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GRADE 8 3rd Quarter DLP in English

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade: 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 1 Day: 1

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standards Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies
in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda
techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis,
and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning EN8RC-IIIa-12.1: Recognize propaganda techniques
Competencies/ used in a given text
Objectives EN8RC-IIIa-10: Share ideas using opinion-marking
(Write the LC signals
code for each)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
B. Other Learning

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
previous lesson or The teacher posts an TRIP
presenting the new unsolved picture puzzle on The teacher posts an
lesson the board. Then, let the unsolved picture puzzle
students solve the puzzle. on the board. Then, let
the students solve the
(The teacher prepares and puzzle.
reproduces the picture to
form the puzzle. There (The teacher prepares
should be only six (6) and reproduces the
puzzle pieces for easy picture to form the puzzle.
completion.) There should be only five
(5) puzzle pieces for easy

(The Merlion in Singapore) Source:

In which country can we (The Merlion in

find this fascinating view? Singapore)

It is in Singapore. In which country can we

find this fascinating view?
The teacher gives an
overview that Quarter 3 It is in Singapore.
shall focus on Southeast
Asian literature and in The teacher gives an
which Singapore is overview that Quarter 3
included. shall focus on Southeast
(3 minutes) Asian literature and in
which Singapore is
(3 minutes)
B. Establishing a Since we will be journeying Since we will be
purpose for the around Singapore, let’s journeying around
lesson watch a commercial from Singapore, let’s watch a
this country. commercial from this

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(Prior to watching the (Prior to watching the
video commercial, the video commercial, the
teacher will ask the teacher will ask the
following questions.) following questions.)

Motivation Question: Motivation Question:

What is your favorite TV or What is your favorite TV

radio commercial? What is or radio commercial?
featured in your favorite What is featured in your
advertisement? favorite advertisement?

Motive Question: Motive Question:

What is featured in the ad? What is featured in the



Study the advertisement TASK 2. AD LOVE IT!
below then answer the Study the advertisement
questions that follow: below then answer the
questions that follow:
Before watching the video
commercial, the teacher Before watching the video
will present the process commercial, the teacher
questions which will serve will present the process
as a guide as they study questions which will serve
the advertisement. as a guide as they study
the advertisement.

Process Questions: v=BJE3HIkQ4zU
1. What is featured in the Process Questions:
ad? 1. What is featured in the
2. How does the ad ad?
encourage the viewers to 2. How does the ad
visit Singapore? encourage the viewers to
3. How does the ad try to visit Singapore?
get the message across? 3. How does the ad try to
(5 minutes) get the message across?
(5 minutes)
C. Presenting Sometimes you read, Sometimes you read,
examples/instances listen and or watch an listen and or watch an
of the new lesson advertisement which advertisement which
encourages you to buy or encourages you to buy or
avail the services it offers. avail the services it offers.
D. Discussing new The commercial that we The commercial that we
concepts and have watched used have watched used
practicing new skills various propaganda various propaganda
#1 techniques or strategies. techniques or strategies.

What are propaganda What are propaganda

strategies? strategies?

The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss

Propaganda Techniques Propaganda Techniques
or Strategies. or Strategies.

Propaganda Propaganda

something: information put something: information

out by an organization or put out by an organization
government to promote a or government to promote
policy, idea, or cause a policy, idea, or cause

deceptive or distorted deceptive or distorted

information that is information that is
systematically spread systematically spread
(Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993- (Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. ©
2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights 1993-2008 Microsoft
reserved as cited in the Grade 8 Corporation. All rights reserved
Learner’s Module) as cited in the Grade 8 Learner’s
Basic Propaganda
Strategies Basic Propaganda
1. Bandwagon -
persuading consumers by 1. Bandwagon -
telling them that others are persuading consumers by
doing the same thing. telling them that others
2. Testimonial – when are doing the same thing.
product is sold by using Example:
words from famous
people or authority figures
3. Transfer – when a
product is sold by the
name or picture of a
famous person or thing but
no words from the said
person or thing
4. Repetition – when the
product’s name is
repeated at least four 2. Testimonial – when
times in the ad product is sold by using
5. Emotional Words – words from famous
words that will make a people or authority
consumer feel strongly figures
about someone or Example:
something are used
Five Types of Propaganda Used in
ml as cited in the Grade 8 Learner’s

(After discussing the

characteristics of the
Basic Propaganda
Strategies, the teacher Source:
posts examples of
advertisements and let the
students discover or 3. Transfer – when a
identify what particular product is sold by the
technique is used in each name or picture of a
ad.) famous person or thing
but no words from the
Examples of said person or thing
Advertisements Example:


4. Repetition – when the

product’s name is
repeated at least four
times in the ad


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


5. Emotional Words –
words that will make a
Source: consumer feel strongly
d. about someone or
something are used

Five Types of Propaganda Used in
html as cited in the Grade 8 Learner’s


Identify the propaganda
technique or strategy
TASK 4. LUCKY TO used in each
KNOW YOU, AD! advertisement below.
Identify the propaganda
technique or strategy used 1.
in each advertisement

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


005_08_19/mcdonalds_ad.jpg 2.



(10 minutes) (10 minutes)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Discussing new (The teacher will ask the (The teacher will ask the
concepts and following questions:) following questions:)
practicing new skills
#2 *What can you say about *What can you say about
the advertisements? the advertisements?
*Do the advertisements *Do the advertisements
encourage you to buy or encourage you to buy or
avail the products? avail the products?
*Do you really believe it or *Do you really believe it
do you disagree with it? or do you disagree with
(The teacher elicits
responses/opinions from (The teacher elicits
the students. Then, tells responses/opinions from
them that their responses the students. Then, tells
are called opinions.) them that their responses
are called opinions.)
Opinion is a belief,
judgment, or way of Opinion is a belief,
thinking about something: judgment, or way of
what someone thinks thinking about something:
about a particular thing what someone thinks
(Merriam-Webster about a particular thing
Dictionary) (Merriam-Webster
In stating one’s opinion, it
is necessary to use some In stating one’s opinion, it
signal words in order to is necessary to use some
strengthen as well as signal words in order to
emphasize the ideas that strengthen as well as
we have as a speaker/ emphasize the ideas that
writer. “In my opinion, I we have as a speaker/
believe, I think, In my point writer. “In my opinion, I
of view, I feel, and I guess believe, I think, In my
are examples of opinion point of view, I feel, and I
marking signals. guess are examples of
opinion marking
TASK 3. SPEAK UP! signals.
Give your opinion of these
advertisements. Use the TASK 3. SPEAK UP!
format below. Give your opinion of
(This can be done orally.) these advertisements.
Use the format below.
“The advertisement shows (This can be done orally.)
, ,
and . “The advertisement
I believe the advertisement shows and
is so . .
I think . I believe the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
In my opinion, the advertisement is so
advertisement is .
and I think
.” .
In my opinion, the
1. Visit the Women’s advertisement is
Center. It is a complete, .
one-stop health institution.
It is designed to be
comprehensive, 1. Visit the Women’s
convenient, and female Center. It is a complete,
friendly. one-stop health
2. Be at Boracay Island… institution. It is designed
three days of hot, hot, hot to be comprehensive,
music and fun in the sun. convenient, and female
3. Not to be missed is the friendly.
mini-butterfly farm where 2. Be at Boracay Island…
one can see the dazzling three days of hot, hot, hot
butterflies in a garden music and fun in the sun.
setting. 3. Not to be missed is the
4. Enjoy your stay in the mini-butterfly farm where
Samales Group of Islands! one can see the dazzling
Delight in fresh seafoods – butterflies in a garden
sea urchins, abalone, setting.
crabs, lobsters, shells and (8 minutes)
endless sea and sky that
fuse on the horizon.
(8 minutes)


mastery (Leads to
Formative Before giving the Before giving the
Assessment 3) instructions for the group instructions for the group
activity, the teacher will activity, the teacher will
divide the class into three divide the class into two
groups. groups.


Create your own 2-minute Create your own 2-
commercial or minute commercial or
advertisement using any of advertisement using any
the propaganda strategies of the propaganda
discussed. Each group will strategies discussed.
identify the propaganda Each group will identify
strategies used in each the propaganda
presentation. Additional strategies used in each
points will be given to the presentation. Additional
group/s with correct points will be given to the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
answers. group/s with correct
Originality and Criteria
Uniqueness- Originality and
15% Uniqueness-
Creativity - 15%
25% Creativity -
Entertainment Quality- 25%
40% Entertainment Quality-
Clarity of Expression and 40%
Delivery- Clarity of Expression and
20% Delivery-
TOTAL ------------------- 20%
100% TOTAL -------------------
The teacher will remind the
students to prepare their The teacher will remind
commercial in 5 minutes the students to prepare
only. their commercial in 5
minutes only.
(15 minutes) (15 minutes)
G. Finding practical
application of concepts What is/are the importance Do you think
and skills in daily living of advertisements in our advertisements are
daily living? important in our daily
How can we apply our living?
knowledge about How can we apply our
propaganda knowledge about
techniques/strategies in propaganda
evaluating products and techniques/strategies in
services before using or evaluating products and
availing it? services before using or
availing it?
(3 minutes) (3 minutes)


generalizations of SHINE! SHINE!
concepts and skills Complete the Shining Star Complete the Shining
in daily living below with the different Star below with the
Propaganda Strategies. different Propaganda

Propaga Propag
nda anda

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
How does the knowledge How does the knowledge
of the practice of of the practice of
propaganda change the propaganda change the
effectiveness of a effectiveness of a
message? message?
(3 minutes) (3 minutes)
learning Recognize propaganda Recognize propaganda
techniques used in each techniques used in each
item below. item below. Write the
letter of the correct
1. As United States answer on your paper.
senator, I urge you to re-
elect President Grant in 1. As United States
our election. My long senator, I urge you to re-
experience in office tells elect President Grant in
me that he is your best our election. My long
choice. experience in office tells
me that he is your best
2. Don’t be a misfit. Now choice. a. Bandwagon
you can fit in with our b. Repetition
Good Fit jeans. c. Testimonials
Everybody’s wearing them.
2. Don’t be a misfit. Now
3. Air Philippines will take you can fit in with our
you where you’re going no Good Fit jeans.
matter what it takes. This Everybody’s wearing
is our commitment. them.
a. Emotional Words
4. “I’m no different from the b. Bandwagon
other girls,” says Emilie c. Transfer
Roxas, the twenty-eight-
year-old super 3. Air Philippines will take
entrepreneur and Asia’s you where you’re going
most eligible lady. no matter what it takes.
This is our commitment.
5. iPhone5. Loving it is a. Emotional words
easy. That’s why so many b. Bandwagon
people do. c. Testimonials
(Source: Skill Builders for
Efficient Reading 9, p. 283)
4. “I’m no different from
the other girls,” says
(8 minutes) Emilie Roxas, the twenty-
eight-year-old super
entrepreneur and Asia’s
most eligible lady.
a. Emotional Words
b. Bandwagon
c. Testimonials

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
5. iPhone5. Loving it is
easy. That’s why so many
people do.
a. Bandwagon
b. Testimonials
c. Repetition

(Source: Skill Builders for

Efficient Reading 9, p. 283)

(8 minutes)
J. Additional From old newspapers, cut- From old newspapers,
activities for out at least 2 cut-out at least one
application or advertisements and advertisement and
remediation identify the propaganda identify the propaganda
technique/strategy used. technique/strategy used.
Paste it on a short coupon Paste it on a short
bond. coupon bond.

Reading Assignment: Reading Assignment:

“The Taximan’s Story” by “The Taximan’s Story” by
Catherine Lim Catherine Lim
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)


A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
artment head help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 1 Day: 2

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standards Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making,
persuasion, and emphasis.

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and

Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning EN8LT-IIIa-11: Identify the notable literary genres

Competencies/ contributed by Southeast Asian writers
Objectives EN8LT-IIIa11.1: Identify the distinguishing features of
(Write the LC notable poems, short stories, dramas, and novels
code for each) contributed by Southeast Asian writers
II. CONTENT “The Taximan’s Story” by Catherine Lim
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
B. Other Learning
Resources vocabulary-activities-for-the-secondary-classroom/
Lai, Amy. "Catherine Lim". The Literary Encyclopedia.
First published 10 October 2003
D=2732, accessed 03 August 2019.]
Catherine Lim Image:
OL223734A%2FCatherine_Lim&docid=lGM_in9R- Wws1M&tbnid=VdcEnZ4Xo1VtCM
Interactive and Innovative Teaching Strategies 1: A
Resource Book for 21st Century Teachers

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing the Review about the Review about the
previous lesson or Propaganda Strategies by Propaganda Strategies
presenting the letting the students present by letting the students
new lesson their preparations on the present their
assignment given preparations on the
yesterday. Let the students assignment given
volunteer, one from the yesterday. Let the
boys and the other from the students volunteer, one
girls. from the boys and the
other from the girls.
Pre-Reading Activities Pre-Reading Activities

Unlocking of Difficulties Unlocking of Difficulties

The teacher tells the class The teacher tells the

that their journey toward the class that their journey
realm of Singaporean toward the realm of
literature will lead them to a Singaporean literature
particular story. But before will lead them to a
heading to the text, the particular story. But
teacher encourages the before heading to the
students to play a game text, the teacher
titled “3 Truths and a Lie.” encourages the students
to play a game titled “3
Truths and a Lie.”
The teacher will divide the A LIE
class into five groups. Each The teacher will divide
group will be given a the class into five groups.
vocabulary word in which Each group will be given
the students will write down a vocabulary word in
four statements about the which the students will
word assigned to them. The write down four

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
statements should be statements about the
composed of 3 TRUTHS word assigned to them.
and a LIE wherein they can The statements should
give about the word’s be composed of 3
definition, part of speech, TRUTHS and a LIE
synonyms, antonyms, and wherein they can give
the word’s personality. One about the word’s
of the statements should be definition, part of speech,
a lie. synonyms, antonyms,
and the word’s
(The teacher should present personality. One of the
an example so that the statements should be a
students will be guided.) lie.
(The teacher should
Example: present an example so
that the students will be
Obedient guided.)
1. Obedient is willing to
do what someone tells Example:
you to do. Obedient
2. Obedient is an adverb. 1. Obedient is willing
3. Obedient is synonymous to do what someone
to submissive. tells you to do.
4. That little girl is so 2. Obedient is an adverb.
obedient that she willingly 3. Obedient is
does everything that her synonymous to
mother asks. submissive.
4. That little girl is so
(Three minutes will be obedient that she willingly
given to students to write does everything that her
down their statements. The mother asks.
teacher will facilitate the
revealing of the truths and (Five minutes will be
a lie by asking each group given to students to write
what will be the truths and down their statements.
the lie in each The teacher will facilitate
presentation.) the revealing of the truths
and a lie by asking each
Words to be described: group what will be the
Group 1: Excellent truths and the lie in each
Group 2: Tricks presentation.)
Group 3: Scream
Group 4: Cane Words to be described:
Group 5: Punishment Group 1: Excellent
Group 2: Tricks
(8 minutes) Group 3: Scream
Group 4: Cane
Group 5: Punishment

(8 minutes)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing a Motivation: Motivation:
purpose for the In Singapore, taxi drivers In Singapore, taxi drivers
lesson are often called as taximan. are often called as
Do you know relatives/
neighbors or anybody who Do you know relatives/
works as a taximan? Based neighbors or anybody
on your own observation, who works as a taximan?
what could be the possible Based on your own
problems faced by a observation, what could
taximan? be the possible problems
faced by a taximan?
(The teacher instructs the
students to complete the (The teacher instructs the
graphic organizer below.) students to complete the
graphic organizer below.)

Problems of a
of a Taximan

Motive Question: Motive Question:

What is the problem faced What is the problem
by the taximan in the story? faced by the taximan in
the story?

C. Presenting (The teacher provides short (The teacher provides

examples/instance description of the author.) short description of the
s of the new author.)


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Catherine Lim Poh Imm Source:
(b. 21 March 1942, Penang, Catherine Lim Poh Imm
Malaysia–) is the doyenne (b. 21 March 1942,
of Singapore stories. Lim is Penang, Malaysia–) is the
an accomplished and doyenne of Singapore
critically acclaimed author stories. Lim is an
who has published a dozen accomplished and
collections of short stories, critically acclaimed author
five novels, two volumes of who has published a
poems and even a play. dozen collections of short
stories, five novels, two
The author of eleven short- volumes of poems and
story collections and four even a play.
novels, she is best known
for Little Ironies: Short The author of eleven
Stories of Singapore and or short-story collections
Else, The Lightning God and four novels, she is
and Other Stories, both best known for Little
collections having been Ironies: Short Stories of
used as literature texts in Singapore and or Else,
the G.C.S.E. Level The Lightning God and
Examinations conducted by Other Stories, both
Cambridge. (Source: collections having been
[ used as literature texts in
.php?rec=true&UID=2732, accessed the G.C.S.E. Level
03 August 2019.])
Examinations conducted
Reading Activity by Cambridge. (Source:
Silent Reading: Let the ple.php?rec=true&UID=2732,
accessed 03 August 2019.])
students read the selection
silently. It is better if the Reading Activity
selection, “The Taximan’s
Story” by Catherine Lim, Silent Reading: Let the
was assigned as a reading students read the
homework to maximize the selection silently. It is
time. (5 minutes) better if the selection,
“The Taximan’s Story” by
(see attached File A: The Catherine Lim, was
Taximan’s Story) assigned as a reading
homework to maximize
(7 minutes)
the time. (5 minutes)
(see attached File A:
The Taximan’s Story)
(7 minutes)
D. Discussing new Post Reading Activity Post Reading Activity
concepts and
practicing new TASK 2. PROCESS TASK 2. PROCESS
1. What is the problem 1. What is the problem

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
faced by the taximan in the faced by the taximan in
story? the story?
2. What is the irony in the 2. What is the irony in the
story? story?
3. What are the themes 3. What are the themes
raised in the story? raised in the story?
4. What do you think of the 4. What do you think of
taxi man? Do you the taxi man? Do you
sympathize with him? sympathize with him?
Explain. Explain.
5. What about the other 5. What about the other
characters in the story? Do characters in the story?
you feel sympathy over Do you feel sympathy
them? over them?
6. What do you think on the 6. What do you think on
way the story is written? the way the story is
How does it relate to the written? How does it
taxi man? relate to the taxi man?
7. How does this story 7. How does this story
appeal to the ”strict appeal to the ”strict
discipline” image of discipline” image of
Singapore? Singapore?
8. If you were the 8. If you were the
taximan/father, would you taximan/father, would you
agree to his lamenting? agree to his lamenting?
(10 minutes) (10 minutes)
E. Discussing new The text you have just read The text you have just
concepts and is a short story. It is a brief read is a short story. It
practicing new imaginative narrative, is a brief imaginative
skills #2 unfolding a single narrative, unfolding a
predominating incident and single predominating
a single or a few characters. incident and a single or a
It contains a plot, the details few characters. It
of which are so compressed contains a plot, the
and the whole treatment so details of which are so
organized as to provide a compressed and the
single impression. A short whole treatment so
story can be compared to a organized as to provide a
photograph; it captures a single impression. A
single moment in life. short story can be
(see attached File B: compared to a
Distinctive Features of photograph; it captures a
Short Stories) single moment in life.
(3 minutes) (see attached File B:
Distinctive Features of
Short Stories)
(3 minutes)
F. Developing TASK 3. SKETCH TO
mastery (Leads to STRETCH
Formative Since, a short story is like a

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Assessment 3) photograph on a piece of
paper, make an illustration
or drawing about the theme
of the short story discussed.
Write one sentence
explanation of your sketch.
This will be done

After 5 minutes, the teacher Same task will be given

will ask for 2 volunteers, to students but they
one from the boys and the should do it by pair.
other from the girls, to
present their sketches and
to explain and/or interpret it
in one sentence.

Aesthetic Appeal-------25%


(7 minutes)
practical IN!
application of Small Group
concepts and Differentiated Tasks Small Group
skills in daily living The teacher gives Differentiated Tasks
differentiated activities to The teacher gives
students. differentiated activities to
Group 1: Create your own
rap and or parody which Group 1: Create your own
conveys the realistic rap and or parody which
situations of youths and conveys the realistic
parents in Singapore and situations of youths and
even in the Philippines. parents in Singapore and
Group 2. Using a Venn even in the Philippines.
Diagram, compare and Group 2. Using a Venn
contrast the characteristics Diagram, compare and
of youths before and today. contrast the
Group 3. In 2 minutes, role characteristics of youths
play a scenario which before and today.
presents the message Group 3. In 2 minutes,
conveyed in the story. role play a scenario

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Group 4. Create an acrostic presents the message
presenting the distinctive conveyed in the story.
features of a short story. Group 4. Create an
acrostic presenting the
Criteria for Judging distinctive features of a
short story.
Presentation -- 30%
Content -- 45% Criteria for Judging
Cooperation -- 25%
TOTAL 100% Presentation --
30% Content --
(15 minutes) 45% Cooperation --

(15 minutes)
generalizations of Let the students accomplish the template below:
concepts and skills WOWS: Things I liked in the discussion
in daily living

WISHES: Things I should improve as

(5 minutes)


Identify the distinguishing features of the short story by
answering the questions below.

Pierre has worked for many years as a milkman in

Montreal, making his deliveries to his long-time
customers. His milk wagon is drawn by a horse named
Joseph, who has learned the route so well that he stops
by instinct. Together, Pierre and Joseph demonstrate a
love, trust, and efficiency that is compelling to all.

One morning, Pierre learns that Joseph has died.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Distraught by the news, Pierre stumbles into the street,
where he is hit and killed by a truck. Only then do we
learn that Pierre has been blind for years. Because
Joseph knew the milk route so well, Pierre’s blindness
was a secret between the two.

Features of a Short Story

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What is the focus of the short story?
3. State briefly the surprise ending of the short story.
(5 minutes)
J. Additional Write a short reflection note Write a short reflection
activities for on the video shared by the note on the video
application or teacher. shared by the teacher.
Video: The Importance of Video: The
Overcoming Challenges in Importance of
Life Overcoming
Source: Challenges in Life Source:
(The teacher should stop the =ytb&f=me
video at 1:43 minutes.)
(The teacher should
stop the video at 1:43


A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson

D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties did

I encounter which
department head
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 1 Day: 3

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a
listening and viewing material; structural analysis
of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making,
persuasion, and emphasis.

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and

Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.

C. Learning EN8LC-IIIa-7.3: Determine the target audience of

Competencies/Obje a listening text and the objective/s of the speaker
ctives EN8OL-IIIa3.11: Use the correct sounds of
(Write the LC code English during speech delivery
for each)
II. CONTENT Determining Target Audience and The Objective of
the Speaker
Using the Sounds of English During Speech
A. References
. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from the LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

eature=share in/darrentaywcps)
English Expressways II
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the TASK 1. MYSTERY
previous lesson or WORD
presenting the new

Study the definitions and

word forms. Then,
rearrange the letters in
bold to form the correct The same activity will
word for each item be given but the
below. Write the word on teacher can rearrange
the blank provided. the letters if needed for
easy understanding of
1. to defeat or trick the students.
someone by being more
intelligent or clever


Answer: Outsmart

2. to continue to exist


Answer: Outlast

3. someone who attacks

or tries to harm another

Answer: Enemy

4. to shake slightly
because you are afraid,
nervous, excited etc.


Answer: Tremble

5. a person who
introduces the speakers
at a formal occasion


Answer: Toastmaster

(The teacher instructs

the students to use the
new words in
(5 minutes)
B. Establishing a Motivation Question: Motivation Question:
purpose for the lesson Have you ever felt so Have you ever felt so
fearful, that you cannot fearful, that you cannot
eat or sleep? eat or sleep?
What did you do to What did you do to
overcome your fear? overcome your fear?

Motive Question: Motive Question:

What did the speaker do What did the speaker
to overcome his fear? do to overcome his
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
C. Presenting The teacher leads the The teacher leads the
examples/instances of students to the viewing students to the viewing
the new lesson of the video of a 27- of the video of a 27-
year-old newly minted year-old newly minted
lawyer from Singapore, lawyer from Singapore,
who won the who won the
Toastmasters World Toastmasters World
Championship of Public Championship of Public
Speaking. Speaking.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Before watching the Before watching the
video of the speech, the video of the speech,
teacher will give a short the teacher will give a
discussion of the short discussion of the
biography of the speaker biography of the
and about the public speaker and about the
speaking competition. public speaking
About Toastmasters
International About Toastmasters
International is a Toastmasters
worldwide nonprofit International is a
educational organization worldwide nonprofit
that empowers educational
individuals to become organization that
more effective empowers individuals
communicators and to become more
leaders. Headquartered effective
in Rancho Santa communicators and
Margarita, California. leaders. Headquartered
The organization's in Rancho Santa
membership exceeds Margarita, California.
345,000 in more than The organization's
15,900 clubs in 142 membership exceeds
countries. 345,000 in more than
(Source: 15,900 clubs in 142
m/ in/darrentaywcps) countries.
About Darren Tay m/ in/darrentaywcps)

About Darren Tay

(Source: Toastmaster
Experienced Managing (Source: Toastmaster
Director with a International)
demonstrated history of Experienced Managing
working in the Director with a
professional training & demonstrated history of
coaching industry. working in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Skilled in Negotiation, professional training &
Overcome Obstacles, coaching industry.
Criminal Law, Skilled in Negotiation,
Linguistics, and Sales. Overcome Obstacles,
Strong human Criminal Law,
resources professional Linguistics, and Sales.
with a Master’s Degree Strong human
focused in Law resources professional
(Corporate and Finance) with a Master’s Degree
from National University focused in Law
of Singapore. (Corporate and
Finance) from National
With a humorous University of
speech titled “Outsmart; Singapore.
Outlast,” Darren Tay, a
27-year-old newly With a humorous
minted lawyer from speech titled
Singapore, won the “Outsmart; Outlast,”
Toastmasters World Darren Tay, a 27-year-
Championship of Public old newly minted
Speaking last Aug. 20, lawyer from Singapore,
2016. Tay, along with won the Toastmasters
nine other finalists, World Championship of
reached the Public Speaking last
championship level after Aug. 20, 2016. Tay,
several elimination along with nine other
rounds that began six finalists, reached the
months ago with 30,000 championship level
participants from more after several
than 100 countries. elimination rounds that
began six months ago
He said he entered the with 30,000 participants
contest “to discover my from more than 100
limitations” and to “share countries.
my message with a
larger audience.” He said he entered the
contest “to discover my
Viewing/Listening limitations” and to
Activity: “share my message
with a larger audience.”
The students will tune in
the video of the speech Viewing/Listening
which will be played Activity:
through a projector. Tell
the students to The students will tune
determine the target in the video of the
audience and the speech which will be
objective/s of the played through a
speaker in the video. projector. Tell the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
students to determine
the target audience and
the objective/s of the
speaker in the video.


Video: 2016 World

Champion of Public m/watch?v=v26CcifgEq4&featur
Speaking, Darren Tay e=share)
Wen Jie (3 minutes and
15 seconds) Video: 2016 World
Champion of Public
Before watching the Speaking, Darren Tay
video, the teacher Wen Jie (3 minutes and
should present TASK 2 15 seconds)
below to guide the
students as they watch Before watching the
the video. video, the teacher
should present TASK 2
Furthermore, while below to guide the
watching the video, let students as they watch
the students take note the video.
of how the speaker
delivers his speech. Furthermore, while
What did he do to make watching the video, let
his speech interesting the students take note
and sustain his audienceof how the speaker
attention? Let them delivers his speech.
observe the speaker’s What did he do to
voice and intonation as make his speech
he delivers his speech. interesting and sustain
(7 minutes) his audience attention?
Let them observe the
speaker’s voice and
intonation as he
delivers his speech.
(7 minutes)
D. Discussing new (Note: The teacher should give this activity
concepts and practicing before watching the video.)
new skills #1

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

Complete the table below:

1. What did the speaker do

to overcome his fear?
2. What do you think is the
speaker’s purpose in
delivering the speech?
3. To whom was the
speaker talking?
4. What mood was the
speaker in when he
delivered his speech?
5. Describe the speaker’s
voice and intonation as he
delivers his speech?



(Group the students into five (5). Give one

question for each group on strips of paper.
Then, let the students answer.)

Group 1. What did the speaker do to overcome

his fear?

Group 2. What do you think is the speaker’s

purpose in delivering the speech?

Group 3. To whom was the speaker talking?

Group 4. What mood was the speaker in when he

delivered his speech?

Group 5. Describe the speaker’s voice and

intonation as he delivers his speech?
(7 minutes)
E. Discussing new (The teacher asks: “What should we observe in
concepts and practicing delivering a speech?”)
new skills #2
To fully comprehend on what did Darren Tay do in
winning the championship and in grabbing and
sustaining the attention of a large audience,
considerations in speech delivery must be given

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. Stress Pattern refers to the emphasis given on
a particular word or syllable which is pronounced
more forcefully.
2. Intonation is the rising and falling pitch of the
voice when somebody says a phrase or a
sentence, or it is the rising and falling pattern of
3. Juncture refers to the break between one
spoken word and another, or the pronunciation
features that help recognize the break
distinguishing, e.g., between “gray day” and “grade
4. Tone of the voice is the general quality or
character as an indication of what the person is
feeling or thinking.
Source: English Expressways II

Ask for two volunteers, one from the boys and the
other from the girls to deliver the lines presented in
the comic strip.

(5 minutes)
F. Developing mastery TASK 4. TASK 4.
(Leads to Formative Let the students read and Let the students read
Assessment 3) or deliver the following and or deliver the
quotations lifted from the following quotations
text or speech following lifted from the text or
proper stress pattern, speech following
intonation, juncture, and proper stress pattern,
tone of the voice. intonation, juncture,
and tone of the voice.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. “The way to deal with
bully is not to hide or run, 1. “The way to deal
the way to deal with bully with bully is not to
is to OUTSMART and hide or run, the way
OUTLAST.” It was like a to deal with bully is
light bulb in my mind and to OUTSMART and
“Bing”. I CAN DO THAT. OUTLAST.” It was
2. ” The best way to deal like a light bulb in my
with inner bully is not to mind and “Bing”. I
run or hide. You cannot CAN DO THAT.
run away from the bully 2. ” The best way to
here. The best way to deal deal with inner bully
with it is to stand firm. is not to run or hide.
3. Face it and You cannot run away
acknowledge its presence. from the bully here.
When you do so, you are The best way to deal
no longer identifying with with it is to stand firm.
it. You are stepping out 3. Face it and
and observing it. It’s like acknowledge its
instead of being out there presence. When you
in the storm. do so, you are no
4. I am in control because longer identifying
I am acknowledging it, I with it. You are
am stepping out of it, stepping out and
observing it and watching observing it. It’s like
it weaken and fade. instead of being out
5.. My friends, let’s all not there in the storm.
run away from our inner 4. I am in control
bullies anymore. Let us all because I am
face our inner bullies and acknowledging it, I
acknowledge its presence am stepping out of
and fight. it, observing it and
(3 minutes) watching it weaken
and fade.
5.. My friends, let’s
all not run away from
our inner bullies
anymore. Let us all
face our inner bullies
and acknowledge its
presence and fight.
(3 minutes)
G. Finding practical TASK 5. TASK 5.
application of concepts
and skills in daily living GROUP ACTIVITY GROUP ACTIVITY

The teacher divides the The teacher divides

class into three groups. the class into three

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
You are the tourism
ambassadors of the You are the tourism
Philippines who are tasked ambassadors of the
to promote the best Philippines who are
features of the country and tasked to promote
its overall positive image the best features of
to local and foreign the country and its
visitors. Your task is to overall positive image
prepare and deliver a to local and foreign
three-minute speech in a visitors. Your task is
World Tourism Expo in to prepare and
Singapore to convince the deliver a three-
participants to visit the minute speech in a
Philippines. Choose your World Tourism Expo
best speaker who will in Singapore to
deliver the prepared convince the
speech of the group. participants to visit
the Philippines.
(Use the Speech Delivery Choose your best
Rubric in evaluating the speaker who will
performance of the deliver the prepared
students. Moreover, inform speech of the group.
the students about the
performance indicators.) (Use the Speech
Delivery Rubric in
(see attached File: evaluating the
Speech Delivery Rubric performance of the
1) students. Moreover,
inform the students
Remind the students to about the
take note the about the performance
stress pattern, intonation, indicators.)
juncture, and tone of the
voice as they deliver the (see attached File:
speech. Speech Delivery
(15 minutes) Rubric 1)
Remind the students
to take note the
about the proper rate,
volume, articulation,
pronunciation and
fluency as they
deliver the speech.
(15 minutes)
H. Making Why is it important to use Why is it important to
generalizations of the correct sounds of use the correct
concepts and skills in English not only in sounds of English not
daily living delivering speech but also only in delivering
in our daily conversations? speech but also in

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(3 minutes) our daily
(3 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning TASK 6. USE IT! TASK 6. USE IT!

Use the correct sounds of Use the correct

English through delivering sounds of English
a two-minute inspirational through delivering a
speech about overcoming two-minute
challenges. inspirational speech
about overcoming
The students will deliver a challenges.
two-minute prepared
speech entitled “Struggle The students will
Makes You Stronger” deliver a two-minute
(Motivational Speech) prepared speech
| Fearless Motivation entitled “Struggle
Makes You
(see attached File: Stronger”
Struggle Makes You (Motivational
Stronger) Speech) | Fearless
(Speech Delivery Rubric 2
will be used in evaluating (see attached File:
the delivery of the Struggle Makes You
speech.) Stronger)

(see attached File: (Speech Delivery

Speech Delivery Rubric Rubric 2 will be used
2) in evaluating the
delivery of the

(see attached File:

Speech Delivery
Rubric 2 )

J. Additional activities Reading Assignment: The Reading Assignment:

for application or Bumboat Cruise on the The Bumboat
remediation Singapore River by Cruise on the
Miriam Wei Wei Lo Singapore River by
Miriam Wei Wei Lo

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson/s
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
tment head help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 1 Day: 4

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8V-IIIa-15.3: Explaining the meaning of a word
Competencies/Obj through structural analysis (prefixes, roots, suffixes)
ectives EN8LT-IIIa-11: Identifying the notable literary genres
(Write the LC code contributed by Southeast Asian writers
for each) EN8LT-IIIa11.1: Identifying the distinguishing
features of notable poems, short stories, dramas,
and novels contributed by Southeast Asian writers
“Lion Heart” By Amanda Chiong
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from the LR Portal
B. Other Learning
Resources suffixes-list/
English Expressways II
Voyages in Communication : English Learner’s
Module 8

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing the Review about the use of Review about the use of
previous lesson or correct sounds of English correct sounds of
presenting the new during speech delivery. English during speech
lesson Pre-Reading Activities delivery.
Pre-Reading Activities
TASK 1. Unlocking of
Difficulties TASK 1. Unlocking of
1. Those who have
beheld the beauty of 1. Those who have
Singapore never forget beheld the beauty of
it. Singapore never forget
a. see it.
b. miss a. see
c. ignores b. miss
c. ignores
2. “The next decade in
Medina, during which
2. “The next decade in
swords were unsheathed
Medina, during which
and battles were fought,
swords were
complicates it.” – Los
unsheathed and battles
Angeles Time, 2013
a. wrap were fought,
b. clothe complicates it.” – Los
c. expose Angeles Time, 2013
a. wrap
3. Mary and John b. clothe
embraced one last time c. expose
before going their
separate ways. 3. Mary and John
a. hug embraced one last time
b. miss out before going their
c. exclude separate ways.
a. hug
(The teacher asks the b. miss out
students to use the new c. exclude
words in sentences.)
(The teacher asks the
(6 minutes ) students to use the new
words in sentences.)
(6 minutes )
B. Establishing a Motivation: Motivation:
purpose for the lesson
Have you experienced Have you experienced
being compared to being compared to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
someone or something? someone or something?
To what have you been
compared? Motive Question:

Motive Question: To what did the poet

compare Singapore?
To what did the poet
compare Singapore?

C. Presenting The teacher provides short description of the author.

examples/instances of
the new lesson


Amanda Chong is a lawyer trained in Cambridge and

Harvard, who writes poems on her lunch breaks. Her
poetry has been engraved on the Marina Bay Helix
Bridge and included in the Cambridge International
GCSE syllabus. Her first collection of poetry,
Professions, was published in 2016 and shortlisted
for the 2018 Singapore Literature Prize.

Reading Activity
ORAL READING: Let the students read the poem.
(5 minutes)
(see attached File A: Lion Heart)

D. Discussing new TASK 2. Process Questions TASK 2.

concepts and Process
practicing new skills 1. To what did the poet compare Questions
#1 Singapore?
1. To what did

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. What do the lines mean: the poet
“You conquered the shore, its ivory Singapore?
2. What do the
Your legs still rocked with the lines mean:
memory of waves.”
3. What are the themes raised in conquered the
the poem? shore, its ivory
4. What impression does the author
have of Singapore? Your legs still
rocked with the
5. Do we have the same feeling memory of
towards our country? waves.”
Expound your answer.
3. What are
6. As we analyze the text, what are the themes
the distinguishing features of raised in
poem? the poem?

(8 minutes ) 4. What
does the
author have of

5. Do we have
the same
feeling towards
our country?

6. As we
analyze the
text, what are
features of

(8 minutes )
E. Discussing new
concepts and Think once more of the words that we encountered
practicing new skills in the poem “Lion Heart.”
How did you get the meaning of the words below?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(The teacher presents some of the words lifted from
the text. Let the students go to the board and
underline the prefix in each word.)



You can guess the meaning of the word by studying

the meaning of its word parts.

For example:

UNSHEATHED means to draw from or as if from a

sheath or scabbard

*UN means not

*SHEATH means to case or cover with something
(such as sheets of metal) that protects

So what are prefixes?

Prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a

base word or root. When a prefix is added, the
meaning of the word changes, sometimes even part
of speech. Prefix is itself a word formed with a
prefix: pre- before + to fix. A prefix then is something
affixed before a word.

A prefix is a letter or a group of letters that attaches

to the beginning of a word and helps to indicate or
modify its meaning. An easy example would be the
word ‘prefix’ itself! It begins with the prefix pre-,
which means ‘before’.
It is quite important to understand what different
prefixes mean as they can help to understand the
meanings of any new vocabulary that you learn.
However, you do need to be careful, as sometimes a
prefix can have more than one meaning!
Another example would be im-, this can mean ‘not’
or ‘into’.

Prefix Meaning Examples

re- Again return, rediscover
un- Not unfinished, unfriendly,

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Multi- Many Multinational,
mis- Wrongly misinterpret, misfire,

dis- opposite disagree, disappear,

of, not disintegrate

em-, cause to, embrace, encode,

en- put into embed, enclose, engulf

Not impossible, illegal, ,

il-, im-, indefinite
in-, ir
im-, in Insert import, inside
omni- all, every omnibus, omnivore,
para- Beside parachute, paradox
de- Off, down devalue, defrost,
away from demotivate
bi- Two Bicycle, bipolar

(10 minutes )
F. Developing mastery TASK 3. PREFIX BINGO
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Divide the class into 2 groups. Each group will be
given a big bingo card. The students should supply
the correct prefix for each word and give the new
meaning. The first group to answer earns the point.

(Note: For advanced learners, give them 3 seconds

to answer and 5 seconds for average learners in
giving them the chance to answer.

The first group to complete the Prefix Bingo Card


honest place medic

code BINGO interpret

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
perfect learn lingual

(Note: For average learners, the teacher may give

additional one bonus chance to the group who can
immediately give the new word and its meaning
correctly before 5 seconds is done. The bonus
chance is an opportunity for them to choose a
particular root word which they know. Thus, it will
lead the players to answer as fast as they can, thus
it maximizes time.)

(The teacher should instruct the students that they

should raise their hands before giving their answers,
and wait for the approval of the teacher for them to
speak. Failure to follow these instructions means
giving the chance to the other group.)
(10 minutes)
G. Finding practical Changes create Changes create
application of concepts challenges. So, with the challenges. So, with the
and skills in daily living challenges experienced challenges experienced
by Singapore in the by Singapore in the poem
poem “Lion Heart” and “Lion Heart” and with the
with the changes changes brought by
brought by Prefixes in Prefixes in words - similar
words - similar to life, to life,

“How can we become “How can we become

adaptable to the daily adaptable to the daily
changes and challenges changes and challenges
happening around us? “ happening around us? “

(4 minutes) (4 minutes)

H. Making
generalizations of TASK 5. OSS (One TASK 5. OSS (One
concepts and skills in Sentence Summary) Sentence Summary)
daily living
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
students to give a students to give a
sentence summary that sentence summary that
answers the “who, what, answers the “who, what,
where, when, why, and where, when, why, and
how” questions about how” questions about the
the topic. topic.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Example: Example:

My teacher taught me My teacher taught me

(Who) (Who)

today about magnets today about magnets

(When) (What) (When) (What)

at the Science at the Science Laboratory

Laboratory through through
(Where) (Where)

demonstration so that I demonstration so that I

(How) (How)

can better apply this in can better apply this in

(Why) (Why)
real life. real life.

(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning TASK 6. EXPLAIN TO TASK 5. SUPPLY TO
Read and study the
sentences that follow. Supply the correct prefix
The underlined word in of the given root words.
each sentence contains Choose from the pool of
a prefix and a root word. prefixes below:
Select the meaning of
each underlined word by
writing the letter of the Omni- ir-
correct answer on your
Mis- dis-
paper. Adjacent to your
letter answer, explain en- pre-
why did you choose your
answer by conducting
structural analysis. 1. APPROVE
(opposite of approve)
a. It is impossible for the
(wrongly understood; to
Viracnons to lose hope
interpret incorrectly)
amidst challenges.

a. likely 3. RESPONSIBLE
b. viable (not responsible or
c. very difficult lacking sense of
d. feasible responsibility)

Answer: C –

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
“impossible”= im (means 4. COURAGE
not) + possible ; not (to inspire with courage)
possible is synonymous
to very difficult.
1. God is omnipotent
that He created the (all-powerful; having
heavens and the earth complete or unlimited
and the fullness thereof. power)
a. weak
b. limited power (10 minutes)
c. infinite power

Answer: C – omni- (all)

+ potent (power)

2. Paul encourages
everyone to keep a good
fight of faith especially
during times of trials.
a. strengthens
b. weakens
c. saddens

Answer: A – en ( to put
into) + courage

3. Irresponsible youths
will reap whatever they
sowed in their lives.
a. very careful
b. lacks concern
c. mindful

Answer: B – ir (not) +
responsible (shows

For numbers 4-5,

Supply the correct prefix

of the given root words

4. approve
(opposite of approve)

5. understand
(to fail to understand)
(10 minutes)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
J. Additional activities Give the meaning of the Give the meaning of the
for application or following words by following words by
remediation identifying the prefix and identifying the prefix and
the root word. the root word.

1. malnourished 1. malnourished
2. antibiotic 2. antibiotic
3. ultramicroscopic 3. ultramicroscopic
4. hypersensitive 4. hypersensitive
5. interdisciplinary 5. interdisciplinary


A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
/principal/department head
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 1 Day: 5

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Standards Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.
C. Learning EN8SS-IIIa-1.10: Organizing information about a
Competencies/Obj chosen subject using a graphic organizer
ectives EN8G-IIIa-3.6: Using modals appropriately
(Write the LC code
for each)
MODALS *Modals of Ability
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from the LR Portal
B. Other Learning
Resources development/kla/pshe/references-and-

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners
A. Reviewing the TASK 1. PREFIX CUBE
previous lesson or
presenting the new Review the previous topic about the prefixes.
The teacher will prepare a large cube with prefixes
written on the 6 faces.

The teacher will ask for volunteers who will roll the
large cube/dice and as it stops rolling, the assigned
student should give an example of word beginning
with the prefix shown in the Prefix Cube. If he/she
gave a correct answer, he/she has the chance to pass
the cube to his/her classmates.


1. re- 4. im-
2. mis- 5. un-
3. multi- 6. dis-

(3 minutes)

Cube Pattern

B. Establishing a Motivation: Motivation:

purpose for the
lesson Task 2. RANK GAME! Task 2. RANK GAME!

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Are you familiar with the Are you familiar with the
trending video game trending video game
“Mobile Legends?” “Mobile Legends?”
particularly about the particularly about the
ranking it has? ranking it has?

If so, complete the If so, complete the

Inverted Pyramid of Ranks Inverted Pyramid of
in the Mobile Legends Ranks in the Mobile
below. Legends below.

Inverted Pyramid of Inverted Pyramid of

Ranks in the Mobile Ranks in the Mobile
Legends Legends


Elite Warrior
Elite Warrior Epic Master
Epic Master Legend Mythic
Legend Mythic Grand Master
Grand Master
(3 minutes)

(3 minutes)
C. Presenting (The teacher explains to (The teacher explains to
examples/instances the students that the the students that the
of the new lesson inverted pyramid that they inverted pyramid that

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
have just completed is an they have just
example of a graphic completed is an
organizer.) example of a graphic
(The teacher leads the
students to the discussion (The teacher leads the
of graphic organizers.) students to the
discussion of graphic
So what are graphic organizers.)
So what are graphic

D. Discussing new (The teacher discusses about the graphic organizers

concepts and and some of its examples.)
practicing new skills
#1 Graphic organizers are visual representation of
knowledge that structures information by arranging
important aspects of a concept or topic into a pattern
using labels (Bromley, DeVitis & Modlo, 1999). Their
main function is to help present information in concise
ways that highlight the organization and relationships
of concepts.

Reasons for Using Graphic Organizers

1. Tools for critical and creative thinking

2. Tools for organizing information
3. Tools for understanding information and
4. Tools for depicting knowledge and understanding
5. Tools for self-learning


1. Star, Webbing, Cluster diagrams are a type

of graphic organizer that condense and organize data
about multiple traits, fact, or attributes associated a
single topic. Star diagrams are useful for basic
brainstorming about a topic or simply listing all the
major traits related to a theme.

For example, a star diagram can be used to create a

graphic display describing all you know
about dinosaurs (when they lived, what kinds there
were, how big they were, what they ate, where fossils
have been found, etc.) or a graphic display of
methods that help your study skills (like taking notes,
reading, doing homework, memorizing, etc.).

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Another use is a story star, a star diagram used to
describe the key points of a story or event, noting the
5 W's: who, when,
where, what, and why.


2. Venn Diagram

This organizer can be used to help students develop

skill in comparing and contrasting similar and/or
different information. A Venn diagram may consist of
two or more circles. Venn diagrams can also be used
to compare and contrast the characteristics of any
other items, like groups of people, individual people,
books, characters, animals, etc.


Free Goods and Economic Goods


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. Tree Diagrams are a type of graphic organizer that
shows how items are related to one another. The
tree's trunk represents the main topic, and the
branches represent relevant facts, factors, influences,
traits, people, or outcomes.
Tree diagrams can be used to sort items or classify
them. A family tree is an example of a tree diagram
Tree diagrams are also used as visual in statistics to
document the outcomes of probabilistic events (like
tossing a coin).


4. Cause and Effect Diagrams, also called sequence

of events diagrams, are a type of graphic
organizer that describe how events affect one another
in a process.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(8 minutes)



(The teacher gives various tasks to each group.)

*For advanced learners, let the students decide on
what particular graphic organizer to use in their tasks.
*For average learners, guide the students on what
appropriate organizer to use in the text or task they

Group 1: (Venn Diagram)

Compare and contrast the attributes of
Singapore and Philippines in terms of people,
culture, places, beliefs and behavior.

Group 2: (Tree Diagram)

Organize the information below by using the
appropriate graphic organizer.

Types of Production
Production is the process by which resources
are transformed to satisfy human wants. Primary
production refers to activities that directly utilize
natural resources in the process of production.
Fishing and mining are typical examples. Secondary
production refers to production activities that turn raw
materials into goods for future production or final
consumption. Manufacturing and construction
industries are typical examples. Tertiary production
refers to the provision of services. Financial services
and social services are typical examples.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

Group 3. (Cluster Diagram)

Complete the Cluster Diagram below by the
things that one should do in overcoming challenges
in life. Start your sentences with the phrase in each

I could...

I have I
to... would...

in life...

I can... I must...


To overcome challenges in life…

I have to .
I can .
I should .
I must .
I would .
I could .

(The teacher tells the students that they will be given

5 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to present their

(After checking the answers of the students, the

teacher will lead the discussion about Modals.)

(The teacher uses the output of Group 3. Choose 3

statements and underline the modals present in each.
Then, ask the students about the function of the
underlined word.)
(15 minutes )

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Discussing new The teacher asks the students: What are Modals?
concepts and
practicing new skills (The teacher elicits responses from the students and
#2 afterwards, discusses about Modals.)

Modals (also called modal verbs, modal auxiliary

verbs, modal auxiliaries) are special verbs which
behave irregularly in English. They are different from
normal verbs like "work, play, visit..." They give
additional information about the function of the main
verb that follows it. They have a great variety
of communicative functions.

Here are some characteristics of modal verbs:

 They never change their form. You can't add "s",

"ed", "ing"...
 They are always followed by an infinitive without
"to" (e.i. the bare infinitive.)
 They are used to indicate modality allow
speakers to express certainty,
possibility, willingness, obligation,
necessity, ability
List of Modal Verbs
Here is a list of modal verbs:

can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, m

The verbs or expressions dare, ought to, had

better, and need not behave like modal auxiliaries
to a large extent and may be added to the above list
Use of Modal Verbs:
Modal verbs are used to express functions such as:

1. Ability
2. Permission
3. possibility
4. Obligation
5. Prohibition
6. Lack of necessity
7. Advice
8. Probability


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(The teacher clarifies to the students that today’s
coverage of lesson will only be about the modals of
ability. Furthermore, let the students give their own
examples on each modal.)

Examples of modal verbs which expresses ability:

Can, Could, Be Able To

Can, could and be able to are used to express a

variety of ideas in English:

Ability/Lack of Ability

Present and Future:

can/can’t + base form of the verb

Tom can write poetry very well.

I can help you with that next week.
Lisa can’t speak French.

am / is / are / will be + able to + base form of the verb

am not/ isn’t / aren’t/ won’t be + able to + base form of
the verb

Mike is able to solve complicated math equations

The support team will be able to help you in about
ten minutes.
I won’t be able to visit you next summer.

Could / couldn’t + base form of the verb

When I was a child I could climb trees.

was / were + able to + base form of the verb

wasn’t / weren’t + able to + base form of the verb
hasn’t / haven’t + been able to + base form of the verb

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I wasn’t able to visit her in the hospital.
He hasn’t been able to get in touch with the client

Note: Can and could do not take an infinitive (to verb)

and do not take the future auxiliary will.

Incorrect: I can to help you this afternoon.

Correct: I can help you this afternoon.
Correct: I will (I’ll) be able to help you this afternoon.



Fill in the correct form of can, could or be able to as

in the examples.

1. Ben could not help his little brother with

his homework yesterday.
2. Can I call you later tonight?

1. Tony run long distances when he was a boy?

2. you please call a tow truck for me? My car broke
down. (polite)
3. you teach me how to fix my computer? You’re
so good at it.
4. you reach the customer if you call him at 4:00
his time?
1. Could
2. Could
3. Can
4. Will/be able to

(10 minutes )

F. Developing
mastery (Leads to TASK 5. KNOW AND DRAW
Assessment 3) For advanced learners: Let the students do this by
For average learners: Group the students with (5)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
members each.

Identify the modals shown in the text and present it

using an appropriate graphic organizer.

As we get older and when we think about our
past we sometimes ponder the things that we should
have done. And we also may regret those things we
did badly and the mistakes we made. In reality, we
can always learn from our mistakes and hope to never
make them again. For example, if I failed a test
because of a lack of study, the next test I will hope to
pass because of hard work. Remember too that some
regrets are not based in reality and we may waste
time thinking that they are. Would I have really not
have been involved in a car crash if I had been driving
more slowly? After all, the other driver ought to have
been concentrating and not playing with their radio.
We have to be honest with ourselves and live in the
now. The only things we can control are the things
happening now, in this moment.




will would

ought present in
the text may
to titled

to should

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(The teacher may ask for volunteers (a pair for
advanced learners and a group for average learners
only to maximize time) to present their answers.

(5 minutes)
G. Finding practical If we are going to relate our If we are going to relate
application of topics, Graphic organizers our topics, Graphic
concepts and skills and Modals, in life, what organizers and Modals,
in daily living lessons or ideas can we in life, what lessons or
get? ideas can we get?

Possible answers: Possible answers:

*Life is like building *Life is like building

connections and creating connections and
relationships. creating relationships.

*In our daily conversations, *In our daily

we tend to make conversations, we tend
connections and to make connections
relationships with not just and relationships with
with persons but also with not just with persons
the words and ideas but also with the words
around, like of using and ideas around, like
modals and graphic of using modals and
organizer. graphic organizer.
(3 minutes)
Follow-up question:
Is it necessary to make
connections and build
relationships with one
another? Why?
(3 minutes)
generalizations of (The teacher will let the (The teacher will let the
concepts and skills students give a students give a
in daily living generalization of the lesson generalization of the
by completing the following lesson by completing
statements. the following
To determine who will
complete the statements, To determine who will
the teacher may lead the complete the
song “What’s your statements, the teacher
Learning?” to the tune of may lead the song
“Are you Sleeping (Brother “What’s your
John).” While everybody is Learning?” to the tune
singing the song, the of “Are you Sleeping
teacher passes an (Brother John).” While

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
improvised microphone everybody is singing
then let the students pass it the song, the teacher
to one another. When the passes an improvised
song is finished, the one microphone then let the
who is holding the students pass it to one
improvised microphone will another. When the
complete the first song is finished, the
statement. one who is holding the
improvised microphone
After the first student will complete the first
shared his/her learning, statement.
everybody will sing again
the song until the last two After the first student
statements are completed.) shared his/her learning,
everybody will sing
“What’s your learning? again the song until the
(2x) last two statements are
Jessica (name of completed.)
classmate) (2x)
Would you like to share “What’s your
it? (2x) learning? (2x)
That’s so good! (2x) Jessica (name of
classmate) (2x)
I learned . Would you like to
I realized . share it? (2x)
I expect . That’s so good! (2x)

(3 minutes) I learned
I realized
I expect

(3 minutes)
I. Evaluating learning TASK 7. I OVERCOME! TASK 6. I
A. Using an appropriate
graphic organizer, A. Using a Cluster
organize information/ideas Diagram or a Web,
about “How to Become a organize
Responsible Student.” information/ideas about
“How to Become a
B. From your graphic Responsible Student.”
organizer, write a paragraph
about the things that you B. From your graphic
should do in order to organizer, write a
become a responsible paragraph about the
student things that you should

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Use modals in your do in order to become
sentences. a responsible student
Use modals in your
(10 minutes) sentences.
(10 minutes)
J. Additional Look for other examples of Look for other
activities for Modals and identify each examples of Modals
application or function. and identify each
remediation function.


A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did this

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
partment head help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 2 Day: 1

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standards literature as a mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies
in processing textual information; strategies in examining
features of a listening and viewing material; structural
analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion and

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering

Standards a persuasive speech based on an informative essay
featuring use propaganda acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance and behavior.

C. Learning
Competencies/ EN8LT-IIIb-
Objectives 11.1: Identifying the distinguishing features of notable
(Write the LC poems, short stories and drama contributed by
code for each) Southeast Asian writers.
Determining the target audience of a material viewed.
II.CONTENT Father and Son
( Vietnamese Drama trailer)

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other
Resources &&view=detail&mid=C7725F68139E3F30F25A&&FORM=V

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV.PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing
the previous Unlocking of Difficulties Unlocking of Difficulties
lesson or Task 1. Word Puzzle Task 1. Word Puzzle
presenting the
new lesson The teacher asks the The teacher asks the
students to arrange the students to arrange the
jumbled letters to get the Jumbled letter to get the
correct meaning of the correct meaning of the word
‘ 1. She son’s death was a
1. Her son’s death was a
terrible Terrible

Answer. Tragedy 2. He is the only

2. He is the only VORVISUR

VORVISUR in that tragedy.

3. He is the only
In that tragedy.
Answer: Survivor
Left in the war.
3. He is the only
4. He is the
left in the war. ERTHAF
of three small children.
Answer: vietnamese

5. He is the
4. He is the
of the lawyer and a doctor.
of three small children.

Answer: Father

5. He is the

of a lawyer and a doctor.

Answer: Son

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing Motivation Motivation
a purpose for The teacher shows a The teacher shows a picture
the lesson picture of a father and Son of a father and son to the
to the class and let them class and let them say
say something about the something about the picture.
picture. (The teacher will provide the
(The teacher will provide picture)
the picture)
1. What can you say about
1. What can you say about the relationship of the father
the relationship of the father to his son?
to his son?

C. Presenting Motive Question Motive Question

nces of the How did the characters How did the characters
new lesson face challenges in their face challenges in their
relationship? relationship?

