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E-TECH Quarter 2 Long Quiz

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Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the correct answer NOT the LETTER.
___1. Which of the following is the integration of text, sound, graphics, animation, and video into a single unit?
A. Multimedia B. Presentation C. Webpage D. Website
___2. What is defined as the behaviors shown by the person or individual that uses the application or product over the net?
A. user as a contributor B. user demand C. User experience D. User
___3. Which system enables users to select video and audio content when they want it?
A. Video on demand B. Online participation C. Online courseware and tutorials D. Online environment
___4. In which field do multimedia play a vital role as it encourages the learners to interact inside the class?
A. Industrial B. Education C. Entertainment D. Advertisement
___5. What is considered one of the most popular multimedia applications because of its movies and video games?
A. Advertisement B. Entertainment C. Education D. Industrial
___6. Which of the following describes the presentation?
A. a sequence of slides that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation B. a speech
C. information presented using more text than graphics and animation D. a television interview or news
___7. Web servers and web browsers rely on the SSL protocol to help users protect their data during transfer by creating a
uniquely encrypted channel for private communications over the public internet. What does SSL stand for?
A. saving sharing and limits B. safe secured and locked C. secure socket limbs D. secure socket
___8. Multimedia plays an important role today. Which of the following describes multimedia?
A. moving images and text B. images and audio C. integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by
means of technology D. programs that combine text and images on a television screen
___9. In1980’s, ISP is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the internet and other related
services such as Web site building and virtual hosting. What does ISP stand for? A. International Service
Protocol B. Internal Services Protection C. Internet Service Provider D. Internet
Search Program
___10. Which of the following advances in multimedia were made in the early 1970s?
A. Advances in the ability to fit more text in a presentation B. Advances in making supercomputers
C. Advances in integrating computers with CDs D. Advances in graphics, movies, and audio
___11. People use online platforms to make their daily activities easier; therefore, an E-commerce website is for
A. a revolution in business practices B. getting money from your computer online
C. selling your home on the net D. business-to-business transactions and business-to-consumer
___12. Which of the following inspire the United States to form a new way of communicating, now commonly known as the
A. Gulf War B. Vietnam War C. World War II D. Cold War
___13. Each webpage has its own unique _____________.
A. database connection B. personal search engine C. animation scheme D. universal resource locator
___14. These are the online survey forms that automatically tabulate and calculate the results when it’s done (e.g., Online
IQ, and Personality Test). A. Online Tests B. Online Games C. Podcasts D. Vodcasts
___15. This is an alternative tool to educate learners through online coaching. (e.g., Moodle Mobile).
A. Videos B. Courseware C. Audios D. Vodcasts
___16. A series of digital audio files that is available on the internet for downloading to desktops or mobile devices. (e.g.,
TED Talks) A. Online Tests B. Online Games C. Podcasts D. Vodcasts
___17. A series of videos streamed online that is available on the internet for downloading to mobile devices. (e.g.,
YouTube series).
A. Online Tests B. Online Games C. Podcasts D. Vodcasts
___18. The Million People March was a series of protests around key cities in the Philippines and around the world. Where
did the Million People March happen mainly? A. Mendiola B. EDSA C. New People’s Park D. Luneta
___19. What is the mission of A. to give feedback B. to create, manipulate, and share information around the
C. to help people around the world D. to help people around the world create the change they want to see
___20. The People Power Revolution protest mainly happened along EDSA from February 22 to 25 of what year?
A. 1988 B. 1986 C. 1985 D. 1983
___21. Students can do the exam or survey, in their own time, with their own device, regardless of where they live, and automatically display results.
A. Online Tests B. Online Games C. Podcasts D. Vodcasts
___22. Which radio station did Cardinal Sin use to call on the Filipino people to support the rally against
President Marcos?A. B. Text Brigades C. Radio Veritas D. Videos
___23. In planning and conceptualizing the content, you always need to start with the ends in mind and generate your own
ideas by identifying various opportunities based on the target audience and ensuring your goal is SMART. The “S” in
SMART goal stands for what? A. Specific B. Standard C. Sustainable D.
___24. The process of planning and conceptualizing Social Advocacy that answers when will you know when you reach it
and making sure that your goal is trackable and quantifiable. A. Specific B. Realistic C. Attainable D.
___25. It is summaries of projects or issues that contemplate interests, experience, and expertise that commonly serves the
purpose of delivering an in-depth discussion of a certain topic that a person has a strong position on.
