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1st Periodical EAPP Edited

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Name:____________________________ Grade & Section:_________________Score:________ Parents Signature:________

I. Read the following questions/statements carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space
provided before each number.

_____1. What genre of academic writing briefly summarizes and critically evaluates a work or concept?
A. Narrative C. Critique
B. Argumentative D. Expository
_____2. Lyka is a Grade 11 student. She was asked by her teacher to write an academic paper. What do you think are the
things she should consider in writing an academic paper?
A. Content & Structure C. Language & Style
B. Mechanics D. All of the Above
_____3. In academic writing, you cannot just write anything that comes from your mind, you have to write in a language that
is appropriate and ___.
A. formal C. pretentious
B. Informal D. casual
_____4. Ramage, Bean and Johnson (2006), identified the requirements in critical reading. Which of the following ways in
critical reading,where you can interact with the author, you can underline, encircle or highlight the words, ask
questions and give comments on the ideas of the writer?
A. Outlining C. Summarizing
B. Annotating D. Evaluating
_____5. What point of view should be used in academic paper?
A. First person C. Third person
B. Second person D. Fourth person
_____6. It is a shortened passage, which retains the essential information of the original text.
A. Graphic Organizer C. Transitional devices
B. Inference D. Summary
_____7. When summarizing or paraphrasing a source, be sure to give ___.
A. The authors' names. C. The page number.
B. The year of publication. D. A & B.
_____8. When citing a direct quotation from a source, be sure to give ___.
A. The authors' names. C. The page number.
B. The year of publication. D. A & B.
_____9. What should be done in order to avoid plagiarism?
A. Give proper attribution to all sources, and know how to quote correctly.
B. When paraphrasing, rewrite statements completely in your own words
C. Proofread carefully.
D. All of the above
_____10. Which of the academic writing uses pronoun in first person?
A. narrative nonfiction C. reflection paper
B. laboratory experiment D. history books
_____11. Why is it use of slang words not acceptable in an academic paper writing?
A. Slang contains double meaning.
B. Slang terms are not acceptable in formal writing
C. Slang is not found in the dictionary.
D. Slang is not preferred.
Questions 12-13. Read the question and chose the best thesis statement.
_____12. Should cigarettes be made illegal?
A. Although smoking has many negative health effects, making smoking illegal would not solve the problem.
B. Teenagers should be allowed to smoke if they choose to.
C. Smoking is a leading cause of death in many countries.
D. Smoking is bad.
_____13. What is the best way to teach the public about healthy lifestyles?
A. People should be able to decide what kind of lifestyle they want to have even if it is unhealthy.
B. I disagree that laws can help people stay healthy.
C. Advertising is an effective medium for selling many things, and I believe it can sell good health too.
D. People should be aware of healthy options.
_____14. What are the benefits of participating in sports?
A. Some benefits of participating in sports include good health, working on a team, and a competition.
B. Some benefits of participating in sports include having good health, the ability to work on a team, and a
competitive spirit.
C. Some benefits of participating in sports include having good healthy, the ability to working on a team, and
competitive spirited.
D. Some benefits of participating in sports include good healthy living, working on a teamwork, and a
_____15. Does technology help students learn more efficiently?
A. New technologies such as online search engines allow student to learn better, faster and more in depth.
B. Students using new technologies such as online search engines mean they learn best, fast most depth.
C. Having students use new technologies such as online search engines enable they to learn better, faster and
in depth.
D. Technology is a tool that can improve education in many ways.
_____16. What are the advantages or disadvantages of online learning?
A. Some disadvantages of online learning are the lack of face-to-face classroom contact and the jam-packed
schedules of learners.
B. Some disadvantages of online learning are that face-to-face classroom contact is lacking and the schedules of
learners are jampacked.
C. Some disadvantages of online learning are the lacking of face-toface classroom contact and the jam-packed
scheduling of learners.
D. Some disadvantage of online learning are the lack of face-to-face classroom contacting and the jam-packing
schedule of learners.
_____17. Which topic sentence DOES NOT belong with the thesis below?
The best kind of pet is a cat because they are friendly, low maintenance, and have great personalities.
A.First, cats are affectionate creatures. C. In addition, it is not hard to take care of cats.
B. Next, cats are inexpensive. D. Finally, every cat has a unique personality.
_____18. Which topic sentence DOES NOT belong with the thesis below?
Although there are those who claim otherwise, sports are not overrated because they are keep people active,
they provide entertainment, and instill valuable life lessons in those that play them.
A. To begin with, sports can be an important part of an active lifestyle.
B. Next, sports team help build a sense of community and pride in a school.
C.Moreover, even if you aren’t playing a sport, it is relatively cheap entertainment to watch.
D. Finally, the learning that occurs on the field is as important as that which occurs in the classroom.
_____19. Which of these makes the best thesis statement?
A. I’ve lived in a small town my entire life and have enjoyed it.
B. Living in a big city has many headaches.
C. Living in a small town has many advantages in comparison to living in a big city.
D. In contrast to living in a big city, I enjoy living in a smaller town because I have closer relationships with my
neighbors and the pace of life is much healthier
_____20. Which of the following is a major component of any thesis?
A.making a claim C.being at least three sentences
B.providing an amusing anecdote D.only providing facts
_____21. What should you do to improve your academic writing style?
A. Always write in an active voice. C. Be clear and concise.
B. Follow the same kind of sentence structure. D. Avoid repetition.
_____22. Which should be avoided in academic writing?
A. acronym C. Idioms
B. slang D. all of the above
_____23.Which of the following words best describe academic writing?
A. talented, stylish, inspiring C. decisive, divisive, derisive
B. precise, clear, objective D. subjective, obscure, vague
_____24. What is a claim?
A. a statement used to support or prove the thesis C. the analysis explaining the meaning of evidence
B. quotations from a source D. a sentence that grabs your reader’s attention
_____25. When you paraphrase an idea you may:
A. use synonyms for many of the words. C. write a longer or shorter sentence
than the original
B. use any of the disciplinary terminology from the original source. D. All of the above.
_____26. Etymology in a concept paper defines ____.
A. the changes of the meaning of the word. C. the origin of the concept of the word/ paper.
B. the original concept of the paper. D. the root of the word
For numbers 27-28, read the given sentences and choose which the best paraphrase sentence is.
_____27. Jane worries about receiving a failing marks on the difficult test.
A. Receiving a failing grade on the difficult exam concerned Jane.
B. Jane worried about failing the very difficult test.
C. The difficult test worries Jane if she could pass it.
D. Jane felt anxious on her mark from the test.
_____28. The slain girl vanished last evening at approximately 11 o’clock from a dinner party given at her parent’s home.
A. The girl disappeared at the dinner party on their home.
B. The girl is murdered at their own home.
C. The girl is killed attending a dinner party.
D. The girl died at their home after attending the dinner party.
_____29. It is often used to determine the essential ideas in a book, article, book chapter, an article or parts of an article.
A. Summarizing C. Narrating
B. Critiquing D. Outlining
_____30. It teaches students to take a large selection of text and reduce it to the main points for more concise understanding.
A. Summarizing C. Narrating
B. Critiquing D. Outlining
_____31. It is necessary in writing a summary.
A. Plagiarism C. Narcissism
B. Criticism D. Note-taking
_____32. It is strictly forbidden when summarizing.
C. Plagiarism C. Narcissism
D. Criticism D. Note-taking
_____33. Select and underline or circle the _________and phrases while reading.
A. Sentences C. words
B. key ideas D. clauses
_____34. When writing a summary, it is important to read the text and ____________the meaning.
A. obey C. understand
B. tell D. observe
Questions 35-39. Read the passage and chose the best answer for the following questions.
"The Boy Who Cried Wolf," by Aesop (a Greek storyteller), tells what happens when a shepherd
boy repeatedly lies to the villagers about seeing a wolf. After a while, they ignore his false cries.
Then, when a wolf really does attack, they don’t come to help him.

