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Homework B

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ME 251 Problem 7.1 Given: Steam is the working fluid in the turbine shown.

Fall 2013


a) the mass flow rate of the steam entering the turbine (lbm/hr) and b) the diameter of the extraction duct at state 2 (ft).

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 7.2

Fall 2013

Given: Steam at a pressure of 0.08 bar and quality of 92% enters a shell-and-tube heat exchanger where it condenses on the outside of tubes through which cooling water flows, exiting as saturated liquid at 0.08 bar. The mass flow rate of the condensing steam is 3.4 x 105 kg/hr. Cooling water enters the tubes at 15oC and exits at 32oC with negligible change in pressure. Find: The mass flow rate of the cooling water (kg/min).

Assume: 1. Ignore kinetic and potential energy changes. 2. Neglect heat transfer to the surroundings. 3. The heat exchanger is operating steadily. Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 7.3

Fall 2013

Given: A turbine is operated at steady state at part throttle by the use of a valve upstream. The working fluid is water. Heat transfer to the surroundings and changes in kinetic and potential energy are negligible.


a) the temperature at the turbine inlet (oF) and b) the power developed by the turbine (Btu/lbm of steam flowing).



ME 251 Problem 8.1

Fall 2013

Given: A residential air conditioning system is shown. It operates with R-22. The evaporator removes 600 Btu/min from the room air.

Find: a) the rate of heat transfer between the compressor and the surroundings (Btu/min) and b) the coefficient of performance. Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 8.2

Fall 2013

Given: Ten kg/min of cooling water circulates through a water jacket enclosing a housing filled with electronic components. At steady state, water enters the water jacket at 22oC and exits with negligible change in pressure at a temperature that cannot exceed 26oC. There is no significant energy transfer by heat from the outer surface of the water jacket to the surroundings. Kinetic and potential energy effects can be ignored. Find: The maximum power that can be dissipated by the electronic components (kW) without exceeding the temperature limit of the water.

ME 251 Problem 8.3

Fall 2013

Given: Ammonia enters the expansion valve of a refrigeration system at a pressure of 10 bars and temperature of 24oC and exits at 1 bar. Find: If the refrigerant undergoes a throttling process, what is the quality of the refrigerant exiting the expansion valve?

ME 251 Problem 9.1

Fall 2013

Given: The data listed are claimed for a power cycle operating between hot and cold reservoirs at 1000K and 300K. a) Qh = 600 kJ, Wcycle = 300 kJ, Qc = 300 kJ b) Qh = 400 kJ, Wcycle = 280 kJ, Qc = 120 kJ c) Qh = 700 kJ, Wcycle = 300 kJ, Qc = 500 kJ d) Qh = 800 kJ, Wcycle = 600 kJ, Qc = 200 kJ Find: Sketch a diagram for a heat engine/power cycle showing the two reservoirs and the direction of energy transfers. For each case state whether the cycle operates reversibly, irreversibly, or is impossible.

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 9.2

Fall 2013

Given & Find: What is the maximum theoretical thermal efficiency for any power cycle operating between hot and cold reservoirs at 602oC and 112oC. Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 9.3

Fall 2013

Given: Ocean temperature energy conversion (OTEC) power plants generate power by utilizing the naturally occurring decrease with depth of the temperature of the ocean water. Near Florida, the ocean surface temperature is 27oC and at a depth of 700 m the temperature is 7oC. Find: a) Draw a schematic of the power cycle, b) Determine the maximum thermal efficiency that could be expected for this power cycle, and c) Existing OTEC plants have a thermal efficiency of only 2%, comment on the feasibility of operating an OTEC plant (pros and cons of the system).

