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UV-shielding Antimicrobial Zein Films Blended With Essential Oils For Active Food Packaging

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Received: 6 May 2020 Revised: 31 July 2020 Accepted: 2 August 2020

DOI: 10.1002/app.49832


UV-shielding antimicrobial zein films blended with

essential oils for active food packaging

Manjot Kaur | Deenan Santhiya

Department of Applied Chemistry, Delhi

Technological University, Delhi, India
A comprehensive study on zein film blended with glycerol and essential oils
(EOs) is presented in this work. In particular, ultra violet (UV) shielding property
Dr Deenan Santhiya, Department of
Applied Chemistry, Delhi Technological and antimicrobial efficacy of developed active zein films (ZF) are tested. The fabri-
University, Bawana Road, Delhi-110 cated films show zero transmittance in the UV region as compare to commercial
042, Delhi, India
poly-film which shows 40%–80% of UV transmittance. Results show that films are
effective against spoilage microorganisms. The incorporation of EOs in ZF signifi-
Funding information cantly reduces the growth of microbes over fruit samples since day 3. Physical
Delhi Technological University
interactions existing between EOs along with glycerol and zein provide consider-
able barrier properties. The glass transition temperature of the film comes out to
be 47.7 C having the tensile strength of 1.21 ± 0.05 MPa. TGA curves show major
weight loss in the range of 220–375 C. In conclusion, edible active ZF can be used
as healthy packages over food and drug to increase their shelf life.

biodegradable, biopolymers, packaging, proteins, renewable Polymers

1 | INTRODUCTION conventional packaging materials like HDPE (high-density

polyethylene [PE]), polypropylene (PP), PE terephthalate
The Packaging industry is growing rapidly and nearly all (PET), etc. though have excellent mechanical and barrier
other industries are directly or indirectly depending on properties5 but are unhealthy to the environment. They do
it. When viewed in terms of packaging, the global share of not have active properties, causing the growth of spoilage
flexible plastic packaging is 42%.1 As reported by The Feder- and pathogenic microorganisms over the fruits and vegeta-
ation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry FICCI bles packaged into it.6–8 Traditional packaging also have
1/3rd of plastic products used by the packaging industry are poor resistance to ultra violet (UV).9 They may undergo
petroleum-based nonbiodegradable and environmentally photo-oxidation leading to polymeric structural degrada-
unfriendly. Out of the total global share, 24% of flexible tion10,11 and release of free radicals.12 These free radicals
packaging is needed in the food packaging industry.2 These may enter into food materials packaged into it and the
plastics used for the packaging purpose are often discarded human body. This can exert a detrimental effect on the food
and barely reprocessed.3 In this regard, in December 2018, quality as well as human health.13 To curb this problem and
Great Britain's Royal Statistical Society conducted the study to provide a shield against UV radiation, various UV
and stated that only 9% of the plastic is being recycled.4 The blockers, UV stabilizers like carbon black, titanium dioxide,
benzophenones, benzonitriles, etc. are added to plastics.
International agency for research on cancer has reported
Abbreviations: EOs, essential oils; HDPE, high-density polyethylene;
PE, polyethylene; PET, polyethylene terephthalate; PP, polypropylene;
titanium dioxide as a possible carcinogen to humans and
ZEO, zein film with glycerol and essential oil; ZF, zein film with studies showed that the increase in lung tumors in rats is
glycerol and without essential oil; ZP, pure zein protein. associated with titanium oxide inhalation. 14

J Appl Polym Sci. 2020;e49832. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC 1 of 10

