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حوض سرت

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Introduction 1.

The Sirte Basin province ranks 13th among the world’s petroleum provinces, exclusive of
the U.S. provinces, with 43.1 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BBOE) of known petroleum
volume, and it ranks 15th if U.S. petroleum provinces are included (Klett and others, 1997).
The Sirte Basin province is considered a “priority” province by the World Energy
Assessment Team as described in the Foreword. Sixteen giant (>500 million barrels of oil
equivalent (MMBOE)) fields occur in the province; reservoirs range in age from
Precambrian to Miocene. Exploration has focused on structural highs, principally the horst
blocks such as the Waddan, Az Zahrah, and Zaltan platforms (also variously known as Jebel
.Uddan, Beda, Dahra, Al Hufra, and Zeltan platforms)

These platforms are dominated by carbonate and bioherm Tertiary reservoirs of Tertiary
age. In the eastern Sirte Basin, significant stratigraphic clastic traps superimposed on
structural highs principally occur in Mesozoic clastic reservoirs such as at Sarir and Messla

The Sirte Basin province is characterized by one dominant petroleum system, the Sirte-
Zelten, which is subdivided into four assessment units . The Sirte Basin (also referred to
as“Sirt Basin”) is a late Mesozoic and Tertiary continental rift, triple junction, in northern
Africa that borders a relatively stable Paleozoic craton and cratonic sag basins along its
southern margins. The province extends offshore into the Mediterranean Sea, with the
northern boundary drawn at the 2,000 meter (m)

1.2 Tectonic history of Sirte Basin

After the Pan-African orogeny, early Paleozoic sediments were deposited in the Kalanshiyu Trough,
following this, around the mid-Devonian this ancient trough likely became inactive (Hallett,
2002). Uplift, erosion, and peneplanation took place during Mid-Devonian, after which the
depositions of the Mid-Devonian through Carboniferous had occurred all across central
Libya. During the Hercynian Orogeny, the Kalanshiyu Tough and some of early Paleozoic
tectonic structures were inverted to create what is known as Sirte Arch, which was trending
northeast from Chad to Cyrenaica. Many events were acting and deforming the Sirte Arch –
which involving faulting and intensive erosion- finally caused removal of the whole
Paleozoic depositions over the Arch crest. Few places still preserve traces of the lower
Paleozoic sequences of Kalanshiyu Trough such as Abu Tumayam Trough, close to the Al
Haruj al Aswad (Vail, 1991; Hallett, 2002).
Many authors have studied the Sirte Basin‘s tectonic history. It is likely that a combination
of causes formed the Sirte Basin. The timing of various tectonic events is still not
completely solved especially regarding the collapse phase (Hallett, 2002).

Some authors, particularly Gras and Thusu (1998) related to the onshore and Finetti (1985)
for the offshore, believe that the incipient rifting began in Triassic, and also believed that
syn-rift extension was limited to the period of between the Triassic and Early Cretaceous,
and was followed by thermal sagging which finally lead to the marine transgression in the
Cenomanian time. Continuation of rifting until the present time is proposed by Wennekers
et al. (1996).

Baird et al. (1996) believe that rifting began after the mid-Cretaceous, and during the
Cenomanian and late Campanian it was the dominant force. Following this the rift-infill
episode started and persisted until the end of the Maastrichtian, after which much of the
Sirte Basin experienced a sag subsidence. By the Oligocene the final tectonic stage was
starting, in which northeast tilting dominated the area, and the Ajdabiyah Trough continued
to subside. The intermittent and likely shallow Triassic rifting is not in doubt now, both in
the eastern Sirte Basin as well as in the offshore (Hallett, 2002). Abdunaser and McCaffrey
(2014) documented that the Sirt basin underwent an anticlockwise rotation of axis through
time from NE–SW (Early Cretaceous) through N–S (Upper Cretaceous) to NW–SE (Paleocene
and Eocene). And they related this inversion to the anticlockwise rotation of the African
continent with respect to Eurasia. Also they proposed that the internal differences in
relative motion between west and east Africa, caused a clockwise change in the extension
direction which in turn probably caused the anticlockwise rotation of the Sirt basin axis.

It has been suggested that in the Sirte Basin, the bounding faults are listric faults, the
western and eastern margins formed by the master-faults associated with antithetic faults
on the former and synthetic faults on the later. This suggestion was based on the
observation that in the western Sirte Basin, some of the grabens are asymmetrically, but
has yet to be demonstrated (Baired et al., 1996).