_____35. Using the SAAC method, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is considered as the _______.
A. State C. Action
B. Assign D. Complete
_____36. “what happens when a shepherd boy repeatedly lies to the villagers about seeing a wolf” is considered as the _______.
A. State C. Action
B. Assign D. Complete
_____37. The Action in the story is _______.
A. Tells C. commands
B. Asks D. requests
_____38. The Assign in the story is _______.
A. Wolf C. Aesop
B. Villagers D. shepherd
_____39. It is usually a single sentence near the beginning of your paper (most often, at the end of the first paragraph) that
your argument to the reader.
A. Thesis Statement C. Evidence
B. Argument D. Main Idea
_____40. This is your support for your argument or claim.
A. Thesis Statement C. Evidence
B. Argument D. Main Idea
_____41. ___________ there is no demand for this type of book, I cannot place an order.
A. That C. When
B. So D. Since
_____42. The Kaziranga National Park is a World Heritage Site _________ hosts two-thirds of the one-horned rhinoceros in the
A. That C. When
B. So D. Since
_____43. August 31st is a national holiday _______everybody dances in the streets.
A. That C. When
B. So D. Since
_____44. A ________involves higher order thinking skills.
A. Review C. Reaction paper
B. Summary D. Concept paper
_____45. Citing your __________ can make your review more credible.
A. Conclusion C. Body
B. Introduction D. Sources
_____46. The reviewer’s overall impression of the material being reviewed should be placed in the___________.
A. Conclusion C. Body
B. Introduction D. Sources

_____47. It describes the main argument or purpose of the work.

A. Conclusion C. Body
B. Introduction D. Sources
Questions 48-50. Identify how the following excerpts are defined. Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____48. Vaccines protect up to three million lives every year. That is because they are often the first and only health service to
reach poor households. People living in squalid conditions bereft of basic sanitation, safe drinking water, hygiene, cleansing
agents, and adequate nutrition are most at risk of contracting and dying from vaccinepreventable diseases. And when ill, they
often lack the financial means to access health care. Timely protection with vaccines, which keep diseases in poor communities at
bay and reduce preventable child deaths, is therefore their best bet for survival.
A. Simple C. Formal
B. Extended D. Informal
_____49. said a sun halo is a large ring or circle of light around the sun or moon that is formed due to high clouds.
High cirrus clouds, which develop at 20,000 feet, are composed of ice crystals. Halos are typically seen when six-sided ice
crystals have a random orientation. The sunlight is dispersed through the ice crystals and the light is refracted, creating the image
of a halo.
A. Simple C. Formal
B. Extended D. Informal
_____50. While in town, he meets Rain, a student from UP Manila who was in their town to conduct interviews with Aetas about
the phenomenon of "pilaok," or intermarriages among the "kulot" (or curlyhaired Aetas) and the "unat" (or straight-haired
lowlanders). In his close interaction with the charming Rain, who was confiding in him her romantic woes with her boyfriend,
Atan could not help but develop a big crush on her.
A. Simple C. Formal
B. Extended D. Informal

Prepared by: Noted by:

Rosalyn M. Cejo Carolyn C. Fontillas, EdD

Subject Teacher Secondary School Principal IV

Arlyn Gail A. Almazan

Subject Teacher

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