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MS AX Installation Guide

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Microsoft Dynamics™ AX 2009 Installation

Microsoft Corporation
Published: May 2008
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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Table of Contents
Getting started with installation ........................................................................................................ 6
Overview of Microsoft Dynamics AX installation .......................................................................... 7
Microsoft Dynamics AX server overview ...................................................................................... 9
User accounts that are used for server connections .................................................................. 11
Prerequisite software installed by Setup .................................................................................... 12

Before you install ........................................................................................................................... 13

Rights required for installation .................................................................................................... 14
System requirements ................................................................................................................. 15
Select installation type ............................................................................................................... 16

Install base components ................................................................................................................ 17

Install the database .................................................................................................................... 18
Create a Microsoft SQL Server database ............................................................................... 18
Set up an Oracle database ..................................................................................................... 21
Install application files ................................................................................................................ 25
Choosing regional functionality ............................................................................................... 27
Install an Application Object Server (AOS) instance .................................................................. 28
Install the Microsoft Dynamics AX client .................................................................................... 31
Install a client .......................................................................................................................... 31
Mass deployment of clients .................................................................................................... 33

Initialize Microsoft Dynamics AX ................................................................................................... 35

Start Microsoft Dynamics AX ..................................................................................................... 36
Prerequisites for initialization ..................................................................................................... 36
Initialization checklist .................................................................................................................. 37
About the initialization checklist .............................................................................................. 37
Compile the application .......................................................................................................... 40
Provide license information ..................................................................................................... 40
Language-specific licenses ................................................................................................. 41
Set customer feedback options .............................................................................................. 42
Configure Oracle statistics ...................................................................................................... 42
Configure Oracle tablespaces ................................................................................................ 42
Configure application functionality .......................................................................................... 43
Configuration key flowchart ................................................................................................. 44
Modify data types .................................................................................................................... 45
Data types that can be modified .......................................................................................... 45
Synchronize the database ...................................................................................................... 46
Import data .............................................................................................................................. 46
Create initial company accounts ............................................................................................. 47
Installation Guide 3
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create virtual companies for global address books ................................................................ 47

Configure system accounts .................................................................................................... 49
Select default user profiles for Role Centers .......................................................................... 50
Run the checklist items without user interaction ........................................................................ 51

Install required components .......................................................................................................... 53

Enterprise Portal and Role Centers ........................................................................................... 54
Install prerequisites for Enterprise Portal and Role Centers .................................................. 55
Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Windows SharePoint Services ....................... 56
Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Office SharePoint Server ............................... 59
Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers in a Web farm ...................................................... 64
Set up Role Centers and Enterprise Portal ............................................................................ 67
WorkfIow .................................................................................................................................... 68
Configure Workflow accounts ................................................................................................. 69
Install prerequisites on the Workflow Web server .................................................................. 70
Select a Web site for Workflow ............................................................................................... 70
Install Workflow ....................................................................................................................... 71
Add the Workflow Web site to the list of trusted sites ............................................................. 72
Set up the Workflow system ................................................................................................... 73
Reporting extensions ................................................................................................................. 74
Install prerequisites on the report server ................................................................................ 75
Configure Reporting Services ................................................................................................. 77
Configure Reporting Services on Windows Server 2008 ....................................................... 78
Update the Reporting Services configuration file ................................................................... 81
Install the reporting extensions ............................................................................................... 81
Deploy reports ......................................................................................................................... 83
Set up the reports ................................................................................................................... 83
Analysis extensions .................................................................................................................... 84
Install prerequisites on the OLAP server ................................................................................ 85
Install Analysis Management Objects on client computers .................................................... 85
Install the analysis extensions ................................................................................................ 86
Configure Analysis Services ................................................................................................... 86
Set up the default cubes ......................................................................................................... 89

Install development components ................................................................................................... 90

Install the debugger .................................................................................................................... 91
Install Enterprise Portal developer tools .................................................................................... 92
Install reporting tools .................................................................................................................. 93
Install Team Server .................................................................................................................... 94

Install integration components ....................................................................................................... 96

Install the .NET Business Connector ......................................................................................... 97
Set the Business Connector proxy user ................................................................................. 98
Set a Service Principal Name ............................................................................................... 100
Installation Guide 4
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install AIF Web services ........................................................................................................... 100

Install the BizTalk adapter ........................................................................................................ 104
Install the synchronization proxy for Microsoft Office Project .................................................. 105
Install the synchronization service for Microsoft Office Project ................................................ 106

Install multiple instances of Microsoft Dynamics AX ................................................................... 109

Install a developer installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX ........................................................... 111

Silent installation ...................................................................................................................... 115

Troubleshoot the installation ........................................................................................................ 117

Test an installation ................................................................................................................... 118
Troubleshoot installation issues ............................................................................................... 118

Installation Guide appendix ......................................................................................................... 127

Setup parameters ..................................................................................................................... 128
Rights for a manually created Oracle schema ......................................................................... 151

Installation Guide 5
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Getting started with installation

This section contains an overview of the Microsoft Dynamics™ AX installation process. The
following topics are included:
 Overview of Microsoft Dynamics AX installation
 Microsoft Dynamics AX server overview
 User accounts that are used for server connections
 Prerequisite software installed by Setup

Installation Guide 6
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Overview of Microsoft Dynamics AX installation

Installing Microsoft Dynamics AX is a complex process. An overview of the installation process is
illustrated below.

For more detailed information about the steps in the process, see the following sections.

Before you install

Before installing Microsoft Dynamics AX, you must plan the implementation and prepare the host
computers for installation.

Step Related topics

Plan system topology Microsoft Dynamics AX Implementation Toolkit.

Look for updated Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics AX documentation Web site
2009 documentation on the Web.

Review and install system requirements for System requirements

each component

Make sure that your domain account has Rights required for installation
appropriate rights to perform the installation

Install base components

First, you must install the base components. A base system includes a database, Application
Object Server (AOS), application files, and at least one client.

Step Related topics

Create database Create a Microsoft SQL Server database

Set up an Oracle database

Install application files Install application files

Install the AOS Install an Application Object Server (AOS)


Install clients Install a client

Mass deployment of clients

Installation Guide 7
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Run the initialization checklist

After you've installed the base components, you must complete the initialization checklist in the
Microsoft Dynamics AX client.

Step Related topics

Start system Start Microsoft Dynamics AX

Complete initialization checklist Initialization checklist

Install additional components

After the initialization checklist has been completed, you can install required, development, and
integration components.

Step Related topics

Install required components Enterprise Portal and Role Centers

Reporting extensions
Analysis extensions

Install development components Install the debugger

Install Enterprise Portal developer tools
Install reporting tools
Install Team Server

Install integration components Install the .NET Business Connector

Install AIF Web services
Install the BizTalk adapter
Install the synchronization proxy for Microsoft
Office Project
Install the synchronization service for Microsoft
Office Project

Installation Guide 8
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX server overview

A production deployment of Microsoft Dynamics AX requires multiple servers. The following
information lists the types of server that may be required in your implementation.
For more detailed information about server configuration and topology, see the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Implementation Toolkit.

Servers in a base Microsoft Dynamics AX installation

Base Microsoft Dynamics AX server components include the Application Object Server (AOS),
database, and application files. While you can install the components on a single server
computer, performance issues generally dictate the use of separate servers. Single-server
installations are typically used for testing purposes.

Application Object Server (AOS)

An AOS server is a computer running the AOS Windows service. The AOS service controls
communications among Microsoft Dynamics AX clients, databases, and applications. You can
install the AOS on a single computer or you can create a server cluster for load balancing.

Database server
® ®
The database server stores Microsoft Dynamics AX data. You can use a Microsoft SQL Server
database server or an Oracle database server.

File server
A file server contains the Microsoft Dynamics AX application files, which include indexes,
headers, and labels for each application layer. The directory where the application files are
installed must be accessible to all AOS servers.

Additional Microsoft Dynamics AX servers

When you use additional Microsoft Dynamics AX functionality, you may need to add servers to
the implementation to maintain satisfactory performance.

Enterprise Portal server

An Enterprise Portal Web server hosts a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site that can
make Microsoft Dynamics AX data and functionality available to trusted users, while making
available only restricted functionality, such as catalog information and questionnaires, to
anonymous users.
For more information about setting up an Enterprise Portal server, see Enterprise Portal and Role

Installation Guide 9
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Workflow server
A Workflow Web server runs the Windows Workflow Foundation, which enables you to create
individual workflows, or business processes, in Microsoft Dynamics AX. A workflow controls how
a document flows through the system by specifying who must process and approve it.
For more information about setting up a Workflow server, see WorkfIow.

Reporting server
A reporting Web server adds to the reporting functionality in Microsoft Dynamics AX by linking to
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. A reporting server provides enhanced support for ad
hoc reporting.
For more information about setting up a reporting server, see Reporting extensions.

Application integration server

An application integration server runs the Application Integration Framework (AIF), a mechanism
for sharing electronic business documents from Microsoft Dynamics AX with external parties,
such as vendors and customers.
For more information about setting up an AIF server, see Install AIF Web services.

Online analytical processing (OLAP) server

An OLAP server adds to the reporting functionality within Microsoft Dynamics AX by linking to
SQL Server Analysis Services. An analysis server provides enhanced support for online
analytical processing (OLAP).
For more information about setting up an OLAP server, see Analysis extensions.

Other servers in the environment

The following servers are commonly found in infrastructures that are running Microsoft Dynamics
AX. This documentation provides no guidance on how to set them up, but does
provide information on how to use Microsoft Dynamics AX with them.

Domain controller
A domain controller in an Active Directory network manages user logons and access to network
and shared resources.

Messaging server
A messaging server enables sending and receiving e-mail messages and instant messages.
Microsoft Dynamics AX can use e-mail to send alerts to users. Microsoft Dynamics AX requires
the messaging server to support SMTP.

Installation Guide 10
Microsoft Dynamics AX

User accounts that are used for server

The following user accounts are used for communication between Microsoft Dynamics
AX servers:

Account Function

AOS service account The domain account or Network Service account that
the AOS Windows service runs as. Communicates with
the database server.
For more information about the AOS service account,
see Install an Application Object Server (AOS)

Business Connector proxy A domain account that is used to connect to the AOS
on behalf of a Microsoft Dynamics AX user, without
granting that user excessive privileges in the system.
This functionality is used by the Role Centers and
Enterprise Portal, Workflow, and Reporting Services
For information about Business Connector proxy
account requirements, see Set the Business Connector
proxy user.

Workflow service account An account that is used for communication between

Microsoft Dynamics AX and the Workflow Web server.
For more information about the Workflow service
account, see Configure Workflow accounts.

Workflow system account An account that is used for running application business
logic and accessing Microsoft Dynamics AX data.
For more information about the Workflow system
account, see Configure Workflow accounts.

Synchronization service account The domain account that the synchronization service
runs as. We recommend that this domain account be
configured with no local log-on rights.
For more information, see Install the synchronization
service for Microsoft Office Project.

Installation Guide 11
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Prerequisite software installed by Setup

If you are installing a component that requires one or more of the following prerequisite software
components to be installed, Setup installs and configures the software for you on the local
The following table lists prerequisites and the components that require them.

Prerequisite Component it will be installed for

Internet Information Services (IIS) Workflow

Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework
AIF Web services

Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Synchronization service (Project Server 2007)

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework
Service Pack 1
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable AOS
Package Client
.NET Business Connector

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable AOS

Package Client
.NET Business Connector

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ADOMD.NET Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework

SQL Server 2005 Native Client AOS

DHTML Editing Control for Applications Client

Redistributable Package

If you are not the system administrator, consult a system administrator before installation. You
cannot use Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup to uninstall this software later.

Installation Guide 12
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Before you install

This section contains information that you should be aware of before installing Microsoft
Dynamics AX. The following topics are included:
 Rights required for installation
 System requirements
 Select installation type

Installation Guide 13
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Rights required for installation

Before beginning the Microsoft Dynamics AX installation process, work with a system
administrator to ensure that the account you log on with at each server has appropriate
permissions. The permissions listed below are implemented according to the principle of least
In all cases, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer where
you are installing a component. The following table lists permissions that are required in addition
to administrator access on the computer.

Component Additional permissions required to install

Microsoft SQL Server database Member of the dbcreator role on the SQL
Server instance.

Oracle database All privileges and Select any dictionary


Application files None

Application Object Server (AOS) Member of the securityadmin role on the SQL
Server instance you want to connect to and full
permissions to the folder where the application
files are installed.

Client None

Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework Member of the Administrators group in
Microsoft Dynamics AX and a member of the
dbcreator role on the SQL Server instance
being used for Windows SharePoint Services (if
WSS is installed through Microsoft Dynamics
AX Setup).

Workflow Member of the Administrators group in

Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Reporting extensions Member of the Administrators group in

Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Analysis extensions None

Debugger None

Enterprise Portal developer tools None

Reporting tools None

Installation Guide 14
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Component Additional permissions required to install

.NET Business Connector None

AIF Web services Member of the Administrators group in

Microsoft Dynamics AX.
BizTalk adapter Member of the Administrators group in
BizTalk Server.

Synchronization proxy Member of the dbowner database role on the

SQL Server database for Microsoft Office
Project Server, and a member of the
Administrators group on the computer running
Project Server.

Synchronization service Member of the Administrators group in

Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Developer installation The rights required to install the database and


System requirements
For up-to-date hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX, see the system
requirements Web page (
Some software prerequisites will be installed automatically by Setup. For more information, see
Prerequisite software installed by Setup.

Installation Guide 15
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Select installation type

Two installation types are available from the Setup wizard: Custom installation and Developer
In a production environment, choose Custom installation to select specific Microsoft Dynamics
AX components to install on multiple computers.
In a development or test environment, choose Developer installation to install a basic Microsoft
Dynamics AX system on a single computer, including the following components:
 Database
 Application Object Server (AOS)
 Application files
 Client
 .NET Business Connector
 Debugger

You should not use the Developer installation in a production environment. Use this
installation type only for development and testing.
For more information about the Developer installation type, see Install a developer installation of
Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Installation Guide 16
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install base components

A base Microsoft Dynamics AX system consists of an instance of an Application Object Server
(AOS), application files, a database, and at least one client. These components can be installed
on computers arranged in a variety of topologies, but all elements must be installed for the
system to run. After you have installed the base components, you must complete the initialization
Before you install, verify that your domain account has the correct permissions on each computer
that you will install on. For more information, see Rights required for installation.
The following topics are contained in this section.

Topic Description

Install the database Contains information about creating the

database used to store Microsoft Dynamics AX
Setup can create a Microsoft SQL Server
database or you can create an Oracle

Install application files Explains how to install the Microsoft Dynamics

AX application files.
The application files contain core functionality
and customizations for the system.

Install an Application Object Server (AOS) Provides instructions for installing the
instance Application Object Server (AOS) Windows
The AOS controls communications among
Microsoft Dynamics AX clients, databases, and

Install a client Contains information about installing the

Microsoft Dynamics AX client.
A client is the interface to Microsoft Dynamics
AX data and functionality.

Installation Guide 17
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install the database

Before you install, you must determine which type of relational database you are going to use to
support your Microsoft Dynamics AX system. Microsoft Dynamics AX supports both Microsoft
SQL Server and Oracle databases.
For business intelligence, Microsoft Dynamics AX supports only Microsoft SQL Server Analysis
Services and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. However, SQL Server Analysis Services
and SQL Server Reporting Services can be configured to work with Microsoft Dynamics AX data
from an Oracle system.
For information about supported database versions, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX system
requirements Web page (

Create a Microsoft SQL Server database

To store your Microsoft Dynamics AX data, you must create a new Microsoft SQL Server

Setup places the database and transaction log in the same location. For a production
environment, we recommend that you move the transaction log to a different drive. For
more information, see the SQL Server documentation.

Before you begin

 The SQL collation for the database must include a sort order that is case-insensitive, accent-
sensitive, kana-sensitive, and width-insensitive. The collation must match the Microsoft
Windows locale of the computers running instances of the AOS. If you are setting up a new
SQL Server installation, we recommend that you choose a Windows collation rather than a
SQL collation. For more information about choosing a collation for a SQL Server database,
see the SQL Server documentation.
 If the database server is not on the same computer as the AOS, enable remote connections
on the database server.
a. Start SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server >
SQL Server Management Studio) and log on to SQL Server.
b. Right-click the SQL Server instance that you want to connect to, and then click
c. Click Connections, and then select Allow remote connections to this server.
d. Restart SQL Server.
 If the SQL Server computer has a firewall running on it, be sure that port 1433 is open.

Installation Guide 18
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create a Microsoft SQL Server database using the Setup wizard

Use this procedure to install the Microsoft Dynamics AX database on Microsoft SQL Server. If
you are installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation
screens will vary based on the components you are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Database (Microsoft SQL Server), and then click
5. On the Create new SQL Server database page, in the Server name box, type or select the
name of the SQL Server computer to connect to. To connect to a named instance of SQL
Server, enter it in the format ServerName\InstanceName.
In the Database name box, type a name for the new database.

We recommend that you use a uniform naming convention for all aspects of the
installation, including the database name, the AOS name, and the application file
instance name. For example, you might use a name like Fabrikam_DYNAX09_Live,
which includes a shortened form of your business name, the Microsoft Dynamics
AX version, and a code for the purpose of the installation.
If you're installing multiple databases, provide a different name for each instance.
6. Click Next until the component has been installed.

Create a SQL Server database manually

If you want to create a SQL Server database manually for Microsoft Dynamics AX, you must first
create a database using Setup as a template.
1. Follow the procedure above to create a SQL Server database using Setup.
2. Manually create a second SQL Server database using SQL Server Management Studio.
3. Copy all objects, users, and user permissions from the template database to the new

Installation Guide 19
Microsoft Dynamics AX

4. Configure an AOS instance to connect to the new database. Installing an AOS instance sets
the appropriate rights for the AOS service account on the selected database server and creates
stored procedures used for session management.
If you want an existing AOS instance to connect to the manually created database, you must
set the appropriate rights for the AOS account. Set the following permissions in the database:
 Make the account a login on the database server. (This login already exists if you are
installing on the same SQL Server computer as the first database.)
 Assign the user to the db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter database
 Grant the user execute rights on the createserversessions and createusersessions
stored procedures.
See Also
Rights required for installation

Installation Guide 20
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Set up an Oracle database

To store your Microsoft Dynamics AX data in an Oracle database, you must work with an Oracle
database administrator to perform the following tasks. To set up multiple Microsoft Dynamics
AX databases, follow the procedures below and create each database under a different schema.

Tasks performed by an Oracle administrator

On the Oracle database server, the Oracle administrator must perform the following tasks.

Set up an Oracle database and grant rights

1. Set up Oracle Database 10g with the following settings for tablespaces and indexspaces.

Option Value

Database name (required) Any valid Oracle database name

Tablespace (recommended) Create tablespaces for Microsoft Dynamics AX to use. For

 AXTAB (for tables)
 AXIDX (for indexes)
 AXTMP (for temporary tables)
The Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator will configure the
tablespaces after Microsoft Dynamics AX has been fully

If you are upgrading, you must use the same
tablespace names in the previous version and the
new version.

Collation (required) Microsoft Dynamics AX supports Unicode collations. If you

are setting up a new Microsoft Dynamics AX installation, we
recommend that you select a Windows collation for your
locale. For more information about choosing a collation for an
Oracle database, see your Oracle documentation.

Installation Guide 21
Microsoft Dynamics AX

2. Create a database user for the Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator to use when installing
an AOS instance. Setup uses the Windows account of the installing user to connect to the
Oracle database and to write stored procedures to the Oracle database. Set the following
 Add the network account of the person who will install the AOS to the database
administrators group in Oracle.
 Set Oracle to use Windows authentication.
3. Optional: Create database users for the service accounts of all AOS instances. Grant the
database users the following rights in the database:
GRANT CREATE USER TO "<AOSaccount_name>";



If you do not perform this step, Setup grants the following rights to the current AOS instance:
4. Optional: Create a schema (user account) for each database instance and grant the rights
listed in Rights for a manually created Oracle schema.
If you do not perform this step, Setup grants the following rights to the schema.
5. Optional: Import the Setup stored procedures. You can find the stored procedures
OracleCreateServerSessions and OracleCreateUserSessions in the Support folder on the
Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD. The stored procedures have been wrapped. If you do not
perform this step manually, it will be performed by Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.

Configure rights outside of Oracle

On the computer that runs Oracle, the Oracle administrator must configure the following rights.
1. Enable Windows remote authentication. Add the following entry to the SQLNET.ORA file.

2. If some users that log on from clients are not on the same domain as the database, you must
also set REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT to true, and restart the Oracle service.

Installation Guide 22
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install the Oracle client

On the computer where the AOS instance will be installed, the Oracle administrator must install
the Oracle client.
1. Install an Oracle Database Client (10g release), Administrator version.
2. If the system uses a TNS Names connection, open the TNSNames.ora file, add the following
statements to it, and then save the file:
DatabaseName =



(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = serverhostname)(PORT = portnumber)



(SERVICE_NAME = databasename)

Tasks performed by a Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator

The following procedures must be performed by the Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator.

Install an AOS instance that connects to the Oracle database

On the AOS server, use the Setup wizard to install an AOS instance and connect it to the Oracle
database. For more information about setting up an AOS instance, see Install an Application
Object Server (AOS) instance.
1. Log on to Windows with the user account that the Oracle administrator provided.
2. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup
3. Step through the initial wizard pages.
4. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
5. On the Select components page, select Application Object Server (AOS).
6. On the Install files page, type the location, or click Browse to navigate to the location where
the Microsoft Dynamics AX files have been installed.
7. On the Database: Select a database type page, select Connect to an existing Oracle
database server.

Installation Guide 23
Microsoft Dynamics AX

8. On the AOS: Connect to an Oracle database server page, select the connection type you
plan to use.
 If you select Use a net service (TNS) to connect, type in the service name.
 If you select Use custom settings to connect, type in the host name, database service
name, and TCP/IP port to connect to.
 In the Schema (user) name box, specify a name for the schema under which the
Microsoft Dynamics AX objects will be created in the database. You can accept the
default value of DBO. If you enter a schema name that does not already exist, Setup
creates it for you. In the Password box, specify a password for the schema.
9. On the AOS: Locate the application files page, type or browse to the location where you
installed the Microsoft Dynamics AX application files.

