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Handwritten Vocab Notes

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Important words with their meanings

1. Pondering - think about (something) carefully.

2. Freak – Not natural
3. Solatium – Money given for suffering or loss
4. Flurry – Brief period of excitement or joy
5. Gleeful – Happy
6. Brandish - wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as
a threat or in anger or excitement.
7. Scant – Very small in size or amount.
8. Render - provide or give (a service, help, etc.).
9. Dwindle – Gradually become smaller, diminish gradually in size
10. Ostensible - stated or appearing to be true, but not
necessarily so.
11. Teeter – move in unsteady way.
12. Patchy - existing or happening in small, isolated areas.
13. Hegemony – Control over another country.
14. Peddle - try to sell (something, especially small goods) by
going from house to house or place to place.
15. Stanch - stop or restrict (a flow of blood) from a wound.
16. Animus – Hate; abhor.
17. Sagacious - having or showing keen mental discernment
and good judgment; shrewd.
18. Tremulous – Shivering
19. Disconsolate – Unhappy.
20. Intruder - a person who intrudes, especially into a building
with criminal intent.
21. Predilection - a preference or special liking for something.
22. Ire – Anger, wrath
23. Pivotal - of crucial importance in relation to the
development or success of something else.

Gagan classes
24. Trivial - of little value or importance.
25. Caliber - Level of excellence.
26. Casualty - a person killed or injured in a war or accident.
27. Escalate - increase rapidly.
28. Halt - come to an abrupt stop.
29. Shun - Avoid
30. Frenzy - period of uncontrolled excitement.
31. Evanescent - quickly fading or disappearing.
32. Panegyric - a public speech or published text in praise of
someone or something.
33. Deliberate - done consciously and intentionally.
34. Etiquette- the customary code of polite behaviour in
35. Pedestal - the base or support on which a statue, obelisk, or
column is mounted.
36. Garble -Confuse.
37. Seamy – Unpleasant.
38. Cease - bring or come to an end.
39. Study of caves – speleology.
40. Revamp – to make better.
41. Legitimate - conforming to the law or to rules.
42. Glitch – unexpected minor problem.
43. Posited - assume as a fact.
44. Abound – Present in large amount.
45. Sacrosanct – Too important and respected to change.
46. Mollify - appease the anger.
47. Ebullient - cheerful and full of energy.
48. Plummet - fall or drop straight down at high speed.
49. Seasoned – Having a lot of experience.
50. Deliberately damage other people’s property – Vandal.
51. Fusillade- Large number of bullets fired at same time.
52. Difficult problem – Conundrum.
53. Atrocity - an extremely wicked or cruel act

Gagan classes
54. Raucous – Unpleasant to listen; a disturbingly harsh and
loud noise.
55. Fissure - a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made
by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth.
56. Condone - accept and allow (behavior that is considered
morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
57. Canard – Rumour that is not true.
58. Vacuous - showing a lack of thought or intelligence.
59. Assert – declare.
60. Radical - relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of
61. Eminent - famous and respected within a particular sphere.
62. Excerpt - a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of
music or writing.
63. Reckon - calculate.
64. Squabble - a noisy quarrel about something petty or trivial.
65. Convalesce - recover one's health and strength over a
period of time after an illness.
66. Insipid – Having no taste; lacking flavor.
67. Suppress - forcibly put an end to.
68. Libertarian - a person who advocates civil liberty.
69. Derogatory – Insult.
70. Deferential - respectful.
71. Escort - accompany (someone or something) somewhere.
72. Throes - intense or violent pain and struggle
73. Yield - give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.
74. Foist – to force someone to accept.

