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G6 Compiled 3RD Periodical Test All Subjects

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Republic of the Philippines


Division of Leyte
San Miguel District


Name: ______________________________________________ Score: _______________

Grade and Section: ________________________________

Direction: Read the questions very carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a benefit that people get from planting trees and fruit bearing trees?
a. It causes good health c. It can be a source of income
b. It can be an additional source of food. d. All of the above

2. Which of the following statements expresses the advantage from planting trees and fruit bearing fruits?
a. Knowledge and expertise in planting trees and fruit bearing trees help the family find additional earnings and
saves the environment too.
b. Sewing is a way of spending leisure time productively and can be good to health too.
c. People get additional income from raising and selling animals.
d. Selling rice cakes supports the provision of the basic needs of the family.

3. Planting trees helps beautify the environment . Which of the following statements below matches the thought of
the underlined word?
a. Mila earns from selling coconut.
b. Bea’s classmates admire her for being so diligent in caring for the trees.
c. The trees that surround Recardo’s house help their place to look very attractive.
d. Trees planted in the community contribute to having fresher air.

4. Irah sees to it that roots, branches, and leaves can grow and thrive well. What element in planting fruit bearing
trees is being manifested in the situation?
a. Enough space c. Enough sunlight
b. Appropriate temperature d. Enough water

5. Which of the following elements in planting trees focuses on the biological function of the trees?
a. Appropriate temperature c. Enough space
b. Enough sunlight d. Minerals from the ground
6. Xiamelle sees to it that she provides her plants sufficient amount of water. What element in planting trees and
fruit bearing trees is being shown?
a. Carbon dioxide c. Enough space
b. Enough sunlight d. Enough water

7. Among the elements, which one is the most important in the organic process?
a. Enough space c. Enough sunlight
b. Enough water d. AppropriateTemperature

8. Which of the following is an example of orchard farm?

a. Fruit orchard farm c. Nut orchard farm
b. Seed orchard farm d. all of the above

9. Rodel puts up an orchard farm that produces radish and petchay. What orchard farm is being used by him?
a. Fruit orchard farm c. Nut orchard farm
b. Seed orchard farm d. Flower farm

10. Which of the following is not grown in a nut orchard?

a. Almonds c. Coconut
b. Cashew d. Guyabano

11. Which of the following is a way of plant propagation?

a. Marcotting or air layering c. grafting
b. Budding d. all of the above

12. What method of plant propagation is being shown in the picture?

a. Budding c. marcotting or air layering
b. Grafting d. cutting

13. Why do grafting and budding are considered the most important means of plant propagation?
a. Grafting and budding can be done in less than a minute.
b. Grafting and budding can be done without water.
c. Grafting and budding are the easiest ways to use.
d. Grafting and budding can propagate plants that can’t be propagated by air layering.

14. Which of the following shows a proper way of caring for seedlings?
a. There should be enough space between the seedlings.
b. Remove weeds near the seedlings
c. Suppress insects by using organic insecticides
d. All of the above

15. Which of the following is not included in the proper ways of caring for seedlings?
a. Putting up fence all over the plot. c. cutting new leaves
b. Using organic fertilizer d. watering the seedlings

16. The following statements explain why seedlings need enough space EXCEPT one.
a. Seedlings need enough space in order to grow well.
b. Seedlings need enough space in order to exhale air.
c. Seedlings need enough space so they would not scramble.
d. Seedlings need enough space in order for their roots to develop so well.

17. Irene seldom cultivates the ground where she planted the seedlings. Is she doing the proper way of caring the
a. Yes b. no c. certainly d. partly yes

18. Which of the following is a part of the things to remember in preparing layout for orchard?
a. Enough water supply must be available
b. Look for the minerals found in the soil.
c. Identify the type of soil where seedlings are going to be planted.
d. Find out what plants are going to be planted in the orchard garden.

19. Recardo is planning to have an orchard, which of the following he needs to do first?
a. He needs to know whether area is enough for an orchard.
b. He needs to know if the soil contains magnesium
c. He needs to know whether the soil is sold at a low price.
d. He needs to know where to build his farmhouse.

20. Which of the following best explains why is layout needed in having orchard?
a. Layout is needed in order to prepare the area where the orchard will be situated
b. Layout is needed so that plants will be displayed.
c. Layout is needed in order for the farmers to know where to rest.
d. Layout is needed in order to compete with your neighbours.

21. Which of the following is a tool used in plant propagation?

a. Rake c. Sprinkler
b. Spade d. all of the above
22. Luchie wants to help keep her hands clean to lessen her chance of getting germs that can make her sick while
planting. What tool will she use?
a. Gloves c. Hoe
b. Sprinkle d. Trowel

23. Stephanie’s plants have hard branches and shrubs. She wants them out. What tool does she need to use?
a. Hoe c. Sprinkler
b. Pruning shears d. Trowel

24. Which of the following is a systematic and scientific way of caring orchard trees or seedlings?
a. Cultivate the soil around the seedlings c. Remove the bug that destroys plants
b. Take away weeds around the trees d. All of the above

25. Jenalyn noticed that some plants in the orchard started to wither. Which of the following must she do?
a. Burry the plants. c. Check what might be the cause of withering
b. Pray for the fast recovery of the plants d. Ignore the situation.

26. It’s a hot summer. What do plants need the most in this particular season?
a. Soil b. Sunlight c. Water d. Fertilizer

27. Which of the following is NOT observing a healthy and safety measure in propagating fruit bearing trees?
a. Meljohn wears dust mask. c. Hannah Jane uses sharp tools carefully.
b. Monica wears rubber gloves. d. Rheian keeps using his phone while working.

28. Which of the following statements demonstrates healthy and safety measures in propagating fruit bearing trees?
a. Diane wears protective clothing
b. Regine uses tools that are not in good condition.
c. Irene doesn’t use gloves when working in the orchard.
d. Hans works in the orchard shoeless.

29. Which of the following best describes organic fertilizer?

a. Organic fertilizers act as soil conditioners.
b. Organic fertilizers are derived from animal matter, compost, and crop residues.
c. Organic fertilizers can also be derived from vegetable matters.
d. All of the above

30. Which of the following is an example of organic fertilizer?

a. Fermented plant juice c. fermented fruit juice
b. Calcium carbonate d. All of the above

31. John Rex uses overripe banana, watermelon, and pineapple. What do you think will he do with it?
a. He’ll sell them to his classmates
b. He’ll eat those mentioned fruits.
c. He’ll make fermented fruit juice organic fertilizer
d. He’ll make fermented plant juice organic fertilizer

32. The pesticide coming from the things we have at home or the home made pesticide is called ......
a. organic fertilizer b. Organic pesticide c. Compost d. Organic farming
33. Which of the following is a benefit of using organic fertilizer?
a. Organic fertilizer can increase the ability to keep the moist in sandy soil.
b. Organic fertilizer allows roots to get nutrients the faster way.
c. Organic fertilizer increases organisms that helps enrich the soil.
d. All of the above

34. People produce crops without the use of the synthetic fertilizer and pesticide. What kind of farming is being
a. organic farming b. Organic pesticide c. Organic fertilizer d. Compost

35. The following are some of the benefits we get from using organic pesticide EXCEPT ONE ___
a. Helps soil to retain the nutrients c. Expensive
b. Can withstand heavy rainstorms d. It is not harmful to plants

36. Which of the following is one of the advantages in using organic pesticide and fertilizer?
a. costly b. Hazardous c. Deadly d. Low-cost

37. Which of the following is not an element of compost?

a. animal manure b. Leaves c. Peeling of fruits and vegetables d. Plastic

38. The following are healthy and safety measures in formulating fertilizer and organic pesticides EXCEPT ONE.
a. Use long-sleeved shirt and long trousers. c. Use dust mask
b. Use rubber gloves d. Use paint thinner in washing your hands

39. In wearing gloves, why do shirtsleeves be worn over gloves and not tucked inside?
a. To keep the gloves clean
b. To keep the sleeves spotless
c. To avoid spills from running down inside the gloves
d. To avoid plants touching the gloves.

40. Why do tank tops, shorts, and sandals are not suitable to wear in formulating pesticides and fertilizers?
a. They are expensive c. They are comfortable to wear.
b. They do not provide protection d. They might injure the plants.

41. Which of the following DOES NOT apply safety measures in formulating pesticides?
a. Nino wears mask while mixing the contents of the pesticides.
b. Sonny washes his hands with water after making pesticides.
c. Kyran scratches his face while producing pesticides.
d. Weyen wears gloves while preparing the elements of the pesticide.

42. Which of the following is used in measuring growth of plants?

a. Ruler b. measuring tape c. yard stick d. all of the above

43. Why do we keep record of growth of plants?

a. To identify its progress
b. To track how fast or how slow it grows
c. To detect whether the plants are developing or not.
d. All of the above

44. Which of the following is a part in the simple plan of selling?

a. introduction b. Objective c. suggestion d. site

45. Anjo plans to sell his seedlings. Where will he write the seedlings he plans to sell and the materials he will use
in selling?
a. Objective b. Procedure c. Task title d. Conclusion

COMPETENCIES No. of % # of Cognitive Process Dimensions

Sessions Distri - item Easy (60) Moderate (30) Difficult (20)
bution s Rem Und App Ana Eva Cre
1. explains benefits derived 2 6 3 1 1 1
from planting trees and
fruit-bearing trees to
families and communities
2. Elements to be observed 3 8 4 2 1 1
in planting trees and fruit
bearing trees.
3. types of orchard farms 2 6 3 1 1 1
4. proper way of 2 6 3 1 1 1
trees and fruit-bearing
trees (budding,
marcotting, grafting)
5. how to care for seedlings 3 8 4 2 1 1
6. prepares layout design of 2 6 3 1 1
an orchard garden using
the information gathered
7. identifies the appropriate 2 6 3 1 1 1
tools and equipment in
plant propagation and
their uses
8. Performs systematic and 2 6 3 1 1 1
scientific ways of caring
orchard trees / seedlings
9. observes healthy and 2 6 3 1 1 1
safety measures in
propagating fruit bearing
10. uses different ways of 4 10 5 3 1 1
preparing organic
fertilizer and pesticides
through Internet/library
11. explains the benefits of 3 8 4 2 1 1
using organic fertilizer
and locally made
pesticides toward
sustainable development
12. observes healthy and 3 8 4 1 1 1
safety measures in
formulating fertilizer and
organic pesticides
13. keeps record of 2 6 3 2 1
growth/progress of
14. Plans marketing strategy 4 10 5 1 1 1 4
to be used in selling
TOTAL 36 100 50 18 7 9 11 1 4
This is the Rubric in checking No. 47 – 50 Question. (Creating)

Features 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing Very informative Somewhat Poorly organized Very poorly
and well organized informative and organized
Grammar Usage & No spelling, Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuations errors, spelling, punctuation and
grammatical errors minor grammatical punctuation or grammatical errors
errors grammatical errors that it interferes
with the meaning.


Answers key

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. A
21. D
22. A
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. D
28. A
29. A
30. D
31. C
32. B
33. D
34. A
35. C
36. D
37. D
38. D
39. C
40. B
41. C
42. D
43. D
44. B
45. C
46. A
47. – 50. Answers may Vary. Teachers will use the attached rubrics in checking the output

This is the Rubric in checking No. 47 – 50 Question. (Creating)

Features 4 3 2 1
Quality of writing Very informative Somewhat Poorly organized Very poorly
and well organized informative and organized
Grammar Usage & No spelling, Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuations errors, spelling, punctuation and
grammatical errors minor grammatical punctuation or grammatical errors
errors grammatical errors that it interferes
with the meaning.
Third Periodical Test in H.E. VI

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Choose your answers from the list inside the word box.

1. Water and land are examples of ________________________.

2. An important skill in managing financial resources is _______________________.
3. Our ____________________________ are those important things that we must have in order to live or survive.
4. The process of _______________________ is the art of prolonging the life of food items that are available.
5. In the __________________________ method of food preservation, the fish or meat is slowly cooked in the smoking
6. The method of food preservation using salt as a preservative is called _______________________.
7. The ___________________________ of a family declares their resources to be able to buy the things that they need.
8. _______________________ are things that are also important; however they can wait if we do not get them right away.
9. People’s knowledge, skills, attitude, energy, abilities, interests, and talents refer to _______________________.
10. In _____________________ we use a mixture of vinegar, sugar, salt, and spices in preserving food.
11. _____________________ is a measuring tool used for taking body measurements to produce well-fitting clothes and
pants. This is usually made of cloth or plastic.
12. A marking tool with saw tooth blade used to transfer the marks from the pattern paper to the cloth is called
13. ___________________ is a small , durable, protective cap made of metal or plastic, used to protect the finger from being
pricked when pushing the needle through the cloth.
14. ___________________ cloth is smooth, durable, and absorbent. It is appropriate for tropical climate. It can be used in
making hand towels, pillow cases, handkerchiefs, bed covers, and other home furnishings.
15. A __________________ is a formal document designed to guide the control and execution of a project.

project plan food preservation resources cotton thimble

human resources tracing wheel budgeting natural resources
wants salting financial resources smoking tape measure
cutting shears canning pickling synthetic

II. True or False. Write T in your answer sheet if the practices are correct and F if not.

______16. Clean the garage with water that has been used in rinsing clothes.
______ 17. Turn off the electric fans when not in use.
______ 18. Spend your school allowance in buying anything, even unnecessary things.
______ 19. Use the computer and watch the TV simultaneously.
______ 20. Walk to and from school which is just a few blocks.
______ 21. Sleep early to be able to wake up early the next day.
______ 22. Accomplish your project at once instead of playing with the computer.
______ 23. Save part of your school allowance every day.
______ 24. Leave the faucet on while brushing your teeth.
______ 25. Study your lessons in preparation for the examination.

