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Handout - 1 (Basics) Environment Marathon 2024 Prelims

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Environment Marathon by GS GILL SIR - HANDOUT 1 (ENV.

● Environment - anything Surrounding individual

● Ecosystem - Community of living & non living + their interaction

○ Structural part - Physical part
○ Functional part - Eg Energy flow, Nutrient cycles
○ It's also structural and functional unit of ecology

● Ecology - Study of interaction

● Levels of organization in ecosystem - IPCEB
○ Individual - Population (common species) - community (different species ) -
Ecosystem (Biotic with env) - Biome (functional features affected by common
climate) - Biosphere

● Habitat - where Actually organism lives

● Home Range - where org migrates or travels

● Niche - Habitat & functional role (resources one uses) of animals in the ecosystem.
○ 1 ecosys - 2 species can’t have similar niche
○ Gauss Law - Competition Exclusion principle vs Darwin (Adaptation principle) vs
Doyle’s law (Evolution is irreversible)
○ 2 Niche
■ Fundamental - Resources that can be ideally used
■ Realized - Actually used
○ Ecological Equivalent - 2 Species having similar niche at 2 different location

● Ecotone - Boundary of 2 ecosystems

○ Eg Mangroove, Swamp, Marsh, Himalayan foothill, Coral Reef, (Desert -
Grassland - Forest)
○ Edge Effect

● Ecological System
○ Norbert Wiener
○ Feedback Loop
■ Negative - Production kam krdo tan ki stability ajaye
■ Hence -ve feedback loop brings stability

● Ecosystem Services - PRC’SC

○ Provisioning - Jo saman deta hai (food medicine etc)
○ Regulating - Hone deta hai but apne hisab se control krke - eg Climate control,
Air & Water Purification
○ Controlling - Hone hi nai deta - Soil erosion, Floods, drought, pest control
○ Supporting - Space Provide krta hai - eg Habitat to organism , Nutrient Cycling
○ Cultural - Sacred forest, Festival
Energy Flow in Ecosystem
● Basic = Sun - Producer - Consumer - Decomposer

● Food Chain
○ Always “Unidirectional” + “Liner”energy flow
○ Eg Grass - Deer - Tiger
○ Types
■ Grazing
● Terrestrial
● Aquatic

● Aquatic can be upto 6-7 stages

● PP - ZP - Diatoms - Crustaceans (Spider) - Fish (Small - Medium -
● Diatom - Algae (only org whose cells are transparent, made of
■ Detritus
● Eg Dead Tree - Mushroom - Deer - Tiger
● Detritivore - eat & break organic matter into smaller eg Earthworm
& insects
● Decomposer - Break Down further into inorganic subs eg Bacteria
& Fungi
● Saprophyte - extra cellular digestion (Breakdown and then
consume) eg Fungi & Mushroom
● Scavenger - Direct eat (Hyna, Crow, Vulture)
■ Steps for decomposition
● Fragmentation
● Leaching
● Catabolism - Fungi & Bacteria Breakdown
● Humification - Dissolution in soil
● Mineralisation
■ More the sugar & Nitrogen more is the decompo
■ Less the Chitin & Lignin (inorganic matter) more the decompo
● Food Web
○ Non-Linear + Multi Directional
○ More complex - More Stable
○ Both Chain & Web are Qualitative
○ For Quantitative Analysis we have - Pyramids
● Ecological Pyramids
○ Representation of Trophic levels of different organisms based on their ecological
○ Type - Energy, Number & Biomass
○ Features
■ Energy - Always Upright, never inverted - why? lindmen’s law
● Trophic efficiency - energy transferred from one to another
trophic level = 10% (rest used in Respiration & Metabolism)
■ Number
● Upright (ocean vala)
● Inverted (Tree vala) - Tree - Bird - Lice - Supra Parasite
■ Biomass
● Upright (Terrestrial - Producer - herbivore - carnivore)
● Inverted (Ocean - Algae - Small Fish - big fish)

Ecological Productivity
● Amount of Biomass generated or Energy stored (per unit area per unit time)
○ Biomass (wt/m2) = production / generated in a year = Productivity.
● Who produces?
○ Primary = Autotroph
■ Photo-Trophs - eg Plants
■ Chemotroph - ThioBacillus (Sulphur Bacteria)
○ Secondary = Heterotroph

