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DLL - May 2-5, 2023

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Teacher ELMA M. HONRADE Learning Area TLE 7
Teaching Dates May 2-5, 2023 Quarter FOUR


Time and Sections Bluebell 7:45 – 8:30 Rosal 7:00 – 7:45 Rosal 7:00 – 7:45 Rosal 7:00 – 7:45 Rosal 6:15 – 7:00
Daisy 8:45 – 9:30 Daisy 8:45 – 9:30 Bluebell 7:45 – 8:30 Bluebell 7:45-8:30 Bluebell 7:45-8:30
Cattleya 9:30 – 10:15 Cattleya 9:30 -10:15 Daisy 8:45 – 9:30 Cattleya 9:30 – 10:15 Daisy 8:45 – 9:30
Cattleya 9:30 – 10:15
A. Grade Level
A. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of the use of tools and equipment in Nail Care Services.
B. Performance
The learner independently uses nail care tools and equipment in Nail Care Servicing.
C. food (Most LO 1. Prepare the necessary tools and equipment for the specific nail care activity.
Essential 1.1 Identify the uses of tools and equipment in nail care according to task requirements.
Learning 1.2Use tools and equipment according to task requirement
D. Learning/
/Objectives (LC

B. CONTENT Nail Care Tools and Nail Care Tools and Nail Care Tools and Nail Care Tools and
Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the
lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-
based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
K to 12 Curriculum K to 12 Curriculum K to 12 Curriculum K to 12 Curriculum
1. Teacher’s
Guide – version Guide – version Guide – version Guide – version
Guide pages
January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 January 31, 2012
TLE Beauty Care TLE Beauty Care TLE Beauty Care TLE Beauty Care
2. Learner’s
(Nail Care Services) (Nail Care Services) (Nail Care Services) (Nail Care Services)
Materials pages
Exploratory Exploratory Exploratory Exploratory
3. Textbook
4. Additional K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic
Materials from Education Education Education Education
Learning Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum
Resources Portal Technology and Technology and Technology and Technology and
Livelihood Livelihood Education Livelihood Livelihood
Education Education Education
Video clip:
B. Other Learning
Resources http.//
Power point presentation
A. Reviewing Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach:
previous lesson or Constructivist Constructivist Constructivist Constructivist
presenting the Approach Approach Approach Approach
new lesson Strategy: Strategy: Strategy: Strategy:
“Venn Diagram” “Objects on the “Charades” “Charades”
In a Venn Showing of Showing of
diagram write the Put manicure set pictures and the pictures and the
difference between on the table, let the learners will show learners will show
tools, equipment, students take a the use of each nail the use of each nail
and materials. minute to memorize care tools. care tools.
them. Cover the
object and ask the
students to write
down as many as
they can remember.

B. Establishing a Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach:

purpose for the Reflective approach Constructivist Reflective approach Reflective approach
lesson Strategy: Visual approach Strategy: Strategy:
presentation Strategy: “Watch and Learn” “Watch and Learn”
“Watch and Learn” “Watch and Learn” Observe the
following pictures: Observe the
following pictures:

The learners The learners watch

watch in their tablet the video about the
about the tools, tools, materials and
materials and equipment used for
equipment used in manicure and
salon or parlor. pedicure.

http:// http://
/mgres mgres

 What is the  What is the

video all video all
about? about?
 How salon  Are you
owner enjoying
attracts the watching
customer? video? Why?
 Are you  What is the  What have
familiar the difference you observed  What have
different between on the you observed
tools and manicure picture on the
equipment in brush and presented? picture
the video? pedicure  Are you presented?
brush? satisfied with  Are you
the satisfied with
appearance? the
Why? appearance?
 What will Why?
you do if  What will
have that you do if
kind of nail? have that
kind of nail?
Presenting Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:
examples/ Reflective approach approach Reflective approach Reflective approach
instances of new Strategy: Strategy: Visual Strategy: Visual Strategy: Visual
lesson ‘Analyse the presentation presentation presentation
picture” “Name the pictures”
Examples of Nail Examples of Nail
The learners The learners care materials will care materials will
identify the given identify the given be presented. be presented.
pictures below. pictures below.
Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:
Reflective approach approach Integrative Integrative
Strategy Strategy: approach approach
“Question and “Question and Strategy: Strategy:
Answer” Answer” “Jot down what you “Jot down what you
know”. know”.

