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Dell 2 Plan With Numeracy LP

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Lesson Plan in English 6

Quarter 2 Week 2 D3

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different
parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context.
B. Performance Standard:
The learner uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in
isolation and in context.

C. Learning Competencies
Infer meaning of borrowed words and content specific terms using
-Context clues (ENG6V-IIb-12.3.3)
-affixes and (ENG6V-IIb-
-roots(Science), (ENG6V-IIb-
ENG6V-IIb-,ENGV-IIb- p. 132
II. Content: Inferring meaning of words and content specific terms using
Context clues, affixes, and roots. (Science) ENG6V-IIb-12.3.3

Value: Consider others feeling and emotions.


A. References
1. Teacher’s guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages - Youtube, google, cellphones, tablet other
3. Textbook pages 39-43. English For You and Me 6 Reading
Joy in Learning English 5 pages; 167, 173, 175, 201
English 6 pages. 105, 114
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources –You tube, google, cellular phone, tablet other


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pronunciation Drill: Let the pupils read the following words orally.
(power point presentation)
Dehydration ecosystem competition
Erosion decomposers acceleration
Dissolution deflation binaries
Deforestation electricity reservoir
Aorta symbiosis ginger

2.Review: For each sentence below, study the one word that’s in bold print. See
if you can identify the root word along with any prefixes and /or suffixes that
are attached to it.
1. We watched a preview of the new Pixar movie.
Root:__ ______
Prefix___ ___
2. The dancing cat was seen by more than two-million You Tube viewers.
Root:_ _______
Suffix:___ _____
3. The teacher handed out paper hearts to the students who had done
extra work.
Root: __________
4. The magician made the rabbit disappear.
Prefix:___ _____
5. At the end of his performance, the magician made a graceful bow to the
Root: ___________
Suffix: ___________

3. Motivation: Have you had a dream? What was your dream?

Say: Later I will let you read a selection about “Dream for All” but before that let us first
have a short game called “Know Me”.
(Teacher will call a volunteer from the class to identify the root word and the affixes.)
Words(A) Root Word (B) Affix (C)

Prefix Suffix

biological bio -Logy


B. psychologists psycho -logist Instr

dreaming dream -ing

researchers search re -ers


1. Presentation: Read-A-Loud (Directed Reading Thinking Act)

Read the selection.

Dreams for All
By Debbie Ann Tan

People are active individuals. Day in and day out, their lives are full of
spontaneous activities. Sometimes, even while sleeping, they make actions
and biological in nature. Things that happen are kept by our subconscious minds
and when we sleep, they are reactivated by dreams. Dreams are what we know
as spontaneous reactions.

(Teacher asks: - What may happen to people when they are asleep? And what is
a dream?)

Many distinguished psychologists discovered the biology of dreaming

which was promulgated by American researchers headed by Eugene Aserinsky
and Nathaniel Klietman in the ‘50s. Their studies have proven that dreams take
place during a biological state. There are two states of sleep.
The first one is known as the NREM-sleep (Nonrapid eye movement
sleep) or the S-sleep(synchronized sleep). A person under this state has no
dreaming episodes. It is associated with low pulse and blood pressure and
normal regulated activity of the nervous system.
The second one is the D-sleep (dreaming of desynchronized sleep) or
REM-sleep(rapid eye movement sleep). This is characterized by an activation of
that sleep is an active process.
-(Who discovered the biology of dreaming? What are the two states of sleep?

Some are afraid when they dream. There’s nothing to worry about
because it is just an ordinary activity of the brain. Some biological studies show
that the brain gets in the same amount of oxygen as when one is awake during
D-sleep. There are continuous activities in the central nervous system similar to
the continuous production of body chemicals.

- (Should you be afraid of your dream? Why? Why not?)

Through dreaming, some writers and researchers get inspiration in writing
their masterpieces. Cartoon characters are also taken from dreams of the
Other people earn money by interpreting dreams. Their clients
provide the exact details of their dream and presto! The interpreter will tell their
client the meaning of the dream.

- (Is there a benefit we can get from dreaming? Site an example.)