Anketell (1996) demonstrated that, during the Aptian, the location of the spreading axis of
the sea-floor in the central Tethys shifted to be closer to the continental margin of Africa.
Based on the Anketell's (1996) tectonic model, the WNW-ESE system of major wrench-
zones, which initially controlled the Sirte Basin geometry, was created by this switching
event. Dewey and others (1989) distinguished several phases of African motion with
respect to Europe, during the first phase (175 Ma_118 Ma) the African motion with respect
to Europe was a sinistral strike slip, this motion corresponding to the central Atlantic
opening, due to Africa and north America separation. Then a north-easterly directed
compression phase took place during the interval 118 Ma_84 Ma. It is believed that the Abu
Tumayam Trough (part of this study area) kept its original NNE-SSW trend, which defined
the underlying basement (Anketell, 1996). During the Aptian, the extensional regime
persisted and ultimately caused the collapse of the Tibisti-Sirt Arch to form a series of
troughs and platforms, during the Cenomanian this area was completely flooded by shallow
continental seas. Anketell (1996) suggested that there is a relationship between the
collapse of the Sirt Arch and the Shear Zone of the South Atlas- Jifarah, proposing a general
model to demonstrate the tectonic relationship between the Cyrenaica in the east of Libya
with Sabratah and Sirte Basins in the west.

In the Sirte Basin, the fracture zone formed in a series of NW-SE splays that controlled the
troughs location in the Sirte Basin, these troughs can be considered as pull-apart grabens
(Anketell, 1996). The post-rift sag period is characterized by the Cenomanian marine
transmigration sediments, while the Campanian deposition formed the Sirt Shale- (organic-
rich sediments). Then subsidence continued during the late Cretaceous which at the end
caused the platforms gradual-onlap. Generally the extension, with block faulting,
dominated the late Cretaceous period.

The series of main pronounced horsts and grabens produced by the rifting

on the Sirt Arch which began in the Triassic. In the Cenomanian, the marine

transgression flooded these tectonic elements (modified from Anketell, 1996). Burke and
Dewey (1974) proposed that the western margin of the Sirte Basin roughly corresponds to
the boundary between the two plates in the proposed model for Africa during the

The Dewey and others model (1989) proposed that the present day geology of the west
Mediterranean region can be explained obviously by the complex interaction that took
place within the frame work of kinematics of the major plates.

The Ajdabiyah western margin underwent growth faulting during the late Eocene after
which the area subsided by over 700 m, at the same time sinistral strike-slip faulting
affected on the Az Zahrah–Al Hufrah platform on the western margin of Sirte Basin. During
the Oligocene the subsidence in the Ajdabiyah Trough persisted, about 500 m of subsidence
is observed from well data. Much of the Sirte Basin was tilted northeast ward in the
Miocene, and a huge accumulation of sediment was deposited in the Ajdabiyah Trough. In
the southern Sirte Basin, gentle folding was dominant (Gumati and Kanes, 1985; Anketell,

During the Paleocene time, the old structures of the Hon Graben reactivated and formed a
new prevalent pattern of structures combined with volcanism. Regionally this deformation
the western Sirte Basin compatible in terms of timing and trends with other structural
kinematics in the Mediterranean Sea, such as the Sicily channel rifts (Argnani, 1993;
Hinsbergn et al, 2011). The convergence between Arica and Europe during this time (66.7
Ma) slowed down and became erratic (Dewey et al, 1989).

Structure elements1.3
There is one dominant total petroleum system in the Sirte Basin, here named the Sirte-Zelten
Total Petroleum System. The naming of the total petroleum system follows the convention
of Magoon and Dow (1994) whereby the principal source rock is the Upper Cretaceous
(Senonian/Campanian) Sirte Shale (also referred to as “Sirt Shale”) of the Rakb Group.

Some authors have distinguished an UpperSirte Shale (Campanian) and a Lower Sirte Shale
(Turonian), separated by a Tagrifet Limestone (Coniacian/Santonian); all are considered
source rocks (Mansour and Magairhy, 1996).
The reservoirs in the total petroleum system are nearly equally divided between clastic and
carbonate rocks: fields have 14.5 BBOE known reserves versus 10.6 BBOE known reserves
for carbonates as of 1994 (Montgomery, 1994). However, as shown by Harding (1984), the
carbonates of the Paleocene Zelten Formation, containing an estimated 8.5 BBO
of ultimate recoverable reserves (33 percent of total EUR), are the single largest reservoirs.
The Sirte-Zelten Total Petroleum System is divided into four assessment units as will be
discussed later. The Sirte Basin is an example of a dominantly vertically migrated petroleum
system as shown by Harding (1984), wherein Upper Cretaceous oil charges multiple
reservoirs along fault zones adjacent to horsts and grabens.
Guiraud and Bosworth (1997) demonstrated the importance of right-lateral wrench fault
systems of Senonian age, and pointed out that the periodic rejuvenation of these systems in
the Sirte Basin was particularly important to vertical migration of petroleum.

