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Pathfinder 2e Pathfinder Society Scenario #1 09 Star Crossed Voyages

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The document provides background information on a Pathfinder Society scenario set in Garund along the Mwangi Coast. The PCs begin in Anthusis and become shipwrecked in the iruxi village of Kihirat before traveling into the jungle.

The locations mentioned are the cities of Anthusis and Ekkeshikaar, and the iruxi village of Kihirat along the Mwangi Coast of Garund.

The PCs engage in exploration and combat activities as they sail along the coast and travel through the jungle to an old iruxi observatory.


Star-Crossed Voyages
By Lu Pellazar
Lu Pellazar

Michael Sayre

Adrian Ng

Adrian Ng and Leo Glass
Table of Contents
Mirko Faloni, Roberto Pitturru, Kiki Moch Rizky, and Star-Crossed Voyages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Leonardo Santanna

Jason Engle, Corey Macourek, and Damien Mammoliti Appendix 1: Subtier 3–4 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Leonardo Santanna

ART DIRECTION AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Appendix 2: Subtier 5–6 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Tony Barnett and Sonja Morris


Linda Zayas-Palmer Appendix 3: Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Tonya Woldridge

GM Reference and Reporting Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
James Jacobs

Adam Daigle Chronicle Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Erik Mona
How to Play
Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–09: Star-Crossed Voyages is a Pathfinder Society Scenario
designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters (Tier 3–6; Subtiers 3–4 and 5–6). As a
scenario, this adventure is designed to take about 4 hours to play. It is designed for play
in the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, but it can easily be adapted for use
with any world. For more information on the Pathfinder Society campaign, how to read the
attached Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your area, check out the campaign’s
home page at

GM Resources
Star-Crossed Voyages makes use of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Bestiary,
and Lost Omens Character Guide, as well as the maps GameMastery Map Pack: Shrines,
Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Ship, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Bigger Temple, Pathfinder Flip-Tiles:
Forest Perils Expansion, and Starfinder Flip-Mat: Jungle World. All rules referenced in this
adventure are available in the free online Pathfinder Reference Document at,
and the creature stat blocks from the Bestiary are reprinted at the back of the adventure for
the GM’s convenience.

Scenario Tags
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
information on scenario tags, see the Pathfinder Society Guide to Play at http://www.
Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577 Horizon Hunters
Star-Crossed Voyages
By Lu Pellazar
GM Synopsis
This adventure includes an mix of exploration and combat WHERE ON GOLARION?
activities as the PCs sail south along the Garundi coast and
travel through the jungle to an old iruxi observatory. Star-Crossed Voyages takes place mostly in the coastal
areas of western Garund, south of the Mwangi Expanse.
Adventure Background The PCs begin the adventure having answered a call
In 4138 ar, Cheliax colonized the Mwangi Expanse, for adventurers in the city of Anthusis. Their journey
imposing their rule on the native populations. For then finds them shipwrecked in the small iruxi village
hundreds of years they ruled the colonial barony of of Kihirat south along the Mwangi Coast, and finally
Sargava, until the death of the god Aroden in 4606 traveling to an abandoned stargazing tower deeper
ar. Since that time, the colony has undergone a slow within the jungle. For more information on Garund and
transition back into the possession of the native peoples the Mwangi Expanse, see page 84 of the Pathfinder Lost
of the region. Renamed “Vidrian” in 4717 ar, the new Omens World Guide, which is available in bookstores
nation is a coalition of disparate Mwangi peoples, united and hobby stores everywhere and online at
under a common history, cause, and banner.
Vidrian, despite its youth, already finds itself beset
with issues. To the east, their immediate neighbor Mzali GARUND
is ruled by an increasingly aggressive undead child-god
more likely to see them as threat than ally. To the north
and west the Free Captains, leaders of the pirates of
the Shackles, have engaged in ever-more brazen acts of
piracy against Vidric ships.
Nearly 600 years ago, the ancestors of many of the
peoples occupying what is now Vidrian traded with the
civilizations to the south, using coastal shipping routes
and overland shortcuts to facilitate commerce. The
incursion of a Chelaxian colony disrupted many of these
relationships, and Cheliax methodically changed the flow
of goods and trade and pointing it north towards their
own empire. As trade with the countries south of the During their journey to Ekkeshikaar, the PCs and their
Jungle of Hungry Trees dwindled, many of the shipping accompaniment are nearly shipwrecked after a battle
routes fell into disuse or were lost entirely. at sea against marauding sea devils. The expedition is
When Aroden died, the world was struck by natural forced to take emergency port at a small coastal iruxi
disasters and unusual phenomenon, such as the massive village of Kihirat. The local villagers rush to help the
whirlpool known as the Eye of the Abendego. Disrupting expedition get back on track, offering materials and
even well-established trade routes, the effects that the Eye carpenters to help repair the ship and providing shelter
and other catastrophes had on the disused and barely and food for as long as the repairs take. Upon inquiring
remembered shipping routes was even more profound, about the strange events at sea, the party learns that
making the few surviving charts all but worthless. As the the mysterious ocean currents and the malfunctioning
burgeoning nation of Vidrian finds themselves beset by magnetic compasses are due to a centuries-old gargoyle
foes and in need of allies, recreating these long-lost trade named Paravaax. While he is hibernating in his stone
relationships has become an increasing priority for the form, his body acts as a powerful lodestone that
nation’s leaders. effects the magnetic fields of the area for miles. While
malfunctioning compasses aren’t a problem for the
Adventure Summary local iruxi, who use the stars and their generations’
The PCs are summoned to the city of Anthusis by the long familiarity with the area to navigate, whenever
Pathfinder Mirian Raas. She seeks explorers for an Paravaax is awake, he tends to visit Kihirat and take
expedition on behalf of the nation of Vidrian, to renew one—or a few—villagers as a grisly snack.
relationships with their centuries-lost trading partner, the In order to stop the gargoyle from further hindering
iruxi island of Ekkeshikaar.  their navigation attempts and to help put the village of

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Kihirat at ease, the PCs must travel to the abandoned Lumki so that he’ll leave, or risk their own lives and fight
stargazing tower named Oldstar, nestled deep within the the powerful beast to the death?
jungle, to confront Paravaax and put an end to his reign Once the PCs dispatch with the gargoyle, whether
of terror over Kihirat and the surrounding region. through combat or contract, the magnetic phenomena
The party is able to navigate the jungle with the help keeping the expedition from navigating to Ekkeshikaar
of Kihirat’s expert astrologer, Lumki, and when they end. The choices the PCs make in dealing with the
confront Paravaax, they are faced with a moral dilemma: lodestone gargoyle will affect relations between the
make a deal with the ghoulish gargoyle and let him eat Pathfinder Society and the iruxi.

Getting Started
Mirian Raas (NG female human Pathfinder; art on page
38) has put out a call to fellow Pathfinders who are eager
for the kind of adventure the Society was founded for:
an exhilarating expedition into unknown. The PCs meet
Raas in the port of Vidrian’s capitol city of Anthusis,
which is located along the coast of the Mwangi Jungle.
Along with the PCs, Mirian Raas has also requested
the aid of the Horizon Hunters for the expedition. The
Horizon Hunters’ leader, Calisro Benarry (N female
half-orc sailor), eager to once again sail the seas, has
excitedly accepted Mirian’s call and brought along a
reliable group of her own to join the expedition. Calisro
has chartered two ships from the Pathfinder Society
in addition to her own Glorious Payoff, including the
Grinning Pixie, a Pathfinder Society ship formerly
captained by Calisro before she was finally forced to
follow the terms of a contract and turn it over to its new
legal captain, Eras the Needle (LG half-elf shipwright).
The third ship, the Sea Sparkle, is the smallest of
the three.
As soon as the PCs make it to Anthusis, they’re corralled
onto the Grinning Pixie, to meet up with Raas, her
adopted brother Jekka (male iruxi explorer), and some
of the Horizon Hunters. Mirian Raas amicably greets
everyone as they board the ship. A spark of excitement
glimmers in her eyes as she calls for the ship crew and
Pathfinders to gather around her for a briefing. When the
PCs approach Mirian, read or paraphrase the following.

“Welcome, explorers! As I’m sure you read in the bulletins,

we’ve been tasked with travelling to the iruxi island-city of
Ekkeshikaar on behalf of the nation of Vidrian, that we may
help negotiate the renewal of the alliance between the two
nations. The Vidric Council’s provided us with a map based
on ancient sea charts to help us get there, and we’ll be
compensated for our efforts!
“We’ll need to stay sharp, though—this route hasn’t
been traveled in centuries, and we have no idea what
might be out there. With the help of the Horizon
Hunters and my brother Jekka,” she lays her hand on
Mirian Raas the shoulder of the iruxi next to her, “I have no doubts
this will be a successful expedition!”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
After the briefing, they have a few moments to ask Society (Recall Knowledge)
Mirian some questions. Some likely questions and Based on the result of a DC 15 Society check to Recall
Mirian’s answers to them are as follows. Knowledge, the PCs might know more information
What kind of dangers can we expect? “We simply don’t about Vidrian’s trade history and the iruxi nations to
know. There hasn’t been much contact with the lands this the south.
far south in a long time. Traveling the seas, there could Critical Success: Prior to Chelaxian colonization, the
be pirates, sea monsters… Overland? Other than jungle peoples living in the area near what is now Vidrian had a
predators, your guess is as good as mine.” robust trade relationship with their southern neighbors,
Why is this trade agreement so important? “To put and many would travel to study at the iruxi observatory
it simply, Vidrian needs as many allies as it can get. known as Oldstar.
It’s a new nation, and it’s already dealing with myriad Success: When Cheliax established its colony
problems from all directions. From pirates to the west of Sargava, now overthrown and replaced by the
and north, to an undead army from the east. Vidrian’s nation of Vidrian, it redirected all trade in the region
hoping opening up trade routes with Ekkeshikaar will northward. Chelaxian troops drove off iruxi traders
mean it’ll gain a valuable ally” during the early years of colonization, seeing the iruxi
What’s the plan to convince the iruxi to reinitiate the as monsters, and the iruxi ceased sending trade vessels
trade agreement after all these years? “Glad you asked! into Sargavan waters.
The Vidric Council members have given us two chests Failure: The PC learns no information.
of ancient relics from the lost iruxi city of Kutnaar.
Repatriating the relics to the leaders of Ekkeshikaar Boons and Hero Points
should grease the negotiation’s wheels and help secure Give the PCs a few moments to slot their boons for the
the desired trade agreement. Whatever the case, there’ll adventure, and remind each PC that they have 1 Hero
be a lot of meetings and deliberations. The journey’s Point available for use during the adventure.
far more interesting, and that’s what I need you all for.” Not long after the PCs finish their conversation with
How reliable are the sea charts from the Vidric Mirian, Eras the Needle orders the crew to set sail.
Council? “They’re as good as it’s going to get. They’re The first 3 days of travel the oceans are smooth and
based on the tireless research of ancient records, so it uneventful, but on the evening of the fourth day at sea,
should at least be a good starting point. Plus, we have a a frantic cry from the ship’s helmsman calls everyone
team of incredible navigators and risk takers,” Mirian aboard the ship to action.
gestures to the members of the Horizon Hunters on the
ship, “so I’m confident that we’ll be successful.” A. Adrift at Sea Moderate
Is Jekka really your brother? “Of course he is! Can’t On the fourth day at sea, a strange outside force causes
you see the family resemblance?” every magnetic compass on the ship to spin wildly,
including the PCs’ personal compasses if they have any.
Nature (Recall Knowledge) Soon after, the PCs’ ship is caught a powerful ocean
Based on the result of a DC 15 Nature check to Recall current and is being forced miles off-course, dragging it
Knowledge, the PCs might know more information away from the rest of the expedition’s convoy.
relevant to this adventure about the waters around the Read or paraphrase the following.
Garundi coastline.
Critical Success: The catastrophic Eye of Abendego As the sun is finally beginning to set on the fourth day at
is not the only force disrupting trade with southern sea, the Grinning Pixie is jolted suddenly. The ocean’s currents
Garund and the nearby islands. Vicious sea devils also become inexplicably tempestuous, and the ship is pulled
lurk in the southern waters, dismantling a ship’s rudders wildly off course at an accelerated speed. The helmsman of
before murdering its crew. the Pixie shouts to the crew, “Hold on!” as the vessel speeds
Success: Sea routes into southern Garund have been away from the convoy. The alarmed calls from the Glorious
little used in the last century, and the advent of the Eye Payoff and the Sea Sparkle fade, and soon the other ships
of Abendego changed many of Garundi ocean currents disappear entirely from sight.
from their previous patterns. An agonized scream pierces the sound of rushing water,
Failure: The PC learns no information. and frantic shouts from the crew emanate from the opposite
Critical Failure: The waters south of Vidrian are side of the ship. Devious cackling echoes over the chaos, and
relatively calm and predictable, with little ocean life the lookout in the crow’s nest bellows, “Ready yourselves!
beyond fish and porpoises. Devils from the sea!”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
A. Adrift at Sea

