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Unit 1 Test C

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Unit 1 Test C Class

Score: / 40

1 2 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi chłopca, który opowiada o swojej rodzinie, i uzupełnij brakujące
informacje. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać tylko jedno słowo.

1 Bob’s family is amazing .

2 Maria is Bob’s .
3 Bob’s mum is thirty-five years old and his dad is thirty years old.
4 Liza is Bob’s .
5 Liza is short and .
6 Bruno is Bob’s best .
Score: ___ / 5

2 Przeczytaj teksty i zdecyduj, której dziewczynki lub których dziewczynek dotyczą poniższe zdania.
Wpisz literę: T – Tina, K – Karen oraz S – Susan.

Uwaga! Niektóre zdania dotyczą dwóch dziewczynek.

1 2 3

Tina Karen Susan

Tina is a model. She is tall Karen isn’t a model. She is Susan isn’t a model and she
and slim with long fair hair a swimmer. She is tall and isn’t a swimmer. She is a
and green eyes. She is beau- slim. Her hair is short and young explorer. She isn’t tall.
tiful and clever. Her birthday fair. Her eyes are brown. Her She is short and slim. Her
is not in winter. It is in spring, birthday is in April. hair is long, dark and curly.
in May. Her eyes are brown. She is
very beautiful and funny. Her
birthday is in December.

1 Her birthday is in winter. S

2 They are tall. /

3 She isn’t a swimmer and she isn’t an explorer too.
4 Her hair isn’t fair.
5 Her eyes are not brown.
6 Their hair is long. /
Score: ___ / 5

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 1 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 1
3 Wpisz brakujące wyrazy. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter w danym wyrazie.
1 Mary’s hair is not s t r a i g h t. It is curly.
2 Susan’s hair is not fair, it is k.
3 Tim and Frank are t . They are not short.
4 Susan is a good student. She is very c e e .
5 I am u g, but my grandma is old.
6 My uncle Tom is not fat. He is l .
Score: ___ / 5
4 Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je wyrazami z tabelki.

aunt old who warm cold name

1 Who is your best friend? Kate is my best friend.

2 What is your ? It is Sara.

3 The father penguin keeps the egg on his feet.
4 How are you? I am 10 years old.
5 Helen is my and John is my uncle.
6 The Inuit live in the regions of Canada.
Score: ___ / 5

5 Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je odpowiednią formą czasownika be.
1 My friends are very good swimmers.
2 Where you from? I am from Gdansk.
3 She 8 years old. She is 11 years old.
4 Carl isn’t a tall boy. He short.
5 My parents young. They aren’t old.
6 your best friend clever? Yes, he is.
Score: ___ / 5
6 Dopisz krótką odpowiedź do każdego pytania.
1 Is Susan fat? No, she isn’t .
2 Are they clever? Yes, .
3 Are your parents old? No, .
4 Is Timothy tall? No, .
5 Is your hair straight? Yes, .
6 Are you funny? Yes, .
Score: ___ / 5

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 1 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 2
7 Zapoznaj się z poniższymi zdaniami, a następnie ułóż je we właściwej kolejności.
1 Hi, I am Steve. What is your name?
Where are you from, Kelly?
Yes, I am.
I am Kelly. Nice to meet to, Steve.
Nice to meet you too. Are you new here?
I am from Toronto, Canada.
Score: ___ / 5

8 Napisz e-mail do Tomka, którego poznałeś/poznałaś na urodzinach swojego kuzyna. W swoim
e-mailu odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.

1 What’s your name?

2 How old are you?
3 Where are you from?
4 Are you tall / short?
5 Are you slim / fat?

Inbox  ⚐  

Hi Tom,
Do you remember me?


Score: ___ / 5

Junior Explorer 4 Unit 1 Test C PHOTOCOPIABLE © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2017 3

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