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FILE - 20220608 - 190829 - de Cuong On Tap TACN-Revision

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Department of Foreign Languages

I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.
1.Coughing is a …………. of tuberculosis.
A. miserable B. epidemic C. symptom D. Side effect
2.Medicine …………. a disease.
A. can cure B. can relieve the symptom of
C. can prevent D. all of the above
3. Which one of these sentences is Not true?
A. Antibiotics can be expensive.
B. Antibiotics have saved the lives of many sick people.
C. Antibiotics will help cure viruses.
4.…………. prevent some diseases.
A. There is no vaccine to
B. You can have a vaccine injected into your arm to
C. Both a and b
5. Tuberculosis spreads ………….
A. by hand contact.
B. when people cough and sneeze.
C. when people don’t eat garlic.
6. What is a pharmacist?
A. a person who deals with medication B. a person who performs surgery
C. a person who goes to the hospital D. a person who works in a hospital
7. What are the responsibilities of a pharmacist?
A. counseling patients B. filling prescriptions
C. managing side effects D. all of the above
8. Where do pharmacists work?
A. pharmacies B. hospitals
C. government offices D. all of the above
9. What does a pharmacist check for when checking a prescription?
A. drug interactions B. drug safety
C. proper prescribing D. all of the above
10. Great care must be taken do not give more than the correct dose. Too much………….. for too
long may cause deafness.
A. Penicillin B. streptomycin
C. Chloramphenicol D. None of them
11. Adults with………….. who are allergic to penicillin or who do not get well using penicillin can
be given a single dose of 4gm (8ml) of streptomycin inject half the medicine in to each…………...

Department of Foreign Languages
A. gonorrhea/ buttock B. fever/ arm
C. typhoid/ buttock D. cough/ thight
12. Many different medicines sold for pain, arthritis or cold contain…………..., but they are more
expensive and often do not do any more good than aspirin alone.
A. Ampicillin B. Folic Acid
C. Tetracycline D. Aspirin
13. ………….....begins suddenly: in most cases, the temperature rise quickly. The pulse and
breathing are fast. Cough begins curly, and at first, it was dry and painful. The patient feels ill, has a
plush red face and dry tongue.
A. Pneumonia B. Gonorrhea
C. Typhus D. Thrush
14. Patients with pneumonia need ………….......
A. stay at home and rest B. go to the hospital
C. rest and sleep D. take Aspirin
15. “It helps to calm pain, lower fever, and reduce inflammation. It also helps a little to calm count
and reduce itching.” What does the word IT mean?
A. Penicillin B. streptomycin
C. Chloramphenicol D. Aspirin
16. Streptomycin and penicillin together can be used to treat. ………….......
A. mild infection B. certain severe infection
C. neither A nor B D. both A and B
17. If a newborn child begins to blood from any parts of his body (mouth, anus…), this may causes
by a lack of. ………….......
A. vitamin K B. vitamin A
C. Acid folic D. Zinc
18. There may be fever, swollen and tender nerves. It may also cause pains, swelling of the hands or
feet, or severe eye damage leading to blindness. These are the symptoms of …………..
A. mild reaction B. severe reaction
C. shock reaction D. lepta reaction
19. Chloramphenicol should be used only for……………. and for very ………….. or other
infections that are not treated with sulfas, penicillin, tetracycline, or ampicillin.
A. typhoid/ serious diarrhea B. serious diarrhea/ fever
C. shock reaction/ serious diarrhea D. typhoid/ mild diarrhea
20. Pregnant women shouldn’t take tetracycline after the……………., because it can damage the
baby’s teeth.
A. fourth month B. fouth mouth
C. fourth mouth D. forth month
21. Tetracycline isn’t …………….common cold. For many common infections, it doesn’t work as
well as penicillin or sulfas.
A. bad for B. good for
C. harmful for D. used for