Dreaming is a mysterious act and people enjoy having their dreams

interpreted as something fruitful and positive.
More people nowadays consider dreaming as an outlet of pent-up
emotions. But then, everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep a day to be
ready for their daily routine. Why don’t you sleep and enjoy dreaming? Take a
- (In your own understanding what is a dream?)
- What value can you get from this selection?

Let the class read the words in column B.




(Say: From the new words, you can now give its meaning. Let us observe words
from box B. Do these words have meaning without words from box C? The
answer is yes. Because words from Box B are called root words.)

For example, the word bio-(means life)-logy is a suffix which means study of,
when the word –ical means of pertaining to ( was added to biology it becomes
biological which means genetically related/related by blood or relating to biology
or living organisms. Therefore root word is a basic word which affixes are added
to form a new word and meaning.

2.Modeling /Teaching:

( Teacher say: What do readers do when they don’t know the meaning of a

-It is often useful to look at what comes before and after that word. The surrounding
words can give readers helpful context clues about the meaning and structure of the new
word, as well as how it is used.

A. Infer Meaning of a words through Context Clues. (Science Vocabulary)

(Teacher say: During First Quarter we already studied about inferring

meaning of words using context clues, affixes and roots ,but this time we will be
using Science vocabulary.)

Ex. She decided to search for her biological mother after her adoptive
parents died who not her real parents.
(Teacher asks: What is the meaning of the word biological? What helps you
infer the meaning of the word?
(To get the meaning, teacher may allow learners to use online dictionary)
Answer. Connected by direct genetic relationship/ Context
Context clues- are hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unfamiliar word.
The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word which it refers, or it may follow
in a preceding sentence.

B.Infer Meaning through Affixes (Prefix and Suffix) and Roots

Word Parts
The idea: breakdown the different parts of a word-base word (word stem or root word),
prefixes, and suffixes-to figure out what it means.

- Affixes –are parts of words that can be added to words to change the meaning.
Prefix Definition Example

Re- again Research

trans Across, change, through Transformation


super Above on, top of, beyond Superfine


(Teacher asks: How did you get the meaning of words?)


Suffix Definition Example

-logy -study biology

-ical -of, pertaining to biological

-logist -indicating a person skilled psychologist

-involved in a branch of
study donated by a noun
ending in logy

-ion,-tion,ation,ition -state of being or Revolution,relation,starvation

condition-makes verbs into

-nomy -system of rules or laws, -astronomy

body of knowledge of a
particular subject

-ing Used to make one of the -dreaming

inflected forms of English

(Teacher asks: What helps you infer meaning of words?)


Roots Meaning Example

Astro- -stars, heaven, space Astronomy, astrological,

Asterisk, astronaut

Psycho- -someone who is mentally -psychology, psychologist


Geo- earth -geology, geologist

Opt- eye -optical, optometrist

Dream- -series of thoughts dreaming

Tele- Far off, distant Television, teleport,


Vac -to be empty -vacuum, evacuate, vacant

(Teacher asks: What helps you to get the meaning of words?

. 3. Guided Practice:

Activity 1: Mechanics on the application of Dell’s e-Vocabulary Galaxy


0 8 6 2 1 7 8 6 8 45+ +
1.1 Giving of Instruction on how to decode

Teacher will present numbers to be decoded using the Dell’s e-

Vocabulary Galaxy

0 8 6 2 1 7 8 6 8 45+ + -a person studies

- Number 0 represents letters U and V
- Number 8 represents letters O and P
- Number 6 represents letters U and V
- Number 2 represents letters C and D
- Number 1 represents letters A and B
- Number 7 represents letters M and N
- Number 8 represents letters O and P
- Number 6 represents letters U and V
- Number 8 represents letters O and P
- Number 4 represents letters G and H
- Number 5 represents letters I and J
- Plus sign represents letters S and T
The learner will choose which letter to be used in order to reveal the
hidden word.
 This exercise is supported with clue words or hints to help
learners guess the mystery word easily.
 Teacher instructs the learners to use online dictionary in
case of difficulty.
 The first learner to get the correct answer will be declared
Start here:
1. 3 7 3 9 4 * -It is the ability to do work
2. + 1 + 3 6 6 5 +-3 - it is an artificial object which
has been intentionally placed into orbit
3. 8 9 4 1 7 5 + 7 – an individual animal, plant
, or single-celled life form.
4. 2 9 3 1 + 0 9 3 – an animal, as distinct from a
human being
5. 738987 –a specialized cell transmitting nerve
Activity 2: The class will be grouped into three. (Differentiated activity)
Direction: Decode the message: Use the meaning to get the hidden word.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


1.It is the active immature form of an insect.