By default, the application files are installed to <Drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft
Dynamics AX\ApplicationInstanceName.
10. On the AOS: Create an instance page, assign a name to the AOS instance, and optionally,
a TCP/IP port.
11. On the AOS: Select an account page, choose whether to use the Network Service account
of the local computer or a domain account for the AOS account.

If you are installing the AOS and the Oracle database on the same computer, you
must use a domain account for the AOS account.
12. Click Next until the component has been installed. Setup performs the following actions on
the computer that is running Oracle:
 Grants the AOS account Full Control on the Oracle installation directory.
 Runs a script that creates a schema, if it does not already exist.
 Creates session persistence stored procedures.

Configure Oracle tablespaces using the initialization checklist

Start an Microsoft Dynamics AX client and run the initialization checklist. As part of the checklist,
you will configure the placement of tables in tablespaces. For more information about configuring
Oracle using the initialization checklist, see Configure Oracle tablespaces.

Installation Guide 24
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install application files

The application files store the Microsoft Dynamics AX business logic. Application files include
indexes, headers, and labels for each layer.

Before you begin

Select an installation location that meets the following requirements:
 The directory must be accessible to all Application Object Server (AOS) computers.
 Choose a shared folder that is at least one level under the share root. (For example,

If the application files are at the root of the share (for example,
\\ApplicationServer\Share), when you install an AOS instance that connects to the
application file server, Windows removes any permissions that the folder inherited
from folders above it for all accounts, including members of the Administrators and
Power Users groups.
 Permissions on the directory should be highly restrictive. Allow access to the directory only to
AOS accounts and Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators. Client computers do not require
access to the directory, so access should not be granted. For recommendations about how to
set permissions for systems running multiple AOS instances, see Install multiple instances of
Microsoft Dynamics AX.
 The share where the application files are installed cannot be configured as a Distributed File
System (DFS).

Install application files

Use this procedure to install the Microsoft Dynamics AX application files. If you are installing other
Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on
the components you are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Application files and then click Next.
5. On the Install files page, type the location or click Browse to navigate to the location where
you want to install the application files. Application files for all Microsoft Dynamics AX
components will be installed in the folder that you select. Click Next.

Installation Guide 25
Microsoft Dynamics AX

6. On the Application files: Set an instance name page, enter a name for this instance of the
application files. The location for the files is set to

We recommend that you use a uniform naming convention for all aspects of the
installation, including the database name, the AOS name, and the application file
instance name. For example, you might use a name like Fabrikam_DYNAX09_Live,
which includes a shortened form of your business name, the Microsoft Dynamics AX
version, and a code for the purpose of the installation.
If you plan to install multiple instances of the application files, use a different name for each
Click Next.
7. On the Application files: Select a country or region page, choose a country or region to
install. Regions provide country-specific tax and financial functionality. For more information,
see Choosing regional functionality.
Click Next.
8. On the Ready to install page, click Install.

See Also
Rights required for installation

Installation Guide 26
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Choosing regional functionality

When you install the Microsoft Dynamics AX application files, you can choose whether to install
additional regional functionality. Regions provide country-specific tax and financial functionality.
The following list includes the countries/regions whose tax and financial information is included in
all installations.
 Australia
 Austria
 Belgium
 Canada
 Denmark
 Finland
 France
 Germany
 Iceland
 Ireland
 Italy
 Malaysia
 Netherlands
 New Zealand
 Norway
 Singapore
 South Africa
 Spain
 Sweden
 Switzerland
 Thailand
 United Kingdom
 United States

Installation Guide 27
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install an Application Object Server (AOS)

The Application Object Server (AOS) is a Microsoft Windows service that controls
communications among Microsoft Dynamics AX clients, databases, and applications.
When you install the AOS, the following components are included:
 The AOS Windows service
 The Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration utility

Before you begin

We recommend installing the database server and application files either before you install the
AOS or at the same time as you install the AOS.

If you do not install in this order, you can use the Server Configuration utility to specify
the database and the application file location.
If the computer on which you are installing the AOS uses Windows Firewall, the firewall service
must be running. By default the AOS service runs on TCP/IP port 2712.

Selecting a user account for the AOS service

Before installing an AOS instance, determine which account you want the AOS service to run as,
whether a domain account or the Network Service account of the computer that you install it on.
Consider the following points when selecting an account:
 We strongly recommend using a domain account in a production environment. You should
use the Network Service account only in development and testing environments. Work with a
system administrator to create a domain account solely for use by the AOS instance. We
recommend that the account be set up as follows:
 Must be a dedicated account (used only for this purpose)
 Must have a password that does not expire
 Should not have interactive logon rights
 Must be able to log on as a service
 If the SQL Server and the AOS are on different computers, you must use a domain account.
 If you plan to install any Microsoft Dynamics AX components on a domain controller, you
must use a domain account.
 If you plan to use Message Queuing (MSMQ) for document exchange with Application
Integration Framework (AIF) and you need to send signed messages, you must use a domain
account. (If you are sending unsigned messages with AIF, the AOS can run under the
Network Service account.)
Installation Guide 28
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Installing a single AOS instance

Use this procedure to install a single or initial instance of the AOS on a computer. If you are
installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will
vary based on the components you are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Application Object Server (AOS), and then click
5. On the Select database type page, select the type of database to connect to.
6. On the Install files page, type the location or click Browse to navigate to the location where
you want to install the files for this component.

By default, the files are installed to <Drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics
7. If you selected Microsoft SQL Server as the database, the AOS: Connect to a SQL Server
database page appears. In the Server name box, type or select the name of the SQL Server
to connect to. In the Database name box, select the name of the database to which you want
to connect.
8. If you selected Oracle as the database, the AOS: Connect to an Oracle database server
page appears. Select the connection type to use: net service (TNS) or custom settings. Enter
a schema (user) name and password to use to connect to the database.
9. On the AOS: Locate the application files page, type the location or click Browse to
navigate to the location where the Microsoft Dynamics AX application files have been
installed. The application files may be located on a different computer.
In addition, enter the name of the application files instance that you want to use. Click Next.
10. On the AOS: Create an instance page, assign a name to the AOS instance, and optionally,
a TCP/IP port. The default port is 2712.

We recommend that you use a uniform naming convention for all aspects of the
installation, including the database name, the AOS name, and the application file
instance name. Because Microsoft Dynamics AX installations typically include one
database, one set of application files, and multiple AOS instances, make sure that
AOS instance names are consistent with the naming convention, yet unique. For
example, you might use a name like Fabrikam_DYNAX09_Live_AOS1, which
includes a shortened form of your business name, the Microsoft Dynamics AX
version, a code for the purpose of the installation, and an identifier for the AOS

Installation Guide 29
Microsoft Dynamics AX

11. Optional: To send information to Microsoft about any fatal error in the AOS instance, select
Participate in error reporting.

This option applies only if you are installing on Windows Server 2003. If you are
installing on Windows Server 2008, you must use Server Manager to set error
reporting options.
If you enable error reporting, information is sent over a secure (https) connection to Microsoft,
where it is stored with limited access. Microsoft uses the reports only to improve Microsoft
Dynamics AX, and treats all information as confidential.
12. On the AOS: Select an account page, choose whether to use the Network Service account
of the local computer or a domain account to run the AOS service.
Setup grants the following permissions to the AOS account:
 Adds the AOS account to the database as a user, and makes it a member of the
db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter database roles.
 Grants the user execute rights on the createserversessions and createusersessions
stored procedures.
 Grants the AOS account Full Control permissions on the application files directory.
13. On the Ready to install page, click Install. If you want the AOS service to start after it has
been installed, mark Start the AOS instance after installation is completed.

The AOS Windows service can take several minutes to start the first time after
installing. To determine whether it has started, go to Administrative tools >
Services, and review the status of the Dynamics AX Object Server service.

Installing AOS instances on multiple computers

For most production environments, you will install multiple AOS instances, each on a different
computer. You can use multiple AOS instances to support batch processing and load balancing.
For details, see the Server and Database Administration Guide.
Install each AOS instance as described in the preceding section. Point all the AOS instances to
the same application file location and the same database. You can use a single domain account
for all instances of the AOS service or you can specify a different account for each instance.
We recommend using a separate domain account for each AOS instance. If you use multiple
accounts, you can create a group in Active Directory to more easily manage AOS account
permissions. Use the following procedure to set up permissions for the Active Directory group.
1. Create a group in Active Directory.
2. Add the AOS accounts to the group you created.
3. Make the Active Directory group a login on the database server.

Installation Guide 30
Microsoft Dynamics AX

4. Make the login a user in the Microsoft Dynamics AX database, and add the user to the
following database roles: db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter.
5. Grant the Active Directory group full permissions to the folder that contains the application
6. Optionally, remove permissions on the application folder and in the database for the
individual AOS accounts.

Installing multiple AOS instances on one computer

Multiple AOS instances may be installed on the same computer, which is useful in some testing
and development scenarios. For example, if you are developing for multiple versions of Microsoft
Dynamics AX, you can install different versions of the AOS side-by-side. Each instance must use
a different port number and have a unique name.
The procedure for installing multiple AOS instances on a single computer is similar to the
procedure for installing a single AOS instance.

Install the Microsoft Dynamics AX client

This section contains information about installing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Windows client.
The Microsoft Dynamics AX client is an interface to Microsoft Dynamics AX data and functionality.
The following topics are included:
 Install a client
 Mass deployment of clients

Install a client
A Microsoft Dynamics AX client is the interface to Microsoft Dynamics AX data and functionality.
When you install the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, the following components are included:
 The Microsoft Dynamics AX interface that connects to an Application Object Server (AOS).
 The Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility.
You must be logged on to the client computer to install the client.
If you are installing a large number of clients, we recommend that you install them from a file
server and create a shared configuration file. For details, see Mass deployment of clients.

You can set clients to use a shared configuration file only when you install the client from
the command line. This option is not available through the Setup wizard.

Installation Guide 31
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Before you begin

Before installing clients, be sure that you have installed the database, application files, and AOS.

Installing a client
Use this procedure to install a Microsoft Dynamics AX client using the Setup wizard. If you are
installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will
vary based on the components you are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Client and then click Next.
5. On the Install files page, provide a file location for the Microsoft Dynamics AX client or
accept the default location and then click Next.
6. On the Client: Select a display language page, select the language to view the Microsoft
Dynamics AX client in and then click Next. If you later decide to use a different language, you
can modify the user settings in the client.
7. On the Client: Select Help languages page, select the languages to view Microsoft
Dynamics AX Help in and then click Next. We recommend that you install all the Help
languages required for the client during initial installation.

To view the Help in a different language, you can change the user settings in the
Microsoft Dynamics AX client. If you do not install the Help files for all the languages
that you need, you can install additional Help files later by running Setup again.
Select the Client component, and then select any additional languages you require.
8. On the Client: Connect to AOS instance page, enter the name of the computer running the
AOS instance to connect to and then click Next. You can optionally specify the AOS instance
name and TCP/IP port number.
If you do not know the name of the Application Object Server, contact the Microsoft Dynamics
AX administrator.
9. On the Ready to install page, click Install.

Next steps
The client uses a TCP port to connect to the AOS. If Windows Firewall is enabled on the
computer, we recommend adding a firewall exclusion for the Ax32.exe application.

Installation Guide 32
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Mass deployment of clients

If you need to deploy a large number of clients, we recommend using the following process:
1. Copy the contents of the Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD to a shared directory on the network.
2. Create a common configuration file in a shared directory on the AOS computer that clients
will connect to.
3. Create a command (batch) file in a shared directory in the Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD
shared folder, at the same level as Setup.exe.
4. Test the command file on a local computer.
5. Use a mass deployment tool such as Group Policy or Microsoft Systems Management Server
to run the command file from a logon script.
For more information about using Group Policy to deploy software, see:
For more information about using Systems Management Server to deploy software, see:
The following procedures contain more detailed information about creating a shared configuration
file and creating a command file.

Create a configuration file to share

By default, each client is installed with local configuration settings that specify which AOS to
connect to. In a large deployment, we recommend creating a common configuration file in a
shared directory instead. (The shared directory must always be available, or clients will be unable
to start.) Using a single configuration file for multiple clients makes future configuration changes

You can set clients to use a shared configuration file only when you install the client from
the command line. This option is not available through the Setup wizard.

1. On a client that has local configuration settings and is connected to the appropriate AOS
instance, start the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility (Start > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration).
2. Verify that the settings in the configuration are those you want to distribute broadly.
3. Click Manage, and then click Export configuration to file. Name and save the configuration
4. Copy the saved configuration file to a shared directory. The user of each client computer
must have read permissions on the shared directory.

Installation Guide 33
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create a command file to install clients

This section describes how to create a command file to specify installation parameters to deploy
a large number of clients.

Instead of entering all parameters directly in the command file, you can set up the
command file to use a parameter file. For more information, see Silent installation.
We recommend that you determine which parameters to use by installing a client on a single
computer and then reviewing the Setup log file, which is located at
%AllUsersProfile%\Microsoft\Dynamics AX\Dynamics AX Setup Logs\Date Time\
DynamicsSetupLog.txt. The log lists the parameters that were used in the installation.
For more information about individual parameters, see Setup parameters.
1. Create a command file named AxInstallClient.cmd in the Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD shared
folder, at the same level as Setup.exe.
2. Specify installation parameters in the command file. Use the following example as a guide:
X:\Setup.exe HideUI=1 AcceptLicenseTerms=1 InstallClientUI=1 ClientAosServer=Company1
ClientLanguage=en-US ClientHelpLanguages=en-US;fr-CA

3. Optional. To install clients without installing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Client Configuration
utility, set the parameter ClientConfig to zero.
4. Optional. To set up clients to use a shared configuration file, set the ClientConfigFile path
parameter to the file in the shared directory.
ClientConfigFile="X:\<name of configuration file>.axc"

Installation Guide 34
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Initialize Microsoft Dynamics AX

Before you begin to set up Microsoft Dynamics AX, make sure that the installation was properly
completed and that the AOS is running.
After installing the base components, you must set up the system by using the initialization
checklist. After you have completed the checklist, you can install additional components, or you
can set up Microsoft Dynamics AX modules.
The following topics are contained in this section.

Section Description

Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Provides information about the first time you
start the Microsoft Dynamics AX client.

Prerequisites for initialization Describes the access rights necessary to run

the tasks in the initialization checklist.

Initialization checklist Explains how to use the initialization checklist,

and how to perform each checklist task.

Run the checklist items without user interaction Contains information about automating
checklist tasks.

Installation Guide 35
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Start Microsoft Dynamics AX

You can start Microsoft Dynamics AX after you have installed the base components: the
database, application files, Application Object Server (AOS), and client.

The client cannot start until the AOS Windows service has started. The AOS service can
take several minutes to start after you install it the first time. To determine whether it has
started, go to Administrative tools > Services, and review the status of the Dynamics
AX Object Server<$InstanceNumberAOSInstanceName> service.

Start Microsoft Dynamics AX

1. On the computer running the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, start Microsoft Dynamics
AX (Start > All Programs > Microsoft Dynamics AX).
2. If this is the first time you have started Microsoft Dynamics AX, the initialization checklist is
displayed on the left side of the workspace.

Prerequisites for initialization

You must be a member of the Administrator or Developer group in order to set up Microsoft
Dynamics AX. When a new database is created, the first person who starts the Microsoft
Dynamics AX client and connects to that database automatically becomes the administrator and
can complete the initialization checklist.

Installation Guide 36
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Initialization checklist
This section provides information about the tasks in the initialization checklist. Use the
initialization checklist to guide you through the initial setup of the system. You must complete the
initialization checklist before you install required, development, and integration components using
the Setup wizard.

About the initialization checklist

Use the initialization checklist to guide you through the initial setup of Microsoft Dynamics AX. As
each task is completed, it is checked off by the system. Most of the tasks are one-time setup

You must complete the initialization checklist before you add any users to the system. If
you add users to the system before completing the initialization checklist, they receive full
user rights to the application, regardless of which user group they are assigned to, until
you complete the checklist.
The initialization checklist opens after you have installed the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, or you
can open it by clicking Administration > Setup > System > Checklists > Initialization
When you complete the checklist, you can select the Prevent startup of the checklist check box
so that the initialization checklist does not open every time that you start the client.
After you complete the initialization checklist, you must restart the Microsoft Dynamics AX client.

Initialization checklist tasks

The options in the initialization checklist vary slightly depending on whether Microsoft Dynamics
AX is running on a Microsoft SQL Server database or on an Oracle database.
Click a link in the checklist to open the appropriate form and start the task. For more information
about a task, click the Help icon next to the option.

Installation Guide 37
Microsoft Dynamics AX

For more information about the symbols used in the checklist, with the checklist open, click F1.

Checklist item Description Also available from For more

information, see

Compile application Update references and make Administration > Compile the
sure that the application is Periodic > Compile application
ready for use. This process application
must be completed if there is
more than one layer in your

License information Import or enter the Microsoft Administration > Provide license
Dynamics AX licenses that Setup > System > information
were purchased. Licenses License information
activate configuration keys
that are used to enable
modules and functions.
Start demonstration mode by
clicking the Optional icon

Customer feedback Join the Customer Administration > Set customer

options Experience Improvement Setup > System > feedback options
program to help Microsoft Customer feedback
improve Microsoft Dynamics options

Statistics (Oracle Specify the Oracle usage Available only from Configure Oracle
only) statistics for Microsoft the initialization statistics
Dynamics AX to checklist
collect automatically.

Oracle storage Manage the placement of Available only from Configure Oracle
(Oracle only) Microsoft Dynamics AX the initialization tablespaces
tables within Oracle checklist

Configuration Review the functionality Administration > Configure

associated with each key, Setup > System > application
and then enable or disable Configuration functionality
configuration keys.
Functionality that has been
disabled does not appear on

Installation Guide 38
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Checklist item Description Also available from For more

information, see

Modify data types Change the properties for Administration > Modify data types
data types without accessing Setup > System >
the Application Object Tree Modify data types
(AOT). You must be an
administrator to make these
changes. All changes must
be made before data is
entered into the system.

Synchronize Synchronize the database to Available only from Synchronize the

database the most recent version of the initialization database
Microsoft Dynamics AX. checklist

Import Import demo data or data Administration > Import data

that was originally exported Periodic > Data
from Microsoft Dynamics export/import >
AX (*.dat files). Import

Company accounts Identify companies used in Administration > Create initial

Microsoft Dynamics AX. A Common Forms > company
company can be a separate Company accounts accounts
legal entity or a division
within a company.

Global address Set up virtual companies for Administration > Create virtual
books shared address books. Setup > Virtual companies for
company accounts global address

System accounts Set up the Business Administration > Configure system

Connector proxy account, Setup > Security > accounts
the Workflow system System service
account, and the accounts
synchronization service

Initialize Role Select the default user Basic > Setup > Select default
Center profiles profiles to enable for Role Role Centers > user profiles for
Centers. Role Centers are Initialize Role Role Centers
customizable home pages. Center profiles

Installation Guide 39
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Compile the application

Compile the application to ensure that all object references are updated and the application is
ready to use.
This process must be completed if there is more than one layer in your system. It is also
necessary to compile the application during new installations with a service pack because the
references from the standard application must be updated.

To run the Compile application task, the .NET Business Connector must be installed on
the computer where you are running the checklist.
Run the compile process from the initialization checklist or the upgrade checklist, or click
Administration > Periodic > Compile application.
When the application is compiled, the application source code is translated into binary code that
can be interpreted by the kernel. The binary code is stored in the .aod file.
Close the Compiler output dialog box when the compilation is finished.

Depending on your hardware, the compilation can take an hour or more to finish. Also, it
is critical that the compilation runs until it is finished.

Provide license information

To be able to use Microsoft Dynamics AX, the administrator must enter license information. By
entering license codes, you enable the general functionality covered by the license. Then, you
can enable or disable access to more specific features by changing configuration keys.

If you change your current license settings because license keys are updated, the new
functionality will not be available until the client is restarted.
In addition to license codes for Microsoft Dynamics AX functionality, there are four licenses for
access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX development environment. For more information, see
Development access licenses.
If you do not have a license, you can set up Microsoft Dynamics AX in demonstration mode.
Demonstration mode provides all the functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX, and enables all
configuration keys by default.

Import license information

1. Open the License information form from the initialization checklist or the upgrade checklist,
or click Administration > Setup > System > License information.
2. Click Load license file to import the license codes from a file.
The Load license file dialog box appears.

Installation Guide 40
Microsoft Dynamics AX

3. Click the folder icon and browse for your license file.

We recommend that you store your license file in a secure location that is known only
to Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators.
4. Click OK. A message appears, asking whether you want to synchronize the database.
5. Click Yes.
6. Close the License information window.

Enter license information

As an alternative to importing the license information, you can enter the license information
1. Open the License information form from the initialization checklist or the upgrade checklist,
or click Administration > Setup > System > License information.
2. Enter the name of the license holder, the system's serial number, and the expiration date.
The information is in your license document.
3. On the System tab, enter the license code and verify that the Status field displays the
expected text.
The license code indicates whether you have a standard, professional, or enterprise solution.

The first four entries (name of the license holder, the system's serial number,
expiration date, and license code) determine what appears in the remaining codes.
Therefore, they must be entered correctly.
4. Enter the remaining codes.
For each, review the Status field to make sure that the code is accepted.

Language-specific licenses
If your license includes specific languages, you must restart the AOS after importing the license
file. Restarting the AOS ensures that the correct languages are listed in the Options form
(Microsoft Dynamics AX > Tools > Options...).
If you do not restart the AOS, end users will be able select unlicensed languages, which would
prevent the Microsoft Dynamics AX client from starting.