Before playing the video, Before playing the video, the

the teacher show teacher show screenshots
screenshot images from images from one of the
one of the scenes in the scenes in the video. Let the
video. Let the students students predict the gist of
predict the gist of the story the story based on the
based on the pictures. pictures.

During Viewing/Listening During viewing/ Listening

Activity Activity

Let the students watch the

short video clip about a Let the students watch the
Vietnamese drama. Tell short video clip about a
them to observe the images Vietnamese drama. Tell
used in the video and focus them to observe the images
on its message. used in the video and focus
on its message.
(The teacher plays the
video clip “FATHER AND (The teacher plays the video
SON’ (5 MINUTES) clip of Father and Son (5 minutes)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing
new concepts Post-Viewing/Listening Post-Viewing/Listening
and Activities Activities
new skills #1 Comprehension Comprehension
Questions: Questions:
Task 2A: THE WAY I Task 2A: THE WAY I

1. Did you find the story 1. Did you find the

interesting? Why? story interesting? Why?

2. What can you say about 2. What can you say about
the relationship of the father the relationship of the father
and his son? and child?

3. How many children 3. How many children did

did the father have? the father have?

4. Why did the characters 4. Why did the characters

suffer in life? suffer in life?

5. How did the father 5. How did the father survive

survive in life? in life?

E. Discussing The teacher will give the The teacher will give the
new concepts students the features of students the features of
and drama. drama.
new skills #2 Drama/play- is a story that Drama/play- is a story that is
is meant to be acted out on meant to be acted out on
stage in front of an stage in front of an audience.
Features of Drama
Features of Drama
1. Cast of Characters-the
1 .Cast of characters- the actors in a drama or play
actors in a drama or play
2. Setting-When and Where
the story takes place.
2. Setting- When and where 3.Dialogue- The lines that
the story takes place the actors speak
4. Stage directions-the
3. Dialogue- The lines that instructions that tell the
the actors speak. actors what to do on stage.
5. Acts and scenes
4. Stage directions- the Acts-Divide the play into
instructions that tell the smaller parts like chapters in
actors what to do on stage. a book

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Scenes-divide the acts
5. Acts and scenes- each time the setting
Acts-Divide the play into (10 minutes)
smaller parts like chapters
in a book

Scenes-divide the acts

each time the setting

F. Developing The teacher ask the The teacher ask the

mastery (Leads students to recall the students to recall the
to Formative drama they have just drama they have just
Assessment 3) viewed and let them answer viewed and let them
the following questions to answer the following
identify the different questions to identify the
features of drama. different features of drama.

1. Who are the characters 1. Who are the characters

in the drama? in the drama?

2. Where is the setting of 2. Where is the setting of

the story? the story?

3. Quote a line from the 3. Quote a line from the

characters that you like characters that you like
most. most.

4. How did the actors and 4. How did the actors and
actresses act their roles actresses act their roles
in the drama? in the drama?

5. Did you like the drama? 5. Did you like the drama?
Why? Why?
(15 minutes) (15 minutes)

How can you be a good How can you be a good

son/daughter to your son/daughter to your
parents? parents?
H. Making What have you learned What have you learned from
generalizations of from the drama that you the drama that you just
concepts and skills just viewed? viewed?
in daily living
The teacher asks the The teacher asks the
students to role play their students to role play their

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
favorite scenes taken from favorite scenes taken from
the movie they have viewed the movie they have viewed
at home and tell the target at home and tell the target
audience of the movie. (20 audience of the movie. (20
minutes) minutes)
J. Additional View another movie at View another movie at home
activities for home and identify the and identify the theme or the
application or theme or the lesson learned lesson learned from the
remediation from the movie. movie.

A. No. of Learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
this work?

F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
head help me
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 2 Day: 2

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian as mirror to a shared heritage;
coping strategies in processing textual information;
strategies in examining features of a listening and
viewing material; structural analysis of words and
propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals
for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech base on an
informative essay featuring use of propaganda,
acknowledge information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis and appropriate prosodic features, stance
and behavior.
C. Learning EN8LT-IIIb-11:
Competencies/Obj Identifying the notable literary genres contributed by
ectives Southeast Asian writer.
(Write the LC code EN8LC-IIIb-82
for each) Judging the relevance and worth of ideas presented
in the text.
1. Teacher’s Guide -
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages -
4. Additional -
Materials from the
LR Portal
5. Other Learning k
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the Pre-Listening Activity Pre-Listening Activity
previous lesson or
presenting the new
Unlocking of Difficulties Unlocking of
Task 1. GUESS What? Difficulties
Let the students arrange Task 1. CONNECT

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the jumbled letters to Let the students
arrive at the correct connect Column A to
answer. Column B.

1. TERSNGGA Column A
A member of a group of 1. Gangster
violent criminals 2. war
3. liberation
4. dynamics
2. AWR 5. survivor
- a state of fighting 6.trauma
between countries.

The removal of a. a person who
traditional, social or continue to function or
sexual rules, attitudes prosper after the death
etc. of someone
4. MICSNADY b. a pattern or process
A pattern or process of of change, growth or
change, growth or activity.
activity. c. the removal of
traditional, social or
5. VORVISUR sexual rules, attitudes
d. a state of fighting
A person who continue
between countries
to function or prosper
after the death of e. a member of group of
someone. violent criminals.
6. UMATRA emotional upset
g. someone who has
been forced to leave a
An emotional upset country because of
7. GEEFURE war

Someone who has been Answers:

forced to leave a 1.e
country because of war 2.d

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing a Motivation Motivation
purpose for the The teacher will present The teacher will present
lesson a picture of a child a picture of a child
surviving in a war and surviving in a war.
let the student tell
something about the

How do you think the How do you think the

character survive in character survive in
challenges of her life? challenges of her life?

C. Presenting Motive Question Motive Question

of the new lesson What did the character What did the character
do to overcome do overcome
challenges in her life? challenges in her life?

During Listening Activity During Listening

The teacher tells the class
that they will be Watching The teacher tells the
the excerpt of the novel” class that they will be
The Gangster We Are All listening to the story:
Looking Story :” Before The Gangster that we
the viewing activity, are all looking for”
inform the students of Before the listening
their task to listen activity, inform the
carefully and jot important students of their task to
notes about Vietnamese listen carefully and jot
culture. down important notes
about vietnamese

D. Discussing new Post-Listening Activities Post-Listening

concepts and Activities
practicing new skills Comprehension
#1 Questions Comprehension
Task 2A: Grasping the Questions
Story Task 2: Grasping the
1. What did the 1. What did the
character do to character do to
overcome challenges in overcome challenges
her life? in her life?
2. Where did the story
happen? 2. Where did the story
takes place?
3. What was the narrator
trying to tell us?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. What was the
4. Who is the author of the narrator trying to tell
story? us?

5. What are the themes of 4.. Who is the author of

the story? the story?

6. How did the character 5. What are the themes

face the challenges in her of the story?
7. If you were the 6. How did the
character would you character face the
do the same? Why? challenges in her life?
Why not?
7. If you were the
character would you do
the same? Why? Why
E. Discussing new Group Task Group Task1
concepts and Task 3. Child needs advise Task 3: Child needs
practicing new skills advise
#2 YOUR advice
1. Your Advice
3. 1.
4. 2.
5. 3.
F. Developing Individual Task Individual Task
mastery (Leads to Task 3.2 Task 3.2
Assessment 3)
Recall the previous Recall the previous
selection discussed, selection discussed,
What can you say about FOR. What you say
the two selections? about the two

G. Finding practical Share to the class a text Share to the class a text
application of about Vietnamese Culture about Vietnamese
concepts and skills in and tradition. Culture and tradition.
daily living

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Task 4. Culture Connection Task 4. Culture
Ask the students if the Connection
culture and practices Ask the students if the
among Vietnamese culture and practices
families are different from among Vietnamese
or the same with those of families are different
Filipinos. Ask them how from or the same with
these Filipino cultures and those of Filipinos. Ask
practices guide their daily them how these Filipino
living. cultures and practices
guide their daily living.
H. Making Did our lesson about Did our lesson about
generalizations of Father and Son and The Father and Son and
concepts and skills in Gangster we are all The Gangster we are
daily living looking for teach you all looking for teach you
something? What have something? What have
you realized after viewing you realized after
the story? viewing the story?

I. Evaluating learning The students will compare The students will

and contrast the two compare and contrast
reading selections. the two reading

J. Additional activities In 3 paragraphs, write a In 3 paragraphs, write a

for application or personal reflection about personal reflection
remediation the two story. about the two story.


A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
partment head help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 2 Day: 3

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information, strategies in examining features of a
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signal for opinion-making, persuasion, and
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of proper
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making persuasion and emphasis
and appropriate prosodic features of stance and
C. Learning EN8RC-IIIb-12.1: Recognizing propaganda
Competencies/Obj techniques used in a given text. (Repetition, Transfer
ectives and emotional words
(Write the LC code EN8G-IIIb-3.6:Using Modals (asking
for each) permission)appropriately
Sharing ideas using opinion-marking signal (I
II. CONTENT Propaganda Strategies
Modals(asking permission)
Opinion-marking signal I believe
1. Teacher’s Guide -
2. Learner’s Materials -
3. Textbook Pages English Expressways for Second Year pp173-174
4. Additional Materials -
from the LR Portal
5. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the Review the previous Review the previous
previous lesson or lesson. lesson.
presenting the new
B. Establishing a TASK 1. COMMERCIAL Task 1. COMMERCIAL
purpose for the lesson (3 minutes) (3 minutes)
Present the commercial Present the commercial
to the class. to the class.

(let students watch the (Let students watch the

video clip) video clip)

1. What is the 1. What is the

commercial all about? commercial all about?

2. What specific details

helped you to 2. What specific details
understand the helped you to understand
commercial? the commercial?

Lead the students to the Lead the students to the

idea that there are many idea that there are many
propaganda strategies. propaganda strategies.

C. Presenting Discuss the use of Discuss the use of

examples/instances of propaganda devices, propaganda devices,
the new lesson strategies and strategies and
differences of each. differences of each.

Have a review of the first Have a review of the first

four propaganda four propaganda
techniques. (2 minutes ) techniques. ( 2 minutes.)

1. Exaggerated Claims- 1. Exaggerated Claims-

to make a thing seem to make a thing seem
larger or more than it larger or more than it
really is really is

2. Glittering generalities- 2. Glittering generalities-

to use words that reveal to use words that reveal
the writers opinion and the writers opinion and
tend to make the listener tend to make the listener
feel good without feel good without
understanding why understanding why

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. Bandwagon appeal- to
urge others to join a 3. Bandwagon Appeal- to
group before it is too urge others to join a
late. To Avoid left out, group before it is too
the listener is urged to late. To avoid left out, the
take a specific action. listener is urged to take
specific action
4. Glad Names- to use
only pleasant words. 4. Glad Names- to use
only pleasant words.
D. Discussing new Guided Practice Guided Practice
concepts and (15 minutes) (15 MINUTES)
practicing new skills Provide the class about Provide the class
#1 the different propaganda The different propaganda
techniques. techniques.

used in advertising as a used in advertising as a
way to keep a brand or way to keep a brand or
product in the forefront product in the forefront of
of consumer’s mind. It consumer’s
can build brand Mind. It can build brand
familiarity, but it can also familiarity, but it can also
lead to consumer lead to consumer fatigue,
fatigue, where Where consumers be
consumers become so Come so tired of an ad
tired of an ad that they That they tune out or
tune out or actively avoid actively avoid the
the product. product.

Let the students watch Let the students watch

the video clip the video clip

2. TRANSFER- is a 2. TRANSFER- is a
technique used in technique used in
propaganda and propaganda and
advertising. Also known advertising. Also known
as association, this is a as association, this is a
technique of projecting tech-
positive or negative nique of projecting
qualities of a person, positive or negative
entity , object, or value to qualities of a person,
one another in order to entity
make the second more object or value to one
acceptable or to discredit another in order to make
it. It evokes an emotional the second more accept-
response which able or to discredit it. It
stimulates the target to evokes an emotional
identify with recognized response which

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the target to identify with
recognized authorities.
3. Emotional Words- are
a way of advertising and 3. Emotional words- are
a technique used in a way of advertising and
propaganda. By using a technique used in
emotional words, propaganda. By using
advertisers and emotional words, adverti
propagandists can bring sers and propagandists
across positive feelings can bring across posi
about their product to tive feelings about their
consumers. Words such product to consumers.
as these bring out the Words such as these
positive emotions and bring out the positive
feelings in people emotions and feelings
without needing to In people without need-
include the facts. ing to include the facts.

(let the students watch

the video clip)

E. Discussing new The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss
concepts and the modals on asking the modals on asking
practicing new skills permission permission
are special type of are special type of
helping verbs. They are helping verbs. They are
joined with the simple joined with the simple
form of the verb. form of the verb.

May- it expresses May- it expresses

permission(more formal permission (more formal
and polite than can) and polite than can)
Example. Example.
May I leave the children May I leave the children
with you? with you?
May I leave my luggage
with you? Might- it expresses
permission(most formal
Might-it expresses and polite)
permissi0n (most formal
and polite) Example.

Example. Might I request the copy

of the document?
Might I request the copy
of the document?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. Developing Group Task Group Task
mastery (Leads to Task 5. The Endorser Task 5. The Endorser
Assessment 3) Divide the class into Divide the class into
three groups. Each three groups. Each
group will be given an group will be given an
advertisement which advertisement which
they will be used in their they will be used in their
performance. A performance. A
representative from each representative from each
group will discuss the group will discuss the
strategy used in their strategy used in their
advertisement. advertisement

Assign propaganda Assign propaganda

strategy per group: strategy per group:

Group 1 – (repetition) Group 1 –( repetition)

Group 2.- (transfer) Group2- (transfer)
Group 3- (emotional Group 3- (emotional
words words)

G. Finding practical
application of How does advertisement How does advertisement
concepts and skills in help you in your daily help you in your daily
daily living life? life?

Give examples of Give examples of

situation where you situations where you
apply advertisement in apply advertisement in
your life. Use the your life .Use the opinion
opinion marking signal I marking signal I Believe
believe in your in your statement.
H. Making (3 minutes) (3 minutes)
generalizations of 1. How did you connect 1. How did you connect
concepts and skills in the use of advertisement the use of advertisement
daily living in your daily life? in your daily life?

2. What are the factors 2. What are the factors

that you consider in that you consider in
choosing propaganda choosing propaganda
technique? technique?
3. When do we use
modal may? How about 3. When do we use
might? modal may? How about

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I. Evaluating learning
Identify the propaganda Identify the propaganda
techniques used in the techniques used in the
following advertisement. following advertisement.

1. More people are 1. More people are

eating exotic food. Be eating exotic food. Be
one of them. one of them.

2. The magazine shows 2. The magazine shows

smiling families sitting smiling families sitting
around tables with the around tables with the
best and most best and most
sumptuous dishes sumptuous dishes.
3. …tempts the viewers’
taste buds 3….tempts the viewers’
with exceptionally exotic taste buds with
delicacies from the exceptionally exotic
world’s most far-flung delicacies from the
locations. world’s most far-flung
4. The view here is so
exceptional that you can 4. The view here is so
see all of Oedo Island at exceptional that you can
a glance. see all of Oedo Island at
a glance
5. “let it snow, let it snow,
let it snow” and miles to
go before I sleep, and 5. “let it snow, let it snow,
miles to go before I let it snow” And miles to
sleep. go before I sleep, and
miles to go before I
Answer key sleep.

1.Bandwagon appeal
Answer key
2.Glad names
1. Bandwagon appeal
3.Glittering generalities
2.glad names
Claims 3.glittering

5. Repetition generalities

4.Exaggereted Claims


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
J. Additional activities Look for examples of Look for examples of
for application or propaganda/ propaganda/advertiseme
remediation advertisement in nt in newspaper or
newspaper/ magazine magazine and mount it
and mount it on bond on bond papers.

A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
artment head help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 2 Day: 4

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: South
East Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage;
coping strategies in processing textual information

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and

Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of propaganda
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance
and behaviour.
C. Learning EN8V-IIIb 15,3:
Competencies/Obj Explain the meaning of a word through structural
ectives analysis (prefix, roots and suffix )
(Write the LC code
for each)
and suffix)
1. Teacher’s Guide -
2. Learner’s Materials -
3. Textbook Pages English Expressways for Second year 5,22,23,26
4. Additional Materials -
from the LR Portal
5. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the
previous lesson or Review the previous Review the previous
presenting the new lesson. lesson.
The teacher presents the The teacher presents
new lesson about root the new lesson about
words. root words.
( 5 minutes) (5 minutes)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
See attached file.1.1 See attached file 1.1
Building New words Building New words
Using Roots Using Roots

B. Establishing a TASK 1A. Identifying TASK1A. Identifying

purpose for the lesson roots Roots
(10 minutes) (10 minutes)
Tell whether the affix
Tell whether the affix
used is a prefix or suffix.
used is a prefix or suffix.
1.geography 1. geography
2.imports 2. imports
3.exports 3.exports
4.internet 4.internet
6.telephone 5.transport
7education 6. telephone
9.happiness 8. hopefully
Answers 10.acceptable

1.Graph Answers
3.ports 2.ports
5.port 3.ports
10.accept 7.educate
C. Presenting TASK2:Fix Me Please?!
examples/instances of (Group activity) TASK 2: Fix Me
the new lesson Form a new word by Please?!
adding a prefix/suffix to
each word below. Use the (Group Activity)
prefixes/suffixes from the Form a new word by
chart to build new words. adding a prefix/suffix
Then use each word to each word below.
correctly in the sentence. Use the
Check with a dictionary if prefixes/suffixes from
necessary. Each group the chart to build new
will present their outputs words then use each
word correctly in

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
on the board.(20 minutes) the sentence.
Check with a dictionary
1. continental if necessary. Each group
will present their outputs
on the board.(20 minutes)

3.scope 1. continental

5. meter

9. excitement

10. division
D. Discussing new Independent Practice Independent Practice
concepts and Task 2 Prefix or suffix? Task 2.Prefix or suffix?
practicing new skills
#1 Let the students identify Let the students identify
whether the word added Whether the word added
is prefix or suffix then is prefix or suffix then
write the root word. write the root word.
(15 minutes) (10 minutes)

1. combination 1. combination

2. alternation 2. alternation

3. misspell 3. misspell

4. recreation 4. recreation

5. transportation 5. transportation

6. preschool 6. preschool
7. projection 7. projection

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
8. international 8. international

9. education 9. education

10. antibiotic 10. antibiotic

Answer Answer

1. suffix, combine 1. suffix, combine

2. suffix, 2. suffix, alternate

alternate s
3. prefix ,spell 3. prefix, spell

4. prefix, suffix, create

4. prefix ,suffix, create
5. prefix, ation
5. prefix, ation
6. prefix, school
6. prefix, school

7. suffix ,project
7. suffix, project
8. prefix, national
8. prefix, national

9. suffix, ion 9. suffix, ion

10.prefix, biotic
10. prefix ,biotic

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills

F. Developing Find one or two words Find one or two words

mastery (Leads to which contain each of the which contain each of
Formative roots listed below. After the roots listed below.
Assessment 3) each word write each After each word write
meaning. each meaning.
Geo, logos and bio Geo, logos and bio

G. Finding practical See how many words See how many words
application of you can build by adding a you can build by adding
concepts and skills in prefix , a suffix or both a prefix, a suffix or both

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
daily living
H. Making What is the difference Give the difference of
generalizations of between root, prefix and the ff. roots, prefix,
concepts and skills in suffix? suffix
daily living
I. Evaluating learning Find ten words which Find ten words which
contain suffix, after each contain suffix, after each
word, write the root word word, write the root word
and suffix. and suffix.
Example. Celebration- Example. Celebration-
Celebrate+tion Celebrate+tion

J. Additional activities Use the given (10 words) Use the given (10
for application or in a sentence. words) in a sentence.


A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
artment head help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 2 Day: 5

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian literature as a mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and

Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of propaganda
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance
and behavior.

C. Learning EN8OL-IIIb-5:
Competencies/Obje Observing the use of correct stress, pitch, and
ctives juncture when delivering a persuasive speech.
(Write the LC code EN8RC-IIIb-10
for each) Sharing ideas using opinion- marking signal(I

II. CONTENT Observing the use of correct stress, pitch and

juncture when delivering a persuasive speech.

Sharing ideas using opinion-marking signal (I

1. Teacher’s Guide -
2. Learner’s Materials -
3. Textbook Pages MOVING AHEAD IN ENGLISH III p282
4. Additional Materials -
from the LR Portal
5. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the
previous lesson or Have a recap of the Have a recap of the
presenting the new previous lesson. previous lesson.
Remind the students of Remind the students of
their pre-assigned task on their pre-assigned task
suffix. on suffix.

B. Establishing a The teacher presents a The teacher presents a

purpose for the lesson video of persuasive video of persuasive
speech. speech.

See attached video

See attached video

1. What can you say

1. What can you say about the video?
about the video?

2. What do you think is 2. What do you think is

the purpose of the the purpose of the
speaker in delivering speaker in delivering the
the speech? speech?

3. How did the speaker 3. How did the speaker

deliver his/her speech? deliver his/her speech?

The teacher reviews on The teacher reviews on

how to write a persuasive how to write a
speech. persuasive speech.
The teacher also remind
The teacher also remind
the students to select a
the students to select a
current topic that interest
current topic that interest
Here are some hints for Here are some hints for
their writing: their writing:

1. Write your opening and 1. Write your opening

concluding statements and concluding
which define your goal. statements which define
your goal

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. Begin with an atten 2. Begin with an
Tion - getting device-not attention-getting device
necessarily a joke. An un –not neces sarily a joke.
usual fact or a surprising An unusual fact or a
bit of news will bring the surprising bit of news will
audience to attention: bring the audience to
You can add a touch of attention: You can add a
humor where it is touch of humor where it
suitable. Tell a joke about is suitable.
yourself. Tell a joke about
3. Use your own words. If
the subject is clear to 3. Use your own words.
you, you can express If the subject is clear to
yourself spontaneously. you,
You can express
4. Talk about people. yourself
Make your listeners Spontaneously.
visualize what you are
trying to impart. 4. Talk about people.
Make your listeners
visualize what you are
5. Use anecdotes,
trying to impart.
examples, illustrations,
snatches of conversation,
Comparisons, contrasts 5. Use anecdotes,
and odd bits of examples, illustrations,
information. snatches of
6. Remember your Comparisons, contrasts
audience. How can you and odd bits of
catch their interest? information

6. Remember your
audience. How can you
catch their interest?
C. Presenting
examples/instances of the Independent Practice Independent Practice
new lesson Task 1. Opinion? Task 1. Opinion?
(10 minutes) (10 minutes)

The teacher presents The teacher presents

various examples of various examples of
sentences having opinion sentences having opinion
marking signal I believe marking signal I believe.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. I believe in the power 1. I believe in the power
of prayer. of prayer.

2. I believe she will make 2. I believe she will make

it. it.

3. I believe I can touch 3. I believe I can touch the

the sky in my dreams. sky in my dreams.

4. I believe being 4. I believe being optimistic

optimistic is the best is the best attitude to achieve
attitude to achieve our our goals in life.
goals in life.

5. I believe we can build 5. I believe we can build a

a better nation if we are better nation if we are
united. united.

The teacher ask the students The teacher ask the

to give their opinion about students to give their
the video Using the opinion opinion about the video
marking signal I believe. using the opinion marking
signal I believe.

D. Discussing new The teacher further The teacher further

concepts and explains the importance explains the importance
practicing new skills of opinion-marking signal of opinion-marking signal
E. Discussing new Task. PERSUASION
concepts and The teacher divide the Task. PERSUASION
practicing new skills class into three groups
#2 and assign each group to The teacher divide the
F. Developing mastery compose their own class into three groups
(Leads to Formative persuasive speech using and assign each group
Assessment 3) the propaganda to compose their own
strategies and opinion persuasive speech using
marking signal( I believe) the propaganda
strategies and opinion
marking signal( I believe)
G. Finding practical
application of concepts How important is How important is
and skills in daily living persuasion skill in your communication skill in
daily activities? your daily activities?

H. Making How do we deliver How do we deliver

generalizations of persuasive speech? persuasive speech?
concepts and skills in
daily living

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I. Evaluating learning Task. PERSUASIVE Task.
The students will present SPEECH
their outputs by group
using the following guide. The students will
present their outputs by
1. Is the subject of group using the
speech of general interest following guide.
and sufficiently limited?
1. Is the subject of
2. Is the purpose of speech of general
speech stated clearly? interest and
sufficiently limited?
3. Do the opening
statements catch the 2. Is the purpose of
audience’s attention? speech stated clearly?

4. Does the rest of the 3. Do the opening

speech sustain the statements catch the
attention of the audience? audience’s attention?

5. Is the conclusion 4. Does the rest of the

strong and effective? speech sustain the
attention of the
6. Is correct stress audience?
observed in the speech?
How about pitch? 5. Is the conclusion
strong and effective?

6. Is correct stress
observed in the speech?
How about pitch?
J. Additional activities State the message of the State the message of
for application or speech. To whom was it speech. To whom was it
remediation addressed? addressed?


A. No. of Learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
artment head help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 3 Day: 1

A.Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving
one’s personal conflicts through using strategies in
linking, textual information, repairing or enhancing
communication, and crafting formal/informal word
definitions; the ethics and strategies of public speaking;
and using of emphasis markers in persuasive texts.

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and

Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

C.Learning Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute

Competencies/ to the theme of a particular literary selection
Objectives EN8LT-IIIc-2.2
Express appreciation for sensory images used.

II. CONTENT Elements of poetry

Sensory images
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Material pages
3.Textbook pages English Expressways Textbook for Second Year
Bermudez, Virginia F. Ed.D.

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources:

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing previous I. PRE-READING I. PRE-READING
lesson or presenting A.UNLOCKING OF A.UNLOCKING OF

Say: Today, we will meet a Say: Today, we will

character in one of the meet a character in one
poems of Filipino writer, of poem of Filipino
Jose La Villa Tiera . Before writer, Jose La Villa
reading, let us first do this Tiera . Before reading,
activity for better let us first do this activity
understanding of the for better understanding
poem. of the poem.

Divide the class into 5 Divide the class into 5

groups, then assign a groups, then assign a
rapporteur to write the rapporteur to write the
group’s answer on the group’s answer on the
manila paper. The group manila paper. / The
with the most number of teacher will provide a
correct answers after show board and the
three (3) minutes wins student will write
the game. group’s answer on the
TEXTTWIST Unlock the The group with the
meaning of the unfamiliar most number of
terms in the poem by correct answers after
unscrambling/arranging the three (3) minutes wins
letters to form the word the game.
being used in the
sentence. TEXTTWIST Unlock the
meaning of the
1. ENDIMA- Maria, a unfamiliar terms in the
young girl from poem by
barangay Capilihan unscrambling/arranging
does not want to marry the letters to form the
the boy she does not word being used in the
love. (MAIDEN) sentence.

2. DLPEA- James
a. maiden b. ballad c.plead
emotionally asks Carla
to accept her wedding d.asleep e.youth f. shed
proposal. (PLEAD)
g.deeds h. persistent
3. HSIWERP- Marjorie
speaks softly as she i. whisper
tells her secret to
Carlito. (WHISPER)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. ENDIMA- Maria,
4. RPEISSNTTE –Joan a young girl from
rejected her suitor many barangay Capilihan
times but he continue to does not want to marry
do something just to win the boy she does not
the love of his life. love. (MAIDEN)
2. DLPEA- James
5. DBAALL-Corazon wrote emotionally asks Carla
a poem that tells a story to accept her wedding
to express her love to proposal. (PLEAD)
his husband. (BALLAD)
Marjorie speaks softly
as she tells her secret
to Carlito. (WHISPER)

Joan rejected her
suitor many times but
he continue to do
something just to win
the love of his life.

Corazon wrote a poem
that tells a story to
express her love to his
husband. (BALLAD)


knowledge/ developing Glimpse of the Past. Do Glimpse of the Past
a purpose for reading the activity in 5 minutes .Do the activity in 5
The teacher shows a
picture of a Mother. The teacher shows a
picture of a Mother.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. List down some Then ask:
situations that you like
most being with your What are the
mother? characteristics of your
mother that you love
2. Give some instances most?
that hurt your mother.



What does your mother QUESTION:
say when you were hurt? What does your mother
say when you were
What did the heart say to
the youth when he fell C. MOTIVE QUESTION
down? What did the heart say
to the youth when he fell

C. Presenting The selection we are Orient the class about

examples/ instances of going to discuss is a the selection to be
the new lesson ballad. Who among you discussed. (5 minutes)
can define what a ballad
(5 minutes) -Ballad is a narrative
poem/composition in
-Ballad is a narrative rhythmic verse suited for
poem/composition in singing.
rhythmic verse suited for
The teacher will post
The teacher will post the the graphic organizer
graphic organizer to be to be accomplished by
accomplished by the the students after
students after reading reading the selection.
the selection.
1 .Give a brief
1. Who are the characters description of the
in the poem. Give brief following characters in
description. the story.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


2. Summarize the poem by

completing the timeline. 2. Summarize the poem
by arranging the events.
Use the timeline below.

a. A youth fell in love

C. DURING READING with a Maiden
(See attached file:
BALLAD OF A b. The youth took the
MOTHER’S HEART) heart of his Mother.
Reading aloud of the
selection c. On his way to the
Maiden, he fell down.

d. The Maiden asked

the Youth to prove his
love by bringing his
Mother’s heart to her.

e. The Mother’s heart is

still concern with the
Youth’s feeling when
he fell down.

(See attach file:
Guided reading of the
(The teacher should
read the poem and the
students follow)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing new D. POST READING (15 C. POST READING
concepts and minutes) (15 minutes)
practicing new skills (To have a maximum
participation of the class
1. Engagement activities in the discussion, the
teacher can use the
a) What did the heart same groupings and
say to the youth every correct answer of
when he fell down? the member will be
b) Who are the counted as group
characters score.)
in the poem?
1. Engagement
c) Summarize the activities
events in the poem
a. What did the
d) Are the events heart say to the
realistic? How can youth when he
you say so? Cite fell down?
some instances
similar to the b) Who are the
events in the poem characters in the
that happens in real poem?
life. c) Describe the
setting of the
e) If you were the poem.
youth? Would you d) Why did the
do the same? youth killed his
Why? mother?
e) What is the
f) What is the theme message of the
of the poem? poem?

g) What is message of 2. Defense Against

the poem? Memory Gap

2. Defense Against Ask students to recall

Memory Gap the elements of poetry
by identifying what is
Ask students to recall the being defined
elements of poetry and below.(The meaning can
their meaning. Call be written in meta
students to quickly recite cards.)
1. Creates mental
( Imagery, symbolism, images about a poem’s
figurative language, subject.- Imagery
sound and voice)
2. It is the way poems

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Imagery-Creates mental “talk to the reader”-
images about a poem’s Voice
3. It helps with the task
Voice- the way poems of “telling, not
“talk to the reader” “showing”.- Figurative
Figurative Language-
help with the task of 4. The practice of
“telling, not “showing”. representing things by
symbols, or of investing
Symbolism – The practice things with a symbolic
of representing things by meaning or character.
symbols, or of investing - Symbolism
things with a symbolic
meaning or character. 5. It gives balance and
please the ear, it can
Sound- they give balance create a pattern in the
and please the ear, it can poem. –Sound
create a pattern in the
poem. 2. Literary Extender

3. Literary Extender Divide the class into four

groups and let them
Divide the class into 4 discuss their answers to
groups and let them the following
discuss their answers to questions/activity.
the following
questions/activity. Group 1

Group 1-Image in my List down and classify

Mind the different words/
Pick-out the words that phrases that appeal to
appeal to senses. senses.
Ta si To sm hea
ste gh uc ell ring
Group 2- Symbolism t h
Illustrate the
different symbols used in
the poem andgive its
possible meaning.

Group 3 Figures of
Speech Example:
List down the different Dark
figures of speech used. Whisper

Group 4 Theme
Give the meaningful

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
lesson of the poem through Group 2
a poster. Match the symbols and
figurative language to its
possible meaning.

1. rain
2. took her heart-
3. Knife
4. Heart
5. Youth
6. Maiden

a) Country’s natural
b) Problem/somethi
ng that can hurt
c) an action that
d) hindrances
e) human
f) Wicked things

Group 3
Identify the figures of
speech used in the
poem (simile, metaphor,
hyperbole etc.)

The moon was young

The stars were asleep

Group 4
What meaningful lesson
did the poem teach you
as a youth?
E. Discussing New The teacher will pass the Work with the same
Concepts and bowl with questions and group and explain how
Practicing New Skills as the music stops, the the elements of a poem
#2 student who holds the contribute to the theme
bowl will pick and of the poem “Ballad of a
answer one question. Do Mother’s Heart” in 5
this activity in 5 minutes minutes

Explain how the elements Group 1-Imagery

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
of a poem contribute to the Group 2-Voice/ Sound
theme of the poem “Ballad Group 3-Figurative
of a Mother’s Heart” Language
Group 4-Symbolism
1. How does imagery
contribute to the theme of
the poem?

2. How does voice

contribute to the theme of
the poem?

3. How does figurative

language contribute to the
theme of the poem?

4. How do symbolism
contribute to the theme of
the poem?

5. How does sound

contribute to the theme of
the poem?


Imagery-Creates mental
images about a poem’s
Voice- the way poems
“talk to the reader”

Figurative Language-
help with the task of
“telling, not “showing”. It
helps the reader to think

Symbolism – It gives
symbolic meaning or
character through

Sound- they give balance

and please the ear, it can
create a pattern in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. Developing mastery Task 1 –Imagery Link Task 1 –Imagery Link
(leads to formative 1. Distribute the hand-outs 1. Distribute the hand-
assessment) (See attachment No. 2) outs
Call students to recite the Call students to recite
poem. the poem.

2. Ask these 2. Ask these

comprehension questions: comprehension
(3Minute-Quiz Bee) questions:

1. Why is this poem 1. What is the title of the

entitled poem?- These
“These Lovely Things”? Lovely Things
(It is entitled These
Lovely Things 2. What are the words
because the poem that makes the nature
contains descriptions lovely?
of beautiful creations
of God.) 3. List down words that
describes the nature.
2. Does Jose La Villa
Tierra live in the city or 4. How do sensory
in the province? Prove images/the words that
your answer. describe nature help you
in understanding the
3. What beauties of nature poem?
around his place does
the author picture to the
reader? List them down.

4. How do sensory images

help in understanding
the poem?

G. Finding practical RELATE TO LIFE: Let the RELATE TO LIFE: Let

applications of students do the task in 5 the students do the
concepts and skills in minutes. task in 5 minutes.
daily living
Cite two situations that you Give an advice to your
can use some of the friend who wants to
elements of poetry in your commit suicide, use
daily life. How? some of the elements of
poetry in giving your

H. Making Give Me the Mic! - Music will be played and as the

Generalizations and music stops, the student who holds the mic will
Abstractions about the cite important learnings from the lesson. Do this
Lesson in 5 minutes.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I. Evaluating Learning
Using the poem “These Using the poem “These
Lovely Things” by Jose La Lovely Things” by Jose
Villa Tierra, answer the La Villa Tierra, answer
following questions in ½ the following questions in
sheet of paper for 10 ½ sheet of paper for 10
minutes minutes

1. What are the elements 1. What are the elements

of poetry found in the of poetry found in the
poem? poem? Choose from the
words written on the
2. How do these elements table.
contribute to the theme of
the poem? Image Figura Plot
ry tive
3. How do the sensory Langu
images used help you in age
understanding the poem? body conclu Voice
symbo Theme Sound

2. How do these
elements contribute to the
theme of the poem?

3. Cite some lines which

shows sensory images.

4. How do the sensory

images used help you in
understanding the poem?

J. Additional Activities Read the poem and answer the following questions.
for Application or
Remediation 1. What is the title of the poem?
2. Who is the author?
3. List and classify sensory images found in the
4. How did these elements contribute to the theme of
the poem?

5. How did the sensory images used help you in

understanding the poem?

A Filipino Dream - My Spirit

I have a Filipino dream!

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Stop the war and wild loud of scream
I have a dream not for myself.
Not a selfish man who thinks of himself.

I have a Filipino dream!

Cease the pain of a poor at the stream.
Three stars are united as one.
My dreams and love are bounded as one.

I have a Filipino dream!

Be the best in our craft and one of the prim.
Eight rays of sun symbolize hope.
Filipinos will rise and reach the peak of slope.

I have a Filipino dream!

Rapidly admired coz we’re now the cream.
I have a dream for my one country land.
An endless peace and success for my one true land.

Copyright © Lei Strauss | Year Posted 2015


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did
I used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 3 Day: 2

A.Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving one’s
personal conflicts through using strategies in linking, textual
information, repairing or enhancing communication, and
crafting formal/informal word definitions; the ethics and
strategies of public speaking; and using of emphasis
markers in persuasive texts.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering
Standards a persuasive speech based on an informative essay
featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning Explain the meaning of a word through a structural analysis
Competen (prefixes, roots, suffixes)- EN8V-IIIc-15.3
tives Determine the issue and stand presented in the material
Issue presented in the material viewed


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional English 10 Learner’s Material

Materials from
Learning Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing
previous lesson (Each student will be given (Each student will be given an
or presenting the an orange paper if they give orange paper if they give the
new lesson the correct answer. Every correct answer. Every orange
orange paper is equivalent paper is equivalent to one
to one point. At the end of point. At the end of the lesson,
the lesson, they can claim they can claim their prize by
their prize by presenting presenting their orange
their orange papers to the papers to the canteen
canteen manager.) manager.)

Group the students into
five and let the class 1. Carlo expresses his anger
have a quiz bee. Given by his cruel actions, he
a time allotment of 30 hurts his classmates who
seconds, they should is weaker than him. Carlo
answer each item. is a .
First two items has
choices and the a. Bully
remaining three not b. Bullying
have choices. c. Bullied

1. Carlo expresses his

anger by his cruel 2. James hurt Christian
actions, he hurts his physically by punching,
classmates who is kicking, pushing, inflicting
weaker than him. Carlo school pranks, He is also
is a . hurting him emotionally by
a. Bully name-calling and saying
b. Bullying bad words. James is
c. Bullied Christian.

2. James hurts Christian a. Bully

physically by punching, b. Bullying
kicking, pushing, c. Violence
inflicting school pranks,
He is also hurting him
emotionally by name- 3. People need to learn how
calling and saying bad to settle their arguments
words. James is without using physical force
that can harm others. They
Christian. must avoid .

a. Bully a. Bully
b. Bullying b. Bullying
c. Bullied c. Cyber Bullying

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
4. Christian is a victim of
3. People need to learn bullying, he was hurt
how to settle their physically and emotionally.
arguments without using Christian is a .
physical force that can
harm others. They must a. Violence
avoid . b. Bullied
c. Cyber Bullying
4. Christian is a victim of
bullying, he was hurt
physically and emotionally. 5. Using social media
Christian is a . account, Carla is bullying
Clara. She humiliates Clara by
5. Using social media posting her reactions and
account, Carla is bullying encouraged her classmates to
Clara. She humiliates Clara give their comments.
by posting her reactions What kind of bullying did Carla
and encouraged her commits?
classmates to give their
comments. a. Violence
What kind of bullying did b. Bullied
Carla commits? c. Cyber Bullying


1. Bully MOTIVATION: Who among

2. Bullying you experienced bullying?
5. Cyber Bullying


you experienced bullying?


Purpose for the the video, how many the video, how many students
Lesson students experienced experienced bullying?

C. Presenting Let the class watch an Let the class watch an

examples/ Anti- Bullying Campaign. Anti- Bullying Campaign.
instances of the Let them do Task 1 and 2. Let them do Task 1 and 2.
new lesson

Video can be viewed in this site: Video can be viewed in this site:

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Task 1- What’s all about?
Task 1- What’s it all about?
1. Determine the issue
presented by the speakers 1. Determine the issue
by answering the following presented by the speakers
question. by answering the following
a. How many students
experience bullying? a. How many students
b. How many students drop- experience bullying?
out from school because of b. How many students drop-
bullying? out from school because of
c. How can we stop bullying? bullying?
c. How can we stop
TASK 2: Give me some! bullying?
2. While watching list 5
words with suffixes and TASK 2: Give me some!
identify the suffix added to 2. While watching list 5
each word. words with suffixes and
(Give answer based from the identify the suffix added to
video presented.) each word.
(Give answer based from the
video presented.)

Discuss the issue presented Discuss the issue presented

D. Discussing in the video. in the video.
new concepts -Who are the speakers? -Who are the speakers?
and practicing -What is the video all about? -What is the video all about?
new skills -Are you one of those -Are you one of those
bullies? /bullied? bullies? /bullied?
-What is the feeling of being -What is the feeling of being
a bully or being bullied? a bully or being bullied?
-How can you help in solving -How can you help in solving
the problem? the problem?

E. Discussing
New Concepts SAY: A while ago, you listed TASK 2. Divide the class
and Practicing some words with suffixes. into two and after the
New Skills #2 Who among you knows teacher discussed the
about suffix? How about its common suffix and its
example and meaning, do meaning, students will
you know some of them? give example of words
Who can give me one? having that particular
suffix in 30 seconds. Every
The teacher presents the correct answer will be
table, as he/she discusses counted as group score.
the lesson, the students will
give example/s of new
word/s formed after the suffix

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
was added to the base word
and they will give the Suffix Meaning Example
meaning of the new word. -S,ES More Characte
than rs
Suffix Meaning Example one, Reaches
-S,ES More than Characters
one, verb maker
maker -ED In the Walked
-ED In the Walked past; Talked
past; Talked quality,
state -ING Doing Walking,
-ING Walking, somethi
g; quality,
An action -LY How Safely
-LY How Safely - One Drummer
- One who; Drummer, ER,O who; , bigger
ER,OR action bigger R action
compares compar
-TION, Noun, Tension es, the
quality, person
action -TION, Noun, Tension
-ABLE, Able to be Reversible quality,
-IBLE Chargeabl action
e - Able to Reversibl
-Al, Related Partial ABLE, be e
AIL to, like -IBLE Chargea
-OUS Full of Joyous ble
-Al, Related Partial
-LESS Without Careless AIL to, like
-FULL Full of Beautiful -OUS Full of Joyous

-IST The one Guitarist -LESS Without Careless

-FULL Full of Beautiful

Teacher will post the -IST The one Guitarist

sentences on the board, call
a student to identify and
underlined the words with
suffix, encircle the suffix and
give the meaning of the new
word formed.

1. James is a victim of
2. John is a 7-year old
drummer, he often plays
drum during Sunday mass.
3. John’s sister is very
beautiful, she is one of the
candidates in Mutya ng

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. Developing Task 4- Define Me Task 4- Define me
mastery (leads to
formative Group the students into Group the students into
assessment) four. Let them do the task four.
No. 4 where they will Work in 10 minutes.
identify the suffix added in
the words they listed while For Group 1 and 2. Give the
watching the video and possible suffix that can be
give the meaning of the added to the words found in
root word and the new the video and identify the
word formed after adding meaning of the new word
the suffix. formed.
Work in 10 minutes.
Root Root Suffi Meanin
word word x g of
Root Root Meaning meani adde the
word word of the ng d word
meanin word suffix
g with
suffix A
Some of the words from the s that
video: Network
1. Students cted
2. Witnessed and
3. Bullying that
4. Skips work
5. Bullied with
6. Networking other
7. Provided Bully one
8. Effects habitu
9. Consequences ally
10. Responsibility
Provide To
Conseq Somet
uences hing
ns as

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
of a
Effect A
e that
hing is

Group 3 and 4 WHO AM I?

1. I sing for a living. Who am

2. I paint walls, homes and
buildings. Who am I?
3. I like to write novels, short
stories and poems. Who am
4. I love to play guitar. Who
am I?
5. I was assigned to the
reception area of a hotel.
Who am I?

G. Finding Pair-Work: Pair-Work: Sometimes as

practical you talk to your teacher,
applications of With your partner, create a especially this session, you
concepts and dialogue about your stand in mentioned words with
skills in daily the SOGIE bill using words suffixes. Write them down,
living with suffixes. Underline the identify their root words and
suffix and encircle the root give their meaning after
word. adding a suffix. Use the table
Accomplish the table below below. Each pair should
after creating the dialogue. provide minimum of 5 words
R Root Su Mea in 5 minutes.
o word ffix nin Ro Root Suff Mean
ot meani ad g of ot word ix ing
w ng de the wo meaning add of
or d wor rd ed the
d d word
with with
suff suffi
ix x

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
H. Making HELP ME BUDDY: Students will find a partner, they will
Generalizations answer these questions and share their ideas to the
and Abstractions class. (ask at least three pairs to do this activity)
about the Lesson
1. What is a suffix?
2. What are examples of suffix and its meaning?
3. What happens to a word when suffix was added?
4.How do you identify the issue presented in the video?

I. Evaluating Video can be viewed in this 1. Let the students watched

Learning site: the video that talks about Extra Judicial Killing. Let
=I4WshJyi3X4 them identify the suffix
1. Using the Video that talks added to the words taken
about Extra Judicial Killing, from the speech and explain
Let the students list down 10 the meaning of root word
words with suffixes and let through structural analysis.
them explain the meaning of
root word through structural 1.Killings
analysis. 2.Issues
Root Suffix Root 5.Controversies
word added word 6.Corruption
meaning 7.Banded

2. What is the video all

about? / What is the issue
presented by the speaker?
2. Identify the issue being
presented in the video.

J. Additional
Activities for
Application or

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why did
these work
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovations or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 3 Day: 3

A.Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving one’s
personal conflicts through using strategies in linking, textual
information, repairing or enhancing communication, and
crafting formal/informal word definitions; the ethics and
strategies of public speaking; and using of emphasis
markers in persuasive texts.

B.Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering

Standards a persuasive speech based on an informative essay
featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making ,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behaviour.

C.Learning Differentiate facts from opinion. ENRC-IIIc-2.13

Competencies/O Share ideas using opinion-marking signals EN8RC-IIIc-10
bjectives Use modals appropriately EN8G-IIIC-3.6
II. CONTENT Facts and opinions
Opinion-marking signal.
Modals (possibility)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages Science Links Worktext for Scientific and
Technological Literacy for grade 7
Madriaga, Estrellita A.

English Expressways Textbook for Second Year

Bermudez Virginia F. Ed. D.

4. Additional Mathematics 8 Learners Module

Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing previous Motivation: Say something about this photo. Write
lesson or presenting your answer in complete sentence. Write your answer
the new lesson in the coloured paper provided.





B. Establishing a TASK 1-FINDING TASK 1-Classifyng

Purpose for the Lesson COMMONALITIES Facts and Opinions.

Divide the class into two (Students should post

groups. their answer on the
Each group will pick board.)
sentences which has
commonalities. (Students Classify the sentences by
should post their answer answering this questions:
on the board.)
Group 1: Which among
Answer the question: these sentences can be

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
What do the sentences
have in common? Group 2: Which among
these sentences include
(Teacher can add follow- feelings?
up questions)
What do you call these
What do you call these sentences that can be
sentences that can be proven?
What do you call these
What do you call these sentences that includes
sentences that includes feelings?
Who among you can
Who among you can define fact and
define fact and opinion? opinion?

FACT- is a statement that FACT- is a statement that

can be proven by can be proven by
objective evidence. objective evidence.
Evidence is not subject Evidence is not subject
for interpretation. It can for interpretation. It can
be proven by physical be proven by physical
proof or witness proof or witness
testimony. testimony.

OPINION- an opinion is a OPINION- an opinion is a

personal belief or personal belief or
judgement that is judgement that is
subjective. It cannot be subjective. It cannot be
measured or quantified. measured or quantified.
There may be emotions There may be emotions
involved. The statement is involved. The statement
open to question or is open to question or
debate. Opinion debate. Opinion
statements uses value statements uses value
words, these words words, these words
subjectively evaluate or subjectively evaluate or
interpret reality. interpret reality.

C. Presenting (Sentences should be (Sentences should be

examples/ instances of written on strips of paper written on strips of paper
the new lesson and teacher can use two and teacher can use two
glasses.) glasses.)

Which of the following Which of the following

sentences states a fact sentences states a fact
and an opinion? Identify and an opinion? Identify
and group the statements and group the statements

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
by dropping it into the by dropping it into the
barrel. barrel.

1. Frogs are 1. Frogs are

amphibians. amphibians.
2. Wild frog is delicious. 2. Wild frog is delicious.
3. Kittens are huggable 3. Kittens are huggable
than puppies. than puppies.
4 .Bats are nocturnal. 4. Bats are nocturnal.
5. Polar bears needs fat 5. Polar bears are more
to stay warm. friendly than human.


Which among these

FACTS OPINION sentences is a fact and
which among them is an

Which among these What words do you think

sentences state a fact makes the statement a
and which among them is fact/opinion?
an opinion?

If it is a fact, how it can be

you prove that it is fact?

What words do you think

make the statement a

D. Discussing new You can identify facts from opinion by Looking for
concepts and signal words. Here are some opinion and fact
practicing new skills sentence starters.

Based from the given definition of the words,

classify the signal words.
 According to the results
 Scientists discovered
 I feel
 I prefer
 I Think
 Doctors confirmed
 The Investigation demonstrated
 I know
 I believe
 In my opinion
 The best thing about

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
 Everyone should
 The worst thing about

OPINION sentence Starters FACT Sentence Starters

I Think According to the results

I prefer Scientists discovered

I feel Doctors confirmed

I know The Investigation

I believe
In my opinion
The best thing about
Everyone should
The worst thing about

Task 1- Group activity

Today we are going to use in sentences one of the
signal words/phrase in stating an opinion, the phrase
“I think”.

Use the phrase “I think” in

stating your opinion about
this picture. Write sentences
as many as you can in 2
minutes. The group with
highest number of correct
sentences wins.
E. Discussing New
Concepts and 1. The clouds are black. May- is more formal and
Practicing New Skills 2. Stratus cloud is one kind is often found in writing.
#2 of clouds. It is used to express
what is possible, factual,
or could be factual.
For some instances, using
might and may makes the Might- is less formal
sentence opinion than may, and is more
What are the modals used common in
in expressing possibility?- conversation. It is used
Might and May to express what is
2.Give the similarities and counterfactual or
differences of the two remotely possible.
Using the definition of
the two words that
expresses possibility, fill

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the blanks with the
correct modal.

1. If you hurry,
you get there on
Both expresses time.
possibility in
the present
2. If I perform well,I
and future. kept my job.
3. He lose his job.
4. I have dessert
Might/May- expresses after dinner.
5. If I win the lottery, I
possibility in the present or
future. buy a Ferrari.

May- is more formal and is

often found in writing. It is
used to express what is
possible, factual, or could
be factual.

Might- is less formal than

may, and is more common
in conversation. It is used
to express what is
counterfactual or remotely

3. Give opinionated
sentences that express
F. Developing mastery Task 2 Task 2
(leads to formative By group. Write fact and By group. Write a fact
assessment) opinion statements in and opinion statement
doing the activity. for each topic.

Group 1. –The
Group 1. The Script Scientists
1. Birds
Make a script of a debate Fact:
about same sex marriage Opinion:

Group 2. The Guidance 2. Cockroach

Counsellor Fact:
Write an advice to your
best friend who wants to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
abort her baby. 3. Snakes
Group 3. The Guest Opinion:
Make a dialogue about 4. Bats
bullying and its effect. Fact:


Group 2. –The

1. Ferdinand Magellan

2. Philippines

3. Luzon

4. Filipino

5. Dr. Jose P. Rizal


Group 3.-The

1. Mathematics

2. Pi

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. Finding area of

4. Polynomials


G. Finding practical Using factual, Cite 5 situations that

applications of opinionated statements, you can use
concepts and skills in the phrase I think and the opinionated and
daily living modals that express factual sentences. (The
possibility: teacher can ask
students opinion and
factual statements on
A. Give an advice to your the given situations.)
best friend who wants to
abort her baby.

B. Perform a debate about

same sex marriage

C. Perform a dialogue
about bullying and its

H. Making Say something about Let Me Know! -

Generalizations and this hashtag! Students will give their
Abstractions about the significant learning in
Lesson Students will pick one the lesson.
hashtag and give their
insights about this topic. 1. What is your most
significant learning in
#opinionated statements this session?
#factual sentences 2. How can you use it in
# “I Think” your daily living?
# might
# may

I. Evaluating Learning Answer the following Answer the following

questions in ½ sheet of questions in ½ sheet
paper. of paper.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Identify each sentence if I. Group the
it is a fact or opinion. statements by
differentiating factual
1. If a black cat and opinionated
crosses your path, it statements.
is a bad luck.
2.Philippines is found 1. Tigers are carnivorous.
in South East Asia. 2. Mathematics is one of
3.The Philippines the subjects in K-12
were claimed in the Curriculum.
name of Spain in 3. Mother Theresa is the
1521 by Ferdinand kindest person on
Magellan. earth.
4. It is more fun in the 4. Blue is one of the
Philippines. primary colours.
5.Philippines consists 5. Negrito is the bravest
of about 7,100 ethnic group in the
islands and islets. Philippine
2. Make 5 sentences using
the sentence starter “I II. Share your ideas
Think” in presenting your about bullying
opinion about the SOGIE using the sentence
bill. starter “I Think”.

4.-5. Construct sentences III. Use the modals that

using might and may. express possibility in

J. Additional Activities Read about primary and secondary sources and its
for Application or example.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did
I used/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 3 Day: 4

A.Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving one’s
personal conflicts through using strategies in linking, textual
information, repairing or enhancing communication, and
crafting formal/informal word definitions; the ethics and
strategies of public speaking; and using of emphasis markers
in persuasive texts.

B.Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a

Standards persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and

C.Learning Expand the content of an outline using notes from primary

Competencies/ and secondary sources- EN8WC-IIIc-1.1.6
II. CONTENT Expanding the content of an outline using notes from primary
and secondary sources
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


A. Reviewing
previous lesson Group the class into Group the class into two. In
or presenting the two. In every activity, every activity, record group’s
new lesson record group’s score score on the board to
on the board to motivate the groups.
motivate the groups.
Motivation. GUESS ME! What
Motivation. What comes do these words have in
into your mind when you common? Write your answers in
hear the word source? a strip of paper.
Write your answers in a
strip of paper. Speeches Magazines

Interviews Handbooks

Conversations Videos

SOURCE Encyclopaedia Dictionaries

Recordings Textbooks

YouTube Google

GUESS ME!- Activity

#1. Classify the following Complete the sentence by giving
sources of information
the missing letter:
according to its kind.

Speeches Magazines The words written in the box are

examples of S_U_CE.
Interviews Handbooks
What comes into your mind
Conversations Videos when you hear the word source?
Encyclopedia Dictionaries

Recordings Textbooks

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

B. Establishing a Why did you classify it as What is a source?

Purpose for the primary and secondary
Lesson sources?

C. Presenting Guess Me!-Activity #2- Guess Me! -Activity #2

examples/ The teacher asks these
instances of the questions. 1. You, want a first-hand
new lesson information about how it feels
1. You want a first-hand being bullied, what will you do to
information about how it get the answer to your query?
feels being bullied, what
will you do to get the a. conduct an interview
answer to your query? b. read a magazine
(Ans.: conduct an c. watch television
2. Your assignment is to list
2. Your assignment is to down the effects of drugs in
list down the effects of human body, where will you get
drugs in human body, the information?
where will you get the
information? a. newspaper
(Ans.: Science/Health b. interview
Book) c. textbooks
d. Diary
SAY: An interview is an
example of primary
source and
Science/Health book is
an example of
secondary source.
D. Discussing Let the students give the Let the students give the
new concepts meaning of primary and meaning and the example of
and practicing secondary sources and primary and secondary sources.
new skills its examples. Students Students should fill the blanks
should fill the table with and the table with correct words.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the correct information Group with highest number of
from the given choices. correct answer wins.
Group with highest
number of correct answer are materials that the
wins. eyewitness accounts or as close
to the original sources as
(Teacher may disarrange possible.- PRIMARY SOURCE
the information to make
the activity challenging.) are interpretation and
analyses of the first-hand
CHOICES: information.- SECONDARY
These are materials
that the eyewitness Emails, Blogs, Twitter
accounts or as close to Feeds, Images, Videos,
the original sources as Maps, Government
possible.- PRIMARY Documents, Court
SOURCE Decisions, Polls,
Newspaper, Handbooks,
These are interpretation Dictionaries,
and analyses of the Documentaries,
first-hand information.- Newspaper, textbooks

Speeches, Interviews, PRIMARY SOURCE

Conversations, EXAMPLES
Autobiographies, 1. Speeches
Memoirs, Personal 2. Interview
Journals, Diaries,
3. Conversations,
Letters, Emails, Blogs,
Twitter Feeds, Images, 4. Autobiographies
Videos, Maps, 5. Memoirs
Government 6. Personal Journals,
Documents, Court 7. Diaries,
Decisions, Polls, 8. Letters
Newspaper 9.
Biography, Scholarly 11.
Journal Articles,
Magazines, Reports,
Handbooks, 14.
Dictionaries, 15.
Documentaries, 16.
Newspaper, textbooks 17.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Primary Secondary SECONDARY SOURCE
Source Source EXAMPLES
1. Biography,
2. Scholarly Journal
3. Magazines
4. Reports
5. Encyclopaedia
E. Discussing Let the students give the possible sources of
New Concepts information in expanding the topic below. Give the
and Practicing hand-outs and let the students provide the information
New Skills #2 needed in the outline lifted from the source.


