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PF2 S02-14 Lost in Flames

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Second Edition

year of

Scenario #2-14 Levels 3–6

Lost in Flames
By Dennis Muldoon
Lost in Flames

Table of Contents
Dennis Muldoon

DEVELOPMENT LEAD Adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Thurston Hillman

Appendix 1: Level 3–4 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Linda Zayas-Palmer

Appendix 2: Level 5–6 Encounters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Mark Seifter
Appendix 3: Game Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Leo Glass
Organized Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Leo Glass

GM Resources
Nicolas Espinoza and Sebastian Rodriguez Campaign Home Page:
Books: Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Bestiary, Pathfinder Bestiary 2, and the Lost
Nicolas Espinoza, Jason Juta, Katerina Landon, Maps: Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ambush Sites Multi-Pack and Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Fire
Fabio Rodrigues, Luca Sotgiu, and Matias Tapia
Online Resource: Pathfinder Reference Document at
Jason Engle and Rob Lazzaretti

Tony Barnett
ScenAriO TAgS
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
GRAPHIC DESIGN information on scenario tags, see the Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society at
Tony Barnett
Linda Zayas-Palmer grAnd ArcHive meTAPLOT
Tonya Woldridge
James Jacobs The Grand Archive faction leader Gorm Greathammer and Vigilant Seal faction leader
Eando Kline brief several teams of assembled Pathfinders, asking each to explore a
DIRECTOR OF GAME DEVELOPMENT section of the Finadar Forest in search of ritual sites connected to a recent attack on the
Adam Daigle
Society encampment. After an individual briefing from Greathammer, the PCs depart to
PUBLISHER explore their assigned section of the forest.
Erik Mona During the course of their exploration, the PCs face numerous challenges, including a
pack of owlbears and an ascent up a sheer embankment. They also uncover some of the
HOW TO PLAY forest’s secrets, which include the ruins of an ancient cyclops observatory.
Once the PCs disable both sites, they can report their findings and return to camp.
There are three sites of interest the PCs might find during their exploration: the two
ritual sites (one to the south, one to the east), as well as a base camp used by the
PLAY TIME: 4–5 HOURS mysterious figure that previously attacked the Society. At the southern ritual site, the
PCs must contend with both a raging forest fire and a group of corrupted fire elementals
guarding the site. The eastern site, meanwhile, is inundated by unnatural flooding and
guarded by a cruel ahuizotl drawn to the evil ritual. Once the PCs disable the ritual at
LEVELS: 3–6 both sites, they can report their findings and return to camp.


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Lost in Flames
Lost in Flames
By Dennis Muldoon

Background Where on Golarion?
With the Pathfinder Society growing stronger each
passing year, their governing council, the Decemvirate, This scenario in the ruins of the cyclops city of Min-Khadaim,
decided that the time was ripe for a new call to action. on the western edge of the Finadar Forest in northwestern
Led by several masked Decemvirate members, the Iobaria. A gazetteer of Iobaria appears on page 54 of
Society launched a campaign into the infested forests of Pathfinder Adventure Path #33: The Varnhold Vanishing,
Iobaria, pushing back the edges of the Inner Sea to seek part of the Kingmaker Adventure Path.
out secrets long buried. The expedition has already made
a significant breakthrough, uncovering the ruins of the IOBARIA
former cyclops city of Min-Khadaim.
Unfortunately, the Society uncovered more than they
bargained for, as a mysterious figure disappeared with
a member of the Decemvirate, leaving behind only a
mask and a mystery to solve. Rather than convincing the
Finadar Forest
Society to abandon the expedition, the abduction fortified
the Society’s sense of resolve and their determination to
understand the city’s secrets.
Now, Grand Archive faction leader Gorm
Greathammer wants Pathfinders in the Iobarian
expedition to begin exploring the region surrounding
the ruins of Min-Khadaim. Gorm seeks to uncover the
presence of additional ritual sites that might be related to “Thank you for joining us, fellow Pathfinders,” Eando Kline
the ongoing instability across the region. begins. “As you may know, our mission here in Iobaria has
The Society doesn’t know it yet, but the mysterious changed. Shortly after we began our exploration of the region,
figure has used ritual magic to tap into the abyssal energy a member of the Decemvirate was abducted. Pathfinders
stored in several ancient cyclops monoliths, using them exploring the nearby cyclops ruins found evidence of demonic
as batteries to power demonic rituals. These batteries rituals tied to the demon lord Urxehl, and we have reason to
have begun to leak energy into the surrounding area, believe these rituals are connected to the abduction.
with dramatic environmental effects. “Given the dramatic effects we witnessed,” adds
Greathammer, “we believe there may be further sites in
Getting Started the region powering this demonic ritual. That’s where you
The PCs begin the adventure in a large Pathfinder come in! We’ve organized you into teams, assigning each a
encampment on the outskirts of the Finadar Forest, section of the Finadar Forest. Your mission is to explore your
awaiting a briefing from Vigilant Seal faction leader assigned section, locate any further ritual sites, and disable
Eando Kline and Gorm Greathammer, leader of the them if possible.” Eando or I will provide you with details of
Grand Archive. Several dozen Pathfinders gather in your assigned area in an individual briefing to follow.
small clearing near a pavilion tent, as Greathammer and “Remember,” Eando Kline adds, “your mission is to find and
Kline stand on supply crates pushed together to form a disrupt any ritual sites in your assigned region. There will be
makeshift dais. plenty of time for a thorough cartographic mission after we
Once the PCs are settled, read or paraphrase the have dealt with the current threat. Move quickly, but be careful,
following to begin the adventure. and don’t put yourselves in more danger than is necessary.”

