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Charles Boyles Law General Gas Equation

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CHP 11

1. The energy that flows from a high temperature object to a low temperature object is called __________.(Heat, Sound Electricity, Solar Energy) 2. Hotness or coldness of an object is expressed in terms of a quantity called __________.(Heat, Temperature, Kelvin, None of these) 4. The energy expended when a force of one Newton moves an object one meter in the direction in which the force is applied is called __________. (Calorie, Joule, kWh, Electron Volt) 5. 1J=__________. (1Nm, 1kgms2, 1kgm-2,1kgm2s-1) 6. 1J = __________. (kg, 1 kgms2, 1kgm2s-2, 1kgm2s-1) 8. __________ is a device used to measure the degree of hotness or coldness of the object.(Thermometer, Barometer, Hypsometer, None of these) 9. Generally thermometers make use of the fact that most of the liquids __________ on heating. (Compress, Expand, Evaporate, Sublimes) 16. __________ proposed that matter and energy are equivalent. (Newton, Einstein, Maxwell, All) 17. The equation representing the interconversion of matter and energy is written as __________. (E = mc, E = mc2, E = mc3, All of these) 22. The sum total of all the energy of all the molecules of atoms in an object is known as __________. (Temperature, Entropy, Internal Energy, None of these) 23. Once the heat is transferred to an object, it is converted into the __________. (Entropy of the object, Internal energy of the object, Temperature of the object, None of these)


Which of the following pairs of units are both SI base units? a. ampere, degree celsius b. ampere, kelvin c. coulomb, degree Celsius d. coulomb, kelvin


24. Temperature remaining constant the volume of given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure applied on it. It is called __________. (General Gas Law, Boyles Law, Charles Law, None of these) 25. At constant pressure the volume of a gas is proportional to the absolute temperature. It is called __________. ((General Gas Law, Boyles Law, Charles Law, None of these)


Determine root mean square velocity of nitrogen gas at 10 C. (Molar mass of nitrogen gas = 28g/mol). Boltzmanns constant: k -23 = 1.38 x 10 J/K [3] b) At constant volume, the plot of pressure and absolute temperature of given mass of an ideal gas is a hyperbola. (T/F) [1] c) Use

1 2 v to derive average kinetic energy of one molecule of an ideal gas. Hence, prove Boyles law from kinetic gas 3


b) At what temperature will the molecules of an ideal gas have twice the rms speed they have at 20 C?


c) Gas at room temperature and pressure is confined to a cylinder by piston. The piston is now pushed in so as reduce the volume to one-eight of its original value. After the gas temperature has returned to room temperature, what is the pressure of the gas? Local atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. d) An ideal gas has volume 1 liter at 1 atm and 20oC. To how many atmosphere pressures must it be subjected to be compressed to half liter when the temperature is 40oC? e) Determine the volume occupied by 4.0 g of oxygen at S.T.P (M=32 kg/k mole) f) A certain mass of an ideal gas occupies a volume of 4.00m3 at 1 atm compute its volume at 0.6 atm if the temperature remains unchanged. g) A given mass of ideal gas occupies 38 mL at 20 oC. If its pressure is held constant, what volume does it occupy at a temperature of 45o c?

Root Mean Square Velocity and kinetic energy of Gas Molecules

1) What is the average translational kinetic energy of molecules in a gas at 27oC? 2) Find the average speed of oxygen molecule in the air at S.T.P 3) Find the rms speed of a nitrogen molecule in air at OoC (M=28 kg/k mole) 4) Air at room temperature has a density of about 1.29 kg/m3.Assuming it to be entirely one gas find Vrms for its molecules. 5) At what temperature will the molecules of an ideal gas have twice the rms speed they have at 20 C?

d) A substance contracts on heating. This substance must have: [1]

e) f)

very large very small negative zero [2] [5]

On what factors does thermal expansion of a substance depend? Show that coefficient of cubical expansion is three times the coefficient of linear expansion

g) Determine coefficient of cubical expansion of a metal sphere of radius 20cm if its volume increases by 2cm3 when heated from 0 0 25 C to 100 C. [4]
h) Let denote the coefficient of linear expansion of a material. The coefficient of area expansion of this material will be: 2 2 2 2 2 /2


a) A steel ball of diameter 2cm is heated from 25 0C to 4000C. By how much will the volume of ball increase if for steel is 1.1 x 10 -5
C . b) Bimetallic strip thermometers are based on the phenomenon of [5] [1]

1. Copper bar is 80cm long at 15o C. what is the increase in length when it is heated to 35oC? ( 2. At 20o C a steel ball has a diameter of 0.9000 cm, while the diameter of a hole in Aluminum plate is 0.8990 cm. At what temperature the same for both will the ball just pass through the hole? a. (For steel ___ = 11 x 10-6 o C-1, for Aluminum ____ 22 x 10-6 oC -1) 3. A rod 3m long is found to have expanded 0.091 cm is length for a temperature rise of 60 0C. What is ___ for the material of the rod? 4. Calculate the increase in volume of 100cm3 of mercury when its temperature change from 10 0 C to 35 0 C (B= 0.00018 oC-1) 5. Determine the change in volume of a block of cast iron 5cm x 10cm x 6cm, when the temperature changes from 15 oC 47 0 C (---= 0.000010 0C -1) 6. A gas vessel is filled with exactly 1 liter of turpentine at 20 0C . what volume of he liquid will over flow if the temperature is raised to 86 0C?. The co-efficient of linear expansion of glass is 9 x 10 -6 0C-1 and co-efficient of volume expansion of turpentine is 97 x 10-5 0C-1. 7. The density of mercury at Oo is 13600 kg/m3, and its volume expansion co-efficient is 1.82 x 10-4 oC. Calculate the density of mercury at 50 oC. 8. The density of gold is 19.30 g/cm3 at 200 C. Compute the density of gold at 900C. (___ = 14.3 x 10-6 0 C-1 )