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 9.4

Fall 2013

Given: A refrigeration cycle operating between two reservoirs receives Qc from a cold reservoir at Tc = 280K and rejects Qh to a hot reservoir at Th = 320K. a) Qc = 1500 kJ, Wcycle = 150 kJ b) Qc = 1400 kJ, Qh = 1600 kJ c) Qh = 1600 kJ, Wcycle = 400 kJ d) = 5 Find: Make a schematic of a refrigeration cycle and include arrows to show the energy transfers. For each of the cases determine if the cycle operates reversibly, irreversibly, or is impossible. Assume:

ME 251 Problem 9.5 Given: A refrigerator is operating at steady-state with a coefficient of performance of 4.5 and apower input of 0.8 kW. Energy is rejected from the refrigerator to the surroundings at 20oC from metal coils with average surface temperature of 28oC.

Fall 2013


a) The rate energy is rejected (kW), b) the lowest theoretical temperature inside the refrigerator (K), and c) the maximum theoretical power that could be generated if a heat engine were operated between the coil and surroundings.

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 9.6

Fall 2013

Given: A heat pump maintains a dwelling at a temperature Tin when the outside temperature Tout is 5oC. The heat transfer heat through the walls and roof is UA = 2000 kJ/hr oC. Q = UA(Tin-Tout). Find: a) The minimum cost to operate the heat pump for a day when the inside temperature is 20oC. b) Plot the minimum cost to operate the heat pump for a range of inside temperatures of 18 to 23oC.

Assume: Electricity costs $0.08 per kWhr.


ME 251 Problem 9.7

Fall 2013

Given: Two kilograms of water execute a Carnot power cycle. During the isothermal expansion, the water is heated until it is a saturated vapor from an initial state where the pressure is 40 bar and the quality is 15%. The vapor then expands adiabatically to a pressure of 1.5 bar while doing 491.5 kJ/kg of work Find: a) Sketch the process on a P-V coordinates, b) evaluate the heat and work for each process (kJ), and c) calculate thermal efficiency.

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 10.1 Given & Find:

Fall 2013

Determine the change in entropy between the following states. a) water, P1 = 10 MPa, T1 = 400oC, P2 = 10 MPa, T2 = 100oC b) R-134a, h1 = 111.44 kJ/kg, T1 = -40oC and saturated vapor at P2 = 5 bars c) air as an ideal gas, T1 = 7oC, P1 = 2 bar, T2 = 327oC, P2 = 1 bar d) Hydrogen (H2) as an ideal gas, T1 = 727oC, P1 = 1 bar, T2 = 25oC, P2 = 2 bar (see note at bottom of Table A-21)

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 10.2

Fall 2013

Given & Find: The following data water and that the process from 1 to 2 is an isentropic process. a) T1 = 40oC, x1 = 100%, P2 = 150 kPa, find T2 and h2-h1. b) T1 = 10oC, x1 = 75%, P2 = 1 MPa, find T2 and u2-u1. Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 10.3

Fall 2013

Given: One kilogram of water in a piston-cylinder assembly undergoes the two internally reversible processes shown in series.


For each process, determine the heat transfer and work (kJ).

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 10.4

Fall 2013

Given: Air as an ideal gas is contained within a piston-cylinder assembly and compressed between two states. a)P1 = 0.1 MPa, T1 = 27oC, P2 = 0.5 MPa, T2 = 207oC b) P1 = 3 atm, T1 = 80oF, P2 = 10 atm, T2 = 240oF. Assume cp = 0.241 Btu/lbmoR Find: For each of the cases, determine if the process can occur adiabatically. If it does occur adiabatically, calculate the work; if it does not occur adiabatically, determine the direction of the heat transfer.

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 10.5

Fall 2013

Given: Two kilograms of R-134a initially at 1.4 bar,60oC are compressed to saturated vapor at 60oC during this process, the temperature of the refrigerant departs by no more than 0.01oC from 60oC. Find: The minimum theoretical heat transfer from the refrigerant during the process.


ME 251 Problem 11.1

Fall 2013

Given: An isolated system consists of a closed aluminum vessel of mass 0.1 kg containing 1 kg of used engine oil, each initially at 55oC. The aluminum vessel is immersed in a 10 kg bath of liquid water, initially at 20oC. The combined system is allowed to come to thermal equilibrium. Find: a) The final temperature (oC) . b) The entropy change changes for the aluminum vessel, the oil and the water. c) The total entropy change for the process (kJ/K).