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Ship

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Stabilizing the Ship: In the moments before combat these conditions matches a player at the table, award a
starts, the PCs can attempt to help the helmsman stabilize Hero Point to a single player of your choice.
the ship. A PC who wishes to help can attempt a DC 15 Onward to Kihirat: The sun is starting to rise once the sea
Athletics or Sailing Lore check. One other party member devils are all defeated, and the lookout in the ship’s crow’s
can attempt to Aid this check. nest calls down to the rest of the crew that they’ve sighted
Depending on the PCs Athletics or Sailing Lore check, a small village on the distant coastal beach. The crew
the results are as follows. manages to direct the ship ashore in hopes that whoever
lives in the village can lend the adventurers materials and
Success The PC is able to help Eras stabilize the helm grant them shelter while they work on repairs.
and level the ship.
Failure The helmsman continues to struggle against the B. Kihirat Village
supernatural current. The PCs must attempt a DC 18 Reflex The modest coastal village of Kihirat is populated by the
save before the battle or take a –2 circumstance penalty to humanoid lizards known as iruxi, who come running
their initiative rolls. to meet the Grinning Pixie as soon as the ship lands
ashore. Read or paraphrase the following.
Creatures: The ship finally escapes the current, but it is
heavily damaged and faraway from the rest of the convoy. As the Grinning Pixie drifts onto the sand, a dozen figures
As if the situation weren’t dire enough, the chaos from the approach, illuminated by the light of the rising sun.
ship’s struggle has attracted the attention of a prowling
group of sea devils who see the ship’s plight as the perfect The Pixie’s lookout searches the horizon for signs
opportunity to plunder its cargo and savage the crew. of the Glorious Payoff and the Sea Sparkle, but these
For more information on this encounter, see page 21 for ships are nowhere in sight. Mirian Raas and Eras the
Subtier 3–4, or page 27 for Subtier 5–6. Needle focus their efforts on marshalling crew members
and necessary goods to land, leaving the PCs to lead the
Subtier 3–4 conversation with the iruxi.
The villagers in Kihirat speak Iruxi and Mwangi.
SEA DEVIL SCOUTS (3) CREATURE 2 To communicate more than the most basic concepts
Pathfinder Bestiary 286; page 21; art on page 32 to them, a PC needs to be able to speak one of these
Initiative Perception +9 languages. Alternatively, the PCs can solicit the help
of Jekka to interpret (remind the players that this is
Subtier 5–6 an option if they are stuck). The iruxi villagers are
sympathetic to the plight of the shipwrecked crews,
SEA DEVIL SCOUTS (4) CREATURE 2 and they offer the PCs and the crew assistance,
Pathfinder Bestiary 286; page 21; art on page 32 including beds, food, and shelter. Only minutes after
Initiative Perception +9 the PCs arrive in Kihirat, an elderly iruxi makes his
way through the crowd of villagers. The elder puts a
SEA DEVIL INVADER CREATURE 4 hand to his chest and introduces himself as Nahansa.
Page 27; art on page 33 The PCs might have some questions for the Nahansa
Initiative Perception +9 and the villagers. Some likely questions and Nahansa’s
answers are as follows. If the PCs do not specifically
Reward: One of the sea devils carried a bag stuffed ask about the issue with the compasses or how they can
with stolen treasures such as small gemstones, loose repay the iruxi, Nahansa volunteers the information
coins, a set of expensive glass marbles. Altogether these and asks for their assistance.
items are worth 2 Treasure Bundles. Where are we? “This is Kihirat! This village has
Hero Points: At this point, you should be approaching been on this coast for centuries. Millennia, perhaps?
the end of your first hour of play, which means it is time We can trace the name Kihirat back to three families
to award one Hero Point to a player now if you have of iruxi farmers and fishers who rebuilt here after a
not already done so. This should be the player whose PC severe storm of some kind, though records are spotty
helped in successfully stabilizing the ship, or the player regarding what may have been here before then.”
whose PC landed the killing blow on the largest number Who are you? “I am Kihirat’s oldest living citizen.
of sea devils (or the player who struck the killing blow The people here often look to me for guidance. I’d like
against the sea devil invader in Subtier 5–6). If neither of to think I’ve become quite wise in my years.”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Do you know why our compasses aren’t working? both flesh and metal to survive, making those who wear
Nahansa’s expression grows grim. “Oh, yes. I can explain. armor or carry weapons a favored meal. While the PCs
The ancient gargoyle Paravaax lives in the jungle to the fight several of the creatures, iruxi warriors fight others,
east of here. He’s old, cruel, and has an unusual connection with help from Mirian Raas. These other clashes take place
to the Plane of Earth. His body has the properties of a in the background and have little effect on the PCs’ battle.
giant lodestone, capable of disrupting compasses for miles Meanwhile, noncombatant villagers flee into the jungle.
around. When he rests or moves it causes all kinds of For more information on this encounter, see page 22 for
problems for anyone trying to navigate with such devices.” Subtier 3–4, or page 28 for Subtier 5–6.
Lodestone? “It’s a type of mineral that has the
property of repelling or attracting metal. Paravaax’s Subtier 3–4
form seems to do both at random, or perhaps even
simultaneously, though no one has ever been able to METALLIC SOD HOUNDS (2) CREATURE 3
study him up close to know for sure what’s happening. Variant sod hound (Pathfinder Bestiary 146; page 22)
He considers iruxi flesh to be something of a delicacy.” Initiative Perception +9
Is there anything we can do to repay your hospitality?
Nahansa chuckles heartily. “Oh, we would never hold Subtier 5–6
you to such things. We’re a hospitable folk!” He suddenly
looks pensive. “Though... We may share a common GREATER METALLIC SOD HOUNDS (3) CREATURE 4
concern. Your compasses will not work while Paravaax Variant sod hound (Pathfinder Bestiary 146; page 27)
is active in the region, and we are not safe so long as the Initiative Perception +11
gargoyle hunts the edges of our territory. If you are willing
to seek the gargoyle out and drive him away, you would be After the Rumble: In the aftermath of the battle,
helping both our people. the noncombatant iruxi return from the jungle. They
We also have another problem we could use help treat the injuries of iruxi warriors and Grinning Pixie
with. You see, in our temple of Gozreh, there have been crew alike. Each PC receives the benefits of a successful
odd noises coming from the belfry for almost a week now. Medicine check to Treat Wounds.
I’m loathe to admit it, but we’ve been too preoccupied the Once the worst of the injuries are treated, the Elder
coming rainstorms to look into it ourselves.” speaks with the PCs and Mirian Raas, while Jekka quietly
Coming rainstorms? “Oh yes, I should say so. observes the conversation. Nahansa informs them that
Ferocious winds and torrential rain become fairly he does not believe this attack to be a coincidence;
common along the coast here starting within the next few rather, he believes the strange metallic creatures are
weeks and lasting for about a month. Do not fret, for we connected to Paravaax—a sign that the gargoyle has
will repair your ships and see you on your way well ahead grown bolder than ever before. He explains that the
of the storms. And if not, perhaps we will have ample gargoyle has taken roost in the iruxi’s old observatory:
opportunity to get to know one another." an ancient, abandoned building that once served as a
place for observing the skies and learning for centuries
Event #1: Rumble in the Jungle Moderate before the native iruxi were driven out by Paravaax
Before Nahansa has the chance to finish his explanation and his monsters. The gargoyle has been spotted in that
of the situation with Paravaax or how the PCs can find same area by scouts to this day, so Nahansa suspects
the gargoyle, a pack of metallic canines attacks. The rest that he still lives there.
of his explanation appears in After the Rumble below. With the mission clear, Mirian Raas and Jekka
Read or paraphrase the following. volunteer to stay behind in Kihirat to help protect the
village while the PCs hunt down Paravaax. Even if
An echoing metallic clang rumbles through the nearby the PCs ask Mirian to join them, she remains resolute
rainforest. As waves of fleeing birds take flight from the in her offer, assuring the PCs that she’s had plenty of
canopy, it’s easy to see that whatever is causing the sound is adventures of her own and that she believes that it’s
making its way to the coast—right toward Kihirat. their turn to shine.
Nahansa introduces the PCs to an iruxi astrologer
Creatures: Howling with rage, a pack of metallic sod named Lumki who Nahansa says can guide the PCs to
hounds bound from the forest’s edge. Their silver scales the observatory, navigating by her knowledge of the
glint in the sun’s light, and their howls echo like an stars. Lumki is bright and friendly. She has been waiting
otherworldly metallic clang. The hungry hounds require months for an opportunity to travel to the observatory,

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
B. Kihirat Village

1 square = 5 feet Starfinder Flip-Mat: Jungle World

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
a journey that is a rite of passage for iruxi astrologers Treasure: Before the PCs depart, Nahansa gives them
in the area. If the PCs are willing to take Lumki along, a gift to thank them for their assistance against the sod
she promises to stay out of the way and help them hounds: a magical scrollstaff containing a 2nd-level animal
however she can. Even if the PCs do not speak Iruxi or form spell (+1 striking scrollstaff containing a 3rd-level
Mwangi, she can lead the way and communicate basic animal form spell in Subtier 5–6; Lost Omens Character
ideas through a combination of drawing, gestures, and Guide 100). This item is worth 2 Treasure Bundles.
demonstrations. If the PCs decline to take the iruxi with
them she instead describes the route to them as best Trekking the Jungle
she can. After a 30-minute trek inland, the PCs and Lumki make
it past the fringes of the jungle’s tree line. The foliage
and brush become so thick that visibility is at most only
about 20 feet. The entire trek is difficult terrain unless
stated otherwise.

