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Effects of Self-Ligating and Conventional Brackets On Halitosis and Periodontal Conditions

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Original Article

Effects of self-ligating and conventional brackets on halitosis and

periodontal conditions
Emine Kaygisiz
; Fatma Deniz Uzuner
; Sema Yuksel
; Levent Taner
; Rana C ulhaog lu
Yasemin Sezgin
; Can Ates
Objective: To evaluate the effects of fixed orthodontic treatment with steel-ligated conventional
brackets and self-ligating brackets on halitosis and periodontal health.
Materials and Methods: Sixty patients, at the permanent dentition stage aged 12 to 18 years, who
had Angle Class I malocclusion with mild-to-moderate crowding were randomly selected. Inclusion
criteria were nonsmokers, without systematic disease, and no use of antibiotics and oral mouth
rinses during the 2-month period before the study. The patients were subdivided into three groups
randomly: the group treated with conventional brackets (group 1, n 5 20) ligated with steel ligature
wires, the group treated with self-ligating brackets (group 2, n 5 20), and the control group (group
3, n 5 20). The periodontal records were obtained 1 week before bonding (T1), immediately before
bonding (T2), 1 week after bonding (T3), 4 weeks after bonding (T4), and 8 weeks after bonding
(T5). Measurements of the control group were repeated within the same periods. The volatile sulfur
components determining halitosis were measured with the Halimeter at T2, T3, T4, and T5. A two-
way repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the groups
Results: No statistically significant group 3 time interactions were found for plaque index, gingival
index, pocket depth, bleeding on probing, and halitosis, which means three independent groups
change like each other by time. The risk of tongue coating index (TCI) being 2 was 10.2 times
higher at T1 than at T5 (P , .001). Therefore, the probability of higher TCI was decreased by time
in all groups.
Conclusions: The self-ligating brackets do not have an advantage over conventional brackets
with respect to periodontal status and halitosis. (Angle Orthod. 0000;00:000000.)
KEY WORDS: Conventional brackets; Halitosis; Periodontal condition; Self-ligating brackets
Halitosis, which means foul breath, might be related
to physiologic and/or pathologic reasons
such as ear-
nose-throat diseases (chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis),
gastrointestinal system diseases, diabetes mellitus,
and acute rheumatic fever. Also, more frequently,
halitosis can be related to intraoral factors, including
especially gram-negative anaerobic microorganisms
on the dental plaque, in the periodontal pockets, in
saliva, and on the dorsum of the tongue.
The volatile sulfur components (VSCs) consisting of
hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and especially
methyl mercaptan releasing through the proteolytic
degradation of saliva, exfoliated epithelium, food
debris, gingival crevicular fluid, plaque, postnasal drip,
sulfur-containing amino acids, and peptides in the
blood by the anaerobic microorganisms found in the
oral cavity are effective on the formation of halitosis.
The levels of VSCs in the mouth are also influenced by
Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Specialist, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Professor, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Den-
tistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Research Assistant, Department of Periodontology, Faculty
of Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry,
Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey.
Biostatistician, Department of Biostatistics, Faculty of Med-
icine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
Corresponding author: Dr Emine Kaygisiz, Lecturer, Depart-
ment of Orthodontics, Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry,
Biskek Cd. (8.Cd.) 82.Sk. No:4 06510 Emek, Ankara, Turkey
Accepted: June 2014. Submitted: April 2014.
Published Online: August 7, 2014
0000 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation,
DOI: 10.2319/041714-289.1 1 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 0, 0000
to the number and depth of periodontal pockets, the
bleeding tendency of periodontal pockets, and the
amount of coating on the tongue.
The effects of orthodontic treatment on periodontal
status have been evaluated in several studies.
brackets and ligatures have a negative effect on
natural cleaning by creating retention areas for
plaques, making the mechanical cleaning of the teeth
and gingiva by the tongue and lips more difficult, and
increasing the viscosity of the saliva.
inflammation, hyperemia, hyperplasia, and demineral-
ization of the teeth have been found as a result of
failure of ensuring adequate oral hygiene.