ME 251 Problem 11.2

Fall 2013

Given: Steam enters a turbine operating at P1 = 6 MPa, T1 = 600oC with a mass flow rate of 125 kg/min and exits at P2 = 20 kPa as a saturated vapor. 2 MW of power is produced. Find: a) The rate of heat transfer for a control volume including the turbine and its contents and b) the rate of entropy production for an enlarged control volume containing the turbine and immediate surroundings at 27oC. Assume: 1. Ignore kinetic and potential energy changes. Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 11.3

Fall 2013

Given: R-134a at 20 lbf/in2, 0oF enters a compressor operating at steady state with a mass flow rate of 250 lbm/hr and exits at 140 lbf/in2, 220oF. Heat transfer occurs from the compressor to its surroundings, which are at 70oF. The power input to the compressor is claimed to be 2 hp. Find: Is the claim correct?

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 11.4

Fall 2013

Given: A counterflow heat exchanger operates at steady state with negligible kinetic and potential energy effects. In one stream, liquid water enters at 15oC and exits at 23oC with a negligible change in pressure. In the other stream, R-22 enters at 12 bar, 90oC with a mass flow rate of 150 kg/hr and exits at 12 bar, 28oC. Heat transfer from the outer surface of the heat exchanger can be ignored. Find: a) the mass flow rate of the liquid water stream (kg/hr) and b) the rate of entropy production within the heat exchanger (kW/K).

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 12.1

Fall 2013

Given: Air in a piston-cylinder assembly is compressed isentropically and adiabatically from state 1, T1 = 35oC, to state 2 where the specific volume is 1/10th of the initial specific volume. Find: a) T2 (oC) and b) work (kJ/kg)

Assume: 1) Air behaves as an ideal gas. 2) Use kair = 1.4. Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 12.2

Fall 2013

Given: Water vapor at 6 MPa, 600oC enters a turbine operating at steady state and expands to 10 kPa. The mass flow rate is 2 kg/s and the power developed is 2626 kW. Stray heat transfer and kinetic and potential energy effects are negligible. Find: a) the isentropic turbine efficiency and b) the rate of entropy production within the turbine (kW/K). Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 12.3

Fall 2013

Given: R-134a enters a compressor operating at steady state as saturated vapor at 20oF and exits at a pressure of 120 lbf/in2. There is no significant heat transfer to the surroundings and potential and kinetic energy changes can be ignored. Find: a) The minimum theoretical work input required (Btu/lbm) and T2 (oF) and b) if the exit temperature is 120oF, calculate the isentropic compressor efficiency.

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 13.1

Fall 2013

Given: Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. The condenser pressure is 6 kPa and saturated vapor enters the turbine at 10 MPa. Find: Draw a schematic showing the 4 devices that make up a Rankine cycle and make a T-s diagram of the 4 processes. Find the rate of heat transfer per flow rate of steam a) in the boiler and b) in the condenser and c) the thermal efficiency for the cycle.

Assume: Analysis:

ME 251 Problem 13.2

Fall 2013

Given: Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. The condenser pressure is 6 kPa and superheated vapor enters the turbine at 10 MPa, 480oC. Find: The rate of heat transfer per unit flow rate of steam a) in the boiler and b) in the condenser and c) the thermal efficiency for the cycle. Comment on the difference between this cycle and the cycle in 12.1.


ME 251 Problem 13.3

Fall 2013

Given: Water is the working fluid in a simple Rankine cycle. The condenser pressure is 6 kPa and superheated vapor enters the turbine at 10 MPa, 480oC. The pump is operating nearly isentropically but the turbine has an isentropic efficiency of 80%. Find: The rate of heat transfer per unit flow rate of steam a) in the boiler and b) in the condenser and c) the thermal efficiency for the cycle. Comment on the difference in thermal efficiency between this cycle and the cycle in 12.2.

Assume: Analysis:

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