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ASF Ordinance

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WHEREAS, Section 16 of the Local Government Code states that every local
government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied
therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and
effective governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of the general
WHEREAS, Section 447(5)(ii) of the Local Government Code authorizes the
Sangguniang Bayan to approve measures and adopt quarantine regulations to prevent
the introduction and spread of diseases within its territorial jurisdiction;
WHEREAS, African Swine Fever (ASF), a high impact transboundary animal
disease (TD), continues to affect the swine production sector of the Philippines with no
vaccine and no known cure to date, resulting in an industry estimate of 36% reduction
of national swine inventory impacting both on livelihood and agriculture economy;
WHEREAS, the Department of Agriculture (DA) Administrative Circular No. 12
(s.2019) or the “National Zoning and Movement Plan for the Prevention and Control of
ASF” provides for the movement protocols through classification of the country into
various zones in an effort to manage, contain, and control the ASF virus;
WHEREAS, DA Administrative Order No. 6 (s. 2021) states the guidelines on the
recovery, rehabilitation, and repopulation program for ASF-affected and Non-ASF
Affected Areas which will facilitate the recovery of the swine industry in the country;
WHEREAS, the DA, likewise, issued DA Administrative Order No. 7 (s. 2021) or
the “Implementing Guidelines for the Bantay ASF sa Barangay Program” to empower
local government officials including those in the barangays on their roles in the disease
control programs of the government at the grassroots level for timely detection,
management, control, and prevention of spread of any diseases, particularly the ASF;
WHEREAS, the DA Administrative Circular No. 02 (s.2022) or the “Amendment
to Department of Agriculture Administrative Circular No. 12, Series of 2019 Regarding
National Zoning and Movement Plan for the Prevention and Control of African Swine
Fever” was issued to redefine the zone classification and to prescribe measures
pertaining to the movement of swine related commodities across different zones;
WHEREAS, successful control effort depends on the strong collaboration among
the DA, with its concerned agencies, he Local Government Units (LGU), and other
stakeholders taking ownership of such program, benefitting the farmers;
WHEREAS, Section 6 of DA Administrative Order No. 7 (s. 2021) Implementing
Guidelines for the “Bantay ASF for Barangay Program” reiterates the strengthening and
institutionalization of LGU engagement in the implementation of the Bantay ASF
WHEREAS, to ensure sustainability of the Bantay ASF sa Barangay “BABay ASF
Program” in the municipality, it is imperative that it be adopted and implemented
through a local ordinance;
NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the above-cited provisions of the Local
Government Code and several issuances of the DA and to prevent and control the
spread of ASF, and thereby facilitate the recovery of the hog sector, be it ordained by
the Sangguniang Bayan that:
SECTION 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the “BABay ASF Ordinance
of the Municipality of Alabat, Province of Quezon”.
SECTION 2. Objectives.
a. To strengthen and institutionalize LGU engagement for ASF
prevention and control;
b. To establish an effective ASF monitoring, surveillance, and reporting
c. To strengthen biosecurity measures at the farm level and border
d. To intensify awareness campaigns and other capacity building
e. To assist in the recovery and repopulation of previously affected areas;
f. To generate and mobilize resource for an effective implementation of
the program.
SECTION 3. Definition of Terms. For the purpose of implementing the
provisions of these Ordinance, the following terms shall apply:
3.1. Agricultural and Fishery Councils (AFCs) are stakeholders, nurtured
by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF),
private-sector led and considered as the frontline mechanism for
private sector participation in the agriculture and fisheries decision-
making processes and enterprise development initiatives through the
conduct of consultations for formulation of policy and program
recommendations and participatory monitoring.
3.2. African Swine Fever (ASF) is a severe viral disease that affects all
breeds of domestic and wild pigs in the country and has already
caused grave production and economic losses in the entire country.
3.3. Barangay Biosecurity Officers (BBOs) are Community/Village Animal
Technicians (CBAT), Barangay Animal Health Workers (BAHW),
para-veterinary workers, Barangay Livestock Aide (BALA),
volunteer veterinarians who are not resident or consulting
veterinarian of any farm, Municipal Agricultural and Fishery Council
(C/MAF) Chairperson and Livestock Sectoral Chairperson or any
person assigned by the municipality at the Barangay, designated and
registered as the frontliners of the “Bantay ASF sa Barangay
Program” and shall have specific responsibilities indicated in this
3.4. Biosecurity Level 1 refers to the level of farm biosecurity in
compliance to minimum standards set by the Philippine College
Swine Practitioners (PCSP).
3.5. The Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) is the primary agency mandated
to control animal diseases in the country.
3.6. Commercial Farm is a farm category for any farm with a swine
population that exceeds the definition of a small-hold farm. In high
density areas, commercial farms are further classified into:
3.6.1. Semi-commercial Farm which refers to at least one of the
a. Between 10-50 sow level
b. Between 41 to 500 fatteners
3.6.2. Commercial Farm which refers to at least one of the
a. 51 sow level and above
b. 501 fatteners and above

