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Contents Page

Acknowledgment 3

Plan of investigation 4

Reflection 1 5

Reflection 2 6

Reflection 3 7

Artefact 1 8

Artefact 2 9

Artefact 3 10

Written report 11

Plan of oral presentation 12 - 13

Reference 14

The successful completion of this School Based Assessment would not have been possible
without the participation and assistance of so many persons whose names may not all be
enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledge. However,
I would like to express deep appreciation and indebtedness practically to the following:

o My parents

o My English teacher

o Family members and Friends.

o Above all to the great almighty, for his countless love and their endless support, kindness
and understanding spirits during this research.

Thank you.

Plan of Investigation
The topic for my English SBA is Pollution (air). I plan on investigating how air pollution

affects our surrounding and the causes of it. I became interested in this topic after noticing

how everyday activities contribute to the effects. In order to successfully complete this

investigation, I plan to present an oral presentation and meet with my group to discuss and

share information. I will ensure to browse the internet for artefacts. I expect to develop my

knowledge from the artefacts and improve my understanding of how air pollution can be cause
and the negative effects of it.
Reflection 1

I have seen how air pollution affects human and the environment. After viewing my first
artefact on the causes of air pollution, I realized that sometimes my parents and I contribute
to air pollution, so I try to reduce it by lighting less fires and by motivating my parents to
repair their vehicles regularly.

Air pollution can be everywhere, especially on roads and where there are factories. I
learned that air pollution is a very common problem in London after reading the article by
chief reporter Robert Fisk as it kills thousands of people and affects people’s health.

Air pollution can be very dangerous than you may think. After watching the video which
was the third artefact. I have learnt that some cause of air pollution are emission from
vehicles, burning fossil fuels, factories etc. I have also learnt that air pollution can lead to
cancer, asthma and bronchitis. I think for a conducive and healthy environment we should try
and lessen the use of objects which can lead to air pollution.

Reflection 2
In the pieces the speakers use the literary devices and their techniques to express their
opinion on air pollution.

In the first artefact the speaker used facts, the speaker also used a formal language that
was written in a form where everyone could have understand it. This was very influential for
me because it helped me to understand the causes, so it created better ways that can help to
prevent air pollution.

In the second artefact the speaker uses emotive language to inform the reader about the
effects of air pollution. The writer also uses authoritative source which helped me to
understand more about air pollution. The language used in the video was formal English. To
better my understanding I did a little research as some of the words were a little higher than
my level. All pieces were effective in explaining my research.

Reflection 3
I have realized that air pollution can be very dangerous to human and the environment. At first, I
thought that burning fossil fuels, deforestation and emission from vehicles was a minor problem,
and after doing this SBA I felt enlightened because I was not aware of the major problems that
air pollution can lead to. I never knew that air pollution was a problem in London and that it
affected us so severely.

This SBA has inspired me to someday try to start and organization which will help to reduce air
pollution and to also influence people about the consequences of air pollution.

This has inspired me to attempt to personally reduce air pollution in my home and
neighbourhood, so that nobody will get harm due to air pollution. After reading and listening to
my artefacts, it shocked me that a pollution that nobody knows about and really pay attention to
the effect that air pollution can cause to the body.

Video clip on air pollution and how we contribute towards it.

Air Pollution | Video for Kids | Causes, Effects & Solution


The online journal on the air pollution it causes, effects and solutions.

Newspaper Article

Published by a staff reporter on September 2, 2017

Written Report
Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions, chemicals from
factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may be suspended as particles. Ozone, a gas, is a major
part of air pollution in cities. When ozone forms air pollution, it's also called smog.

Some air pollutants are poisonous. Inhaling them can increase the chance you'll have health
problems. People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from air
pollution. Air pollution isn't just outside - the air inside buildings can also be polluted and affect
your health.

Long-term health effects from air pollution include heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory
diseases such as emphysema. Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's nerves,
brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs.

To reduce air pollution we can use of fans instead of air conditioner, reduction in the burning of
garbage etc

Together we can conquer the effects of air pollution on our environment and our health.

The information gathered has surely given me the rounded knowledge I needed to be a better
individuals in today’s society. In addition, I am appreciative to the subject teacher, who played a
great part in the role in the overseeing and completion of this project.
Plan for oral presentation

The genre of this presentation is a poetry. The type of poem presented is a sonnet. I chose to
do a sonnet because it only has fourteen (14) lines with a rhyming pattern that is quite catchy
and easy to remember. Poems are fun ways to bring across information. Too often we are
blindsided of how detrimental air pollution can be and how easily we as human contribute to
it so, I have chosen this topic, so I will be able to share some information in a very important
matter. The artefacts have contributed greatly to the content of my SBA. They have added to
previous knowledge as well as provided new information to paint a picture of the extent to
which air pollution can be caused and the negative effects of it. The register that I have
chosen to use in this presentation is informal. I have used the informal register because I
think we can all relate to some form of air pollution. The informal register makes work a lot
easier to understand as well as it comes from a more interpersonal platform.

REFERENCES Accessed on February 7, 2021 Accessed on February

7, 2021 Accessed on February 7, 2021 Accessed on
February 7, 2021

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