It has
been stated that accumulation of plaque and the
increase in bacterial count
and tongue coating
clearly are also involved in the formation of halitosis.
Determining the bracket system that causes a
minimal destructive biologic effect has gained impor-
tance today. Self-ligating brackets (SLBs) were expect-
ed to have better values for periodontal status because
of the lack of ligature materials and having fewer
retentive sites than other bracket ligation types.
the other hand, other researchers
mentioned that this
theoretical advantage may be eliminated in reality
because SLBs consist of opening and closing mecha-
nisms that may provide additional plaque retention
sites. There is only one study comparing SLBs with
conventional brackets (CBs) ligated with elastic liga-
tures on halitosis.
However, we were unable to obtain
any study comparing periodontal status and halitosis in
the orthodontic treatments performed with conventional
bracket systems with wire ligation and self-ligating
brackets. Therefore, this prospective study was per-
formed to investigate the effect of fixed orthodontic
treatment with SLBs and steel-ligated CBs on CBs
control group on halitosis, periodontal status in com-
parison with a control group; secondly, the investigation
focused on the effect of oral hygiene, primarily tongue
cleaning. The null hypothesis was that bracket type has
no effect on these parameters.
Approval for this study was obtained from the Ethical
Committee of the Dentistry Faculty of Ankara University
(14.05.2012-35/1). All patients/parents were informed
and their consent was given prior to entering the study.
Sixty subjects (28 female, 32 male) between the ages
of 12 and 18 years were randomly selected from the
patients who had applied to the Orthodontics Clinic of the
University for treatment. Patients were randomly select-
ed using these inclusion criteria: Angle Class I maloc-
clusion with mild-to-moderate crowding at the permanent
dentition stage, nonsmoker, no systemic or nasopha-
ryngeal disease, and no use of antibiotics and oral mouth
rinses at least 2 months prior to the treatment. Patients
who had mouth-breathing and a history of orthodontic
treatment were excluded from the study.
The patients were subdivided into three groups
randomly as follows: group 1, self-ligating brackets
group (SLBs; F1000, 0.022-inch, Leone SpA, Sesto
Fiorentino, Florence, Italy; n 5 20); group 2, conven-
tional brackets group ligated with steel ligatures (CBs;
Avex MX, 0.022-inch, Opal Orthodontics, South
Jordan, Utah; n 5 20); and group 3, control group (n
5 20). Mean (SD) ages for all groups were 14.7 (1.39),
14 (1.01), and 14.4 (1.46) years, respectively. The
fixed orthodontic treatment of the patients in the
control group was started at the end of the study.
Oral hygiene instructions were given to all patients
1 week before bonding. The method of brushing the
teeth and tongue was shown with practices. Further-
more, the rules for routine hygiene and diet were
delivered in writing. Patients used standardized fluori-
dated toothpaste and toothbrush and were asked not to
use other oral hygiene supplements during the study.
Patients were asked to refrain from eating foods
containing garlic, onion, and spice 2 days before the
measurements of halitosis and periodontal parameters.
All of the measurements were carried out between 9:00
AM and 11:00 AM before breakfast. The patients were
instructed to brush their teeth after diner and refrain
from eating, drinking, brushing teeth, and chewing gum
until the measurement time in the morning.
A classical bonding method was used for the
treatment groups. All teeth were etched with 37%
phosphoric acid for 20 seconds, washed with a water
spray for 10 seconds, and dried; then the brackets
were bonded on the upper and lower teeth with
Transbond XT adhesive (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif).
Nickel-titanium archwires, 0.012-inch, were applied.
CBs were ligated with 0.010-inch stainless steel wires.
The blinded periodontist gave oral hygiene instruc-
tions to each patient 1 week before the study.
Periodontal measurements were obtained by a single
calibrated periodontist 1 week before bonding (T1),
immediately before the placement of upper and lower
brackets (T2), 1 week after bonding (T3), 4 weeks after
bonding (T4), and 8 weeks after bonding (T5).
