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Server and Database Administration Guide For Microsoft Dynamics AX

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Server and Database Administration Guide for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Corporation Published: June 2008

Microsoft Dynamics is a line of integrated, adaptable business management solutions that enables you and your people to make business decisions with greater confidence. Microsoft Dynamics works like and with familiar Microsoft software, automating and streamlining financial, customer relationship and supply chain processes in a way that helps you drive business success. U.S. and Canada Toll Free 1-888-477-7989 Worldwide +1-701-281-6500 This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this document remains with the user. Unless otherwise noted, the companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted in examples herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Active Directory, BizTalk, Excel, IntelliSense, Internet Explorer, MSDN, SharePoint, Visual Studio, Windows, Windows Server, Windows Vista, X++, and the Microsoft Dynamics Logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents
Getting started with server and database administration ................................................................ 7 Managing the Application Object Server (AOS) .............................................................................. 8 Designate a batch server ............................................................................................................. 9 Start or stop the Application Object Server Windows service .................................................... 10 Manage client connections for an AOS instance ....................................................................... 10 Managing configurations (Server) .............................................................................................. 11 Configuration security (Server) ............................................................................................... 12 Create a new configuration (Server) ....................................................................................... 12 Save or export a configuration (Server) .................................................................................. 13 Load a configuration (Server) ................................................................................................. 14 Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different application ................................. 15 Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different bin directory ............................... 15 Run commands at startup (Server) ............................................................................................ 16 Change the TCP/IP port an Application Object Server instance runs on .................................. 16 Enable printing from a computer running Application Object Server ......................................... 17 Allow debugging ......................................................................................................................... 18 Encrypt data ............................................................................................................................... 19 Compress data between clients and an Application Object Server ........................................... 19 Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different database.................................... 20 Tune database settings .............................................................................................................. 21 Using the command line to manage the AOS ............................................................................ 24 General options....................................................................................................................... 24 Application Object Server options........................................................................................... 25 Database connection options ................................................................................................. 28 Database tuning options ......................................................................................................... 29 Tracing options ....................................................................................................................... 31 Unfamiliar configuration options ............................................................................................. 33 Troubleshoot problems operating the Application Object Server .............................................. 35 Managing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Windows client ................................................................. 37 Managing configurations (Client) ............................................................................................... 38 Configuration security (Client and Business Connector) ........................................................ 38 Manage a client configuration ................................................................................................. 39 Managing startup settings (Client) ............................................................................................. 42 Change the log location .......................................................................................................... 43 Set company to open on startup ............................................................................................. 43 Run commands at startup (Client) .......................................................................................... 43 Display message at startup .................................................................................................... 44

Server and Database Administration Guide

Connect a client to a different Application Object Server instance ......................................... 44 Enable printing from a computer running Application Object Server ...................................... 45 Manage Help files and updates .............................................................................................. 46 Troubleshoot problems with Microsoft Dynamics AX clients .................................................. 46 Managing instances of Business Connector ................................................................................. 48 About the .NET Business Connector ......................................................................................... 49 Set the Business Connector proxy user ..................................................................................... 49 Configuration security (Client and Business Connector) ........................................................... 51 Manage a configuration for Business Connector ....................................................................... 52 Importing and exporting data ......................................................................................................... 55 Securing data during export and import ..................................................................................... 55 Import and export definition groups............................................................................................ 55 Create definition groups for import and export ....................................................................... 56 Configure tables for definition groups ..................................................................................... 57 Exporting data ............................................................................................................................ 60 Export default data .................................................................................................................. 60 Export data to Microsoft Office Excel ...................................................................................... 61 Export standard data .............................................................................................................. 62 Importing data ............................................................................................................................ 63 Import default data .................................................................................................................. 63 Import custom data and data from other systems .................................................................. 64 Create a template in Microsoft Office Excel ........................................................................... 65 Enter data in Microsoft Office Excel........................................................................................ 66 Import data from Microsoft Office Excel ................................................................................. 67 Import users from Active Directory ......................................................................................... 70 Import data on startup ............................................................................................................. 71 Migrating data............................................................................................................................. 73 Plan data migration ................................................................................................................. 73 Migrate customer, vendor, and item data by using the Excel Template Wizard .................... 74 Migrate historical transaction data .......................................................................................... 76 Migrate open transactions ...................................................................................................... 77 Configuring and managing AIF ...................................................................................................... 78 Exchanging documents electronically using AIF ........................................................................ 79 What's new in AIF ................................................................................................................... 81 Planning for AIF integration .................................................................................................... 84 Using AIF to integrate with external systems ......................................................................... 86 Security considerations for AIF ............................................................................................... 89 Security considerations for AIF Web services ........................................................................ 93 Documents included with Microsoft Dynamics AX ................................................................. 95 Troubleshoot AIF .................................................................................................................... 95 Implementing common trading processes ................................................................................. 99 Implement procure-to-pay: select supplier ........................................................................... 102 Implement orders-to-cash: process RFQ and quote ............................................................ 105 Server and Database Administration Guide 4

Adapter-based exchanges ....................................................................................................... 107 AIF performance ................................................................................................................... 107 Configuring document exchanges with adapters .................................................................. 110 Configure the file system for AIF .......................................................................................... 112 Configure Message Queuing for AIF .................................................................................... 114 Configure BizTalk for AIF ...................................................................................................... 117 Configure global settings for document exchange ............................................................... 121 Create and configure local endpoints ................................................................................... 124 Creating and configuring actions .......................................................................................... 124 Configure an adapter ............................................................................................................ 127 Creating and configuring channels ....................................................................................... 128 Creating and configuring endpoints ...................................................................................... 131 Configure endpoint action policies ........................................................................................ 142 Configure endpoint action data policies ................................................................................ 144 Creating and configuring a pipeline ...................................................................................... 147 About value mapping ............................................................................................................ 151 Configure document parameters .......................................................................................... 157 Limit outbound documents .................................................................................................... 158 Web services-based exchanges .............................................................................................. 159 Configuring document exchanges with Web services .......................................................... 159 Configure Web sites for document exchange ....................................................................... 162 Configure global settings for document exchange ............................................................... 163 Configure services ................................................................................................................ 165 Grant permissions to a service ............................................................................................. 168 Create and configure local endpoints ................................................................................... 169 Creating and configuring actions .......................................................................................... 169 Creating and configuring endpoints ...................................................................................... 172 Configure endpoint action policies ........................................................................................ 182 Configure endpoint action data policies ................................................................................ 185 Creating and configuring a pipeline ...................................................................................... 187 About value mapping ............................................................................................................ 191 Configure document parameters .......................................................................................... 197 Limit outbound documents .................................................................................................... 198 Managing document exchanges .............................................................................................. 199 Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services ..................................................................... 200 View document history .......................................................................................................... 203 Edit and resubmit messages in the queues .......................................................................... 205 Viewing the document log ..................................................................................................... 206 Viewing the exceptions log ................................................................................................... 207 Maintenance and data recovery .................................................................................................. 208 Backups and data recovery...................................................................................................... 209 Plan database backups ........................................................................................................ 209 Plan application file backups ................................................................................................ 210 Plan for disaster recovery ..................................................................................................... 210 Server and Database Administration Guide 5

System maintenance tasks ...................................................................................................... 212 Prepare Microsoft Dynamics AX for maintenance ................................................................ 212 Clean up user logs ................................................................................................................ 212 Optimizing performance .............................................................................................................. 213 Manage load balancing ............................................................................................................ 214 Create a load balancing cluster ............................................................................................ 214 Remove an AOS from load balancing .................................................................................. 216 Set up Performance Monitor counters ..................................................................................... 217 Add counters ......................................................................................................................... 219 Set up an alert....................................................................................................................... 219 Tracing ..................................................................................................................................... 220 Set tracing options ................................................................................................................ 220 Troubleshooting tracing ........................................................................................................ 224 Reading trace files ................................................................................................................ 224 Setting processor affinity .......................................................................................................... 225 Tune database settings ............................................................................................................ 225 Change the concurrency mode ............................................................................................. 225 Tune connections.................................................................................................................. 226 Tune queries ......................................................................................................................... 226 Manage database logs ............................................................................................................. 228 Modifying or uninstalling Microsoft Dynamics AX ........................................................................ 229 Add or remove individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components .............................................. 230 Add individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components ............................................................ 230 Remove individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components ..................................................... 231 Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics AX ............................................................................................. 232 Uninstall components by using Add or Remove Programs .................................................. 232 Remove remaining components manually ........................................................................... 234

Server and Database Administration Guide

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Getting started with server and database administration

The server and database administration documentation is for IT administrators. This documentation provides information about managing the base components of Microsoft Dynamics AX, including the AOS, the client, and the Business Connector. Information about importing and exporting data and using the Application Integration Framework (AIF) also is included. For information about setting up Microsoft Dynamics AX, including security considerations, see the System and Application Setup Help, available from the Help menu in the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. Use this table for quick access to the content in this document.
For information about See

Managing AOS settings Managing client settings

Managing the Application Object Server (AOS) Managing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Windows client Managing instances of Business Connector Importing and exporting data Configuring and managing AIF

Managing Business Connector Importing and exporting data Using the Application Integration Framework (AIF) Maintaining Microsoft Dynamics AX and planning for data recovery Optimizing performance Uninstalling Microsoft Dynamics AX components

Maintenance and data recovery

Optimizing performance Modifying or uninstalling Microsoft Dynamics AX

Server and Database Administration Guide

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Managing the Application Object Server (AOS)

This section provides information about common maintenance tasks for the Application Object Server (AOS) in a Microsoft Dynamics AX system. The following topics are included: Designate a batch server Start or stop the Application Object Server Windows service Manage client connections for an AOS instance Managing configurations (Server) Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different application Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different bin directory Run commands at startup (Server) Change the TCP/IP port an Application Object Server instance runs on Enable printing from a computer running Application Object Server Allow debugging Encrypt data Compress data between clients and an Application Object Server Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different database Tune database settings Using the command line to manage the AOS Troubleshoot problems operating the Application Object Server

Server and Database Administration Guide

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Designate a batch server

A batch server is an Application Object Server (AOS) instance that processes batch jobs. Batch jobs are used to run tasks, such as printing reports or posting journals, at a specified time and probably on a different computer. The first AOS to be set up is automatically designated as a batch server. Use multiple batch servers to increase throughput and reduce the amount of time it takes to run batches. When you set up a batch server, you can specify the times that it is available for batch processing. We recommend excluding a server from batch processing when it is busy with regular transaction processing. For example, you may have servers in different time zones. You can set server schedules so that each AOS is available for user traffic during the day and for batch traffic overnight. For more information about batches, see the Applications and Business Processes Help, available from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Help menu. 1. Click Administration > Setup > Server configuration. 2. Press CTRL+N to add a new batch server. 3. On the Overview tab, enter a server ID in the following format: InstanceName@ServerName. 4. Select Is Batch Server to enable batch processing on the server. 5. On the Batch server schedule tab, enter the maximum number of batch tasks that can be run on the AOS instance at one time. The server will continue to pick up tasks from the queue until it reaches its maximum. 6. To specify when the server is available for batch processing, enter a starting time in the Start time field and an ending time in the End time field. Press CTRL+N to enter an additional time period. Note: If the server is running a task when its batch processing availability ends, the task will continue running to completion. However, the server will not pick up any more tasks from the queue. 7. On the Batch server groups tab, use the arrow buttons to specify the batch groups that can run on the selected server. Batch groups are used to direct batch tasks to specific servers.

Server and Database Administration Guide

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Start or stop the Application Object Server Windows service

You can start, stop, or restart the Application Object Server (AOS) Windows service from the Microsoft Windows Services utility. 1. Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. 2. In the details panel (right pane), do one of the following: Select the service that has a name in the format Dynamics AX Object Server<$InstanceNumberAOSInstanceName>. In the toolbar, click the Start Service, Stop Service, or Restart Service icon as appropriate. Right-click the service you want to change, and then click Start, Stop, or Restart.

Manage client connections for an AOS instance

Use the following procedures to accept or reject client connections for an AOS instance.

Set an AOS instance to accept new clients

Use the Accept new clients option to allow clients to connect to an AOS instance that was set to reject clients. 1. Open the Online users form (Administration > Online users). 2. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance. 3. Click Accept new clients.

Set an AOS instance to reject new clients

Use the Reject new clients option to stop clients from connecting to an AOS instance. 1. Open the Online users form (Administration > Online users). 2. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance. 3. Click Reject new clients. In-progress client sessions will not be disconnected automatically, but no new connections will be accepted. To end in-progress client sessions, use the Online users form. On the Client Sessions tab, select a session and click End sessions.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Managing configurations (Server)

A configuration is a group of startup and tracing settings for an Application Object Server (AOS) instance that is stored in the registry hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dynamics Server\5.0 \AOSinstancename\Configname or in a configuration file. You may want to create new configurations and configuration files, save, or load configurations to support: Moving from a development environment to a production environment. Change the application directory that an AOS instance points to, the database, and whether a system allows debugging. Tuning Microsoft Dynamics AX. Save a configuration with the defaults, and then change compression, database tuning, and tracing settings one at a time, and save them as different configurations. Run Microsoft Dynamics AX with each different configuration, and evaluate how it performs.

The table below describes the topics in this section.

Topic Description

Configuration security (Server)

This topic describes how to manage security for AOS configurations. This topic describes how to create a new configuration. This topic describes how to save or export a server configuration. This topic describes how to load a server configuration from a file.

Create a new configuration (Server)

Save or export a configuration (Server)

Load a configuration (Server)

See Also
Using the command line to manage the AOS

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configuration security (Server)

On the computer running the Application Object Server (AOS), only members of the local Microsoft Windows Power User group or Administrators group can change configuration settings. Restrict membership in these groups as much as is feasible, to reduce the potential for malicious mischief. The log directory cannot be changed - the log is always installed to installationdirectory\log. Be sure to set the access control list for the directory so that only administrators and the AOS account (the domain account or Network Service account associated with an AOS instance) have write privileges to this directory.

Create a new configuration (Server)

You can create a new configuration for an Application Object Server (AOS) instance to: Tune Microsoft Dynamics AX. Save a configuration with the defaults, and then change compression, database turning, and tracing settings one at a time, and save them as different configurations. Start with each configuration in turn, and evaluate how the system performs. Move from a development environment to a production environment. Change the application directory that an AOS instance points to, the database it is connected to, and whether a system allows debugging.

You cannot modify the original configuration of a system. To change a configuration, you must create a new one and modify it. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. In the Application Object Server instance box, select the AOS instance to modify. 3. Click Manage, and then click Create configuration: 4. In the Create configuration dialog box, in the Name box, type a name. 5. Decide whether you want to copy settings from the active configuration or the original (default) configuration, and then click OK.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Save or export a configuration (Server)

You can save startup settings for an Application Object Server (AOS) instance as a configuration stored in the registry or as a configuration file. Saved startup settings enable you to: Tune Microsoft Dynamics AX. Change settings, and then tune your system by comparing performance with saved configurations that contain varied compression, database turning, and tracing settings. Move a configuration from one server to another.

Save a configuration to the registry

Use this procedure to save changed settings. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Make any changes to the currently selected AOS instance and configuration that you want. 3. Click OK.

Export a configuration to a file

Use this procedure if you want to copy a configuration to an AOS instance on another computer. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to save. 3. Click Manage, and then click Export. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The file is saved with an .axc extension.

Export all configurations to a file

Use this procedure if you want to copy all configurations for an AOS. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to save. 3. Click Manage, and then click Export All. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The files are saved with an .axc extension.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Save a configuration file with a new name

You may want to save a configuration file under a new name to provide a record of the changes you are making to configurations over time. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance is the one you want. 3. Import a configuration file. 4. Click Manage, and then click Save configuration file. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The file is saved with an .axc extension.

Load a configuration (Server)

If you are an Administrator or Power User on the computer, you can load a configuration (startup settings) for an Application Object Server (AOS) instance from a configuration stored in the registry or from a configuration file.

Load a configuration from the registry

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. In the Application Object Server instance box, select the AOS instance to modify. 3. In the Configuration list, click the configuration you want to open.

Import a configuration from a file

Although you can use the Open command to view a saved configuration, Microsoft Dynamics AX does not store the settings from the opened file to the registry. To store saved configuration files to the registry, you must use the Import command. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. In the Application Object Server instance box, select the AOS instance to modify. 3. Click Manage, and then click Import. 4. Browse to the configuration file you would like to use (*.axc), and open it.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different application

You can connect an Application Object Server (AOS) instance to a different application file location. You may want to do this in the following situations: Moving from a development or staging environment to a production environment. Upgrading a Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Application Object Server tab, in the Application file location box, type the path to the application you would like to connect to, and then click OK.

Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different bin directory

By default, Microsoft Dynamics AX reads the text displayed in the user interface from the kernel text data file (*.ktd) stored in the bin directory of the Application Object Server (AOS) directory. You can have Microsoft Dynamics AX use a different kernel text data file by modifying a copy of the kernel text data file, choosing a location, and pointing an AOS instance to it. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Application Object Server tab, in the Alternate bin directory box, type or browse to the location of the kernel text data file you want to point to, click Apply, and then click OK.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Run commands at startup (Server)

You can run a command when an Application Object Server (AOS) instance starts. You should exercise caution and test the commands you are using thoroughly in a development or test environment before using them in a Microsoft Dynamics AX production environment. Startup commands are not evaluated before being passed to the AOS instance, and if not correct, can cause the instance to fail to start.

To run a command at startup

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Application Object Server tab, in the Run advanced startup commands box, type the command or commands you want to run at startup, and then click OK.

See Also
Using the command line to manage the AOS Run commands at startup (Client)

Change the TCP/IP port an Application Object Server instance runs on

By default, an Application Object Server (AOS) instance runs on port 2712. Subsequent instances are assigned TCP/IP ports dynamically. You can set a different static port for an instance using the Server Configuration Utility. You may want to set a different port when: The firewall you are using restricts you to use specific TCP/IP ports. You have multiple AOS instances running on a computer, and always want to know what they are.

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Application Object Server tab, in the TCP/IP port box, type the port you want the instance to run on, click Apply, and then click OK.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Enable printing from a computer running Application Object Server

You can set Microsoft Dynamics AX to allow printing to a printer attached to a computer running an Application Object Server (AOS) instance. You may want to use this type of printing for reports or other data to which you want to restrict access. Options must be set on both the AOS and client to enable printing. Note: To print a document to a PDF file, you must have installed an Adobe Printer driver. For details, refer to your Adobe license and documentation (

Set an Application Object Server instance to enable printing

Note: This option is set in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Application Object Server tab, click Connect to printers on this server, and then click OK.

Set a client to use printing

Note: This option is set in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Client Configuration Utility. 1. Open the Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Client Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected configuration target and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Connection tab, click Connect to printers on the server, and then click OK.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Allow debugging
You can set Microsoft Dynamics AX to allow debugging on an Application Object Server (AOS), or on a client that is running the .NET Business Connector or COM Business Connector.

Allow debugging on an Application Object Server instance

Note: This option is set in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Application Object Server tab, click Enable breakpoints to debug X++ code running on this server, and then click OK.

Allow debugging of a Business Connector or Client

The following options in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility can used to enable breakpoints for a Business Connector instance or a client: Enable user breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector For sessions owned by users for whom debug is enabled within Microsoft Dynamics AX, allow X++ code running in the Business Connector to be interrupted by breakpoints Enable global breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector or client For all users, allow X++ code running in the Business Connector or client to be interrupted by global breakpoints. Note: When this option is set, you will see all breakpoints for currently active clients. To debug Business Connector, you must set both debug options. To debug the client, set only the second option.

Enable breakpoints for a Business Connector instance

1. Open the Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. On the Developer tab, select Enable user breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector. 3. Select Enable global breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector or client, and then click OK.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Enable breakpoints for a client

1. Open the Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. On the Developer tab, select Enable global breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector or client, and then click OK.

Encrypt data
By default, Microsoft Dynamics AX secures data sent across a network by using the remote procedure call (RPC) function RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, which validates user credentials at the time a connection is established. You can also encrypt data if your security needs require it. When you turn on encryption, Microsoft Dynamics AX uses the RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY call, which provides the highest security level available through RPC. For more information about RPC security, search for RPC security in MSDN : Note: Enabling encryption may decrease performance between five and ten percent. 1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Connection tab, click Encrypt client-to-server communications, and then click OK.

Compress data between clients and an Application Object Server

If you have a slow network, with either low bandwidth or high latency causing slow response times, you may want to increase the compression of the data sent between Microsoft Dynamics AX clients and servers. Decreasing the data size in each client/server request or response can greatly reduce transmission time because of: Better use of limited bandwidth. Decreased chance of bit errors. Decreased chance of exceeding TCP window size.

The TCP window size is the amount of data received (in bytes) that can be buffered at one time on a connection. The sending host can send only that amount of data before waiting for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host. Server and Database Administration Guide 19

Microsoft Dynamics AX If the size per client/server request or response is kept below the TCP window size, the sender does not have to wait for an acknowledgment (ACK) when the window size is exceeded. If exceeding the TCP window size cannot be avoided, making as few TCP round trips as possible for each client/server request or response is important. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected Application Object Server (AOS) instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. In the Minimum packet size to compress (in KB) field, choose a packet size. Choose the smallest useful packet size to compress. The larger the packet size chosen, the smaller the gains in performance.

Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different database

You can connect an Application Object Server (AOS) instance to a different database. You may want to do this in the following situations: Moving from a development or staging environment to a production environment. Upgrading a Microsoft Dynamics AX system. Note: If you are trying to connect to a database that was not created by Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup, the AOS account (the domain account or Network Service account associated with the AOS service) may not have appropriate rights in Microsoft SQL Server. The AOS account must be a user in the database, and be assigned to the following database roles db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter.

Connect to a different database

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Database connection tab, enter the details of the database you would like to connect to, and then click OK. For a SQL Server connection, consider the following: To specify a SQL Server named instance, use the format MyServer\MyInstance. To specify the local SQL Server instance on this computer, enter (local).

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX For an Oracle connection, consider the following: Choose whether to connect using a net service or custom settings. In the Use this schema box, specify the schema under which the Microsoft Dynamics AX objects are stored in the database.

Tune database settings

You may want to tune the database settings for Microsoft Dynamics AX to improve performance. Before changing settings, trace the usage of your Microsoft Dynamics AX database to ensure that you have clear understanding of performance under the current settings. To trace Microsoft Dynamics AX database performance, use: Tracing from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility. For more information, see Set tracing options. Windows Performance Monitor, using Microsoft Dynamics AX Object counters.

Test all tuning changes before implementing them in a production environment. In a test or development environment, make a single change and then test your system's performance before making another change.

Change the concurrency mode

Concurrency settings enable you to reduce locking conflicts on your system. For more information, search for the following topics in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Help: Concurrency model configuration (Form) Transaction integrity Exception handling Select statement syntax Table properties

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Tune connections
The following table lists common connection issues, and some adjustments to try in the Server Configuration Utility.
Symptom Adjustments to try

Results for common queries are returned slowly. Results for ad hoc queries are returned slowly.

Increase the Maximum buffer size value.

Check to see that the appropriate indexes are in place. Decrease the Transaction retry interval value. Increase the Array fetch ahead value.

Transactions are failing frequently.

Data grids for commonly used tables draw slowly.

Tune queries
If queries in the system are running slowly, you may want to change settings for literals, string functions, or hints. Microsoft Dynamics AX no longer uses literals by default in form and report queries, or in complex-join queries. Adjust the use of literals Microsoft Dynamics AX may pass either parameters (placeholders) or literals (actual values) in queries. Parameters allow Microsoft Dynamics AX and the database server to reuse the query when search values change. They are preferred for high-frequency queries. Literals allow the database server to optimize the query for a specific piece of information. This provides an optimal query for that piece of information, but the database server must perform the optimization for every query executed. Literals may be used for long running queries such as complex joins.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX A developer can override the default use of literals by specifying parameters in their code, or an administrator can override the use of literals in the Server Configuration Utility.
Symptom Adjustments to try Anticipated effect

Long-running queries run slowly.

Review the query plan statements sent to SQL Server and consider taking corrective action. Using literals may be one solution. Select Use literals in join queries from forms and reports. Select Use literals in complex joins from X++.

Long-running queries pass literals to the database. Processing time for longrunning queries should go down.

Adjust the use of autogenerated string functions Microsoft Dynamics AX embeds some string functions in SELECT statements automatically. String functions are included to support: Treating uppercase and lowercase versions of the same text as the same text (single case) for Oracle installations. Left justification or right justification.

When a string function is included in a query, the optimizer may have to choose a less-thanoptimal access plan, such as a table scan, for retrieving data. If customers do not require the use of mixed case outside Microsoft Dynamics AX and do not use left justification or right justification, these functions are not required and should be turned off. To improve performance, we recommend that all values be stored left-aligned by default. Adjust the use of hints In Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can allow developers to override the index selected by the query optimizer. In most situations, allowing the query optimizer to select an index for a query results in improved performance. If queries include INDEX hints and are running more slowly than expected, clear the Allow INDEX hints in queries option. Changes in the use of hints If you have upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics AX, the queries in your system may contain outdated Microsoft SQL Server hints. Configuration commands are no longer available to globally enable or disable many of the hints from previous versions. If hints are explicitly specified in an X++ statement, they are added to the SQL Server query that is generated. Otherwise, they are not added. Server and Database Administration Guide 23

Microsoft Dynamics AX The following changes have also been made: The OPTION (FAST), LOOP, and FORCE ORDER hints are not applied by default, but are applied if explicitly specified in X++. A FIRSTONLY hint in X++ is translated into the addition of a TOP 1 statement to the SQL Server query.

cursors are used for all user queries unless a cursor has been marked as FOR

and READPAST, hints are added to statements depending on the type of the cursor that an X++ query has produced. No interface is available to modify these hints.

Using the command line to manage the AOS

Configuration commands set the options that are used when an Application Object Server (AOS) instance starts. Configuration commands can be run directly from the following locations: In a configuration file. In the Configuration Command to run at kernel startup field in the Server Configuration Utility. From a command prompt when starting an AOS instance.

Configuration commands require that you use different syntax if you are setting them in a configuration file, or executing them in the Configuration Command to run at kernel startup field or from a command prompt. The syntax variations are provided in the following sections.

General options
This table describes the general options you can use to work with configurations and files.
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

This command cannot be set in a file.



Specify the name of the current group of settings for this AOS instance.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Application Object Server options

This table describes the options you can use to manage how an AOS functions.
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

application,Text, <application name> bindir,Text, <path>

-application= <applicationname>

Application instance

Specify the instance of an application that the AOS instance connects to. Specify the location of a directory containing an alternate kernel text data file (one of the Microsoft Dynamics AX label files). This is a binary command that is not set by default. When this value is absent, data sent between the AOS and its clients is compressed to speed client-server communications. If the value is present, then compression of packets is turned off. To turn on packet compression, remove the value from the configuration file. We recommend that you not disable compression. Disabling compression can negatively affect system performance and security.


Alternate bin directory

compression disabled,Int,1

-compression disabled

Option not available in utility

compressionmin size,Text, <number>

-compressionmin size=<number>

Minimum packet size to compress

Specify the smallest useful packet size to compress. The larger the packet size chosen, the smaller the gains in speed.

directory,Text, <path>

-directory= <spath>

Application file location

Specify the location of the application files to connect and write to.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

exposeserver printers,Int,1

-exposeserver printers

Allow clients to connect to printers on this server

This is a binary command that is not set by default. When this value is present, clients are allowed to connect to printers that are connected to the AOS computer. The TCP/IP port that the AOS instance should use to connect to clients. The default value is 2712.

port,Text,<port number>

-port=<port number>

TCP/IP port

xppdebug,Text, <0,1>


Enable breakpoints to debug X++ code running on this server Option not available in utility

Enable clients to trace their interactions with this AOS instance. The default is off (0). Code Access Security (CAS) is the mechanism in Microsoft Dynamics AX that is used to protect specific APIs. Enable, the default setting, activates CAS for all CASprotected APIs. If a CASprotected API is invoked without following the correct steps, an error is generated. Trace is used to simulate CAS being enabled. An error is not generated if a CAS-protected API is invoked incorrectly. Instead, debug information is written to the Infolog. Disable disables CAS entirely. Important: Do not set this option to Trace or Disable in production environments.

caslevel,Text, <enable/disable/ trace>

-caslevel= <enable/disable/ trace>

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Microsoft Dynamics AX
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

maxConcurrent -MaxConcurrentUI UISessions,Text, Sessions=<value> <value>

Set the maximum number of concurrent client sessions. The minimum value is 0; the maximum value (and default) is 65535. Set the maximum number of concurrent Guest (anonymous user) sessions. The minimum value is 0; the maximum value (and default) is 65535.

maxConcurrent GuestSessions, Text,<value>

-MaxConcurrent GuestSessions= <value>

maxConcurrent WebSessions, Text,<value>

-MaxConcurrent WebSessions= <value>

Set the maximum number of concurrent Enterprise Portal sessions, including Guest sessions. The minimum value is 0; the maximum value (and default) is 65535.

maxConcurrent BCSessions, Text,<value>

-MaxConcurrentBC Sessions=<value>

Set the maximum number of concurrent Business Connector sessions, including all Web sessions. The default value is 65535.

maxMemLoad, Text,<value>

-MaxMemLoad= <value>

Set the maximum amount of memory usage (the maximum percentage of physical memory that is in use on the computer). The default value is 0.

maxConcurrent Sessions,Int, <value>

-MaxConcurrent Sessions=<value>

Maximum number of client sessions

Set the maximum number of client sessions this AOS instance will accept. The minimum value is 0; the maximum value (and default) is 65535.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

loadbalance,Int, <0,1>

-LoadBalance= <0,1>

Make this AOS instance part of the load balancing cluster

Set this AOS instance to load balance client connection requests with other AOS instances that also have load balancing enabled. Enter a SysStartupCmd method to run when this client application starts. Enter any configuration command to run when the kernel starts.

startupcmd,Text, <command>

-startupCmd= <command>

Command to run at application startup

extracmd,Text, <command>

-extracmd= <command>

Configuration command to run at kernel startup

Database connection options

This table describes the options you can use to connect to a database.
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

createdsn,Text, <microsoftsql server, oracle> dsn,text,<port number> database,Text, <databasename> dbcli,Text, <ODBC, OCI>

createdsn= <microsoftsqlserver, oracle> -dsn=<portnumber>

Option not available in utility

Create the data source in the ODBC manager.

Option not available in utility Database to connect to Option not available in utility

Point to a specific data source.

-database= <databasename> -dbcli=<ODBC, OCI>

Specify the database to connect to. Run Microsoft Dynamics AX in either ODBC or OCI (Oracle) mode. ODBC is the default. SQL Server name.

dbserver,Text, <servername>

-dbserver= <servername>

Option not available in utility

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Database tuning options

This table describes the options you can use to tune database performance.
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

connectionidle timeout,Text, <0,1> connectionidle timeout,Text, <time> fetchahead,Text, <number>

-connectionidle timeout=<0,1>

Leave the Retain a connection to the connection database when no transactions running when idle are running. Maximum idle time before closing Array fetch ahead Specify the amount of time to leave a database connection idle before closing it. Specify the maximum number of records that the system fetches at the same time. Starts as the local default computer setting of 100.

-connectionidle timeout=<time>

-fetchahead= <number>



Allow INDEX hints in queries

Enable any query written with an INDEX hint to override the index selected by the database management system. Add LTRIM to all queries generated by Microsoft Dynamics AX. Using LTRIM forces the database to perform a table scan, which can slow query results. Set to 2 to enable this feature, and 0 to disable it. Set to 1 to override the ordering specified by the index on the data source, using the order of the columns as specified in the WHERE clause. This can improve query performance.


-hint=<0, 2>

Include LTRIM in all SELECT statements to remove leading space from rightaligned columns

ignoredatasource index,Text,<0,1>

-ignoredatasource index=<0, 1>

Generate ORDER BY clauses from WHERE clauses

newconnection retrycount,Text, <number>

-newconnection retrycount= <number>

Number of connection retries

Specify the number of times to try connecting to the database before failing. 29

Server and Database Administration Guide

Microsoft Dynamics AX
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

newconnection retrydelayms, Text,<time> opencursors,Text, <number>

-newconnection retrydelayms= <time> -opencursors= <number>

Connection retry interval

Specify the interval between attempts to connect to the database in milliseconds. Specify the maximum number of database cursors to keep open for reuse in a connection. Starts as your local computer setting, which defaults to 90. Specify the delay before reexecuting a transaction after a deadlock. The default value is 5 seconds. Specify the maximum size of the data retrieval buffer. The larger the buffer, the greater the number of records transferred at the same time. Starts as your local default computer setting of 24. Specify that Microsoft Dynamics AX use literals rather than parameters for complex joins to optimize performance.

Maximum open cursors



Transaction retry interval (in seconds)

sqlbuffer,Text, <number>

-sqlbuffer= <number>

Maximum buffer size

sqlcomplexliterals ,Text,<0,1>

-sqlcomplex literals=<0,1>

Use literals in complex joins from X++

sqlformliterals, Text, <0,1>

-sqlformliterals= <0, 1>

Use literals in join Specify that Microsoft Dynamics queries from AX use literals rather than forms and reports parameters in long-running queries to optimize performance.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Tracing options
This table describes the options you can use to trace calls between the AOS, the database and clients. Note: The logdir directory where the trace files are stored cannot be changed. It is the server installation directory\log.
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description



Start trace Stop trace

Specify whether trace should be started or stopped: 0 stop trace 1 start trace The default value is 0.

traceevents enabled,Text, <1; 100; 101; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 205>

-TraceEvents Enabled=<1; 100; 101; 200; 201; 202; 203; 204; 205>

See below

Specify the event types to be enabled. You can enable multiple event types using a semi-colon (;) as the delimiter. The default value is 1.

traceevents enabled,Text,1

-TraceEvents Enabled=1

RPC round trips to server

Trace all remote procedure call (RPC) round trips from any client to the server. Trace all X++ methods that are invoked on the server. Trace all function calls that are invoked on the server. Trace each time the AOS connects and disconnects from the database. Trace all transactions that use the TTSBegin, TTSCommit, and TTSAbort statements.

traceevents enabled,Text,100 traceevents enabled,Text,101 traceevents enabled,Text,200

-TraceEvents Enabled=100 -TraceEvents Enabled=101 -TraceEvents Enabled=200

X++ method calls Function calls

Connect and disconnect

traceevents enabled,Text,201

-TraceEvents Enabled=201

Transactions: TTSBegin, TTSCommit, TTSAbort

traceevents enabled,Text,202

-TraceEvents Enabled=202

SQL statements Trace all SQL Server statements that are invoked on the server. 31

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Microsoft Dynamics AX
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

traceevents enabled,Text,203

-TraceEvents Enabled=203

Bind variables

Trace all columns that are used as input bind variables. Note: SQL Statements (202) must also be on to enable this option.

traceevents enabled,Text,204

-TraceEvents Enabled=204

Row fetch

Trace all rows that are fetched using SQL Server. Note: SQL Statements (202) must also be on to enable this option.

traceevents enabled,Text,205

-TraceEvents Enabled=205

Row fetch summary (count and time)

Count all rows that are fetched, and record the time spent fetching. Note: SQL Statements (202) must also be on to enable this option.

tracexppmethod calldepth,Text, <number>

-TraceXppMethod CallDepth= <number>

Number of nested calls:

Specify the maximum call depth to be traced for X++ methods. Note: TraceEventsEnabled must also be set to 100 to use this command. The default value is 3.

tracemaxfilesize, Text,<number>

-TraceMaxFile Size= <number>

Option not Specify the maximum size for available in utility each trace file in megabytes (MB). The default value is 10 MB.

tracebuffersize, Text,<number>

-TraceBufferSize= <0:64>

Option not Specify the Event Tracing for available in utility Windows buffer size, in kilobytes (KB). The maximum size that can be set is 64 KB. The default value is 20 KB.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX
Command in configuration file Command from command line Configuration utility option Description

traceallowclient, Int,1


Allow client tracing on Application Object Server instance

This is a binary command that is not set by default. Specify whether client tracing is allowed on this AOS instance.