Department of Foreign Languages
22. Ampicillin is expensive and sometimes cause diarrhea or thrush, it……………..when a regular
penicillin is likely good.
A. should used B. should be used
C. should not be use D. should not be used
23. Injected penicillin should be used for certain severe infections, including:
A. Meningitis, Tetanus B. Badly infected wounds
C. Severe pneumonia D. Both A, B and C
24. Drugs are chemicals that effect human body. They have good or bad effects. Doctors have used
them to cure disease for many years. What does the word “they” mean?
A. Drugs B. human body
C. Doctors D. Both A, B
25. Anesthetics put patients to………………. during operation so that they do not feel pain.
A. awake B. sleep
C. have a nightmare D. calm
26. To help the body make better use of the medicines, always take penicillin on an……………….,
an hour before meals.
A. stomachache B. full stomach
C. empty stomach D. stomach irritation
27. Grind up the pill very well or open the capsule and mix the powder with boiled water (that has
cooled) and honey or sugar. You must add lots of honey or sugar when the medicine is very bitter.
This is the way for making……………..
A. tablet B. suspension
C. powder D. syrup
28. ……………..may kill some kinds of bacteria necessary for digestion, upsetting the natural
balance of bacteria in the gut.
A. Antibiotics B. tonic
C. supplement D. elixir
29. Eating …………….. milk helps to replace necessary bacteria killed by antibiotics like ampicillin
and to return the body’s natural balance to normal.
A. yogurt-curdle B. sugar
C. yogurt-curdled D. yogurt
30. When antibiotics are used…………….., they are extremely ……………..and important
medicines. They fight certain infections and diseases caused by bacteria.
A. correctly/ useful B. uncorrectly/ useless
Department of Foreign Languages
C. correct/ usefully D. incorrectly/ useful
31. When you are sick, you feel miserable
a. very bad b. very reasonable c. very steady
32. Today there are remedies for diseases that people used to die from
a. medicines b. cures c. aspirin
33. After Isamu got hit in the nose with a baseball, his nose started to swell
a. get bigger b. smell c. alarm
34. There are five patients waiting to see the doctor
a. people who are very calm.
b. people who have a medical problem
c. people who are studying medicine
35. Doctors do not know how to cure some diseases
a. make better b. do research on c. protect
36. Billy is 5 years old. Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night and cries. He has
a. bad dreams b. drums c. alarm clocks
37. Saudi Arabia has a great deal of petroleum.
a. some b. a lot of c. too much
38. Mr. Thomas sat reading the paper. Meanwhile, his 2 children were doing their homework
a. unpleasant b. although c. at the same time
39. Love, hate and anger are intense feeling
a. strong b. opposite c. mild
40. Children from ages thirteen to nineteen are adolescents
a. young b. teenager c. grownups
Vocabulary - Odd one out (1 point)
1. kidney liver lung bone
2. patient surgeon dentist doctor
3. sickness deaf illness blindness
4. first second fifth once
5. operation prevention protection preventive
Read the sentence and decide if it is True (T) or False (F)
1. All the medicines sold in the pharmacies are useful and needed.
2. The best medicines can do more harm than good if they are used wrongly.
Department of Foreign Languages
3. If the medicine isn’t used correctly, it will be harmless.
4. Penicillin works against every type of infections.
5. It is sometimes possible to use a dangerous medicine for a mild illness.
6. If the medicine does not help, use a higher dose.
7. People are completely wrong when they use injections of penicillin with streptomycin for colds.
8. Sprains, bruises, any pain or fever should be treated with an antibiotic.
9. Penicillin is safe for everybody.
10. Drugs are not chemicals.
11. Aspirin is always safe.
12. An overdose of a drug sometimes causes death.
13. Doctors and patients must be careful with drugs.
14. Drugs are either natural or synthetic.
15. The same drugs are both beneficial and harmful.
16. Preventing colds and flu can reduce unnecessary antibiotics use.
17. Only use antibiotics when the need is great.
18. Antibiotics never kill the good bacteria along with the harmful ones.
19. Penicillin is a group of antibiotics derived from Penicillium fungi.
20. Penicillin V can not make birth control pills less effective.
21. For very severe infections, give twice the above dose.
22. Penicillin are still used in many countries.
23. Aspirin is used to treat infections.
24. Drug abuse is a serious problem.
25. Antibiotics can upset the natural balance of bacteria in the body.
Fill in the blank with one suitable preposition/ word (2 points)
1. The dose depends .......the age or weight of the sick person.
2. Streptomycin in combination .........penicillin can be used ......deep wounds to the gut.
3. Most medicines are more dangerous injected tham when taken .......mouth.
4. The different antibiotics work in different ways .........specific injections.
5. Many people waste their money ......syrups, tonics and elixirs that contain vitamin.
6. You should look ........medical help before giving children any types of medicines.
7. For people who are allergic .........penicillin, use another antibiotics such as erythromycin or sulfa.
8. Tetracycline is not good .........common cold.
9. Pharmacist's knowledge has an important effect .........the health of people.
Department of Foreign Languages
10. The dose depends .......the age or weight of the sick person.
11. Streptomycin in combination .........penicillin can be used ......deep wounds to the gut.
12. Most medicines are more dangerous injected tham when taken .......mouth.
13. The different antibiotics work in different ways .........specific injections.
14. Many people waste their money ......syrups, tonics and elixirs that contain vitamin.
15. You should look ........medical help before giving children any types of medicines.
16. For people who are allergic .........penicillin, use another antibiotics such as erythromycin or
17. Tetracycline is not good .........common cold.
18. Pharmacist's knowledge has an important effect .........the health of people.
19. Penicillin works only .........certain types of infections.
20. Penicillin works only .........certain types of infections.
21. Do not give …… pregnant women after the fourth month or to children under six years old.
22. ……..can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby.
23. Ampicillin works well when taken by ………….
24. Streptomycin is an important medicine in treating …..
25. Ampicillin is a ……….antibiotic that has been used to treat bacterial infections since 1961.
26. Most sore throats and acute respiratory infections, and many earaches, are also caused by
27. .………..should be used only when a person can not swallow or drink or when he is badly
28. Paracetamol can be given to children over ……….months for pain and fever.
29. Children don’t often need …………..
30. .……..aren’t always needed for children’s illnesses.
31. Most sore throats and acute respiratory infection, and many earaches, are also caused by
32. Only use ………when the needs is great.