Gagan classes
75. Robust – Strong and healthy.
76. Stringent – strict.
77. Subservient- prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
78. Irreverence - a lack of respect for people or things that are
generally taken seriously.
79. Plunder – the violent and dishonest acquisition of property.
80. Vocation – Career.
81. Revel - enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially
with drinking and dancing.
82. Combat - fighting between armed forces.
83. Tout - attempt to sell (something).
84. Invasive – spread.
85. Erratic - not even or regular in pattern or movement.
86. Nabbed - catch (someone) doing something wrong.
87. Pragmatic - practical
88. Parapet - a low protective wall along the edge of a roof,
bridge, or balcony.
89. Obtuse - slow to understand.
90. Inadvertently - without intention
91. Collate - collect and combine.
92. Ignominious - deserving or causing public disgrace or
93. Vanity - the quality of being worthless or futile.
94. Humility - humbleness.
95. Antagonism - active hostility or opposition.
96. Bequeath - leave to a person or other beneficiary by a
97. Forbearance - patient self-control
98. Conspicuous - standing out so as to be clearly visible.
99. Niggard - ungenerous

Gagan classes
100. Propitious - giving or indicating a good chance of success.
101. Inclement - unpleasantly cold or wet
102. Vindictive - having or showing a strong or unreasoning
desire for revenge.
103. Infirm - not physically or mentally strong.
104. Affirm - assert strongly and publicly.
105. Feasible - possible to do easily or conveniently.
106. Hamper - hinder or impede the movement or progress of.
107. Whimper - feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or
108. Virulent - extremely severe or harmful in its effects.
109. Rumble - make a continuous deep, resonant sound.
110. Poignant - evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
111. Perilous - full of danger or risk.
112. Reverie - a daydream.
113. Exonerate - absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or
114. Exaggerate - represent (something) as being larger, better,
or worse than it really is.
115. Quibble - a slight objection or criticism about a trivial
116. Perspicacity – shrewdness, smartness.
117. Fervent - having or displaying a passionate intensity.
118. Meandering - curving
119. Verity - a true principle or belief
120. Derision - contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
121. Florid - elaborately or excessively intricate or complicated.
122. Frugal - sparing or economical with regard to money or
123. Lavish - rich, elaborate, or luxurious.
124. Deformity - a malformation.
125. Sundry - miscellaneous
126. Tedious - tiresome or monotonous or dull.

Gagan classes
127. Dodge – avoid.
128. Meretricious - apparently attractive but having in reality
no value or integrity.
129. Nebulous – in the form of cloud or haze.
130. Callous – Harsh,Cruel.
131. Elusive - difficult to find.
132. Colossal - extremely large.
133. Teeny – Very small.
134. Opprobrium - harsh criticism
135. Adulation - excessive admiration or praise.
136. All agog – Amazed, Restless
137. Not to mince matters - To speak politely.
138. Hoodwink - deceive or trick (someone).
139. Multifaceted - having many facets.
140. Trepidation - a feeling of fear or agitation about
something that may happen.
141. Kick the bucket – To die.
142. Nemesis – punishment for wrong doings.
143. Munificent - larger or more generous than is usual or
144. Ostensible - stated or appearing to be true, but not
necessarily so.
145. Abnegation – the act of renouncing or rejecting something.
146. Break a leg – good luck.
147. Cutting corner – Work imperfectly to save time,.
148. Repertoire – collection, stock
149. Affluent - having a great deal of money; wealthy.
150. Pamper - indulge with every attention, comfort, and
151. Rhetoric – power of speech.
152. Strenuous - requiring or using great exertion.
153. Pertinent – relevant or applicable to a particular matter.
154. Anguish - severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

Gagan classes
155. Vacillate - alternate or waver between different opinions
or actions.
156. Stark - complete
157. Lapse - an interval or passage of time.
158. Immanent - inherent.
159. Waggish – humorous in a playful manner.
160. Will-o-the-wisp – something which is impossible to
161. Notion - a conception of or belief about something.
162. Curtail – reduce in quantity
163. Supplant - supersede and replace.
164. Ravage - cause severe and extensive damage to.
165. Confidential - secret
166. Dissent - hold or express opinions that are at variance with
those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
167. Exacerbate – make worse
168. Implausible - failing to convince.
169. Fetter - a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner,
typically placed around the ankles.
170. Fuelled - Support
171. Canvass - an act or process of attempting to secure votes
or ascertain opinions.
172. Exalt - hold (someone or something) in very high regard
173. Repatriate - send (someone) back to their own country.
174. Scuttle - run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps.
175. Obfuscate - render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
176. Chicken hearted – Coward
177. Red letter day – Significant day
178. Eloquent - fluent in speaking or writing.
179. Nefarious - wicked or criminal.
180. Ensconce - establish or settle (someone) in a comfortable,
safe, or secret place.
181. Unveil - Reveal