III. Identify whether the following tools are used for sewing or for food preservation.

26. tape measure 31. tongs

27. grater 32. colander
28. thimble 33. emery bag
29. threader 34. sauce pan
30. peeler 35. copper vat

IV. Read the following situations and be able to select the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.

36. Among the various material resources available in the family, which is considered as the main resource?
A. Money C. House
B. Car D. Lot
37. Which of the following is an example of real income?
A. Dividend of an insurance C. Interest of savings
B. Free car from employer D. Salary
38. The following are services as source of family income except____.
A. Free servants C. Free gift check
B. Free transport D. Free medical facilities

39. Maralit’s family has no problem with the supply of water and electricity in their community. These are
examples of _____ income.
A. Household C. Psychic
B. Money D. Real
40. The Reyes family has a vegetable garden in their backyard. Excess harvests are sold in the neighborhood, which
is a good source for _____ income.
A. Material C. Real
B. Psychic D. Supplementary
41. Which of the following is the first rule for making a good plan in allocating budget for your family?
A. Household income must be greater than household expenses.
B. Household income must be lesser than household expenses.
C. Household income must be equal to household expenses.
D. Household expenses must be doubled of your household income.
42. All of the following are examples of mandatory expenses that can’t be eliminated except _____.
A. Monthly Bills C. Child Health Care
B. Property Taxes D. Gambling
43. Mrs. Rivera includes miscellaneous and emergency expenses in preparing her family budget plan. Fifteen
percent of her family income is allotted for these. Why do you think she prioritizes these in making her
family budget?
A. To be used for unexpected events in the family like attending party.
B. To be used for unexpected events in the family like celebrating birthday.
C. To be used for unexpected events in the family like diseases that needs hospitalization.
D. To be used in watching movies and eating in a fast food chains every week.
44. Which of the following belongs to measuring tool in sewing household linen?
A. Pin cushion C. Tape measure
B. Sewing needles D. Fabric
D. Finer needle
45. In preparing a project plan for household linen, Haydee includes the following except ____.
A. Objectives of doing the project
B. Description of the project to be done
C. Materials needed and procedure to follow
D. The amount of the fabric to be used

V. Adopt the 70-20-10 principle of budgeting for the family below. Show the recommended breakdown of
their expenses.

DELA MERCED FAMILY (with four family members)

Combined net family income: Php. 65,000.00 a month

Expenses: ____________________________
Savings: ____________________________
Emergency savings: ____________________________

1. resources
2. budgeting
3. needs
4. food preservation
5. smoking
6. salting
7. financial resources
8. wants
9. human resources
10. pickling
11. tape measure
12. tracing wheel
13. thimble
14. cotton
15. project plan

16. T
17. T
18. F
19. F
20. T
21. T
22. T
23. T
24. F
25. T

26. sewing
27. food preservation
28. sewing
29. sewing
30. food preservation
31. food preservation
32. food preservation
33. seving
34. food preservation
35. food preservation

36. a
37. c
38. b
39. a
40. d
41. a
42. d
43. c.
44. c
45. d


EXPENSES: 45,500 (70%)

SAVINGS 13,000 (20%)
EMERGENCY 6,500 (10%)
Department of Education
Division of Tanauan City
District of Tanauan City West
Bilogbilog, Tanauan City


IA 6

Code of Learning No. of No. of % of ITEM PLACEMENT AS PER COGNITIVE

Learning Competencies as Days Items Items PROCESSES
Competencies per Curriculum Taught

TLE6IA-Oa- Discusses the 2 2 5% 1, 2

1 importance and
methods of
bamboo, wood,
and metal
TLE6IA-0a-2 Demonstrates 2 2 5% 3, 4
creativity and
innovativeness in
bamboo, wood,
and metal
TLE6IA-Ob- Conducts simple 4 5 10% 5, 6,
3 survey using 7, 8,
technology and 9
other data
gathering method
TLE6IA-Oc- Discusses the 2 2 5% 11 10
4 effects of
materials and
accessories on the
marketability of
TLE6IA-0c-5 Enhances 2 2 5% 12 13
bamboo, wood,
metal, and other
finished products
shading and
TLE6IA-Od- Conducts project 4 5 10% 46, 47,
6 plan 48, 49,
TLE6IA-0e-7 Markets products 4 5 10% 14,

TLE6IA-0f-8 Construct simple 4 5 10% 29,

electrical gadgets 30,

TLE6IA-Og- Explains the 4 5 10% 39,

9 protocols 40,
(processes)in 41,
making electrical
TLE6IA-0h- Repairs simple 4 5 10% 34,
10 gadgets / 35,
furniture/ 36,
furnishing at
home and school

TLE6IA-Oi- Discusses the 2 3 5% 43,

11 principle of “five 44. 45
TLE6IA-Oi- Identifies 2 3 5% 19,
12 recyclable 20,
products/waste 21
materials made of
wood, metal,
paper, plastic, and
TLE6IA-Oj- Explains the 2 3 5% 22,
13 process and the 23,
importance of 24

TLE6IA-0j- Recycles the 2 3 5% 25,

14 identified 26,
products/waste 27,
material into
functional items
TOTAL 40 50 100% 4 15 16 7 3 5


Rem-Remembering Ana-Analyzing
Und-Understanding Eval-Evaluating Prepared:
App-Applying Crea-Creating NEMESIA L. MARALIT
Teacher Adviser

Verified: Checked:
Principal I Education Program Supervisor, TLE
Department of Education


IA 6

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: _________________________

Section: ________________________Date__________________ Parent’s Signature ________________

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A kind of stain that is easiest to apply on wood.

A. Spirit stain B. Oil stain C. fillers D. paint

2. A kind of varnish that is not waterproof.

A. Paint B. Enamel C. Shellac D. Lacquer

3. It is the process of whitening or removing the colour by sunlight exposure.

A. Pyrography B. Bleaching C. preserving D. dyeing
4. Which of the following is NOT an importance of decorating products?
A. It can enhance the costumers to buy the product C. It can bring more capital
B. It improves the quality of product D. It can increase the sale.

5. To compute the unit ______ of each finished article, add the cost of materials and cost of labour.
A. Cost B. Earned C. Gain D. Revenue

6. In this market trend on products, it can reach the consumers faster through the means of land, air and sea
transportation spreading promotion, feedbacks even in the farthest region of the country.
A. Direct Marketing C. Radio, Television and Internet Advertising
B. Advertising in Print Media D. Distributing Products via Transport System

7. Which of the following market trends on products made of bamboo, wood or metal show through
demonstrations, trade exhibits and other public venues in which popularly done by the producers to motivate
consumers or buyers about the products?
A. Direct Marketing C. Radio, Television and Internet Advertising
B. Advertising in Print Media D. Distributing Products via Transport System

8. Which of the following activity is done through advertisements in newspapers, magazines and flyers
about the product?
A. Direct Marketing C. Radio, Television and Internet Advertising
B. Advertising in Print Media D. Distributing Products via Transport System

9. Which of the following is a modern way of endorsing product?

A. Direct Marketing C. Radio, Television and Internet Advertising
B. Advertising in Print Media D. Distributing Products via Transport System

10. . When you mixed the dye (tina) with Petroleum, what could be the result?
A. Oil Stain B. Soil Stain C. Paper Stain D. Plastic Stain

11. For the finished product to have beautiful color and a good protector of materials, which of the following
will you use?
A. Dye B. Paint C. Lacquer D. Sandpaper
12. Which of the following is the process of making on the outer parts of any shape, object or any figure by
the use of lines?
A. Outlining B. Shading C. Drawing D. Sketching

13. What method of enhancing a product is used when creating shades of light and dark patterns that creates
illusions of space and distance?

A. Outlining B. Shading C. Drawing D. Sketching

14. This marketing strategy encourages online interaction between your customers and your business
using various social networking sites.
A. Internet B. Television C. Smart phones D. Social Media
15. This marketing strategy encourages you a variety of different ways to market your product or service on
a website or by email.
A. Internet B. Television C. Smart phones D. Social Media

16. This marketing strategy encourages capturing more audience time than any other media and is targeted
at home audiences.
A. Internet B. Television C. Smart phones D. Social Media

17. It allows for marketing tactics that let you reach customers directly on their mobile devices.
A. Radio B. Television C. Smart phones D. Social Media

18. The total expenses in making a certain product are PHP 150. If it is sold at PHP 200, how much is the
interest profit that was gained?
A. 33% B. 50% C. 25% D. 133%

19. Which of the following are recyclable materials?

A. Plastic and cans C. Plastic, bottles and ice cream container
B. Paper and bottles D. All of these

20. Which of the following cannot be recycled?

A. Milk cartons C. Glass container
B. Plastic water bottle D. Napkin

21. All of the following can’t be recycled EXCEPT.

A. Bottle of mineral water C. Vegetable waste
B. Food remain D. Gills of fish

22. Why is it important to manage our waste materials?

A. Because unmanaged waste causes diseases that leads to death.
B. Because it is or social responsibility to cooperate with the program.
C. Because cleanliness is next to godliness
D. Because increasing waste threatens our environment and everything that lives in it.

23. Why should we reduce, reuse and recycle plastic materials?

A. Because it is the most abundant source of waste in the environment.
B. Because they are easier to reduce, reuse and recycle than other types of waste.
C. Because plastic wasted do not decompose.
D. Because they are difficult to be reproduced

24. What is the importance of recycling?

A. Recycling conserves natural resources. C. Recycling makes people busy
B. Recycling is fun. D. Both A and B
25. How can one recycle glass/plastic bottle or a milk/juice carton?
A. Remove the cap before recycling.
B. Smash it down as much as possible before recycling.
C. Shred before recycling
D. None of the above

26. What is important to keep in mind when recycling a container that once contained food or beverage?
A. Make sure that containers are closed tightly so no residue will leak out.
B. Absolutely nothing
C. Rinse out any excess residue before recycling.
D. Both b and C

27. In classifying waste materials what are the things we have to consider?
A. The physical appearance of the materials.
B. The common characteristics of the materials.
C. The color of the materials
D. The size of the materials
28. What do you think will happen if people will not do the recycling method of waste materials?
A. The country will become rich. C. Problems about waste disposal will not be solved.
B. People will have more money. D. There will be no problem.

II. Direction: Choose the tool needed to take care of most electrical jobs from inside the box by writing the letter
of the correct answer on the space before the number.

7 wiring in a home.
______ 31.They are used to cut the insulation off of the wire.
______ 32.These pliers are the do-it –all pliers in which they cut, twist wires together, and grip wires for pulling.
______ 33.It looks like a plus sign and used to install Philips-head screws.

III. Direction: Write C if the statement is correct, write W if the statement is wrong.

_____34.Always keep extension cords tangle-free and contained inside a large plastic bucket when they’re not in
_____35. An experienced electrician can do some repairs of electrical appliances even with wet hands.
_____36. To test the hotness of an electric iron, you can use back part of your hand.
_____37. Press the center of a foot-long strip of duct tape onto the middle of the bulb when removing hard-to-
remove light bulb.
_____38. Bring the deteriorated washer as the template in replacing the broken washer of a leaky faucet.

IV. Direction: Write (likes) if ideas was correct and (dislikes) if not.

_____ 39.In improving furniture you must consider the time, money and materials.
_____40.My teacher was asked me to do some improvements of my project I will accept it positively and I will
do it right away.
_____ 41.To improve the parts of the gadgets/furniture, tools and materials are not important.
_____ 42.Tools and materials are also needed in improving the furniture.

V. Direction: Put a check (/) if proper sorting of waste materials and X if not.
____ 43.Things used everyday should be far the work place.
____44. Remove unnecessary items or materials from the work place.
____ 45.Decide what is necessary and what is unnecessary inside the work place.
V. Direction: Put heart if the policies in making a project plan is being considered in each statement,
and star if it is not.

_____ 46. Itemize the steps to do before you start the project.

_____ 47. Consider the benefits that we can get in making the project.

_____ 48. Use expensive materials.

_____ 49. Know the proper and appropriate tools/ equipment needed.

_____ 50. Identify the materials needed.


IA 6


1. B 26. D

2. C 27.B

3. B 28.C

4. C 29.C
5. A 30.E

6. D 31.G

7. A 32.I

8. B 33.O

9. C 34.C

10. A 35.W

11. B 36.W

12. A 37.C

13. B 38.C

14. D 39.

15. A 40.

16. B 41.

17. C 42.

18. A 43. X

19. D 44. /

20. D 45. /

21. A 46.

22. D 47.

23. C 48.

24. A 49.

25. D 50.

Pangalan: ________________________________________ Petsa: ______________________

Pangkat: ____________________________ Score: _______________________

Panuto: Pakinggang mabuti ang talaarawang babasahin ng guro. Pagkatapos pakinggan ay bilugan
ang titik ng wastong sagot sa mga tanong tungkol sa napakinggang talaarawan

1. Sa talaarawang inyong napakinggan, ano ang ginagawa ng pulubi sa araw ng Lunes?

A. Pumapasok sa paaralan C. Namamalimos sa may simbahan
B. Nagtitinda sa lansangan D. Namamasukan bilang katulong

2. Anong magandang katangian ang ipinakikita ng bata sa talaarawan sa tuwing araw ng Linggo?
A. Pagpunta sa simbahan upang mamalimos at ng magkaroon ng maraming pera.
B. Pagpunta sa simbahan upang magpasalamat sa Diyos at humingi ng biyaya.
C. Pagpunta sa simbahan upang magmakaawa sa mga taong nagsisimba.
D. Pagpunta sa simbahan upang mandukot sa mga maninimba.

Panuto: Pakinggan ang tekstong babasahin ng guro at bilugan ang titik nang wastong sagot kaugnay
sa katanungan batay sa napakinggan.

3. Tungkol saan ang tektstong napakinggan?

A. Tungkol sa pag-aalaga ng hayop.
B. Tungkol sa pag-aalaga ng bata.
C. Tungkol sa pag-aalaga ng paaralan.
D. Tungkol sa pag-aalaga ng kalikasan.

Panuto: Bigyang kahulugan ang kilos ng tauhan na babasahin ng guro. Bilugan ang titik nang wastong

4. A. Pag-aalala C. Pag-iingat
B.Umaasa D. Pagmamalaki

Panuto: Pakinggan ang kwentong babasahin muli ng guro. Pagkatapos makinig, bilugan ang titik nang
wastong sagot sa bilang 5-8.

5. Ano ang sanhi at naisipan ng pari na turuan ang kanyang kabayong sumunod na lamang sa kanyang mg
A. dahil marami siyang parokyang pinupuntahan
B. dahil marami siyang gamit na dala kapag siya’y umaalis
C. dahil mahal ang pamasahe sa kanilang lugar
D. upang mapabilis ang kanyang lugar

6. Ano ang angkop na pamagat sa kuwento?

A. Ang Masunuring Kabayo C. Ang Pari at ang Kabayo
B. Pagsunod sa Utos D. Ang Palautos na Pari

7. Ano ang paksa ng kuwentong napakinggan?

A. Ang Pagsunod ng Kabayo sa Utos ng Pari
B. Ang Mabilis na Kabayo
C. Ang Pakialamerong Pari
D. Ang Matalinong Pari

8. Ito ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa kuwentong napakinggan. Ayusin ang pagkakasunod-sunod sa

1. Nakalimutan niya ang utos upang huminto sa pagtakbo ang kabayo.
2. Bumisita ang kanyang kaibigang pari sa parokya.
3. Tinuruan niya ang kanyang alagang kabayong sumunod na lamang sa kanyang utos.
4. Labis na nasiyahan ang pari sa kanyang pagsakay hanggang nakarating sila malapit sa bangin.
5. Dahil sa hindi sinasadyang utos, nahulog sila sa bangin

A. 5-4-3-2-1 C. 3-4-5-1-2
B. 3-2-1-4-5 D. 3-2-4-1-5


Panuto: Basahin ang sumusunod na mga katanungan. Bilugan ang titik ng wastong sagot.

9. Alin sa mga magagalang na pananalita ang angkop gamitin kapag may mensaheng nais ipaalam?
A. Tao po, nariyan po ba si____. C. Pagpalain po kayo ng Maykapal.
B. Mawalang-galang na po. D. Kumusta po kayo?