Unfamiliar configuration options

In the configuration files generated by Microsoft Dynamics AX, you may see unfamiliar options. Some are legacy options (configuration options from previous versions) that are not in use. Other configuration options remain in both the client or server configuration files, although they only apply to client or server, because in previous product versions the utilities were combined. We recommend that you do not change values for these options; unexpected results may occur.
Value in configuration file Applies to

company,Text, client,Text,thin application,Text,standard broadcast,Text, aol,Text,sys aolcode,Text, native,Int,0 sqluser,Text, hassqlpwd,Int,0 sqlpwd,Text, startupmsg,Text, localappldoc,Int,0 localsysdoc,Int,0 applshare,Int,0 applexclusive,Int,1 startupcmd,Text,test hascompwd,Int,0 Server and Database Administration Guide

Client Legacy Client Legacy Client Client Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Client Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Client Legacy 33

Microsoft Dynamics AX
Value in configuration file Applies to

compwd,Text, allowunauth,Int,0 windowsauth,Text,1 aosencryption,Text,0 xppdebug,Text,1 ociuser,Text, hasocipwd,Int,0 ocipwd,Text, dbunicodeenabled,Text,1

Legacy Legacy Legacy Client Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Troubleshoot problems operating the Application Object Server

This topic provides information about how to troubleshoot issues encountered when running or connecting to an Application Object Server (AOS) instance. If you are experiencing fatal errors in an instance of the AOS, you can help Microsoft solve future problems with the AOS by opening the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration) and selecting the option For all AOS instances on this computer, automatically send reports about fatal errors to Microsoft. If you enable error reporting, information is sent over a secure (https) connection to Microsoft, where it is stored with limited access. Microsoft uses the reports only to improve Microsoft Dynamics AX, and treats all information as confidential.

Client cannot connect to an AOS instance

When a client cannot connect to an instance of the Application Object Server (AOS), one of the following may be the cause. AOS is starting The first time you start a client after the AOS has been installed, the AOS service may still be starting up. On the AOS computer, use the Services manager to determine whether the service has started. Port is not open If the Application Object Server is installed on a computer with a firewall, be sure that the port you are trying to connect to is open. The default port is 2712, but additional instances may install on ports 2713, 2714, and so on.

AOS instance cannot connect to new database

If you are trying to connect to a database that was not created by Setup, the AOS account (the domain account or Network Service account associated with an AOS instance) may not have appropriate rights in SQL Server. The AOS account must be a user in the database and be assigned to the database roles db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter.

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AOS instance does not start after changing databases

When an AOS instance and SQL Server database are installed on the same computer, Setup creates a dependencythe AOS instance does not start unless the SQL Server database is running. If you change the AOS instance to use SQL Server on a different computer, you must manually change or delete the dependency using the SC tool (SC.exe) from the command prompt. To make the AOS dependent on a SQL Server instance, open a command prompt window and type the following command: sc config AOSinstancename depend= RpcSs/sqlserverinstancename To remove the AOS dependency, type the following command: sc config AOSinstancename depend= RpcSs

AOS service does not start

If the AOS service does not start automatically, you can attempt to start the service manually in Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. If the service still does not start, see the Windows System Event log for error details. If the event log shows an Oracle error (Oracle 12154), then the TNS name being used to connect the Oracle client (the AOS) with the Oracle server is not contained in the tnsnames.ora file that resides with the Oracle client. Contact your Oracle database administrator for assistance.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Managing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Windows client

This section contains information about managing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Windows client. A client is an interface to Microsoft Dynamics AX data and functionality. The other available Microsoft Dynamics AX client is the Web interface provided by the Enterprise Portal. For more information about the Enterprise Portal client, see the Enterprise Portal Administration Help, available from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Help menu. This section contains the following topics: Configuring client startup settings Manage Help files and updates Troubleshoot problems with Microsoft Dynamics AX clients

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Managing configurations (Client)

A configuration is a group of startup and tracing settings for Microsoft Dynamics AX. Configurations are stored in the registry by default, but can also be stored as files. You can manage configurations for your local Microsoft Dynamics AX client or for the system-wide .NET Business Connector. You may want to create new configurations to: Tune or troubleshoot Microsoft Dynamics AX. Change the Application Object Server (AOS) that a client connects to, or set tracing options. Move from a development environment to a production environment. Set a startup message and startup company, change the log directory, change the Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS) that a client points to, encrypt client/server communication, and whether a system allows debugging. Save a configuration file for use in a broad deployment of clients.

The table below describes the topics in this section.

Section Description

Configuration security (Client and Business Connector) Manage a client configuration

This topic describes how to manage security for client and business connector configurations. This topic describes how to manage a client configuration.

Configuration security (Client and Business Connector)

On a computer with the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility installed, any user can view the settings for his or her own sessions. On the computer running a client or running Business Connector with the Business Connector proxy user only a member of the local Windows Power User group or Administrators group can change configuration settings. The following are recommended practices for using the Configuration Utility and configuration files securely. For clients, deploy the Configuration Utility only in development or test environments - in a production environment do not install it on client computers - instead, place a configuration file on a network shared folder, and use a shortcut to point to it. To install without the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility you must perform a silent installation. For non-administrator Microsoft Dynamics AX users, allow read-only access to the network shared folder that contains the configuration file to prevent accidental changes to the shared configuration file. 38

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Manage a client configuration

If you are an Administrator or Power User on a computer running Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can manage the configurations for your local client through the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility. Configuration options are stored in a file, or in the registry hive HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Dynamics/5.0/Configuration/Configname.

Start the configuration utility

1. Open the configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility). 2. In the Configuration target list, select Local client.

Create a new configuration

You cannot modify the original configuration of a system. To change a configuration, you must create a new one and modify it. 1. Click Manage, and then click Create configuration: 2. In the Create configuration dialog box, in the Name box, type a name. 3. Decide whether you want to copy settings from the active configuration or the original (default) configuration, and then click OK. Note: You cannot delete or rename the original configuration. You can only rename or delete configurations that you create.

Copy a configuration
1. In the Configuration list, select the configuration you would like to create a copy of. 2. Click Manage, and then click Create configuration: 3. In the Create configuration dialog box, in the Name box, type a name. 4. Click Copy settings from the active configuration, and then click OK.

Rename a configuration
1. In the Configuration list, select the configuration you would like to rename. 2. Click Manage, and then click Rename configuration. 3. In the Rename configuration dialog box, in the New name box, type a name, and then click OK.

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Load a configuration
You can either load a configuration that is stored in the local registry or import a configuration file. Although you can use the Open command to view a saved configuration, Microsoft Dynamics AX does not store the settings from the opened file to the registry. To store saved configuration files to the registry, you must use the Import command. Load a configuration from the registry In the Configuration list, select the configuration you would like to open.

Import a configuration file 1. Click Manage, and then click Import. 2. Browse to the configuration file you would like to use (*.axc), and open it.

Save or export a configuration

You can save startup settings for a client or Business Connector instance as a configuration stored in the registry, or as a configuration file. Saved startup settings enable you to: Tune Microsoft Dynamics AX. Change settings, and then tune your system by comparing performance with saved configurations that contain varied compression, database turning, and tracing settings. Move a configuration from one client to another.

Save a configuration to the registry 1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save. 2. Make any changes to the currently selected configuration that you want. 3. Click Apply, and then click OK. Export a configuration to a file Use this procedure if you want to copy a configuration to a client on another computer. 1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save. 2. Click Manage, and then click Export configuration to a file. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The file is saved with an .axc extension. Export all configurations to a file Use this procedure if you want to copy all configurations from one client. 1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save. 2. Click Manage, and then click Export All. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The files are saved with an .axc extension.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Save a configuration file with a new name Use this procedure if you want to create a copy of the configuration file you have been using. 1. Import or open a configuration file. 2. Make changes to settings. 3. Click Manage, and then click Save configuration file as. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save.

Delete a configuration
1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to delete. 2. Click Manage, and then click Delete configuration.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Managing startup settings (Client)

You can use configurations and configuration files to change many of the settings that a Microsoft Dynamics AX client starts with. You can manage startup settings for your local Microsoft Dynamics AX client or for the system-wide .NET Business Connector. Changing startup settings can be particularly useful in a development environment. You may also want to create a configuration file to move from a development environment to a production environment. The table below describes the topics in this section.
Section Description

Change the log location

Provides a description of how to change the Microsoft Dynamics AX log location. Provides a description of how to set the company to open on startup. Provides a description of how to run commands at the startup of Microsoft Dynamics AX. Provides a description of how to display a message at the startup of Microsoft Dynamics AX. Provides a description of how to connect a client to a different Application Object Server instance. Provides a description of how to enable printing from a computer running an Application Object Server. Provides a description of how to encrypt data sent between the Application Object Server and the client.

Set company to open on startup

Run commands at startup (Client)

Display message at startup

Connect a client to a different Application Object Server instance

Enable printing from a computer running Application Object Server

Encrypt data

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Change the log location

You can change where Microsoft Dynamics AX places the log files by using the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility. 1. Open the Configuration Utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently open configuration target and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the General tab, in the Log directory box, type the path in which you want to store the log files, and then click OK.

Set company to open on startup

You can set Microsoft Dynamics AX to always open a particular company's data when it starts by using the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility. 1. Open the Configuration Utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently open configuration target and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the General tab, in the Company box, enter the three letter company identifier, and then click OK.

Run commands at startup (Client)

You can run a command when Microsoft Dynamics AX starts. You should exercise caution and test the commands you are using thoroughly in a development or test environment before using them in a production environment. Startup commands are not evaluated before being passed to Microsoft Dynamics AX and, if not correct, can cause the system to fail to start. 1. Open the Configuration Utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently open configuration target and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the General tab, in the Startup command box, type the command or commands you want to run at startup, and then click OK.

See Also
Using the command line to manage the AOS Run commands at startup (Server)

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Display message at startup

You can set Microsoft Dynamics AX to display a message box when it starts by using the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility.

To set a startup message

1. Open the Configuration Utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently open configuration target and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the General tab, in the Startup message box, enter the message you want to display, and then click OK. When the client is started, the text displays in a message box, with an OK button below.

Connect a client to a different Application Object Server instance

You can connect a client to a different Application Object Server (AOS) instance from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility.

Connect to a different AOS instance

1. Open the Configuration Utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently open configuration target and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Connection tab, in the Application Object Server instance list, choose the AOS instance to connect to, and then click the up arrow until it is first in the list. Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX connects to the first AOS instance in the list unless it is unavailable, then it connects to the next instance in the list. 4. Click OK.

Add an instance to the list of available AOS instances

1. On the Connection tab, click Add. 2. In the Application Object Server box, type the name of the computer running the AOS instance you want to connect to. 3. Optional. In the Instance name box, type the name of the AOS instance. 4. In the TCP/IP port box, type the TCP/IP port that the AOS instance is running on, and then click OK.

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Enable printing from a computer running Application Object Server

You can set Microsoft Dynamics AX to allow printing to a printer attached to a computer running an Application Object Server (AOS) instance. You may want to use this type of printing for reports or other data to which you want to restrict access. Options must be set on both the AOS and client to enable printing. Note: To print a document to a PDF file, you must have installed an Adobe Printer driver. For details, refer to your Adobe license and documentation (

Set an Application Object Server instance to enable printing

Note: This option is set in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility. 1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected AOS instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Application Object Server tab, click Connect to printers on this server, and then click OK.

Set a client to use printing

Note: This option is set in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Client Configuration Utility. 1. Open the Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Client Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected configuration target and configuration are the ones you want to modify. 3. On the Connection tab, click Connect to printers on the server, and then click OK.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Manage Help files and updates

Microsoft Dynamics AX Help content is updated periodically to address feedback and product changes. This topic describes how to specify the location where Microsoft Dynamics AX client workstations access updated Help content and how to download updated Help content.

Specify where to locate updated Help content

You can specify a Web page or a file share where users on client workstations can download updated content. The default option is a Web page, but you might specify a file share if you want to manage Help content versions across multiple client workstations, or if you want to restrict Web downloads during peak business hours. Use this procedure to configure a workstation to download updated Help content from a Web page or a file share. 1. In the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, click Administration > Setup > Help Update parameters. 2. Select the appropriate option and enter the location. 3. Close the form to save changes.

Download updated Help content

Updated Microsoft Dynamics AX Help files are available in English and a limited set of additional languages. 1. Find the most recent downloadable Help files on the Web. 2. Download and install the updated Help files to the location you specified earlier in this topic. 3. On each client workstation, click Help > Check for Updates to the Help.

Troubleshoot problems with Microsoft Dynamics AX clients

Use the following information to troubleshoot problems with Microsoft Dynamics AX clients.

Cannot connect to AOS

When a client cannot connect to an instance of the Application Object Server (AOS), one of the following problems may be occurring. AOS is starting The first time that you start a client after the AOS has been installed, the AOS service may be still be starting up. On the AOS computer, use the Services control panel (Start > Administrative Tools > Services) to determine whether the service has started. Port is not open If the AOS is installed on a computer with a firewall, make sure that the port that the AOS uses is open. The default port is 2712, but additional AOS instances will be installed on ports 2713, 2714, and so on. Server and Database Administration Guide 46

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Problems with Help

If Help is not working as expected, one of the following problems may be occurring. Help files do not display correctly If clients use a configuration file to point to an alternate Help location and the topics in the Help files do not appear, you may need to modify security settings that prevent Help from loading over a network. For details, see Knowledge Base article 896358. (Go to and search for 896358.) Cannot find the Help files for the required language The Help files for the language that you require may not be installed. To install additional Help files, run the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup program again, select to install the Client, and then select any additional languages that you require.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Managing instances of Business Connector

This section contains information about the Microsoft Dynamics AX Business Connector. The Business Connector enables applications to interact with Application Object Server instances. This section contains the following topics: About the .NET Business Connector Set the Business Connector proxy user Manage a configuration for Business Connector Configuration security (Client and Business Connector)

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

About the .NET Business Connector

The .NET Business Connector enables applications to interact with Application Object Server instances by providing a set of managed classes that facilitate access to X++ functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX. The Business Connector is installed and used with several components, including Enterprise Portal and the Application Integration Framework. Enterprise Portal, for example, allows users to access Microsoft Dynamics AX functionality and data using a Web browser. When a user connects to Enterprise Portal, the Business Connector is the key component that bridges Enterprise Portal and Microsoft Dynamics AX. The .NET Business Connector can also be installed as a stand-alone component and used to develop third-party applications that integrate with Microsoft Dynamics AX. To support integration with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and to enhance product security, the .NET Business Connector requires Windows integrated authentication. Install and uninstall the Business Connector using Setup.exe on the Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD. For more information about installing the Business Connector, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide.

Set the Business Connector proxy user

Some components require that the .NET Business Connector be configured to connect to Microsoft Dynamics AX with a proxy account. The use of a proxy enables the .NET Business Connector to connect on behalf of Microsoft Dynamics AX users when authenticating with an AOS instance. The Business Connector proxy is a Microsoft Windows domain account that is configured from the initialization checklist, or in the Administration > Setup > Security > System accounts form.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Work with a system administrator to create a new account for the Business Connector before you install it. We recommend that the account be set up as follows: Must be a Windows domain account Must be a dedicated account (used only by Business Connector) Must have a password that does not expire Must not have interactive logon rights Must not be a Microsoft Dynamics AX user. Important: If a malicious user learns the Business Connector proxy credentials (name and password), that user could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, and potentially damage the Microsoft Dynamics AX application. For this reason, only Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators should know the proxy credentials. To set up and configure the Business Connector proxy, you must perform the following steps. 1. Create the proxy account in Active Directory . 2. Add the proxy account to the IIS local Windows group. 3. Configure the IIS application pool. 4. Install the .NET Business Connector. 5. Specify the Business Connector proxy user in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Create the proxy account in Active Directory

1. Create a unique user in Active Directory in the form domain\username, for example, domain\bcproxy. This user must not have the same name as an existing Microsoft Dynamics AX user. For the procedure to add a new user, see the Active Directory documentation. 2. Assign a password to the user. 3. Select the Password does not expire option. 4. Select the No interactive logon rights option. 5. Close Active Directory.

Add the proxy account to the IIS local Windows group

For Web applications, you must add the Business Connector proxy account to the IIS local Windows group. If you are using Windows SharePoint Services, you must also add the account to the Windows SharePoint Services local Windows group. 1. Open the Computer Management application (Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management). 2. Expand the Groups folder under Local Users and Groups.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. Add the Business Connector proxy account to the following groups: IIS_WPG (IIS Worker Process Group) STS_WPG (STS Worker Process Group), if running Windows SharePoint Services

Specify the Business Connector proxy user in Microsoft Dynamics AX

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX (Start > All Programs > Microsoft Dynamics > Microsoft Dynamics AX). 2. Open the System service accounts form: Administration > Setup > Security > System service accounts. 3. In the Business Connector Proxy section of the form, enter the alias and the domain of the user. 4. Click OK.

Configuration security (Client and Business Connector)

On a computer with the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility installed, any user can view the settings for his or her own sessions. On the computer running a client or running Business Connector with the Business Connector proxy user only a member of the local Windows Power User group or Administrators group can change configuration settings. The following are recommended practices for using the Configuration Utility and configuration files securely. For clients, deploy the Configuration Utility only in development or test environments - in a production environment do not install it on client computers - instead, place a configuration file on a network shared folder, and use a shortcut to point to it. To install without the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility you must perform a silent installation. For non-administrator Microsoft Dynamics AX users, allow read-only access to the network shared folder that contains the configuration file to prevent accidental changes to the shared configuration file.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Manage a configuration for Business Connector

To modify the configuration options for a Business Connector that is running non-interactively (not being run in conjunction with a client), you must be a member of the Administrators or Power Users group on the local computer. Note: Although the option to change the Business Connector non-interactive configuration becomes available when Business Connector is installed, if a Microsoft Dynamics AX client is also installed on the computer, the configuration settings for the client will be used for it and for the Business Connector if Business Connector is running under the currently logged-in account.

Start the configuration utility

1. Open the configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. In the Configuration target list, select Business Connector (non-interactive use only).

Create a new configuration

You cannot modify the original configuration of a system. To change a configuration, you must create a new one and modify it. 1. Click Manage, and then click Create configuration: 2. In the Create configuration dialog box, in the Name box, type a name. 3. Decide whether you want to copy settings from the active configuration or the original (default) configuration, and then click OK.

Copy a configuration
1. In the Configuration list, select the configuration you would like to create a copy of. 2. Click Manage, and then click Create configuration: 3. In the Create configuration dialog box, in the Name box, type a name. 4. Click Copy settings from the active configuration, and then click OK.

Rename a configuration
1. In the Configuration list, select the configuration you would like to rename. 2. Click Manage, and then click Rename configuration. 3. In the Rename configuration dialog box, in the New name box, type a name, and then click OK.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Load a configuration
You can either load a configuration that is stored in the local registry or import a configuration file. Although you can use the Open command to view a saved configuration, Microsoft Dynamics does not store the settings from the opened file to the registry. To store saved configuration files to the registry, you must use the Import command. Load a configuration from the registry In the Configuration list, select the configuration you would like to open.

Import a configuration file 1. Click Manage, and then click Import. 2. Browse to the configuration file you would like to use (*.axc), and open it.

Save or export a configuration

You can save startup settings for a client or Business Connector instance as a configuration stored in the registry, or as a configuration file. Saved startup settings enable you to: Tune Microsoft Dynamics AX. Change settings, and then tune your system by comparing performance with saved configurations that contain varied compression, database turning, and tracing settings. Move a configuration from one client to another.

Save a configuration to the registry 1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save. 2. Make any changes to the currently selected configuration that you want. 3. Click OK. Export a configuration to a file Use this procedure if you want to copy a configuration to a client on another computer. 1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save. 2. Click Manage, and then click Export configuration to a file. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The file is saved with an .axc extension. Export all configurations to a file Use this procedure if you want to copy all configurations from one client. 1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save. 2. Click Manage, and then click Export All. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The files are saved with an .axc extension.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Save a configuration file with a new name Use this procedure if you want to create a copy of the configuration file you have been using. 1. Import or open a configuration file. 2. Make changes to settings. 3. Click Manage, and then click Save configuration file as. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save.

Delete a configuration
1. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to delete. 2. Click Manage, and then click Delete configuration.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Importing and exporting data

This section provides information about how to manage data. This includes the following topics: Exporting to and importing from Microsoft Office Excel Importing and exporting large data files Importing base data and customized data

The Plan data migration section offers additional guidelines to follow when planning to import data into Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Securing data during export and import

When you export or import Microsoft Dynamics AX tables, store them in a folder that has appropriately-restricted permissions. Allowing access to the data from the following tables can potentially expose confidential or security information: SysConfig SysUserInfo AccessRightsList UserGroupInfo UserInfo UserGroupInfo

If you allow table data to be edited and then imported to the system, you risk providing increased access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

Import and export definition groups

Definition groups define the tables and formats that are used for data export and import. If you use the Excel template wizard, the definition group is created by the wizard. You can create the following types of definition groups: Standard Typical data export/import. Excel Import using Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets. Custom Import using custom import facilities.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create definition groups for import and export

Definition groups define the tables to export data from or import data to. 1. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Definition groups. 2. Press CTRL+N. 3. In the Create table definition group dialog box, type an identification (ID) and a name for the definition group. Note: To reset values on all tabs to their original settings, click Default in this dialog box. To clear all values on the Options and Include table groups tabs, click Clear. 4. Select a Type: Standard Normal data export/import. Excel Import using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Custom Import using custom import facilities. Note Document management notes. Include system tables Include cross-reference tables Include database log tables Include shared tables If set up as virtual companies, data shared between companies such as postal codes.

5. Click the Options tab and select to export:

6. Click the Include table groups tab and decide which table groups should be included.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure tables for definition groups

1. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Definition groups. 2. Select the relevant definition group in the list, and then click the Table setup button to open the Table setup form. 3. The form looks different depending on the type of the definition group. Note: You can use Custom definition groups for import only. For Standard definition groups:
Tab page Standard


Add or remove tables, and for each table: Define whether notes are included when data is imported or exported. The Note option is relevant only if you add a document of the type Note by using the document management system. Select whether a query should be used to limit the data that is exported from each table, and set up the query by selecting Export criteria.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX For Excel definition groups:

Tab page Excel


Add or remove tables, and for each table: In the Export status column, define how export is performed. You can select Export to, Exported in part, or Exported in total. If the status is Exported in part or Exported in total, then the table will not be included in any later exports. In the Import status column, define how import is performed. You can select Delete and import, Import, Imported in part, or Imported in total. If the status is Imported in part or Imported in total, then the table will not be included in any later imports. In the File name column, select the file from which data is imported or to which data is exported. In the Use export criterion column, select whether special criteria should be used for the export, for example only customer account numbers within a certain range or customers from certain ZIP codes. When it is selected, the actual criteria are defined by clicking the Export criteria button. In the Exclude table column, select whether to exclude a table from export or import instead of removing it from the definition group. In the Validation level column, select whether data should be validated, and if so, whether it is validated after each field or after each table. If Table is selected, then validateWrite is executed. If Field is selected, then validateField and validateWrite are executed.

This tab also displays status after data has been exported or imported. Conversion Setting up this tab is optional. Add X++ code to manipulate data before it is added to tables in Microsoft Dynamics AX during import. Setting up this tab is optional. Add X++ code to manipulate data before it is added to the current record in Microsoft Dynamics AX during import. This code is executed after any code on the Conversion tab. Log files Setting up this tab is optional. This tab is a status page for import or export success. You can select whether to view a log file for information about data that was not imported. Preview the data that is to be exported or imported by using the settings that are defined on the other tabs. If no file exists, you receive an error message. 58

Import criteria


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Microsoft Dynamics AX For Custom definition groups:

Tab page Custom


Add or remove tables, and for each table: In the Import status column, define how import is performed. You can select Delete and import, Import, Imported in part, or Imported in total. If the status is Imported in part or Imported in total, then the table will not be included in any later import. In the File name column, select the file from which data is imported. In the Validation level column, select whether data should be validated, and if so, whether it is validated after each field or after each table. If Table is selected, then validateWrite is executed. If Field is selected, then validateField and validateWrite are executed.

This tab also displays status after data has been imported. General Use Field separator to specify how the fields are separated in the import file. If a separator is not defined, then the start and end positions must be defined by using Field setup. The number of fields in each record is automatically calculated when you select the field separator. The Validation level field is the same as the one on the Overview tab. We recommend that you use Field level or Table level validation. In the Unique field drop-down list, select the field that is unique for each record. After a record with that identifier is imported, duplicate records are skipped.


Setting up this tab is optional. Add X++ code to manipulate data before it is added to tables in Microsoft Dynamics AX during import. Setting up this tab is optional. Add X++ code to manipulate data before it is added to the current record in Microsoft Dynamics AX during import. This code is executed after any code on the Conversion tab. Setting up this tab is optional. This tab is a status page for import success. You can select whether to view a log file for information about data that was not imported. Preview the data that is to be exported or imported by using the settings that are defined on the other tabs. If no file exists, you receive an error message.

Import criteria

Log files


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Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. To set up individual fields for each table, click the Field setup button. The form looks different depending on the type of the definition group. 5. Close the form to save the setup. 6. To start the actual export or import, click Export to or Import on the Data export/import dialog box (Administration > Periodic > Data export/import).

Exporting data
To determine the best method for exporting data, consider the purpose of the export, the amount of data, and the type of the data that you want to export. Microsoft Dynamics AX provides the following export mechanisms: Export default data Export data to Microsoft Office Excel Export standard data

Export default data

Default data is customer-independent data, such as address formats, time intervals, and unit conversions. Use this method to export non-company specific data into a data file (*.dat) and a definition file (*.def). The data file contains the data that you have exported. The definition file contains information about table name and ID, field name and ID, record ID information, transaction IDs, and company account. A table is part of the default data when its TableContents property is set to Default data. The export is handled by the SysDefaultDataExport class that extends the SysDefaultDataExportBase class. For a listing of the tables defined as default data tables, see the export method on the SysDefaultDataExportBase class. If tables are to be added to the list, use the exportPost method on the SysDefaultDataExportBase class. Tip: Setting up this kind of information is a prerequisite for all Microsoft Dynamics AX installations. After you set up one Microsoft Dynamics AX installation, use the Export default data form to export default data. Use the export files as a basis to import into new installations. 1. Make sure that the current company account is the one that you want to export data from. Data is exported from the current company. However, data that is not company specific is included in the export. 2. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Default data > Export to.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. In the File name field, use the browse button to select a location for the file that contains the export data, and type a file name. Important: Be sure to save exported files in a folder that has appropriately restricted permissions. In particular, allowing access to the data from the following tables can potentially expose confidential or security information: SysConfig, SysUserInfo, AccessRightsList, UserGroupInfo, UserInfo, and UserGroupInfo. If unsecured data from these tables is edited and then imported, you run the risk of potentially providing increased access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

4. Select the Note check box to export document management notes. 5. Click OK. The results of the export is a data file (*.dat) and a definition file (*.def). If you import the data file and the definition file to another Microsoft Dynamics AX installation, these files must be in the same folder.

See Also
Import default data

Export data to Microsoft Office Excel

This topic describes how to populate the Microsoft Office Excel template that is generated in Microsoft Dynamics AX. This method enables you to export populated or empty Microsoft Office Excel (*.xls) files (templates). Empty *.xls files can be populated in Microsoft Office Excel and imported back into Microsoft Dynamics AX. Populated .xls files are populated with data from Microsoft Dynamics AX and then exported as *.xls files. Both empty and populated *.xls files that are exported from Microsoft Dynamics AX contain information about the table identification (ID), field name, table name, header notes, and Help text from related fields. Important: Export to Microsoft Office Excel shares the Excel worksheet size limitations of 65,536 rows by 256 columns. 1. Use the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard to create templates for the required Microsoft Dynamics AX tables, as described in Create a template in Microsoft Office Excel. The Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard helps you create one or more templates in Microsoft Office Excel where you can enter data, and then import the data into Microsoft Dynamics AX. The wizard creates a worksheet in the workbook for each table that you select. The wizard then lets you select whether to include current company data in the export, export supporting data, and create a Microsoft Office Excel project file. 2. Open the Excel workbook that contains the templates and review the data. Server and Database Administration Guide 61

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Export standard data

The standard data format is generally used when you are exporting large amounts of data. This method supports the fast export of large amounts of data. Use standard data format to export large binary or comma-separated files. The standard export yields two files: a data file (*.dat) and a definition file (*.def). The data file contains the data that you have exported. The definition file contains information about table name and ID, field name and ID, record ID information, transaction IDs, and company account. 199823510 Before you can export standard data, you must first create a definition group as described in Create definition groups for import and export. 1. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Definition groups. 2. Select the definition group that you want to export, and then click Export to. The Export options dialog box opens. 3. For File name, use the browse button to select a location for the file that contains the export data, and type a file name. Important: Be sure to save exported files in a folder that has appropriately restricted permissions. In particular, allowing access to the data from the following tables can potentially expose confidential or security information: SysConfig, SysUserInfo, AccessRightsList, UserGroupInfo, UserInfo, and UserGroupInfo. If unsecured data from these tables is edited and then imported, you run the risk of potentially providing increased access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX system. Binary Use a compressed file format. This option is used most frequently if the data will be imported back into Microsoft Dynamics AX. Comma Do not include container fields in the export. This comma-separated format is typically used to export data for viewing in a spreadsheet.

4. Select the file type:

5. Select the Execute on AOS check box to have the report executed by the AOS server instead of by the client. This option typically improves performance. 6. Click the OK button to start the export.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Importing data
To determine the best method for importing data, consider the purpose of the import, the amount of data, and the type of the data that you want to import. Microsoft Dynamics AX provides the following import mechanisms: Import default data Import custom data and data from other systems Create a template in Microsoft Office Excel Enter data in Microsoft Office Excel Import data from Microsoft Office Excel

Import default data

Default data is customer-independent data, such as address formats, time intervals, and unit conversions. Tip: Setting up this kind of information is a prerequisite for all Microsoft Dynamics AX installations. After you set up one Microsoft Dynamics AX installation, use the Export default data form to export default data. Use the export files as a basis to import into new installations. Importing default data is one of the first steps that you should complete when you set up a Microsoft Dynamics AX implementation. However, you can import default data at a later stage. If you try to import data into tables that already hold data, the import wizard issues a warning. You can choose to overwrite the existing data or append the imported data to the existing data. We recommend that you do not delete existing data. Note: The import typically includes data that is not company-specific, such as user group and user information. If there is more than one company, importing this data also affects other companies. 1. Make sure that the current company account is the one that you want to import data into. 2. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Default data > Import Wizard. 3. In the Import default data wizard, click Next to begin the wizard.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. In the File name page: a. Locate the file that contains the default data. b. Select the Execute on AOS check box to have the import executed by the AOS server instead of by the client. This option will typically improve performance. c. If you want to import data into tables that are not company accounts-specific, select Include system and shared tables.

d. Click Next to move to the next page. 5. Click Next in the Generate table list page. The wizard then provides an overview of the tables in the import file. 6. In the Select tables page, you can clear tables that should not be imported. The import is not performed until you acknowledge that the tables presented are the correct set to import. When you have made a selection, click Next to move to the next page. Note: If you import a text field from the Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet with an integer greater than 2.1 million, it is not imported into Microsoft Dynamics AX, and the column displays in red. Use an integer less than 2.1 million. 7. Click Next in the Generate table list page. 8. In the Select tables to be deleted page, select the tables to delete from the Microsoft Dynamics AX system before you import the default data. This page shows a list of tables that contain records. By selecting a table, the records will be replaced by the imported data. If you do not select to delete the table, then you will not import default data to these tables. When you have made your selection, click Next to move to the next page. 9. Click Finish to save your changes and start the import, or click Cancel to exit the wizard.

See Also
Export default data

Import custom data and data from other systems

Import data that has been exported from any other business management application. As a prerequisite for data import, you must have one or more files holding data that have been exported from another system. Note: A period must be used as the decimal symbol to be recognized by Microsoft Dynamics AX.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Working with data import

1. Make sure that the current company account is the one that you want to import data into. Note: Do not import data into the non-company specific DAT company account. 2. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Definition groups. 3. Select a definition group and then click Table setup to set import options, as described in Configure tables for definition groups, and close the form. Note: Before actually performing an import, click the Preview tab on the Table setup form to preview the result of the import. 4. In the Definition groups form, select the definition group, and then click Import. 5. When the import is complete, the Infolog provides information about the number of records that have been imported. The Table setup form also shows import information about the Log files tab.

See Also
Import data from Microsoft Office Excel

Create a template in Microsoft Office Excel

1. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Excel spreadsheets > Template Wizard. Read the first page, and then click Next >. 2. Type a name for the Microsoft Office Excel workbook and include the full path, or browse to locate an existing Microsoft Office Excel workbook, and then click Next >. Note: If you select an existing file, the content is overwritten. 3. On the Select tables page, select the tables to include in the workbook: Include an available object by selecting the table in the Available objects pane, and clicking the (>) directional arrow. Press CTRL to select multiple tables. If there are tables that you want to use in the template but they do not appear in the Available objects pane, then select Show all tables. Remove selected objects by highlighting the table in the Selected objects pane, and clicking the (<) directional arrow. Press CTRL to select multiple tables. Remove all previously selected objects by clicking the (<<) directional arrow.

4. Click Next > to generate the field list on the Generate field list page, and then click Next > again to select the fields that you want to use.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. On the Select fields page, select the fields from the tables that you want to be shown in the template. The shaded check boxes indicate that a field is either mandatory or part of a unique index and therefore necessary to maintain data consistency. Fields marked with a yellow padlock are system fields and are not selected by default. 6. On the Import definition group page, select Create import definition group? to create an import definition group based on the template. A definition group contains definitions for each worksheet in a workbook and is used when importing the workbook to Microsoft Dynamics AX. The definition group is called "EXL00000xx" where "xx" is a consecutive number. 7. On the Export data page, select which of the following actions you want to take: Export data Export data from the current company to the Excel workbook. Create supporting tables worksheet Include supporting tables. Supporting tables are typically populated with data. Create a Microsoft Office Excel project file Create an Excel project file. The project file references the exported Excel workbook.

8. Click Finish to complete the wizard. Note: By default, the View workbook after creation? field is selected and the workbook opens after the wizard is completed. Clear this option if you do not want to open the workbook now.

Enter data in Microsoft Office Excel

Data for the Microsoft Office Excel worksheets can be entered manually or imported from another system. Important: The template cannot be changed. If it is changed, the import will fail.

Format details
For each Microsoft Dynamics AX table selected, a template is presented on a separate worksheet. Field names are displayed in the first row. Fields occur in the same order that they appear in the table. Do not change this order. If you change the order, the data will not import correctly. Array field names contain the symbol '@'. For example, Dimension@Department, Dimension@Cost center, and Dimension@Purpose. Mandatory fields in Microsoft Dynamics AX have their corresponding columns in Microsoft Office Excel highlighted in yellow.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Working with data in Microsoft Office Excel

Data import from Microsoft Office Excel into Microsoft Dynamics AX is optimal when the data types in the Excel worksheet match the ones in the Microsoft Dynamics AX fields. When a template based on Microsoft Dynamics AX is created, the cells in the worksheet have an Excel format called 'Text'. The contents of cells with text format are treated as text even when a number is in the cell. This format is useful because numbers frequently contain spaces, parentheses, or dashes, which can produce poor data if they are saved in the 'Number' format. When Excel data is imported, Microsoft Dynamics AX converts the data to the required format only if the entered data type is compatible with the required type. For example, a string type entered in an Excel cell that should be imported into a Microsoft Dynamics AX field of integer type is not imported into Microsoft Dynamics AX. This also means that wherever enum values are expected, the actual string value must be entered instead of the representative integers.

If you enter telephone numbers, Telex numbers, swift numbers, postal (ZIP) codes or other numbers that contain parentheses and dashes, Microsoft Dynamics AX accepts them as strings. If you enter a number such as 10000 into a field where a real number is expected, Microsoft Dynamics AX converts it to 10,000.00 by inserting the separators. However, if you enter a string, such as "abc" in the same field, the data is not imported. To import the DayWeekMonth enum with the value Week, you must enter 'Week' in the Excel worksheet. Notes: You cannot import data entered in Excel in a format that is incompatible with the data type in Microsoft Dynamics AX. Mandatory rows left blank in Excel that are imported into Microsoft Dynamics AX integer fields are "zero-filled" in Microsoft Dynamics AX. The best way to avoid unwanted data in Microsoft Dynamics AX is to enter valid data in all yellow-highlighted columns in the worksheet.