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Shortly after the initial Pathfinder briefing, Gorm them to save one of the feather tokens in case they
Greathammer asks the PCs to join him in his need to call for a rescue party. In addition to the
pavilion tent, where they find the dwarf provided supplies, the camp quartermaster has
studying a large, rolled-out map pinned in equipment, including mounts, available for
place on a wooden table. purchase. Additionally, the
Read or paraphrase the following to PCs can purchase common
continue. non-magical equipment and
consumables up to 5th level
“As I mentioned before, we’ve assigned in the camp, as well as spellcasting
each team a section of the surrounding services for common spells of 3rd
forest to explore. Your team has been level or lower.
assigned to the northeastern Answers to some likely questions can
portion,” he says, pointing be found below.
to the map, “between our What dangers are we likely to
current location and the hills encounter? “Unfortunately, we
on the eastern edge of the know little about the deeper
forest. It should be about reaches of the Finadar Forest. We
two week’s journey to the know that the bruorsivi pines are
far side, though I expect it Gorm Greathammer extremely flammable, and that
might take you longer as you’re not likely to find much
you explore the area. in the way of settlements. You’ll
“Unfortunately, we don’t know how many sites might be traveling through untamed wilderness, so keep your
be in your section of the forest, let alone where they wits about you. Keep an eye out for anything strange,
would be. Our contact in the local centaur tribe, as well. Based on what we’ve seen of this forest
however, mentioned a strange campsite along so far, anything particularly unusual might be a
the river to the east of here. We have no way sign that you’re getting close!”
to know if it’s related, but we don’t have much A member of the Decemvirate was
else to go on. abducted?/Who was this strange figure?
We loaded your pack mules with 40 days “A strange, shadowy figure attacked our
of provisions. If you can do so without slowing camp, not long after we established it. After
your progress, you may want to supplement that a short battle with Sapphire, a member of the
with foraged food. Either way, make sure you Decemvirate, the two figures disappeared,
leave yourself enough supplies for the return trip. leaving little more than Sapphire’s mask
“Your primary mission is to find and disrupt any behind. I’m afraid that’s all we know for
ritual sites in your sector of the forest. sure, right now.”
That said, if you find anything What will the ritual site
related to our mysterious look like? “We haven’t
assailant, be sure to document found one yet, so I can’t
that as well. We need all the say for certain. Many of
information we can get our Eando Kline the artifacts we’ve found
hands on! thus far, however, have
“Oh, and at the risk of been carved from stone
sounding like Eando: take care of yourselves out there,” and covered in Abyssal and Cyclops runes; perhaps
Greathammer adds. “We still know very little about this you’ll find something similar. We’ve also seen odd,
forest, and even less about the hills beyond, so be prepared unnatural effects on the environment surrounding
for anything!” some previous ancient sites in the forest, so keep an
eye out for anything strange. It could be a clue that
Gorm provides each PC with 40 days’ worth of food you’re getting close!”
and water (a total of 8 Bulk), along with a riding horse
to carry the load. He also supplies the group with two HERO POINTS
four-person tents, a repair kit, and four bird feather tokens Once the PCs have finished their preparations, remind
that the PCs can use to report their findings. He advises them that they each have 1 Hero Point available.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Society check to Recall Running This Scenario
Knowledge can remember the following facts about
the Finadar Forest. Anyone with a Chronicle Sheet This adventure is not structured like a typical scenario,
for Pathfinder Scenario #2-03: Catastrophe’s Spark as the exact order the events occur depends on the
automatically remembers everything mentioned in the choices the PCs make and where they explore. The
critical success entry. adventure is divided into three sections.
Critical Success Legends hint that the blood pines of Finadar Exploring the Finadar presents rules for exploration
were cultivated by cyclops conjurers for use as fuel in and descriptions of the terrain the PCs pass through, as
rituals to summon powerful beings. The PCs gain a +1 well as skill checks the PCs can attempt to make their
circumstance bonus to Initiative rolls in area E. exploration more efficient.
Success The Finadar Forest is home to a rare species of Variable Encounters presents several encounters
conifer called bruorsivi, also known as blood pine. These that can be placed at the GMs discretion, along with
trees are highly flammable, and the forest has always guidance for where to place them.
been prone to brief, intense fires that burn out normally Fixed Encounters presents three encounters that
or are contained by the druids and sages that live within. occur in specific locations.
A massive forest fire swept through the Finadar Forest in
4719 AR, inadvertently sparked by a local tribe of goblins.
Critical Failure Iobaria is the home to many dragons, who are Forest
to blame for sparking the Finadar Forest’s frequent fires. Forest hexes are difficult terrain for the purposes of
hexploration. Traveling between hexes requires two
Exploring the Finadar Travel group activities, potentially requiring two days for
The Finadar Forest is vast, covering much of northwestern slower groups. The difficult terrain makes exploration
Iobaria. The forest looks much like any other evergreen slower as well. Searching a hex for a ritual site requires
forest, except that the unusual bruorsivi pines are colored two Reconnoiter group activities. The PCs can speed up
in shades of red, rather than green. The forest is largely their search by finding game trails; if they find trails in a
unbroken, but for the occasional river or stream. Most hex, they only need one Reconnoiter activity.
of the forest shows no signs of settlement, and the PCs Starting at the base camp, and each time the PCs
must blaze their own trail through the wood. There are Travel to a forest hex where they have not found game
no opportunities for the PCs to resupply but for their trails, each PC can attempt a single DC 20 Survival check
own ability to subsist off the land, so they must take care or a DC 15 Forest Lore or Scouting Lore check. If at least
to save enough provisions for their return journey. one PC succeeds, the PCs find game trails in that hex
Though the PCs are only tasked with exploring a and all adjacent forest hexes. For Levels 5–6, the trails
portion of the forest, this still represents an immense area are harder to spot; increase the DCs by 2. Finding trails
to cover. This exploration uses the hexploration subsystem doesn’t reduce the number of Travel activities needed to
(Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide 172–173). The PCs have move between hexes.
a number of hexploration activities per day, likely either 1
or 2, based on the speed of their slowest member (see the Fire
chart on Handout #1: Hexploration Rules). In addition to being difficult terrain, much of the
The PCs should focus on traveling and exploring, southern portion of the party’s assigned quadrant is on
represented by the Travel and Reconnoiter group fire. Unlike in forest and mountain hexes, there is no
activities. Remind them if necessary that these woods check for the PCs to speed up their exploration of these
are largely unexplored, their dangers unknown, putting dangerous areas. Though the PCs are able to find safe
characters performing individual actions at risk. Provide paths between pockets of fire, travel through the thick
players with Handout #2: Relevant Hexploration Group smoke and intense heat of this region is taxing, requiring
Activities, which contains a summary of the relevant each PC to attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save for each
hexploration rules, as well as Handout #3: Blank Hex forest fire hex the party enters. The fire is more intense
Map, a blank hex map to track their progress. for Levels 5–6, increasing the DC to 18. A PC under the
effects of endure elements or another effect that mitigates
HEXPLORATION TERRAIN the heat gains a +2 status bonus to this save. On a failure,
During their travels, the PCs encounter three kinds of the PC is fatigued until they spend 24 hours resting in a
hexes as they explore their section of the forest. hex that is not on fire.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames

Finadar Forest Exploration


Ritual Site

Ritual Site

1 hex = 12 miles

The monolith at the center of the forest fire emits a Variable Encounters
column of foul, oily black smoke. This smoke stands The exact placement of the following encounters is up
out against the lighter, grey smoke from the rest of the to the GM’s discretion, though each should occur in a
forest fire, and is visible from any of the fire hexes. This hex that does not contain one of the fixed encounters.
should provide the PCs a clue that something strange lies Encounter A should occur in the first or second forest
towards the center of the fire. hex after the PCs set out from the Pathfinder camp,
before they reach any of the fixed encounters. Encounter
Hills B should occur in one of the forest hexes near the hills
Like the forest, the hills count as difficult terrain. to the east, after the PCs have their first fixed encounter.
Searching a hex for a ritual site requires two Reconnoiter Encounter C can occur in either a forest or hills hex, and
group activities. The PCs can speed up their search by should occur after the PCs disable the first monolith.
finding good vantage points to view the surrounding
terrain; if they find one, they only need one Reconnoiter ENCOUNTER A:
activity to explore that hex. FUR AND FEATHERS FLY LOW
Each time the PCs Travel to a mountain hex where A few days after the PCs set out, they inadvertently
they have not found a vantage point, each PC can pass through the hunting grounds of a pair of owlbears,
attempt a single DC 20 Athletics check to Climb or though perceptive PCs might spot clues to warn them
a DC 18 Mountain Lore or Scouting Lore check to of the dangerous beasts. When the PCs enter the hex
find a vantage point. For Levels 5–6, the hills are more where they encounter the owlbears, roll a secret DC 18
difficult to traverse; increase the DCs by 2. This does Perception check for each of the PCs who is using the
not reduce the number of Travel activities needed to Search exploration activity. A PC who succeeds notices
move between hexes. deep gouges on several nearby trees. For Levels 5–6, the