I. Introduction
A. Child Abuse Meaning
B. Forms of child Abuse
C. Signs and Symptoms
II. Short and Long Term Effects
A. Short term effects to the abused child
B. Long term effects of the abuse child
III. Preventions
A. Personal Experiences
B. Ways to avoid being abused/ Why should stop child

F. Developing Group Challenge- Determine the possible

mastery (leads to Expand the topic using sources of information in
formative primary and secondary expanding the following
assessment) sources. topic.

Mobile Game Addiction Be a friend, not a bully!

I. Introduction I. Introduction
A. Game Addiction A. Bullying meaning
meaning B. Republic Act 10627
B. Common
Games Played by II. Causes
Students A.Family Orientation
B.Early childhood
II. Signs and Symptoms experiences
of Mobile Game

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
III. Effects III. Psychological Effects
A. Loss of A. Self-Esteem
productivity Deterioration
B. Sleep Problems B. Suicide
C. Out of Control
D. Poor Hygiene

G. Finding Pair work:

applications of After determining the possible sources of information,
concepts and students will now expand the topic by group. (15-20
skills in daily minutes).

Be a friend, not a bully!

I. Introduction
A. Bullying meaning

II. Causes
A. Family Orientation
B. Early childhood experiences

III. Psychological Effects

A. Self-Esteem Deterioration
B. Suicide

H. Making GIVE ME ONE- Students will I. Identify whether the

Generalizations give a single information source is primary or
and Abstractions about the topic being asked secondary.
about the Lesson
1. What is primary and 1.Speeches
secondary sources? 2.Interviews
2. Give examples of primary
and secondary sources.
3. What is the role of primary 6.Memoirs
and secondary sources in 7.Personal Journals,
expanding our topics? 8.Diaries
10. Magazines

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
II. How can we identify a
primary and
secondary source?
How can it help in
expanding an outline

I. Evaluating ON MY OWN- Expand the topic using primary and

Learning secondary sources.

Causes and Effects of Tardiness

I. Introduction
A. Tardiness meaning
B. No. of Students who are habitually tardy

II. Common Causes

A. Location
B. Poor time Management
C. Accepting Adult Responsibility

III. Effects
A. Lack of Interest
B. Low School Performance
C. Low Self-Esteem
D. Dropping from School

J. Additional Expand the topic:

Activities for
Application or Why we should avoid Alcohol
I. Introduction
A. Alcohol meaning and chemical component

II. Psychological Effects

A. Mental Impairment
B. Mental Addiction

III. Physical Effects

A. Liver Disease
B. Alcohol poisoning

IV. Economic and Social Effects

A. Cost of alcohol and its effect economically
B. Social behaviour of a drunk person


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why did
these work
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovations or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 3 Day: 5

A.Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world
Standards literature serves as a way of expressing and resolving one’s
personal conflicts through using strategies in linking, textual
information, repairing or enhancing communication, and
crafting formal/informal word definitions; the ethics and
strategies of public speaking; and using of emphasis
markers in persuasive texts.
B.Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering
Standards a persuasive speech based on an informative essay
featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making ,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behaviour.
C.Learning EN8OL-IIIc-5: Observe the use of correct stress, pitch, and
Competencies/ juncture when delivering a persuasive speech
Employ different listening strategies suited to the topic,
purpose, and difficulty of the listening text. -EN8LC-IIIc-7:

II. CONTENT Use of correct stress, pitch, and juncture when delivering a persuasive
Different listening strategies
A. References
Guide pages
Material pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing Group 1 and 2: Let the
previous lesson or students read the sentence I. Call students to read the
presenting the written on a strip of paper sentence written on a strip
new lesson and give the possible of paper and let them
meaning. explain its meaning.


DOCTOR IS PREGNANT. How does the sentence
give you different meaning?
(Students give their answers)
What do you call with the
What causes the meaning pause when you read?
to change?
II. Write your ideas about
the word juncture on the
paper provided.
II. Write your ideas about
the word juncture on the
paper provided.



B. Establishing a III. Define the word

Purpose for the juncture based from the III. What is being defined?
Lesson given words.
It refers to a break between
one spoken word and
another. --JUNCTURE

C. Presenting Let the student read the Let the student read the
examples/ sentence. Give the sentence.
instances of the meaning of the two
new lesson sentences. 1. The principal/ said the
teacher is incompetent.
1. The principal/ said the
teacher is incompetent. What does this sentence
2. The principal/ said the
teacher/ is incompetent. 2. The principal/ said the
teacher/ is incompetent.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Answers: How about sentence
1. The principal/ said the number 2?
teacher is incompetent.

2. The principal/ said the What does the single bar

teacher/ is incompetent. indicates as used in the
What does the single bar What does the double bar
indicate as used in the indicates as used in the
sentence? sentences?
What does the double bar
indicate as used in the Answer:
sentences? 1. Single bar juncture- It
indicates the need for a
Answer: slight pause between two
1. Single bar juncture- It thought groups in a
indicates the need for a slight sentence.
pause between two thought 2. Double bar juncture-
groups in a sentence. indicates the need for a
2. Double bar juncture- longer pause between two
indicates the need for a thought groups in a
longer pause between two sentence.
thought groups in a
sentence. NOTE:
If the sentence consists
NOTE: only one thought group,
If the sentence consists juncture is no longer
only one thought group, needed.
juncture is no longer

D. Discussing new Let the students watch a Let the students watch a
concepts and persuasive speech video sample video about Extra
practicing new about Extra Judicial Judicial Killing. Ask these
skills Killing. Ask these questions before and
questions before and after after viewing.
viewing. (See attached Video
(See attached Video h?v=I4WshJyi3X4)

1. What is the issue being 1. What is the issue being

presented by the speaker? presented by the speaker?

2. What is his purpose in 2. Why do you think the

delivering his speech? speaker tackles about this
3. What kind of speech did
the speaker delivers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
4. What is the importance of 3 .How the speaker
employing correct juncture in presents his discussion
delivering a persuasive about the topic?
4. What do you call of the
speech which aims to
A persuasive speech is
persuade or convince a
given for the purpose of reader?
persuading the audience to
A persuasive speech is
feel a certain way, to take a given for the purpose of
certain action, or to support a persuading the audience to
feel a certain way, to take a
specific view or cause. certain action, or to support
Notice that the purpose of a specific view or cause.
Notice that the purpose of
a persuasive speech is a persuasive speech is
similar to the purpose for similar to the purpose for
writing an argumentative or
writing an argumentative or persuasive essay. The
persuasive essay. The organizational structure and
type of information in
organizational structure and a persuasive
type of information in speech would be similar to
that in an persuasive essay
a persuasive speech would
be similar to that in a 5. What is the importance
of juncture in delivering a
persuasive essay.
persuasive speech?

5. What is the importance

of juncture in delivering a
persuasive speech?

E. Discussing New
Concepts and A while ago, you watched the video about EJK and you also
Practicing New listen attentively. Why do we need to listen attentively?
Skills #2 What are the different listening strategies?

Discuss the different listening strategies. Remind students

to listen attentively because they are going to cite some
situation and example where they can use the listening

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Before-Listening Strategies

1. Connect
Help yourself better understand a listening assignment by
thinking of things you already know about a topic. This
helps your mind build connections between what you know
and new information you will hear.

2. Predict
Make guesses about what you may learn as you listen.
Guessing helps your brain focus on the assignment. It
doesn’t matter if your guesses are right or wrong.

3. Talk About New Words

If there is a list of preselected vocabulary words from the
assignment, go through the list and think about what you
know about them. If you don’t know the words, talk about
them with a friend or use a free audio dictionary.

During-Listening Strategies

4. Listen for Answers

As you listen, be listening for answers to questions you
have. To identify questions to ask, preview activities you
need to complete after you listen or turn the title of an
assignment into a question

5. Take Notes
Write notes that help you remember ideas. Outlining and
layering information is always a good idea, but try other
imaginative ways of taking notes: Use connected circles
and shapes, create a chart, or draw a map. Use
abbreviations and symbols that help you keep up with the
speaker’s rate of speech.

6. Re-listen/Find a Fix
When you get bored or when ideas are hard, you need to
find a way to get back on track. The best way to fix things is
to re-listen. You don’t have to wait until the end to re-listen.
Sometimes a quick backtracking and re-listening to a line
or two can quickly clear up confusion. This is especially
important at the beginning of an audio assignment. If you
can’t re-listen, shift to a different listening strategy that
helps you regain your focus.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
After-Listening Strategies

7. Respond
What do you agree and disagree with? What parts do you
like best? What parts are confusing? Use symbols, such an
exclamation mark (!) before an idea you like or an “X” next
to something you disagree with, that help you quickly write
your reactions so you won’t forget them.

8. Summarize
Read your lecture notes several times before and after
class all week. In your head, summarize what the
assignment was about and test yourself on your notes.
Occasionally, you will be asked to write a formal summary.
You will read your summary aloud or make a recording of

9. Extend
Read and listen to other sources for more information about
the topic. Learning more information makes a topic more
meaningful and interesting, especially if you share these
ideas with others.

By Group: Give examples/ situations that we can use

these strategies.
F. Developing I. This time, watch again I. When your teacher asked
mastery (leads to the video and summarize you to watch a video about
formative its content using the Extra Judicial Killing and
assessment) different listening you have to answer these
strategies. Observe the questions, what kind of
use of juncture in listening strategy you need
presenting ideas. to use?

1. What is the issue being

presented by the speaker?

2. What is his purpose in

delivering his speech?

II. Read and employ correct

use of juncture by placing
bar junctures in the
persuasive speech.

As a student, I think we
should have our own lockers.
Having lockers in our rooms

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
will minimize stealing cases
and it would create a safe
place for student’s valuable
properties like cellular phones,
money and others. If you want
to have a safe place for your
valuables, ask lockers to your
principal, anyway the budget
can be slashed to
Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses.
G. Finding Peer Challenge: Let’s Do Peer Challenge: Let’s
practical It! Make a dialogue on Practice!
applications of this particular situation:
concepts and I. Read and employ correct
skills in daily I. You are doing your juncture in delivering the
living homework and your dialogue.
mother wants you to run
for an errand. (Make a Situation: You are busy
persuasive response in playing Mobile legend and
refusing her errand.) your mother wants you to run
Employ correct use of for an errand.
juncture in delivering your
response. Mother: James, please buy
me one galloon of
dishwashing liquid, five kilos
of rice, three litres of soy
sauce and vinegar and 500 ml
of muriatic acid. Do it now! I
need those things

James: Mommy, I am still

busy attacking my opponents.
If I won, I’ll be on the highest
rank of this game. I’ll be a
mythic player ma! It can’t be
paused. I will wait for another
day to attack again. Mommy, I
will do the errands later.
Please. I will also help you in
cooking our dinner.

II. In what particular situations

can we use our learnings
about listening strategies?
Give examples.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
H. Making SAY something about Let students to answer
Generalizations ME! - Students will pick a these questions
and Abstractions strip of paper containing .
about the Lesson the words and their task
is to say something What do I learn today?
about the word. How can I use it in daily
Persuasive speech
Single juncture bar
Double juncture bar
Listening strategies

I. Evaluating Students will present a persuasive speech using

Learning correct juncture. (Present the rubrics for the

Bullies Are Criminal

(An excerpt
Mikayla Student
Mrs. Arnold
Language Arts, Period 3
19 January 2011)

In short, bullying needs to stop! Bullying is a criminal act.

Bullies harass, make threats, terrorize, and use verbal and
physical abuse on their victims. We need to stand up to
bullies and not let them strip us of our self-esteem. Bullies
must face the consequences of their actions with either
therapy or some version of criminal punishment. Maybe if
we take a group of bullies to visit a jail to show them how
rough their life could turn out, they may rethink their
behaviour. Please sign my petition asking the principal to
arrange such an outing

J. Additional
Activities for
Application or


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why did
these work
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 4 Day: 1

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian
Literature as a mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies
in processing textual information; strategies in examining
A. Content features of a listening and viewing material; structural
Standard analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and

The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a

persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources,
B. Performance
grammatical signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and

EN8V-IIId-25: Use appropriate strategies for unlocking

C. Learning
unfamiliar words.
Objectives EN8RC-IIId-12: Utilize coping reading strategies to process
. information in a text.
Reading Strategies (The Century Wood Carver –
Indonesian Short Story)
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
lesson or minutes) minutes)
presenting the TASK 1. IT’S WORD A TASK 1. PICTURE
new lesson WHILE! PERFECT!
Find the correct meaning of Find the correct meaning of
the underlined words through the underlined words
the surrounding words and through the surrounding
picture below each sentence. words and picture below
Choose your answer from the each sentence.
choices given.

1. He detected a strange
smell coming from the
direction of the door, an 1. He detected a strange
aroma of dry leaves and smell coming from the
damp wood. direction of the door, an
a. sniff aroma of dry leaves and
b. smell damp wood.
c. snout

2. The smell made him feel

2. The smell made him feel so so agitated.

a. troubled
b. angry 3. Kopag’s voice was tense
c. peaceful and his thoughts are in a

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. Kopag’s voice was tense 4. Her screech was enough
and his thoughts are in a to blunt his chiselling
muddle. knives.

5. It was such an onerous

thing, so unsettling when
a. confusion his body began to need of
b. indecision another to feast upon.
c. dismay

4. Her screech was enough

to blunt his chiselling knives.

a. big mouth
b. husband
c. loud voice

5. It was such an onerous

thing, so unsettling when his
body began to need of
another to feast upon.

a. exciting
b. applausive
c. difficult

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing a (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose for the The teacher presents a map The teacher presents a map
lesson of Indonesia and let them of Indonesia and let them
guess what country it is. Also, guess what country it is.
a short geographical Also, a short geographical
background of the country is background of the country
to be presented. is to be presented.

(See attached file) (See attached file)

Motivation Motivation
Ask: What is beauty to you? Ask: What is beauty to you?

Motive Question: What is Motive Question: What is

Kopag’s definition of a Kopag’s definition of a
beautiful woman? beautiful woman?

Note to the teacher: Please Note to the teacher: Please

present the short biography of present the short biography
Indonesia in bulleted format to of Indonesia in bulleted
minimize the time. format to minimize the time.

C. Presenting READ ME ALOUD. Students READ ME ALOUD.

examples/Insta are to be divided into five Students are to be divided
nces of the groups and each will be given into five groups and each
new lesson a copy of the part of the short will be given a copy of the
story, The Century Carver by part of the short story, The
Oka Rusmini, assigned to Century Carver by Oka
their group. (15 minutes) Rusmini, assigned to their
group. (15 minutes)
(See attached file)
(See attached file)
Note to the teacher: The short
story definition and the Note to the teacher: The
author’s life are presented in short story definition and
paragraph form. You can the author’s life are
shorten it by picking out the presented in paragraph
important details and form. You can shorten it by
presenting them in bulleted picking out the important
format. You may also give the details and presenting them
copy a day before the conduct in bulleted format. You may
of the lesson for an advanced also give the copy a day
reading. before the conduct of the
lesson for an advanced

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing
and practicing TEXT. TEXT.
new skills # 1 TASK 2. LIT’Z LINE UP. (5 TASK 2. THE BEAUTY
minutes) AND BRAINS. (10 minutes)

Answer the following Answer the following

comprehension questions: comprehension questions:

1. What is Kopag’s definition 1. What is Kopag’s

of a beautiful woman? definition of a beautiful
a. A beautiful woman means a woman?
beautiful face and body
b. A beautiful woman means 2. Which of the following is
having a lot of money the correct set of important
c. A beautiful woman means characters in the short
having a beautiful heart and story?
3. How would you describe
2. Which of the following is the the main character, Kopag?
correct set of important
characters in the short story? 4. How did he survive
a. Kopag, Gubreg, Srenggi, from his life’s greatest
Jero Melati challenge?
b. Kopag, Gubreg, Srenggi
c. Kopag, Gubreg, Kopag’s 5. How would you describe
brother Gubreg?

3. How would you describe 6. What are the

the main character, Kopag? characteristics of Kopag’s
a. a rich man but blind sister-in-law?
b. a rich blind man who sees
beauty according to attitude 7. How did Kopag describe
c. a blind man carving woods Srenggi?

4. How did he survive from his

life’s greatest challenge?
a. Kopag asked help from his Note for the Teacher:
brother. Comprehension check will
b.Kopag used his talent be in a form of a quiz bee.
to make his life easier Using the same groupings,
and comfortable. each group will be provided
c. Kopag used his assistant to seven pieces of paper and
help him all the time. a marker. The teacher will
ask the question and the
5. How would you describe students will answer.
Gubreg? Answers should be in one
a. He is an old man who sentence only.
served Kopag.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
b. He is Kopag’s trusted
c. He is Kopag’s assistant
who sees beauty through
physical appearance.

6. What are the characteristics

of Kopag’s sister-in-law?
a. Jero Merlati is kind-hearted.
b. Jero Merlati treats Kopag
like her own brother.
c. Jero Merlati is a beautiful
woman with bad attitude.
(See attached file for the
7. How did Kopag describe acceptable answers)
a. Srenggi is the most
beautiful woman because she
is kind and loyal.
b. Srenggi is the ugliest
woman in their town.
c. Srenggi is their family

Note for the Teacher:

Comprehension check will be
in a form of a game. Letters
‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ will be held by
three students. The remaining
students will play as the
players. Each question and
choices will be read by the
teacher and the students will
line up to the letter of their
choice. Students who will be
eliminated will go back to their
seats. In case of everyone
getting eliminated, all students
shall again join the
comprehension check.

(Answers are on the attached

E. Discussing The Seven Effective The Seven Effective
new concepts Reading Strategies by Reading Strategies by
and practicing Elaine K. McEwan Elaine K. McEwan
new skills # 2 (3 minutes) (3 minutes)
(See attached file) (See attached file)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. Developing
(leads to minutes) minutes)
Assessment 3) Using the same groupings, Using the same groupings,
each group is expected to do each group is expected to
the following: do the following:


Use the image of the flower to Use the image of the flower
write down the remaining to write down the
characteristics of the main characteristics of the main
character in the short story. character in the short story.


supply the missing information able to supply the missing
in the diagram given. One information in the diagram
blank space has been given.
Group 3. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS. Pick out the
EVENTS. Fill out the blanks important details or events
by picking up important that happened in the short
events in the story to story to complete a short
complete the summary summary of the text read.
Group 4. OUR FIELD TRIP. Be able to supply what is
Be able to supply what is being asked for in the
being asked for in the missing diagram.
parts of the diagram.
Group 5. THE WOOD
Group 5. THE WOOD CARVER. Using the image
CARVER. Using the image of of the man, list down the
the man, list down the differences between the two
differences between the two women in the short story, Ni
women in the short story, Ni Luh Putu Sari and Srenggi
Luh Putu Sari and Srenggi according to Kopag’s
according to Kopag’s description of a woman.
description of a woman. The
first characteristics of each
have already been given.

Note for the Teacher: For the

average learners, some
answers are already provided.
(See attached file for the
(See attached file for the different graphic organizers)
different graphic organizers)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
G. Finding (5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
practical Ask:
application of 1. Do you know of a man or
1. Do you know of a man or
concepts and woman from your own place
woman from your own place
skills in daily who is living the same fate
who is living the same fate as
living as Kopag, blind but
Kopag, blind but talented?
talented? How is he/she
How is he/she coping with
coping with life’s
life’s challenges?
2. Do you know of a woman
2. Do you know of a woman
who is like Srenggi, not so
who is like Srenggi, not so
beautiful in appearance but
beautiful in appearance but
with a beautiful heart?
with a beautiful heart?
Describe her.
Describe her.
3. Do you know of a woman
3. Do you know of a woman
who is like Ni Luh Putu
who is like Ni Luh Putu
Sari, beautiful but with an
Sari, beautiful but with an
ugly heart? Describe her.
heart? Describe her.
generalizations (5 minutes) CHANGE. (5 minutes)
and Using the spider diagram, be Change someone’s view of
abstractions able to web out the different beauty by completing the
about the reading strategies to process chart - giving your opinion
lesson information in a text. to the different questions.

What Physic To find

beauty al someo
means appear ne’s
to me? ance beauty,
should it is
not best
be… to…

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I. Evaluating SHORT QUIZ: Choose the SHORT QUIZ: Choose the
learning correct letter of your answer to correct letter of your answer
the following questions: (5 to the following questions:
minutes) (5 minutes)

1. Which of the following is 1. Which of the following is

NOT a reading strategy? NOT a reading strategy?
a. character mapping a. character mapping
b. inferring b. inferring
c. questioning c. questioning

2. True or False. When Ni Luh 2. True or False. When Ni

Putu Sari married a rich man, Luh Putu Sari married a rich
she changed her name. man, she changed her
a. false name.
b. maybe a. false
c. true b. maybe
c. true
3. Which of the following
statements is a good 3. Which of the following
characteristic of Gubreg, statements is a good
Kopag’s loyal assistant? characteristic of Gubreg,
a. He is an inconsiderate Kopag’s loyal assistant?
assistant. a. He is an inconsiderate
b. He is a responsible assistant.
assistant and friend to Kopag. b. He is a responsible
c. He is a loving husband to assistant and friend to
Dayu Centaga. Kopag.
c. He is a loving husband to
4. Her skin feels like bark. The Dayu Centaga.
underlined word means
. 4. Her skin feels like bark.
a. hard The underlined word means
b. rough .
c. brown a. hard
b. rough
5. Why did Kopag choose to c. brown
marry his servant, Srenggi?
a. because Srenggi 5. Why did Kopag choose to
is hardworking marry his servant, Srenggi?
b. because he thinks that she a. because Srenggi
is good is hardworking
c. because Srenggi is his b. because he thinks that
definition of a beautiful woman she is good
although her skin is like a c. because Srenggi is his
bark. definition of a beautiful
woman although her skin
is like a bark.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
J. Additional ASSIGNMENT: Read the ASSIGNMENT: Read the
activities short story that the teacher short story that the teacher
will give you. Then answer will give you. Then answer
the following questions below: the following questions
(2 minutes) below: (2 minutes)

1. What are the difficult words 1. What are the difficult

you find in the story? Find words you find in the story?
each meaning from the Find each meaning from the
dictionary. dictionary and use it on
2. If you were to write your your own sentences.
own ending of the story, 2. If you were to write
what would it be? your own ending of the
story, what would it be?

(See attached file for the copy (See attached file for the
of the short story) copy of the short story)

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 4 Day: 2

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian
Literature as a mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies
in processing textual information; strategies in examining
A. Content features of a listening and viewing material; structural
Standard analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and

The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a

persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources,
B. Performance
grammatical signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and

C. Learning EN8LT-IIId-2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a genre

Competency/ contribute to the theme of a particular literary selection.
Objectives EN8LT-IIId-2.2.4: Explain the figurative language used.

Figures of Speech/Elements of a Short Story (The

II. CONTENT Century Carver)

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials 18 – 20
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

A. Reviewing
previous TASK 1. WHO AM I. (5 TASK 1. CHARACTER
lesson or minutes) CONNECTION. (5 minutes)
presenting the
new lesson As a review on the previously Pictures of several
discussed Indonesian short important characters in the
story entitled The Century story are given. Make
Carver by Oka Rusmini, there connections by stating their
are pictures to be shown and roles on the short story.
the students should be able
to guess who is in the picture
and tell something about

Kopag – the rich blind man

who sees true beauty in one’s

Ni Luh Putu Sari/Jero Melati –

the beautiful sister-in-law of
Kopag with an ugly attitude

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Gubreg – Kopag’s loyal
assistant who sees beauty
through a woman’s physical

Srenggi – Kopag’s loyal

servant. An ugly lady with a
beautiful character and heart.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing a Say: This time let us examine Say: This time let us
purpose for the some of the scenes in the examine some of the
lesson short story, The Century scenes in the short story,
Carver and identify them as to The Century Carver and
what their element is. identify them as to what
their element is.
(5 minutes)
(5 minutes)
students into five. Each group FLASH CARDS. Group the
will be given flash cards with students into five. Each
the following names: group will be given flash
SETTING, CONFLICT, cards with the following
and THEME. The teacher will CONFLICT, CLIMAX,
be posting several statements DENOUEMENT, and
or situation taken from the THEME. The teacher will be
short story, The Century posting several statements
Carver. Each group will raise or situation taken from the
the flash card that shows their short story, The Century
answer. Carver. Each group will
raise the flash card that
Note to the teacher: After this shows their answer.
short activity, be able to
discuss the elements of a Note to the teacher: After
short story briefly. Point out this short activity, be able to
important elements only. discuss the elements of a
short story briefly. Point out
(See attached file for the important elements only.
(See attached file for the

C. Presenting Say: This time, I pick out Say: This time, I pick out
examples/Insta some sentences or dialogues some sentences or
nces of the found in the short story. dialogues found in the short
new lesson Together… story. Together…

(5 minutes) (5 minutes)
OUT. Here are sentences or OUT. Here are sentences
dialogues by the characters or dialogues by the
lifted out from the short story, characters lifted out from
The Century Carver. Let us the short story, The
figure them out by plotting Century Carver. Let us
them to the following figures figure them out by plotting
of speech. them to the following
figures of speech.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Simile Metap Perso Hyper Simil Meta Pers Hype
hor nificati bole e phor onific rbole
on ation

1. The woman’s skin felt like 1. The woman’s skin felt

bark. like bark.
2. The indentations of her 2. The indentations of her
body and face resembled body and face resembled
those in a piece of timber. those in a piece of
3. His wealth evaporated. timber.
4. He is a bloody nuisance! 3. His wealth evaporated.
5. For the first time, the nature 4. He is a bloody nuisance!
had surrendered to his 5. For the first time, the
power. nature had surrendered
to his power.

Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher:

Let the students go to the Let the students go to the
board and paste the board and paste the
sentences to the figures of sentences to the figures of
speech that they think is fitted speech that they think is
for each sentence or fitted for each sentence or
statement. statement.

Questions leading to the Questions leading to the

discussion of Figure of discussion of Figure of
Speech: Speech:

1. What do you think of these 1. What do you think of

sentences? these sentences?

2. What do you think do they 2. What do you think do

mean? they mean?

3. Is it literal? If not, what are 3. Is it literal? If not, what

they? are they?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing Say: Now we proceed to the Say: Now we proceed to the
new concepts discussion of Figure of discussion of Figure of
and practicing Speech used in the short Speech used in the short
new skills # 1 story, The Century Carver. story, The Century Carver.
This figure of speech is used This figure of speech is
in stories in order to make the used in stories in order to
description vivid and make the description vivid
interesting. and interesting.

(15 minutes) (15 minutes)

Figures of Speech
- are words or phrases Figures of Speech
that mean something - are words or
more and are the phrases that mean
opposite of the literal something more and
expression. are the opposite of
1. Simile – a figure of speech the literal
involving the comparison of expression.
one thing with another using 1. Simile – a figure of
‘as’ and ‘like’ speech involving the
comparison of one thing
Example: The woman’s skin with another using ‘as’ and
felt like bark. ‘like’

2. Metaphor – makes an 2. Metaphor – makes an

implicit, implied, or hidden implicit, implied, or hidden
comparison between two comparison between two
things that share common things that share common
characteristics without the use characteristics without the
of ‘as’ and ‘like’. use of ‘as’ and ‘like’.

Example: The indentations of 3. Personification – gives

her body and her face human traits and qualities
resembled those in a piece of such as emotions, desires,
timber. sensations, gestures and
3. Personification – gives
human traits and qualities
such as emotions, desires, 4. Hyperbole –
sensations, gestures and exaggerated statements or
speech. claims not meant to be
taken literally.
Example: For the first time,
nature had surrendered to his Note to the teacher: The
power. discussion should not
include any more examples.
4. Hyperbole – exaggerated After discussion, let the
statements or claims not students re-arrange their
meant to be taken literally. answers into their correct

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
places. Give a short
Example: His wealth explanation on their
evaporated. meanings.

He is a bloody nuisance!

Note to the teacher: After

discussion, let the students re-
arrange their answers into
their correct places. Give a
short explanation on their


new concepts MORE. (5 minutes) MORE. (5 minutes)
and practicing
new skills # 2 Here are some more Here are some more
examples of the different examples of the different
figures of speech. As the figures of speech. As the
teacher flashes the sample teacher flashes the sample
sentence, the students will sentence, the students will
raise their answer. raise their answer.

1. My classmate is as busy as 1. I cried a river when I

a bee. passed the final test.
2. Finally I won the rank battle 2. Finally I won the rank
in ML. I was exhausted I battle in ML. I was
could sleep for a year! exhausted I could sleep
3. Our class is like cats and for a year!
dogs. 3. Education provides
4. My alarm clock shouts at students with the skills
me every morning so I won’t to create and follow their
be late. personal road map
5. Learning is a seed you through life.
plant. Nurture it and it 4. I heard the last slice of
grows. cake calling me.
5. Waiting for my turn to
order a cup of milk tea
is like watching a flower
to bloom.

Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher:

Please prepare cards with the Please prepare cards with
labels of the different figures the labels of the different
of speech discussed. figures of speech
Distribute those to the discussed. Distribute
students. Also, you can let the those to the students.
students translate the figures Also, you
of speech into their own can let the students
translate the figures of

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
dialects for better speech into their own
understanding. dialects for better
F. Developing TASK 4. DO THE FIGURE.
mastery (10 minutes) TASK 4. DO THE FIGURE.
(leads to (10 minutes)
Formative Metaphor:
Assessment 3) My family is my treasured Hyperbole:
gold. This is the best day of my
Directions: Each student will
select one activity among the Directions: Each student will
following tasks according to select one activity among
their interest and skill. the following tasks
according to their interest
1. For Visual Learners – and skill.
Draw an image of your
family showing how 1. For Visual Learners –
important they are to you. Draw an image of you
having the best day of
2. For Bodily – Kinaesthetic your life.
Learners – Make a short
play depicting a beautiful 2. For Bodily –
family and children having Kinaesthetic Learners
good manners. – Make a short play
depicting a student
3. For Musical Learners – enjoying his/her life to
Compose a short song the fullest
that you will dedicate to
your family. 3. For Musical Learners –
Compose a short verse
(See attached file for rubric) describing your best day
in your life.

(See attached file for rubric)

G. Finding
application of (5 minutes) CONTEXT
concepts and (5 minutes)
skills in daily The teacher will be posting
living some of the common figure of The teacher will ask the
speech used at home and in students about common
school. One clap if it’s figures of speech used at
common at home and a round home or in school with the
of applause if it’s common in following
school. situations/questions.
Afterwards, let them identify
Common Figures of Speech the figures of speech used.
at home.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. “Eat your food or the big pot 1. When your mother has
eats you!” - HYPERBOLE finished cooking but
nobody is getting in to
2. “My patience with you is as the dining area to eat.
thin as the thread already.” - - The food is already crying
SIMILE because no one wants to
eat it.
3. “Your parents are the banks
in your family.” – 2. What do you say in
METAPHOR exaggeration when your
teacher gives you a lot of
4. “The food is calling you.
Don’t let it wait.” -
- Oh my goodness! What a
PERSONIFICATION ton of burden!
Common Figures of Speech in
school. 3. What does your mother
1. The teacher is the backbone say when you are asking
of the education system. – for an extra allowance?
METAPHOR - I am not a bank! Earning
money isn’t like pooping.
2. What do you have in
your bag? It weighs a

3. This classroom is like

a jungle! - SIMILE

4. The silence during

examinations is deafening. -

Note to the teacher: You can

let the students translate the
figures of speech into their
own dialects for better


generalizations BUBBLE. (5 minutes) LOUD. (5 minutes)
about the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The stick man on the left side In the cloud balloons, write
wants you to write words or down your guesses about
phrases that made a mark in the lesson and on the
your thought while the stick dialogue balloons, write
man on the right side wants down your learnings in the
you to write down the lesson conducted.
importance of the words or

I. Evaluating SHORT QUIZ: Read each SHORT QUIZ: Read each

learning sentence or question sentence and answer them
carefully. Choose the correct correctly. Use a clean
letter as your answer. (5 answer sheet. (5 minutes)

1. “He was as brave as a

1. “He was as brave as a lion.” What figure of
lion.” What figure of speech speech was used?
was used?
a. simile 2. “The sun opens its
b. metaphor eyes every morning.”
c. hyperbole What figure of speech was
2. “The sun opens its eyes used?
every morning.” What figure
of speech was used? 3. “My parent’s love is
a. simile like a hug I share with my
b. hyperbole teddy bear.” What figure
c. personification of speech was used?
3. “My parent’s love is like
a hug I share with my teddy 4. Which element of a short
bear.” What figure of speech story tells us about the time
was used? and place of the events?
a. metaphor
b. simile 5. “If I can’t eat at
c. personification McDonalds twice a week, I
4. Which element of a short could die!” What figure of
story tells us about the time speech was used?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
and place of the events?
a. conflict
b. setting
c. theme
5. “If I can’t eat at
McDonalds twice a week, I
could die!” What figure of
speech was used?
a. hyperbole
b. metaphor
c. simile
J. Additional ASSIGNMENT: (2 minutes) ASSIGNMENT: (2 minutes)
activities Compose five sentences Compose a five sentence
using the four different figures paragraph using the
of speech discussed. different figures of speech
discussed highlighting
about your favourite

A.No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B.No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of
continue to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E.Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish
share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 4 Day: 3

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian Literature as a mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
A. Content information; strategies in examining features of a
Standard listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
B. Performance
acknowledged information sources,
signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behaviour.
C. Learning EN8VC-IIId-18: Determine the issue and stand
Competency/Ob presented in the material viewed.
EN8LC-IIId-8.2: Judge the relevance and worth of
ideas presented in the text listened to.
II. CONTENT Determining Issue and Stand in a Text
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning
the new lesson minutes) (5 minutes)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
PUZZLE. From the four NOT. Arrange the
pictures given for each jumbled letters in each
item, find the one word that flash cards posted on
best fit their meanings. the board according to
1. slums the meanings below.
2. freedom 1. slums
3. chemical 2. sovereignty
4. culture 3. castration
5. buildings 4. norms
5. infrastructure

(See attached file for the (See attached file for the
task) task)
Note to the teacher: Divide Note to the teacher:
the class into five groups Divide the class into five
before the lesson begins. groups before the
Each group will be lesson begins. Each
answering the task group will be answering
according to their group the task according to
number. These groups will their group number.
also be the same on the These groups will also
different tasks on this be the same on the
lesson. different tasks on this
Below are images of three PRESIDENT. (5
famous presidents who minutes)
are known for their unique Below are images of
way of leadership. Tell the three famous presidents
class who they are and who are known for their
their contributions to solve unique way of
some of the challenges in leadership. Tell the class
their country. who they are and their
contributions to solve
some of the challenges
in their country.


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
_O_ _LD TR_ _



Motivation: What do you

think are the
characteristics of a good

Motive Question: What

are the good RO__I_G_ D_TE
characteristics of _T_
President Joko Widodo?

Motivation: What do
you think are the
characteristics of a good

Motive Question: What

are the good
characteristics of
President Joko Widodo?
B. Establishing a purpose Video Presentation: (10 Video Presentation:
for the lesson minutes) Interview with the (10 minutes) Interview
Indonesian president. with the Indonesian
Please take note of president. Please take
important issues brought note of important issues
up in the interview. brought up in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher:
Before the video Before the video
presentation, it would be presentation, it would be
best to introduce first who best to introduce first
Joko Widodo is. You may who Joko Widodo is.
also cut the video. You may also cut the
(See attached file for Joko video.
Widodo’s short biography (See attached file for
and the interview) Joko Widodo’s short
biography and the
C. Presenting Processing Questions: Processing Questions:
examples/Instances of
the new lesson TASK 3. THE QUESTION TASK 3. THE
Using the same grouping, (10 minutes)
the teacher will present the Using the same
questions in a form of a grouping, the teacher
wheel where all the will present the
questions are written. First, questions in a form of a
spin the wheel. Then wheel where all the
choose from the box the questions are written.
group that will answer the First, spin the wheel.
question. Questions that Then choose from the
were already answered box the group that will
must be taken off the answer the question.
wheel. Questions that were
already answered must
1. What are the good be taken off the wheel.
characteristics of
President Joko Widodo? 1. What are the good
characteristics of
2. What was the President Joko Widodo?
President’s life before he
became the president? 2. What was the
President’s life before he
3. How would you describe became the president?
the President?
3. How would you
4. What are the describe the President?
challenges that he is Cite examples to prove
currently facing in his your ideas.
5. What are his plans on 4. What are the
overcoming those challenges that he is
challenges? currently facing in
his country?
6. What are the major
issues addressed by the 5. What are his plans on

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
President? overcoming those
challenges? Do you
7. What is his stand on the think that his plans are
issues? effective? How?

6. What are the major

Note to the teacher: issues addressed by the
Please prepare a box with President?
numbers 1 – 5, two pieces
each. 7. What is his stand on
the issues?
Note to the teacher:
Please prepare a box
with numbers 1 – 5, two
pieces each.
concepts and A TEXT IN A TEXT
practicing new skills #
1 A social issue is some A social issue is some
problem or concern problem or concern
connected to a larger issue connected to a larger
that affects society in issue that affects society
general. Often, the social in general. Often, the
issues brought forward in social issues brought
fiction reflect contemporary forward in fiction reflect
concerns in the author's contemporary concerns
own world. This type of in the author's own
issue in literature often world. This type of issue
shows up as a theme that in literature often shows
affects the plot and up as a theme that
outcome of the story. affects the plot and
outcome of the story.
A stance/stand in a text is
a person's official opinion A stance/stand in a text
or their "position" about is a person's official
an issue presented. It opinion or their
talks about their "position" about an
agreement or issue presented. It talks
disagreement on the about their agreement or
concerns raised. disagreement on the
(5 minutes) concerns raised.
(5 minutes)
E. Discussing new Issues presented in the Issues presented in
concepts and material viewed: the material viewed:
practicing new skills #
2 1. Death penalty for drug- 1. Death penalty for
related issues. drug-related issues.

2. Chemical castration 2. Chemical castration

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
penalty for paedophilias. penalty for paedophilias.

3. Government’s stand on 3. Government’s stand

the LGBT community. on the LGBT
President Widodo’s
Stance on the Different President Widodo’s
Issues: Stance on the Different
(See attached file for the
answers) (See attached files for
the answers)
F. Developing mastery TASK 3. TAKE A “stand”. TASK 3. CREATE
(leads to Formative (5 minutes) YOUR “stand”. (15
Assessment 3) Using two round cards minutes)
plastered on the floor and The teacher presents an
labelled as: Agree and issue. Each group will
Disagree, the teacher will present it in a creative
present issues and way. The following
students will decide what instructions shall be
their stand is by standing executed by each group.
on the labelled card They should state first
according to their opinion. whether they agree or
disagree to the
- To separate
Senior High Statement/Issue:
School and
Junior High To allow House Bill
School (in No. 3611 or the No
terms of school Homework Policy.
premises) GROUP 1. Skit. Come
- To allow No up with a short situation
Uniform, No ID, that your group will re-
No Proper enact and show your
Haircut Policy: stand to whether you
No Entry agree or disagree with
among students the statement.
of your school.
- To allow 50 GROUP 2. Rap Making.
students or Make a short rap that will
more as a show your stand to
regular whether you agree or
class size. disagree with the
- To allow House statement.
Bill No. 3611 or
GROUP 3. Slogan
the No
Writing. Write a catchy

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Homework and rhyming phrase to
Policy whether you agree or
- To allow the disagree to the
confiscation of statement.
mobile phones
GROUP 4. Song
during class
Composition. Write a
catchy and rhyming
phrase to whether you
agree or disagree to the
GROUP 5. Poster
Making. Draw images
that show your stand to
whether you agree or
disagree with the
(See attached file for the

G. Finding practical TASK 4. YOU SEE ME, TASK 4. YOU SEE ME,
application of concepts EYE SEE YOU. (8 EYE SEE YOU. (5
and skills in daily living minutes) minutes)
Using the comparison Using the comparison
glasses diagram below, glasses diagram below,
be able to list down be able to list down
problems that the problems that the
Philippines is facing which Philippines is facing
are similar to Indonesia which are similar to
issues and stand of the Indonesia issues and
President. stand of the President.

Note to the teacher: In the Note to the teacher: In

attached file given, there the attached file given,
few issues in the there few issues in the
Philippines opposite the Philippines opposite the
President’s response. President’s response.
Using the rubric provided Using the rubric
judge the relevance and provided judge the
worth of ideas presented in

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the response made by the relevance and worth of
president. ideas presented in the
response made by the
H. Making generalizations TASK 5. SUMMARY TASK 5. SUMMARY
and abstractions about CHART. CHART.
the lesson (5 minutes) (2 minutes)
Complete the data on the Complete the data on
chart to come up with a the chart to come up
meaningful learning from with a meaningful
the lesson. learning from the lesson.

Respond whether you

Write a short paragraph
agree or disagree to the
discussing about your
question: “Should our
stand on the following
entertainment industry be
issue: (2 minutes)
focused more on
presenting Korean Pop
I. Evaluating learning singers than Filipino
To allow the Chinese
singers?” Support your
answer by writing a short fishermen to catch fish
paragraph with at least five across the South
sentences. (5 minutes) China Sea.
(See attached rubric)
(See attached rubric)
minutes) minute)
Watch the video once Watch the video once
again. Take note some of again. Take note some
J. Additional activities
the President’s words in of the President’s words
which he had to change in which he had to
his tone, stress, and pitch change his tone, stress,
in speaking. and pitch in speaking.


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 4 Day: 4

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian Literature as a mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a
A. Content Standard
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
B. Performance
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behaviour.
C. Learning
Observe the use of correct stress, pitch, and
juncture when delivering a persuasive speech


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials English Expressways II
3. Textbook pages Pages 64-65, 185,211

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning speech
Differentiated Learning Rubric by Maxine –

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


A. Reviewing previous Pre-Reading Activity: Pre-Reading Activity:
lesson or presenting
the new lesson Unlocking of Unlocking of Difficulties:
Difficulties: TASK I. Find the correct
TASK I. Find the correct meaning of the underlined
meaning of the words through the context
underlined words clues in each sentence.
through the context Choose the letter of the
clues in each sentence. correct answer.

1. The little boy 1. The little boy

implored or implored or begged
begged his his kidnapper to let
kidnapper to let him go.
him go. a. Request someone
2. The country was on to do or not to do
the verge of something
becoming b. Threatened
prosperous and someone to do or
successful. not to do
3. When Sally would something
constantly urge her c. Pray that someone
friends to join her does something
soccer team, her
pleadings grew 2. The country was on
irritating to them. the verge of
4. The ship’s mast, becoming
the tall pole prosperous and
supporting its successful.
sails was bent by
the strong wind. a. impoverished
5. He won the b. rich
people’s trust c. crime-free
through his noble,
generous heart. 3. When Sally would
constantly urge her
friends to join her
soccer team, her

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
pleadings grew
irritating to them.

a. force
b. intimidate
c. encourage

4. The ship’s mast, the

tall pole anchoring
its sails was bent by
the strong wind.
a. A tall post used to
support a ship’s sails
b. A rope that is used
to hold the ship’s
c. A piece of cloth
that holds the ship’s

5. He won the people’s

trust through his
noble, generous

a. heroic
b. showing high moral
c. brave

B. Establishing a purpose MOTIVATION: MOTIVATION:

for the lesson
1. Did you ever 1. Did you ever dream
dream of of becoming a
becoming a country leader
country leader someday? What
someday? What would you do if you
would you do if were a president of
you were a a country?
president of a
country? The teacher tells the
students that they’ll be
The teacher tells the reading a speech of
students that they’ll be President Jokowi Widodo.
reading a speech of While reading, they are to
President Jokowi find the answer to the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Widodo. While reading, question below:
they are to find the
answer to the question Motive Question:
1. What does
Motive Question: President Widodo
want for his
1. What does country, Indonesia?
Widodo want for
his country,
C. Presenting
the new lesson (Do a Round Robin a Round Robin reading)
The students will be
The students will be grouped into four and each
grouped into four and group will be given a copy
each group will be given of the excerpt.
a copy of the excerpt.
(See attachment #1)
(See attachment #1) An excerpt of President
An excerpt of President Jokowi Widodo's speech
Jokowi Widodo's speech at his official swearing-in
at his official swearing-in ceremony on Monday,
ceremony on Monday, October 20, 2014.
October 20, 2014
concepts and TEXT. TEXT.
practicing new skills #

(Note: This will be a (Note: This will be a

contest between the contest between the
groups. The students groups. The students shall
shall be given a marker be given a marker and a
and a piece of cardboard piece of cardboard o
o anything where they anything where they could
could write their answers write their answers to the
to the questions. The questions. The group with
group with the most the most number of correct
number of correct answers/points shall be
answers/points shall be declared as the winner.
declared as the winner.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Ask the following
comprehension questions:
Ask the following
comprehension 1. What does
questions: President Widodo
want for his country,
1. What does Indonesia? (Motive
President Question)
Widodo want for 2. According to him,
his country, who are
Indonesia? responsible in
(Motive building a country?
Question) 3. Through his speech,
2. According to him, what is he trying to
who are make the people of
responsible in Indonesia do for
building a their country?
country? 4. What do you think
3. Through his does he mean by
speech, what is this line:
he trying to make “I urge you all to get
the people of on the ship of the
Indonesia do for Republic of Indonesia
their country? and sail towards
4. What do you Indonesia Raya
think does he (Great Indonesia)”?
mean by this line: 5. What do you think is
“I urge you all to the purpose of Pres.
get on the ship of Widodo in this
the Republic of speech?
Indonesia and sail
towards Indonesia
Raya (Great
5. What do you
think is the
purpose of Pres.
Widodo in this

E. Discussing new Note: The response of Note: The response of the

concepts and the students to question students to question #5
practicing new skills # #5 shall be the cue of shall be the cue of the
2 the teacher to recall their teacher to recall their past
past lessons about lessons about persuasive

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
persuasive speech. speech.

The teacher shall also Ask:

mention that in 1. What is
delivering a persuasive persuasive
speech, some prosodic speech?
features are necessary Answer: A
to be used correctly. persuasive speech
is a specific type
Elicit ideas from the of speech in which
students about stress, the speaker has a
pitch and juncture which goal of convincing
they have also the audience to
previously learned. accept his or her
point of view.
TASK 3: Speak It
Up! (Group Activity) The teacher shall also
After recalling the mention that in delivering a
prosodic features, persuasive speech, some
introduce to them this prosodic features are
activity. necessary to be used
Say the following
phrases/sentences Elicit ideas from the
following correct use of students about stress,
stress, pitch and pitch and juncture which
juncture: they have also previously
1. What do you know
about politics? (stress 1. What is stress?
you) Stress is the
emphasis placed
2. There are lots of on a sound,
candies in the box. syllable, or word
(stress lots) by saying it more
relatively, more
3. I think that is a good loudly and more
idea. (stress that) forcefully.
2. How about pitch?
4. Will you drive to the Pitch refers to how
office tomorrow? (rather high or low a
than the driver) speaker’s voice is.

5. Will you drive to the 3. What is juncture?

office tomorrow? (rather Juncture refers to
than walk) the break between
one spoken word

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
and another, or the
6. It’s my brother who pronunciation
needs it. (rather than I) features that help
recognize the
7. all that I'm after today break
all the time after today distinguishing.

8. made it up
9. slept an hour TASK 3: COPYCAT
10. keep it up (Group Activity)

After recalling the prosodic

features, introduce to
them this activity. Tell the
students that you would
say some sentences and
they should be able to
copy how you said them.

Say the following

following correct use of
stress, pitch and juncture:

1.What do you know

about politics? (stress

2.There are lots of

candies in the box.
(stress lots)

3.I think that is a good

idea. (stress that)

4.Will you drive to the

office tomorrow? (rather
than the driver)

5.Will you drive to the

office tomorrow? (rather
than walk)

6.It’s my brother who

needs it. (rather than I)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
7. all that I'm after today
all the time after today

8. made it up
9. slept an hour
10. keep it up

F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative TASK 4:
Assessment 3) TASK 4:
With the same grouping,
let the students choose With the same grouping,
a particular let the students choose a
line/paragraph in the particular line/paragraph in
excerpt that they would the excerpt that they
like to deliver in front of would like to deliver in
the class. They should front of the class. They
be able to apply the should be able to apply
correct use of stress, the correct use of stress,
pitch and juncture in pitch and juncture in
delivering a persuasive delivering a persuasive
speech. speech.

G. Finding practical
application of concepts TASK 5: Differentiated TASK 5: Differentiated
and skills in daily living Activity Activity

Group 1: The Patriots Group 1: The Patriots

Make a slogan to Make a slogan to convince
convince students in students in your school to
your school to always always attend the flag
attend the flag ceremony.
Group 2: The
Group 2: The Environmentalists
Environmentalists Make an ad-campaign
Make an ad-campaign encouraging people in
encouraging people in your community to
your community to segregate and dispose
segregate and dispose their garbage properly.
their garbage properly.
Group 3: The Singers
Group 3: The Singers Through a song, motivate
Through a song, others to overcome the
motivate others to challenges and problems
overcome the in their lives. You can look
challenges and for a song that has the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
problems in their lives. same message. Be ready
You can make use of a to sing 5 or more lines
song’s melody and write from that song in front of
your own lyrics or look the class.
for a song that has the
same message. Group 4: The Leaders
Pretend that you are
Group 4: The Leaders student leaders. Make a
Pretend that you are tagline of your
student leaders. Make a organization which will
tagline of your encourage students to
organization which will help you in making your
encourage students to school a better place for
help you in making your the students.
school a better place for
the students. (See attachment #2 for the
(See attachment #2 for
the Rubric)
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about (Individual activity):
the lesson Complete the following
statements orally using the
(Individual activity): correct stress, pitch and
Complete the following juncture.
statements orally using
the correct stress, pitch 1. Today, I learned that a
and juncture. persuasive speech
aims to .
1. Today, I learned
that . 2. I realized that the
correct use of stress,
2. I realized that pitch and juncture are
. important in
delivering a
persuasive speech
because .

Using a voice recorder, Using a voice recorder,

say the following say the following
advertisements/sentenc advertisements/sentences.
es. Use the persuasive Use the persuasive tone of
I. Evaluating learning
tone of voice. Make sure voice. Make sure to
to observe the correct observe the correct use of
use of stress, pitch and stress, pitch and juncture
juncture in delivering the in delivering the lines.
lines. (Note: This should be done

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(Note: This should be with their group. The
done with their group. students could make use
The students could of their cell phone’s voice
make use of their cell recorder. The individual
phone’s voice recorder. audio recording should be
The individual audio submitted by the group
recording should be leader.)
submitted by the group
leader.) 1. Look Young. Feel
Young. Renew
1. Look Young. your skin’s
Feel Young. radiance. Call 892-
Renew your S-K-I-N.
skin’s radiance. 2. “Hang on to your
Call 892-S-K-I-N. hat. Hang on to
2. “Hang on to your your hope. And
hat. Hang on to wind the clock, for
your hope. And tomorrow is
wind the clock, another day.”
for tomorrow is – E.B. White
another day.” 3. Reach your goals
– E.B. White with a savings plan
3. Reach your designed by you for
goals with a you.
savings plan
designed by you
for you.
(See attachment #3 for
the Rubric)

Create an “Inspiration
Create an “Inspiration
Wall” where they should
Wall” where they should
post motivating
post motivating
phrases/quotes for their
phrases/quotes for their
teachers in celebration
teachers in celebration of
of the National
the National Teacher’s
J. Additional activities Teacher’s Month.
Encourage students to
Encourage students to
make use of colored
make use of colored paper
paper or other
or other decorative
decorative materials for
materials for their posts.
their posts.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 4 Day: 5

The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Southeast Asian Literature as a mirror to a shared
heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a
A. Content Standard
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
B. Performance
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behaviour.
C. Learning
Use modals appropriately –
1. Modals for logical deduction
Compose an informative essay
- Apply the pointers in writing an informative essay
Modals for Logical Deduction
Writing an Informative Article/Essay
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning
Resource https://2qdocg2za8g336a8w21fo83z-wpengine.netdna-

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


A. Reviewing previous TASK 1: GUESS THE ANSWER. Show the pictures
lesson or presenting below to the students. Tell them that they should
the new lesson make a guess about what the images might be. Ask
the guide questions for each picture. Encourage them
to answer in complete sentences.

(Note: Ask follow-up questions if necessary so that

students would arrive at the expected responses.)

1. What might this image be?

Indonesian Floating Market (View Of Boats Selling


2. What must her job be?

Traditional Ramayana dancer in a temple of Bali

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. Can this food be sweet?

Indonesian dish with satay chicken skewers

4. Could this place be a tourist


Padar Island - The icon of Komodo National Park - Labuan

Bajo in Flores Island- East Nusa Tenggara - Indonesia

B. Establishing a purpose Write the responses of the students on the board.

for the lesson Underline the modals.

Expected responses:

1. They might be boats with vegetables.

2. She must be a dancer.
3. It can’t be sweet. It must be spicy.
4. It could be a tourist attraction.

Ask this question:

 Are you familiar with the underlined words?

 What are they called?
The underlined words in the sentences are
examples of modal auxiliaries, also called modals.

C. Presenting
examples/Instances of The students have already studied about modals so
the new lesson the teacher could just review what they have
previously learned.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Ask the following questions:

 What are modals/modal auxiliaries?

They are a special group because they have
only one form for all persons of the verb, but
they can have several meanings and time frames,
depending on the context in which they are used.

 What types of modals have we

previously talked about/studied?
Modals expressing ability, permission and

D. Discussing new Ask:

concepts and How were you able to answer the questions about the
practicing new skills # pictures earlier?
- Through guessing/deducing

What did you use to express your guess?

- Made use of modals

Tell students that today, you will be talking about

another type of modal.

MODALS – Logical Deduction

“Deduction” means using the information available to

make a guess or draw a conclusion about the facts.


> Must when you > The

(present) are very doctor’s
certain diagnosis
that must be
> Must something right.
+ have is/was
> He must
(past) true
have based
it on the lab
Can + not when you > It can’t be
Can (present) are very possible to
certain change

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
that habits
something immediately.
Could +
not + have
e > She
have done
that all by
Should + to talk
not about
(present) things you
expect to
have been
be true,
Should Should + although
without the
have you don’t
help of her
(past) have
Should + certainty
not + have
to talk It might rain
about later.
Might, may, The guest
and future
may could could may arrive
(present) late because
of the heavy

Might + to talk Things might

have about past have
possibilitie been/could
May +
s have been/
Might, have
may have
may could
Could + been
have different had
you followed
my advice.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

(Note: This activity will be done orally. Remember

to process how the students arrived at their

TASK 2. Exercise 1 – Complete the blanks with

must, can’t, or might:

1. Look at that guy's enormous muscles. He

work out a lot.

2. You be right - but I'm going to check to

make sure.

3. He's working full-time and studying for his Ph.D.

That be easy.

Exercise 2 – Now complete the blanks with must,

should, shouldn’t, or couldn’t:

1. I'm so thankful for your help with this project. I

have done it without you!

2. The repairs I made have fixed the problem,

but they didn't - so I'll have to take another look.

3. I have watched that horror

movie; it gave me nightmares.

4. It have rained a lot last

night - there are puddles everywhere.



You’ll see pictures accompanied by sentences. For
each one, fill in the blank with must (if you think it is
true) or can’t (if you think it’s not possible).

1. They be in love.

2. You studied all night. You

be exhausted.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. That be right…

II. For each one, fill in the blank with must have (if
you think it happened), must not have (if you think it
didn’t happen) or couldn’t have (if you think it’s

1. The thief gotten in through

the window.

2. She been happy

when she heard the good news.

3. They bought a house

without a loan because they had no

E. Discussing new
concepts and Ask:
practicing new skills # How were you able to make logical deductions using
2 the modals?
- Through the help of the information available or
through the given facts.

Tell them that these facts are also very important in

writing an informative article and not just in making
logical deductions.

An Informative Article/Essay

An informative article gives the reader unbiased facts

about a topic. It also provides readers with details on
a given topic. The informative article is not an
argumentative article that tries to persuade the reader
to one side or the other. It covers all the pertinent
details: who, what, when, where, and why.
Newspaper reporting uses informative articles.
Informative text is always nonfiction.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Informative text can appear in newspapers, textbooks,
reference materials, and research papers.