3.7. Community is hereby defined in this Ordinance as a barangay or

clustered barangays.
3.8. Consulting Veterinarians refer to veterinarians employed in 300-sow
level farms and below as defined by the Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 8485 or the Animal Welfare
Act of 1998.
3.9. Contingency Plan outlines the needed plans and procedures in the
event of an incursion of the disease.
3.10. The DA is the Executive branch of the Philippine Government
mandated to improve, upgrade, and regulate the agricultural sector.
3.11. The Department of Agriculture-National Livestock Program is the
national program of DA mandated drive and catalyze the accelerated
and sustainable development of the livestock and poultry sub sectors
through the formulation of a comprehensive policy, preparation of
plans, and implementation of programs and projects.
3.12. The Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office (DA-RFO) is
the regional branch of the DA that facilitates and supervises the
formulation and execution of policies, plans and programs of the
Department in the respective regions.
3.13. LGU is an administrative and political government unit subsidiary to
the national government which could itself consist of sub-units as in
the case of a province, a municipality or a city.
3.14. Paalaga pertains to the system of rearing animals in some areas in the
Philippines whereby the care and management of few animals are
delegated to individuals in a community.
3.15. Resident Veterinarians refer to veterinarians employed in more than
300 sow-level farms as defined in the IRR of Republic Act No. 8485 or
the Animal Welfare Act of 1998.
3.16. Small-hold Farm (PNS/BAFS 267:2019: Code of Good Animal
Husbandry Practice for Swine commonly known as backyard farm,
which refers to at least one of the following:
a. Less than 21 heads of adult and zero head of young (1-20 heads
adult and zero young and below)
b. Less than 41 heads of young animals (1-40 heads young and
c. Less than 10 heads of adult ad 22 heads of young (1-9 heads adult
and 1-21 heads young and below)