Gagan classes
182. Lugubrious – looking or sounding sad and dismal.
183. Repentance - sincere regret or remorse.
184. Havoc - widespread destruction.
185. Persuasion - a belief or set of beliefs, especially religious
or political ones.
186. Pernicious - having a harmful effect
187. Stringent - strict, precise, and exacting.
188. Vexatious - causing or tending to cause annoyance,
frustration, or worry.
189. Burgeon – begin to grow or increase rapidly.
190. One’s own child killing – Filicide
191. Work lover – Ergophile
192. Disgruntled - angry or dissatisfied.
193. Boisterous - noisy, energetic, and cheerful
194. Haggard - looking exhausted and unwell, especially from
fatigue, worry, or suffering.
195. Ostentation – showing off.
196. Modest - relatively moderate, limited, or small.
197. Commiserate - express or feel sympathy or pity.
198. Surreptitious – keep secret.
199. Inanition – exhaustion caused by lack of nourishment.
200. Imbroglio - an extremely confused, complicated or
embarrassing situation.
201. Composure - calm
202. Bequest - Legacy
203. Adam’s ale – water
204. Abeyance - suspension.
205. Clandestine – kept secret.
206. Intrepid - fearless
207. Meek - quiet
208. Steal a march - To gain an unexpected or surreptitious
advantage over someone or something
209. In a jiffy – In hurry.

Gagan classes
210. Travel mania – Dromomania
211. Imperative - of vital importance
212. Boast - talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction
about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.
213. Refulgent - shining brightly.
214. Skeptic - a person inclined to question or doubt accepted
opinions, doubtful.
215. On tenterhooks- in a state of suspense
216. Conscientious - wishing to do what is right, especially to
do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.
217. Vacillate - alternate or waver between different opinions
or actions
218. Indomitable – impossible to subdue or defeat.
219. Extenuate - cause (an offense) to seem less serious.
220. Fecund - fertile.
221. Thin end of wedge – Beginning of harmful development
222. Speaking with stammer – stuttering
223. Taciturn - reserved or uncommunicative in speech
224. Nincompoop - a foolish or stupid person.
225. Pellucid – translucently clear.
226. Murky - dark and gloomy
227. Tumour study – Oncology.
228. Phlegmatic - having an unemotional and stolidly calm
229. Ardent - passionate.
230. Away from centre – Eccentric
231. Truculent - eager or quick to argue or fight
232. Bear the palm – Win
233. One who loads ships – Stevedore
234. Melody – Cacophony (Opposite word)
235. Distort representation of something – Travesty
236. Feeling of intense longing for something – Yearning
237. Pilfer - steal (typically things of relatively little value).

Gagan classes
238. Piquancy - a pleasantly sharp and appetizing flavor.
239. Confront - meet (someone) face to face with hostile or
argumentative intent.
240. Savant – a learned person.
241. Indict - to charge with a crime
242. Fallacy - a mistaken belief
243. Admonish – warn someone firmly.
244. Veneration – great respect.
245. Contempt – disrespect.
246. Indubious – certain, not doubtful.
247. On thin ice – Precariously close to getting into trouble,
difficulty, or danger.
248. Vehement – showing strong feeling
249. Scabbard - a sheath for the blade of a sword or dagger
250. Litter - trash
251. Obliterate - destroy utterly; wipe out.
252. Scrimp - economize.
253. Squander - waste (something, especially money or time) in
a reckless and foolish manner.
254. Guzzle - eat or drink (something) greedily.
255. Starve - suffer severely or die from hunger.
256. Lunatic - a mentally ill person
257. Perchance - by some chance
258. Commemorate- recall and show respect for (someone or
259. Treason - the crime of betraying one's country.
260. Zealotry - fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of
religious, political, or other ideals; zeal
261. Turgid – swollen and distended or congested.
262. Once and for all – Finally.
263. Wistful - regretful longing.
264. Pillage - rob a (place) using violence, especially in