Guidelines in Writing an Informative Essay:

1. Identify the purpose for writing.
2. Consider your audience.
3. Have an interesting beginning sentence to hook
your audience’s interest.
4. Cite only relevant and accurate details.
5. Have a clear conclusion.
F. Developing mastery TASK 3: TASK 3:

Group 1: Student Group 1: Student

Leaders Leaders

This group will a student This group will a student

organization planning for organization planning for
an event or activity in the an event or activity in the
school. They will make school. They will make an
an announcement announcement informing
informing the students of the students of the
the upcoming upcoming event/activity.
event/activity. They They should be able to
should be able to cover cover pertinent details as
pertinent details as to to Who, What, Where,
Who, What, Where, When, Why and/or How.
When, Why and/or How.

Group 2: Logical Group 2: Logical

Thinkers Thinkers

This group will be given This group will be given

pictures. They will make pictures. They will make
logical deductions out of logical deductions out of
the given pictures. They the given pictures. They
should be able to write should be able to write
sentences using modals sentences using modals
for logical deductions for logical deductions
correctly. correctly.

(see attachment # 3) (see attachment # 3)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
G. Finding practical
application of concepts Ask:
and skills in daily living Ask:
What is the relevance
What is the relevance and
and importance of
importance of informative
informative texts in our
texts in our daily lives?
daily lives?

H. Making generalizations Ask: Ask:

and abstractions about
the lesson 1. What did you learn 1. What did you learn
about modals of logical about modals of logical
deduction today? deduction today?
About informative texts? About informative texts?

Write a short informative

essay about the sample
flyer below. Be sure to
follow the guidelines in
writing an informative

I. Evaluating learning

Write a short informative

essay about the sample
flyer below. Be sure to
follow the guidelines in
writing an informative

See attachment #4 See attachment #4

Research on a particular Research on a particular

issue, event, or tourist issue, event, or tourist
J. Additional activities destination in your destination in your
community (e.g. waste community (e.g. waste
management, local management, local tourist
tourist spots, upcoming spots, upcoming events,

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
events, community community projects, etc)
projects, etc) and write a and write a short
short informative essay informative essay about it.
about it.



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 5 Day: 1

A. Content The learner demonstrate understanding of: African literature
Standard as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend
with; various reading styles vis-à-vis purposes of reading;
prosodic features that serve as carriers of meanings; ways by
which information may be organized, related, and delivered
orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in
presenting information.
B. Performan The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an
ce informative speech based on a specific topic of interest
Standard keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel
structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning EN8OL-IIIe-1.14Use appropriate persuasive devices

Competen EN8G-IIIe-12Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes
cies/Objec (Rhetorical Questions)
tives EN8V-IIIe-123Arrive at meanings through context clues

II.CONTENT Persuasive Devices and Emphasis Markers for Persuasive

1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) portal

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


previous Word Up ! Word Up !
lesson or The teacher will divide the The teacher will divide the
presenting students into four. The students into four. The
the new teacher will give each groups teacher will give each groups
lesson set of words which defines set of words which defines the
the underlined word in the underlined word in the
sentence that will flash. sentence that will flash. When
When the teacher says go the teacher says go the
the students will look for the students will look for the
meaning of the word and meaning of the word and raise
raise it up. it up.
1. Whenever I am mad I 1. Whenever I am mad I want
want to go to the place to go to the place where is
where is idyllic so that I find idyllic so that I find peace in
peace in there. there.
2. The hammock is under 2. The hammock is under the
the mango tree, it is inviting mango tree, it is inviting for a
for a sound sleep. sound sleep.
3. I see my house burning 3. I see my house burning
and I carry our television and I carry our television
outside, they say it is the outside, they say it is the
adrenaline rush that makes adrenaline rush that makes
me do it. me do it.
4. During Monday, everyone 4. During Monday, everyone
is in hustle in preparing for is in hustle in preparing for
school and work. school and work.
5. I wish I never walk away 5. I wish I never walk away
from them now I am here in from them now I am here in a
a brooding jungle, this is so brooding jungle, this is so
creepy. creepy.


ng a Have you ever tried Have you ever tried
purpose convincing your friend/s, convincing your friend/s,
for the classmate/s or other people classmate/s or other people to
lesson to visit the most favorite visit the most favorite place
place you have visited? How you have visited? How were
were you able to convince you able to convince them in
them in such a way that they such a way that they will also
will also be interested to be interested to come and see
come and see that favorite that favorite place of yours?
place of yours?
g In the essay that we are In the essay that we are going
examples/ going to read today, we will to read today, we will know

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
instances know how the author was how the author was able to
of the new able to convince the people convince the people to visit
lesson to visit Laos. Laos.

D. Discussin The teacher will post rhetoric The teacher will post rhetoric
g new questions which is one of the questions which is one of the
concepts focuses of the lesson which focuses of the lesson which is
and is lifted from the text. lifted from the text.
new skill How did the How did the
author author
convince her convince her
reader to go to reader to go to
Laos? Laos?
What makes What makes
Laos different Laos different
from other from other
places? places?
What are the What are the
fun and fun and
exciting things exciting things
in Laos? in Laos?

Should You Should You

Travel to Laos? Travel to Laos?
Is travelling to Is travelling to
Laos safe? Laos safe?
Which Which
waterfalls are waterfalls are
the best in the best in
Laos? Laos?

Here the teacher will have to Here the teacher will have to
create a graphic organizer to create a graphic organizer to
be used in soliciting the be used in soliciting the
answer of the learners. answer of the learners.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

Compreh Compreh
Rhetoric Rhetoric
ension ension
Questions Questions
Question Question
s s

The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
students to answer the students to answer the
comprehension questions. comprehension questions.
How are the previous How are the previous
questions different from questions different from these
these questions? questions?
The teacher will process The teacher will process the
the answers of the answers of the students.
R-hetorical Questions-needs
R-hetorical Questions-needs no response- used to focus
no response- used to focus the attention on the answer or
the attention on the answer the main point of the
or the main point of the argument.

E. Discussin The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
g new students know about what students know about what
concepts emphasis markers are which emphasis markers are which
and will be used in writing a will be used in writing a
practicing persuasive essay. persuasive essay.
new skill EMPHASIS MARKERS used
#2 EMPHASIS MARKERS if you are to change the
used if you are to change perspective of a previous
the perspective of a idea
previous idea In Addition (supplementing
In Addition (supplementing ideas to make an argument
ideas to make an argument more convincing)
more convincing) although, even if, even
although, even if, even though, conceding that, it
though, conceding that, it may appear that, although it
may appear that, although is true that, in spite of the
it is true that, in spite of fact that (denote an illogical
the fact that (denote an fact that either supports or
illogical fact that either changes an idea)
supports or changes an idea) in fact (stresses the truth of
in fact (stresses the truth of assertion)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
assertion) actually, as matter of fact
actually, as matter of fact (emphasize the existing truth)
(emphasize the existing really, truly, indeed, namely,
truth) clearly, certainly, naturally,
really, truly, indeed, definitely, undoubtedly, of
namely, clearly, certainly, course, by all means,
naturally, without a doubt (verify a
definitely, undoubtedly, of previous idea)
course, by all means, particularly, specifically,
without a doubt (verify a that is, I mean, to clarify, to
previous idea) particularly, repeat, to rephrase, to
specifically, that is, I illustrate, to demonstrate,
mean, to clarify, to repeat, for example, for instance, in
to rephrase, to particular, in other words,
illustrate, to demonstrate, as an illustration, that is to
for example, for instance, say, this can be seen in, to
in particular, in other put in another way (expound
words, as an illustration, further)
that is to say, this can be WORDS AND
seen in, to put in another EXPRESSIONS THAT
way (expound further) EMPHASIZE A POINT
EMPHASIZE A POINT  for, since, because,
ACCORDING TO THEIR the reason why (stress
 for, since, because,
the reason why
(stress the cause of  so, thus, hence,
something) therefore, accordingly,
 so, thus, hence, subsequently,
therefore, consequently, so that,
accordingly, after that, as a resutt,
thereupon, as a consequence, for
subsequently, that reason, an
consequently, so that, account of (present an
after that, as a resutt, outcome)
as a consequence,
for that reason, an  instead (replace a
account of (present previous idea)
an outcome)
 yet, but, still, though,
 instead (replace a however, conversely,
previous idea) even so in contrast, on
the contrary, on the
 yet, but, still, though,

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
even so in contrast, other hand (disagree)
on the contrary, on
the other hand  still, despite,
(disagree) nonetheless,
 still, despite, notwithstanding,
nonetheless, in spite of (present
nevertheless, a logical idea)
in spite of (present  otherwise (suggests
a logical idea) contrasting result
when certain
 otherwise (suggests condition is not met)
contrasting result
when certain Contrast Expressing
condition is not met)
and, too, also, plus, again,
Contrast Expressing another, moreover, afterward,
Opposition furthermore, additionally, and
and, too, also, plus, again, then, in addition, as a matter
of fact, equally important (add
another, moreover,
afterward, furthermore,
additionally, and then, in likewise, similarly, as well as,
at the same time, in a like
addition, as a matter of fact,
equally important (add manner, in the same manner,
e same token (indicate
likewise, similarly, as well as, similarity)
besides (add an idea and
at the same time, in a like
manner, in the same defend a negative position
previously stated)
manner, e same token
(indicate similarity) on top of that, to top it all off
(add surprising information)
besides (add an idea and
 first, second,
defend a negative position
previously stated) third...firstly,
on top of that, to top it all off secondly, thirdly...
(add surprising information) initially, in the first
 first, second, place, then, next,
third...firstly, later, eventually,
secondly, thirdly... finally, lastly (denote
initially, in the first order)
place, then, next,
later, eventually,  meanwhile, in the
finally, lastly (denote moment (present an
order) action occurring at the
same time with
 meanwhile, in the another action.


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
moment (present an SUMMARY INDICATING
action occurring at CONCLUSION
the same time with so, in the end (provide last
another action. details)
to end, in short, after all, in
EMPHASIS MARKERS summary, all in all (capsulize
SUMMARY previous statement)
INDICATING to conclude, in conclusion, to
CONCLUSION summarize (end a
so, in the end (provide last presentation)
details) Diminishing or upholding
to end, in short, after all, in an accompanying idea
summary, all in all (capsulize anyway, anyhow, after all, at
previous statement) any rate, in any case
to conclude, in conclusion, to ~ to present an idea that is
summarize (end a more important than the
presentation) previous one.
Diminishing or upholding
an accompanying idea
anyway, anyhow, after all,
any rate, in any case
~ to present an idea that is
more important than the
previous one.
F. Developin If You were given a chance If You were given a chance to
g mastery to promote Catanduanes, promote Catanduanes, how
(leads to how would it be? Use the would it be? Use the different
formative different option per group option per group (Please be
assessme (Please be guided by this guided by this question) The
nt 3) question) The teacher may teacher may select another
select another place that will place that will be suited for the
be suited for the students. students.

Group 1. Q & A Group 1. Q & A

Beauty Pageant’ Beauty Pageant’

Group 2. On the Spot Group 2 On the Spot

Mock Interview Mock Interview

Group 3. Voice Over Group 3. Voice Over

Radio Blog Radio Blog

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
RUBRICS for Developing RUBRICS for Developing
Mastery Mastery
Content- 30%
Content- Oral Presentation- 30%
30% Timeliness 30%
Oral Presentation- Cooperation and Teamwork
30% 20%
20% 100%
Cooperation and Teamwork



G. Finding
As a student , why is there a
ns of As a student , why is there a
need for you to promote your need for you to promote your
own cultural heritage? own cultural heritage?
and skills
in daily
H. Making
generaliza The teacher will let his/her The teacher will let his/her
tions and students to go in front and students to go in front and
abstractio write their most significant write their most significant
ns about learnings they’ve learned learnings they’ve learned
the lesson about the days lesson. about the days lesson.

The most The most

important important
lesson I lesson I
learned learned
from the from the
lesson lesson

I. Evaluating Make a persuasive essay Make a persuasive essay

about promoting cultural about promoting the cultural

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
learning heritage in your place. Be heritage in your place. Be
able to use and underline the guided by the following
persuasive devices and questions:
rhetoric devices in your 1.If you are going to rank the
essay. cultural heritage in your place,
which will be your first choice
and why?
2.If you were a tourist guide
how will you convince the
tourist to visit that cultural
heritage in your place?

J. Assignme Prepare a Video Blog in Prepare a Video Blog in

nt promoting the scenic promoting the scenic places
places that can be found that can be found in your
in your place. place.
(Be able to use emphasis Be able to use emphasis
markers in your speech) markers in your speech)

A.No. of learners
who earned
80% on the
B.No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of
learners who
continue to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E.Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me
G. What
innovation or
material/s did
I use/discover
which I wish to
share with

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 5 Day: 2

A. Content The learner demonstrate understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis-à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meanings; ways by which information may be
organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel
structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective
use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Use modals appropriately (REQUEST)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other learning


A. Reviewing the
lesson or On the board are several
presenting the sentences lifted from the On the board are several
new lesson persuasive essay from the sentences lifted from the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
previous lesson, here, the persuasive essay from the
teacher will ask the previous lesson, here, the
learners regarding their teacher will ask the learners
observation about the regarding their observation
words which are written in about the words which are
BOLD. written in BOLD.

We would be visiting We would be visiting

ancient temples, ancient temples,
witnessing the sunrise witnessing the sunrise
over UNESCO World over UNESCO World
Heritage Sites, and Heritage Sites, and
losing ourselves in losing ourselves in
fairytale landscapes fairytale landscapes and
and fascinating fascinating histories.

On researching what to
On researching what to do in Laos, we couldn’t
do in Laos, we find much
couldn’t find much

Why You Should You

Why You Should You Stop What You are
Stop What You are Doing and Travel to
Doing and Travel to Laos?

What do you call these What do you call these

words which are written in words which are written in
bold? bold?
 They are called
MODALS  They are called

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing a
purpose for
the lesson Here the teacher will Here the teacher will
present three statements present three statements
whereas the teacher will whereas the teacher will be
be asking with regards asking with regards their
their observation in the observation in the use of
use of these modals. these modals.

Table 2. Table 2.

Can you give me Can you give me possible

possible ways on how ways on how to escape
to escape from from poverty?
Could you give me
Could you give me reasons on how to beat
reasons on how to beat odds?
Would you mind to close
Would you mind to your eyes and imagine
close your eyes and that you were able to
imagine that you were meet a street vendor
able to meet a street selling foods in the street
vendor selling foods in at 12:00 p.m
the street at 12:00 p.m

C. Presenting What are the functions of What are the functions of

examples/insta the modals used in the first the modals used in the first
nces of the table? table?
new lesson
What are the functions of What are the functions of
the modals used in the the modals used in the
second table? second table?

The teacher will process The teacher will process the

the answer/s of the answer/s of the student/s.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing A modal verb (also called A modal verb (also called
new concepts modal verbs, modal modal verbs, modal
and practicing auxiliary verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, modal
new skill #1 auxiliaries) are special auxiliaries) are special
verbs which behave verbs which behave
irregularly in English. They irregularly in English. They
are different from normal are different from normal
verbs like “work, play, verbs like “work, play,
visit…” They give visit…” They give additional
additional information information about the
about the function of the function of the main verb
main verb that follows it. that follows it. They have a
They have a great variety great variety of
of communication communication functions.
functions. Here are some
Here are some characteristics of modal
characteristics of modal verbs:
verbs: They never change their
They never change form. You can’t add “s” ,
their form. You can’t add “ed”, “ing”
“s” , “ed”, “ing” They never always
They never always followed by an infinitive
followed by an infinitive without “to” (e.i. the bare
without “to” (e.i. the bare infinitive.)
infinitive.) They are used to
They are used to indicate modality allow
indicate modality allow speakers to express
speakers to express certainty, possibility,
certainty, possibility, willingness, obligation,
willingness, obligation, necessity, ability.
necessity, ability.
We use modals for asking
We use modals for asking for something (making a
for something (making a request or asking
request or asking permission).
Can you do me a
Can you do me a favour? (more
favour? (more informal)
informal) Could you say
Could you say thanks to your mum
thanks to your mum for me? (more polite)
for me? (more I’ve finished my
polite) homework. Can I go
I’ve finished my now? (more informal)
homework. Can I go Could I speak to
now? (more Amy, please? (more

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
informal) polite)
Could I speak to
Amy, please? (more What’s the answer? Yes,
polite) you can. / No, you can’t.?

What’s the answer? Yes,

you can. / No, you can’t.?
Not normally. Usually the
positive answer is:

Not normally. Usually the Yes, sure. / Yes, of

positive answer is: course. / Certainly.

Yes, sure. / Yes, of We usually avoid a direct

course. / Certainly. “No” in the negative
answer. We’d say
We usually avoid a direct something like:
“No” in the negative
answer. We’d say Well, I’m not sure. /
something like: Tomorrow night’s a
bit difficult. / Um,
Well, I’m not sure. / actually, she’s not
Tomorrow night’s a here at the moment.
bit difficult. / Um,
actually, she’s not Do you need to listen
here at the moment. carefully to see if the
answer is yes or no.
Do you need to listen
carefully to see if the
answer is yes or no.
Absolutely. We don’t like
saying no in English.

Absolutely. We don’t like We also like to use longer

saying no in English. structures in more formal
We also like to use longer
structures in more formal Do you think
situations: you could do me a
Do you think Would you mind
you could do me a closing the window,
favour? please?
Would you mind Could you tell me
closing the window, how to get to the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
please? town centre, please?
Could you tell me
how to get to the Isn’t the pronunciation
town centre, please? important too?

Isn’t the pronunciation Yes, that’s very important,

important too? I’m glad you mentioned
that. It can make all the
Yes, that’s very important, difference between
I’m glad you mentioned sounding polite and rude.
that. It can make all the It’s very important to get it
difference between right if you want a stranger
sounding polite and rude. to do something for you.
It’s very important to get it You need to get 'up and
right if you want a stranger down' movement in your
to do something for you. voice.
You need to get 'up and
down' movement in your

E. Discussing
new concepts
and practicing
new skill #2
F. Developing
mastery (leads
to formative Group 1. The Caller Group 1. The Caller Agent
assessment 3) Agent
Here the group members
Here the group members will choose a group
will choose a group member to make a call with
member to make a call a friend. One would act as
with a friend. One would Caller A while the other one
act as Caller A while the will act as the caller B.
other one will act as the
caller B.
Read the following
conversations below and fill
Read the following in the gaps with the words
conversations below and and phrases from the list.
fill in the gaps with the
words and phrases from
the list.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Do you mind if I Do you mind if I

here you are here you are

is it ok if i is it ok if i

telling me telling me

could you turn could you turn

Conversation: Conversation:

A: I’m A: I’m
sorry,...................leave sorry,...................leave early
early today? I’m going to today? I’m going to take my
take my dog to see the dog to see the veterinarian.
B: You’re going to take your
B: You’re going to take dog to the veterinarian?
your dog to the What’s the matter with her
veterinarian? What’s the then?
matter with her then?
A: I don’t know, that’s why I
A: I don’t know, that’s why wanted to take her to the
I wanted to take her to the veterinarian..
B: Oh, I see. Sure,
B: Oh, I see. Sure, ……..Thanks for………..
……..Thanks for………..

Conversation 2 Conversation 2

A: David do you have your A: David do you have your

mobile phone with you? mobile phone with you?

B: Uhmm.. Yes, Why? B: Uhmm.. Yes, Why? please?I please?I

need to make a quick call need to make a quick call
for my mother. for my mother.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B: Ok, B: Ok,
………………………… …………………………

Conversation 3 Conversation 3

A: ...................................... A: ......................................
change seats? change seats?

B: Yes, all right. B: Yes, all right.

.....................................? .....................................?

A: I can’t see because of A: I can’t see because of

the sun. the sun.

B: OK, then. Why don’t B: OK, then. Why don’t you

you sit there, next to sit there, next to Andrea.



With your group members,

With your group members, act out four-line
act out four-line conversations for four of the
conversations for four of situation below.
the situation below.

It’s very hot in the room and

It’s very hot in the room you would like to open the
and you would like to open window.
the window.

You need to borrow some

You need to borrow some money from a friend
money from a friend because you have lost your
because you have lost tricycle fare.
your tricycle fare.

Someone’s mobile phone is

Someone’s mobile phone always ringing during a film
is always ringing during a showing
film showing.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
You didn’t understand
someone gave you and you
You didn’t understand would like them to spell it
someone gave you and out for you.
you would like them to
spell it out for you.

The person behind you is

always talking all the time
during the lesson.
The person behind you is
always talking all the time
during the lesson. You are watching the TV
but you can’t hear because
the volume is very low.
Your friend has the remote
You are watching the TV
but you can’t hear
because the volume is You would like someone to
very low. Your friend has take photo of you and your
the remote control. friend in front of a famous

You can’t see a timetable at

a bus station because a
You would like someone to stranger is standing in front
take photo of you and your of it.
friend in front of a famous

Group 3. HELLO LOVE I-


Match the sentences (a-h)

You can’t see a timetable with the correct reactions
at a bus station because a (1-8)
stranger is standing in
front of it.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Group 3. HELLO LOVE I- a.
MATCH 1. Yes of
a glass of
Match the sentences (a-h) What
with the correct reactions about?
(1-8) b. Is it ok if I
2. Oh,
a. Can I 1. make a phone sorry, I
have a Whatcall? said we
glass of only
water? 2. Oh, have
sorry, I P500
said we tickets
b. Is it ok c. Could you left.
if I make say that again
P500 3. Well,
a phone please?
tickets alright if
left. d. Can I it is a
speak to you local call.
3. Well,
for a
alright if 4. Oh,
it is a sure the
c. Could you local e. Do you remote is
say that again call. mind if I look on the
please? at your CDs? table.
4. Oh,
d. Can I sure the f. Is it Ok if I 5. Well
speak to you remote miss English not
for a is on lesson really,
moment? the tomorrow? why
table. can’t you
e. Do you g. Could you
mind if I look 5. Well move over
at your CDs? not please?
f. Is it Ok if I h. Do you
miss English mind if I turn
lesson the TV up?

g. Could you
move over

h. Do you
mind if I turn
the TV up?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020 Group 3. COULD YOU DO
B. Finding The teacher will present a
practical scenario and will let the The teacher will present a
applications of students respond to the scenario and will let the
concepts and scenario. students respond to the
skills in daily scenario.
living You were absent for a
week because you got You were absent for a week
sick, and you need to because you got sick, and
catch up the missed you need to catch up the
lesson, how are you going missed lesson, how are you
to let your classmate copy going to let your classmate
his/her notes? copy his/her notes?

C. Making
generalization What modals should we What modals should we
s and use if we are making use if we are making
abstractions request? request?
about the
lesson If we want to request for If we want to request for
something what other something what other
words are we going to words are we going to use?
Answer: Please
Answer: Please

D. Evaluating
learning Directions: Choose Directions: Choose among
among the choices of the choices of modals to
modals to what is what is appropriate in the
appropriate in the given given sentences.
sentences. (The answers are all typed
(The answers are all typed in bold). Here the teacher
in bold). Here the teacher will provide option to the
will not provide options.) students).
1. They 1. They (must/may)
(must/may) be be away for the weekends
away for the weekends but but I’m not sure
I’m not sure
2. He (can/could) be
2. He (can/could) be Lao judging by his accent.
Lao judging by his accent. 3. I (could/shall) go
3. I (could/shall) go to the town plaza on
go go to the town plaza Saturday.
on Saturday. 4. This
4. This (must/could) be the right
(must/could) be the right answer but we’ll have to
answer but we’ll have to check with your teacher to
check with your teacher to make sure.
make sure. 5. (May/Can) you

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
5. (May/Can) play the guitar.
you play the guitar. 6. That looks very
6. That looks very expensive! It (should,
expensive! It (should, must) have cost a fortune.
must) have cost a fortune. 7. Hello Juan! Diego
7. Hello Juan! Diego (may, might) cook a
(may, might) cook sphagetti if we visit him.
a sphagetti if we visit him. 8. If I go to Laguna, I
8. If I go to Laguna, I (would, will) see the
(would, will) see the house of Jose Rizal’s and
house of Jose Rizal’s and family.
family. 9. I think you
9. I think you (should, can) take the train,
(should, can) take the its faster than the bus.
train, its faster than the 10. (Will,
bus. Would) you lend me five
10. (Will, hundred pesos to buy a
Would) you lend me five coffee please.
hundred pesos to buy a
coffee please.
E. Assignment Give students five Give students five
professions (doctor, professions (doctor,
teacher, farmer, driver and teacher, farmer, driver and
pilot) and tell them to write pilot) and tell them to write
five sentences telling what five sentences telling what
they can do. they can do.

Tell the students to write Tell the students to write

two sentences on what two sentences on what they
they shouldn’t do so that shouldn’t do so that their
their house will not house will not become dirty.
become dirty.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 5 Day: 3

A. Content The learner demonstrate understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis-à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meanings; ways by which information may be
organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel
structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective
use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8RC-III-e-2.1.7 React to what is asserted or
Competencies/ expressed in a text.
Objectives) EN8LT-III-e-10Appreciate literature as a mirror to
shared heritage of people with diverse background
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other learning

A. Reviewing the The teacher will give The teacher will give
previous each group unfamiliar each group unfamiliar
lesson or words, then he/she words, then he/she will
presenting the will call a call a representative from
new lesson representative from the group to roll the dice.
the group to roll the Then the corresponding
dice. Then the number that will appear
corresponding will have a task to do.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
number that will 1. 2.Dra 3.Find
appear will have a Define w it its
task to do. it synon
1. 2.Dr 3.Fin 4. Use 5.Act 6.Find
Define aw it d its it in a it out its
it syno sentec Anton
nyms e yms
4. Use 5.Ac 6.Fin
it in a t it d its
sente out Anto
ce nyms 1. Idyllic
2. Urbanization
1. Idyllic
3. Accumulation
2. Urbanization
4. Sanitary land fields
3. Accumulation
4. Sanitary land littering
5. littering

B. Establishing a The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
purpose for the learners to describe the learners to describe the two
lesson pictures.
How can you describe
the two picture?
What campaign are you
going do to solve the
problem regarding solid
two pictures. waste management?

How can you describe

the two picture?
What campaign are
you going do to solve
the problem regarding
solid waste

C. Presenting In the article that we are In the article that we are

examples/insta going to read for today, going to read for today, what
nces of the what campaign did they campaign did they do in
new lesson do in order to solve the order to solve the problem
problem regarding solid regarding solid waste
waste management. management.
The students will read the The students will read the
article article

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing Comprehension Comprehension Questions
new concepts Questions 1. What campaign did
and practicing 1. What campaign they do in order to
new skill #1 did they do in solve the problem
order to solve the about solid waste
problem about management?
solid waste 2. Why do you think
management? they come up with
2. Why do you think that kind of
they come up with campaign?
that kind of 3. Do you think that the
campaign? film making
3. Do you think that competition can help
the film making solve the problem
competition can about solid waste
help solve the management?
problem about 4. What is your reaction
solid waste about their campaign,
management? entitled Love Laos;
4. What is your Keep it Clean?
reaction about 5. If you were the
their campaign, organizer of the said
entitled Love campaign, how are
Laos; Keep it you going to extend
Clean? your advocacy to the
5. If you were the people of Laos?
organizer of the 6. What are your
said campaign, considerations in
how are you going reacting on the
to extend your assertions made by
advocacy to the the author on
people of Laos? selections you have
6. What are your read?
considerations in
reacting on the
assertions made
by the author on
selections you
have read?

E. Discussing What is your What is your reaction

new concepts reaction about the about the recent
and practicing
recent statement of statement of Mayor
new skill #2

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Mayor Isko Moreno Isko Moreno about the
about the issue issue regarding Andres
regarding Andres Bonifacio’s shrine
Bonifacio’s shrine which became a public
which became a toilet of some Filipino
public toilet of citizen?
some Filipino
The teacher will show a picture
of the Andres Bonifacio’s
The teacher will show a Shrine.
picture of the Andres
Bonifacio’s Shrine.

That is the offense of

the Mayor the seat of
power of the City of
That is the offense of
the Mayor the seat of “Amoy tae na rito,
power of the City of nagkalat

“Amoy tae na rito,


F. Developing GROUP 1. Paint Me. GROUP 1. Paint Me.

mastery (leads Make a poster of your Make a poster of your
to formative campaign preserving a campaign preserving a
assessment 3) cultural heritage of your cultural heritage of your
place. place.
Group 2. Reactors Group 2. Reactors
React on the following React on the following lines
lines from the text. from the text.
1. The tourist will 1. The tourist will move
move on but this on but this litter
litter dumped in dumped in the fields
the fields and and along the
along the riverbanks will not.
riverbanks will not. 2. However, awareness
2. However, of the negative

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
awareness of the impacts from
negative impacts improper waste
from improper disposal, including
waste disposal, environmental issues
including caused by the
environmental leaching of
issues caused by hazardous
the leaching of substances into soils
hazardous and water, and
substances into human health
soils and water, problems due to
and human health inhalation of the
problems due to smoke given off by
inhalation of the burning plastics and
smoke given off other hazardous
by burning materials, remains
plastics and other low in Laos.
hazardous Group 3. Create Me.
materials, remains Create a blog spreading
low in Laos. awareness on how to take
Group 3. Create Me. good care of the
Create a blog spreading environment. Be able to
awareness on how to share it with the class.
take good care of the
environment. Be able to Rubrics:
share it with the class.
Creativity- 20%
Rubrics: Presentation- 30%
Creativity- 20% Teamwork-10%
Presentation- 30% Total: 100%
Total: 100%
G. Finding Have you ever Have you ever experienced
practical experienced reacting on a reacting on a post on social
applications of post on social media media regarding pressing
concepts and regarding pressing issues issues about distractions of
skills in daily about distractions of cultural heritage and
living cultural heritage and environment? What are your
environment? What are reactions?
your reactions?

H. Making Why do we need to react Why do we need to react on

generalizations on we have read? we have read.
abstractions Why should we have to Why should we have to
about the appreciate cultural appreciate cultural heritage?
lesson heritage?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I. Evaluating React on the following React on the following lines.
learning lines. And justify your Draw an emoticon to show
reaction. your reaction and explain
1. Solid waste why did you choose it?
management 1. Solid waste
should be given management should
full attention to be given full attention
reduce pollution. to reduce pollution.
2. Preserving 2. Preserving cultural
cultural heritage is heritage is only a
only a work of the work of the
government. government.
3. Ignoring the 3. Ignoring the proper
proper segregation of waste
segregation of is a practice that
waste is a should be tolerated.
practice that 4. Replacing cultural
should be heritage with
tolerated. commercial or
4. Replacing cultural industrialized
heritage with buildings.
commercial or 5. Paying respect
industrialized through visiting,
buildings. promoting and
5. Paying respect appreciating cultural
through visiting, heritage is one way
promoting and to pay tribute to all
appreciating heroes.
cultural heritage
is one way to pay
tribute to all

J. Assignment Create a slogan showing Create a slogan showing

appreciation to the appreciation to the cultural
cultural heritage. heritage.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 5 Day: 4

A. Content The learner demonstrate understanding of: African literature
Standard as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend
with; various reading styles vis-à-vis purposes of reading;
prosodic features that serve as carriers of meanings; ways
by which information may be organized, related, and
delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive
devices in presenting information.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering
Standard an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest
keeping in mind the proper and effective use of parallel
structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Determine the stand of the speaker on a given issue
Competencie presented in the text
s/Objectives EN8VC-IIIe-18Determine the issue and stand presented
in the material viewed.

II.CONTENT Determining the issue and stand presented in the material

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
material pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other learning
A. Reviewing The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
the previous students about the students about the
lesson or yesterday’s lesson. yesterday’s lesson.
the new

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing Aside from the campaign Aside from the campaign that
a purpose that is highlighted is highlighted yesterday,
for the yesterday, what other what other advocacy do you
lesson advocacy do you know to know to combat problems
combat problems regarding regarding solid waste
solid waste disposal? disposal?
C. Presenting The teacher will post a The teacher will post a
examples/in picture about solid waste picture about solid waste
stances of management and will let the management and will let the
the new students give their students give their
lesson observation about the observation about the
picture. picture.

D. Discussing What is the issue being What is the issue being

new raised in the video? raised in the video?
concepts What is the stand of the What is the stand of the
and people in the video? people in the video?
new skill #1
E. Discussing
new How can a citizen help in How can a citizen help in the
concepts the plastic waste plastic waste management?
and management? The teacher will use the
practicing The teacher will use the answer of the students to
new skill #2 answer of the students to discuss the lesson.
discuss the lesson.
F. Developing The teacher will show a The teacher will show a
mastery video about Plastic video about Plastic
(leads to Scavengers Fight Laos’ Scavengers Fight Laos’
formative Pollution. Pollution.
3) Group 1. Related Links Group 1. Related Links
Relate the scenario or Relate the scenario or
situation of the Plastic situation of the Plastic
Scavengers of your place to Scavengers of your place to
the one in the video. the one in the video.
Group 2. Organize Ways Group 2. Organize Ways
Using a graphic organizer, Using a graphic organizer,
show the ways done by the show the ways done by the
plastic scavengers to help plastic scavengers to help
fight the Laos Pollution. fight the Laos Pollution.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Group 3. Bottled Stand Group 3. Bottled Stand
Using an image of a plastic Using an image of a plastic
bottle enumerate the bottle enumerate the
different stands on the issue different stands on the issue
of pollution. of pollution.

Rubrics: Rubrics:

Creativity-40% Creativity-40%
Content- 40% Content- 40%
Relevance to the theme- Relevance to the theme-
10% 10%
Participation-10% Participation-10%
Total- 100% Total- 100%
G. Finding As a student what can you As a student what can you
practical do to make the plastic do to make the plastic bottles
applications of bottles more useful in your more useful in your school?
concepts and school?
skills in daily
H. Making How important is How important is determining
generalizations determining the stand of the the stand of the speaker in a
and speaker in a given issue? given issue?
about the
I. Evaluating The teacher will present a The teacher will present a
learning videoclip, entitled videoclip, entitled
Matanglawin: Philippines’ Matanglawin: Philippines’
Growing problem with Growing problem with
Plastics. Here the title Plastics. Here the title
should not be revealed by should not be revealed by
the teacher Let the students the teacher.Let the students
determine the issue and determine the issue and
write their stand about it. write their stand about it.

J. Assignment Watch or listen to a news Watch or listen to a news

and determine your stand and determine your stand on
on the issues presented. the issues presented.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 5 Day: 5

A. Content The learner demonstrate understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis-à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meanings; ways by which information may be
organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel
structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic
of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective use of
parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8SS-IIIe-1.6
Competencie Show respect to the intellectual property rights by
s/Objectives acknowledging citations made in an informative essay.
Acknowledging sources by creating a bibliography
Creating Bibliography
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other learning

A. Reviewing Laos, officially known as the Laos, officially known as the

the previous Lao People’s Democratic, is Lao People’s Democratic, is
lesson or the only landlocked country the only landlocked country
presenting in Southeast Asia. Ranked in Southeast Asia. Ranked
the new as one of the most corrupt as one of the most corrupt
lesson countries in the world by countries in the world by

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Transparency International, Transparency International,
Laos also suffers from Laos also suffers from
major poverty. major poverty.
“Ten Facts About Poverty in Laos “Ten Facts About Poverty in Laos
That everyone Should Know”. That everyone Should Know”.
Retrieved on 2018, August 08 Retrieved on 2018, August 08
from from
about-poverty-in-laos/ about-poverty-in-laos/
B. Establishing a What is the source of the What is the source of the
purpose for information? information?
the lesson The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
students this questions: students this questions:
Can words and ideas Can words and ideas
really be stolen? really be stolen?
What is the legal case What is the legal case
that can be brought to court that you can brought to
when a writer duplicates court when a writer
another writer’s language or duplicates another writer’s
ideas and then calls the language or ideas and then
work his or her own? calls the work his or her

C. Presenting The Teacher will post three The Teacher will post three
examples/inst statements from the statements from an
ances of the informative essay informative essay. Here the
new lesson presented. Here the teacher teacher will ask the learners
will ask the learners what is what is common term that
common term that they they have observed from
have observed from the the statements

According to Vision Launch According to Vision Launch

Discover, 90 percent of Lao Discover, 90 percent of Lao
people lived off $1 a day in people lived off $1 a day in
1990s; now, this number is 1990s; now, this number is
about $1.25. The other 10% about $1.25. The other 10%
live in Vientine, the capital live in Vientine, the capital
and largest city of Laos. and largest city of Laos.

According to United Nations According to United Nations

Lao PDR, 70 percent of Lao PDR, 70 percent of
employed people work in employed people work in
agriculture and over a third agriculture and over a third
of them don’t make enough of them don’t make enough
to live sufficiently. to live sufficiently

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
According to UNESCO, According to UNESCO,
more than 4000 villages more than 4000 villages
lack access to education. lack access to education.

What is common What is common

among them is the among them is the
term “According to”. term According to

Tell the learners that the The teacher will agree to

word According to is being this answer, and tell the
use when we are citing a learners that the word
reference from a particular According to is being use
text in order to avoid when we are citing a
plagiarism reference from a particular
text in order to avoid

D. Discussing
new concepts A bibliography is the list of A bibliography is the list of
and practicing the sources you use to get the sources you use to get
new skill #1 information for your report. information for your report.
It is included at the end of It is included at the end of
your report, on the last page your report, on the last page
(or last few pages). In (or last few pages). In
writing a bibliography, you writing a bibliography, you
need to note down the need to note down the
following information: the following information: the
full title, author, place of full title, author, place of
publication, publisher, and publication, publisher, and
date of publication for each date of publication for each
source. source.
Here are the formats on Here are the formats on
how to write a bibliography how to write a bibliography
with APA Format (American with APA Format (American
Psychological Association) Psychological Association)

Book Format: Author's last Book Format: Author's last

name, first initial. name, first initial.
(Publication date). Book (Publication date). Book
title. Additional information. title. Additional information.
City of publication: City of publication:
Publishing company. Publishing company.
Boorstin, D. (1992). The Boorstin, D. (1992). The
creators: A history of the creators: A history of the
heroes of the imagination. heroes of the imagination.
New York: Random House. New York: Random House.
Citation from a Book: Citation from a Book:
Carpio, Rustica C. Carpio, Rustica C.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Crisscrossing Through Afro- Crisscrossing Through Afro-
Asian Literature. Pasig City. Asian Literature. Pasig City.
Anvil Publishing, Inc. 2006 Anvil Publishing, Inc. 2006
Citation from a Magazine: Citation from a Magazine:
Harlow, H. F. (1983). Harlow, H. F. (1983).
Fundamentals for preparing Fundamentals for preparing
psychology journal articles. psychology journal articles.
Journal of Comparative and Journal of Comparative and
Physiological Psychology, Physiological Psychology,
55, 893-896. 55, 893-896.
Magazine & Newspaper Magazine & Newspaper
Article Format: Author's last Article Format: Author's last
name, first initial. name, first initial.
(Publication date). Article (Publication date). Article
title. Periodical title, volume title. Periodical title, volume
number (issue number if number (issue number if
available), inclusive pages. available), inclusive pages.
A. If a periodical includes a A. If a periodical includes a
volume number, italicize it volume number, italicize it
and then give the page and then give the page
range (in regular type) range (in regular type)
without "pp." without "pp."

Fundamentals for preparing Fundamentals for preparing

psychology journal articles. psychology journal articles.
Journal of Comparative and Journal of Comparative and
Physiological Psychology, Physiological Psychology,
55, 893-896. 55, 893-896.
B. If the periodical does not B. If the periodical does not
use volume numbers, as in use volume numbers, as in
newspapers, use p. or pp. newspapers, use p. or pp.
for page numbers. for page numbers.
C. (1993, February C. (1993, February
15). Culture shopping. New 15). Culture shopping. New
Yorker, pp. 48-51. Yorker, pp. 48-51.
Note: Unlike other Note: Unlike other
periodicals, p. or pp. periodicals, p. or pp.
precedes page numbers for precedes page numbers for
a newspaper reference in a newspaper reference in
APA style. APA style.
Citation from a Webpage: Citation from a Webpage:
Devitt, T. (2001, August 2). Devitt, T. (2001, August 2).
Lightning injures four at Lightning injures four at
music festival. The Why? music festival. The Why?
Files. Retrieved January 23, Files. Retrieved January 23,
2002, from 2002, from
ng/index.html ng/index.html
Website or Webpage Website or Webpage

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Format: Format:
Online periodical: Online periodical:
Author's name. (Date of Author's name. (Date of
publication). Title of article. publication). Title of article.
Title of Periodical, volume Title of Periodical, volume
number, Retrieved month number, Retrieved month
day, year, from full URL day, year, from full URL

March 7). Cultivating March 7). Cultivating

positive emotions to positive emotions to
optimize health and well- optimize health and well-
being. Prevention & being. Prevention &
Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Treatment, 3, Article 0001a.
Retrieved November 20, Retrieved November 20,
2000, from 2000, from
ntion/volume3/pre0030001a ntion/volume3/pre0030001a
.html .html
Online document: Online document:
Author's name. (Date of Author's name. (Date of
publication). Title of work. publication). Title of work.
Retrieved month day, year, Retrieved month day, year,
from full URL from full URL

2). Lightning injures four at 2). Lightning injures four at

music festival. The Why? music festival. The Why?
Files. Retrieved January 23, Files. Retrieved January 23,
2002, from 2002, from
ng/index.html ng/index.html
Note: When citing Internet Note: When citing Internet
sources, refer to the specific sources, refer to the specific
website document. If a website document. If a
document is undated, use document is undated, use
"n.d." (for no date) "n.d." (for no date)
immediately after the immediately after the
document title. document title.
E. Discussing What is now then the What is now then the
new concepts difference between difference between
and practicing reference lists and reference lists and
new skill #2 bibliographies? bibliographies?

The reference list only The reference list only

includes the sources cited includes the sources cited
in your text. It is not the in your text. It is not the
same thing as a same thing as a
bibliography, which uses bibliography, which uses
the same referencing style, the same referencing style,
but also includes all but also includes all

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
material (for example, material (for example,
background readings) used background readings) used
in the preparation of your in the preparation of your
work. work.


Plagiarism is a term that Plagiarism is a term that
describes the describes the
unacknowledged use of unacknowledged use of
someone's work. This someone's work. This
includes material or ideas includes material or ideas
from any (published or from any (published or
unpublished) sources, unpublished) sources,
whether print, web-based whether print, web-based
(even if freely available) or (even if freely available) or
audiovisual. Using the audiovisual. Using the
words or ideas of others words or ideas of others
without referencing your without referencing your
source would be construed source would be construed
as plagiarism and is a very as plagiarism and is a very
serious academic offence. serious academic offence.
At the end of the day, it is At the end of the day, it is
regarded as stealing regarded as stealing
intellectual property. intellectual property.

The following are The following are

considered forms of considered forms of
plagiarism: plagiarism:

 Passing off as your  Passing off as your

own a piece of work own a piece of work
that is partly or that is partly or
wholly the work of wholly the work of
another student another student
 Citing and  Citing and
referencing sources referencing sources
that you have not that you have not
used used
 Quoting, summaris  Quoting, summaris
ing or paraphrasin ing or paraphrasin
g material in your g material in your
assignment assignment
without citing the without citing the
original original
source source
 'Recycling' a piece  'Recycling' a piece
of your own work of your own work
that you have that you have
previously submitted previously submitted

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
for another module for another module
or course (i.e. self- or course (i.e. self-
plagiarism). plagiarism).

How are we going to How are we going to


In many cases, students In many cases, students

who find themselves who find themselves
accused of plagiarizing accused of plagiarizing
often have done so often have done so
unintentionally. Poor unintentionally. Poor
organization and time organization and time
management, as well as a management, as well as a
failure to understand failure to understand
good academic practice, good academic practice,
are often to blame. You are often to blame. You
might therefore find it might therefore find it
helpful to note the following helpful to note the following
points: points:

 Manage your time  Manage your time

and plan your work and plan your work
– ensure that you – ensure that you
have enough time to have enough time to
prepare, read and prepare, read and
write write
 When paraphrasing  When paraphrasing
an author's text, an author's text,
ensure that you use ensure that you use
your own words and your own words and
a sentence structure a sentence structure
sufficiently different sufficiently different
from the original text from the original text
 In your notes,  In your notes,
highlight in highlight in
colour/bold any colour/bold any
direct quotations direct quotations
you want to use in you want to use in
your assignment - your assignment -
this will help to this will help to
ensure you use ensure you use
quotation marks with quotation marks with
an appropriate an appropriate
reference when you reference when you
are writing up your are writing up your
work work
 Allow enough time  Allow enough time
to check your final to check your final

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
draft for possible draft for possible
referencing errors or referencing errors or
omissions: for omissions: for
example, check that example, check that
all your in-text all your in-text
citations have a citations have a
corresponding entry corresponding entry
in your reference in your reference
list, and vice versa list, and vice versa
 Save all your notes,
files, printouts and Save all your notes, files,
so on until you printouts and so on until you
receive your final receive your final mark or
mark or grade. grade

F. Developing Task: Conquer Citation Task: Conquer Citation

mastery Chaos Kits Chaos Kits
(leads to
formative The teacher will give an The teacher will give an
assessment envelope containing strips envelope containing strips
3) of papers. In each strip are of papers. In each strip are
jumbled citations that the jumbled citations that the
teacher had prepared for teacher had prepared for
the students to arrange in the students to arrange in
correct order. They have to correct order. They have to
paste it in a manila paper paste it in a manila paper
which will be provided by which will be provided by
the teacher. The criteria will the teacher. The criteria will
be used by the teacher in be used by the teacher in
facilitating the said activity facilitating the said activity
is given below: is given below:

Here the teacher will

provide the format to the

Criteria: Criteria:
Organization- 10 pts Organization- 10 pts
Presentation- 5 pts Presentation- 5 pts
Teamwork- 5 pts Teamwork- 5 pts

Total: 20 pts Total: 20 pts

GROUP 1: The Builders GROUP 1: The Builders

1. Skillbuilders for  Skillbuilders for
Efficient Reading Efficient Reading
2003 2003
Villamin, A. Villamin, A.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Phoenix Publishing Phoenix Publishing
House House
Quezon City Quezon City

2. Time,  Time,
113, 71-72 113, 71-72
Kanfer, S. Kanfer, S.
Heard any good Heard any good
books lately? books lately?
(1986, July 21) (1986, July 21)

3. Retrieved November  Retrieved November

21, 2000 21, 2000
Hilts, P. J Hilts, P. J
In forecasting their In forecasting their
emotions, most people emotions, most people
plunk out. plunk out.
(1999, February 16). (1999, February 16).
From From
New York Times New York Times

GROUP 2. The Architech

1. (1979)
Facts of File, Inc.
A reader’s guide
to science fiction.
Searies, B., Last, M. GROUP 2. The Architech
New York:  (1979)
Facts of File, Inc.
A reader’s guide
to science fiction.
Searies, B., Last, M.
New York:
2. California town
counts town to big
(1986, July 21)
USA Today.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Kalette, D.,  California town
9, p.A1 counts town to
big quake
(1986, July 21)
USA Today.
Kalette, D.,
3. Cultivating positive 9, p.A1
Fredrickson, BL.
Retrieved November  Cultivating positive
20, 2000 emotions.
(2000, March 7) http://journals.apa.or
Prevention and g/prevention/vol.3
Treatment, 3, Article Fredrickson, BL.
0001a. Retrieved November
20, 2000
(2000, March 7)
Prevention and
Treatment, 3, Article
GROUP 3. The Creator 0001a.
1. 2016
Labour Unions
Pasig City
Hope Press
Bora, E.N. GROUP 3. The Creator
1. 2016
Labour Unions
Pasig City
Hope Press
Bora, E.N.
“Critical Evaluation of
UST High School Language
UST 2.
Dolores G. Ocampo “Critical Evaluation of
UST High School Language
Dolores G. Ocampo
3. Simmons, B.
The tale of two
Flaccos. Retrieved
from 3. Simmons, B.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
e-triangle/the-tale-of- The tale of two
two-flaccos/ Flaccos. Retrieved
(2015, January 9). from
(2015, January 9).

G. Finding
practical As a student why is there a As a student why is there a
applications need for you to understand need for you to understand
of concepts the general principles to the general principles to
and skills in apply when citing sources? apply when citing sources?
daily living
Possible answer: Possible answer:
Preparing bibliographies Preparing bibliographies
helps you keep track of the helps you keep track of the
sources you consulted or sources you consulted or
cited for their written cited for their written
material and give readers a material and give readers a
framework of how the framework of how the
writers' arguments were writers' arguments were
formed. It also help you not formed. It also help you not
to be sued with to be sued with

H. Making The teacher will lead the The teacher will lead the
generalization students to the formation of students to the formation of
s and the following concepts. The the following concepts. The
abstractions teacher will distribute leaves teacher will distribute leaves
about the where students will write the where students will write the
lesson following: following:

Leaf 1= What I learned Leaf 1= What I learned

from the lesson. from the lesson.
Leaf 2= What concept/s are Leaf 2= What concept/s are
difficult for me to difficult for me to
understand. understand.
Leaf 3= What are the things Leaf 3= What are the things
that I need to know more that I need to know more
about the topic. about the topic.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A bibliography is a list of
A bibliography is a list of the sources you use to get
the sources you use to get information for your report.
information for your report.
I. Evaluating The teacher will give two The teacher will give two
learning items of a bibliographical items of a bibliographical
entry. The students will entry. The students will
have to arrange the entry have to arrange the entry
according to its proper according to its proper
sequence. Each item will be sequence. Each item will be
given 5 points if written given 5 points if written
correctly. correctly.
1. “There will always
1. “There will always be a demand for
be a demand for teachers. Whether
teachers. Whether there will also
there will also always be a demand
always be a demand for public schools is
for public schools is an issue that will
an issue that will resolve itself within
resolve itself within this generation.”
this generation.” Sabu, Larry. “We Should
Sabu, Larry. “We Should Have Let Them Pray.”
Have Let Them Pray.” Teaching May 2003: 3+.
Teaching May 2003: 3+. MAS Ultra School Edition.
MAS Ultra School Edition. EbscoHost, Durango High
EbscoHost, Durango High School Media Center. 11
School Media Center. 11 Mar. 2004
Mar. 2004 <www.epnet/3927_2/
<www.epnet/3927_2/ dustbunny/vacuum>.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. “Whatever you do
2. “Whatever you do for work in life, the
for work in life, the most important thing
most important thing to remember is not
to remember is not how much money
how much money you make or how big
you make or how big a title you have, it is
a title you have, it is whether you look
whether you look forward to getting up
forward to getting up in the morning and
in the morning and doing it again.
doing it again. Money can buy
Money can buy things; things can be
things; things can be replaced. Titles can
replaced. Titles can be bought, which
be bought, which makes them simply
makes them simply things.”
things.” Guthrie, Woody. “Way
Guthrie, Woody. “Way Over Yonder in a Minor
Over Yonder in a Minor Key.” The Unofficial Woody
Key.” The Unofficial Woody Guthrie Homepage. 14
Guthrie Homepage. 14 June
June 2006. The Wooden Box
2006. The Wooden Box Society. 11 Mar. 2007
Society. 11 Mar. 2007 <
< /index.htm>.

Note: The teacher can also

look for any published
Note: The teacher can also articles online and let
look for any published his/her learners to make a
articles online and let bibliographical entries of
his/her learners to make a them.
bibliographical entries of

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
J. Assignment Research about some Research about some
controversial cases of controversial cases of
plagiarism. Write the plagiarism. Write the
moral/legal implication moral/legal implication of
of plagiarism about the plagiarism about the case.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G.What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 6 Day: 1

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meaning; ways by which information may
be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective
use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning
Competency EN8LT-IIIf2.2.5: Determine key ideas, tone, and
/ Objectives purposes of the author.

EN8LC-IIIf-2.10: Distinguish facts from opinion cited in

the text listened to.
II. CONTENT The Country‘s Good Son by Minn New Thein
Distinguishing between Facts and Opinion
III. LEARNING Voyages in Communication English 8
RESOURCES English Expressways
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook 367 – 368
pages 276 - 277
4. Additional
B. Other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing Pre-Listening Activity: Listening Activities
lesson or Task 1: Unlocking of Task 1: Unlocking of
presenting the Difficulties Difficulties
new lesson (What Am I?) (What Am I?)
Directions: Guess the word (5 minutes)
that is being described in
the following clue Directions: Guess the word
sentences that I will be that is being described in
saying. the following clue
Students should raise their sentences.
hand and say the word “I Students should raise their
THINK I KNOW, ITS hand and say the word I
(answer) before giving the THINK I KNOW, ITS
answer. (answer) before giving the
 I am a disyllabic answer.
word. ( word having  I am a disyllabic
two syllables) word. ( word
 I am another term having two
for shop. syllables)
 I sounds like ticket.  I am another term
 What am of shop.
I? Answer:  I sounds like ticket.
Market  I start with M
 I am a six and end with T.
letter word.  What am
 I am another term I? Answer:
for warrior or Market
police.  I am a six
 I serve and letter word.
protect our  I am another term
country. of warrior.
 I sounds like  I serve and
shoulder. protect our
 What am country.
I? Answer:  I start with S
Soldier and end with R.
 I am a  What am
monosyllabic word. I? Answer:
( word having one Soldier
syllable)  I am a disyllabic
 I am a five word. ( word
letter word. having two
 I am a large syllables)
number of people.  I am seven
 I sounds like loud. letter word.
 What am I?  I am another term of
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Answer: Crowd full and busy.
 I am usually worn by  I start with C
professionals. and end with D.
 I am another term  What am I?
for pants Answer: Crowded
 I am a seven  I am usually worn
letter word by professionals.
 I sounds like  I am another term
browser. of pants
 What am I?  I am a seven
Answer: Trouser letter word
 I am a  I sounds like
monosyllabic word browser.
(word having one  I start with T
syllable) and end with R.
 I am a term you  What am
use when you I? Answer:
someone walks Trouser
slowly because of  I am a
injury. monosyllabic word
 I sounds like limb. (word having one
 What am I? syllable)
Answer: Limp  I am a term you
 I am a use when you
polysyllabic word someone walks
(word having slowly because of
three or more injury.
syllables)  I sounds like limb.
 I am a seven  I start with L and
letter word. end with P.
 I am another term  What am
for fulfilment. I? Answer: Limp
 I am a term  I am a
when you get polysyllabic word
what you want or (word having
desire. three or more
 What am syllables)
I? Answer:  I am another term
Satisfy of fulfilment.
 I am a  I am a term
polysyllabic word when you get
(word having what you want or
three or more desire.
syllables)  I start with S
 I am a five and end with N.
letter word.  What am I?
 I am another term Answer: Satisfaction
for opponent.  I am a
 I sounds like polysyllabic word
economy. (word having

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
 What am three or more
I? Answer: syllables)
Enemy  I am another term
of opponent.
The teacher will remind the  I sounds
students to remember the like
definitions of the given economy.
words as it will appear in  I start with E
the selection that they are and end with Y.
about to listen.  What am
I? Answer:
The teacher will remind the
students to remember the
definitions of the given
words as it will appear in
the selection that they are
about to listen.
B. Establishing a Motivation: Motivation:
purpose for the
lesson - Do you consider - Do you consider
yourself as a yourself as a
good good
son/daughter? son/daughter?
- What - What
quality/qualities do quality/qualities do
you have to be you have to be
considered as a considered as a
good good
son/daughter? son/daughter?
(Before reading the (Before reading the
selection, the teacher will selection, the teacher will
present the motive present the motive question
question below.) below.)

Motive Question: Motive Question:

What qualities do the What qualities do the
soldiers have to be soldiers have to be
considered as the country’s considered as the country’s
good son? good son?

(The teacher may post the (The teacher may post the
motive question before motive question before
the listening activity to the listening activity to
guide guide
the students on what the students on what
to take note of.) to take note of.)
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
C. Presenting Inform the class that the Inform the class that the
examples/Instan country in Southeast Asia country in Southeast Asia
ces of the new that they are going to visit that they are going to visit
lesson is the country of Burma, is the country of Burma,
which was later on which was later on
changed to Myanmar in changed to Myanmar in
1989 also known as 1989 also known as
Myanmar. Myanmar.

During Listening Activity: During Listening Activity:

Reading Activity Using Reading Activity Using

“Read Aloud Strategy” “Read Aloud Strategy”

Introduce the story by Introduce the story by

discussing the title. Ask the discussing the title. Ask the
students to make students to make
predictions regarding what predictions regarding what
they think the story might they think the story might
be about. be about.
Read the story aloud to Read the story aloud to
the students using the students using
appropriate inflection and appropriate inflection and
tone. Pause and ask the tone. Pause and ask the
students to make students to make
predictions. Ask brief predictions. Ask brief
questions to determine questions to determine
students' comprehension students' comprehension
level. level.
(See attached file #1) (See attached file #1)

Post Reading Activity: Post Reading Activity:

After reading the selection, After reading the selection,
ask the students the ask the students the
following comprehension following comprehension
questions. questions.