Import data from Microsoft Office Excel

Data can be easily imported from Microsoft Office Excel by using the import feature of Microsoft Dynamics AX. To reduce the potential of error, the import feature include a wizard that generates Microsoft Office Excel workbook templates and a dialog box that controls the import of data into Microsoft Dynamics AX after the data has been entered into the workbook. Note: Microsoft Windows Regional options date format and the date format in Microsoft Office Excel on the computer that is performing the import must be the same. If the formats are not the same, the date field will be empty.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 1. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Excel spreadsheets > Template Wizard. The Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard helps you create one or more templates in Microsoft Office Excel where you can enter data, and then import the data into Microsoft Dynamics AX. The wizard creates a worksheet in the workbook for each table that you select. Complete the wizard, as described in Create a template in Microsoft Office Excel. While completing the wizard, select to create a definition group. 2. Open the Excel workbook that contains the templates and enter necessary data, as described in Enter data in Microsoft Office Excel. Note: Protect data by adding password protection to the worksheet or workbook using Excel's password protection feature. 3. Click Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Default data > Definition group and select the definition group that was created by the Template wizard. Click Import. The Microsoft Office Excel import dialog box appears. 4. Select the Excel workbook to import data from and then click OK. Based on the worksheet name, the import allocates the contents of each worksheet into the corresponding table in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Tips for importing data from Excel

After you create a Microsoft Office Excel template using the Template wizard, you can import data from third-party systems into Excel and from Excel into the Microsoft Dynamics AX template. The easiest way to do this is: Put the data from your third-party system into a different Excel spreadsheet. Map the contents of the Excel spreadsheet to the Microsoft Dynamics AX template. The mapped contents appear in the template spreadsheet.

The Microsoft Office Excel template lists each field to be imported into Microsoft Dynamics AX. When populating the Excel spreadsheet, many fields are associated with another Microsoft Dynamics AX table. Therefore, make sure that you use the correct codes. For example, Customer groups may be defined as DOM = Domestic and FOR = Foreign; DOM or FOR should be entered on the spreadsheet. The values for these types of userdefined fields are not available from Excel. However, lists of the setup values can be printed from Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX Data import from Microsoft Office Excel into Microsoft Dynamics AX is optimal when the data types in the Excel worksheet match the ones in the Microsoft Dynamics AX fields. When a template based on Microsoft Dynamics AX is created, the cells in the worksheet have an Excel format called 'Text'. The contents of cells with text format are treated as text even when a number is in the cell. This format is useful because numbers frequently contain spaces, parentheses, or dashes. This can produce poor data if they are saved in the 'Number' format. When Excel data is imported, Microsoft Dynamics AX converts the data to the required format only if the entered data type is compatible with the required type. For example, a string type entered in an Excel cell that should be imported into a Microsoft Dynamics AX field of integer type is not imported into Microsoft Dynamics AX. This also means that wherever enum values are expected, the actual string value must be entered instead of the representative integers. Begin entering data starting at row 7. Caution: Rows 2 through 6 in the workbook are used to map the fields back to Microsoft Dynamics AX and are hidden deliberately. Do not delete them. Verify that all required fields are populated before importing. Complete any additional fields that your old system may not have had available. Edit records as necessary to clean up the database. Note: Remember that Microsoft Dynamics AX has already created the mapping of this template to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. Therefore, do not delete or rearrange columns. If you are no longer using a column, hide it. Before populating the whole spreadsheet, try importing a few records to verify the import is working correctly. Verify the import status before re-importing. The status is used to determine whether the re-import should replace or append the existing records. Check the status by clicking the Table setup button in the Definition group.

See Also
Create a template in Microsoft Office Excel Enter data in Microsoft Office Excel

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Import users from Active Directory

To add an additional layer of security to your computing environment, Microsoft Dynamics AX requires that all users be listed in Active Directory directory services on your domain controller before they can be enabled on the Microsoft Dynamics AX User form. If users are not enabled on this form, they cannot access Microsoft Dynamics AX. Active Directory for Microsoft Windows catalogs information about all the objects on a network, including people, computers, and printers, and distributes that information throughout the network. Security is integrated with Active Directory through logon authentication and access control. Active Directory is a feature of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Server 2000. For more information, see Windows Server 2003 Active Directory or Windows Server 2000 Active Directory. Note: Existing Active Directory structures do not require modifications to be used to support Microsoft Dynamics AX users within the domain. If your customer has a site with Active Directory domains, and all the domains in the forest are set up with two-way trust, the application will recognize all the users in the domain as soon as they have been imported. After a user is listed in Active Directory, you can add that user to Microsoft Dynamics AX manually (for instructions, see Create new users) or you can import multiple Active Directory users into Microsoft Dynamics AX using the procedure included in this topic.

Administrator permissions
There is no requirement for the Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator to be a Windows domain administrator to import users from Active Directory. When a domain administrator in Active Directory is logged in to Microsoft Dynamics AX as a Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator and tries to import Active Directory users, the administrator can see all users in Active Directory and can import them into Microsoft Dynamics AX successfully. If a Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator who is not a domain administrator in Active Directory tries to import Active Directory users, only a subset of the users in Active Directory will appear. This occurs because of security functionality in the Active Directory Group Policy Objects (GPO). To allow Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators rights to Active Directory, you must grant Authenticated users security group membership to the Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators. They can then see the complete list of Active Directory users during import.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Import users from Active Directory

1. From a Microsoft Dynamics AX client, click Administration > Users. 2. On the Overview tab, click Import to access the Active Directory Import Wizard. 3. Complete the wizard.

Alias ID duplicates
When you import users from Active Directory into Microsoft Dynamics AX, the wizard tries to create Microsoft Dynamics AX users by creating Microsoft Dynamics AX user IDs from the Active Directory aliases. But, Microsoft Dynamics AX user IDs are limited to five characters, whereas the Active Directory alias can be up to 255 characters. If the first five characters of the Active Directory alias are the same for more than one user, then the wizard then generates alternative Microsoft Dynamics AX user IDs for these users and displays them. When generating alternative user IDs, if the user alias has more than five characters, then the first four characters from the first name and a single character from the last name are used. If there are still duplicates, then the first three characters of the first name and two characters from the last name are used. You can change any of the user IDs. When you approve the new user IDs, the users are created in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Import data on startup

You can import data into Microsoft Dynamics AX without user interaction by starting Microsoft Dynamics AX from the command line with an XML file as an input parameter. The XML file specifies the data to be imported. Results are written to a log file or shown in the Infolog. Running the import process without user interaction is particularly useful in test environments.

Create an XML file

1. On the Microsoft Dynamics AX client computer, create an XML file. 2. Add tags to the XML file by entering the following parameters: Microsoft Dynamics AX version. Name and location of the log file. The data file to be imported, along with the appropriate attributes. Note: The XML file syntax is described in the documentation for the SysAutoRun class. For more information, see the Developer Help, available from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Help menu. In addition, see the sample file in the following section. 3. Open a command prompt and type the following:
ax32.exe StartupCmd=AutoRun_c:\PathToFile\FileName.XML

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Sample XML input file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <AxaptaAutoRun exitWhenDone="true" version="5.0" logFile="D:\AX\axautodata.log"> <CompanyAccounts> <Company name="Demo Company" id="DMO" overwrite="true" /> </CompanyAccounts> <DataImport companyId="DMO" file="\\ServerName\ShareName\DemoData.dat" /> </AxaptaAutoRun>

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Migrating data
This section contains information about how to migrate data from your current system to Microsoft Dynamics AX. The section contains the following topics: Plan data migration Migrate customer, vendor, and item data by using the Excel Template Wizard Migrate historical transaction data Migrate open transactions

Plan data migration

If you plan to migrate data to Microsoft Dynamics AX from another enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, planning is critical. It is impossible to offer a step-by-step guide for planning data migration. However, you should consider the following issues when planning the process. Create a backup before importing any data into Microsoft Dynamics AX. The system administrator should create a hard copy backup. The Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator can create an online backup in Microsoft Dynamics AX by copying the company's information to a newly created company. Determine whether data can be exported from the current system, and determine how to export data. If the data can be exported into a Microsoft Office Excel workbook, then Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel templates can be used to import the data into Microsoft Dynamics AX. For more information about importing by using the Excel Template Wizard, see Create a template in Microsoft Office Excel. If the current data cannot be exported into a workbook, then you can create a custom import file, or you can enter data manually. A custom import file allows you to define criteria, set delimiters, and map each field to Microsoft Dynamics AX. Determine whether you will import master data (customers, vendors, items, and ledger accounts). Required setup for master records must be completed before you import data. For more information, see Migrate customer, vendor, and item data by using the Excel Template Wizard.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Financial data is imported into a Microsoft Dynamics AX journal, but the data is not imported directly into data files. Because of the complex file structures in Microsoft Dynamics AX, financial data should never be imported directly into the data file, because this action will cause inconsistencies in other files. After the financial data has been converted into a journal, the journal can be reviewed and posted. When the journal is posted, all of the necessary Microsoft Dynamics AX files are updated. Almost any table can be imported into Microsoft Dynamics AX, but it may be easier or more effective to enter some tables manually. For example, many of the setup forms, such as Terms of payment, do not have many records, so it is faster to enter them manually. Consider cleaning up the database. For example, determine whether old records can be deleted or archived, whether the current database contains duplicate records, and whether you want to change numbering schemes.

Migrate customer, vendor, and item data by using the Excel Template Wizard
Before you import master data (such as customer, vendor, and item records) into Microsoft Dynamics AX, complete the required setup for the records that you will import. Because field names and values in Microsoft Dynamics AX may be different than those in the current system, we recommend that you create a record manually to understand Microsoft Dynamics AX fields and how they correspond to fields in your current system. After you decide how fields and values from the old system correspond to the fields and values in Microsoft Dynamics AX, use the Template Wizard to create a Microsoft Office Excel template. Do not convert all records at once or attempt to work with a blank template. Instead, we recommend that you create a few records in Microsoft Dynamics AX and run though the conversion process. Ensure that the template meets your needs and that the template converts the data as you expect it to. As you create the template by using the wizard, verify the template by populating it with a few records and importing the data. If the template does not meet your expectations, modify it and try again. Start the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard by clicking Administration > Periodic > Data export/import > Excel spreadsheets > Template Wizard.

Create a vendor template by using the template wizard

1. Start the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard. 2. Create a workbook called Vendors, and then click Next. 3. Select VendTable from the list of available objects, and then click Next. 4. After the list of fields has been generated, click Next.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. Select the fields to use in the template, and then click Next. Note: Mandatory fields are marked with a red padlock symbol and cannot be removed from the list. 6. Select whether you want to create an import definition group for the workbook that contains the template, and then click Next. The import definition group contains a definition for each worksheet in the workbook. The definition group can be used when you import the workbook. 7. Select whether you want to export data to the workbook, and then click Next. 8. Click Finish. 9. Use Excel to map Microsoft Dynamics AX fields to those in the current system and to populate the template with data.

Create a customer template by using the template wizard

1. Start the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard. 2. Create a template called Customers, and then click Next. 3. Select CustTable from the list of available objects, and then click Next. 4. Select the fields to use in the template, and then click Next. Note: Mandatory fields are marked with a red padlock symbol and cannot be removed from the list. 5. Select whether you want to create an import definition group for the workbook that contains the template, and then click Next. The import definition group contains a definition for each worksheet in the workbook. The definition group can be used when you import the workbook. 6. Select whether you want to export data to the workbook, and then click Next. 7. Click Finish. 8. Use Excel to map Microsoft Dynamics AX fields to those in the current system and to populate the template with data.

Create inventory templates by using the template wizard

For inventory records, you must create three templates: Item table, Inventory module parameters, and Warehouse items. 1. Start the Microsoft Office Excel Template Wizard. 2. Enter the name of the template that you are creating, and then click Next.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. Select the table to create a template for. If you are creating the Item table template, select InventTable from the list of available objects, and then click Next. If you are creating the Inventory module parameters template, select InventTableModule from the list of available objects, and then click Next. If you are creating the Warehouse items template, select InventItemLocation from the list of available objects, and then click Next.

4. Select the fields to use in the template, and then click Next. Important For the Inventory module parameters template, make sure that the following objects are selected: Invent, Purch, and Sales. Mandatory fields are marked with a red padlock symbol and cannot be removed from the list. 5. Select whether you want to create an import definition group for the workbook that contains the template, and then click Next. The import definition group contains a definition for each worksheet in the workbook. The definition group can be used when you import the workbook. 6. Select whether you want to export data to the workbook, and then click Next. 7. Click Finish. 8. Use Excel to map Microsoft Dynamics AX fields to those in the current system and to populate the template with data.

See Also
Import data from Microsoft Office Excel Enter data in Microsoft Office Excel

Migrate historical transaction data

We recommend that you import transaction history data for General Ledger balances only. To convert transaction histories for the subsidiary modules would be time-consuming, because it is likely that the current system does not have the same fields, file layouts, and posting methodologies as Microsoft Dynamics AX. We recommend that you maintain either a reference version of your current system or hard copy records to preserve your history and transaction details.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Migrate open transactions

Open transactions are unpaid or partly settled customer and vendor invoices that exist before you migrate to Microsoft Dynamics AX. How you process open transactions depends on the needs of your business. The following information provides guidelines about how to process open transactions. You may be required to transfer more information or less information, depending on local accounting rules. Important: Because the transactions were not created in Microsoft Dynamics AX, you will lose all historical references to transactions. For more information about historical data in a migration, see Migrate historical transaction data. Consider the following guidelines when you work with open transactions: Because open transactions must be processed manually, try to minimize the number of open transactions before migrating to Microsoft Dynamics AX. Settle as many accounts receivable and accounts payable as possible before transferring transactions. Partly settled invoices should indicate only the original total amount, represented as a text string, and the current open balance. Create journals for customers and vendors, and enter open transactions by using one line for each unsettled invoice. Post directly to the Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable (AR/AP) accounts. In addition, use the AR/AP ledger control account as the offset account. This method of creating journals allows each journal line to be balanced and the net AR/AP ledger control account posting to be 0 (zero). This method requires the General Ledger opening balance to include the control account totals.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configuring and managing AIF

Application Integration Framework (AIF) enables companies to integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX and communicate with external business processes and partners through the exchange of XML over various transport media. AIF enables both business-to-business and application-toapplication integration scenarios. This information is for IT staff and administrators who are responsible for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting AIF integrations with external systems. In this guide, you will find the following information.
Topic Description

Exchanging documents electronically using AIF

General information about AIF data exchange including topics about planning, security, and troubleshooting. Covers how AIF is used in the procure-to-pay and orders-to-cash business scenarios. Information on configuring and maintaining data exchanges using one of the AIF adapters: file system, Message Queuing (MSMQ), or BizTalk . Information on configuring and maintaining data exchanges using the AIF Web services. Covers how to maintain AIF integrations and research problems when they arise.

Implementing common trading processes

Adapter-based exchanges

Web services-based exchanges

Managing document exchanges

For more information about AIF for software developers, see "Integrating Other Applications with Microsoft Dynamics AX" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Exchanging documents electronically using AIF

The ability to integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX with other systems inside and outside the enterprise is a common requirement. Application Integration Framework (AIF) is the framework that enables integration through the exchange of data through formatted XML. This formatted XML is referred to as a document, and each document contains defined data and business logic. In AIF, data is exchanged with external systems through electronic documents. An exchange starts with a document (based on a document class) defined by using Microsoft Dynamics AX business logic. Microsoft Dynamics AX ships with over 70 standard documents that support common business processes. AIF also provides the ability to customize existing documents or create your own documents. For more information about the standard documents, see topic "Documents that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help. For developer information about how to create new AIF documents, see topic "Creating New Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help.

Integration process
Whether you require integration with internal legacy systems or external trading partners, the integration process involves common key steps: 1. In a typical integration scenario, users who have business expertise first determine the document exchange needs. These are requirements from a business perspective. The business users work with the implementation team to specify: What data is to be exchanged Any business logic related to that data The external systems with which data is to be exchanged The conditions under which data is sent from or received by Microsoft Dynamics AX

2. The partner or system implementer works with the customer and their IT staff to determine the hardware and software requirements for AIF. They analyze the existing environment and recommend any new hardware or software that must be installed. 3. The customer IT staff install and configure any required hardware and software to support AIF. 4. The partner or customer developer programs the document exchange. They may make customizations to the AIF documents or create new documents to meet the requirements of the business users. How AIF is configured depends in part on the network environment. Therefore, the developer may work with IT staff when implementing an integration. 5. IT staff monitor the document exchanges and troubleshoot any errors that are generated.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX A high-level view of the process of integrating Microsoft Dynamics AX with other systems

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

What's new in AIF

Application Integration Framework (AIF) enables companies to integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX and communicate with external business processes and partners through the exchange of XML over various transport media. AIF enables both business-to-business and application-toapplication integration scenarios. Enhancements to AIF in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 include the following: Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations are now supported. The ability to update and delete data through AIF enables companies to fully integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX in their business processes. The programming model for AIF supports document services that encapsulate business logic and are the interface between Microsoft Dynamics AX and external systems. The document services can be customized by adding your own methods. Microsoft Dynamics AX now supports the ability to expose business logic implemented in X++ as Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services. All services can be published though AIF asynchronous adapters or through WCF. AIF provides functionality for consuming external Web services from within X++. This enables the integration with any external data provided as a Web service. Performance improvements include the ability to scale up and handle more messages through parallel message processing and the addition of multiple AOSes. New document services for additional commonly-used documents.

Update and delete

AIF now supports the ability to update and delete data in Microsoft Dynamics AX through document exchange. Two new actions enable the ability to update or delete a single record or multiple records. The Axd Wizard is now the AIF Document Service Wizard and enables developers to create custom documents that support updating and deleting data.

Programming model changes

Documents are now exposed as services making them more flexible and customizable. Service operations can now be consumed from external AIF clients as well as directly from X++ code. The AIF framework has been updated to enable developers to expose X++ business logic as WCF services. ASMX Web services have been replaced with WCF services enabling new functionality such as message encryption.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Consume Web services

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 provides the ability to consume Web services from within X++. Creating a service reference to an external Web service generates a .NET service proxy that enables the service to be available through IntelliSense within X++. The external Web service can be consumed by Microsoft Dynamics AX using the .NET service proxy through CLR interop.

AIF now supports the ability to scale up message processing when using the AIF adapters by adding AOSes. You can now define whether messages are processed sequentially or in parallel. If parallelism is implemented, messages can be processed in any order by multiple AOSes. After implementing parallel message processing, specific messages can still be designated for sequential processing.

New documents
AIF includes support for an enlarged set of frequently used documents. Documents new to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 include the following.
Document Supported service operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Address Absence Request Bill of Materials (BOM) Business Sector Cash Discount Contact Person Credit Card Customer Customer Group Customer Payment Journal Customer Quotation Expense Report Fixed Asset Fixed Asset Condition Fixed Asset Group Fixed Asset Location Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX
Document Supported service operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Fixed Asset Major Type General Journal Item Item Dimension (Color) Item Dimension (Configuration) Item Dimension (Size) Item Dimension Combination Leads Payment Terms Product Groups Product Picking List Project Hour Journal Return Order Acknowledgment Return Order Document RFQ RFQ Reply Route Card Sales Confirmation Sales Quotation Sales Forecast DMP Service Agreement Service Order Shipping Methods Transfer Order Travel Card Unit Unit Conversion Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX
Document Supported service operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

Vendor Vendor Group Vendor Payment Warehouse Work Center Worker Attendance


In addition to these new documents, the sales order document has been updated to support multi-site functionality as well as the ability to update and delete data. Partners and customers can easily customize and extend the existing application programming interfaces (APIs) by using the Microsoft Dynamics AX software development kit (SDK). The SDK includes a service wizard that developers can use to easily create their own custom document services.

Planning for AIF integration

Planning is an integral part of any data integration effort. When integrating Microsoft Dynamics AX with other systems, one of the initial steps is the planning phase. In this phase, the implementation team must define high-level requirements and make integration design decisions. After these requirements are defined, the partner, IT staff, and development staff can then work together to define the best way to implement the exchange in AIF. The integration design decisions that must be made fall into two primary categories: data and configuration. Data - At the core of data integration is the data itself. While planning your data integration, many decisions must be made about the data that is being exchanged and the associated business rules. This phase often involves the expertise and knowledge of business users because they understand the meaning of the data and define the requirements for integration. This category addresses the "who, what, and when" requirements of the integration. Configuration - Configuration requirements define the environment of the data exchange. Factors that affect these requirements include the following: the network configuration, the hardware and software configuration of the external system, and the level of trust between Microsoft Dynamics AX and the external system. This category addresses the "how" requirements of the integration.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Before writing any code or configuring document exchanges, the implementation team should consider the following questions.
Category Question Design impact


What data elements are involved in the exchange and what screens do those elements come from? Are there any calculated values? Is the data being sent from Microsoft Dynamics AX to an external system or is the data received by Microsoft Dynamics AX from an external system? Does the external system request data from Microsoft Dynamics AX or is there an event in the application that triggers the sending of data to the external system? Are records in Microsoft Dynamics AX being created, updated, or deleted?

Helps determine which AIF documents support the business needs. Helps determine how a document exchange is configured.



This information helps determine how a document exchange is configured.


Helps determine whether the AIF documents will need any customizations.


What are the business rules associated with Helps determine whether any the data? For example, if data is created or customizations must be made updated, which data elements are mandatory? to existing AIF documents. If data is deleted, what are the conditions under which a record can be deleted? Do the documents that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX contain the data that must be exchanged? Helps determine whether any customizations have to be made to existing AIF documents or if new documents must be created. If the existing documents do not support some of the data integration requirements, developers may need to make customizations. Enables the team to determine whether AIF value mapping or XSLT transformations should be used.



Do the relevant documents support the actions that must be performed on the data (read, create, update, or delete)?


Does the data need to be transformed by Microsoft Dynamics AX? This could be transformations that need to be performed before data is sent or when data is received. What is the extent of the data transformations?

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Microsoft Dynamics AX
Category Question Design impact


Does the local Microsoft Dynamics AX system have any restrictions on how data is exchanged?

Determines how a document exchange is configured. For example, if there is a requirement to use Message Queuing as a transport mechanism, then the MSMQ adapter would be used and the exchange would be asynchronous. Determines how a document exchange is configured. Determines how a document exchange is configured.


Does the external system have any restrictions on how data is exchanged? Are there any constraints on the data? For example, is the document exchange limited to a particular vendor or customer? Is the external system an in-house system or external trading partner?



Impacts how users and security are configured.

Note: This planning information is a guideline for what you may need to consider when planning your data integration. For more information about your specific implementation, contact your partner.

Using AIF to integrate with external systems

Application Integration Framework (AIF) provides an extensible framework that supports multiple asynchronous transports, as well as synchronous transport using Web services, to exchange documents in XML format with external systems. An exchange starts with a service based on a document, that is, a document class defined using Microsoft Dynamics AX business logic. The document is serialized into XML and header information is added to create a message, which may then be transferred into or out of the Microsoft Dynamics AX system. Your Microsoft Dynamics AX system is called the local endpoint within AIF. The other entity taking part in an exchange is called the endpoint. Endpoints and all the other elements of an exchange are set up and configured using forms found when you click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX There are two methods for exchanging data in AIF: Web services - A data exchange in which a Microsoft Dynamics AX service is consumed an external system. Adapters - A data exchange in which Microsoft Dynamics AX adapters are used to communicate with the external system. Microsoft Dynamics AX adapters support the following transport mechanisms: File system Message Queuing (MSMQ) BizTalk Server

Web services-based exchanges

Using Web services for data exchange requires the installation and configuration of Web services for application integration and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0. Exchanges configured to use Web services are processed synchronously and do not use the Microsoft Dynamics AX queues. AIF allows multiple connections; that is, your Microsoft Dynamics AX system can support the processing of document exchanges with multiple partners simultaneously. To help ensure the highest level of security, deploy Web services on your intranet only. Deployment of Web services outside your intranet requires additional middleware known as a trusted intermediary to ensure security. For more information about AIF security, see Security considerations for AIF and Security considerations for AIF Web services. For more information about data exchanges using Web services, see Web services-based exchanges and Configuring document exchanges with Web services.

Adapter-based exchanges
An adapter-based exchange uses an adapter to convert the document into the proper format for exchange by means of a particular transport mechanism, such as Message Queuing (MSMQ). Adapter-based exchanges are asynchronous because they involve moving the document into a queue where it waits for processing by a Microsoft Dynamics AX batch job. Adapter-based exchanges require configuration of an adapter and a channel for use by AIF. For asynchronous, adapter-based exchanges, you configure and control the Microsoft Dynamics AX batch jobs that process documents in the AIF queues.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics AX includes the functionality to enable connections with the following asynchronous adapters: File system Message Queuing (MSMQ) BizTalk Server Note: Although adapter-based exchanges are asynchronous, if you use the BizTalk adapter, it is possible to configure the data exchange to be synchronous or asynchronous. For more information about data exchanges using adapters, see Adapter-based exchanges and Configuring document exchanges with adapters.

Send and receive documents and data

Regardless of which transport method you use, AIF can be used to either send data into Microsoft Dynamics AX (inbound) or retrieve it (outbound). An example of an inbound exchange would be an external system sending a sales order to be saved to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. An example of an outbound exchange would be an external system sending a request for a purchase order and receiving the purchase order back. The inbound and outbound exchanges can be categorized as follows: Send data - Microsoft Dynamics AX sends documents to an external system. Send data in response to requests - Microsoft Dynamics AX receives requests for documents from another authorized system, retrieves the requested information (a document or a list of documents) from the Microsoft Dynamics AX database, and returns it to the requesting system, with appropriate filtering and security. The request message would contain the entity keys or a query that specifies the data that the external system is requesting. Receive and create data - Microsoft Dynamics AX receives documents from another authorized system and creates new records in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database.

By using outbound exchanges in AIF, you can send documents and data to your trading partners. You receive documents and data from endpoints in an inbound exchange. Send documents and data Sending a document can be initiated by clicking a button on a form, such as the Send electronically button on the Chart of accounts form. For more information, see topics "How to: Send and receive electronic documents automatically" and "How to: Send documents manually" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Receive documents and data When documents are received in an inbound transfer, data is added, updated, deleted or changed in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. For this reason, you should carefully consider how to ensure the security of your Microsoft Dynamics AX system when configuring the Microsoft

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Dynamics AX users associated with an endpoint. Be sure that endpoint users are trusted by your business organization.

See Also
Adapter-based exchanges Configuring document exchanges with adapters Web services-based exchanges Configuring document exchanges with Web services

Security considerations for AIF

Because Application Integration Framework (AIF) exchanges data with other systems, security is a key component in configuring your system. You must consider security in terms of what users can access AIF and what services those users can access. Access to AIF is defined by the users that you add to Microsoft Dynamics AX. The access a user has to an AIF service is defined by whether they have permissions to the service security key. The AIF security design assumes that all inbound messages come from trusted sources. This means that AIF should not be deployed directly over the Internet or extranets. If AIF messages must be received from endpoints over the Internet, use middleware and trusted intermediaries (Microsoft Dynamics AX users or user groups authorized to act on behalf of an AIF endpoint). AIF ships with a default endpoint that can be used for data exchange without any additional configuration as long as the submitting user is a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user and has access to the service security key. If additional authorization, security verification, or constraints are required, then administrator should configure specific endpoints.

Configure users on endpoints

When configuring users on an endpoint, keep in mind that these Microsoft Dynamics AX users may represent outside interests and must have permissions set appropriately. For more information about configuring Microsoft Dynamics AX users, see the following topics in the System and Application Setup Help: Managing access to Microsoft Dynamics AX Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations Manage users

You must also set the appropriate security keys and record-level security for any users that are granted access to Microsoft Dynamics AX through AIF, to help prevent unauthorized data access. For more information, see "Manage record level security" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Certain actions cause data to be written directly to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database without manual end-user verification (for example, creating exchange rates). When configuring endpoints and creating new actions, be careful to restrict access to trusted and reliable partners and applications. For more information about the behavior of individual documents, see "Standard Axd Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help.

Trusted intermediaries
Trusted intermediaries are middleware applications that reside between external endpoints and AIF. That is, they are Microsoft Dynamics AX users (or user groups) that are authorized to submit inbound requests on behalf of the endpoint. A trusted intermediary prevents an unauthorized user from accessing AIF and is typically used in a business-to-business data exchange scenario. BizTalk Server installations and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) services are examples of systems that can act as trusted intermediaries and submit inbound requests. These systems can be designated as trusted intermediaries if they can be trusted to reliably and accurately identify who has submitted the requests they forward to AIF. Part of the trusted intermediaries' responsibility is to ensure that messages from untrusted third parties are never allowed access to your system. If AIF is used strictly for in-house integrations, and the users who submit documents to AIF exist as Microsoft Dynamics AX users, then trusted intermediaries are not required. However, if you need to receive messages from systems or trading partners outside your Microsoft Dynamics AX system (that is, from Microsoft Dynamics AX users with the External check box selected on the User form), trusted intermediaries must always be used. To use them, you should be aware of the following requirements. A trusted intermediary must: Be created as a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX internal user (the External check box is not selected on the User form). Be known to you as representing a valid partner or a trusted system. Be configured within AIF by selecting the Use trusted intermediary check box on the Users tab in the Endpoints form and adding the Microsoft Dynamics AX internal user that represents the trusted intermediary. For more information about configuring users in Microsoft Dynamics AX, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the System and Application Setup Help. Be set up and configured to submit messages on behalf of Microsoft Dynamics AX external endpoints. Ensure that the information about the SourceEndpointUser (specified for inbound transfers in clear text in the message header) is accurate and cannot be changed by the external endpoint. Verify that the request message or inbound document was submitted by the authorized user, and not by an attacker using "spoofing" to impersonate the authorized user. The trusted intermediary system must authenticate the submitting user. If the user is not authenticated then the request must be rejected by the trusted intermediary. 90

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Security best practices

Follow these additional security-related recommendations when configuring AIF. For more information about security and Web services in AIF, see Security considerations for AIF Web services. Ensure that transport channels are secure and can be accessed only by authenticated and authorized users. When transmitting messages to the file system or Message Queuing (MSMQ), be sure that these channels (the file shares and queues themselves) are secure and can be accessed only by authorized users. This can be done using security software such as SecureFTP that encrypts data and ensures that only authorized users can access a file location. When sending and receiving data through BizTalk Server, only authorized users should be able to create orchestrations or submit documents. Authentication and encryption are particularly important for business-to-business scenarios in which data is being transmitted over the public Internet. Ensure that data sent to and from AIF channels is secure and encrypted. All data transmissions should be secured so that no one can read or modify data during transmission. This can be done using security software such as SecureFTP. The Microsoft Dynamics AX system administrator should limit access to modifying the AIF configuration only to the Microsoft Dynamics AX Administrators group. For more information, see "Manage user groups" in the System and Application Setup Help. The Microsoft Dynamics AX system administrator should restrict access to AIF by assigning users permissions to only the security keys that they need. In general, the following types of users will need access to AIF: Action generation - Developers General AIF configuration - IT staff Queue management - IT staff and potentially Microsoft Dynamics AX users

Be aware that all actions involving inbound documents are executed within Microsoft Dynamics AX under the context of a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user. If a DestinationEndpoint is provided in the message, then the SourceEndpointUser must be a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user. If no DestinationEndpoint is provided in the message, then AIF will use the default endpoint. Associate AIF endpoints only with trusted Microsoft Dynamics AX users. Currently AIF does not authenticate the actual endpoint identification. Instead, it authenticates the user associated with the endpoint. Only users specifically configured on the endpoint are allowed to perform actions associated with the endpoint. Be sure to secure the file system location where you export messages from the Queue manager form. These messages could contain confidential information To restrict an endpoint to sending or receiving data only for specific customers, vendors, or warehouses and avoid spoofing attacks, use endpoint constraints.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Add external components only from a trusted and reliable source, for example, a Microsoft Partner or independent software vendor (ISV). External components include pipeline components (X++ classes called by AIF pipeline processing), document classes, and adapter classes. Before adding an XSLT as part of pipeline processing, ensure that the XSLT is secure and capable of handling documents with incorrect or malicious data. Thoroughly test any transformations to ensure that they do not contain code that will run and create an error on the system that can be exploited. By default, scripting is disabled on the XSLT transform component. If scripting is turned on, this can open up your system to scripting attacks. To check whether scripting is enabled: a. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. b. Click Action policies. c. In the Endpoint Action Policies form, select an action, and then click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline.

d. In the Pipeline components form, select a transformation or value substitution record, and then click Configure. e. In the Pipeline XSLT transform form, the Scripting enabled field should be cleared.

See Also
Configuring document exchanges with adapters Configuring document exchanges with Web services

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Security considerations for AIF Web services

Application Integration Framework (AIF) supports Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web services. In AIF, each document is represented by a service that is exposed as a WCF service and hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS). AIF uses standard WCF processing to receive and process SOAP requests.

Web services security architecture

Security in AIF is enforced through a combination of WCF, IIS, Active Directory, and user security within Microsoft Dynamics AX. The authentication process that occurs when a client calls a Microsoft Dynamics AX WCF service is shown in the following figure. AIF Web services security architecture

Note: This figure contains an example of application-to-application integration in which all the systems are trusted users on an intranet. If the clients were outside the intranet, there would be a trusted intermediary (such as BizTalk Server or electronic data interchange (EDI) services) in between the client and AIF. For more information about trusted intermediaries, see Security considerations for AIF. In the preceding illustration, the Web services authentication process is as follows: 1. The client calls a service method, such as the method, and passes the entity key of the requested customer in a SOAP message. 2. The request is received by IIS where the AIF services are hosted. IIS retrieves the user credentials, depending on the authentication mechanism specified in the service configuration. IIS then tries to map the security credentials onto a valid domain user. By default, Microsoft Dynamics AX configures WCF to use the basicHttpBinding binding with

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Microsoft Dynamics AX message security so the user credentials are contained in the message SOAP header. IIS authenticates the user as a valid user in Active Directory. 3. The request is then passed to AIF which performs further authentication by verifying that the user: a. Is a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user b. Has access to the service through the appropriate security key 4. After AIF determines that the user has access to the service, the message is processed. At run time, standard AIF security ensures that the user has access to the data exposed by the service.

Security best practices

Follow these additional security-related recommendations when configuring AIF Web services: It is unsafe to deploy AIF using Web services outside the intranet without installing additional middleware such as BizTalk Server to ensure proper security. As installed with Microsoft Dynamics AX, AIF Web services are intended for intranet deployment only. Deploy Web services in the intranet only and configure the Web server so that it is not facing the Internet. By default, AIF services implement the basicHttpBinding binding configured to use WCF message-level security. Administrators should follow the standard WCF configuration in IIS. For more information about security in WCF, see Securing Services. After installation, be sure that you have restricted access to the Web service share as described in "Install AIF Web Services" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide. Secure outbound Web services so that only authorized users can send data from Microsoft Dynamics AX by setting security key permissions on the AIF services. This is done by assigning users permissions to specific services. To give users access to services, follow the standard method of assigning user permissions to security keys. For more information, see topic "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations" in the System and Application Setup Help. In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009, the WCF services for the AIF documents are secured by security keys. The Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator must explicitly grant users and groups permissions to the appropriate security key in order for users to access the service. All data exchanged with external Web services (when consuming an external Web service from X++, for example), must be over secure channels to prevent tampering, spoofing, and so on. Confidential and business critical information should only be exchanged with external Web services through communication channels that provide for secure authentication, message confidentiality, and integrity. You should never consume unknown or untrusted external Web services. When consuming a Web service, you should always be certain that the consumed service is the correct service (by using a secure identification/authentication mechanism). For more security best practices, see Security considerations for AIF.

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Documents included with Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX includes over 70 standard documents and each document supports a common business process. Application Integration Framework (AIF) lets you customize these standard documents or create your own custom documents to suit your individual business processes. For more information about the documents that are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX, see "Standard Axd Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help.

Troubleshoot AIF
This topic describes how to troubleshoot common issues with document exchange using the Application Integration Framework (AIF). For more information about troubleshooting AIF Web services installation, see "Troubleshooting AIF Web services installation" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide.

Set up an endpoint to use inbound Web services

You may see the message in the Web server event log: "The requested operation cannot be performed because the required security key doesnt exist." This occurs if the endpoint user does not have access to Business Connector. When you configure an endpoint for inbound Web services, you must: 1. Set up a Microsoft Dynamics AX user (or user group) as an endpoint user or trusted intermediary for that endpoint. 2. Give the user group access to the Business Connector.

Give the endpoint user access to Business Connector

1. Click Administration > Setup > User groups and select the user group for the endpoint, or the user group that contains the user for the endpoint. 2. Click Permissions. 3. On the Permissions tab, in the table under the Viewing field: a. Select Business Connector. b. Select Full control. c. Click Cascade.

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After installing Enterprise Portal, AIF Web services do not work

For the AIF Web services to coexist with Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and Enterprise Portal on the same computer, the virtual directory that AIF is using for Web services must be excluded from the SharePoint managed path. To exclude the AIF virtual directory from the SharePoint managed path list: 1. Launch the SharePoint Central Administration page (Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > SharePoint Central Administration or, from the browser on a remote computer, type the URL for the pages on the administration port. For example: http://servername:port). 2. Click Configure virtual server settings and click the name of the site that you are managing. 3. Under Virtual Server Management, click Define managed paths. 4. Under Add a New Path, enter the AIF virtual directory path, and then select Excluded path, and click OK.