Measurements of periodontal parameters and halitosis
were performed before any manipulation, such as
changing the archwires, so as not to disrupt the oral
microbiota. Measurements of the control group were
repeated within the same periods.
Periodontal records including the plaque index (PI),
gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), and
pocket depth (PD) were obtained by means of a
Williams probe with 0.5-mm diameter and 1-mm
calibration at four sites (mesial, midbuccal, distal,
and palatal/lingual) for all teeth. PD was recorded as


Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 0, 0000
the distance from the gingival margin to the most
apical part of the sulcus. Periodontal indices were
calculated as a sum of mean scores by each examined
teeth divided by the number of evaluated teeth. A
mean of all measurements for each patient was
considered. Tongue coating index (TCI) was scored
for area and thickness, and the total score was
calculated as the product of both scores.
The amount of VSCs that determines halitosis was
measured with the Halimeter device (model RH17R,
Interscan Corp, Chatsworth, Calif) at T2, T3, T4, and
T5. The patients were asked to breathe through their
noses for 3 minutes before the sampling. Then, the
patients were instructed to place the disposable straw
at the posterior dorsum of the tongue and not to touch
the oral mucosa or the tongue. Measurement was
repeated three times with 3-minute intervals. The
mean value was calculated in ppb for each patient.
Statistical Analysis
The data were statistically analyzed by using SPSS
15.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill). The differences among
the three groups, five time points, and the interaction of
these two main effects were tested with two-way
repeated measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA).
The ordinal logistic regression analysis by GEE
(generalize estimating equations) was used to evaluate
the difference among the groups in TCI value.
Demographic characteristics of the sample were
investigated with odds (exp (B)) ratios, mean 6
standard deviation, 95% confidence intervals, and P
values. P ,.05 was considered statistically significant.
Power analysis showed that for a power of 0.90 at
a 5 .05, 20 patients would be required for each group.
The mean age did not differ among the groups (P 5
.239). Comparisons of overall mean values for study
parameters before and after treatment/observation of
the groups are provided in Tables 1 through 3 and
Figure 1.
No statistically significant group 3 time interactions
were found for PI, GI, PD, BOP, and halitosis; that
means three independent groups change like each
other by time.
The risk of TCI being 2 was 10.2 times higher in
1 week before bonding (T1) than 2 months after
bonding (T5) (P , .001; Table 3). Therefore, the
probability of higher TCI was decreased by time in all
Table 1. Comparisons of Periodontal Measurements 1 Week Before Bonding (T1), Immediately Before the Placement of Brackets (T2), and 1
Week (T3), 4 Weeks (T4), and 8 Weeks (T5) After Bonding
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
P Group 3
Time Group
Mean 6 SD Mean 6 SD Mean 6 SD Mean 6 SD Mean 6 SD P Time P Group
PI SLBs 0.43 6 0.37 0.33 6 0.43 0.38 6 0.37 0.69 6 0.41 0.81 6 0.43 .004** .406 .837
CBs 0.45 6 0.39 0.38 6 0.46 0.34 6 0.27 0.65 6 0.45 0.78 6 0.52
Control 0.36 6 0.30 0.35 6 0.42 0.43 6 0.44 0.41 6 0.52 0.63 6 0.71
GI SLBs 0.20 6 0.18 0.26 6 0.38 0.24 6 0.24 0.25 6 0.17 0.58 6 0.52 .080 .877 .346
CBs 0.34 6 0.41 0.40 6 0.49 0.19 6 0.14 0.37 6 0.37 0.38 6 0.35
Control 0.29 6 0.28 0.24 6 0.28 0.35 6 0.37 0.33 6 0.42 0.47 6 0.51
PD SLBs 1.60 6 0.48 1.48 6 0.42 1.49 6 0.40 1.59 6 0.42 1.46 6 0.23 .044* .213 .067
CBs 1.41 6 0.28 1.29 6 0.33 1.37 6 0.20 1.33 6 0.15 1.42 6 0.30
Control 0.15 6 0.70 1.50 6 0.55 1.40 6 0.52 1.48 6 0.54 1.63 6 0.54
BOP SLBs 3.95 6 2.61 2.50 6 1.51 3.47 6 1.91 2.95 6 1.48 2.34 6 0.56 ,.001*** .024* .286
CBs 3.26 6 2.29 1.78 6 0.83 2.69 6 1.35 2.12 6 1.18 2.11 6 0.94
Control 3.03 6 1.21 2.21 6 0.87 2.18 6 1.15 1.71 6 1.18 1.97 6 0.73
PI indicates plaque index; GI, gingival index; PD, pocket depth; and BOP, bleeding on probing.