It requires 4200J heat energy to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1 C. The molecular mass of water is 18g/mole. What must be the molar specific heat of water? [1] 0 0 0 0 233 J/mol- C 75600 J/mol- C 4200 J/mol- C 5000 J/mol- C

h) The change of internal energy of a system is independent of the path followed in a process and only depends on initial and final states of the system. (TRUE/FALSE) [1]

18. Conversion of one gram of matter to energy yields __________ joules of energy. (9 x 1013J, 9 x 1012J, 9 x 1011J, 9 x 1010J)

19. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 2.0 x 108kg of water from 0C to 100C is equal to __________. (9 x 1013J, 9 x 1012J, 9 x 1011J, 9 x 1010J) 20. During the combustion of 3 x 106 kg of coal __________ of matter is converted into energy. (1g, 1kg, 1mg, None) 21. The temperature at which the gases if they remain in gaseous state exert zero pressure and have zero volume is called __________. (1C, 1F, 1K, Absolute Zero)


d) A system rejects 200J heat energy when 300J work is done on it. The internal energy of the system: increases by 500J decreases by 500J increases by 100J decreases by 100J e) f) [1]

The thermodynamic process in which system does no work is known as [1] The pv-diagram (pressure on y-axis and volume on x-axis) for an ideal gas is a straight line parallel to y-axis. This type of plot represents: [1] Isothermal process Isobaric process Isochoric process Adiabatic process Briefly explain adiabatic process. [4]


Two identical metal plates have different temperature, one is at 20 0 C and the other is at 900 C. They are placed in good thermal contact. What is their final temperature? A 200g copper calorimeter can contains 150g of oil at 20 0C. To the oil is added 80g of Aluminum at 300 0C. What will be the temperature of the system after equilibrium is established? ( copper, C = 390.6 J/kg 0C, for Al, C = 882 J/kg 0 C for oil, C = 1554 J/kg 0 C) Determine the temperature that result when 150g of ice act O0C is mixed with 300g of water at 500 C. (Hf = 336000 J/kg) A 3.0 g of bullet moving at 180 m/s. enters bag of sand and stops. By what amount does the temperature of the bullet changes if all its kinetic energy is effective in rising its temperature? (For bullet C = 128 K/kg 0C) A gas is enclosed in a container fitted with a piston of cross sectional area 1.10 cm2. The pressure of the gas is maintained at 8000 Nm-2 . When heat is slowly transferred, the piston is pushed up through a distance of 4.0cm. If 42 J heat transferred to the system during the expansion, what is the change in internal energy of the system? Compute the energy change of 5g of water at 100oC as it changes to steam at pressure. (Hv =26521.6J/K) 5=0.360.36 100oC under standard


b) Give two statements of second law of thermodynamics and prove that they are equivalent. [4]

c) Explain Carnot Cycle and derive an expression for efficiency of Carnot engine. d) Show that even an ideal heat engine cannot have 100% efficiency. e) Describe construction and working of Carnot Engine. f) g) [5] [2] [5]

A 30% efficient ideal heat engine rejects 12000J heat energy every second. If the heat reservoir is maintained at a temperature of 0 300 C, determine: (i) heat absorbed every hour and (ii) mechanical energy produced every hour. [4] What would happen to the efficiency of an ideal heat engine if temperature of heat sink is halved? [1] will increase will decrease will double will be halved

h) Give two statements of second law of thermodynamics and prove that they are equivalent. [4] i) Derive an expression for efficiency of Carnot engine. Use this expression to show that even an ideal heat engine cannot have 100% efficiency. [3] j) A 30% efficient ideal heat engine rejects 12000J heat energy every second. If the heat reservoir is maintained at a temperature of 300 C, determine: (i) heat absorbed every hour and (ii) mechanical energy produced every hour. [4]

A Carnot engine utilizes gas. The source temperature is 227o C and the sink temperature is 127OC. Find the efficiency of the engine. Also find the heat input from the source and heat rejected to the sink when 1000J of work is done. A reversible engine works between two temperatures whose difference is 100oC. If it absorb 746J of heat from the source and rejects 546J to the sink. Calculate the temperature of the source and the sink. A heat engine performs 100J of work and at the same time rejects 400J of heat energy to the cold reservoir. What is the efficiency of engine?

i) Every natural process proceeds in such direction so that the entropy of the universe: [1] increases either increases or remains constant remains constant decreases

An ideal gas was slowly expanded from 2.00m3 to 3.00m3 at a constant temperature of 30oC . The entropy change of the gas + 47J/k during the process? (a) How much heat was added to the gas during the process ? (b) How much work did the gas do during the process?

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