10. Ang mga Pilipino ay patuloy na nagsiksikan upang makita si Pope Francis. Tukuyin ang pariralang
pang-abay sa panungusap.
A. mga Pilipino D. upang makita
B. si Pope Francis D. patuloy na nagsiksikan

11. Sa Apostolic Nunciature laging nagpapahinga ang Santo Papa. Alin ang pariralang pang-abay?
A. Apostolic Nunciature C.Sa Apostolic
B. Santo Papa D. laging nagpapahinga

12. Hindi man lang napagod sa motorcade si Pope Francis. Ang may salungguhit ay tinatawag na
A. pariralang pang-uri C. pariralang pangngalan
B. Pariralang pandiwa D. pariralang pang-abay

13. Alin ang akmang gamitin upang mabuo ang diwa ng pangungusap? _______ ko sa telebisyon ang
pagdating ng Santo Papa.
A. Hindi man lang napagod. C. Patuloy na nagsisiksikan
B. Laging nagpapahinga. D. Kinilabutan ako ng napanood

14. Malakas ang buhos ng ulan. Alin ang pang-abay sa pangungusap?

A. malakas B. buhos C. ulan D. ng

15. Matangos ang ilong ng babae. Alin ang pang-uri sa pangungusap?

A. ng B. ilong C. babae D. matangos

PANUTO:Piliin ang angkop na pang-ugnay sa bawat pangungusap.Bilugan ang titik nang wastong

16. Walang pagkakamali na hindi maitutuwid ______ ikaw ay nagsisi.

A. at B. kung C. dahil D. nang

17. Iniipon ni Lita ang kaunti ______ kinikita at ibinibigay sa kanyang nanay.
A. g B. na C. ng D. sa


18. Malakas ang hangin at ulan, kumukulog at kumikidlat pa. Ang mga magsasaka ay naglalagay ng
suhay sa kanilang bahay. Ang mga hayop ay inilagay nila sa silong ng bahay. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang
akmang wakas ng teksto?
A. Maraming hayop ng magsasaka ang namatay.
B. Tinangay ng malakas na hangin ang bubong ng bahay ng magsasaka.
C. Naging ligtas ang lahat sa nagdaang bagyo.
D. Natulog ng mahimbing ang mga magsasaka.

19. Napakalakas ng ulan at hangin na nagdaan kagabi kaya ____. Piliin ang di kabilang sa mga naging
bunga nito.
A. nasira ang mga tindahan sa paligid C. lumubog ang mga tirahan
B. nawasak ang mga pananim sa bukid D. nawala ang mga tao sa pamayanan

Panuto: Basahin ang tekstong pang-impormasyon. Pagkatapos sagutin ang tanong ukol sa binasa.

Pumasok sa Pilipinas ang bagyong Yolanda noong ika-3 ng Nobyembre,

2013 at nanalasa ito sa Tacloban. Sa kabila ng mga pag-iingat, marami pa
rin ang namatay at nawalan ng ikinabubuhay dahil sa tindi ng lakas nito.
Maraming tao ang naapektuhan ng nasabing bagyo. Lumubog sa baha ang
20. Paano nawalan ng kabuhayan at mga mahal sa buhay ang mga taga Leyte at Samar dahil sa bagyong
A. Lumubog sa baha ang Tacloban na nanging dahilan ng pag-apaw ng tubig sa dagat.
B. Umihip ang malakas na hangin at marami ang napawid ng hangin sa dalampasigan.
C. Umulan ng buhangin sa buong Samar at Leyte.
D. Nagkaroon ng buhawi sa buong Tacloban.

21. Bakit kaya hanggang ngayon ay hindi pa rin nakakabangon ang ilang bayan sa Kabisayaan dahil sa
bagyong Yolanda?
A. Dahil tamad ang mga tao sa buong Kabisayaan.
B. Dahil walang tumutulong sa kanila.
C. Dahil sa tindi ng pinsala nito.
D. Dahil hindi sila nagkakaisa.

PANUTO:Basahin ang ulat. Bilugan ang titik ng tamang sagot.

Idineklara ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte ang batas militar sa Mindanao

sa gitna ng mga armadong bakbakan laban sa Islamistang pangkat na Maute
sa lungsod ng Marawi. Dahil dito, pinayuhan ang mga sibilyan na magdobleng
ingat at kung di kinakailangan ay manatili muna sa kanilang mga tahanan.

22. Ano ang dineklara ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte?

A. National Heroes Day C. Bantay Bata Act
B. EDSA Revolution D. Batas Militar

23. Saang lugar sa ating bansa idineklara ang nasabing batas?

A. PICC C. Luneta, Manila
B. Emilio Aguinaldo Shrine D. Marawi, Mindanao

PANUTO:Bilugan ang titik ng wastong sagot kung ano ang ginamit na pangkalahatang sanggunian sa mga
sumusunod na sitwasyon.

24. Si Ivan ay may takdang aralin kay Gng. Maricel N. Tuico ukol sa asignaturang AP at kailangan niyang
alamin ang mga pangalan ng bagyong dumarating sa ating bansa. Kailangan niyang gamitin ang isang
teknolohiyang maaaring mapagkunan ng kaalaman sa tulong ng network ng mga kompyuter sa buong mundo.
A. internet C. twitter
B. cellphone D. facebook

25. Nais malaman ni Aubrey ang mapagkukunan niya ng mga kahulugan, baybay, ispeling at pagpapantig ng
mga salita; bahagi ng pananalitang kinabibilangan ng salita, pinanggagalingan ng salita at nakaayos ng
paalpabeto na itinakda sa kanila ng kanyang guro sa Filipino na si Gng. Nemesia L. Maralit. Alin sa mga
sumusunod na sanggunian ang kanyang gagamitin?
A. diksiyonaryo C. almanac
B. atlas D. ensayklopedya

26. Naguguluhan si Elizabeth sa sangguniang maaari niyang magamit na matatagpuan sa kanilang silid
aklatan. Nais niyang mabatid ang isa sa pangkalahatang sanggunian na naglalaman ng mga impormasyon
tungkol sa iba’t ibang paksa. Isa pa nais niyang mapatunayan ang tungkol sa isang aritukulo na pinagtataluhan
nila ng kaniyang kaibigang si Mark Joven. Ayon sa kanyang kaalaman, makikita rin sa sangguniang ito ang
mga artikulo tungkol sa mga katotohanan ng isang bagay, tao, pook o pangyayari. Kung ikaw si Elizabeth, alin
sa mga sumusunod ang gagamitin mo?
A. diksiyonaryo C. almanac
B. atlas D. ensayklopedya
PANUTO:Bilugan ang titik ng wastong sagot kung anong card catalog ang nararapat gamitin sa sumusunod na

27. Upang mapabilis ang paghanap ng aklat na gagamitin sa iyong takdang aralin tungkol sa Ang Pilipinas sa
taong 2000, anong kard ang iyong gagamitin?
A. Kard ng Paksa C. Kard ng Pamagat ng Aklat
B. Kard ng Awtor D. Kard ng Pinaglimbagan

28. Nais mong malaman kung sino ang sumulat ng Alab Filipino 6.
A. Kard ng Paksa C. Kard ng Pamagat ng Aklat
B. Kard ng Awtor D. Kard ng Pinaglimbagan

29. Anong card catalog ang iyong gagamitin kung binigyan ka nito para sa iyong takdang aralin, “Salamisim,
Wika at Pagbasa 6”?
A. pamagat ng aklat C. call number card
B. pinaglimbagan D. pahina ng paksa

PANUTO:Piliin ang bahagi ng pahayagan na aangkop sa pangangailangan.

30. Sa pahinang ito mababasa ang kuro-kuro o puna na isinusulat ng patnugot hinggil sa isang napapanahong
A. anunsyo klasipikado C. libangan
B. editoryal D. obitwaryo

31. Mababasa rito ang mga balita mula sa mga lalawigan sa ating bansa.
A. balitang komersyo C. libangan
B. balitang panlalawigan D. obitwaryo

32. Naglalaman ito ng mga balitang pampalakasan.

A. editoryal C. isports
B. anunsyo klasipikado D. pangmukhang pahina


PANUTO: Bilugan ang kahulugan ng salitang may salungguhit.

33. Ako’y kabataang lalang ng panahon.

A. namumukod C. nakasama
B. nabuhay D. nalikha
34. Mga biyayang handog ng wastong paglingap.
A. pagsisikap C. pagbibigay
B. pagtulong D. pag-aalaga
35. Kailan man hindi nagtatagumpay ang mga taong palalo.
a. mayabang c. maramdamin
b. masungit d. pasaway

PANUTO:Bilugan ang titik ng wastong kahulugan ng mga salitang may salungguhit sa pangungusap.

36. Hindi nakapagtapos ng pag-aaral si Jesse dahil kabilang sila sa mga mamamayan ng bansa na may buhay
na isang kahig, isang tuka.
A. hirap ang buhay C. wala siyang tiyaga
B. parang manok D. mag-aalaga siya ng manok

37. Marami ang hindi natutuwa kay Michael sa kanyang mga kamag-aaral sa ika-anim na baitang sapagkat
mahilig siyang magbuhat ng sariling bangko.
A. nagdadala ng sariling bangko C. masyadong matulungin
B. nagbubuhat ng mabigat D. pinupuri ang sarili

PANUTO:Bilugan ang titik ng wastong panlapi na angkop sa salitang nakapanaklong.

38. (akyat)____ si Lou sa bundok ng Makiling kahapon kasama ng kanyang mga kamag-aaral.
A. um- B. –an C. –in D. in-,-an

39. Dali-daling (kuha)____ ni Trisha ang kanyang bag upang makahabol sa susunod na byahe ng eroplano
patungong Surigao.
A. -in B. –um- C. –an D. –in-

40. Binuksan ni G. Natanauan ang regalong (bigay)____ ng mga guro para sa kanyang kaarawan.
A.-um B. -in C. i-, -in- D. -an

PANUTO: Piliin ang wastong salita na nasa kahon na bubuo ng angkop na diwa sa tula.

puhunanin mithiin
sinilanga’y handog

Hamon ng Kalikasan
Bayang _(41)_ may likas na yaman
Na _(42)_sa atin nitong kalikasan:
Sa kaparangan man at sa kabundukan ,
Ang _(43)_ siyang mamasdan.

Ako’y kabataang may isang _(44)_

Kalikasan natin ay muling buhayin;
Sipag at tiyaga siyang _(45)_,
Pagkat siyang susi sa pag-unlad natin.

PANUTO: Isaayos ang mga bahagi ng liham pangkaibigan sa tamang paraan ng pagkakasulat nito.(46-50)
46. Mahal kong Iolie
47. Nagmamahal
48. Aldous
49. 143 Sitio Dayapan
Bilogbilog, Tanauan City
Disyembre 20, 2017
50. Kumusta ka na? Binabati kita sa inyong pagkakapanalo sa pampaaralang patimpalak ng inyong paaralan.
Balita ko, tinanghal kang Bb. Bilogbilog 2017.Sina Edelaiza, Cassandra, Naithan at Justine ay masaya din para
sa iyo.

Department of Education
Division of Tanauan City
District of Tanauan City West
Bilogbilog, Tanauan City

Pakinggan ang talaarawan aking babasahin. Sagutan ang mga katanungan pagkatapos
mapakinggan. (
Isang Linggong Karanasan ng Isang Pulubi (1-2)

Lunes – Malungkot akong namamalimos sa simbahan. Kailangan kong makaipon upang

makatulong sa aking pamilya.
Martes – Halos nakabilad ako sa araw sa buong maghapon. Masaya na akong may mga
nagbibigay sa akin ng limos.
Miyerkules – Ito pa rin ang aking damit. Marumi na. Hindi pa rin ako nagpapalit. Sana’y
magkaroon ako ng bagong damit.
Huwebes – Nakabili ako ng sardinas sa tindahan. Sa wakas ay may masarap kaming ulam sa
Biyernes – Napadaan ako sa paaralan habang namamalimos. Sana ay nakakapag-aral ako.
Sabado – Malakas na umiiyak ang aking kapatid sa kaniyang higaan. Siya ay may sakit. Sana’y
marami akong mapalimos upang maibili siya ng gamot.
Linggo – Pumunta ako sa simbahan, hindi para mamalimos, kundi para magpasalamat sa Diyos
at humingi ng biyaya.
Malinis na Paligid ; Malinis na Nais! (3)

Maraming paraan upang mapanatili ang kalinisan sa paligid. Sa pamamagitan ng iba’t ibang
kampanya ay matutuhan ng bawat isa ang pagmamahal sa kalikasan at pagpapahalaga sa kalinisan.
Ilan sa mga ito ay ang mga kampanyang Clean As You Go (CLAYGO), Bring Your Own Baunan
(BYOB), at Waste Segregation. Sa pamamagitan ng mga programang ito, kinikilala natin na tayo ay
katuwang ng Maykapal sa pag-aalaga ng kaniyang mga likha sa pamamagitan ng pag-alam natin
natin sa ating mga tungkulin at pagkakaroon ng kongkretong pagkilos para pangalagaan an gating
mga likas-yaman.

4. “Baka narito ang ating hinahanap na swerte,” ang sabi ni Jerard.

Pinagyamang Pluma 6 pah. 186 (5-8)

May isang pari sa isang malayang parokya na may alagang kabayo. Dahil marami siyang gamit
na dala kapag siya’y umaalis, naisipan niyang turuan ang kanyang kabayong sumunod na lamang sa
kanyang mg autos upang hindi na siya gumamit pa ng rendang lubid. Maayos ang nagging resulta ng
kanyang pagtuturo sa kabayo at hindi na nalalaglag ang mga kagamitan niya dahil nagagamit niya ang
dalawa niyang kamay upang hawakan mabuti ang mga ito. Kapag sinabi niyang ”Hay, salamat!” ay
kumakaripas ng takbo ang kabayo at kapag sinabi niyang “Manalangin tayo” ay kaagad itong
Isang araw ay may bumisitang pari sa parokya. Labis ang tuwa nito ng malaman mula sa
kaibigang pari ang itinuro sa kabayo. “Subukan ko nga kung totoo ang sinabi mo,” ang wika nito sa
“hay, salamat!” utos niya sa kabayo na nagsimula naman ng pagtakbo. Nasiyahan ang pari at
paulit-ulit niya itong inutos sa kabayo na pabilis naman ng pabilis ang takbo. Labis na nasiyahan ang
pari sa kanyang pagsakay hanggang makarating sila sa malapit na bangin. Sa takot ng pari ay
nakalimutan niya ang utos upang huminto sa pagtakbo ang kabayo. Nasa gilid nan g bangin nang
maalala niyang sabihing “Manalangin tayo.” At bigla naming huminto ang kabayo. “Hay, salamat!”,
kasunod na wika ng pari...