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
thicker undergrowth obscures these marks, increasing
the DC to 20. A PC that has the Survey Wildlife feat Tracking Supplies
automatically succeeds at this check. If anyone notices
the marks, the PCs can attempt a DC 21 Nature check The Society provides the PCs with 40 days worth of
to Recall Knowledge. A PC that succeeds identifies provisions. Depending on the PCs’ speed and skill, each
the gouges as talon marks from an owlbear. If any PC hex may require as many as 4 days to travel into and
succeeds on this check, all PCs gain a +1 circumstance explore, which may limit how much of the map they can
bonus to their initiative rolls when the owlbears attack. explore before returning to camp. Depending on where
Terrain: The stream, though wide, is slow moving and they go and how fast they travel, they may need to
relatively shallow. It acts as greater difficult terrain, but reserve as much as two weeks of food for their return
is shallow enough that PCs can cross without swimming, journey, even if they travel back with no exploration.
and with no danger of being swept downstream. The The GM should track how many days of supplies the
log crossing the stream is slick with moisture from the PCs have remaining (or assign one of the players to do
flowing water, requiring a DC 15 Acrobatics check to so), regularly updating the players so they can make
Balance. The trees of this grove are accompanied by informed decisions.
light undergrowth, allowing creatures to Take Cover and PCs wishing to supplement these rations, likely
creating difficult terrain. through hunting and foraging, can use the Survival
Creatures: A pair of owlbears hunt on the far side of skill to Subsist (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 240). The
the stream (though only a single owlbear is present for Finadar Forest is lush and verdant; the DC to Subsist
Levels 3–4). Fierce and territorial, the owlbears do not in forest hexes is 10. Food is harder to come by in the
hesitate to defend their hunting grounds. They hide in the hills, increasing the DC to 15 and requiring trained
underbrush as the PCs approach, moving to attack when proficiency in Survival. The forest fire makes gathering
the first PC crosses the stream. The first owlbear to act food significantly more difficult, requiring expert
uses Screeching Advance in the first round of combat. An proficiency and a successful DC 20 Survival check.
owlbear attempts to flee if reduced below 15 Hit Points. If it becomes clear that the PCs can easily forage for
supplies, or if they amass enough supplies to explore
Levels 3–4 the remainder of the map, consider forgoing further
checks to avoid tedium and keep the game moving.
OWLBEAR CREATURE 4 If the party runs out of supplies, they can use a bird
Page 16, art on page 24 feather token (or other magical means) to call for help.
Gorm Greathammer sends a rescue party out to find
Levels 5–6 the PCs, escorting the party safely back to base camp.
If this happens, the PC lose the opportunity to do any
OWLBEARS (2) CREATURE 4 more exploration and their mission ends.
Page 19, art on page 24

ENCOUNTER B: A SLIPPERY SLOPE employ creative solutions beyond the suggestions, using
As the PCs travel, a sharp, steep ridge blocks their way. the given DCs as a guide. For Levels 5–6, the ascent is
Thick vegetation borders the ridge, requiring several more difficult, increasing the DCs by 2.
days of backtracking to skirt around it. The PCs must Each PC can attempt one skill check. A success earns
work together to get their party, along with pack animals the PCs 1 Ascent Point. A PC who critically succeeds
and all their supplies, up to the top of the embankment. earns 2 Ascent Points, while a critical failure makes the
Each PC can aid the ascent by climbing to the top and situation worse, losing 1 Ascent Point. If the PCs earn a
hauling supplies up from above, requiring a successful number of Ascent Points equal to or greater than half the
DC 20 Athletics check to Climb or a DC 18 Crafting number of PCs (rounded up), they successfully navigate
or Engineering Lore check to Recall Knowledge. They the embankment without delay. If not, they must spend
can also pick out a safe path along the face of the two additional days to go the long way around.
embankment, requiring a successful DC 20 Acrobatics
DC 20 Survival check, or DC 18 Scouting Lore check ENCOUNTER C:
to Recall Knowledge. Alternatively, the PCs can guide THE RUINED OBSERVATORY
the pack animals calmly up the embankment with a As the PCs explore, they stumble upon the ruins of an
successful DC 20 Nature check. Encourage the PCs to ancient cyclops tower built into a low hillside. A PC can

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames

A. Fur and Feathers Fly

OB #1

OB #2

PCs Start Here

OB = Owlbear
1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ambush Sites Multi-Pack

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
identify it as such with a successful DC 20 Society, DC With a blinding flash and a crack like thunder, the stone bursts
18 Architecture Lore, or DC 18 Cyclops Lore check to into flames. A single black point appears within the smoke,
Recall Knowledge. Though a majority of the structure has growing quickly into the form of a hooded figure. The figure
been destroyed by the passage of time, the remnants of silently screams, then breaks apart into two shadowy figures,
the upper floor remains, partially collapsed against the fiercely attack each other before their forms once again
hillside. Daring PCs can ascend the ruins with a successful merge, leaving only a single hooded figure, featureless but for
DC 20 Athletics check to Climb. On a critical failure, the a single glowing red eye. The burning red light cuts through
structure collapses, preventing further attempts. the smoke, growing in intensity until it is unbearably bright
Treasure: On the partially collapsed upper floor, the before both the figure and the flames suddenly disappear.
PCs find a large, gold tube, engraved with cyclops runes,
lying near the corroded remains of three metal legs. A PC The Carved Stone: The markings on the stone are the
that succeeds on a DC 19 Crafting or DC 17 Astronomy remnants of a ritual to channel energy from the abyssal
Lore check to Recall Knowledge identifies this as a broken batteries in the region toward the ruins of Min-Khadaim.
telescope. The telescope has 1 Bulk and is worth 30 gp. A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 (DC 22 for Levels 5–6)
For Levels 5–6, the barrel is inlaid with precious gems, and Arcana or Occultism check deciphers the purpose of
is instead worth 80 gp. circle. A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 (DC 20 for Levels
5–6) Society or Nature check determines that the symbol
OTHER FINDS at the eastern point represents flowing water, the one
Though the Finadar Forest is now largely uninhabited, at the southern point represents flames, and the one at
it was once part of a vast Cyclops empire known the northern part represents a stepped pyramid (like the
as Koloran. As the PCs explore the forest and the one in the ruins of Min-Khadaim). Deciphering these
surrounding hills, they occasionally find relics of this markings may provide a hint to the PCs that they ritual
lost civilization. Use the following as examples of the sites lie along the river to the east and at the heart of the
sorts of things the PCs find. These should be interspersed forest fire to the south.
throughout the PCs journey as a way to break up the Treasure: Three small pots of bruorsivi resin sit on the
potential monotony of exploration. ground beside the stone in the center of the clearing along
• A carved stone figure, nearly twice as big as any with some mostly decayed food preserves that include a
of the PCs, stands mostly obscured by climbing rotted cabbage. With a successful DC 18 Crafting check
vines. Time has worn all but the most vague to Craft, the PCs can adapt the pots of resin into three
outline of features from its body. moderate alchemist fires. For Levels 5–6, the PCs also
• A partially-buried stone with surprisingly clear find gems used as ritual foci, worth 50 gp.
lines reveals itself to be one of a ring that once
lined a shallow divining pool. ENCOUNTER E: THE RAGING FIRE
• A cave in a low hill is lined with worked stone SEVERE
and shattered mosaics, their pigment entirely This hex is the heart of the forest fire, the intense heat
faded by the years. making most of it impassable. However, by following
streams, rocky ridges, and other paths free of fire, the
Fixed Encounters PCs can move about the region in search of a ritual site.
Unlike the movable encounters above, the following events Visible whenever they catch a glimpse of the sky is a
are in fixed positions as shown on the map on page 6. column of inky, black smoke that seems out of place, as
if it were from a different sort of fire altogether. After
ENCOUNTER D: DEMONIAC CAMP several hours of travel along a narrow path between two
As they explore this hex, the PCs come across a clearing ridges, the PCs reach the source of the strange smoke.
near the banks of the river that shows signs of recent Read or paraphrase the following.
habitation. A cold fire pit stands near the remnants of a
lean-to, in the lee of a large boulder. A wide, flat stone, Shielded from the heat by rocks on either side, this narrow
several meters across, stands knee-high in the center of the ravine winds close to the column of roiling black smoke that
clearing. Scorch marks mar the stone, and a large circle stands out against the paler gray smoke of the forest fire.
circumscribed around a triangle with strange markings at Rough natural stairs lead along either side of large boulder
each point cover its surface. to the higher ground beyond. Just visible beyond the rock, the
The Vision: As soon as the first PC approaches within source of the foul column, is a small stone monolith, wreathed
10 feet of the stone, read or paraphrase the following. in flames and covered in glowing runes.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames

E. The Raging Fire

PCs Start Here

F Monolith

C= Corrupted Fire
F= Ember Fox or Filth Fire
1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Forest Fire

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
The monolith defends itself, acting as a complex Levels 3–4
hazard. When it is disabled or destroyed, it discharges
the energy stored within (see Development for details). EXPLOSIVE MONOLITH HAZARD 1
Terrain: The rock formation in the center of the map Page 17, art on page 24
rises 15 feet from the floor of the gully where the PCs
begin, and requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check CORRUPTED WILDFIRE CREATURE 3
to Climb. The natural steps on either side are rough, Page 17
creating difficult terrain as they rise 10 feet to the upper
area where the monolith sits. The trees and squares with EMBER FOXES (2) CREATURE 2
fire are both difficult terrain. Page 17, art on page 25
Fire: The supernatural forest fire, sustained by abyssal
energy leaking from the monolith, rages strongest in this Levels 5–6
area. Creatures that start their turn in a square with fire
or on the rock with the monolith take 1d6 fire damage EXPLOSIVE MONOLITH HAZARD 3
(DC 18 basic Reflex save). For Levels 5–6, the abyssal Page 20, art on page 24
battery radiates more energy and the fire burns hotter,
dealing 2d6 damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). CORRUPTED WILDFIRE CREATURE 5
Creatures: Several elementals have manifested in the Page 20
intense heat of the fire. Corrupted by the abyssal energy
fueling the blaze, they fiercely guard the monolith, FILTH FIRES (2) CREATURE 4
attacking anyone that approaches it. When the monolith Page 21
is disabled or destroyed, all remaining elementals
immediately lose half of their current Hit Points. Development: If this is the first monolith the PCs have
disabled, it discharges its remaining energy in a fiery arc
that soars through the sky. This should give the PCs an
idea of what direction the remaining monolith lies, but it
is not enough to pinpoint a specific hex. The fiery beam
dissipates as the glow of the runes subsides, leaving a
cold, crumbling monolith devoid of any markings.
If the PCs have already disabled a monolith, the
stored abyssal energy has nowhere to go, instead
discharging harmlessly straight up into the sky.
The flames surrounding the monolith intensify,
the whole structure glowing white-hot for just a
moment before the pent-up energy fires a massive
column of flame straight up. As the torrent of
energy subsides, the stone monolith loudly cracks,
then crumbles into a pile of cold stone rubble, the
glowing runes that once covered its surface now
entirely absent.
Regardless of which order the PCs reach the
monoliths, when the abyssal battery in this area
is disabled, the forest fires raging in the area burn
themselves out within seconds. The intensity of the fire
in the surrounding hexes, previously sustained by the
monolith, immediately dissipate.
Once the PCs successfully disrupt the ritual
site, they can use one of the provided bird
feather tokens to report their success
back to Gorm Greathammer. If they
Burning Monolith do so, one of the PCs (a member
of the Grand Archive faction, if any

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
are present) receives a sending from Greathammer these areas as bogs that function as difficult terrain for
approximately two hours later. The message varies Medium or larger creatures and greater difficult terrain
based on how what the PCs have accomplished so far. for Small creatures. The plinth at the base of obelisk
If this is the first monolith disrupted, the message rises to just above the surface of the water, allowing the
says. “Message received. Measures indicate abyssal monolith to stand above the flood. Creatures standing
energy reduced by half. Keep up the good work!” on the plinth gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their
If the PCs have disrupted both monoliths, the message Fortitude saves to resist the surges from the flooding
instead says, “Message received. We could see the light monolith hazard.
show from here!” The embankment walls are muddy and slick, and
If the PCs have not already reported finding the climbing down from the embankment is simply a matter
demoniac camp in Encounter D, he adds that they of a controlled slide to the water below (no Athletics
should continue searching for signs of the assailant if check required). The slick, muddy embankment walls,
they are able. If they have already done so, he instead however, make ascending difficult, requiring a successful
wishes them a safe and speedy return to base camp. DC 15 Athletics check to Climb.
Storm: The driving rain in this area imparts a -2
ENCOUNTER F: THE DROWNING STONE circumstance penalty to Perception checks. In addition,
SEVERE the strong winds, which always blow away from the
As the PCs explore the area where the river flows down monolith, make flying difficult. Flying creatures treat
from the hills, they find much of the terrain sodden the area as difficult terrain, and must succeed on a DC
and washed away where the water has overflowed its 20 Acrobatics check to Maneuver in Flight in order to
banks. The flooding already exacerbated by driving move closer to the monolith.
rain and gusts of wind, every few minutes the swollen If the monolith is disabled, the surging waves
river surges, the water suddenly rising and becoming immediately cease, as does the raging storm. This
more violent before retreating just as quickly. This removes the penalty on Perception checks and the effects
behavior is clearly unnatural, suggesting the likely of the wind on flying creatures. The flooded ground
presence of a ritual site nearby. A PC who succeeds remains difficult terrain, however, as the flood waters
at a DC 18 Nature check or a DC 16 River Lore slowly recede over the course of the following hour.
check gains a sense for the timing of these surges, Creatures: Drawn by the evil and suffering of the
gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves ritual site, a predator known as an ahuizotl has relocated
made to resist the surges from the flooding monolith from its normal hunting grounds to wallow in the
hazard. For Levels 5–6, the surges are less predictable, flood, becoming the monolith’s unwitting guardian. The
increasing the DCs by 2. wicked creature hides in the bushes at the water’s edge,
The wind and rain steadily increase in strength as the using its Voice Imitation ability to pose as someone in
PCs travel for another hour before reaching a fork in distress. It strikes anyone who approaches to investigate
the river. Read or paraphrase the following. the area with its tail, using its Tail Drag ability to pull
them into the water.
The swollen river, overflowing its natural banks, rises several For Levels 3–4, a giant leech is also present. For
feet up an embankment. The swirling water rises and grows Levels 5–6, a swarm of brood leeches is present instead.
more violent with each surge before quickly subsiding. The The leeches have learned not to attack the ahuizotl, but
source of this flooding is obvious, each pulse flowing out of fearlessly attack or swarm over any other creature that
a short monolith that rises from atop a stony plinth hewn enters the water.
from a large boulder. Wreathed in flames despite the driving
rain and the water swirling around its base, glowing runes Levels 3–4
cover the monolith’s surface.
The stone monolith rising from the water serves as Page 18
a battery of sorts, storing abyssal energy to power evil
rituals. Some of the monolith’s immense power has leaked GIANT LEECH CREATURE 2
into the nearby river, causing the strange surges that have Page 18, art on page 25
flooded the region and attracting foul creatures.
Terrain: The low areas on the map on either side YOUNG AHUIZOTL CREATURE 4
of the stream are flooded to a depth of 3 feet. Treat Page 18, art on page 25