Installation Guide 41
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Set customer feedback options

Join the Customer Experience Improvement Program to help improve the quality, reliability, and
performance of Microsoft software and services.
Open the Microsoft Dynamics Ax Customer Feedback Options form from the initialization
checklist or the upgrade checklist, or click Administration > Setup > System > Customer
feedback options.
The program collects information about computer hardware and how you use Microsoft Dynamics
AX, without interrupting you. This helps Microsoft identify which Microsoft Dynamics AX features
to improve. No information collected is used to identify or contact you.
For more information and a complete privacy statement for the Customer Experience
Improvement Program, visit the Customer Experience Improvement Program Web site.

Configure Oracle statistics

If you are using an Oracle database, specify when the database will calculate statistics and which
method it will use.
This option is available only from the Initialization checklist form.
1. Open the Oracle statistics form from the initialization checklist.
2. In the Statistics calculation method list, select an option:
 Estimate – This option is faster (recommended).
 Compute – The information from this option is more accurate.
3. In the Schedule group, select options for the interval, starting date, and starting time. The
recommended interval is Daily.
4. Click Run now to start statistics calculation immediately, or close the form to save your
The Last run group displays the timing and results of the last statistics run for the database.

Configure Oracle tablespaces

You must configure Oracle tablespaces so that Microsoft Dynamics AX can manage those that
are created for the database.
This option is available only from the Initialization checklist form.
If you have already associated a table or group of tables with a particular tablespace in Oracle,
make sure that you mirror the existing configuration.
1. Open the Storage setup form from the initialization checklist.
2. In the Selection for group, select the object that you are associating with a tablespace.

Installation Guide 42
Microsoft Dynamics AX

3. In the Oracle setup group, in the Tablespace list, select the appropriate tablespace. Set any
other options as appropriate.
We recommend that you assign the Microsoft Dynamics AX tables to one or more
tablespaces, and that you assign the indexes to one or more indexspaces.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all objects that you are associating with tablespaces.
5. Close the form to save your changes.

Configure application functionality

Use configuration keys to enable or disable specific features for all users of Microsoft Dynamics
AX. Each configuration key controls access to a specific feature. As soon as it is disabled, the
feature is automatically removed from the database and the user interface. We recommend
removing unused functionality to reduce the surface that is open to attack.
You must have Administrator or Developer permissions to set up configuration keys. For more
information about how configuration keys are enabled and disabled, see Configuration key

Set up configuration keys

1. Open the Configuration form from the initialization checklist or click Administration > Setup
> System > Configuration.
The form displays the following information.
 In the left pane - A list of the configuration keys that you can use to enable features.
With licensed installations and demonstration mode, only parent configuration keys are
active, whereas with partner licenses, all configuration keys are active.
 In the right pane - Help text explaining which features and functionality are enabled by
the configuration key selected in the left pane. The text in parentheses is the
configuration key name and is shown only when you have Developer rights.
2. To enable a configuration key, select the check box next to the relevant feature.
Configuration keys that are controlled by license codes are indicated by a red padlock
symbol. This means that the key controls basic functionality, and therefore cannot be
disabled. However, configuration keys below it in the hierarchy—which control subsets of the
basic functionality—can be disabled.
Click Standard to discard your changes and revert configuration keys to their original state.
3. Click OK to save changes and close the form.

Installation Guide 43
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configuration key flowchart

License codes are used to enable configuration keys. Each configuration key controls access to a
specific feature.
Configuration keys consist of parent keys and one or more children. Parent keys cannot be
disabled, and are marked with a red padlock symbol in the Configuration form. However, the
child features located below the parent key can be disabled.
The following flowchart shows how the system determines whether a configuration key is
A configuration key has two properties:
 License code
 Parent (only one parent can be specified)

Configuration key Help

When you view configuration keys in the Configuration form, Help for the selected key is
displayed. You can also search the Microsoft Dynamics AX help for the name of a specific key.

Installation Guide 44
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Modify data types

Change the properties for extended data types without accessing the Application Object Tree
(AOT). You must be an administrator to make these changes. All changes must be made before
data is entered in the system.

To change the number of decimal places on the Amount data type, enter the number of decimal
places you require in the Decimals field. If you change the number from 2 to 0, an amount that
inherits from the Amount data type appears as 200 instead of 200.00. The change is reflected
everywhere that the Amount data type is used.

Modify data types

1. Open the Modify data types form from the initialization checklist or click Administration >
Setup > System > Modify data types.
2. Select the data type in the middle pane.
Help text appears in the left pane, and the properties for the selected data type appear in the
Properties pane.

Data types that can be modified

Properties for some data types can be adjusted by an administrator without accessing the
Application Object Tree (AOT).

Any changes must be made before entering data in the system.

The adjustable data types and their default settings are as follows:

Data Type Length Adjustment Decimals

Account number 20 Left -

Amount 20 - 0 (= default Windows


Bank account number 34 Left -

Bonus 10 Left -

Calendar 10 Left -

Customer or vendor 20 Left -

account number

Installation Guide 45
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Data Type Length Adjustment Decimals

Depreciation profile 10 Left -

Description 60 Left -

Group 10 Left -

Item number 20 Left -

Location 10 Left -

Name 60 Left -

Project 10 Left -

Reference 60 Left -

Text 1000 Left -

Value model 10 Left -

Synchronize the database

Synchronize the table and index information to the database. The synchronization process
creates all the tables Microsoft Dynamics AX needs to operate.
This is a mandatory step to set up the system, and is available only from the initialization checklist
or the upgrade checklist.
This step can take 10 minutes or more to complete.

Import data
If you plan to import company data, you must complete this task before you start using Microsoft
Dynamics AX in a production environment. Parameters, setup data, default data, and master data
are typically imported for initial setup.
1. Open the Import options form from the initialization checklist or click Administration >
Periodic > Data export/import > Import
2. In the Definition group field, select a definition group.
A definition group defines the tables and fields into which you will import data. Using a
definition group is optional.

You can define a definition group in Administration > Periodic > Data
export/import > Definition groups.

Installation Guide 46
Microsoft Dynamics AX

3. In the File name field, enter the path of the file, and then click Open.
The file type must be .dat, which is the file type that is used for a Standard export (instead of
Excel or Custom) from Microsoft Dynamics AX.
4. To run the import on the server, select the Execute on AOS check box.
If this option is selected, the file that you selected in step 3 must be on the server, and you
must have appropriate permissions to the server folder and the file.
5. Click the Advanced tab to set up options for data import. Click the Batch tab to define batch
processing parameters for the import.
6. Click OK to start the data import.

Create initial company accounts

Create company accounts to represent the organizational structure of the company.
A single Microsoft Dynamics AX database can hold many individual companies. Each company
uses the same application logic, but has its own set of data for one or more tables. Data that is
stored in one company cannot be accessed from other companies.
1. Open the Company: form from the initialization checklist or click Administration > Common
Forms > Company accounts.
2. Press CTRL+N to create a new record.
3. Enter a company code in the Company accounts field.
4. Enter the name of the company in the Name of company accounts field.
5. Press CTRL+S to save the company account.

Create virtual companies for global address books

You can share address book information between companies by using the global address book
feature. For each group of companies that will share an address book, you must create a virtual

You must set up virtual companies for address books before you create customer,
vendor, employee, competitor, or contact records for a company.
For more information about company accounts, virtual company accounts, and global address
books, see the System and Application Setup Help, available on the Help menu in Microsoft
Dynamics AX.

Installation Guide 47
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Fabrikam Inc. has five companies set up in Microsoft Dynamics AX:
 Company 1 and Company 2 are in related manufacturing and distribution businesses.
 Company 3 and Company 4 are in the professional services industry.
 Company 5 is in the retail industry.
Fabrikam Inc. requires that related businesses share address book information. Therefore, the
administrator sets up the following virtual companies:

Virtual company Companies it contains

Virtual Company A Company 1

Company 2

Virtual Company B Company 3

Company 4

N/A Company 5

Set up virtual companies for address books

1. Open the Virtual company accounts form from the initialization checklist or the upgrade
checklist, or click Administration > Setup > Virtual company accounts.
2. Press CTRL+N to create a new record.
3. In the Company accounts field, enter the company identification.
4. In the Name of company accounts field, enter the name of the virtual company.
5. Click the Company accounts tab.
6. Select the company accounts to participate in the virtual company.
 To add a company account, select the company name under Remaining company
accounts and then click the left arrow (<) to move it to the Selected company accounts
 To remove a company account, select the company name under Selected company
accounts and then click right arrow (>) to move it to the Remaining company
7. Click the Table collections tab.
8. Select the DirPartCollection table and then click the left arrow (<) to move it to the Selected
table collections list.
9. If you opened the Virtual company accounts form from the initialization checklist or upgrade
checklist, you can check for address book errors related to virtual company setup by clicking
Validate address books.

Installation Guide 48
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure system accounts

Configure the accounts that the system uses. This includes the Business Connector proxy
account, the Workflow system account, the Workflow execution account, the synchronization
service account, and the Virtual Earth™ account.
Open the System service accounts form from the initialization checklist or the upgrade
checklist, or click Administration > Setup > Security > System service accounts.

Configure the Business Connector proxy account

In the Alias and Network domain fields, enter the user name and domain for the Business
Connector proxy account.
The Business Connector proxy account is used for communication between Microsoft Dynamics
AX and applications such as Role Centers and Enterprise Portal Framework, Workflow, the
synchronization service, and AIF Web services. You must configure the Business Connector
proxy account before you can install these applications.
For more information about the requirements for the Business Connector proxy account, see the
Server and Database Administration Guide.

Configure the Workflow system account

The Workflow system account is used for communication between Microsoft Dynamics AX and
the Workflow Web server. You can use one of the following accounts.
 Enter a domain account in the Alias and Network domain fields to use a domain user for the
Workflow system account.
 Enter a Microsoft Dynamics AX user for the Workflow service to communicate with. You can
associate the service with a new or existing Microsoft Dynamics AX user.
For more information about the requirements for the Workflow system account, see Configure
Workflow accounts.

Configure the Workflow execution account

The Workflow execution account is used for running application business logic and accessing
Microsoft Dynamics AX data. You can use one of the following accounts.
 Enter a domain account in the Alias and Network domain fields to use a domain user for the
Workflow execution account.
 Enter a new or existing Microsoft Dynamics AX user to access the database.
For more information about the requirements for the Workflow execution account, see Configure
Workflow accounts.

Installation Guide 49
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure the synchronization service account

The synchronization service account is used for communication between Microsoft Dynamics AX,
Windows Message Queuing, and Microsoft Office Project Server 2007. You can use one of the
following accounts.
 Enter a domain account in the Alias and Network domain fields to use a domain user for the
synchronization service account.
 Enter a Microsoft Dynamics AX user for the synchronization service to communicate with.
You can associate the service with a new or existing Microsoft Dynamics AX user.
For more information about the requirements for the synchronization service account, see Install
the synchronization service for Microsoft Office Project.

Configure the Virtual Earth account

The Virtual Earth account is used to access the online Virtual Earth map when working in
Enterprise Portal.
You can find the Virtual Earth account name and password on CustomerSource.
By selecting the check box and entering the information, you agree to be bound by the Microsoft
Virtual Earth Map Control and MapPoint Web Service End User Terms of Use.

Select default user profiles for Role Centers

Microsoft Dynamics AX and the Enterprise Portal framework include customizable home pages
called Role Centers. Role Centers display specific data, reports, alerts, and common tasks
associated with a user's role in the organization. Users can access Role Centers from the
Microsoft Dynamics AX client or from an Enterprise Portal Web site.
Default user profiles are available for various roles in the organization, such as chief financial
officer and accounting manager. These profiles contain role-specific information, and determine
the content that is displayed on Role Center pages. You must select the profiles that you want to
use in your Microsoft Dynamics AX system.
Open the Import Profiles form from the initialization checklist or click Basic > Setup > Role
Center > Initialize Role Center profiles.
After you import user profiles, you must do the following:
 Install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework, if they are not already installed.
 Configure Role Centers. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX System and
Application Setup Help (Microsoft Dynamics AX > Help > System and Application Setup).

Installation Guide 50
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Run the checklist items without user interaction

The steps in the initialization checklist can be performed by starting Microsoft Dynamics AX from
the command line with an XML file as input parameter. The XML file specifies the checklist items
to run. Results are written to a log file or shown in the InfoLog.
Running without user interaction is particularly useful in test environments.

Run the initialization checklist without interaction

1. On the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, create an XML file.
2. Add tags to the XML file specifying the following parameters:
 Microsoft Dynamics AX version.
 Name and location of the log file.
 Each checklist item to be run along with the appropriate attributes.

The XML file syntax is described in the documentation for the SysAutoRun
class. See the developer documentation for more information. In addition, see
the sample file below.
3. Open a command prompt and type the following:
ax32.exe –StartupCmd=AutoRun_c:\PathToFile\FileName.XML

The XML code allows you to skip steps that are marked as mandatory.

Sample XML input file

<AxaptaAutoRun exitWhenDone=”false” version="5.0" logFile="D:\AX\AXAutorun.log">

<CompileApplication crossReference="false" />

<LicenseInformation file="d:\ax\license.txt" />

+ <Configuration>

+ <AdjustGlobalTypes>

<Synchronize />

+ <UserGroups>

<PasswordParameters />

+ <Users>

+ <CompanyAccounts>

<XpoImport file="d:\ax\setup\XPO\Logger\Enum_TestLogEntryType.xpo" />

<DataImport companyId="BVT" file="d:\ax\basedata.dat" />

Installation Guide 51
Microsoft Dynamics AX

<Run type="class" name="RunMyTests" method="main" />

<PreventCheckList />


Installation Guide 52
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install required components

You can install the Microsoft Dynamics AX required components after you have installed the base
components and completed the initialization checklist. The required components are included in
the basic Microsoft Dynamics AX license, and include Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal
framework, Workflow, reporting extensions, and analysis extensions. Required components may
call for additional, dedicated servers.
Before you install, verify that your domain account has the correct permissions on each computer
that you will install on. For more information, see Rights required for installation.
The following topics are contained in this section.

Topic Description

Enterprise Portal and Role Centers Provides instructions for installing Role Centers
and Enterprise Portal.
Role Centers provide a single point of access
to role-specific information and work items.
Enterprise Portal is a Web-based application
that provides access to Microsoft Dynamics AX
data and allows users to participate in business
processes via the Web.

WorkfIow Explains how to install Workflow.

Workflow enables you to create individual
workflows, or business processes. A workflow
defines how a document moves through the
system by showing who must process and
approve it.

Reporting extensions Describes how to install the Microsoft

Dynamics AX reporting extensions.
Reporting extensions enable you to create
production reports using Microsoft SQL Server
Reporting Services.

Analysis extensions Contains information about installing the

Microsoft Dynamics AX analysis extensions.
Analysis extensions enable you to use
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services cubes
and mining models for business intelligence
and analytical reporting.

Installation Guide 53
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Enterprise Portal and Role Centers

Enterprise Portal gives you access to business information and allows you to participate in
business processes using a Web-based portal, without having to be logged on to the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Windows client.
A Role Center is a default home page that provides an overview of information that applies to a
specific user's work, including a work list, activities, and common links.
Role Centers and Enterprise Portal must be installed on a server running Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS). We recommend using a dedicated server, especially in a production
Use the following topics to install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework:
 Install prerequisites for Enterprise Portal and Role Centers
 Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Windows SharePoint Services
 Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Office SharePoint Server
 Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers in a Web farm
 Set up Role Centers and Enterprise Portal

Installation Guide 54
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install prerequisites for Enterprise Portal and Role Centers

Before you can install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework, required software
components must be installed on Enterprise Portal Web servers. The Microsoft Dynamics
AX Setup wizard will install some of these components for you, if necessary. The following
sections list the software components that the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard installs and
the software components that you should install.
For more information about the hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX,

Software components you must install

If you want to use the following optional software components, you must manually install them on
the Web server.

Software component How to install

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is recommended,

but not required, for Enterprise Portal and Role
Centers. SSL is a protocol that allows Web
servers and clients to communicate more
securely through the use of encryption. When
SSL is not used, data sent between the client
and server is vulnerable to observation by
anyone with physical access to the network.
To implement SSL, you must install a certificate
and a private key on the Web server. For more
information about implementing SSL, refer to
the IIS Operations Guide, which can be found
by searching on Microsoft TechNet
For more information about implementing SSL
for the Enterprise Portal Web site, see the
Enterprise Portal Administration Help, which is
available from the Help menu in the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Windows client.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server If you plan to use Office SharePoint Server
instead of Windows SharePoint Services, you
must purchase and install it separately.

Installation Guide 55
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Software components the Setup wizard installs

If the following software components are not installed on Enterprise Portal Web servers, the
Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard will install them for you when you install Role Centers and
the Enterprise Portal framework.
 Internet Information Services (IIS)
 Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 1

The Setup wizard cannot install both Internet Information Services and Windows
SharePoint Services if both are missing. We recommend installing Internet
Information Services before you begin.
 ASP.NET 2.0
 Microsoft Dynamics AX .NET Business Connector

Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Windows

SharePoint Services
This topic describes how to install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework on Windows
SharePoint Services. By performing the procedures described here, you will install and deploy
site templates and files that are necessary to run Role Centers and an Enterprise Portal Web site.
You must complete the installation procedures described here on each server that will host Role
Centers or Enterprise Portal.
You can also install Role Centers and Enterprise Portal on Office SharePoint Server. For more
information, see Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Office SharePoint Server.

Before you begin

 Work with your domain administrator to create domain accounts that can be used for
Windows SharePoint Services. For information about the domain accounts that are required,
see the Windows SharePoint Services documentation.
 Before you can install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework, the base
components of Microsoft Dynamics AX (application files, AOS, and database) must be
installed in the environment, and the initialization checklist must be completed.

Installation Guide 56
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install and configure Windows SharePoint Services

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Service Pack 1 must be installed before you install Role
Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework. You can download and install Windows SharePoint
Services yourself, or you can install it using Setup.

We recommend installing the version of Windows SharePoint Services for your locale. If
you do not install a localized version, Role Center pages will display text in mixed
Be aware that when you install Windows SharePoint Services, the installation process stops the
Default Web Site in IIS Manager. If you installed Microsoft Dynamics AX Workflow or any other
Web applications on the Default Web Site, those applications will not be available until you
specify a new port for the Default Web Site and restart the site in IIS Manager.
1. On the Web farm administration server (the server with the Internet-facing network interface
card), start the Windows SharePoint Services installation wizard.
2. On the Choose the installation you want page, click Advanced.
3. On the Server Type page, click Web Front End, and then click Install Now.
4. When the installation is completed, verify that the Run the SharePoint Products and
Technologies Configuration Wizard now option is selected and click Close.
5. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next.
6. Click Yes to confirm that you understand that services will be restarted while configuring
Windows SharePoint Services.
7. On the Connect to a Server Farm page, select No, I want to create a new server farm if
you are installing on the first server. On subsequent servers, select Connect to an existing
server farm. Click Next.
8. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, specify the server details and
account credentials and click Next.
9. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, leave the
default settings and click Next.
10. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard
page, verify the settings and click Next.
11. After the wizard completes, click Finish.
12. Repeat this procedure on each IIS Web server in the server farm.

Installation Guide 57
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install Role Centers and Enterprise Portal on Windows SharePoint Services

Use this procedure to install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework. If you are
installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will
vary based on the components you are installing.
For information about the permissions you need to complete this procedure, see Rights required
for installation.
Note The following procedure assumes that you are installing Role Centers and Enterprise
Portal on a dedicated server where no other Microsoft Dynamics AX components are installed.
1. Start the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, select Custom installation. Click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Role Centers and Enterprise Portal. Click Next.
5. If Setup does not detect all prerequisite software, the Install prerequisites page appears.

If Setup prompts you to install IIS on this page, quit Setup and install IIS. After you
have installed IIS, restart Setup. For more information about installing IIS, see your
Windows documentation.
If Setup prompts you to install other prerequisite components, then click the Install
prerequisite software button. When Setup verifies that all prerequisite software is installed
on the server, click Next.
6. On the Install files page, type the location or click Browse to navigate to the location where
you want to install the files for this component.
7. On the Select display language page, select the language in which you would like to first
run Microsoft Dynamics AX. If you later decide to change languages, you can modify the user
language from within the client.
8. On the .NET Business Connector: Connect to AOS instance page, enter the name of the
computer running the AOS instance to connect to and then click Next. You can optionally
specify the AOS instance name and TCP/IP port number.
9. On the .NET Business Connector proxy account information page, enter the
domain\username and password for the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Click Next.

Installation Guide 58
Microsoft Dynamics AX

10. On the Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework: Configure IIS page, select a Web
We recommend selecting the Configure for Windows SharePoint Services option. If you
select this option, Setup creates a SharePoint Web application and site collection, sets the
application pool to run under the Business Connector proxy account, and sets the
authentication method to Windows NTLM.
Select the Create Web site option to create a site at the following URL:
http://ServerName:Port/sites/DynamicsAX. By default, Setup creates a new site that uses
port 80. Click Next.

To change the URL, title, and description before completing the installation, specify
your changes in the EPSetupParams file: AOT>Web>Web Files>Static
11. On the Ready to install page, click Install.
If appropriate, select the option to restart IIS when the installation has completed. Before
selecting this option, consider the impact of an IIS reset on other applications on the Web

Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Office SharePoint

This topic describes how to install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework on Office
SharePoint Server. By performing the procedures described here, you will install and deploy site
templates and files that are necessary to run Role Centers and an Enterprise Portal Web site.
You must complete the installation procedures described here on each server that will host Role
Centers or Enterprise Portal.
You can also install Role Centers and Enterprise Portal on Windows SharePoint Services. For
more information, see Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Windows SharePoint

Before you begin

 Work with your domain administrator to create domain accounts that can be used for Office
SharePoint Server. For information about the domain accounts that are required, see the
Office SharePoint Server documentation.
 Before you can install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework, the base
components of Microsoft Dynamics AX (application files, AOS, and database) must be
installed in the environment, and the initialization checklist must be completed.