Re-register ASP.NET when setting up inbound Web services

If you cannot see the ASP.NET tab when viewing Properties for the virtual directory in the IIS Services Manager (see topics "Install AIF Web services" and " Troubleshooting AIF Web services installation" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide), or if you see a "Page not found" error after clicking Browse when validating Web services, you must re-register ASP.NET in IIS using the following steps: 1. Click Start > Run. 2. Type cmd. 3. In the Command Prompt window, type: cd your-systemdirectory\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 and press ENTER. 4. Type aspnet_regiis.exe -u and press ENTER. 5. Type aspnet_regiis.exe i -enable and press ENTER. 6. Type iisreset and press ENTER. 7. Close the Command Prompt window. 8. After uninstalling and reinstalling ASP.NET and resetting IIS, the ASP.NET tab is available, and you can select ASP version 2.0. This allows you to browse the Web services after you enable and generate them on the AIF Services form. For more information, see Configure services.

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Calling Web services in Active Directory results in an access error

If you are calling Web services and receive an error even though the calling user has access, this may be due to an issue between Windows authentication and Kerberos security in an Active Directory environment. Symptoms of this problem occur when you call a Web service URL such as http://<URL>/SalesOrderService.asmx?WSDL and you receive an error even though the user calling the Web service has security access to the Web service. If you look in the Event Viewer on the calling machine, you may see a Kerberos error such as: "The Kerberos client received a KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error from the server host/<Computername>.<DNS-ComputerDomain>. The target name used was HTTP/<computername>. This indicates that the password used to encrypt the Kerberos service ticket is different than that on the target server. Commonly, this is due to identically named machine accounts in the target realm and the client realm. Please contact your system administrator." This error is caused by an issue with name resolution in the network environment. To call the Web service, you must replace the name of the server where the Web services are hosted with an IP address, for example, http://<IP Address>/SalesOrderService.asmx?WSDL.

Issues when using Message Queuing (MSMQ) to exchange documents

If the error message "The transaction context is invalid" appears for an inbound message, verify that the Message Queuing queue that receives the message is located on the same computer as the Application Object Server (AOS) running the AIF batch jobs. For more information on these batch jobs, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. If the error message "The specified format name does not support the requested operation. For example, a direct queue format name cannot be deleted." appears when a message is sent, verify that the queue you are sending to is a public queue and its address (on the Channels form) is given in short name format (computer-name\queue-name). If it seems that outbound messages are sent (that is, they no longer appear in the list on the Overview tab in the Queue manager form, and no entries are created in the Exception Log for an error condition), but the messages are not received by the target queue, ensure that the target queue's access control list (ACL) is set properly by following these steps. a. On the Security tab of the Properties window for the queue, Allow should be selected for Send Message, Get Permissions, and Get Properties for the Anonymous Logon user. b. Verify that the target queue's Authenticated property is cleared on the General tab in the Message Queuing folder (click Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management).

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Microsoft Dynamics AX For inbound messages, if there is a message in the Exception Log that states "The user is not authorized to perform this action", check the Queue manager form for any inbound messages in an error state by clicking Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Queue manager. If the Submitting user field on the Details tab is blank, verify that either the inbound queue's Authenticated property is selected or that all incoming messages are signed and authenticated.

Error received processing a message with Web services or the BizTalk adapter
While processing a message using Web services or the BizTalk adapter, you may see the error "The requested operation cannot be performed because the required security key doesn't exist." This error may occur if the user has not been granted execute permissions on the Business Connector security key. For more information about setting permissions, see "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations" in the System and Application Setup Help.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Implementing common trading processes

Microsoft Dynamics AX supports the automation of common trading processes by using Application Integration Framework (AIF) and specific documents for data exchange. Two common trading scenarios are supported: Orders-to-cash Procure-to-pay

Although each of these processes is separate, they are interrelated, as shown in the following diagram. The process that is relevant for a particular company for any given data exchange depends on whether that company is the customer or the supplier. The orders-to-cash and procure-to-pay process and the AIF documents that support it

The orders-to-cash and procure-to-pay processes describe the full sales life cycle for both the customer and the supplier. The ability to integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX in these processes means that the entire sales life cycle can be automated. This automation translates into the ability for customers to order and receive merchandise quickly and for suppliers to ship merchandise and receive payment with fewer delays. Another advantage to full automation is the ability for the customer and supplier to provide each other with timely status updates at any point in the process.

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AIF XML documents

Using AIF, a company can integrate their Microsoft Dynamics AX implementation with external systems to support these business processes. Data is exchanged with external systems through XML messages that are based on documents. AIF is shipped with these documents to support common business processes, including those listed in the following table. For more information, see "Standard Axd Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help.
Business entity Document name



Request for quote (RFQ)


The customer sends the RFQ to selected suppliers to request a quotation. The supplier receives the customer RFQ as a sales quotation from the customer for evaluation. The supplier must now evaluate and approve the quotation before sending it back. After evaluating and editing the quotation, the supplier sends AxdCustQuotation to the customer as a legally binding quotation. This document is mirrored in AxdRFQReply, which is the legally binding quotation received by the customer.

Sales quotation



Sales quotation



Request for quote (RFQ)



The legally binding quotation is received by the customer as an RFQ reply. If the quotation is accepted, the customer can issue a purchase order. The supplier sends a compiled price list to a customer. The price list is based on the trade agreements and discounts for the specific customer. The customer receives a price discount agreement document that contains pricing and discount information. It is exchanged with customers, suppliers, and other business partners. 100

Price list agreement



Price discount



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Business entity Document name



Purchase order


The customer sends a purchase requisition to a vendor. This document is mirrored in the inbound sales order document. A new sales order record is created in the supplier's database. After it is posted, the sales order can be sent back to the customer for viewing. This document is sent to the customer when the sales order is created by the supplier. The confirmation contains information such as prices, quantities, and delivery time. This document is sent to the customer when the sales order is updated with packing-slip information. The supplier sends an invoice to a customer. The invoice is based on the customer's sales order data. This document can also serve as a credit note. The customer creates a purchase invoice that is based on the associated purchase order. Received invoices are placed in the invoice register, where they are manually processed. The supplier sends a free text invoice to the customer. Items on the free text invoice are billed for but are not listed as inventory items. This document has significantly fewer restrictions on input data than the sales invoice document. The free text invoice does not include inventory transactions and can also serve as credit note. 101

Sales order


Inbound Outbound

Sales confirmation



Advance shipment notice



Sales invoice



Purchase invoice AxdPurchaseInvoice


Free text invoice



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Business entity Document name
AxdReturnOrderAcknowled gment



Return order acknowledgment


The supplier sends an acknowledgment to the customer that a returned item has been received but not yet processed. This document follows the returned item and contains comments about repair, testing, and so on. The document can be sent to the customer, to the supplier, or to another partner.

Return order document


Inbound Outbound

Implement procure-to-pay: select supplier

The procure-to-pay process describes the customer's role in completing a transaction, from identifying a supplier to receiving merchandise. The procure-to-pay process is interrelated with the orders-to-cash process, which is the parallel process that occurs on the supplier side in which the supplier sends merchandise to a customer. Microsoft Dynamics AX supports the procure-to-pay process through its core functionality. Integration of this process with a supplier's system (or any other external system) is supported by Application Integration Framework (AIF). This topic discusses how Microsoft Dynamics AX and AIF support the component of the process in which a customer identifies and selects a supplier. Typical users of Microsoft Dynamics AX during the procure-to-pay process are the purchasing manager and the purchasing agent.

Before data can be exchanged electronically between a customer and a supplier in the procureto-pay process, the administrator must set up AIF. The supplier must be set up as an endpoint with the appropriate security, and the documents required to support the process must be enabled. For more information about how to set up AIF, see Exchanging documents electronically using AIF, Web services-based exchanges, and Adapter-based exchanges. In addition, the batch jobs must be set up so that when the purchasing agent sends the RFQ, it is sent to the selected vendors automatically. For more information about how to send documents electronically, see "Sending and receiving documents electronically" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

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Process overview
The procure-to-pay process includes these steps: 1. Identify and select a supplier. 2. Send and manage purchase orders. 3. Receive products. 4. Authorize and send payments. 5. Process product returns, if necessary. An RFQ is sent out by a customer to one or more suppliers to request the best price and delivery time for products. The customer's purchasing agent follows these procedures to identify and select a supplier.

Send a request for quotation (RFQ)

1. Click Accounts payable > Request for quote, and then add a new RFQ. For information about how to add a new RFQ, see "Create a request for quote" in the Application and Business Processes Help. 2. Select the vendors to whom the RFQ should be sent, and then send the RFQ. For information about how to send an RFQ, see "Send a request for quote" in the Application and Business Processes Help. After an RFQ is sent, the status of the RFQ changes to Sent, and a new RFQ journal is created. The AIF document class that is used to send the RFQ data is AxdRFQSend.

Supplier's response
In response to the customer's RFQ, the supplier edits a sales quote to give the customer information on delivery time, pricing, discounts, and any other terms included in the quote. The RFQ is now a legally binding sales quotation from the supplier to the customer. The supplier uses the outbound sales quotation document ( AxdCustomerQuotation) to send a sales quotation. Before the customer receives this information, AIF must be configured to map the data in the sales quotation to an inbound RFQ reply ( AxdRFQReply). This can be done by using a pipeline transformation or with middleware such as BizTalk. Therefore, the customer sales quote from a supplier enters the customer's system as an RFQ reply.

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Receive an RFQ reply

1. Click Accounts payable > Periodic > Request for quote > Request for quote reply. 2. Click Accounts payable > Periodic > Request for quote > Functions > Compare to open the Compare request for quote replies form and compare RFQ replies from suppliers. After you compare RFQ replies, accept a reply. This action causes all competing replies to be set to rejected, and you can select a reason code for the rejection. Accepting an RFQ reply also creates a purchase order for the specified vendor and an RFQ journal with a status of accepted. For more information about how to manage RFQ replies, see "Define a request for quote reply" in the Application and Business Processes Help. The AIF document class that is used to receive RFQ replies is AxdRFQReply.

Supplier's response
After the customer selects a supplier, the supplier sends pricing information. In addition to regular pricing, a supplier may offer a discount price for certain items. The supplier can put conditions on the discount, such as a date range in which the discount is valid or for a particular quantity of items. From the customer perspective, all pricing information is contained in a price/discount agreement journal. The supplier uses the outbound price list agreement (AxdPriceList) to send a price list. Before the customer receives this information, AIF must be configured to map the data in the price list to an inbound price/discount journal (AxdPriceDiscountJournal). This can be done by using a pipeline transformation or by using middleware such as BizTalk. Therefore, the price list from a supplier enters the customer's system as a price/discount agreement journal.

Receive price/discount information

1. Click Accounts payable > Journals > Price/Discount > Price/discount agreement journals. For more information about this form, see "Price/discount agreement journals (Form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. 2. Click Lines to make adjustments to the journal lines, validate, and post the journal. For more information about this form, see "Journal lines, price/discount agreement (Form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. The AIF document class that is used to receive a price/discount agreement journal is AxdPriceDiscountJournal.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Implement orders-to-cash: process RFQ and quote

The orders-to-cash process describes the supplier's role in completing a transaction with a customer, from receiving an order to sending merchandise. The orders-to-cash process is interrelated with the procure-to-pay process, which is the parallel process that occurs on the customer side in which the customer orders merchandise from the supplier. Microsoft Dynamics AX supports the orders-to-cash process through its core functionality. Integration of this process with a customer's system (or any other external system) is supported by Application Integration Framework (AIF). This topic discusses how Microsoft Dynamics AX and AIF support the component of the process in which a supplier processes a request for quote and sends pricing information to the customer. Typical users of Microsoft Dynamics AX during the orders-to-cash process are the account manager and the order processor.

Before data can be exchanged electronically between a supplier and a customer in the orders-tocash process, the administrator must set up AIF. The customer must be set up as an endpoint with the appropriate security, and the documents required to support the process must be enabled. For more information about how to set up AIF, see Exchanging documents electronically using AIF, Web services-based exchanges, and Adapter-based exchanges. In addition, the batch jobs must be set up so that when the account manager sends a sales quotation, it is sent to the customer automatically. For more information about how to send documents electronically, see "Sending and receiving documents electronically" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Process overview
The orders-to-cash process includes these steps: 1. Process a request for quote (RFQ) and send pricing information. 2. Receive, enter, and validate orders. 3. Schedule deliveries and manage backordered merchandise. 4. Route shipments. 5. Send invoices and collect payment from the customer. 6. Manage returns and authorize credit notes, if necessary. An RFQ is sent out by a customer to one or more suppliers to request the best price and delivery time for products. The supplier's account manager receives an RFQ from the purchasing agent and follows these procedures to process the RFQ and send pricing information.

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Customer sends an RFQ

The customer sends an RFQ using the outbound request for quote ( AxdRFQSend). Before the supplier receives this information, AIF must be configured to map the data in the RFQ to an inbound sales quote (AxdSalesQuotation). This can be done with a pipeline transformation or by using middleware such as BizTalk. Therefore, the RFQ from a customer enters the supplier's system as a sales quotation.

Receive a sales quotation

1. Click Accounts receivable > Sales quotation. Use this screen to follow the normal Microsoft Dynamics AX process and make the necessary updates, add line items, and associate the quote with a trade agreement. The AIF document class that is used to receive the sales quote from the customer is AxdSalesQuotation.

Send a sales quotation

The supplier modifies pricing and other information in the sales quote and then sends it to the customer, at which point it is a legally binding sales quotation. 1. Click Accounts receivable > Sales quotation. 2. Select a quote in the grid and click Updates > Quotation. For more information about sending a quote, see "Send quotation (Class Form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. After a sales quotation is sent, the status of the quote changes to Sent, and a new quotation journal is created. The AIF document class that is used to send the sales quote to the customer is AxdCustomerQuotation.

Send pricing information

After the sales quote is sent to the customer and accepted, the supplier sends the customer a price list. 1. Click Accounts receivable > Customers. 2. Select a customer in the grid and click Trade agrmt. > Send electronically. For more information about sending a price list, see "Send document electronically (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. The AIF document class that is used to send the sales quote to the customer is AxdPricelist.

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Adapter-based exchanges
A transport adapter is a software component that enables data to be exchanged asynchronously in Application Integration Framework (AIF). An asynchronous exchange is one in which documents are placed in a queue to wait for processing by different transport mechanisms. The transport adapters that are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX include: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) - Messages are sent and received through Message Queuing queues. File system - Messages are sent and received through file system directories. BizTalk Server - Messages are sent and received through BizTalk orchestrations.

For example, you may have a scenario where the chart of accounts is sent from Microsoft Dynamics AX to two external systems. The first system receives messages by checking a specific file system directory for files while the second system uses Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) to receive messages. In this case, whether the chart of accounts is sent to the first system or the second system, both messages are first placed in the queue in Microsoft Dynamics AX. For more information about how to configure a data exchange using adapters, see Configuring document exchanges with adapters. To start and stop processing in the queues, use the Microsoft Dynamics AX batch functionality. For more information, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. In the previous scenario, when the batch jobs start, they will pick up the messages in the queue. The batch jobs will send the first message to the appropriate directory and send the second message to the appropriate Message Queuing queue. How the messages are processed is defined by how the endpoint is configured and how the channel for that endpoint is configured.

AIF performance
When data is transferred in Application Integration Framework (AIF) using one of the adapters as the transport, messages move in and out of the system through the Microsoft Dynamics AX queue. This queue is known as the gateway queue. When using asynchronous adapters, some implementations may experience a performance impact when there is a high volume of messages sent to or from a particular endpoint. This performance impact is only experienced with asynchronous processing.

Inbound message processing

The processing flow for an inbound message is shown in the following diagram. The external system sends a message to Message Queuing (MSMQ), the file system, or BizTalk. The AIF gateway receive service polls for messages and then brings them into the gateway queue. The AIF inbound processing service takes them from the gateway queue and the business logic in the AIF document service processes the message and then saves it to the database.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Moving messages out of the gateway queue and invoking business logic to process the messages is sequential by default. That is, for each AIF destination endpoint, only one message can be processed at any given time. The transition of the message from the gateway queue and calling business logic can be a potential performance bottleneck. Even with multiple AOSes, all messages bound for the same endpoint are processed from the gateway queue sequentially, even if this processing order is not necessary from a business process perspective. The conceptual message path for an inbound message

Outbound message processing

The processing flow for an outbound message is shown in the following diagram. The AIF outbound processing service sends a message with data from the database to the outbound processing queue. The AIF gateway send service then moves the messages from the outbound processing queue and sends them to Message Queuing (MSMQ), the file system, or BizTalk. The external system then receives the message from the transport. When outbound messages are moved from the outbound processing queue to the gateway queue, all messages that are bound for the same destination endpoint are processed sequentially, by default. That is, for each AIF destination endpoint, only one message can be processed at any given time. The transition of the message from the outbound processing queue to the gateway queue can be a potential performance bottleneck. Even with multiple AOSes, all messages bound for the same destination endpoint are processed sequentially, even if this processing order is not necessary from a business process perspective. The conceptual message path for an outbound message

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Improve performance
To improve performance for data exchange using asynchronous adapters, AIF supports parallelism. Parallelism specifies that inbound messages are processed by one or more AOSes without regard to the order in which they are received or produced. This enables you to scale out message processing by adding multiple AOSes. Note that you can enable parallelism only for inbound channels. Enable parallelism Parallel processing in AIF is implemented on a per channel basis. Follow these steps to implement parallel processing. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Channels. 2. Select a channel and select the Parallel processing check box. Conversational parallelism Conversational parallelismalso known as ordered parallelismmeans that you can specify certain messages to be processed sequentially in a channel even when parallelism is enabled for that channel. This is done by including a special XML element called <ConversationId> in the messages that require sequential processing. All messages with the same ConversationId will then be processed sequentially. For more information about this message header element, see "Document Schema Overview" and "Message Header" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help. Note: If you do not select the Parallel processing field in the Channels form, all inbound messages for a particular endpoint will be processed sequentially and the <ConversationId> element in a message is ignored. Number of messages processed in parallel When you enable parallelism, the number of messages processed in parallel by the AOS is set to 1000 by default. Inbound messages that contain a ConversationId element value are processed sequentially and not in parallel. The MaximumInboundParallelMessages macro defines the number of inbound messages that are processed in parallel. The MaximumOutboundParallelMessages macro defines the number of outbound messages that are processed in parallel. You can change this number in the AIF macro in the AOT. You will need a developer license to access the AOT. To change the number of message processed in parallel, follow these steps. 1. Open the AOT and expand the Macros node. 2. Double-click the Aif macro to open it. 3. Find the following macro values and modify the number of messages according to your performance requirements.
#define.MaximumInboundParallelMessages #define.MaximumOutboundParallelMessages (1000) (1000)

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configuring document exchanges with adapters

There are two components which are used in setting up a document exchange using adapters in Application Integration Framework (AIF): Configuring the prerequisites Configuring the exchange

When you configure a document exchange that uses an adapter, you must first perform these tasks to configure the transport mechanism that you are using: For exchanges that use the file system, see Configure the file system for AIF. For exchanges that use Message Queuing, see Configure Message Queuing for AIF. For exchanges that use BizTalk, see Configure BizTalk for AIF.

Configure the exchange

To quickly configure a document exchange, follow the steps in the minimal configuration. If you want to customize or modify the document exchange, follow the steps in the extended configuration. Minimal configuration To set up a document exchange with the minimal configuration, perform the following steps: 1. Configure an adapter. In this step, specify which transport adapter the data transfer uses: file system, Message Queuing, or BizTalk. See Configure an adapter. This step is required. 2. Configure a channel. Specify the transport details for the exchange. See Creating and configuring channels and Create a channel. This step is required. 3. Enable the service. After you enable the service, the service operations (actions) are available for use by the endpoint. See Configure services. This step is required. 4. For inbound transfers, create the XML message and place it in the appropriate location as defined in the channel. This step is required. 5. Configure the Microsoft Dynamics AX batch jobs to send and receive messages. For inbound transfers, these jobs move messages from external locations (the file system, the Message Queuing queue, or BizTalk Server) into the internal queues and then save the data into the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. For outbound transfers, these jobs move messages into the internal queues and then to the external locations (the file system, the Message Queuing queue, or BizTalk Server). See Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. This step is required.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Extended configuration The extended configuration provides more flexibility and options for configuring the AIF components that make up the document exchange. This configuration allows you to create your own endpoints, configure actions for those endpoints, and specify endpoint action data policies. To set up a document exchange with the extended configuration, perform the following steps: 1. Create a local endpoint. See Create and configure local endpoints. This step is required if you are going to create an endpoint in a subsequent step. 2. Configure an adapter. In this step, you specify which transport adapter the data transfer uses: file system, Message Queuing, or BizTalk. See Configure an adapter. This step is required. 3. Create a channel. In this step, you specify the transport details for the exchange. See Creating and configuring channels and Create a channel. This step is required. 4. Enable the service. After you enable the service, the service operations (actions) are available for use by the endpoint. See Configure services. This step is required. 5. Create and configure an endpoint for the external system. This is only necessary if you do not use the default endpoint that ships in AIF. See Creating and configuring endpoints. This step is required if you are not going to use the default endpoint. 6. Configure the endpoint action policy to associate the desired actions with the endpoint. See Configure endpoint action policies. This step is required if you are not going to use the default endpoint. 7. For inbound transfers, create the XML message and place it in the appropriate location as defined the channel. This step is required. 8. Configure the Microsoft Dynamics AX batch jobs to send and receive messages. For inbound transfers, these jobs move messages from external locations (the file system, the Message Queuing queue, or BizTalk Server) into the internal queues and then save the data into the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. For outbound transfers, these jobs move messages into the internal queues and then to the external locations (the file system, the Message Queuing queue, or BizTalk Server). See Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. This step is required.

Other AIF settings

The following forms can be used when configuring a data exchange regardless of whether you are using the minimal configuration or the extended configuration: Use the Global settings form to configure global defaults for configuring adapters, actions, resource locks for batch processing, and schema validation, as well as the default encoding format for documents. For more information, see Configure global settings for document exchange.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Use the Pipeline components form to configure optional document transformations, including XSLT style sheet mapping or value substitutions. For more information, see Creating and configuring a pipeline. Use the Value Mapping form to set up optional predefined value mapping that is available for certain documents. For more information, see About value mapping.

Maintain integration with external software systems

After you have configured a document exchange using AIF, you will need to maintain that integration and possibly troubleshoot any errors that occur. This may include the following tasks: Checking error logs and message queues to monitor traffic. Stopping and restarting the framework when necessary. Reconfiguring the channel and endpoint if conditions change. Viewing the document history and deleting old messages.

For more information, see Managing document exchanges.

See Also
Adapter-based exchanges

Configure the file system for AIF

In Application Integration Framework (AIF), you can exchange documents with external systems by sending them to or reading them from a file system directory. When you use the file system adapter to exchange documents, you must add a channel for each directory (file folder) used in the exchange. If a new folder is required, you can use Windows Explorer to create the folder before you set up the channel or you can create the folder when you configure the channel.

Change the default owner for objects for an inbound file system transfer
When you use the file system for an inbound transfer, the default owner of objects in the inbound folder must be the user who is sending the files. AIF determines user validity by comparing the sending user to the endpoint users. This ensures that a file is owned by the user who sends it, and not by the Administrators group that the user belongs to. 1. Click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy. 2. In the console tree, click Local Policies, and then click Security Options. 3. In the details pane, double-click System Objects: Default owner for objects created by members of the administrator's group, and then change the owner from Administrator's group to Object creator. 4. Log off from the computer, and then log on.

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Change the owner of an inbound folder

The account that AOS service is running under must have all permissions (create, read, write, delete) on the inbound folder. Therefore, you must change the default owner of the inbound folder to the AOS service account with the following steps. 1. Create the folder for the inbound file system transfer. 2. Right-click the folder in Windows Explorer, and then click Properties. 3. On the Security tab, give Full Control permissions to the AOS account. If the outbound folder is on a separate machine, change the share permissions to allow the AOS account to have Full Control permissions, and then click Advanced. 4. On the Owner tab, set the Current owner of this item: field to be the logged-in user who will perform the document exchange. 5. Click Apply. 6. Click OK to exit the menus. 7. Log off from the computer, and then log on.

Change the owner of an outbound folder

The account that the AOS service is running under must have all permissions (create, read, write, delete) on the outbound folder. Therefore, you must change the default owner of the outbound folder to the AOS service account with the following steps. 1. Right-click the folder in Windows Explorer, and then click Properties. 2. On the Security tab, give Full Control permissions to the AOS account. If the outbound folder is on a separate machine, change the share permissions to allow the AOS account to have Full Control permissions, and then click Advanced. 3. On the Owner tab, set the Current owner of this item: field to be the logged-in user who will perform the document exchange. 4. Click Apply. 5. Click OK to exit the menus. 6. Log off from the computer, and then log on.

See Also
Configuring document exchanges with adapters Configuring document exchanges with Web services Creating and configuring channels Configure an adapter

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure Message Queuing for AIF

An adapter for Microsoft Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ) is included with your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. To send documents by using Message Queuing, you must install it on a computer on the network and create at least one public queue. Note: Whenever the word "queue" is used in this topic, it refers to a queue created and maintained using Message Queuing. To receive documents by using Message Queuing, you must install Message Queuing and create at least one queue on a computer that has the Application Object Server (AOS) installed, and that has been configured to run the Application Integration Framework (AIF) batch jobs. For more information about these batch jobs, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. To configure the MSMQ adapter (AifMSMQAdapter) for use in a channel, see Configure an adapter and Create a channel.

Signed messages
If you need to send signed messages, such as to other Microsoft Dynamics AX installations, you must run the AOS service under a domain account. By default, the AOS service runs under the Network Service account. Using the default service account can be an issue when you use AIF because when the AOS is running as Network Service, it cannot send signed messages. For more information, see "Install an Application Object Server (AOS) instance" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide. When you send a signed message, AIF validates that the sending user is a current user in the Active Directory directory service. The Network Service account is not in Active Directory so the message signing process will fail. Microsoft Dynamics AX requires that incoming messages be signed. Therefore, if you want to send documents from one Microsoft Dynamics AX installation to another, the messages must be signed. If the receiver of the documents does not require a signature, you can send documents unsigned as long as the AOS runs under the Network Service account. The rules for message signature and the AOS account are as follows: Unsigned messages can be sent whether the AOS is running as the Network Service account or a domain user. Signed messages can only be sent if the AOS is running as a domain user.

Install Message Queuing on a Windows Server 2003 computer

To configure Message Queuing to receive documents, you must install Message Queuing on a computer that has AOS installed. This computer must also be configured to run the AIF batch jobs that execute the AIF services. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components. 2. Select Application Server.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. Click Details. 4. Select Message Queuing. 5. Click Details. 6. Select Active Directory Integration and Common. 7. Click OK twice. 8. Click Next to install.

Create a queue
A queue for inbound messages can be either private or public. A queue for outbound messages must be public. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. 2. Under Services and Applications, expand the Message Queuing folder. 3. To create a new public queue, right-click the Public Queues folder and then click New > Public Queue. 4. To create a new private queue, right-click the Private Queues folder and then click New > Private Queue. Any queue used for receiving messages must be located on the same computer as the AOS that is configured to run the batch jobs that operate on the AIF queues. For more information, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. 5. Enter a name for the queue. 6. Click the Transactional check box. 7. Click OK.

Configure a queue for sending or receiving documents

AIF requires all inbound messages to be authenticated. When using Message Queuing, authenticated messages are passed to AIF through authenticated or unauthenticated queues. AIF does not provide authentication for outbound messages. Therefore, you must configure outbound queues to be unauthenticated. 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. 2. Under Services and Applications, expand the Message Queuing folder. 3. Right-click the queue that you created and then click Properties. 4. If you are configuring an inbound queue, on the General tab, select Authenticated. If you are configuring an outbound queue, clear Authenticated. Inbound messages must be authenticated. That is, inbound messages that are not authenticated fail to reach their destination (the local endpoint).

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. On the Security tab, set the access control lists (ACL) appropriately for all queues. When configuring the ACLs for newly created Message Queuing queues, be sure that the current, logged-in user retains Full Control over each queue. If the current, logged-in user is denied certain privileges, they may become locked out of the queue and unable to make changes. By default, Everyone and Anonymous Logon users can send messages to any newly created queue. Only the creator of the queue and an administrator can receive messages from the queues. For inbound queues, select Allow on Receive Message and Peek Message for the AOS account (the domain account or Network Service account associated with the AOS instance). Select Allow on Send Message, Get Properties, and Get Permissions for endpoint users only. For more information about how to configure endpoint users and trusted intermediaries, see Configure an endpoint. For outbound queues, set the ACLs to select Allow on Send Message, Get Properties, and Get Permissions for the Anonymous Logon user. Select Allow on Receive Message and Peek Message for endpoint users only. If the inbound queue is not on the same computer as the AOS, then two additional entries added to the queue's ACL. First, add the account for the AOS computer (for example, domain-name\computer-name$), and select Allow on Peek Message and Receive Message. Second, grant the Peek Message and Receive Message permissions for the Anonymous Logon user. 6. On the Security tab, click Advanced. 7. On the Owner tab, set the Current owner of this item: field to be the logged-in user who performs the document exchange. 8. Click OK to exit the menus. 9. Log off and then log back on to the computer.

See Also
Configuring document exchanges with adapters Configuring document exchanges with Web services

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure BizTalk for AIF

Application Integration Framework (AIF) ships with a BizTalk adapter that enables the exchange of data between your Microsoft Dynamics AX system and external systems using BizTalk Server. Although this type of exchange uses the BizTalk transport adapter (as opposed to Web services), the exchange can be configured to be synchronous or asynchronous. Asynchronous exchanges use the Microsoft Dynamics AX queues to move messages in and out of the system. To configure a document exchange using the BizTalk adapter, you must have Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 and Visual Studio 2005 installed and you must install the AIF BizTalk adapter, if you have not already done so. After you configure AIF, you must also configure a BizTalk assembly (application) to communicate with AIF. Note: Only Visual Studio 2005 is supported by BizTalk Server 2006. Using BizTalk as the transport mechanism in an exchange is useful when you need to make changes or transformations to the data during a transfer or if you have any integration requirements that are not covered by the logic in the AIF documents. Setting up an AIF exchange with BizTalk includes the following steps: 1. Set up the AIF environment. See How to: Configure AIF for use with BizTalk Server. 2. Create the BizTalk assembly. See How to: Create the BizTalk assembly. 3. Write the BizTalk application. For more information about configuring a document exchange with BizTalk, see the white paper Configure AIF BizTalk Adapter for Data Exchange.

How to: Configure AIF for use with BizTalk Server

The steps to configure Application Integration Framework (AIF) for use with Microsoft BizTalk Server include: 1. Check for prerequisites. 2. Set up the Business Connector proxy. 3. Install the BizTalk adapter on the server. 4. Configure the BizTalk transport adapter.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Check for prerequisites The following software must be installed to enable a BizTalk document exchange in Microsoft Dynamics AX: Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006. For more information on installing BizTalk, download the BizTalk Installation Guide. Visual Studio 2005. This is used to create the BizTalk orchestration that communicates with AIF. A core Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. This installation must be completed before you install the BizTalk adapter. Active Directory directory service configured in native mode.

Be sure the following are available in the domain:

Set up the Business Connector proxy The Business Connector proxy is a Microsoft Windows domain account that is used to connect to Microsoft Dynamics AX for applications that require act-on-behalf-of functionality for external users or users who have an intermittent network connection. The Business Connector proxy account should not be set up as a Microsoft Dynamics AX user account. If you have already set up the Business Connector proxy account, you do not need to set it up again. To set up the Business Connector proxy account, see "Install the .NET Business Connector" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide. Install the BizTalk adapter The BizTalk adapter is installed on the application integration server. For more information on installing the BizTalk adapter, see "Install the BizTalk adapter" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide. Enable the BizTalk adapter 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Transport adapters. 2. Press CTRL+N. 3. In the Adapter class list, select AifBizTalkAdapter. There may be a slight delay while Microsoft Dynamics AX scans for adapters. 4. Type a name for the adapter in the Name field. 5. To make the adapter available for use in a channel, click Active. 6. Close the form. Configure a channel to use the BizTalk adapter 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Channels. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new channel.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. Select AifBizTalkAdapter in the Adapter field. 4. Enter the unique identification information for the new channel, including an identifier in the Channel ID field and a friendly name in the Name field. 5. To activate the channel and allow it to participate in document exchanges, click Active. 6. The Direction field defaults to Both specifying that this channel can be used to send or receive messages. This field cannot be updated. 7. In the Address field, enter the name of the BizTalk group that contains the servers with which the adapter communicates. This group name does not need to correspond to a BizTalk group name; however, if all your servers are in the same BizTalk group, you may want the AIF group to match the BizTalk group for convenience. 8. Click Configure. 9. Enter the name of the BizTalk server that can connect to this channel. This is the machine name of the BizTalk server. You can enter multiple BizTalk servers in the grid and associate them with the new channel. Press CTRL+N to add each server to the list. 10. Press CTRL+S to save the channel. Next steps After you configure AIF for use with BizTalk, you must: Create the BizTalk assembly in Visual Studio. For more information, see How to: Create the BizTalk assembly. Configure document exchanges. For more information, see Configuring document exchanges with adapters.

For more information about configuring a document exchange with BizTalk, see the white paper Configure AIF BizTalk Adapter for Data Exchange.

How to: Create the BizTalk assembly

After the BizTalk adapter has been configured in Application Integration Framework (AIF), you are now ready to create the BizTalk assembly. This is the BizTalk application that communicates with AIF to exchange documents. The BizTalk assembly is written in Visual Studio. To use the BizTalk application to exchange documents, you must import the Microsoft Dynamics AX schemas for the specific documents that will be exchanged. Note: Only Visual Studio 2005 is supported by BizTalk Server 2006. For more information about configuring a document exchange with BizTalk, see the white paper Configure AIF BizTalk Adapter for Data Exchange.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Create the BizTalk assembly Create the BizTalk application in Visual Studio 2005. 1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and click File > New > Project. 2. Under Project types, click the BizTalk Projects node. 3. Select Empty BizTalk Server Project. 4. In the Name field, enter a name for the BizTalk project. 5. In the Location field, enter a directory location for the project. 6. In the Solution Name field, keep the default solution. You can enter an alternate name if you want the solution name to be different from the project name. 7. Click OK. Add a reference to the AIF schemas Add a reference to the Microsoft Dynamics AX schemas assembly from the BizTalk project. A reference to this assembly enables you to import a schema for a particular document. 1. In the Visual Studio 2005 Solution Explorer, right-click the References node and select Add Reference. 2. Click the Browse tab. 3. Browse to the Microsoft Dynamics AX install location of <Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Directory>\Client\Bin\ Microsoft.Dynamics.BizTalk.Adapter.Schemas.dll. 4. Double-click the assembly (.dll file). It will appear in the Selected projects and components grid. 5. Click OK. The assembly reference appears under the References node in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer. Import the schemas After a reference to the AIF document schemas has been created, you must import the document schemas. In these steps, you will select the appropriate schema for each action based on whether the exchange is inbound or outbound and whether it is synchronous or asynchronous. 1. In the Visual Studio 2005 Solution Explorer, right-click the project and select Add > Add Generated Items. 2. Under Categories, the Add Adapter Metadata node should be selected. In the Templates pane, select Add Adapter Metadata. 3. Click Add. The Add Adapter Wizard appears. 4. Select the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 adapter and click Next. 5. In the Server name field, enter the name of the server running the AOS. The name entered in this field should be the machine name of the server.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 6. In the TCP/IP Port field, enter the port of the AOS server and click Next. To find the server port, open the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Server Configuration Utility by clicking Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Server Configuration Utility. Select a configuration in the Configuration field to find the port number in the TCP/IP port field in the Settings frame. 7. In the Schema Import Wizard, you will see a list of the document schemas for document services that are enabled in AIF. For example, if you have enabled the sales order service, you will see it listed as SalesOrderService. Expand the service node and select the actions for which you want to import schemas. Note: In order to import document service schemas into a BizTalk project, you must have at least one service enabled in Microsoft Dynamics AX. 8. Click Finish. The schemas for the selected documents can be seen in the Solution Explorer (.xsd file). An orchestration has also been created. Select the message schema For each message type that will be processed in the orchestration, you must specify the schema in the multi-part messages types property. 1. In Solution Explorer, double-click the orchestration (.odx file) to open it. 2. In the Orchestration View, expand the Types node and then expand the Multi-part Message Types node. There will be a node for each schema imported, for example, SalesOrderService_create_Request, SalesOrderServer_create_Response, and so on. 3. Expand each of the child nodes, click the Body node, and open the Type property drop-down list. 4. In the drop-down list, expand the Schemas node and click Select from referenced assembly. The Select Artifact Type dialog box appears. 5. Expand the Microsoft.Dynamics.BizTalk.Adapter.Schemas node and click the { } DynamicsAx5 node 6. In the Type Name field, select the corresponding schema type, for example, EntityKey, and click OK.

