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Teacher APRIL N. CENTINO Learning


February 13-17, 2023

Teaching Date and
Week 1 Quarter1ST QUARTER of 2nd SEMESTER



The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

A. Content Standard  The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, underlying principles, and core competencies in

The learners should be able to:

B. Performance Standard
 The learner independently creates/provides a quality and marketable product and/or service in Entrepreneurship.

The learners should be able to:

1. Discuss the relevance of the course;

C. Learning Competencies/ 2. Explain the key concepts of common competencies;
3. Explain the core competencies in Entrepreneurship; and
4. Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career

II.CONTENT Entrepreneurship: Overview and Concepts The Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship


A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages

SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship
(Module 1) Introduction to (Module 1) Introduction to (Module 1) Introduction to (Module 1) Introduction (Module 1) Introduction
Entrepreneurship. Pages 1-11. Entrepreneurship. Pages 1- Entrepreneurship. Pages to Entrepreneurship. to Entrepreneurship.
11. 1-11. Pages 1-11. Pages 1-11.
Quipper School– Student’s
2.Learner's Materials Study Guide (Unit 1) Quipper School– Student’s Quipper School– Student’s Quipper School– Quipper School–
Understanding the Concept of Study Guide (Unit 1) Study Guide (Unit 1) Student’s Study Guide Student’s Study Guide
Entrepreneurship. Pages 1-14 Understanding the Concept Understanding the Concept (Unit 1) Understanding (Unit 1) Understanding
of Entrepreneurship. Pages of Entrepreneurship. Pages the Concept of the Concept of
1-14 1-14 Entrepreneurship. Pages Entrepreneurship. Pages
1-14 1-14

3.Textbook pages

Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint
4. Additional Materials from LR
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

B. Other Learning Resources


Review from previous lesson

A. Reviewing previous lesson or (Name the Competency!) The teacher will give the
Presenting the new lesson. definition or example scenario of an
entrepreneurial competency and then the student
will name that competency.)

B. Establishing a purpose for the


C. Presenting examples/instances Let the students observe the environment that surrounds Ask the students:
of the new lesson
the school for them to answer the following guide
questions. (The students will share to the class their 1. What is your favorite restaurant? Explain why
answers). you like their products and services?
1. What are the establishments you see?

2. Do any of the establishments you listed earn profit? 2. Do you think its products and services have an
How these establishments earn profits? advantage versus other competitors? Explain your
3. What ability or skills should entrepreneurs have in order
to make these establishments successful?

D. Discussing new concepts and The Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship
practicing new skills #1
An entrepreneur is a person who creates unique ideas that will Core competencies are the features or characteristics
be useful for a starting business. It will enhance a student’s that allow a business to stand out from its
interest to be an employer rather than an employee. competitors. These competencies cover the business’s
manpower capabilities, acquired assets, capital, and
Having this in mind, we can define entrepreneurship as the registered patents. They are very similar to the
science of converting processed ideas into a remarkable strengths of a business.
business venture. It refers to the setting up of a business or
businesses while taking into consideration its financial risks, 1. Entrepreneur as a missionary - The entrepreneur
geared towards the attainment of profits. considers the business as a mission. For these people,
there is a passion rather than drive.
* What is the difference between an Entrepreneur and a
Businessman? (Let the student share his/her answer to the 2. Entrepreneurs are goal-driven - Goal-oriented
class) entrepreneurs achieve the maximum results of their
efforts because they work towards clear and
measurable targets. Working towards clearly defined
goals is important. They think of what they want and
how to get it.

3. Entrepreneur as a marketing man - Marketing is an

important process for entrepreneurs. The process of
acquiring and retaining customers is the focus of
marketing. Entrepreneurs must design the product, set
its price, distribute the product to the market and
promote the product. Entrepreneurs must
differentiate their company’s product or service so its
uniqueness and value are clear to the customer.
4. Entrepreneurs start small to big - Most successful
entrepreneurs start small and think big. Many
entrepreneurs start a small scale business but with
their managerial talents and persistence, they will be
able to make the company grows.

Common Entrepreneurial Competencies and 10 Competencies

for Entrepreneurial Success.

