Reflective Essay1
Reflective Essay1
Reflective Essay1
Global media cultures explores the relationship between the Media, Culture and
Globalization. The course approaches past and current challenges concerning
international communication and explores and problematic so the power of Media
representation. Media and culture are in correlation: Communication Media are
hand down values and norms of culture, culture hands down Media
contents(discourse). By the heavy use and great value which communication media
are taking nowadays, culture and media can't be separated from each other. Our
language are our media. Our media are our metaphors. Our metaphors manage the
contents of our culture. The media is media technologies that are intended to reach
a large audience by mass communication. Today the media play a key role in
enhancing globalization. And the media is also play important role in facilitating
culture exchange flows of information between countries. Global media is “the mass
communication on a global level, allowing people across the world to share and
access the same information.” It is indeed that technologies made people’s lives
easier all over the globe. Today people all over the world have easy access to
communicate with each other and to be aware of the news all over the world. There
are many advantages in global media. Now, people have easier access of television,
radio, internet and in fact, they have access of others countries’ satellite TV
channels. With those all easy access in many regions western televisions shows
became more popular. Of course, global media made it easier for people to learn
about other culture via TV shows. On the other hand, I think there are many
disadvantages in global media as well. One thing I want to focus on is foreign
satellite TV channels. It is good thing when people learn about different culture by
watching their satellite TV channels, but it became problematic when oneforget their
own culture by watching foreign TV shows. Cultural diversity can have a significant
influence on the hospitality business. The study reveals that cultural diversity is
highly important in hospitality business due to global customer-related industry.
However, this phenomenal benefit has challenges as well, such as communication
barriers between employees.
Globalization refers to the historical process by which all the world's people
increasingly come to live in a single social unit. It implicates religion and religions in
several ways. From religious or theological perspectives, globalization calls forth
religious response and interpretation. Yet religion and religions have also played
important roles in bringing about and characterizing globalization. Among the
consequences of this implication for religion have been that globalization
encourages religious pluralism. The impact of religion to globalization is by
diminishing the barriers between different cultures, globalization lands religion in a
guagmire of conflicts which reinforce social identities as some do not accept the new
realities and turn to religion to discover their own identity. Religion provides a sense
of belongingnesa to a group in the world. In third world nation's, where the
vulnerable sections find themselves more marginalised by the forces of globalization,
religion takes a prime welfare role and acts as cultural protector for these sections.
Religion thus plays a social role by helping in social causes and successfully gets
greater recognition. Globalization has a great impact on religion. As a people and
cultures move across the globe, as ideas are mobilized and transported by media
technology, the religious globalization will go on and on. Religions endeavour to
communicate a meaning and purpose to human life and relationships. Religions
present a core teaching on how human life can lead to fulfillment and lasting
happiness, they indicate a path of salvation or liberation in this life and in the
Demography is the branch of social sciences concerned with the study of human
populations, their structure and change (through births, deaths, and migration), and
their relationship with the natural environment and with social and economic
change. The importance of demography lies in its contribution to helping
government and society better prepare to deal for the issues and demands of
population growth, aging and migration. The statistics and predictions resulting from
demographic studies can, for example, aid in the development of adequate school
systems, estimate the required funding for senior services and develop workable
healthcare systems. A wide variety of social outcomes are impactee by demographic
processes and distributions. The study of demography is of immense importance to
an economy. Population studies help us to know how far the growth rate of the
economy is keeping pace with the growth rate of population. If population is
increasing at a faster rate, the pace of development of the economy will be
slow.Population control and sustainability is vital to the health of a country's
economy and we'll being. Workers are needed to maintain it's infrastructure and
services. Thus, the population must be maintained at a happy medium. This is
accomplished by encouraging births or birth control and immigration.
Overpopulation presents many problems. A country cannot support the needs of it's
people if there are too many. Poverty becomes rampant because there are not
enough jobs for everyone and human services suffer. Demography is the most
important external factor that will shape the future of the tourism. Current
demographic trends will change the demand for tourism and the available
workforces, which will fundamentally impact on how the industries are structured,
how they operate, and how they develop in a sustainable manner.