Code of Kinalalagyan ng Aytem

Learning Learning Competencies as per Bilang Bilang REM UND APP ANA EVAL CREA
Competencies Curriculum Guide ng ng
Araw Aytem %
(as per CG)

F6PN-IIIb-3.1 Nasasagot ang mga literal 1 2 2.44% 1, 2

na tanong tungkol sa
napakinggang talaarawan

F6PN-IIIc-18 Naibibigay ang sanhi at 1 1 2.44% 5

bunga ng mga pangyayari

F6PN-IIId-19 Naibibigay ang paksa ng 2 2 4.88% 3, 7

napakinggang teksto
F6PN-IIIf-19 Nabibigyang kahulugan 1 1 2.44% 4
ang kilos ng mga tauhan
sa napakinggang kuwento
F6PN-IIIg-19 Nakapagbibigay ng 1 1 2.44% 6
angkop na pamagat sa
napakinggang talata
F6PN-IIIh-8.4 Napagsusunod-sunod na 1 1 2.44% 8
kronolohikal ang mga
pangyayari sa
napakinggang teksto


Nagagamit ang 1 1 2.44% 9

F6PS-IIIf-12.19 magagalang na pananalita
sa iba’t ibang sitwayson -
pagpapahayag ng ideya

F6WG-IIIa-c-6 Nagagamit ang pariralang 3 4 7.32 10,

pang-abay sa 11,
paglalarawan ng paraan, 12,
panahon, lugar ng kilos at 13

F6WG-IIId-f-9 Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang 2 2 4.88% 14,

salita bilang pang-uri at 15
pang-abay sa
pagpapahayag ng sariling

F6WG-IIIg-11 Nagagamit nang wasto 1 1 2.44% 16

ang mga pangatnig

F6WG-IIIi-10 Nagagamit nang wasto 1 1 2.44% 17

ang pang- angkop


F6PB-IIIa-20 Nagmumungkahi ng iba 1 1 2.44% 18

pang pangyayari na
maaaring maganap sa
binasang teksto
F6PB-IIIb-6.2 Napag-uugnay ang sanhi 1 1 2.44% 19
at bunga ng mga
F6PB-III c-3.2.2 Nasasagot ang mga 2 2 4.88% 20,
tanong na bakit at paano 21
sa tekstong pang-

F6PB-IIId-3.1.2 Nasasagot ang mga 2 2 4.88% 22,

tanong tungkol sa 23
binasang ulat

F6EP -IIIb-6 Nagagamit ang 2 3 4.88% 24,
pangkalahatang 25,
sanggunian 26

F6EP-IIIc-f-9 Nagagamit ang card 2 3 4.88% 27,

catalog 28,

F6EP –IIIe-7.1 Nagagamit ang iba’t ibang 2 3 4.88% 30,

bahagi ng pahayagan ayon 31,
sa pangangailangan 32


F6PT-IIIb-1.7 Naibibigay ang kahulugan 2 3 4.88% 33,

ng pamilyar at di kilalang 34,
salita sa pamamagitan ng 35

F6PT-IIIc-4.4 Nabibigyang-kahulugan 2 2 4.88% 36,

ang idyoma o 37
matalinghagang salita

F6PT-IIIj-15 Nakabubuo ng mga 2 3 4.88% 38,

bagong salita gamit ang 39,
panlapi at salitang-ugat 40


F6PU-IIIe-2.2 Nakasusulat ng tula 4 5 9.76% 41,


F6PU-IIIi-2.3 Nakasusulat ng liham 4 5 9.76% 46,


TOTAL 41 50 100.04% 13 12 7 8 5 5

Rem-Remembering Ana-Analyzing
Und-Understanding Eval-Evaluating
App-Applying Crea-Creating

Inihanda ni:
Teacher Adviser-Filipino 6

Sinuri ni: Iwinasto ni:

Principal I EPS, Filipino


Susi Sa Pagwawasto

1. C
41. Sinilangan
2. B
42. handog
3. D
43. kasaganaa’y
4. B
44. mithiin
5. B
45. puhunanin
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. D

Grade / Section:____________________________________ LRN __________________________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each question then select the best answer from the given choices. Shade the
letter which corresponds to the correct answer on the blank before the number.
I. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter only.

Column A Column B

________1. A form also known as AB form A. fine

________2. It means end. B. ternary

________3. It means to repeat from the beginning. C. binary

________4. A form also known as ABA form. D. Timbre

________5. It means sign. E. segno

________6. It is the quality of sound of an instrument. F. Pianississimo

________7. It is the overall structure and organization of music. G. Musical Form

________8. A form also known as the ABACA form. H. Rondo

________9. It means to go back at the beginning and end at fine. I. D.C. al Fine

________10. In Dynamics, it means very very soft. J. da Capo

K. Woodwind Instrument

II. Group the instruments according to their family. Write your answer on the table below in any order.

Trumpet timpani cymbals French horn Harp

Cello Piccolo Tuba Bass drum Clarinet


11. 13. 15. 18.
12. 14. 16 19.
17. 20.

________21. Which element of art can be used by new artist to learn to draw?
a. Lines and Shapes c. Color and tones
b. Texture d. Value
________22. Which of the following shows Relief Printing?

a. c.

b. d.

________23. Which of the following shows Lithography?

a. c.

b. d.

________24. Which of the following is NOT principle applied in photography?

a. Contrast c. Line
b. Emphasis d. Harmony

________25. An object in a picture is at the center and its color is heavier and bright that other objects. What
principle in photography is applied?
a.Contrast c. Harmony
b.Emphasis d. Unity

For numbers 26-30, Find in the puzzle the things that you need in silkscreen printing. Write your answer on at
the back of your answers sheets (number it properly).


26. ______________________________ 29. ______________________________

27. ______________________________ 30. ______________________________
28. ______________________________

________31. It is an activity where you move your body in time with the music.
a. Stage play c. Acting
b. Dance d. Opera

________32. Which of the following is NOT a benefit that we get from dancing?
a. Immune system becomes stronger.
b. We get to be with our friends even late at night.
c. Confidence is developed.
d. Balance and posture improved.

For items 33-38, identify the Basic Arm and Hand Position. Choose your answers from the box. Write your
answer at the back of your answer sheet.

Hayon-hayon 1st position “T” position

Kumintang Sarok (Salok) Kewet (Kalawit) Reverse “T”

______________33.The hand is with semi-opened palm and index

finger pointing upward. Wrist is turn in circular motion.

______________34. Your two arms are raised at sides and bent at elbows so
that the forearms are parallel to the head, palms facing inwards.

______________35. Your right arm is making a big circular motion in front

while the left arm is resting.

______________36. Your one arm is bent in front at the waist level

and the other is bent behind at waist level.

______________37. Your both arms are raised at sides and bent at elbows
so that the upper arms are at your shoulder level.

______________38. Your arms are in “T” position with hands closed and
thumbs in “up” position. Turn wrist in circular motion.

For items 39-40, recognize the popular folk dance being described.
________39. A pair of dancers are hopping between bamboo polse stuck on the ground like a tikling in time
with music.
a. Itik-Itik b. Binasuan c. Singkil d. Tinikling
________40. The dancers move like a duck wadding and swimming.
a. Itik-Itik b. Binasuan c. Singkil d. Tinikling

________41. What is Urbanization?
a. It is when families from the urban area transfer to provinces.
b. When people from the cities go back to farming and other agricultural job.
c. It is when cities become larger and more people begin living in the urban area.
d. It happens when people take care of their environment.
________42. Which disease can be directly caused by air pollutants such from vehicles and factories near the
a. Respiratory Disease c. Gastrointestinal Disease
b. Nervous breakdown d. Cholera
For numbers 43-44. Read the passage below from the song Masdam Mo ang Kapaligiran:
Verse I
Hindi nga masama ang pag-unlad
At malayu-layo na rin ang ating narating
Ngunit masdan mo ang tubig sa dagat
Dati’y kulay asul ngayon naging itim.
Verse II
Ang mga duming ating ikinalat sa hangin
Sa langit ‘wag nating paabutin
Upang kung tayo’y pumanaw man
Sariwang hangin sa langit natin matitikman.
_________43. Based on the passage, what is the negative effect of development and urbanization?
a. The bodies of water are getting polluted.
b. The color of water in the sea change because its high tide.
c. The bodies of water in our country is getting better.
d. Urbanization has no negative effect on the bodies of water.
________44. What does the second verse suggest?
a. The pollution in our environment goes to heaven.
b. We should take care of our environment.
c. We can no longer help in making our environment clean.
d. The air in our environment is unclean.

________45. Which of the following is NOT an environmental problem?

a. overpopulation c. fish kill
b. improper waste disposal d. financial problem
________46. It is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by many different viruses.
a. Respiratory Disease c. Skin Disease
b. Gastrointestinal Disease d. Neurological Impairment
________47. What is one of the causes of Neurological Impairment?
a. Drinking unclean water c. Mercury poisoning
b. Exposure to too much sunlight d. Malnutrition
________48. How can we make sure that the water that we are drinking is safe and clean?
a. Get water from lakes and rivers. c. Drink soft drinks instead. It’s no longer safe to drink water
b. Boil water for a few minutes. d. Collect rain water during rainy season.
________49. What type pollution is cause by unpleasant sound of vehicles, factories, construction work and
many other?
a. Air Pollution c. Noise Pollution
b. Water Contamination d. Land pollution
________50. Which of the following are examples of pests?
a. Flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and mice
b. Dogs, cats, birds and fish
c. Butterflies, dragonflies, moths and bees
d. Lion, tiger, bear and zebra


Answer Key in MAPEH VI

1 C 26 Design Printed
2 A In any order 27 Mesh Screen
3 J within the 28 Liquid Emulsion
4 B number 29 Squeegee
5 E 30 Fabric Paint
6 D 31 B
7 G 32 B
8 H 33 Kumintang
9 I 34 Reverse “T”
10 F 35 Sarok (Salok)
11 36 Hayon-hayon
Cello & Harp
12 37 “T” Position
13 38 Kewet (Kalawit)
Piccolo & Clarinet
14 39 D
Trumpet, 40 A
16 French Horn & Tuba 41 C
17 42 A
Timpani, 43 A
19 Cymbals & Bass Drum 44 B
20 45 D

21 A 46 A
22 B 47 C
23 C 48 B
24 C 49 C
25 B 50 A

In any order
within the

Number Item
Learning Competencies of Items Placement Percentage
1. Visualizes and describes the different solid figures: cube, prism, 3 1,2,3 6%
pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
2. Differentiates solid figures from plane figures. 2 4,5 4%
3. Illustrates the different solid figures using various concrete and pictorial 2 6,7 4%
Identifies the faces of a solid figure. M6GE-IIIb-30 3 8,9,10 6%
4. Visualizes and describes the different solid figures: cube, prism, 2 11,12 4%
pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere.
5. Identifies the nets of the following space figures: cube, prism, pyramid, 3 13,14,15 6%
cylinder, cone, and sphere using plane figures.
6. Formulates the rule in finding the nth term using different strategies 3 16,17,18 6%
(looking for a pattern, guessing and checking, working backwards) e.g.
(the nth term is 3n+1) M6AL-IIId-7
7. Differentiates expression from equation. M6AL-IIId-15 2 19,20 4%
8. Gives the translation of real-life verbal expressions and equations into 2 21,22 4%
letters or symbols and vice versa.
9. Defines a variable in an algebraic expression and equation. 1 23 2%
10. Represents quantities in real-life situations using algebraic expressions 2 24,25 4%
and equations. M6AL-IIIe-18
11. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving different types of 3 26,27,28 6%
numerical expressions and equations such as 7+ 9 =_+ 6. M6AL-IIIf-19
12. Creates routine and non-routine problems involving numerical 2 29,50 4%
expressions and equations. M6AL-IIIf-20
13. Calculates speed, distance, and time. M6ME-IIIg-17 3 30,31,32 6%
14. Solves problems involving average rate and speed. M6ME-IIIg-18 2 33,34
15. Finds the area of composite figures formed by any two or more of the 3 35,36,37 6%
following: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and semi-circle. M6ME-
16. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving area of composite 2 38,39 4%
figures formed by any two or more of the following: triangle, square,
rectangle, circle, and semi-circle. M6ME-IIIh-90
17. Visualizes and describes surface area and names the unit of measure 2 40,41 4%
used for measuring the surface area of solid/space figures. M6ME-IIIi-
18. Derives a formula for finding the surface area of cubes, prisms, 3 42,43,44 6%
pyramids, cylinders, cones, and spheres. M6ME-IIIi-9
19. Finds the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and 2 45,46 4%
spheres. M6ME-IIIi-93
20. Solves word problems involving measurement of surface area. M6ME- 3 47,48,49 6%
TOTAL 50 50 100%

Prepared by:



Principal II


NAME: _____________________________________________________ SCORE: ________________________________

GRADE & SECTION: _____________________________________ TEACHER: ____________________________

I.Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. These are three dimensional figure made up of plane figure whose all sides are joined together to form a close

a. polygons b. circles c. prisms d. spatial figures

2. A spatial figure with two circular bases, no edges and no vertices.

a. cone b. cylinder c. pyramid d. sphere

3. A spatial figure with a circular base and one vertex.
a. cone b. cylinder c. pyramid d. sphere

4. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?

a. Circle b. Cylinder c. Cone d. Sphere
5. Which of the following is a closed, two-dimensional or flat figure?
a. Prism b. Pyramid c. Rectangle d. Cube

6. What spatial figure resembles this object ?

a. Cube b. Cone c. Sphere d. Cylinder

7. Which of the following 3-D shapes have no vertices or edges?

8. How many flat faces does the figure below have?

a.4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10

9. Which of the following figures has 4 faces, all triangular in shape including the base?

10. A spatial figure with 2 parallel congruent faces called bases and the other faces are parallelograms.

a. Rectangular prism b. Cylinder c. Rectangular pyramid d. Cone

11. Choose the picture that looks like a sphere.

a. b. c. d.
12. It is a three-dimensional object with a base that is a polygon and triangular faces that meet at one vertex.

a. Pyramid b. Prism c. Cone d. Cylinder

13. Which of the following nets can creates a pentagonal prism?


14. What figure will be formed when you construct the given net below?

A. Cube C. Sphere
B. Cylinder D. Cone

15. Circle the letter of the net that can be folded to make the figure

16. What formula is derived in finding the sequence 4, 12, 20, 28, 36 ?

a. n+8 - 4 b. 8 x n +4 c. 8n - 4 d. 4 + 8

17. What will be the 100th term for the sequence 5, 11, 17, 23, 29…………?

a. 599 b. 600 c. 400 d. 499

18. What is the rule in this number sequence 2, 8, 26, 80, 242?

a. x3 + 2 b. +6 c. +2, x4 d. +6 x 2

19. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Expressions are to be solved while equations are to be simplified.

b. Equations have an equal sign whereas expressions don’t have any.
c. Expressions are like the typical English phrase whereas equations are complete sentences.
d. Expressions are incomplete mathematical phrases whereas equations are complete mathematical
20. Which of the following is an equation?
a. 10 + 9 b. 0.5+0.2=0.4 + 0.3 c. 25 x 5 + 6 d. (8 + 9) x 15
21. Translate twelve more than thrice a number to an algebraic expression.
a. 3n + 12 b. 3 + 12 c. 12 + 3 d. 12 x 3n
22. Translate x - 3y into mathematical statement
a. thrice y minus x c. thrice y increased by x
b. three times y less than x d. x diminished by thrice y
23. It is a letter used to represent a value that can change.
a. constant b. variable c. numerical expression d. algebraic expression
24. Express this statement into algebraic expression. Twice Mako’s age, increased by 5 is 17.
a. 2m + 5 = 17 b. 2m – 5 = 17 c. 17 = 2 + 5 d. 2m + 5 -17
25. Mrs. Quinay buys 10 oranges for ₱15.00 each and 12 apples for ₱ 20.00 each. She gives the cashier ₱500.00
bill. Write an equation for the amount of change the cashier should give to her.
a. 500 – (10m + 12n) = p c. 500 + 10m + 12n = p
b. (10m + 12n) – 500 = p d. 500 – (10m - 12n) = p
26. Find the value of n in an algebraic expression 8n x 5 = 120.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
27. Solve for x: 5x + 15 = 75
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
28. What is the value of x in the equation 5x -2 = 3x + 4?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
29. Choose the correct word problem that you can create that can be solved the equation: 45 + n = 80.
a. There were 80 kids in the party. 45 ate cake. The rest ate ice cream. How many kids ate cake?
b. There were 80 kids in the party. 45 ate ice cream. The rest ate cake. How many kids ate ice cream?
c. There were 80 kids in the party. 45 ate cake. The rest ate ice cream. How many kids ate ice cream?
d. There were 80 kids in the party. 45 ate ice cream. The rest ate cake. How many kids were there in all?
30. What speed covers 540 kilometers in 6 hours?
a. 80 kph b. 70 kph c. 90 kph d. 60 kph
31. At 90 kph, how far do you travel in 3 hours?
a. 270 kilometers b. 180 kilometers c. 90 kilometers d. 300 kilometers
32. At 45 km/h, how long does it take to travel 180 kilometers?
a. 3 hours b. 4 hours c. 5 hours d. 6 hours
33. A man rides the bike with the speed of 75 miles in 3/4 hours. Calculate the speed of the bike?
a. 80 miles/hr. b. 90 miles/hr. c. 100 miles/hr. d. 75 miles/hr.
34. A boy walks at a speed of 4 kmph. How much time does he take to walk a distance of 28 km?
a. 4 hours b. 5 hours c. 6 hours d. 7 hours
35. Find the area of the figure below.

a. 248.5 sq. ft. c. 284.5 sq. ft

b. 192 sq. ft. d. 113.04 sq. ft.