Installation Guide 59
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install and configure Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

You must install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 with Service Pack 1 before you install
Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework. Setup does not install Office SharePoint

We recommend installing the version of Office SharePoint Server for your locale. If you
do not install a localized version, Role Center pages will display text in mixed languages.
Be aware that when you install Office SharePoint Server, the installation process stops the
Default Web Site in IIS Manager. If you installed Microsoft Dynamics AX Workflow or any other
Web applications on the Default Web Site, those applications will not be available until you
specify a new port for the Default Web Site and restart the site in IIS Manager.

Install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

1. Start the Office SharePoint Server installation wizard.
2. On the Choose the installation you want page, click Advanced.
3. On the Server Type page, click Complete - Install all components, and then click Install
4. When the installation is completed, verify that the Run the SharePoint Products and
Technologies Configuration Wizard now option is selected and click Close.
5. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products and Technologies page, click Next.
6. Click Yes to confirm that you understand services will be restarted while configuring Office
SharePoint Server.
7. On the Connect to a Server Farm page, select No, I want to create a new server farm if
you are installing on the first server. On subsequent servers, select Connect to an existing
server farm. Click Next.
8. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, specify the server details and
account credentials and click Next.
9. On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, leave the
default settings and click Next.
10. On the Completing the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard
page, verify the settings and click Next.
11. After the wizard completes, click Finish.
12. Repeat this procedure on each IIS Web server in the server farm.

Installation Guide 60
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure Office SharePoint Server

SharePoint Central Administration opens after the SharePoint Products and Technologies
Configuration Wizard completes. We recommend that you configure services in Office
SharePoint Server as described here before you create the Enterprise Portal Web application.

Assign services to servers

Use this procedure to assign services to servers in SharePoint Central Administration.
1. In the list of Administrator Tasks, click Initial Deployment: Assign Services to Server.
The Administrator Tasks: Initial deployment: Assign services to servers page opens.
2. In the Action section click Initial Deployment: Assign services to servers.
3. Click either Single Server or Web Server for small server farms or Web Server for
medium server farm.
4. In the list of services, locate Windows SharePoint Services Search and click Start. The
Configure Windows SharePoint Services Search Service Settings page opens.
5. Enter the account, database, and schedule information. The Service Account must be a
domain account. Do not use the Business Connector proxy account for this service. When
you have entered the information, click Start.
6. In the list of services, locate Office SharePoint Server Search and click Start.
7. In the Query and Indexing section, click Use this server for indexing content and Use
this server for serving search queries.
8. Enter the contact and farm account information. The Farm Search Service Account must be a
domain account. Do not use the Business Connector proxy account for this service. Leave all
other default options on this page and click Start.
9. Start and configure other services in the list of services (if applicable) as desired.
10. Click the link below the list of services to return the Central Administration home page.

Configure a Shared Service Provider

Use this procedure to configure a Shared Service Provider (SSP) in SharePoint Central
1. In the list of Administrator Tasks, click Configure server farm's shared services. The
Administrator Tasks: Configure server farm's shared services page opens.
2. In the Action section, click Configure server farm's shared services. The New Shared
Services Provider page opens.
3. In the SSP Name section, click Create a new Web Application. The Create New Web
Application page opens.
4. In the IIS Web Site section, change the port to another port number (for example, port 9000).
5. Leave the default settings for the Security Configuration and Load Balanced URL

Installation Guide 61
Microsoft Dynamics AX

6. In the Application Pool section, verify that Create new application pool and Configurable
are selected, and then enter the credentials for the application pool. The application pool
must use a domain account. Do not use the Business Connector proxy account for this
service. Leave all other default options on this page and click OK. The New Shared
Services Provider page opens.
7. Enter credentials for the SSP Service. The SSP Service must use a domain account. Do not
use the Business Connector proxy account for this service. Click OK.
8. After the shared service provider is successfully created, click OK.

Create the Enterprise Portal Web application

Use this procedure to create the Web application that will host the Enterprise Portal Web site.
1. In SharePoint Central Administration, click the Application Management tab.
2. Click Create or extend Web application.
3. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, click Create a new Web application.
4. On the Create New Web Application page, verify that Create a new IIS Web site is
5. In the Port text box, enter 80.
6. Leave the default settings for the Security Configuration and Load Balance URL sections.
7. In the Application Pool section, verify that Create New Application Pool is selected.
8. Click Predefined and verify that Network Service is the selected service in the list.
9. Leave the default settings for the remaining options on this page, and click OK.

Install Role Centers and Enterprise Portal on Office SharePoint Server

Use this procedure to install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework. If you are
installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will
vary based on the components you are installing.
For information about the permissions you need to complete this procedure, see Rights required
for installation.
Note The following procedure assumes that you are installing Role Centers and Enterprise
Portal on a dedicated server where no other Microsoft Dynamics AX components are installed.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, select Custom installation. Click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Role Centers and Enterprise Portal. Click Next.
5. If Setup does not detect all prerequisite software, the Install prerequisites page appears.
Click the Install prerequisite software button. When Setup verifies that all prerequisite
software is installed on the server, click Next.

Installation Guide 62
Microsoft Dynamics AX

6. On the Install files page, type the location or click Browse to navigate to the location where
you want to install the files for this component.
7. On the Select display language page, select the language in which you would like to first
run Microsoft Dynamics AX. If you later decide to change languages, you can modify the user
language within the client.
8. On the .NET Business Connector: Connect to AOS instance page, enter the name of the
computer running the AOS instance to connect to and then click Next. You can optionally
specify the AOS instance name and TCP/IP port number.
9. On the .NET Business Connector proxy account information page, enter the
domain\username and password for the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Click Next.
10. On the Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework: Configure IIS page, select a Web
We recommend selecting the Configure for Windows SharePoint Services option. If you
select this option, Setup sets the application pool to run under the Business Connector proxy
account, and sets the authentication method to Windows NTLM.
Select the Create Web site option to create a site at the following URL:
http://ServerName:Port/sites/DynamicsAX. By default, Setup creates a new site that uses
port 80. Click Next.

To change the URL, title, and description before completing the installation, specify
your changes in the EPSetupParams file: AOT>Web>Web Files>Static
11. On the Ready to install page, click Install.
If appropriate, select the option to restart IIS when the installation has completed. Before
selecting this option, consider the impact of an IIS reset on other applications on the Web

Installation Guide 63
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers in a Web farm

This topic describes how to install and configure Enterprise Portal and Role Centers in a Web
farm. You might choose to install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers in a Web farm if you expect
large numbers of users and you want to share the Web-site traffic across multiple servers to
improve site availability.
By performing the procedures described here, you will install and deploy site templates and files
that are necessary to run Role Centers and an Enterprise Portal Web site.

Before you begin

 Configure the Web farm using Microsoft Network Load Balancing Manager or some other
load balancing hardware or software. To access the Network Load Balancing Manager, open
a command prompt, type NLBMgr, and then press ENTER.
 Before you can install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework, the base
components of Microsoft Dynamics AX (application files, AOS, and database) must be
installed in the environment, and the initialization checklist must be completed.

Install Windows SharePoint Services or Office SharePoint Server

Before you install Role Centers and Enterprise Portal, you must install Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0 with Service Pack 1 or Office SharePoint Server 2007 with Service Pack 1 on all
Web servers.
For more information about installing and configuring Windows SharePoint Services, see Install
Enterprise Portal and Role Centers on Windows SharePoint Services. For more information about
installing and configuring Office SharePoint Server, see Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers
on Office SharePoint Server.

Create a Web application on the Web farm administration server

After you install Windows SharePoint Services or Office SharePoint Server on the Web servers in
the server farm, create the Web application that will host the Enterprise Portal Web site.
1. On the Web farm administration server, open SharePoint Central Administration (Start >
Administrator Tools > SharePoint Central Administration).
2. Click the Application Management tab.
3. Click Create or extend Web application.
4. On the Create or Extend Web Application page, click Create a new Web application.
5. On the Create New Web Application page, verify that Create a new IIS web site is
6. In the Port text box, enter 80.
7. Leave the default settings for the Security Configuration.

Installation Guide 64
Microsoft Dynamics AX

8. In the Load Balanced URL section, enter the Web site URL. By default, the URL is
9. In the Application Pool section, verify that Create new application pool is selected.
10. Select Predefined and verify that Network Service is the selected service in the list.
11. Leave the default settings for the remaining options on this page, and click OK.

Install Role Centers and Enterprise Portal in a Web farm

Use this procedure to install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework on the servers in
a Web farm. If you are installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the
installation screens will vary based on the components you are installing.
For information about the permissions you need to complete this procedure, see Rights required
for installation.
Note The following procedure assumes that you are installing Role Centers and Enterprise
Portal on a dedicated server where no other Microsoft Dynamics AX components are installed.
1. On the Web farm administration server, start the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, select Custom installation. Click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Role Centers and Enterprise Portal. Click Next.
5. If Setup does not detect all prerequisite software, the Install prerequisites page appears. If
Setup prompts you to install components, click the Install prerequisite software button.
When Setup verifies that all prerequisite software is installed on the server, click Next.

If Setup prompts you to install IIS on this page, quit Setup and install IIS. After you
have installed IIS, restart Setup. For more information about installing IIS, see your
Windows documentation.
6. On the Install files page, type the location or click Browse to navigate to the location where
you want to install the files for this component.
7. On the Select display language page, select the language in which you would like to first
run Microsoft Dynamics AX. If you later decide to change languages, you can modify the user
language from within the client.
8. On the .NET Business Connector: Connect to AOS instance page, enter the name of the
computer running the AOS instance to connect to and then click Next. You can optionally
specify the AOS instance name and TCP/IP port number.
9. On the .NET Business Connector proxy account information page, enter the
domain\username and password for the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Click Next.

Installation Guide 65
Microsoft Dynamics AX

10. On the Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework: Configure IIS page, select the
SharePoint - 80 Web application that you created in the previous procedure.
Select the Configure for Windows SharePoint Services option so that Setup sets the
application pool to run under the Business Connector proxy account and sets the
authentication method to Windows NTLM.
Select the Create Web site option to create a site at the following URL:
http://ServerName:Port/sites/DynamicsAX. Click Next.
On subsequent servers, clear these options. The site must be created on the Web farm
administration server only.

To change the URL, title, and description before completing the installation, specify
your changes in the EPSetupParams file: AOT>Web>Web Files>Static
11. On the Ready to install page, click Install. If appropriate, select the option to restart IIS
when the installation has completed. Before selecting this option, consider the impact of an
IIS reset on other applications on the Web server.
12. Repeat this procedure on every Web server in the server farm.

Specify machineKey values in web.config files

Use the following procedure to specify values for machineKey properties in the web.config file of
each server in the Web farm. MachineKey properties—validationKey and decryptionKey—are
used for hashing and decrypting authentication tickets and cookies. Values for machineKey
properties must be the same on all servers in the Web farm. If they are not, Enterprise Portal
pages might display authentication and access errors.
1. On the Web farm administration server, open the web.config file in a text editor such as
Notepad. By default, the file is located in the following directory:
2. Locate the machineKey section and copy the validationKey and decryptionKey values to a
separate text file. The following is an example of a machineKey section:
<machineKey validationKey="4785A9C8F5FA32B47E5245AC48671291F1CE55735A475EB7"
decryptionKey="D961976E181646326D64E01AB2052F5D076F0ABDE2C702FB" validation="SHA1" />

3. Edit the web.config files on the other servers in the Web farm. Replace the existing
machineKey values with the values that you copied from the Web farm administration server.
For more information about configuring machineKey properties, see How to: Configure
MachineKey in ASP.Net 2.0, and specifically read the section called "Web Farm Deployment

Installation Guide 66
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Set up Role Centers and Enterprise Portal

After you install Role Centers and Enterprise Portal, you must perform the following tasks before
users can access Role Centers and Enterprise Portal sites.

Task Comments For more information, see

If you have not already done These extensions must be Reporting extensions
so, install the reporting installed so that users can view Analysis extensions
extensions and analysis reports on Enterprise Portal
extensions. pages and Role Centers.

Configure Enterprise Portal. "Configuring Enterprise Portal"

in the Enterprise Portal
Administration Help, which is
available from the Help menu
in the Microsoft Dynamics
AX Windows client.

Configure Enterprise Portal By default, only the "Configuring Enterprise Portal

security. administrator who installed security" in the Enterprise
Enterprise Portal can access Portal Administration Help,
the site. Site access must be which is available from the
explicitly granted for all other Help menu in the Microsoft
users. Dynamics AX Windows client.

Deploy and configure Role Required if your organization "Setting up and maintaining
Centers. or business plans to use Role Role Centers" in the System
Centers. and Application Setup Help,
which is available from the
Help menu in the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Windows client.

Add the Enterprise Portal Add the Enterprise Portal site Internet Explorer > Tools >
Web site to the list of Trusted to the list of Trusted Sites so Internet Options > Security
Sites in Microsoft Internet that Internet Explorer
Explorer on all Enterprise Enhanced Security
Portal client computers. Configuration does not prompt
users for credentials every time
they access the site.

Installation Guide 67
Microsoft Dynamics AX

The Workflow system enables you to create individual workflows, or business processes. A
workflow defines how a document moves through the Microsoft Dynamics AX system by showing
who must process and approve it.
Workflow must be installed on a server running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). We
recommend using a dedicated server, especially in a production environment.

Workflow is an intranet-only solution. Workflow should not be used in an extranet
Use the following topics to install Workflow:
 Configure Workflow accounts
 Install prerequisites on the Workflow Web server
 Select a Web site for Workflow
 Install Workflow
 Add the Workflow Web site to the list of trusted sites
 Set up the Workflow system

Installation Guide 68
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure Workflow accounts

Before installing Workflow, you must configure the Workflow system account and the Workflow
execution account. The following table provides information about these accounts.

Account Description To configure this account…

Workflow system account The Workflow Web server Select a domain account or a
uses this account to Microsoft Dynamics AX user in
communicate with Microsoft the System service accounts
Dynamics AX. form (Administration > Setup >
Security > System service
If you select a domain account,
the domain account must:
 Be a dedicated account
(used only for this purpose).
 Have a password that does
not expire.
 Have minimal access to
network resources.

Workflow execution account This account is used for Select a domain account or a
running application business Microsoft Dynamics AX user in
logic and accessing Microsoft the System service accounts
Dynamics AX data. form.
If you select a domain account,
the domain account must:
 Be a dedicated account
(used only for this purpose).
 Have a password that does
not expire.
 Have minimal access to
network resources.

Installation Guide 69
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install prerequisites on the Workflow Web server

Before you can install Workflow, required software components must be installed on the Workflow
Web server. The Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard will install some of these components for
you, if necessary. The following sections list the software components you should install, and the
software components the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard installs for you.
For more information about the hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX,

Software components you should install

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is recommended, but not required, for the Workflow Web site. SSL
is a protocol that allows Web servers and clients to communicate more securely through the use
of encryption. When SSL is not used, data sent between the client and server is vulnerable to
observation by anyone with physical access to the network.
To implement SSL, you must install a certificate and a private encryption key on your Workflow
Web server. For more information about implementing SSL, refer to the IIS Operations Guide,
which can be found by searching on Microsoft TechNet (

Software components the Setup wizard installs

If the following software components are not installed on the Workflow Web server, the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Setup wizard will install them for you when you install Workflow.
 Internet Information Services (IIS)
 ASP.NET 2.0
 Microsoft Dynamics AX .NET Business Connector

Select a Web site for Workflow

When you install Workflow, you will be asked to select a Web site. You can create a new Web
site for Workflow, or you can install Workflow on an existing Web site. The following sections
describe these options.

If the Web site you use for Workflow runs on a port other than port 80, you must add an
exception to Windows Firewall for that port. For more information about Windows
Firewall, see the Windows documentation.

Installation Guide 70
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Creating a new site

If you want to create a new Web site for Workflow, note the following points:
 If IIS is already installed on your server, create the Web site at this time. For instructions on
how to create a Web site, see the IIS documentation.
 If IIS is not installed, the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard will install IIS for you when you
select Workflow. After the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard installs IIS, you can create a
site for Workflow as described above.

Using an existing site

You can install Workflow to an existing Web site that is used by other applications. However, you
must verify that Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server is not
running on the site.
If you install Workflow on the Default Web Site in IIS, and you later install Windows SharePoint
Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server on the server, the SharePoint installation program
will stop the Default Web Site and create a new site that runs on port 80. This means you will
have to:
 Configure the Default Web Site to run on a different port.
 Restart the Default Web Site.

Install Workflow
Use the following procedure to install Workflow. If you are installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX
components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the components you are
For information about the permissions you need to complete this procedure, see Rights required
for installation.

When you install Workflow, the Setup wizard must be able to connect to a base
installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX (application files, AOS, and database) on which the
initialization checklist has been completed. The following procedure assumes that you
are installing Workflow on a dedicated server where no other Microsoft Dynamics
AX components are installed.

1. Start the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard.

2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, select Custom installation. Click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Workflow. Click Next.

Installation Guide 71
Microsoft Dynamics AX

5. On the Install files page, specify where you want the Workflow application files installed. You
can accept the default location or click Browse to select a different location. Click Next.
6. On the .NET Business Connector: Select a display language page, select the language in
which you would like to first run Microsoft Dynamics AX. Click Next.
For more information about installing the .NET Business Connector, see Install the .NET
Business Connector.
7. On the .NET Business Connector: Connect to AOS instance page, enter the name of the
AOS server. Click Next.
8. On the .NET Business Connector proxy account information page, enter the password
for the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Click Next.
9. On the Workflow: Configure IIS page, select the Web site you want to use for Workflow.
(For more information, see Select a Web site for Workflow.) Click Next.
The Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard will:
 Create a virtual directory for Workflow. The virtual directory, named
MicrosoftDynamicsAXWorkflow50, will be located under the selected Web site in IIS.
The content of the virtual directory will be located at \Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics
 Create an application pool for the virtual directory. The application pool, named
MicrosoftDynamicsAXWorkflow50, will run as the .NET Business Connector proxy
10. On the Workflow: Specify an AOS account page, enter or select the account the AOS
instance is running as. If you have multiple AOS instances, specify the account for each
If an AOS instance is running as the Network Service account, format the account name in
the following way: Domain\ComputerName$
Click Next.
11. On the Ready to install page, select the check box if you want to restart IIS after Workflow is
Click Install.
12. When the installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard.

Add the Workflow Web site to the list of trusted sites

After installing Workflow, you must add the URL of the Workflow Web site to the list of trusted
sites on the AOS server. This will enable the AOS server to communicate with the Workflow Web
Complete the following procedure on the AOS server.
1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. Click Tools > Internet Options. The Internet Options window is displayed.

Installation Guide 72
Microsoft Dynamics AX

3. Click the Security tab.

4. Click Trusted sites.
5. Click the Sites button. The Trusted sites window is displayed.
6. Enter the URL of the Workflow Web site.
 If the Workflow Web server is using SSL, the URL is
 If the Workflow Web server is not using SSL, the URL is
ServerName is the name of the Workflow Web server. PortNumber is the TCP/IP port that the
Workflow Web site is using.
7. Click Add to add the URL to the list of trusted sites.
8. Click Close to close the Trusted sites window.
9. Click OK to close the Internet Options window.

Set up the Workflow system

After you have installed Workflow, you can begin setting up the Workflow system. Follow the
instructions in the "Setting up and maintaining Workflow" topic in the System and Application
Setup help file.
To access the System and Application Setup help file, open your Microsoft Dynamics AX client
and click Microsoft Dynamics AX > Help > System and Application Setup.

Installation Guide 73
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Reporting extensions
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is a solution that enables users to create and view
traditional, paper-based reports, as well as interactive, Web-based reports.
To integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX and Reporting Services, install the reporting extensions on a
server running Reporting Services. We recommend using a dedicated server, especially in a
production environment. (This documentation will refer to this server as the report server.)
After you install the reporting extensions, you will be able to deploy Microsoft Dynamics
AX default reports to Reporting Services.
Use the following topics to install the reporting extensions:
 Install prerequisites on the report server
 Configure Reporting Services
 Configure Reporting Services on Windows Server 2008
 Update the Reporting Services configuration file
 Install the reporting extensions
 Deploy reports
 Set up the reports

Installation Guide 74
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install prerequisites on the report server

Before you can install the reporting extensions, required software components must be installed
on the report server. The Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard will install some of these
components for you, if necessary. The following sections list the software components you must
install, and the software components the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard installs for you.
For more information about the hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX,

Software components you must install

You must install the following software components on the report server.

Software component How to install

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Select the option to install Reporting Services when
Services running the SQL Server installation wizard. For detailed
installation instructions, see the SQL Server

If you are installing Reporting Services on
Windows Server 2008, follow the installation
instructions in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article
#938245. (To view this article, go to and search for article
During installation, you must select a configuration mode.
The following configuration modes may be available to
 Install default configuration – If you install the
default configuration, the Reporting Services virtual
directories will be configured to run on port 80.
 Install, but do not configure – If you do not install the
default configuration, you must manually configure
Reporting Services after the installation. For more
information, see Configure Reporting Services.

Windows SDK for Windows Server Download and install the Windows SDK for Windows
2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 from the Microsoft
Download Center (
When installing the SDK, install the .NET Development
Tools. The other components in the SDK are not required.
Installation Guide 75
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Software component How to install

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell Download and install this package from the Microsoft
(isolated mode) Redistributable Download Center (
Package After you run the Visual Studio 2008 Shell Isolated Mode
Redistributable Package Setup wizard, complete the
following steps:
1. On the computer's hard drive, locate the VS 2008
Shell Redist\Isolated Mode folder.
2. Double-click the .exe file located in that folder. For
example, if you installed the US English version of the
redistributable package, double-click the
vs_shell_isolated.enu.exe file.
3. Follow the directions in the Microsoft Visual Studio
2008 Shell (isolated mode) wizard to complete the

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) SSL is recommended, but not required, for the report
server. SSL is a protocol that allows Web servers and
clients to communicate more securely through the use of
encryption. When SSL is not used, data sent between the
client and server is vulnerable to observation by anyone
with physical access to the network.
To implement SSL, you must install a certificate and a
private encryption key on your report server. For more
information about implementing SSL, refer to the IIS
Operations Guide, which can be found by searching on
Microsoft TechNet (

If you implement SSL, you must update the
Reporting Services configuration file before you
install the reporting extensions. For more
information, see Update the Reporting Services
configuration file.

