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Ihw 2

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Problems 2

Rules for Quizzes and Examinations:

1. No cell phones.
2. No communication between students.
3. A student can use only his/her calculator.
4. No passing of anything among students, including a dictionary, calculator, pen, pencil, ruler,
eraser, the periodic table, etc.
5. A student can take only:
a pen,
a pencil,
a ruler,
an eraser,
spare pens and pencils,
a calculator (not a cell phone),
6. A student cannot take:
any paper,
cell phone (even as a calculator).
7. Pay attention: you must learn by heart all terms and constants used in the problems of this
Module. You cannot have any background materials, tables with constants etc.

You must commit to your memory the following information:

g=9.8 m/s2 - the gravitational acceleration
1 atm=1.013·105 Pa - mean atmospheric pressure at sea level
TK=TC+273.15K - the Kelvin and Celsius scales
R=8.31 J/(mol·K) - the universal gas constant
kB =1.38·10 J/K
- the Boltzmann constant
Na=6.02·1023 1/mol - the Avogadro number
1 cal=4.186 J - one calorie

i. 1 m3 = 1000 L
ii. 1 L = 1 dm3

(a) Characterize the paths in the picture below as isobaric, isochoric, isothermal, or adiabatic.

(b) Draw a Carnot cycle for heat engine on this picture for temperatures T1 and T4.
(c) Draw a Carnot cycle for refrigerator on this picture for temperatures T1 and T4.
(d) Range temperatures on the picture T1, T2, T3, T4 in the increasing order.

Plot isobaric, isochoric, isothermal, adiabatic processes on PT graph. Prove the shape of the
adiabatic curve on this graph.

Plot isobaric, isochoric, isothermal, adiabatic processes on VT graph. Prove the shape of the
adiabatic curve on this graph.

Draw a Carnot cycle on PT graph. Prove the shape of the adiabatic curve on this graph.

Draw a Carnot cycle on VT graph. Prove the shape of the adiabatic curve on this graph.

An ideal gas initially at Pi , Vi , and Ti is taken through a cycle as in the figure below.
(a) Find the net work done by the gas per cycle.
(b) What is the net energy added by heat to the system per cycle?
(c) Obtain a numerical value for the net work done per cycle for 1.00 mol of gas initially at 0 °C.
A sample of an ideal gas is in a vertical cylinder fitted with a piston. As 5.79 kJ of energy is
transferred to the gas by heat to raise its temperature, the weight on the piston is adjusted so that
the state of the gas changes from point A to point B along the semicircle shown in Figure below.
Find the change in internal energy of the gas.

One mole of an ideal gas does 3000 J of work on its surroundings as it expands isothermally to a
final pressure of 1.00 atm and volume of 25.0 L. Determine
(a) the initial volume and
(b) the temperature of the gas.
Ideal Gas Equation of State

In a tank of volume V=7.5 L, temperature T=300 K, there is a mixture of gases: n1=0.1 mole of
oxygen, n2=0.2 mole of nitrogen, n3=0.3 mole of carbon dioxide. Considering the gases ideal,
(a) the pressure of the mixture,
(b) average molar mass  of the mix, which acts in the equation of state PV=(m/)RT, where m
is the mix mass.

An ideal gas is contained in a tank at 120 atm of pressure and 263K.
(a) If half the mass of gas is drawn off and the temperature then rises by 50K, what is the new
(b) Suppose instead that the temperature first rises by 50K and then half the mass of the gas is
drawn off. What is the new pressure?

A room of volume V contains air having equivalent molar mass M (in g/mol). If the temperature
of the room is raised from T1 to T2, what mass of air will leave the room? Assume that the air
pressure in the room is maintained at P0.

Van der Waals Equation of State

Carbon dioxide obeys the van der Waals equation of state with a = 5.96*106 atm *cm6/mol2 and
b = 98.6 cm3 /mol. We know that 0.30 moles of CO2 occupies 2.5*103 cm3 at 280 K of
(a) Find the pressure of the gas with the van der Waals equation of state.
(b) Redo your calculation, but this time assume that CO2 is an ideal gas. What is the percentage
difference between the two answers?

Measurements show that nitrogen gas obeys the van der Waals equation of state with the
constant b = 3.94*10-5 m3 /mol. What is the diameter of a nitrogen molecule?