36. Find the area of the shaded heart below formed by 2 semicircles and a square.

a.275.04 m2 c. 257 m2

b.247.04 m2 d. 257.04 m2

37. Find the area of the figure below.

a. 261 cm2 c. 216 cm2

b. 60 cm2 d. 168 cm2

38. A graphic designer created a new logo for a company that will be printed on a large sign. The logo is a rectangle
that has a semicircular piece removed. What is the approximate area of the shaded part of the logo?

a.119 ft2 c. 42.07 ft2

b.76.93 ft2 d. 195.93 ft2

39. A rectangular cloth has a length of 22 inches and a width of 25 inches. Two circular cloth with diameter of 12
inches will be cut from it. How much cloth will be left?

a. 436.96 in2 b. 323.92 in2 c 113.04 in2 d. 550 in2

40. Find the surface area of a cube if the length of one side is 5 cm

a. 150 cm2 b. 150 cm c. 150 cm3 d. 150 dm2

41. Find the surface area of a rectangular prism below using its net.

a.72 cm2 c. 74 cm2

b.73 cm2 d. 75 cm2

42. To find the surface area of a rectangular prism, which formula will you use?

a. SA=6S2 b. SA=2(lw+lh+wh) c. SA=4/3pi x r3 d. SA=lwh

43. Using the figure below, derive a formula in finding the surface area of a cylinder.

a. SA=4/3pi x r3 c. SA= 2πr 2 +2πrh

b. SA=2lw+2lh+2wh d. SA=6S2
44. The figure below shows the net of a cube. What formula can you use to get its surface area?

a. SA=4/3pi x r3 c. SA= 2πr 2 +2πrh

b. SA=2lw+2lh+2wh d. SA=6S2

45. Find the surface area of a cube with a side of length 3 cm.

a. 9 cm2 b. 27 cm2 c. 54 cm2 d. 71 cm2

46. What is the surface area of the figure at the right in terms of pi.

a. 10 πm2 b.50 πm2 c.25 πm2 d.100 πm2

47. The diameter of the base of a cylinder is 12 cm and the height is 8 cm. Find the surface area of the solid

a. 527.52 cm2 b. 527 cm2 c. 301.44 cm2 d. 226.08 cm2

48. Lei has a sewing box which is 30 cm by 20 cm by 15 cm. She wants to cover it completely with silk cloth.
What is the area she has to cover?

a. 2500 cm2 b. 2550 cm2 c. 2600 cm2 d. 2700 cm2

49. A plastic beach ball has a diameter of 16 cm. What is its surface area?

a. 803 cm2 b. 803.84 cm2 c. 805.84 cm2 d. 806.84 cm2

50. Create word problem that can be solved using the equation: n + 18 = 35
Word problem: ___________________________________________________________________

Prepared by:


1. d 26. b
2. b 27. c
3. a

28. b
4. a 29. c
5. c 30. c
6. d 31. a
7. c 32. b
8. b 33. c
9. b 34. d
10. a

35. a
11. b 36. d
Area of 2 Area of 1
semicircles circle

    =  3.14 × 6 × 6

    =  113.04 m2 Area of shaded heart  =  Area of 2 semicircles

    + Area of square

    =  113.04 + 144
Area of
  =  12 × 12
square     =  257.04 m2
    =  144 m2

12. a 37. c
13. a

38. c
14. b 39. b
15. a 40. a
16. c 41. a
17. a 42. b
18. a 43. c
19. a 44. d
20. b 45. c
21. a 46. d
22. d 47. a
23. b 48. d
24. a 49. b
25. a 50. Teacher’s discretion
Department of Education
Region VIII ( Eastern Visayas )
Division of Leyte
San Miguel District



Third Quarter Examination



Learning Days of 60% 30% 10% Total
Competencies Taught Items Number of
Rem Und. Appl. Ana. Eval Cre.
. .
I –Describes and
interprets the basic 12 13 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 - 13
operations on Integers
II –Visualizes and
describes the different 14 - 30
solid figures, cube, 15 17 2 3 5 3 2 2
prism,cylinder, cone
and sphere.
III – Formulates the
rules in finding the nth
term using different
strategies (looking for a 10 11 1 2 4 3 1 31- 41
pattern, guessing and
checking, working
IV- Calculates speeds,
distance and time. 8 9 2 1 2 2 1 1 42 - 50

TOTAL 45 50 8 9 13 10 5 5 50

Prepared by:





Third Periodical Test
Mathematics VI

Name : ___________________________________ Date : ___________ Score : _________

Section : __________________________________ Teacher : ________________________

Directions : Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of the correct answer

on the space provided for.

______1. To write an integer to represent the loss of five kilograms is

a. – 5 kg b. + 5 kg c. ± 5 kg d. ≥ 5 kg
______2. The correct symbol to make the statement true is – 8 3 is

a. ≥ b. ≤ c. > d. <
______3. Which of the following is arranged from least to greatest?

a. – 14, - 7, - 2, 0, 7 c. 0, -14, - 7, - 2, 7
b. – 2, - 7. – 14, 0, 7 d. 0, - 2, - 7, -14, 7
______4. Rio walked 5 steps forward, 8 steps backward,3 steps forward and 9 steps backward. How

many steps is Rio from where he started?

a. 3 b. 19 c. 9 d. 6
______5. A submarine was situated 860 meters below the sea level. It ascends 72 meters. What is

the new position ?

a. 922 meters b. 788 meters c. 120 meters d. none of the above

______6. What are the two consecutive negative integers whose sum is – 21?
a. -9, -12 b. – 2, -19 c. -10, - 11 d. – 8, - 13
______7. What are the pair of numbers whose product is 64 and whose sum is 20?
a. 4 and 5 b. 8 and 12 c. 4 and 16 d. 7 and 13
______8. Kris gets on the elevator on the eleventh floor. The elevator goes down two floor and
stops. It then continue to go down four more floor where Kris got off. In what floor did he
get off the elevator?
a. 7th floor b. 6th floor c. 8th floor d. 5th floor
______9. RJ was able to save P 895.00 from his weekly allowance. If he wants to buy a
hand mobile phone for P 1050.00, how much more money does he still need?
a. P 155.00 b. P 255.00 c. P 1,155.00 d. P 55.00
______10. There were 15 rows of 50 chairs in an auditorium. Each chair was rented for
How much was paid for the rental?
a. P 65,000.00 b. P40,000.00 c.P30,000.00 d. P35,000
______11. Mr. Cruz went to market to buy some fruits and vegetable. He bought 5 apples at
P30.00 each and 3 cabbages at P 10. 00. He gave the vendor a 500 peso bill.
much change did he get?

a. P 460.00 b. P340.00 c. P370.00 d. P 380.00

______12. What is the final answer if apply the GMDAS rule in the operation 2 + ( 7 x 3 ) – 5
a. 24 b. 18 c. 16 d. 17
______13. To simplify 5 - ( 4 + 2 x 2 ) ÷ 10
the answer is
a. 4 b. 6 c. 2 d. 3
______14. A geometric figure with two circular bases that are congruent and parallel.
a. Rectangular prism c. cylinder
b. Cone d. sphere
______15. This geometric figure has two lateral faces that are all triangle and the base is
a. Trapezoid b. pyramid c. octagon d. rectangle
______16. It has a curved surface of point that are all of the same distance from the center.
a. Cone b. circle c. sphere d. cylinder
______17. A geometric figure with 8 vertices and 6 faces.
a. Pyramid b. cylinder c. rhombus d. rectangular prism

______18. A polyhedron whose base is a polygon and whose lateral faces are triangle.
a. Square pyramid c. triangular pyramid
b. Rectangular pyramid d. pentagonal pyramid

______19. How many square do you see ?

a. 7 c. 10

b. 8 d. 11

______20. The area of a parallelogram is 36 dm 2. If the base measures 9 dm, what is its height?

a. 45 dm b. 4 dm c. 27 dm d. 324 dm

______21. What kind of polygon is a five-pointed star?

a. decagon b. quadrilateral c. pentagon d. heptagon

______22. Which polygon is congruent to the polygon at the right?

a. b. c. d.

______23. What kind of triangle according to side is shown?

a. acute c. isosceles

b. obtuse d. scalene

______24. How many triangles at here in this figure

a. 12 c. 14

b. 13 d. 15

______25. A cube has many nets

‘ a. 8 c. 12

b. 6 d. 4
______26.-27 The number sequence 6, 13, 20, 27, 35, 42 and 49 has an interval of

a. b. 6 c. 5 d. 7
______27. The sum of the sequence in number 27 is

a. 182 b. 172 c. 162 d. 192

______28 – 29 . Complete the pattern in 7,12, 22 ______,57, 82 ______.

a. 15 b. 37 c. 25 d. 42
______29 The next number in the series is

a. 97 b. 112 c. 100 d. 102

______30. What is the sum of the first 10 odd numbers less than 25?

a. 24 b. 50 c. 120 d. 110
______31. What is the sum of the even two-digit numbers from 10 to 50?

a. 500 b. 530 c. 500 d. 630

______32. A number increased by 4 is

a. 2x + 4 b. x + 4 c. 2a + 4 d. x >4
______33. The sum of a number and eight divided by 6 is

a. 8x b. x + 8 c 2x + 8 d. 4 (b + 82 )
6 6 6 6

______34. The product of x and 3 is

a. 3 + x b. 3x c. 2x + 3 d. 3/x
______35. In the algebraic expression 4x + 3y + 2z, which are the variables?
a. 4x + 3y + 2z b.4x, 3y, 2z c.4, 3, 2 d. x, y, z
______36. A mathematical phrase that uses variable, numerals and operation symbols
a. Algebraic expression c. variables
b. Algebraic equation d. exponential notation
______37. IS any letter or symbol that represents a number.
a. Constant c. algebraic expression
b. Variable d. exponent

______38. To translate an algebraic equation: the sum of a number and five is twelve..
a. 2a + 5 = 12 c. 5a = 12
b. A + 5 = 12 d. none of the above
______39. To translate into an algebraic equation twice a number decreased by six is equal to 16.
a. 2b + 6 = 16 c. 2a – 6 = 16
b. 6 – 2a = 16 d. 6 + 2b = 16
______40. Aling Maring, when asked about her age, replies, “I am six years older than twice the age
of my youngest child” .Express her age in algebraic equation if her age is 60.
a. 2x + 6 = 60 c. 6 - 2x = 60
b. 2a > 6 = 60 d, 2a < 6 = 60
______41. If four times a number is added to nine the result is forty nine.
a. 4m = 9 + 49 c. 4 ( m + 9 ) = 49
b. 4m + 9 = 49 d. 9 ( 4 + m ) = 49
______42. It measures the distance traveled in a given period of time and it sometimes referred to as
the ratio of distance and time.
a. Rate b. velocity c. speed d. time
______43. Roy drives an average of 45mph on a journey of 135 miles. How does the journey take?
The problem asked for.
a. The number of hours the journey takes
b. The distance traveled
c. The average speed of the journey
d. How exciting the journey is.
For nos. 44-45 Daniel can type 840 words in in 20 minutes. Calculate his typing speed in
______44. In words
a. 16, 800 words per minute c. 42 words per minute
b. 420 words per minute d. 168 words per minute
______45. In hour we have 60 minutes, how many word per hour,
a. 2520 words per hour c. 10080 words per hour
b. 25200 per hour d. 100800 words per hour
______46. The bus travels 450 km in 9 hours. What is the speed of the bus?

a. 50 km/hr b. 60 km/hr c.. 70 km/hr d. 80 km/hr

______47.Dennis drove his car at an average speed of 80km per hour for a total distance of 440km.
How long did he travel to cover this distance?
a. 0.18 hr b. 0.5 hr c. 5.5 hour d. 10 hr
______48.The distance of the school from your house is 240 meters. It takes 80 minutes by walking

to reach the school. What is your average speed?

a. 2 m/min b. 3 m/min c 4 m/min d. 6 m/min

______49. Marvin took a 5 – hour bicycle trip. In all, he traveled 120 kilometers. What was his

average rate of speed?

a. 600 km/hr b. 24 km/hr c. 9.6 km/hr d. 8km/hr

______50. If a car travels 200 kilometers in 8 hours. What is the average speed

a. 40 km/h b. 25 km/hr c. 92 km/hr d. 1600km/hr


Prepared by:


Key to Correction

1. A 16. C 31. D 46. a

2. C 17. D. 32. B 47. c
3. A 18. C 33. B 48. b
4. C 19. D 34. B 49. b
5. B 20. B 35. D 50. b
6. C 21. C 36. a
7. C 22. B 37. b
8. D 23. A 38. b
9. A 24. C 39. c
10. C 25. B 40. a
11. B 26. D 41. b
12. B 27. D 42. a
13. D 28. B 43. a
14. C 29. B 44. c
15. B 30. C 45. a
Ikatlong Markahan


Learning Competencies Item
No. of No. of 60 % 30% 10% Placement
Taught Items
Rem Und. App. Ana. Eval Cre.

I – Nasusuri ang mga

pangyayari sa ating bansa 8 11 3 3 1 2 1 1 1-11
II- Nasusuri ang mga
pangunahing suliranin at 6 8 2 1 2 2 1 12-19
hamon sa kasarinlan
pagkatapos ng Ikalawang
Digmaang Pandaigdig
III- Nasusuri ang iba’t
ibang reaksyon ng mga
Pilipino sa mga epekto sa 5 7 2 2 1 2 20 -26
pagsasarili ng bansa na
ipinapahayag ng ilang di-
pantay na kasunduan
tulad ng Philippine
Rehabilitation Act,
parity rights at
Kasunduang Base
IV - Napahahalagahan
ang pamamahala ng mga 4 5 1 2 1 1 27 -31
naging pangulo ng bansa
mula 1946 hanggang

V- Naiuugnay ang mga

suliranin, isyu at hamon 13 17 5 2 3 3 2 2 32-48
ng kasarinlan noong
panahon ng Ikatlong
Republika sa kasalukuyan
na nakakahadlang ng pag-
unlad ng bansa

VI -Nakapagbibigay ng
sariling pananaw 49 - 60
tungkol samga 9 12 3 3 1 3 1 1
pagtugon ng mga
Pilipino sa patuloy na
mga suliranin, isyu at
hamon ng kasarinlan
sa kasalukuyan.

TOTAL 45 60 15 10 11 12 8 4


Pangalan : ________________________________ Petsa : ________________ Score : _________
Pangkat : _______________________________ Guro : _________________________________

I - Basahing mabuti ang bawat pangungusap o parirala at bilugan ang titik ng tamang sagot.