The jungle becomes unforgivingly dense and oppressively

humid as the trail winds deeper into the canopied depths.
Dappled light shines down through gaps in the leaves
above, and although nothing stirs but the dew dripping
from the branches above, the sing-song sounds of the
jungle wildlife are a constant reminder that one is
never truly alone here.

Lumki cheerfully recites facts about the wildlife and

plant life as she leads the PCs forward. “Did you know
the Garundi parrot’s feathers change colors throughout
the year? They even turn orange during autumn, just
like tree leaves!” If the PCs ask her about unpleasant
topics like the sod hound attack, she quickly changes
the subject. Generally, Lumki is not an asset in combat.
She automatically succeeds at the skill challenges the PCs
face along their journey thanks to her familiarity with
the area, but if combat breaks out, she hides in the jungle.

Optional Encounter: C. Boggards in the Belfry

As the PCs proceed into the jungle, Lumki indicates
a small side trail leading up to an old temple. Read
or paraphrase the following before proceeding. Skip
this encounter if you typically run short of time when
GMing Pathfinder Society scenarios.

A twisting path branches away from the main trail leading

east. The path is trampled flat and lifeless by the passage
of many feet, but the jungle seems well on its way to
reclaiming the narrow passage.

As long as the PCs are accompanied by the iruxi guide

Lumki, the lizardfolk stops alongside the side trail and
turns to them. If one of the PCs is capable of speaking
Iruxi or Mwangi, Lumki quickly explains that the trail
Lumki leads to Kihirat’s temple of Gozreh. The temple has fallen
into disuse during the past year as Paravaax has left his

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
C. Boggards in the Belfry

1 square = 5 feet GameMastery Map Pack: Shrines

dormant state and become more active, and Lumki believes Subtier 3–4
that something may have moved in since the last iruxi
made the trek to the temple. Lumki tells the PCs that if they BOGGARD SWAMPSEER CREATURE 3
wouldn’t mind investigating the temple on Kihirat’s behalf, Pathfinder Bestiary 45; page 23; art on page 35
she has some potions she’d happily give them as a reward. Initiative Perception +11
Creature: A harried boggard seer and a boggard
scout (or a boggard seer and a pair of boggard warriors, BOGGARD SCOUT CREATURE 1
in Subtier 5–6) have been hiding out in the temple’s Pathfinder Bestiary 44; page 23
belfry for almost a week now. They were injured on the Initiative Perception +8
hunt by a bizarre metal hound and fled in terror toward
the coast when they realized the unusual nature of their Subtier 5–6
mark. Though their wounds have since healed, they
remains fearful of leaving the area. For more information BOGGARD SWAMPSEER CREATURE 3
on this encounter, see page 23 for Subtier 3–4, or page 29 Pathfinder Bestiary 45; page 29; art on page 35
for Subtier 5–6. Initiative Perception +11

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
BOGGARD WARRIORS (2) CREATURE 2 Core Rulebook 478). Once a creature has sunk to the
Pathfinder Bestiary 44; page 29; art on page 34 bottom, they are still swept downstream 15 feet at the
Initiative Perception +8 end of each turn they remain in the river, though they
can attempt to walk along the river bottom towards
Reward: Lumki is grateful to the PCs for clearing the shore, treating each square as greater difficult terrain.
temple of the intruding boggards. She comments that the A creature who is swept over the falls at the southern
local boggards are not to be trusted, as they’ve attacked end of the river takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage from the
iruxi settlements several times in recent years. She fall (3d6 bludgeoning and 1d6 piercing in Subtier 5–6
rewards the PCs with four lesser healing potions (four due to jagged rocks at the bottom of the falls) before
lesser elixirs of life in Subtier 5–6). landing in a placid pool that they can easily swim out
of to either shore.
D. River Crossing A PC can Aid the Athletics check to Swim of a creature
About 3 hours into their trek through the jungle, the PCs being swept downriver by extending a rope, branch, or
must cross a narrow, but deep and swift-moving, river. similar object, as long as the assisting creature is within
This river uses the following tiles Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: 10 feet of the target (if using a branch or pole), or if they
Forest Perils Expansion from top to bottom: 07A, 08A, are within 25 feet of the target and succeed at a ranged
06A, and 10A. attack against AC 10 (if using a rope or vine).
Read or paraphrase the following before continuing. Once the PCs have crossed to the island, they can
move the log to the other side to complete their crossing.
A narrow river rushes through the area, shattering the quiet As long as the PCs can collectively carry at least 8 Bulk,
murmuring of the jungle’s wildlife with its chiming roar. A they can simply pick up the log and move it to the other
simple log, coated with moss is the only “bridge” in sight, side of the island. If the PCs do not have the capacity to
leading to a small island in the center of the river. move the log, they can attempt to remove armor or other
bulky equipment to free up available Bulk, or one PC
If Lumki travels with the PCs, she makes a sibilant with up to one Aiding PC can attempt a DC 18 Athletics
“tsk” sound before saying “You’ll want to be careful check to move the log up to 10 feet; critically succeeding
here. That log isn’t too bad for clawed iruxi toes, but it at this check allows the PCs to move the log up to 20 feet,
might be a bit slick for some of you. We should be able failing this check means the log only moves 5 feet, and
to walk across the log out to that islet, pull the log in, critically failing the check means the log does not move
and use it to cross to the other side. Unless you have any from its current location.
suggestions for an alternative, I fear crossing here is the Reward: Many years back, a young iruxi hunter hid
only practical route forward, treacherous as it may be.” a bag of uncut sapphires on the island in the middle of
Crossing the River: The moss-covered log is extremely the river, beneath a small bush. A tree has since fallen,
slippery, requiring a DC 19 (DC 22 in Subtier 5–6) crushing the bush and becoming the moss-covered log
Acrobatics check to Balance across safely. A PC who that serves as a bridge. When the PCs cross the log
successfully crosses the river can anchor a rope to a tree or bridge, it jostles the bag free, making it clearly visible.
piton and secure it at the destination (either the island or The sapphires are worth 2 Treasure Bundles.
the far side of the river) to reduce the Balance DC to 10. Hero Points: If you have not awarded a Hero Point to
PCs who fail the check to cross the log slip and fall a player since encounter A, award one to a player now.
into the river unless they succeed at a DC 19 (DC 22 This should be the player whose PC either was most
in Subtier 5–6) Reflex save to Grab an Edge of the log successful in navigating this skill challenge, or a player
and arrest their fall. PCs who fail this save fall into the whose PC succeeded in rescuing another PC who fell into
river below. the river. If neither of these conditions matches a player
The river is 10-feet deep at most points and flows at the table, award a Hero Point to a single player of your
from north to south with 15-foot currents. Creatures choice (this should be a different player than the one
who fall into the river are swept 15 feet downstream awarded a Hero Point following Event #1, if applicable).
starting at the end of their next turn and each subsequent
turn thereafter. Creatures swept down the river can Guidepost
attempt a DC 15 Athletics checks to Swim (Pathfinder As the trek through the jungle continues, the PCs come
Core Rulebook 243) to shore. Creatures who critically upon a clearing with a small stone statue and multiple
fail a Swim check sink to the river bottom and must paths leading away about 4 hours east of the river
hold their breath or begin drowning (see Pathfinder crossing in area C. This can serve as a safe area to rest and

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
D. River Crossing

L = Log
1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Forest Perils Expansion

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
at which point they complete this event and continue
NAVIGATING WITHOUT A COMPASS on to area E. PCs have a variety of activities available
to them during exploration mode; you as the GM are
While the gargoyle Paravaax is hibernating, a empowered to assist them in choosing an activity, if
combination of its lodestone body and powerful magic necessary, by suggesting any of the following activities
cause bizarre magnetic phenomena throughout the based on the character’s description of what they’d like
region for up to 100 miles. to be doing as they proceed through the jungle. If the PCs
While the gargoyle is in the area, the PCs can’t use aren’t sure what their characters should be doing, feel
compasses to navigate. Without a functional compass, free to read them each of the following activities using
the PCs take a –2 item penalty on Survival checks to their descriptions as presented in the Pathfinder Core
Sense Direction. Rulebook (pages 479–480). The following activities are
particularly helpful for groups attempting to complete
this challenge.
recover, if necessary, and also presents a skill challenge Detect Magic: This activity requires the PC to be
for any group of PCs who find themselves without an able to cast detect magic and assumes they do so at
iruxi guide. regular intervals. If a PC is uses this activity during this
Read or paraphrase the following before proceeding. exploration, they stumble across an abandoned satchel
containing 2 lesser healing potions (2 lesser elixirs of life
A small, three-foot tall stone statue of a hooded iruxi with in Subtier 5–6).
its tail curled at its feet rests underneath a tree. The dappled Investigate: This activity allows characters to actively
light shining on it glints off of a small plaque attached to the investigate their surroundings as they move and use
statue underneath the carved iruxi’s feet. Recall Knowledge as secret checks to discover clues. If a
PC uses this activity during exploration, they can attempt
“The Guidepost! We’re almost to the Observatory. a DC 18 Jungle Lore or DC 20 Survival check to Recall
The building is about a twenty-minute trek right in the Knowledge about the plant growth in the area, allowing
direction the iruxi’s tail is pointing.” Lumki points her them to quickly correct course and head toward the
claw in the same direction the statue’s tail points, while observatory. Survival in this instance is a special exception
simultaneously imitating the statue with her own tail. to the normal list of skills that can be used to Recall
The sign underneath the statue says “Proceed hence Knowledge; occasionally as the GM you can identify
for Oldstar Observatory” in Mwangi. So long as the PCs a situation where a skill is particularly appropriate
have Lumki or an iruxi PC with them, they reach Oldstar or relevant for Recall Knowledge, and both the Core
Observatory after about 2 hours (area D). Otherwise, use Rulebook and the organized play campaign empower
the following sections to represent their exploration. you to allow the use of such skills for these checks.
Lost in the Jungle: PCs lacking an iruxi companion Search: This activity allows characters to look for
can find the guidepost to be inscrutable. Most non- hidden passages, concealed doors, hidden hazards, and
iruxi do not recognize that the iruxi statue’s tail is being the like. If a PC is using this activity during exploration,
deliberately used to point out the direction so that its they uncover a large, stone door set into the ground.
claws are left free to hang open by its sides. This basic This leads to an underground passageway that leads to
posture conveys a great deal of information to an iruxi, a secret hatch in the northwest corner of the Oldstar
most notably that the correct trail is a particular path to Observatory (area E; see the map on page 16).
the northeast and that it was safe and secured against Sense Direction: A PC can attempt a DC 15 Survival
dangerous wildlife at the time the statue was erected. check (DC 18 in Subtier 5–6) to Sense Direction and keep
Non-iruxi PCs who are trained or better in Iruxi Lore can the party oriented so that they reach their destination,
attempt a DC 18 Recall Knowledge check to learn these arriving at the observatory.
facts; otherwise they must proceed with the following During this event, PCs can use abilities that have
challenges, which occur in exploration mode (Pathfinder instantaneous effects or shorter durations that need
Core Rulebook 479). to be counted in rounds; it is entirely appropriate and
If the PCs attempt to proceed without Lumki, they are encouraged to allow the PCs to enter encounter mode
forced to find their way to the observatory on their own. by rolling initiative, cast their spells, complete their
This path takes them down one of the many side trails actions or activities, and then return to exploration
and through several dense valleys before depositing them mode. For example, a wizard PC might choose to cast
on a rocky bluff from which they can see the observatory, levitate on the party ranger to raise them up above the