Entrepreneurship is a science of converting processed ideas Factors that develop Entrepreneurial

into a remarkable business venture. Competencies are Activity
considered as the capability, capacity, and ability of a person to
1. Entrepreneur’s initiative
handle situations in various areas in business operations such as
E. Discussing new concepts and in marketing, management, production, and finance. 2. Organization of capital resources
practicing new skills #2
(Ask the students to give some competencies that they have 3. Development of administrative machinery
observed for Entrepreneurs)
4. Development of entrepreneurial autonomy
(The teacher will give additional information on competencies
4. Development of SWOT analysis
that the students have answered and will ask the students to
name some entrepreneurs that they think possesses these

F. Developing Mastery Activity: The Making of a Filipino Entrepreneur.

(The Case of Jollibee Foods Corporation). Answer
(Leads to formative Assessment Activity: Following are questions that a potential
3) the following questions based on the story.
entrepreneur must ask before setting up a new business.
A YES or NO answer is recommended. 1. What do you think are the characteristics of the
owner that have contributed to the success of the

2. What are the core competencies of Tony Tan

Caktiong’s business today?
Let the students analyse the following scenarios. Let them
identify what competencies for entrepreneurial success are
involved in the following situations and answer the
provided questions.

1. A sales staff was having difficulty assisting a foreign

G. Finding practical applications Explain your point of view on the saying “A
of customer because he could not speak English fluently. It
journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
was seen by the manager. What should the manager do?
concepts and skills in daily living step.”
2. All the finance staff were having a meeting with
suppliers at 9:00 in the morning. One of the staff arrived
late due to a road accident that caused a traffic jam. If
you were the staff, what entrepreneurial competency
should you have in order to conquer the scenario?
H. Making generalizations and
The students will share their answers to the class. . The students will share their answers to the class.
abstraction about the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning A short quiz will be given. A short quiz will be given.
J. Additional activities for
Or remediation


A. No. of learners who
earned 80 % un the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
helped me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:


Subject Teacher


Secondary School Principal


Teacher APRIL N. CENTINO Learning


February 20-24, 2023

Teaching Date and
Week 2 Quarter1ST QUARTER of 2nd SEMESTER


The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

A. Content Standard  The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, underlying principles, and core competencies in

The learners should be able to:

B. Performance Standard
 The learner independently creates/provides a quality and marketable product and/or service in Entrepreneurship.

The learners should be able to:

1. Discuss the relevance of the course;

C. Learning Competencies/ 2. Explain the key concepts of common competencies;
3. Explain the core competencies in Entrepreneurship; and
4. Explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career

The Relevance and Opportunities in

II.CONTENT The Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship


A. References

1. Teacher's Guide pages

2.Learner's Materials SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship
(Module 1) Introduction to (Module 1) Introduction to (Module 1) Introduction to (Module 1) Introduction (Module 1) Introduction
Entrepreneurship. Pages 1-11. Entrepreneurship. Pages 1- Entrepreneurship. Pages to Entrepreneurship. to Entrepreneurship.
11. 1-11. Pages 1-11. Pages 1-11.
Quipper School– Student’s
Study Guide (Unit 1-Lesson 2) Quipper School– Student’s Quipper School– Student’s Quipper School– Quipper School–
The Core Competencies in Study Guide (Unit 1-Lesson Study Guide (Unit 1-Lesson Student’s Study Guide Student’s Study Guide
Entrepreneurship. Pages 1-12 2) The Core Competencies 2) The Core Competencies (Unit 1-Lesson 3) (Unit 1-Lesson 3)
in Entrepreneurship. Pages in Entrepreneurship. Pages REelevance and REelevance and
1-12 1-12 Opportunities in Opportunities in
Entrepreneurship Pages Entrepreneurship Pages
1-12 1-12

3.Textbook pages

Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint
4. Additional Materials from LR
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

B. Other Learning Resources


Review from previous lesson

(Let the students explain the meaning of the

Review from previous lesson following statements.)