1. Ang labanan sa Marawi o Ang Krisis sa Marawi sa pagitan ng puwersa ng pamahalaan at ng

Islamikong Estado ng Irak at ang Levant ay inabot ng ______ na buwan.
a. Lima b. Apat c. Tatlo d. Anim
2. Ang mga namuno sa mga kalabang pwersa ng pamahalaan sa Marawi ay sina_______.
a. Aemir Habilon at Omar Maute c. Amir Hapilon at Omar Maute
b. Isnilon Hapilon at Omar Maute d. Abdul Hapilon at Hadj Maute
3. Ang nagwagi sa ginanap na patimpalak ng kagandan at kagalingan sa Planet Hollywood
ng Las Vegas ay si ____________ ng South Africa.
a. Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters c.Iris Mittenaere
b. Rachelle Peters d. Sofia del Prado
4. Ang taunang pagdiriwang ng “Miss Universe Pageant” na ginanap sa Planet Hollywood, Nevada
ay dinaluhan ng naggagandahang kandidata buhat sa ibat-ibang panig ng mundo ay pang ilan na?
a. 86 b. 66 c. 56 d. 76
5. Siya ang naumuno sa Communist Party of the Philippines- New Peoples Army.
a. Benito Tiamzon c. Luis Jalandoni
b. Jose Maria Sison d. Jose Rogelio Rosal Sison
6. Ang namumuno sa Pambansang Kawanihan ng Pagsisiyasat ay si _____________.
a. Dante Gierran c. Vitaliano Aguirre II
b. Virgilio Mendez d. Nonattus Rojas
7. Ang “31st Association of South East Asia Nation Summit” na ginanap dito sa ating bansa ay
pinamunuan ni ____________________.
a. Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte c. Pres. Tran Dai Quang
b. Prime Minister Najib Razak d. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah
8. Ang tinanghal na Miss Earth 2017 noong November 4, 2017 na “ back to back win” ng
Pilipinas para sa Hispana-Americana ay si ________________.
a. Karen Ibasco c. Maria Teresita de Leon
b. Mary Eve Adeline Escoto d. Teresita Ssen “Winwyn” Marquez
a. Tsai lng-wen c. Xi Jinping
b. Prayut Chan-o-cha d. Hun Sen
9. Ang Kalihim ng Edukasyon ay si _______________.
a. Bro. Armin Luistro c. Leonor Magtolis Briones
b. Lourdes Quisumbing d. Armand Fabella
10. Ang Kalihim ng pananalapi sa ilalim ng kasalukuyang administrasyon ay si_____
a. Butch Abad c. Carlos Dominguez III
b. Benjamin E. Diokno d. Mark Villar
11. Alin sa sumusunod ang hindi pangunahing suliranin ng Ikatlong Republika?
a. Pagbagsak ng ekonomiya c. paglaganap ng mga sakit
b. Paglobo ng populasyon d. pagtigil ng paggawa
12. Ano ang wikang ginamit sa pagtuturo sa mga paaralan noong panahon ng mga Amerikano?
a. Ingles b. Tagalog c. Pilipino d. Espanyol
13. Alin sa sumusunod ang bagong uri ng sasakyang dinala ng Estados Unidos sa Pilipinas?
a. Kotse b. Van c. Jeep d. bus
14. Ano ang pamahalaang unang itinatag ng Estados Unidos sa Pilipinas?
a. Militar b. sibil c. makasarili d. demodkratiko
15. Anong batas pangkalayaan ang unang ipinagkaloob ng mga Amerikano sa mga Pilipino?
a. Hawes Cutting c. Jones
b. Tydings-Mcduffie d. wood-Forbes
16. Sino ang pangulo ng Estados Unidos na nagpahayag ng kalayaan ng Pilipinas?
a. Jonathan wainwright c. Harry s. Truman
b. Douglas McArthur d. Paul MacNutt

18- 21. Tukuyin kung anong karapatan ang binabanggit sa mga sumusunod na pahayag. Piliin
ang letra ng tamang sagot sa ibaba. Isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot
A. Karapatan sa kalayaan
B. Pantay na Pribilehiyo
C. Karapatan sa pagmamay-ari
D. Karapatang makipag-ugnayan
E. Karapatan sa saklaw na kapangyarihan
17. ______. Sa batas pandaigdig, ang bawat estado ay may pantay na karapatan ,tungkulin at
pribilehiyo anuman ang kanilang laki, yaman at kulturang mayroon.
18. ______Karapatan ng bawat estado ng pamahalaan ang sarili ng hindi pinakikialaman ng ibang
19. ______ Karapatan ng estadong gumawa at ipatupad ang mga batas at kautusan sa kanyang
20. ______Ang pagpapadala ng mga diplomat sa ibang bansa at pagtanggap din ng mga embahada
nito sa ating bansa ay karapatan ng bansang ______.
21. ______ Ang mga likas na yaman ng bansa at iba pang nasa teritoryo nito ay bahagi rin ng
karapatan ng bansa sa ________.
22. Ano ang kahulugan ng soberanya?
a. pagkamatapat b. kayamanan c. kapangyarihan d. katungkulan
23. Kailan natamo ang ating kalayaang ganap na kinikilala ng mga bansa?
a. Disyembre 10, 1898 c. Hunyo 12, 1898
b. Hulyo 4, 1946 d. Setyembre 21, 1972
24. Anu-ano ang inilalarawan sa tatak ng bansang Pilipinas?
a. leon b. agila c. araw at tatlong bituin d. lahat ng nabanggit
25. Ano ang kumakatawan sa tatlong bituin?
a. Luzon b. Visayas c. Mindanao d. lahat ng nabanggit
26. Ano ang katangian ng bansang nagsasarili tulad ng Pilipinas?
a. palagian at walang taning na panahon c. pansarili at lubos
b. malawak na saklaw d. lahat ng nabanggi
27. Kailan masasabi na ang isang bansa ay malaya
a. may kalayaang kinikilala ng ibang bansa
b. isang ganap na malaya
c. may kapangyarihan mamamahala sa nasasakupan
d. lahat ng nabanggit
28. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng soberanyang panloob?
a. pakikialam sa suliranin sa Tsina c. pag-alis sa bansa
b. pagpapatupad sa sariling batas d. pag-angkin sa teritoryo ng karatig bansa
30. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang nagpapakita ng soberanyang panlabas?
a. tumutukoy sa kasarinlan ng bansa
b. itinataguyod o isinusulong ang lahat ng gawain sa bansa nang walang pagsakop o
pamamahala ng ibang bansa
c. ang mamamayan ng bansang estado ang nagpapalakad ng pamahalaan
d. wala sa nabanggit
31 Ano ang sumasagisag sa Leon?
a. ipinapakita nito ang impluwensiya ng Espanyol?
b. ipinapakita nito ang impluwensiya ng Estados Unidos?
c. sagisag ito ng mataas ng mithiin ng mga Pilipino na maging isang malayang bansa.
d. may sariling pamahalaan sapagkat malaya na ito at may soberanya
32. Sino ang maaaring magtanggol sa ating bansa sa oras ng digmaan?
a. mga piling mamamayan c. mga pinuno sa pamahalaan
b. lahat ng Pilipino d. mga mamamayang may 21 taong gulang
33. Aling ahensiya ng pamahalaan ang may pangunahing tungkulin sa pagtatanggol ng ating
a. ROTC c. Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas
b. Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas d. Kagawarang Panlakas
34. Sila ang may nakaatang na tungkuling ipagtanggol ang estado kung hinihingi ng pagkakataon.
a. mga estudyante c. mga kalalakihan
b. mga sundalo d. mga mamamayan
35. Kasunduang nilagdaan ng Pilipinas at ng Amerika na nagpahintulot sa pagtayo ng base –militar
ng Estados Unidos sa Pilipinas.
a. Military –Base agreement c. Military Assistance Agreement
b. Philippine Trade Act d. Payne Aldrich act
36. Sinong pangulo ang lumagda at nagbigay higit kapangyarihan sa mga Amerikano sa paglagda
Ng Military-Base Agreement sa Amerika?
a. Rodrigo R. Duterte c. Manuel Roxas
b. Cory Aquino d. Elpidio R Querino
37. Saan matatagpuan ang pamhimpapawid na Base-Militar ng mga Amerikano sa Pilipinas?
a. Baguio City c Clark Pampanga
b. Pasay City d. Sangley Point
38. Paano nakaapekto sa buhay ng mga Pilipino ang pagkakaroon ng Base-Militar ng Amerika sa
I. Naging mayaman ang mga mamayang Pilipino dahil sa dolyar na dinadala dito.
II. Karamihan sa mga Pilipinong nakatira sa malapit sa base ay nagkaroon ng
III. Napaunlad ang kakayahan sa pakikipaglaban ng Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas.
IV. Nakapag-asawa ang mga Pilipina ng mga sundalong
a. I ay tama c. II, III, at IV
b. II at III d. II at IV
39. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang DI- magandang epekto ng pagkakaroon ng Military Agreement sa
a. Maraming Pilipinong sundalo ang naiangat ang kaalaman sa pakikipaglaban.
b. Nabigyan ng maraming sandata ang Hukbong Sandatahan ng Pilipinas
c. Nasasali tayo sa mga usaping panseguridad sa loob at labas ng bansa na
may kaugnayan sa Amerikano
d.Naging mahusay an gang mga Pilipinong mandirigma
40. Anong patakaran ang tinutukoy ang ipinasa sa Kongreso ng Estados Unidos upang maglaan ng
pondo bilang bayad-pinsala sa mga nawasak sa Pilipinas?
a. Rehabilitation act c. Bell Trade act
b. Parity Rights d. Military Bases agreement
41. Anong soberanyang panlabas ang idinadaan sa halalan ang pagpili ng pinuno?
a. Pulitikal b. legal c. popular d. de facto
42. Anong ang tawag sa karapatan ng bawat estado na pangasiwaan o pamahalaan ang sarili?
a. Kalayaan c. pantay na pribileheyo
b. Pagmamay-ari d, kapangyarihan
43. Kaninong liderato ang nagnais solusyunan kung paano muling ibabangon ang mga nasira ng
a. Roxas b. Quiriino c. Magsaysay d. Garcia
44. Sa kaninong pamunuan itinatag ang Rehabilitation Finance Corporation?
a, Roxas b. Quirino c. Garcia d. Macapagal
45. Si Pangulong Manuel Roxas ang unang pangulo ng Ikatlong Republika.
a. Tama b . Mali c. di seruradong A d. wala
46. Sino ang nagpahayag ng Batas Militar noong Setyembre 23, 1972?
a. Pang. Ferdinand E. Marcos c. Pang. Diosdado Macapagal
b. Pang. Corazon C. Aquino d. Pang. Fidel V. Ramos
47. Sino ang ipinalalagay na pinakatanyag na personalidad na kumalaban sa rehimeng Marcos?
a. Ninoy Aquino c. Juan Ponce Enrile
b. Jovito salonga d. Jose Diokno
48. Dahil dito nagkaroon ng snap election noong Pebrero 7,1986 kung saan si Pangulong Marcos ay
muling nahalal. Ngunit ayon sa mga Pilipino ay puno ito ng pandaraya.
a. Tama b. Mali c. di-tiyak d. May=agam-agam
49. Sino ang pinaslang sa tarmak ng Manila International Airport na naging mitsa ng pagtindi ng galit
ng mga Pilipino sa rehimeng Marcos?
a. Heneral Fabian C. Ver c. Corazon C. Aquino
b. Juan Ponce Enrile d. Ninoy Aquino
50. Sa kaninong panunungkulan nabuo ang isang probisyonal na Saligang Batas na niratipikahan ng
mamamayang Pilipino?
a. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo c. Joseph Ejercito Estrada
b. Fidel V. Ramos d. Corazon C. Aquino
51. Aling Saligang Batas ang nagbigay-pahintulot kay Marcos upang ideklara ang Batas Militar?
a. Saligang Batas ng 1935 c. Saligang Batas ng 1973
b. Saligang Batas ng 1986 d. Freedom Constitution
52. Anong katiwalian ang nabunyag sa publiko noong 2013?
53. Ang taong may magandang edukasyon ay nakatutulong upang mapabuti ang kalagayan ng
pamayanang kanyang kinabibilangan at ng bansa sa kabuuan.
a. Alagaan ang sarili c. Palawakin ang kaalaman
b. Tangkilikin ang sariliong produkto d. Maging matalinong mamimili
54. Ang unang pangulo ng Ikatlong Republika ng Pilipinas:
a. Manuel L Quezon c. Manuel Roxas
b. Sergio Osmeña d. Jose P. Laurel
55. Naganap noong Hulyo 4, 1946:
a. Ipinahayag ng mga Amerikano ang kalayaan ng Pilipinas.
b. Ipinahayag ang kalayaan ng Amerika.
c. Naganap ang huling halalan sa ilalim ng Komonwelt.
d. Ipinahayag ni McArthur ang pagtatatag muli ng Pamahalaang Komonwelt sa
56. Nilalaman ng Treaty of General Relations:
a. Binawi at isinuko ng Amerika ang lahat ng pag-aari, pangangasiwa,pananakupan, at
kapangyarihan sa buong kapuluan ng Pilipinas maliban sa mga base militar nila sa
b. Pagkakaloob ng Amerika ng $20 M bilang tulong sa Pilipinas upang magamit sa
pagtatayong muli ng kabuhayan ng bansa.
c. Magpapadala ng tulong teknikal ang Amerika sa bansa.
d. Ipatutupad ang malayang kalakalan sa pagitan ng Pilipinas at Amerika.
57. Ang pangunahing suliraning pangkapayapaan ng administrasyong Quirino:
a. Gerilya b. Huk c. Militarisasyon d. Terorismo
58. Ang lahat ay naganap sa administrasyong Quirino maliban dito:
a. PACSA b. ACCFA c. RFC d. Kasunduang Quirino-Foster
59. Ang nakatulong nang lubos upang mapasuko ang mga Huk.
a. Ramon Magsaysay c. Carlos P. Garcia
b. Elpidio Quirino d. Diosdado Macapagal
60. Ang samahang naitatag matapos ang Manila International Conference noong 1954:

To God Be the Glory…!!