Refinements of a dominantly vertical horst and graben.

A contrasting view is offered by Pratsch (1991), who believed that the Sirte Basin was an
example of lateral migration and vertically stacked hydrocarbon systems isolated from each
other. However, the oils in the various age reservoirs have been shown to be genetically
linked (for example, El-Alami, 1996b; Gumati and Schamel, 1988; Gumati and others,
1996). Internal seals occur between the major reservoirs, so if one were considering the oils
at a reservoir or play level (regardless of the source of the oil) then Pratsch’s concept is
understandable. At the larger petroleum system level, on the other hand, the Sirte Basin is
considered to be an example of a composite petroleum system in which petroleum sourced
from Upper Cretaceous shales has migrated into multiple age reservoirs, dominantly
vertically along normal, transfer, relay, or wrench faults adjacent to horsts. (See Harding,
1984; Baird and others, 1996; Van Dijk and Eabadi, 1996; and Guiraud and Bosworth,
The Sirte Basin is asymmetric, deepening to the east , The relative relief on the juxtaposed
horst and graben blocks increases to the east coincident with significant thinning of
sediments across the province. Erosion associated with the Sirte Arch resulted in truncation
of the Paleozoic sequence in the Hamra Basin and western Cyrenaica Platform, but these
deposits were preserved offshore , Cambrian-Ordovician sediments were also preserved
over much of northern Libya prior to the formation of the Sirte Arch (El-Hawat and others,
1996). Progressive erosion
of younger sediments and subsequent episodes of block faulting resulted in placing these
mostly clastic Paleozoic and Mesozoic reservoirs in a structural high position with respect to
thermally mature Cretaceous source rocks that occupied the deeper portion.
Production formation 1.4
The distribution and quality of reservoirs in the Sirte Basin are most directly related to
major tectonic events in the region specifically reservoirs related to pre-rift, syn-rift, and
post-rift sequences the current configuration of the Sirte Basin, deepening from west to
east and also offshore, significantly influenced reservoir development. The basin is unusual
in that oil is produced from Precambrian (fractured basement), Cambrian-Ordovician,
Triassic through Lower Cretaceous, Paleocene, and Eocene rocks. Charging of multiple
reservoirs from Upper Cretaceous source rocks along faults, principally along horst blocks,
Carbonate reservoirs, mostly of Tertiary age, contain 42 percent of the petroleum; and
clastics, mostly of pre-Tertiary age, contain 58 percent (Harding, 1984Petroconsultants,
1996). Carbonates of the Paleocene Zelten Group contain 33 percent of the known
petroleum; this is the single largest reservoir interval. However, the clastics of Early
Cretaceous age (Nubian or Sarir Sandstone) contain 28 percent, and clastics of Cambrian-
Ordovician age (Gargaf, Hofra or Amal Group) contain 29 percent of known petroleum

Published studies support the interpretation that the Sirte Shale (Upper Cretaceous,
Campanian/Turonian) is the dominant source rock in the Sirte Basin petroleum province
(Parsons and others, 1980; Gumati and Schamel, 1988; Montgomery, 1994; El- Alami,
1996b; Ghori and Mohammed, 1996; Mansour and Magairhy, 1996; Macgregor and Moody,
1998; Ambrose, 2000).

The thickness of the Sirte Shale ranges from a few hundred meters to as much as 900 m in
the troughs. These rocks are within the oil-generating window between depths of 2,700
and 3,400 m in the central and eastern Sirte Basin , the outlines of the active pods of
thermally mature Upper Cretaceous source rock are drawn reflecting depth of burial of at
least 2,865 m (9,400 feet) (Mikbel, 1979; Goudarzi,

1980; Gumati and Kanes, 1985; Ibrahim, 1996), where conditions are considered favorable
for oil generation (time temperature index (TTI)=15, vitrinite reflectance (Ro)=0.7; Gumati
and Schamel, 1988; Montgomery, 1994;). Parsons and others (1980) reported total organic
content (TOC) values ranging from 0.5 to 4.0 percent with an average of 1.9 percent TOC
for 129 samples from the Upper Cretaceous source rocks.

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