(Name the Competency!) 1. Entrepreneurs as a missionary

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
Presenting the new lesson. The teacher will give the definition or example scenario of 2. Entrepreneurs as a marketing man
an entrepreneurial competency and then the student will
3. Entrepreneurs are goal-driven
name that competency.)
4. Entrepreneurs start from small to big

5. Organization of capital resources

B. Establishing a purpose for the


C. Presenting examples/instances Ask the students: Ask the students:

of the new lesson
1. What is your favorite restaurant? Explain why you like 1. What are you good at based on what people
their products and services? say?

2. Do you think its products and services have an 2. What are your interests or hobbies?
advantage versus other competitors? Explain your answer.
3. What are the possible job opportunities you
would like to pursue in relation to your interests or

D. Discussing new concepts and Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship Job Opportunities in Entrepreneurship
practicing new skills #1
Core competencies are the features or characteristics that 1. Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations -
allow a business to stand out from its competitors. These Working in advertising, marketing, and public
competencies cover the business’s manpower capabilities, relations will help you gain ideas on how to reach
acquired assets, capital, and registered patents. They are very a target customer when you already have your
similar to the strengths of a business. own product or services. These jobs build
communication between consumers and the
1. Entrepreneur as a missionary - The entrepreneur considers sellers of the product by creating promotions,
the business as a mission. For these people, there is a passion advertisements, and building a brand image.
rather than drive.
2. Business Development - Business development
2. Entrepreneurs are goal-driven - Goal-oriented officers are employed by companies to develop
entrepreneurs achieve the maximum results of their efforts and execute strategies to increase sales and
because they work towards clear and measurable targets. profits. You will be able to identify opportunities
Working towards clearly defined goals is important. They think for the business
of what they want and how to get it.
3. Design - If you have an interest in fashion,
3. Entrepreneur as a marketing man - Marketing is an home or product design, these skills will help you
important process for entrepreneurs. The process of acquiring create your own product design, especially on the
and retaining customers is the focus of marketing. packaging and labels of your product.
Entrepreneurs must design the product, set its price, distribute
the product to the market and promote the product. 4. E-commerce and Social Media - Most
Entrepreneurs must differentiate their company’s product or businesses today use the Internet to sell and
service so its uniqueness and value are clear to the customer. promote their products. If you are knowledgeable
in online selling and search engine optimization
4. Entrepreneurs start small to big - Most successful (SEO), it will be a great help for your starting
entrepreneurs start small and think big. Many entrepreneurs business.
start a small scale business but with their managerial talents
and persistence, they will be able to make the company grows. 5. Management - There are management
positions in every industry. You may start out as a
management trainee or in a management training
program. Working towards a career in
management will give you the leadership, people,
and communication experience that you need to
be successful.

6. Software, Web or App Developer - Every

business needs technology. Your work as a
software, web or app developer will enhance your
skill set that will be vital when you start to grow
your own business. Incorporating technology in
business is a great advantage.
Factors that develop Entrepreneurial Activity
7. Sales Manager/Account Executive - Sales
1. Entrepreneur’s initiative management positions provide experiences and
opportunities that will allow you to generate
E. Discussing new concepts and 2. Organization of capital resources income for the business, meet and achieve sales
practicing new skills #2 3. Development of administrative machinery goals.

4. Development of entrepreneurial autonomy 8. Business Consultant - Business consultants

service different companies all at the same time.
4. Development of SWOT analysis They help companies find solutions to the
different business challenges and obstacles being

9. Product Manager - work on the enhancement of

a product through research, development,
engineering, manufacturing, and distribution.

F. Developing Mastery Activity: The Making of a Filipino Entrepreneur. (The Case Pen and Paper Activity:
of Jollibee Foods Corporation). Answer the following
(Leads to formative Assessment Let the students answer the following questions.
3) questions based on the story.

1. What do you think are the characteristics of the owner 1. Why do entrepreneurs need to explore the
that have contributed to the success of the business? business environment?