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
tree-line for a better view; this specific example would area E3 is enough to bring the roof of the observatory
count as an automatic success for the ranger to Sense crashing down, forcing any creatures inside to flee or
Direction since the observatory, which sits on a bluff perish (see Event 2: The Collapsing Observatory). So
above the tree-line, would become plainly visible. Other long as the PCs were guided by Lumki or succeeded at
spells or abilities might also grant an automatic success the Sense Direction activity in area B3, they reach the
or a circumstance bonus to subsequent checks made in observatory while there is still 4 hours of daylight left,
exploration mode for similar reasons, as appropriate and the observatory is well-lit. Otherwise, the PCs arrive
to the spell in question. The more beneficial to finding as the sun sets and the entire observatory is only dimly lit
and traveling to the observatory the spell is, the larger by the light of the stars piercing the dilapidated ceiling.
a circumstance bonus it should grant, between +1 and
+4. Abilities which would allow the PCs to travel at E1. Gathering Chambers Low
least 100 feet directly up to see above the canopy grant
automatic successes. This sprawling, oddly configured collection of rooms has
So long as at least one PC succeeds on the check to barely visible, dust-filled metal grooves carved into the floor
Sense Direction while traveling, they reach area E in in concentric rings and criss-crossing lines.
a timely fashion and events unfold as described. If the
PCs take part in this event and none of them succeed This area used to be a highly modular room with walls
at one of the described activities (including if none of that could be moved along the metal tracks sunken
the PCs attempt any of those activities or use a spell as into the floor to serve as a dance hall, dining room,
described above) they wander lost in the jungle for 6 or whatever other area was necessary for the event
hours before reaching the observatory. This additional of the day, a fact Lumki shares with the PCs in quiet
time lets Paravaax be alerted to the PCs heading his appreciation when she has the opportunity to do so.
way. In response, he gathers one or more additional steel Now, the ceiling has collapsed in places and the walls
mephits into the observatory, increasing the difficulty of have either become jammed in place by the crumbling
the encounter in area E3. ceiling or rusted tight in their positions. Area E1
represents all of the little rooms south of area E3 except
E. Oldstar Observatory the room marked E2.
Creatures: A greater steel mephit flits about the
An ancient, partially ruined building looms. The stone walls room, idly scrubbing the rusted metal tracks with a
are almost completely covered in creeping ivy, with a few tattered cloth and bottle of oil. When the PCs enter the
glimpses of crumbling red sandstone and metallic fixtures observatory, the mephit shrieks and tosses the bottle
showing through. of oil on the ground, where it quickly runs in rivulets
down the tracks coating the room. In Subtier 5–6, a pair
The PCs approach the Oldstar Observatory from of greater steel mephits work together on restoring the
the south, where they see a small flight of stairs leading room. See the appendixes of this scenario for more details.
up to a closed door. If they circle around the building, Slick Floors: Each time a PC Strides across the floors
they find two other entrances. On the north side is in this room after the mephit drops the oil, they must
another doorway similar to the one in the south. At succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check at the start of the
the top of staircase on the west side of the building, a movement or take a –10-foot circumstance penalty to
massive bronze double door looms. The doors remain their Speed for the rest of the round.
resolutely shut despite attempts to open them; a PC who
investigates the door and succeeds at a DC 15 Perception Subtier 3–4
check notices that it would normally open outward, but
it has been fused shut. Furthermore, the door’s handles GREATER STEEL MEPHIT CREATURE 4
have been removed, rendering them as difficult to bypass Page 24
as a wall made of metal. The Oldstar Observatory is Initiative Perception +12
in a state of severe disrepair. Large holes in the vaulted
ceilings leave the interior open to the elements. The walls Subtier 5–6
have Hardness 14 with 28 Hit Points per square foot
and a Broken Threshold of 14. The decayed, vaulted GREATER STEEL MEPHITS (2) CREATURE 4
ceiling is 40-feet high and held aloft by sandstone pillars, Page 30
each three feet thick. Destroying four of the pillars in Initiative Perception +12

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E. Oldstar Observatory

P E3

E1 E2
H = Secret Hatch
P = Paravaax
1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Bigger Temple

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E2. Receiving Hall for the moment, but a jarring impact or damage to the ceiling’s
supports might be all the impetus required to bring the building
This room is covered in a thick layer of dust, with the vague crashing down.
outlines of large pillows and other furnishings seemingly
the only remains that the years have left to indicate what From this side of the doors on the eastern wall, it is
this room might once have been. easier to see why they would not open from the outside:
the doors appear to be a smooth, solid panel of bronze.
This room was once a receiving area for the observatory, Creatures: The gargoyle Paravaax rests in this
where visiting iruxi would come and lounge on large throw chamber, perched on the edge of the central, pyramidal
pillows while awaiting their turn to use the observatory’s platform. If the PCs failed to navigate in area B3 and do
telescope, meet with one of the observatory’s astrologers, not have Lumki as a guide, he is also accompanied by
or complete whatever other business may have brought a pair of steel mephits (greater steel mephits in Subtier
them here. Lumki shares this information with the PCs 5–6). See the appendices of this scenario for more details.
if she is with them, then sadly laments that it has been
centuries since any iruxi other than citizens of
Kihirat made their way here.

E3. Paravaax’s Court Moderate

This expansive chamber, though

ancient and crumbling, was
obviously once a beautiful sight.
The high stone walls are carved
with ornate designs depicting
iruxi gazing up at the night sky,
and the decayed ceilings show
the remains of what were once
detailed depictions of the
night sky.
A large platform situated
in the north-central area of
the hall once held a massive
copper telescope aloft on a
ridged base that allowed
for various adjustments,
but now the telescope
lies in ruins, much of it
apparently scavenged
over the years. A platform
with a rotating base sits
near the opening in the
wall that the telescope
would have protruded
through, it’s mechanisms
long fused into a mass
of rust. A soaring sheet of
green-tinged bronze covers
the majestic entryway on the
eastern wall.
Each step into the observatory
elicits crackling and groaning sounds Paravaax
from the floors and walls. The building seems solid enough,

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
If the PCs reach the observatory while it is still they can see the glint of a metallic creature launching
daylight, Paravaax is resting, his body a solid, matte through a hole in the ceiling and flying off into the
black statue comprised of pure lodestone. This close to horizon. Paravaax doesn’t leave without a last parting
his resting form, the PCs can feel the magnetic currents shot at the PCs however, using his magnetic powers to
swirling around the gargoyle pushing and pulling at their pull metal bands on the stone columns and beginning
gear, making swords and daggers stick in sheathes or pop the observatory’s collapse (see Event #2: The Collapsing
out slightly as though an unseen hand was attempting to Observatory on page 19).
draw them, and causing armor with large metal plates PCs who choose this option receive 1 point of Infamy
to rattle and jump, inducing a sense of vertigo and and do not receive the star charts from Lumki (see
imbalance in the wearer. Conclusion on page 20).
As soon as a PC moves within 10 feet of the gargoyle, Slay Paravaax: If the PCs refuse Paravaax’s offer, the
is in the room for longer than a minute, or if the party gargoyle’s “reasonable” façade crumbles and he becomes
arrives at night, the gargoyle rouses from his slumber, extremely aggressive. He snarls, “Well, someone will
his glowing eyes blinking lazily as he observes the group serve as my meal!” before swooping down from his perch
(note that this can also bring the PCs within range of to attack the party.
Paravaax’s lodestone aura). GM’s Note: There is a significant chance that the PCs
“Ah, so I see I have visitors. Let me guess, you’re will converse with Paravaax before combat begins. In this
here to rid these poor iruxi of the big, bad monster?” instance, it can be appropriate to allow the PCs to use the
the gargoyle says, smirking and waving a clawed hand social skills they were using to interact with Paravaax for
dismissively at any iruxi present. “You’re not the first their initiative checks. For example, a PC who attempted
fools to try.” The beast stands upright, stretching his to negotiate with Paravaax in good faith might use
wings and limbs. “You see, I’m not just any monster. I Diplomacy for their initiative roll, while a player who
am Paravaax, god among gargoyles. I’ve ruled this jungle was attempting to keep Paravaax distracted while an ally
for centuries. Do you expect to have the strength to drive snuck up behind the gargoyle might use Deception.
me away?”
Crumbling Columns: The columns around this room Subtier 3–4
have Hardness 14 with 28 Hit Points per square foot
and a Broken Threshold of 14. If the PCs break at least 4 PARAVAAX CREATURE 5
of these columns, the entire building begins to crumble. Page 25; art on page 37
A PC who succeeds at a DC 16 Engineering Lore check Initiative Perception +11
recognizes the structure's unstable nature, and that the
ceiling above Paravaax is relatively solid; dropping the Subtier 5–6
ceiling on the gargoyle will almost certainly destroy the
observatory, but should serve to kill, or at least bury, the PARAVAAX CREATURE 7
gargoyle as well. Page 31; art on page 37
Turning Points: The PCs are faced with a choice that Initiative Perception +14
will affect the outcome of the adventure. The following
turning points are both covered in the reporting data Reward: Paravaax’s body transforms into a solid
of this scenario and should be noted as they will affect lump of lodestone when he dies. His corpse has 6 Bulk,
future scenarios. Hardness 10, BT 10, and has 100 Hit Points. Each time
Sacrifice Lumki: If the Lumki is present, read the the corpse’s BT is reached, a 1 Bulk piece breaks off and
following:  “How about this? I’ll strike you a deal. I’ll the BT resets. Paravaax is worth 1 Treasure Bundle per 2
leave of my own volition and stay gone for five years’ Bulk of his corpse the PCs recover.
time… if you leave me that iruxi as a snack.” Hero Points: If you have not awarded a Hero Point to
Lumki lets out a frightened hiss at this offer. If the PCs a player since area D, award one to a player now. This
agree to Paravaax’s “request,” the iruxi freezes in terror should be the player whose PC either struck the killing
as the gargoyle descends upon her and devours her. blow against Paravaax, or another PC who performed a
As grisly as this offer is, the gargoyle indeed keeps different but significant heroic action. If neither of these
his promise. He smirks at the PCs, with Lumki’s blood conditions matches a player at the table, award a Hero
still dripping down his chin, and commands his “court” Point to a single player of your choice (this should be
(assuming any earth elementals are present) to let the PCs a different player than the ones awarded in area A and
leave unscathed. As the PCs are leaving the observatory, area D, if applicable).