Installation Guide 76
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Software components the Setup wizard installs

If the following software components are not installed on the report server, the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Setup wizard will install them for you when you install the reporting extensions.
 Internet Information Services (IIS)
 ASP.NET 2.0
 Microsoft ADOMD.NET
 Microsoft Dynamics AX .NET Business Connector

Configure Reporting Services

Complete the following steps to configure Reporting Services. If Reporting Services is not
configured, you will not be able to successfully install the reporting extensions.
Keep in mind that if you chose to install Reporting Services in its default configuration, Reporting
Services is already configured for you. We recommend that you complete the following steps to
verify that options are configured correctly.
1. Open the Reporting Services configuration tool (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server
> Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration).
2. Follow the SQL Server documentation to configure the settings. Be sure to:
 Specify an account for Reporting Services to run as.
 Create virtual directories.
The first virtual directory that you must create is for the Reporting Services Web service.
By default, the virtual directory will be named ReportServer.
The second virtual directory that you must create is for Report Manager, an
administrative component of Reporting Services. By default, this virtual directory will be
named Reports.
You can specify the port you want these virtual directories to use. However, if you specify
a port other than port 80, you must add an exception to Windows Firewall. For more
information about Windows Firewall, see the Windows documentation.

If the Reporting Services virtual directories run on the Default Web Site in IIS—
and you later install Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server—the SharePoint installation program will stop the Default Web Site and
create a new site that runs on port 80. This means you will have to configure the
Default Web Site to run on a different port and restart the site.
 Create a database for Reporting Services. By default, this database will be named
 Verify that Reporting Services is not configured to run in SharePoint integrated mode.
SharePoint integrated mode is not supported for use with Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Installation Guide 77
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configure Reporting Services on Windows Server 2008

If you are using Reporting Services on Windows Server 2008, you must complete the procedures
in this topic before installing the reporting extensions.
Complete these procedures on the report server.

To complete the procedures in this topic, you must have installed Reporting Services
according to the instructions in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article #938245. (To view this
article, go to and search for article 938245.)

Create a new application pool

Complete the following procedure to create a new application pool that runs as the .NET
Business Connector proxy account.

If the .NET Business Connector proxy account is a domain account and your network
uses Kerberos authentication, users will receive authentication errors when trying to
access reports. To resolve this issue, see Set a Service Principal Name.

1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Start > Administrative Tools >
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.)
2. In the console tree, right-click the Application Pools node and select Add Application
Pool. The Add Application Pool window is displayed.
3. In the Name field, enter AxReportServer.
4. From the Managed pipeline mode list, select Classic.
5. Click OK to create the application pool.
6. In the console tree, click the Application Pools node. A list of application pools is displayed.
7. Select the AxReportServer application pool.
8. In the Actions panel, click Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings window is
9. Select the Identity row. Click the expansion button (…) at the end of the row. The
Application Pool Identity window is displayed.
10. Select the Custom account option.
11. Click the Set button. The Set Credentials window is displayed.
12. In the User name field, enter the name of the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Enter
the account name in Domain\UserName format.
13. Enter and confirm the password of the .NET Business Connector proxy account.

Installation Guide 78
Microsoft Dynamics AX

14. Click OK to close the Set Credentials window.

15. Click OK to close the Application Pool Identity window.
16. Click OK to close the Advanced Settings window.

Configure the Reporting Services virtual directories

Complete the following procedure to configure the Reporting Services virtual directories to use
the AxReportServer application pool. (Note that in IIS 7.0, these virtual directories are referred to
as applications.)
1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Start > Administrative Tools >
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.)
2. In the console tree, select the ReportServer virtual directory (application).
3. In the Actions panel, click Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings window is
4. Select the Application Pool row. Click the expansion button (…) at the end of the row. The
Select Application Pool window is displayed.
5. Select the AxReportServer application pool. Click OK.
6. Click OK to close the Advanced Settings window.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 for the Reports virtual directory (application).

Update the Reporting Services configuration file

Complete the following procedure to update the Reporting Services configuration file with the
name of the .NET Business Connector proxy account.
1. Open the rsreportserver.config file. By default, this file is located at \Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\ReportingServicesInstance\Reporting Services\ReportServer.
2. Find the WebServiceAccount XML element and enter the name of the .NET Business
Connector proxy account, as shown:

3. Save your changes and close the file.

Add the .NET Business Connector proxy account to user groups

Complete the following procedure to add the .NET Business Connector proxy account to
Reporting Services user groups.
1. Open Computer Management (Start > Administrative Tools > Computer Management).
2. In the console tree, select Local Users and Groups > Groups.
3. In the details pane, right-click the following user group and choose Add to Group:
The user group's Properties window is displayed.

Installation Guide 79
Microsoft Dynamics AX

4. Click Add. The Select Users, Computers, or Groups window is displayed.

5. Enter the name of the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Enter the account name in
Domain\UserName format.
6. Click OK to close the Select Users, Computers, or Groups window.
7. Click OK to close the Properties window.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for the following user group:

Restart Reporting Services

Complete the following procedure to restart Reporting Services.
1. Open the Services window (Start > Administrative Tools > Services).
2. Right-click the SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) service and click

Restart IIS
Complete the following procedure to restart IIS.
1. Click Start > Run. The Run window is displayed.
2. Enter iisreset and click OK.

Verify that you can connect to the Reporting Services virtual directories
Complete the following procedure to verify that you can connect to the Reporting Services virtual
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Enter the URL of the ReportServer virtual directory:
 If you are using SSL on your report server, the URL is
 If you are not using SSL, the URL is http://ServerName:PortNumber/reportserver.
3. Enter the URL of the Reports virtual directory:
 If you are using SSL on your report server, the URL is
 If you are not using SSL, the URL is http://ServerName:PortNumber/reports.

Installation Guide 80
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Update the Reporting Services configuration file

Before installing the reporting extensions, open the Reporting Services configuration file and
verify that the URL of the ReportServer virtual directory is correct. You may need to update the
URL if you implemented SSL or configured the virtual directory to use a different port.
Complete the following procedure on the report server.
1. Open the rsreportserver.config file. By default, this file is located in \Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\ReportingServicesInstance\Reporting Services\ReportServer.
2. Locate the UrlRoot XML element and update the URL in that element, if necessary.
For example, if you implemented SSL, you may need to change http to https, as shown:

3. Save your changes and close the file.

Install the reporting extensions

Use the following procedure to install the reporting extensions. If you are installing other Microsoft
Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the
components you are installing.
For information about the permissions you need to complete this procedure, see Rights required
for installation.

When you install the reporting extensions, the Setup wizard must be able to connect to a
base installation of Microsoft Dynamics AX (application files, AOS, and database) on
which the initialization checklist has been completed. The following procedure assumes
that you are installing the reporting extensions on a dedicated server where no other
Microsoft Dynamics AX components are installed.

1. Start the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard.

2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, select Custom installation. Click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select the Reporting extensions check box. Click Next.
5. On the Install files page, specify where you want the reporting extensions .DLL files
installed. You can accept the default location or click Browse to select a different location.
Click Next.
6. On the .NET Business Connector: Select a display language page, select the language in
which you would like to first run Microsoft Dynamics AX. Click Next.
For more information about installing the .NET Business Connector, see Install the .NET
Business Connector.

Installation Guide 81
Microsoft Dynamics AX

7. On the .NET Business Connector: Connect to AOS instance page, enter the name of the
AOS server. Click Next.
8. On the .NET Business Connector proxy account information page, enter the password
for the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Click Next.
9. On the Reporting extensions: Select a Reporting Services instance page, select the
instance of Reporting Services that you want to use with Microsoft Dynamics AX.
If you are using Reporting Services on Windows Server 2003, the Configure IIS and Report
Server check box is available. Select this check box to configure IIS and Reporting Services
for use with Microsoft Dynamics AX. When you select this check box, the Setup program will:
 Create an application pool in IIS called AxReportServer. This application pool will run as
the .NET Business Connector proxy account.

If the .NET Business Connector proxy account is a domain account and your
network uses Kerberos authentication, users will receive authentication errors
when trying to access reports. To resolve this issue, see Set a Service Principal
 Configure the ReportServer virtual directory to use the AxReportServer application
Click Next.
10. On the Ready to install page, consider selecting the Restart IIS after installation is
completed check box.
You must restart IIS after installing the reporting extensions. However, you should restart IIS
when it will have the least amount of impact on other Web applications running on this server.
If you do not select the check box, you must restart IIS manually.
Click Install.

Installation Guide 82
Microsoft Dynamics AX

11. After the installation is complete, you must deploy the default reports that are included with
Microsoft Dynamics AX. You can deploy the reports now, or at a later time.

To deploy the reports… Do this…

Now Select the Automatically launch Reports Deployment utility

check box. Click Finish to close the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup
The Microsoft Dynamics AX Reporting Project Deployment form
is displayed.
 Select the reports you want to deploy. Click Next.
 Verify that the connection string is correct. Click Next.
 When the reports are deployed, click Finish.
If you receive errors when deploying the reports, see Troubleshoot
installation issues.

Later Click Finish to close the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard.

When you are ready to deploy the reports, follow the instructions in
Deploy reports.

Deploy reports
Microsoft Dynamics AX includes many preconfigured reports that you must deploy to Reporting
Services. If you did not deploy these reports when installing the reporting extensions, you can
deploy them using the procedure below.
Complete the procedure on the report server.
1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
Reports Deployment. The Microsoft Dynamics AX Reporting Project Deployment form
is displayed.
2. Select the reports you want to deploy. Click Next.
3. Verify that the connection string is correct. Click Next.
4. When the reports are deployed, click Finish.
If you receive errors when deploying the reports, see Troubleshoot installation issues.

Set up the reports

To complete the process of integrating Microsoft Dynamics AX and Reporting Services, you must
follow the instructions in the "SQL Server Reporting Services reports" topic in the System and
Application Setup help file.
To access the System and Application Setup help file, open your Microsoft Dynamics AX client
and click Microsoft Dynamics AX > Help > System and Application Setup.

Installation Guide 83
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Analysis extensions
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services is a server-based solution that provides online analytical
processing (OLAP) functionality. OLAP reports help users analyze business data and identify
trends that they might not otherwise discover when viewing data in traditional reports.
To integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX and Analysis Services, install the analysis extensions on a
server running Analysis Services. We recommend using a dedicated server, especially in a
production environment. (This documentation will refer to this server as the OLAP server.)
When you install the analysis extensions, a default OLAP database and cubes are deployed to
Analysis Services.
Use the following topics to install the analysis extensions:
 Install prerequisites on the OLAP server
 Install Analysis Management Objects on client computers
 Install the analysis extensions
 Configure Analysis Services
 Set up the default cubes

Installation Guide 84
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install prerequisites on the OLAP server

Before installing the analysis extensions, install the following software components on the OLAP

Software component How to install

Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Select the option to install Analysis Services
when running the SQL Server installation
wizard. For detailed instructions, see the SQL
Server documentation.

Microsoft SQL Server client tools Select the option to install the client tools when
running the SQL Server installation wizard. For
detailed instructions, see the SQL Server
SQL Server Management Studio is installed
when you install the client tools. You will use
SQL Server Management Studio to administer
and process OLAP cubes.

For more information about the hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX,

Install Analysis Management Objects on client computers

You must install Analysis Management Objects (AMO) on Microsoft Dynamics AX client
computers that will be used to administer the OLAP database. If AMO is not installed on
your Microsoft Dynamics AX client computer, you will not be able to use the OLAP
Administration form (Administration > Setup > Business analysis > OLAP > OLAP
Administration) to update the OLAP database.
To download and install AMO, go to the Microsoft Download Center
( and search for AMO. (AMO is included in several SQL
Server feature packs.)

You do not need to install AMO on the OLAP server.

Installation Guide 85
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install the analysis extensions

Use the following procedure to install the analysis extensions on your OLAP server. If you are
installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will
vary based on the components you are installing.
For information about the permissions you need to complete this procedure, see Rights required
for installation.

Before you can install the analysis extensions, the base components of Microsoft
Dynamics AX (application files, AOS, and database) must be installed in the
environment, and the initialization checklist must be completed. The following procedure
assumes that you are installing the analysis extensions on a dedicated server where no
other Microsoft Dynamics AX components are installed.
1. Start the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, select Custom installation. Click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Analysis extensions. Click Next.
5. On the Select database type page, select the type of database that is used to store
Microsoft Dynamics AX data: Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database Server. Click Next.
6. On the Analysis extensions: Select an Analysis Services instance page, select the
instance of Analysis Services that you want to use with Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Select the Replace any existing Microsoft Dynamics AX online analytical processing
databases check box to overwrite any Microsoft Dynamics AX databases that exist on the
Analysis Services instance.
Click Next.
7. On the Ready to install page, click Install.
8. When the installation is complete, click Finish to close the wizard.

Configure Analysis Services

Complete the procedures in this topic to configure Analysis Services for use with Microsoft
Dynamics AX.
Complete these procedures on the OLAP server.

Installation Guide 86
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create a domain account for Analysis Services

Create a domain account specifically for Analysis Services. The account must:
 Be a dedicated account (used only for Analysis Services).
 Have minimal access to network resources.
 Have read access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX online transaction processing (OLTP)
After you create the domain account, complete the following procedure to configure Analysis
Services to run as this account.
1. Open the Services window (Start > Administrative Tools > Services).
2. Right-click the SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER) service and click
3. In the properties window, click the Log On tab.
4. Select the This account option.
5. Enter the name and password for the domain account that you created.
6. Click OK.

Configure Analysis Services to connect to your SQL Server database

If your Microsoft Dynamics AX data is stored in a SQL Server database, complete the following
procedure. The procedure explains how to configure Analysis Services to retrieve data from the
Microsoft Dynamics AX online transaction processing (OLTP) database.
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL
Server Management Studio).
2. In the Connect to Server window, select your Analysis Services instance and enter
credentials to log on to the instance, if necessary. Click Connect.
3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Databases > Dynamics AX > Data Sources folder.
4. Right-click Dynamics Database and click Properties. The Data Source Properties -
Dynamics Database window is displayed.
5. Select the Connection String row. Click the expansion button (…) at the end of the row. The
Connection Manager window is displayed.
6. In the Server name field, enter the name of the server that hosts the Microsoft Dynamics
AX OLTP database.
7. Select the Use Windows Authentication option.
8. Select the Select or enter a database name option and enter the name of the Microsoft
Dynamics AX OLTP database.

Installation Guide 87
Microsoft Dynamics AX

9. Click Test Connection to verify that you can connect to the Microsoft Dynamics AX OLTP
10. Click OK to close the Connection Manager window.
11. Click OK to close the Data Source Properties - Dynamics Database window.

Configure Analysis Services to connect to your Oracle database

If your Microsoft Dynamics AX data is stored in an Oracle database, complete the following
procedure. The procedure explains how to configure Analysis Services to retrieve data from the
Microsoft Dynamics AX online transaction processing (OLTP) database.

Install an Oracle client

Complete the following steps on the OLAP server.
1. Install an Oracle database client (10g release, runtime version).

If you are using a 64-bit version of Oracle Database Server and a 64-bit version of
Analysis Services, you must install the 32-bit Oracle client on the OLAP server.
2. Create an Oracle Net Service to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics AX OLTP database.
The user account used by the Oracle Net Service must have read access to the Microsoft
Dynamics AX OLTP database.

Modify the data source

Complete the following procedure to modify the data source that connects Analysis Services to
your Microsoft Dynamics AX OLTP database.
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL
Server Management Studio).
2. In the Connect to Server window, select your Analysis Services instance and enter
credentials to log on to the instance, if necessary. Click Connect.
3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Databases > Dynamics AX > Data Sources folder.
4. Right-click Dynamics Database and click Properties. The Data Source Properties -
Dynamics Database window is displayed.
5. Select the Connection String row. Click the expansion button (…) at the end of the row. The
Connection Manager window is displayed.
6. In the Provider list, select .Net Providers\OracleClient Data Provider.
7. In the Server name field, enter the name of the Oracle Net Service.
8. Enter credentials to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics AX OLTP database.
9. Select the Save my password check box.
10. Click Test Connection to verify that you can connect to the Microsoft Dynamics AX OLTP

Installation Guide 88
Microsoft Dynamics AX

11. Click OK to save your changes and close the Connection Manager window.
12. Click OK to close the Data Source Properties - Dynamics Database window.

Create a firewall exception for Analysis Services

To allow remote users to access Analysis Services, you must add an exception to Windows
Firewall. For instructions on how to configure Windows Firewall for Analysis Services access, see
the SQL Server documentation on MSDN (

Set up the default cubes

To set up the default cubes that are provided with Microsoft Dynamics AX, follow the instructions
in the "SQL Server Analysis Services cubes" topic in the System and Application Setup help
To access the System and Application Setup help file, open your Microsoft Dynamics AX client
and click Microsoft Dynamics AX > Help > System and Application Setup.

Installation Guide 89
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install development components

Development components are tools you can use in a development environment. For example,
you can use development components to create customizations or extensions to Enterprise
Portal and to create advanced production reports for Microsoft Dynamics AX using SQL Server
Reporting Services. The development components include the debugger, Enterprise Portal
developer tools, and Reporting tools.
You can install the Microsoft Dynamics AX development components after you have installed the
base components and completed the initialization checklist.
Before you install, verify that your domain account has the correct permissions on each computer
that you will install on. For more information, see Rights required for installation.
The following topics are contained in this section.

Topic Description

Install the debugger Contains instructions for installing the Microsoft

Dynamics AX debugger tool.
The debugger provides debugging capabilities
for X++ developers.

Install Enterprise Portal developer tools Explains how to install the Enterprise Portal
developer tools.
These add-ons for Microsoft Visual Studio allow
developers to create new controls or modify
existing controls used in Enterprise Portal.

Install reporting tools Describes how to install the Microsoft Dynamics

AX reporting tools.
Reporting tools enable developers to use
Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL Server
Reporting Services to create production

Install Team Server Contains information about installing Team

If you develop for Microsoft Dynamics AX in a
team environment, you can use Team Server
as a central service to coordinate the
assignment of unique IDs to objects and labels
that developers create.

Installation Guide 90
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install the debugger

The debugger provides debugging capabilities for X++ developers. The debugger tool
communicates with the Microsoft Dynamics AX client, with the .NET Business Connector, or with
batch jobs running on the Microsoft Dynamics AX server. If you choose the Developer
installation option, the debugger is installed by default.

Before you begin

If the .NET Business Connector has not been installed, Setup will install it. If the .NET Business
Connector proxy account has not been set up, Setup will prompt you to specify its credentials.

Installing the debugger

Use this procedure to install the debugger. If you are installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX
components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the components you are
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Debugger, and then click Next.
5. On the Ready to install page, click Install.

Next steps
The debugger uses a dynamically allocated TCP port. If Windows Firewall is enabled on the
computer, we recommend adding firewall exclusions for the AxDebug.exe application and its
target applications (for example, Ax32.exe and AxServ32.exe).

Installation Guide 91
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install Enterprise Portal developer tools

The Enterprise Portal developer tools are add-ons for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 that allow
developers to create new controls or modify existing controls used in Enterprise Portal.

Before you begin

Before you can install the Enterprise Portal developer tools, the base components of Microsoft
Dynamics AX (application files, AOS, and database) must be installed in the environment, and
the initialization checklist must be completed.
Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework must be installed on the computer where you are
installing the developer tools.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 must be installed on the computer where you are installing the
developer tools.
If the .NET Business Connector has not been installed, Setup will install it. If the .NET Business
Connector proxy account has not been set up, Setup will prompt you to specify its credentials.

Installing Enterprise Portal developer tools

Use this procedure to install Enterprise Portal developer tools. If you are installing other Microsoft
Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the
components you are installing.

If Visual Studio is running, we recommend closing it before installing the Enterprise Portal
developer tools.

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.

2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Modify Microsoft Dynamics AX installation page, click Add or modify
components, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Enterprise Portal developer tools. Click Next.
5. On the Ready to install page, click Install.

Installation Guide 92
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install reporting tools

The reporting tools for Microsoft Dynamics AX enable developers to use Microsoft Visual Studio
2008 and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services to create production reports.

Before you begin

Before you can install the reporting tools, the base components of Microsoft Dynamics AX (the
application files, AOS, and database) must be installed in the environment, and the initialization
checklist must be completed.
The reporting tools do not need to be installed on the same computer as any of the other
Microsoft Dynamics AX components, but you must be able to connect to the Reporting Services
instance that has been configured for Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 must be installed on the computer where you are installing the
reporting tools.
If the .NET Business Connector has not been installed, Setup will install it. If the .NET Business
Connector proxy account has not been set up, Setup will prompt you to specify its credentials.

Install the reporting tools for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Use this procedure to install the reporting tools. If you are installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX
components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the components you are
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Reporting tools. Click Next.
5. On the Ready to install page, click Install.

Next steps
After you install the reporting tools, you must configure the tools to work with Microsoft Dynamics
AX. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX SDK.

Installation Guide 93
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install Team Server

If you develop for Microsoft Dynamics AX in a team environment, you can use Team Server as a
central service to coordinate the assignment of unique IDs to objects and labels that developers
The Team Server Setup wizard deploys the team server components and creates the database
and schema. The wizard also adds the stored procedures that serve as an interface to the
computer running Team Server.
We recommend that you set up the team server on a different computer from the Microsoft
Dynamics AX database. If the two databases are installed on the same computer, the Application
Object Server (AOS) account is authenticated by two different user groups. The two groups can
have access to either the Microsoft Dynamics AX database or the team server database but not
For more information about using a development environment, see the Microsoft Dynamics
AX developer documentation.