Configure global settings for document exchange

In the Integration Framework global settings form, you can set global defaults for AIF components including: Actions Resource locks Schema validation Default encoding format for documents Response cache messages 121

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Set the maximum resource locking interval

The default value for the resource locking interval is 30 minutes. The locking interval only needs to be modified if you have multiple Application Object Server (AOS) instances running. The maximum resource locking interval determines how often the various services lock resources when processing messages. This setting is used by the gateway service to lock channels for inbound and outbound processing, by the inbound processing service to lock channels for inbound processing, and by the outbound processing service to lock endpoints for outbound processing. An example of resource locking is if you have two AOS instances, AOS1 and AOS2. When AOS1 retrieves messages from the channel, it locks the channel so that AOS2 cannot access those messages and send them out twice. If AOS1 fails, that channel remains locked for the time specified in the global settings. If AOS1 remains unavailable, when the lock expires after 30 minutes, AOS2 can access those messages and deliver them. It is recommended that you monitor the volume of exchanges for your particular system and then set the maximum locking interval. If the locking interval is too short, the locks expire faster. When a lock expires and another AOS is available, the same channel or endpoint is processed again. This can lead to wasted resources because the channel or endpoint is processed continuously when no messages are present. If the locking interval is too long, it takes the system longer to recover in the event of a system failure.

You should change the maximum locking interval after monitoring the volume of exchanges for your particular system. For adapter-based exchanges, AIF implements a scheme for locking endpoints and channels to guarantee that messages are processed in a particular order. After one of the AIF services (AifInboundProcessingService, AifOutboundProcessingService, GatewaySendService, and GatewayReceiveService) begins processing messages related to a channel or an endpoint, a lock is set for that resource. If the service stops processing the resource before all messages have been transferred, the lock on the resource expires after the maximum locking interval, and another service can begin processing that resource. For more information about the AIF batch services, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. The default value for the maximum resource locking interval is 30 minutes. If your installation only runs one instance of the AIF services, and those services are interrupted while processing channels or endpoints, the maximum time before the services can begin processing again is 30 minutes.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX However, if you are exchanging documents using more than one channel or more than one endpoint and you use multiple AOS instances installed on multiple computers, you may need to set the maximum locking interval for channels and endpoints. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. Enter the time in minutes in the Maximum resource locking interval (minutes) field. 3. Press CTRL+S to save.

Set the default encoding format

The default encoding format specifies the encoding of the documents exchanged with an endpoint. When a new endpoint is created, the encoding format for that endpoint defaults to the specified value in the global settings. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. In the Default encoding format field, select a supported encoding format from the list to be used as the default on the Endpoints form. 3. Press CTRL+S to save.

Set up validation for outbound documents

If you select this option, the XML format for all outbound messages will be validated against the document class schema. For more information about document schemas, see "Document Schema Overview" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. Select the Validate outbound schema field. 3. Press CTRL+S to save. Note: Choosing to validate the schema for every outbound document may negatively impact performance.

Set the response cache lifetime

The response cache lifetime specifies the time in hours that message responses are cached. This setting is only used when you set the EnableIdempotence property for a particular service operation to true in the AOT. If a service operation has idempotency enabled, the response message for any message that calls that operation is cached. If a duplicate message is received, AIF generates an error and sends the original response back as part of the generated error. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. In the Response cache lifetime (hours) field, enter the number of hours that response messages must be cached. 3. Press CTRL+S to save.

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Create and configure local endpoints

The local endpoint refers to your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. A local endpoint is the origination for sent messages and the destination for received messages. There may be more than one local endpoint, depending on how many companies are configured for your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. The name of the local endpoint identifies you to external systems. Therefore, we recommend that the name for the local endpoint be representative of the Microsoft Dynamics AX company name that participates in the exchange. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Local endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new local endpoint record. 3. Select a company from the Company field. 4. Enter a name for the endpoint in the Local endpoint field. The name for the local endpoint should be representative of the Microsoft Dynamics AX company name that participates in the exchange. 5. Press CTRL+S to save the data.

See Also
Configuring document exchanges with adapters Configuring document exchanges with Web services

Creating and configuring actions

In Application Integration Framework (AIF), there are two types of actions: ServiceOperation SendXML

A ServiceOperation action defines an action that is available from a service. A SendXML action defines an action that is independent of any service or class and is used in X++ to send XML (outbound). The Actions form displays all of the actions that are available.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

ServiceOperation Actions
The services that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX come with one or more of the actions in the following table. These actions are ServiceOperation actions and are read-only in the Actions form.
Service operation


Accepts XML data, writes a record to the database, and returns the ID of the new record. Accepts ID values and deletes the associated records. Accepts query criteria and returns the matching data. Accepts query criteria and returns IDs of the matching data. Accepts a list of IDs and returns the associated data. Accepts a list of IDs and data and updates the associated records in the database.

delete find findKeys read update

Each service does not implement all of the available actions. Rather, each service implements actions based on the requirements of the business process that the service supports. Follow these steps for more information about the service operations that are supported by a service: 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Services 2. Select a service and click > Service Operations. The Service Operations form lists all of the available operations. 3. To view the parameters for a service operation, select the operation and click Parameter schema.

SendXML action type

You can use the SendXML action type when you want to create an action that is not a service operation. In the Actions form you can add, modify, or delete a SendXML action. For more information about creating and configuring a SendXML action, see Create and configure a SendXML action.

Security note for inbound documents

Certain actions, such as creating exchange rates, cause data to be written directly to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database without manual end-user verification. When configuring endpoints and creating new actions, be careful to restrict access to trusted and reliable partners and applications.

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Create and configure a SendXML action

The Actions form displays all of the actions that are available. ServiceOperation actions are defined in the AOT as part of a service. Therefore, they cannot be modified in the Actions form. However, the Actions form is used to add, modify, or delete SendXML actions. In Application Integration Framework (AIF), there are two types of actions: ServiceOperation and SendXML. A ServiceOperation action defines an action that is available from a service. A SendXML action defines an action that is independent of any service or class and is used in X++ to send XML (outbound). Add a SendXML action 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Actions. 2. Press CTRL+N to add a new record and click the General tab. 3. In the Action field, type a unique action identifier. 4. In the Name field, type the action name. 5. Select the Enabled field to enable the action for use. 6. In the External identifier field, type an external identifier name. This is the externally-facing name of the action. 7. In the Description field, type a description. The action type defaults to SendXml. The action can now be used like other AIF actions and associated with an endpoint, configured with pipeline components, and so on. Configure a SendXML action 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Actions. 2. Click the General tab. The fields that you can edit are: Name Enabled External identifier Description

Delete a SendXML action 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Actions. 2. Select an action and click ALT+F9. Note: You should ensure that an action is not used in an action policy for any endpoints before deleting the action.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure an adapter
Adapters are the software components that enable document exchange by communicating with specific transport mechanisms. Microsoft Dynamics AX ships with adapters for the following transports: File system (AifFileSystemAdapter) Microsoft Message Queuing (AifMSMQAdapter) BizTalk Server (AifBizTalkAdapter)

AIF uses these adapters to exchange data with external systems via the specific transport. Therefore, if you implement an exchange with an external system that is required to use BizTalk, you must set up the exchange to use the BizTalk adapter. AIF also provides the ability for developers to create custom adapters for your own specific needs. After a custom adapter has been created (coded), you add it to the list of available adapters and enable it. Then you create and configure a new channel to use the new adapter. Note that an adapter can only be deleted if it has no corresponding channels.

Configure an adapter
Follow these steps to configure a transport adapter. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Transport adapters. 2. Select the adapter that you want to use from the Adapter class field. There may be a slight delay while Microsoft Dynamics AX scans for adapters. 3. Type a name for the adapter in the Name field. 4. Click Active to make the adapter available for use in a channel. 5. If the adapter has been implemented as unidirectional, on the General tab, select a direction (inbound or outbound) for the adapter. If the adapter is not set to unidirectional, the direction for the adapter appears as it has been implemented and you cannot change it. 6. The Hosted check box indicates whether the adapter is hosted. A hosted adapter uses the gateway queue to send and receive message, for example the file system and MSMQ adapters. An adapter that is isolated is external to the AIF gateway service and is implemented so that it controls the sending or receiving of messages. The BizTalk adapter does not use the gateway queue to send and receive messages.

For more information about the AIF gateway service, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services.

See Also
Configuring document exchanges with adapters Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services Server and Database Administration Guide 127

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Creating and configuring channels

Channels define the transport method that enables messages to move in and out of Application Integration Framework (AIF) to reach the endpoint. The channel defines the specifics for a particular transport adapter. For example, if you create a channel that uses the file system adapter, that channel specifies the directory in which the files will be sent or received. Before configuring a channel, at least one transport adapter must be available. For more information, see Configure an adapter. A channel may support transfers that are inbound only, outbound only, or both. The configuration settings are different depending on the direction for the transfer in the channel and the type of adapter that the channel uses. An inbound channel may use a response channel to which verification or error responses are sent. Three adapters are included with each Microsoft Dynamics AX installation to enable transfers by using: The file system Message Queuing (also known as MSMQ) BizTalk

These adapters are available for channel configuration without any customization of your installation. For more information about how to create a channel, see Create a channel.

See Also
Configuring document exchanges with adapters

Create a channel
Channels define the transport method and transport address that enable messages to move in and out of the framework to reach the endpoint. Before configuring a channel, you must have activated an adapter on the Transport adapters form. For more information, see Configure an adapter. Create a channel to use the file system adapter 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Channels. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new channel. 3. Enter the identification information for the new channel, including a unique identifier in the Channel ID field and a friendly name in the Name field. 4. Select File System Adapter in the Adapter field. Note: You must first have activated the file system adapter on the Transport adapters form before it appears in the list of available adapters.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. Click Active to activate the channel and allow it to participate in document exchanges. 6. Select from the available directions for the transfers to be performed in this channel (Inbound, Outbound, or Both). The list of available directions depends on the adapter. 7. If you have selected a direction of Inbound, select Parallel processing to enable inbound messages for this channel to be processed in parallel by multiple AOSes. This means that messages are processed without regard to the order in which they are received or produced. For more information, see AIF performance. When this field is cleared, messages for this channel will be processed sequentially. 8. In the Address field, select a directory (file folder) for the channel to use. You can select an existing directory or you can make a new directory by clicking Make New Folder. 9. On the General tab, set the Maximum batch size to the maximum number of messages to be processed at one time from the queues. Note: You can select Unlimited if you do not want to limit this number. 10. If the direction is set to Inbound, you can select a response channel. The response channel is used to respond back to the source endpoint with verification results or error responses to inbound transfers. For example, if an external system sends a message that contains the sales order service read action and a sales order entity key to an endpoint, a document containing the sales order is sent back to the external system through the response channel of the channel that received the request. Create a channel to use the MSMQ adapter 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Channels. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new channel. 3. Enter the identification information for the new channel, including a unique identifier in the Channel ID field and a friendly name in the Name field. 4. Select MSMQ Adapter in the Adapter field. Note: You must first have activated the MSMQ adapter on the Transport adapters form before it appears in the list of available adapters. 5. Click Active to activate the channel and allow it to participate in document exchanges. 6. Select from the available directions for the transfers to be performed in this channel (Inbound, Outbound, or Both). The list of available directions depends on the adapter. 7. If you have selected a direction of Inbound, select Parallel processing to enable inbound messages for this channel to be processed in parallel by multiple AOSes. This means that messages are processed without regard to the order in which they are received or produced. For more information, see AIF performance. When this field is cleared, messages for this channel will be processed sequentially.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 8. In the Address field, select an existing queue for the channel to use. Note: When creating the queue in Message Queuing, be sure to select the Transactional field; otherwise, the queue will not be available as a channel address. 9. On the General tab, set the Maximum batch size to the maximum number of messages to be processed at one time from the queues. Note: You can select Unlimited if you do not want to limit this number. 10. If the direction is set to Inbound, you can select a response channel. The response channel is used to respond back to the source endpoint with verification results or error responses to inbound transfers. For example, if an external system sends a message that contains the sales order service read action and a sales order entity key to an endpoint, a document containing the sales order is sent back to the external system through the response channel of the channel that received the request. Create a channel to use the BizTalk adapter 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Channels. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new channel. 3. Enter the identification information for the new channel, including a unique identifier in the Channel ID field and a friendly name in the Name field. 4. Select File System Adapter in the Adapter field. Note: You must first have activated the file system adapter on the Transport adapters form before it appears in the list of available adapters. 5. Click Active to activate the channel and allow it to participate in document exchanges. 6. Select from the available directions for the transfers to be performed in this channel (Inbound, Outbound, or Both). The list of available directions depends on the adapter. 7. If you have selected a direction of Inbound, select Parallel processing to enable inbound messages for this channel to be processed in parallel by multiple AOSes. This means that messages are processed without regard to the order in which they are received or produced. For more information, see AIF performance. When this field is cleared, messages for this channel will be processed sequentially. 8. In the Address field, type the name of the BizTalk group to use. 9. On the General tab, set the Maximum batch size to the maximum number of messages to be processed at one time from the queues. Note: You can select Unlimited if you do not want to limit this number.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 10. Click Configure. 11. Enter the names of the computers running BizTalk Server that belong to the specified BizTalk group. Press CTRL+N to add each server to the list. Note: The Configure button is available depending on the type of adapter that you are using in the channel.

See Also
Configure the file system for AIF Configure Message Queuing for AIF Configure BizTalk for AIF Configure an adapter

Creating and configuring endpoints

Using Application Integration Framework (AIF), you enable document exchanges between endpoints and the local endpoint. The local endpoint refers to your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. A local endpoint is the origination for sent messages and the destination for received messages. An endpoint represents the external system that participates in data exchange. An endpoint is the destination for a sent document and the source of a received document. For more information about creating and configuring endpoints see Create an endpoint and Configure an endpoint Default endpoint Microsoft Dynamics AX ships with an endpoint called the default endpoint. Therefore, it is not necessary to create an endpoint for data exchange. Creating and configuring a specific endpoint is optional, and if a message does not specify an endpoint, AIF implicitly uses the default endpoint. If you disable the default endpoint in Microsoft Dynamics AX, then you must create a specific endpoint and all requests must reference that endpoint or the message will be rejected. Specific endpoints You may want to create endpoints for data exchange for a variety of reasons. Endpoints are useful in business-to-business scenarios where you want put restrictions on a data exchange. With endpoints you can: Set constraints on the endpoint. Constraints specify that messages can only be sent to or received from specific customers, vendors, or warehouses. Implement a higher level of security by assigning specific users or groups to an endpoint. This ensures that only certain users can send messages to AIF.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Assign actions to an endpoint to restrict the types of data exchanges in which the endpoint can participate. Set data policies on an endpoint to restrict the data that can be retrieved or updated. Implement custom configuration requirements like XSLT transformations, value mapping, and custom pipeline components. Customize the message logging for each action associated with an endpoint.

Prerequisites Before you can create an endpoint, the following must already exist and be configured: A local endpoint. A named service operation for the exchange, for example, For more information, see Creating and configuring actions. Microsoft Dynamics AX users that will be associated with the endpoint. An outbound channel must be already be defined if needed.

Endpoint information When you configure an endpoint, you enter information about the following: Identifying information for the endpoint, including a unique identifier, a friendly name, the active status, error handling information, the associated channel, and the Microsoft Dynamics AX company identification. Constraints on the endpoint that restrict document exchange by defining valid Microsoft Dynamics AX customers, vendors, or warehouses. Microsoft Dynamics AX users and trusted intermediaries that are allowed to submit documents for the exchange. Endpoint action policies that relate actions to the endpoint. Pipeline components for any optional document transformations for the action related to the endpoint. Endpoint action data policies (also known as data policies) that define which fields in a document are allowed or required to participate in the exchange. Document configuration options, including value mapping. For more information, see About value mapping and "Set up external codes for AIF" in Applications and Business Processes.

Create an endpoint
Before you can create an endpoint, the following must already exist and be configured: A local endpoint. An enabled service operation for the exchange, for example, For more information, see Creating and configuring actions. Microsoft Dynamics AX users that will be associated with the endpoint. An outbound channel must be already be defined if needed. 132

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Create the endpoint 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint. 3. In the Endpoint ID field, type a unique identifier for the endpoint. 4. In the Name field, type a friendly name. 5. Select Propagate errors to return detailed error messages to the endpoint. Note: By default, Microsoft Dynamics AX logs detailed errors and sends a generic error back to the endpoint. Enabling this field will send the detailed error to the endpoint and could be a potential security risk. Only select this field if it is acceptable to send detailed error information to an endpoint. 6. Do not select Intercompany organization unless the endpoint is to be used in an intercompany transfer. For more information about these transfers, see "Manage intercompany sales orders" or "Manage intercompany purchase orders" in the Application and Business Processes Help. 7. If you select Intercompany organization, then you must select a company in the Company field. 8. In the Outbound channel ID field, select an outbound channel. You must select a channel if the endpoint will be used in an adapter-based exchange and data is to be sent outbound from Microsoft Dynamics AX to the endpoint. If the endpoint is participating only in Web servicesbased exchanges, the outbound channel is not necessary. 9. In the Local endpoint ID field, select the identifier for the local endpoint (your system) that participates in the exchange with the endpoint that you are configuring. 10. In the Default encoding format field, select the encoding format for this endpoint. 11. On the Constraints tab, enter the data constraints for the endpoint to restrict the data that can be processed by the endpoint. To allow data to be exchanged regardless of any associations, click No constraints. For more information, see Configure an endpoint. After selecting, the No constraints check box becomes unavailable. However, if you add constraints later, the check box clears itself. 12. On the Overview tab, select Active to enable the endpoint to participate in data exchanges.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 13. On the Users tab, enter information to restrict users that are authorized to initiate transactions for the endpoint. In the User type field, select either User or User group. You can also designate trusted intermediaries on the Users tab. Trusted intermediaries are middleware applications that reside between external endpoints and Application Integration Framework (AIF), that is, they are Microsoft Dynamics AX users (or user groups) that are authorized to submit inbound requests on behalf of the endpoint. For more information about trusted intermediaries, see Security considerations for AIF. Notes: When configuring users on an endpoint, keep in mind that these Microsoft Dynamics AX users may represent outside interests and must have permissions set appropriately. For more information about configuring Microsoft Dynamics AX users, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide and the following topics in the System and Application Setup Help: "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations," "Manage user groups," and "Manage users." You must also set the appropriate security keys and record-level security for any users that are granted access to Microsoft Dynamics AX through AIF to help prevent unauthorized data access. For more information, see "Manage record level security" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Certain actions cause data to be written directly to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database without manual end-user verification (for example, creating exchange rates). When configuring endpoints and creating new actions, be especially careful to restrict access to trusted and reliable partners and applications.

14. Click Action policies to configure actions on the endpoint with the Endpoint Action Policies form. Examples of actions include the service operations read and create. For information on setting up action policies, see Configure endpoint action policies. 15. From the Endpoint Action Policies form you can select an action and click Data Policies to enter the data policy, that is, information about which fields are required and which are optional in the document to be exchanged. For details on setting up data policies, see Configure endpoint action data policies. 16. From the Endpoint Action Policies form, you can click Configure to perform documentspecific configuration, including value mapping. Value mapping is the translation of field data values based on business rules, for example, translating internal item numbers to vendorspecific item numbers or industry standard numbers depending on the trading partner. For more information, see Configure endpoint action data policies.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Enabled fields The fields that are enabled for an endpoint depend on the type of endpoint that you are configuring as shown in the following table.
Field Default endpoint Standard endpoint Intercompany endpoint

Endpoint ID


Yes (when adding new Yes (when adding new endpoint) endpoint) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Name Active Propagate errors Intercompany organization Company Outbound channel ID Local endpoint ID Default encoding format

No Yes Yes No

No No No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes No No No

Troubleshooting trusted intermediary If you receive an error on an inbound message and it was submitted by a trusted intermediary, it may be due to the fact that the submitting user of the message and the user specified in the message SourceEndpointUser element are not in the same Microsoft Dynamics AX domain. The trusted intermediary is a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user that is allowed to submit AIF messages. Typically, the trusted intermediary does not have access to the AIF services. The source endpoint user is a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user that has access to the AIF services. If the user submitting the message (the trusted intermediary) is in a different domain than the source endpoint user, you may receive an error. To resolve this problem, give the source endpoint user open domain access permissions. To locate the security key for these permissions, use the following steps. 1. Open Administration > Setup > User groups. 2. Click Permissions.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. On the Permissions tab, expand the Administration node and select Open domain access. Note: This refers to Microsoft Dynamics AX domains and not Active Directory domains. Microsoft Dynamics AX domains are defined in Administration > Setup > Domains. For more information, see "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations" in and "Manage domains" in the System and Application Setup Help.

Configure an endpoint
When you configure an endpoint, you enter information in the Endpoints form about the following: Identifying information for the endpoint, including a unique identifier, a friendly name, the active status, error handling information, the intercompany status, local endpoint, Microsoft Dynamics AX company identification for an intercompany exchange, outbound channel information, and encoding format for the transfer. Constraints on the endpoint that restrict document exchange by defining valid Microsoft Dynamics AX customers, vendors, or warehouses. Microsoft Dynamics AX users and trusted intermediaries that are allowed to submit documents for the exchange. Endpoint action policies that relate actions to the endpoint. Pipeline components for an action related to the endpoint. Endpoint action data policies that define which fields in a document are allowed or required for the exchange.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Available tabs In the Endpoints form, user interface tabs are available depending on what type of endpoint you select in the Overview tab.
Endpoint type Tabs enabled

Default endpoint

Overview General Overview General Constraints Users Overview General Constraints

Specific endpoint

Specific intercompany endpoint

Default endpoint Microsoft Dynamics AX ships with a default endpoint that can be used to enable data exchanges as soon as services are generated. The default endpoint has minimal configuration options, and you cannot add any constraints or users to the default endpoint. By default, all actions are enabled for the default endpoint but you must still enable the service actions on the AIF Services form. You can change the following options on the default endpoint: In the Endpoints form, you can update the Active field and the Propagate errors field. For more information about these fields, see Create an endpoint. In the Endpoint Action Policies form, you can enable and configure actions. In the Endpoint action data policies form, you can define which fields are allowed or required in the data exchange. In the Pipeline components form, you can define data transformations for inbound or outbound exchanges. In the Parameter Schemas form, you can view the schema of the action parameters and the return value and optionally save them to an .xsd file. In the Value Mapping form, you can configure value mapping.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure endpoint identification 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework.> Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint, or select an existing endpoint from the list to be modified. 3. Enter the information for the endpoint on the General tab, including the unique endpoint identification information, the friendly name for the endpoint, the local endpoint ID, and the default encoding format. 4. Select Propagate errors to return detailed error messages to the endpoint. Note: By default, Microsoft Dynamics AX logs detailed errors and sends a generic error back to the endpoint. Enabling this field will send the detailed error to the endpoint. Only select this field if it is acceptable to send detailed error information to an endpoint. 5. For intercompany transfers, select Intercompany organization if the endpoint is a company within your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation, and select a company in the Company field. 6. Do not select Intercompany organization unless the endpoint is to be used in an intercompany transfer. For more information about these transfers, see "Manage intercompany sales orders" or "Manage intercompany purchase orders" in the Application and Business Processes Help. 7. Selecting an outbound channel is not required for all exchanges. However, if your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation is sending messages to this endpoint (for example, if you are configuring an outbound-only exchange), you must select a channel in the Outbound channel ID field. 8. In the Local endpoint ID field, select the local endpoint that participates in exchanges with this endpoint. Note: There may be more than one local endpoint configured for your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. If that is the case, then make sure to select the correct local endpoint to participate in the exchange with the endpoint that you are configuring. 9. View the pre-populated setting for encoding format in the Default encoding format field. This setting defaults to the value set on the Integration Framework global settings form.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure constraints on an endpoint and activate the endpoint 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint, or select an existing endpoint from the list to be modified. Note: You cannot add constraints to the default endpoint so the Constraints tab will not be enabled if the default endpoint is selected. 3. On the Constraints tab, select No constraints to clear the form and allow data to be exchanged regardless of any association. The No constraints check box becomes unavailable. However, if you add constraints later, the check box clears itself. 4. Press CTRL+N to create a new constraint. 5. Choose the Constraint type (Vendor, Customer, or Warehouse). 6. Select a Constraint ID from the list. The Name field is completed when you select the Constraint ID. 7. On the Overview tab, select Active to activate the endpoint. Messages flow through the framework from the local endpoint to and from any active endpoints. Configure users and trusted intermediaries for an endpoint You must enter information for at least one endpoint user or trusted intermediary who is authorized to initiate transactions for the endpoint on the Users tab. Notes: When configuring users on an endpoint, remember that these Microsoft Dynamics AX users may represent outside interests and must have permissions set appropriately. For more information about configuring Microsoft Dynamics AX users, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide and the following topics in the System and Application Setup Help: "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations," "Manage user groups," and "Manage users." You must also set the appropriate security keys and record-level security for any users that are granted access to Microsoft Dynamics AX through Application Integration Framework (AIF), to help prevent unauthorized data access. For more information, see "Manage record level security" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Certain actions cause data to be written directly to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database without manual end-user verification (for example, creating exchange rates). When configuring endpoints and creating new actions, be especially careful to restrict access to trusted and reliable partners or applications.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure an endpoint user 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint, or select an existing endpoint from the list to be modified. Note: You cannot add users or user groups to the default endpoint so the Users tab will not be enabled if the default endpoint is selected. 3. Click the Users tab. 4. Under Endpoint users, in the User type field, select either User or User group. 5. In the Application user or group field, select a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user or user group name. The Name field is filled in automatically. For more information about Microsoft Dynamics AX users and user groups, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the System and Application Setup Help. Configure a trusted intermediary Trusted intermediaries are middleware applications that reside between external endpoints and AIF. That is, they are Microsoft Dynamics AX users (or user groups) that are authorized to submit inbound requests on behalf of the endpoint. A trusted intermediary prevents an unauthorized user from accessing AIF and is typically used in a business-to-business data exchange scenario. For more information about trusted intermediaries, see Security considerations for AIF. For more information about Microsoft Dynamics AX users and user groups, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the System and Application Setup Help. 1. Under Trusted intermediaries, select Use trusted intermediary to enable a trusted intermediary for exchanges with this endpoint. Note: If the Use trusted intermediary box is checked, there must be at least one entry in the Trusted intermediaries grid. 2. Under Trusted intermediaries, in the User type field, also select either User or User group. 3. In the Application user or group field, select a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user or user group name. The Name field is filled in automatically. Configure action policies, data policies, and pipeline components for an endpoint 1. After you have completed the preceding steps, click Action policies to configure actions on the endpoint. For more information about action policies, see Configure endpoint action policies. 2. Press CTRL+S to save the action policy.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. From the Endpoint Action Policies form, select an action, press CTRL+S, and click Data Policies to enter information about which fields are required and which are optional in the document to be exchanged. 4. Click Configure to perform document-specific configuration, including value mapping, for the document exchange. Value mapping is translation of field data values based on business rules, for example, translating internal item numbers to vendor-specific item numbers or industry standard numbers depending on the trading partner. For more information, see Configure endpoint action data policies. 5. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline to configure the pipeline components for any custom transformations performed on the document. For more information, see Creating and configuring a pipeline. 6. Click Parameter schema to see a list of parameters and the return value for the selected action. On the Parameter Schemas form, click View schema to view the XML schema for the selected parameter or return value. On the Schema form, you can click Save as to save the schema as an .xsd file. Give the endpoint user access to Business Connector when using Web services When you configure an endpoint for Web services, you must configure an endpoint user and/or trusted intermediary, as outlined above. Next, you must give that Microsoft Dynamics AX user or user group access to the Business Connector. 1. Click Administration > Setup > User groups and select the user group for the endpoint, or the user group that contains the user for the endpoint. 2. Click Permissions. 3. On the Permissions tab, select Business Connector and then select Full control. 4. Click Cascade. Disable an endpoint To disable an endpoint, follow these steps. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint in the grid and clear the Active field. Important: For adapter-based exchanges, outbound messages are processed completely even when the endpoint is disabled during processing and a response may still be sent. To ensure that no data is sent from AIF when disabling an endpoint, first disable the batch processing jobs. Be sure that there are no outbound messages in the queue, disable the endpoint, and then restart the batch processing jobs.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure endpoint action policies

To enable exchange of documents for endpoints, you must select which actions an endpoint may perform. This process is called configuring endpoint action policies. Typically, you associate service actions with an endpoint. These actions are defined as ServiceOperation actions in the Actions form. For example, the CustCustomerService.create action creates a new customer in Microsoft Dynamics AX. ServiceOperation actions are registered automatically so you do not need to create or enable them. You may also associate a SendXML action with an endpoint. A SendXML action defines an action that is independent of any service or class and is used in X++ to send XML (outbound). For more information about actions, see Creating and configuring actions.

Associate an action with an endpoint

The default endpoint automatically has all service actions enabled. However, you must ensure that the service associated with the actions that you want to use is enabled. For more information, see Configure services. Follow these steps to configure actions on an endpoint other than the default endpoint. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint to configure and click Action policies. The Overview tab lists the available actions that are currently associated with the endpoint. Note: By default, all actions for all services as defined in the AOT are associated with the default endpoint. You do not need to enable them in the Actions form. 3. Press CTRL+N to enter a new action policy. 4. Click the General tab. In the Action ID field, select the action that you want to associate with the endpoint. The name of the action in the Action ID field and the name of the service class in the Class name field cannot be changed. 5. Select the Is default policy check box to use the default data policy. The default data policy specifies that all fields defined in the message schema will be used in the exchange. If you clear this field, the Data Policies button is enabled, and you can modify the data policy for the action. Note: This field is only editable for the default endpoint. By default, the Is default policy check box is selected for all actions associated with the default endpoint. If you want to modify the data policy for an action associated with the default endpoint, you must clear this field.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 6. You can change the status of an action associated with the endpoint to Enabled, Disabled, or Hold. Select Enabled to make the action active for this endpoint. Selecting Disabled has the same effect as if the action was not configured on the endpoint. Select Hold to prevent outbound documents from being passed to the adapter and inbound documents from being passed to the document class. If the action status is Hold, the document is held in the queue and may be examined and resubmitted. For more information, see Edit and resubmit messages in the queues. For a synchronous exchange such as a Web service, an error message is generated for the hold condition. In the External identifier override field, type an action identifier to override the External identifier field on the Actions form. Any messages referencing this endpoint and action must use the external identifier in the <Action> tag. 7. Select the Automatically respond to errors check box to send any errors that are encountered back to the caller. 8. Press CTRL+S to save.

Select a logging mode for an action on an endpoint

The logging mode defines how messages are logged on a per action per endpoint basis. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint and click Action policies. 3. Select an action on the Overview tab. 4. On the General tab, select a logging mode for the endpoint action. Log Original captures only the information for the initial document exchange. Log All captures information about every transfer including all the different versions of a document, for example, the submitted XML, the XML generated after each pipeline transformation is applied, and so on. Log None stores no data for this action and endpoint.

To view the document history by message or by document, click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure document-specific options including value mapping

1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint and click Action policies. 3. Select an action on the Overview tab and click Configure to perform document-specific configuration, including value mapping. Value mapping is the translation of field data values based on business rules, for example, translating internal item numbers to vendor-specific item numbers or industry standard numbers depending on the trading partner. For more information, see About value mapping and "Set up external codes for AIF" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Configure data policies for an action on an endpoint

For more information about data policies, see Configure endpoint action data policies. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint and click Action policies. 3. Select an action on the Overview tab, and click Data Policies to configure required and allowed fields for the document transfer. Note: If the Is default policy check box is selected, the endpoint will use the default policy of all fields for that action. If you want to set specific data policies for the endpoint, you must clear this field first.

Configure endpoint action data policies

When you set up a document exchange in Application Integration Framework (AIF), you decide, on a field-by-field basis, which data fields are transferred. This is known as the data policy. The data policy is defined for each action on each endpoint. You configure the data policy on the Data Policies form.

Default data policy

In Microsoft Dynamics AX, an action associated with the default endpoint can use a default data policy. This is specified by selecting the Is default policy field in the Data Policies form. For a default endpoint action, using the default data policy means that the message uses the full document schema. Required fields as defined in the schema must be in the message. The message can contain any number of optional fields. If you want to use a specific data policy for an action associated with the default endpoint, you must clear the Is default policy field and modify the action data policy as you would for any other endpoint.

Mandatory/required fields
There are two types of qualifiers for data fields on the Data Policies form: required and enabled. These have different meanings and effects depending on the direction of the transfer. Server and Database Administration Guide 144

Microsoft Dynamics AX If a data field is allowed to be included in an inbound exchange, it is said to be enabled. For inbound documents, only fields that are enabled are allowed to be submitted by the endpoint. If a document is received that includes fields that are not enabled, the document is rejected and an exception is logged. There are two terms that are used when discussing whether a field is required in a document: mandatory fields and required elements.
Term Location Description

Mandatory field


Database field that has the Mandatory property set to Yes. Element required to be present in the XML document to satisfy the schema. Required elements often correspond to mandatory fields in the database. A database field that is mandatory but that can be defaulted does not have to be required in the XML document.

Required element

XML document

Note: For inbound documents, mandatory fields (that is, fields required by the Microsoft Dynamics AX database) should be set to Enabled and Required on the Data Policies form if they cannot be set by default in the database. For outbound documents, the fields to be sent must be set to Enabled.

Required fields and document direction

For inbound documents only (processed by a create action, for example), fields may be designated as Required if the document class defines them as mandatory (they are required for the database record to be inserted or updated and they cannot be defaulted). Additionally, the XML document may specify required elements depending on the business logic in the document class. You can also specify additional required elements by selecting Required for the field on the Endpoint action data policies form. However, you cannot use the data policy to make an element optional if it is required by the document class. For an inbound document, fields that are enabled but not required are optional to the exchange. Fields in an inbound exchange that are required are automatically designated as enabled - if the document does not contain these fields, the document is rejected.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX The concept of required fields does not apply to outbound transfers. For outbound documents, only fields that are enabled are included in the exchange. Note: When you clear the Enabled check box for a field used for calculating the value of another field, you may also need to clear the Enabled check box for the calculated field, so that unauthorized users may not be able to deduce the value of the original field that is not enabled. For more information about the calculated fields available in each document, see "Standard Axd Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help.

Configure data fields for an inbound document

You must first configure an endpoint and enable the actions for the exchange. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint, click Action policies, and select an action. 3. Click Data Policies and then click Data Policies to configure required and allowed fields for the document transfer. Note: If the default endpoint is selected, all actions use the default data policy by default and the Is default policy field is selected for all actions. To configure an action data policy for the default endpoint, you must clear the Is default policy field to enable the Data Policies button. For fields that are required to be present in the XML document according to the document class, select the Enabled and Required check boxes. 4. For other fields in the document, you can select Required if the field is required for the document exchange (Enabled is automatically set). Note: If you find that your needs for the document transfers change, you can clear the Required check box. 5. Click Set to clear or select all fields at one time.

Configure data fields for an outbound document exchange

You must first configure an endpoint and enable the actions for the exchange. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint, click Action policies, and select an action. 3. Click Data Policies and then click Data Policies

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. Select Enabled for each field to be included in the document transfer. Note: For an inbound document, fields that are enabled but not required are optional in the exchange. The concept of required fields does not apply to outbound transfers. Only fields for which you have selected the Enabled check box are sent in the transfer. 5. Click Set to clear or select all fields.

Creating and configuring a pipeline

A pipeline consists of a set of components that transform XML documents as they flow in or out of Microsoft Dynamics AX through Application Integration Framework (AIF). In addition to the pipeline components that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX, the architecture of the pipeline allows developers to create and configure custom components to transform documents. A separate pipeline consisting of one or more pipeline components may be specified for every endpoint action policy, which enables custom transformations on a per-endpoint basis. You can specify separate components for inbound documents and outbound documents. Two pipeline components are installed with Microsoft Dynamics AX: A component for value substitution A component that enables Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) document transformations

The AifValueSubstitutor pipeline component allows you to substitute one character string for another character string in a given field. This enables you to change field values (an item code, for example) in an inbound or outbound message to match the requirements of the system receiving the data. To apply XSLT document transformations, you must first import an XSLT style sheet into Microsoft Dynamics AX and then specify the AifXMLTransform pipeline component for the desired endpoint action policy. Prerequisites You can automatically configure pipeline components for actions that are associated with the default endpoint. Otherwise, before configuring any pipeline components, you must have the following: A local endpoint. For more information, see Create and configure local endpoints. An endpoint with an action policy and a data policy. For more information, see Configure an endpoint, Configure endpoint action policies, and Configure endpoint action data policies.