Thus, with such a downside of synthetic polymers, its zein based film is expected to be functioning as a guard
associated health concerns, and the rapid increase in plastic against UV radiation without the addition of any kind of
waste, extensive studies are conducted to produce active pack- UV blockers, stabilizers, etc. along with antimicrobial
aging materials. For this purpose, various food-grade poly- property. The attempt of making these protein packaging
mers like proteins, polysaccharides, lipids15 have gathered materials by simple solvent cast method using glycerol
attraction and are being explored for the same purpose. Vari- and EOs is beneficial both to the ecosystem and human
ous natural antimicrobial active agents such as essential oils health. Further, the fabrication of these films requires no
(EOs) containing eugenol, cinnamaldehyde16,17 are incorpo- unhealthy chemicals and its processing produce no mal-
rated to make these active packaging. The usage of such bio- odorous toxic gases. The films formed have thoroughly
based materials for antimicrobial packaging can reduce eco- been characterized by standard characterization tech-
logical waste and eliminate undesirable changes in food qual- niques including their surface morphology. Also, the bar-
ity.15,16 They can also act as a nutrient carrier.18 These edible rier properties of the films are tested through a water
biodegradable polymers can be used as films and may be vapor permeability test (WVP) and oxygen transmission
directly applied onto the surface of the food product.19,20 In rate (OTR) test along with their mechanical strength.
food industries and medical sectors, the use of natural poly- Further, the films are subjected to in-vitro antimicrobial
mers and food-grade additives have been steadily increasing testing using the disk diffusion method.
as coating materials over a drug, candies, fruits, etc.21,22
In this investigation, zein, a class of alcohol-soluble pro-
lamine hydrophobic storage protein found in corn attracts 2 | EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
the interest because of its film-forming ability, biodegrad-
ability, and biocompatibility.17,23 Food and Drug Adminis- 2.1 | Materials
tration has approved it 'as one of the safe materials' for
pharmaceutical coatings because of its non-toxic nature. 24 For the preparation of the film, zein protein in powder form
Zein has been used in the food packaging industry as a with 97%–99% purity (ZP, MW = 38 kDa), EOs (Cinnamon
coating material due to its ability to provide a moisture bar- oil, product number-W229105 and clove oil, product
rier. 23 But the classical brittleness and flexibility problems number- C8392) and glycerol were purchased from Sigma-
of zein films (ZF)25 limit their use as a free-standing film. Aldrich, Gallarate, Italy. Milli Q water was used for all the
Hence, to monitor limitations regarding flexibility, experimental work and all other reagents used in this study
active zein film packaging bearing UV shielding and anti- were of analytical reagent (AR) grade of high purity.
microbial properties have been fabricated using EOs and
glycerol as cross-linker and plasticizer. 16,17,26 EOs are
biological substances produced by some plants as second- 2.2 | Methods
ary metabolites and are distinguished by their volatile
nature.27 These EOs generally constitute terpenes and 2.2.1 | Fabrication of zein film
terpenoids comprising as main group, aromatic and ali-
phatic constituents comprising the other group, all char- ZF were obtained by dissolving 0.5 g of zein protein (w/v)
acterized by low molecular weight. 28 They act as active in 80% ethanol with constant stirring at 45  C followed
agents having germicidal antimicrobial property because of by drop-wise addition of glycerol (Zein/glycerol weight
the presence of major aromatic compounds (e.g., thymol, ratio 5:1) to the solution and stirred continuously for
carvacrol, and eugenol) present in concentrations of as 30 min until a homogenous mixture was obtained
much as 85%27–29 and help in reducing, retarding, or even followed by cooling and casting onto PP petri-plates hav-
inhibiting the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microor- ing 5 cm diameter. So obtained ZF films were used as
ganisms.30,31 Herein, cinnamon oil and clove oil are used, control. Subsequently, 150 μl of the emulsion was pre-
having major constituents as cinnamaldehyde and acetyl pared using EOs (clove oil and cinnamon oil) and water
eugenol respectively. 29 These major constituents of chosen by mixing 45 μl of cinnamon oil and clove oil each and
EOs are not only expected to be natural cross-linkers but 60 μl of water. After the preparation, 120 μl of that emul-
also provide natural aroma 32 along with antimicrobial sion was added simultaneously to the homogenous mix-
properties to zein based food packaging material. More ture of zein/glycerol (as prepared for ZF) with constant
importantly these aromatic compounds are expected to be stirring for 30 min and cast after cooling the mixture. The
efficient in UV screening33 and attracted our attention films obtained were named as ZEO (zein with essential
towards UV shielding edible packaging. oil). These ZF and ZEO films obtained using the solvent
This work aims to the development of novel flexible cast method were dried at 45 C in hot air oven overnight
zein based food packaging material. Importantly, this for 18 h, and peeled off after complete drying. In this