Find the work done by one mole of Van der Waals gas in the isothermal process from V1 to V2.

Phase Transitions

A 3g lead bullet at 30 °C is fired at a speed of 240 m/s into a large block of ice at 0 °C, in which
it becomes embedded. What quantity of ice melts? (Lead: c=128 J/(kg·°C), Lfusion=23 kJ/kg;
ice: c=2.108 kJ/(kg·°C), Lfusion=333 kJ/kg; water: c=4.18 kJ/(kg°C), Lvaporization=2.26 MJ/kg )

Assume that a hailstone at 0°C falls through air at a uniform temperature of 0°C and lands on a
sidewalk also at this temperature. From what initial height must the hailstone fall in order to
entirely melt on impact? Molar heat capacity of ice is 37.6 J/(mol·°C). Specific heat capacity of
water is 4.18 kJ/(kg·°C) . Latent heat of fusion of ice is 6.0 kJ/mol. Latent heat of vaporization
of water is 41 kJ/mol.

A hailstone at -5°C falls through air at a uniform temperature of -5°C and lands on a sidewalk
which is also at this temperature. From what initial height must the hailstone fall in order to be
warmed in 1°C? (Molar heat capacity of ice is 37.6 J/(mol·°C). Specific heat capacity of water is
4.18 kJ/(kg·°C). Latent heat of fusion of ice is 6.0 kJ/mol. Latent heat of vaporization of water is
41 kJ/mol.)

In an insulated vessel, 250 g of ice at 0 °C is added to 600 g of water at 18.0 °C.
(a) What is the final temperature of the system?
(b) How much ice remains when the system reaches equilibrium?
(Molar heat capacity of ice is 37.6 J/(mol·°C). Specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 kJ/(kg·°C).
Latent heat of fusion of ice is 6.0 kJ/mol. Latent heat of vaporization of water is 41 kJ/mol.)


Given that the molecular weight of water H20 is 18 g/mol and that the volume occupied by 1.0 g
of water is 1 cm3, use Avogadro's number to find the distance between neighboring water
molecules. Assume for simplicity that the molecules are stacked like cubes.

The lowest pressure achievable with a rotary vane pump is on the order of 10-2 N/m2 . What is
the number density of molecules of the gas in a chamber that holds gas at this pressure and at a
temperature of 20°C?

In an experiment, a vacuum of 10-10 atm is achieved in a bottle. If the bottle is at room
temperature (30°C), what is the number of molecules in the bottle per cubic centimeter?

Carnot Cycle

A heat engine absorbs heat from a thermal reservoir at 550K, but the engine's maximum
efficiency is only 38%. What must the temperature of the reservoir be to raise the efficiency to
41 %?

A refrigerator with coefficient of performance Kref = 5.1 gives rise to a heat flow out of the
cooling compartment at a rate of 400 cal/min. What is the required power of the motor that
operates this refrigerator? Answer in SI units.

A power plant, having a Carnot efficiency, produces 1000 MW of electrical power from
turbines that take in steam at 500 K and reject water at 300 K into a flowing river. The water
downstream is 6 K warmer due to the output of the power plant. Determine the flow rate (in
m3/s) of the river. (Molar heat capacity of ice is 37.6 J/(mol·°C). Specific heat capacity of water
is 4.18 kJ/(kg·°C). Latent heat of fusion of ice is 6.0 kJ/mol. Latent heat of vaporization of water
is 41 kJ/mol.)

An air conditioner is rated at 8000 Btu/h. Assuming maximum possible efficiency, an exhaust
temperature of 38°C, and an interior temperature of 22°C, what is the electrical power
consumption? 1Btu=1055J. Answer in SI units.


Find the entropy change for
(a) 12 g of ice cooling from -8oC -10oC;
(b) 12 g of ice warming from -10oC -8oC;
(c) 12 g of ice melting at 0oC;
(d) 12 g of water freezing into ice at 0oC;
(e) 12 g of water cooling fom 10oC to 8oC;
(f) 12 g of water warmling fom 8oC to 10oC;
(g) 12 g of water evaporating at 100oC;
(Heat capacity of ice is 37.6 J/(mol·°C). Latent heat of fusion of ice is 6.0 kJ/mol. Heat capacity
of water is 4.18 kJ/(kg·°C). Latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.26 MJ/kg.)

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