Before you begin

Before you install Team Server, we recommend creating a local user group on the server
computer and adding all developer computers as members. When you set up Team Server, you
will be asked for the user group name.
SQL Server agent must be running.

Installing Team Server

1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD into the computer that will host Team Server. The
main Microsoft Dynamics AX installation page should appear. If the page does not appear
automatically, double-click the Autorun.hta file in the root directory of the DVD.
2. Click Additional tools.
3. Click Install Team Server.
4. Step through the initial wizard pages.

Installation Guide 94
Microsoft Dynamics AX

5. Select the type of database you're using: Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database
 If you selected Microsoft SQL Server, type the SQL Server name, and then click Next.
Select Install new Team Server, type the Team Server database name, and then click
 If you selected Oracle Database Server, type the TNS Service name, and then click
Type the Schema name and Password, and then click Next.
Type the Oracle Role name, and then click Next.

The wizard automatically adds the new Oracle role to the schema. To grant
developers access to the team server schema, you must add each developer's
computer to the new Oracle role.
6. Type the Team Server user group name. If you enter a group name that doesn't exist, Setup
will create a group for you. Click Next.
7. Click Install.
8. If you allowed Setup to create a user group for you, add all developer computers to the

Installation Guide 95
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install integration components

Integration components enable Microsoft Dynamics AX to integrate with external applications.
Microsoft Dynamics AX components like Workflow and Enterprise Portal also use integration
components to interact with the AOS. The integration components include the .NET Business
Connector, AIF Web services and the BizTalk adapter, and the synchronization proxy and
synchronization service for Microsoft Office Project.
You can install Microsoft Dynamics AX integration components after you have installed the base
components and completed the initialization checklist.
Before you install, verify that your domain account has the correct permissions on each computer
that you will install on. For more information, see Rights required for installation.
The following topics are contained in this section.

Topic Description

Install the .NET Business Explains how to install the .NET Business Connector for
Connector Microsoft Dynamics AX.
The .NET Business Connector enables other programs to
interact with an AOS instance. It is used by many Microsoft
Dynamics AX components, such as Enterprise Portal.

Install AIF Web services Contains instructions for installing the Application Integration
Framework (AIF) Web services.
AIF Web services make Microsoft Dynamics AX services
available to external systems for data exchange.

Install the BizTalk adapter Describes how to install the BizTalk adapter.
The BizTalk adapter enables the exchange of AIF messages
between Microsoft BizTalk Server and Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Install the synchronization proxy Explains how to install the Microsoft Office Project
for Microsoft Office Project synchronization proxy.
The synchronization proxy uses Windows Message Queuing
to connect the Microsoft Office Project synchronization service
and project data in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Install the synchronization Contains instructions for installing the Microsoft Office Project
service for Microsoft Office synchronization service.
Project The synchronization service allows you to synchronize project
data in Microsoft Dynamics AX with data on a Microsoft Office
Project Server.

Installation Guide 96
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install the .NET Business Connector

The .NET Business Connector enables applications to interact with Application Object Server
(AOS) instances by providing a set of managed classes that facilitate access to X++ functionality
in Microsoft Dynamics AX. The .NET Business Connector is installed automatically for those
components that require it, such as Enterprise Portal and the Application Integration Framework.
The .NET Business Connector can also be installed as a stand-alone component and used to
develop third-party applications that integrate with Microsoft Dynamics AX. You must install the
.NET Business Connector on each computer where the integrated application is installed. The
application will then communicate with the AOS through the .NET Business Connector instance
on the local computer.
Some components require that .NET Business Connector be configured to connect to Microsoft
Dynamics AX with a proxy account. The use of a proxy enables the .NET Business Connector to
connect on behalf of Microsoft Dynamics AX users when authenticating with an AOS instance.
For more information, see Set the Business Connector proxy user.
When you install the Business Connector, the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility is also

Before you install

Before installing Business Connector, the following must be available in the domain:
 A base Microsoft Dynamics AX installation. This installation can be completed before the
Business Connector installation, or it can be done at the same time.
 Active Directory configured in native mode.

Install Business Connector

Use this procedure to install the .NET Business Connector. If you are installing other Microsoft
Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the
components you are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select .NET Business Connector.
5. On the Install files page, click Next to accept the default location, or click Browse to
designate a different location.
6. Because Business Connector is a type of Microsoft Dynamics AX client, if it is the first client
you are installing on a computer, Setup requires that you set the display language. On the
Select display language page, select the language in which you would like to first run
Microsoft Dynamics AX. If you later decide to change languages, you can modify the display
language from within the client.

Installation Guide 97
Microsoft Dynamics AX

7. On the .NET Business Connector: Connect to AOS instance page, type the name of the
Application Object Server you want to connect to, and then click Next.
If you do not know the name of the Application Object Server, contact the Microsoft Dynamics
AX administrator.
8. Click Install to install the component.

Set the Business Connector proxy user

Some components require that the .NET Business Connector be configured to connect to
Microsoft Dynamics AX with a proxy account. The use of a proxy enables the .NET Business
Connector to connect on behalf of Microsoft Dynamics AX users when authenticating with an
AOS instance.
The Business Connector proxy is a Microsoft Windows domain account that is configured from
the initialization checklist, or in the Administration > Setup > Security > System accounts
Work with a system administrator to create a new account for the Business Connector before you
install it. We recommend that the account be set up as follows:
 Must be a Windows domain account
 Must be a dedicated account (used only by Business Connector)
 Must have a password that does not expire
 Must not have interactive logon rights
 Must not be a Microsoft Dynamics AX user.

If a malicious user learns the Business Connector proxy credentials (name and
password), that user could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, and
potentially damage the Microsoft Dynamics AX application. For this reason, only
Microsoft Dynamics AX administrators should know the proxy credentials.
To set up and configure the Business Connector proxy, you must perform the following steps.
1. Create the proxy account in Active Directory.
2. Add the proxy account to the IIS local Windows group.
3. Configure the IIS application pool.
4. Install the .NET Business Connector.
5. Specify the Business Connector proxy user in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Installation Guide 98
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create the proxy account in Active Directory

1. Create a unique user in Active Directory in the form domain\username, for example,
domain\bcproxy. This user must not have the same name as an existing Microsoft Dynamics
AX user. For the procedure to add a new user, see the Active Directory documentation.
2. Assign a password to the user.
3. Select the Password does not expire option.
4. Select the No interactive logon rights option.
5. Close Active Directory.

Add the proxy account to the IIS local Windows group

For Web applications, you must add the Business Connector proxy account to the IIS local
Windows group. If you are using Windows SharePoint Services, you must also add the account to
the Windows SharePoint Services local Windows group.
1. Open the Computer Management application (Start > Administrative Tools > Computer
2. Expand the Groups folder under Local Users and Groups.
3. Add the Business Connector proxy account to the following groups:
 IIS_WPG (IIS Worker Process Group)
 STS_WPG (STS Worker Process Group), if running Windows SharePoint Services

Specify the Business Connector proxy user in Microsoft Dynamics AX

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX (Start > All Programs > Microsoft Dynamics > Microsoft
Dynamics AX).
2. Open the System service accounts form: Administration > Setup > Security > System
service accounts.
3. In the Business Connector Proxy section of the form, enter the alias and the domain of the
4. Click OK.

Installation Guide 99
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Set a Service Principal Name

Under some circumstances, Web access to Microsoft Dynamics AX services may require
configuration of a Service Principle Name (SPN) by the domain administrator.
The virtual directories for Microsoft Dynamics AX Web applications are configured to use the
.NET Business Connector proxy account as the application pool identity. If the .NET Business
Connector proxy account is a domain account and the network uses Kerberos authentication,
users of Microsoft Dynamics AX Web applications will encounter authentication errors.
To resolve this problem, the IT administrator should set authentication to Negotiate, which uses
Kerberos authentication by default and falls back to NTLM authentication if necessary.
If the network cannot use NTLM authentication, the domain administrator must configure an SPN
for the proxy account. An SPN is a unique identifier for a service. Every service that uses
Kerberos authentication must have an SPN so that clients can identify the service on the network.
Use the Setspn.exe command-line tool to configure an SPN. The Setspn.exe tool is installed by
default on computers running Windows Server 2008. If the server is running Windows Server
2003, you can get the tool by downloading Support Tools for Windows Server 2003 from the
Microsoft Download Center.
For additional information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article number 871179.

Install AIF Web services

Application Integration Framework (AIF) Web services are used to exchange documents between
Microsoft Dynamics AX and other systems. External systems can request or create data by
calling the Web services that are exposed by Microsoft Dynamics AX. To perform document
exchanges with Web services, you must install the AIF Web services on the application
integration gateway computer using the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup program.
We recommend that the application integration server and the Application Object Server (AOS)
be installed on different computers.

Before you begin

Before you can install AIF Web services, the base components of Microsoft Dynamics AX
(application files, AOS, and database) must be installed in the environment, and the initialization
checklist must be completed.
You must log in with an account that is a member of the Administrators group on the computer on
which you are installing AIF Web services.
If the .NET Business Connector has not been installed, Setup will install it. If the .NET Business
Connector proxy account has not been set up, Setup will prompt you to specify its credentials.
If Internet Information Services has not been installed on the Web server, Setup will install it.

Installation Guide 100

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install AIF Web services

Use this procedure to install AIF Web services. If you are installing other Microsoft Dynamics AX
components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the components you are
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select AIF Web services. Click Next.
5. On the Install files page, accept the default file location or specify another directory and click
6. On the .NET Business Connector: Select a display language page, select the initial
7. On the Business Connector: Connect to AOS instance page, in the AOS name field, type
the computer name of the AOS to which the application integration computer should connect.
If that computer runs more than one AOS, enter the instance name or port number of the
8. On the Identify the .NET Business Connector proxy account page, type the domain, user
account and password of the Business Connector proxy account.
9. On the AIF Web services: Configure IIS page, select the following:
a. In the Web site field, select the Web site in which the AIF IIS application will be created.

If you select the Default Web Site in IIS—and you later install Windows
SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server—the SharePoint
installation program will stop the Default Web Site and create a new site that runs
on port 80. This means you will have to configure the Default Web Site to run on
a different port and restart the site.
b. In the Application pool field, accept the default application pool name or type a new
application pool name. This is the application pool that IIS will use for the AIF application.
c. In the Virtual directory field, accept the default IIS virtual directory or type a new name
for the virtual directory. This virtual directory points to the content directory that contains
the AIF service files.
d. The read only Content directory field displays the directory where the generated service
artifacts are stored including the Web.config file. Setup creates the AIFWebServices
folder in the Microsoft Dynamics AX installation path and sets the content directory to this
Click Next.

Installation Guide 101

Microsoft Dynamics AX

10. On the AIF Web services: Specify an AOS account page, enter or select the account the
AOS instance is running as. If you have multiple AOS instances, specify the account for each
If an AOS instance is running as the Network Service account, format the account name in
the following way: Domain\ComputerName$.
Click Next.
11. On the Ready to install page, click Install. Note that IIS will be restarted after the Web
services are installed.

What installing Web services does

When you install AIF Web services on the application integration server, Setup makes changes to
IIS and the file system as shown in the following figure.

Installation Guide 102

Microsoft Dynamics AX

The AIF Web services installation architecture

When you install AIF Web services, setup makes the following changes on the application
integration computer:
 Creates a virtual directory for AIF under the selected Web site. By default, setup creates this
virtual directory under the Default Web Site in IIS. The default virtual directory is
MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50. This virtual directory points to the content directory specified
during the setup process.
 Creates an application pool for the virtual directory. By default, setup names the application
pool MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50.
 Sets the created application pool to run under the .NET Business Connector proxy user
specified during setup.
 Sets the application pool of the virtual directory to the newly created application pool.
 Creates a content directory with a path of <Microsoft Dynamics AX installation

Restrict access to application integration files

When AIF Web services are installed, Setup creates a network share to the content directory
where the files reside. We recommend that you restrict access to this share.
1. Open the Computer Management application (Start > Administrative Tools > Computer
2. Click the Groups folder under Local Users and Groups.
3. Right-click the Microsoft Dynamics AX Web Service Administrators local group and select
Properties. In the Members field, verify that only AOS accounts are members of the group.
4. If you are using the default permissions in Microsoft Windows Server 2003, all domain users
have Read and Execute permissions to the content directory where the Web services are
installed. For details, see the Default local groups article on TechNet. If you are not using
default permissions, you may need to grant access to the share using one of the following
 Create a local Windows group with access to the directory and add users of AIF Web
services to it.
 Add users of AIF Web services to the local Users group of the computer.

Installation Guide 103

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Next steps
Installing AIF Web services is the first step in setting up document exchanges that use Web
services. The next step is to generate the Web services and configure the exchange. For more
information, see "Configuring document exchanges with Web services" in the Server and
Database Administration Help.

If you experience issues installing AIF Web services, see Troubleshoot installation issues.

Install the BizTalk adapter

The BizTalk adapter enables the exchange of Application Integration Framework (AIF) messages
between Microsoft BizTalk Server and Microsoft Dynamics AX.
For more information, see the following topics in the Server and Database Administration Help:
 Configure BizTalk for AIF
 How to: Configure AIF for use with BizTalk Server
 How to: Create the BizTalk assembly

Before you begin

Before you can install the BizTalk adapter, the base components of Microsoft Dynamics AX
(application files, AOS, and database) must be installed in the environment, and the initialization
checklist must be completed.
Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 must be installed on the local computer. For more information
about installing BizTalk, download the BizTalk Installation Guide.
Active Directory directory service must be available in the domain and configured in native mode.
To install the BizTalk adapter, you must log on to the application integration gateway computer
with an account that is a member of the local Administrators group.

Installation Guide 104

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install the BizTalk adapter

Use this procedure to install the BizTalk adapter. If you are installing other Microsoft Dynamics
AX components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the components you
are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select BizTalk adapter and click Next.
5. Click Next until the component has been installed.

Install the synchronization proxy for Microsoft

Office Project
Microsoft Office Project synchronization provides support for synchronizing project data in
Microsoft Dynamics AX with data in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.
To use this functionality, you must install both the synchronization service and the
synchronization proxy.
The synchronization proxy uses Microsoft Message Queuing to connect to Microsoft Office
Project Server 2007 and Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Before you begin

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 must be installed on the computer where you are installing
the synchronization proxy. To use the integration with Project Server, the synchronization proxy
must be installed on the same computer as the Project Server Interface (PSI) Web service.
You must be a member of the dbowner database role on the database for Microsoft Office
Project server, and an administrator on the computer running Office Project Server.
The synchronization service must also be installed in the environment. You can install the
synchronization service and the synchronization proxy at the same time.

Installing the synchronization proxy

Use this procedure to install the synchronization proxy. If you are installing other Microsoft
Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on the
components you are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.

Installation Guide 105

Microsoft Dynamics AX

4. On the Select components page, select Synchronization proxy (Project Server 2007).
5. If prompted, on the Synchronization proxy/Message Queuing: Enter the service account
information page, enter the domain user account that was set for the synchronization
service in the Microsoft Dynamics AX initialization checklist.
6. If prompted, on the Synchronization proxy: Connect to the synchronization service
page, enter the name of the computer where the synchronization service is installed.

If the message queue for the synchronization service is running on a different
computer than the synchronization service, enter the name of the server running
Message Queuing.
7. On the Synchronization proxy: Connect to Microsoft Office Project Server page, enter
the server name and database name used by the Microsoft Office Project Server for
reporting. In the Project web access URL box, enter the URL of the Web site used to
access Project. Click Next.

If the synchronization proxy must connect to multiple Project URLs, install the
synchronization proxy using the first URL, uninstall the synchronization proxy, and
then install the synchronization proxy again using a different URL. Uninstalling the
proxy does not affect the ability to synchronize with URLs that were specified during
previous installations.
8. Click Install.

Install the synchronization service for Microsoft

Office Project
The Microsoft Office Project synchronization service synchronizes project data in Microsoft
Dynamics AX with data in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007.
To use this functionality, you must install both the synchronization service and the
synchronization proxy.
When you install the synchronization service, Setup configures Microsoft Message Queuing (also
known as MSMQ) to include a queue for the service. Setup also installs and starts the
synchronization service.

Installation Guide 106

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Before you begin

Before you can install the synchronization service, the base components of Microsoft Dynamics
AX (application files, AOS, and database) must be installed in the environment, and the
initialization checklist must be completed.
If you're using Windows Server 2003 and MSMQ has not been installed in the environment,
Setup will install it on the local computer. If you're using Windows Server 2008, you must
manually install MSMQ using Windows Server Manager.
If the .NET Business Connector has not been installed, Setup will install it. If the .NET Business
Connector proxy account has not been set up, Setup will prompt you to specify its credentials.
Before starting the procedure below, you must configure a synchronization service user account
in the System service accounts form. Open the form using the Configure system accounts
option in the initialization checklist, or by clicking Administration > Setup > Security > System
service accounts. Work with a system administrator to create a new account solely for use by
the synchronization service. We recommend that the account be set up as follows:
 Must be a domain account
 Must be a dedicated account (used only for this purpose)
 Must have a password that does not expire
 Must not have interactive logon rights
 Must be able to log on as a service

Install the synchronization service

Use the following procedure to install the synchronization service. If you are installing other
Microsoft Dynamics AX components at the same time, the installation screens will vary based on
the components you are installing.
1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Custom installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select components page, select Synchronization service (Project Server 2007).
5. The wizard may prompt you to install prerequisite software. After completing this process,
click Next.

Installation Guide 107

Microsoft Dynamics AX

6. On the Synchronization service: Select the installation type page, select the type of
synchronization support to install, and click Next.
 For most installations, you will select Synchronization services and Message Queuing
(standard) to install and configure synchronization services and message queuing on the
same computer.
 Select Message Queuing only or Synchronization services only when you are
installing a distributed system with message queuing on one computer and the
synchronization service on another.
7. On the Synchronization service: Enter the password for the service account page, enter
the password for the synchronization service account that you set up earlier, and click Next.
8. On the Specify the service accounts for synchronization message queues page, enter
the service accounts that need to communicate through message queues. For Setup to
configure the proper permissions, you must provide a domain account that will be used by the
Microsoft Office Project Server eventing service, as well as the service account of at least
one AOS instance. Then click Next.
9. Click Install.

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Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install multiple instances of Microsoft

Dynamics AX
In a single environment you can install multiple instances of the Microsoft Dynamics
AX Application Object Server (AOS), the application files, and the database.
You can install multiple instances of Microsoft Dynamics AX components on separate computers,
or on the same computer. AOS instances, application files, and databases cannot be shared
among instances of Microsoft Dynamics AX. The primary use for multiple Microsoft Dynamics
AX instances is in development environments that are used to support multiple customers.
The following table lists considerations when installing a second instance of a component.

Component Considerations

AOS Each AOS instance is automatically assigned a number

between 01 and 99. That number is displayed in the Add
or Remove Programs control panel in Windows Server
2003 or the Programs and Features control panel in
Windows Server 2008.
We recommend that you create a group in Active Directory
to manage AOS account permissions. For more
information, see Install an Application Object Server (AOS)

Database During initialization, you can import existing data into the

Application files After installation, you can copy the modifications from an
existing application to a newly installed application. Copy
all files with the following extensions to the new location:
.add, .adi, .ahd, .ahi, .alc, .ald, .ali, .alt, .aod, .aoi, .khd,

We recommend that you use Setup to install all
application files, rather than creating new
applications by copying the application file
directory and modifying it. Installing application
files using Setup ensures that files are in a
consistent location when Microsoft provides

Installation Guide 109

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Component Considerations

Components that require the .NET You can install only one instance of the .NET Business
Business Connector Connector on a computer. In an environment with multiple
AOS instances, use the Microsoft Dynamics AX
Configuration utility to make sure that the .NET Business
Connector on the local computer connects to the intended
AOS instance for the component you are installing.
In the Configuration Target list in the utility, choose
Business Connector (non-interactive use only). On the
Connection tab, verify that the correct AOS instance is
For more information about using the Microsoft Dynamics
AX Configuration utility, click the Help button in the utility.

Installation Guide 110

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Install a developer installation of Microsoft

Dynamics AX
You can set up the base Microsoft Dynamics AX components on a single computer to create a
development, test, pilot, or trial environment.
When you choose a developer installation, the database, Application Object Server (AOS),
application files, client, .NET Business Connector, and debugger are automatically installed
together on the local computer.

Before you begin

Verify the prerequisites for each component that will be installed. For more information, see the
following topics:
 Install the database
 Install an Application Object Server (AOS) instance
 Install application files
 Install a client
 Install the .NET Business Connector
 Install the debugger
We recommend that you use a uniform naming convention for all aspects of the installation,
including the database name, the AOS name, and the application file instance name. For
example, you might use a name like Fabrikam_DYNAX09_Dev, which includes a shortened form
of your business name, the Microsoft Dynamics AX version, and a code for the purpose of the

Installing a developer installation

1. Start Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup.
2. Step through the initial wizard pages.
3. On the Select installation type page, click Developer installation, and then click Next.
4. On the Select database type page, select the type of database to connect to and then click
For SQL Server, determine whether you want to connect to a new database or an existing
database. If you choose Oracle, you must connect to an existing database.

Installation Guide 111

Microsoft Dynamics AX

5. On the Install files page, type the location or click Browse to navigate to the location where
you want to install the Microsoft Dynamics AX files. Click Next.

By default, the files are installed to <Drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics
6. Depending on the database type you selected, enter additional database information as
shown in the following table. Then click Next.

If you chose this option Enter this information

Create a SQL Server database On the Database: Create new SQL Server
database page, in the Server name box, type or
select the name of the SQL Server to connect to. In
the Database name box, type a name for the new

Connect to an existing SQL Server On the AOS: Connect to a SQL Server database
database page, in the Server name box, type or select the
name of the SQL Server to connect to.
In the Database name box, type or select the name
of the database to which you want to connect.