way, zein based films with an average thickness of 0.296 23–25  C and relative humidity (RH) was 50 ± 4% and
± 0.015 mm were obtained using a precision micrometer. films were conditioned before testing. Film strips were
mounted on cardboard grips with initial grip separation
of 50 mm. Tensile strength was calculated by dividing the
2.3 | Characterization of the film maximum load that the film could withstand by the ini-
tial cross-section area of the strip. Elongation at break
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR): Dried (E %) was expressed by as.
samples of films were ground and mixed thoroughly with E = 100 × (L1-Lo)/Lo..1
potassium bromide at the ratio of 1:100 and pelleted. The Water vapor permeability (WVP): Water vapor per-
IR spectra of pellets were then recorded using the NICO- meability was determined gravimetrically according to
LET 380 FTIR operating in the range of 4000–400 cm−1 standard method E 95–96 (ASTM, 1994) by water vapor
with a resolution of 4 cm−1. permeability tester (L-80-5000, Switzerland). The films
XRD: XRD was performed on various ZF and pure were inserted between the two chambers. The lower
zein protein. Measurements were carried out with Rikagu chamber was filled with distilled deionized water and the
Miniflex-II operating at 20 kV and a current of 10 mA upper chamber was containing the sensor for controlling
using Cu-Kα radiations with scanning range 2θ of 5 –70 the temperature and RH (25 C and 15% RH). Silica gel

at 0.2 /min. A glass substrate was used to record the data. was used as a desiccant for the adsorption of water
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA): The thermal stabil- vapors. The moisture adsorbed by the silica gel was
ity of the film samples was performed using TGA (TGA detected periodically until a stationary state was reached.
4000, Perkin Elmer, USA). The samples were weighed For each measurement, three replications were made.
approximately 5 mg and heated from 0–600  C at a heating The final measurement was done after incubation for
rate of 10 C/min in an N2 gas flow of 50 ml/min. 2 days (48 h). The slope of the weight versus time plot
Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC): Thermal was divided by an effective film area to obtain the water
analysis was performed in a DSC (Perkin Elmer DSC vapor transmission rate (WVTR). This was multiplied by
8000, USA). The sample of approximately 3 mg was the film thickness and divided by the pressure difference
weighed inside an aluminium sample holder with a cover to obtain the water vapor permeability (WVP)34 and
that was hermetically sealed. For the experiment, heat water vapor permeability coefficient (WVPC) which indi-

flow was kept at 3 C/min at a temperature range from 0 cates the amount of water vapor that permeates per unit
to 350 C with N2 as a purging gas at a flow rate of 50 ml/ of area and time in packaging material.
min and with a cooling gas line at a flow rate of 2 ml/min, WVTR = slope/film area (g/m2).
which used an empty aluminium sample holder as a ref- WVP = WVTR× thickness/ΔP (
erence. Glass transition temperature (Tg) was determined WVPC = ΔW × X / AΔT × ΔP ( (2).
as a point of intersection of the tangent drawn at the ΔW = weight gain by desiccant (g).
point of greatest slope on the transition curve with the X = Film thickness (mm).
extrapolated baseline before the transition. A = Area of exposed film (m2).
UV-visible spectroscopy (UV–Vis): To check the ΔT = incubation period (h).
shielding effect of the film against UV radiations, the ΔP = difference in partial pressure (k Pa).
transmittance of PE (conventional packaging), ZF, and Oxygen transmission rate (OTR): OTR was mea-
ZEO was observed in the wavelength range 200 nm- sured according to the ASTM F1927-14, (2014) stan-
800 nm using UV–Vis Spectrophotometer (Cary 300 UV– dard using an oxygen permeation instrument
Vis-Agilent). Each film was assessed in five replicates. (OXTRAN model 2/20 Mocon, Minneapolis, MN,
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM): The surface USA). OTR of the film was determined under control