3.17. Veterinary Biosecurity Officers (VetBO) are Resident Veterinarians or

Veterinary Consultants recognized as Biosecurity Officers or VetBO
registered and deputized to act as such and perform the duties and
responsibilities stated in this Ordinance.
SECTION 4. Creation of Municipal ASF Task Force. By virtue of DA AO No. 43
series of 2020, and ASF Task Force is hereby created. It shall be the main authority to
oversee the implementation of this Ordinance and other related activities as may be
provided by rules and regulations and guidelines promulgated by higher authority or
mandated by the national laws.
4.1. Composition of Municipal ASF Task Force. A Municipal ASF Task
Force shall be created and be composed of the following:
Chairperson - Municipal Mayor
Co-Chairperson - Municipal Administrator
Members - Representative from:
a. Municipal Planning and Development
b. Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office
c. Municipal Agriculturist Office
d. Municipal Environment and Natural
Resources Office
e. Municipal Health Office
f. Philippine National Police
g. Food and Drug Administration
h. Municipal Information Office
i. Department of Education
j. President, Liga ng mga Barangay
k. President, Barangay Biosecurity Officers
l. Municipal Agricultural and Fishery Council
m. Municipal Agricultural Fishery Council
Livestock Sectoral Chairperson
n. Non-Government Organization
The Task Force may include other agencies or stakeholders not mentioned in this
Ordinance but has an immense part in its implementation and who shall be named as
the expanded members of the Task Force.
A Technical Working Group (TWG) headed by the Municipal Agriculturist and
composed of government and private sector stakeholders can be created to serve as the
advisory body of the Task Force for the efficient implementation of the BABay ASF
4.2. Technical Support Teams
Rapid Action Team shall carry out the immediate diagnosis of
suspect premises and the initiation and implementation of the stamping
out procedures.
Representative from:
a. Municipal Agriculturist Office
b. Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
c. Philippine National Police
Surveillance Team shall conduct regular surveillance and profiling
of swine diseases in the identified priority areas:
Representative from:
a. Municipal Agriculturist Office
b. Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer
c. Municipal Health Office
d. Regional Food and Drug Administration
Quarantine Team shall conduct periodic identification and
consolidation of data on swine population, location, etc.
Representative from:
a. Municipal Agriculturist Office
b. Philippine National Police
Census Team shall conduct periodic identification and
consolidation of data on swine population, location, etc.
Representative from:
a. Municipal Agriculturist Office
b. Private Sector (AFC, NGO, CSO)
IEC Team shall ensure adequate awareness of the general public on
matters relative to ASF.
Representative from:
a. Municipal Agriculturist Office
b. Municipal Planning and Development Office
c. Department of Education
d. Private Sector Representative
Capability Building Team shall conduct trainings and other
similar activities to ensure that the stakeholders, including the BBO, are
given ample knowledge on the roles and responsibilities they need to
Representative from:
a. Municipal Agriculturist Office
b. Bureau of Animal Industry
c. Agricultural Training Institute
SECTION 5. Function of the LGU Task Force. The main functions of the LGU
ASF Task Force include but are not limited to the following:
a. Main implementer of the BABay ASF Program;
b. Formulate local issuances and contingency plans for the ASF
Prevention and control measures in the Municipality, subject to the
approval of the Sangguniang Bayan;
c. Initiate and coordinate all ASF-related activities quick response,
disease investigation, surveillance, animal movement control,
information and education and logistics to relevant agencies such as
the National, Regional, and Municipal ASF Task Force;
d. Conduct capability building activities;
e. Disseminate information, guidelines, and memoranda to stakeholders;
f. Regularly submit reports to the Local Chief Executive on the status of
its activities;
g. Perform such other functions as may be necessary for the full and
proper implementation of ASF prevention and control protocols
within the municipality. Duties and Responsibilities of Biosecurity Officers