Gagan classes
265. Tutelage - protection of or authority over someone or
something; guardianship.
266. Sanguine – optimistic especially in an apparently difficult
267. Bout - a short period of intense activity of a specified kind.
268. Ensuing – 0ccuring afterward or as a result.
269. Filch - pilfer or steal (something, especially a thing of
small value) in a casual way.
270. Veracity - accuracy.
271. Verbiage - speech or writing that uses too many words or
excessively technical expressions.
272. Scavenge - search for and collect (anything usable) from
discarded waste.
273. Sceptre - sovereignty
274. To astound – great surprise
275. Disdain – contempt, scorn, the feeling that someone or
something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect
276. Canonical – accepted as true.
277. Stymie - hinder the progress of.
278. Sultry - hot and humid
279. Barking up wrong tree -Look in wrong place.
280. Quality pf being attacked – Vulnerability
281. Supple- flexible.
282. Realm – a kingdom.
283. Rebuff - reject (someone or something) in an abrupt
284. Heckle – interrupt with aggressive comments.
285. Spurious - false or fake.
286. Inexplicable - unable to be explained.
287. Cajole - persuade to do something by sustained flattery.
288. Fustian - pretentious speech or writing.
289. Cavalier - showing a lack of proper concern
290. Vigilance – watchful.

Gagan classes
291. Cynicism - an inclination to believe that people are
motivated purely by self-interest
292. Befuddle - make (someone) unable to think clearly.
293. Keep at bay – to control something and prevent from
causing problem.
294. Hysterically - with wildly uncontrolled emotion.
295. Bluff – deception.
296. Incentive – a thing that motivates one to do something.
297. Make a fuss about – Excessive display of attention.
298. Exempt - free from an obligation.
299. Maneuver - a movement or series of moves requiring skill
and care.
300. Avert – prevent, avoid.
301. Traverse - travel across or through.
302. Tarriance – delay.
303. Wreckage - the remains of something that has been badly
damaged or destroyed.
304. To go to somebody’s head -To make someone dizzy.
305. Fissure - split or crack (something) to form a long, narrow
306. Morbid - indicative of disease.
307. Callow - inexperienced and immature.
308. On nerves – to be an irritant.
309. Vicinity - the area near or surrounding a particular place.
310. Haul - pull or drag with effort or force.
311. Whine – a long, high-pitched complaining cry.
312. Squander - waste (something, especially money or time)
in a reckless and foolish manner.
313. Hoard- a stock or store of money or valued objects
314. Go for a song – Sold cheaply
315. Make an ass out of – Cause someone to look fool.
316. Full of twists and turns – Tortuous
317. Witchery – the practice of magic.

Gagan classes
318. Ravish - fill (someone) with intense delight
319. Rebuke - express sharp disapproval or criticism of
(someone) because of their behavior or actions.
320. Hassle – irritating inconvenience.
321. Fossilize - preserve (an organism) so that it becomes a
322. Depict - show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other
art form.
323. Salve – ointment.
324. Volition - the power of using one's will.
325. Incinerate - destroy (something, especially waste material)
by burning.
326. Redundancy – the state of being no longer needed.
327. Bifurcate - divide into two branches
328. Dissension - disagreement that leads to discord.
329. Salience – the quality of being important.
330. Treacherous - guilty of or involving betrayal
331. Stupor – a state of near-unconsciousness.
332. Subtle - so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze
or describe.
333. At drop of a hat – Without hesitation.
334. Subjugate - bring under domination or control
335. Crestfallen - sad and disappointed.
336. Gate crasher – Uninvited guest.
337. To angle - To plan or scheme to get or achieve something
338. Exuberant – filled with excitement.
339. Insolent - lack of respect.
340. Go out one’s way - to make a special effort to do
341. Enigma - difficult to understand.
342. Inertia - a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.
343. Mend your ways - to begin to behave well, having until
now behaved badly