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames

Encounter F: The Drowning Stone

PCs Start Here

Brood Leech

Giant Leech

1 square = 5 feet Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ambush Sites Multi-Pack

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Levels 5–6 Conclusion
When the PCs return to the Pathfinder camp, Gorm
FLOODING MONOLITH HAZARD 4 Greathammer eagerly debriefs them. After listening to
Page 22 a recounting of their adventures, he asks them to mark
the approximate location of any sites of interest so
AHUIZOTL CREATURE 6 specialist teams can be dispatched for further study. If
Page 22, art on page 25 the PCs found the demoniac camp, Gorm is particularly
interested in any details and descriptions they recount,
BROOD LEECH SWARM CREATURE 4 taking copious notes. He congratulates them on a job
Page 23 well done, and assures them that the Society’s work is far
from finished in the region.
Treasure: The receding water reveals the remains of If any of the players possess the Legacy Boon from
one the ahuizotl’s previous victims, tangled in the bushes. Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-16: What the Helms
Among the items still on the body, which appears to be Hide, then the PCs receive a visit from a member of the
that of an elf dressed in hide, the PCs find a coyote cloak. Decemvirate, just as their debrief with Greathammer is
For Levels 5–6, they also find an animal staff nearby. coming to an end. Read or paraphrase the following only
Development: When this is the first monolith the PCs if one or more player has the boon.
have disabled, it discharges its remaining energy in a fiery
arc that soars through the sky. This should give the PCs Greathammer trails off as a figure appears in the tent. The
an idea of what direction the remaining monolith lies, person’s features remain completely obscured by their mask,
but it is not enough to pinpoint a specific hex. The fiery which features a pair of stag’s horns. The figure regards the
beam dissipates as the glow of the runes subsides, leaving occupants of the tent for a moment before speaking.
a cold, crumbling monolith devoid of any markings. “You have gone to great trouble, and while there is still much
If the PCs have already disabled a monolith, the to do, the time for absolute secrecy among the Decemvirate
stored abyssal energy has nowhere to go, instead has passed. You have earned the right to know more, to know
discharging harmlessly straight up into the sky. The who you are working to save. The one you know as Sapphire,
flames surrounding the monolith intensify, the whole who was merged with and possessed by some malign power,
structure glowing white-hot for just a moment before goes by another name, as well. One that may be more familiar
the pent-up energy fires a massive column of flame to you: Drandle Dreng.”
straight up. As the torrent of energy subsides, the stone With that, the helmed figure turns and departs, as suddenly
monolith loudly cracks, then crumbles into a pile of as they appeared.
cold stone rubble, the glowing runes that once covered
its surface now entirely absent. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES
Once the PCs successfully disrupt the ritual site, they The PCs fulfill their primary objective if they disable at
can use one of the provided bird feather tokens to report least one of the abyssal batteries. Doing so earns each PC
their success back to Gorm Greathammer. If they do so, 2 Reputation with their chosen faction.
one of the PCs (a member of the Grand Archive faction,
if any are present) receives a sending from Greathammer SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
approximately two hours later. The message varies based The PCs fulfill their secondary objective if they disable
on how what the PCs have accomplished so far. both abyssal batteries and return to camp without needing
If this is the first monolith disrupted, the message says, to be rescued. Doing so earns each PC 2 Reputation with
“Message received. Measures indicate abyssal energy their chosen faction.
reduced by half. Keep up the good work!”
If the PCs have disrupted both monoliths, the message FACTION NOTES
instead says, “Message received. We could see the light Gorm Greathammer remains eager to learn more
show from here!” information about the mysterious hooded figure that
If the PCs have not already reported finding the abducted a member of the Decemvirate. To succeed
demoniac camp in Encounter D, he adds that they at this objective, the PCs must find and explore the
should continue searching for signs of the assailant if demoniac camp (Encounter D) and witness the vision
they are able. If they have already done so, then Gorm after approaching the carved stone in the center of
Greathammer instead wishes the PCs a safe and speedy the clearing. Doing so earns each PC 2 additional
return to base camp. Reputation with the Grand Archive faction.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Appendix 1: Level 3–4
Encounters Scaling Encounter A
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
scenario. These encounters are written for four 3rd-level Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, not cumulative.
refer to GM Basics section of the Guide to Organized 10–11 Challenge Points: The owlbear has an additional
Play: Pathfinder Society for instructions on how to use the 20 Hit Points.
scaling sidebars to adjust the encounters for your group. 12–13 Challenge Points: Replace the owlbear with 2
Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak weak owlbears.
adjustments. Rules for these adjustments appear on 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one weak owlbear to
page 6 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. If a creature is marked the encounter.
“(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter unless otherwise 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one
specified (likely from the scaling sidebars). owlbear to the encounter.