SLBs indicates self-ligating brackets; CBs: conventional brackets.
* P , .05; ** P , .01; *** P , .001.
Table 2. Comparison of Halitosis Immediately Before the Placement of Brackets (T2), 1 Week (T3), After Bonding, 4 Weeks (T4), After
Bonding, and 8 Weeks (T5) After Bonding
T2 T3 T4 T5
P Time P Group
P Group 3
Time Group
Mean 6 SD Mean 6 SD Mean 6 SD Mean 6 SD
Halitosis SLBs 76.85 6 64.82 62.15 6 56.51 48.80 6 38.94 49.20 6 21.38 .425 .211 .344
CBs 53.20 6 41.19 64.90 6 40.90 49.15 6 36.19 43.10 6 31.05
Control 34.87 6 34.28 43.93 6 39.75 42.93 6 38.00 47.40 6 25.17
SLBs indicates self-ligating brackets; CBs: conventional brackets.
Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 0, 0000
The effects of fixed orthodontic treatments on
periodontal status have been mostly evaluated in the
; however, there are limited numbers of
studies considering the effects of bracket types on
halitosis and periodontal status.
And, of these, none
of them compared steel-ligated with self-ligating brack-
ets. Therefore, the goal of our study was to determine
the bracket system that will cause minimal destructive
Although studies with longer periods of follow-up are
required to evaluate the effects of bracket systems on
halitosis and periodontal indices more accurately, this
study was terminated in the eighth week as the longer
periods of observation may affect the results because
cooperation, motivation for oral hygiene, and dietary
habits can change.
Previous studies indicated that increase in tongue
coating and periodontal diseases were two major
halitosis-inducing factors by creating areas allowing
the overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria.
For this
reason, in this study patients were instructed to brush
both teeth and tongue.
There were no significant differences in pretreat-
ment values (T2; 1 week after oral hygiene instruc-
tions) of the PI, GI, PD, BOP, and halitosis parameters
between the groups. Before bonding, all periodontal
indices showed minimum values in all groups. This
might be due to the positive effects of oral hygiene
instructions given 1 week before the beginning of the
study, as also mentioned in other studies.
On the
other hand, the hygiene supplement may not be
enough in patients with severe crowding; in this study,
patients with mild-to-moderate crowding were selected
so as to eliminate the effect of crowding.
The amount of VSCs (ppb) in the breath for the
diagnosis of halitosis was measured by the Halimeter.
The Halimeter is preferred because it provides an
objective measurement, is portable, does not require
experienced personnel, has low probability of cross-
infection, and has 1- to 2-minute intervals between
Organoleptic measurements were
not preferred due to being subjective and having cross-
infection risks.
The gas chromatography device was
also not preferred because it is expensive and complex
and requires an experienced physician.
However, it
has been reported that measuring only the VSCs
would not be sufficient in determining halitosis and that
the organoleptic method related to other gases would
give more definitive data.
However, recent studies
have shown that data obtained with the Halimeter are
consistent with data found with organoleptic measure-
The placement of SLBs and CBs both caused
increased plaque accumulation. PI scores increased
significantly both in 4 weeks and in 8 weeks after
bonding in all groups. However, no significant differ-
ences were found between the groups for overall time.
