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Singapore Sojourn Researc Base

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I have here cut out pictures and all you

need to do is to arrange it in order for you
to form a picture.
I will divide you into three groups, and the
first group who will have the picture
arranged within the shortest time possible
is the winner.

Students will do the task as told.

What have you formed?

A picture of a certain tourist spots.

(answers may vary)



This morning we will be tackling a new

topic and before that, let us read our
objectives first.

At the end of the lesson the students

should be able to:
a. describe Singapore in terms of
economy, people, and geographical
b. differentiate the culture of Singapore
from that of the Philippines; and
c. point out a specific characters or values
of Singaporeans that are worth imitating

A merlion sir!

What mythical figure have you found in

the figure?


Merlion is an iconic figure of what

Very good!
Students will do as told.

I have here a video clip regarding

Singapore. I want you to observe about
their buildings, their street, their market No!
and the people living in Singapore.

Their markets are full of busy but happy

people and as well as their surrounding
Alright! do we have those things here in is clean too.
the Philippines?

How about their market?

Philippines and Singapore can be both

found in Asia. Singapore and
Philippines were once colonized; they
Good! have different nationalities in their
Can you tell me what the differences country. Singapore has better economy
between Philippines and Singapore are? than Philippines.


Do you think our country has a chance to

be successful like Singapore? Why?


Before anything else let us first find out

the definition of the words that we have
here. The definitions of the words are
enclosed in parenthesis. use it as a clue for (richness,vastness)1. Our group flew to
completing the blank in each sentences. Singapore on the largesse Singapore
(respected and trusted by most people)
2. it was cited several times as the best
airline by prestigious International
(skills and cleverness in dealing with the
situation)3. Singapore airlines is a
showcase reliability and finesse.
(known and usually like by many
people) 4. thefamed tower of Eifel in
Paris was visited mostly by different
(harmonious organization or
5. The whole city looks so nice because
of its careful orchestration of the
Now that we have unlocked the difficult
words, let us first delve into the story

A student will be chosen to read the story.

“The Singapore Sojourn”
(reading the text using popcorn style of

QUESTIONS (Students will do as told)

What is the story all about?

Who is the narrator in the story?

Singapore sojourn.

What are the places in Singapore The narrator in the story is the author of
mentioned in the story? the story who is Tammy Mendoza.

Why does the author say that Singapore is Answers vary.

forever changing?

Because Singapore is dynamic and

How does the author feel about always accepting changes.

GENERALIZATION The author feels astonished by the

places in Singapore.
What is the story all about?

What strategies do you think that

Singapore had practiced in order to have a The story is all about the Singapore
successful economy or to be a progressive sojourn.
country in Asia.

So what should we do in order to be a

progressive country?
Answers vary.

Answers vary.
I will divide you into three groups and do
the designated tasks that I will be giving to
In doing your task I will be using rubrics.

(the rubrics will be presented by the

Group 1- Make a role play considering

that you are a tour guide, guiding some
tourist here in the Philippines.

Group 2- Consider that you are in the

authority. You are having a meeting on
how to improve your city.

Good job class! Group 3- Present a talk show about the

Let us give a round of applause to story.

Any question?

Are you ready for a quiz?

None sir!

Yes sir!

Test I. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. If you are given a chance to study in Singapore, will you accept or grab the chance?
a. No, because I only love Philippines.
b. Yes, because I hate Philippines due to low quality of education.
c. Yes, because by studying in country which is more develop I could be able to learn useful
ideas that I can use to help our country progress.

2. How can you use social media to improve our country economically?

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