morphology of the film samples was studied with SEM conditions (23 C and R.H = 0%). The film was placed
(ZESIS EVO MA15). The samples were gold coated and between two sides of the test chamber, one side
then observed at an accelerating voltage of 5.0 kV at was exposed to carrier gas containing 98% N2 and 2%
10,000 magnifications. H2 while the other side was exposed to the test gas
Mechanical properties of the film (Breaking (pure O2), and the sensor present monitored the exit
Strength): Mechanical testing was done as per ASTM port of the carrier gas measuring the amount of trans-
D618-61(1990) standards using Instron Micro Tensile mission of oxygen. OTR was calculated according to
Tester Model 5848, Singapore, with film dimension the following equation.35
(2.5 cm × 5 cm), load cell of 10 N, speed of elongation OTR = V (O2)/ t.a (3)
(5 mm/min) film thickness 0.296 ± 0.015 mm. The tem- V (O2) = measured volume of oxygen.
perature of the laboratory was constantly maintained at t = time required for reaching the stationary state (h).

a = exposed area of the film (m2). 1660 cm−1 belongs to the stretching of the carbonyl C=O
In-vitro antimicrobial activity of films: (a) Disk diffu- of the amide group of the peptide. Amide II band at
sion method: Antimicrobial activity of films (5 cm in 1536 cm−1 corresponds to the angular deformation vibra-
diameter) was conducted by using agar disc diffusion tion of the N-H bond and C-H stretching vibration. Also,
method 36 against Gram-negative Escherichia coli ATCC COŌ symmetrical stretching is observed at 1450 cm−1.
25922 and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus ATCC Moreover, the amide III band at 1246 cm−1 belongs to
29213 as test microorganisms. The overnight cultures of the axial deformation vibration of the C-N bond and
bacteria were prepared in nutrient broth at 37  C. For C=O bending vibration. The observed FTIR peaks of ZP
antimicrobial tests, agar plates were made, three for each are in good agreement with Yingling et al.37 In the case
of the test microorganisms. After this, the bacterial inocu- of ZF, it is noteworthy that the absorption band appe-
lums were spread over the agar plates. Disks from each aring at 1660 cm−1 (amide I) in ZP is shifted to lower
film were prepared under aseptic conditions of approxi- wavenumber at 1644 cm−1 indicating the existence of
mately 0.5 cm in diameter. They were placed over those hydrogen bonding between O-H of glycerol and C=O of
agar plates and were incubated at 37 C for 14–16 h and zein protein. Similarly, a shift (≈ 7 to 10 cm−1) in amide
the areas of the fully formed zones (ffz) were determined II, amide III, and COŌ peaks of ZP is also observed
by measuring the zone diameter with the digital caliper. towards lower wavenumber for ZF. Fewer changes were
(b) Food sample testing: Fresh fruits samples of pear observed in the case of ZEO in the range of 2000–400
were sliced (2.5 cm in length approximately), kept on compared to ZF. Peak at 1039 cm−1 for ZF corresponds to
glass petri-plate having 5 cm diameter, and were covered -C-O-H bond. It is pertinent to note the shortening of a
with the fabricated film (ZEO) and transparent PE poly- peak at 1038 cm−1 for ZEO might be indicating distortion
film having 150 μm thickness (PE) to carry out the relative of -C-O-H bond. Interestingly, intermolecular hydrogen
study regarding the pace of spoilage of food. Also, one bonding between cinnamaldehyde (-CHO) content of
petri-plate having the fruit sample was remained uncov- EOs with –NH2 of protein in ZEO is evident by -NH
ered. All the test samples were kept at standard tempera- stretching at 3437 cm−1.38 In general, the observed peak
ture (25 C). With regular intervals from 1 day up to one- shifts towards lower wavenumbers confirm the existence
week, samples were examined. After every regular interval, of inter- and intramolecular physical forces including
food samples from each petri-plate were taken and diluted ionic, hydrogen bonding, and hydrophobic between zein
in the nutrient broth. This followed the spreading of that and glycerol molecules in ZF as well as zein and glycerol/
nutrient broth over the agar plates to see the growth of EOs in ZEO. A similar type of interaction is recently
micro-organisms over food sample which cannot be seen reported between pectin and PEG. 39
with naked eyes. All experiments were done at ambient XRD: X-ray diffraction patterns of various ZF along
conditions at a standard temperature at 25 C. with ZP are reported in Figure 3. XRD pattern of ZP indi-
Statistical analysis: Data are expressed as mean ± SD. cated two broad peaks centered at 9.2 and 20.3 . The
Student's t test was used for the analysis of the test results reported 9.2 and 20.3 peaks of ZP confirm the inter-
(least significant difference) at the significance level of molecular intervals of 4.6 and 8.96 due to the average
p-value <0.05. distance of skeleton in the α-helical structure of protein
and distance of α-interhelix peaks in zein respec-
tively.40,41 Similarly, in the case of ZF also, these peaks
3 | R ES U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N