Connect to an existing Oracle On the AOS: Connect to an Oracle database

database server page, select the connection type you plan to
 If you select Use a net service (TNS) to
connect, type the net service name.
 If you select Use custom settings to connect,
type in the host name, database service name,
and TCP/IP port to connect to.
 In the Schema (user) name box, specify a
name for the schema under which the Microsoft
Dynamics AX objects will be created in the
database. You can accept the default value of
DBO. If you enter a schema name that does not
already exist, Setup creates it for you. In the
Password box, specify a password for the

7. On the Application files: Set an instance name page, enter a name for this instance of the
application files and then click Next. The location for the files is set to

Installation Guide 112

Microsoft Dynamics AX

8. On the Application files: Select a country or region page, choose a country or region to
install and then click Next.
Regions provide country-specific tax and financial functionality. For more information, see
Choosing regional functionality.
9. On the AOS: Create an instance page, assign a name to the AOS instance, and optionally,
a TCP/IP port. The default port is 2712.
10. Optional: To send information to Microsoft about any fatal error in the AOS instance, select
Participate in error reporting.

This option applies only if you are installing on Windows Server 2003. If you are
installing on Windows Server 2008, you must use Server Manager to set error
reporting options.
If you enable error reporting, information is sent over a secure (https) connection to Microsoft,
where it is stored with limited access. Microsoft uses the reports only to improve Microsoft
Dynamics AX, and treats all information as confidential.
Click Next.
11. On the AOS: Select an account page, choose whether to use the Network Service account
of the local computer or a domain account to run the AOS service, and then click Next.
Setup configures permissions of the AOS account as follows:
 Adds the AOS account to the database as a user, and makes it a member of the
db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter database roles.
 Grants the user execute rights on the createserversessions and createusersessions
stored procedures.
 Grants the AOS account Full Control permissions on the application files directory.
12. On the Client: Select a display language page, select the language to view the Microsoft
Dynamics AX client in and then click Next. If you later decide to use a different language, you
can modify the user settings in the client.
13. On the Client: Select Help languages page, select the languages to view Microsoft
Dynamics AX Help in and then click Next. We recommend that you install all the Help
languages required for the client during initial installation.

To view the Help in a different language, you can change the user settings in the
Microsoft Dynamics AX client. If you do not install the Help files for the languages you
need during initial installation, you can install additional Help files by running Setup
again, selecting the Client component, and then selecting any additional languages
you require.

Installation Guide 113

Microsoft Dynamics AX

14. On the Ready to install page, click Install. If you want the AOS service to start after it has
been installed, mark Start the AOS instance after installation is completed.

The AOS Windows service can take several minutes to start the first time after
installing. To determine whether it has started, go to Administrative tools >
Services, and review the status of the Dynamics AX Object
Server<$InstanceNumberAOSInstanceName> service.

Installation Guide 114

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Silent installation
When you run the Setup wizard, Setup is running in interactive mode. That is, a graphical user
interface (GUI) prompts you for required information. Alternatively, you can run Setup in silent
mode, with no GUI displaying. In this mode, required information is supplied at the command
prompt or in a parameter file. You can install any Microsoft Dynamics AX component in silent

A silent installation is especially useful when deploying a large number of clients. For
more information, see: Mass deployment of clients.
The same parameters are available whether you are entering them at the command prompt or
creating a parameter file. For information about individual parameters, see Setup parameters.
We recommend that you determine which parameters to use by running Setup in interactive
mode on a single computer and then reviewing the Setup log file, which is located at
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Dynamics AX\Dynamics AX
Setup Logs\<Date Time>\DynamicsSetupLog.txt. The log lists the parameters that were used in
the installation.

Specify installation parameters at the command

Use the following procedure to run the installation by entering parameters at the command
1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. At the command prompt, type the following information:
<Path to DVD or shared directory>\Setup.exe parameter1="value" parameter2="value"
When using multiple parameters, insert a single space between parameters.
3. After you have listed all parameters, press Enter.

Installation Guide 115

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Specify installation parameters using a parameter

Use the following procedure to run the installation by specifying a parameter file at the command
1. Create a text file that lists the appropriate installation parameters and their values. In the
parameter file, each parameter's Name=Value combination must be on a separate line.

 Do not include double quotation marks in parameter files. Because a line return is used
as a delimiter in a parameter file, values that otherwise require the use of double
quotation marks do not require them here.
 To prevent a line in a parameter file from being read, type a number sign (#) before the
line. The line will be treated as a comment rather than a command or parameter.
2. Open a Command Prompt window.
3. At the command prompt, type the following information and press Enter:
<Path to DVD or shared directory>\Setup.exe ParmFile=<path to file\FileName.txt>
The path can be fully qualified or relative to the location of the Setup.exe file. Relative paths
can include upward qualifiers such as "..\..\".

Sample parameter file

The following is an example of a parameter file that can be used to install the database, the
application files, and the Application Object Server (AOS). Your parameter file will vary based on
the components you are installing.
LogDir="C:\<Path to log file>"










AosApplicationPath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50"


Installation Guide 116

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Troubleshoot the installation

This section contains information about troubleshooting the Microsoft Dynamics AX installation.
The following topics are included:
 Test an installation
 Troubleshoot installation issues

Installation Guide 117

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Test an installation
After installation and before configuring Microsoft Dynamics AX, test whether the installation is
functioning by performing the following steps.
1. Start all Application Object Server (AOS) instances.
2. Launch a client that is connected to each running AOS instance.
3. Test the security of your system:
 Can an unauthorized user access application files?
 Can an unauthorized user access the database computer?
 Can an unauthorized user access the Enterprise Portal site?
 Can an unauthorized user access the application integration site?
 Validate that correct permissions are set on the reporting server data.
 Validate that authorized users are allowed to print Microsoft Dynamics AX data.
 Establish a procedure for monitoring logs for unusual activity.

Troubleshoot installation issues

This topic provides information about troubleshooting issues that may be encountered when
installing Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Setup wizard
The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter
when running the Setup wizard.

The Setup wizard does not start automatically

If the Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup wizard does not launch automatically when you put the DVD
in the drive, double-click the Autorun.hta file in the root directory of the DVD.

Setup fails
If Setup fails, first refer to the setup log that is created each time Microsoft Dynamics AX is
1. Navigate to: \%AllUsersProfile%\Microsoft\Dynamics AX\Dynamics AX Setup Logs\Date
2. Find the error message returned by the failure. Review the information immediately following
the error message in the log for details.

Installation Guide 118

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Application Object Server (AOS)

The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter
when installing the AOS.

The AOS fails to start on Windows Server 2008

If you installed the AOS from the command line on Windows Server 2008, and the AOS will not
start, the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Native Client may not be installed. Install the SQL Server
2005 Native Client and then attempt to start the AOS again.

The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter
when installing the Microsoft Dynamics AX database.

Setup cannot connect to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server

When Setup cannot connect to an instance of SQL Server, one of the following conditions may be
the cause.

AOS account does not have rights

If, during installation of an AOS, you were not able to connect to a database, the AOS account
may not have appropriate rights in the SQL Server instance. The AOS account must be a user in
the database, and be assigned to the database roles db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and

Database version is incorrect

Check that the SQL Server instance is running on a supported version of SQL Server. For more
information, see System requirements.

Integrated authentication is not available

Check that the SQL Server instance is running on a supported version of SQL Server with
Windows integrated authentication.

Remote connections are not enabled

Check that the SQL Server instance is configured for remote connections as follows:
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server >
SQL Server Management Studio) and log on to SQL Server.
2. Right-click the SQL Server instance that you want to connect to, and then click Properties.
3. Click Connections, and then select Allow remote connections to this server.
4. Restart SQL Server.

Installation Guide 119

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Port 1433 is not open

If the SQL Server computer has a firewall running on it, be sure that port 1433 is open. See the
SQL Server Technology Center on TechNet for information on how to set up SQL Server to work
across a firewall.

Setup could not create a database

If your account does not have permission to create a SQL Server login for the AOS account in the
database, setup of the AOS will complete but display an error. Work with your database
administrator to have the AOS account added to the database as a member of the db_reader,
db_writer, and db_ddladmin roles. When the account is added, you should be able to start the
AOS service.

Application files
The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter
when installing Microsoft Dynamics AX application files.

Installing to Program Files directory on 64-bit operating system fails

When installing on a 64-bit operating system, you cannot override the default Program Files
location (%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86)), because the Microsoft installer (MSI) files called
during installation automatically reset the path for 64-bit operating systems to
%SystemDrive%\Program Files (x86).

Permissions to application file location removed by installation of second

AOS instance
Windows removes inherited permissions for all accounts (including members of the
Administrators and Power Users groups) when new permissions are explicitly granted on folders
that are the root of a share (\\ApplicationServer\Share). However, inherited permissions are not
removed for subfolders under a share (\\ApplicationServer\Share\Subfolder). Inherited
permissions are also not removed for local folders such as C:\Folder.
When you install an AOS instance, if you specify that the application files are at the root of a
share, such as \\ApplicationServer\Share, Windows removes any permissions that the folder
inherited from folders above it.
If the application files must be on a different computer than the computer running the AOS
instance, install the application files at least one level down from the share root, for example,
\\ApplicationServer\Share\Application Files.
This problem is most likely to occur during distributed installations, and when installing a second
AOS instance.

Installation Guide 120

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Possible symptoms of this problem include:

 The first AOS instance returns an access-denied error when trying to connect to the
application folder.
 Opening any AIF configuration form returns the error ―Directory Include was not found in the
Application folder.‖
If the inherited permissions have been removed from the application file location, one way of
recovering is as follows:
1. Log in as the local administrator of the computer hosting the share.
2. Create a folder that is a sibling of the folder that no longer has inherited permissions. The
inherited permissions will be set properly on the new folder.
3. Recreate the explicitly assigned permissions on the original folder in the new folder.
4. Copy all files from the original folder to the new folder.
5. Rename the original folder, for example, foldername_old.
6. Rename the new folder to the name of the original folder.
7. Share the folder again (not at the root of the share).

Cannot install to directories that contain Chinese characters

On every computer in a Microsoft Dynamics AX implementation that is running in Chinese, you
must ensure that the following options have been set before installing. Otherwise Setup cannot
install Microsoft Dynamics AX to directories that contain Chinese characters.
1. Open the Regional and Language Options control panel (Start > Control Panel > Regional
and Language Options).
2. On the Regional Options tab, select the language that you are installing in. If you do not see
the language you need to use in the list, you must install supplemental language support
3. On the Languages tab, under Supplemental language support, select Install files for
East Asian languages. If you need to perform this step, you will need to restart the computer
4. On the Advanced tab, under Select a language to match the language version of the
non-Unicode programs you want to use, select the same language you chose in Step 2.
5. Click OK.

Installation Guide 121

Microsoft Dynamics AX

The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter
when installing the Microsoft Dynamics AX Windows client.

User not recognized error when trying to start client after installing
The client returns a User not recognized error if you are not a user in the system. After
installation, the first person to start a client on a computer is set to be the administrative user. You
can determine whether someone has been set as the Microsoft Dynamics AX administrator by
querying the values in the userinfo table in the database. You can have the administrative user
add you as a user to the system, and then add you to the Administrators group. For more
information, see System and Application Setup help, available from the Microsoft Dynamics
AX Help menu.

Start menu shortcuts not created correctly on 64-bit client computers

When you install clients using command line parameters, you can specify a shared configuration
file. To make it easier to start Microsoft Dynamics AX using the specified configuration file, Setup
creates a Microsoft Dynamics AX shortcut on the Start menu of each client computer.
On 64-bit operating systems, Setup does not create Microsoft Dynamics AX Start menu shortcuts
correctly. See the following options for modifying or recreating the shortcuts.

Manually modify shortcuts after installation

On each client computer, you can manually modify the shortcut that is created during installation.
If you choose this method, you must make the changes again each time you apply a Microsoft
Dynamics AX service pack or patch.
1. Locate the shortcut (Start > Programs > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 > Microsoft
Dynamics AX 2009).
2. Right-click the shortcut and click Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab.
4. In the Target field, enter a blank space at the end of the existing value, followed by the path
to the configuration file. Place double quotation marks around the path and filename if they
contain spaces.
5. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog box.

Modify the .msi file before installation

If you are comfortable modifying Microsoft Installer (.msi) files, you can modify Setup to create the
shortcuts correctly.
1. If you have not already done so, copy the Microsoft Dynamics AX DVD to a file server.
2. Open <DVD>\MSI\Components64\Components64.msi using an .msi editor.
3. In the RegLocator table, find the CLIENTCONFIGFILE row. Change the Type to 18.

Installation Guide 122

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Create a new shortcut

Rather than fixing the shortcuts that Setup creates, you can create new shortcuts, either manually
or by using a program. Windows does not include a program to create shortcuts, but third-party
tools are available on the Internet. Microsoft is not responsible for any problems that result from
your use of such third-party tools.

Role Centers and Enterprise Portal

The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter
when installing Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework.

Setup fails when you attempt to install Enterprise Portal

If the .NET Business Connector is not installed on the Microsoft Dynamics AX client computer
when the initialization checklist is run, then the SysDevelopmentProxy class is not compiled. If
this class is not compiled, Setup fails when you attempt to install Enterprise Portal.
To compile the SysDevelopmentProxy class, open the AOT > Classes node, right-click
SysDevelopmentProxy, and click Compile.
If you receive a compile error, then the .NET Business Connector is not installed. Install the .NET
Business Connector using Setup, and then compile the AOT (Right-click the AOT root node and
click Compile).

Reporting extensions
The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter
when installing the reporting extensions and deploying reports.

Cannot deploy reports

If you receive an error message when deploying the default reports, try the following:

Update the URLs of the Reporting Services virtual directories

If you activated or deactivated SSL or changed the port number of the Reporting Services virtual
directories, you must update the URLs in the Reporting Services configuration file and the
Reporting Servers form.
 To update the URLs in the Reporting Services configuration file, see Update the Reporting
Services configuration file.
 To update the URLs in the Reporting Servers form in Microsoft Dynamics AX
(Administration > Setup > Business analysis > Reporting Services > Reporting
Servers), see the "Register your Reporting Services server" topic in the System and
Application Setup help file.
To access the System and Application Setup help file, open your Microsoft Dynamics AX
client and click Microsoft Dynamics AX > Help > System and Application Setup.

Installation Guide 123

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Turn off the User Account Control feature in Windows Server 2008
If your report server is running the Windows Server 2008 operating system, you must turn off the
User Account Control feature to deploy reports. Use the following steps to turn off the User
Account Control feature:
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Double-click User Accounts.
3. Click the Turn User Account Control on or off link.
4. Clear the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer check box.
5. Click OK.
6. Restart the computer and follow the procedure in Deploy reports to deploy the default reports.

Log off the report server and log back on again

When attempting to deploy reports, you may receive an error message that states that the
Microsoft.Dynamics.ClrBridge.dll file is not loaded. If you receive this error, we recommend that
you complete the following steps on the report server.
1. Close the Microsoft Dynamics AX Reporting Project Deployment form.
2. Close other applications that may be running on the server.
3. Log off the server.
4. Log on to the server.
5. Try to deploy the reports again by following the instructions in Deploy reports.

Configure IIS and Reporting Services

If you are using Reporting Services 2005 on Windows Server 2003—and you did not select the
Configure IIS and Report Server check box when installing the reporting extensions—you must
complete the following procedures.

Create a new application pool

Complete the following procedure to create a new application pool that runs as the .NET
Business Connector proxy account.

If the .NET Business Connector proxy account is a domain account and your network
uses Kerberos authentication, users will receive authentication errors when trying to
access reports. To resolve this issue, see Set a Service Principal Name.

1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Start > Administrative Tools >
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.)
2. In the console tree, right-click the Application Pools node and click New > Application
Pool. The Add New Application Pool window is displayed.

Installation Guide 124

Microsoft Dynamics AX

3. In the Application pool ID field, enter AxReportServer.

4. Select the Use default settings for new application pool option.
5. Click OK to create the application pool.
6. In the console tree, right-click the new application pool, AxReportServer, and click
Properties. The AxReportServer Properties window is displayed.
7. Click the Identity tab.
8. Select the Configurable option.
9. In the User name field, enter the name of the .NET Business Connector proxy account. Enter
the account name in Domain\UserName format.
10. Enter and confirm the password of the .NET Business Connector proxy account.
11. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.

Configure the ReportServer virtual directory

Complete the following procedure to configure the ReportServer virtual directory to use the
AxReportServer application pool.
1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Start > Administrative Tools >
Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.)
2. In the console tree, right-click the ReportServer virtual directory and click Properties. The
ReportServer Properties window is displayed.
3. Click the Virtual Directory tab.
4. From the Application pool list, select AxReportServer.
5. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.

Application Integration Framework (AIF)

Use the following information if you encounter any issues when installing AIF Web services. For
more troubleshooting information, see the topic "Troubleshoot AIF" in the Server and Database
Administration Guide.

Configure IIS to run in worker process isolation mode

AIF requires that IIS 6.0 be running in worker process isolation mode and not IIS 5.0 isolation
mode. The application isolation mode applies globally to the IIS service and affects all Web
applications on the computer. You cannot apply an application isolation mode to individual
To select worker process isolation mode in IIS 6.0, follow these steps.
1. Open the IIS management console and expand the local computer by clicking the plus sign.
2. Right-click the Web Sites folder, click Properties, and then click the Service tab.
3. Under Isolation mode, clear the Run WWW service in IIS 5.0 isolation mode check box to
configure IIS to run in worker process isolation mode.

Installation Guide 125

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Verify the virtual directory

When you install AIF Web services, setup creates a virtual directory in IIS. This virtual directory
points to the content directory that is created on the file system. If the virtual directory is not
configured correctly, follow these steps.
1. Click Start > All Programs > Administrative tools > Internet Information Services (IIS)
2. Expand the Default Web Site node.
3. In IIS Manager, navigate to the virtual directory MicrosoftDynamicsAXAif50.
4. Click Action > Properties.
5. On the Virtual Directory tab, click Create.
6. Select the Application Pool created when you set up the application integration server. For
additional information, see Install AIF Web services.
7. For Execute permissions, select Scripts only.
8. Set the local path permissions by selecting the Read check box in the Local path section.
9. Navigate to Directory Security and select Anonymous and Integrated.
10. On the ASP.NET tab, select ASP Version 2.0. If the ASP.NET tab does not appear, you
must uninstall and reinstall ASP.NET in IIS using the following steps:
a. Click Start > Run.
b. Type cmd.
c. In the Command Prompt window, type the following and press Enter:
cd YourSystemDirectory\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
d. Type aspnet_regiis.exe -u and press Enter.
e. Type aspnet_regiis.exe –i -enable and press Enter.
f. Type iisreset and press Enter.
g. Close the Command Prompt window.
After uninstalling and reinstalling ASP.NET and resetting IIS, the ASP.NET tab is available,
and you can select ASP version 2.0. This allows you to browse the Web services after you
generate them on the AIF Services form.

Add a Web site for use by AIF

After you install the AIF Web services, you must add a Web site in the Microsoft Dynamics AX
client, using the Web sites form. This step creates a relationship between the AOS and the
content directory where the generated services reside. For more information about adding a Web
site, see "Configure Web sites for document exchange" in the Server and Database
Administration Help.

Installation Guide 126

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Installation Guide appendix

This appendix provides reference information that you may need when installing Microsoft
Dynamics AX.
If you're performing a scripted installation, use the parameters listed in this section to perform
installation tasks. If you have created an Oracle schema manually, use the list of rights in this
section to set up appropriate security on the schema.
The following topics are included in this section:
 Setup parameters
 Rights for a manually created Oracle schema

Installation Guide 127

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Setup parameters
This section lists the parameters that can be used for a silent installation. You can install any
Microsoft Dynamics AX component in silent mode. For more information about installing using
parameters, see Silent installation.

General parameters
This table lists the parameters that control general setup behaviors such as setting a parameter
file, showing or hiding the Setup wizard, and identifying the location of all related files.

Parameter Default value Description

SetupLanguage Current Identifies the language that Setup will use when
language and displaying screens and writing log messages. The
culture specified format must be xx-YY, where the combination is
in Control Panel ANY valid .NET language-culture code. For more
information see:
us/library/system.globalization.cultureinfo.aspx. If
Setup is not translated into the specified language-
culture, Setup will select the nearest approximation.

LogDir See description Specifies where the log files for Setup and the
Windows installers are written.
By default, the log files are written to a folder that
includes the current date and time so that
subsequent installations do not overwrite previous
logs. The default path is:
AX\Dynamics AX Setup Logs\YYYY-MM-DD-

When Setup writes log files to the default
location, it arranges them in dated folders
to protect against overwriting existing files.
If you override the default value, Setup
writes logs to precisely the folder you
specify. An existing log file in that folder will
be overwritten.
The path can be fully qualified or relative to the
location of the Setup.exe file. Relative paths can
include upward qualifiers such as "..\..\".

Installation Guide 128

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

RunMode Custom Identifies the mode in which Setup should be

 Custom – The user can choose which
components to install.
 JustClient – Installs the client without the .NET
Business Connector, and does not allow
custom installation.
If a previous installation is detected, any user-
provided value for this parameter is ignored and the
value is set to AddFeatures.

ParmFile None The path to a file that contains other parameters. If

this parameter is provided, it must be the only
parameter, and the parameter file must contain all
the parameters you want to pass. In the parameter
file, each parameter's Name=Value combination
must be on a separate line.

Do not include double quotation marks in
parameter files. Because a line return is
used as a delimiter in a parameter file,
values that otherwise require the use of
double quotation marks do not require them
To prevent a line in a parameter file from being run,
type a number sign (#) before the line.
The path can be fully qualified or relative to the
location of the Setup.exe file. Relative paths can
include upward qualifiers such as "..\..\".

ConfigurePrerequisites 0 Indicates whether any prerequisites should be

installed automatically as part of Setup.
 0 – Do not install prerequisites.
 1 – Install and configure all prerequisites.

HideUI 0 Specifies whether the Setup wizard should be

 0 – Show the pages in the wizard.
 1 – Hide the wizard and run silently.

Installation Guide 129

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

AcceptLicenseTerms 0 Specifies whether the license terms are accepted.

