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Evaluacion Diagnostica

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INSTRUCCIONES. Siga las instrucciones en cada actividad y complete los ejercicios

con las respuestas correctas.

1 Complete the conversation using the expressions from the box. / 04

See you tomorrow   Hello   Good night   Nice to meet you

Kim:  1) . My name’s Kim.

Tan:  Hi, my name’s Tan. 2) , Kim.

Kim:  Are you a new student?
Tan:  Yes, I am. I moved from California.
Kim:  That’s great!
Tan:  I hope we can be friends. There’s my mom. I have to go.

Kim: 3) , Tan.

Tan: 4) , Kim!
Aprendizaje esperado:  Reconoce el significado de palabras de saludo y despedida.

2 Read the two conversations and write Formal or Informal. / 02

1 2

Ida:  Hi Clara! Jerry:  Good morning Mr. Chadwick.

Clara:  Hello Ida! Tess:  Good morning Mrs. Jones.
Ida:  How are you? Jerry:  How do you do?
Clara:  Great! And you? Tess:  I’m fine thank you. And you?

Aprendizaje esperado: Reconoce el significado de palabras de saludo, despedida y cortesía.

3 Complete the questions. / 05

1 does she do? Sarah is an actress.

2 they the new students? Yes, they are.
3 is he? He is my son, Brian.
4 she your cousin? No, she isn’t. She’s my sister
5 are they? They are my grandparents.

Aprendizaje esperado: Revisa la escritura de preguntas y respuestas para obtener información.

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4 Unscramble the questions. / 05

1 are / old / they / How / ?

2 first / What / your / is / name / ?

3 do / you / last / spell / How / name / your / ?

4 What / your / address / e-mail / is / ?

5 do / you / What / do / ?

Aprendizaje esperado: Participa en la escritura de preguntas sobre datos personales y pasatiempos.

5 Complete the sentences with nationalities. / 05

1 I’m from Portugal. I’m

2 We’re from Greece. We’re
3 She is from Peru. She’s
4 He’s from France. He’s
5 They’re from Japan. They’re

Aprendizaje esperado: Participa en la escritura de preguntas sobre datos personales y pasatiempos.

6 Complete the questions. / 05

Westinghouse Library Club 1 is his first name? It’s Chris.

Member: Maddock, Chris
Age: 37 2 old is he? He’s 37.
Occupation: Doctor 3 is his occupation? He’s a doctor.
Membership number: 567890
Address: 5 20 Canyon Road, 4 does he live? On 520 Canyon Road.
Tucson AZ 85001
Phone number: (556) 8097979 5 is his phone number? It’s (556) 8097979.

Aprendizaje esperado: Participa en la escritura de preguntas para buscar y obtener información.

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7 Complete the conversation with words from the box. / 05

eat   It’s   want   go   big

Gib:  What can you tell me about Mexico City?

Dany:  Well, it’s a very 1) city. It has 170 museums.

Gib:  Wow! I 2) to visit the Fine Arts Palace. 3) amazing!

Dany:  Yes it is! We should 4) to Teotihuacán too!

Gib:  Great idea! I can’t wait to see the ruins and 5) to traditional food!
Dany:  We’ll have a lot of fun.
Aprendizaje esperado: Escribe información sobre la comunidad.

8 Look at the text and answer the questions. / 05

San Ildefonso College is a museum and cultural center in Mexico City. It is where the Mexican
muralism movement was born. In the 1920’s, after the Mexican Revolution, the Secretary of
Education José Vasconcelos commissioned mural paintings about Mexico’s history. Famous
painters who contributed with their mural work include José Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro
Siqueiros, Diego Rivera and Fernando Leal. Today, the museum has permanent and temporary
art and archeological exhibitions.

1 Where is San Ildefonso museum?

2 When did Vasconcelos comission the artwork?
3 What was the topic about?
4 Who contributed with their mural work?
5 What does the museum exhibit today?

Aprendizaje esperado: Interpreta descripciones.

9 Fill in the blanks with is or the possessive –’s. / 05

1 Jerry father a musician. 4 Jessy daughter beautiful.

2 Jackie brother handsome. 5 Mariana Tony cousin.
3 David mother pretty.

Aprendizaje esperado: Comprende descripciones y describe apariencia física propia.

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10 Underline the correct form of the verb to complete the conversation. / 05

Andrea:  Hi, Karen! What are you 1) doing / do right now?

Karen:  Hi, Andrea, I’m 2) watching / watches TV.
Andrea:  And where’s Charlie?
Karen:  He 3) is playing / plays soccer in the park.
Andrea:  Oh I see. Are you alone?
Karen:  No, my mom 4) made / is making dinner while my grandma
5) knits / is knitting on the sofa.
Aprendizaje esperado: Comprende descripciones de actividades.

11 Look at the table and write sentences about each person. / 05

Food Charly Peter Sophie Key

Roast beef love =
Cesar salad like =
Baked potato don’t like =
Ice cream hate =

1 (Charly and Peter/ roast beef)

2 (Peter / Cesar salad)
3 (Sophie / baked potato)
4 (Charly / ice cream)
5 (Sophie / ice cream)

Aprendizaje esperado: Explora textos ilustrados sobre ingredientes gastronómicos.