Happy New Year

Prepared by
Ariel F. Dela Cruz

Key To Corrections
1.A 16.C 31. A 46. A
2.B 17. C 32. B 47. A
3. A 18. B 33. B 48. A
4.B 19. A 34. D 49. D
5.B 20. E 35. A 50. D
6.A 21. D 36. C 51. C
7.A 22. C 37. C 52. B
8.A 23. C 38. C 53. C
9.A 24. B 39. B 54. A
10. C 25. D 40. A 55. A
11. C 26. D 41. B 56. C
12. B 27. A 42. A 57. B
13. A 28. D 43. A 58. C
14. A 29. B 44. B 59. A
15. A 30. A 45. A 60. D
Third Periodical Test in English 6
Table of Specification
Objectives/Contents No. of Days No. of Percent Item
Taught Items (%) Placement
1. Note significant details (EN6LC-IIIa-2.2) 4 4 8 1-4
2. Distinguish text-types according to purpose and 5 5 10 5-9
language features;
- Time-order (sequence, recounts, process)
- Comparison and contrast (EN6RC-IIIa-c-3.2.8,
3.2.9, 3.2.7))
2. Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, 5 5 10 10-14
thesaurus, on-line resources (EN6V-IIIa-b-
4. Organize information from secondary sources in 5 5 10 15-19
preparation for writing, reporting and similar
academic tasks in collaboration with others
5. Use particular kind of sentence for a specific 10 10 20 20-29
purpose and audience;
-Asking permission
-Responding to questions
- Making requests
- Following and giving directions
-Expressing opinions
(EN6SS-IIIa-f-1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1.8.10,
6. Identify real or make-believe , fact or non-fact 5 5 10 30-34
images (EN6VC-IIIa-b-6.1, 6.2)
7. Infer meaning of borrowed words using; 10 10 20 35-44
- Context clues
- Affixes and roots
- Other strategies
- Prefix
(EN6V-IIIc-j-12.4. 1.3)
8. Revise writing for clarity; 6 6 12 45-50
- Correct spelling
- Appropriate punctuation marks
- Transition signal
(EN6WC-IIIc-1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3)
Total 50 50 100 50
Third Periodical Test in English 6

I. Directions: Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
The Wind and the Sun
The wind and the sun once had a dispute over which was the stronger of the two. They saw a traveller
coming down the road. And Sun said, “Here is our chance to prove who is right. Whichever of us can make that man took
off his coat shall be declared the winner.”
“Agreed,” wind said.
“And just to prove to you how sure I am of my strength,” Sun said, “I will let you have the first chance.”
So Sun hid behind a cloud and Wind blew and blew until it became cold and the traveller wrapped his
coat tighter around him. The harder Wind blew, the tighter the man held on to his flopping coat and hat. At last the Wind
gave up in disgust. The Sun came out from his hiding place and began to shine down upon the traveller. The traveller felt
the sun’s warmth, and as the sun shone brighter, the man grew warmer and warmer. He began to loosen his coat. Finally,
he was forced to take off his hat, his coat and his shirt. He sat down under the shade of the tree and began to fan himself
with his hat.
“See?” Sun said in triumph.
Wind sadly bowed his head and moved away greatly ashamed.
1. What did the Sun and Wind want to find out?
A. They wanted to find out who is taller of the two.
B. They wanted to find out who is stronger of the two.
C. They wanted to find out who is smarter of the two.
D. They wanted to find out who is more handsome of the two.
2. How did they resolve their dispute?
A. They tested the police on the road.
B. They tested the driver on the road.
C. They tested the enforcer on the road.
D. They tested the traveler on the road.
3. Who took the first chance to prove he was strong?
A. The Wind
B. The Sun
C. The Man
D. The Traveler
4. What did the traveller took off when Sun Shone brighter?
A. His coat, his shirt and his hat
B. His shirt, his bag and his shoes
C. His shoes, his coat and his hat
D. His bag, his shoes and his coat

II. Directions: Arrange the events in order as they happen in the selection. Number the blanks 1 to 5.

5. ______ A traveller came down the road.

6. ______ Sun and Wind wanted to prove who was stronger.
7. ______ Sun hid behind a cloud as the wind started to blow hard.
8. ______ The man sat down under the tree and fanned himself with his hat.
9. ______ The man gripped on his coat more tightly.
III. Directions: The following words are used in the story. Circle the letter of the meaning that corresponds to how they
are used in the story.

10. Right A. opposite of left B. correct

11. Coat A. a clothing garment B. to cover
12. Shine A. to polish B. to emit light
13. Fan A. an avid follower B. to blow on something
14. Shade A. color B. some place covered
IV. Directions: Read the following scenarios. Write P on the blank if it implies primary source and S if it is Secondary.
15. ______ I was watching a sports channel and one of the reporters said he had heard good reviews about a new
sport movie. When he talks about the movie, what is he?
16. ______ My cousins and I found an old wedding dress in our attic. Dad said it belonged to my grandmother. What
is the dress?
17. ______ My aunt has CDs of my grandparents telling stories about when they were kids. We love to listen to these
at family reunions. What are we listening to?
18. ______ My sister has modified mom’s mango float recipe. Last Saturday, both my mom and my sister prepared
the dessert and asked for the family members’ verdict. It was fun! What is my sister’s modified recipe?
19. ______ Adelle likes to read magazines. She looks forward to articles written by others about K-Pop stars. What is
Adelle reading?

V. Directions: Identify the following sentences. Write the letter that correspond to its kind in each blank.

A. Asking permission
B. Responding to question
C. Making request
D. Giving and following directions
E. Expressing opinions/emotions
20. ______ Just watch me.
21. ______ What you say is true. But there are some things you cannot do.
22. ______ Give us a test.
23. ______ Will you forgive me?
24. ______ Would you mind my giving you a piece of advice?
25. ______ “Oh, that’s nothing!”
26. ______ May I be excused for dinner tonight?
27. ______ Clean up all these mess.
28. ______ Yes, we are already here. And you are late.
29. ______ Can you please give me a week to finish this?

VI. Directions: Write F on the blank if the statement gives factual image. Write NF if it is a non-fact image.

30. ______ Trees are useful to man.

31. ______ Trees talk and brag about their strengths.
32. ______ Wind blows hard when provoked by others.
33. ______ Trees feel embarrassed.
34. ______ Trees can be uprooted due to several reasons.

VII. A. Directions: Match the borrowed words in the box with the appropriate pictures.

Vulture loofah guacamole

Mammoth moccasins shack





B. Directions: Give the meaning of the underlined words either through context clues or root-affix clues. Choose your
answer from the box below.

40. The Mongol warrior went out with his troops to hunt. ____________________

41. They set up an encampment in the middle of the forest. ___________________

42. The warrior was thirsty and felt happy when he saw a thread of water flowing from a rock. ____________________

43. The warrior’s bird plucked his cup of water, spilling it on the ground. ________________

44. He did not want anyone think that he was not capable of taming a plain bird. __________________
-groups of soldier
-to take away by force
-a slender stream
-the place where a group of people are camping

VIII. A. Directions: Circle the word that best complete each sentence.

45. She believes she is just a (plain, plane) school girl.

46. Which (face, phase) of the moon represent this?

47. Businessmen work hard to earn their (prophet, profit).

B. Rearrange the word to form a meaningful exclamatory sentence. Punctuate the sentence you have formed

48. world dog you best the are in the

49. my out of stay room told I you to

50. there spider under yikes is creepy bed your a


Prepared by:



English Key Administrator
Key to Correction

Third Periodical Test in English 6

1. B 26. A
2. D 27. D
3. A 28. B
4. A 29. A
5. 2 30. F
6. 1 31. NF
7. 3 32. NF
8. 5 33. NF
9. 4 34. F
10. B 35. moccasins
11. A 36. shack
12. B 37. mammoth
13. B 38. guacamole
14. B 39. vulture
15. S 40. –groups of soldier
16. P 41. The place where group of people are
17. P 42. –a slender stream
18. S 43. -to take away by force
19. S 44. -domesticating
20. D 45.plain
21. E 46.phase
22. C 47. profit
23. C 48. You are the best dog in the world!
24. A 49. I told you to stay out of my room!
25. E 50. Yikes! There is a creepy spider under your


Code of Learning No. of No. % of ITEM PLACEMENT AS PER COGNITIVE

Learning Competencies as Days of Item PROCESSES
Competencie per Curriculum Taught Items s
s (as per CG) Guide REM UND APP AN EVAL CREA

1.Infer how friction

and gravity affect
S6FE-IIIa-c-1 movements of
different objects

Infer why an object

moving along a
surface eventually
slows down and 2 3 5% 2-4

Describe what
friction is and its
kinds 1 1 2.5% 1

Investigate factors
affecting frictional
force 1 1 2.5% 47

Describe how
friction affects the
movement of an 1 1 2.5% 5

Identify the
desirable and
undesirable effects
of friction to object
and people
1 1 2.5% 6

Make an
advertisement to
demonstrate road 2 3 5% 48-50

Infer how gravity

affects movements
of objects and
people 1 1 2.5% 7

Describe how the

motion of an object
is affected by
gravity 1 1 2.5% 8

Infer the effects of

gravity on objects
and people 1 1 2.5% 9

Show the external

conditions affect
the movement of 1 1 2.5% 10
objects and people

Cite practical
benefits and
applications of 2 3 5% 11 12-
gravity 13

2. Demonstrate
how sound, heat ,
light and electricity
can be

Identify forms of
energy (sound,
heat, light and 1 1 2.5% 14

Describe how
sound energy is
produced 1 1 2.5% 15

Describe how heat 1 1 2.5% 16

is produced

Describe how light

energy is produced
1 1 2.5% 17

Describe how
electrical energy is
produced 1 1 2.5% 18

Infer that energy

can be
transformed from 1 1 2.5% 19
one form to

Demonstrate how
heat can be
transformed into 1 1 2.5% 20
light energy

Demonstrate how
electricity can be
transformed into 1 1 2.5% 21
light to heat

Demonstrate how
light energy can be
transformed into 1 1 2.5% 22

Demonstrate how
electrical energy
can be
transformed into 1 1 2.5% 23
sound energy

Demonstrate how
electrical energy
can be
transformed into 1 1 2.5% 24

Infer how electricity

can be
transformed into 2 3 5% 27 25 26
sound to heat

3. Manipulate
simple machines to
S6FE-IIIg-i-3 describe their
characteristics and

Describe what a
machine does and
give its function 2 3 5% 28-

Identify the
different kinds of
simple machines 1 1 2.5% 31

Describe the
characteristics and
functions of a lever
1 1 2.5% 32

Describe the
characteristics and
functions of
inclined plane 1 1 2.5% 33

Describe the
characteristics and
function of a
wedge 1 1 2.5% 34

Describe the
characteristics and
functions of a
screw 1 1 2.5% 35
Describe the
characteristics and
functions of a
pulley 1 1 2.5% 36

Identify the types 1 2 2.5% 37-

of pulley 38

Describe the
characteristics and
function of wheel 1 2 2.5% 39 40
and axle

Demonstrate the
uses of wheel and
axle 1 2 2.5% 41 42

4. Demonstrate the
practical and safe
S6FE-IIIc-j-4 uses of simple

measures using 1 2 2.5% 44 43
simple machines

Demonstrate the
practical and safe
uses of simple 1 2 2.5% 45-
machines 46

TOTAL 40 50 100% 18 15 7 6 1 3

Rem-Remembering Ana-Analyzing
Und-Understanding Eval-Evaluating Prepared:
App-Applying Crea-Creating NEMESIA L.MARALIT
Teacher Adviser-Science 6

Verified: Checked:
Principal I Education Program Supervisor, Science

Name: ____________________________________________Score: _________________________

Section: ________________________Date______________ Parent’s Signature ________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully then circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements best describes friction?

A. It is a force that occurs between solids.
B. It is a force that occurs only on rough surfaces
C. It is a force that occurs between solids and liquids.
D. It is a force that occurs when surfaces touch each other.

2. Why can’t a ball roll continuously on a rough surface?

A. The rough surface is not made for balls to roll.
B. The force which enables the ball to move is released.
C. The rough texture of the surface blocks the movement of the ball.
D. The rough texture of the surface permits the movement of the ball.

3. What eventually happens to a moving object when it moves along a surface?

A. It will continuously move.
B. It will stop immediately.
C. It will eventually slow down and stop.
D. It will move either to the right or left side and stop.

4. Which moves fastest on a flat surface?

A. Ball C. Block of wood
B. Wooden box D. Sheet of paper

5. A bicycle moves faster on a cemented road than on a bumpy road. Why?

A. Friction is greater on a cemented road.
B. Friction is lesser on a cemented road.
C. There is no friction on a cemented road.
D. The bicycle can roll only on a cemented road.

6. Which shows that friction is undesirable?

A. Pushing furniture. C. Walking on wet floors.
B. Lighting a matchstick. D. Approaching a stoplight.

7. Why does a car travel faster in going down than in going up?
A. It is moving against gravity.
B. It is being pushed by the wind.
C. It is moving toward gravity.
D. It is being pulled by the weight of the car.

8. Why is it difficult to climb up the stairs rather than to go down the stairs?
A. You go with gravity. C. You move upward.
B. You are against gravity. D. You move downward.

9. Which of these will feel the biggest gravitational pull on earth?

A. A 1000-kg elephant C. A 100-kg boxer
B. A 100-g mouse D. A 10-kg bicycle

10. A baseball and a sheet of paper are dropped at the same time from the same height. What will
occur if there is no air resistance?
A. The baseball will land first.
B. The paper will float slowly through the air.
C. The baseball will float slowly through the air.
D. The baseball and the paper will land at the same time.

11. Why did a ball thrown to the air fall back to the ground?
A. Gravity caused the ball to fall.
B. Air caused the ball to fall on the ground.
C. Acceleration caused the ball to move fast.
D. The weight of the ball made it move faster.

12. The group hung four notebooks of the same kind in a spring balance. The spring scale is pulled
downward and readings are recorded.

Notebooks Distance Pulled Spring Scale Reading

1 1 cm 3N
2 1.5 cm 6N
3 2.0 cm 9N
4 2.5 cm 12 N

If the spring is pulled 3.5 centimeters, what would be the spring scale reading?
A. 15 N B. 16 N C. 17 N D. 18 N

13. If the distance between two bodies is doubled, the gravitational force between them is _____.
A. Increased by 2 C. Increased by 4
B. Increased by 3 D. Increased by 5

14. What form of energy is produced by plucking the strings of a guitar?

A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy

15. The energy produced by vibrating object is _____.

A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy

16. When food or liquids become hot, their molecules absorb energy, begin vibrating rapidly, and
start to bounce off of each other. As they collide, energy is produced and transferred, which warms
and cooks our food. What form of energy is described?
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy

17. If we burn a sheet of paper, energy is given off which we see as a flame or describe as a _____.
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy

18. When heat is released from fuel and boils the water to make steam, it turns the turbine which
turns the generator. This will produce _____.
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy

19. Which energy transformation occurs in an electric iron?

A. Heat to Light C. Heat to Electricity
B. Light to Heat D. Electricity to Heat

20. Rubbing two pieces of wood together can produce heat and later turn into another form of
A. Sound Energy C. Light Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Electrical Energy
21. Many appliances you use every day change electrical energy into other forms. When you use a
toaster to toast bread, electrical energy is changed to _____ and _____.
A. Heat and Sound C. Heat and Light
B. Light and Sound D. Heat and Nuclear

22. When you lighted a lamp or candle, the chemical energy of the lamp is changed into light energy,
and at the same time it can produce _____.
A. Heat B. Sound C. Electricity D. Chemical

23. When you plugged a transistor radio in an electrical outlet and switch on the power button,
automatically the electrical energy is turned to ____.
A. Heat Energy C. Light Energy
B. Sound Energy D. Radiant Energy

24. If you use some appliances, you observe that after few minutes, electrical energy is always
produced ____.
A. Light Energy C. Sound Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Mechanical

25. When we turn on the television, electrical energy changes into light and ____.
A. Sound B. Heat and Sound C. Heat and Light D. Heat and Chemical

26. When we talk on the cellular phones, the speaker of the phone on the other end changes the
electrical energy/ electromagnetic waves back into_____.
A. Heat Energy C. Sound Energy
B. Light Energy D. Electrical Energy

27.In using door bells and buzzers , electrical energy is transformed to _____,
A. Sound Energy C. Electrical Energy
B. Heat Energy D. Chemical Energy

28. Which is not a function of a simple machine?

A. Makes doing work easier C. Makes work longer and difficult
B. Changing direction of a force D. Increases the distance over which a force can be applied