Create a pipeline 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline depending on whether you want the transformations to occur on inbound documents or outbound documents. Server and Database Administration Guide 147

Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. Press CTRL+N to create a new pipeline component entry. 5. Select a component in the Class name field. There may be a delay while the system scans the AOT for pipeline components. 6. In the Description field, type a description of the pipeline. 7. Press CTRL+S to save and enable the Configure button. 8. Each pipeline component has different configuration requirements, so you see a different form when you click Configure for any pipeline component. For more information, see Configure a pipeline.

Configure a pipeline
Configuring a pipeline for an action on an endpoint involves specifying the pipeline components for a transformation of the document, in execution order, on the Pipeline components form. You can define pipeline components for inbound or outbound actions separately. For more information about creating a pipeline, see Creating and configuring a pipeline. Two pipeline components are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can configure these pipeline components to perform value substitution and XSLT transformations. Other custom pipeline components may be developed for your system by your team or outside consultants or partners. Configuration of any custom pipeline component depends entirely on the implementation of that component. The two pipeline components available with your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation are:
AifValueSubstitutor AifXMLTransform

- For simple string mapping of field values.

- For XSLT transforms of XML documents.

You can include as many pipeline components as you need to transform the document to meet the needs of the exchange. Each pipeline component has different configuration requirements, so you see a different form when you click Configure for any pipeline component. Configure value substitution Before you can configure a value substitution pipeline, you must define lookup values. For more information, see About value lookups. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline. 4. In the Class name field, select AifValueSubstitutor. If there is no pipeline, press CTRL+N to add a new pipeline. 5. Press CTRL+S to save. 6. Click Configure.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 7. On the Pipeline Value Substitution Parameter Selection form, select the parameter in the Parameter name field. 8. Click Configure value substitution to display the Pipeline value substitution form. 9. In the Lookup table ID field, select the lookup table identification for the value lookup table (that you entered on the Value lookup form) for the fields requiring value substitution. For more information about configuring value lookups, see About value lookups. Notes: Values for Lookup table ID are filtered by type. If no values are displayed for Lookup table ID, you may need to return to the Value lookup form and enter a value for Type on the General tab. On the Pipeline value substitution form, the following read-only fields appear: Element name - The name of the data field. XPath - Specifies where the data field fits into the schema hierarchy. Type - The Microsoft Dynamics AX data type.

Configure an XSLT transform To configure a transformation pipeline, you must first import the XSLT into the repository. Then you must create the transformation pipeline based on the XSLT. For more information about security best practices when implementing transformations, see Security considerations for AIF. Add an XSLT style sheet to the XSLT repository 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > XSLT repository. 2. Click CTRL+N to create a new record. 3. In the XSLT ID field, enter a unique identifier for the XSLT transform. 4. In the Name field, enter a text description for the transform. 5. Click Import and specify the file name of the XSLT style sheet for the transform. 6. Click View to view the XML for the style sheet, and then click Save as to export the XML to an .xsl file. Create the pipeline 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline. 4. In the Class name field, select AifXMLTransform. If there is no pipeline, press CTRL+N to add a new pipeline. 5. Click CTRL+S to save. 6. Click Configure.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 7. On the Pipeline XSLT transform form, select Apply transform to parameter if the transform applies to an action parameter. If this field is not selected, the transformation will apply to the entire document. 8. If you select Apply transform to parameter, then you must select a parameter from the Parameter name field. 9. In the XSLT ID field, select the identification of the XSLT transform that you entered on the XSLT repository form. 10. If you want any Microsoft Visual Studio scripts in the XSLT file to be executed, select Scripting enabled. 11. Press CTRL+S to save. Note: When an XSLT pipeline transformation run, errors are logged only if the component throws an exception. If you use an incorrect XSLT, an exception will not be generated. An XSLT only transforms matching nodes; if there are no matching modes, then no transformation is applied and no error is generated.

About value lookups

With value lookups, you can substitute one character string for another in any field of a document. You can implement value lookups using the AifValueSubstitutor pipeline component. For more information, see Creating and configuring a pipeline and Configure a pipeline. You can also create value lookups for any pipeline component, if you know the data type for the field. After creating a value lookup using the Configure value lookup form, you relate that value lookup to the pipeline component by entering the value lookup identification when you configure the pipeline component. Configure value lookups for a pipeline component 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Value lookup. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new line. 3. On the Overview tab, enter: A new identification in the Lookup table ID field. A name for the table in the Name field.

4. On the General tab, select the Microsoft Dynamics AX data type from the list of available data types. For the data types that reference a table in Microsoft Dynamics AX, the internal values are populated from that table. 5. Enter the internal values and the external values for the string substitution in the lower pane of the form.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Use a value lookup table with the AifValueSubstitutor pipeline component 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline. 4. In the Class name field, select AifValueSubstitutor. If there is no pipeline, press CTRL+N to add a new pipeline and press CTRL+S to save. 5. Click Configure. 6. On the Pipeline Value Substitution Parameter Selection form, select the parameter in the Parameter name field. The Pipeline value substitution form is populated with the data fields that are Enabled on the Data Policies form for the document. 7. Enter the Lookup table ID for each data field to be substituted. This is the identifier you entered on the Value lookup form. 8. In the XPath field, you can view the location in the XML schema hierarchy where the element resides. 9. In the Type field, you can view the Microsoft Dynamics AX data type.

About value mapping

Value mapping is the translation of field data values that is based on business rules; for example, translating internal item numbers to vendor-specific item numbers or industry-standard numbers, depending on the trading partner. Value mapping can be performed on inbound and outbound XML documents and is configured on each document endpoint. Value mapping creates a translation index between the specific field in Microsoft Dynamics AX and an external field in the document. This index enables more flexibility when you are handling various internal, vendor-based, or industry-based codes.

Value mapping example

One vendor requires all item numbers on the outbound purchase requisition from Microsoft Dynamics AX to be designated by using the vendors item number system, whereas another vendor (which is a separate endpoint) does not have this requirement, and a third vendor (also a separate endpoint) requires a common industry item number system on the purchase requisition lines. To handle these varying requirements, each purchase requisition document can be configured differently for each endpoint, and the item number value mapping settings can be configured to reflect the vendor requirements.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX When the outbound purchase requisition is generated, the active endpoint configuration translates the internal item number codes to the codes that are specified in the Value Mapping form. This translation ensures that each vendor receives the purchase requisition in the format that their system requires. You can map the values of the fields shown in the following table
Type Field

Trading partners

Vendor Account number Customer Account Number Country code County code State code Zip/postal code Item number Units Warehouse numbers Currency code Delivery Methods Terms of delivery Misc. charges



Other data

Value mapping for document transformation

Value mapping is configured in the Value Mapping form. For more information about the value mapping form, see topic "Value mapping (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. This section describes forms that are used to set up value mapping for endpoints and external codes for different fields used in the documents.

External codes
You set up, define, and maintain external codes in the External codes form. These external codes are for different fields used to send and receive specific documents electronically through Application Integration Framework (AIF). If it is necessary, set up external codes for: Trading partners (vendor and customer account numbers) Addresses (countries/regions, counties, states, and Postal/ZIP Codes) Inventory (item numbers, bar codes, item units, and warehouses) Currency codes

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Delivery methods Delivery terms Miscellaneous charges Dimensions (department, purpose, cost center)

Endpoint value mapping

Map the values that are used for the active action policy and for the particular endpoint such as item number, customer account number, vendor account number, and terms of delivery in the Value Mapping form. You can map values for the following elements: Trading partners (vendor and customer account numbers) Addresses (countries/regions, counties, states, and Postal/ZIP Codes) Inventory (item numbers, bar codes, item units, and warehouses) Currency codes Delivery methods Delivery terms Miscellaneous charges Dimensions (department, purpose, cost center)

Map values
You can map the following internal values from Microsoft Dynamics AX to external values in inbound or outbound XML documents by using the Value Mapping form. For more information, see "Set up external codes for AIF" and "Currency code document value" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Map vendor or customer numbers field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the service action for which you want to map field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Partners tab, select the trading partner (vendor or customer) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, select the external code in the Customer code or Vendor code field.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Map address field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map address field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map address field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Addresses tab, select the address type (countries, counties, states or ZIP/Postal Codes) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, specify the external code in the corresponding field. Map terms of delivery, delivery methods, and misc. charges field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Other base data tab, select the field value (terms of delivery, delivery methods, or misc. charges) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, specify the external code in the corresponding field. Map currency code field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map currency field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map currency field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. On the Other base data tab, in the Handling currency codes section, in the Document value field, select the type of currency field value mapping: Not specified Our External code ISO currency code

5. If you selected External code in step 4, specify the external code in the Currency code field. Map units and warehouse numbers field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Items tab, select the field value (units or warehouse number) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, specify the external code in the corresponding field. Map item numbers field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map item number field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Items tab, in the Handling item numbers section, in the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code External item number Bar code Company item

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. If you selected External code in step 4, specify the external code in the Item number code field. If you selected Bar code in step 4, select the bar code type that the company uses in the Bar code setup field, and enter the bar code type that your trading partner uses in the Value field.

Configure data validation and defaulting

In Application Integration Framework (AIF), validation of data in an inbound XML document is usually performed by the Ax<Table> classes to ensure that referential integrity, number sequence, and business logic restrictions are enforced and to prevent incorrect data from being inserted into the application. If you disable data validation, the data from the inbound XML document is inserted into the application regardless of the data quality. Defaulting of fields is performed by the Ax<Table> classes to set predefined values in the application data tables if the inbound document does not contain these values. Otherwise, the inbound document fails. If you disable field defaults, data from the inbound XML document is inserted into the application regardless of the presence of required field values. This can result in some fields not containing values, the document failing, and an error being logged if any fields marked in the table as mandatory are empty. Note: Defaulting and validation are enabled by default. How to disable data validation for inbound documents 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to disable data validation, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to disable validation, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. In the Setup tab, clear the Validate input field. 5. To enable data validation, select the Validate input field again. How to set disable defaulting for inbound documents 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to disable defaulting, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to disable defaulting, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. In the Setup tab, clear the Use defaulting field. 5. To enable data validation, select the Use defaulting field again.

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Configure document parameters

This section lists the setup parameters for some commonly-used documents to be sent or received by Application Integration Framework (AIF).

Document notes
Define the name of the note document type in the Document management parameters form. For more information, see "Document management parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Sales Order document

Define where inbound sales order documents are to be received in the Accounts receivable parameters form (AIF tab > (Order type field). For more information, see "Accounts receivable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. The inbound sales order is received in the Sales order form. For more information, see "Sales orders (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. The inbound sales order is received in the Sales orders form. For more information, see "Sales orders (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Purchase Invoice document

Define the default register to receive the purchase invoice document in the Accounts payable parameters form (AIF tab > (Journal name field). For more information, see "Accounts payable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Set up the manner in which duplicate invoices are processed in the Accounts payable parameters form (Updates tab > (Check the invoice number used field). For more information, see "Accounts payable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Packing Slip document

Define the default settings for the inbound packing slip document in the Accounts receivable parameters form (AIF tab > Packing slip field). For more information, see "Accounts receivable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Inventory Counting document

Set the default inventory counting journal for the inventory counting document in the Inventory parameters form (AIF tab > (Counting field). For more information, see "Inventory parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Transfer Journal document

Set the default counting transfer journal for the inventory transfer document in the Inventory parameters form (AIF tab > (Transfer field). For more information, see "Inventory parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

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Inbound Inventory Profit/Loss document

Set the default counting-profit-and-loss journal for the inventory profit-and-loss document in the Inventory parameters form (AIF tab > (Profit/Loss field). For more information, see "Inventory parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Price/Discount agreement document (trade agreements)

Set the default counting price discount journal for the price discount document in the Accounts payable parameters form (AIF tab > Price/Discount agreement field). For more information, see "Accounts payable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Limit outbound documents

You can configure an endpoint to limit the number of documents or entity keys that are returned from a request in Application Integration Framework (AIF). Limiting the number of records returned reduces the size of the XML document that the Application Object Server (AOS) processes and improves navigation of the XML document or entity keys. A scenario in which limiting documents may be useful is when the read and find actions are called. This is because those actions will typically be returning full documents and the number of records returned is unknown at request time leading to potentially large data sets being returned.

Limit the number of returned documents

1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to define return document limits, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to define return document limits, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. In the Limit number of documents field on the Setup tab, select Yes to limit the number of documents that are returned by a query. By default, the value in the (Limitation type field is Default, and the maximum number of documents returned is set to 1000. 5. To change the number of returned documents, select Specified in the (Limitation type field and enter the maximum number of documents returned by a request in the (Max. number of documents field. Note: If you send a request to AIF and anticipate the return of many large documents, you may want to first send a request using the findKeys action to return only all the entity keys (IDs) that match the criteria. After you receive a message with the entity keys, you can then manage processing of the data based on how many records the query returns.

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Web services-based exchanges

Web services are programmatic interfaces that are made available to facilitate integration with external systems. Application Integration Framework (AIF) includes support for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web services that allow Microsoft Dynamics AX to exchange data with external systems. In AIF, data exchanges using Web services are synchronous; that is, they do not require AIF queues and batch processing services to transfer information. Web services do not require an adapter, nor do they require a channel to be configured. However, you must configure a Web site on the Web sites form, and you must configure the service and its operations so it can be consumed. Microsoft Dynamics AX ships with a default endpoint but you can also set up your own endpoints. You can optionally configure a local endpoint, an endpoint, endpoint users, and endpoint operations. Additionally, you can configure pipeline components (including value lookups) and endpoint action data policies. For more information about configuring a data exchange with Web services, see Configuring document exchanges with Web services. When you use AIF to expose Web services to external trading partners and systems, you may allow them to create, read, update, delete, or query for records in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database. Note: It is unsafe to deploy AIF using Web services outside the intranet without installing additional middleware to ensure proper security. As installed with Microsoft Dynamics AX, AIF Web services are intended for intranet deployment only.

Configuring document exchanges with Web services

There are three components which are used in setting up and managing a document exchange using Web services in Application Integration Framework (AIF). Installing the prerequisites Configuring the exchange Maintaining the integration

If you are setting up a data exchange that uses Web services, you must first perform these steps: 1. Install the Web services on the application integration server. This is the gateway computer that sends and receives AIF messages and communicates with one or more AOSes. For more information, see "Install AIF Web Services" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide. 2. Use the Web sites form to configure the AIF Web site that hosts the Web services. For more information, see Configure Web sites for document exchange

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Configure the exchange

To quickly configure a document exchange, follow the steps in the minimal configuration. If you want to customize the document exchange, follow the steps in the extended configuration. Minimal configuration To set up a document exchange with the minimal configuration, perform the following steps: 1. Generate the Web services. In this step, you publish the Web services for external consumption. See Configure services. This step is required. This step is the only task that you need to do to enable the AIF Web services. AIF ships with a default endpoint that is used to send or receive data so no endpoint is necessary in the message header. By default, all service operations (for services that have been generated) are enabled for the default endpoint. Note: If the default endpoint is used and records are created in Microsoft Dynamics AX, those records will be associated with the default company of the user that submitted the request. 2. Grant permissions to the Web service. See Grant permissions to a service. This step is required. After you have completed these steps, you can exchange messages with the Web services that you have enabled. 3. Create the XML message. The message you send to AIF through the Web service will vary in format depending on which service operation you are calling. If you want to create a sales order, then the XML message will contain the create action and the data required to create a sales order in Microsoft Dynamics AX. If you want to request a sales order, then the XML message will contain the read action and the ID of the sales order that you want to retrieve. For more information about messages, see "AIF Messages" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help. 4. Get the Web service URL and call the service. Follow these steps to get the service URL: a. Click Start > Administrative tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. b. Expand the Default Web Site node or the Web site node that contains the AIF Web services virtual directory. c. Navigate to the virtual directory MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50. The services appear in the pane on the right side of the screen and have a file name extension of .svc.

d. Right-click the .svc file and select Browse. An Internet Explorer browser window appears with the service name at the top. The URL to which Internet Explorer points is the URL of the service, for example, http://localhost/MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50/salesorderservice.svc (you will need the fully-qualified URL without the localhost path in order to successfully call the service). You must create a program to call the appropriate Web service and pass the message to the service. Server and Database Administration Guide 160

Microsoft Dynamics AX Extended configuration The extended configuration provides more flexibility and options for configuring the AIF components that make up a document exchange. This configuration allows you to create your own endpoints, configure action policies for those endpoints, and specify endpoint action data policies. To set up a document exchange with the extended configuration, perform the following steps: 1. Generate the Web services. This step publishes the Web services for external consumption. See Configure services. This step is required. 2. Grant permissions to the Web service. See Grant permissions to a service. This step is required. 3. Create a local endpoint. See Create and configure local endpoints. This step is required if you are going to create an endpoint in the following step. 4. Create and configure an endpoint for the external system that will consume the Web services. This is only necessary if you do not use the default endpoint that ships in AIF. See Creating and configuring endpoints. This step is required if you are not going to use the default endpoint. 5. Configure the endpoint action policy to associate the desired actions with the endpoint. See Configure endpoint action policies. This step is required if you are not going to use the default endpoint. 6. Configure data policies. See Configure endpoint action data policies. This step is required if you are not going to use the default endpoint. 7. Create the XML message. The message you send to AIF through the Web service will vary in format depending on which action you are calling. If you want to create a sales order, then the XML message will contain the create action and the data required to create a sales order in Microsoft Dynamics AX. If you want to request a sales order, then the XML message will contain the read action and the ID of the sales order that you want to retrieve. For more information about messages, see "AIF Messages" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help. 8. Get the Web service URL and call service. Follow these steps to get the service URL: a. Click Start > Administrative tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. b. Expand the Default Web Site node or the Web site node that contains the AIF Web services virtual directory. c. Navigate to the virtual directory MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50. The services appear in the pane on the right side of the screen and have a file name extension of .svc.

d. Right-click the .svc file and select Browse. An Internet Explorer browser window appears with the service name at the top. The URL to which Internet Explorer points is the URL of the service, for example, http://localhost/MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50/salesorderservice.svc. You must create a program to call the appropriate Web service and pass the message to the service.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Other AIF settings The following forms can be used when configuring a data exchange regardless of whether you are using the minimal configuration or the extended configuration: Use the Global settings form to configure global defaults for configuring adapters, actions, resource locks for batch processing, and schema validation, as well as the default encoding format for documents. For more information, see Configure global settings for document exchange. Use the Pipeline components form to configure optional document transformations, including XSLT style sheet mapping or value substitutions. For more information, see Creating and configuring a pipeline. Use the Value Mapping form to set up optional predefined value mapping that is available for certain documents. For more information, see About value mapping.

Maintain integration with external software systems

After you have configured a document exchange using AIF, you will need to maintain that integration and possibly troubleshoot any errors that occur. This may include the following tasks: Checking error logs and message queues to monitor traffic. Stopping and restarting the framework when necessary. Reconfiguring the channel and endpoint if conditions change. Viewing the document history and deleting old messages.

For more information, see Managing document exchanges.

Configure Web sites for document exchange

After you have installed the Application Integration Framework (AIF) Web services on the application integration gateway server, you must create a Web site for use by AIF. This Web site points to the shared content directory that was created when you installed the Web services. This directory is where all the generated service artifacts will be copied for external use when you configure Web services. For more information about installing an application integration server, see "Install AIF Web services" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide.

Add a Web site for use by AIF

After installing AIF Web services, you must add a Web site. Adding a Web site specifies to the Application Object Server (AOS) the content directory where the Web services are stored. This directory links Microsoft Dynamics AX with the Web services configuration that is created when you install AIF Web services. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Web sites. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new Web site or select one of the Web sites from the list. 3. Enter a descriptive name for this Web site in the Name field. The name can contain special characters and blanks and can be up to 50 characters long. Server and Database Administration Guide 162

Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. In the Virtual directory share path field, enter the path to the content directory that contains the Web service components that are generated. Note: By default, the content directory is located in the <Microsoft Dynamics AX installation path>\AifWebServices (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\AifWebServices, for example). The network share name for this directory is MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50. 5. To search for the content directory path, on the General tab, click Browse. 6. In the Description field, enter a description of the Web site.

Validate the Web site

1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Web sites. 2. On the Overview tab, select a Web site from the list. 3. To check that each selected content directory path exists and that the current AOS user account has read, write, and delete permissions on the directory, click Validate. The validation results appear in an Infolog window.

Configure global settings for document exchange

In the Integration Framework global settings form, you can set global defaults for AIF components including: Actions Resource locks Schema validation Default encoding format for documents Response cache messages

Set the maximum resource locking interval

The default value for the resource locking interval is 30 minutes. The locking interval only needs to be modified if you have multiple Application Object Server (AOS) instances running. The maximum resource locking interval determines how often the various services lock resources when processing messages. This setting is used by the gateway service to lock channels for inbound and outbound processing, by the inbound processing service to lock channels for inbound processing, and by the outbound processing service to lock endpoints for outbound processing.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX An example of resource locking is if you have two AOS instances, AOS1 and AOS2. When AOS1 retrieves messages from the channel, it locks the channel so that AOS2 cannot access those messages and send them out twice. If AOS1 fails, that channel remains locked for the time specified in the global settings. If AOS1 remains unavailable, when the lock expires after 30 minutes, AOS2 can access those messages and deliver them. It is recommended that you monitor the volume of exchanges for your particular system and then set the maximum locking interval. If the locking interval is too short, the locks expire faster. When a lock expires and another AOS is available, the same channel or endpoint is processed again. This can lead to wasted resources because the channel or endpoint is processed continuously when no messages are present. If the locking interval is too long, it takes the system longer to recover in the event of a system failure.

You should change the maximum locking interval after monitoring the volume of exchanges for your particular system. For adapter-based exchanges, AIF implements a scheme for locking endpoints and channels to guarantee that messages are processed in a particular order. After one of the AIF services (AifInboundProcessingService, AifOutboundProcessingService, GatewaySendService, and GatewayReceiveService) begins processing messages related to a channel or an endpoint, a lock is set for that resource. If the service stops processing the resource before all messages have been transferred, the lock on the resource expires after the maximum locking interval, and another service can begin processing that resource. For more information about the AIF batch services, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services. The default value for the maximum resource locking interval is 30 minutes. If your installation only runs one instance of the AIF services, and those services are interrupted while processing channels or endpoints, the maximum time before the services can begin processing again is 30 minutes. However, if you are exchanging documents using more than one channel or more than one endpoint and you use multiple AOS instances installed on multiple computers, you may need to set the maximum locking interval for channels and endpoints. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. Enter the time in minutes in the Maximum resource locking interval (minutes) field. 3. Press CTRL+S to save.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Set the default encoding format

The default encoding format specifies the encoding of the documents exchanged with an endpoint. When a new endpoint is created, the encoding format for that endpoint defaults to the specified value in the global settings. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. In the Default encoding format field, select a supported encoding format from the list to be used as the default on the Endpoints form. 3. Press CTRL+S to save.

Set up validation for outbound documents

If you select this option, the XML format for all outbound messages will be validated against the document class schema. For more information about document schemas, see "Document Schema Overview" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. Select the Validate outbound schema field. 3. Press CTRL+S to save. Note: Choosing to validate the schema for every outbound document may negatively impact performance.

Set the response cache lifetime

The response cache lifetime specifies the time in hours that message responses are cached. This setting is only used when you set the EnableIdempotence property for a particular service operation to true in the AOT. If a service operation has idempotency enabled, the response message for any message that calls that operation is cached. If a duplicate message is received, AIF generates an error and sends the original response back as part of the generated error. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Global settings. 2. In the Response cache lifetime (hours) field, enter the number of hours that response messages must be cached. 3. Press CTRL+S to save.

Configure services
Application Integration Framework (AIF) includes a number of services for integrating your system in common business processes. In order to enable an exchange using a service, you must first enable the service. For external systems to consume the service, you must generate it and make it available to external callers.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Enable and generate the service

Use the following steps to enable and generate a service. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Services. The first time the form opens, you must click Refresh to load the services. There may be a delay while the services load. 2. Select the Enabled check box for each service that you want to use in an exchange. 3. Click Generate to generate the service artifacts for each enabled service. The generation process copies the service and all the generated files to <Microsoft Dynamics AX installation path>\Application\Appl\DynamicsAx\ServiceGeneration folder. If there are Web sites configured in the Web sites form, the service is copied to the content directory specified for each Web site (by default this directory is <Microsoft Dynamics AX installation path>\AifWebservices). This enables external callers to consume the service and is only necessary for document exchanges using Web services. The service artifacts that are generated include the following: The .svc file The schemas for the service operation parameters and return values The web.config file

Test the service

After you have generated a service, you can test that it is functioning in Internet Information Services (IIS) by browsing to the service. 1. Click Start > Administrative tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. 2. Expand the Default Web Site node or the Web site node that contains the AIF Web services virtual directory. 3. Navigate to the virtual directory MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50. The services appear in the pane on the right side of the screen and have a file name extension of .svc. 4. Right-click the .svc file and select Browse. An Internet Explorer browser window appears with the service name at the top. If the Web service is correctly configured in IIS, you will see a link to the Web service WSDL. If the Web service is not correctly configured in IIS, you will see a service error in the browser.

If you receive HTTP Error 404.3

If you have installed AIF Web services, done the necessary configuration to expose a service as a Web Service, and you receive an HTTP Error 404.3 when you try to call the service, you may need to register Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) with IIS.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX If IIS is installed after the .NET Framework is installed, you must register WCF with IIS and ASP.NET on the computer where Web services are installed by following these steps.
OS Steps

Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008

Use the ServiceModelReg tool by entering the following command at a command prompt:
ServiceModelReg.exe /i /x.

This command line tool is located in the WCF directory, for example,
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation.

Refresh the services

If you make any changes to a service, or if you add a custom service in the AOT, you must refresh the services for those changes to be reflected in AIF. To refresh the services, click Refresh. The refresh process scans the AOT and refreshes the list of services reflecting any changes to services in the AOT Services node. There may be a delay while the services are refreshed.

Configure the Web service

The AIF services support WCF and WCF-based Web services, so after you have generated a service, you can configure the WCF properties. To modify the WCF configuration, click Configure. If the Windows SDK is installed, the WCF Service Configuration Editor ( SvcConfigEditor.exe) opens and enables you to modify the configuration. If the SDK is not installed, the configuration opens in Notepad.

View service operations

Service operations define what actions you can perform on a service. Service operations are implemented as methods on the service. To view the service operations available for an AIF service, click Service operations. In the Service Operations form, you can view the following items: The service operations (methods) The parameters and return value for each operation The schema for each parameter and return value

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Service naming conventions

The AIF Services form contains all the services that are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX. The following table illustrates the naming conventions used for the service name and the external name (the service name exposed outside of Microsoft Dynamics AX).
Tab Naming convention Example

Service name

<Prefix> + <Document Name> + "Service" <Document Name> + "Service"

External name


Grant permissions to a service

After you have enabled and generated services in Application Integration Framework (AIF), you must assign users access to them through security key permissions. The services that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX are already assigned to a security key and each service has its own security key. The service security key has a parent key that is based on the functional area that the service is part of. For example, the purchase requisition service (PurchPurchReqService) is secured by the PurchPurchReqService key. The parent key is the VendServices key. The full security key path is Accounts Payable\Services\PurchPurchReqService.

View the security keys

The service security keys are part of the standard security in Microsoft Dynamics AX. To view the security keys for AIF services, follow these steps: 1. Click Administration > Setup > Security > User group permissions and select the Permissions tab. 2. Expand a node in the tree, for example, Accounts payable. 3. Navigate to the Services node and expand it. You'll see the AIF service keys listed underneath, for example, PurchPurchReqService

Find the security key to which a service is assigned

The service security key is stored as a property in the AOT. To find out which security key a service is associated with, follow these steps: 1. Open the AOT and navigate to the Services node. 2. Expand the Services node and navigate to the service. 3. Right-click the service and select Properties. The SecurityKey property contains the name of the security key with which the service is associated. To give users access to services, follow the standard method of assigning user permissions to security keys. For more information, see "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations" in the System Setup Help. Server and Database Administration Guide 168

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create and configure local endpoints

The local endpoint refers to your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. A local endpoint is the origination for sent messages and the destination for received messages. There may be more than one local endpoint, depending on how many companies are configured for your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. The name of the local endpoint identifies you to external systems. Therefore, we recommend that the name for the local endpoint be representative of the Microsoft Dynamics AX company name that participates in the exchange. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Local endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new local endpoint record. 3. Select a company from the Company field. 4. Enter a name for the endpoint in the Local endpoint field. The name for the local endpoint should be representative of the Microsoft Dynamics AX company name that participates in the exchange. 5. Press CTRL+S to save the data.

Creating and configuring actions

In Application Integration Framework (AIF), there are two types of actions: ServiceOperation SendXML

A ServiceOperation action defines an action that is available from a service. A SendXML action defines an action that is independent of any service or class and is used in X++ to send XML (outbound). The Actions form displays all of the actions that are available.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

ServiceOperation Actions
The services that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX come with one or more of the actions in the following table. These actions are ServiceOperation actions and are read-only in the Actions form.
Service operation


Accepts XML data, writes a record to the database, and returns the ID of the new record. Accepts ID values and deletes the associated records. Accepts query criteria and returns the matching data. Accepts query criteria and returns IDs of the matching data. Accepts a list of IDs and returns the associated data. Accepts a list of IDs and data and updates the associated records in the database.

delete find findKeys read update

Each service does not implement all of the available actions. Rather, each service implements actions based on the requirements of the business process that the service supports. Follow these steps for more information about the service operations that are supported by a service: 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Services 2. Select a service and click > Service Operations. The Service Operations form lists all of the available operations. 3. To view the parameters for a service operation, select the operation and click Parameter schema.

SendXML action type

You can use the SendXML action type when you want to create an action that is not a service operation. In the Actions form you can add, modify, or delete a SendXML action. For more information about creating and configuring a SendXML action, see Create and configure a SendXML action.

Security note for inbound documents

Certain actions, such as creating exchange rates, cause data to be written directly to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database without manual end-user verification. When configuring endpoints and creating new actions, be careful to restrict access to trusted and reliable partners and applications.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create and configure a SendXML action

The Actions form displays all of the actions that are available. ServiceOperation actions are defined in the AOT as part of a service. Therefore, they cannot be modified in the Actions form. However, the Actions form is used to add, modify, or delete SendXML actions. In Application Integration Framework (AIF), there are two types of actions: ServiceOperation and SendXML. A ServiceOperation action defines an action that is available from a service. A SendXML action defines an action that is independent of any service or class and is used in X++ to send XML (outbound). Add a SendXML action 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Actions. 2. Press CTRL+N to add a new record and click the General tab. 3. In the Action field, type a unique action identifier. 4. In the Name field, type the action name. 5. Select the Enabled field to enable the action for use. 6. In the External identifier field, type an external identifier name. This is the externally-facing name of the action. 7. In the Description field, type a description. The action type defaults to SendXml. The action can now be used like other AIF actions and associated with an endpoint, configured with pipeline components, and so on. Configure a SendXML action 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Actions. 2. Click the General tab. The fields that you can edit are: Name Enabled External identifier Description

Delete a SendXML action 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Actions. 2. Select an action and click ALT+F9. Note: You should ensure that an action is not used in an action policy for any endpoints before deleting the action.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Creating and configuring endpoints

Using Application Integration Framework (AIF), you enable document exchanges between endpoints and the local endpoint. The local endpoint refers to your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. A local endpoint is the origination for sent messages and the destination for received messages. An endpoint represents the external system that participates in data exchange. An endpoint is the destination for a sent document and the source of a received document. For more information about creating and configuring endpoints see Create an endpoint and Configure an endpoint

Default endpoint
Microsoft Dynamics AX ships with an endpoint called the default endpoint. Therefore, it is not necessary to create an endpoint for data exchange. Creating and configuring a specific endpoint is optional, and if a message does not specify an endpoint, AIF implicitly uses the default endpoint. If you disable the default endpoint in Microsoft Dynamics AX, then you must create a specific endpoint and all requests must reference that endpoint or the message will be rejected.

Specific endpoints
You may want to create endpoints for data exchange for a variety of reasons. Endpoints are useful in business-to-business scenarios where you want put restrictions on a data exchange. With endpoints you can: Set constraints on the endpoint. Constraints specify that messages can only be sent to or received from specific customers, vendors, or warehouses. Implement a higher level of security by assigning specific users or groups to an endpoint. This ensures that only certain users can send messages to AIF. Assign actions to an endpoint to restrict the types of data exchanges in which the endpoint can participate. Set data policies on an endpoint to restrict the data that can be retrieved or updated. Implement custom configuration requirements like XSLT transformations, value mapping, and custom pipeline components. Customize the message logging for each action associated with an endpoint.

Before you can create an endpoint, the following must already exist and be configured: A local endpoint. A named service operation for the exchange, for example, For more information, see Creating and configuring actions. Microsoft Dynamics AX users that will be associated with the endpoint. An outbound channel must be already be defined if needed. 172

Server and Database Administration Guide

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Endpoint information
When you configure an endpoint, you enter information about the following: Identifying information for the endpoint, including a unique identifier, a friendly name, the active status, error handling information, the associated channel, and the Microsoft Dynamics AX company identification. Constraints on the endpoint that restrict document exchange by defining valid Microsoft Dynamics AX customers, vendors, or warehouses. Microsoft Dynamics AX users and trusted intermediaries that are allowed to submit documents for the exchange. Endpoint action policies that relate actions to the endpoint. Pipeline components for any optional document transformations for the action related to the endpoint. Endpoint action data policies (also known as data policies) that define which fields in a document are allowed or required to participate in the exchange. Document configuration options, including value mapping. For more information, see About value mapping and "Set up external codes for AIF" in Applications and Business Processes.

