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EIM DLP Week 1

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Learning Area: Electrical Installation and Maintenance Date: June 3 - 7 2019
Grade and Section:
G7 – Anecito Lacson (6:00-07:30 a.m./ M,T,W,TH)
G7 - Severino Delas Alas (7:30-9:00 / T,W,TH,F)
G7 - Macario Sakay (10:00 - 11:30 / M,T,W,F)
A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of/on:
 Identify supplies, materials and tools applicable to a specific job.
 Electrical tools and equipment
 Elecyrical Supplies and materials
 Common splices and joints
 Extension Cord

B. Performance Standard  Tools and materials are identified as per job requirement.
 Tools are classified according to their function
 Materials are classified according to their uses to a specific project.
 Tools and materials are selected as per job requirement.
I.OBJECTIVES The students are expected to:
 Identify electrical supplies materials and tools.
 Utilize measuring tools and equipment.
 Perform proper uses of electrical supplies materials and tools

A.Major Topic Electrical Installation and Maintenance
B.Sub-topic Prepare Electrical Supplies Materials and Tools
C.Reference Learners’ Material – pages 10-19
D.Materials Blackboard, Laptop, Test Questionnaires, Actual objects to be measured, Electrical Tools, pencil and bond paper.
F.Values Integration Appreciate the importance of Electrical supplies, materials and tools in an electrical works.
A. Pedagogical Approaches/ Constructivism Approach/ Activity based and thinking skills
Day 2
Day 1 Day 3 Day 4
B. Activity Recall: The students will have an  The Students will be divided into Working Station Working Station
orientation. four groups and they will assign
Mood Setting: their group leader and assistant Station 1 - The student will read the Station 1 - The student will read the
The students will gather in the group leader. They will also think information sheet 1.1 And answer the information sheet 1.1 And answer
covered court and align them about their group name. self-check test afterwards. the self-check test afterwards.
according to their grade level and  Create their index card
section  Pre-Test Station 2 - The student will have Station 2 - The student will have
Lesson Proper: interview. Leader will be the first to interview. Leader will be the first to
Teachers Rules and Regulations undergo the interview. If they passed undergo the interview. If they
GMATHS rules and regulations they will be the one to conduct and passed they will be the one to
GMATHS mission and vision interview on their member. There will conduct and interview on their
Students Health be a 20 rolled papers indicated a member. There will be a 20 rolled
Guidance Matters questions to be answered by the papers indicated a questions to be
students. They will be asking 10 answered by the students. They will
question and they need to get 8 be asking 10 question and they need
correct answer before proceeding in to get 8 correct answer before
the next station. 30 secs. Duration to proceeding in the next station. 30
answer the question. If they overlap, secs. Duration to answer the
It is counted as wrong answer. question. If they overlap, It is
counted as wrong answer.
C. Analysis How to become an respectful and What is Electrical Installation and 1. Why do we need to familiarize 4. Why do we need to familiarize
dignified students of GMATHS Maintenance? the name and uses of electrical the name and uses of electrical
supplies and tools? supplies and tools?
2. Why do wee need to learn how 5. Why do wee need to learn how
to do the common wire splices to do the common wire splices
and joints? and joints?
3. What is the importance of this What is the importance of this
lesson in your daily life? lesson in your daily life?
D. Abstraction Students orientation are Pre-test are given to all the students Preparing electrical supplies materials Preparing electrical supplies
necessary in able for the students at the start of the school year so the and tools are very important to materials and tools are very
to be aware and follow the rules teacher can identify how is the familiarize for us to know the proper important to familiarize for us to
and regulations of the school. To knowledge of the students regarding handling of tools and equipment. You know the proper handling of tools
provide them from future to their subject (EIM). will know the different use of this and equipment. You will know the
mistakes. based on their purpose. We need to different use of this based on their
value their uses so that it will help you purpose. We need to value their
to make an electrical works easily. uses so that it will help you to make
This will also as your guide to prevent an electrical works easily. This will
you from future mistake. also as your guide to prevent you
from future mistake.
E. Application Perform how to be a good Students will answer the PRE-TEST Station 3 - The students will identify a Station 3 - The students will identify
student of GMATHS 20 pictures of electrical supplies, a 20 pictures of electrical supplies,
tools, and wire splices and name it tools, and wire splices and name it
one by one. They will be showing 20 one by one. They will be showing 20
pictures and they need to get 12 pictures and they need to get 12
correct answer before to proceed in correct answer before to proceed in
the next station. the next station.

Station 4 - The students will watch a Station 4 - The students will watch a
video about common wire splices and video about common wire splices
joints and they will do the Rat-Tail and joints and they will do the Rat-
joint. After wards they will answer the Tail joint. After wards they will
30 items Post-Test answer the 30 items Post-Test
V.ASSIGNMENT/AGREEMENT Memorize the GMATHS Vision What are the different tools and Print out the different electrical tools Read lectures at home.
Reference: and Mission supplied needed in EIM. Write it on and paste it on your notebook.
your notebook.
VI.REMARKS Accomplished Accomplished To be continued next meeting. To be continued next meeting.
VI. REFLECTION Making thing easier for the students by going down to their level and bring them to the top with the teacher slowly. No one should be left behind.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:


Teacher I Head Teacher VI, TVE Principal IV

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