interactions treatment avoid solution
of predicting pharmacist that
clinically drug important ask
the prediction may help
An awareness of the problems (1) ……………….. may arise due to drug interactions is vital for the
practicing pharmacist. Today, with the increasing complexity (2) ………………..therapeutic agents
available, and widespread polypharmacy, the potential for drug (3) ……………… enormous.
Thus, the importance of drug interactions to the clinical (4) ……………… primarily involves
knowing or (5). ……………….. those occasions when a potential (6) ……………….. interaction is
Department of Foreign Languages
likely to have (7) ……………….. significant consequences, and if so, the step which (8)
……………….. be taken to (9) ………………..them, or alternative (10) ………………..


a. causes problem h. cure the illness

b. including doctors and health workers i. waste your money
c. of no value j. people don't like to take medicines
d. seek the advice of a health worker k. people sometimes use very dangerous
medication for mild ailments
e. they get some l. to use the correct dose
f. when they are necessary m. save your money
g. of great value n. they do more harm than good

Right and wrong uses of modern medicines

Some medicines which are sold in pharmacies can be very useful. Others are (1)……………. Also,
people sometimes use the best medicines in the wrong way, so that (2) …………….To be helpful,
medicine must be used correctly.
Many people, (3)……………., prescribe far more drugs than are needed and by doing so, they cause
needless sickness and death.
Some drugs are much more dangerous than others. Unfortunately, (4) ……………. many babies
have died because mothers have given them chloramphenicol for a cold. Never use a dangerous
medicine for a mild illness.
Often some health workers and many doctors prescribe medicines when none is needed, often
because they think patients expect to receive drugs and will not be satisfied unless (5) …………….
One must always remember that there is some danger in the use of any medicine. Tell your doctor or
health worker you only want medicine if it is definitely necessary. This will (6) ……………… and
will be safer for your health.
Here are some guidelines for the safe use of medicines. Firstly, use medicine only (7)
……………….. Secondly, make sure you know the correct use and precautions for any medicine
you use. Also, be sure (8) ……………….. If the drugs don’t help, or (9) ……………… stop using
it. Whenever you are in doubt, (10) ………………..
In summary, only use medicines when it is needed and when you are sure how to use it.
alike as a result beneficial circulate create
dose extent fortunately harmful include
like prescribe relief sensation