Task 2: You denote!

Task 2: You denote!
Process Questions
1. What qualities Process Questions
soldiers have to be 1. What qualities do
considered as the the soldiers have to
country’s good son? be considered as
the country’s good

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Answer: the story shows Answer: the story shows
the patriotism of Burmese the patriotism of Burmese
soldier as it was shown soldier as it was shown
that they are very much that they are very much
willing to sacrifice their own willing to sacrifice their own
lives to protect their lives to protect their
country and achieve country and achieve
peace. peace.

2. Which character 2. Which character

do you like best? do you like best?
Answers: (student Answers: (student
may give one of the may give one of the
following reasons) following reasons)
 Lin Aung  Lin Aung
 Two soldiers  Two soldiers

Discussion of Tone and Discussion of Tone and

Key Ideas Key Ideas
- What is the attitude - What is the attitude
of the author of the author
toward the topic? toward the topic?
Answer: light, inspiring, and Answer: light, inspiring, and
motivational motivational

The teacher will highlight The teacher will highlight

the answer and explain that the answer and explain that
this is the ‘tone’ of the this is the ‘tone’ of the
selection. selection.

Ask the students:

- How do you define Ask the students:
tone based on - How do you define
your answer? tone based on
your answer?
The answer will lead to the
discussion of tone in a form The answer will lead to the
of review of the lesson discussion of tone in a form
about the quarter 1 lesson of review of the lesson
about identifying the about the quarter 1 lesson
authors’ tone. about identifying the
authors’ tone.
Tone – is the author’s
attitude toward the topic. Tone – is the author’s
attitude toward the topic.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing Task 3: Guess the Gist Task 3: Guess the Gist
new concepts
and - What is the key idea - What is the key idea
practicing of the story? of the story?
new skills # 1 Answers: These young Answers: These young
men were the country‘s men were the country‘s
good sons who were good sons who were
protecting the country from protecting the country from
its enemies. Their aims its enemies. Their aims
and intentions were as and intentions were as
different from those of the different from those of the
addicts as east from west, addicts as east from west,
north from south. Although north from south. Although
these young men had one these young men had one
leg missing, they still leg missing, they still
wanted to serve their wanted to serve their
country. country.

The teacher will highlight The teacher will highlight

the answer and explain that the answer and explain that
this is the ‘main idea/key this is the ‘main idea/key
idea’ of the selection. idea’ of the selection.

Ask the students: Ask the students:

- How do you - How do you
define key idea define key idea
based on your based on your
answer? answer?

The answer will lead to the The answer will lead to the
discussion of key idea and discussion of key idea and
how to determine key ideas how to determine key ideas
in a sentence. in a sentence.

Discussion: Determining Discussion: Determining

the Key Idea of the author the Key Idea of the author
in the story. in the story.

Key ideas – or main idea, Key ideas – or main idea,

is the point of the is the point of the
paragraph and is the most paragraph and is the most
important thought about important thought about
the topic. the topic.
See attached file #1 for See attached file #1 for
discussion. discussion.
(File #2 : Finding the Main (File #1 : Finding the Main

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Idea) Idea)

Source: Study Skills: A Source: Study Skills: A

Landmark School Student Landmark School Student
Guide Guide
(out of print) (out of print)
by Diane Vener, by Diane Vener,
© 2002 Landmark School, © 2002 Landmark School,
Inc Inc

E. Discussing Task 4: OPINION OR Task 4: OPINION OR

new concepts FACTS FACTS
and practicing Directions: The teacher will Directions: The teacher will
new skills # 2 present statements taken present statements taken
from the selection for the from the selection for the
students to identify whether students to identify whether
it’s a fact or opinion. it’s a fact or opinion.

- It was more crowded - It was more

on Sundays. crowded on
(OPINION) Sundays.
- Many soldiers could - Many soldiers could
be seen moving be seen moving
about busily. (FACT) about busily. (FACT)
- They were very - They were very
different from the different from the
young drug addicts young drug addicts
about whom he about whom he
had often read in had often read in
the the
newspapers. (FACT) newspapers. (FACT)
- They were wasting - They were wasting
their lives and their lives and
killing themselves. killing themselves.
- You good sons of - You good sons of
the country are the country are
the the
jewels of our country. jewels of our
- ―We admire your - ―We admire your
intention. Our intention. Our
country‘s future will country‘s future will
really be bright if really be bright if
there are more there are more
young people in young people in
our our
country with the country with the
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
same aim and same aim and
intention as yours. intention as yours.

a. Inform the students that a. Inform the students that

being able to discern the being able to discern the
difference between fact and difference between fact and
opinion will help them opinion will help them
evaluate the reliability and evaluate the reliability and
usefulness of text they usefulness of text they
encounter. encounter.

c. The teacher then c. The teacher then

introduces the topic on how introduces the topic on how
to distinguish facts from to distinguish facts from
opinions. opinions.

Discussion: Discussion:



FACT: is something which FACT: is something which

can be verified. A piece of can be verified. A piece of
information that can be information that can be
proven to be true. proven to be true.

OPINION: is based on OPINION: is based on

belief and viewpoint. It can belief and viewpoint. It can
express a person’s feelings express a person’s feelings
about an idea or situation. about an idea or situation.

A fact is something which A fact is something which
can be verified with can be verified with
evidence, for example, the evidence, for example, the
river which flows through river which flows through
London is called the London is called the
Thames. Thames.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Examples: Examples:
- The earth is round. - The earth is round.
- Summer - Summer
follows spring. follows spring.
- The 2010 world - The 2010 world
cup took place in cup took place in
South Africa. South Africa.
- The British Winter of - The British Winter
2009/2010 was the of 2009/2010 was
coldest for 30 years. the coldest for 30

An opinion is based on OPINION
belief and viewpoint. An opinion is based on
Opinions are often belief and viewpoint.
personal interpretations Opinions are often personal
and cannot be verified with interpretations and cannot
evidence. be verified with evidence.
For example, 'summer For example, 'summer
evenings are nicer than evenings are nicer than
winter evenings'. Opinions winter evenings'. Opinions
are often (though not are often (though not
always) preceded with always) preceded with
terms such as 'I think', or terms such as 'I think', or
with adjectives, with adjectives,
comparatives and comparatives and
superlatives, such as, superlatives, such as,
'good', 'better', 'the best'. 'good', 'better', 'the best'.
Examples: Examples:
- I think that rock - I think that rock
music is awful. music is awful.
- The legal age for - The legal age for
drinking should drinking should
be lowered to 16. be lowered to 16.
- London is the best - London is the
city in the world. best city in the
- Today seems hotter world.
than yesterday - Today seems hotter
- than yesterday
It is also important to -
remember... It is also important to
- That facts can be remember...
influenced by - That facts can be
opinion and bias, influenced by
especially in the opinion and bias,
especially in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
media and in (some) media and in (some)
research projects research projects
(especially (especially
qualitative qualitative
research). That is, research). That is,
even facts even facts
presented as facts, presented as facts,
are not always are not always
completely objective completely objective
and 'sacred' as once and 'sacred' as once
claimed (Scott, C.P. claimed (Scott, C.P.
cited in Edwards, D cited in Edwards, D
& D. Cromwell & D. Cromwell
(2009). (2009).

F. Developing Task 5: (ArtiFACTS) Task 5: (ArtiFACTS)

mastery Group Activity Group Activity
(leads to Using a graphic organizer Using a graphic organizer
Formative below, group the facts and below, group the facts and
Assessment) opinions separately. opinions separately.


1. Burma is officially 1. Burma is officially

named the named the
Republic of the Republic of the
Union of Myanmar Union of Myanmar
since 1989. (FACT) since 1989. (FACT)
2. Burmese are the 2. Burmese are the
most hardworking most hardworking
people in the people in the
world. (OPINION) world. (OPINION)
3. Burma was one of 3. Burma was one of
only 3 countries in only 3 countries in
the world the world
(including the (including the
United States and United States and
Liberia) who had Liberia) who had
not adopted metric not adopted metric
system of system of
measurement. measurement.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
4. The legal age for 4. The legal age for
marrying in Burma marrying in Burma
should be lowered to should be lowered to
5. The Capital of 5. The Capital of
Burma is Yangon. Burma is Yangon.

G. Finding - How will you know if an - How will you know

practical article you are reading on if an article you are
application of Facebook is a fact? reading on
concepts and Facebook is a fact?
skills in daily - How will you know if
living someone is saying - How will you know if
a fact or opinion? someone is saying
a fact or opinion?

H. Making Task 6: You Fill Me, I Fill Task 6: You Fill Me, I Fill
generalizations You. You.
and abstractions Complete the sentence Complete the sentence
about the lesson using the knowledge you using the knowledge you
have gained in the lesson. have gained in the lesson.

- I learned that - I learned that

. .
- Distinguishing facts - Distinguishing facts
from opinion is from opinion is
important because important because
- Knowing the .
tone and the key - Knowing the
idea help me to tone and the key
idea help me to

I. Evaluating Task 5: #F.O (Fact or Task 5: #F.O (Fact or

learning Opinion) Opinion)
Directions: Draw a smiley Directions: Draw a smiley
emoticon (  ) if the emoticon (  ) if the
statement is a fact, and statement is a fact, and
draw a thinking face draw a thinking face
emoticon (:-/) if it’s an emoticon (:-/) if it’s an
opinion. opinion.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(1.) The United States 1. Summer is a
seems to be in love with wonderful time to
the idea of going out to eat. spend at West
Because of this, a real Beach. (2.) It is a
variety of restaurants has beach with light-
come about specializing in colored, soft
all kinds of foods. (2.) sand. The
McDonald’s is the king of a coastline goes
subgroup of restaurants on for a long way
called fast-food and many people
restaurants. (3.) Chances enjoy walking
are, no matter where you along it. Children
live, there is a McDonald’s like to play in the
restaurant near you. There surf and walk
are even McDonald’s in the along the rocks
Soviet Union. Now that are visible at
McDonald’s is trying low tide. (3.) This
something new. It is called is a fun beach for
McDonald’s express and people of all
there is a test site in ages.
Peabody, Massachusetts. It
is part of a Mobil gas 4. What is the tone in the
station. This allows you to paragraph?
fill up with gas and fill up on
food at the same time. 5. What is the main idea in
What will they think of the paragraph?
4. What is the tone in the
paragraph? 1. (:-/)

5. What is the main idea in 2. 

the paragraph?
3. (:-/)
4. The tone is lively.
1. (:-/)
2.  5. the main idea (what
3. (:-/) the writer is saying
4. The tone is about the topic) is that
appreciative. summer is a wonderful
5. The main idea is in time at West Beach
the middle of the
paragraph, in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
sentence: McDonald
’s is the king of fast

J. Additional
activities for 1. Write five facts
application and about your 1. Write five facts
remediation school. about your
2. Based on the facts school.
you have written,
formulate a
sentence to make
it an opinion.

A. No. of
learners who
earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of
learners who
continue to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 6 Day: 2

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-
vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve
as carriers of meaning; ways by which information
may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.

C. Learning
Competency/ EN8V-IIIf-12.3: Arrive at meanings through context
Objectives clues.

II. CONTENT Vision by Feraya

Giving meaning through context clues.
III. LEARNING Voyages in Communication English 8
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages 357
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning
Resources materials/context-clues.shtml
Context Clues Test | Reading Quiz

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing Task 1: Blue’s Clues Task 1: Blue’s Clues
previous lesson Present to the class the four Present to the class
or presenting the images and ask them to find the four images and
new lesson out the words they are ask them to find out
portraying. the words they are
(See attached file #1) portraying.

(See attached file #1)

Task 2: Let’s Visualize!
(See attached file #2)

B. Establishing a Motivation: Motivation:

purpose for the
lesson - How do you want - How do you
your country to want your
be, ten years from country to
now? be, ten years
from now?
Tell the class that
they are about to Tell the class
read a poem “Vision” that they are
by FERAYA, about to read a
dedicated to the poem “Vision”
country of by FERAYA,
Burma/Myanmar. dedicated to the
country of
(The teacher may Burma/Myanma
post the motive r.
question before the
listening activity to (The teacher
guide the students on will post the
what to take note of.) motive question
before the
Motive Question: listening activity
What was the vision to guide the
of the author for students on
Burma and its what to take
people? note of.)

Motive Question:
What was the
vision of the
author for

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Burma and its

C. Presenting During Reading: During Reading:

s of the new Task 2: Poem Reading Task 2: Poem
lesson The teacher distributes a Reading
copy of the poem entitled The teacher distributes
“Vision” by Feraya and let a copy of the poem
the students listen first as entitled “Vision” by
the teacher reads it. Feraya and let the
students listen first as
1. Students are asked to the teacher reads it.
take note of the
unfamiliar words used 1. Students are
in the poem. asked to take
note of the
The teacher will instruct the unfamiliar words
students to read the poem used in the
aloud and find out the poem.
answer to the motive
question presented a while The teacher will
ago. instruct the students
to read the poem
aloud and find out the
(See attached file #3) answer to the motive
question presented a
while ago.

(See attached file #3)

D. Discussing new Post Reading Activity Post Reading Activity

concepts and
practicing new After reading the After reading
skills # 1 selection, ask the the selection,
students the following ask the students
comprehension the following
questions. comprehension
Note: The teacher will post Task 3: ONE’S
the questions on the board VISION:
for the students to Note: The teacher will
remember. post the questions on
the board for the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. What was the students to remember.
vision of the author
for Burma and its 1. What was the
people? vision of the
2. According to the author for
speaker in the Burma and
poem, what is its people?
happening in his/her 2. According to the
country Burma? speaker in the
poem, what is
3. What can be done to happening in
counter the problem his/her country
of Burma according Burma?
to the author?
4. What are the roles 3. What can be
of the Burmese done to counter
people for their the problem of
country? Burma
5. Why is the poem according to
entitled, the author?
―Vision? 4. What are the
6. How did the author roles of the
describe Burma Burmese
and its people? people in their
5. Why is the
After discussing the poem, poem
ask volunteer to write on the entitled,
board the unfamiliar words ―Vision?
they have encountered while
reading the poem.
After discussing the
Note: The teacher will post poem, ask volunteer to
the unfamiliar words on the write on the board the
board and let the students unfamiliar words they
identify the context clue have encountered
used. The teacher will ask while reading the
the following questions: poem.

1. What do you usually Note: The teacher will

do to find the post the unfamiliar
meaning of words on the board
unfamiliar words? and let the students
- We use identify the context
dictionary or clue used. The
search on the teacher
internet to find its will ask the following
meaning. questions:
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. For instance, you are
prohibited to use 6. What do you
dictionary or the usually do to
internet, what can you find the
do in order to find the meaning of
meaning of the unfamiliar
unfamiliar words? words?
- We use
The questions will lead the or search
teacher to the discussion of on the
context clues. internet to
find its
7. For instance,
you are
prohibited to
use dictionary
or the internet,
what can you
do in order to
find the
meaning of the

The questions will lead

the teacher to the
discussion of context

E. Discussing (Note to Teacher: Explain Discussion of

new concepts to the class that even CONTEXT CLUES:
and without the use of dictionary The teacher discusses
practicing new or internet, one can still the context clues and
skills # 2 know the meaning of the its type.
unfamiliar word using (Note to Teacher:
context clues.) Explain to the class
that even without the
use of dictionary or
Discussion of CONTEXT internet, one can still
CLUES: know the meaning of
The teacher discusses the the unfamiliar word
context clues and its type. using context clues.)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The clue may appear within The clue may appear
the same sentence as the within the same
word to which it refers, or it sentence as the word
may follow in a preceding to which it refers, or it
sentence. Because most of may follow in a
your vocabulary is gained preceding sentence.
through reading, it is Because most of your
important that you be able vocabulary is gained
to recognize and take through reading, it is
advantage of context clues. important that you be
able to recognize and
Types of context take advantage of
clues. There are at context clues.
four kinds of context clues Types of context
that are quite common. clues. There are at
Syn A synonym, or word least four kinds of
ony with the same context clues that are
m meaning, is used in quite common.
the sentence.

My opponent's Syn A synonym, or

argument ony word with the
is fallacious, m same meaning, is
mislead ing – plain used in the
wrong. sentence.

My opponent's
AntoA word or group of argument
nym words that has the is fallacious, mis
opposite meaning leading – plain
reveals the meaning wrong.
of an unknown term.
Ant A word or group
Although some men ony of words that
are loquacious, othe m has the opposite
rs hardly talk at all. meaning reveals
the meaning of
an unknown
Expl The unknown word is term.
anat explained within the
ion sentence or in a Although some
sentence immediately men
preceding. are loquacious,
others hardly talk
The patient is

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
so somnolent that sh at all.
e requires medication
to help her stay
awake for more than ExpThe unknown
a short time. lan word is explained
atio within the
n sentence or in
a sentence

The patient is
so somnolent th
at she requires
medication to
help her stay
awake for more
than a short time.
F. Developing Task 4: What I Mean Is… Task 4: What I Mean
(leads to Underline the context clue GROUP ACTIVITY:
Formative of the word. Identify what Underline the context
Assessment) type of context clue is used clue of the word.
in the italicized word. Identify what type of
Determine if it is context clue is used in
SYNONYMS, ANTONYMS, the italicized word.
EXPLANATION, or Determine if
EXAMPLE. Underline the underlined words are
context clue of the word.
There is also ugliness EXAMPLE of the
And cruelty italicized words in the
Fleeing and hiding sentence.
And foraging for food 1. Synonym
To survive There is also ugliness
3. And cruelty
Our people are in pain Fleeing and hiding
Suffering like no hell on 2. Explanation
earth And foraging for food
4. To survive
Darkness and despair 3. Explanation
5. Our people are in pain
Beaten and battered by life Suffering like no hell
Death and diseases

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Of the mind and spirit on earth
6. 4. Synonym
Swallowed up Darkness and despair
by gloominess
And bitterness 5. Synonyms
How can they carry on? Beaten and battered
7. by life
A vision that‘s vast and Death and diseases
spacious Of the mind and spirit
8. 6. Synonym
So that Burma‘s people may Swallowed up by
rise up gloominess
Like a beautiful lotus And bitterness
From a muddy pond. How can they carry
Answer: 7. Synonym
1. Synonym A vision that‘s vast
There is also and spacious
ugliness And cruelty 8. Example
Fleeing and hiding So that Burma‘s
2. Explanation people may rise up
And foraging for food Like a beautiful lotus
To survive From a muddy pond.
3. Explanation
Our people are in pain Answer:
Suffering like no hell on 1. Synonym
earth 2. Explanation
4. Synonym 3. Explanation
Darkness and despair 4. Synonym
5. Synonyms
5. Synonyms 6. Synonym
Beaten and battered by life 7. Synonym
Death and diseases 8. Example
Of the mind and spirit
6. Synonym
Swallowed up by
And bitterness
How can they carry on?
7. Synonym
A vision that‘s vast and
8. Example
So that Burma‘s people may
rise up

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Like a beautiful lotus
From a muddy pond.

G. Finding Task 5: Situational Activity Task 5: Situational

practical Activity
application of You have learned that in
concepts and getting the meaning of You have learned that
skills in daily living unfamiliar word, you can use in getting the meaning
context clue. of unfamiliar word,
If it happens that you meet a you can use context
stranger, how will you know clue. If it happens that
him better? you meet a stranger,
how will you know him

H. Making Task 6: Reflection Task 6: Reflection

and abstractions Suggested Activity: Suggested Activity:
about the lesson  The lesson for  The lesson
today enabled for today
me to learn…. enabled me
to learn….
 It made me
realize that…  It made
me realize

I. Evaluating Task 7: Giving Meaning Task 7: Giving

learning Be able to come up with Meaning
meaning using context Be able to come
clues in the sentence. up with meaning
using context clues
1: The girl who used to be in the sentence.
very vociferous doesn't talk
much anymore. 1: The girl who used to
be very vociferous
2: Pedagogical institutions, doesn't talk much
including high schools, anymore.
kindergartens, and colleges,
require community support 2: Pedagogical
to function efficiently. institutions, including
high schools,
3: He was so parsimonious kindergartens, and
that he refused to give his colleges, require
own sons the few pennies community support to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
they needed to buy pencils function efficiently.
for school. It truly hurt him to
part with his money. 3: He was so
parsimonious that he
4: Rather than be involved in refused to give his own
clandestine meetings, they sons the few pennies
did everything quite openly. they needed to buy
pencils for school. It
5: Ecclesiastics, such as truly hurt him to part
priests, ministers, and with his money.
pastors, should set models
of behavior for their 4: Rather than be
congregants. involved in
clandestine meetings,
6: The girl was churlish – they did everything
rude, sullen and quite openly.
absolutely ill-mannered.
5: Ecclesiastics, such
7: Because the as priests, ministers,
conflagration was aided by and pastors, should
wind, it was so destructive set models of behavior
that every building in the for their congregants.
area was completely burned
to the ground. Excerpted from Irwin L.
Joffe's Opportunity for
Excerpted from Irwin L. Successful Reading,
Joffe's Opportunity for 3rd ed., 153-55
Successful Reading, 3rd
ed., 153-55 ANSWER KEY TO
CONTEXT CLUES 1. Type of Context
Clue -contrast
1. Type of Context Clue - definition of
contrast vociferous
definition of vociferous - -talkative; outspoken
talkative; outspoken
2. Type of Context
2. Type of Context Clue - Clue -example
example definition pedagogical
definition pedagogical - - having to do with
having to do with teaching teaching

3. Type of Context Clue - 3. Type of Context

explanation Clue -explanation
definition of

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
definition of parsimonious - parsimonious -
stingy; tight-fisted stingy; tight-fisted

4. Type of Context Clue - 4. Type of Context

synonym Clue -synonym
definition of pertinacity - definition of
mulish; stubborn pertinacity
-mulish; stubborn
5. Type of Context Clue -
contrast 5. Type of Context
definition of clandestine - Clue - contrast
secret; hidden definition of
clandestine - secret;
6. Type of Context Clue - hidden
definition of ecclesiastics -
member of the clergy

7. Type of Context Clue -

definition of sullen -rude

8. Type of Context Clue -

definition of conflagration –
J. Additional
activities for Look for a short passage Look for a short
application and and be able to identify passage and be able
remediation context clues from the to identify context
passage by underlining the clues from the
word and its clue and passage by
identifying what type of underlining the word
context clue is used. and its clue and
identifying what
type of context clue is

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 6 Day: 3

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-
vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve
as carriers of meaning; ways by which information
may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.
C. Learning
Competency/ EN8VC-IIIf-19: Judge the relevance of ideas
Objectives presented in the material viewed.

EN8LT-IIIf2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a

genre contribute to the theme of a particular literary
selection. (Drama)

II. CONTENT Elements of Drama

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
WorbvkAhVNyYsBHYeIBjkQMwiJASgQMBA&url=http club
Drama Courses | Drama Classes & Studies | Excelsia
The Passover Seder: More Freedom, Less Drama


A. Reviewing Task 1: 4 Pics 1 Word Task 1: 4 Pics 1 Word
previous lesson
or presenting the
new lesson

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Answer: DRAMA
Answer: DRAMA
Task 2: Unlocking of
Difficulties: Arrange Task 2: Unlocking of
the jumbled letter to Difficulties: Arrange the
form a word based on jumbled letter to form a
its definition. word based on its
1. HTMEE – refers definition.
to a central
idea. It can be Fill in the blank the
clearly stated missing letter to form a
through dialog word based on its
or action, or can definition.
be inferred after 1. PL_ T – the order of
watching the events occurring in
entire a play.
performance. 2. CH _R_ C T_ R–
2. OTLP – the responsible of
order of events bringing the play to
occurring in a life.
play. 3. D_AL_G _ E – a
3. AHACTRECR – conversational
responsible of passage, or a
bringing the play spoken
to life. conversation
4. ILOUDAGE – a between two or a
group of people in a

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
conversational 4. S_ T T _ _ G – the
passage, or a time and place
spoken where a story is
conversation set.
between two or 5. P E_ F_ R _ A _ C_
a group of – an event in which
people in a play. performers present
5. EITSNGT – the one or more works
time and place of art to an
where a story is audience.
set. 6. M _ S_ C –
6. EMCERPORFA includes the use of
N – an event in sounds and rhythm
which performers in dialogs as well as
present one or compositions that
more works of art are used in the
to an audience. plays.
7. UIMCS – 7. V_ S_ _ L EL _
includes the use M_ NT– deals with
of sounds and the scenes,
rhythm in costumes, and
dialogs as well special effects used
as compositions in play.
that are used in
the plays.
deals with the
costumes, and
special effects
used in play.
B. Establishing a Pre-Viewing Activity Pre-Viewing Activity
purpose for the The teacher asks the The teacher asks the
lesson following questions: following questions:

- Have you - Have you watched a

watched a movie?
- What is your favorite
- What is your movie?
movie? - What’s in that movie
for you to consider it
- Why do you as your favorite
consider it

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
your favorite movie among any
movie? other movies?

- What is the most - What is the most

interesting part interesting part in
in the movie that the movie that strike
strike you most? you most?

C. Presenting Viewing Activity Viewing Activity

examples/Instance Tell the class that they Tell the class that they will
s of the new will be watching a short be watching a short drama
lesson drama play: "The play: "The Dictionary
Dictionary Salesman". Salesman". As the students
As the students watch watch the play they will be
the play they will be guided by the following
guided by the following previewing questions.
previewing questions.
Task 3: Previewing
Task 3: Previewing Questions:
1: How many characters
1: How many did you see? What are
characters are there? they doing? Can you grasp
What are they doing? the idea of the story
Can you grasp the idea through the words of the
of the story through the characters?
words of the
characters? 2: Characters: What is the
role of the boy holding a
2: Characters: What is dictionary? How about the
the role of the boy boy holding a sack? How
holding a dictionary? about the man and the
How about the boy woman whom the boy is
holding a sack? How selling the dictionary? How
about the man and the about the girl who arrived in
woman to whom the the middle of the video?
boy is selling the
dictionary? How about 2: Plot Structure: What is
the girl who arrived in the conflict in the story
the middle of the based on the dialogues?
3: Setting: What type of
3: Plot Structure: What setting is employed in the
is the conflict in the drama presented? How did
story based on the you say so?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
4: Setting: What type of 4: What do you think is the
setting is employed in central idea of the featured
the drama presented? drama based on the video
How did you say so? clip?

5: What do you think is (See attached file #1(One-

the central idea of the Act Play: "The first
featured drama based Dictionary Salesman")
on the video clip?
(See attached file atch?v=0gseK8eSCPk
#1(One-Act Play: "The
first Dictionary - This is a 7
Salesman") minutes video, the
teacher may forward the video
m/watch?v=0gseK8eSC clip at
Pk (00: 50) for the
drama proper.
- This is a 7
minutes video,
the teacher may
forward the
video clip at
(00: 50) for the
drama proper.
D. Discussing new Task 4: DIRECTOR Task 4: DIRECTOR FOR
concepts and FOR A DAY A DAY
practicing new Comprehension Check: Comprehension Check:
skills # 1 - Based on the - Based on the
video you have video you have
watched, how watched, how do
do you define you define drama?
drama? Note: Teacher will let the
Note: Teacher will let students give one word
the students give one which they can relate to the
word which they can word drama.
relate to the word
drama. Possible Answer:
- Play
Possible Answer: - Performance
- Play - An act
- Performance - Theater
- An act - Mine

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
- Theater - Opera
- Mine
- Opera - Based on the
words they have
- Based on the given, let them
words they have define what drama
given, let them is?
define what
drama is? Answer: Drama is a
specific mode of fiction
Answer: Drama is a represented in
specific mode of fiction performance: a play,
represented in opera, mime, performed in
performance: a play, a theatre.
opera, mime, performed
in a theatre. - Does the drama
“The Dictionary
- Does the drama Salesman” depict
“The Dictionary the reality of life?
Salesman” depict Is it still happening
the reality of life? nowadays? What
Is it still specific life’s reality
happening is depicted in the
nowadays? What drama?
specific life’s
reality is depicted Answer: The drama
in the drama? depicts the ignorance of
the people and how they
Answer: The drama are easily persuaded by
depicts the ignorance the different advertising
of the people and how companies.
they are easily
persuaded by the
different advertising

E. Discussing new Discussion of THE Discussion of THE

practicing new DRAMA: Present another video
skills # 2 Present another video about the lesson (Viewing
about the lesson Comprehension)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(See Attached file #2 (See Attached file #2
)(Introduction to Drama: )(Introduction to Drama:
The Essential The Essential Elements)
Elements) tch?v=vcRv-BVsOT8

F. Developing Task 5: Group Task 5: Group Activity: 1,

mastery Activity: 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, ACTION!
(leads to ACTION!
Formative Based on the (Introduction
Assessment) Based on the to Drama: The Essential
(Introduction to Drama: Elements), group the class
The Essential into 8 groups and present
Elements), group the the task to each group.
class into 8 groups and
present the task to Group 1: How many
each group. characters did you see?
What are they doing? Can
Group 1: How many you grasp the idea of their
characters did you see? story through their words?
What are they doing?
Can you grasp the idea Group 2: Characters: What
of their story through is the role of the man
their words? seated in front of the
woman? How about the
Group 2: Characters: woman? How did you know
What is the role of the their roles?
man seated in front of
the woman? How about Group 3: Dialogue: How
the woman? How did were the two characters
you know their roles? able to interact?

Group 3: Dialogue: Group 4: Plot Structure:

How were the two What can you say about
characters able to the two women? Who are
interact? they? What is the conflict in
the story based on their
Group 4: Plot Structure: dialogues?
What can you say about
the two women? Who Group 5: Protagonist and
are they? What is the Rising Action: What did you
conflict in the story notice on the scene? How
based on their is it related to the previous

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
dialogues? part? Are there more
actions and characters
Group 5: Protagonist involved? Who is the
and Rising Action: What protagonist? Who is the
did you notice on the antagonist? What
scene? How is it related happened to the
to the previous part? protagonist?
Are there more actions
and characters Group 6: Monologue,
involved? Who is the Soliloquy, Aside: How are
protagonist? Who is the you going to differentiate
antagonist? What the three types of dialogue
happened to the in drama?
Group 7: Setting: What
Group 6: Monologue, type of setting is employed
Soliloquy, Aside: How in ―True West? How did
are you going to you say so?
differentiate the three
types of dialogue in
drama? Group 8: Theme: What do
you think is the central
Group 7: Setting: What idea of the featured drama
type of setting is based on the video clip?
employed in ―True
West? How did you say

Group 8: Theme: What

do you think is the
central idea of the
featured drama based
on the video clip?
G. Finding
practical Do you consider your Do you consider your life as
application of life as a drama? a drama?
concepts and
skills in daily living What made you say so? What made you say so?

H. Making What have you learned What have you learned

generalizations today? today?
and abstractions
about the lesson What are the elements What are the elements of
of drama and how do drama and how does it
they contribute to the contribute to the theme of a

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
theme of a specific specific literature?
I. Evaluating
learning Task 6: DIRECTORS Task 6: DIRECTORS CUT
CUT 1. What are the
elements of
1. What are the drama?
elements of
drama? 2. How does it
contribute to the
2. How does it theme of a
contribute to specific literary
the theme of a piece?
specific literary
J. Additional Compose a short plot of Search for an example of a
activities for story adopting the drama piece and identify
application and theme of the legend of the different elements of
remediation your place, considering drama present in the piece.
the different elements

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 6 Day: 4

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-
vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve
as carriers of meaning; ways by which information
may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in
presenting information.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behaviour.
C. Learning EN8SS-IIIf-1.6: Show respect for intellectual property
Competency/ rights by acknowledging citations made in an
Objectives informative essay lifted from online sources.
EN8SS-IIIf1.6.3: Acknowledge sources by creating a
bibliography. (online sources)

II. CONTENT How To Write A Bibliography

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning
Resources transportation.htm

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing Task 1: REMEMBER ME Task 1: REMEMBER
previous lesson 1. ME
or presenting the B B L G R 1.
new lesson - A list of all the B B L G R
sources you have - A list of all the
used in the sources you
process of have used in the
researching your process of
2. work. researching your
S R C work.
- A person, thing, or 2.
place which S R C
information comes, - A person, thing,
arises, or is or place which
obtained. information
3. comes, arises,
C T T or is obtained.
- A quotation from 3.
or reference to a C T T
book, paper, or - A quotation from
author, especially or reference to a
in a scholarly book, paper, or
4. work. author, especially
A K N W L in a scholarly
- Acceptance of the work.
truth or existence of 4.
something; an A K N W L
author’s or - Acceptance of
publisher’s the truth or
statement of existence of
indebtedness to something; an
others. author’s or
Answer: publisher’s
1. Bibliography statement of
2. Sources indebtedness to
3. Citation others.
4. Acknowledge Answer:
5. Bibliography
The teacher will ask the 6. Sources
question as a review of 7. Citation
their past lesson. 8. Acknowledge

- What do you The teacher will ask the

remember about question as a review of

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
these words? their past lesson.

Note to the teacher: - What do you

Lead the student to come remember
up with the correct about these
answer that these words words?
are used in creating a
bibliography. Note to the teacher:
Lead the student to
come up with the correct
answer that these words
are used in creating a
B. Establishing a Motivation: Motivation:
purpose for the - Is it right to own - Is it right to own
lesson the things which is the things
not originally which is not
yours? What originally
should you do? yours? What
should you do?
In this 21st century world
where internet has In this 21st century world
become a catalyst of where internet has
change and became become a catalyst of
widely used by many change and became
people in the different widely used by most
walks of life, the need of people in the different
awareness to avoid walks of life, the need of
plagiarism is a must. awareness to avoid
plagiarism is a must.
Introduce to the class that
the lesson that you will be Introduce to the class
discussing is that the lesson that you
acknowledging citations will be discussing is
lifted in online sources by acknowledging citations
creating bibliography. lifted in online sources
by creating bibliography.
Reiterate to the class that
in todays’ lesson, they will Reiterate to the class
be using the knowledge that in todays’ lesson,
they have learned about they will be using the
creating a bibliography as knowledge they have
you narrow down the learned about creating a
lesson on how to make a bibliography as you
bibliography from the narrow down the lesson
information gathered in an on how to make a
bibliography from the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
online sources. information gathered in
an online sources.
C. Presenting Present the Informative Present the Informative
examples/Instances essay. essay.
of the new lesson (See attached file # 1) (See attached file # 1)
Myanmar Essay: Myanmar Essay:

Process Questions: Process Questions:

1. What kind of essay is 1. What kind of essay

it? is it?

2. Why is the essay 2. Why is the essay

presented considered presented
an informative essay? considered an
informative essay?
3. What important
information did you 3. What important
learn from the essay? information did you
learn from the

D. Discussing new
concepts and The essay presented a while The essay presented a
ago is taken from online while ago is taken from
practicing new skills
source. online source.
- What is - What is online
online source?
Note: The teacher may Note: The teacher may
solicit answers and may solicit answers and may
let the class give some let the class give some
examples of online examples of online
sources then discusses sources then discusses
what online source is. what online source is.

An online source is An online source is
material you find online. It material you find online.
can be an online It can be an online
newspaper, magazine or newspaper, magazine
television website such as or television website
NBC or CNN. Peer- such as NBC or CNN.
reviewed journals, Peer-reviewed journals,
webpages, forums and webpages, forums and

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
blogs are also online blogs are also online
sources. Some other sources. Some other
names for online sources names for online
are electronic sources, sources are electronic
web sources and Internet sources, web sources
sources. Since so many and Internet sources.
sources are available Since so many sources
online, it's important to are available online, it's
know which ones are important to know which
reliable and how to cite ones are reliable and
them. how to cite them.
E. Discussing new After discussing the After discussing the
concepts and online source, the teacher online source, the
practicing new skills asks the class the teacher asks the class
#2 following questions: the following questions:

1. Have you ever 1. Have you ever

surfed the surfed the
internet in internet in
answering an answering an
assignment? assignment?
2. Is it right to take 2. Is it right to take
credit of the idea credit of the
that is not originally idea that is not
yours? originally yours?
3. What can you do in 3. What can you do
order to in order to
acknowledge the acknowledge the
person, the book, person, the
or the website book, or the
where you lifted website where
the information you you lifted the
have used or will information you
be using? have used or
will be using?
(The questions will lead
you in the discussion on (The questions will lead
How to Write a you in the discussion on
Bibliography lifted from How to Write a
online sources) Bibliography lifted from
online sources)
(See attached file #2)
- How to Write a (See attached file #2)
Bibliography How to Write a
lifted from online Bibliography lifted from
sources. online sources.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. Developing Task 2: exCITEd! Task 2: exCITEd!
mastery Individual Activity: Pair Activity:
(leads to Formative Present to the class a Instruct the students to
Assessment) sample informative essay find a partner and
about Myanmar lifted in answer following
the internet. questions:
(See attached file #1 ) Present to the class a
sample informative
- Based on the essay about the
citation, what kind Myanmar lifted in the
of bibliography internet.
are present in the (See attached file #1 )
- Based on the
- What specific citation, what
online source is kind of
the essay? bibliography are
present in the

- What specific
online source
is the essay?

G. Finding practical For instance, you have For instance, you have
application of found money, would you found money, would
concepts and skills own it? Why or Why not? you own it? Why or Why
in daily living not?
When you borrow
something, what are the When you borrow
things that you should something, what are the
consider? things that you should

H. Making Task 3: Cite Something Task 3: Cite

generalizations and Directions: Let the Something
abstractions about students choose what Directions: Let the
the lesson group they would like to students choose what
be. group they would like to
Group 1: The Artist
- Illustrate/draw Group 1: The Artist
something that - Illustrate/draw
shows the something that

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
importance of shows the
creating a importance of
bibliography from creating a
the information bibliography from
lifted in an online the information
source. lifted in an online
Group 2: The Singer source.
- Perform a song Group 2: The Singer
that explains the - Perform a song
importance of that explains
giving credit to the the importance
things/ideas you of giving credit
borrowed. to the
Group 3: The Poets things/ideas you
- Compose a two- borrowed.
stanza poem that Group 3: The Poets
explains the - Compose a two-
importance of stanza poem that
showing respect explains the
for intellectual importance of
property rights by showing respect
acknowledging the for intellectual
owner. property rights by
the owner.
I. Evaluating Task 4: Cite Seeing Task 4: Cite Seeing
learning Directions: Choose the Directions: Choose the
correct bibliography used correct bibliography
in the different online used in the different
sources. online sources.

(See attached file #3) (See attached file #3)

J. Additional Write bibliography in the Write 1 sample of

activities for following online bibliography in your
application and sources. (2 samples preferred online
remediation each) sources.
- Blog - Blog
- Video/Movie - Video/Movie
- Online newspaper - Online

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 6 Day: 5

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: African
Standard literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meaning; ways by which information may
be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.
C. Learning EN8RC-IIIf- Evaluate the details that support
Competency/ assertions in a text.
Objectives EN8OL-IIIf-3: Deliver a self-composed persuasive
EN8G-IIIf-3.6: Use modals appropriately. (modals of
EN8G-IIIf-12: Use emphasis markers for persuasive
II. CONTENT Emphasis Marker
Modals to Express Suggestions
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Other
Learning S-MARKERS/
A. Reviewing REVIEW: REVIEW:
previous lesson - The teacher asks - The teacher asks
or presenting the students on the students on the
new lesson previous topic: previous topic:

- What is a - What is a
persuasive persuasive speech?
- How to Write and
- How to Write and Deliver Persuasive
Deliver Speech.
Speech. TASK 1: (See Attached file
TASK 1: (See Attached Attached file # :
Give the clue in the box.

B. Establishing a - Have you ever - Have you ever

purpose for the experienced the need of experienced the need of
lesson giving your opinion, giving your opinion,
suggestion or your suggestion or your strong
strong belief to belief to something but
something but you you couldn’t?
For instance, your parent
For instance, your parent doesn’t want you to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
doesn’t want you to continue your study, how
continue your study, how will you convince your
will you convince your parent to let you finish it?
parent to let you finish it?

The teacher explains to

The teacher explains to the class that the lesson to
the class that the lesson be discussed is how to
to be discussed is how to deliver a self-composed
deliver a self-composed persuasive speech using
persuasive speech using modals of suggestion,
modals of suggestion, emphasis markers, and
emphasis markers, and assertion.
(Note: The teacher may
(Note: The teacher may not discuss how to write a
not discuss how to write persuasive speech
a persuasive speech because it has already
because it has already been discussed in the past
been discussed in the week.)
past week.) (Note: The teacher may
not discuss how to write a
persuasive speech
because it has already
been discussed in the past
C. Presenting The teacher presents a The teacher presents a
examples/Instance Persuasive Speech Persuasive Speech
s of the new entitled: The Case for entitled: The Case for
lesson School Uniforms. School Uniforms.

(See attached file #2) (See attached file #2)

Note to teacher: The Note to teacher: The

persuasive should be persuasive should be
played in audio. The played in audio. The
teacher will distribute a teacher will distribute a
copy of speech to serve copy of speech to serve as
as guide to the students guide to the students while
while listening. listening.

Process Questions: Process Questions:

- What kind of - What kind of essay
essay is presented?
is - What makes it a

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
- What makes it a persuasive essay?
persuasive - Based on your
essay? answer, how do you
- Based on your define persuasive
answer, how do essay?
you define - What is the essay
persuasive about?
essay? - What are the words
- What is the essay used in the essay
about? that persuades?
- What are the (The process questions
words used in the will lead the teacher in the
essay that discussion of assertion
persuades? used in the speech.)
(The process questions
will lead the teacher in
the discussion of
assertion used in the

D. Discussing new Discussion: Discussion:

concepts and Assertion is a confident Assertion is a confident
practicing new and forceful statement of and forceful statement of
skills # 1 fact or belief. fact or belief.

(See attached file #3) (See attached file #3)


Note to teacher: Since Note to teacher: Since that

that the discussion of the the discussion of the types
types of assertion will of assertion will take a lot
take a lot of time, you of time, you can focus
can focus your your discussion only to the
discussion only to the types of assertion used in
types of assertion used the speech.
in the speech.
E. Discussing In your past lesson, you In your past lesson, you
new concepts have known that modals have known that modals
and function in different function in different ways.
practicing new ways. Today, we will Today, we will know what
skills # 2 know what modals modals function as a
function as a suggestion. suggestion.

Using their prior Using their prior

knowledge about knowledge about modals,

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
modals, ask the students ask the students to identify
to identify the modals the modals used in the
used in the speech and speech and zero-in your
zero-in your discussion discussion by discussing
by discussing that that modals used to
modals used to express express suggestions.
Modals to express
Modals to express suggestions: SHOULD,
SHALL Should, could, might and
shall are used to express
Should, could, might and suggestions:
shall are used to express
suggestions: Shouldn't we have a
pizza instead?
Shouldn't we have a You could talk to your
pizza instead? parents and ask them.
You could talk to your You might consider
parents and ask them. taking up meditation.
You might consider Shall we throw a party
taking up meditation. sometime next week?
Shall we throw a party
sometime next week? Might is often used with
want or like to add
Might is often used with politeness:
want or like to add
politeness: I thought you might
want/like to read this.
I thought you might
want/like to read this. May/might as well is often
used in everyday
May/might as well is conversation to suggest
often used in everyday something when you can't
conversation to suggest think of anything better to
something when you do:
can't think of anything
better to do: We may as well call it off.
You might just as well
We may as well call it order it on the internet.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
You might just as well Grammaring – A guide to
order it on the internet. English grammar |
Copyright © 2009-2019
Grammaring – A guide to https://www.grammaring.c
English grammar | om/modals-to-express-
Copyright © 2009-2019 suggestions-should-could-
https://www.grammaring. might-shall
could-might-shall Discussion:
There are other words that
Discussion: function as a highlighter of
There are other words your thoughts in a
that function as a sentence, we call that
highlighter of your EMPHASIS MARKER.
thoughts in a sentence,
MARKER. Emphasis is a form of
exaggeration or
EMPHASIS MARKERS - amplification making
Emphasis is a form of things bigger in some way
exaggeration or than they really are.
amplification making
things bigger in some - The use of
way than they really are. emphasis in speech
is very common
- The use of and is an accepted
emphasis in way of talking that
speech is very sends subtle (and
common and is an sometimes not so
accepted way of subtle) signals to
talking that sends tell the listener
subtle (and where the important
sometimes not so parts are and so
subtle) signals to focus their
tell the listener attention.
where the Examples of Emphasis
important parts Markers
are and so focus To show contrast
their attention. between ideas-
Examples of Emphasis contrary, however,
Markers notwithstanding
To show contrast To denote time-
between ideas- after, at last, before
contrary, however, To add previous point in

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
notwithstanding the essay-
To denote time- furthermore, besides,
after, at last, before To show similarity or
To add previous point comparison between
in the essay- ideas-
furthermore, besides, likewise, similarly, in like
To show similarity or fashion
comparison between To concede a point in
ideas- the essay-
likewise, similarly, in like although, at least, at any
fashion rate
To concede a point in To emphasize a point-
the essay- indeed, above all, truly
although, at least, at any To bring attention to
rate details-
To emphasize a point- especially, specifically, in
indeed, above all, truly particular
To bring attention to To show consequence
details- or a result
especially, specifically, - with the result that, so
in particular that, consequently
To show consequence To illustrate a point or
or a result provide examples-
- with the result that, so for instance, for example,
that, consequently to illustrate
To illustrate a point or To make a suggestion in
provide examples- the essay-
for instance, for to this end, for this
example, to illustrate purpose, with this in mind
To make a suggestion
in the essay-
to this end, for this m/file/23741408/EMPHASI
purpose, with this in S-MARKERS/
- After the
https://www.coursehero. discussion, let the
com/file/23741408/EMP class identify the
HASIS-MARKERS/ emphasis markers
used in the
- After the persuasive essay.
discussion, let the
class identify the
emphasis markers
used in the
persuasive essay.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. Developing TASK #2: TASK #3:
Formative HEARD! HEARD!
Assessment) The teacher divides the The teacher divides the
class into three groups. class into three groups.


- Using modals of - Using modals of
suggestions, suggestions,
Convince other Convince other
Filipinos to visit Filipinos to visit
Myanmar. Myanmar.


- Using emphasis - Using emphasis
markers, markers, Convince
Convince other other Filipinos to
Filipinos to visit visit Myanmar.
ASSERTION GROUP - Using assertion,
- Using assertion, convince other
convince other Filipinos to visit
Filipinos to visit Myanmar.
Choose one
Choose one representative from your
representative from your group to deliver the
group to deliver the speech.
(See attached file #4 for
(See attached file #4 for the Rubrics of the
the Rubrics of the Persuasive Speech)
Persuasive Speech)

G. Finding
practical How will you convince How will you convince
application of your friends to help in your friends to help in
concepts and cleaning the barangay to cleaning the barangay to
skills in daily living avoid dengue? avoid dengue?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
and abstractions
about the lesson Explain what you have Explain what you have
learned from the lesson learned from the lesson
and what can you do and what can you do using
using the knowledge you the knowledge you have
have gained, using these gained, choosing from
specific details. these specific detail.

I learned that I I learned that I

When you
It affects ,"
Describe your feelings:
"and I feel
Therefore, I would like

I. Evaluating Task 4: SAY NO TO Task 4: SAY NO TO

Directions: Deliver a 3- 4 Directions: Deliver a 3- 4
line persuasive speech line persuasive speech
convincing your convincing your
classmates to diminish classmates to diminish
bullying inside the bullying inside the school.
school. Highlight by Highlight by underlining
underlining the modals of the modals of suggestions
suggestions and and emphasis markers
emphasis markers used used in your speech.
in your speech.
(Note to the Teacher:
(Note to the Teacher: The task may not be done
The task may not be by all the students
done by all the students depending on the number
depending on the of your students in a class.
number of your students You may let them continue
in a class. You may let the evaluation the
them continue the following day).

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
evaluation the following
day). (See attached file #4 for
the Rubrics of the
(See attached file #4 for Persuasive Speech)
the Rubrics of the
Persuasive Speech)
J. Additional
activities for Using modals of Using modals of
application and suggestion and suggestion and emphasis
remediation emphasis marker, write a marker, write a letter
letter addressed to the addressed to the Editor-In-
Editor-In-Chief of your Chief of your school paper
school paper regarding regarding the maintenance
the maintenance of of cleanliness and
cleanliness orderliness in your school.
and orderliness in your


A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 7 Day: 1

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
A. Content strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
Standards examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
The learner transfers learning by composing and
B. Performance delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
Standards essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning EN8LT-IIIg-2.2:
Competencies/ Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to
Objectives theme of a particular literary selection
Determine key ideas, tone, and purposes of the author
Use modals appropriately. – future tense
II. CONTENT Makato and the Cowrie Shell
(A Thai Folktale)
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Grade 8 Learning Module, pages 144-147
3. Textbook Asian & African Literature and Communication Arts,
Pages pages 578-586
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other Learning Literature and Language Arts (Warriner’s Handbook), pages
Resources 197-199

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV. PROCEDUR Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the Pre-Reading Activities Pre-Reading Activities
previous lesson Unlocking of Difficulties Unlocking of Difficulties
or presenting the
new lesson Task 1: How strong are you, Task 1: Name that Thing
Lexis? Given below are some words
Given below are some found in the selection,
words found in the “Makato and the Cowrie
selection, “Makato and Shell.” Let the students guess
the Cowrie Shell.” Let the word by filling in the
the students guess the missing letters. A picture and
jumbled letters with the a definition is also given for
guide of the picture. each word.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

Answer: idle
Answer: idle


Answer: starve
Answer: starve


Answer: wage

Answer: wage 4.


Answer: fortune

Answer: fortune 5.


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Answer: mahout Answer: mahout

6. 6.

Answer: cowrie Answer: cowrie

7. 7.

Answer: clutching Answer: clutching

The teacher will remind The teacher will remind the

the students that the students that the words above
words above will appear will appear in the selection that
in the selection that they they are about to read.
are about to read.
B. Establishing a Task 2: The Formula to Task 2: The Formula to Success
purpose for the Success (The teacher will present
lesson (The teacher will present series of pictures. Storyline:
series of pictures. How a person becomes
Storyline: How a person successful)
becomes successful)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
What are the values and MOTIVATION:
traits that you must What are the values and traits
possess for you to that you must possess for you
become a successful to become a successful
person? person?
(Students’ answers may (Students’ answers may vary.)

C. Presenting The teacher will show a The teacher will show a flag of
examples/instanc flag of Thailand and will Thailand and will give a
es of the new give a short background background.
lesson on the country.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Thailand, officially the
Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand, formerly
Kingdom of Thailand, known as Siam, is a country
formerly known as Siam, at the centre of the
is a country at the centre Indochinese peninsula in
of the Indochinese Southeast Asia. With a total
peninsula in Southeast area of approximately 513,000
Asia. With a total area of km2 (198,000 sq mi), Thailand
approximately 513,000 is the world’s 51st largest
km2 (198,000 sq mi), country. It is the 20th-most-
Thailand is the world’s populous country in the world,
51st largest country. It is with around 66 million people.
the 20th-most-populous The capital largest city is
country in the world, Bangkok.
with around 66 million
people. The capital The teacher reveals to the
largest city is Bangkok. students that the text they are
about to read and discuss is a
The teacher reveals to folktale from Thailand.
the students that the text
they are about to read Before reading the story, the
and discuss is a folktale teacher will discuss the short
from Thailand. biography of Supanee
Khanchanathiti, the author of
Before reading the the folktale.
story, the teacher will
discuss the short Little is known about Supanee
biography of Supanee Khanchanthiti, retailer and
Khanchanathiti, the translator of “Makato and the
author of the folktale. Cowrie Shell,” a story about a
boy who was born poor and
Little is known about worked hard, and one day
Supanee Khanchanthiti, decided to go on a journey.
retailer and translator of Through a series of events, he
“Makato and the Cowrie became a king.
Shell,” a story about a
boy who was born poor (Since the selection to be
and worked hard, and discussed is an example of a
one day decided to go folktale, the teacher will have
on a journey. Through a a recapitulation on folktale.)
series of events, he
became a king. A folktale is a story or legend
forming part of an oral
(Since the selection to tradition. Folktales are
be discussed is an generally passed down from
example of a folktale, one generation to another and
the teacher will have a often take on the
recapitulation on characteristics of the time and
folktale.) place in which they are told.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A folktale is a story or The teacher will present the
legend forming part of motive question to the
an oral tradition. students. This will be
Folktales are generally answered after the selection
passed down from one was read.
generation to another
and often take on the MOTIVE QUESTION:
characteristics of the What are the values and traits
time and place in which that Makato possessed which
they are told. enabled him to become a
successful person?
The teacher will present
the motive question to Reading Activity
the students. This will be The students will be asked to
answered after the do an in-depth reading of the
selection was read. story “Makato and the Cowrie
Shell” to get into the main
MOTIVE QUESTION: ideas. (It is advisable that the
What are the values and selection was given as an
traits that Makato assigned task.)
possessed which
enabled him to become
a successful person?

Reading Activity
The students will be
asked to do an in-depth
reading of the story
“Makato and the Cowrie
Shell” to get into the
main ideas. (It is
advisable that the
selection was given as
an assigned task.)

D. Discussing Post-Reading Activity Post-Reading Activity

new concepts After reading the After reading the selection,
and selection, the teacher the teacher will ask the
practicing will ask the students the students the following
new skills #1 following questions. questions.

Task 3: Process Task 3: Process Questions

1. What are the values and
1. What are the values traits that Makato possess
and traits that Makato which enabled him to become
possess which enabled a successful person?
him to become a

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
successful person? 2. What could be the reason
why he left his place?
2. What could be the 3. Through inferring what the
reason why he left character says, does and
his place? thinks, one can recognize
3. Through inferring the traits of a literary
what the character says, character. Cite lines, actions
does and thinks, one and thoughts which show
can recognize the traits Makato’s traits.
of a literary character.
Cite lines, actions and 4. What were those changes
thoughts which show in Makato’s life after meeting
Makato’s traits. the king? Enumerate.
5. Which of Makato’s traits are
4. What were those similar to yours?
changes in Makato’s
life after meeting the 6. How would you nurture and
king? Enumerate. enhance your positive traits?
5. Which of Makato’s
traits are similar to 7. What lessons in life does
yours? the author want to convey to
the readers?
6. How would you Are these true to all ages and
nurture and enhance races?
your positive traits?
8. What is the main idea (or
7. What lessons in life key ideas) of the story? What
does the author want to is the tone? Differentiate key
convey to the readers? ideas from tone.
Are these true to all Answers:
ages and races? 1. Makato is an orphaned boy
for his father and mother had
8. What is the main idea died when he was very young.
(or key ideas) of the He is kind, determined,
story? What is the tone? determined, hardworking,
Differentiate key ideas good-tempered, intelligent,
from tone. cheerful, and sensible.
1. Makato is an 2. Makato left his place (City
orphaned boy for his of Mon) because he wanted to
father and mother had try his fortune in the land of
died when he was very Sukhothai which he heard that
young. He is kind, the land is fertile and the
determined, determined, people are kind.
hardworking, good-
tempered, intelligent, 3. Students’ answers may
cheerful, and sensible. vary.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. Makato left his place 4. After meeting the king, first,
(City of Mon) because he thought of a way to earn
he wanted to try his money out of the cowrie shell
fortune in the land of he received from the king as a
Sukhothai which he gift. Then having received a
heard that the land is job in the palace, he mastered
fertile and the people are every grace and served the
kind. king well. He was promoted to
higher positions until he
3. Students’ answers became the most important
may vary. person (Kun Wang) in the
king’s court. Eventually, he
4. After meeting the married the beautiful young
king, first, he thought of daughter of the king and
a way to earn money out became the ruler of the Mon.
of the cowrie shell he
received from the king 5. Students’ answers may
as a gift. Then having vary.
received a job in the
palace, he mastered 6. Students’ answers may
every grace and served vary.
the king well. He was
promoted to higher 7. Students’ answers may
positions until he vary.
became the most
important person (Kun 8. The main idea of the story
Wang) in the king’s is good karma. In the story,
court. Eventually, he Makato had planted a seed
married the beautiful eagerly and had waited
young daughter of the patiently for it to grow and
king and became the bear fruits. He had obtained
ruler of the Mon. the seeds in a good way,
through kindness and thus he
5. Students’ answers had been rewarded because
may vary. of his patience and
hardwork.The tone of the
6. Students’ answers story is happy.
may vary. Key ideas or main idea, is the
point of the paragraph and is
7. Students’ answers the most important thought
may vary. about the topic.
Tone is the attitude of the
8. The main idea of the author towards the subject.
story is good karma. In
the story, Makato had
planted a seed eagerly
and had waited
for it to grow and bear
fruits. He had obtained

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the seeds in a good
way, through kindness
and thus he had been
rewarded because of his
patience and
hardwork.The tone of
the story is happy.
Key ideas or main idea,
is the point of the
paragraph and is the
most important thought
about the topic.
Tone is the attitude of
the author towards the
E. Discussing Task 4: Author’s Task 4: Author’s Purpose
new concepts Purpose
and Why did the author write this
practicing Why did the author write story?
new skills #2 this story?

