If in fact any accusations are made; then this would have drastic implications and I feel that it is prudent in my immediate
situation, as well as for future consideration, to ascertain copies of the documentation that support any and or all
allegations: that by virtue of accepting your contractual public offering [oath] it is within your duty to provide any such vital
information or documentation that is to be relied upon to support any public allegations being made. If any of the
requested information is not received to the provided address within 72hrs. [3 days] it will be presumed it does not exist.

In the event you are unable or unwilling to uphold your public offering (sworn Oath of Office) please contact the Notary
listed herein within seventy-two hours thus giving formal Notice that the Office of Attorney General is legally vacant; thus
ensuring the Office may be timely refilled with a competent replacement

1. To stand within the parameters of your Solemn Sworn Oath, to perform those duties of providing the proceeds,
products, accounts, fixtures and services thereof as “public servants.

2. Direct the plaintiff to “declare the issues” and provide the “bill of particulars” 1099oid, CUSIP no.’s thereof in case no. 10
GV 622.

3. Provide the proceeds, products, accounts, fixtures and services.

I look forward to your compliance and cooperation in regards to my personal and commercial interests and expect you will
stand within your parameters of your Solemn Sworn Oath and fulfill your agreed upon duties and that I can expect the
same from your subordinates.

I look forward to your compliance and believe you will fulfill your agreed upon duties and expect the same from your

You, Principal.

Snohomish County                              )

                                                                         ) ss                                          ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 
                     State of Washington                            )

On ______________, 2005, I swear this agent and acting notary public in and for State of Washington, ae of the House of d  did
prove to this agent on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the living principal and authorized representative whose capacity of
operation did operate the same in the official authorized private capacity and that by [You, Principal]  as the living principal,
corporeity, whom operated & endorsed this instrument.
Witness my hand and official seal. ____________________________________________    Certification no. 112458 commission Expires 03/22/2009
                                                                Notary Public: [name] ., residing in  Snohomish County
James b. Comey, Deputy Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General
US department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington DC, 20530-0001

Internal Revenue Service

Commissioner Mark W. Emerson
1111 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Washington D.C. 20224


This is a basic out line and can be applied in all the situations you have. It may be tailored very simply to apply to all.
There is other verbiage that may be added to elaborate peoples personal positions, but this is clean and functional.


What is it, “It” is the issue of interest to proceeds.

Wish You Were Here (Waters, Gilmour from “Pink Floyd” fame)

So, so you think you can tell

Heaven from Hell,
Blue skys from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade

Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.

We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

“melody of the Stars”

What the past possesses belongs to the present, as does the present to the future, and the Present itself, so long as it is
indolent, is not entrusted with the significance of what is past. But when it becomes sentient, the past gives it all that it
possesses. That which has gone astray, which the past begets, usually goes astray also because of the past. Thus, by
one and the same melody, the past fades and is veiled as the melody continues. ..srqu

DISCLAIMER: NOT AN OFFER. ALL RITES/LIBERTY/DEFENSES RESERVED.. One is Not a resident in any Federal judicial
district or in the central district of Washington, One Declines, rescinds, waives and rejects any and all offers to contract, [excluding
the solemn sworn oath of any and all public servants of the federal corporations superiors and subordinates] rescinds any and all
signatures, endorsements, Citizenship, residency, membership, legion, treaty, alliance, league, agreements, and/or oaths and pledges. Does
reserve the rite and liberty to rescind, waive and reject any and all bids and does not concede to any presumptions, and is not the beneficiary of any
compelled benefits arising out of any contract or agreements with the US, UNITED STATES, USA, STATE OF WASHINGTON, or any other
derivatives names or titles of such entity or any other entities designed or created in or out of the Theater of Thalassocracy. Errors and omissions:
One is not accountable for the errors and omissions of the offerer and offerers’ partners known and unknown. One is not responsible for the accusations
of the actions of an artifice created in the imagination of some foreign unregistered blood sucking BAR card carrying VERIMIN, an orator of sophistry
who spews words of garbage cooked from perfectly innocent words that are mugged, ravaged and stripped of all true meaning and decency, in an
attempt to create a colorable persona under colorable law in a case of mistaken identity presented in an animated theatre [Tomb] of the dead and
sent to walk the gutter and “synergistically” who had probably been a whore from the start. Nor could One possibly be a resident of such an animated
theatre of any districts where such prostitution may take place. This message may contain information that is confidential, privileged, or unsuitable
for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humor, or irrational religious beliefs. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution or
copying thereof is expressly at your own discretion, and may constitute an irritating social faux pas. No guarantee is made to corroborate the
genuineness or completeness of the information contained in this message, and the statements set forth above. Nothing herein shall be construed
as legal, medical, financial, accounting or tax advise, if you need such advise please bend over and consult a qualified licensed [BAR card carrying
VERMIN] professional. Furthermore, the views and opinions expressed in this message may not necessarily be the views of it’s owners, sponsors,
advertisers, or agents. Parental discretion advised; Use only as directed; Your miles may vary; Certain restrictions may apply; You may or may not
have additional rights which vary from state to state; Past performance is not a guarantee of future results and does not constitute an offer, which
can only be obtained by formal prospectus; No purchase necessary; At participating locations only; Accessories sold separately; Void where
prohibited by law; No animals were harmed in the production or distribution of this message other than possibly the mental anguish of the “Sheople
at large.”


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