 What is the
different  Why is it
tools use important to
The learners will The learners will
for have a
C. Discussing new jot down the nail jot down the nail
manicure personal nail
concepts and care materials. care materials.
and cutter?
practicing new
pedicure?  What is the
skills #1 Alcohol Alcohol
 How can use of pumice
Antiseptic solution Antiseptic solution
you use stone?
Apron Apron
callous  What is the
Mail polish Mail polish
remover? importance of
Base coat Base coat
 What is the supply tray?
Benzalkonium Benzalkonium
difference  How do you chloride chloride
between use nail pile? Bleaching soap Bleaching soap
cuticle  What is the Cling wrap Cling wrap
scissors use of foot spa Cotton Cotton
and cuticle basin? Cuticle oil Cuticle oil
nipper? Cuticle remover Cuticle remover
D. Discussing new Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:
concepts and Reflective approach approach Reflective approach Reflective approach
practicing new Strategy: Visual Strategy: Visual Strategy: Strategy:
skills #2 presentation presentation “What items are “What items are
appropriate”. appropriate”.
Ways to maintain Ways to maintain
cleanliness and cleanliness and From the list of From the list of
sanitation in sanitation in materials, what is materials, what is
manicure tools. manicure tools. appropriate in appropriate in
giving the following giving the following
nail care activity. nail care activity.
Manicure Manicure

Pedicure Pedicure

Hand SPA Hand SPA

Foot SPA Foot SPA

E. Developing Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach:

Mastery Integrative Integrative approach Collaborative Integrative
approach Strategy: approach approach
Strategy: “Actual Strategy: Strategy:
“Actual Demonstration” “Actual “Actual
Demonstration” Demonstration” Demonstration”
Showing actual
Showing actual tools and equipment Using actual Using actual
tools and use in manicure and materials in nail materials in nail
equipment use in pedicure and the care, the learners care, the learners
manicure and learners identify the will familiarize the will familiarize the
pedicure and the use of each manicure use and name of it. use and name of it.
learners identify the set.
use of each
manicure tools.
Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:
Reflective approach approach Reflective approach Reflective approach
F. Finding practical Strategy: Mental Strategy: Mental Strategy: Mental Strategy: Mental
application of modelling modelling modelling modelling
concepts and
skills in daily Can you use Can you use properly If you have a If you have a
living properly the given the given manicure practicum, what practicum, what
manicure tools? tools? How? materials you want materials you want
How? to use? Why? to use? Why?
Choosing to buy Clean all tools and It is important to It is important to
the correct nail care equipment of all know the different know the different
tools is very visible residue after nail care materials nail care materials
important for every use. After and its uses so that and its uses so that
personal hygiene cleaning, completely we won't be we won't be
and to ensure that immerse (enough confused in which confused in which
G. Making your nails are liquid to completely materials should be materials should be
generalizations always well kept. cover all surfaces of use for a specific use for a specific
and abstractions Our nails act as a the item) tools and problem with our problem with our
about the lesson shield to our implements in an nails and nail care nails and nail care
fingers, providing EPA-registered knowledge is knowledge is
them with disinfectant for 10 important to important to
protection against minutes. maintain the health maintain the health
infections and of both our nails of both our nails
bacteria. and skin. and skin.
– Direction: Answer Direction: Identify Direction: Give the Direction: Give the
H. Evaluating the questions. the following use of the following use of the following
learning sentences. nail care materials. nail care materials.
1. What is the ___1. Implement
tool used to used for smothering 1. Alcohol 1. Alcohol
push back nails. 2. Nail polish 2. Nail polish
the cuticle? ___2. Is a hand tools 3. Cuticle 3. Cuticle
2. What used for trimming remover remover
implement is toenails and 4. Cotton 4. Cotton
used to fingernails. 5. Antiseptic 5. Antiseptic
shape the ___3. Is an solution solution
edge of the implement used to 6. Apron 6. Apron
nail? trim the edge of the 7. Cling wrap 7. Cling wrap
3. What tool is nails. 8. Cuticle oil 8. Cuticle oil
used to trim ___4. Is an 9. Cuticle 9. Cuticle
the fingernail implement with remover remover
and toenails? pointed and round at 10.Benzalkoniu 10.Benzalkoniu
4. What is the the end used to m chloride m chloride
tool use for remove nail polish.
smothering ___5. Used to remove
and polishing cosmetics and
the nail? cleanse nails.
5. What ___6. Small
implement is receptacle where
used to cotton balls are put.
remove ___7. A volcanic rock
excess used to remove dry
polish? skin, and calluses.
___8. A flat container
that holds the
necessary cosmetics
and implements.
___9. A cup-like
container used for
mixing aromatic oil
and fluid.
___10. A plastic
handled brush used
to clean dirt and
cosmetic residue
from the nail.
To improve For more learnings For additional For additional
knowledge about about nail care tools activity the learner’s activity the learner’s
I. Additional the tools used in and equipment the advice to have their advice to have their
activities for manicure and learners will make a own materials in own materials in
application or pedicure, the scrap book. nail care. nail care.
remediation learners will collect
them all.
E. REMARKS This lesson will be This lesson will be
delivered to bluebell delivered to Daisy
on Wednesday on Friday
Rosal- Rosal- Rosal- Rosal –
A. No. of learners who Daisy- Bluebell-
Daisy- Bluebell-
earned 80% in the Cattleya-
Cattleya- Cattleya- Daisy -
Rosal- Rosal- Rosal- Rosal –
B. No. of learners who Bluebell-
Daisy- Bluebell- Bluebell-
acquire additional
activities for
Cattleya- Daisy- Cattleya- Daisy -

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Verified by:


Teacher III Head Teacher II Principal IV

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