Introduce the acronym PIE

Introduce the acronym (Persuade, Inform, Entertain)
PIE (Persuade, Inform,

Author’s Purpose PIE

Author’s Purpose For the folktale “Makato and

PIE the Cowrie Shell,” the author’s
purpose is to entertain.
For the folktale “Makato
and the Cowrie Shell,” What structure did the author
the author’s purpose is use?
to entertain.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Authors use different
What structure did the structures – sequence,
author use? problem and solution,
compare and contrast – for
Authors use different different purposes. For
structures – sequence, example, one author may use
problem and solution, sequence to explain an event,
compare and contrast – while another author uses
for different purposes. compare and contrast to put
For example, one author that event into perspective.
may use sequence to
explain an event, while After reading the text, what
another author uses did you feel? How did the
compare and contrast to author get you to feel this
put that event into way?
Often when authors write,
After reading the text, they’re trying to get readers to
what did you feel? How feel a certain way.
did the author get you to
feel this way? Author’s purpose is often
studied through the text as a
Often when authors whole, but authors have
write, they’re trying to different reasons for writing
get readers to feel a within text as well.
certain way. For example, an author may
include a funny anecdote to
Author’s purpose is often draw in the reader. Then they
studied through the text may launch into a list of facts
as a whole, but authors that make the reader feel
have different reasons frustrated about the situation.
for writing within text as And finally, they may conclude
well. with an appeal.
For example, an author
may include a funny Task 5: The Contributing
anecdote to draw in the Elements to the Theme
reader. Then they may
launch into a list of facts Use the chart below to
that make the reader analyse the story “Makato and
feel frustrated about the the Cowrie Shell.” Use the
situation. And finally, questions provided as your
they may conclude with guide.
an appeal.
Element Description
Task 5: The 1. Character(s):
Contributing Elements Who are the
characters in the
to the Theme story?
2. Setting:
Where and when does
Use the chart below to the story take place?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. Conflict:
analyse the story What is the main
“Makato and the Cowrie problem in the story?
Shell.” Use the 4. Plot:
What is happening in
questions provided as the story? What is the
your guide. story about?
5. Tone/Mood:
What is the
Element Descrip author’s attitude
1. Character(s): towards the
Who are the characters subject? What kind of
in the story? emotion or feelings did
2. Setting: you get after reading
Where and when does the story?
the story take place? 6. Point of View:
3. Conflict: Who is telling or
What is the main narrating the story?
problem in the story? Is one character
4. Plot: acting as a narrator
What is happening in (first person) or
the story? What is the someone telling
story about? what is going on
5. Tone/Mood:
What is the
author’s attitude
towards the
Task 6: Modals
subject? What kind of Take note of the following
emotion or feelings did
you get after reading statements taken from the
6. story?
of View: story. What can you notice
Who is telling or
narrating the from the italicized words?
Is one character acting
as a narrator (first 1. “I would like to go on a
person) or someone
telling what is going on
journey for adventure,” said
Task 6: Modals
Take note of the 2. He could grow small plants
following statements like that.
taken from the story.
What can you notice 3. You might be lucky if you
from the italicized could go there.
4. He might be lucky enough
1. “I would like to go on to see the king.
a journey for adventure,”
said Makato. 5. One day, the sky was clear
and the weather so fine, it
2. He could grow small seemed to Makato that is
plants like that. must be a lucky day.

3. You might be lucky if 6. I will dip my finger into the

you could go there. pile of seeds.

4. He might be lucky The words in italics are

enough to see the king. modals. A modal is a helping
(or auxiliary) verb that is
5. One day, the sky was joined with a main verb or an
clear and the weather so infinitive to express an attitude
toward the action or state of

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
fine, it seemed to being the main verb.
Makato that is must be
a lucky day. Discuss modals focusing on
future tense.
6. I will dip my finger
into the pile of seeds. (1) The modal can or could is
used to express ability.
The words in italics are Example:
modals. A modal is a He could grow small plants
helping (or auxiliary) like that.
verb that is joined with a
main verb or an infinitive (2) The modal may is used to
to express an attitude express permission or
toward the action or possibility.
state of being the main Example:
verb. “You may leave this place for
Sukhothai,” said Makato’s
Discuss modals focusing employer.
on future tense.
(3) The modal might, like may
(1) The modal can or is used to express possibility.
could is used to express Often the possibility
ability. expressed by might is less
Example: likely than the possibility
He could grow small expressed by may.
plants like that. Example:
He might be lucky enough to
(2) The modal may is see the king.
used to express (4) The modal must, is used
permission or most often to express a
possibility. Example: requirement. Sometimes,
“You may leave this must is used to express an
place for Sukhothai,” explanation.
said Makato’s employer. Example:
a. Makato must not idle in
(3) The modal might, order for him not to starve.
like may is used to (requirement)
express possibility. b.One day, the sky was
Often the possibility clear and the weather so
expressed by might is fine, it seemed to Makato
less likely than the that is must be a lucky day.
possibility expressed by (explanation)
He might be lucky (5) The modal ought is used
enough to see the king. most often to express a
(4) The modal must, is obligation or a likelihood.
used most often to
express a requirement. (6) The modal will or shall is

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Sometimes, must is used most often to express
used to express an future time.
a. Makato must not Example:
idle in order for him not I will dip my finger into the
to starve. pile of seeds. Then, I will take
(requirement) the seeds that stick to it. That
b.One day, the sky was must be right for one cowrie
clear and the weather so shell,” said Makato making the
fine, it seemed to woman amused by his
Makato that is must be suggestion.
a lucky day.
(explanation) (7) The modal should is used
to express a recommendation,
(5) The modal ought is an obligation, or a possibility.
used most often to Example:
express a obligation or a a. Makato should go to
likelihood. Sukhothai to see Pra Ruang,
a very kind-hearted king.
(6) The modal will or (recommendation)
shall is used most often b. Mahouts should take good
to express future time. care of the elephants.
c. Should you have dreams
Example: you want to achieve, you can
I will dip my finger into also work for it like the young
the pile of seeds. Then, I boy in the story.
will take the seeds that (possibility)
stick to it. That must be
right for one cowrie (8) The modal would is used
shell,” said Makato to express conditional form of
making the woman a verb.
amused by his
suggestion. A conditional form usually
appears in an independent
(7) The modal should is clause that is joined by “if”
used to express a clause. The “if” clause
recommendation, an explains under what
obligation, or a condition(s) the action or state
possibility. Example: of being of the conditional
a. Makato should go to verb takes place. Example:
Sukhothai to see Pra If Makato had been idle, he
Ruang, a very kind- would have starved.
hearted king. (conditional)
b. Mahouts should take Would is also used to express
good care of the future time in a subordinate
elephants. clause when the main verb in

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(obligation) the independent clause is in
c. Should you have the past tense.
dreams you want to
achieve, you can also
work for it like the young Example:
boy in the story. He promised himself that he
(possibility) would see the king.
(subordinate clause)
(8) The modal would is
used to express Additionally, would is used to
conditional form of a express an action that was
verb. repeated in the past, an
invitation or offer, or a polite
A conditional form request.
usually appears in an
independent clause that
is joined by “if” clause. Example:
The “if” clause explains a. Everyday, Makato would
under what condition(s) do every kind of work to make
the action or state of a living because he is an
being of the conditional orphan.
verb takes place. (repeated past action)
Example: b. Would you like to be
If Makato had been idle, in Makato’s shoes?
he would have starved. (offer)
(conditional) c. Would you please tell the
king I’ve been wanting to see
Would is also used to him?
express future time in a (polite request)
subordinate clause when
the main verb in the a. Makato should go to
independent clause is in Sukhothai to see Pra Ruang,
the past tense. a very kind-hearted king.
b. Mahouts should take good
Example: care of the elephants.
He promised himself that (obligation)
he would see the king. c. Should you have dreams
(subordinate clause) you want to achieve, you can
also work for it like the young
Additionally, would is boy in the story.
used to express an (possibility)
action that was repeated
in the past, an invitation
or offer, or a polite


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
a. Everyday, Makato
would do every kind of
work to make a living
because he is an
(repeated past action)
b. Would you like to be
in Makato’s shoes?
c. Would you please tell
the king I’ve been
wanting to see him?
(polite request)

a. Makato should go to
Sukhothai to see Pra
Ruang, a very kind-
hearted king.
b. Mahouts should take
good care of the
c. Should you have
dreams you want to
achieve, you can also
work for it like the young
boy in the story.

F. Developing Task 7: A Glimpse of Task 7: A Glimpse of

mastery (Leads Tomorrow Tomorrow
to Formative Differentiated Activities Differentiated Activities
Assessment 3)
The teacher will divide The teacher will divide the
the class into five (5) class into five (5) groups.
groups. Each group will Each group will be assigned
be assigned an activity an activity suited to their skills
suited to their skills and and abilities.
Group 1. Engineeringthe
Group 1. Engineering the Future (Group of Artists)
(Group of Artists) Taking the story of Makato as
an inspiration, make a portrait
Taking the story of of how you envision yourself
Makato as an in the future.
inspiration, draw a Group 2. I can Lead the Way
timeline of the future you (Group of Actors)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
want to have.
Given a script, act out the
Group 2. I can Lead the journey of Makato in a form of
Way a play.
(Group of Actors) -Choose best part from the
Act out the journey of
Makato in a form of a Group 3. Feel the Beat
play highlighting the (Group of Dancers)
theme of “Makato and
the Cowrie Shell.” Write Retell the story of Makato
your own script. through a dance. A song with
theme similar to the story will
Group 3. Feel the Beat be provided.
(Group of Dancers)
Group 4. Dear Makato
Choose a song with a (Group of Writers)
theme similar to that of Write a letter to Makato
the story and interpret it expressing your feelings
through a dance. about his journey and his
attitudes in fulfilling his
Group 4. Dear Makato dreams.
(Group of Writers)
Write a poem to Makato Group 5.

expressing your (Group of Newscasters)

feelings about his Imagine that you are
journey and his newscasters. Present a TV
attitudes in fulfilling his news featuring Makato and
dreams. how he reach his dreams.
Script will be provided.
Group 5.
(Group of Group 6.

Newscasters) (Group of Storytellers)

Imagine that you are Arrange the pictures given
newscasters. Present a and retell the journey of
TV news featuring Makato in a form of
Makato and how he pantomime.
reach his dreams. Make
your own script. Outputs and presentations will
be rated using rubrics.
Group 6.
(Group of

Arrange the pictures

given and retell the
journey of Makato.

Outputs and
presentations will be
rated using rubrics.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
G. Finding Task 8: Filling in One’s Task 8: Filling in One’s Shoes
practical Shoes
application of The theme of the Thai folktale
concepts and The theme of the Thai centered on the Buddhist
folktale centered on the principle of suppressing one’s
skills in daily
Buddhist principle of earthly desire to achieve
living suppressing one’s earthly enlightenment.
desire to achieve
enlightenment. Makato, who was an orphan
became the king of a prosperous
Makato, who was an kingdom. If you were given that
orphan became the king of cowrie shell, what would you do
a prosperous kingdom. If with it? Using modals, write a
you were given that cowrie paragraph about your thoughts.
shell, what would you do
with it? Using modals, write Rubrics:
a paragraph about your Mechanics (Use of Modals) -
thoughts. 50%
Content (Substance) - 50%
Rubrics: TOTAL - 100%
Mechanics (Use of Modals)
- 50%
Content (Substance)
- 50%
H. Making Task 9: Introspecting Task 9: Introspecting
generalizations of What lessons in life have What lessons in life have you
concepts and you learned from learned from Makato’s
skills in daily Makato’s experiences? experiences?
living Write a paragraph Write a paragraph composing
composing 7-10 7-10 sentences. Provide your
sentences. Provide your own title.
own title.
I. Evaluating Task 10: Task 10:
learning A. Elements Contributing to A. Elements Contributing to the
the Theme Theme
Choose the letter of the best Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Who is the character in the
1. Who is the character story that Makato wanted to
in the story that Makato see that’s why he went to
wanted to see that’s why Sukhothai?
he went to Sukhothai? a. the mahout c. his
a. the mahout c. his employer
employer b. Pra Ruang d. the seed
b. Pra Ruang d. the vendor
seed vendor
2. Every statement is true
2. Every statement is about Makato, EXCEPT
true about Makato, .
EXCEPT . a. Makato was an orphan for

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
a. Makato was an his father and mother died
orphan for his father and when he was young.
mother died when he b. Makato did every kind
was young. of work and he never
b. Makato did every idled.
kind of work and he c. Although Makato had only
never idled. one cowrie shell, he made use
c. Although Makato had of it to buy lettuce seeds and
only one cowrie shell, eventually was able to grew
he made use of it to buy them abundantly.
lettuce seeds and d. Makato was promoted to
eventually was able to higher positions in the palace
grew them abundantly. because the king’s beautiful
d. Makato was promoted daughter fell in love with him.
to higher positions in the
palace because the 3. What is the story about?
king’s beautiful daughter a. A boy with no dreams and
fell in love with him. ambition.
b. An cheerful and determined
3. What is the story boy who, despite being an
about? orphan, became a king of a
a. A boy with no dreams prosperous kingdom.
and ambition. c. A joyful woman
b. An cheerful and selling lettuce seeds.
determined boy who, d. A mahout working for
despite being an orphan, the king.
became a king of a
prosperous kingdom. 4. What is the tone of the
c. A joyful woman story?
selling lettuce seeds. a. sad c. excited
d. A mahout working for b. happy d. indifferent
the king.
5. Why did Makato leave the
4. What is the tone of city of Mon?
the story? a. Because he wanted to try
a. sad c. excited his fortune.
b. happy d. b. Because he heard that the
indifferent land there is fertile and the
people are kind.
5. Why did Makato leave c. Both A and B.
the city of Mon? d. None of the above.
a. Because he wanted to
try his fortune. B. AUTHOR’S PURPOSE
b. Because he heard Read the description of each item
that the land there is and determine the author’s purpose
(to Persuade, Inform, and Entertain).
fertile and the people are Then, in a sentence or two, explain
kind. your answer.
c. Both A and B.
d. None of the above.
1. A pamphlet urging people

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
not to eat animals or use
B. AUTHOR’S products made from animals
PURPOSE or animal suffering because
Read the description of each the author thinks that it is
item and determine the cruel and unnecessary.
author’s purpose (to Author’s Purpose:
Persuade, Inform, and
Entertain). Then, in a
sentence or two, explain your
Explain Your Answer:
Write a sentence or two.
1. A pamphlet urging
people not to eat
animals or use products 2. A book of over 1,000
made from animals or knock-knock jokes.
animal suffering Author’s Purpose:
because the author
thinks that it is cruel and Explain Your Answer:
unnecessary. Write a sentence or two.
Author’s Purpose:

Explain Your Answer: 3. A cook book containing

Write a sentence or two. recipes for making cakes,
cookies, and other desserts.
Author’s Purpose:
2. A book of over 1,000
knock-knock jokes.
Author’s Purpose:

Explain Your Answer: Explain Your Answer:

Write a sentence or two. Write a sentence or two.

3. A cook book 4. The story of a young

containing recipes for woman who, after the death of
making cakes, cookies, her grandfather, quit her job in
and other desserts. the business world and
Author’s Purpose:
returned home to help her
aging grandmother.
Explain Your Answer: Author’s Purpose:
Write a sentence or two.
Explain Your Answer:
Write a sentence or two.
4. The story of a young
woman who, after the
death of her grandfather, 5. A politician’s speech about
quit her job in the how homes should be
business world and provided to families who
returned home to help

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
her aging grandmother. cannot afford them.
Author’s Purpose: Author’s Purpose:

Explain Your Answer: Explain Your Answer:

Write a sentence or two. Write a sentence or two.

5. A politician’s speech
about how homes C. MODALS
Choose among the choices the
should be provided to
correct modal for every sentence.
families who cannot
afford them. 1. She looks pretty sick, I
Author’s Purpose:
think she (can, should) go
to the doctor.
Explain Your Answer: 2. You’ve been driving all
Write a sentence or two. day. You (should, must)
be exhausted!)
3. Hey I’m lost!
(Should, Can) you help me?
C. MODALS 4. I (could, should)
Choose among the choices do that if I were you!
the correct modal for every 5. (Will, Shall) we
sentence. send the package by mail
or by express?
1. She looks pretty sick,
I think she Answers:
(can, should) go to the A.
doctor. 1. b
2. You’ve been driving 2. d
all day. You 3. b
(should, must) be 4. b
exhausted!) 5. c
3. Hey I’m lost! B.
(Should, Can) you help 1. to Persuade
me? 2. to Entertain
4. I (could, 3. to Inform
should) do that if I 4. to Entertain
were you! 5. to Persuade
5. (Will, Shall) C.
we send the package by 1. should
mail or by express? 2. must
3. can
Answers: 4. could
A. 5. shall
1. b
2. d
3. b
4. b
5. c

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. to Persuade
2. to Entertain
3. to Inform
4. to Entertain
5. to Persuade
1. should
2. must
3. can
4. could
5. shall

J. Additional Task 11: Assignment Task 11: Assignment

activities for
application or Assess yourself as a Assess yourself as a student.
remediation student. Using modals Using modals will and shall,
will and shall, give ways give ways on how you can
on how you can become become the better version of
the better version of yourself.


A. No. of Learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
l/department head
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 7 Day: 2

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standards Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8LC-IIIg-7:
Competencies/ Employ different listening strategies suited to the topic,
Objectives purpose,
and level of difficulty of the listening text
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the
material viewed
Examine biases (for or against) made by the author

II. CONTENT Lost in Homeland

by Rossanee Nurfalida

Examine author’s bias and text structure

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages English Expressways IV, pages 197-198
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing the The teacher will recall the The teacher will recall the
previous lesson previous lesson about previous lesson about
or presenting the Modals. Modals.
new lesson
Pre-Listening Activities Pre-Listening Activities
Unlocking of Difficulties Unlocking of Difficulties

The teacher will post four The teacher will post four
pictures on the board. pictures on the board.
These pictures correspond These pictures correspond
to the difficult words that to the difficult words that
the students need to the students need to unlock
unlock prior to listening to prior to listening to the text.
the text. The students will The students will work in
work in group and each group and each group will
group will be given a set of be given a set of jumbled
jumbled letters. letters plus a synonym of
the word.
Task 1. Pick your Pic
(5 minutes) Task 1. Pick your Pic
The teacher will divide the (5 minutes)
students into four groups The teacher will divide the
prior to the activity. Each students into four groups
group will also be given a prior to the activity. Each
colored envelop.) group will also be given a
colored envelop.)
Upon receiving the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
envelop, the members of Upon receiving the envelop,
the group will check the the members of the group
words and brainstorm on will check the words and
their prior knowledge to brainstorm on their prior
each. They are to decide knowledge to each. They
which of the following are to decide which of the
words will complete the following words will
sentences (posted on the complete the sentences
board) correctly. (posted on the board)


1. The conversation is Definition: to follow a

for hours now. winding or intricate course

Synonym: winding The conversation is

for hours now.
m _ a n_ _ _ i _ g
Answer: meandering
Answer: meandering

2. Even the crash of crash 2. Definition: a tall upright

of waves has seemly post, spar, or other
abandoned this boat, structure on a ship or boat,
which doesn’t have a in sailing vessels generally
to propel itself carrying a sail or sails
Even the crash of crash of
waves has seemly

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Synonym: pole, post abandoned this boat, which
tasm doesn’t have a to
propel itself forward.
Answer: mast
Answer: mast

3. Definition: carried
slowly by a current of air
3. The boat was slowly or water
out to sea.
Synonym: sailing, gliding The boat was slowly
out to sea.
Answer: drifting Answer: drifting

4. Definition: a person who

has been forced to leave
4. His family has lived in a their country in order to
camp for Palestinian escape war, persecution,
in the southern or natural disaster
Lebanon port city of Tyre.
His family has lived in a
Synonym: deportee, exile, camp for Palestinian
gefurees in the southern
Lebanon port city of
Answer: refugee
_ e _ _ gees
Answer: refugee

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing a a. After processing a. After processing
purpose for the students’ answers, the students’ answers, the
lesson teacher prepares the class teacher prepares the class
for the lesson by having for the lesson by having
them imagine themselves them imagine themselves
on a boat in the middle of on a boat in the middle of
an ocean, alone. an ocean, alone.

The teacher then presents The teacher then presents

images (with theme related images (with theme related
to the poem) to the poem)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The teacher asks the
following questions, with the
The teacher asks the motivation questions to be
following questions, with answered immediately while
the motivation questions to the motive question to be
be answered immediately answered after reading the
while the motive question poem.
to be answered after
reading the poem.
What are the feelings that
MOTIVATION: you can associate with the
What are the feelings that idea of being lost? (3
you can associate with the minutes)
idea of being lost? (3
What are the feelings that
MOTIVE QUESTION: that the author did
What are the feelings that associate with the idea of
that the author did being lost?
associate with the idea of
being lost?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The teacher will give a The teacher will give a short
C. Presenting short intro about the poem intro about the poem to be
examples/instanc to be discussed. The discussed. The teacher will
es of the new teacher will also provide a also provide a brief
lesson brief background about the background about the
author. author.


video poem read by the video poem read by the
author Ms. Rossanee author Ms. Rossanee
Nurfarida while stranded Nurfarida while stranded on
on a boat perched at the a boat perched at the top of
top of a four-story, urban a four-story, urban house.
Ms. Nurfarida’s current
Ms. Nurfarida’s current collection of poetry, Far
collection of poetry, Far Away From Our Own
Away From Our Own Homes, is a finalist for the
Homes, is a finalist for the 2016 South East Asian
2016 South East Asian Writers Award. Lost in
Writers Award. Lost in Homeland was written in
Homeland was written in 2015 during Rohingya
2015 during Rohingya refugee crisis when
refugee crisis when thousands of stateless
thousands of stateless Rohingya from Myanmar
Rohingya from Myanmar set out on the old fishing
set out on the old fishing boats seeking a better
boats seeking a better future.
The video’s visual
The video’s visual references to Islam extend
references to Islam extend the poem’s metaphor,
the poem’s metaphor, commenting on southern
commenting on southern Thailand’s Muslim minority
Thailand’s Muslim minority as a people stranded in the
as a people stranded in country of their birth.
the country of their birth.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Rossanee Nurfarida was
born on 1987, in Thailand’s
so-called “Deep South.” Her
first collection of poetry Far
Away From Our Own
Homes was a Finalist for
the 2016 South East Asian
(SEA) Writers Award.

She graduated in 2010 with

a Bachelor of Arts in New
Media from Chiang Mai
University, in the north of
Rossanee Nurfarida was Thailand. She returned
born on 1987, in south, to her home city, and
Thailand’s so-called “Deep now works as a journalist at
South.” Her first collection the Prince of Songkla
of poetry Far Away From University radio station.
Our Own Homes was a
Finalist for the 2016 South (The teacher will instruct the
East Asian (SEA) Writers students that while they are
Award. listening to the poem, they
have to take note of words,
She graduated in 2010 phrases or lines that they
with a Bachelor of Arts in can associate with the idea
New Media from Chiang of being lost. The students
Mai University, in the north will also be asked to look for
of Thailand. She returned the answers to the
south, to her home city, questions that the teacher
and now works as a had given a while ago
journalist at the Prince of (Motivation and Motive
Songkla University radio Question).

(The teacher will instruct What are you nostalgic

the students that while about? Do you yearn for
they are listening to the your ancestors’ homeland?
poem, they have to take Do you grieve for a long lost
note of words, phrases or home?
lines that they can
associate with the idea of During Listening
being lost. The students Activities
will also be asked to look
for the answers to the The teacher will read the
questions that the teacher poem “Lost in Homeland”
had given a while ago by Rossanee Nurfarida
(Motivation and Motive in its translated version.
After reading the poem, the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
teacher will play the audio
What are you nostalgic presentation of the poem.
about? Do you yearn for
your ancestors’ homeland?
Do you grieve for a long o
lost home?
After playing the audio
During Listening recording, the teacher will
Activities distribute to all students the
copy of the poem for them
The teacher will read the to read silently while the
poem “Lost in Homeland” teacher reads the poem
by Rossanee Nurfarida aloud. This time, the
in its translated version. students will be asked to
pay close attention to the
After reading the poem, details in the poem and
the teacher will play the feelings expressed in it.
audio presentation of the (7minutes)

After playing the audio

recording, the teacher will
distribute to all students
the copy of the poem for
them to read silently while
the teacher reads the
poem aloud. This time, the
students will be asked to
pay close attention to the
details in the poem and
feelings expressed in it.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing Post-Listening Activity Post-Listening Activity
new concepts Comprehension Questions Comprehension Questions
and (10 minutes) (10 minutes)
new skills #1 1. What are the feelings 1. What are the feelings that
that the author associate the author associate with
with the idea of being lost? the idea of being lost?
(Fill in the concept map.) (Fill in the concept map.)

Write your answers on the Write your answers on the

sails of the boat. sails of the boat.

2. How did the author paint

2. How did the author paint a picture of a lost individual
a picture of a lost individual in the poem?
in the poem? - The author painted a
- The author painted a picture of an individual,
picture of an individual, alone and drifting aimlessly
alone and drifting aimlessly at the sea.
at the sea.
3. How would you
3. How would you characterize the poet’s tone
characterize the poet’s or attitude in the poem?
tone or attitude in the - The poet’s tone or attitude
in the poem describes the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
poem? universal feelings of
- The poet’s tone or loneliness.
attitude in the poem
describes the universal 4. What is the message the
feelings of loneliness. author of the poem is trying
to convey?
4. What is the message -The poem speaks to
the author of the poem is anyone cast out, on their
trying to convey? own, or trying to escape
-The poem speaks to from a bad situation.
anyone cast out, on their
own, or trying to escape 5. How did the author
from a bad situation. describe political situation of
the Rohingya in the third
5. How did the author stanza?
describe political situation
of the Rohingya in the third 6. What does the title “Lost
stanza? in Homeland” mean?
-The title refers to the
6. What does the title “Lost refugees, the Rohingyas,
in Homeland” mean? who were born in Myanmar
-The title refers to the but were not given
refugees, the Rohingyas, citizenship, thus are
who were born in Myanmar stateless and “lost in
but were not given homeland”
citizenship, thus are
stateless and “lost in 7. Why did the author use
homeland” Zheng He in the first stanza
as a point of reference?
7. Why did the author use -To give contrast to the
Zheng He in the first image depicted in the
stanza as a point of poem. While the famous
reference? Chinese explores Zheng He
-To give contrast to the portrays power, the small
image depicted in the boat imagined by the poet is
poem. While the famous powerless.
Chinese explores Zheng
He portrays power, the 8. If you were in the same
small boat imagined by the situation (as the character
poet is powerless. in the poem is), how would
you feel and what are you
8. If you were in the same going to do? Explain your
situation (as the character answer.
in the poem is), how -(Students’ answers may
would you feel and what vary.)
are you going to do?
Explain your answer. 9. Did the writer/author give
-(Students’ answers may any solution on how to deal
vary.) with the problem?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
9. Did the writer/author give
any solution on how to deal
with the problem?
E. Discussing A. Break the class into A. Break the class into
new concepts small groups and ask them small groups and ask them
and to answer the following to answer the following
practicing questions: questions:
new skills #1
1. What are some 1. What are some injustices
injustices in the world that in the world that you have
you have seen? seen?
2. How can adults teach 2. How can adults teach
children about injustice? children about injustice?
3. What can young people 3. What can young people
like you do to fight like you do to fight injustice?
Provide time for groups to
Provide time for groups to share their answers in
share their answers in class.

B. Divide the class into

B. Divide the class into groups and assign each
groups and assign each group one of the following
group one of the following topics:
topics: o Passing of the
o Passing of the SOGIE Bill
SOGIE Bill o Legalizing Divorce
o Legalizing in the Philippines
Divorce in the o No Homework
Philippines Policy
o No Homework Should Abortion be
Policy Legal?
o Should Abortion o Is Death Penalty a
be Legal? form of Cruel and
o Is Death Penalty a Unusual
form of Cruel and Punishment?
Unusual o Depletion of the
Punishment? Ozone Layer: Man-
o Depletion of the Made or Not?
Ozone Layer: o Does Technology
Man-Made or Not? Make People Lazy?
o Does Technology o Social Media
Make People Impact on
Lazy? Students
o Social Media
Impact on Each group will be asked to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Students collect information and have
a brainstorming on the
Each group will be asked current issues assigned to
to collect information and them.
have a brainstorming on
the current issues Provide time for each group
assigned to them. to report their find finding to
class. Every group will also
Provide time for each share their stand.
group to report their find
finding to class. Every
group will also share their
F. Developing Differentiated Activities Differentiated Activities
mastery (Leads The teacher will divide the The teacher will divide the
to Formative class into groups. From the class into groups. From
Assessment 3) activities below, each the
group will choose what activities below, each group
activity they are to perform. will choose what activity
they are to perform.
Group 1. Paint Me a
Picture Group 1. Paint Me a
Draw a poster anchoring Picture
on the theme and Choose a stanza from the
message the poem “Lost poem “Lost in Homeland”
in Homeland”. and draw a poster
anchoring on its theme and
Group 2. Spoken Poetry message.
Write a poem with a theme
similar to that of “Lost in Group 2. Write Me a poem
Homeland” poem. Write a poem with a theme
Be able to recite it in class similar to that of “Lost in
Homeland” poem.
Group 3. Dance to the
Think of a song with Group 3. When you say
message or theme similar Nothing at All
to that of the poem “Lost in Pick a stanza from a poem
Homeland.” Interpret the and act it out through a
song through a dance. pantomime.

G. Finding Have you experienced Have you experienced

practical being in your own home being in your own home
application of town but still feel lost? town but still feel lost?
concepts and Explain your experience. Explain your experience.
skills in daily
living Have you experienced Have you experienced
trying to escape from a trying to escape from a bad
bad situation? What situation? What

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
circumstance were you in circumstance were you in
and what did you do to and what did you do to
overcome? overcome?
H. Making What lesson/s did you get What lesson/s did you get
generalizations of from the poem? from the poem?
concepts and
skills in daily What message canyou What message can you
living give to anyone who is give to anyone who is
experiencing trials in life experiencing trials in life
and trying to escape from and trying to escape from
it? it?
I. Evaluating Write an analysis of the Write an analysis of the
learning poem “Lost in Homeland” poem “Lost in Homeland”
by Rossanee Nurfarida. by Rossanee Nurfarida.

J. Additional Make a video poem Make a video poem

activities for addressed to the Rohinga addressed to the Rohinga
application or refugees who were the refugees who were the
remediation passengers on the boat passengers on the boat
mentioned in “Lost in mentioned in “Lost in
Homeland” poem. Homeland” poem.

A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
ment head help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 7 Day: 3

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standards Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8V-IIIg-26:
Competencies/ Analyze intention of words or expressions used in
Objectives propaganda techniques
Use appropriate persuasive devices – Emotive
II. CONTENT Propaganda Techniques

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Grade 8 Learning Module, pages 359-361; 410-412
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other Learning
Resources J6Ixr&id=F0E4179C528EA78C17F6FA622B7B282BAA349B74
&thid=OIP.JOtJ6Ixrve_D578yFICSywHaEl&mediaurl=https%3 A

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
&thid=OIP.nl7FbImMkSu0lw- Yvev1oAHaKQ&mediaurl=https%3a ginals%2f2a%2fe0%2f9d
s&FORM=IRBPRS school/story.php?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the Pre-Viewing/Listening Pre-Viewing/Listening
previous lesson Activities Activities
or presenting the
new lesson Task 1: Odds on Task 1: Odds on Ads
Ads (Naming Propaganda
(Naming Propaganda (3 minutes)
(3 minutes)
The teacher projects
examples of propaganda for
The teacher projects
students to observe.
examples of propaganda
for students to observe.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
What are these posters? What are these posters?

What do you think is the What do you think is the

purpose of these images? purpose of these images?

What might we learn What might we learn about

about society based on society based on these
these pictures? pictures?

Task 2: What is Task 2: What is

Propaganda? Propaganda?
(5 minutes) (5 minutes)

The teacher writes the The teacher writes the word

word “propaganda” on “propaganda” on the board
the board and ask and ask students to
students to brainstorm (in brainstorm (in small groups)
small groups) what this what this word means. The
word means. The students will be encouraged
students will be to think about the definition,
encouraged to think examples, situations in
about the definition, which it is used, etc. Each
examples, situations in group will present their
which it is used, etc. Each output (concept map)
group will present their afterwards. (Prior to the
output (concept map) activity, the class are
afterwards. already divided in 5 groups.
(Prior to the activity, the Each group will be provided
class are already divided with light-colored cartolina
in 5 groups. Each group and marker)
will be provided with light-
colored cartolina and The teacher will take note of
marker) their suggested definitions
on chart paper or the
The teacher will take note blackboard.
of their suggested
definitions on chart paper The teacher will use these
or the blackboard. suggestions to create a
working definition of
propaganda that includes its

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The teacher will use purposes and use, or provide
these suggestions to them with a pre-existing
create a working definition.
definition of propaganda
that includes its purposes
and use, or provide them
with a pre-existing Propaganda


-Definition of Propaganda
-Situation in which it is used

Content: Propaganda
-Definition of Propaganda
-Example The goal of propaganda is to
-Situation in which it is publicly promote something:
used information put out by an
organization or government
Propaganda to promote a policy, idea, or
cause. It has a misleading
The goal of propaganda publicity: deceptive or
is to publicly promote distorted information that is
something: information systematically spread.
put out by an organization Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008
or government to promote Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

a policy, idea, or cause. It

has a misleading After the discussion, the
publicity: deceptive or students should understand
distorted information that that:
is systematically spread.  Propaganda refers to
Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993- a type of message
2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights aimed at influencing
opinions and/or the
behavior of people.
After the discussion, the  Propaganda may
students should provide only partial
understand that: information or be
 Propaganda refers deliberately
to a type of misleading.
message aimed at  Propaganda
influencing techniques are often
opinions and/or

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
the behavior of found on television
people. and radio, as well as
 Propaganda may magazines and
provide only newspapers.
partial information
or be deliberately The teacher will focus on
misleading. examples of propaganda by
 Propaganda asking students what types
techniques are of propaganda techniques
often found on they can name.
television and
radio, as well as
magazines and

The teacher will focus on

examples of propaganda
by asking students what
types of propaganda
techniques they can
B. Establishing a
lesson By watching an By watching an
advertisement about a advertisement about a man
man doing good deeds doing good deeds and
and expecting nothing in expecting nothing in return,
return, do you think you do you think you would be
would be encouraged to encouraged to do the same?
do the same? (2 minutes)
(2 minutes)
MOTIVE QUESTION: What something good did the
What something good did man in the video clip do and
the man in the video clip got rewarded for it?
do and got rewarded for (Will be answered by the
it? students after watching the
(Will be answered by the video)
students after watching the
C. Presenting Before watching the Before watching the video,
examples/instanc video, the teacher will the teacher will give a
es of the new give a background. background.
Today, we are watching a Today, we are watching a
winner of the Best Ad in winner of the Best Ad in
2014, a Thai Life 2014, a Thai Life Insurance
Insurance advertisement. advertisement.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The video is about a man The video is about a man
who never got tired of who never got tired of doing
doing good even without good even without expecting
expecting anything in anything in return.
Viewing/Listening Activity
Viewing/Listening (3 minutes)
Activity Best Advertisement Ever
(3 minutes)
Best Advertisement Ever While watching the video,
Wc the students will be asked to
take note of what the
While watching the video, advertisement is all about
the students will be asked and how does it appeal to
to take note of what the them.
advertisement is all about
and how does it appeal to MOTIVE QUESTION:
them. What something good did the
man in the video clip do and
got rewarded for it?
(Will be answered by the
students after watching the

D. Discussing Post-Viewing/Listening Post-Viewing/Listening Activity

new concepts Activity (7 minutes)
(7 minutes) Task 2: Process Questions
Task 2: Process Questions 1. What something good did
practicing 1. What something good the man in the video clip do
new skills #1 did the man in the video and got rewarded for it?
clip do and got rewarded  He let the plants be
for it? watered.
 He let the plants  He fed the hungry
be watered. dog.
 He fed the hungry  He gave money to
dog. the mother and child
 He gave money to on the street (even
the mother and when all he had was
child on the street his single bill in his
(even when all he wallet).
had was his single  He helped the vendor
bill in his wallet). carry her cart.
 He helped the  He gave his seat to
vendor carry her the standing lady on
cart. the bus.
 He gave his seat  He gave banana to
to the standing the old woman next
lady on the bus. door.
 He gave banana

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
to the old woman 2. What did the man get from
next door. doing all those things?
 Seemingly, he received
2. What did the man get nothing but emotions, at first.
from doing all those But then, eventually, he
things? witnessed happiness,
 Seemingly, he reached a deeper
received nothing but understanding, felt the love,
emotions, at first. But and received what money
then, eventually, he can’t buy – a world made
witnessed happiness, more beautiful.
reached a deeper
understanding, felt the 3. In your life, what is it that
love, and received what you desire most?
money can’t buy – a - (Students’ answers may
world made more vary.)
4. Do you still believe in
3. In your life, what is goodness or in doing
it that you desire good even without
most? expecting anything in
- (Students’ answers may return? Explain your
vary.) answer.
- (Students’ answers may vary.)
4. Do you still believe in
goodness or in doing 5. What lesson/s did you
good even without learn from the
expecting anything in advertisement?
return? - (Students’ answers may vary.)
Explain your answer.
- (Students’ answers may 6. What do you think is
vary.) the main purpose of the
video advertisement?
5. What lesson/s did you - The main purpose of the
learn from the video is to advertise Thai Life
advertisement? insurance using a
- (Students’ answers may propaganda.
vary.) 7. After watching the video,
were you encourage to avail
6. What do you think is the Thai Life insurance being
the main purpose of the advertised? Explain your
video advertisement? answer.
- The main purpose of the - (Students’ answers may vary.)
video is to advertise Thai 8. Why do
Life insurance using a persuasive/propaganda
propaganda. techniques matter?
7. After watching the -If you are a good persuader,
video, were you you can convince people to
encourage to avail the do stuff. If you are a good
Thai Life insurance being reader, you can separate
advertised? Explain your

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
answer. facts from biases.
- (Students’ answers may
8. Why do
techniques matter?
-If you are a good
persuader, you can
convince people to do
stuff. If you are a good
reader, you can separate
facts from biases.

E. Discussing Task 3: Task 3: Persuasive

new concepts Persuasive Devices – Emotive
and practicing Devices – Emotive Language
new skills #2 Language
The teacher recaps what The teacher recaps what
persuasive devices are, persuasive devices are, and
and then highlight/focus then highlight/focus on
on emotive language. emotive language.


1. Bandwagon – 1. Bandwagon –
The basic theme of the The basic theme of the band
band wagon appeal is wagon appeal is that
that "everyone else is "everyone else is doing it,
doing it, and so should and so should you."
you." Ex. Almost every Filipino is
Ex. Almost every Filipino patronizing K-drama series
is patronizing K-drama nowadays. Will you be left
series nowadays. Will you behind this craze?
be left behind this craze?
2. Card Stacking –
2. Card Stacking – The strategy of showing the
The strategy of showing product‘s best features,
the product‘s best telling half-truths, and
features, telling half- omitting or lying about its
truths, and omitting or potential problems.
lying about its potential
problems. Ex. Drug manufacturers do this
frequently in ads in which they
Ex. Drug manufacturers do skim over the possible harmful
this frequently in ads in side effects of their products.
which they skim over the
possible harmful side effects Facts are selected and
of their products. presented which most
effectively strengthen and
Facts are selected and authenticate the point of view

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
presented which most of the propagandist.
effectively strengthen and
authenticate the point of ETHICAL APPEAL:
view of the propagandist.
1. Testimonials –
ETHICAL APPEAL: Famous people or figures
who will appear trustworthy
1. Testimonials – speak to the audience
Famous people or figures Ex. Judy Ann Santos, an
who will appear actress and also known to be
trustworthy speak to the a chef, advertises “Angel
audience condensada.”
Ex. Judy Ann Santos, an
actress and also known to 2. Transfer –
be a chef, advertises Transfer is a device by which
“Angel condensada.” the propagandist carries over
the authority, sanction, and
2. Transfer – prestige of something we
Transfer is a device by respect and revere to
which the propagandist something he would have us
carries over the authority, accept.
sanction, and prestige of Ex. Obama’s poster showing
something we respect all the patriotic colors of the
and revere to something United States, with the word
he would have us accept. “Hope” written in big letters.
Ex. Obama’s poster
showing all the patriotic
colors of the United EMOTIONAL APPEAL:
States, with the word 1. Plain Folks – using
“Hope” written in big

1. Plain Folks – using

simple, down-to-earth
people, like you and me, to
sell a product or an idea

simple, down-to-earth
people, like you and me,
to sell a product or an

2. Name Calling –
stereotyping the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
competition/opposing idea
with a bad label

2. Name Calling –
stereotyping the
competition/opposing 3. Demonizing – portraying
idea with a bad label the competition or enemy as
purely evil, menacing and

3. Demonizing –
portraying the competition
or enemy as purely evil,
menacing and
aggressive 4. Patriotic Appeal –
appealing to the idea of
patriotism or a “love of
country” to sell a product or

4. Patriotic Appeal –
appealing to the idea of
patriotism or a “love of
country” to sell a product 5. Glittering Generalities –
or idea using “good” labels, such as
democratic, patriotic,
amazing, beautiful, and
exciting, that are
unsupported by facts to sell
the product or idea

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
5. Glittering Generalities
– using “good” labels,
such as democratic,
patriotic, amazing,
beautiful, and exciting,
that are unsupported by
facts to sell the product or
6. Catchy slogans – use of
memorable phrases to foster
support for the product or

6. Catchy slogans – use

memorable phrases to
foster support for the
product or idea
7. Snob Appeal – only the
richest, most important, or
most discerning people
like this product or idea

7. Snob Appeal – only

the richest, most
important, or most
discerning people like 8. Humor – using humor to
this product or idea sell a product or idea

Why use emotive

Emotive language attempts
to persuade the audience to
agree with someone's point
of view by creating an
emotional reaction. Specific
8. Humor – using humor words are used to evoke an

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
to sell a product or idea emotional response from
someone like anger or
sadness but they can also be
Why use emotive positive emotions too.
Emotive language
attempts to persuade the
audience to agree with
someone's point of view
by creating an emotional
reaction. Specific words
are used to evoke an
emotional response from
someone like anger or
sadness but they can also
be positive emotions too.

F. Developing Task 4: Convince Me if Task 4: Convince Me if You

mastery (Leads You Can Can
to Formative Differentiated Activities (7 Differentiated Activities (7
minutes) minutes)
Assessment 3)
The teacher will distribute The teacher will distribute
the students in 5 groups. the students in 5 groups.
Every group will think of a Every group will think of a
product and create an ad product and create an ad to
to present to class using present to class using any of
any of the propaganda the propaganda techniques
techniques discussed discussed under emotive
under emotive appeal. appeal. They may create an
They may create an ad ad for TV, an ad for the
for TV, an ad for the radio, or a visual ad (i.e.
radio, or a visual ad (i.e. poster).
Group 1. The Visual Artists
Group 1. The Visual Using a cardboard and
Artists coloring materials, make a
Using any app from your propaganda poster of a
laptop or mobile phone, product of your choice.
make a propaganda Present it to class
poster of a product of afterwards.
your choice. Present it to
class afterwards. Rubrics:
Content (Message)
Presentation (Neatness)
TOTAL 100%

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Content (Message) Group 2. The Actors
60% Given a script, act out a live
Presentation (Neatness) advertisement of a shampoo.
TOTAL Rubrics:
100% Content (Message)
Group 2. The Actors Presentation
Act out a live 40%
advertisement of a TOTAL 100%
shampoo. Make your own
script. Group 3. The Film
Rubrics: You are working on a
Content (Message) broadcasting network and
60% was tasked to film (short
Presentation video clip) an advertisement
40% featuring a baby diaper. A
TOTAL script will be provided.
Group 3. The Film Content (Message)
Producers 60%
You are working on a Presentation
broadcasting network and 40%
was tasked to film (short TOTAL 100%
video clip) an
advertisement featuring a Group 4. The Radio Stars
baby diaper. You are working on a radio
station but was given an
Rubrics: extra assignment – to deliver
Content (Message) an of a beach resort located
60% in your town
Presentation The script is already
40% provided.
Group 4. The Radio Content (Message) 60%
Stars Presentation 40%
TOTAL 100%
You are working on a
radio station but was
given an extra Group 5. Promodizer
assignment – to make a You are applying as a
radio advertisement of a promodizer in a small. Show
beach resort located in how you can advertisement
your town. You were also their products while the
tasked to deliver the costumers are passing by. A
script will be given.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Rubrics: Content (Message)
Content (Message) 60%
60% Presentation
Presentation 40%
100% TOTAL 100%

Group 5. Promodizer
You are applying as a
promodizer in a small.
Show how you can
advertisement their
products while the
costumers are passing
by. No script is provided.

Content (Message)

G. Finding Task 5: Propaganda in Task 5: Propaganda in Real

practical Real Life Life
application of
concepts and Ask students to consider Ask students to consider
skills in daily where they see material where they see material that
living that they would consider they would consider
propaganda in their daily propaganda in their daily
lives. Ask students to look lives. Ask students to look
around and bring around and bring examples
examples to class for to class for discussion and
discussion and analysis. analysis.

Task 6: To sum it up Task 6: To sum it up

H. Making
generalizations of My journey through this My journey through this
concepts and lesson enabled me to lesson enabled me to learn
skills in daily learn that propaganda is that propaganda is

. .

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
It made me realize that It made me realize that using
using propaganda is propaganda is important in
important in such a way such a way that

. .

Furthermore, I have also Furthermore, I have also

learned that recognizing learned that recognizing
propaganda devices propaganda devices makes
makes me a better me a better consumer and
consumer and student student because


I, therefore commit myself to

I, therefore commit myself

I. Evaluating Task 7. Advertise Me Task 7. Advertise Me
learning In a small group In a small group composing
composing of 5 members of 5 members each, make
each, make an an advertisement of a
advertisement of a product that you will be
product that you will be picking from a mystery box.
picking from a mystery (10 minutes)
box. (10 minutes)
Suggested products in a box:
Suggested products in a -shampoo -deodorant
box: -air freshener -umbrella
-shampoo - -cellular phone -etc.
-air freshener -umbrella
-cellular phone -etc. Task 8. Buy Me or Name
Identify what propaganda
techniques in each poster.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Task 8. Buy Me or Name
Identify what propaganda 1.
techniques in each

a. Transfer
b. Catchy slogans
c. Patriotic Appeal
d. Glittering Generalities




a. Transfer
b. Bandwagon
c. Name-calling
d. Glittering generalities


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
3. 3.

a. Humor
4. b. Transfer
c. Bandwagon
d. Testimonial


-Catchy Slogans


a. Plain Folks
b. Snob Appeal
c. Catchy Slogans
d. Glittering Generalities


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

Task 9. Getting Fooled

or Getting
Study the following a. Snob appeal
situations. Each contains b. Bandwagon
a propaganda c. Demonizing
technique/device, identify d. Testimonial
the device used.

1. No true Filipino Task 9. Getting Fooled

would vote to take away or Getting Wiser?
our rights by outlawing Study the following
hunting. situations. Each contains a
-Patriotic Appeal propaganda
technique/device, identify
2. Juan dela Cruz needs the device used.
you to fight all the
bullies in the world! 1. No true Filipino would vote
-Name Calling to take away our rights by
outlawing hunting.
3. Buy Coca cola now a. Transfer
b. Plain Folks
in new King size bottle!
c. Patriotic Appeal
-Glittering Generalities
d. Glittering Generality
4. A man in jeans and a t- 2. Juan dela Cruz needs you
shirt appearing in an ad to fight all the bullies in the
for a pickup truck is an world!
example of .
a. Humor
-Plain Folks
b. Demonizing
5. Michael Jordan wears c. Snob Appeal
Nike shoes and so should d. Name Calling
3. Buy Coca cola now in
new King size bottle!
6. Get a season's pass to
this year’s Vice Ganda’s a. Snob Appeal
most awaited concert at b. Plain Folks
the Araneta. Don't miss c. Catchy Slogans
this great opportunity, all d. Glittering Generalities

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
of your friends will be
getting this deal too. 4. A man in jeans and a t-
-Bandwagon shirt appearing in an ad for a
pickup truck is an example of
7. Buy Coca-Cola now in .
the new KING size
bottle!!!!! a. Transfer
-Glittering Generalities b. Glittering Generality
c. Emotions
8. Ladies wear, Channel, d. Plain Folks
Gucci, and LV. You’ll look
and feel like a million 5. Michael Jordan wears
dollars. Nike shoes and so should
-Snob appeal you!

a. Transfer
9. KFC is a “finger-licking b. Bandwagon
good.” c. Snob appeal
-Catchy slogans d. Testimonial

10. Manny Pacquiao is 6. Get a season's pass to

using Alaxan FR for this year’s Vice Ganda’s
his body pains. most awaited concert at the
-Testimonial Araneta. Don't miss this
great opportunity, all of
your friends will be getting
this deal too.

a. Transfer
b. Testimonial
c. Bandwagon
d. Snob appeal

7. Buy Coca-Cola now in the

new KING size bottle!!!!!

a. Transfer
b. Testimonial
c. Bandwagon
d. Glittering Generalities

8. Ladies wear, Channel,

Gucci, and LV. You’ll look
and feel like a million

a. Transfer
b. Testimonial
c. Snob appeal
d. Bandwagon

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
9. KFC is a “finger-licking

a. Glittering generalities
b. Patriotic Appeal
c. Catchy slogans
d. Demonizing

10. Manny Pacquiao is using

Alaxan FR for his body

a. Transfer
b. Testimonial
c. Bandwagon
d. Glittering Generalities

Choose your favorite Choose your favorite

J. Additional product/s- shampoo, product/s- shampoo, shoes,
activities for shoes, etc. Advertise etc. Advertise it/them to your
application or it/them to your friends so friends so that they, too, will
remediation that they, too, will subscribe to it/them. Make
subscribe to it/them. sure to promote it/them in
Make sure to promote two ways: 1. by using
it/them in two ways: 1. by propaganda device/s, and 2.
using propaganda by presenting the whole
device/s, and 2. by truth.
presenting the whole


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of Learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
l/department head
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 7 Day: 4

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standards Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda
techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-
making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standards delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning EN8RC-IIIg-10:
Competencies/ Share ideas using opinion-marking signals – In my
Objectives point of view
Use emphasis markers for persuasive purposes
Persuasive Writing
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Grade 8 Learning Module, page 410
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from the
LR Portal
5. Other Learning
Resources content/uploads/2019/02/preview-28203-37623-0-
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing the Review of Propaganda Review of Propaganda
previous lesson or Techniques, Persuasive Techniques, Persuasive
presenting the new Devices – Emotive Devices – Emotive
lesson Language Language

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing a
lesson The teacher will distribute The teacher will distribute
an Oreo cookie to an Oreo cookie to
everyone. everyone.
(Mini Oreo cookies will (Mini Oreo cookies will do.)
do.) Then ask, “How do you eat
Then ask, “How do you an Oreo?” “Twist it into
eat an Oreo?” “Twist it two?” “Dunked in milk?” (5
into two?” “Dunked in minutes)
milk?” (5 minutes)

C. Presenting The teacher then will The teacher then will

examples/ discuss how the word discuss how the word
instances of the Oreo can help them write Oreo can help them write
new lesson a persuasive opinion a persuasive opinion
paragraph. paragraph.

The students will be asked The students will be asked

to persuade their teacher to persuade their teacher
to let them eat Oreo in to let them eat Oreo in
class by writing a class by writing a
paragraph. paragraph.

Persuasive Paragraph Persuasive Paragraph

Format Format
O – Opinion O – Opinion
R – Reason R – Reason
E – Example E – Example
O – Opinion O – Opinion

O – Opinion O – Opinion
We should eat Oreo in We should eat Oreo in
class after recess. class after recess.

R – Reason R – Reason
We should eat Oreo in We should eat Oreo in
class after recess because class after recess because
we are tired at the end of we are tired at the end of
the day. the day.

E – Example E – Example
Oreos have 2 grams of Oreos have 2 grams of
protein which would give protein which would give
us energy to work hard in us energy to work hard in
the afternoon. the afternoon.

O – Opinion
(Restate your opinion to

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
O – Opinion remind your audience of
(Restate your opinion to what you want them to
remind your audience of do.) This is why we should
what you want them to eat Oreos in class after
do.) recess.
This is why we should eat
Oreos in class after
recess. O E O

O E O We should eat Oreo in

R class after recess because
we are tired at the end of
We should eat Oreo in the day. Oreos have 2
class after recess because grams of protein which
we are tired at the end of would give us energy to
the day. Oreos have 2 work hard in the afternoon.
grams of protein which This is why we should eat
would give us energy to Oreos in class after
work hard in the afternoon. recess.
This is why we should eat
Oreos in class after The students will convince
recess. their teacher to let them
eat the Oreo.
The students will convince
their teacher to let them
eat the Oreo.
The teacher will allow the
students to eat Oreo in
The teacher will allow the
students to eat Oreo in

D. Discussing new How to Write an Opinion How to Write an Opinion

concepts and Sentence Sentence
practicing new (You may start with these (You may start with these
skills #1 words) words)

- I prefer… - I prefer…
- I think… - I think…
- I feel… - I feel…
- I believe… - I believe…
- In my opinion… - In my opinion…
- The best thing - The best thing
about… about…
- The greatest/worst - The greatest/worst
part about… part about…
- Everyone should… - Everyone should…

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
- In my point of - In my point of
view… view…
- Etc. - Etc.

Sample opinion: Sample opinion:

I believe that all students I believe that all students
should wear uniforms. should wear uniforms.

To state Reasons To state Reasons

I feel this way because… I feel this way because…
I think this is true I think this is true
because… because…
One reason I feel this way One reason I feel this way
is… is…
The reason I believe this The reason I believe this to
to be true is… be true is…
The reason you should The reason you should
is because… is because…

Sample reason: Sample reason:

I feel this way because it I feel this way because it
makes all students equal. makes all students equal.

Then give Examples or Then give Examples or

Evidence Evidence
Explain your idea in more Explain your idea in more
detail. detail.
Give an example of what Give an example of what
your reason might look your reason might look
like. like.
Give the reader some Give the reader some
evidences for why he/she evidences for why he/she
should agree with you. Tell should agree with you. Tell
a story or give an example a story or give an example
of a situation that backs up of a situation that backs up
your reason. your reason.

Sample Evidence: Sample Evidence:

If everyone’s clothes look If everyone’s clothes look
the same then no one will the same then no one will
be made fun of. Also be made fun of. Also
students will be able to students will be able to
focus more on their work focus more on their work
than on the fashion of their than on the fashion of their
classmates. classmates.

Once you’ve given your Once you’ve given your

reason and evidence, reason and evidence,
restate your opinion. restate your opinion.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Be sure to NOT change Be sure to NOT change
your opinion, just restate your opinion, just restate it.
it. Use different words. Use different words.

