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Wood Conserving Cook Stoves - A Design Guide

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A project of Volunteers in Asia Cook Stoves. . A Desian Gu id-2 Wood Comervim

Published by: Volunteers in Technical Assistance 1815 North Lynn Se. Suite 200 P.O. Box 12438 Arlington, VA 22209 USA Paper copies are $ 8.95.

Available from: Volunteers in Technical Assistance 1815 North Lynn St. Suite 200 P.O. Box 12438 Arlington, VA 22209 USA Reproduced by permission Technical Assistance. of Volunteers in

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Front cover: "The Wood Gatherer," an original woodcut by VITA Volunteer Rosemary Feit Covey. Available in a limited edition of signed prints on Japanese rice $25.00 paper. (US) each plus $2.00 (US) postage and handling. Proceeds from the sale will support VITA's publication efforts.



0 19&O Volunteers in Technical Assistance

Funded by Al Diriyyah Institute Geneva, Switzerland Published by Volunteers in Technical Assistance 3706Rhode Island Avenue Mt. Rainier, Maryland 20822 USA


promotes stoves and cooking methods that are inexpensive, culturally acceptand environmentally sound. It is meant especially able, for field or extension workers, and is aimed at engineers, end users, and all those interested in wood stove design and use.

Enough to:










choose an appropriate stove . understand how wood burns . know what makes a stove more efficient . construct four stoves All of this information is provided to support local stove efforts and expand the dialogue among stove builders. Readers are urged to use the bound-in reply form to share their experiences. A second volume of this book is planned. It will focus on how to introduce stoves through small-scale local programs, taking into account the social and cultural aspects of stove design. It will also include information on testing stoves.



Acknowledgements Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..e.. vii 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*......................

1. HOWTO USE THIS BOOK . . . . . . . ..m........................ 2. HOWSTOVES WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How wood burns How heat ........................................ ............................... 9 12

is transferred

Conduction Radiation Convection How heat is contained ..*..*..............a............ 15

Stove components Traditional stoves Simple metal stoves 3. HOWTO MAKE STOVES EFFICIENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conserving heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*......... 29 29

Energy losses in stoves Improving combustion efficiency Using the heat from the gas stream Minimizing heat loss from heating the stove Minimizing heat losses from pots and stove walls Improving traditional stoves .......................... 33

Combustion chamber engineering The chimney-and-damper approach Improving combustion efficiency Improving stove building plate materials and sheet ................... metal 47

Cast iron, steel Ceramic Mud and brick

4. HOWTO BUILD FOUR STOVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lorena stove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..a........

55 55

Materials Tools and equipment Construction Use of the stove Smokeless chula . . . . . . . ..I.....................*....... 71

Materials Construction Use of the stove Singer stove ......................................... 83

Materials Construction Use of the stove Sawdust cook stove ................................... 94

Materials Tools and equipment Construction Use of the stove 5. HOWTO USE STOVES EFFICIENTLY . ..o.................... Choosing wood . . . . . . . . . . ..e........................... 99 99 102 105 109

Using wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dictionary Bibliography of Terms ..................................... ............................................


This manual has been made possible Institute of Arlington, Dir'iyyah Switzerland.

a grant Virginia,

from the al and Geneva,

No manual like this is produced without the work of many hands. Special thanks go to Kristine Stroad Ament, and to Stephen Joseph of the Intermediate Technology Development Group for editing, to William Gensell and Michael Boutette for illusto Bonnie Duley for layout, and to E. Christopher Cone trating, VITA staff researchers, for typesetting. Past and present and editors include Margaret Crouch, Laurel Druben, writers, and William Alice Manker, Gregory A. James, David Jarmul, Magrath. VITA volunteers and others who reviewed the book for technical accuracy include Nancy Axinn, Dr. Norman Brown, Dr. Gautam Dutt, David Hughart, Dr. Larry Icerman, and Jeff Wartluft.


in Technical

Assistance June 1980


in traditional ways are growing The costs of using firewood every day. Fuelwood is the primary source of energy for households in developing countries (Openshaw, 1974). It i!; used mainly for domestic cooking and, to a lesser extent, for heating and industry. Population pressure in many areas has made the demand for firewood consistently exceed the supply. The consumption of wood in Nepal is seven times greater than the annual forest yield. The of firewood in Kathmandu has tripled in three years price (Karki and Coburn, 1977). firewood in India has been found to be The "cost" of gathering between 200 and 300 person-days per family per year--a fullto time job for one person. It is common in sub-Saharan Africa travel by foot or animal-drawn cart more than 50km (30 miles) for firewood. Firewood can cost as much as one-quarter of the family's income in areas where it is purchased. water as timber less The soil deteriorates and retains This leads to desertification in some resources are depleted. areas and to severe flooding in others. Most poor people in (Reddy, 1976). Third World countries are 'energy-gatherers' They cannot afford to buy fossil fuels. They have no alternaFuel for cooking is a necessity. tive, such as biomass fuels. Even if such people are aware of a conflict between shortand long-term interests, they are too poor to postpone their immediate needs for such long-term gains as maintaining soil fertility. For the cook and the cook's family, the problems do not end once the firewood is gotten. Smoke from open fires and inefficient stoves can create a dirty, unhealthy situation. Eye and and scalds-Burns problems respiratory are wide-spread.