A. Dissertation B. Concept Paper C. Concept Map D. Conceptualized Framework
___26. The purpose of producing content is to transform information into awareness. It is also a way of improving one’s
knowledge and understanding of a certain issue. A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To
___27. A content purpose that empowers the audience with knowledge by engaging them in a wise, hopeful, and respectful
cultivation of learning and application. A. To Inform B. To Inspire C. To Educate D. To
___28. Fair use is the means of copyrighted material used without a license only for certain purposes. Which of the
following is NOT included as the purpose of fair use? A. Research B. Criticism C. Commentary D.
Commercial Use
___29. defines this process as a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the
implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product, or
A. Design B. Develop C. Designer D. Developer
___30. Which of the following features could help your website to inform the viewers?
A. Make blogs B. Upload videos C. Upload photos D. All of the above
___31. What is a website bug?A. A microscopic insect that feeds on Internet code B. A problem that occurs when a
website does not function as expected C. A type of programming language that automatically builds complex websites
D. An area of a website in which users can modify the site for their own unique use
___32. Which of the following are reasons to build a website? A. The ability to reach more people
B. Inform the audience about a subjectC. Provide information about the area of interest D. All of the
___33. What is WEB TRAFFIC? A. The number of people who leave your site after one visit
B. The number of people who visit your site and then leave C. The number of users who travel to a given
D. The number of web pages you have for visitors to access
___34. Which of the following best describes the Bounce Rate?
A. Percentage of people that visited a website and left after viewing only one page.
B. Percentage of Pages on your website C. Percentage of new visitors on your website
D. Percentage of visitors leaving when they don’t like your page
___35. Which of the following is used to operate computers and execute tasks?
A. Software B. Application C. Update D. Upgrade
___36. What is an example of a computer application?
A. Microsoft Word B. Google Chrome C. Email D. Website
___37. Which of the following is used to maintain and upgrade computer programs or software?
A. Software B. Application C. Update D. Upgrade
___38. What does CMS mean? A. Content Management Software B. Content Maintenance System
C. Content Management System D. None of the above
___39. Which of the following refers to a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more pages on the World
Wide Web? A. Website B. Webpage C. Web-browser D. Web development
___40. Which of the following is a type of social media website or application?
A. Facebook B. YouTube C. Twitter D. All the above
___41. What is the process of monitoring techniques means of protecting a website by detecting, preventing, and
responding to threats on the Internet by use of what? A. Web Apps B. Web Access C. Web Security
D. Web Site
___42. What do you call someone who views your website? A. Online Viewer B. Online User C. Online Visitor D. Online
___43. Which of the following refers to the ability and skills of understanding, creating, and evaluating ICT processes?
A. Digital Composition B. Digital Divide C. Digital Illiterate D. Digital Literate
___44. Which of the following does NOT describe the role of ICT in society? A. It gives life to economic growth.
B. It creates collaboration using different online platforms. C. It manipulates people on how we interact with
technology. D. It helps with the transmission and accessibility of information in every part of the world.
___45. Which of the following refers to the gap of an individual that hinders him from gaining access to ICT?
A. Disconnected B. Digital Divide C. Internet Gap D. Internet Problems
___46. Which of the following can be a risk for an online consumer to get their billing information without permission and
use it to commit fraud? A. Identity Theft B. Libel C. Plagiarism D.
___47. Which of the following refers to the online buying and selling of goods or services?
A. Buy and Sell B. E-commerce C. Lazada D. Online Selling
___48. How can understanding and manipulating ICT help transform society?
A. When people choose to learn about ICT
B. To develop a more comprehensive tool or platform for everyone to use.
C. ICT can be helpful for the young and old generations to survive the digital era.
D. The proper and strategic use of ICT creates a boundless way of communication and a result in the progression
of the economy.
___49. Why is a business called the “blood of the economy”?
A. It always starts with a capital
B. It gives a livelihood to low-income earners.
C. It is where and how people make money through selling goods or services.
D. It can build projects by the government using the taxes collected in every business transaction.
___50. How can religious groups affect the use of ICT in their lives?
A. People are still relying on traditional ways of delivering the message to make it more effective.
B. There is no significant difference in the delivery of information because it is more meaningful to have face-to-face
C. ICT enables them to communicate with the leaders, members, and worshippers instantly using different media
D. The use of media can be a distraction for the worshippers as they cannot focus on their activity intimately.

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