12 Look at the table in exercise 11. Complete the conversation. / 05

A:  Does Sophie like roast beef?

B:  No, she doesn’t. She 1) Cesar salad and she 2) ice cream.
A:  Does Charly like Cesar salad?

B:  No, he doesn’t. He 3) ice cream and he 4) roast beef.

A:  What food doesn’t Peter like?

B:  He 5)

Aprendizaje esperado: Comprende y expresa deseos o necesidades.

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13 Unscramble the invitations. Then match the columns. / 05

1 we / to / the / go / concert / Shall / ?

2 to / go / Why / we / beach / the / don’t / ? a Cool! I like the War C game.
b Great idea! What are you going to wear?
3 Let’s / the / tonight / party / to / go / . c Sure! We need some sunblock.
d Sorry, I don’t like bugs.
4 tomorrow / go / don’t / we / Why / camping / ? e OK. What band plays first?

5 play / Let’s / videogames / some / .

Aprendizaje esperado: Expresa y responde a inquietudes en diálogos breves.

14 Complete the conversations. / 05

1 A:  Hey Uli, 1) we go to see a musical? I’ve got tickets for Cats.
B:  Sorry I can’t. I’m not feeling well. I guess I’ve got the flu.

2 C:  2) go for a run at the park.

D:  What a 3) idea! Let’s take the dog with us.

3 E:  4) we go shopping to the mall?

F:  Sorry, 5) . I have no money.

Aprendizaje esperado: Intercambia opiniones y sugerencias.

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15 Look at the clocks and write the times in words. / 05

1 10:45 or

2 3:30 or

3 8:00

4 6:40 or

5 11:15 or

Aprendizaje esperado: Intercambia preguntas y respuestas para conocer información sobre unidades de tiempo.

16 Read the text and answer the questions. / 07

Uli Schrader is forty-seven years old and he is an English teacher. He lives in Los Angeles,
California. He works in high school. He gets up every day at six o’clock, gets washed and
dressed, and leaves for work by seven thirty. He gets to school by eight and teaches until
noon. After that, he has lunch with the other teachers at the teacher’s room. Then he
teaches again in the afternoon and corrects his students’ homework. After he gets back
home, he eats dinner with his family and watches TV. He goes to bed at about ten o’clock.

1 How old is Uli?

2 Where does he live?
3 What does he do?
4 Where does he work?
5 What time does he wake up?
6 Why is he busy in the afternoon?
7 What does he do when he gets home?

Aprendizaje esperado: Escribe enunciados con descripciones.

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17 Read the postcard and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. / 06

I 1) (write) to you from Cozumel.

The weather is cool! It is hot and sunny. Jason

2) (swim) in the pool while Caroline

3) (sunbathe) at the beach right now. And you know Charles

4) (love) seafood! He 5) (eat) a big shrimp

cocktail at this moment. We 6) (have) such a good time here!

How about you?

Please write soon,


Aprendizaje esperado: Redacta cartas con experiencias personales.

18 Complete the sentences with expressions from the box. / 05

four times a week   every day   once a week   twice a week   three times a week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

9:00 ballet 9:00 ballet 9:00 ballet 9:00 ballet 9:00 ballet 9:00 go 12:00 ballet
clases clases clases clases clases running classes

1:00 lunch 11:00 German 1:00 lunch 11:00 German 12:00 12:00 do
with friends clases with friends clases shopping laundry
at the

5:00 5:00 4:00 go to the 1:00 lunch 5:00 3:00 ballet

rehearsals at rehearsals at dentist with friends rehearsals at clases
the theater the theater the theater

5:00 7:00 movies 7:00 dinner

rehearsals at with friends with family
the theater

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1 Elisa gives ballet classes

2 Elisa has lunch with friends
3 Elisa takes German classes
4 Elisa rehearses at the theater
5 Elisa does the laundry

Aprendizaje esperado: Escribe información sobre labores y profesiones para hacer un reporte.

19 Look at the map. Use the directions in the box to complete the conversations. / 06

Turn right   Go straight   Turn left   right   left   Walk


Greenwood Avenue
Sabino Ave
Lacey Ave

Supermarket Mall

Madison Avenue


You are here

1 2
A:  Excuse me. How can I get to the bank? C:  Excuse me. How can I get to the mall?
B:  Well, we are on Sabino Avenue. D:  Well, we are on Sabino Avenue.
1) on Sabino Avenue for two 4) along Sabino Avenue for one
blocks, 2) and walk along block, 5) and keep walking
Greenwood Avenue. The bank is on your on Madison Avenue, the mall is on your
3) . 6) .

Aprendizaje esperado: Ofrece indicaciones para desplazarse.

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20 Look at the map and complete the conversation with words from the box. / 06

right   Turn   walk along   left   Go straight on   Go

Supermarket School Library

Lincoln Street
Rodeo Street

Pine Street
Bakery Restaurant Post Office

St Elm Street
You are here

Sports Center Bus Stop Park

A:  Excuse me. How can I get to the supermarket?

B:  1) out of the park. 2) right and

3) Pine Street. Then 4) turn on Lincoln
Street. 5) Lincoln Street. You’ll find the supermarket on
your 6) . You can’t miss it.
Aprendizaje esperado: Entiende y expresa instrucciones.

Total score:

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