12 1 18 22 1 5

2. It is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in

8 9 2 5 18 14 1 20 9 15 14

3.A relationship 16 1 18 1 19 9 20 9 19 13 among living organisms

wherein one benefits while the other
is harmed.

4.A condition of being grossly fat or overweight 15 2 5 19 9 20 25

5.Conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking

water and adequate sewage disposal.

19 1 14 9 20 1 20 9 15 14

Group 2. Prefix and Suffix Hunt!

Direction: Write a prefix or suffix to complete the sentence.
1. Water’s Bouyant____ ( un, pre, cy) makes a swimmer feel weightless and
reduces stress on joints in the spine, hips and knees.
2. Parasite____( un, ism,ity) is a feeding relationship that the other organism
benefits while the other is harmed.
3. We must always take good care of our bodies and maintain proper
hygiene. Hygiene_____( ism,ic ,Ity) people are free from disease.
4. Exercise and proper diet contribute to body fit____(-ism, ness,ical)
5. The electric_______ ( -al, ion, ity) went off during the storm so people
used the kerosene lamp instead.

Group 3. Interpret Me!

Direction: Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the high-
lighted word using context clues. Then, explain what type of clues in the
sentence helped you determine the word meaning.

You know you are ill when you show signs or symptoms
of an illness.

The word symptoms means________.

What type of clues helped you determine the meaning? Explain.

4.Generalization: How do you infer the meaning of borrowed words? What did
you do to help you infer the meaning of borrowed words?


I. Direction: Encircle the correct meaning of the given prefixes and suffixes.
( Learners may use online dictionary, cellular phones or any other multimedia )
1. meteorology A. far off B. denoting a C. beyond D. change
subject of
study or

2.transportation A.between B. space C. small D. change

3.optical A.eye B. opt C. pertaining D behind


4.Convection A. state of B. in what C. two D. again

being manner

5.anthropologist A. above on B. having a C. skilled D.mistaken

negative force person

II. Direction: A word in each sentence below is underlined. Choose the word from the choices
that has a similar meaning. Use the context clues in each sentence to help you choose the
similar meaning of the underlined word.
6. When I fell off the trampoline, I fractured my arm and wore a cast.
A. Rested B. broke C. avoided D. looked at
7. The vaccine will improve your body immunity to protect you from a
particular disease.
A. injection B. disease C. immunity D. illness
8. Most bacteria inside our body are harmless but some can cause infections
or diseases.
A. harmless B. infection C. disease D. microbes
9. Our body is made up of very tint parts called cells.
A. microorganism B. jail C. room D. germs
10. An object or substance has energy if it has capacity to do work.
A. substance B. capacity C. vigor D. work

III. Direction: Read each sentence and determine the meaning of the high-lighted word
using context clues. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
11. A rubber band has elasticity because it regains original shape or form
after stretching
A. rubber band C. regains original shape
B. stretching D. because it regain
12. Water evaporates when it is heated and changes to vapor.
A. changes to vapor C. Heated and changes
B. is heated D. water
13. Convection happens when heat transfer from metallic object.
A. metallic B. object C. heat transfer D. happens
14. Our teacher taught us nutrition so we will know what food is good for
our health and growth.
A. food good for our health and growth C. teacher taught
B. and growth D. none of the above
15. The temperature in New Jersey was barely above freezing.
A. New Jersey C. above freezing
` B. was barely D. only A and B

IV. Assignment.
Search the meaning of the following borrowed words below in the internet.
Root Meaning prefix suffix



3. Temperature



Prepared by:
Teacher III

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