Sample Restated Opinion: Sample Restated Opinion:

In my point of view, every In my point of view, every
student should wear student should wear
uniforms to school. uniforms to school.


concepts and words and expressions words and expressions
practicing new that emphasize a point that emphasize a point
skills #2 according to their according to their
categories/functions categories/functions

1. Reduction- changing 1. Reduction- changing

the perspective of a the perspective of a
previous idea previous idea
Examples: Examples:
anyway, anyhow, after anyway, anyhow, after
all, at any rate, in any all, at any rate, in any
case case
-to present an idea that is -to present an idea that is
more important than the more important than the
previous one previous one

2. Exemplification/ 2. Exemplification/
Reinforcement – Reinforcement –
clarifying or illustrating clarifying or illustrating
a previous idea a previous idea
Examples: Examples:
in fact -- stresses the truth in fact -- stresses the truth
of assertion of assertion
actually, as a matter of actually, as a matter of
fact -- emphasize the fact -- emphasize the
existing truth existing truth
really, truly, indeed, really, truly, indeed,
namely, clearly, namely, clearly,
certainly, naturally, certainly, naturally,
definitely, undoubtedly, definitely, undoubtedly,
of course, by all means, of course, by all means,
without a doubt -- verify without a doubt -- verify
a previous idea a previous idea
particularly, specifically, particularly, specifically,
that is, I mean, to clarify, that is, I mean, to clarify,
to repeat, to rephrase, to to repeat, to rephrase, to
illustrate, to illustrate, to
demonstrate, for demonstrate, for
example, for instance, in example, for instance, in

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
particular, in other particular, in other
words, as an words, as an illustration,
illustration, that is that is to say, this can be
to say, this can be seen, seen, to put in another
to put in another way way
-- expound further -- expound further

3. Concession – 3. Concession –
diminishing or upholding diminishing or upholding
an accompanying idea an accompanying idea
Examples: Examples:
although, even if, even although, even if, even
though, conceding that, though, conceding that,
although it is true that, although it is true that,
in spite of the fact -- in spite of the fact --
denote an illogical fact that denote an illogical fact that
either supports or changes either supports or changes
an idea an idea

4. Addition – 4. Addition –
supplementing ideas to supplementing ideas to
make an argument more make an argument more
convincing convincing

Examples: Examples:
and, too, plus, again, and, too, plus, again,
another, moreover, another, moreover,
afterward, furthermore, afterward, furthermore,
additionally, and then, in additionally, and then, in
addition, as a matter of addition, as a matter of
fact, equally important fact, equally important
– add information – add information
likewise, similarly, as likewise, similarly, as
well as, at the same well as, at the same
time, in a like manner, time, in a like manner, in
in the same manner– the same manner–
indicate similarity indicate similarity
besides – add an idea besides – add an idea and
and defend a negative defend a negative position
position previously stated previously stated
on top of that, to top it on top of that, to top it all
all off – add surprising off – add surprising
information information

5. Summary – indicating 5. Summary – indicating

conclusion conclusion
Examples: Examples:
so, in the end – provide so, in the end – provide
last details last details

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
to end, in short, after to end, in short, after all,
all, in summary, all in all in summary, all in all –
– capsulize previous capsulize previous
statement statement
to conclude, in to conclude, in
conclusion, to conclusion, to
summarize – end a summarize – end a
presentation presentation

6. Contrast – expressing 6. Contrast – expressing

opposition opposition
Examples: Examples:
instead – replace a instead – replace a
previous idea previous idea
yet, but, still, though, yet, but, still, though,
however, conversely, however, conversely,
even so, in contrast, on even so, in contrast, on
the contrary, on the the contrary, on the
other hand – disagree other hand – disagree
still, despite, still, despite,
nonetheless, nonetheless,
nevertheless, nevertheless,
notwithstanding, in spite notwithstanding, in spite
of – present a of – present a
logical data logical data
otherwise – suggests otherwise – suggests
contrasting result when contrasting result when
certain condition is not met certain condition is not met

7. Cause and Effect – 7. Cause and Effect –

relationship between relationship between
reason and outcome reason and outcome
Examples: Examples:
for, since, because, the for, since, because, the
reason why – stress the reason why – stress the
cause of something cause of something
so, thus, hence, so, thus, hence,
therefore, accordingly, therefore, accordingly,
thereupon, thereupon,
subsequently, so that, subsequently, so that,
after that, as a after that, as a
result, as a result, as a
consequence, for that consequence, for that
reason, an account of – reason, an account of –
present an outcome present an outcome

8. Sequence – chronology 8. Sequence – chronology

of ideas of ideas
Examples: Examples:

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
first, second, third… first, second, third…
firstly, secondly, firstly, secondly,
thirdly… initially, in the thirdly… initially, in the
first place, then, next, first place, then, next,
later, eventually, finally, later, eventually, finally,
lastly – denote order lastly – denote order
meanwhile, in the meanwhile, in the
moment – present an moment – present an
action occurring at the action occurring at the
same time with another same time with another
action action
F. Developing Can You Convince Me? Can You Convince Me?
mastery (Leads to (Guided Practice) (Guided Practice)
Formative In a group pre-assigned by In a group pre-assigned by
Assessment 3) the teacher (5-7 members the teacher (5-7 members
each), do the following each), do the following
tasks: tasks:
1. Compose a persuasive 1. Compose a persuasive
paragraph using opinion- paragraph using opinion-
marking signal “In My marking signal “In My
Point of View” Point of View”
2. Write a persuasive 2. Write a persuasive
paragraph using paragraph using
emphasis markers. emphasis markers.
3. Choose a 3. Choose a representative
representative from the from the group to deliver
group to deliver the the speech.
G. Finding Convince Me More Convince Me More
practical (Independent Practice) (Independent Practice)
application of Write a persuasive essay Write a persuasive essay
concepts and about a current topic. about a current topic.
skills in daily living Make sure to use different Make sure to use different
persuasive devices in your persuasive devices in your
essay. essay.
H. Making In this lesson, I have In this lesson, I have
generalizations of learned that Persuasive learned that Persuasive
concepts and skills writing is about writing is about
in daily living

(using ideas and reasons (using ideas and reasons

to cause change in the to cause change in the
reader’s thought or reader’s thought or action.)
In writing a persuasive
In writing a persuasive paragraph, we can use the
paragraph, we can use the OREO acronym. It stands
OREO acronym. It stands for

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
(Opinion, Reasons, (Opinion, Reasons,
Evidence, and (restated) Evidence, and (restated)
Opinion.) Opinion.)

Persuasive devices are Persuasive devices are

used to form effective used to form effective
persuasive language. persuasive language.

Furthermore, emphasis Furthermore, emphasis

markers are markers are

. .
(words and expressions (words and expressions
that emphasize a point that emphasize a point
according to their according to their
categories/functions.) categories/functions.)

I. Evaluating Choose a current Choose a current

learning controversial issue. Using controversial issue. Using
the opinion-marking signal the opinion-marking signal
“In My Point of View,” and “In My Point of View,” and
emphasis markers, make emphasis markers, make a
a three-paragraph essay three-paragraph essay
about your stand about your stand regarding
regarding the chosen the chosen issue.

J. Additional Research on the Research on the

activities for importance of importance of
application or acknowledging citations acknowledging citations
remediation and conventions in citing and conventions in citing
sources. Write a short sources. Write a short
persuasive essay persuasive essay
discussing its relevance. discussing its relevance.
Use opinion-marking Use opinion-marking
signals and emphasis signals and emphasis
markers. Make sure to markers. Make sure to
substantiate your substantiate your
arguments with facts or arguments with facts or
information. information. information.


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
department head
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 7 Day: 5

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standards Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering

Standards a persuasive speech based on an informative essay
featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making ,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning EN8SS-IIIg-1.6:
Competencie Show respect for intellectual property rights by
s/Objectives acknowledging citations made in an informative essay
Use conventions in citing sources
Citing Sources
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Grade 8 Learning Module, pages 158-160
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages English Expressways III, pages 359-361
English Expressways IV, pages 215-219
4. Additional
Materials from
the LR Portal
5. Other Learning Paraphrase: Write it in Your Own Words.” Purdue Online
Resources Writing Lab, The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and
Purdue University, 2012.

Plagiarism 2.0: Information Ethics in the Digital Age. Films

Media Group, 2011. Access Video On Demand.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Literati by Credo tutorials on Citation Basics or Citation and

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing
the previous The teachers recaps The teachers recaps sharing
lesson or sharing ideas using ideas using opinion-marking
presenting the opinion-marking signals signals (In My Point of View)
new lesson (In My Point of View) and and the use of emphasis
the use of emphasis markers for persuasive
markers for persuasive purposes.(2 minutes)
purposes.(2 minutes)

B. Establishing
a purpose for MOTIVATION: (3 MOTIVATION: (3 minutes)
the lesson minutes)
Task 1. What Went Wrong?
Task 1. What Went
Wrong? The teacher will post a
famous quotation/statement.
The teacher will post
a famous “The Filipino is worth dying for.”
quotation/statement. -President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

“The Filipino is worth dying for.”

-President Rodrigo Roa Duterte The students will be asked to
read the quotation, then the
teacher asks:
The students will be
asked to read the What can you observe from
quotation, then the the statement that you just
teacher asks: read?
Is there something wrong?
What can you observe What is it? (If the students
from the statement that answers “Yes!”)
you just read?
Is there something The teacher will post the
wrong? same quotation but now with
What is it? (If the students the picture of the one who
answers “Yes!”) actually said it.
The teacher will post the
same quotation but now
with the picture of the one
who actually said it.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Oops. Oops.
What did just happen What did just happen there?
The teacher leads the
The teacher leads the students to the discovery of
students to the discovery an incident wherein the credit
of an incident wherein the was given to the one who isn’t
credit was given to the worth it.
one who isn’t worth it.
C. Presenting Task 2. Citing Sources Task 2. Citing Sources
instances of the Now that you are through Now that you are through with
new lesson with bibliography entry bibliography entry writing and
writing and note card note card making, you will
making, you will have to have to document the notes
document the notes you you used in the body of your
used in the body of your essay or paper by using
essay or paper by using citations.
The notes in a research paper
The notes in a research that show the original sources
paper that show the of borrowed terms, views, or
original sources of ideas are called citations.
borrowed terms, views, or
ideas are called citations. Important details included in
the citation:
Important details included  Author
in the citation:  Title of publication
 Author  Editor (if available)
 Title of publication  Edition
 Editor (if available)  Volume
 Edition  Place of
 Volume Publication (city,
 Place of state, or province)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
state, or province)  Publisher
 Publisher  Date of publication
 Date of publication  Page number of the
 Page number of article
the article

Example: Example:

Author: F. Sionil Jose

Author: F. Sionil Jose
Title of publication: Tree
Title of publication: Tree
Editor (if available): --
Editor (if available): --
Edition: 4th
Edition: 4th
Volume: --
Volume: --
Place of publication (city,
Place of publication (city,
state, or province): Manila
state, or province): Manila
Publisher: Solidaridad
Publisher: Solidaridad
Date of publication: March 15,
Date of publication: March
15, 1997
Page number of the article: 47
Page number of the article:

The teacher gives a The teacher gives a

discussion on the different discussion on the different
types of citations. types of citations.

There are three common There are three common

ways to cite sources of ways to cite sources of
borrowed information: borrowed information:
parenthetical parenthetical documentation,
documentation, footnotes, footnotes, or end notes.
or end notes.
Types of Citations
Types of Citations
Parenthetical citations
Parenthetical citations appear within parentheses
appear within directly following the borrowed
parentheses directly material in the paper itself.
following the borrowed Footnotes appear at the
material in the paper bottom of the page.
itself. Endnotes appear on a
Footnotes appear at the separate sheet at the end of
bottom of the page. the paper, after the conclusion
Endnotes appear on a but before the works cited
separate sheet at the end page or bibliography.
of the paper, after the
conclusion but before the
works cited page or
bibliography. Parenthetical Citations

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
When you use parenthetical
Parenthetical Citations citations, you give readers
only enough information to
When you use identify the source of the
parenthetical citations, borrowed material. Readers
you give readers only then refer to your works cited
enough information to page for complete information
identify the source of the on each source.
borrowed material.
Readers then refer to your Study the example that
works cited page for follows:
complete information on
each source. “A total of over 31 million cars
were sold…” (Hobbs91) yet
Study the example that the horse-drawn buggy
follows: represented the only means of
transportation in Wood’s art.
“A total of over 31 million
cars were sold…”
(Hobbs91) yet the horse- What did you notice with the
drawn buggy represented way the only means of
the only means of transportation was cited?
transportation in Wood’s
art. The following examples show
the correct form for using
parenthetical citations.
What did you notice with
the way the only means of Books by One Author:
transportation was cited? Give author’s last name and
The following examples number(s):
show the correct form for (Lichtman 18).
using parenthetical
citations. Books With More than One
Books by One Author: Give both authors’ names and
Give author’s last name page number(s):
and page (Doane and Bell 82).
(Lichtman 18). Article with Author Named:
Give author’s last name and
Books With More than page
One Author: number(s):
Give both authors’ names (Shenker 27-30).
and page number(s):
(Doane and Bell 82). Article with Author Unnamed:
Give a shortened form of the
Article with Author title of the article (unless title
Named: is short) and page number(s):

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Give author’s last name (“Trace Your Family Tree”
and page 240).
(Shenker 27-30).
Article from General
Article with Author Reference:
Unnamed: Give title (or shortened form of
Give a shortened form of title); no page number(s)
the title of the article needed if article is single page
(unless title is short) and or from an encyclopedia
page number(s): arranged alphabetically:
(“Trace Your Family Tree” (“Genealogy”)

Article from General You should place

Reference: parenthetical citations as
Give title (or shortened close as possible to the terms
form of title); no page or ideas being credited. To
number(s) needed if avoid interrupting the natural
article is single page or flow of the sentence, place
from an encyclopedia the citations at the end of the
arranged alphabetically: phrase, a clause, or a
(“Genealogy”) sentence.

You should place Correct Placement of

parenthetical citations as Parenthetical Citations
close as possible to the 1. If the citation falls next to a
terms or ideas being comma or end mark, place the
credited. To avoid citation before the punctuation
interrupting the natural mark.
flow of the sentence, 2. If the citation accompanies
place the citations at the a long quotation that is set off
end of the phrase, a and indented, place the
clause, or a sentence. citation after the end mark.
3. If the citation falls next to a
Correct Placement of closing quotation mark, place
Parenthetical Citations the citation after the quotation
1. If the citation falls next mark but before any end
to a comma or end mark, mark.
place the citation before
the punctuation mark. Footnotes and Endnotes
2. If the citation If your teacher tells you to use
accompanies a long footnotes or endnotes, you
quotation that is set off need to follow a different form
and indented, place the for citing purposes. With either
citation after the end footnotes or endnotes, place a
mark. small number, called a
3. If the citation falls superscript, halfway above the
next to a closing line and immediately after the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
mark, place the citation borrowed material/
after the quotation mark
but before any end mark. Example:
The collection in Salt Lake
Footnotes and Endnotes City has the equivalent of
If your teacher tells you “more than 1.5 billion of book
to use footnotes or pages”1 on over a million rolls
endnotes, you need to of microfilm.
follow a different form for
citing purposes. With The number refers readers to
either footnotes or the proper footnote or
endnotes, place a small endnote. The following
number, called a examples show the correct
superscript, halfway form for footnotes and
above the line and endnotes.
immediately after the
borrowed material/ MODEL:
Correct Form for Footnotes and
Example: Endnotes
The collection in Salt
Lake City has the REFERENCE WORKS:
equivalent of “more than 1Joseph Charles Wolf,

1.5 billion of book pages”1 “Genealogy,”

on over a million rolls of World Book Encyclopedia, 1983 ed.


readers to the proper 2Marilyn Markham Heimberg,

footnote or endnote. The Discover Your Roots (San Diego:

Communication Creativity, 1977) 23.
following examples show
the correct form for BOOKS WITH MORE THAN ONE
footnotes and endnotes. AUTHOR:
3Gilbert H. Doane and James B.

MODEL: Bell, Searching for Your Ancestors

Correct Form for Footnotes (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P,
1980) 82.
and Endnotes
4“Trace Your Family Tree,” Good
REFERENCE WORKS: Housekeeping Oct. 1976:240 [Note:
1Joseph Charles Wolf,
If the author is given, list the first
“Genealogy,” name first.]
World Book Encyclopedia, 1983
5Israrel Shenker, “Smithsonian
BOOKS WITH SINGLE Urges Public to Dig at the Family
AUTHOR: Tree,” New York Times 17 June
2Marilyn Markham
1976, Sec. 1:27
Discover Your Roots (San INTERVIEWS:
Diego: Communication David Thackery, telephone
Creativity, 1977) 23. interview, Newberry Library, 23 Nov.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
ONE AUTHOR: For repeated references to a
3Gilbert H. Doane and
work already cited, you can
James B. Bell, Searching for
Your Ancestors use a shortened form of
(Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, footnote beginning with the
1980) 82. second instance you used it.
4“Trace Your Family Tree,” 1Heimberg 69.

Good Housekeeping Oct. 2Doane and Bell 36.

1976:240 [Note: If the author is
given, list the first name first.] Source: Health English Level 10,
Masachusettes: DC Health and Company, 1992
5Israrel Shenker,

“Smithsonian Urges Public to

Dig at the Family Tree,” New
York Times 17 June 1976, Sec.

David Thackery, telephone
interview, Newberry Library, 23
Nov. 1983.

For repeated references

to a work already cited,
you can use a shortened
form of footnote
beginning with the second
instance you used it.
1Heimberg 69.
2Doane and Bell 36.

Source: Health English Level

10, Masachusettes: DC
Health and
Company, 1992

D. Discussing Task 3. Why Do We Cite Task 3. Why Do We Cite

new concepts Sources? Sources?
new skills #1

What happens if I What happens if I

forget or deliberately forget or deliberately
fail to document

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The teacher will divide the The teacher will divide the
students into small groups students into small groups (2
(2 or 3 individuals per or 3 individuals per group). The
group). The teacher then teacher then distributes
distributes Describing Describing Wheel Handout.
Wheel Handout.
The words “giving credit” is
placed at the center of the
The words “giving Describing Wheel.
credit” is placed at the
center of the Describing The teacher leads the
Wheel. following discussion:

The teacher leads the 1. Could anything bad happen

following discussion: to you if you copied someone
else’s idea or words and didn’t
give them credit? (bad grade,
1. Could anything bad kicked out of college, lose
happen to you if you your credibility, pay a fine, go
copied someone else’s to jail)
idea or words and didn’t
give them credit? (bad 2. How would you feel if
grade, kicked out of someone stole your idea and
college, lose your didn’t give you credit - what do
credibility, pay a fine, go you think should happen to
to jail) them if they do? (Students’
answers may vary.)
2. How would you feel if
someone stole your idea 3. Why might it be unfair to
and didn’t give you credit - use someone else’s work
what do you think should without giving them credit?
happen to them if they -It can be considered cheating
do? (Students’ answers or stealing
may vary.)
 How does it help YOU when
3. Why might it be unfair you cite sources?
to use someone else’s -When you cite sources, it
work without giving only shows that you know
them credit? what you are talking about.
-It can be considered Credible sources give you
cheating or stealing authority.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
5. How might it help your
 How does it help YOU reader if you cite sources?
when you cite sources? -Your readers can learn more
-When you cite sources, it from the books you read.
only shows that you know They will also if know if they
what you are talking can trust your arguments.
about. Credible sources
give you authority. 6. How would you feel if you
posted something really cool
5. How might it help your on Facebook and a bunch of
reader if you cite people shared it as if it was
sources? their own witty comment, not
giving you credit?
-Your readers can learn (Students’ answers may vary.)
more from the books you
read. They will also if
Based on the discussion, the
know if they can trust your
teacher will have the students
arguments. work in groups to fill in the
6. How would you feel if spokes of the Describing
you posted something Wheel with details about why
really cool on Facebook it is important to give credit.
and a bunch of people (10 minutes)
shared it as if it was After discussion, the students
their own witty will be asked to return to their
comment, not giving you original seats.
credit? (Students’
answers may vary.) Each group will take turns
reporting to the class what
Based on the discussion, they have written in one of
the teacher will have the their spokes.
students work in groups to
The teacher will list on the
fill in the spokes of the
board the responses of the
Describing Wheel with
details about why it is
important to give credit. Plagiarism
(10 minutes)
Deliberate Plagiarism is
After discussion, the using someone
students will be asked to or else’s idea
unintentiona without giving
return to their original
l failure to proper credit to
seats. the owner.
cite and
Each group will take turns improper It is considered
reporting to the class what citation of as a form of
they have written in one of someone cheating which
their spokes. else’s idea
is a serious
offense in
or work is an educational and
The teacher will list on the
act of research
board the responses of
the group.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill cited
Deliberate Plagiarism is
three major purposes of
or someone citations in scholarly work.
unintentio else’s idea
nal failure without
to cite and
proper Allows writers to show how an
improper credit to the argument is built through the
citation of owner.
ideas of others.
It is
else’s idea
or work is as a form of To give credit where credit is
due; allowing writers to show
which ideas and from whom
The University of North they were taken.
Carolina at Chapel Hill
cited three major Allows interested readers to
purposes of citations in follow arguments by verifying
scholarly work. them to the original source.

Allows writers to show how

an argument is built through Paraphrasing
the ideas of others.

To avoid is the use of
To give credit where credit is plagiarism,
one’s own
due; allowing writers to show aside from
which ideas and from whom citation,
of an idea and
they were taken. information
g of cited which came
work is also
important. from another
Allows interested readers to source.
follow arguments by verifying
them to the original source.


To avoid Paraphrasin
plagiarism, g is the use
aside from of one’s
citation, own
paraphrasi interpretati
ng of cited on of an
work is idea and
also information
important. which came

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Discussing Task 4. When to Cite Task 4. When to Cite Sources
new concepts Sources
and The teacher will remind the
practicing The teacher will remind students that even someone
new skills #2 the students that even who wants to give credit when
someone who wants to credit is due can accidentally
give credit when credit is commit plagiarism if they don’t
due can accidentally understand the rules of when
commit plagiarism if they we must cite sources.
don’t understand the rules Are you going to cite every
of when we must cite single information you give in
sources. your work? Find out from the
Are you going to cite grid that follows.
every single information
Type of Information Is Citation
you give in your work? Needed?
Find out from the grid that “The very long Yes.
horizontal shape of Always cite a
follows. this picture is an effort direct quotation
to give a sensation of
great lateral extent.”
Type of Information Is Citation
Needed? The Gothic windows Yes.
in the background Always credit
“The very long Yes.
indicates that in the another writer for
horizontal shape of Always cite a
couple’s house the his/her opinion,
this picture is an effort direct quotation
values of even you don’t
to give a sensation of
Christianity are agree with it.
great lateral extent.”
fostered and
The Gothic windows Yes.
Almost all American Yes.
in the background Always credit
cities would Always credit an
indicates that in the another writer f
eventually suffer author’
couple’s house the his/her opinion,
overcrowding, generalization that
values of even you don’t
housing shortages, is based on his or
Christianity are agree with it.
slums, her own research
fostered and
unemployment… and analysis.
pollution, and lack of
recreational facilities.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Almost all American Yes. W ood emphasized No.
cities would Always credit an th e harmonious This is a
eventually suffer author’ relationship between paraphrase of
overcrowding, generalization that man and the land. information that
housing shortages, is based on his or can be found in
slums, her own research many sources.
unemployment… and analysis. By 1920, the bulk of Yes.
pollution, and lack of the American Always cite
recreational facilities. population lived in statistics that are
Wood emphasized No. cities with 2,500 not well known,
the harmonious This is a people or more. doing so enables
relationship between paraphrase of readers to
man and the land. information that evaluate the
can be found in source of the data
many sources. or to search for
By 1920, the bulk of Yes. further
the American Always cite information.
population lived in statistics that are The stock market No.
cities with 2,500 not well known, crashed in 1929. The year of the
people or more. doing so enables first stock
readers to market crash is
evaluate the a common
source of the data knowledge.
or to search for
information. us e:
The stock market No.
crashed in 1929. The year of the 1. Another person's idea,
first stock mark et inion, or theory.
crash is a
common op
knowledge. Any facts, statistics, graphs,
drawings-any pieces of
you use: information-that are not
1. Another person's idea, common knowledge.
opinion, or theory. 3. Quotations of another
2. Any facts, statistics, person's actual spoken or
graphs, drawings-any written words.
pieces of information-that
are not common 4. Paraphrases of another
knowledge. person's spoken or
written words
3. Quotations of another
person's actual spoken or
written words.
4. Paraphrases of another
person's spoken or
written words
F. Developing Task 5. Write a Citation Task 5. Write a Citation
mastery (Leads (Guided Practice) (Guided Practice)
to Formative Write a parenthetical Write a parenthetical citation
Assessment 3) citation for each of the for each of the following
following references to the references to the works
works cited. cited.
Example: Example:
A description by Jacques A description by Jacques
Cousteau Cousteau
Answer: (Cousteau Answer: (Cousteau 72)
1. An example of a shark
attack from the New York

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
1. An example of a shark Times article
attack from the New
York Times article 2. A little-known fact about
sharks from the article in
2. A little-known fact Newsweek
about sharks from the
article in Newsweek 3. A choice quote from the
article Changing Times
3. A choice quote from the
article Changing Times 4. Information from The Life of
4. Information from The Sharks
Life of Sharks
G. Finding Task 6. Using Task 6. Using Parenthetical
practical Parenthetical Citation Citation and Footnote
application of and Footnote (Independent Practice)
concepts and (Independent Practice)
skills in daily Use the information in each
living Use the information in item to write (1) a
each item to write (1) a parenthetical citation and (2) a
parenthetical citation and footnote. Follow the models.
(2) a footnote. Follow the
models. 1. Title of the book: Mighty
Mississippi: Biography of
1. Title of the book: a River
Mighty Mississippi: Publishing company: Ticknor
Biography of a River and Fields
Publishing company: Author: Marquis W. Childs
Ticknor and Fields Place and date of publication:
Author: Marquis W. New Haven, 1982
Childs Place and date of Page Number 72
publication: New Haven,
1982 2. Title of article in
Page Number 72 encyclopedia: Mississippi
2. Title of article in Edition of encyclopedia: 1980
encyclopedia: Author of Article: Johnson E.
Mississippi River Fairchild
Edition of encyclopedia: Name of encyclopedia:
1980 Collier’s Encyclopedia
Author of Article: Johnson
E. Fairchild
Name of encyclopedia:
Collier’s Encyclopedia

H. Making Points to Remember Points to Remember

generalizations Fill in the blanks with the Fill in the blanks with the
of concepts and learning that you have learning that you have gained
skills in daily gained in this lesson. in this lesson.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I have learned that it is I have learned that it is
important to acknowledge important to acknowledge
citations because citations because

I have also learned that I have also learned that there

there are conventions in are conventions in citing
citing sources. Such sources. Such conventions
conventions are as are as follows. All names of
follows. All names of authors should start with
authors should start with .
For two authors,
For two authors,

. For several authors,

. For several authors,

All titles of the books,
All titles of the books, magazines, and encyclopedia
magazines, and should be
encyclopedia should be .
. Titles of topics of magazines,
Titles of topics of newspaper articles and
magazines, newspaper encyclopedia
articles and encyclopedia .
With regards to observing
With regards to observing correct punctuation marks
correct punctuation marks


I. Evaluating Choose the letter of the Choose the letter of the best
learning best answer. answer.

1. Which of the following does 1. Which of the following does not

not need a citation? need a citation?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
a. Direct quotation from a. Direct quotation from another
another source source
b. Personal opinion b. Personal opinion about
about another article another article
c. Paraphrased opinion c. Paraphrased opinion
and summarized texts and summarized texts
d. Gathered information d. Gathered information
and summarized texts and summarized texts
2. It is the use of someone 2. It is the use of someone else’s
else’s idea or work without idea or work without giving proper
giving proper credit to the credit to the owner.

A. Fraud
C. Estafa
Fabrication D. Plagiarism

3. What does the underlined

word signify?
Quirk, Randolph,et al. A
A. Fraud C. Estafa
Comprehensive Grammar of the
English Language. London: B. Fabrication
Longman, 1985. Print.
D. Plagiarism

C. Place of
A. Editor’s Name Publication 3. What does the underlined word
Quirk, Randolph,et al. A
B. Publisher Comprehensive Grammar of the
D. English Language. London:
of the Book
Contributor’s Longman, 1985. Print.
C. Place of
4. What does the underlined A. Editor’s Name Publication
word signify?
Reilly, Benjamin. “Philippines:
How to elect a better Senate.”, Rappler. 2016. B. Publisher
D. Contributor’s
Web. 28 April 2016. of the Book

A. Date of C. Date 4. What does the underlined word

Publication signify?
Reilly, Benjamin. “Philippines: How
to elect a better Senate.”
B. Recent, Rappler. 2016. Web.
D. Webster’s
Update 28 April 2016.

A. Date of C. Date
Publication Accessed

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
5. All the statements
below show the importance B. Recent D. Webster’s
of citation, EXCEPT. Update Establishment

A. Citation allows writers to

show how an argument is built 5. All the statements below
through the ideas of others. show the importance of citation,
B. Citation gives credit where
credit is due; allowing writers A. Citation allows writers to show
to show which ideas and from how an argument is built through the
whom they were taken.
B. Citation gives credit where credit is
due; allowing writers to show which
C. Citation allows interested
ideas and from whom they were
readers to follow arguments by
verifying them to the original C. Citation allows interested readers to
source. follow arguments by verifying them to
the original source.
D. Citation shows that the writer
has no originality and just D. Citation shows that the writer has
resorted to copying others’ no originality and just resorted to
work. copying others’ work.

J. Additional Assignment: Assignment:

activities for Using three common Using three common ways of
application or ways of citing sources, citing sources, document or
remediation document or prepare prepare citations for any or
citations for any or both both of the text.
of the text.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

A. No. of Learners
who earned 80% on
the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lesson/s work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
department head
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 8 Day: 1

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian
Literature as a mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in
A. Content processing textual information; strategies in examining features
Standard of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words
and propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for
opinion – making, persuasion, and emphasis.
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a
persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
B. Performanc use of properly acknowledged information sources,
e Standard grammatical signals for opinion – making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning EN8RC – lllh.3.1.12: Examine biases (for or against) made by
Competenc the author
y/Objective EN8V-lllh-26: Analyze intention of words or expressions used
in propaganda techniques.

II. CONTENT Overcoming Challenges

A. References
1. Teacher’s None
Guide pages
2. Learner’s None
3. Textbook English expressways IV pp. 197-198
4. Additional
B. Other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing Task 1 (3 minutes) Task 1 (5 minutes)
previous Pre-Reading Pre-Reading
lesson or Unlocking of Difficulties Unlocking of Difficulties
presenting the The teacher will recall the previous The teacher will recall the
lesson about context clues.
new lesson previous lesson about context
The teacher will tell the students to give
the meaning of the words found in the The teacher will tell the students
circle, read the sentence using each to read sentences taken from the
word, then give a synonym and antonym text that they are about to read
using the graphic organizer below. with underline unfamiliar words
on the boxes are the words that
will served as clues to the
meaning of the unknown words
Unscrupulo then give the meaning.

1. Pakatan Government can

any day as
Collapse mahathir starts
to show his
Pakatan government can collapse any day as unscrupulous side.
Mahathir starts to show his unscrupulous side.
a. Not exact b. Correct
c. Precise
2. While the ruling Pakatan
Harapan is plagued by

Synonym Fears of a possible

a. Widespread b .Good c. Will

3. under the leadership of

current party president, Hadi
Dissolutio Awang, such voices of
opposition have since
been tamed

Johor umno said if the government were to

a. Gentle b. Wild c. Choppy
force the dissolution of umno they might either
form a new party or join an existing one. 4. UMNO and PAS seem to
have the
removed last

barriers for a solid

Synonym Antonym
a. bare b. hindrance c. denude

Johor form a new

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Umno said if the government
were to force the dissolution of
Umno, they might either

party or

join an existing
The ruling pakatan harapan is plagued by fears of
b. retain
a possible split
c. break up


Synonym Antonym


Umno and pass seem to have removed the last

barriers for a solid cooperation


Synonym Antonym

B. Establishing Motivation: (5 minutes) Motivation: (5 minutes)

a purpose for The teacher will ask: For you what is a The teacher will ask:
the lesson good leader? What are the values a leader
should possess?

C. Presenting
examples/Inst Task 2 Task 2
ances of the The teacher will tell the students The teacher will tell the
new lesson that when they read a text they students that when they
sometimes come across a read a text they sometimes
writer’s statement which leads to come across a writer’s
be supported by data or statement which leads to
evidence. They tend to ask be supported by data or
questions on the validity of such evidence. They tend to ask
statements. Some people stick to questions on the validity of
their views based on their such statements. Some
personal knowledge and people stick to their views
judgment, and we call this biased based on their personal
it is highly personal or knowledge and judgment,

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
unreasoned contortion of and we call this biased it
judgment. is highly personal or
unreasoned contortion of

The teacher will let the

students read an editorial
The teacher will let the students and will find out the writer’s
read an editorial and will find out view.
the writer’s view.
Motive Question
Was the writer for or
Motive Question against the issue?
1. What kind of leader is

Malaysia very near to crisis: READING ACTIVITY
Pakatan Government can Malaysia very near to
collapse any Day as Mahathir crisis: Pakatan
starts to show his unscrupulous Government can collapse
side – an Early Election may any Day as Mahathir starts
have to be called (Reading text to show his unscrupulous
in TV or projects) side. An early election may
(An excerpt) have to be called.(The
reading text will be shown
through a projector or TV)

D. Discussing Task 3 Task 3

new concepts Post Reading Activity (15 Post Reading Activity
and practicing minutes) (15 minutes)
new skills # 1 Processing Question Processing Question
1.What are the problems cited in 1.What are the problems
the text? cited in the text?
2.What is the writer’s primary 2.What is the writer’s
concern about the issue? primary concern about the
3.What is the issue all about? issue?
4.Are there biases in this 3.What is the issue all
editorial? about?
5. Is the writer’s side for or 4.Are there biases in this
against the issues? editorial?
6. How will you describe the kind 5. Is the writer’s side for or
of leadership shown by the against the issues?
current President Hadi Awang ?
7. Why do you think Tun Mahathir
is trying to enforce his “divide and
rule strategy?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Discussing Task 4 Task 4
new concepts The teacher will ask the students The teacher will ask the
and practicing if there are biases in students if there are biases
new skills # 2 advertisements. Students will in advertisements. Analyze
give their views or biases by each of the following
analyzing each propaganda advertisements. What
techniques and explain why they features are being played
may or may not want to buy the up? What is the purpose of
product being sold to them. these?

The teacher will let the students Identify the biases/the

analyze each propaganda advertisers view in each
techniques and explain why they advertisement.
may or may not want to buy the
product being sold to them. The teacher will let the
Be guided by the ff. questions students analyze each
-Do I really need the product? propaganda techniques
-the service being advertised? and explain why they may
-Is it in keeping with my life style? or may not want to buy the
-Can I afford it? product being sold to
- What features of the product are them.
being played up to sell the
product? Be guided by the
-Do I really need the
-the service being
-Is it in keeping with my life
-Can I afford it?
- What features of the
product are being played
up to sell the product?


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020



4. 4.



F. Developing Task 5 Task 5

mastery Group Activity Group Activity
(leads to The teacher will tell the students The teacher will tell the
Formative to write advertisements of a local students to write
Assessment product. How are you going to advertisements of a local
3) sell it with the following questions product. How are you
and mind. going to sell it with the
following questions and

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
What words or expressions are
you going to use to encourage What words or
people to buy a product? expressions are you going
to use to encourage
people to buy a product?
Present your add to the class.
Present your add to the
G. Finding With the same groups the With the same groups the
practical teacher will let the students write teacher will let the
application of short article or paragraph on the students write short article
concepts and following topics : or paragraph on the
skills in daily Choose only one for your group following topics :
living a. Online games addiction of Choose only one for your
students. group
b. The goal I want to achieve a. Online games
as a student. addiction of students.
c. The changes that I want b. The goal I want to
to happen in our Filipino achieve as a student.
way of life. c. The changes that I
want to happen in
our Filipino way of

Rubrics: Rubrics:
1 Tot
Criteria 8 6 4 2
0 al 1

Criteria 8 6 4 2
(Facts) leteness
Creativity (Facts)
Organization of
Organization of
Mechanics Mechanics

Presentation Presentation
(logical & (logical &

H. Making What have you learned about What have you learned
generalization advertisements or propaganda about advertisements or
s and devices? propaganda devices?
about the Graphic organizer Suppose you are an
lesson Complete this Graphic Organizer advertiser.
with the things you learned about How will you use
advertisements. propaganda? For the right
or the wrong reason? In
what way?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

Task 6
Analyze the intention of words or expressions used in the
following advertisements.

I. Evaluating
Have you been paying a lot of
learning electric bills? This stove permits
the use of paper, wood, and dried
corn cobs. Fearful of gas
leakage? An added feature is the
heat regulator! Easy to clean too!

Take home Task Take home task

- Form three groups - From two groups

(Group Differentiated Activities) (Group Differentiated

Group 1: With your group, talk Activities)
about this issue, “Man in Group 1: Make a poster
Relation to Nature”. Express on the issue, “Modern
varied ideas of your group Technology: Its Effect to
J. Additional
members and make an oral Man”
Group 2: The same issue,
Group 2: Your group will express make a slogan.
ideas about the same issue
through a rap.

Group 3: Write a short poem

about the issue.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G.What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 8 Day: 2

A. Content The Learner demonstrates understanding of Southeast
Standard Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping
strategies in processing textual information; Strategies in
examining features of a listening & viewing materials;
Structural analysis of words & propaganda techniques;
grammatical signals for opinion, making persuasion and

B. Performanc The learner transfers learning by composing & delivering a

e Standard persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledge information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion &
emphasis & appropriate prosodic features, stance &

C. Learning EN8LC – lllh.7.4: Determine the various social, moral and

Competenci economic issues discussed in the text listened to.
es/Objectiv EN8OL-lllh-3: Deliver a self-composed persuasive speech.
II.CONTENT Overcoming Challenges

A. References
1. Teacher’s None
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s None
material pages
3. Textbook English Expressways III p. 61-62
4. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other learning


Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV.PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Task 1 (3 minutes) Task 1 (3 minutes)
previous The teacher will conduct a short The teacher will conduct
lesson or recall of the previous lesson a short recall of the
presenting with the following questions: previous lesson with the
the new 1. What are Malaysia’s two following questions:
lesson major rival polititical camps? 1. What are Malaysia’s
2. What happened to opposition two major rival polititical
under the leadership of current camps?
party president Hadi Awang. 2. What happened to
3. What is the effect of Tun opposition under the
Mahathir’s “divide and rule” leadership of current
strategy? party president Hadi
3. What is the effect of
Tun Mahathir’s “divide
and rule” strategy?

B. Establishing Motivation (5 minutes) Motivation: (5 minutes)

a purpose What can you say about the What can you say about
for the Philippines economic situation? our countries present
lesson situation in terms of
social, moral and
economic aspects?

C. Presenting Task 2 Task 2

examples/in Motive Question
stances of Motive Question 1.What are the social,
the new 1.what are the social, moral and moral and economic
lesson economic condition that affect condition that affect
Malaysia? Malaysia?

This time the teacher will

This time the teacher will let the let the students listen to
students listen to the same the same Editorial text
Editorial text that they that they discussed last
discussed last meeting. The meeting. The students
students will listen to the will listen to the teacher
teacher as he/she reads it. as he/she reads it.

Listening text will be

played/read twice.

D. Discussing Task 3 Task 3

new Post Reading Activity (15 Post Reading Activity
concepts minutes) (15 minutes)
and Form 3 groups and work on the Processing Question

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
practicing concept map then present your 1. What is the
new skill #1 group output. number one
problem of
problem Malaysia today?
2. Identify the
social, moral and
condition of
political economic Malaysia.
situation situation
3. What are their
negative and
Processing Question positive effects to
1. What is the number one the country?
problem of Malaysia 4. Does the
today? government do
2. Identify the social, moral something about
and economic condition it?
of Malaysia. 5. In your opinion
3. What are their negative what is the
and positive effects to
the country?
4. Does the government do solution to that
something about it? problem?
5. In your opinion what is
the possible solution
to that problem?
E. Discussing Task 4 Task 4
new Enriching Activity Enriching Activity
concepts The teacher reminds the learner The teacher reminds the
and that when they have something learner that when they
practicing to say they can express their have something to say
new skill #2 own viewpoint. they can express their
own viewpoint.
This time, the students will
express their own opinion in an This time, the students
issue by composing a will express their own
persuasive speech. opinion in an issue by
Be guided by the following composing a persuasive
pointers. speech.
Be guided by the
following pointers.
1. Know the purpose of the
speech. What do you want 1. Know the purpose of
people to do? the speech. What do you
2. Gather information about the want people to do?
topic. Give specific examples. 2. Gather information
3.Think of a catchy beginning, about the topic. Give
have a well-researched and specific examples.
organized body text and end 3.Think of a catchy

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
your talk strikingly to make your beginning, have a well-
listeners remember what you researched and
have said. organized body text and
4. Vary your sentence order and end your talk strikingly to
used figurative expressions. make your listeners
5. Observe correct remember what you have
pronunciation, stress and said.
intonation when delivering your 4. Vary your sentence
talk. order and used figurative
5. Observe correct
pronunciation, stress and
intonation when
delivering your talk.

F. Developing Task 5 Task 5

mastery Then students will recall the Then students will recall
(leads to editorial that they have listened the editorial that they
formative before. They will list down at have listened before.
assessment least 3 arguments presented by They will list down at
3) the writer in the issue. least 3 arguments
presented by the writer in
the issue.

G. Finding Group Activity Group Activity

practical The teacher will let the students The teacher will ask the
applications identify social and moral issues students to list down the
of concepts in your barangay. ask them how problems in their
and skills in they will help solve the problem. barangay. Think of the
daily living possible solutions.

H. Making
generalizati What did we discuss today? What did we discuss
ons and today?
about the
I. Evaluating Task 7 Task 7
learning Another editorial will be read . Another editorial will be
then identify the social and read then identify the
economic problems mentioned social and economic
in it. problems mentioned in
J. Additional
Activities for Look for an editorial read then Look for an editorial read
Application identify the problems discuss. then identify the problems
or discuss.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

A.No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B.No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E.Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 8 Day: 3

A. Content The Learner demonstrates understanding of Southeast Asian
Standard literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in
processing textual information; Strategies in examining
features of a listening & viewing materials; Structural analysis
of words & propaganda techniques; grammatical signals for
opinion, making persuasion and emphasis.

B. Performan The learner transfers learning by composing & delivering a

ce persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
Standard use of properly acknowledge information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion &
emphasis & appropriate prosodic features, stance & behavior.

C. Learning EN8VC – lllh.-19: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas

Competen presented in the material viewed.
cies/Objec EN8RC-lIlh-10: Share ideas using opinion-marking signals.
tives EN8G-IIIh-3.6: Use modals appropriately.
(Write the
LC code
for each)
II.CONTENT Overcoming Challenges
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s None
2. Learner’s None
3. Textbook English Express Ways III pp.31, Eng. Express Ways III pp.
pages 256-257, Eng. Express Ways IV pp. 298-300
4. Additional
(LR) portal
B. Other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV.PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Task 1 (3 minutes) Task 1 (5 minutes)
previous Review of previous lesson Pre-viewing Activities
lesson or The students will read the Think quickly and write ten
presenting sentences and identify words rhyming with “travel”.
the new modals and words that Find a partner and share
lesson signals opinions. ideas.
1. Home robots might
soon start to take the
function of a personal
2. Japan technology
can help boost the
country’s economy.
3. In my opinion a
spacious area is
what he looks for in a
residential area.
4. I think she learned
more about them
through their
5. A recognized Asian
leader might initiate
a conference.

B. Establishi
ng a The teacher ask the students The teacher ask the students
purpose about their purpose in about their purpose in viewing
for the viewing something. When something. When they view
lesson they view something they something they must be
must be entertained and entertained and appreciate
appreciate what they viewed. what they viewed.
This can be true if the This can be true if the material
material viewed has ideas viewed has ideas that are
that are sound and that can sound and that can be applied
be applied in the viewer’s in the viewer’s own life. Thus,
own life. Thus, viewing is viewing is seen as especially
seen as especially valuable valuable because it is relevant
because it is relevant to the to the viewer.
viewer. In order to find merit in
In order to find merit in viewing, viewer’s first judge
viewing, viewer’s first judge how solid the ideas are and
how solid the ideas are and how sound the judgment of
how sound the judgment of the speaker is.
the speaker is. In this way the speaker can

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
In this way the speaker can act are the voice of wisdom
act are the voice of wisdom that teaches the viewer
that teaches the viewer without the viewer
without the viewer himself/herself having to go
himself/herself having to go through the experience that
through the experience that the speaker had gone
the speaker had gone through.
Do you want to view
Do you want to view something?

C. Presentin Motivation (5 minutes) Motivation (5 minutes)

examples/ Have you visited the different Have you visited the different
instances beautiful places in beautiful places in
of the new Catanduanes? Catanduanes?
lesson The students will watch a The students will watch a
video clip about Malaysia, video clip about Malaysia,
while watching the video while watching the video they
they try to look for the try to look for the answer to
answer to the motive the motive question to be
question to be answered answered later.

Motive Question Motive Question

Would you like to experience
What are the top most traveling to Malaysia? Why?
places in Malaysia?

D. Discussin Task 2 Task 3

g new Post Viewing Activity (15 Post Viewing Activity (15
concepts minutes) minutes)
and Processing Question Processing Question
practicing 1. What is the video all 1. What is the video all
new skill about? about?
#1 2. Why is it called 2. Why is it called land of
land of natural natural diversity?
diversity? 3. How did the speaker
3. How did the speaker discuss the ideas
discuss the ideas presented/shows in the
presented/shows in video?
the video? 4. How will you describe the
4. How will you describe different places in
the different places in Malaysia?
Malaysia? 5. Would you like to
5. Would you like to experience traveling
experience to Malaysia? Why?
traveling to
Malaysia? Why?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Discussin Task 3 Task 3
g new (Grammar Awareness) (Grammar Awareness)
concepts Activity 1
and From the video that the Activity 1
practicing students have just watched. From the video that the
new skill The teacher will ask if the students have just watched.
#2 ideas presented in the video The teacher will ask if the
are just the opinion of the ideas presented in the video
speaker. are just the opinion of the
An opinion can express a speaker.
person’s feelings about an An opinion can express a
idea or situation. It can also person’s feelings about an
express a judgment based idea or situation. It can also
on facts or it may make a express a judgment based on
prediction based on the facts or it may make a
facts. prediction based on the facts.
Recall the things you have Recall the things you have
just viewed. Give your just viewed. Give your
opinion about it. opinion about it.
Express your: Express your:
a. Personal feeling 1. Personal feeling
b. Judgment 2. Judgment
c. Prediction 3. Prediction

Begin with the expressions I Begin with the expressions I

feel that…….. feel that……..
The teacher let the student’s The teacher let the student’s
study how the writer could study how the writer could
have said his feelings for his have said his feelings for his
teacher as they read the teacher as they read the
sentences that follow. Pay sentences that follow. Pay
attention to the underlined attention to the underlined
verbs and verb phrases. verbs and verb phrases.
A. 1. You could not stand
students being lazy.
2. You could have disciplined
us otherwise, but you did
A. 1. You could not stand so too well.
students being lazy. What do the modals suggest
2. You could have give sample sentences
disciplined us otherwise, using each modal.
but you did so too well. B. 1. I wish I may be able to
see you again, to thank
What do the modals suggest you for everything.
give sample sentences 2. I might have been
using each modal. wayward had it not been
B. 1. I wish I may be able to for your influence on me.
see you again, to thank Notice that there are
you for everything. underlined verbs + verb

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. I might have been phrase in sentences.
wayward had it not been What kind of verbs are
for your influence on me. they?
Notice that there are They are modals.
underlined verbs + verb What do the modals suggest?
phrase in sentences. Could – is used to talk about
What kind of verbs are what was possible in the
they? past, what we were able
They are modals. or free to do.
What do the modals Ex. My brother could swim
suggest? when he was 5 years old.
Could – is used to talk about
what was possible in the May – is used to indicate
past, what we were able something we feel which
or free to do. will possibly happen or
Ex. My brother could swim something we allow or
when he was 5 years give permission.
old. Ex. He may win the race.
You may leave now.
May – is used to indicate
something we feel which Might - is used to mean
will possibly happen or something less likely than
something we allow or may.
give permission. Ex. He might win the race.
Ex. He may win the race. Be more polite than may
You may leave now. when asking permission.
Ex. May I come in?
Might - is used to mean
something less likely 1. You can lift your spirit
than may. as you experience the
Ex. He might win the race. amazing natural
Be more polite than may
beauties in Malaysia.
when asking permission.
Ex. May I come in? 2. Malaysia could be one
of the famous places
Read the following with sustainable
sentences taken from the tourism program
video then underline the 3. I think Malaysia is
modals and the words that more competitive
signal opinion.
compared to other
1. You can lift your
Asian countries.
spirit as you
4. In my opinion Malaysia
experience the
is the perfect place to
amazing natural
travel during my
beauties in Malaysia.
2. Malaysia could be
one of the famous 5. I might go there just to
places with see the modern design
sustainable tourism

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
program of fashion and
3. I think Malaysia is electronics.
more competitive
compared to other
Asian countries.
4. In my opinion
Malaysia is the
perfect place to travel
during my vacation.
5. I might go there just
to see the modern
design of fashion and

F. Developin Task 4 Task 4

g mastery The students will rephrase The students will rephrase the
(leads to the following statements following statements
formative using may have, might using may have, might
assessme have, could have. have, could have.
nt 3) 1. Joyce thinks that she 1. Joyce thinks that she
sprained her wrist sprained her wrist
when she fell down. when she fell down.
2. Juvy thinks she hurt 2. Juvy thinks she hurt
her arm when she her arm when she
played tennis. played tennis.
3. She thinks she tried 3. She thinks she tried to
to serve the ball too serve the ball too hard.
hard. 4. She thinks she twisted
4. She thinks she her arm while she was
twisted her arm while serving.
she was serving. 5. She thinks she
5. She thinks she
sprained her elbow
sprained her elbow
while she was while she was serving.
G. Finding Task 5 Task 5
applicatio The students will write 5 The students will fill in the
ns of sentences using modals & blanks with the correct modals
concepts opinion signals. and opinion signals.
and skills 1. He has everything money
in daily buy but he is an
living unhappy man.
2. I peace is living
calmly and in harmony with
3. We not find

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
happiness in material things
but the more it eludes us.
4. With God, we
achieve peace.
5. if she is clever enough she
run away from the

H. Making What have you learned What have you learned about
generaliza about opinion marking opinion marking signals?
tions and signals? What are the uses What are the uses of modals?
abstractio of modals?
ns about
the lesson
I. Evaluating Task 6 (Group Activity) Task 6
learning In group create dialogues In group create dialogues
using could, may and might using could, may and might
focusing on business focusing on business
opportunities. For the family. opportunities. For the family.
Choose one of the following Choose one of the following
presentations. presentations.
a. Telephone a. Telephone
conversation conversation
b. Interview b. Interview
c. Family c. Family
dialogue/role play dialogue/role play

J. Additional The teacher will give take The teacher will give take
Activities home task. Write a home task. Write a paragraph
for paragraph on the topic the on the topic the importance of
Applicatio importance of Education. Education. Using modals.
n or Using modals.

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% on the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me
innovation or
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 8 Day: 4

A. Content
Standard The Learner demonstrates understanding of Southeast
Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping
strategies in processing textual information; Strategies in
examining features of a listening & viewing materials;
Structural analysis of words & propaganda techniques;
grammatical signals for opinion, making persuasion and

B. Performanc
e Standard The learner transfers learning by composing & delivering a
persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledge information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion &
emphasis & appropriate prosodic features, stance &

C. Learning EN8LT-IIIH-2-3: Identify the similarities and differences of

Competenci the featured selection
es/Objectiv EN8G-IIIh-12: Use emphasis markers for persuasive
es purposes

II.CONTENT Overcoming Challenges

A. References
1. Teacher’s TG Eng 8 – page 86-89
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s None
3. Textbook
4. Additional
(LR) portal
B. Other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV.PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Task 1 (3 minutes) Task 1 (5 minutes)
previous Untangling Difficulties Untangling Difficulties
lesson or Pre-reading Activities Pre-viewing Activities/
presenting Unlocking of Difficulties
the new Read the word or group of
lesson words which gives the Read the sentences then give
meaning of the underlined the meaning of the underline
word in each sentence. words using the graphic
organizer below.
1. San Kancil was clever,
mentally bright, able or 1. San Kancil was clever,
witty. He always mentally bright, able or
played a trick to witty. He always played a
escape in a bad trick to escape in a bad
situation. situation.
2. Outwitting, getting the 2. Outwitting, getting the better
better of superior of superior cleverness is
cleverness is what San what San Kancil did to Sang
Kancil did to Sang Buaya.
Buaya. 3. The crocodiles were foolish
3. The crocodiles were enough, showing a lack of
foolish enough, sense and unwise to
showing a lack of believe that a person could
sense and unwise to leave behind his own liver.
believe that a person 4. The leader of the crocodiles
could leave behind his growled “we will eat you, we
own liver. want your liver” it grumble,
4. The leader of the rumble, and murmur angrily.
crocodiles growled “we 5. They were deceived again
will eat you, we want by the clever pilandok, who
your liver” it grumble, was full of false statement
rumble, and murmur and tricky.
5. They were deceived
again by the clever
pilandok, who was full
clue meaning
of false statement and clever



Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. Establishing Motivation: (5 minutes) Motivation: (5 minutes)
a purpose Can you consider your self Can you consider your self
for the clever? What situation have clever? What situation have
lesson you done which made you you done which made you
clever? clever?
C. Presenting Task 2 (Read Me) Task 2 (Read Me)
examples/in Students will read two stories
stances of Students will read two about crocodiles a fable and
the new stories about crocodiles a Pilandok a folktale while
lesson fable and Pilandok a reading Pilandok a Folktale.
folktale while reading
Pilandok a Folktale. While reading they will find the
answer to the motive question
While reading they will find
the answer to the motive Motive Question
question How will you describe San
Kancil and Pilandok?
Motive Question
Identify the qualities of the
crocodiles and Pilandok in
the two stories that you are
about to read

D. Discussing Task 3 Task 3

new Post Reading Activity (15 Post Reading Activity (15
concepts minutes) minutes)
and During the reading activity During the reading activity the
practicing the selection will be shown selection will be shown in the
new skill #1 in the projector or thru T.V projector or thru T.V
Processing Question
1. Identify the Processing Question
qualities of the 1. Identify the qualities of
crocodiles and the crocodiles and
Pilandok in the two Pilandok in the two
stories that you had stories that you had
read. read.
2. What happened to 2. What happened to the
the crocodiles? crocodiles?
3. How tricky is Sang 3. How tricky is Sang
Kancil? Pilandok? Kancil? Pilandok? Justify
Justify your answer. your answer.
4. Do you admire San 4. Do you admire San
Kancil and Kancil and PIlandok’s
PIlandok’s wit? wit? Describe each.
5. How can cleverness 5. How can cleverness
help solve help solve problems?
problems? 6. If you were Sang Buaya
6. If you were Sang what would you do after
Buaya what would the incident?
you do after the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
incident? 7. Show the similarities of a
7. Show the fable and a folktale
similarities of a through a venn diagram
fable and a folktale
through a venn

8. Show the similarities

and differences of the
Folktale Fable
character traits of the
(Pilando (Crocod two character
k) ile)

8. Show the Folktale Fable

similarities and (Pilandok (Crocodil
differences of the
character traits of
the two character

E. Discussing Task 4 Task 4

new Enriching Grammar Skills Enriching Activity
concepts Read each sentence taken Read each sentence taken
and from the stories then from the stories then underline
practicing underline the words or the words or phrases that
new skill #2 phrases that signal signal persuasion.

1. Sang Buaya talked 1. Sang Buaya talked to

to his friends and his friends and thinking
thinking about San about San Kancils
Kancils intelligence intelligence agreed to
agreed to be more be more cautious.
cautious. 2. Sang Buaya believed
2. Sang Buaya San Kancils words,
believed San leaving no room for
Kancils words, any doubt.
leaving no room for 3. The crocodiles
any doubt. followed Pilandoks
3. The crocodiles suggestion and live up
followed Pilandoks side by side.
suggestion and live 4. Sang Kancil said
up side by side. “Promise not to eat me
4. Sang Kancil said or I can’t report to the
“Promise not to eat King how many of you
me or I can’t report are coming. “ They
to the King how promised not to eat
many of you are him.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
coming. “ They 5. Twice, Pilandok
promised not to eat succeeded in tricking
him. the hungry crocodiles
5. Twice, Pilandok in the river.
succeeded in
tricking the hungry The teacher will remind the
crocodiles in the students about the
river. significance of knowing the
purpose of a material read or
The teacher will remind the listened to in order to
students about the understand clearly, like to
significance of knowing the persuade.
purpose of a material read
or listened to in order to The teacher will recall some
understand clearly, like to propaganda devices and
persuade. persuasive language. From
the enrichment activity
The teacher will recall students will identify
some propaganda devices expressions or phrases which
and persuasive language. persuade the crocodile;
From the enrichment - Agreed to be more
activity students will cautious
identify expressions or - Believed Sang
phrases which persuade Kancil’s words
the crocodile; - Followed Pilandoks
- Agreed to be more suggestion
cautious - Promised not to eat
- Believed Sang him
Kancil’s words
- Followed Pilandoks Work with small group and
suggestion talk about your summer travel
- Promised not to eat experiences. One among you
him will share to the class the best
experienced be sure to use
Work with small group and expressions that will persuade
talk about your summer your classmates.
travel experiences. One
among you will share to the
class the best experienced
be sure to use expressions
that will persuade your
F. Developing Task 5 (Fact or Bluff) Task 5 (Fact or Bluff)
mastery The teacher ask the The teacher ask the students
(leads to students to read sentences to read sentences and tell if
formative and tell if they are fact or they are fact or bluff.
assessment bluff.
3) 1. A folktale is a story
1. A folktale is a story whose characters are

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
whose characters are animals.
animals. 2. A fable is a story which
2. A fable is a story which teaches a moral lesson.
teaches a moral 3. Pilandok calmly said to
lesson. the crocodile to line up so
3. Pilandok calmly said to that he could pass on
the crocodile to line up their back.
so that he could pass 4. San Kancil open his big
on their back. mouth to scare Pilandok.
4. San Kancil open his 5. Sang Buaya the bad
big mouth to scare crocodile live in the river.
5. Sang Buaya the bad
crocodile live in the

G. Finding Task 6 (I am different) Task 6 (I am different)

practical The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
applications students what do you think students what do you think
of concepts are your differences and are your differences and
and skills in similarities with your similarities with your brother
daily living brother or your sisters. or your sisters. (Give positive
(Give positive points) points)

H. Making When can we say Being clever is good or bad

generalizati cleverness is good? Bad? because
ons and Why?
about the
I. Evaluating Task 7 (Complete me) Task 7 (Complete me)
learning Group Activity Group Activity
The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
students arrange the students arrange the jumbled
jumbled sentences to form sentences to form a
a paragraph take note of paragraph take note of the
the markers for persuasive markers for persuasive
purposes. purposes.
1. Sang Buaya slowly 1. Sang Buaya slowly
came out of the came out of the water
water and asked and asked Sang Kancil
Sang Kancil why why he was shouting
he was shouting his name.
his name. 2. Sang Buaya wanted to
2. Sang Buaya wanted taste the tasty-looking
to taste the tasty- fruit because he was a
looking fruit little tired of eating
because he was a leaves.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
little tired of eating 3. He tried to think of a
leaves. way to cross the river
3. He tried to think of a but he must make
way to cross the Sang Buaya believe
river but he must on him.
make Sang Buaya
believe on him.
J. Additional The teacher will give take The teacher will give take
Activities for home task. They will look home task. They will look for
Application for another story/folktale, another story/folktale, then
or then compare and contrast compare and contrast the
Remediatio the characters. characters.