Gagan classes
344. Decimate - kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or
part of.
345. Drag one’s feet - Act or work with intentional slowness
346. Lack of skill – Ineptness.
347. Revile - criticize in an abusive or angrily insulting manner.
348. Skimp - expend or use less time, money, or material on
something than is necessary in an attempt to economize.
349. Venial – pardonable.
350. Made light of - treated lightly.
351. Gall and wormwood - Strong feelings of bitterness
352. Tartar – violent person
353. Gallant - brave
354. Vanquish - defeat thoroughly.
355. Disavowal - reject
356. All moonshine - fake
357. Non conformist - freak
358. Be down with - To be in agreement with
359. Quiescent – in a state of period of dormancy.
360. Scot free - completely free from obligation
361. Yeoman’s service -good, useful, or workmanlike service
362. Nonentity - an unimportant person
363. Salvage - rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo)
from loss at sea.
364. Captivate - attract
365. Occidental – a native of west.
366. Scandalized - shock or horrify (someone) by a real or
imagined violation of propriety or morality.
367. Bark is worse than its bite - One's words is worse than
one's actual behaviour.
368. Throw caution to winds – To abandon one’s cautiousness
in order to take a risk.
369. Invigorate - give strength or energy to.
370. Masticate - chew (food).

Gagan classes
371. Defalcate - broken
372. Forthwith - without delay.
373. Laybrinth - a maze.
374. Proselyte - a person who has converted from one opinion,
religion, or party to another.
375. Irascible - having or showing a tendency to be easily
376. House of cards- impractical plan.
377. Peculiar habit - Idiosyncrasy
378. Forlorn - pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely.
379. Dressing down - To severely reprimand someone.
380. Ominous - threatening
381. Obstinate – stubborn.
382. Dark horse - Someone who unexpectedly wins a
383. Butt in - to meddle in the affairs of others
384. Couch potato - a lazy and inactive person
385. Carry ball - be incharge.
386. Palpable - so intense as to seem almost tangible.
387. Catch a tartar- To encounter to reckon with someone that
proves more powerful, troublesome, or formidable than one
388. Obituary – a notice of death, especially in newspaper.
389. Hard working and diligent - sedulous
390. Obsequious - obedient or attentive to an excessive or
servile degree.
391. Unreasonable - uncooperative
392. Shine with bright but irregular light – Flicker.
393. Negotiate - obtain or bring about by discussion.
394. Impromptu – done without planning.
395. Stick to his guns - persist, to stand firm
396. Straw in wind - A slight hint of the future

Gagan classes
397. Invigorating - making one feel strong, healthy, and full of
398. Weal and woe - Both in times of happiness and success
and in times of sadness and difficulty.
399. Call in question - To challenge doubt on the truth of
400. Insular – narrow minded.
401. Alienation – isolation.
402. Put up shutters - To cease business operations for any
length of time
403. Insolent - lack of respect.
404. Indolent - lazy
405. As daft as brush - silly.
406. Reproof - an expression of blame or disapproval.
407. Invaluable – extremely useful.
408. Pick to pieces - To make an effort to find flaws or negative
aspects in something
409. Pedant – a person who is excessively concerned with
minor detail.
410. Respite – a short period of rest from difficult situation.
411. Contemplative - involving prolonged thought.
412. Forswear – agree to give up or do without.
413. Inclement - unpleasantly cold or wet.
414. Nonplussed – puzzled.
415. Pull a fastone - To carry out a trick, deception
416. Insidious - proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with
harmful effects.
417. Onerous - burdensome
418. Detrimental - tending to cause harm
419. Germane- relevant.
420. Quotidian - daily.
421. Blessing in disguise - something that at first seems bad,
but later turns out to be beneficial

Gagan classes
422. Best of both worlds - The most ideal or desirable attributes
of two different things
423. Make a face - To make a distorted, silly, or humorous
facial expression
424. Acquisitive – excessively interested in acquiring money.
425. Austere - severe or strict in manner
426. Prim - feeling or showing disapproval of anything
regarded as improper.
427. To give false colours – Misrepresent.
428. Whimper – cry.
429. Call it a day – to stop something.
430. Overreaching - get the better of (someone) by cunning.
431. Obnoxious – extremely unpleasant.
432. Conundrum - a confusing and difficult problem or
433. Wobble – move unsteadily from side to side.
434. Inadvertently - accidentally.
435. Abominable - hateful
436. Elusive – difficult to find.
437. A golden key can open any door - Anything can be
accomplished with enough money.
438. Chick feed - the absolute minimum amount.
439. Plaintiff - a person who brings a case against another in a
court of law.
440. Oppressive - harsh
441. Flamboyant - tending to attract attention because of their
442. Orator – a public speaker.
443. Enigmatic - difficult to interpret or understand
444. When pigs fly – that will never happen.
445. Oofy - rich
446. Camouflage - hide.
447. To the letter - exactly as instructed