In accordance with this, Pandis et al.
defined no
difference in PI between SLBs and CBs with elasto-
meric ligation. Our result is in contrast with the findings
of some researchers
who defined that elasto-
meric ligated CBs cause more plaque accumulation
and periodontal inflammation than SLBs.
There were decreases in PD values in treatment
groups, while an increase was seen in the control
group between T1 and T3. But, no significant
differences were found in PD between the groups for
overall time points. BOP scores were higher in the
SLBs group than other groups for overall time.
Table 3. Comparison of Tongue Coating Index 1 Week Before Bonding (T1), Immediately Before the Placement of Brackets (T2), and 1 Week
(T3), 4 Weeks (T4), and 8 Weeks (T5) After Bonding
T1 Median
(min, max)
T2 Median
(min, max)
T3 Median
(min, max)
T4 Median
(min, max)
T5 Median
(min, max) Odds (exp (B)) 95% CI P
SLBs 1 (0, 2) 0.5 (0, 1) 1 (0, 2) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1) 1
CBs 1 (0, 2) 1 (0, 2) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1) 0.627 0.3901.440 .387
Control 1 (0, 2) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1) 0 (0, 1) 0.750 0.3361.170 .143
SLBs indicates self-ligating brackets; CBs: conventional brackets.
Figure 1. The changes of halitosis in the self-ligating brackets,
conventional brackets, and control groups.


Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 0, 0000
The results of this study showed no significant
differences in PI, GI, PD, and BOP values changes
during the treatment/observation time among the
groups. This may be attributed to the effect of an oral
hygiene supplement given before the treatment/obser-
vation and motivation of the patients. It can also be
attributed to the Hawthorne effect
(patients aware-
ness of being examined and evaluated).
It seems that the SLBs do not have any benefit over
steel-ligated CBs. Even though the SLBs eliminate the
use of ligatures, they consist of opening and closing
mechanisms, which may provide additional plaque
retention sites.
Although nonsignificant decreases were found
4 weeks and 8 weeks after bonding in the SLBs and
steel-ligated CBs groups and increase in the control
group, no significant differences were found between
the groups for overall time in halitosis. According to
the manufacturers manual, 160 ppb is the cognitive
threshold value used to discriminate patients with or
without noticeable halitosis, so the patients in this
study were all in the weak stage (0100 ppb)
throughout the study.
These results of this study are in conflict with the
findings of Babacan et al.
who reported increases in
halitosis, PI, and GI values 1 week after bonding with
elastomeric ligated CBs, and who reported that the PI
and GI values remained stable 4 weeks later, while the
nonsignificant increase in halitosis continued. In
contrast with this, Nalcac et al.
found that periodon-
tal parameters and halitosis values were higher in the
CBs group than in the SLBs group. These different
results may be related to the tongue cleaning, as the
effect of tongue coating on halitosis was not taken into
consideration in the previous orthodontic studies. The
mechanical cleaning of the tongue was reported to
reduce both the amount of coating and the number of
bacteria, thereby improving oral malodor effective-
Just the contrary, some researchers claimed
that the reduction in microbial load on the tongue after
cleaning is negligible.
In this study, the risk of TCI being 2 was 10.2 times
higher in 1 week before bonding (T1) than 2 months
after bonding (T5). Therefore, the probability of higher
TCI was decreased by time in all groups. This result
showed that tongue cleaning may positively affect the
halitosis scores.
The different results noted between this study and
others may also relate to variations in the design and
sizes of the brackets, methodologic differences, types
of ligation, bonding procedures,
and the level of
oral hygiene of the subjects.
In light of these findings, the null hypothesis could not
be rejected because no differences were found be-
tween F1000 SLBs and Avex MX CBs on periodontal
status and halitosis. Rather than the bracket types oral
hygiene especially, brushing both teeth and tongue
seems to be more effective in minimizing halitosis which
was in consistent with the studies emphasizing the main
role of the oral hygiene.
N The SLBs do not have an advantage over CBs with
respect to periodontal status and halitosis.
N Rather than periodontal status, the tongue coating
might have more effect on halitosis.
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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 00, No 0, 0000

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