Department of Foreign Languages
All drugs can affect the body in both helpful and (1) ……………. ways. For example, a particular
drug may produce a stronger heartbeat (2) …………….. from pain or some other desired effects.
But that drug, (3) ……………. any other drugs, can also cause undesired effects – especially if the
(4) …………….is too large. Such effects might (5) …………….fever, high blood pressure, or
Most drugs produce changes throughout the body because the drugs (6) ……………. through the
blood stream. (7) ……………. , most drugs used to affect other parts. For example, physicians
sometimes (8) …………….morphine to relieve pain. Morphine depresses the activities of cells in
the brain and thus reduces the (9) ……………. of the pain. But morphine also alters the function of
cells elsewhere in the body. It may decrease the rate of breathing, produce constipation, and (10)
……………… other undesired effects.
Passage 4
a. after taking penicillin f. allergic shock
b. Antihistamines g. include
c. not completely stop the infection h. In certain people
d. at once i. one of the safest
e. gets pale, has trouble breathing k. no harm

For most people penicillin is (1) ...........medicines. Too much does (2) ............and only wastes
money. Too little does (3) ...........and may make the bacteria resistant (more difficult to kill).
(4)...............penicillin causes allergic reaction. Mild allergic reactions (5)...............itchy, raised spots
or rashes. Often these come several hours or days (6) ..........and may last for days.
(7) calm the itching. Rarely, penicillin causes a dangerous reaction called (8)
......... Soon after penicillin is injection, the person suddenly (9) ................., and goes into state of
shock. Adrenaline must be injected (10) .............

IV. Comprehension questions

1. Is there any danger in the use of any medicine? Why?
2. When do you use medicines?
3. Why do some health workers and many doctors give medicine when none is needed?
4. What do people use chloramphenicol and penicillin for?
Department of Foreign Languages
5. Why should the injections of penicillin with streptomycin not be used for cold?
6. When should vitamin B12 and liver extract be used?
7. Why shouldn’t vitamin be injected?
8. When do we use an antibiotic?
9. Why are antibiotics useful and important when used correctly?
10. What bacteria do antibiotics often kill?
11. What happens when bacteria are attacked many times by the same antibiotics?
12. Why are important diseases nowadays becoming resistant to antibiotics?
13. How do you make syrup by your-self?
14. What does the children’s dose depend on?
15. What kind of medicine that patients with hepatitis shouldn’t be taken?

V. Translate these sentences into Vietnamese.

1. If people come and ask for cough syrup, for diarrhea, for vitamin B12 or liver extract to treat
simple anemia, for penicillin to treat sprain or ache, for tetracycline when they have a cold, explain
to them that these medicines are not needed and may do more harm than good. Discuss with them
what to do instead.
Department of Foreign Languages
2. Unfortunately, some midwives use these medicines to speed up childbirth or give strength to the
mother in labor. This practice is very dangerous. It can kill the mother or the child. Use the
medicines only to control bleeding after the child is born.
3. Penicillin works only against certain types of infections. Frequent use of penicillin for sprains,
bruises or any pain or fever is a great mistake. As a rule, injuries that do not break the skin, even if
they make large bruises, have no danger of infection, they do not need to be treated with penicillin
or any other antibiotics. Penicillin is dangerous for some people. Before using it, know its risks and
the precautions you must take.
4. Injecting calcium into a vein can be extremely dangerous. It can quickly kill someone if it is not
injected very slowly. Injecting calcium into the buttocks sometimes causes very serious abscesses or
5. It is always dangerous to give a laxative or purge to a baby or to anyone who is very weak,
dehydrated or has severe pain in his belly. Unfortunately, people often believe that purges bring
back health or clean the bad things out of the body. It is explained that purges or strong laxatives
nearly always do more harm than good.
6. People who are dehydrated or have disease of the kidneys should be especially careful with
medicines they take. Do not give more than one dose of a medicine that could poison the body
unless (or until) the person is urinating normally. For example, if a child has high fever and is
dehydrated, do not give him more than one dose of aspirin until he begins to urinate. Never give
sulfa to a person who is dehydrated.