Gagan classes
448. Trance – daydream.
449. Tainted - contaminate or pollute
450. Anomie – lack of usual social standards in an individual.
451. Vile - extremely unpleasant.
452. Perverse - awkward
453. Subtle - so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze
454. Invocation - mention
455. Connotation – an idea that a word invokes in addition to its
literal meaning.
456. Paradox - contradiction
457. Collude - assemble
458. Cynical - believing that people are motivated by self-
459. Bring down the house – Amuse people
460. Fall flat - To fail
461. Turn up - appear
462. Turn down - reject
463. Quagmire – swamp, morass
464. Erratum – an error in printing
465. Amputee – a person who has had a limb amputated
466. Recrimination – an accusation in response to one from
someone else.
467. Altercation - a noisy argument or disagreement
468. Rapproachment - an establishment or resumption of
harmonious relations.
469. Homilies – a religious discourse that is intended for
spiritual edification rather than doctrinal instruction.
470. Nudge - a light touch or push.
471. Pilferage - the action of stealing things of little value.
472. Butt in - interrupt
473. Coax - gently and persistently persuade (someone) to do
474. Implication - suggestion

Gagan classes
475. Reek – smell strongly.
476. Sagacity - wisdom
477. Dissident - a person who opposes official policy
478. Perforce – used to express necessity
479. Bounty - reward
480. Doting - adoring.
481. Ambivalent - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas
about something or someone.
482. Aspersion - an attack on the reputation or integrity of
someone or something.
483. Assertion - declaration
484. Vicarious – experienced in imagination through feelings of
another person.
485. Vicious - deliberately cruel or violent.
486. Impunity - exemption from punishment
487. Morass - an area of muddy or boggy ground.
488. Pinnacle – the most successful point.
489. Chasm – a deep fissure in earth.
490. Rife - widespread.
491. Enchanter – a person who uses magic.
492. Scoundrel – a dishonest person.
493. Ostracize – exclude someone from society
494. Apparition – a ghost like image.
495. Surreal - unreal, bizarre
496. Imitate - copy
497. Stash – store safely in a specified place.
498. Rise to occasion - To increase one's effort in response to a
challenging situation.
499. Let off steam - to do or say something that helps you to
get rid of strong feelings
500. Expurgate – remove matter thought to be objective form.
501. Diabolical - characteristic of the Devil
502. Infuriate - make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.

Gagan classes
503. Accrue - (of sums of money or benefits) be received by
someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.
504. Extrapolate – extend the application.
505. Obdurate - stubbron
506. Got the sack from - To be fired from a job
507. Bone to pick - An unpleasant issue or grievance that needs
508. Surfeit - an excessive amount of something.
509. Punctilious – showing great attention to correct behaviour.
510. In good part – Without offence
511. Into bargain – In addition
512. Acquaint – make someone aware of.
513. Innocuous – not harmful
514. Rapacious – aggressively greedy.
515. Meddle – interfere in
516. Supercilious – behaving or looking though one thinks one
is superior to others.
517. Sulk - be silent, morose
518. Truncate - shorter
519. Insidious - proceeding in a gradual, subtle way
520. Your guess as good as mine – have no idea.
521. Into bargain – in addition
522. Concede - surrender or yield
523. Salubrious - healthy.
524. Scurrilous - abusive
525. Resilient – strong, tough
526. Traduce – defame, slander
527. Epicure – a person who takes particular pleasure in fine
528. Abide – accept in accordance with.
529. Insinuation - an unpleasant hint
530. Up in air - Uncertain;

Gagan classes
531. Think on his feet - To be able to think clearly in times of
532. Cut me some slack - To allow one more latitude or
freedom than usual
533. Mettle – Brave

Gagan classes

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