Perception +13; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +14, Intimidation +10
Str +6, Dex +1, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha +0
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +11
HP 70
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] talon +14 (agile), Damage 1d10+6 piercing plus Grab
Melee [one-action] beak +14, Damage 1d12+6 piercing
Bloodcurdling Screech [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental)
The owlbear unleashes a loud screech that terrifies its
prey. Each creature in an 80-foot emanation must attempt
a DC 20 Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are
temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is frightened 1.
Failure The creature is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is fleeing for 1 round and
frightened 3.
Gnaw [one-action] Requirements The owlbear has a creature grabbed
with its talons. Effect The owlbear attempts to disembowel
the creature with a beak Strike. If the Strike hits, the target
must attempt a DC 22 Will save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is sickened 1.
Failure The target is sickened 1 and slowed 1 as long as it
remains sickened.
Screeching Advance [two-actions] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental)
The owlbear makes a Bloodcurdling Screech and Strides
twice. All creatures within 80 feet of the owlbear at any
point during this movement are subjected to the effects
of Bloodcurdling Screech.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Scaling Encounter E
COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL FIRE To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
Stealth +4 Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
Description A burst of abyssal energy ignites the sap in a not cumulative.
nearby bruorsivi, which explodes in a burst of fiery splinters. 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one ember fox to the
Disable DC 17 Arcana, Occultism, or Religion to magically alter encounter.
the runes, or DC 20 Thievery to physically alter them. A PC 12–13 Challenge Points: Add two ember foxes to the
that can read Abyssal or Cyclops is better able to identify encounter.
key runes, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to these check 14–15 Challenge Points: Add two corrupted wildfires
(+2 if they speak both). Each check requires two actions, and to the encounter. Increase each corrupted wildfire’s Hit
disabling the monolith requires three successful checks. A PC Points by 10.
that critically succeeds earns two success. On a failed check, 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one ember
the attempting PC is exposed to the burning flames wreathing fox and two corrupted wildfires to the encounter.
the monolith, taking 2d6 fire damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save). Increase each corrupted wildfire’s Hit Points by 10.
AC 13; Fort +11, Ref +4
Hardness 7; HP 24 (BT 12); Immunities critical hits, object
immunities, precision damage Ranged [one-action] flaming sap +12 (range increment 30 feet), Damage
Flares [reaction] Trigger A creature other than the monolith’s 1d6+3 fire plus 1d4 persistent fire plus filthy burn
guardians approaches within 40 feet of the monolith; Acrid Cloud [two-actions] (evocation, poison, primal) The burning sap
Effect the flames wreathing the monolith flare with that makes up the corrupted wildfire’s body sputters and
incandescent light. The triggering creature must attempt pops, ejecting a cloud of acrid that smoke in a 10 foot
a DC 17 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is emanation that lasts for 1 round. This smoke provides
dazzled for one round. On a critical failure, the creature concealment to all creatures within, and deals 1d6 poison
is blinded for one round, then dazzled for one round. The damage to any creature that enters or begins its turn in
hazard rolls initiative. the cloud (DC 20 basic Fortitude save). A creature that
Routine [one-action] On the hazard’s turn, randomly select a PC within fails is also sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on a critical failure).
40 feet of the monolith. A tree near that PC explodes in Filthy Burn When the corrupted wildfire successfully
a 10-foot burst, dealing 1d6 piercing and 1d6 fire damage. strikes a creature with an attack that deals persistent
Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 17 Reflex save. fire damage, the target becomes sickened 1 (sickened 2
Critical Success The creature takes no damage. on a critical hit). This condition cannot be reduced below
Success The creature takes half damage. 1 while the creature is subject to the persistent fire
Failure The creature takes full damage and is dazzled for damage from the attack, and ends automatically when
1 round. the persistent fire ends.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is
blind for 1 round. EMBER FOXES (2) CREATURE 2
CORRUPTED WILDFIRE CREATURE 3 Perception +8; darkvision
UNCOMMON CE MEDIUM ELEMENTAL FIRE Languages Ignan (can’t speak any language)
Perception +7; darkvision, smoke vision Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Stealth +8
Languages Abyssal, Ignan Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –2, Wis +2, Cha +1
Skills Acrobatics +10 AC 18; Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +8
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha –2 HP 35; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep;
Smoke Vision The corrupted wildfire ignores the concealed Weaknesses cold 5
condition from smoke. Cloak in Embers [reaction] Trigger An adjacent ally is targeted by an
AC 18; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +8 effect that deals fire damage; Effect The ember fox drapes
HP 51; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep; itself across its ally, granting the ally fire resistance 10
Weaknesses cold 4 against the incoming attack.
Speed 50 feet Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +12 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+6 fire plus 1d4 Melee [one-action] jaws +10 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+3 piercing
persistent fire plus filthy burn plus 1d4 persistent fire

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Scaling Encounter F
COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL WATER To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
Stealth +5 Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
Description A surge of abyssal energy creates a powerful not cumulative.
wave pushing away from the monolith. 10–11 Challenge Points: Add one giant leech to the
Disable DC 18 Arcana, Occultism, or Religion to magically encounter.
alter the runes, or DC 21 Thievery to physically alter 12–13 Challenge Points: Add two giant leeches to the
them. A PC that can read Abyssal or Cyclops is better able encounter.
to identify key runes, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one young ahuizotl and
these check (+2 if they speak both). Each check requires one giant leech to the encounter.
two actions, and disabling the monolith requires three 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Add one young
successful checks. A PC that critically succeeds earns two ahuizotl and two giant leeches to the encounter.
success. On a failed check, the attempting PC is exposed
to the burning flames wreathing the monolith, taking 2d6
fire damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save). AC 20; Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +10
AC 15; Fort +12, Ref +5 HP 68
Hardness 8; HP 34 (BT 17); Immunities critical hits, object Speed 25 feet, swim 35 feet
immunities, precision damage Melee [one-action] jaws +14, Damage 2d8+4 piercing
Flare [reaction] Trigger A creature other than the monolith’s guardians Melee [one-action] claw +17 (agile), Damage 2d6+4 slashing
approaches within 40 feet of the monolith; Effect the flames Melee [one-action] tail claw +17 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4+4
wreathing the monolith flare with incandescent light. The slashing plus Improved Grab
triggering creature must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save. Tail Drag [one-action] Requirements The ahuizotl has a Medium or
On a failure, the creature is dazzled for one round. On a smaller creature grabbed with its tail claw; Effect The
critical failure, the creature is blinded for one round, then ahuizotl attempts an Athletics check against the creature’s
dazzled for one round. The hazard rolls initiative. Fortitude DC.
Routine [one-action] On the hazard’s turn it sends a wave of water along Critical Success If the creature is 10 feet away from the
the fork of the river (North, South, or East) that contains ahuizotl, it is dragged into a square adjacent to the
the nearest PC. Any creature along that fork in or on the ahuizotl. The ahuizotl can make a jaws Strike against
surface of the water must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude save. the creature.
The monolith’s guardians are accustomed to these surges Success If the creature is 10 feet away from the ahuizotl, it
and are immune to this effect. is dragged into a square adjacent to the ahuizotl.
Critical Success The creature takes advantage of the undertow Failure The creature is not dragged.
after the surge to reposition themselves. The creature can Critical Failure The creature is not dragged and the ahuizotl
Step, ignoring difficult terrain caused by the water. no longer has the creature grabbed.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is pushed 10 feet away from the GIANT LEECH CREATURE 2
Critical Failure The creature is pushed 15 feet away from Perception +5; tremorsense 30 feet
the monolith and knocked prone. Skills Athletics +8, Stealth +7
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –5
YOUNG AHUIZOTL CREATURE 4 AC 17; Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +5
Perception +10; darkvision Speed 5 feet, swim 20 feet
Languages Aklo, Common Melee [one-action] mouth +10, Damage 1d4+6 piercing plus Grab
Skills Athletics +12, Deception +12 (+16 when using Voice Blood Drain [one-action] Requirements The giant leech has a
Imitation), Stealth +12 creature grabbed or restrained; Effect The giant leech
Str +5, Dex +3, Con +5, Int -1, Wis +3, Cha +3 drains blood from the creature it has grabbed. This deals
Voice Imitation An ahuizotl can mimic the sounds of a person 2d4 damage. A creature that has its blood drained by
in distress by attempting a Deception check to Lie. The a giant leech is drained 1 until it receives any kind or
ahuizotl has a +4 circumstance bonus to this check. amount of healing.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Appendix 2: Level 5–6
Encounters Scaling Encounter A
The statistics presented in this appendix include full
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
scenario. These encounters are written for four 5th-level Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, not cumulative.
refer to GM Basics section of the Guide to Organized 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one weak owlbear to
Play: Pathfinder Society for instructions on how to use the the encounter.
scaling sidebars to adjust the encounters for your group. 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one owlbear to the
Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak encounter.
adjustments. Rules for these adjustments appear on 28–32 Challenge Points: Add two weak owlbears to
page 6 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. If a creature is marked the encounter.
“(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter unless otherwise 33+ Challenge Points: Add two owlbears to the
specified (likely from the scaling sidebars). encounter.