At the macroscopic level, homogenous solvent-cast films

were obtained having a thickness of 0.296 ± 0.015 mm
and a diameter of 5 cm having see-through ability show-
ing the transparency of the film (Figure 1).

3.1 | Structural characterization

FTIR: FTIR spectra of films ZF and ZEO along with

native zein protein (ZP) are shown in Figure 2. For native
ZP, amide A band appearing between 2860 cm−1 and F I G U R E 1 Images of fabricated zein based films (a) ZF and
3500 cm−1 belongs to the stretching of N-H and O-H (b) ZEO. ZF, zein films; ZEO, zein film with EO [Color figure can
bond of the amino acids. The amide I band appearing at be viewed at]

F I G U R E 3 XRD pattern of ZP, ZF, and ZEO with scanning

range 2θ of 5ο to 70ο at 0.2 /min. XRD, X-ray diffraction; ZF, zein
films; ZEO, zein film with EO [Color figure can be viewed at]

(ZP, ZF, and ZEO) was observed from 220 C to 370 C

having 65.7% weight loss. The onset of major weight loss
F I G U R E 2 FTIR spectra of ZP, ZF, and ZEO. ZF, zein films; for ZF starts from 187.3 C leading to 7.5% weight loss.
ZEO, zein film with EO [Color figure can be viewed at For ZEO, this temperature increased to 231.8 C having] weight loss near about 9%. The reported final weight loss
was 83%–85% at 574 C leading to the existence of 15%–
appeared with noticeable intensity reduction in addition 17% of residue and is in good agreement with various
to lower 2θ shift for α-helix as well as higher 2θ shift for researchers.40,42,44 It should be noted that, as revealed by
α-interhelix peaks in comparison with the XRD pattern the derivative curve Figure 4(b), there was a slight shift
of ZP. On the other hand, XRD spectrum ZEO film shows of degradation peak towards higher temperatures for the
an increase in the intensity of both the peaks with lower ZEO film. Specifically, this peak was centered at 318  C
2θ shift compared to ZF, but the intensity of both the for ZF and ZEO it was at 326 C. These findings reveal
peaks are still less in comparison with ZP. These observa- that degradation temperature of ZEO film is slightly
tions confirm that in general both helical structure, as higher compared to ZF indicating the existence of addi-
well as molecular accumulation of the protein matrix was tional crosslinking interaction of EO contents with zein
weakened in both the films ZF and ZEO. This is due to molecules as evident by FTIR and XRD (Figure 2 and 3).
the existence of inter- and intramolecular physical forces DSC: Thermograms of the films (ZF and ZEO) pro-
between glycerol-native protein and glycerol/EO duced by the casting method are portrayed in Figure 5.