29. Which simple machine consists of sloping surface that reduces the amount of force needed to lift
A. Lever C. Wheel and Axle
B. Pulley D. Inclined Plane

30. It is any rigid bar that is free to rotate about its axis or fulcrum.
A. Pulley B. Lever C. Wedge D. Inclined Plane

31. What simple machine is shown in the picture?

A. Lever
B. Pulley
c. Wedge
D. Screw

32. Which simple machine allows you to gain mechanical advantage in moving object or in applying
a force to an object?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw

33. This simple machine is considered as one of the six classical simple machines which is used as
an aid for raising and lowering a load.
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Inclined Plane
34. Which simple machine can be used to separate two objects or portions of an object or hold an
object in place?
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw

35. Which simple machine retains or holds things together?

A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw

36. Which simple machine is used in a variety of ways to lift loads, apply forces, and to transmit
A. Lever B. Pulley C. Wedge D. Screw

37. Which type of pulley allows you to raise the flag?

A. Fixed Pulley C. Block and Tackle Pulley
B. Movable Pulley D. Both Fixed and Movable Pulley

38. Which type of pulley doubles your effort but it does not change the direction of your force?
A. Fixed Pulley C. Block and Tackle Pulley
B. Movable Pulley D. Both Fixed and Movable Pulley

39. Which simple machine has a mechanical advantage that is computed as the ratio of the
resistance to the effort?
A. Wheel and Axle C. Wedge
B. Pulley D. Screw

40. Which does not belong to the group?

A. Crank of a paper sharpener C. Door Knob
B. Meat Grinder D. Spoon

41. In the earliest time this simple machine was probably used for raising weights or water buckets
from wells.
A. Wheel and Axle C. Wedge
B. Pulley D. Screw

42. Which of the following is NOT the function of wheel and axle?
A. It multiplies force if the effort is applied at the wheel
B. It multiplies force if the resistance is applied at the axle.
C. It multiplies distance or speed if the effort and resistance are applied the other way around.
D. It multiplies force if the resistance is applied at the wheel and the effort is applied at the

43. The following show proper precautionary measures in using simple machines EXCEPT ____.
A. Use the right type of simple machine for the right job.
B. Simple machines that are sharp should be handled with care.
C. Secure pulleys properly and make sure that it is tightly tied on the support.
D. Expose knife, scissors and other sharp objects in a place easily reached by children.

44. Which is the correct way of handling simple machines?

A. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge upward.
B. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge sideward.
C. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge downward.
D. When carrying sharp and pointed tools, position the pointed edge to your stomach.
45. Who among the four children demonstrates the proper way of handling simple machines?
A. After using simple machines like scissors, cutter and knife, Irish leaves those on stairways.
B. Haydee plays with her friends in a place where heavy loads are being lifted by pulleys.
C. Teody always sure that any tool is in good condition before using it.
C. Xavier uses simple machines with exposed wires.

46. Diagram 1 shows a worker lifting a rock.

How can a worker move the large rock easily?

I. The worker applies a larger effort.

II. The small stone is placed nearer to the large rock.
III. The small stone is replaced by another stone of a smaller size.

A. III only B. I and II only C. II and III only D. I,II and III
47. A man tries to push a big box away but he cannot move it. Of the following forces, which causes
this to happen?
I. Gravitational force
II. Electrostatic force
III. Frictional Force

A. I and II only C. II and III only

B. I and III only D. I, II and III only

48 - 50. Creating an advertisement.

Your teacher asked you to make an advertisement or design a poster that will inform the public
of the road safety. Choose from the pictures of road signs inside the box and include them in
your advertisement. Sample advertisement is shown below.

Key to Correction in Third Quarter Examination in Science 6

1. D 26. C
2. C 27. A
3. C 28. C
4. A 29. D
5. B 30. B
6. D 31. A
7. C 32. A
8. B 33. D
9. A 34. C
10. D 35. D
11. A 36. B
12. A 37. A
13. C 38. B
14. A 39. A
15. A 40. D
16. B 41. A
17. C 42. D
18. D 43. D
19. D 44. C
20. C 45. C
21. C 46. B
22. A 47. B
23. B 48. Pupils will create advertisement or design a
24. B 49.poster informing the public about the road
25. A
Pangalan: __________________________________________ Marka:_____________

Baitang/ Seksyon __________________________________ Petsa: _____________

I. Panuto: Isulat sa kahon ang A kung ang isinsaaad ng pangungusap ay tama at D kung mali
1. Maging bukas ang isipan at kamalayan sa mga suliraning pambansa o pandaigdigan upang matiyak ang
mga datos na isusulat.
2. Maaaring sa internet lang maghanap ng datos sa paksang isusulat.
3. Dapat pagtawanan at humingi ng lamang ng paumanhin kung may maling naiulat sa radio o dyaryo.
4. Lagging pumili ng balita tungkol sa corruption para maging mabili ang dyaryo.
5. Upang lumawak ang pananaw ng mamamahayag, makipag ugnayan sa kapuwa manunulat sa iba’t
ibang panig ng mundo.
6. Laging isaisip na dapat balance lamang ang pananaw ng isang mamamahayag.
7. Dapat sumunod ang mamamahayag sa Code of Ethics ng propesyon nila.
8. Ang paggalang sa opinion ng iba ay mahalagang katangian ng isang mamamahayag.
9. Hindi dapat mag-ulat ng ikasisira ng tauhan ng pamahalaan kahit na ito ay totoo.
10. Iwasan lamang ang mag-ulat sa mga nagbabanta sa iyong buhay.

II. Panuto: Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot sa loob ng kahon upnag mabuo ang kaisapang talata(11-15)

a. Kalinga c. Pagpapabaya e. Karapatan

b. Pag-aalaga d. Nutrisyon

Ayon sa Artikulo XV, Sek. 3(2) ng 1987 Konstitusyon ng Republika ng PIlipibnas: Dapat isanggalang ng Estado
ang (11)_____ ng mga bata na mabigyan ng (12)____, kasama ang wastong (13)_____ at (14)______ at
natatanging proteksyon sa lahat ng mga anyo ng (15)____ pag-aabuso, pagmamalupit atpagsasamantal at iba
pang kondisyong nakapipinsa sa kanilang pag-unlad.

III. Bilugan ang titik ng tamang sagot.

16. Niyaya ka ng iyong kamag-aral na lumiban sa gawaing Clean Up sa inyong paaralan upang mamasayal
sa kalapit na mall.

a. Sasama ako sa kanya

b. Ipaliliwanag ko sa kanya ang responsibiidad sa Clean up sa paaralan

c. Hindi ko sya papansinin

d. Isusumbong ko saya sa guro

17. Nangangailangan ang inyong guro ng kinatawan para sa gaganaping Art Contest tungkol sa
kapaligiran, subalit ikaw ay naatasan ng una sa workshop sa paggawa ng recycled materials.

a. Susuwayin ko ang aking guro

b. Maglalaaan ako ng oras sa artworkshop at iiwanan pansamantala ang Art Contest

c. Sasabihin sa guro ang sitwasyong iyong unang napagtayuang gawin

d. Iisnabin ko ang aking guro.

18. Bakasyon na sa klase dahil malapit na ang PAsko, inimbitahan ka ng iyong pinsan na magbaksyon sa
kanilang probinsya upang pag-aralan ang farming.

a. Ipapakita ko na di kailngan sa lungsod ang farming

b. Itataboy ko sya sa lungsod

c. Magpapaalam ako sa mga magulang ko upang ako ay matuto ng farming

d. Idadahilan ko ang farming upang makapagbaksyon lamang

19. Kailangan ng kabataang magprisinta para sa pagtatanim ng mga puno sa inyong barangay.

a. magsasawalang bahala ako

b. Uutusan ko ang aking kapatid na sumali

c. Sasali ako nang maluwag sa kalooban

d. Sasali ako kapag may kapalit na bayad.

20.Mahuhuli ka na sa pagpasaok sa paaralan kaya nagmamadali ka na. pagdating mo sa tawiran nakita

mong pula ang ilaw trapiko.

a. tatakbo ng mabilis pagtawid

b. hihinto at hihintayin ang berdeng kulay trapiko

c. patitigilin ang mga sasakyan.

d. magkukunwaring pilay at bulag ka

21. Ano ang masasabimo sa grupong El Gamma Penubra?

a. Sila ay magaling umawit

b. Sila ay mahuhusay na mananayaw

c. Sila ay magaling na msuikero

d. sila ay matatagumpay na artista.

22. Bakit itinuturing na natatanging Pilipino si Leah Salonga?

a. Dahil maganda siya

b. Dahil sa angking talino niya

c. Dahil sa mahusay siyang mang-aawit sa loob at labas ng bansa

d. dahil magaling siyang umarte at sumayaw.

IV. Isulat ang titik B kung ang pangungusap ay tumtukoy sa pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan at C kung ito
ay panangutan sa kalikasan.

__23.Palitan ang mga pinutol na puno sa kagubatan

__24. Pangalagaan ang mga anyong tubig sa paligid

__25. Iwasan ang pagtatpon ng basura kahit saan.

__26. Sumunod sa mga panuntunan at batas na ipinatutupad tungkol sa pangangalaga ng kapaligiran.

__27.Kailangang ang matalinong paggamit ng mga likas na yaman upang matugunana ng pangangailangan
ngayonat sa hinharap.

__28. Magkatugon ang mga pangangailangan ng tao at likas na yaman sa isa’t isa.
__29.Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang pagkakaingin.

__30. Patuloy na magtanim ng mga halaman at puno.

V. Isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot sa patlang.

__31. Ang RA 9147 ay tungkol sa ____

a. Pagdedeklara ng national park

b. Konserbasyon atpagbibigay ng proteksyon sa maiilap na hayop
c. Pagkakaroon ng regulasyon sa pangongolekta at pangangalakal ng maiilap na hayop
d. Tamang paraan ng pangongolekta at pagbubukod-bukod ng basura.

__32. Ang Philippine Clean Air Act ay tungkol sa___

a. Pagpapanatili ng malinis at ligas na hanging nilalanghap ng mga mamamayan.

b. Pagkilala sa kalinisan ng tubig para sa mamamayan
c. Pagpapanatili ng Ecoogical Diversity
d. Pananaliksik upang mapanatili ang biological diversity

__33. Batas Pambansa 7638 at ang Pagtatag ng Department of Enenrgy (DOE) ay naglalayong___

a. Mapanatili at masuportahan ang buhay at pag-unlad ng tao

b. Pagpapanatili sa natural at biligcal physical diversities
c. Ipagbawal ang mga gawaing nagpapadumi sa hangin
d. Isaaayos , subaybayan at isakatuparan ang mga plano at program ng pamahalaan sa eksplorasyon,
pagpapaunlad at konserbasyon ng enerhiya.

--34.Upang ma maraming mahuli at kitain ang mga mangingisda, dapat nating pagsikapang mabuti na ____.

a. bigyan sila ng ibang trabaho

b. tulungan silang mangisda buong araw

c. sabihan sila kung paano mangisda gamit ang dinamita

d. tumulong sa pangangalaga ng karagatan upang dumami ang mga isda.

35-36. Pumili sa mga nakatala ng 2 titik na nagpapakita ng mataas na uri ng kalidad ng pagsunod sa

a. Tumulong sa paggawa ng takdang arali ng kapatid

b. Magtalumpati sa isang pagtitipon
c. Magbasa ng mga balita sa dyaryo
d. Maghugas ng pinggan

_____35 ____36
VI. Isulat ang A kung ang Gawain ay nakatutulong upang malinang ang pagkamalikhain at B kung hindi

__37pagbabasa ng iba’t ibang aklat

__38. Madalas na pagliban sa klase

__39. Pagkain ng masusutansiyang pagkain

VII. Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot sa loob ng oblong.

a. Kapayapaan
b. Kabutihan
c. Kaayusan
d. Batas

__40. Ang kalayaan ay matatamasa ngmga tao kung sila ay sumusunod sa mga _______.
__41. Ang mga batas ay isinasagawa at ipinatutupad upang magkaroon ng _______ at kaayusan.

___42. Inaasahan na ang mga mamamyan ay susunod sa batas upang magkaroon ng _____.

VIII. Basahin ang mga pangungusap. Piliin sa kahon ang titik kung ano ang tinutukoy nito.

___43.Matiyagang nakikinig si Mang Miguel sa pangangampanya ng mga kandidato para sad rating na
eleksyon. Maingat niya ring pinag-iisipan kung sino ang iboboto niya.

___44. Bawat residente ng Barangay Sta. Isabel ay sumusunod sa mga ordinansa na linisinang kanilang mga

___45.Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang pagtatapon ng basura samga pribado at pampublikong lugar.

a. Pagsunod sa mga batas

b. Republic Act no. 9003
c. Republic Act. No. 9211
d. Panangutan sa bawat karapatan

IX. Hanapin sa Hanay B ang tinutukoy na personalidad sa kapayapaan Pagtambalin ang Hanay A sa
Hanay B
46. a. tumulong sa mga kabataang
biktima ng pang- aabuso, karahasan at paggawa

Martin Luther King Jr.

47. b. Isang ministrong Baptist na

nanguna sa pakikipaglaban sa karptang
sibil sa Amerika

Mother Theresa

48 .Kesz Valdez c. Isang madre na nagpalaganap ng

pamamahal sa Diyos sa pamamgitan gn
pagtulong sa mga pinakamahihirap sa Calcutta India.

X. Buuin ang kaisipang ibinahagi ni Emilio Jacinto. Isulat ang titik ng tamang sagot.

“Ang (49) _____ ay kailangang mangangalaga sa mga manggagawa, tumututol sa (50)____ at pang-aapi at
humahanap ng lunas sa kahirapan”.

a. Kalikasan c.pang-aabuso
b. Lipunan d.karapatan


Republic of the Philippines

Division of Santa Rosa City
Cluster II


Layunin Blg. Ng Bahagdan Bilang ng Kinalalagyan
Araw ng (%) aytem
Naisasagawa ang mga 5 10 10 1-10
gawaing may kaugnayan sa
kapayapaan sa pamamgitan ng
mapanagutang pamamahayag
Naipakikita ang pagsasaalang- 5 10 5 11-15
alang sa karapatan ng iba
Naipaliliwanag ang mga 5 10 5 16-20
kabutihang dulot ng pagiging
mabuting mayembro ng
Napatutunayan ang kahusayan 3 6 2 21-22
at kasipagan ng mga
natatanging Pilipino
Masuri ang mga paraaan ng 5 10 8 23-30
pagpapahalaga at
pananagutan sa paggamit ng
likas na yaman.
Mipaliwanag ang mga Batas na 4 8 4 31-34
Ipinatutupad para sa kalikasan
Natutukoy ang mga paraan 3 6 2 35-36
upang maipakita ang kalidad
sa gawaingng kayang
Nasasabi ang mga katangian 5 10 3 37-39
ng taong malikhainna
nakatutulong sa pag-unlad ng
Maipaliliwanag kung bakit 5 10 3 40-42
kailangang tumupad sa mga
Matatalakay ang ilang batas sa 5 10 3 43-45
dapat na dapat pinatutupad sa
Nasusuri at natutukoy ang mga 5 10 5 46-50
personalidad na nakatutulong
sa pagpapanatili ng
kapayapaan sa pandaigdigang
KABUUAN 45 DAYS 100% 50 50

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