Department of Foreign Languages
7. Keep using the antibiotic until the illness is completely cured or for at least 2 day after the fever
and other signs of infection have gone (some illness, like tuberculosis and leprosy need to be treated
for many months or years after the person feels better. Follow the instructions for each illness.
8. Generally, use streptomycin, and products that contain it, only for tuberculosis and always
together with other anti-tuberculosis medicines. Streptomycin in combination with penicillin can be
used for deep wounds to the gut, appendicitis and other specific infections when ampicillin is not
available, but should never be used for colds, flu and common respiratory infections.
9. Not all bacteria in the body are harmful. Some are necessary for the body to function normally.
Antibiotics often kill the good bacteria along with the harmful ones. Babies who are given
antibiotics sometimes develop fungus infections of the mouth (thrush) of skin (moniliasis). This is
because the antibiotics kill the bacteria that help keep fungus under control.
10. For most people penicillin is one of the safest medicines. Too much does no harm and only
wastes money. Too little does not completely stop the infection and may make the bacteria resistant
(more difficult to kill). In certain people, penicillin causes allergic reaction. Mild allergic reactions
include itchy raised spots or rashes. Often these come several hours or day after taking penicillin and
may last for days. Antihistamines help calm the itching.

Department of Foreign Languages
11. Ampicillin is broad-spectrum penicillin that kills many more kinds of bacteria than are killed by
other penicillin. It’s safer than other broad spectrum antibiotics and it’s especially useful for babies
and children. Because it’s expensive and sometimes cause diarrhea or thrush, ampicillin should not
be used when a regular penicillin is likely good.
12. Chloramphenicol harms the blood of some people. It’s more dangerous for newborn babies. To
newborn babies with serious infections, give ampicillin instead of chloramphenicol, if this is
possible. As a rule, do not give chloramphenicol to babies under 1 month old. In treating typhoid,
change from chloramphenicol to ampicillin if typhoid is resistant to chloramphenicol.
13. Occasionally, DDS cause a serious problem called “lepta reaction”. There may be fever, swollen
and tender nerves. It may also cause pains, swelling of the hands or feet, or severe eye damage
leading to blindness. In case of (lepta reaction” it’s usually best to keep taking the DDS but to also
take an anti-inflammatory medicine. This should be done with the advice of an experienced health
worker or doctor.
14. People with tuberculosis being treated with isoniazid sometimes develop of lack of vitamin B6
can take it daily while taking isoniazid, or vitamin B6 can be given only to the people who develop
problems because of its lack. Signs include pain or tingling in the hands and feet, muscle twitching,
nervousness and being unable to sleep.

Department of Foreign Languages
15. Streptomycin is an important medicine for treating tuberculosis. It should always be used in
combination with other medicines. Streptomycin and penicillin together can be used to treat certain
severe infection. However, the use of streptomycin for other than tuberculosis should be very
limited, because frequent use of streptomycin for other illnesses helps make tuberculosis resistant to
it, and therefore harder to treat.

Tetracycline is a group of broad-spectrum antibiotics whose general usefulness has been

reduced with the onset of bacterial resistance. Despite this, they remain the treatment of choice for
some specific indications. Tetracycline is used to treat bacterial infections, such as urinary tract
infections, acne, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, sinusitis, bronchitis and others.

Narrow – spectrum antibiotics only kill a limited number of bacteria. They can target and kill
the bacteria that are causing your illness without killing other good bacteria. Narrow-spectrum
antibiotics are usually prescribed when doctors know exactly what bacteria are causing your



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