molecules-native protein in ZF and ZEO films respec- The melting point (Tm) of ZF was obtained as 228.6 C,
tively. Herein, XRD results very well corroborate with the Figure 5(a) which is lower than the ZEO (254.4 C),
FTIR findings (Figure 2). Figure 5(b). Due to the amorphous nature of the zein pro-
TGA: TGA was carried out to analyze the weight loss tein, instead of a sharp melting peak, the broad range
of ZP and various films as a function of temperature. The was obtained showing the melting range of the tested
Thermal stability of ZP in its native form (powder), ZF, films. It is important to note that the increase in Tm of
and ZEO film was determined. The TGA curves are ZEO is ascribed to more ordered zein molecules due to
shown in Figure 4(a). The observed thermal stability of the cross-linking interaction with the added EOs. This is
ZP was higher than ZF and ZEO due to its intact α-helix supported by the XRD pattern of ZEO film, which shows
structure as evident by XRD (Figure 3). The initial weight an increase in the intensity of peaks correspond to α-helix
loss of 3%–5% occurring in the range of 25 C to 120 C as well as α-interhelix compared to ZF (Figure 3). The
was due to the evaporation of water.42 Between 120 C to glass transition temperature of films is important as this
200 C, weight loss observed is accounted for the vapori- aspect limits the use of the material under required /
zation of glycerol. This is due to the glycerol decomposi- extreme temperature conditions and also provides
tion temperature, which is analyzed in isolation reported information regarding structural organizations like cross-
around 210 C. 43 The major thermal degradation and linking, crystalline nature, etc. Glass transition tempera-
major weight loss of biopolymer of various samples ture (Tg) was determined by estimating the midpoint in

Thermogravimetric analysis of
ZP, ZF, and ZEO at a heating
rate of 10 C/min in N2 gas flow
of 50 ml/min (a) TGA (b) dTGA
thermograms. TGA,
thermogravimetric analysis; ZF,
zein films; ZEO, zein film with
EO; ZP, zein protein [Color
figure can be viewed at]

thermograms of ZF and ZEO
films at heat flow 3 C/min and
with N2 as a purging gas at a
flow rate of 50 ml/min (a),
(b) Tm, (c), and (d) Tg. DSC,
differential scanning
calorimeter; ZF, zein films;
ZEO, zein film with EO [Color
figure can be viewed at]

the proximity of the change in specific heat (ΔCp). Lines UV Visible Spectroscopy: UV–Visible spectroscopy
tangential to Cpsolid to Cpliquid and transient in between was conducted to check the ability of the fabricated film
were drawn and the intersection between Cpsolid, Cpliquid, to shield UV radiation and comparing it with conven-
and transient was defined and designated as Tg.45 The tional packaging (PE poly-film). It was evident from the
glass transition temperature of ZEO came out to be graph in Figure 6 that PE did not absorb the wavelength
47.7 C, Figure 5(d) which is much lower to the ZF in the UV region leading to transmission of UV radia-
(77.6 C), Figure 5(c), similar to which is reported by tions from 40% to 80% in the range of 200–400 nm. The
other researchers. 40,42 It is thought that depression in Tg UV transmittance of ZEO and ZF is almost zero increas-
could be attributed to the additional crosslinking pro- ing up to 1.56% at 432 nm for ZF and 0.69% at 446 nm for
vided by acetyl eugenol present in clove oil as well as cin- ZEO film which proves it to be UV protecting. This is
namaldehyde content of cinnamon oil with zein attributed to the protein nature of the film. 47 Also, ZEO
molecule. The decrease in Tg is due to the plasticization has a little more shielding effect against UV radiations
of zein protein fibers by the EOs in ZEO film. ZEO con- because of the presence of aromatic compounds present
tains both glycerol and EOs leading to larger amount of in the EOs that have been incorporated into it. 48 If we
plasticizer and lowering of Tg.46 compare our data with other biobased films as quoted by