Configure an endpoint
When you configure an endpoint, you enter information in the Endpoints form about the following: Identifying information for the endpoint, including a unique identifier, a friendly name, the active status, error handling information, the intercompany status, local endpoint, Microsoft Dynamics AX company identification for an intercompany exchange, outbound channel information, and encoding format for the transfer. Constraints on the endpoint that restrict document exchange by defining valid Microsoft Dynamics AX customers, vendors, or warehouses. Microsoft Dynamics AX users and trusted intermediaries that are allowed to submit documents for the exchange. Endpoint action policies that relate actions to the endpoint. Pipeline components for an action related to the endpoint. Endpoint action data policies that define which fields in a document are allowed or required for the exchange.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX Available tabs In the Endpoints form, user interface tabs are available depending on what type of endpoint you select in the Overview tab.
Endpoint type Tabs enabled

Default endpoint

Overview General Overview General Constraints Users Overview General Constraints

Specific endpoint

Specific intercompany endpoint

Default endpoint Microsoft Dynamics AX ships with a default endpoint that can be used to enable data exchanges as soon as services are generated. The default endpoint has minimal configuration options, and you cannot add any constraints or users to the default endpoint. By default, all actions are enabled for the default endpoint but you must still enable the service actions on the AIF Services form. You can change the following options on the default endpoint: In the Endpoints form, you can update the Active field and the Propagate errors field. For more information about these fields, see Create an endpoint. In the Endpoint Action Policies form, you can enable and configure actions. In the Endpoint action data policies form, you can define which fields are allowed or required in the data exchange. In the Pipeline components form, you can define data transformations for inbound or outbound exchanges. In the Parameter Schemas form, you can view the schema of the action parameters and the return value and optionally save them to an .xsd file. In the Value Mapping form, you can configure value mapping.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure endpoint identification 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework.> Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint, or select an existing endpoint from the list to be modified. 3. Enter the information for the endpoint on the General tab, including the unique endpoint identification information, the friendly name for the endpoint, the local endpoint ID, and the default encoding format. 4. Select Propagate errors to return detailed error messages to the endpoint. Note: By default, Microsoft Dynamics AX logs detailed errors and sends a generic error back to the endpoint. Enabling this field will send the detailed error to the endpoint. Only select this field if it is acceptable to send detailed error information to an endpoint. 5. For intercompany transfers, select Intercompany organization if the endpoint is a company within your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation, and select a company in the Company field. 6. Do not select Intercompany organization unless the endpoint is to be used in an intercompany transfer. For more information about these transfers, see "Manage intercompany sales orders" or "Manage intercompany purchase orders" in the Application and Business Processes Help. 7. Selecting an outbound channel is not required for all exchanges. However, if your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation is sending messages to this endpoint (for example, if you are configuring an outbound-only exchange), you must select a channel in the Outbound channel ID field. 8. In the Local endpoint ID field, select the local endpoint that participates in exchanges with this endpoint. Note: There may be more than one local endpoint configured for your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. If that is the case, then make sure to select the correct local endpoint to participate in the exchange with the endpoint that you are configuring. 9. View the pre-populated setting for encoding format in the Default encoding format field. This setting defaults to the value set on the Integration Framework global settings form.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure constraints on an endpoint and activate the endpoint 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint, or select an existing endpoint from the list to be modified. Note: You cannot add constraints to the default endpoint so the Constraints tab will not be enabled if the default endpoint is selected. 3. On the Constraints tab, select No constraints to clear the form and allow data to be exchanged regardless of any association. The No constraints check box becomes unavailable. However, if you add constraints later, the check box clears itself. 4. Press CTRL+N to create a new constraint. 5. Choose the Constraint type (Vendor, Customer, or Warehouse). 6. Select a Constraint ID from the list. The Name field is completed when you select the Constraint ID. 7. On the Overview tab, select Active to activate the endpoint. Messages flow through the framework from the local endpoint to and from any active endpoints. Configure users and trusted intermediaries for an endpoint You must enter information for at least one endpoint user or trusted intermediary who is authorized to initiate transactions for the endpoint on the Users tab. Notes: When configuring users on an endpoint, remember that these Microsoft Dynamics AX users may represent outside interests and must have permissions set appropriately. For more information about configuring Microsoft Dynamics AX users, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide and the following topics in the System and Application Setup Help: "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations," "Manage user groups," and "Manage users." You must also set the appropriate security keys and record-level security for any users that are granted access to Microsoft Dynamics AX through Application Integration Framework (AIF), to help prevent unauthorized data access. For more information, see "Manage record level security" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Certain actions cause data to be written directly to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database without manual end-user verification (for example, creating exchange rates). When configuring endpoints and creating new actions, be especially careful to restrict access to trusted and reliable partners or applications.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure an endpoint user 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint, or select an existing endpoint from the list to be modified. Note: You cannot add users or user groups to the default endpoint so the Users tab will not be enabled if the default endpoint is selected. 3. Click the Users tab. 4. Under Endpoint users, in the User type field, select either User or User group. 5. In the Application user or group field, select a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user or user group name. The Name field is filled in automatically. For more information about Microsoft Dynamics AX users and user groups, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the System and Application Setup Help. Configure a trusted intermediary Trusted intermediaries are middleware applications that reside between external endpoints and AIF. That is, they are Microsoft Dynamics AX users (or user groups) that are authorized to submit inbound requests on behalf of the endpoint. A trusted intermediary prevents an unauthorized user from accessing AIF and is typically used in a business-to-business data exchange scenario. For more information about trusted intermediaries, see Security considerations for AIF. For more information about Microsoft Dynamics AX users and user groups, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the System and Application Setup Help. 1. Under Trusted intermediaries, select Use trusted intermediary to enable a trusted intermediary for exchanges with this endpoint. Note: If the Use trusted intermediary box is checked, there must be at least one entry in the Trusted intermediaries grid. 2. Under Trusted intermediaries, in the User type field, also select either User or User group. 3. In the Application user or group field, select a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user or user group name. The Name field is filled in automatically. Configure action policies, data policies, and pipeline components for an endpoint 1. After you have completed the preceding steps, click Action policies to configure actions on the endpoint. For more information about action policies, see Configure endpoint action policies. 2. Press CTRL+S to save the action policy.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. From the Endpoint Action Policies form, select an action, press CTRL+S, and click Data Policies to enter information about which fields are required and which are optional in the document to be exchanged. 4. Click Configure to perform document-specific configuration, including value mapping, for the document exchange. Value mapping is translation of field data values based on business rules, for example, translating internal item numbers to vendor-specific item numbers or industry standard numbers depending on the trading partner. For more information, see Configure endpoint action data policies. 5. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline to configure the pipeline components for any custom transformations performed on the document. For more information, see Creating and configuring a pipeline. 6. Click Parameter schema to see a list of parameters and the return value for the selected action. On the Parameter Schemas form, click View schema to view the XML schema for the selected parameter or return value. On the Schema form, you can click Save as to save the schema as an .xsd file. Give the endpoint user access to Business Connector when using Web services When you configure an endpoint for Web services, you must configure an endpoint user and/or trusted intermediary, as outlined above. Next, you must give that Microsoft Dynamics AX user or user group access to the Business Connector. 1. Click Administration > Setup > User groups and select the user group for the endpoint, or the user group that contains the user for the endpoint. 2. Click Permissions. 3. On the Permissions tab, select Business Connector and then select Full control. 4. Click Cascade. Disable an endpoint To disable an endpoint, follow these steps. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint in the grid and clear the Active field. Important: For adapter-based exchanges, outbound messages are processed completely even when the endpoint is disabled during processing and a response may still be sent. To ensure that no data is sent from AIF when disabling an endpoint, first disable the batch processing jobs. Be sure that there are no outbound messages in the queue, disable the endpoint, and then restart the batch processing jobs.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create an endpoint
Before you can create an endpoint, the following must already exist and be configured: A local endpoint. An enabled service operation for the exchange, for example, For more information, see Creating and configuring actions. Microsoft Dynamics AX users that will be associated with the endpoint. An outbound channel must be already be defined if needed.

Create the endpoint 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new endpoint. 3. In the Endpoint ID field, type a unique identifier for the endpoint. 4. In the Name field, type a friendly name. 5. Select Propagate errors to return detailed error messages to the endpoint. Note: By default, Microsoft Dynamics AX logs detailed errors and sends a generic error back to the endpoint. Enabling this field will send the detailed error to the endpoint and could be a potential security risk. Only select this field if it is acceptable to send detailed error information to an endpoint. 6. Do not select Intercompany organization unless the endpoint is to be used in an intercompany transfer. For more information about these transfers, see "Manage intercompany sales orders" or "Manage intercompany purchase orders" in the Application and Business Processes Help. 7. If you select Intercompany organization, then you must select a company in the Company field. 8. In the Outbound channel ID field, select an outbound channel. You must select a channel if the endpoint will be used in an adapter-based exchange and data is to be sent outbound from Microsoft Dynamics AX to the endpoint. If the endpoint is participating only in Web servicesbased exchanges, the outbound channel is not necessary. 9. In the Local endpoint ID field, select the identifier for the local endpoint (your system) that participates in the exchange with the endpoint that you are configuring. 10. In the Default encoding format field, select the encoding format for this endpoint. 11. On the Constraints tab, enter the data constraints for the endpoint to restrict the data that can be processed by the endpoint. To allow data to be exchanged regardless of any associations, click No constraints. For more information, see Configure an endpoint. After selecting, the No constraints check box becomes unavailable. However, if you add constraints later, the check box clears itself. 12. On the Overview tab, select Active to enable the endpoint to participate in data exchanges. Server and Database Administration Guide 179

Microsoft Dynamics AX 13. On the Users tab, enter information to restrict users that are authorized to initiate transactions for the endpoint. In the User type field, select either User or User group. You can also designate trusted intermediaries on the Users tab. Trusted intermediaries are middleware applications that reside between external endpoints and Application Integration Framework (AIF), that is, they are Microsoft Dynamics AX users (or user groups) that are authorized to submit inbound requests on behalf of the endpoint. For more information about trusted intermediaries, see Security considerations for AIF. Notes: When configuring users on an endpoint, keep in mind that these Microsoft Dynamics AX users may represent outside interests and must have permissions set appropriately. For more information about configuring Microsoft Dynamics AX users, see "Setting up and maintaining security" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide and the following topics in the System and Application Setup Help: "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations," "Manage user groups," and "Manage users." You must also set the appropriate security keys and record-level security for any users that are granted access to Microsoft Dynamics AX through AIF to help prevent unauthorized data access. For more information, see "Manage record level security" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Certain actions cause data to be written directly to the Microsoft Dynamics AX database without manual end-user verification (for example, creating exchange rates). When configuring endpoints and creating new actions, be especially careful to restrict access to trusted and reliable partners and applications.

14. Click Action policies to configure actions on the endpoint with the Endpoint Action Policies form. Examples of actions include the service operations read and create. For information on setting up action policies, see Configure endpoint action policies. 15. From the Endpoint Action Policies form you can select an action and click Data Policies to enter the data policy, that is, information about which fields are required and which are optional in the document to be exchanged. For details on setting up data policies, see Configure endpoint action data policies. 16. From the Endpoint Action Policies form, you can click Configure to perform documentspecific configuration, including value mapping. Value mapping is the translation of field data values based on business rules, for example, translating internal item numbers to vendorspecific item numbers or industry standard numbers depending on the trading partner. For more information, see Configure endpoint action data policies.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX Enabled fields The fields that are enabled for an endpoint depend on the type of endpoint that you are configuring as shown in the following table.
Field Default endpoint Standard endpoint Intercompany endpoint

Endpoint ID


Yes (when adding new endpoint) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes (when adding new endpoint) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Name Active Propagate errors Intercompany organization Company

No Yes Yes No


Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes No No No

Outbound channel ID No Local endpoint ID Default encoding format No No

Troubleshooting trusted intermediary If you receive an error on an inbound message and it was submitted by a trusted intermediary, it may be due to the fact that the submitting user of the message and the user specified in the message SourceEndpointUser element are not in the same Microsoft Dynamics AX domain. The trusted intermediary is a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user that is allowed to submit AIF messages. Typically, the trusted intermediary does not have access to the AIF services. The source endpoint user is a valid Microsoft Dynamics AX user that has access to the AIF services. If the user submitting the message (the trusted intermediary) is in a different domain than the source endpoint user, you may receive an error. To resolve this problem, give the source endpoint user open domain access permissions. To locate the security key for these permissions, use the following steps. 1. Open Administration > Setup > User groups. 2. Click Permissions.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. On the click Permissions tab, expand the Administration node and select Open domain access. Note: This refers to Microsoft Dynamics AX domains and not Active Directory domains. Microsoft Dynamics AX domains are defined in Administration > Setup > Domains. For more information, see "Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations" in and "Manage domains" in the System and Application Setup Help.

Configure endpoint action policies

To enable exchange of documents for endpoints, you must select which actions an endpoint may perform. This process is called configuring endpoint action policies. Typically, you associate service actions with an endpoint. These actions are defined as ServiceOperation actions in the Actions form. For example, the CustCustomerService.create action creates a new customer in Microsoft Dynamics AX. ServiceOperation actions are registered automatically so you do not need to create or enable them. You may also associate a SendXML action with an endpoint. A SendXML action defines an action that is independent of any service or class and is used in X++ to send XML (outbound). For more information about actions, see Creating and configuring actions.

Associate an action with an endpoint

The default endpoint automatically has all service actions enabled. However, you must ensure that the service associated with the actions that you want to use is enabled. For more information, see Configure services. Follow these steps to configure actions on an endpoint other than the default endpoint. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint to configure and click Action policies. The Overview tab lists the available actions that are currently associated with the endpoint. Note: By default, all actions for all services as defined in the AOT are associated with the default endpoint. You do not need to enable them in the Actions form. 3. Press CTRL+N to enter a new action policy. 4. Click the General tab. In the Action ID field, select the action that you want to associate with the endpoint. The name of the action in the Action ID field and the name of the service class in the Class name field cannot be changed.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. Select the Is default policy check box to use the default data policy. The default data policy specifies that all fields defined in the message schema will be used in the exchange. If you clear this field, the Data Policies button is enabled, and you can modify the data policy for the action. Note: This field is only editable for the default endpoint. By default, the Is default policy check box is selected for all actions associated with the default endpoint. If you want to modify the data policy for an action associated with the default endpoint, you must clear this field. 6. You can change the status of an action associated with the endpoint to Enabled, Disabled, or Hold. Select Enabled to make the action active for this endpoint. Selecting Disabled has the same effect as if the action was not configured on the endpoint. Select Hold to prevent outbound documents from being passed to the adapter and inbound documents from being passed to the document class. If the action status is Hold, the document is held in the queue and may be examined and resubmitted. For more information, see Edit and resubmit messages in the queues. For a synchronous exchange such as a Web service, an error message is generated for the hold condition. In the External identifier override field, type an action identifier to override the External identifier field on the Actions form. Any messages referencing this endpoint and action must use the external identifier in the <Action> tag. 7. Select the Automatically respond to errors check box to send any errors that are encountered back to the caller. 8. Press CTRL+S to save.

Select a logging mode for an action on an endpoint

The logging mode defines how messages are logged on a per action per endpoint basis. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint and click Action policies. 3. Select an action on the Overview tab.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. On the General tab, select a logging mode for the endpoint action. Log Original captures only the information for the initial document exchange. Log All captures information about every transfer including all the different versions of a document, for example, the submitted XML, the XML generated after each pipeline transformation is applied, and so on. Log None stores no data for this action and endpoint.

To view the document history by message or by document, click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history.

Configure document-specific options including value mapping

1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint and click Action policies. 3. Select an action on the Overview tab and click Configure to perform document-specific configuration, including value mapping. Value mapping is the translation of field data values based on business rules, for example, translating internal item numbers to vendor-specific item numbers or industry standard numbers depending on the trading partner. For more information, see About value mapping and "Set up external codes for AIF" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Configure data policies for an action on an endpoint

For more information about data policies, see Configure endpoint action data policies. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint and click Action policies. 3. Select an action on the Overview tab, and click Data Policies to configure required and allowed fields for the document transfer. Note: If the Is default policy check box is selected, the endpoint will use the default policy of all fields for that action. If you want to set specific data policies for the endpoint, you must clear this field first.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure endpoint action data policies

When you set up a document exchange in Application Integration Framework (AIF), you decide, on a field-by-field basis, which data fields are transferred. This is known as the data policy. The data policy is defined for each action on each endpoint. You configure the data policy on the Data Policies form.

Default data policy

In Microsoft Dynamics AX, an action associated with the default endpoint can use a default data policy. This is specified by selecting the Is default policy field in the Data Policies form. For a default endpoint action, using the default data policy means that the message uses the full document schema. Required fields as defined in the schema must be in the message. The message can contain any number of optional fields. If you want to use a specific data policy for an action associated with the default endpoint, you must clear the Is default policy field and modify the action data policy as you would for any other endpoint.

Mandatory/required fields
There are two types of qualifiers for data fields on the Data Policies form: required and enabled. These have different meanings and effects depending on the direction of the transfer. If a data field is allowed to be included in an inbound exchange, it is said to be enabled. For inbound documents, only fields that are enabled are allowed to be submitted by the endpoint. If a document is received that includes fields that are not enabled, the document is rejected and an exception is logged. There are two terms that are used when discussing whether a field is required in a document: mandatory fields and required elements.
Term Location Description

Mandatory field


Database field that has the Mandatory property set to Yes. Element required to be present in the XML document to satisfy the schema. Required elements often correspond to mandatory fields in the database. A database field that is mandatory but that can be defaulted does not have to be required in the XML document.

Required element

XML document

Note: For inbound documents, mandatory fields (that is, fields required by the Microsoft Dynamics AX database) should be set to Enabled and Required on the Data Policies

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Microsoft Dynamics AX form if they cannot be set by default in the database. For outbound documents, the fields to be sent must be set to Enabled.

Required fields and document direction

For inbound documents only (processed by a create action, for example), fields may be designated as Required if the document class defines them as mandatory (they are required for the database record to be inserted or updated and they cannot be defaulted). Additionally, the XML document may specify required elements depending on the business logic in the document class. You can also specify additional required elements by selecting Required for the field on the Endpoint action data policies form. However, you cannot use the data policy to make an element optional if it is required by the document class. For an inbound document, fields that are enabled but not required are optional to the exchange. Fields in an inbound exchange that are required are automatically designated as enabled - if the document does not contain these fields, the document is rejected. The concept of required fields does not apply to outbound transfers. For outbound documents, only fields that are enabled are included in the exchange. Note: When you clear the Enabled check box for a field used for calculating the value of another field, you may also need to clear the Enabled check box for the calculated field, so that unauthorized users may not be able to deduce the value of the original field that is not enabled. For more information about the calculated fields available in each document, see "Standard Axd Documents" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK Help.

Configure data fields for an inbound document

You must first configure an endpoint and enable the actions for the exchange. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint, click Action policies, and select an action. 3. Click Data Policies and then click Data Policies to configure required and allowed fields for the document transfer. Note: If the default endpoint is selected, all actions use the default data policy by default and the Is default policy field is selected for all actions. To configure an action data policy for the default endpoint, you must clear the Is default policy field to enable the Data Policies button. For fields that are required to be present in the XML document according to the document class, select the Enabled and Required check boxes.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. For other fields in the document, you can select Required if the field is required for the document exchange (Enabled is automatically set). Note: If you find that your needs for the document transfers change, you can clear the Required check box. 5. Click Set to clear or select all fields at one time.

Configure data fields for an outbound document exchange

You must first configure an endpoint and enable the actions for the exchange. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select an endpoint, click Action policies, and select an action. 3. Click Data Policies and then click Data Policies 4. Select Enabled for each field to be included in the document transfer. Note: For an inbound document, fields that are enabled but not required are optional in the exchange. The concept of required fields does not apply to outbound transfers. Only fields for which you have selected the Enabled check box are sent in the transfer. 5. Click Set to clear or select all fields.

Creating and configuring a pipeline

A pipeline consists of a set of components that transform XML documents as they flow in or out of Microsoft Dynamics AX through Application Integration Framework (AIF). In addition to the pipeline components that ship with Microsoft Dynamics AX, the architecture of the pipeline allows developers to create and configure custom components to transform documents. A separate pipeline consisting of one or more pipeline components may be specified for every endpoint action policy, which enables custom transformations on a per-endpoint basis. You can specify separate components for inbound documents and outbound documents. Two pipeline components are installed with Microsoft Dynamics AX: A component for value substitution A component that enables Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) document transformations

The AifValueSubstitutor pipeline component allows you to substitute one character string for another character string in a given field. This enables you to change field values (an item code, for example) in an inbound or outbound message to match the requirements of the system receiving the data. To apply XSLT document transformations, you must first import an XSLT style sheet into Microsoft Dynamics AX and then specify the AifXMLTransform pipeline component for the desired endpoint action policy.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Prerequisites You can automatically configure pipeline components for actions that are associated with the default endpoint. Otherwise, before configuring any pipeline components, you must have the following: A local endpoint. For more information, see Create and configure local endpoints. An endpoint with an action policy and a data policy. For more information, see Configure an endpoint, Configure endpoint action policies, and Configure endpoint action data policies.

Create a pipeline 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline depending on whether you want the transformations to occur on inbound documents or outbound documents. 4. Press CTRL+N to create a new pipeline component entry. 5. Select a component in the Class name field. There may be a delay while the system scans the AOT for pipeline components. 6. In the Description field, type a description of the pipeline. 7. Press CTRL+S to save and enable the Configure button. 8. Each pipeline component has different configuration requirements, so you see a different form when you click Configure for any pipeline component. For more information, see Configure a pipeline.

Configure a pipeline
Configuring a pipeline for an action on an endpoint involves specifying the pipeline components for a transformation of the document, in execution order, on the Pipeline components form. You can define pipeline components for inbound or outbound actions separately. For more information about creating a pipeline, see Creating and configuring a pipeline. Two pipeline components are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can configure these pipeline components to perform value substitution and XSLT transformations. Other custom pipeline components may be developed for your system by your team or outside consultants or partners. Configuration of any custom pipeline component depends entirely on the implementation of that component. The two pipeline components available with your Microsoft Dynamics AX installation are:
AifValueSubstitutor AifXMLTransform

- For simple string mapping of field values.

- For XSLT transforms of XML documents.

You can include as many pipeline components as you need to transform the document to meet the needs of the exchange. Each pipeline component has different configuration requirements, so you see a different form when you click Configure for any pipeline component. Server and Database Administration Guide 188

Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure value substitution Before you can configure a value substitution pipeline, you must define lookup values. For more information, see About value lookups. 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline. 4. In the Class name field, select AifValueSubstitutor. If there is no pipeline, press CTRL+N to add a new pipeline. 5. Press CTRL+S to save. 6. Click Configure. 7. On the Pipeline Value Substitution Parameter Selection form, select the parameter in the Parameter name field. 8. Click Configure value substitution to display the Pipeline value substitution form. 9. In the Lookup table ID field, select the lookup table identification for the value lookup table (that you entered on the Value lookup form) for the fields requiring value substitution. For more information about configuring value lookups, see About value lookups. Notes: Values for Lookup table ID are filtered by type. If no values are displayed for Lookup table ID, you may need to return to the Value lookup form and enter a value for Type on the General tab. On the Pipeline value substitution form, the following read-only fields appear: Element name - The name of the data field. XPath - Specifies where the data field fits into the schema hierarchy. Type - The Microsoft Dynamics AX data type.

Configure an XSLT transform To configure a transformation pipeline, you must first import the XSLT into the repository. Then you must create the transformation pipeline based on the XSLT. For more information about security best practices when implementing transformations, see Security considerations for AIF. Add an XSLT style sheet to the XSLT repository 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > XSLT repository. 2. Click CTRL+N to create a new record. 3. In the XSLT ID field, enter a unique identifier for the XSLT transform. 4. In the Name field, enter a text description for the transform.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. Click Import and specify the file name of the XSLT style sheet for the transform. 6. Click View to view the XML for the style sheet, and then click Save as to export the XML to an .xsl file. Create the pipeline 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline. 4. In the Class name field, select AifXMLTransform. If there is no pipeline, press CTRL+N to add a new pipeline. 5. Click CTRL+S to save. 6. Click Configure. 7. On the Pipeline XSLT transform form, select Apply transform to parameter if the transform applies to an action parameter. If this field is not selected, the transformation will apply to the entire document. 8. If you select Apply transform to parameter, then you must select a parameter from the Parameter name field. 9. In the XSLT ID field, select the identification of the XSLT transform that you entered on the XSLT repository form. 10. If you want any Microsoft Visual Studio scripts in the XSLT file to be executed, select Scripting enabled. 11. Press CTRL+S to save. Note: When an XSLT pipeline transformation run, errors are logged only if the component throws an exception. If you use an incorrect XSLT, an exception will not be generated. An XSLT only transforms matching nodes; if there are no matching modes, then no transformation is applied and no error is generated.

About value lookups

With value lookups, you can substitute one character string for another in any field of a document. You can implement value lookups using the AifValueSubstitutor pipeline component. For more information, see Creating and configuring a pipeline and Configure a pipeline. You can also create value lookups for any pipeline component, if you know the data type for the field. After creating a value lookup using the Configure value lookup form, you relate that value lookup to the pipeline component by entering the value lookup identification when you configure the pipeline component.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Configure value lookups for a pipeline component 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Value lookup. 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new line. 3. On the Overview tab, enter: A new identification in the Lookup table ID field. A name for the table in the Name field.

4. On the General tab, select the Microsoft Dynamics AX data type from the list of available data types. For the data types that reference a table in Microsoft Dynamics AX, the internal values are populated from that table. 5. Enter the internal values and the external values for the string substitution in the lower pane of the form. Use a value lookup table with the AifValueSubstitutor pipeline component 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints and select an endpoint. 2. Click Action policies and select an action. 3. Click Inbound Pipeline or Outbound Pipeline. 4. In the Class name field, select AifValueSubstitutor. If there is no pipeline, press CTRL+N to add a new pipeline and press CTRL+S to save. 5. Click Configure. 6. On the Pipeline Value Substitution Parameter Selection form, select the parameter in the Parameter name field. The Pipeline value substitution form is populated with the data fields that are Enabled on the Data Policies form for the document. 7. Enter the Lookup table ID for each data field to be substituted. This is the identifier you entered on the Value lookup form. 8. In the XPath field, you can view the location in the XML schema hierarchy where the element resides. 9. In the Type field, you can view the Microsoft Dynamics AX data type.

About value mapping

Value mapping is the translation of field data values that is based on business rules; for example, translating internal item numbers to vendor-specific item numbers or industry-standard numbers, depending on the trading partner. Value mapping can be performed on inbound and outbound XML documents and is configured on each document endpoint. Value mapping creates a translation index between the specific field in Microsoft Dynamics AX and an external field in the document. This index enables more flexibility when you are handling various internal, vendor-based, or industry-based codes.

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Value mapping example

One vendor requires all item numbers on the outbound purchase requisition from Microsoft Dynamics AX to be designated by using the vendors item number system, whereas another vendor (which is a separate endpoint) does not have this requirement, and a third vendor (also a separate endpoint) requires a common industry item number system on the purchase requisition lines. To handle these varying requirements, each purchase requisition document can be configured differently for each endpoint, and the item number value mapping settings can be configured to reflect the vendor requirements. When the outbound purchase requisition is generated, the active endpoint configuration translates the internal item number codes to the codes that are specified in the Value Mapping form. This translation ensures that each vendor receives the purchase requisition in the format that their system requires. You can map the values of the fields shown in the following table
Type Field

Trading partners

Vendor Account number Customer Account Number Country code County code State code Zip/postal code Item number Units Warehouse numbers Currency code Delivery Methods Terms of delivery Misc. charges



Other data

Value mapping for document transformation

Value mapping is configured in the Value Mapping form. For more information about the value mapping form, see topic "Value mapping (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. This section describes forms that are used to set up value mapping for endpoints and external codes for different fields used in the documents.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

External codes
You set up, define, and maintain external codes in the External codes form. These external codes are for different fields used to send and receive specific documents electronically through Application Integration Framework (AIF). If it is necessary, set up external codes for: Trading partners (vendor and customer account numbers) Addresses (countries/regions, counties, states, and Postal/ZIP Codes) Inventory (item numbers, bar codes, item units, and warehouses) Currency codes Delivery methods Delivery terms Miscellaneous charges Dimensions (department, purpose, cost center)

Endpoint value mapping

Map the values that are used for the active action policy and for the particular endpoint such as item number, customer account number, vendor account number, and terms of delivery in the Value Mapping form. You can map values for the following elements: Trading partners (vendor and customer account numbers) Addresses (countries/regions, counties, states, and Postal/ZIP Codes) Inventory (item numbers, bar codes, item units, and warehouses) Currency codes Delivery methods Delivery terms Miscellaneous charges Dimensions (department, purpose, cost center)

Map values
You can map the following internal values from Microsoft Dynamics AX to external values in inbound or outbound XML documents by using the Value Mapping form. For more information, see "Set up external codes for AIF" and "Currency code document value" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Map vendor or customer numbers field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the service action for which you want to map field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. Server and Database Administration Guide 193

Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. On the Partners tab, select the trading partner (vendor or customer) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, select the external code in the Customer code or Vendor code field. Map address field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map address field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map address field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Addresses tab, select the address type (countries, counties, states or ZIP/Postal Codes) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, specify the external code in the corresponding field. Map terms of delivery, delivery methods, and misc. charges field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Other base data tab, select the field value (terms of delivery, delivery methods, or misc. charges) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, specify the external code in the corresponding field.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX Map currency code field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map currency field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map currency field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Other base data tab, in the Handling currency codes section, in the Document value field, select the type of currency field value mapping: Not specified Our External code ISO currency code

5. If you selected External code in step 4, specify the external code in the Currency code field. Map units and warehouse numbers field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. On the Items tab, select the field value (units or warehouse number) for which you want to map field values. 5. In the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code

6. If you selected External code in step 5, specify the external code in the corresponding field. Map item numbers field values 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to map field values, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to map item number field values, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 4. On the Items tab, in the Handling item numbers section, in the Document value field, select the type of field value mapping: Not specified Our External code External item number Bar code Company item

5. If you selected External code in step 4, specify the external code in the Item number code field. If you selected Bar code in step 4, select the bar code type that the company uses in the Bar code setup field, and enter the bar code type that your trading partner uses in the Value field.

Configure data validation and defaulting

In Application Integration Framework (AIF), validation of data in an inbound XML document is usually performed by the Ax<Table> classes to ensure that referential integrity, number sequence, and business logic restrictions are enforced and to prevent incorrect data from being inserted into the application. If you disable data validation, the data from the inbound XML document is inserted into the application regardless of the data quality. Defaulting of fields is performed by the Ax<Table> classes to set predefined values in the application data tables if the inbound document does not contain these values. Otherwise, the inbound document fails. If you disable field defaults, data from the inbound XML document is inserted into the application regardless of the presence of required field values. This can result in some fields not containing values, the document failing, and an error being logged if any fields marked in the table as mandatory are empty. Note: Defaulting and validation are enabled by default. How to disable data validation for inbound documents 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to disable data validation, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to disable validation, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. In the Setup tab, clear the Validate input field. 5. To enable data validation, select the Validate input field again.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX How to set disable defaulting for inbound documents 1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to disable defaulting, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to disable defaulting, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. In the Setup tab, clear the Use defaulting field. 5. To enable data validation, select the Use defaulting field again.

Configure document parameters

This section lists the setup parameters for some commonly-used documents to be sent or received by Application Integration Framework (AIF).

Document notes
Define the name of the note document type in the Document management parameters form. For more information, see "Document management parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Sales Order document

Define where inbound sales order documents are to be received in the Accounts receivable parameters form (AIF tab > (Order type field). For more information, see "Accounts receivable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. The inbound sales order is received in the Sales order form. For more information, see "Sales orders (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. The inbound sales order is received in the Sales orders form. For more information, see "Sales orders (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Purchase Invoice document

Define the default register to receive the purchase invoice document in the Accounts payable parameters form (AIF tab > (Journal name field). For more information, see "Accounts payable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. Set up the manner in which duplicate invoices are processed in the Accounts payable parameters form (Updates tab > (Check the invoice number used field). For more information, see "Accounts payable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Packing Slip document

Define the default settings for the inbound packing slip document in the Accounts receivable parameters form (AIF tab > Packing slip field). For more information, see "Accounts receivable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Inbound Inventory Counting document

Set the default inventory counting journal for the inventory counting document in the Inventory parameters form (AIF tab > (Counting field). For more information, see "Inventory parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Transfer Journal document

Set the default counting transfer journal for the inventory transfer document in the Inventory parameters form (AIF tab > (Transfer field). For more information, see "Inventory parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Inventory Profit/Loss document

Set the default counting-profit-and-loss journal for the inventory profit-and-loss document in the Inventory parameters form (AIF tab > (Profit/Loss field). For more information, see "Inventory parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Inbound Price/Discount agreement document (trade agreements)

Set the default counting price discount journal for the price discount document in the Accounts payable parameters form (AIF tab > Price/Discount agreement field). For more information, see "Accounts payable parameters (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Limit outbound documents

You can configure an endpoint to limit the number of documents or entity keys that are returned from a request in Application Integration Framework (AIF). Limiting the number of records returned reduces the size of the XML document that the Application Object Server (AOS) processes and improves navigation of the XML document or entity keys. A scenario in which limiting documents may be useful is when the read and find actions are called. This is because those actions will typically be returning full documents and the number of records returned is unknown at request time leading to potentially large data sets being returned.

Limit the number of returned documents

1. Click Basic > Setup > Application Integration Framework > Endpoints. 2. Select the endpoint for which you want to define return document limits, and then click Action policies to open the Endpoint Action Policies form. 3. Select the action for which you want to define return document limits, and then click Configure to open the Value Mapping form. 4. In the Limit number of documents field on the Setup tab, select Yes to limit the number of documents that are returned by a query. By default, the value in the (Limitation type field is Default, and the maximum number of documents returned is set to 1000.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 5. To change the number of returned documents, select Specified in the (Limitation type field and enter the maximum number of documents returned by a request in the (Max. number of documents field. Note: If you send a request to AIF and anticipate the return of many large documents, you may want to first send a request using the findKeys action to return only all the entity keys (IDs) that match the criteria. After you receive a message with the entity keys, you can then manage processing of the data based on how many records the query returns.

Managing document exchanges

After you set up data exchanges with external systems using Application Integration Framework (AIF), you will need to maintain this integration. Microsoft Dynamics AX provides the ability to manage your document exchanges throughout their life cycle and troubleshoot any issues with data transfer. Maintaining and managing document exchanges involves: Monitoring traffic and viewing document history as documents pass through the framework. Clearing and reviewing messages in the queues for adapter-based exchanges. Viewing the exception logs when problems arise. Editing and resubmitting messages that contain formatting errors. Stopping and starting the batch services when necessary.

Document history
For both adapter-based and Web services-based exchanges, information about messages and document history is organized by action for each endpoint. You set the parameters for logging this information when you configure endpoint action policies. You view the logged information on the Document history form by clicking Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history. For more information, see View document history, Viewing the document log and "AIF Document history (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

Queue manager
For adapter-based exchanges, you use the Microsoft Dynamics AX batch functionality to start and stop the operation of the four services that move messages in to and out of the document processing queues. After documents are exchanged, you can monitor the activity of documents in the queues in the Queue manager. You can also edit and resubmit documents that have errors with the Queue manager form. To open the Queue manager, click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Queue manager. For more information, see Edit and resubmit messages in the queues.

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You can view information about AIF error messages when they occur by clicking Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Exceptions. The Exceptions form contains information about the module and subsystem where the error occurred, a description of the error, when the error was logged, the user associated with the error, and the form or business logic where the error occurred. For more information, see Viewing the exceptions log.

Starting and stopping the batch services

For adapter-based exchanges, you use the Microsoft Dynamics AX batch functionality to start and stop the operation of the four AIF services: AIFOutboundProcessingService, AIFInboundProcessingService, GatewaySendService, and GatewayReceiveService. These services move messages in to and out of the document processing queues. You may need to start and stop these services to troubleshoot any issues or to change the batch job settings such as recurrence. For more information, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services.

Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services

For Application Integration Framework (AIF) to begin sending and receiving documents for adapter-based exchanges, the four services that move documents through the queues must be running as batch jobs within Microsoft Dynamics AX: AIFGatewayReceiveService - Communicates with the adapters, receiving messages from their external locations (channels) and bringing them into AIF by putting them in the AIF gateway queue. AIFInboundProcessingService - Takes inbound messages received by AIF through the AIFGatewayReceiveService and then sends them to the correct Microsoft Dynamics AX document class (Ax<Document> class). AIFOutboundProcessingService - Combines an outbound document from Microsoft Dynamics AX with the document metadata such as endpoint and channel information and creates a fully-formed AIF message. The service then sends the message to the AIF gateway queue where it is picked up by the AIFGatewaySendService. AIFGatewaySendService - Communicates with the adapters and writes the messages to the correct external locations.

Until these batch jobs are started, no documents can be processed in adapter-based exchanges. Inbound documents do not enter your Microsoft Dynamics AX system and outbound documents accumulate in the AIF outbound processing queue. Each of these AIF services is implemented as a task in a Microsoft Dynamics AX batch job. For more information about batch jobs, see "Processing batch jobs" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX You can create a single batch job to support both inbound and outbound processing tasks, or you can create multiple batch jobs to run on one or more computers, depending on your processing needs. To start the services and allow AIF to begin processing documents from the queues, perform the following steps: 1. Create a batch job. 2. Add a task for each of the AIF queue processing services to the batch job. 3. Start the batch job by changing the status to Waiting.

Create a batch job

Follow these steps to create a batch job. For more information, see "Batch job (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. 1. Click Basic > Inquiries > Batch job. 2. On the Batch job form, press CTRL+N to add a new job. 3. In the Job description field, enter a text description for the batch job. 4. In the Scheduled start date/time field, click the calendar icon to select a date and time for the batch job to start processing. 5. In the Save job to history field on the General tab, select how the batch job processing should be saved to the batch history: Always - Saves a record to the batch history each time this batch job runs. Note: If you have this set to always save batch job processing history and you have a high recurrence frequency set for the batch job, it could lead to a high volume of batch history records. Errors only - Saves a record to the batch history only if an error occurs. Never - Does not save a record to the batch history regardless of whether the batch job runs successfully or encounters an error.

6. Press CTRL+S to save. 7. Click Recurrence to set how frequently the batch job should run. Note You cannot change batch information while the job is running or waiting to be run. You must change the batch status to Withhold before changing batch information.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Add tasks to the batch job

After you create the batch job, you must add a task to the job for each of the AIF queue services. The services should run in a specific order depending on whether the document exchange is inbound or outbound. Inbound - For inbound exchanges, the AIFGatewayReceiveService should run first followed by the AIFInboundProcessingService. This is because the AIFGatewayReceiveService retrieves the inbound message from the external location (channel) and puts it in the queue and the AIFInboundProcessingService processes the message. The AIFGatewayReceiveService and AIFInboundProcessingService services are responsible for bringing messages into AIF. Outbound - For outbound exchanges, the AIFOutboundProcessingService should run first followed by the AIFGatewaySendService. This is because the AIFOutboundProcessingService processes the message and the AIFGatewaySendService sends it to the proper location (channel). The AIFOutboundProcessingService and AIFGatewaySendService services are responsible for sending messages out of AIF.