Perception +13; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +14, Intimidation +10
Str +6, Dex +1, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha +0
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +11
HP 70
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] talon +14 (agile), Damage 1d10+6 piercing plus Grab
Melee [one-action] beak +14, Damage 1d12+6 piercing
Bloodcurdling Screech [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental)
The owlbear unleashes a loud screech that terrifies its
prey. Each creature in an 80-foot emanation must attempt
a DC 20 Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are
temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is frightened 1.
Failure The creature is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is fleeing for 1 round and
frightened 3.
Gnaw [one-action] Requirements The owlbear has a creature grabbed
with its talons. Effect The owlbear attempts to disembowel
the creature with a beak Strike. If the Strike hits, the target
must attempt a DC 22 Will save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is sickened 1.
Failure The target is sickened 1 and slowed 1 as long as it
remains sickened.
Screeching Advance [two-actions] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental)
The owlbear makes a Bloodcurdling Screech and Strides
twice. All creatures within 80 feet of the owlbear at any
point during this movement are subjected to the effects of
Bloodcurdling Screech.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Scaling Encounter E
COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL FIRE To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
Stealth +7 Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
Description A burst of abyssal energy ignites the sap in a not cumulative.
nearby bruorsivi, which explodes in a burst of fiery splinters. 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one filth fire to the
Disable DC 20 Arcana, Occultism, or Religion to magically encounter.
alter the runes, or DC 23 Thievery to physically alter them. 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two filth fires to the
A PC that can read Abyssal or Cyclops is better able to encounter.
identify key runes, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to 28–32 Challenge Points: Add two corrupted wildfires
these check (+2 if they speak both). Each check requires to the encounter. Increase each corrupted wildfire’s Hit
two actions, and disabling the monolith requires three Points by 15.
successful checks. A PC that critically succeeds earns two 33+ Challenge Points: Add one filth fire and two
success. On a failed check, the attempting PC is exposed to corrupted wildfires to the encounter. Increase each
the burning flames wreathing the monolith, taking 2d6 fire corrupted wildfire’s Hit Points by 15.
damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save).
AC 16; Fort +14, Ref +6
Hardness 12; HP 46 (BT 23); Immunities critical hits, object CORRUPTED WILDFIRE CREATURE 5
immunities, precision damage UNCOMMON CE MEDIUM ELEMENTAL FIRE
Flare [reaction] Trigger A creature other than the monolith’s guardians Perception +10; darkvision, smoke vision
approaches within 40 feet of the monolith; Effect the flames Languages Abyssal, Ignan
wreathing the monolith flare with incandescent light. The Skills Acrobatics +13
triggering creature must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. Str +3, Dex +4, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha –2
On a failure, the creature is dazzled for one round. On a Smoke Vision The corrupted wildfire ignores the concealed
critical failure, the creature is blinded for one round, then condition from smoke.
dazzled for one round. The hazard rolls initiative. AC 21; Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +10
Routine On the hazard’s turn, randomly select a PC within 40 HP 85; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep;
feet of the monolith. A tree near that PC explodes in a 10- Weaknesses cold 5
foot burst, dealing 2d6 piercing and 2d6 fire damage. Each Speed 50 feet
creature in the area must attempt a DC 20 Reflex save. Melee [one-action] fist +15 (agile, finesse), Damage 2d6+6 fire plus 1d4
Critical Success The creature takes no damage. persistent fire plus filthy burn
Success The creature takes half damage. Ranged [one-action] flaming sap +15 (range increment 30 feet), Damage
Failure The creature takes full damage and is dazzled for 2d6+3 fire plus 1d4 persistent fire plus filthy burn
1 round. Acrid Cloud [two-actions] (evocation, poison, primal) The burning sap
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is that makes up the corrupted wildfire’s body sputters and
blind for 1 round. pops, ejecting a cloud of acrid that smoke in a 10 foot
emanation that lasts for 1 round. This smoke provides
concealment to all creatures within, and deals 2d4 poison
damage to any creature that enters or begins its turn in the
cloud (DC 22 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails is
also sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on a critical failure).
Filthy Burn When the corrupted wildfire successfully strikes
a creature with an attack that deals persistent fire damage,
the target becomes sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical hit).
This condition cannot be reduced below 1 while the creature
is subject to the persistent fire damage from the attack, and
ends automatically when the persistent fire ends.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Perception +11; darkvision, smoke vision
Languages Ignan (can’t speak any language)
Skills Acrobatics +13, Athletics +9
Str +1, Dex +5, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha +0
Smoke Vision The filth fire ignores the concealed condition
from smoke.
AC 21; Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +9
HP 70; Immunities bleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleep;
Weaknesses cold 5
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] burning lash +13 (finesse), Damage 2d6+3
bludgeoning plus 1d6 persistent fire
Ranged [one-action] ember ball +13 (fire, range increment 20 feet),
Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning plus 1d6 persistent fire
Noxious Burst [two-actions] Toxic materials and churning rubbish
within the filth fire’s body explode in one of three ways.
The filth fire chooses the effect, but it can’t make the same
choice twice in a row.
• Fiery Beam (evocation, fire, primal) The filth fire expels
a 30-foot line of flame that deals 3d6 fire damage with a DC
21 basic Reflex save.
• Shrapnel Blast (evocation, primal) The filth fire shoots
jagged rubbish out in a 5-foot emanation that deals 2d12
piercing damage with a DC 21 basic Reflex save.
• Toxic Fumes (evocation, poison, primal) The filth fire
belches a 15-foot cone of toxic smoke that deals 2d6 poison
damage (DC 21 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails is
also sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on a critical failure).