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E4. Meditation Room Low Secret Door: When the observatory was first built,
many of the walls were constructed so that they could be
This rectangular room contains almost no furniture, though slid into different configurations, making the observatory
the walls and ceiling are carved with depictions of numerous more modular and useful for iruxi astrologists as seasons
constellations and star maps. changed and Golarion continued its orbit. Now, most of
those walls have been sealed shut by repairs or, more likely,
This room was once used as a meditation chamber damage and settling of the old stone building. A sliding
for iruxi astrologers, a fact Lumki can share with the panel along the eastern wall of this room still functions
PCs if she is with them. The walls depict numerous though, and PCs who notice it (requiring a successful DC
constellations, many of which might be familiar to PCs 18 Perception check) can easily slide the panel open with
from the Mwangi Expanse, though the elaborate artwork an Interact action to move between this room and the
surrounding the star markers depicts iruxi and creatures hallway beyond. Doing so seals the northern door that is
from iruxi history and mythology rather than the more 15-feet away shut unless another Interact action is used
common human depictions. to slide the panel back to its original position.
Creatures: This simple room is occupied by steel Reward: The stone column in the southwest corner
mephits who spend their time idly studying the depictions of the room has a secret cubby hidden behind a sliding
of constellations carved into the stone walls and ceilings. panel. Succeeding at a DC 18 Perception check (DC 20 in
See the appendices of this scenario for more details. Subtier 5–6) allows a creature to notice the hidden cubby.
Abilities that grant bonuses to notice unusual stonework,
Subtier 3–4 such as dwarven Stonecunning, apply to finding this
hidden panel. Inside the panel is a rune-graven silver
STEEL MEPHITS (3) CREATURE 1 flask worth 1 Treasure Bundle; creatures who are experts
Page 26 in Society or trained in Plane of Earth Lore automatically
Initiative Perception +3 know that this flask was a key component in the ritual
used to create the summoning pool.
Subtier 5–6
Event #2: The Collapsing
Page 32 Special: This event occurs only if the PCs make a deal
Initiative Perception +12 with Paravaax, or destroy the pillars in area C3.

E5. Summoning Pool The building shakes and rumbles as massive pieces of
ceiling tile rain down. The main entrance to the observatory
A pool of what appears to be liquid silver or a similar metal collapses, leaving only a dangerous maze of crumbling tile
sits near the center of this room, constantly roiling as though and sliding stone walls between anyone trapped inside and
stirred by a powerful current. the relative safety of the jungle beyond.

This room contains a rune-covered stone well filled As the observatory begins to collapse from the top
with a pool of liquid metal that serves as a summoning down, the PCs find their exit blocked and they must
portal connected to the Plane of Earth. succeed at a series of checks to navigate the collapsing
Summoning Pool: A creature with a strong connection observatory and make it to safety. PCs with appropriate
to the Plane of Earth, such as a gargoyle, earth elemental, spells can cast those instead of attempting the check,
or other creature with the earth trait, can use a three-action though they must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or lose the
activity with the manipulate trait to summon forth a steel spell as the dust and falling debris coats their mouth and
mephit (or a greater steel mephit in Subtier 5–6) from impedes their movements. Lumki is light on her feet and
the pool. This does not give the summoner any control automatically succeeds at any checks or saves to navigate
over the mephit. The pool can be activated once per day. the collapsing observatory.
Succeeding at a DC 18 Arcana or Nature check (DC 20 in
Subtier 5–6 due to sloshing liquid metal obscuring some Falling Ceiling Tiles
of the runes etched into the well) allows a creature to The crumbling ceiling tiles are the first obstacle the PCs
interpret the instructions for activating the pool. Paravaax face, and they must either dodge or muscle their way
and the steel mephits know how to activate the pool. through the falling tiles. PCs must succeed at a DC 18

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Athletics check or Reflex save (DC 20 in Subtier 5–6) goal of reopening trade and travel in the southern half
with the following failure conditions. of Garund.
Failure: The PC takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage from If the PCs return to Kihirat without Lumki (likely
the collapsing ceiling. because of sacrificing her to Paravaax), the attitude of
Critical Failure: The PC takes 2d8 bludgeoning the villagers toward the PCs and any humans that decide
damage from the collapsing ceiling and suffers a to visit in the future is reduced to indifferent, as they are
painful injury; such a PC is clumsy 2 for the remainder saddened by the loss. If the villagers somehow find out
of this event. that Lumki's death was deliberate, they are hostile to
future visitors and ask them forcefully to leave. News of
Sliding Walls Lumki’s avoidable death travel throughout the region,
As the building collapses, many of the sliding walls and future negotiation attempts with Garund’s iruxi,
within its interior begin to shake lose from the centuries including those in Ekkeshikaar, are that much more
of rust and dirt holding them in place, causing the difficult.
walls to slide and slam about wildly. PCs must succeed
at a DC 18 Acrobatics or Perception check (DC 20 in Primary Objectives
Subtier 5–6) to avoid the dangerous obstacles. The PCs succeed at their primary objective as long as
Failure: The PC takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage and they convince Paravaax to leave the observatory or
1d8 slashing damage from the sliding walls. defeat the gargoyle in battle. PCs who succeed each earn
Critical Failure: The PC takes 1d8 bludgeoning 2 Fame and 2 Reputation for any faction associated
damage and 1d8 slashing damage from the sliding walls with their currently slotted faction boon.
and suffers a debilitating wound; such a PC is enfeebled
2 for the remainder of this event. Secondary Objectives
The PCs fulfill their secondary objective if they defeat
Leap of Faith Paravaax without attempting to sacrifice an iruxi.
As the PCs see an exit from the crumbling observatory, If they do, they each earn 2 Fame and 2 Reputation
the shaking of the building’s collapse tears a large rift for any faction associated with their currently slotted
in the earth before them. PCs must succeed at a DC 18 faction boon.
Athletics check to Leap (DC 20 in Subtier 5–6) or a DC
20 Perception or Survival check (DC 22 in Subtier 5–6) Faction Notes
to spot the narrow but safe ledge that can take them Horizon Hunters: If the PCs allow Lumki to accompany
safely away from the wreckage. them and return the iruxi to the village alive, Lumki
Failure: The PC falls 40 feet into the jungle below (or gives them a set of navigational charts that will be
60 feet in Subtier 5–6; Core Rulebook 463–464). invaluable to the Society’s efforts in the region. Each
PC earns 1 additional Reputation with the Horizon
Conclusion Hunter’s faction, in addition to any other Reputation
With the PCs' business at the observatory complete, the earned as a result of completing this scenario.
journey back to Kihirat is uneventful. By the time the
party returns to the village, Calisro Benarry has finally Reporting Notes
arrived. She is cajoling the captain, Eras the Needle, for If the PCs defeated Paravaax without sacrificing Lumki
damaging “her ship.” Despite her frustration, the repairs or destroying the observatory, check box A. If the PCs
are almost complete, and the convoy can continue south convinced Paravaax to leave by sacrificing Lumki, check
to Ekkeshikaar. box B. If the PCs destroyed the observatory but kept
With Paravaax no longer lairing in the Oldstar Lumki alive, check box C. If the PCs refused to bring
Observatory, whether he was slain or bribed into leaving, Lumki along for the journey, check box D. Multiple
the unusual magnetic phenomenon no longer plagues reporting conditions can apply.
the area. Magnetic compasses function normally again,
and explorers can navigate as usual.
If Lumki survives the encounter with Paravaax, she
thanks the PCs for ridding the area of the gargoyle
scourge by drawing out detailed star charts that are
useful throughout the southern half of Garund; these
charts are perfect for fulfilling the Horizon Hunters’

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Appendix 1: Subtier 3–4
The following stat blocks appear in this adventure.
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
A. Adrift at Sea (Subtier 3–4) challenge point adjustment.
The sea devils assaulting the ship are aggressive and 12–15 Challenge Points: Add one sea devil scout to
bloodthirsty, preferring to target unarmored or lightly the encounter.
armored opponents, rather than the heavily armored
foes that need to be pried out of their armor before their
bodies can be fed to sharks. They fight to the death.


Pathfinder Bestiary 286
Perception +9; darkvision, wavesense 30 feet
Languages Aquan; shark commune 150 feet
Skills Athletics +9 (+11 to Swim), Intimidation +5, Stealth +8,
Survival +7
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha –1
Items longspear, spear
Shark Commune (mental, telepathy) The sea devil can
communicate telepathically with sharks within range. It
can communicate only simple concepts like “come,” “guard,”
or “attack.”
AC 18; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +7
HP 30
Speed 25 feet, swim 35 feet
Melee [one-action] longspear +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+3 piercing
Melee [one-action] claw +11 (agile), Damage 1d6+3 slashing
Melee [one-action] jaws +11, Damage 1d8+3 piercing
Ranged [one-action] spear +12 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d6+3 piercing
Blood Frenzy [free-action] (rage) Requirements The sea devil is not
fatigued or already in a frenzy. Trigger The sea devil deals
bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies
into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea
devil gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws
and jaws, gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its
claws and jaws, gains 7 temporary HP until the end of the
frenzy, and takes a –2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil
can’t voluntarily stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea
devil is fatigued.
Bloodletting When the sea devil deals piercing or slashing
damage, it also deals 1d4 persistent bleed damage if the
target was flat-footed or if the attack was a critical hit.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Event #2: Rumble in the Jungle (Subtier 3–4)
The metallic sod hounds are vicious predators sent to SCALING EVENT #2
harry the iruxi by the gargoyle Paravaax. A PC who
succeeds at a DC 18 Nature check to Recall Knowledge To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
observes that the sod hounds have an unusual metallic challenge point adjustment.
construction—almost unheard of for these earth 12–15 Challenge Points: Add one metallic sod hound
elementals. The hounds attack the nearest creatures, to the encounter.
prioritizing enemies wielding metal weapons or wearing
metal armor. They divide up their attacks and use
Knockdown to harry the PCs, with the goal of keeping
their prey from escaping. A hound retreats into the
ground if reduced to 10 Hit Points or fewer.
While the PCs fight their portion of the encounter,
Lumki, Mirian Raas, and the crew of the Grinning Pixie
handle more of these creatures. This other portion of the
combat takes place primarily in the background; however,
if the PCs struggle in this fight, Lumki rushes over and uses
the 2-action version of heal to restore 1d8+8 Hit Points to
one PC. The PCs can receive this benefit only once.


