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Why The STRAWMAN Is Dead

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The birth certificate trust bond fraud is central to the Vatican and the Crown’s joint global

Many people however fail to understand how a birth certificate trust can be worth millions,
when many people themselves are unlikely to even earn one million during their lifetime.

The direct and indirect tax take on that will then be even less.

The scam isn’t really about taking your earnings in tax, that is just to keep you slaving away
so you don’t have time to think and research what is really going on.

When you are born, a certificate of live birth is completed, the medical staff clean everything
up as well as tidying the placenta and other mess from the scene.

Sometime later your parents are told they need to register your birth, so they make their way
to the registry office and a birth certificate is issued. However at this point some official
chicanery takes place, which you will find out about later

Now these documents are just bits of paper in the jurisdictions of the Land and Soil that
living people inhabit, but in the jurisdictions of the Sea (corporate [dead] bodies) and Air
(incorporated [spirit / conceptual] bodies) you’ll see that they are much, much more.

To find out why, here’s a bit of history (don’t stop reading if you know the first bit from my
previous documents):

In 1302 the Pope claimed the whole world, including all the people and their possessions, in
trust for the return of the Messiah.

Or so he said.

In reality it was so he could become unfathomably wealthy.

He had no authority higher than his own to do this as, according to the Bible, God does not
recognise persons (meaning titles, such as Pope) so his claim was null and void from the
very beginning.

All men are of course equal in God’s eyes, but that didn’t stop the Pope acting as if he had
higher authority.

According to the Bible, depending on the translation, man has dominion over or effectively
owns the earth, including its mineral resources.

By using greedy logic, the Pope then came up with a value for each individual.

He simply divided the worth of the natural wealth of the world by the number of people.
So if the value of a country’s natural resources is 50 000 000 000 000 (fifty trillion) and it has
a population of 5 000 000 (five million), then the value per person is (fifty trillion) divided by
(five million), which comes out at ten million each.

Now can you see why a birth certificate is potentially worth so much.

To get spendable money to fund their evil plans, the Pope (and now the Crown too) create
paper money or currency (which has no intrinsic worth) against the value of each trust.

The trusts grow in value as more resources are discovered and mined.

Not only that they do it several times over with different currencies, so the wealth of the
Earth is leveraged several times over.

To complete the scam, we return to the birth certificate chicanery mentioned earlier.

It will probably come as a surprise to most that your official birth certificate register name
entry records your name as being a dead Person.

How can this be?

You parents didn’t register you as being dead.

This dead Person on the official register is actually your ‘monster’ in legal terms.

The ‘monster’ shares your DNA, is what was also historically referred to as your ‘evil twin’
and is now more usually called your STRAWMAN.

Of course it isn’t a ‘monster’ or ‘evil twin’ at all.

The thing that shares your DNA and name in all capitals on the birth certificate (All capitals
signify death) is the placenta or afterbirth which was ‘birthed’ a little while after you were.

When ‘birthed’ it was still living, and warm, but soon died, and so when your parent goes to
register you it will definitely be dead.

Your parents of course have no knowledge that when they go to the office for registration of
births, marriages and deaths that what they are really doing is registering the death of the

It is unlikely that the everyday local registrar knows either what happens when the details
they have taken go off to be entered in the central record, which of course is the official one.

So you see, the birth certificate does not refer to you, it refers to your afterbirth.

It is this afterbirth that is presumed to own the assets, but as it has died those assets now
get left with the administrator of the trust.
This administrator is of course the Crown or the Vatican.

Now it is possible to correct the record and return from the dead.

(I’m working on that, so if anyone can help I’m all ears, although whether it will be necessary
when this explanation goes across the globe I doubt)

This then collapses the trust and you once again own the assets.

However the assets are in the ground, just where they always were, so you can’t expect to
get the millions that your trust was traded for, but you won’t have to pay for anything ever
again, while the current system lasts

By exposing the ‘error’ and proving that you are not dead, this changes your status in the
courts from a debtor to a creditor.

As a creditor you are effectively worth millions in assets and it is on the worth of these assets
that money is created.

The money is created in your name on the back of your assets when you sign for a
mortgage or credit card or utility service or anything.

So you see, you never have to repay anything, that would be mad if your assets created the
money in the first place.

I keep telling people that Nesara / Gesara is here if only they would stop paying.

Hopefully this document gives a better explanation of why there is no need to pay.

There is of course a pretty major fly that has just landed in the ointment for some people

The government has a record of your DNA from the placenta that they so thoughtfully tidied

That DNA record is attached to your live birth certificate, so that they can check your identity
if necessary.

Imagine if you took an experimental treatment that modified your DNA.

There would be no record of your having been born.

You would certainly have difficulty proving that you were who you say you are, having
returned from the dead to collapse the trust held in your name and lay claim to your assets.

That means that the government would have your assets for all time and you would become
a permanent debtor in their eyes, with no way of ever becoming a creditor.
Just think, I would never have figured all this out if there hadn’t been a lockdown.

Maybe it was for the best for all of us.

P.S Some study notes

This document:
Why the STRAWMAN is dead


To end corporate greed and tyrannical governments:

Vehicles, not VEHICLES:

Find out more about Common Law:

Why you don’t ever need to pay another bill again:

The Red Pill:

See this for excellent info about the various legal juridictions done by Brian Guignard

For more detailed info about the history (ongoing research) of the global madness
created by UK legislative Statutes:

Any questions

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