 0 – Do not accept the terms of the license
 1 – Accept the terms of the license agreement.
If HideUI is set to 1, AcceptLicenseTerms must be
set to 1 in order for installation to proceed. If
AcceptLicenseTerms is set to 0, an error message
is displayed.
If HideUI is set to 0, the License Terms screen is
displayed regardless of the AcceptLicenseTerms

InstallPath %ProgramFiles Indicates the root path for all Microsoft Dynamics
%\ AX files installed on a computer.
Dynamics AX\50

InstallPath32Bit %ProgramFiles Indicates the root path for all 32-bit Microsoft
%\ Dynamics AX files installed on a computer. This
Microsoft parameter is used only when installing on a 64-bit
Dynamics AX\50 operating system.

ResetIIS 1 Specifies whether Internet Information Services

(IIS) should be reset after installation.
 0 – Restart IIS after installation.
 1 – Do not restart IIS after installation.
This setting is used when installing AIF Web
services, reporting extensions, or Role Centers and
the Enterprise Portal framework.

WssSqlServer None Specifies the SQL Server instance to be used for

the prerequisite installation of Windows SharePoint
Services (WSS).

WssAccount None Specifies an account that is a member of the

dbcreator server role on the SQL Server instance
to be used for the prerequisite installation of
Windows SharePoint Services.

WssAccountPassword None Specifies the password for the WSS account.

WssPackagePath None Specifies the location of the setup packages for

Windows SharePoint Services.

Installation Guide 130

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Database parameters
This table lists the parameters that control how Setup interacts with the Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

InstallDatabase 0 Specifies whether a database should be

 0 – Do not create a database.
 1 – Create a database unless a
database of the same name already
 2 – Create or replace a database.
This parameter is applicable only if
RunMode is set to Custom. If RunMode is
not set to Custom, the parameter is ignored.

DbServerType 0 Specifies the type of database.

 0 – Microsoft SQL Server
 1 – Oracle
This parameter is applicable and required
only if InstallDatabase > 0, InstallAos is set
to 1, or InstallAnalysisServicesExtensions is
set to 1.

DbSqlServer Default database Specifies the SQL Server instance to

instance on local connect to. The instance can be specified as
machine a server or as a fully qualified server and
This parameter is applicable and required
only if InstallDatabase > 0, or if InstallAos is
set to 1 and DbServerType is set to 0.

DbSqlDatabaseName None Specifies a name for the SQL Server

database. The database name must not
include any blank characters or any of the
following: backslash (\),slash (/), period (.),
comma (,), colon (:), brackets ([ ]),
parentheses (( )), or hyphen (-).
This parameter is applicable and required
only if InstallDatabase > 0, or if InstallAos is
set to 1 and DbServerType is set to 0.

Installation Guide 131

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

DbConnectionTimeout Database default Overrides the default database connection

timeout value (30 seconds). In most cases,
you should not change this value. However,
if the database server is on a remote
computer, you may need to increase the
time that Setup has to make a connection to
the database.
This parameter applies to both SQL Server
and Oracle.

DbOracleConnectService 1 Specifies whether to connect to the Oracle

database by using the service name defined
by DbOracleServiceName or by using the
custom settings.
 0 – Use custom settings.
 1 – Use service name.

DbOracleServiceName None Specifies the Oracle service to connect to.

This parameter is applicable only if
DbOracleConnectService is set to 1.

DbOracleHostName None Specifies the Oracle host.

This parameter is applicable only if
DbOracleConnectService is set to 0.

DbOracleDatabaseId None Specifies the Oracle database ID.

This parameter is applicable only if
DbOracleConnectService is set to 0.

DbOracleTCPIP 1521 Specifies the port number of the host on

which the Oracle database is located.
This parameter is applicable only if
DbOracleConnectService is set to 0.

DbOracleSchema dbo Specifies the default schema under which

the Microsoft Dynamics AX objects are
created in the Oracle database. Creates the
specified schema or uses an existing

DbOracleSchemaPassword dbo Specifies the password to use for the Oracle

schema set by DbOracleSchema.

Installation Guide 132

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Application files parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup interacts with the application files.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallApplication 0 Specifies whether application files should

be installed.
 0 – Do not install application files.
 1 – Copy the application files without
deleting the existing contents of the
 2 – Copy the application files, but first
delete the existing contents of the

This parameter does not
delete and recreate the
folder; it only deletes all files
in the folder so that any
rights set on the folder are

This parameter is valid only when the

user interface is not displayed.
The parameter is not applicable if the
RunMode parameter is set to JustClient.

ApplicationInstanceName See description Identifies the folder where the application

files will be placed.
The path is constructed as follows:
During installation of the AOS, this value
is used to identify the location of existing
application files. In that case, the path is
constructed as follows:

Installation Guide 133

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

ApplicationRegion See description Specifies which country/region

application files to install. Only one region
can be specified.
The default value is based on the Region
code in the OS Default Language section
of the AxSetupLists.txt file. Region codes
are listed in the GDL Regions section of
the file. Regions are identified by a two-
character or three-character code.
To specify that no regional application
files should be installed, use the value "-".

The ApplicationRegion
parameter controls only which
application files to install. The
initial language of the client is
controlled by the ClientLanguage
parameter, and Help files are
controlled by the
ClientHelpLanguages parameter.

Application Object Server (AOS) parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup interacts with the AOS.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallAos 0 Specifies whether an AOS instance should

be installed.
 0 – Do not install an instance of AOS.
 1 – Install an instance of AOS.
This parameter is not applicable if RunMode
is set to JustClient.
If AosInstanceName matches a previously
installed instance, setting InstallAos to 1
runs the Windows installer file in
maintenance mode and does not change
any settings.

Installation Guide 134

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

AosInstanceName Value specified for Specifies the name of the instance. The
ApplicationInstance name must be unique.
Name parameter. This parameter is required if InstallAOS is
set to 1.

AosApplicationPath Value specified for Indicates the path to the application that the
InstallPath AOS should use.
parameter if See the description of the
InstallApplication is ApplicationInstanceName parameter for
set to 1; otherwise more information.

AosStart 1 Specifies whether Setup should start the

AOS after installing it.
 0 – Do not start the AOS service.
 1 – Start the AOS service.

AosReportErrors 0 Specifies whether Windows Error Reporting

should be enabled for the AOS.
 0 – Use the default reporting behavior of
the operating system.
 1 – Use AOS controlled reporting.
(Reports silently at the time of the crash,
or queues the report if it cannot connect
to Windows Error Reporting.)

AosAccount None when using Specifies the account that the AOS
the Setup wizard; Windows Service runs as.
when installing The AOS uses this account to connect to
silently, the AOS the Microsoft Dynamics AX database and to
service uses the access the application files.
Network Service
If you specify an account, the value must be
account by default.
in the format domain\account.
You cannot specify your own account or a
local computer account.

AosAccountPassword None Specifies the password associated with the

AOS account.
This parameter is required if a value for the
AosAccount parameter is specified.

Installation Guide 135

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

AosPort See description Specifies the TCP/IP port number that the
AOS uses and that the client or Business
Connector sends requests through.
This parameter must be a numeric value
from 1 to 65535.
The default port for the AOS is 2712.
The default in the client or Business
Connector configuration is an empty string,
which causes Microsoft Dynamics AX to use
port 2712.

RemoveAos 0 Indicates whether an installed instance of

the AOS should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the AOS service.
 1 – Remove the AOS service.

Installation Guide 136

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Client parameters
This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the client and client
options. You can use Setup.exe and setup parameters to perform mass deployments of clients.
For more information, see: Mass deployment of clients.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallClientUI 0 Specifies whether to install the client user

 0 – Do not install the client user interface.
 1 – Install the client user interface.
If RunMode is set to JustClient, this
parameter is implicitly set to 1.

ClientConfig 1 Specifies whether the Microsoft Dynamics AX

Configuration utility should be installed. If the
.NET Business Connector is installed, the
Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility is
automatically installed.
This option is not available in the Setup user
 0 – Do not install the Microsoft Dynamics
AX Configuration utility or create
configuration settings in the registry.
 1 – Install the Microsoft Dynamics AX
Configuration utility and create
configuration settings in the registry.
For more information, see the description of
the ClientConfigFile parameter. 

ClientConfigFile None Specifies the path to a shared client

configuration file. This path can be local or to
a shared folder with restricted permissions.
Specifying this parameter creates a shortcut
to the client that includes a reference to the
configuration file.
To point all clients to a configuration file,
enter a value for ClientConfigFile, and set
ClientConfig to 0.

Installation Guide 137

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

ClientLanguage en-US Specifies the default language for the client

the first time it is started. Valid values are
identified by a language-culture code in the
Languages section of the AxSetupLists.txt
This parameter is recognized only if the client
UI is being installed. This parameter is
ignored if the client UI is already installed.

ClientHelpLanguages en-US and the Specifies which Help languages to install.

ClientLanguage Valid values are identified by a language-
value culture code in the Languages section of the
AxSetupLists.txt file.
Separate multiple values with a semicolon (;).
The value en-US is required and will be
automatically included if omitted. Values are
not case-sensitive.
If this parameter is omitted, the default values
are en-US and the value specified for the
ClientLanguage parameter.

ClientAosServer See description Specifies the computer that hosts the AOS
instance. Use one of the following formats:
 AosInstanceName@ComputerName:Port
 AosInstanceName@ComputerName
 ComputerName:Port
 ComputerName
If InstallAos is set to 1, the local computer
name is used. If specifying multiple AOS
instances, use a semicolon (;) between
This parameter is recognized only if
InstallNetBusinessConnector or
InstallClientUI is also used.
This parameter is ignored if a client or
Business Connector has already been
installed on the computer. This parameter is
required in all instances in which it can be

Installation Guide 138

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

RemoveClientUI 0 Indicates whether client user interface

components should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove client user interface
 1 – Remove client user interface

Reporting extensions parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the reporting service
extensions for Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallReportingServices 0 Specifies whether to install the reporting

Extensions extensions.
 0 – Do not install the reporting
 1 – Install the reporting extensions.

ReportingServicesInstance First SQL Server Specifies the Reporting Services instances

Reporting Services to configure. This parameter is required if
instance more than one SQL Server Reporting
Services instance is installed on a computer.

ReportingServicesConfigure 1 Indicates whether the SQL Server Reporting

IIS Services instance should be configured for
use with Microsoft Dynamics AX.

RemoveReportingServices 0 Indicates whether the reporting extensions

Extensions should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the reporting
 1 – Remove the reporting extensions.

Installation Guide 139

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Reporting tools parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the reporting tools.

Name Default Value Description

InstallReportingTools 0 Specifies whether to install the reporting

 0 - Do not install reporting tools
 1 - Install reporting tools

RemoveReportingTools 0 Indicates whether the reporting tools should

be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the reporting tools.
 1 – Remove the reporting tools.

Business Connector parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes Business Connector

Parameter Default value Description

InstallNetBusinessCon 0 Specifies whether to install the .NET Business

nector Connector.
 0 – Do not install the Business Connector.
 1 – Install the Business Connector.

InstallComBusinessCon 0 Specifies whether to install the COM Business

nector Connector.
 0 - Do not install the Business Connector.
 1 - Install the Business Connector.

BusinessConnectorProxy None The account to use as the .NET Business

Account Connector proxy. This parameter is required if
InstallEnterprisePortal=1, InstallWorkflow=1,
or InstallSynchronizationService > 0.

BusinessConnectorProxy None The password for the .NET Business

AccountPassword Connector proxy account. Required when
BusinessConnectorProxyAccount is required.
The value for this parameter cannot be blank.

Installation Guide 140

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

RemoveNetBusinessCon 0 Indicates whether the installed .NET Business

nector Connector components should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the .NET Business
 1 – Remove the .NET Business

RemoveComBusinessCon 0 Indicates whether the installed COM Business

nector Connector components should be removed.
 0 - Do not remove the COM Business
 1 - Remove the COM Business

AIF Web services parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes AIF Web services.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallAifWebServices 0 Specifies whether to install AIF Web

 0 – Do not install AIF Web services.
 1 – Install AIF Web services.

AifWebServicesWebSite When installing Specifies the Web site the AIF Web services
using the Setup virtual directory should be installed on.
wizard, the first Web
site; no default
during silent

AifWebServicesApplication MicrosoftDynamics Specifies the name of the application pool to

Pool AXAif50 create. The name cannot include the
following characters: asterisk (*), backslash
(\), pipe (|), question mark (?), or slash (/).

AifWebServicesVirtualDirec MicrosoftDynamics Specifies the name of the virtual directory to

tory AXAif50 create. The name cannot include the
following characters: asterisk (*), backslash
(\), pipe (|), question mark (?), or slash (/).

Installation Guide 141

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

AifWebServicesAos See description Specifies the AOS service accounts to add

Accounts to the shared directory. If an AOS instance
is already installed on this computer, the
default is the service account of the most
recently installed AOS instance.
Enter the value in the format
domain\account or account. If you do not
specify a domain, the domain that the local
computer belongs to is used. If you specify a
local account, use the name of the local
computer as the domain. For example,
ComputerName\LocalAccount or NT
To include multiple service accounts, delimit
the values with a semicolon (;).

The spelling of built-in accounts
must match that used by the
language version of the operating

RemoveAifWebServices 0 Indicates whether AIF Web service

components should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the AIF Web service
 1 – Remove the AIF Web service

Installation Guide 142

Microsoft Dynamics AX

BizTalk adapter parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the BizTalk adapter.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallBizTalkAdapter 0 Specifies whether to install the AIF

BizTalk Adapter.
 0 – Do not install the BizTalk
 1 – Install the BizTalk Adapter.

RemoveBizTalkAdapter 0 Indicates whether the BizTalk adapter

components should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the BizTalk
adapter components.
 1 – Remove the BizTalk adapter

Workflow parameters
This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes Workflow.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallWorkflow 0 Specifies whether the Workflow

components should be installed:
 0 – Do not install the Workflow
 1 – Install the Workflow

WorkflowWebSite When using the Setup Indicates the Web site the Workflow
wizard, the first Web virtual directory should be installed on.
No default during silent

Installation Guide 143

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

WorkflowAosAccounts See description Specifies the AOS service accounts to

add to the shared directory. If an AOS
instance is already installed on this
computer, the default is the service
account of the most recently installed
AOS instance.
Enter the value in the format
domain\account or account. If you do
not specify a domain, the domain that
the local computer belongs to is used. If
you specify a local account, use the
name of the local computer as the
domain. For example,
ComputerName\LocalAccount. To
include multiple accounts, delimit the
values with a semicolon (;).

The spelling of built-in accounts
must match that used by the
language version of the
operating system.

RemoveWorkflow 0 Indicates whether the Workflow

components should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove Workflow
 1 – Remove Workflow components.

Installation Guide 144

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Synchronization service and synchronization proxy parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the synchronization
service and synchronization proxy for Microsoft Office Project Server.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallSynchronization 0 Specifies whether the synchronization

Service service components should be installed:
 0 – Do not install the synchronization
 1 – Install the synchronization service
and Microsoft Message Queuing
 2 – Install the synchronization service
 3 – Install and configure MSMQ only.

SynchronizationService See description The name of the computer running MSMQ

MSMQServer that is used by the synchronization service.
This parameter is valid only when the
InstallSynchronizationService parameter is
set to 2 or the InstallSynchronizationProxy
parameter is set to 1.

SynchronizationService None Specifies the account the synchronization

Account service runs as.
The account must initially be set in the
Microsoft Dynamics AX initialization
The synchronization service uses this
account to connect to Microsoft Dynamics
AX and to access the Microsoft Office
Project Server database.
Enter the account in the format
This parameter is optional when installing
the synchronization service, because Setup
can get the value from the database.
The parameter is required when installing
the synchronization proxy.

Installation Guide 145

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

SynchronizationService None Specifies the password associated with the

AccountPassword synchronization service account. This
parameter is required if the
InstallSynchronizationService parameter is
set to 1 or 2.

SynchronizationService See description Specifies the accounts that should be

MsmqAccounts granted permissions to access the message
queues. You must specify two types of
 The account used by the Microsoft
Office Project Server event service.
 The AOS service accounts for all AOS
instances that you want to use for
If an AOS instance is already installed on
this computer, the default is the service
account of most recently installed AOS
Enter the value in the format
domain\account or account. If you do not
specify a domain, the domain that the local
computer belongs to is used. If you specify a
local account, use the name of the local
computer as the domain. For example,
To include multiple service accounts, delimit
the values with a semicolon (;).

The spelling of built-in accounts
must match that used by the
language version of the operating

InstallSynchronizationProxy 0 Specifies whether the synchronization proxy

should be installed.
 0 – Do not install the synchronization
 1 – Install the synchronization proxy.

Installation Guide 146

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Parameter Default value Description

SynchronizationProxySql None Specifies the SQL Server instance that

Server Microsoft Office Project Server uses for
reporting. This parameter is required if

SynchronizationProxySql ProjectServer_Repo Specifies the SQL Server database that the

DatabaseName rting if it exists on Microsoft Office Project Server uses for
the SQL Server reporting. This parameter is required if
instance AND InstallSynchronizationProxy=1.
otherwise, none.

RemoveSynchronization 0 Indicates whether an installed instance of

Service the synchronization service should be
 0 – Do not remove the synchronization
service components.
 1 – Remove the synchronization service

RemoveSynchronization 0 Indicates whether an installed instance of

Proxy the synchronization proxy should be
 0 – Do not remove the synchronization
proxy components.
 1 – Remove the synchronization proxy

SynchronizationProxyUrl None Specifies the Project Web access URL. This

parameter is required if

Installation Guide 147

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Role Centers and Enterprise Portal framework parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes Role Centers and the
Enterprise Portal framework.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallEnterprisePortal 0 Specifies whether the Role Centers and

Enterprise Portal framework components
should be installed.
 0 – Do not install Role Centers and the
Enterprise Portal framework.
 1 – Install Role Centers and the
Enterprise Portal framework.

EnterprisePortalWebSite When installing Specifies the Web site on the local computer
using the Setup to configure for Role Centers and the
wizard, the first Web Enterprise Portal framework. This parameter
site; no default is required if InstallEnterprisePortal=1.
during silent

EnterprisePortalCreateWeb 1 Specifies whether to create Web site using

Site Windows SharePoint Services:
 0 - Do not create a site.
 1 - Create a site.
 2 - Overwrite the existing site.

EnterprisePortalConfigure 0 Specifies whether to configure a virtual

ForWss server with Windows SharePoint Services
as part of Setup.
 0 - Configure a virtual server.
 1 - Do not configure a virtual server.

RemoveEnterprisePortal 0 Specifies whether to remove an installed

instance of Role Centers and the Enterprise
Portal framework.
 0 – Do not remove Role Centers and the
Enterprise Portal framework.
 1 – Remove Role Centers and the
Enterprise Portal framework.

Installation Guide 148

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Debugger parameters
This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Debugger.

Name Default Value Description

InstallDebugger 0 Specifies whether to install the debugger.

 0 – Do not install the debugger.
 1 – Install the debugger.

RemoveDebugger 0 Specifies whether to remove the debugger.

 0 - Do not remove the debugger.
 1 - Remove the debugger.

Analysis extensions parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the extensions for
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services.

Name Default Value Description

InstallAnalysisServices 0 Specifies whether to install the analysis

Extensions extensions.
 0 – Do not install the analysis
 1 – Install the analysis extensions.

AnalysisServicesInstance First SQL Server Specifies the SQL Server Analysis Services
Analysis Services instances to configure. This parameter is
instance required if more than one Analysis Services
instance is installed on a computer.

AnalysisServicesReplace 1 Indicates whether Setup should replace

Databases existing OLAP databases on the SQL
Server Analysis Services instance.

RemoveAnalysisServices 0 Indicates whether the analysis extensions

Extensions should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the analysis
 1 – Remove the analysis extensions.

Installation Guide 149

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Enterprise Portal developer tools parameters

This table lists the parameters that control how Setup installs and removes the Enterprise Portal
developer tools.

Parameter Default value Description

InstallEnterprisePortalTools 0 Specifies whether to install the Enterprise

Portal developer tools.
 0 – Do not install the Enterprise Portal
developer tools.
 1 – Install the Enterprise Portal
developer tools.

RemoveEnterprisePortal 0 Indicates whether the Enterprise Portal

Tools developer tools should be removed.
 0 – Do not remove the Enterprise Portal
developer tools.
 1 – Remove the Enterprise Portal
developer tools.

Installation Guide 150

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Rights for a manually created Oracle schema

If you use multiple Oracle database instances for the Microsoft Dynamics AX data, the Oracle
administrator must create a schema (user account) for each database instance.
By default, Setup grants the following rights to Oracle user accounts:
The Oracle administrator can manually set up permissions for a schema. The administrator must
grant the following rights to use the database with Microsoft Dynamics AX:
CREATE USERS <schema name> IDENTIFIED BY "<schema password>";



GRANT ALTER ANY INDEX TO "<schema name>";




GRANT ALTER ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";


GRANT ALTER USER TO "<schema name>";




GRANT CREATE ANY INDEX TO "<schema name>";




GRANT CREATE ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";

GRANT CREATE ANY VIEW TO "<schema name>";

GRANT CREATE CLUSTER TO "<schema name>";





Installation Guide 151

Microsoft Dynamics AX



GRANT CREATE TABLE TO "<schema name>";


GRANT CREATE USER TO "<schema name>";

GRANT CREATE VIEW TO "<schema name>";

GRANT DELETE ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";

GRANT DROP ANY CLUSTER TO "<schema name>";


GRANT DROP ANY INDEX TO "<schema name>";




GRANT DROP ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";

GRANT DROP ANY VIEW TO "<schema name>";



GRANT DROP USER TO "<schema name>";








GRANT INSERT ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";

GRANT LOCK ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";



GRANT QUERY REWRITE TO "<schema name>";

Installation Guide 152

Microsoft Dynamics AX


GRANT SELECT ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";


GRANT SYSDBA TO "<schema name>";

GRANT UPDATE ANY TABLE TO "<schema name>";

Installation Guide 153

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