Variant sod hound (Pathfinder Bestiary 146)
Perception +9; metal sense (imprecise) 60 feet, darkvision
Skills Athletics +11, Survival +9 (+11 to Track)
Str +4, Dex –1, Con +3, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha –1
Metal Sense A metallic sod hound can sense metal objects
within 60 feet as if using the scent ability.
AC 19; Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +7
HP 44; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Speed 30 feet, burrow 20 feet; earth glide
Melee [one-action] jaws +11, Damage 1d10+6 piercing plus Knockdown
Earth Glide The metallic sod hound can Burrow through any
earthen or metallic matter, including rock or metal. When
it does so, the metallic sod hound moves at its full burrow
Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
C. Boggards in the Belfry (Subtier 3–4)
The boggards don't attack the PCs immediately, instead SCALING ENCOUNTER C
demanding a week’s worth of food. The PCs can attempt
a DC 19 Deception check, a DC 21 Diplomacy check, or a To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
DC 15 Intimidation check to convince the boggards not to following challenge point adjustments. These
attack them; offering food grants a PC a +2 circumstance adjustments are not cumulative.
bonus to this check. If the PCs succeed, the boggards leave 10–11 Challenge Points: Add 10 Hit Points to the
the temple without a struggle. If the PCs fail the check or boggard swampseer and +1 to its AC and saves.
don’t attempt it at all, the boggards attack. A boggard 12–13 Challenge Points: Add a boggard scout to the
reduced to 10 Hit Points or less attempts to flee into the encounter.
jungle, fighting to the death only if retreat is not possible. 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two boggard scouts to
the encounter.
Pathfinder Bestiary 45 its tongue, that creature becomes grabbed by the boggard.
Perception +11; darkvision Unlike with a normal grab, the creature isn’t immobilized, but
Languages Abyssal, Boggard, Common it can’t move beyond the reach of the boggard’s tongue. A
Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +8, Medicine +9, Nature +11, creature can sever the tongue by hitting AC 15 and dealing
Performance +8, Religion +9 at least 4 slashing damage. Though this doesn’t deal any
Str +3, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +3 damage to the boggard, it prevents it from using its tongue
Items staff Strike until it regrows its tongue, which takes a week.
AC 18, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +11
Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet; swamp stride CE MEDIUM AMPHIBIOUS BOGGARD HUMANOID
Melee [one-action] staff +10 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4+6 bludgeoning Pathfinder Bestiary 44
Melee [one-action] tongue +10 (reach 10 feet), Effect tongue grab Perception +7; darkvision
Primal Prepared Spells DC 21, attack +11; 2nd acid arrow, Languages Boggard, Common
obscuring mist; 1st fear, jump, shillelagh; Cantrips (2nd) acid Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +8, Stealth +7 (+9 in water)
splash, dancing lights, ray of frost, tanglefoot Str +3, Dex +2, Con +4, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +0
Destructive Croak [two-actions] (sonic) The swampseer utters a Items leather armor, morningstar, sling (10 bullets)
powerful croak that deals 4d6 sonic damage to any non- AC 16, Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +7
boggard within a 15-foot emanation (DC 19 basic Fortitude HP 24
save); any creature with the frightened condition takes Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet; swamp stride
additional sonic damage equal to twice the value of their Melee [one-action] morningstar +8 (versatile P), Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning
frightened condition. The boggard can’t use Destructive Melee [one-action] tongue +8 (reach 10 feet), Effect tongue grab
Croak again for 1d4 rounds Ranged [one-action] sling +7 (propulsive, reload 1, range increment 50
Drowning Drone [reaction] (auditory, mental) Trigger The boggard feet), Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning
swampseer or one of its allies within 60 feet attempts a Swamp Stride A boggard scout ignores difficult terrain caused
saving throw against an auditory or sonic effect. Effect by swamp terrain features.
The swampseer releases a croak that drowns out other Terrifying Croak [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The
sound. It rolls a Performance check. It and boggard allies boggard scout unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non-
in the area can use the higher result of the swampseer’s boggard within 30 feet becomes frightened 1 unless they
Performance check or their saves to resolve the effects succeed at a DC 17 Will save; those who critically succeed
against the auditory or sonic effect. are temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Swamp Stride A boggard swampseer ignores difficult terrain Tongue Grab If the boggard scout hits a creature with its
caused by swamp terrain features. tongue, that creature becomes grabbed by the boggard.
Terrifying Croak [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The Unlike with a normal grab, the creature isn’t immobilized,
boggard swampseer unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non- but it can’t move beyond the reach of the boggard’s tongue.
boggard within 30 feet becomes frightened 1 unless they A creature can sever the tongue by hitting AC 13 and dealing
succeed at a DC 19 Will save; those who critically succeed at least 2 slashing damage. Though this doesn’t deal any
are temporarily immune for 1 minute. damage to the boggard, it prevents it from using its tongue
Tongue Grab If the boggard swampseer hits a creature with Strike until it regrows its tongue, which takes a week.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E1. Gathering Chambers (Subtier 3–4)
A pair of greater steel mephits flit about the room, idly SCALING ENCOUNTER E1
scrubbing at the rusted metal tracks with tattered cloths
and bottles of oil. When they see the PCs, the mephits To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
shriek and toss the bottles of oil on the ground, where following challenge point adjustment.
the oil quickly runs in rivulets down the tracks coating Challenge Points: Add 1 steel mephit to the encounter
the room. The mephits fight until only one mephit for every 2 Challenge Points beyond 9.
remains with 11 or fewer Hit Points, at which point the
remaining mephit flees.
Slick Floors: Each time a PC Strides across the floors STEEL MEPHIT (0) CREATURE 1
in this room after the mephit drops the oil, they must N SMALL EARTH ELEMENTAL
succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check at the start of the Perception +3; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
movement or take a –10-foot circumstance penalty to Languages Terran
their Speed for the rest of the round. Skills Athletics +7
Str +4, Dex –2, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –1
GREATER STEEL MEPHIT CREATURE 4 AC 14; Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3
N SMALL EARTH ELEMENTAL HP 22; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Perception +12; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 15 feet
Languages Terran Melee [one-action] fist +8, Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning
Skills Athletics +13 Arcane Innate Spells DC 17; 3rd meld into stone; 2nd enlarge
Str +5, Dex –2, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha –1 (self only)
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10 Breath Weapon [two-actions] (arcane, earth) The steel mephit breathes
HP 65; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep shards of iron in a 15-foot cone that deals 2d4 slashing
Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 15 feet damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex
Melee [one-action] fist +13, Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning save). Creatures who fail their save against this effect also
Arcane Innate Spells DC 20; 3rd meld into stone; 2nd enlarge take 1d6 persistent bleed. The steel mephit can't use its
(self only) breath weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
Breath Weapon [two-actions] (arcane, earth) The greater steel mephit
breathes shards of iron in a 15-foot cone that deals 3d6
slashing damage to each creature within the area (DC 19
basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail their save against
this effect also take 1d6 persistent bleed. The greater steel
mephit can't use its breath weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E3. Paravaax’s Court (Subtier 3–4)
The gargoyle Paravaax lurks in this chamber. Depending SCALING ENCOUNTER E3
on the PCs’ decisions in previous areas and the party’s
total challenge point rating, this encounter might include To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
several metallic earth elementals. Paravaax focuses his following challenge point adjustments. These
attention on PCs wearing metallic armor or wielding adjustments are not cumulative.
metallic weapons first, focusing his attention on the targets 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one steel mephit to the
wearing and wielding the largest amount of metal first. encounter.
Paravaax might also be accompanied by steel mephit 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one steel mephit to the
minions. If the PCs do not have Lumki with them and got encounter and increase Paravaax’s Hit Points by 20.
lost in area B3, add two steel mephits to this encounter, 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two steel mephits to the
increasing its difficulty to Severe. This adjustment stacks encounter and increase Paravaax’s Hit Points by 30.
with the scaling in the sidebar on this page. Steel mephits
pick a target that Paravaax is not attacking, terrified
of Paravaax’s wrath should they steal a kill from him.
Paravaax fights to the death, unwilling or unable to Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet
comprehend the prospect of his defeat. If Paravaax is Melee [one-action] jaws +13, Damage 2d8+5 piercing
defeated, his minions attempt to flee into the jungle. Melee [one-action] claw +13 (agile), Damage 2d6+5 slashing
Crumbling Columns: The columns around this room Lodestone Statue [one-action] (concentrate) Until the next time it acts,
have Hardness 14 with 28 Hit Points per square foot Paravaax appears to be a statue. It has an automatic result
and a Broken Threshold of 14. If the PCs break at least 4 of 32 on Deception checks and DCs to pass as a statue.
of these columns, the entire building begins to crumble. While disguised in this manner, Paravaax can increase the
PCs who succeed at a DC 16 Engineering Lore check radius of his lodestone aura by up to 100 miles or return
recognize the structures unstable nature, and that the the radius to normal as a free action.
ceiling above Paravaax is relatively solid; dropping the
ceiling on the gargoyle will almost certainly destroy the STEEL MEPHIT (0) CREATURE 1
observatory, but should serve to kill, or at least bury, the N SMALL EARTH ELEMENTAL
gargoyle as well. Perception +3; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Terran
PARAVAAX CREATURE 5 Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +1
CE MEDIUM BEAST EARTH Str +4, Dex –2, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –1
Perception +11; darkvision AC 14; Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3
Languages Common, Terran HP 22, fast healing 2 (while within Paravaax’s aura);
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Stealth +11 Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +5, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha –2 Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 15 feet
AC 22; Fort +16, Ref +11, Will +11 Melee [one-action] fist +8, Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning
HP 50; Resistances physical 7 (except adamantine) Arcane Innate Spells DC 17; 3rd meld into stone; 2nd enlarge
Lodestone Aura (aura) 30 feet. Paravaax’s body exudes (self only)
a powerful, fluctuating magnetic field that makes any Breath Weapon [two-actions] (arcane, earth) The steel mephit breathes
opponent wearing or primarily comprised of metal clumsy shards of iron in a 15-foot cone that deals 2d4 slashing
2 for as long as they are within the aura and for 1 round damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex
thereafter. In addition, attacks targeting Paravaax made save). Creatures who fail their save against this effect also
with metal weapons, or weapons whose primary striking take 1d6 persistent bleed. The steel mephit can't use its
surface is metal such as most arrows and bolts, suffer a -2 breath weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
status penalty. Creatures exposed to this aura for several
weeks (such as the elementals comprising Paravaax’s
“court”) eventually become immune to this effect.
Clawed Feet [reaction] (attack); Trigger Paravaax is Flying, and a
creature moves into an adjacent square below it. Effect
Paravaax makes a claw Strike against the triggering creature.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E4. Meditation Room (Subtier 3–4)
This simple room is occupied by one or more steel SCALING ENCOUNTER E4
mephits who spend their time idly studying the depictions
of constellations carved into the stone walls and ceilings. To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
The mephits fight until only one mephit remains with 11 following challenge point adjustments. These
or fewer Hit Points, at which point the mephit attempts adjustments are not cumulative.
to fly over and past the PCs, heading to the secret passage 10–11 Challenge Points: Increase each mephit’s Hit
leading to area C5 with the intent to call reinforcements Points by 10.
from the summoning pool. 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one steel mephit to the
encounter and increase each mephit’s Hit Points by 10.
STEEL MEPHITS (3) CREATURE 1 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two steel mephits to the
Perception +3; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Terran
Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +1
Str +4, Dex –2, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +0, Cha –1
AC 14; Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3
HP 22, fast healing 2 (while within Paravaax’s aura);
Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 15 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +8, Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning
Arcane Innate Spells DC 17; 3rd meld into stone; 2nd enlarge
(self only)
Breath Weapon [two-actions] (arcane, earth) The steel mephit breathes
shards of iron in a 15-foot cone that deals 2d4 slashing
damage to each creature within the area (DC 17 basic Reflex
save). Creatures who fail their save against this effect also
take 1d6 persistent bleed. The steel mephit can't use its
breath weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Appendix 2: Subtier 5–6
The following stat blocks appear in this adventure.
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
A: Adrift at Sea (Subtier 5–6) following challenge point adjustments. These
The sea devils assaulting the ship are aggressive and adjustments are not cumulative.
bloodthirsty, preferring to target unarmored or lightly 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one sea devil scout to
armored opponents, rather than the heavily armored the encounter.
foes that need to be pried out of their armor before their 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one sea devil invader
bodies can be fed to sharks. They fight to the death. to the encounter.
28–32 Challenge Points: Add two sea devil scouts
SEA DEVIL SCOUTS (4) CREATURE 2 and one sea devil invader to the encounter.
LE MEDIUM AMPHIBIOUS HUMANOID SEA DEVIL 33+ Challenge Points: Add two sea devil invaders to
Pathfinder Bestiary 286 the encounter.
Perception +9; darkvision, wavesense 30 feet
Languages Aquan; shark commune 150 feet
Skills Athletics +9 (+11 to Swim), Intimidation +5, Stealth +8, SEA DEVIL INVADER CREATURE 4
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha –1 Perception +9; darkvision, wavesense 30 feet
Items longspear, spear Languages Aquan; shark commune 150 feet
Shark Commune (mental, telepathy) The sea devil can Skills Athletics +14 (+17 to Swim), Intimidation +11, Survival
communicate telepathically with sharks within range. It +11
can communicate only simple concepts like “come,” “guard,” Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +0
or “attack.” Items trident
AC 18; Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +7 Shark Commune (mental, telepathy) As sea devil scout.
HP 30 AC 23; Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +11
Speed 25 feet, swim 35 feet HP 75
Melee [one-action] longspear +11 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+3 piercing Speed 25 feet, swim 35 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +11 (agile), Damage 1d6+3 slashing Melee [one-action] trident +16, Damage 1d8+10 piercing
Melee [one-action] jaws +11, Damage 1d8+3 piercing Melee [one-action] claw +16 (agile), Damage 1d6+8 slashing
Ranged [one-action] spear +12 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d6+3 piercing Melee [one-action] jaws +16, Damage 1d8+8 piercing
Blood Frenzy [free-action] (rage) Requirements The sea devil is not Ranged [one-action] trident +13 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d8+10
fatigued or already in a frenzy. Trigger The sea devil deals piercing
bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies Blood Frenzy [free-action] (rage) As sea devil scout, 11 temporary HP.
into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea devil Bloodletting As sea devil scout.
gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, Aquatic Throwing A sea devil invader’s thrown weapons don’t
gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its claws and have their range increments halved when attacking from
jaws, gains 7 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and underwater or targeting an underwater creature.
takes a –2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil can’t voluntarily
stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea devil is fatigued.
Bloodletting When the sea devil deals piercing or slashing
damage, it also deals 1d4 persistent bleed damage if the
target was flat-footed or if the attack was a critical hit.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Event #2: Rumble in the Jungle (Subtier 5–6)
The metallic sod hounds are vicious predators sent to SCALING EVENT #2
harry the iruxi by the gargoyle Paravaax. A PC who
succeeds at a DC 18 Nature check to Recall Knowledge To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
observes that the sod hounds have an unusual metallic following challenge point adjustments. These
construction—almost unheard of for these earth adjustments are not cumulative.
elementals. The hounds attack the nearest creatures, 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one greater metallic
prioritizing enemies wielding metal weapons or wearing sod hound to the encounter.
metal armor. They divide up their attacks and use 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one greater metallic
Knockdown to harry the PCs, with the goal of keeping sod hound to the encounter, and increase the Hit Points
their prey from escaping. A hound retreats into the of each sod hound by 15.
ground if reduced to 15 Hit Points or fewer. 28–32 Challenge Points: Add two greater metallic
While the PCs fight their portion of the encounter, sod hounds to the encounter.
Lumki, Mirian Raas, and the crew of the Grinning Pixie 33+ Challenge Points: Add two greater metallic sod
handle more of these creatures. This other portion of the hounds to the encounter, and increase the Hit Points of
combat takes place primarily in the background; however, each sod hound by 15.
if the PCs struggle in this fight, Lumki rushes over and uses
the 2-action version of heal to restore 2d8+16 Hit Points to
one PC. The PCs can receive this benefit only once.