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% on the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G.What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 8 Day: 5

A. Content The Learner demonstrates understanding of Southeast Asian
Standard literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in
processing textual information; Strategies in examining
features of a listening & viewing materials; Structural analysis
of words & propaganda techniques; grammatical signals for
opinion, making persuasion and emphasis.

B. Performan
ce The learner transfers learning by composing & delivering a
Standard persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledge information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion &
emphasis & appropriate prosodic features, stance & behavior.

C. Learning
Competen EN8SS-IIIh-1.6: show respect for intellectual property rights
cies/Objec by acknowledging citations made in an informative essay.
II.CONTENT Overcoming Challenges

1. Teacher’s None
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s None
material pages
3. Textbook English Expressways IV pp. 215-219, Eng Expressways IIII
pages pp 359-361

4. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
B.Other learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
IV.PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A.Reviewi Task 1 (3 minutes) Task 1 (5 minutes)
ng Untangling of Difficulties Untangling of Difficulties
previous The students will read and The students will read and
lesson or analyze each sentence taken analyze each sentence taken
presenting from the essay that they from the essay that they were
the new were about to read. Reach about to read. Reach
lesson sentence includes a sentence includes a
restatement, a type of restatement, a type of context-
context-clue. A pair of clue. A pair of dashes were
dashes were used as key used as key spotting the
spotting the restatement, restatement, then give the
then give the meaning of the meaning of the underlined
underlined word. word.
1. Malaysia managed to
encounter their
career challenges to 1. Malaysia managed to
be at the upper- encounter their career
echelons-level-of- challenges to be at the
management. upper-echelons-level-
2. This could be of-management.
read from the a. adore b. rank c.
different event
pros and cons. 2. This could be read
3. Feminism-advocacy from the different
of social equality for perspective-view-pros
women is not a dirty and cons.
word. a. Picture b. letter
4. This kind of b. Copy
originality-mentality 3. Feminism-advocacy of
is still embedded social equality for
among our male women is not a dirty
bosses. word.
5. The government has a. belief and tradition
full pledged their b. fellow workers
efforts by c. equal rights for
introducing women women and men
authorizing-year 4. This kind of
2018. stereotyping-lacking
originality-mentality is
still embedded among
our male bosses.
a. original b.
b. inventive

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
5. The government has
full pledged their
efforts by introducing
women empowerment
authorizing-year 2018.
a. Authority
b. Capable
c. emulate

B.Establis Motivation: (5 minutes) Motivation: (5 minutes)

hing a What can you say about Would you say that Filipino
purpose Filipino women when it women are successful in their
for the comes to their career? career? Why do you say so?
C. Presentin Task 2 (Reading Time) Task 2 (Reading Time)
g The students will read the
examples/ The students will read the essay from Malaysia. While
instances essay from Malaysia. While reading they will try to look for
of the new reading they will try to look the answer to the motive
lesson for the answer to the motive question.
Motive Question
Motive Question What are Malay women’s
What are Malay women’s challenges in their career?
challenges in their career?
Reading Selection/Essay:
Reading Selection/Essay: Women and Career- What is
Women and Career- What Feminism all about?
is Feminism all about?
D. Discussin Task 3 (Answer Me) Task 3 (Answer Me)
g new Post Reading Activity (15 Post Reading Activity (15
concepts minutes) minutes)
and Processing Question Processing Question
practicing 1. What is the writers 1. What is the writers
new skill view on feminism? view on feminism?
#1 2. Are some of her 2. Are some of her
information coming information coming
from another source from another source or
or not? not?
3. How does the writer 3. How does the writer
feel about the issue? feel about the issue?
4. What is the reason 4. What is the reason
why employment why employment
in Malaysia is male in Malaysia is male
dominated? dominated?
5. What are the 5. What are the
challenges faced by challenges faced by
Malay women in their Malay women in their
career? career?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Discussin Task 4 (Discover Me) Task 4 (Discover Me)
g new The teacher will tell the The teacher will tell the
concepts students that the essay they students that the essay they
and have just read is coming have just read is coming from
practicing from a Malaysian writer. a Malaysian writer.
new skill In order not to be sued in In order not to be sued in
#2 using borrowed written text using borrowed written text
what shall we do? what shall we do?
We must acknowledge the We must acknowledge the
sources or the authors. sources or the authors.
How do we acknowledge? How do we acknowledge?

This time, go over the This time, go over the

following grid showing how following grid showing how
to format a list of work to format a list of work cited
cited Sour Format for Source Format for
Works ce Cited Entries Works Cited
Book Hobb, Robert. Entries
with Edward Hopper- Book with Hobb,
one New Yrok: one author Robert.
auth Akrams, 1987 Edward
or Hopper-
Book Barr Alfreed N., New Yrok:
with and Charles Akrams,
two Burchfield.Edward 1987
or Hopper Book with Barr Alfreed
three Retrospective. two or three N., and
auth New York: authors Charles
ors Museum of Burchfield.E
Modern Art, 1933 dward
Auth Dennis, James M. Hopper
or of Grant Wood. Retrospectiv
two Columbia: U of e. New
or Missouri P. 1986- York:
more Grant Wood: A Museum of
cited Study in American Modern Art,
work Art& Culture- New 1933
s York: Viking, 1975 Author of Dennis,
Book MC Coubrey, two or more James M.
with John cited works Grant
an W.,ed.Modern Wood.
Edito American Columbia: U
r but Painting. New of Missouri
no York: Time- P. 1986-
Life, Grant
auth 1970. Wood: A
or Study in

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
What did you notice the way Culture-
the author was cited? New York:
There are 3 common ways to Viking, 1975
cite sources of borrowed Book with MC
information: parenthetical an Editor Coubrey,
documentation, footnotes, or but no John
end notes. The teacher will author W.,ed.Mode
present samples of the 3 rn American
ways to cite the sources. Painting.
“ A total of over 31 million New York:
cars were sold….”(Hobbs Time-Life,
91) yet the horse drawn 1970.
buggy represented the only
means of transportation in What did you notice the way
woods art. the author was cited?
There are 3 common ways to
What did you notice with the cite sources of borrowed
ways the author was cited? information: parenthetical
Go over the grid: documentation, footnotes, or
end notes. The teacher will
Sour Parenthetical present samples of the 3 ways
ce Documentation to cite the sources.
One Documentation cite the sources.
autho shows the authors “ A total of over 31 million cars
r last name and the Source Parenthetical
(Goo number of the Documentation
drich pages where the
page info is found, notice
70- that there is no
71) comma following
Goodrich and no
abbreviation for the
word pages.
Two For more than 3
or authors, use the
more last name of the 1st
autho author, followed by
rs and the page
(Barr number (s): (Jones
No If no author is listed, were sold….”(Hobbs 91) yet
autho use the name of the the horse drawn buggy
r editor, use an represented the only means of
(“wait abbreviated version transportation in woods art.
ing” of the source’s title
44) in quotation mark.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Study the following example One Documentation
of footnotes and endnotes. author shows the authors
Reference works: “Joseph (Goodr last name and the
Charles Wolf, Genealogy”, ich number of the pages
page where the info is
World Book Encyclopedia,
70-71) found, notice that
1983 ed. there is no comma
Books with following Goodrich
Single author: 2
Marilyn and no abbreviation
Markham Heimberg, for the word pages.
Discover your Roots (San Two or For more than 3
Diego Communication more authors, use the last
Creativity, 1977) 23. author name of the 1st
s (Barr author, followed by
Repeated References: and and the page
Burchfi number (s): (Jones
Heimberg 69. 2
Doane and
eld 55)
Bell 36.
No If no author is listed,
author use the name of the
Gail Levin, Edward Hopper: (“waitin editor, use an
The Art and the artist (new g” 44) abbreviated version
york: www.Norton, 1980) 270 of the source’s title
in quotation mark.
Complete the following What did you notice with the
footnote entry with the ways the author was cited?
appropriate punctuation and Go over the grid:
number or superscript.
Example of footnotes and
The collection in Salt Lake endnotes Reference works:
City has the equivalent of “Joseph Charles Wolf,
more than 1.5 billion book Genealogy”, World Book
pages on over a million rolls Encyclopedia, 1983 ed.
of microfilm. Books with
Single author: Marilyn
Correct answer: Markham Heimberg, Discover
The collection in Salt Lake your Roots (San Diego
City has the equivalent of Communication Creativity,
“more than 1.5 billion book 1977) 23.
pages” ‘on over a million rolls
of microfilm. Repeated References:
Heimberg 69. 2 Doane and
Bell 36.

Complete the following

footnote entry with the
appropriate punctuation and
number or superscript.

The collection in Salt Lake

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
City has the equivalent of
more than 1.5 billion book
pages on over a million rolls of

Correct answer:
The collection in Salt Lake
City has the equivalent of
“more than 1.5 billion book
pages” ‘on over a million rolls
of microfilm.
F. Developin Task 5 (Mastery Time) Task 5 (Mastery Time)
g mastery The teacher will tell the class The teacher will tell the class
(leads to to use the information in to identify the given entries as
formative each item to write (1) a to Parenthetical citation or
assessme parenthetical citation and (2) Footnote.
nt 3) a footnote. Follow the 1. 2Doane and Bell 36.
models given a while ago. 2. (“waiting” 44)
1. Title of book: Mighty 3. (Goodrich page 70-71)
Mississippi: 4. 2Marilyn Markham
Biography of a River Heimberg, Discover
Publishing Company: Your Roots (San
Ticknor and Fields Diego: Communication
Author: Marquis W. Creativity, 1977)23.
Childs 5. 3Gilbert H.Doane and
Place and Date of James B. Bell,
Publication: New Searching For Your
Haven, 1982 Ancestors
Page number: 72 (Minneapolis: U of
2. Title of the article in Minnesota P, 1980) 82
Mississippi River
Edition of
Encyclopedia: 1980
Author of Article:
Johnson E. Fairchild
Name of
G. Finding Task 6 Task 6
practical The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
applicatio students if you borrow students if you borrow
ns of something to your something to your classmates
concepts classmates what will you do? what will you do? After you
and skills After you have returned what have returned what you
in daily you borrowed you are going borrowed you are going to
living to acknowledge the same as acknowledge the same as in
in making citations. making citations.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
H. Making The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
generaliza students answer the students answer the
tions and questions: questions:
abstractio What is the importance of What is the importance of
ns about citing your sources if you are citing your sources if you are
the lesson a writer of a research or an a writer of a research or an
essay? essay?

*Possible answer *Possible answer

1. To give credit to 1. To give credit to the author.
the author. 2. To respect intellectual
2. To respect intellectual property.
property. 3. To avoid plagiarism
3. To avoid plagiarism
I. Evaluating Task 7 Task 7
learning The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
students to use any of the 3 students to use any of the 3
common ways of citing common ways of citing
sources, document or sources, document or
parenthetical citation for the parenthetical citation for the
following: following:
Streams of melting ice and Streams of melting ice and
snow tunnel through the snow tunnel through the
glaciers the same way that glaciers the same way that
water from a faucet melts its water from a faucet melts its
way through an ice cube. way through an ice cube.
Water from the surface dries Water from the surface dries
down through cracks, down through cracks,
hollowing out the tunnels and hollowing out the tunnels and
decorating the caves with decorating the caves with
crystal icicles. The smooth crystal icicles. The smooth
walls and floors are so glass walls and floors are so glass
like that pebbles frozen six like that pebbles frozen six
feet deep can easily be seen feet deep can easily be seen
crystal clear icicles draping crystal clear icicles draping
down from the ceilings flash down from the ceilings flash
blue-green, as though they blue-green, as though they
were carved from precious were carved from precious
jewels instead of ice. jewels instead of ice.
Source: “Natures Way” Man Source: “Natures Way” Man
and Science. James and Science. James McGrant
McGrant New York: My New York: My Collection,
Collection, 1990 1990
J. Additional The teacher will give take The teacher will give take
Activities home task. Look for a home task. Look for a
for selection from books with selection from books with
Applicatio citations. Identify the citations. Identify the kind/type
n or kind/type of citation used. of citation used.
Remediati -Parenthetical citation

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
on -Footnote


A. No. of learners
who earned
80% on the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me
G. What
innovation or
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 9 Day: 1

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian
Standard literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping strategies in
processing textual information; strategies in examining
features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis
of words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical
signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performanc The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a
e Standard persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring
use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning
Competenc EN8V-IIIi-25: Use appropriate strategies for unlocking
y/Objectives unfamiliar word.
. EN8RC-IIIi-12: Utilize coping reading strategies to process
information in a text.


A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
B. Other
Learning literature.html

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

Encarta ©2019
Cambodian Literature

English Expressways IV p.144

A. Reviewing Pre-reading activities (5 Pre-reading activities (5
previous minutes) minutes)
lesson or
presenting The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
the new students identify the country students identify the country
lesson represented by the varied represented by the varied
photos. photos.
The teacher may ask them if The teacher may ask them if
they are familiar with the they are familiar with the
photos. photos.
m/wp- m/wp-
content/uploads/2015/11/An content/uploads/2015/11/Ang
gkorWatPhotography.jpg korWatPhotography.jpg

The erstwhile Khmer empire The erstwhile Khmer empire

boasts of stunning boasts of stunning
landscapes, pristine beaches landscapes, pristine beaches
and exotic temples and exotic temples m/m/bangkok/portals/cambodi
m/m/bangkok/portals/cambo a/homepage/angkor-wat/koh-
dia/homepage/angkor- ker/pagePropertiesImage/koh
wat/koh- -ker.jpg
h-ker.jpg Temples at Koh Ker that lies
to the northeast of the Siem
Temples at Koh Ker that lies reap town. These are one of
to the northeast of the Siem the famous Cambodia
tourist spots. The temple

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
reap town. These are one of here is around 3 km long and
the famous Cambodia consists of a number of
tourist spots. The temple temples and is considered
complex here is around 3 one of the places to see in
km long and consists of a Cambodia.
number of temples and is
considered one of the
places to see in Cambodia.

https://www.hotelphnompenh bodia-Phnom-Penh-Royal- Palace.jpg
mbodia-Phnom-Penh-Royal- Phnom Penh still retains its
Palace.jpg charm as the leafy capital city
of Cambodia with its palaces
Phnom Penh still retains its and wats. Located at the
charm as the leafy capital conjunction of three grand
city of Cambodia with its rivers- the Tonle Sap, the
palaces and wats. Located Mekong and the Bassac river,
at the conjunction of three this city now houses a number
grand rivers- the Tonle Sap, of hotspots like cool cafes and
the Mekong and the Bassac bustling bars. It is one of the
river, this city now houses a top Cambodia tourist places.
number of hotspots like cool
cafes and bustling bars. It is
one of the top Cambodia
tourist places.

The Angkor Wat temple lies in

Angkor and is one of the
largest religious monuments
to behold. Regarded as one
The Angkor Wat temple lies of the Seven Wonders of the
in Angkor and is one of the World, the UNESCO World
largest religious monuments Heritage site Angkor Wat is a
to behold. Regarded as one definite must visit on a holiday
of the Seven Wonders of the to Cambodia. It lies to the
World, the UNESCO World south of Angkor Thom that is

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Heritage site Angkor Wat is also one of
a definite must visit on a Cambodia’s tourist spots. It
holiday to Cambodia. It lies pulls a huge crows as it is one
to the south of Angkor Thom of the sites where Lara Croft
that is also one of and the Tomb Raider movies
Cambodia’s tourist spots. It were shot.
pulls a huge crows as it is
one of the sites where Lara
Croft and the Tomb Raider Cambodia, officially the
movies were shot. Kingdom of Cambodia, is a
country located in the
Cambodia, officially the Southern portion of the
Kingdom of Cambodia, is a Indochina peninsula in
country located in the Southeast Asia. It is 181, 035
Southern portion of the square kilometres in area,
Indochina peninsula in bordered by Thailand to the
Southeast Asia. It is 181, 035 northwest, Laos to the
square kilometres in area, northeast, Vietnam to the east
bordered by Thailand to the and the Gulf of Thailand to the
northwest, Laos to the southwest.
northeast, Vietnam to the
east and the Gulf of Thailand
to the southwest.

B. Establishing a The teacher will say: (3 minutes)

for the To further understand and get to know more about this
lesson country, I have here an example of text that will give additional
information about Cambodia.
I will give you the copy but first let me ask you,
What do you think will be the text all about?

The learners will guess what the text is all about.

So let’s find out if your guess is correct.

C. Presenting (5 minutes) (5 minutes)

instances Now class, in the text that Now class, in the text that
of the new you are going to read you you are going to read you
lesson will encounter some will encounter some difficult
difficult words, so let us do words, so let us do the
the unlocking of difficult unlocking of difficult words.

Task 1: Unlocking of
Task 1: Unlocking of Difficulties (Context clues)
Difficulties (Context clues)

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Below are statements
Below are statements containing words that can be
containing words that can be found in the selection that you
found in the selection that are about to read. Analyse it
you are about to read. and choose the meaning of
Analyse it and choose the underlined words from the
meaning of underlined words boxed list.
from the boxed list.
a. A collection of f. A collection of
writing writing
b. An g. An engraved
engraved inscriptions
inscriptions h. Carved or inscribed
c. Carved or inscribed stone slab or pillar
stone slab or pillar used for
used for commemorative
commemorative purposes.
purposes. i. Standards of
d. Standards of proper or
proper or acceptable
acceptable behaviour.
behaviour. j. Old and respected
e. Old and respected
1. Jane Austen’s 1. Jane Austen’s corpus
corpus is modest is modest in number
in number but but magnificent in
magnificent in achievement.
achievement. 2. The venerable old
2. The venerable old man was a cherished
man was a cherished source of advice and
source of advice and wisdom for villagers.
wisdom for villagers. 3. Women used to stay at
3. Women used to stay home to take care of
at home to take care the children, but that’s
of the children, but no longer the norm
that’s no longer the today because women
norm today because are accepted as the
women are accepted bread winner.
as the bread winner. 4. These writings on
4. These writings on columns, stelae and
columns, stelae and walls throw light on the
walls throw light on royal lineages.
the royal lineages. 5. A testimony of the
5. A testimony of the antiquity of the Khmer
antiquity of the Khmer language are the
language are the multitude of epigraph
multitude of epigraph or inscription on stone.
on stone.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing Now that we have unlocked Now that we have unlocked
new some difficult terms, you will some difficult terms, you will
concepts be reading a text about be reading a text about
and Cambodian Literature. Cambodian Literature.
new skills The teacher will provide a The teacher will provide a
#1 copy of selection to students. copy of selection to students.
(See attached File A: (See attached File A:
Literature of Cambodia) Literature of Cambodia)

Task 2: Reading Text Task 2: Reading the Text

(silent reading) (Silent reading)
Individual (5-7 minutes) (5-7 minutes)

But before you read the

But before you read the question let me ask you this
question let me give you ask question:
you this question:
Motive Question: 1. What is
Motive Question: 1. What is the big contribution of
the big contribution of Buddhism to Cambodian
Buddhism to Cambodian literature?
The teacher will let the
The teacher will let the learners read the selection
learners read the selection “Literature of Cambodia”.
“Literature of Cambodia”. Remind them to note
Remind them to note important details from the text.
important details from the The learners will read in 5-7
text. minutes.
The learners will read in 5-7
minutes. The teacher will ask:
Are you done reading?
The teacher will ask: Now let us answer the
Are you done reading? questions
Now let us answer the

Process Questions: (5-7

Process Questions: (5-7 1. What is the big
minutes) contribution of Buddhism to
1. What is the big Cambodian literature?
contribution of 2. What is the most renowned
Buddhism to pieces of classical dance in
Cambodian Cambodia?
literature? 3. What do "Kakey" and

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. What is the most "Neang Kong Rey" mean?
renowned pieces of 4. What is the important
classical dance in purpose of legends and
Cambodia? stories that were handed
3. What do "Kakey" and down for centuries?
"Neang Kong Rey" 5. How will you describe the
mean? literature of Cambodia?
4. What is the important 6. How did India influence the
purpose of legends literature of Cambodia? Cite
and stories that were evidences.
handed down for
centuries? After processing the learner’s
5. How will you describe answers, the teacher will say:
the literature of
Cambodia? Class you have answered
6. How did India the questions correctly
influence the which means you
literature of understood what you have
Cambodia? read.
Now, I will divide you into
After processing the learner’s 5 groups. Each group will
answers, the teacher will say: be assigned varied tasks.
You will do this in 5-7
Class you have answered minutes.
the questions correctly
which means you Post Reading:
understood what you have Task 3: Group Activity
Group 1: Do a 3-2-1 Chart
Now, I will divide you into 5 for the text
groups. Each group will be Things Interesti Questio
assigned varied tasks. you ng ns you
You will do this in 5-7 found Things still
minutes. out you have
Post Reading: out
Task 3: Group Activity

Group 1: Do a 3-2-1 Chart

for the text
Things Interesti Questi
you ng ns you
found Things still Group 2: Concept Map: Go
out you have back to the text and gather all
found necessary details that you can
out get about Literature of
Cambodia. Use the following
concept map.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Group 2: Concept Map: Go
back to the text and gather
all necessary details that Literature of
you can get about Literature Cambodia
of Cambodia. Use the
following concept map.

Literature of Group 3: Differentiate

Cambodia Identify the types of
Cambodian literary works and
its characteristics based on
the reading text. Use the
following diagram.
Group 3: Differentiate Literature of Cambodia
Identify the types of
Anci Char Mod Char
Cambodian literary works
ent acter ern acter
and its characteristics based
Liter istics Liter istics
on the reading text. Use the
ary ary
following diagram.
Literature of Cambodia
Ancie Char Mode Char
nt acteri rn acte
Litera stics Litera stics
ry ry

Group 4: Summarizing Text

Write a summary of the text
“Literature of Cambodia”
Group 4: Summarizing Text
Write a summary of the text
“Literature of Cambodia
Group 5: Butterfly Organizer

Group 5: Butterfly Organize

Detail 1 Detail 2

Detail 1 Detail 2
Detail 3 Detail 4

Detail 3 Detail 4
Cambodian Literature

Cambodian Literature

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
After 5-7 minutes, the After 5-7 minutes, the teacher
teacher will say: will say:
Class are you done”? Class are you done”?
May I ask the group to May I ask the group to
present your output. present your output.
The teacher will The teacher will process the
process the students’ students’ outputs.
outputs. After the processing of
After the processing of students’ outputs:
students’ outputs: 1. How did you find the
1. How did you find activity? Is it difficult or
the activity? Is it easy? Why?
difficult or easy? 2. What strategies in reading
Why? did you do to come up with
2. What strategies in your answers in your task?
reading did you do to
come up with your The teacher will let the
answers in your task? students share their
The teacher will let the techniques in reading.
students share their Process their responses.
techniques in reading.
Process their responses.
E. Discussing The teacher will say: The teacher will say:
new Now class, let us go back Now class, let us go back to
concepts to the unlocking of the unlocking of difficulties,
and difficulties, how did you do how did you do it? Did you
practicing it? Did you use dictionary? use dictionary?
new skills (-students’ responses may (-students’ responses may
#2 vary) vary)

Sometimes, when we read Sometimes, when we read a

a given portion of text, given portion of text, we’re
we’re not entirely sure not entirely sure what’s
what’s going on. This is going on. This is where
where context clues come context clues come in.
in. context clues provide context clues provide
further information about a further information about a
word or phrase that helps word or phrase that helps
readers understand its readers understand its
meaning. These clues offer meaning. These clues offer
insight – either directly or insight – either directly or
indirectly – into the portion indirectly – into the portion
of text that’s difficult to of text that’s difficult to
understand. understand.
(5-7 minutes) (5-7 minutes)
Now, let’s explore various Now, let’s explore various
examples of context clues examples of context clues
to see how they work. to see how they work.
There at least four types of There at least four types of
context clues that are quite context clues that are quite

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
common. Here are some of common. Here are some of
them. them.
1. Synonym - or word 1. Synonym - or word
with the same with the same
meaning is used in meaning is used in the
the sentence. sentence.
Example: My friend’s Example: My friend’s
argument is argument is fallacious,
fallacious, misleading, plain wrong.
misleading, plain 2. Antonym – a word or
wrong. group of words that
2. Antonym – a word or has the opposite
group of words that meaning reveal the
has the opposite meaning of an
meaning reveal the unknown term.
meaning of an Example: It’s true that women
unknown term. are loquacious, others hardly
Example: It’s true that talk at all.
women are 3. Explanation – the
loquacious, others unknown word is
hardly talk at all. explained within the
3. Explanation – the sentence or in a
unknown word is sentence
explained within the immediately
sentence or in a preceding.
sentence Example: The patient is so
immediately somnolent, that she requires
preceding. medication to help her stay
Example: The patient awake.
is so somnolent, that (Source: English
she requires Expressway IV p.144)
medication to help
her stay awake.
English Expressway IV
F. Developing Task 4: Read the following Task 4: Read the following
mastery statements and identify the statements and identify the
(leads to meaning of the underlined meaning of the underlined
Formative word through context clues. word through context clues.
Assessme 1. No single cause 1. No single cause explains
nt) explains why some why some areas of the world
areas of the world are are so much more thickly-
so much more thickly- settled than others. But high
settled than others. population density can be an
But high population accident of political history.
density can be an 2. Australia has a population
accident of political density of five per square
history. mile, Canada has only seven,
2. Australia has a demonstrating the effect of

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
population density of huge hinterlands.
five per square mile, 3. A lot of our land is
Canada has only uninhabitable, says Ken Hill,
seven, demonstrating a demographer at the
the effect of huge National Academy of
hinterlands. Sciences in Washington D.C.
3. A lot of our land is 4. There are no deserts,
uninhabitable, says mountains, or impenetrable
Ken Hill, a forests.
demographer at the 5. They don’t see the need for
National Academy of more, even though for years
Sciences in emigration has been causing
Washington D.C. the country’s population to
4. There are no deserts, decline.
mountains, or
impenetrable forests.
5. They don’t see the
need for more, even
though for years
emigration has been
causing the country’s
population to decline.
G. Finding The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
practical question to the learners: question to the learners:
applicatio If Buddhism influences If Buddhism influences
n of Cambodian Literature, who Cambodian Literature, who
concepts are those person who are those person who
and skills influences you to become influences you to become a
in daily a better person? better person?
H. Making The teacher will let the The teacher will let the
generaliza students give a students give a generalization
tions and generalization of the lesson of the lesson by completing
abstractio by completing the following the following statements.
ns about statements. In today’s lesson, I have
the lesson In today’s lesson, I have learned that
learned that

I. Evaluating Go over the following text and try to process information in a

learning text by completing the graphic organizer that follows the

The least densely populated countries often have

obvious climatic or geographic flows, like Mongolia (three
people per square mile), Australia has a population density of
five per square mile and Canada has only seven,
demonstrating the effect of huge hinterlands. The United
States is not very crowded, despite perceptions to the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
contrary, with 65 people per square mile. “A lot of our land is
uninhabitable,” says Ken Hill, a demographer at the National
Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. “The Rockies, the
desert, and the rangeland are not places people want to live
in, so they crowd together in pleasant surroundings.
If high population density were a measure of
pleasantness, then Bangladesh would be pleasant, indeed.
With 1,800 people per square mile, it is the most densely
settled non-island nation in the world. Nearly 100 million
people live in an area the size of Arkansas. Alll of Bangladesh
is arable and that explains its density.
“There are no deserts, mountains, or impenetrable
forests,” says Hill. “There’s plenty of rainfall, so most fields
yield two crops.

Least Densely Populated


USA Banglad

J. Additional
activities for
application or

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue
to require
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 9 Day: 2

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standard Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering
Standard a persuasive speech based on an informative essay
featuring use of properly acknowledged information
sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making ,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behaviour.
C. Learning
Competencies EN8WC-IIIi2.2.16: Compose an informative essay.
/Objectives EN8G-IIIi-11: Use appropriate documentation.
B. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning
Resources skills/

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing REVIEW: REVIEW:
previous How can you describe the How can you describe the
lesson or literature of Cambodia? literature of Cambodia?
presenting Can you give examples of Can you give examples of
the new literature that they have? literature that they have?
B. Establishing a (5 minutes) Do you love writing? Like
purpose for Do you love writing? Like writing a poem, an essay or
the lesson writing a poem, an essay anything that you want to
or anything that you want write?
to write? But why is writing so hard for
But why is writing so hard so many?
for so many? Could you state some
Could you state some reasons?
reasons? (Process the learners’
(Process the learners’ responses)
C. Presenting The text that you have The text that you have read
examples/ read yesterday gave us a yesterday gave us a lot of
instances of lot of information about information about Cambodia.
the new Literature of Cambodia. That is also an example of
lesson That is also an example of Informative text.
Informative text.
(Present the objectives)
(Present the objectives) Before we talk about
informative essay, let me give
Before we talk about some tips on how to improve
informative essay, let me your writing.
give some tips on how to
improve your writing. Discuss to them some tips on
Discuss to them some how to improve writing. (See
tips on how to improve attached File A)
writing. (See attached File
D. Discussing new Discuss to them the Discuss to them the
concepts and following: (10 minutes) following:
new skills # 1 -Informative Essay -Informative Essay
-Purpose of an -Purpose of an informative
informative essay essay
-Tips in writing an -Tips in writing an
Informative Essay Informative Essay
(See attached File B) (See attached File B)
You may refer to the
following link: https://examples.yourdictionar
https://examples.yourdicti informative-essays.html

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
E. Discussing new When we gather data or When we gather data or
concepts search for an information, search for an information, do
and do you always you always acknowledge the
practicing acknowledge the sources?
new skills # 2 sources?
(Students’ answers may vary)
(Students’ answers may
vary) (Discussion: 10 minutes)
What is the importance of
(Discussion: 10 minutes) acknowledging the source?
What is the importance of - Documenting your sources
acknowledging the provides essential information
source? for your reader.
- By citing sources, you show
- Documenting your
your indebtedness to the work
sources provides essential
of others, and you give your
information for your reader.
reader the chance to seek
- By citing sources, you
further information from the
show your indebtedness to
sources themselves.
the work of others, and you
give your reader the chance - Documentation
to seek further information demonstrates your own
from the sources academic integrity by showing
themselves. that you are carefully giving
- Documentation credit where credit is due.
demonstrates your own
academic integrity by Discuss to the learners the
showing that you are importance of
carefully giving credit documentation and how to
where credit is due. avoid plagiarism
(See attached File C)
Discuss to the learners
the importance of
documentation and how
to avoid plagiarism (See
attached File C)
F. Developing Task 2: True of False (5 Task 2: True of False (5
mastery minutes) minutes)
(leads to
Formative With your group, read the With your group, read the
Assessment) following statements and following statements and
analyse it carefully. Write analyse it carefully. Write True
True if the statement is if the statement is correct,
correct, write false if it is write false if it is incorrect.
incorrect. 1. You need to cite
1. You need to cite sources for material that
sources for is quoted, paraphrased, or
material that is summarized.
quoted, 2. Through careful
paraphrased, or documentation, you indicate
summarized. where the information or ideas

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
2. Through careful in your paper come from.
documentation, 3. Failure to document
you indicate where ideas or information from any
the information or source constitutes plagiarism.
ideas in your 4. Quotations should not
paper come from. serve as evidence or support,
3. Failure to but as a substitute for your
document ideas or own ideas, arguments, or
information from assertions.
any source 5. You do not have to
constitutes attribute everything you write
plagiarism. to some other source.
4. Quotations should
not serve as Answers: 1. True 2. True 3. True
4. False 5. False
evidence or
support, but as a
substitute for your
own ideas,
arguments, or
5. You do not have to
everything you
write to some
other source.
Answers: 1. True 2. True 3.
True 4. False 5. False
G. Finding practical When you copy/borrow When you copy/borrow
application of something from others, something from others, what
concepts and what can you do to show can you do to show that you
skills in daily that you appreciate it? appreciate it?
H. Making What do you need to do What do you need to do when
generalizatio when you cite sources for you cite sources for material
ns and material that is quoted, that is quoted, paraphrased,
abstractions paraphrased, or or summarized?
about the summarized? Do you need to tell your
lesson Do you need to tell your reader what documents you
reader what documents used to write your essay or
you used to write your report? Why?
essay or report? Why?
I. Evaluating Task 3: Pick Me, Write Task 3: Pick Me, Write Me!
learning Me! (20 minutes) (20 minutes)

With your group, With your group, brainstorm

brainstorm on the on the following assigned
following assigned topic topic and develop an
and develop an informative essay using
informative essay using different sources. Provide

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
different sources. Provide your own title. Be sure to use
your own title. Be sure to appropriate documentation.
use appropriate Note: The teacher may write the
documentation. topics on a piece of paper and
Note: The teacher may write put it in a small box, then let one
the topics on a piece of representative of each group pick
paper and put it in a small their topic.
box, then let one Topics:
representative of each 1. Dengue Outbreak
group pick their topic. in the Philippines.
Topics: 2. Causes of Climate
1. Dengue Outbreak Change.
in the Philippines. 3. Importance of Good
2. Causes of Climate Night’s Sleep
Change. 4. Domestic Violence
3. Importance of 5. Bullying
Good Night’s
4. Domestic Violence
5. Bullying
J. Additional The teacher will assign The teacher will assign the
activities for the learners to write an learners to write an
application or informative essay about informative essay about any
remediation any current issues. current issues. Remind them
Remind them to use to use appropriate
appropriate documentation.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 9 Day: 3

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standard Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behaviour.
C. Learning EN8LC-IIIi-7.4: Determine various social, moral, and
Competencie economic issues discussed in the text listened to
s/ EN8LT-IIIi-3: Explain how a selection is influenced by
Objectives. culture, history, environment

II. CONTENT Cambodian Folktale

“The Trial”
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. Reviewing Review: (3 minutes) Review: (3 minutes)
previous The teacher will review The teacher will review about
lesson or about informative essay. informative essay.
presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a The Teacher will ask the The Teacher will ask the
purpose for learners: learners:
the lesson (3 minutes) (3 minutes)
What are the qualities of What are the qualities of a
a good leader? good leader?
(Students’ answer may (Students’ answer may vary)
One of the key characteristics
One of the key of an Objective Leader is the
characteristics of an ability to judge and treat
Objective Leader is the people fairly. But sad to say
ability to judge and treat many of them tend to
people fairly. But sad to misjudge others because of
say many of them tend the status.
to misjudge others
because of the status. The reality is many of us
misjudge people—often—
The reality is many of us sometimes based on what
misjudge people— they look like, what they are
often—sometimes based wearing, or perhaps what they
on what they look like, sound like.
what they are wearing,
or perhaps what they Today you will be listening to
sound like. a story about a person who
experienced unfair judgment.
Today you will be
listening to a story about But before that, let us first
a person who unlock some difficult words
experienced unfair that you may encounter as
judgment. you listen to the story.

But before that, let us Pre-listening activities: (5

first unlock some difficult minutes)
words that you may Task 1 Unlocking of
encounter as you listen Difficulties:
to the story.
Study the following sentences.
Pre-listening activities: They contain difficult words
(5 minutes) found in the story. Unlock the
Task 1:Unlocking of meaning of these underlined
Difficulties: difficult words by using clues
in the sentences. Choose the
Study the following meaning of the word from the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
sentences. They contain boxed list below.
difficult words found in
the story. Unlock the a. Difficult experience
b. Covered with water
meaning of these c. A local official who has
underlined difficult the power of a judge
words by using clues in d. A formal dinner to celebrate
a special event
the sentences. Choose e. Opposite to what is usual or
the meaning of the word stated
from the boxed list f. A formal meeting in a court

a. Difficult experience 1. He testified at the

b. Covered with water trial in front of the
c. A local official who has
the power of a judge lawyers and judges.
d. A formal dinner to 2. The victims chose to
celebrate a special even
e. Opposite to what is usua
take their case before
or stated the local magistrate
f. A formal meeting in who leads the town.
a court 3. They held a banquet
1. He testified at the in his honour with so
trial in front of many delicious
the lawyers and delicacies.
judges. 4. The town was
2. The victims submerged by the
chose to take flood and everything
their case before is under the water.
the local 5. The drug is used to
magistrate who lower blood pressure
leads the town. but may have the
3. They held a reverse effect in some
banquet in his patient.
honour with so 6. The hikers were
many delicious finally rescued after a
delicacies. three- day ordeal in
4. The town was the wilderness
submerged by
the flood and
everything under
the water.
5. The drug is used
to lower blood
pressure but may
have the reverse
effect in some
6. The hikers were
finally rescued
after a three-day
ordeal in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
C. Presenting Class as you listen to Class as you listen to the
examples/ the story, please be story, please be reminded
instances of reminded by the by the following steps to
the new following steps to effective listening: (3-4
lesson effective listening: (3-4 minutes)
Step 1: Face the speaker and
Step 1: Face the maintain eye contact.
speaker and maintain Step 2: Be attentive, but
eye contact. relaxed.
Step 2: Be attentive, but Step 3: Keep an open mind.
relaxed. Step 4: Listen to the words
Step 3: Keep an open and try to picture what the
mind. speaker is saying.
Step 4: Listen to the Step 5: Wait for the speaker to
words and try to picture pause to ask clarifying
what the speaker is questions
saying. Step 6: Ask questions only to
Step 5: Wait for the ensure understanding.
speaker to pause to ask Step 7: Try to feel what the
clarifying questions speaker is feeling.
Step 6: Ask questions Step 8: Pay attention to what
only to ensure isn't said—to nonverbal cues
understanding. Step 9: Don’t talk with your
Step 7: Try to feel what seatmate.
the speaker is feeling. Step 10: Take note of the
Step 8: Pay attention to important details.
what isn't said—to
nonverbal cues
Step 9: Don’t talk with
your seatmate.
Step 10: Take note of
the important details.

D. Discussing new Motivation: How do Motivation: How do you

concepts and you treat others? treat others?
practicing new (students’ answer may (students’ answer may vary)
skills # 1 vary)
Task 2: Listening to a Story
Task 2: Listening to a (5-7 minutes)
Story (5-7 minutes) This time listen to a
This time listen to a Cambodian folktale “The Trial”
Cambodian folktale and take note of the question,
“The Trial” and take Motive question: How did
note of the question, the magistrate give his
Motive question: How judgment to the young
did the magistrate give man?
his judgment to the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
young man? (The teacher will read the
story or play a recorded tape
(The teacher will read of the story)
the story or play a
recorded tape of the Post Listening
story) Activity: (5-7 minutes)
Task 3:Think-Pair-Share
Post Listening Ask the students to pair off
Activity: (5-7 and answer the questions:
Task 3: Think-Pair- 1. Who are the characters in
Share the story? Describe them.
Ask the students to pair 2. What are the characteristics
off and answer the of the girl’s parents? What
questions: about the magistrate?
3. What is the story about?
1. Who are the Give its gist in one sentence.
characters in the story? 4. What was the ordeal of the
Describe them. parents to the young man
2. What are the before letting their daughter
characteristics of the be married to him?
girl’s parents? What 5. Why did the young man fail
about the magistrate? in performing the challenge
3. What is the story given to him?
about? Give its gist 6. Do you think the parents
in one sentence. became fair in their decision
4. What was the ordeal of not letting their daughter be
of the parents to the married to the young man?
young man before letting Why? Why not?
their daughter be 5. What is the trait of the
married to him? Cambodian that is similar
5. Why did the young to Filipinos?
man fail in performing 6. What is the dominant
the challenge given to feeling expressed in the
him? text?
6. Do you think the 7. What was the important
parents became fair in role done by the rabbit in the
their decision of not story?
letting their daughter be 8. Does the tale increase your
married to the young knowledge about the values
man? Why? Why not? and culture of the
5. What is the trait of the Cambodians?
Cambodian that is
similar to Filipinos?
6. What is the dominant
feeling expressed in the
7. What was the
remarkable action done

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
by the rabbit in the
8. Does the tale increase
your knowledge about
the values and culture of
the Cambodians?
E. Discussing new Group Work: Group Group Work: Group the
concepts the students into 5 and students into 5 and assigned
and practicing assigned the following the following tasks.
new skills # 2 tasks. (10 minutes)
(10 minutes)
Group 1: Using Venn
Group 1: Using Diagram
Venn Diagram Compare and Contrast the
Compare and Characteristics of the
Contrast the magistrate and judge
Characteristics of the rabbit.
magistrate and judge

Judge Magistrate
Magistrate Rabbit

Group 2: Problem-
Group 2: Problem- Solving Advice
Solving Advice Identify the problem or
Identify the problem or conflict presented in the
conflict presented in selection. From the
the selection. Think of problem presented in
your own advice or the
solution to the problem selection, what do you think
and explain it orally could be a possible
before the class. solution?

Group 3 Role Play

Group 3 Role Play Present a role play of a
Present a role play of scenario where you are
a scenario where you experiencing wrong
are experiencing judgment. Emphasize how
wrong judgment. will you defend your rights
Emphasize how will by not losing respect to
you defend your rights other people.
by not losing respect
Group 4: “I Think”

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
to other people. Use the chart below to write
a brief insight about the
selection “The Trial”
Group 4: “I Think”
Use the chart below “I Think”
to write a brief insight
about the selection The magistrate should have
“The Trial”

“I Think”
The Judge Rabbit did the right thing because
The magistrate should ha

Fair judgment may result to

The Judge Rabbit did the
right thing because

Fair judgment may

result to

Group 5:
What trials were depicted
in the folktale “The Trial”
that made different issues
between rich and poor.
Identify those issues and
Group 5: complete the following
What trials were graphic organizer.
depicted in the
folktale “The Trial”
that made different
issues between rich Social Issue
and poor. Identify
those issues and The
complete the following Trial
Moral Economic
organizer. Issue Issue

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Social Issue

Moral Economic
Issue Issue

F. Developing In this story the judge is In this story the judge is

mastery (leads bribed by a rich family to bribed by a rich family to give
to Formative give a verdict in their a verdict in their favour. This
Assessment) favour. This reflects the reflects the corruption which
corruption which many many Cambodians feel is
Cambodians feel is found throughout their justice
found throughout their system.
justice system.
How does corruption reflected
How does corruption in the story? Is this happening
reflected in the story? Is also in our country? Cite
this happening also in instances or situation. Write it
our country? Cite on your notebook and share it
instances or situation. to the class.
Write it on your (5 minutes)
notebook and share it to
the class.
(5 minutes)
G. Finding practical As a student, how can As a student, how can you
application of you eradicate such kind eradicate such kind of
concepts and of inhumane acts so that inhumane acts so that it will
skills in daily it will not affect even the not affect even the poorest
living poorest and weakest and weakest persons?
H. Making What advice can you What advice can you give to
generalization give to everyone to everyone to avoid
s and avoid misjudgement? misjudgement?
abstractions What insight did you What insight did you gain from
about the gain from the lesson? the lesson?
I. Evaluating learning
With your group discuss the following:
1. What are the moral, social, and economic issues
reflected from the listening text “The Trial”? How
can you address these issues to maintain a
healthy relationship towards others?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Be guided by the following rubrics:
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content The content The content The content The
reflects very reflects some reflects few content
important important important did not
issues related issues related issues that reflects
to the topic. to the topic are quite any
related to the issues
topic related to
the topic
Organiza The content is The content The content Ideas
tion very well is pretty well is a little hard seem to
ideas organized. One organized. to follow. be
idea follows One idea may The randomly
another logical seem out of transitions arranged.
sequence with place. Clear are
clear transitions sometimes
transitions. are used. not clear.
Mechani The content is The content The content The
cs free from has some has few content is
errors of errors in errors in grammati
grammar and grammar and grammar and cally
spelling. spelling. spelling. wrong.

J. Additional activities Write an informative essay about economic issues in your

for application locality.
or remediation

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
who scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 9 Day: 4

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast
Standard Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping
strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material;
structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques;
and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion,
and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-
making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance, and behaviour.
C. Learning
Competency/ EN8VC-IIIi-19: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas
Objectives presented in the material viewed
EN8RC-IIIi-10: Share ideas using opinion-marking
II. CONTENT Making Judgment
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning
Resources m/watch?v=I5UBikauIQ

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020


A. Reviewing How can we build unity How can we build unity
previous despite diversity? despite diversity?
lesson or
presenting (students’ answers may (student answers may vary)
the new vary)
lesson How can we give proper
How can we give proper judgment without overlooking
judgment without the rights of others?
overlooking the rights of
B. Establishing a Sometimes we make the Sometimes we make the
purpose for mistakes of believing mistakes of believing that the
the lesson that the only heroes out only heroes out there are the
there are the people we people we watch on
watch on television, read television, read about in news
about in news reports, or reports, or see in the movies.
see in the movies. The The truth is that each one of
truth is that each one of us has the ability to become a
us has the ability to hero to someone.
become a hero to Opportunities for heroism are
someone. Opportunities everywhere!
for heroism are
C. Presenting Task 1: Pre-viewing Task 1: Pre-viewing
examples/ Activity: (5 minutes) Activity: (5 minutes)
instances of You are going to watch You are going to watch an
the new an inspirational video inspirational video clip.
lesson clip. As you watch the video
As you watch the video observe how a simple person
observe how a simple shows goodness toward
person shows goodness others.
toward others.
Motive question:
Motive question: What did the man receive by
What did the man helping others?
receive by helping
others? ch?v=I5UBikauIQM

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
D. Discussing new Task 2: Think-Pair- Task 2: Think-Pair-Share (5-
concepts and Share (5-7 minutes) 7 minutes)
new skills # 1 With your partner With your partner answer the
answer the following following questions after
questions after watching watching the inspirational
the inspirational video video clip.
clip. 1. Who are the characters in
1. Who are the the video clip?
characters in the 2. What did the man do?
video clip? 3. Does he benefited
2. What did the with what he did?
man do? 4. Considering the man’s
3. Does he situation, how could he
benefited with manage helping others?
what he did? 5. What was the reaction of
4. Considering the some people about what he’s
man’s situation, doing for others?
how could he 6. If you were in his situation,
manage would you also do the same?
helping others? 7. What is your opinion
5. What was the regarding man’s kindness for
reaction of some other people?
people about 8. What was the result of his
what he’s doing efforts in helping others?
for others?
6. If you were in
his situation,
would you also
do the same?
7. What is your
opinion regarding
man’s kindness
for other people?
8. What was the
result of his
efforts in helping
E. Discussing new Task 2: Opinion Task 2: Opinion Matters (10
concepts Matters (10 minutes) minutes)
practicing Group the learners into Group the learners into five
new skills # 2 five and let them share and let them share ideas
ideas about the video about the video clip.
clip. Instruct them to construct
Instruct them to sentences expressing their
construct sentences opinions.
expressing their
opinions. (Learners will write it on

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
manila paper for processing)
(Learners will write it on
manila paper for Based on the opinions given,
processing) identify the opinion marking
Based on the opinions
given, identify the Tell the students that in
opinion marking signals. expressing opinion, they also
need to use different opinion-
Tell the students that in marking signals.
expressing opinion, they
also need to use The teacher will discuss the
different opinion-marking topic on Opinion-Marking
signals. Signals. (See attached File
The teacher will
discuss the topic on
Signals. (See attached
File A)

F. Developing Task 3: Share ideas Task 3: Share ideas about

mastery about the following the following situations
(leads to situations using using opinion-marking
Formative opinion-marking signals.
Assessment) signals.
1. MANILA, Philippines
1. MANILA, — Instead of
Philippines — promoting equality, the
Instead of Sexual Orientation and
promoting Gender Identity and
equality, the Expression (SOGIE)
Sexual Equality bill will only
Orientation and “unduly give special
Gender Identity rights” to some
and Expression members of society at
(SOGIE) Equality the expense of others,
bill will only a lawmaker said
“unduly give Wednesday.
special rights” to
some members /sogie-bill-wont-promote-equality-
of society at the solon#ixzz5ypEPpDMM
expense of
others, a 2. An outbreak of dengue
lawmaker said fever in the Philippines
Wednesday. has been declared a
https://newsinfo.inq national epidemic after causing hundreds of
sogie-bill-wont- deaths this year in the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
only-special-rights- wake of a government
to-lgbt- ban on the vaccine.
solon#ixzz5ypEPp The country
DMM has recorded 146,062
cases of dengue from
2. An outbreak of
January through to 20
dengue fever in
July this year, 98%
the Philippines
more than the same
has been
period in 2018, the
declared a
department of health
national epidemic
said. The outbreak has
after causing
already claimed the
hundreds of
lives of 622 people.
deaths this year
The group worst
in the wake of a
affected have been
government ban
children below the age
on the vaccine.
of 10
The country has
recorded 146,062 cases
of dengue from January
through to 20 July this
year, 98% more than the
same period in 2018, the
department of health
said. The outbreak has
already claimed the lives
of 622 people. The
group worst affected
have been children
below the age of 10

G. Finding practical Task 4: Write a Task 4: Complete the

application of paragraph about “How following paragraph with your
concepts and can you be a hero in ideas on how can you be a
skills in daily your own simple way” hero in your own simple way
living using the following using opinion-marking signals.
opinion-marking signals In my experience,
in giving your answers. . It seems to
1. It seems to me… me
2. In my
3. In my
opinion.. 4.
H. Making What did you learn in What did you learn in today’s
generalizatio today’s lesson? lesson?
ns and Complete the following Complete the following
abstractions statement statement
about the I have learned that being I have learned that being a
lesson a hero hero

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
I. Evaluating Task 4: Watch and Task 4: Watch and Judge!
learning Judge!
The teacher will show a video
The teacher will show a clip to the learners about the
video clip to the learners Cambodian Government.
about the Cambodian
Government. ?search_query=How+corrupt+wa s+Cambodian+Government
+corrupt+was+Cambodian Let the learner judge the
+Government relevance and worth of ideas
presented in the video by
Let the learner judge the answering the guide
relevance and worth of questions and give their
ideas presented in the opinion using opinion-marking
video by answering the signals. Use the table below.
guide questions and give Guide Questions:
their opinion using 1. What is the video about?
opinion-marking signals. 2. What is the relevance and
Use the table below. worth of ideas presented in
Guide Questions: the video?
1. What is the video 3. What is your opinion
about? regarding the issue discussed
2. What is the in the video?
relevance and
worth of ideas
presented in the
3. What is your
opinion regarding
the issue
discussed in the

J. Additional Watch a news on TV, Watch a news on TV, write

activities for write your own your own judgement as to the
application or judgement as to the relevance and worth of ideas
remediation relevance and worth of presented on the news. Share
ideas presented on the it to the class next meeting.
news. Share it to the
class next meeting.

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Grade 8

Quarter: 3 Week: 9 Day: 5

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of:
Standard Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared
heritage ; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a
listening and viewing material; structural analysis of
words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making,
persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and
Standard delivering a persuasive speech based on an
informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behaviour.
C. Learning EN8G-IIIi-12: Use emphasis markers for
Competencies/ persuasive purposes.
Objectives. EN8OL-IIIi-4.1: Use appropriate verbal and
nonverbal cues when delivering a persuasive
II. CONTENT Delivering a Persuasive Speech
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

A. Reviewing Have you ever tried Have you ever tried
previous lesson speaking in public or speaking in public or in
or presenting the in front of many front of many people?
new lesson people? What did you feel?
What did you feel? Nowadays only few have
Nowadays only few the confidence talking in
have the confidence front of many audiences.
talking in front of (3 minutes)
many audiences.
(3 minutes)
B. Establishing a How can you convince How can you convince
purpose for the and persuade the and persuade the listeners
lesson listeners to agree with to agree with you as you
you as you deliver deliver your speech?
your speech?

C. Presenting Before you answer the Before you answer the

examples/ question, I want you to question, I want you to
instances of the watch a video of watch a video of Emma
new lesson Emma Watson Watson delivering her
delivering her speech speech about feminism.
about feminism. While watching, observe
While watching, how she delivers her
observe how she speech, the manner of
delivers her speech, her talking and even facial
the manner of her expression.
talking and even
facial expression. watch?v=nIwU-9ZTTJc
om/watch?v=nIwU- (4-5 minutes)
9ZTTJc Task 1: Think-Pair-Share
(4-5 minutes) (5-7 minutes)
Task 1: Think-Pair- With your partner
Share (5-7 minutes) take turns in
With your partner take answering the
turns in answering the following questions:
following questions: 1. What did Emma Watson
1. What did tries to convey to us?
2. How did she deliver the

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Emma Watson speech?
tries to convey 3. What can you say about
to us? the manner she talks?
2. How did 4. Were you convinced
she deliver with what she was saying?
the speech? Why? Why not?
3. What can
you say
about the
manner she
4. Were you
with what she
was saying?
Why not?
D. Discussing new Task 2: Read to Persuade
concepts and Now class, I will divide you into five groups and
practicing new skills then I will distribute a copy of persuasive
#1 speech that you are going to read aloud.

(The teacher will distribute a copy of persuasive


But before you do that let me discuss to you some

persuasive techniques and the important aspects
on delivering a persuasive speech.
(See attached file A)
(See attached File B)

After the discussion, the teacher will say:

I’m giving you 5 minutes to practice your speech.
Be guided by the following rubrics.

Delivery High Aver Low Total

5 3 1 15
4 2 0
Speaks clearly with
appropriate voice and
Uses tone, speed and
volume as tools in
Appears comfortable
with the audience

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
Let some students observe and listen as their
classmates perform it in front.
Let the learners write their observations on meta
strips and post it on the board for processing.

The teacher will discuss important aspects on

delivering a persuasive speech. (See attached file
E. Discussing You are a natural You are a natural
new concepts persuader! You have persuader! You have done
and done it all your life. it all your life. Every time
practicing new skills Every time you enter a you enter a conversation,
#2 conversation, you engage in elementary
you engage in persuasion techniques. It
elementary persuasion is true, that any time you
techniques. It is true, make a statement of fact,
that any time you are asserting its
you make a validity and assuming that
statement of fact, you your listener agrees.
are asserting its
validity and The teacher will discuss
assuming that your Persuasive Techniques
listener agrees. (See attached File A)
The teacher will
discuss Persuasive
Techniques (See
attached File A)
F. Developing The teacher will The teacher will provide
mastery (leads to provide example of example of persuasive
Formative persuasive speech speech and let the
Assessment) and let the learners learners present it using
present it using appropriate verbal and
appropriate verbal and nonverbal cues when
nonverbal cues when delivering a persuasive
delivering a speech.
persuasive speech. (Provide a rubric)
(Provide a rubric)
G. Finding practical
application of How do you persuade How do you persuade
concepts and skills someone to agree or someone to agree or
in daily living believe in your ideas? believe in your ideas?
H. Making What are the things to What are the things to be
generalizations and be considered when considered when
abstractions about delivering a delivering a persuasive
the lesson persuasive speech? speech?

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
What insights did you What insights did you
gain in this lesson? gain in this lesson?
I. Evaluating learning Now that you have fully understood the proper
ways in delivering a speech, you are going to
present a persuasive speech using appropriate
verbal and nonverbal cues.
(The teacher will distribute a sample of persuasive
speech to the group. Instruct them to choose one
representative who will deliver the speech.)
Let other group judge the performance of other
Be guided by the following Rubrics:

Delivery High Aver Low Total

5 3 1 15
4 2 0
Speaks clearly with
appropriate voice and
Uses tone, speed and
volume as tools in
Appears comfortable
with the audience

Total Score:
J. Additional activities
for application or

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Region V/Daily Lesson Plan/2019-2020

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