1. Barangay Sample Collection in their assigned areas or

farm in coordination/supervision of the Municipal
2. Biosecurity Evaluation and assignment of Biosecurity
level in all the farms assigned to the Biosecurity Officers.
3. On-time reporting and submission of week ASF records.
4. Regular disease monitoring and biosecurity evaluation of
commercial, semi-commercial, and small hold farms to
their respective LGUs and the summary of which will be
submitted to the Provincial Veterinary Office or
Municipal Agriculturist Office
5. Immediate reporting of any animals showing clinical
signs suggestive of ASF infection for corresponding
actions such as surveillance and disease investigations.
6. To perform such other functions in accordance with the
protocol set forth by the Department of Agriculture,
Administrative Order No. 7, series of 2021.
SECTION 6. Designation of Barangay Biosecurity Officer to Punong Barangay
and such other barangay folks. In the absence of Barangay Biosecurity Officer as
defined in Section 3.3, the Punong Barangay shall act as Barangay Biosecurity Officer in
their respective barangay and other person as may be designated by the Municipal
SECTION 7. Authority Given to ASF Task Force
6.1. Regulatory Authority – The Municipal ASF Task Force shall have the
authority to regulate movement of live pigs, pork, pork products, by-
products, and other products with pork ingredients in line with the
national issuances and guidelines.
6.2. Visitorial Power – Upon presenting appropriate credentials or
authority to the owner, manager, operator, agent, or any person
within the premises, the Municipal ASF Task Force shall have the
power to enter and inspect swine farms and other related livestock
establishments anytime, conduct disease investigation, surveillance,
monitoring and collection of laboratory specimens and samples,
impose preventive and control measures therein, in coordination
with, and as may be necessary, subject to biosafety and biosecurity
entry requirements of concerned farms and establishments.
6.3 Seizure and confiscation – The Municipal ASF Task Force shall have
the authority to seize and to confiscate animals, animal carcasses,
products, and by-products, feeds, feed ingredients, feed
supplements, and feed additives, veterinary biologics, drugs,
products and devices, and such other materials or substances that are
undocumented, or of unknown source and conditions, and are
showing signs of ASF, or reasonably suspected to be infected with or
carriers of ASF, contaminated with ASF or posing an imminent
danger, threat and injury to the overall animal health situation in
their respective jurisdictions.
6.4 Animal Condemnation and other Disease Control Measures – The
Municipal ASF Task Force shall have the authority to institute
condemnation and eradication measures on animals that are diseased
or reasonably suspected to be infected with ASF and are deemed a
great risk to the swine population.
SECTION 8. Declaration of ASF Free Status
There are two levels of Declaration of ASF Free Status of an area previously
infected with ASF.
The first level is the Municipality Level Local Declaration of ASF Free Status for
municipalities with certain barangay/s which have been previously infected with ASF
and will be declared ASF Free area by the Provincial ASF Task Force.
The second level is the National Declaration of ASF Free Status for the whole
province to be declared by the Bureau of Animal Industry. All infected barangays of the
municipality must be locally declared ASF Free area prior to application be declared as
ASF Free on a national level.
The guidelines for the Declaration of ASF Free Status is subject to adaptation as
deemed necessary by the DA-BAI.
SECTION 9. Implementing Rules and Regulations. The provisions of the
administrative orders issued by the Department of Agriculture, DA AO No. 6, s.2021,
shall be the implementing rules and regulations for this Ordinance and shall be
implemented in the Municipality of Alabat.
SECTION 10. Funds and Resources. Budgetary requirements for the control and
prevention of ASF will be provided by the municipality through allocation of
appropriations for operating expenses and incentive and/or compensation allowance
for the “BABay ASF” members.
SECTION 11. Violations/Prohibited Acts. Any person or entity found to have
committed any of the following instances/acts shall be deemed in violation of this
11.1. Tampering and falsification of documents such as, but not limited to:
a. Veterinary Health Certificate
b. Municipal Agriculturist Certificate
c. Certificate of ASF-Free Status
d. Laboratory Test Results for ASF
e. Weekly Negative Disease Monitoring Report
f. Biosecurity Evaluation Form

11.2. Concealment of information

11.3. Removal of diseased animals from quarantine area
11.4. Movement of animals without necessary permits/documents
11.5. Non-reporting/delay in reporting
11.6. Interference/Disobedience to persons in authority
11.7. Refusal to farm inspection and conduct of surveillance
11.8. Data privacy issues

SECTION 12. Penalty Clause. Without prejudice to the filing of criminal

charges, violation of this ordinance shall be penalized as follows:

1st Offense : A fine of Php1,000.00;

2nd Offense : A fine of Php1,500.00; and
3rd Offense : Php2,500.00 fine.

SECTION 13. Separability Clause. If, for any reason, any section or part of this
Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, other sections or parts hereof which
are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.
SECTION 14. Repealing Clause and Amending Clause. All orders, rules, and
regulations or parts thereto which are inconsistent with any of the provisions of this
ordinance are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.
SECTION 15. Effectivity Clause. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately
and shall remain in force until expressly revoked.

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