For more information, see "Batch tasks (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help. To add tasks for the AIF services to the batch job, follow these steps: 1. Click Basic > Inquiries > Batch job. 2. Select a job and click View tasks. This opens the Batch tasks form. 3. Press CTRL+N to add a new task. 4. In the Task description field, enter a text description of the task. 5. In the Company accounts field, select the company for which the task will run. 6. In the Class name field, select AifGatewayReceiveService. This specifies that this task will run the receive service. 7. Press CTRL+S to save. 8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 and select AifInboundProcessingService in the Class name field. 9. Repeat steps 3 through 7 and select AifOutboundProcessingService in the Class name field. 10. Repeat steps 3 through 7 and select AifGatewaySendService in the Class name field. 11. Add the appropriate batch constraints to ensure that the services are processed in the correct order.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Start the batch job

When you create a batch job, the status is Withhold by default. After you have added the tasks to the job, you must change the job status to Waiting to start the processing of the batch job tasks. 1. Click Basic > Inquiries > Batch job. 2. Select the batch job. 3. Click Functions > Change status. 4. In the Select new status form, select Waiting. The AIF services will now start processing. The batch job status will change to Executing when the batch job is running. To refresh the batch job form, press F5.

Stop the batch job

To stop processing of the batch job tasks, follow these steps. 1. Click Basic > Inquiries > Batch job. 2. Select the batch job. 3. Click Functions > Change status. 4. In the Select new status form, select Withhold. The AIF services will now stop processing. Note: You cannot change the status of the batch job while the batch job status is Executing. You must wait until the status changes to Waiting or Ended. Press F5 to refresh the batch job form and check the status.

View document history

Documents that are exchanged using Application Integration Framework (AIF) reflect data in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database, such as a sales order. To exchange documents and data with external systems, AIF creates a message which contains header information with the document data. You can view document and message information on the Document history form by clicking Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history. If you select Message in the Display by field, you see information about the related action, the source and destination endpoints, and the date and time that the log entry was created. If you select Document in the Display by field, in addition to the information above, you also see information about the form name and the entity of the underlying document.

Information about messages and document history are organized by action for each endpoint. Set the parameters for logging when you configure endpoint action policies. For more information, see Configure endpoint action policies.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

View general document history

1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history. 2. In the Display by field, you can filter the display by selecting either Message or Document. When you filter by Message, you see the following information about the message: the action, the source and destination endpoints, and the date and time of the message transfer. When you filter by Document, in addition to the items above, you also see the form name and entity key for the document.

3. Click the General tab to view the Message ID field. 4. Click the Details tab to view the following information: The message direction (inbound or outbound). The pipeline identification (if any). User information for the endpoint (the Microsoft Dynamics AX user associated with the endpoint) and the submitting user. This is the user associated with the process that submitted the message (either the Microsoft Dynamics AX user that submitted the message for the source endpoint or a trusted intermediary). For more information, see Configure an endpoint. For outbound documents sent in response to read requests, the Request message ID field shows the message ID for the original request. Processing details, which include the Channel, the Adapter, and the Transport address used in the exchange.

5. Click Correlation to view the record in the database that corresponds to the message. 6. Click Document logs to view the raw XML for each version of the document as it is transformed by each of the components in the pipeline. 7. Click Clear document XML to clear all or some of the XML for any of the versions of the document that currently exist in the system.

View the data in a document for a message

1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history. 2. In the Display by field, filter by Message. 3. Select a message and click Correlation. 4. On the Document correlation form, view the form name, table name, and entity key for the database record contained in the message that you selected. You can also view a record for each of the numbered versions of the document and the related processing steps. 5. Click View to see the data displayed in the default form for that document.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Delete a message
When you delete a message on the Document history form, you delete it from the AifMessageLog table. 1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history. 2. In the Display by field, filter by Message. 3. Press ALT+F9 to delete the record from the document history.

Delete the XML for a document

1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history. 2. In the Display by field, filter by Document and select a document. 3. Click Clear document XML. 4. To clear all the XML document images in the system, click Clear all versions. 5. To clear all versions of the XML document except the version closest to the local endpoint, click Clear interim versions. For outbound documents, this clears all versions except the highest-numbered version. For inbound documents, this clears all versions except the first one.

Edit and resubmit messages in the queues

The Queue manager form displays information about messages in the Application Integration Framework (AIF) queues, including the following values for the status of the message: Ready In Process (for inbound messages only) Hold Error In Transport Process (for outbound messages only) Malformed XML

If the status for a message is Ready, you can change it to Hold and vice versa. You can delete or edit a particular message if its status is set to Error or Hold. For more information, see Start and stop the asynchronous AIF services and "AIF Queue manager (form)" in the Application and Business Processes Help.

View message status and details

To view the status and other details about a message, follow these steps. 1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Queue manager to view a list of current messages in the AIF queues. 2. On the Overview tab, view the channel, direction, status, action, source endpoint, destination endpoint, and any associated error message.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. On the Details tab, view information about the submitting user, the Microsoft Dynamics AX user identification for the endpoint, and the date and time the message was created. 4. Click Refresh to update the display. 5. Click Document log to view information about the document contained in the message, depending on the log options set for the endpoint on the Endpoint Action Policies form: If the Logging mode field is set to Log All, then you can click Document log to view the document at each stage of its transformation. If the Logging mode field is set to Log Original, then you can click Document log to view the original document. If the Logging mode is set to Log None, then no document log is available.

Delete a message
If a message remains unprocessed in the AIF queues, you can delete it in Queue manager. 1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Queue manager to view a list of current messages in the queues. 2. If the value in the Status field is Error, Malformed XML, or Hold, then you can delete it. 3. Press ALT+F9 to delete the message.

Edit and resubmit a message

If a message enters the queue but cannot be processed because of an error, it may be possible to edit and resubmit the message. To resubmit a message, follow these steps. 1. If the message status is Error or Hold, click View message to see the message and optionally write the message to an XML file after entering the file name and path. 2. Edit the file that you just saved in any XML editor to correct the field or fields in error. 3. Click Import message to import the file. 4. To signal the queue to begin processing the message, change the status of the message from Error or Hold to Ready.

Viewing the document log

You can store copies of the XML code for documents that are exchanged with Application Integration Framework (AIF) and view them in the document log. When you configure the action policy for an endpoint, you set the logging mode to one of these values for each action on the endpoint: Log Original - Only the original document is stored in the log. Log All - A version of the document is stored after each pipeline transformation is applied in addition to the original document. Log None - No document XML is stored.

For more information about setting these options, see Configure endpoint action policies.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX To view the document log, follow these steps. 1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Document history. 2. In the Display by field, select Document. 3. On the Overview tab, select a document and click Document logs. In the Document log form, you can view a record of the numbered versions of the document and the related processing steps, as well as the date and time for each log entry. To view the XML associated with one of the versions, select the record and click View XML.

Viewing the exceptions log

The exceptions log contains a record of all the errors that occur during document exchanges in Application Integration Framework (AIF). On the Exceptions form, you can view information about the module and subsystem where the error occurred, a description of the error, when the error was logged, the user associated with the error, and the form or business logic where the error occurred.

View the exception log

1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Exceptions. 2. On the Overview tab, select an exception record. 3. Click View to see the form or business logic related to the exception, if it is available. 4. Click Exception help to see more information about the exception, if more information is available.

Clear the exception log

1. Click Basic > Periodic > Application Integration Framework > Exceptions. 2. On the Overview tab, select an exception record. 3. Click the delete icon on the toolbar or press ALT+F9 to delete the exception record from the system. Note: You can use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple records in the exception log grid.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Maintenance and data recovery

A Microsoft Dynamics AX system requires ongoing maintenance, which includes the following processes: Back up and recover databases Back up and recover application files Monitor specific events, either in Microsoft Dynamics AX or in the database

You will need a maintenance strategy for all the environments that you run: production, development, and test. This section provides information about planning backup and data recovery strategies for the Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Backups and data recovery

This section provides basic information about backup and recovery strategies for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The following topics are included: Plan database backups Plan application file backups Plan for disaster recovery

Plan database backups

Include all the databases in your Microsoft Dynamics AX system in your backup and recovery strategy. These databases can include the following: A Microsoft Dynamics AX database, either SQL Server or Oracle A SharePoint database to support Enterprise Portal A SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services database to support ad hoc reporting A SQL Server Analysis Services database to support OLAP reporting

Creating backups will help you recover a damaged database. Backups of a database are also useful for routine purposes, such as copying a database from one server to another, setting up database mirroring, and archiving for governmental purposes. Backing up and restoring data should be customized for a particular environment and must work with the available resources. A well-designed backup and recovery strategy maximizes data availability and minimizes data loss, considering your particular business requirements. The backup part of the strategy defines the type and frequency of backups, the nature and speed of the hardware that is required for them, how backups are tested, and where and how backup media is stored (including security considerations). The recovery part of the strategy defines how databases should be restored to meet your goals for availability of the database and for minimizing data loss, and who should recover the data. We recommend that you document your backup and recovery procedures and keep a copy of the documentation in your operations manual. Designing an effective backup and recovery strategy requires careful planning, implementation, and testing. Consider a variety of factors, including: The production goals of your organization for the databasesespecially the requirements for availability and protection of data from loss. Constraints on resources such as hardware, personnel, space for storing backup media, and the physical security of the stored media.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX The nature of each of your databases: How frequently does the data in each database change? Are some tables modified more frequently than others? What are your critical database production periods? What are the usage patterns during these periods? When does the database experience heavy use, resulting in frequent inserts and updates? You might want to schedule differential or log backups during periods of the heaviest use and schedule full backups during off-peak hours.

Refer to the database documentation for detailed information about how to select and implement a backup and recovery strategy.

See Also
Microsoft SQL Server documentation Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services documentation

Plan application file backups

The Microsoft Dynamics AX business logic is stored in application files. To make sure that all modifications and customizations are saved if a computer fails, regularly back up the application files directory using Microsoft Windows backup or another backup system. By default, application files are located in the Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Application\Appl\<InstanceName> directory. Examples of the files in this directory include indexes, headers, and labels for each layer. Refer to the operating system documentation for detailed information about how to select and implement a file backup and recovery strategy.

Plan for disaster recovery

To make sure that all systems and data can be quickly restored to normal operation if a failure occurs, you must create a disaster recovery plan. When you create this plan, consider scenarios for different types of disasters that might affect the system, including natural disasters, such as a fire, and technical disasters, such as a two-disk failure in a RAID-5 array. When you create a disaster recovery plan, identify and prepare for all the steps that you must follow to respond to each type of disaster. Testing the recovery steps for each scenario is important. We recommend that you verify your disaster recovery plan through the simulation of a data loss event. Consider disaster recovery planning in the context of your particular environmental and business needs. For example, suppose a fire destroys your 24-hour data center. Are you certain you can recover? How long will it take you to recover and have the system available? How much data loss can users tolerate? Ideally, your disaster recovery plan includes a time estimate for recovery and expectations for the extent of recovery. For example, you might determine that after the acquisition of specified

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Microsoft Dynamics AX hardware, recovery will be completed in 48 hours, and data will be restored only through the end of the previous week. A disaster recovery plan can be structured in many different ways and can contain many types of information. Disaster recovery plan types include the following: A plan to acquire hardware. A communication plan. A list of people to be contacted if there is a disaster. Ownership for each phase of the recovery plan. A checklist of required tasks for each recovery scenario. To help you review how disaster recovery progressed, it helps to initial each task as it is completed, and indicate the time of completion on the checklist.

Ensuring disaster readiness

To make sure that you can recover the system after a disaster, we recommend that you periodically perform the following activities: Test your backup and recovery procedures thoroughly before a real failure occurs. Testing helps make sure that you have the required backups to recover from various failures, that your procedures are clearly defined and documented, and that they can be executed smoothly and quickly by any qualified operator. Perform regular database, transaction log, and file system backups to minimize the lost data. We recommend that you back up both system and user databases. Maintain system logs in a secure manner. Keep records of all service packs installed on Microsoft Windows, the database, and Microsoft Dynamics AX. On another server or set of servers, assess the steps that you have to take to recover from a disaster. Amend the steps as necessary to suit the local server environment, and then test the amended steps. Make sure that you understand and document the database and file permissions required to recover the database and application folder and return the server to a working production state. Plan for the loss of each Microsoft Dynamics AX server, including the AOS server, database server, application file server, and Enterprise Portal server. You should also understand the implications of the loss of the domain controller to the Microsoft Dynamics AX implementation. Review related documentation, such as the Windows SharePoint Services Administration Guide, so that you can recover the other databases used with Microsoft Dynamics AX.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

System maintenance tasks

This section describes maintenance tasks that you should perform periodically, such as cleaning up user logs. This section contains the following topics: Prepare Microsoft Dynamics AX for maintenance Clean up user logs

Prepare Microsoft Dynamics AX for maintenance

Use the following procedure to take Microsoft Dynamics AX offline for users but keep it available to the administrator to run maintenance tasks. 1. Open the Online users form (Administration > Online users). 2. On the Server Instances tab, select each AOS instance except the one that will be used to perform maintenance, and then click Reject new clients. In-progress client sessions will not be disconnected automatically, but no new connections will be accepted. If you do not want to wait until current client sessions are logged off, you can forcibly disconnect users by selecting them and by clicking the End sessions button. 3. Use the Services control panel (Start > Administrative Tools > Services) to stop all AOS instances except the one that will be used to perform maintenance. 4. Open the Server configuration form (Administration > Setup > Server configuration). 5. On the Overview tab, select the AOS instance that is still running. 6. In the Max concurrent sessions field, change the number to 1. When this field is set to 1, any users trying to connect are denied access while the administrator is connected. 7. Press CTRL+S to save changes. You can now perform maintenance tasks. 8. After maintenance has been completed, restart all AOS instances and allow client connections.

Clean up user logs

Use the User log cleanup form to delete user log information that is no longer needed. Note: The cleanup process permanently deletes data. 1. Click Administration > Inquiries > User log > Clean up button. 2. Enter a value in the History limit (days) field to define a limit for the deletion. Only log information older than the given number of days is deleted. 3. Click Select to open the inquiry form. 4. Select a user or a range of users, and, optionally, additional user information. 5. Click OK to return to the User log cleanup form. 6. Click OK to perform the cleanup once, or click the Batch tab to define parameters to clean up the user log at regular intervals. Server and Database Administration Guide 212

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Optimizing performance
This section provides information about monitoring and tuning servers to improve Microsoft Dynamics AX performance. This section contains the following topics: Manage load balancing Set up Performance Monitor counters Tracing Setting processor affinity Tune database settings Manage database logs

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Manage load balancing

Use load balancing to distribute the user load among multiple Application Object Server (AOS) instances. AOS load balancing in Microsoft Dynamics AX has the following benefits. Less downtime: If one AOS instance fails, new sessions can be automatically routed to different AOS instances. Easier maintenance: Take an AOS instance offline for maintenance while other AOS instances handle the load. Greater scalability: AOS instances can be added as needed. Create a load balancing cluster Remove an AOS from load balancing

This section contains following topics:

Create a load balancing cluster

To distribute the user and transaction load among multiple Application Object Server (AOS) instances, add the instances to a load balancing group, or cluster. You can create multiple clusters so that users performing similar functions are always connected to the same set of servers. For example, you might set up the following clusters: Cluster 1: Contains servers A and B. Used for Enterprise Portal users. Cluster 2: Contains servers C and D. Used for sales order entry. Cluster 3: Contains servers E and F. Used for batch processing.

Choose a load balancing configuration

There are two types of load balancing clusters for Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can create a cluster with one AOS instance that acts solely as a load balancer. You can also create a cluster with no specified load balancer.

Set up a cluster with a load balancer

If you set up a cluster with a load balancer, the load balancer AOS instance is dedicated to distributing the user load. The load balancer AOS instance does not accept client connections. A cluster that contains a load balancer AOS instance must also contain at least one AOS instance that is not a load balancer. In this configuration, you must set client configurations to connect to the load balancer AOS instance. You can then add and remove other AOS instances from the cluster without needing to update client configurations. When a client starts, it connects to the load balancer AOS instance. The load balancer AOS instance returns a list of active AOS servers in the cluster, sorted based on workload. The client tries connecting to the first AOS instance in the list. If that connection fails, the client attempts to connect to the second AOS instance in the list, and so on. Server and Database Administration Guide 214

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Set up a cluster without a load balancer

If you set up a cluster without a load balancer, each AOS instance acts as both a load balancer and an active AOS instance that accepts client connections. In this configuration, client configurations must contain connection information for multiple AOS instances. If you need to remove an AOS instance from the cluster, you must update the client configurations that refer to that instance. When a client starts, it sends a request to the first server that is listed in the client configuration. That server returns the list of the active AOS servers in the cluster, sorted based on workload. The client tries connecting to the first AOS instance in the list. If that connection fails, the client attempts to connect to the second AOS instance in the list, and so on.

Install additional AOS instances

Before you set up clusters, you must install additional instances of the AOS. Point all AOS instances to the same application file location and the same database. For more information about installing an AOS instance, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide. New AOS instances are automatically added to the default cluster, which does not participate in load balancing. After installing a new AOS instance for load balancing, you must add it to a cluster other than the default.

Create a cluster
1. Open the Cluster configuration form (Administration > Setup > Cluster configuration). 2. Press CTRL+N to create a new cluster. 3. Enter a name and description for the cluster. 4. Press CTRL+S to save changes.

Add an AOS instance to a cluster

1. In the Cluster configuration form, click Map AOS instances to clusters. 2. Select an AOS instance. 3. If the selected AOS instance should act as a load balancer, select the Load Balancer option. Notes: You can select the Load Balancer option for an AOS instance when the AOS instance is not running, if the instance has been started at least once. If an AOS instance is used as a load balancer, it cannot be used as a batch server.

4. In the Cluster name field, select the appropriate cluster for the selected AOS instance. 5. Press CTRL+S to save changes.

Change client configurations

If the cluster uses a load balancer AOS instance, set client configurations to connect to the load balancer AOS instance. If the cluster does not use a load balancer AOS instance, add all AOS instances in the cluster to the client configurations. Server and Database Administration Guide 215

Microsoft Dynamics AX Use the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility to change client configurations. For more information, see Managing configurations (Client).

Remove an AOS from load balancing

Before you remove an AOS instance from a load-balancing cluster, you must stop clients from connecting to that AOS.

Change client configurations

If the cluster uses a load balancer AOS and you are not removing the load balancer, you do not need to change client configurations to connect to a different server. If the cluster does not use a load balancer AOS, or if you are removing the load balancer, you must change client configurations to connect to a different server. Use the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility to change client configurations. For more information, see Managing configurations (Client).

Set the AOS instance to reject new clients

1. Open the Online users form (Administration > Common Forms > Online users). 2. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance that you want to remove. 3. Click Reject new clients. Client sessions already in progress will not be disconnected, but no new connections will be accepted. When the number of clients connected to the AOS reaches 0, it is safe to remove the AOS from the cluster.

Remove the AOS instance from the cluster

1. Open the Cluster configuration form (Administration > Setup > Cluster configuration). 2. Click the tab Map AOS instances to clusters. 3. Select the AOS instance that you want to remove. 4. Click the tab Cluster management, and in the Cluster name field, choose the default cluster (Non Load Balanced AOS Instances). AOS instances in the default cluster do not participate in load balancing. 5. Press CTRL+S to save changes.

Uninstall the AOS instance

To completely remove the AOS instance from the environment, you must uninstall it. For more information about uninstalling an AOS instance, see Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics AX.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Set up Performance Monitor counters

You can use the Performance Monitor counters that are included with Microsoft Dynamics AX to help you monitor the usage of system resources. With counters you can collect and view realtime performance data about server resources such as processor and memory use, and about Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft SQL Server resources such as locks and transactions. The following table describes the counters for the Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server performance object.
Counter Description

Active Sessions Number of Bytes Received by Server

The number of currently active server sessions. The number of bytes received by the Application Object Server (AOS) instance since it started. The number of bytes sent by the AOS instance since it started. The number of client-to-server requests since the AOS instance started. The number of client-to-server requests processed per second by the AOS instance. The number of server-to-client requests processed since the AOS instance started. The total number of active sessions since the AOS instance started.

Number of Bytes Sent by Server

Number of Client Requests

Number of Client Requests per Second

Number of Server Requests

Total Sessions

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX The following table describes the counters available for the Microsoft Dynamics AX: Enterprise Portal performance object. All Enterprise Portal counters are .NET Business Connector counters. If you call the .NET Business Connector through another application, the same counters can be used.
Counter Description

Number of Sessions

The number of currently active .NET Business Connector sessions. The time in seconds taken to execute and render a Web Part. The number of fatal .NET Business Connector session exceptions. For Enterprise Portal, this means that the page was not rendered. A Windows SharePoint Services error page was displayed to the user.

Web Part Execution Time

Fatal Session Exceptions

Nonfatal Session Exceptions

The number of nonfatal .NET Business Connector session exceptions. For Enterprise Portal, this means that the page was rendered, but some Web Parts on the page were not rendered.

Xpp Session Exceptions Sessions Allocated

The number of X++ .NET session exceptions. The total number of .NET Business Connector sessions allocated since AOS startup. The total number of .NET Business Connector sessions disposed of since AOS startup. The number of .NET Business Connector sessions allocated per second.

Sessions Disposed

Session Allocation Rate

You may also want to monitor counters for the AOS process (Ax32Serv), such as CPU usage, memory usage, handle counts, and thread counts.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Add counters
1. Open the Performance window (Start > Administrative Tools > Performance). 2. Click Add or press CTRL+I. 3. In the Add Counters dialog box, verify that the correct server name appears. 4. Select Select Counters from Computer. 5. In the Performance Object list, select an object to add counters for, such as Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server. 6. Select all counters for the object, or select individual counters. 7. Click Add, and then click Close.

Set up an alert
1. On the navigation tree of the Performance window, expand Performance Logs and Alerts. 2. Right-click Alerts, and then click New Alert Settings. 3. In the New Alert Settings dialog box, type a name for the new alert, and then click OK. 4. On the General tab of the dialog box for the new alert, add a comment, and then click Add to add a counter to the alert. All alerts must have at least one counter. 5. In the Add Counters dialog box, select a Microsoft Dynamics AX object from the Performance Object list, and then select a counter from the Select counters from list. 6. To add the counter to the alert, click Add. You can continue to add counters, or you can click Close to return to the dialog box for the new alert. 7. In the new alert dialog box, select either Over or Under in the Alert when the value is list, and then enter a threshold value in Limit. 8. Click Apply. The alert is generated when the value for the counter is more than or less than the threshold value (depending on whether you selected Over or Under). 9. In the Sample data every boxes, set the sampling frequency. 10. On the Action tab, set actions to occur every time the alert is triggered. 11. On the Schedule tab, set the start and stop schedule for the alert scan.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX includes a tracing tool to help you create a performance baseline for your Microsoft Dynamics AX servers. A performance baseline can help you understand when server performance is slow or when you might need to make changes in your configuration to manage server capacity. The topics in this section describe how to set tracing options in Microsoft Dynamics AX and how to read trace files.

Set tracing options

Microsoft Dynamics AX provides multiple locations to set tracing options for server and client activity. You can set traces: In the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility on the computer running the Application Object Server (AOS) instance. In the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility on a client or for an instance of Business Connector that is running non-interactively. Within Microsoft Dynamics AX, in the Tools > Options... dialog box, on the Development and SQL tabs. Note: This option is not available unless you also select Allow client tracing on Application Object Server instance in the Server Configuration Utility. In general, we recommend that you use these tools to help you trace in the following scenarios:
Scenario Tool

Monitoring general performance

Trace from the Server Configuration Utility on a computer running an AOS instance. Trace from the Server Configuration Utility on a computer running an AOS instance. Trace from the Configuration Utility on the client - or For line-by-line tracing only, use the options in the Tools > Options dialog box. This may option may degrade system performance.

Standard troubleshooting

Debugging code

Create an application profile Deep troubleshooting

Trace from the Configuration Utility on the client. Trace from the Server Configuration Utility on the AOS.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Considerations for tracing from the configuration utilities

When you are setting up tracing from the Configuration Utility or Server Configuration Utility, be aware of the following: Note: Tracing is processing-intensive and space-intensive - We recommend that you do not turn tracing on for more than one client at a time. On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems, only Administrators and SYSTEM accounts can use tracing. To run tracing on a client, you must choose the option run as Administrator. To run tracing on the server, the AOS account must be a SYSTEM account. The log directory cannot be changed - The log is always installed to installationdirectory\log. Restrict access to the directory to administrators and the AOS account (the domain account or Network Service account associated with the AOS service). Trace files are stored in binary format, and can be read with the Microsoft Dynamics AX Tracing Utility.

Set tracing options (Server)

1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected Application Object Server (AOS) instance and configuration are the ones you want to modify.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. On the Tracing tab, evaluate the type of tracing you need to do, and choose settings.
To do this Select these options

Monitor general performance on a production server Perform standard troubleshooting

RPC round trips to server

RPC round trips to server X++ method calls, Number of nested calls: 4 SQL statements Allow client tracing on Application Object Server instance

Debug code

RPC round trips to server X++ methods SQL statements Row fetch summary (count and time) Allow client tracing on Application Object Server instance

Deep troubleshooting

All options. Performance may be degraded while all tracing options are on.

4. On the Tracing tab, click Start trace. If the AOS Windows service is running, the trace starts within 15 seconds. If the service is stopped, the trace starts the next time the service is started.

Set tracing options (Client)

1. Open the Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration). 2. Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to modify.

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. On the Tracing tab, evaluate the type of tracing you need to do, and choose settings.
To do this Select these options

Monitor general performance on a production server Perform standard troubleshooting

RPC round trips to server

RPC round trips to server X++ method calls, Number of nested calls: 4 SQL statements

Debug code

RPC round trips to server X++ methods SQL statements Row fetch summary (count and time) Enable method tracing to client desktop

Deep troubleshooting

All options. Performance may be degraded while all tracing options are on.

4. To start tracing once you have set the options you want, close the Configuration Utility, and restart your Microsoft Dynamics AX client.

View a trace file

Files from traces are saved to the following locations:
Type of trace Location

AOS trace files AOS settings and SQL settings triggered from client (Allow client tracing on Application Object Server instance is selected) Client method trace triggered from client (Enable method tracing to client desktop is selected)

AOS computer Log\<servername>_<timestamp>.trc AOS computer Log\<Username>_<ClientIP>_<sessionID>_<server>.trc

Client computer log\<Username>_<ClientIP>_<sessionID>_<client>.trc

A new file is created each time tracing is started, or when a new day starts. Note: If you are running frequent traces, be sure to remove or archive unneeded trace files often.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Troubleshooting tracing
This section provides information on troubleshooting issues encountered while tracing.

In the Configuration Utility it appears that a trace is running, but when I look in Windows, the trace is not running
When a trace file reaches its size limit, it is stopped by Windows. The Configuration Utility interface does not synchronize with Windows until you click Stop trace.

When I run more than one client tracing session at a time, my system slows down
Tracing is processing-intensive and space-intensive - we recommend that you do not turn tracing on for more than one client at a time.

Reading trace files

Trace files store Microsoft Dynamics AX information gathered by turning on tracing in the configuration utilities. Trace files are stored in a binary format. A trace file reader utility is available for download from CustomerSource and PartnerSource. Client log and trace files are stored at: Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\5.0\Client\Log Server log and trace files are stored at: Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\5.0\Server\company\Log

When you trace method calls, the values returned are multiples of 2. To determine the actual call depth, divide the value by 2. Note: The call depth is reset to 0 each time a call crosses a tier (calls from the client to the server, or from the server to the client).

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Setting processor affinity

If you use a multi-processor server for Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can specify which processor hosts the AOS service. This is called processor affinity, and it can help improve server performance. 1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Server Configuration). 2. Click Manage > Create configuration. 3. Enter a name, select where to copy the configuration from, and click OK. 4. Click the Performance tab. 5. In the Processor Affinity section, select Custom, and then select which processor should host the AOS service. 6. Click OK.

Tune database settings

You may want to tune the database settings for Microsoft Dynamics AX to improve performance. Before changing settings, trace the usage of your Microsoft Dynamics AX database to ensure that you have clear understanding of performance under the current settings. To trace Microsoft Dynamics AX database performance, use: Tracing from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration Utility. For more information, see Set tracing options. Windows Performance Monitor, using Microsoft Dynamics AX Object counters.

Test all tuning changes before implementing them in a production environment. In a test or development environment, make a single change and then test your system's performance before making another change.

Change the concurrency mode

Concurrency settings enable you to reduce locking conflicts on your system. For more information, search for the following topics in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Help: Concurrency model configuration (Form) Transaction integrity Exception handling Select statement syntax Table properties

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Tune connections
The following table lists common connection issues, and some adjustments to try in the Server Configuration Utility.
Symptom Adjustments to try

Results for common queries are returned slowly. Results for ad hoc queries are returned slowly.

Increase the Maximum buffer size value.

Check to see that the appropriate indexes are in place. Decrease the Transaction retry interval value. Increase the Array fetch ahead value.

Transactions are failing frequently.

Data grids for commonly used tables draw slowly.

Tune queries
If queries in the system are running slowly, you may want to change settings for literals, string functions, or hints. Microsoft Dynamics AX no longer uses literals by default in form and report queries, or in complex-join queries.

Adjust the use of literals

Microsoft Dynamics AX may pass either parameters (placeholders) or literals (actual values) in queries. Parameters allow Microsoft Dynamics AX and the database server to reuse the query when search values change. They are preferred for high-frequency queries. Literals allow the database server to optimize the query for a specific piece of information. This provides an optimal query for that piece of information, but the database server must perform the optimization for every query executed. Literals may be used for long running queries such as complex joins.

A developer can override the default use of literals by specifying parameters in their code, or an administrator can override the use of literals in the Server Configuration Utility.
Symptom Adjustments to try

Long-running queries run slowly.

Review the query plan statements sent to SQL Server and consider taking corrective action. Using literals may be one solution. Select Use literals in join queries from forms and reports. Select Use literals in complex joins from X++.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Adjust the use of autogenerated string functions

Microsoft Dynamics AX embeds some string functions in SELECT statements automatically. String functions are included to support: Treating uppercase and lowercase versions of the same text as the same text (single case) for Oracle installations. Left justification or right justification.

When a string function is included in a query, the optimizer may have to choose a less-thanoptimal access plan, such as a table scan, for retrieving data. If customers do not require the use of mixed case outside Microsoft Dynamics AX and do not use left justification or right justification, these functions are not required and should be turned off. To improve performance, we recommend that all values be stored left-aligned by default.

Adjust the use of hints

In Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can allow developers to override the index selected by the query optimizer. In most situations, allowing the query optimizer to select an index for a query results in improved performance. If queries include INDEX hints and are running more slowly than expected, clear the Allow INDEX hints in queries option.

Changes in the use of hints

If you have upgraded to Microsoft Dynamics AX, the queries in your system may contain outdated Microsoft SQL Server hints. Configuration commands are no longer available to globally enable or disable many of the hints from previous versions. If hints are explicitly specified in an X++ statement, they are added to the SQL Server query that is generated. Otherwise, they are not added. The following changes have also been made: The OPTION (FAST), LOOP, and FORCE ORDER hints are not applied by default, but are applied if explicitly specified in X++. A FIRSTONLY hint in X++ is translated into the addition of a TOP 1 statement to the SQL Server query.

cursors are used for all user queries unless a cursor has been marked as FOR

and READPAST, hints are added to statements depending on the type of the cursor that an X++ query has produced. No interface is available to modify these hints.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Manage database logs

Database logs contain sensitive data. By default, any user who has database access can query a database log by using Business Connector, X++, or alerts, or by using direct database access. To protect data, restrict permissions on the sysdatabaselog table. For more information, see "Manage table and field access" in the System and Application Setup Help, available from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Help menu. Consider carefully which tables you select for database logging. For example, logging changes in transaction tables where there are often many changes has a negative impact on overall system performance. To limit log entries and to improve performance, select specific fields to log instead of entire tables. For individual fields, only updates can be logged.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Modifying or uninstalling Microsoft Dynamics AX

This section contains information about using the Setup wizard to add or remove individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components. It also includes information about using Windows to remove Microsoft Dynamics AX. This section contains the following topics: Add or remove individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics AX

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Add or remove individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components

This section describes how to use the Setup wizard to add or remove individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components. Important: Some components cannot be removed using Setup. Databases, log files, and application files must be removed manually. For more information, see Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Add individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup. 2. Step through the initial wizard pages. 3. On the Modify Microsoft Dynamics AX installation page, click Add or modify components. Then click Next. 4. On the Add or modify components page, select the components you want to add and then click Next. If a component is not available, it means that an instance is already installed, and only one instance of that component can be installed on a computer. Note: To add or remove Help languages, select the Client component. 5. Step through the wizard pages and enter the required information for the components you are installing. For more information about installing a specific component, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX Installation Guide. 6. On the Ready to install page, click Install.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Remove individual Microsoft Dynamics AX components

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup. 2. Step through the initial wizard pages. 3. On the Modify Microsoft Dynamics AX installation page, click Remove components. Then click Next. 4. On the Remove components page, select the components you want to remove and then click Next. If a component is not available, no instance of that component is installed on the computer, or that component cannot be removed by using Setup. The following components can be removed if they have been installed on the local computer: Application Object Server (AOS) instances Note: You can also uninstall AOS instances by using the Add or Remove Programs control panel. Before you remove an AOS instance, use the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility to point all clients to a valid AOS instance, or update the shared configuration file. When you remove an AOS instance, it is not automatically removed from the list of batch and load balancing servers. After you uninstall an AOS instance, you must manually delete it using the Server configuration form or the Cluster configuration form. Client Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework Uninstalling Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework removes the files installed by Setup, but does not remove Web sites. Delete Web sites using SharePoint Central Administration. Workflow Reporting extensions Uninstalling the reporting extensions removes the files installed by Setup, but does not remove Reporting Services objects such as data sources, reports, and report models. To remove these objects, use the Reporting Services administration tools. Analysis extensions Uninstalling the analysis extensions does not delete SQL Server Analysis Services objects, such as databases, cubes, and models. To remove these objects, use the Analysis Services administration tools. Debugger Enterprise Portal developer tools Reporting tools .NET Business Connector 231

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Microsoft Dynamics AX AIF Web services BizTalk adapter Synchronization proxy for Microsoft Project Synchronization service for Microsoft Project

5. Step through the wizard pages and enter the required information for the components you are removing. 6. On the Ready to uninstall page, click Remove.

Uninstall Microsoft Dynamics AX

This topic explains how to uninstall Microsoft Dynamics AX by using Add or Remove Programs on the Control Panel. Databases, log files, and application files must be removed manually. Information about how to manually remove components is also included in this topic.

Uninstall components by using Add or Remove Programs

Use this procedure to remove Microsoft Dynamics AX components. 1. Open Add or Remove Programs. (Start > All Programs > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs).

Server and Database Administration Guide


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2. Select the component that you want to remove, and then click Remove. The components that are listed in the following table can be removed.
Option Removes

Microsoft Dynamics AX Components

Selecting this option removes the following components: Client Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework Workflow Reporting extensions Debugger Enterprise Portal developer tools Reporting tools .NET Business Connector AIF Web services BizTalk adapter Synchronization proxy for Microsoft Office Project Synchronization service for Microsoft Office Project

This option removes all components that are installed on the local computer. You cannot select to remove individual components. Microsoft Dynamics AX Client Help Files Select this option to remove all Help files in all installed languages. You should not remove Help files unless the client is also being removed. Select this option to remove a specific Application Object Server (AOS) instance. Before you remove an AOS instance, use the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility to point all clients to a valid AOS instance, or update the shared configuration file. When you remove an AOS instance, it is not automatically removed from the list of batch and load balancing servers. After you uninstall an AOS instance, you must manually delete it by using the Server configuration form or the Cluster configuration form.

Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server (instance name)

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Microsoft Dynamics AX 3. A message box asks you to confirm that you want to uninstall. To proceed, click Yes.

Remove remaining components manually

If you choose to remove an entire installation, some components remain after Add or Remove Programs is finished. The following table provides more information about removing components manually.
To remove this Do this

Application files

Delete the application file directory from the location that you installed it to. Use database server administration tools to delete the database and log files. Delete Web sites by using SharePoint Central Administration. Delete SQL Server Reporting Services objects, such as data sources, reports, and report models by using Reporting Services. Delete the contents of the Microsoft Dynamics AX report folder.

Database and log files

Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework Reporting extensions

Analysis extensions

Delete SQL Server Analysis Services objects, such as databases, cubes, and models by using Analysis Services.

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