2. What are the core competencies of Tony Tan Caktiong’s 2. Why is it important that entrepreneurs have a
business today? good and trusted accountant or financial adviser?
Question to Ponder:
G. Finding practical applications
of Explain your point of view on the saying “A journey of a
thousand miles begins with a single step.” Why do entrepreneurs have to seek advice from
concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
The students will share their answers to the class. . The students will share their answers to the class.
abstraction about the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning A short quiz will be given. A short quiz will be given
J. Additional activities for
Or remediation


H. No. of learners who
earned 80 % un the
I. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
J. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
K. No. of learners who
continue to require
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
M. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
helped me solve?
N. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:


Subject Teacher


Secondary School Principal

Teacher APRIL N. CENTINO Learning

February 27-March 3, 2023 1ST QUARTER of

Teaching Date and
Week 3 2nd SEMESTER



The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

A. Content Standard
 The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying principles, and processes of developing a business plan.

The learners should be able to:

B. Performance Standard
 The learner independently or with his/her classmates presents an acceptable detailed business plan.

The learners should be able to:

1. Recognize a potential market.

1.1 Analyze the market need. CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-3

C. Learning Competencies
1.2 Determine the possible product/s or service/s that will meet the need CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0a-4

1.3 Screen the proposed solution/s based on viability, profitability, and customer requirements; CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0b-c-5

1.4 Select the best product or service that will meet the market need. CS_EP11/12ENTREP-0d-6

The Business Plan: Definition, Purpose, and Market

II.CONTENT Recognize a Potential Market
Need Identification

A. References

1. Teacher's Guide pages

SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship SLM of Entrepreneurship
(Module 2) Recognize a (Module 2) Recognize a (Module 2) Recognize a (Module 2) Recognize a (Module 2) Recognize a
Potential Market Pages 1-17. Potential Market Pages 1- Potential Market Pages 1- Potential Market Pages 1- Potential Market Pages
17. 17. 17. 1-17.
Quipper School– Student’s
Study Guide (Unit 2-Lesson 1) Quipper School– Student’s Quipper School– Student’s Quipper School– Quipper School–
2.Learner's Materials The Business Plan: Definition, Study Guide (Unit 2-Lesson Study Guide (Unit 2-Lesson Student’s Study Guide Student’s Study Guide
Purpose, and Market Need 1) The Business Plan: 1) The Business Plan: (Unit 2-Lesson 1) The (Unit 2-Lesson 1) The
Identification. Pages 1-13 Definition, Purpose, and Definition, Purpose, and Business Plan: Definition, Business Plan:
Market Need Identification. Market Need Identification. Purpose, and Market Definition, Purpose, and
Pages 1-13 Pages 1-13 Need Identification. Market Need
Pages 1-13 Identification. Pages 1-

3.Textbook pages

Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint Quipper Powerpoint
4. Additional Materials from LR
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review from previous lesson Review from previous lesson
Presenting the new lesson.
(Ask the students to answer the question.) (Let the students share to the class his/her
insights in this question.)
1. What are the tasks and challenges of the following
jobs? “Why is it essential to have a business plan before
opening a business?”
a. Marketing Manager

b. Sales Manager
c. Store Manager

B. Establishing a purpose for the


The teacher will let the students observe some stalls
within a specific area in Maranding. The students will Direction: Arrange the scrambled letters to form a
answer the following questions: correct word.

1. Which stalls in that area has a lot of customers 1. UPSIERSPL

C. Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson patronizing their products and services?
2. What do you think are the reasons why that certain stall
attracts more customers to patronize their product or
service? 4. EDICRRSTO

3. Does that certain stall satisfy the needs of the 5. PECITIONMTO

customers in that area? Justify your answer.

D. Discussing new concepts and The Business Plan Entrepreneurial Ideas

practicing new skills #1
Entrepreneurs who plan to enter any business must prepare The entrepreneurial process of creating a new
and have a business plan to guide them throughout the process venture is presented in the diagram below
of establishing a business. A business plan is a written. (Aduana, 2017)

A business plan can be written before or during the first few

years of the enterprise. This is to guide the entrepreneur on
which strategies would be most beneficial for the enterprise to

Why should an entrepreneur need to prepare a very good

business plan?