■ Consumers
○ There is no Tertiary/quaternary biomass production
○ Q?? What are insectivorous plants - They are both Auto & Hetero
■ Eg Venus Flytrap, Pitcher Plant (nitrogen deficient soil)
● What is the concept of Gross & Net?
○ Gross - Respiration = Net
● Where will it be more?
○ Lower Latitude > Higher Latitude (decrease from eq towards poles)
○ Lower Altitude > Higher Altitude
○ Continents > Oceans
■ Oceans - Decline towards international waters & Depth (Photic (200m) -
twilight - aphotic)
○ Savanna (Tropical) > Steppe (Temperate)

● Primary & Secondary Succession
○ Soil hai ya nahi? Bsssss
○ Primary starts with full barren land (no living organism) - to full ecosystem (climax
■ Land - (Algae - Mosses - Ferns - Shrubs - Plants - Trees)
■ Each stage is called Sere
■ It is slow, because soil formation takes place here
○ Secondary - On already existing ecosystem eg Forest fire
■ It is fast
■ Burnt soil - Potash
○ Stages - NME - CRS
■ Nudation - bare/open sight to begin
■ Migration - spores/seeds
■ Ecesis - initial est of vegetation
■ Competition - for resource
■ Reaction - competition & thus displacement - till Seral (P-S-C)
■ Stabilization - Formation of climax

● Genetic (Tiger x RBT, Javan, Caspian) vs Species (Cat, Tiger Lion) vs Community
(Rainforest & deciduous forest)
● Measurement
○ Simpson’s index
■ Species Richness - Kitne hai
■ Species Evenness - Uska Distribution
● Alpha (within community) vs Beta (Between 2 communities) vs Gama (Habitat w.r.t total
geo area or Landscape)

● Bioaccumulation
● Bio-Concentration
● Biomagnification - DDT (pesticide) - water body - small fishes - big fish etc.
○ long living
○ bio active
○ lipophilic

● Nutrient Cycling - SP C’NOW

○ Sedimentary - Lie in Earth crust; land & water - Sulphur & Phosphorus
○ Gaseous - Lie in Atmosphere & ocean) - Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water
● Nitrogen
○ Only perfect cycle
○ N2 - Lightening + biological process of free living bacteria eg Clastrodium
Azotobacter & Cyanobacteria Nostoc)
○ N2 ki Ammonification = NH3
○ NH3 se Bacteria Nitrosomonas = Nitrite
○ Nitrite se Bacteria Nitrobacter - Nitrate (Fertiliser for Plants)
○ Ab Nitrate ka denitrification by Bacteria Pseudomonas - Released in atmosphere
○ Colombo declaration
■ UNEP + Sri Lanka - Reduce Nitrogenous waste by 50% by 2030
● Phosphorus
○ Sedimentary
○ Increase by rains in mountainous regions
○ Last step - Geological upliftment
○ Use - Fertiliser, DNA&RNA, acts as catalyst, fire retardant, water softener, food
addictive, metallurgy
○ White Phosphorus - Bomb in Gaza
○ Cadmium Free Phosphorus (only at 6 places)
■ 85% - Morocco then China & Russia

● Adaptations by Animals
○ Migration
■ Siberian Crane, Amur Falcon
○ Suspend Activity
○ Regulation
■ By warm blooded
■ Sweating, Fat burning, Goosebumps (muscle contraction)
○ Conform
■ When warm blooded adapt to their temp.
○ Adaptation
■ Long Term
■ Genetic Changes are involved
■ Types - Morphological, Physiological, Behavioural

● Animal Interactions
○ Symbiosis - dono ko faida hai + Dono dependent hai
○ Proto-Cooperative - dono ko faida hai + Dono Independent hai
○ Commensalism - Ek ko faida + dusra unaffected
○ Ammensalism - Ek ko nuksan + dusre unaffected
○ Predation - Ek ko faida + Dusre ko nuksan
○ Competition - dono ko Nuksan
Biodiversity Hotspot - E +T
Hottest Hotspot - T + E (p+v) & Plant/area ration + Vertebrate/area ratio
Megadiverse - Endemism 5000 + Border sea/ocean
● By UNEP’s Specialized Agency - World Conservation Monitoring Center @ Kenya
Nairobi + CI (conservational Internatiom

● @ CBD’s Cancun Summit
● Total 18 - India
● Endemism + Traditional Knowledge
“India - Part of All”

● Globally important agricultural Heritage system,
● FAO 2002
● ODISHA - KORAPUT (mixed farming of tribal population)
● Kashmiri - saffron cultivation in the karewa region of Pampore. Women are custodians of
● Kuttanad - below sea farming (it’s rice bowl of Kerala)

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