Perception +12; metal sense (imprecise) 60 feet, darkvision
Skills Athletics +14, Survival +12 (+14 to Track)
Str +5, Dex -1, Con +4, Int -4, Wis +3, Cha –1
Metal Sense A metallic sod hound can sense metal objects
within 60 feet as if using the scent ability.
AC 22; Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +9
HP 71; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Speed 30 feet, burrow 20 feet; earth glide
Melee [one-action] jaws +14, Damage 2d10+8 piercing plus Knockdown
Earth Glide The metallic sod hound can Burrow through any
earthen or metallic matter, including rock or metal. When
it does so, the metallic sod hound moves at its full burrow
Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
C. Boggards in the Belfry (Subtier 5–6)
The wary boggards don’t attack the PCs immediately, SCALING ENCOUNTER C
instead demanding a weeks’ worth of food. The PCs can
attempt a DC 23 Diplomacy check, a DC 21 Deception To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
check, or a DC 17 Intimidation check to convince the following challenge point adjustments. These
boggards not to attack them; offering food grants a adjustments are not cumulative.
PC a +2 circumstance bonus to this check. If the PCs 19–22 Challenge Points: Add 1 boggard warrior to
succeed, the boggards leave the temple without a the encounter.
struggle. If the PCs fail the check or don’t attempt it at 23–27 Challenge Points: Add 1 boggard warrior
all, the boggards attack. A boggard reduced to 10 Hit to the encounter and increase the Hit Points of the
Points or less attempts to flee into the jungle, fighting to boggard swampseer by 15.
the death only if retreat is not possible. 28–32 Challenge Points: Add 2 boggard warriors to
the encounter.
BOGGARD SWAMPSEER CREATURE 3 33+ Challenge Points: Add 2 boggard warriors and
CE MEDIUM AMPHIBIOUS BOGGARD HUMANOID increase the Hit Points of each boggard by 15.
Pathfinder Bestiary 45
Perception +11; darkvision
Languages Abyssal, Boggard, Common its tongue, that creature becomes grabbed by the boggard.
Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +8, Medicine +9, Nature +11, Unlike with a normal grab, the creature isn’t immobilized, but
Performance +8, Religion +9 it can’t move beyond the reach of the boggard’s tongue. A
Str +3, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +3 creature can sever the tongue by hitting AC 15 and dealing
Items staff at least 4 slashing damage. Though this doesn’t deal any
AC 18, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +11 damage to the boggard, it prevents it from using its tongue
HP 40 Strike until it regrows its tongue, which takes a week.
Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet; swamp stride
Melee [one-action] staff +10 (two-hand d8), Damage 1d4+6 bludgeoning BOGGARD WARRIOR CREATURE 2
Melee [one-action] tongue +10 (reach 10 feet), Damage Tongue Grab CE MEDIUM AMPHIBIOUS BOGGARD HUMANOID
Primal Prepared Spells DC 21, attack +11; 2nd acid arrow, Pathfinder Bestiary 44
obscuring mist; 1st fear, jump, shillelagh; Cantrips (2nd) acid Perception +8; darkvision
splash, dancing lights, ray of frost, tanglefoot Languages Boggard
Destructive Croak [two-actions] (sonic) The swampseer utters a powerful Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +5, Stealth +6 (+8 in water)
croak that deals 4d6 sonic damage to any non-boggard within Str +4, Dex +0, Con +4, Int –1, Wis +2, Cha +1
a 15-foot emanation (DC 19 basic Fortitude save); any creature Items club, javelin (3), studded leather armor
with the frightened condition takes additional sonic damage AC 17, Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8
equal to twice the value of their frightened condition. The HP 38
boggard can’t use Destructive Croak again for 1d4 rounds Speed 20 feet, swim 25 feet; swamp stride
Drowning Drone [reaction] (auditory, mental) Trigger The boggard Melee [one-action] club +10, Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoning
swampseer or one of its allies within 60 feet attempts a Melee [one-action] tongue +10 (reach 10 feet), Damage Tongue Grab
saving throw against an auditory or sonic effect. Effect The Ranged [one-action] javelin +6 (thrown 30 feet), Damage 1d6+4 piercing
swampseer releases a croak that drowns out other sound. It Ranged [one-action] club +10 (thrown 10 feet), Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoning
rolls a Performance check. It and boggard allies in the area Swamp Stride A boggard warrior ignores difficult terrain
can use the higher result of the swampseer’s Performance caused by swamp terrain features.
check or their saves to resolve the effects against the Terrifying Croak [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) As
auditory or sonic effect. boggard swampseer, except the DC of the Will save is 18.
Swamp Stride A boggard swampseer ignores difficult terrain Tongue Grab If the boggard warrior hits a creature with its
caused by swamp terrain features. tongue, that creature becomes grabbed by the boggard.
Terrifying Croak [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The Unlike with a normal grab, the creature isn’t immobilized,
boggard swampseer unleashes a terrifying croak. Any non- but it can’t move beyond the reach of the boggard’s tongue.
boggard within 30 feet becomes frightened 1 unless they A creature can sever the tongue by hitting AC 15 and dealing
succeed at a DC 19 Will save; those who critically succeed at least 3 slashing damage. Though this doesn’t deal any
are temporarily immune for 1 minute. damage to the boggard, it prevents it from using its tongue
Tongue Grab If the boggard swampseer hits a creature with Strike until it regrows its tongue, which takes a week.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E1. Gathering Chambers (Subtier 5–6)
A pair of greater steel mephits flit about the room, idly SCALING ENCOUNTER E1
scrubbing at the rusted metal tracks with tattered cloths
and bottles of oil. When they see the PCs, the mephits To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
shriek and toss the bottles of oil on the ground, where the following challenge point adjustments. These
oil quickly runs in rivulets down the tracks coating the adjustments are not cumulative.
room. The mephits fight until only one mephit remains 19–22 Challenge Points: Increase each greater steel
with 11 or fewer Hit Points, at which point the remaining mephit’s Hit Points by 15.
mephit flees. 23–27 Challenge Points: Add 1 greater steel mephit
Slick Floors: Each time a PC Strides across the floors to the encounter.
in this room after the mephit drops the oil, they must 28–32 Challenge Points: Use the adjustments for
succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics check at the start of the both the 19–22 and 23–27 challenge point ratings.
movement or take a –10-foot circumstance penalty to 33+ Challenge Points: Add 2 greater steel mephits to
their Speed for the rest of the round. the encounter.