1. To test the feasibility of your business idea

2. To give your new business the best chance of success Essentials in Entrepreneur’s Opportunity
3. To secure funding Seeking

4. To make business planning more effective 1. Entrepreneurial mind frame

5. To attract investors 2. Entrepreneurial heart flame

Three Factors of a Good Business Plan 3. Entrepreneurial gut game

1. It’s realistic - With a practical business plan, you'll be able to Sources of Opportunities
spot potential weaknesses and opportunities and make 1. Changes in the environment
informed selections before you commit yourself financially or
legally to your business idea. Your investors need to understand 1.1 The physical environment includes: Climate,
potential risks, thus it pays to be direct and honest from the Natural Resources, and Wildlife.
beginning. Avoid setting unachievable goals – instead, make a
1.2 The Societal environment includes various
realistic one.
forces like: Political forces, Economic Forces,
2. It’s specific - Every business plan ought to embody tasks, Sociocultural forces and Technological Forces.
deadlines, forecasts, budgets, and an idea to measure goal
1.3 The industry environment of the business
performance. This strategic agenda is going to be the roadmap
includes: Competitors, Customers, Creditors,
for your company’s future. It projects your company’s monetary
Employees, Government, and Suppliers
come back and anticipates future resource requirements –
details that are particularly useful once you attempt to secure 2. Technological discovery and advancement
3. Government’s thrust, programs, and policies
3. It’s followed through - The best-arranged plans amount to
nothing if they're not followed. However, this doesn't mean 4. People’s interest
that your business plan ought to be inflexible. Coming up with
5. Past experiences
isn't regarding setting a technique in place once that has to be
followed to the letter for the remainder of the year — planning
means that anticipating what’s to come and plotting the most
effective course of action in response, reviewing the plan often,
and editing it as necessary to learn the business the foremost

E. Discussing new concepts and Four-Step in Identifying Customer Needs: Forces of Competition Model/Five Forces of
practicing new skills #2 1. Gather raw data Competition

a. Interviews, Focus Groups, and Observation Competition – it is the act or process of trying
to get or win something. For example, the prices
2. Interpreting Data are lower when there is a competition among the
3. Organizing the data stores.

4. Reflect the process 1. Buyers - The buyers are the one that pays cash
in exchange to your goods and services. For
example, the influenced of the price or in the
bargaining strategy. The buyer has a strong and
magnified bargaining power.

2. Potential New Entrants - A new entrant is

defined as the one who enters something. For
example, the level of capital requirements, if the
business requires huge capital, new entrants
should decline to join the business.

3. Rivalry among Existing Firms - Rivalry is a state

or situation in which people or groups are
competing with each other. For example it
depends on the Marketing strategy of your
competitor, like giving freebies and special offers.

4. Substitute Products - Substitute means

anything that takes the place or function of
another. For example the consumers decide to
use margarine as a substitute for butter. In case
the price of butter increases, preferably the
consumer will gradually switch to margarine.

5. Suppliers - The Suppliers are the one that

provide something that is needed or wanted. For
example if the supply and services being offered is
unstable or keep. The intensity of the threat is
strong in this kind of the competitive force in the

F. Developing Mastery Activity: Identify your customer needs, how will you COMPLETE ME
implement the four steps of Customer Needs
(Leads to formative Assessment Direction: Complete the table below by supplying
3) Identification?
it with products that you consider similar. Write
the product and not the brand in their respective
columns. Then describe and differentiate its
characteristics and uses.

G. Finding practical applications Group Activity: Each group will discuss the answer to the Additional Activity
following questions. One member will be selected to share
concepts and skills in daily living Direction: Conduct a short interview of any
your answer in front of the class.
successful entrepreneur in your locality. Ask the
1. Why do you need to test the feasibility of your business following question:
before implementing it?
1. What is the nature of your business?
2. If your group will propose a business, how will you
make sure that it will be successful? 2. Who are your customers?
3. What industry are you operating?

4. How much was your starting capital?

3. What can be the hindrances or challenges in identifying
your customer needs? 5. How many years in operation?

How many manpower involved from the start of

operation until now?
H. Making generalizations and
The students will share their answers to the class. . The students will share their answers to the class.
abstraction about the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning A short quiz will be given. A short quiz will be given
J. Additional activities for
Or remediation


O. No. of learners who
earned 80 % un the
P. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
Q. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
R. No. of learners who
continue to require
S. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
T. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
helped me solve?
U. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher


Secondary School Principal

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