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Scaling Encounter F
COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL WATER To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the following
Stealth +8 Challenge Point adjustments. These adjustments are
Description A surge of abyssal energy creates a powerful not cumulative.
wave pushing away from the monolith. 19–22 Challenge Points: Add one brood leech swarm
Disable DC 22 Arcana, Occultism, or Religion to magically to the encounter.
alter the runes, or DC 25 Thievery to physically alter them. 23–27 Challenge Points: Add two brood leech
A PC that can read Abyssal or Cyclops is better able to swarms to the encounter.
identify key runes, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one ahuizotl and one
these check (+2 if they speak both). Each check requires brood leech swarm to the encounter.
two actions, and disabling the monolith requires three 33+ Challenge Points: Add one ahuizotl and two
successful checks. A PC that critically succeeds earns two breed leech swarms to the encounter.
success. On a failed check, the attempting PC is exposed to
the burning flames wreathing the monolith, taking 2d6 fire
damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). AHUIZOTL CREATURE 6
Hardness 13; HP 50 (BT 25); Immunities critical hits, object Perception +13; darkvision
immunities, precision damage Languages Aklo, Common
Flare [reaction] Trigger A creature other than the monolith’s guardians Skills Athletics +15, Deception +15 (+19 when using Voice
approaches within 40 feet of the monolith; Effect the flames Imitation), Stealth +15
wreathing the monolith flare with incandescent light. The Str +5, Dex +3, Con +5, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +3
triggering creature must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. Voice Imitation An ahuizotl can mimic the sounds of a person
On a failure, the creature is dazzled for one round. On a in distress by attempting a Deception check to Lie. The
critical failure, the creature is blinded for one round, then ahuizotl has a +4 circumstance bonus to this check.
dazzled for one round. The hazard rolls initiative. AC 23; Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +13
Routine [one-action] On the hazard’s turn it sends a wave of water along HP 105
the fork of the river (North, South, or East) that contains Speed 25 feet, swim 35 feet
the nearest PC. Any creature along that fork in the water Melee [one-action] jaws +17, Damage 2d8+8 piercing
or on its surface must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. The Melee [one-action] claw +17 (agile), Damage 2d6+8 slashing
monolith’s guardians are accustomed to these surges and Melee [one-action] tail claw +17 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d4+8
are immune to this effect. slashing plus Improved Grab
Critical Success The creature takes advantage of the undertow Tail Drag [one-action] Requirements The ahuizotl has a Medium or
after the surge to reposition themselves. The creature can smaller creature grabbed with its tail claw; Effect The
Step, ignoring difficult terrain caused by the water. ahuizotl attempts an Athletics check against the creature’s
Success The creature is unaffected. Fortitude DC.
Failure The creature is pushed 10 feet away from the Critical Success If the creature is 10 feet away from the
monolith. ahuizotl, it is dragged into a square adjacent to the
Critical Failure The creature is pushed 15 feet away from ahuizotl. The ahuizotl can make a jaws Strike against the
the monolith and knocked prone. creature.
Success If the creature is 10 feet away from the ahuizotl, it
is dragged into a square adjacent to the ahuizotl.
Failure The creature is not dragged.
Critical Failure The creature is not dragged and the ahuizotl
no longer has the creature grabbed.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Perception +9; tremorsense 30 feet
Skills Athletics +8, Stealth +11
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +4, Int –5, Wis +1, Cha –5
AC 19; Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +9
HP 40; Immunities precision, swarm mind; Weaknesses
area damage 5, salt 5, splash damage 5; Resistances
bludgeoning 2, piercing 5, slashing 5
Speed 5 feet, swim 20 feet
Blood Draining Bites [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm’s space
takes 2d6 bleed damage and is exposed to brood leech
swarm venom.
Brood Leech Swarm Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 21
Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 clumsy 1,
sickened 1, and –5-foot status penalty to Speed (1 round);
Stage 2 clumsy 1, sickened 1, and –10-foot status penalty to
Speed (1 round)

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Appendix 3: Game Aids

Gorm Greathammer Eando Kline

Owlbear Burning Monolith

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Appendix 3: Game Aids

Ember Fox Ahuizotl

Giant Leech

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames

Handout #1: Hexploration Rules

To determine the number of group activities per day available to the PCs, find the Speed of the slowest party
member in the following table.

Hexploration Activities Table

10 feet or less 1/2
15–25 feet 1
30–40 feet 2
45–55 feet 3
60 feet or more 4

Forced March: The rates above assume the PCs are taking time to camp and rest at healthy intervals. When a new
day of hexploration begins, the group can instead decide to take a forced march as long as no one in the group is
fatigued. Doing so allows them to gain an extra Travel activity (or perform a full Travel activity if their Speed is 10
or less), but this is the only activity they can perform that day. A character can participate in a forced march safely
for a number of days equal to the character’s Constitution modifier (minimum 1 day). Any additional days of forced
march make the character fatigued until they spend an entire day of downtime resting.

Handout #2: Relevant Hexploration Group Activities

Travel (move): You progress toward moving into an adjacent hex. In open terrain, using 1 Travel activity allows
you to move from one hex to an adjacent hex. Traversing a hex with difficult terrain (such as a forest or hills)
requires 2 Travel activities.
Reconnoiter (concentration): You spend time surveying and exploring a specific area, looking for unusual
features and specific sites. Reconnoitering a single hex in open terrain takes 1 hexploration activity, while doing so
in difficult terrain (such as a forest or hills) takes 2 activities.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames

Handout #3: Blank Hex Map

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Organized Play
Treasure Table Treasure Bundles
▫▫ Encounter A, page 6: 2 Treasure Bundles for
defeating the owlbears.
3 3.8 gp ▫▫ Encounter C, page 9: 2 Treasure Bundles for
4 6.4 gp climbing the ruins.
5 10 gp ▫▫ Encounter D, page 9: 2 Treasure Bundles for
6 15 gp exploring the camp.
▫▫ Encounter E, page 9: 2 Treasure Bundles for
disabling the monolith.
▫▫ Encounter F, page 12: 2 Treasure Bundles for
disabling the monolith.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
Event Reporting Form
Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -2 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure #: Adventure Name:
Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Yes □ No □ N/A Scenario-based Infamy earned? □ Yes □ No □ N/A

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name: □ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
□ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: -2 Level □ □ Infamy

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Lost in Flames
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Creative Directors • James Jacobs and Robert G. McCreary
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-14: Lost in Flames © 2021, Paizo Inc.; Author: Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game,
Dennis Muldoon. and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder Society Scenario

Scenario #2-14:
Lost in Flames

Character Name Organized Play # Character #

Adventure Summary
After a Decemvirate member disappeared, the Society selected you to join one of several expedition parties. You and your allies
explored the region surrounding the cyclops city of Min-Khadaim in the distant lands of Iobaria. You ▫ discovered and disabled a
strange demonic monolith related to an ancient cyclops ritual located within a raging forest fire. You ▫ discovered and disabled a
second monolith located at the center of a great storm. You ▫ also managed to discover an abandoned camp that gave you insight into
the fate of the missing Decemvirate member.

Boons Rewards
Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Pathfinder Society (second edition) XP Gained
Achievement Points, a currency that be redeemed on our website at for special character boons,
such as access to rare or uncommon ancestries, feats, and more! To redeem your Achievement Points, go
to and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a account and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.

GP Gained

Reputation Gained

Items Purchases
Items Sold / Conditions Gained
animal staff (item 4, 90 gp)


Add 1/2 this value to the GP Gained Box

Items Bought / Conditions Cleared


Notes Downtime

Chronicle Code: ZS9E

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