Perception +12; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Terran
Skills Athletics +13
Str +5, Dex –2, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha –1
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10
HP 65, fast healing 4 (while within Paravaax’s aura);
Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 15 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +13, Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning
Arcane Innate Spells DC 20; 3rd meld into stone; 2nd enlarge
(self only)
Breath Weapon [two-actions] (arcane, earth) The greater steel mephit
breathes shards of iron in a 15-foot cone that deals 3d6
slashing damage to each creature within the area (DC 19
basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail their save against
this effect also take 1d6 persistent bleed. The greater steel
mephit can't use its breath weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E3. Paravaax’s Court (Subtier 5–6)
The gargoyle Paravaax lurks in this chamber. Depending SCALING ENCOUNTER E3
on the PCs’ decisions in previous areas and the party’s
total challenge point rating, this encounter might include To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
several metallic earth elementals. Paravaax focuses his following challenge point adjustments. These
attention on PCs wearing metallic armor or wielding adjustments are not cumulative.
metallic weapons first, focusing his attention on the targets 19–22 Challenge Points: Increase Paravaax's Hit
wearing and wielding the largest amount of metal first. Points by 20.
Paravaax might also be accompanied by steel mephit 23–27 Challenge Points: Add 1 greater steel mephit
minions. If the PCs do not have Lumki with them and to the encounter
got lost in area B3, add one greater steel mephit to 28–32 Challenge Points: Add 2 greater steel mephits
this encounter, increasing its difficulty to Severe. This to the encounter.
adjustment stacks with the scaling in the sidebar on this 33+ Challenge Points: Add 2 greater steel mephits to
page. The greater steel mephits pick a target that Paravaax the encounter and increase Paravaax’s Hit Points by 20.
is not attacking, terrified of Paravaax’s wrath should
they steal a kill from him. Paravaax fights to the death,
unwilling or unable to comprehend the prospect of his
defeat. If Paravaax is defeated, his minions attempt to flee Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feet
into the jungle. Melee [one-action] jaws +17, Damage 2d8+8 piercing
Crumbling Columns: The columns around this room Melee [one-action] claw +17 (agile), Damage 2d6+8 slashing
have Hardness 14 with 28 Hit Points per square foot Lodestone Statue [one-action] (concentrate) Until the next time it acts,
and a Broken Threshold of 14. If the PCs break at least 4 Paravaax appears to be a statue. It has an automatic result
of these columns, the entire building begins to crumble. of 36 on Deception checks and DCs to pass as a statue.
PCs who succeed at a DC 16 Engineering Lore check While disguised in this manner, Paravaax can increase the
recognize the structures unstable nature, and that the radius of his lodestone aura by up to 100 miles or return
ceiling above Paravaax is relatively solid; dropping the the radius to normal as a free action.
ceiling on the gargoyle will almost certainly destroy the
observatory, but should serve to kill, or at least bury, the GREATER STEEL MEPHIT (0) CREATURE 4
gargoyle as well. N SMALL EARTH ELEMENTAL
Perception +12; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet
PARAVAAX CREATURE 7 Languages Terran
CE MEDIUM BEAST EARTH Skills Athletics +13
Perception +14; darkvision Str +5, Dex –2, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha –1
Languages Common, Terran AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +16, Stealth +17 HP 65, fast healing 4 (while within Paravaax’s aura);
Str +6, Dex +3, Con +5, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha –2 Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
AC 25; Fort +18, Ref +13, Will +14 Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 15 feet
HP 80; Resistances physical 10 (except adamantine) Melee [one-action] fist +13, Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning
Lodestone Aura (aura) 30 feet. Paravaax’s body exudes Arcane Innate Spells DC 20; 3rd meld into stone; 2nd enlarge
a powerful, fluctuating magnetic field that makes any (self only)
opponent wearing or primarily comprised of metal clumsy Breath Weapon [two-actions] (arcane, earth) The greater steel mephit
2 for as long as they are within the aura and for 1 round breathes shards of iron in a 15-foot cone that deals 3d6
thereafter. In addition, attacks targeting Paravaax made slashing damage to each creature within the area (DC 19
with metal weapons, or weapons whose primary striking basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail their save against
surface is metal such as most arrows and bolts, suffer a -2 this effect also take 1d6 persistent bleed. The greater steel
status penalty. Creatures exposed to this aura for several mephit can't use its breath weapon again for 1d4 rounds.
weeks (such as the elementals comprising Paravaax’s
“court”) eventually become immune to this effect.
Clawed Feet [reaction] (attack); Trigger Paravaax is Flying, and a
creature moves into an adjacent square below it. Effect
Paravaax makes a claw Strike against the triggering creature.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
E4. Meditation Room (Subtier 5–6)
This simple room is occupied by one or more greater SCALING ENCOUNTER E4
steel mephits who spend their time idly studying the
depictions of constellations carved into the stone walls To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
and ceilings. The mephits fight until only one mephit following challenge point adjustments. These
remains with 20 or fewer Hit Points, at which point the adjustments are not cumulative.
mephit attempts to fly over and past the PCs, heading to 19–22 Challenge Points: Increase each greater steel
the secret passage leading to area C5 with the intent to mephit’s Hit Points by 15.
call reinforcements from the summoning pool. 23–27 Challenge Points: Add 1 greater steel mephit
to the encounter.
GREATER STEEL MEPHITS (2) CREATURE 4 28–32 Challenge Points: Use the adjustments for
N SMALL EARTH ELEMENTAL both the 19–22 and 23–27 Challenge Points.
Perception +12; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feet 33+ Challenge Points: Add 2 greater steel mephits to
Languages Terran the encounter.
Skills Athletics +13
Str +5, Dex –2, Con +3, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha –1
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +10
HP 65, fast healing 4 (while within Paravaax’s aura);
Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep
Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feet, fly 15 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +13, Damage 2d8+5 bludgeoning
Arcane Innate Spells DC 20; 3rd meld into stone; 2nd enlarge
(self only)
Breath Weapon [two-actions] (arcane, earth) The greater steel mephit
breathes shards of iron in a 15-foot cone that deals 3d6
slashing damage to each creature within the area (DC 19
basic Reflex save). Creatures who fail their save against
this effect also take 1d6 persistent bleed. The greater steel
mephit can't use its breath weapon again for 1d4 rounds.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
Appendix 3: Art

Sea Devil Scout

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages

Sea Devil Invader

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages

Boggard Warrior

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages

Boggard Swampseer

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages


Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages

Mirian Raas

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages


Pathfinder Society Scenario

Star-Crossed Voyages
GM Resources
Treasure Table
Level Treasure Bundle
3 3.8 gp
4 6.4 gp
5 10 gp
6 15 gp

Chronicle Sheet

PCs who successfully complete this adventure gain the Ally of the Iruxi boon on their Chronicle sheet as long as they did
not sacrifice Lumki. Otherwise, they gain the Iruxi Bane boon; cross the other boon off of their Chronicle sheet.
Treasure Bundles:
▫▫ Area A, Page 7: 2 Treasure Bundles
▫▫ Event #2, Page 10: 2 Treasure Bundles
▫▫ Area D, Page 12 2 Treasure Bundles
▫▫▫ Area E3, Page 18: 3 Treasure Bundles
▫ Area E5, Page 19: 1 Treasure Bundle

Event Reporting Form

Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Fame Earned:
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Player Name: Class □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Character Name: Org Play #: Level □ □ Infamy
Star-Crossed Voyages
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Creative Directors • James Jacobs, Robert G. McCreary, and
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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–09: Star-Crossed Voyages © 2019, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–09: Star-Crossed Voyages © 2019, Paizo Inc.; Author: Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path,
Lu Pellazar. Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and
Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Pathfinder Society Scenario #1–09: Character Chronicle #

Star-Crossed Voyages Herolab Code


Faction Reputation
A.K.A. -2
Faction Reputation
Player Name Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Faction Reputation

Adventure Summary
For good or ill, your time amongst the iruxi has changed the status quo in this region. Hopefully things will be less tumultuous when
you finally reach the iruxi city of Ekkeshikaar.

Ally of the Iruxi (Slotless): You befriended the iruxi of Kihirat. This boon will have a special benefit in a
future adventure.
Starting XP
Iruxi Bane (Slotless): You have left a less than stellar impression on the iruxi of Kihirat. This boon will
have a special benefit in a future adventure
XP Gained

Items Purchases Final XP

Items Sold / Conditions Gained
scrollstaffU (level 1; 12 gp; Lost Omens
Character Guide 100, limit 1)
Starting GP

GP Gained


Add 1/2 this value to the “Items Sold” Box

Items Bought / Conditions Cleared

+1 striking scrollstaffU (level 4; 112 gp; Items Sold
Lost Omens Character Guide 100,
limit 1)

GP Spent

Total GP


Starting Fame
Notes Downtime

Fame Earned

Total Fame

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Organized Play #

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