Vilela C. et al. chitosan/ellagic acid films, ZEO films 3.2 | Morphological determination
show remarkable UV protection behavior as compare to by SEM
chitosan/ellagic films that showed approximately 20%–
30% of UV transmittance. 49 The addition of EOs consid- The microstructure of ZF and ZEO films was observed
erably decreased the UV transmittance which is in agree- using SEM depicted in Figure 7. From the images, it was
ment with Martin et al. Where it was quoted that observed that ZF Figure 7(a) at magnification 10,000×
protection against UV is increased by increasing the and Figure 7(b) at 1000× magnification has a rough
active components.48,50 Thus suggesting ZEO films to be bumpy surface as a result of pure zein and glycerol asso-
good UV absorbers and can help in preventing photo- ciation which is in agreement with Khalil et al.51 and as
oxidation of the photo-sensitive food or pharmaceuticals. per Ming Zeng. 52 With the addition of EO, it leads to the
formation of a smoother ZEO surface as in Figure 7(c) at
10,000× and Figure 7(d) at 1000× having homogenous
nature 42 due to the interaction between EO and protein
fibers. It seemed that acetyl eugenol and cinnamaldehyde
contents of EOs have good affinity with zein protein
driven by physical interactions and increasing the film
networking making it homogenous and smooth.46
Tensile testing: In Table 1, it is depicted that ZF
has shown poor mechanical properties having a tensile
strength of 0.94 ± 0.047 MPa and elongation at break (E%)
at 3.72 ± 0.015%. After the addition of EOs, a higher value
of tensile strength 1.21 ± 0.054 MPa, E% 4.93 ± 0.24% was
obtained due to the additional crosslinking provided by EO
contents as explained by FTIR and XRD findings
(Figures 2 and 3) and agrees with earlier reported work. 41
In detail, cinnamaldehyde and acetyl eugenol (present in
EOs) interact with zein network along with glycerol
F I G U R E 6 UV transmittance of PE, ZF, and ZEO. ZF, Zein through physical forces. This leads to stabilization and
films; ZEO, Zein film with EO [Color figure can be viewed at alignment of protein fibers in a compact form which could] be the reason for the enhancement of the mechanical

micrographs of films at an
accelerating voltage of 5.0 kV
(a) 10,000×, (b)1000× - ZF, (c)
10,000× and (d) 1000× - ZEO.
SEM, scanning electron
microscopy; ZF, Zein films; .
ZEO, Zein film with EO

properties of the ZEO film. The breaking force of the ZEO glycerol entrapped in the polymer matrix before drying
of width approximately 25 mm also came out to be 46.0 and is in agreement with the data quoted by Tilminlioglu
± 2.07 N slightly greater that ZF (38.4 ± 1.53 N). The data et al. 55 having GLY/50 (Plasticizer type/Concentration)
showed no significant difference.
Water vapor permeability of fabricated films: It is well
known that water vapor barrier property of packaging
material is an important factor in determining the shelf
life of food products. Water vapor permeability values
(g mm/kPa.h.m2) of ZEO and ZF were calculated. From
the calculation, as indicated in Table 2, water vapor per-
meability for ZF is higher (5.47 ± 0.27
as compare to ZEO (4.31 ± 0.21 show-
ing no such significant difference in data and found in
agreement with Vahedikia et al.41 Hydrophobic zein pro-
teins bonds with EO contents via hydrogen bonding and
thus impeding the bond formation with water molecules
and reducing the absorption of water.53 Due to the pres-
ence of EOs, permeability is influenced by the hydropho-
bic nature of the EO.41
OTR: Shelf life of food products is enhanced when F I G U R E 8 Disk diffusion test for antimicrobial activity at
the oxygen barrier property of the film is high. TheOTR 37 C against- lane (1) (left to right) Escherichia coli (a) blank,
of both films was measured at 23 C and 0% RH and (b) ZF and (c) ZEO. Lane (2) (left to right) Staphylococcus aureus
results are shown in Table 2. Zein film has a lower value (a) blank, (b) ZF and (c) ZEO. ZF, zein films; . ZEO, zein film
of OTR and shows greater gas barrier property than lower with EO [Color figure can be viewed at]
density PE (LDPE), high-density PE (HDPE), Polystyrene
(PS), Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC).46,54 In our study, the
OTR value of ZEO came out to be (0.0705 ± 0.0035 cm3/
m2/day) which is better than the OTR value of ZF
(0.0965 ± 0.0048 cm3/m2/day). The observed trend could
be due to homogenizing effect of EOs46 along with

T A B L E 1 Mechanical properties of zein based films as per

ASTM D618-61(1990) standards

Film Tensile strength (MPa) Elongation at break (%)

ZF 0.94 ± 0.04 3.72 ± 0.01
ZEO 1.21 ± 0.05 4.93 ± 0.24

Note: Values are mean ± standard deviation and they were not sta-
tistically different (p < 0.05).
Abbreviations: ZEO, Zein film with EO; ZF, zein film.

T A B L E 2 Barrier properties of zein based films -water vapor

permeability (ASTM E 95–96, 1994) and oxygen transmission rate
(ASTM F1927-14, 2014)

Film WVP ( OTR (cm3/m2/day)

ZF 5.47 ± 0.27 0.0965 ± 0.0048
ZEO 4.31 ± 0.21 0.0705 ± 0.0035

Note: Values are mean ± standard deviation and they were not sta- FIGURE 9 Antimicrobial testing over food sample at 25 C
tistically different (p < 0.05). without cover (w/o) and covered with PE and ZEO (left to right)
Abbreviations: ZF, zein film, ZEO, zein film with EO; OTR, oxygen respectively on days 1, 3, 5, and 7. ZEO, Zein film with EO [Color
transmission rate; WVP, water vapor permeability. figure can be viewed at]

and 95/5 (Ethanol % (v/v)/Corn-zein(w/v) concentration. material to provide antimicrobial characteristics to the
The data showed no significant difference. packaging films.

3.3 | In-vitro studies 4 | CONCLUSION

The antimicrobial activity of the films was performed This manuscript successfully presents a simple fabrication
using the disk diffusion method. It can be observed from of zein film incorporated with EOs with zero UV transmit-
Figure 8 (1) (c) and (2) (c) that ZEO showed pronounced tance and antimicrobial property by forming a strong zone
antibacterial activity against both E. coli and S. aureus by of inhibition. Due to added EOs in addition to glycerol,
showing a significant zone of inhibition approximately there increases the thermal and mechanical stability of
20 ± 1 mm in diameter. The antimicrobial activity of this ZEO as compare to ZF. Water vapor permeability and oxy-
active packaging is credited to the presence of EO.51 ZF gen transmission rate on these active films showed sub-
as shown in Figure 8 (1) (b) and (2) (b), did not show any stantially significant barrier properties and increases the
antimicrobial activity. After observing these results, ZEO shelf life of the packaged food. Lower mechanical resis-
film was tested as packaging material over a food sample, tance of these edible films as compare to conventional
and results were compared with conventional packaging poly-film directs their usage as coating materials over food,
material PE poly-film. From Figure 9, we can see that the drugs, etc. and for unit packaging and laminates. These
fruit samples were kept covered by ZEO film, PE, and findings promise not only cost-effective and healthy food
one without any covering. The film testing over the food packages but also can decrease the usage of toxic plastics.
sample showed prominent results for the ZEO films
exhibiting delayed deterioration of the food sample pack- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
aged into it. This was made evident by culturing the food The authors would like to thank Technical Education
samples over the agar plates to see any growth of micro- Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) Phase-III,
organisms. From Figure 10 it can be observed that on 3rd Delhi Technological University, New Delhi for financial
day, there was no microbial growth in ZEO film samples support, and also acknowledge Vikas Kumar Chanchal
and after 7th day of examination of food samples, one for experimental help.
bacterial colony was observed in ZEO film packaging
unlike PE poly-film and uncovered food sample where CONFLICT OF INTEREST
the bacterial growth can be seen from 3rd day itself. All The authors declare no potential conflict of interest.
these results indicate ZEO as a potential packaging mate-
rial and EOs as natural ingredients in active packaging ORCID
Deenan Santhiya

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