especially with children--are numerous. Flying sparks create a constant fire hazard. Even without these serious dangers, a soot-blackened cooking area is neither a pleasant smoke-filled, nor healthy place in which to work. On a wider scale, the problems caused by deforestation are not to view them hard to see-- when one has the time and opportunity from a broad perspective. However, wood usage problems remain far more personal for most users. Most families must adjust to increased demand as wood becomes ever harder to find. It is likely that wood and other biomass fuels will be primary fuels for these people for some time. Such alternatives as solar cookers and methane digesters are more likely to be used in small-scale industrial processing than in homes. must be attacked on several fronts The wood fuel shortage simultaneously to meet the growing ecological crisis. Resources must be conserved through comprehensive reforestation programs and well-managed village wood-lots (Earl, 1975; Openshaw, 1973). Many proposed solutions have a long-range focus. Few seek to change current patterns of use. But the only immediate hope is to reduce end usage. Even a 10 or 20 percent reduction in the use of firewood can have significant results. The demand for firewood can be reduced by designing and introducing stoves that are efficient, cheap, and culturally acceptable. Despite the fact that a number of efforts are underway to develop wood-conserving cook stoves, little effort has been made to draw the results together and look at them in terms of their similarities and differences. Even less has been done to teach principles of stove design. This knowledge is essential for stove building efforts. A review of the state-of-the-art suggests that while different in appearance and construction materials, improved wood cook stoves are all based on the same design principles. The information sometimes too available on wood cook stoves oriented to research. Existing is scattered and materials may be

3 hard to read or do not aim at getting hands of local users. stove technology into the

The reason for the lack of data seems to be that planners have to an for years assumed that people advanced from wood fires cook electric or gas range, not to an improved wood-burning It just was not considered necessary to think very hard stove. about a better cooking system based on wood usage. Two major world forces today require more work to be done in by the more develthe wood stove area. One force is provided oped countries as they seek alternatives to a heavy and expensive dependency on gas and electricity, particularly on a personal-use level. At the same time, it has become almost to find wood. Gas impossible in some less developed countries and electricity are either unavailable or too expensive. It should be noted clearly that the reason for moving from wood stoves to cooking systems based on other power sources--in the areas where this has occurred over time--was that these other sources became more feasible. They were efficient, clean, seemingly abundant, and cheap. Today, the state of the world suggests that wood-burning systems, at least improved ones, are than was a more attractive alternative for some applications The interest in many developed countries is in once thought. in less wood stoves for The emphasis space heating. the industrialized countries is on improved cooking stoves, subject of this manual. of worldwide Based on the data collected during a search literature and in consultation with a number of experts, VITA chose a small number of wood conserving stove technologies to were chosen on be highlighted in this manual. The technologies the basis of (1) the way in which the stove incorporates design principles and shows the adaptation of a basic design to meet local situations, and (2) its ability to serve as a model for both technology adaptation and introduction. In other words, one of the key criteria is that the technology can be taken successfully from the workshop into the marketplace.

4 perhaps the most basic design comes from India, where much work with cook stoves was started with the interest of Mohandis Gandhi in programs for rural areas. The major research result in India has been the Hyderabad Engineering Research Laboratory better known today as the HERL chula. Chula (also chula, spelled "chulah") simply means cooking place. The HERL chula was based on traditional Indian fireplaces, and adapted by former director of the Laboratory. Many stove S.P. Raju, designs being promoted throughout the world today are based on the HERL chula. A description of the HERL chula provides a good overview of improved stoves. The HERL chula is basically a block of clay A tunnel runs horizontally through it. Holes to fit and sand. the cooking vessels are cut through the top of the block. The fire is built at one end of the tunnel beneath the first pot. A chimney of clay or sheet metal is installed at the other end. Hot gases and flames flow within the chula through the tunnel, under the pots, and up the chimney. A damper provides draft control. The number of pots and the size and height of the stove can be adjusted to the user's preferences. Because it forms the basis for's0 many other stoves, a modification of the HERL, the smokeless chula, is presented in 4, HOWm BUILD FOUR STOVES. Complete descriptions of two adaptations of the HERL chula have also been included: the Lorena stove and the Singer stove. While both stoves rely on the same basic design elements--a tunnel carrying hot gases under and around pots held above--the stoves provide models of how the basic chula has been adapted to local cooking preferences and to available building materials. The Lorena stove is built from a massive sand and clay block, while the Singer stove is assembled from smaller blocks. The description of the Lorena stove begins on page 55. The description of the Singer stove begins on page 83. In addition to the modified chulas, other stoves have been designed for burning other organic fuels--such as sawdust or rice hulls. (A description of a sawdust cook stove begins on

have been page 94.) The practice is not new. Such materials used for some time. In Upper Volta, for example, millet stalks are burned almost exclusively for six months of the year. Wood is used the rest of the time. In south Asia, cakes of cattle dung are used as a fuel supplement. The use and availability of alternative fuels affect the type of stove that can or should be constructed. Slight changes in for burning wood the design of a stove can make it adaptable and alternative fuels. Again, the process depends upon understanding the design criteria. This manual includes several-suggestions for wood-conserving stoves that can be used to burn alternative fuels. While most improved cooking systems depend upon relatively large stationary stoves, this guide also includes some suggesfrom stoves tions making relatively for small, portable have 20-liter (S-gallon) metal containers. These stoves definite advantages in areas where the population is mobile or for city-dwellers who must cook outside for reasons of space and health. stoves highlighted in this manual can be The less portable built to any height desired. Cooks in some cultures squat while cooking their food. In other cultures they stand. A lower stove requires less materials to build, but a stove that is about waist highi is very convenient to use and- is safer if small children are present. Of course the sizs and number of pot holes can be varied as well. the stove designer must Even with technical considerations, carefully examine served by a the range of functions a stove with a chimney to traditional stove. For example, provide draft is more efficient than a stove lacking a chimney. However, people in Bangladesh do not regard chimneys as desirable because they need to keep stormwater out during monsoon rains. Smokeless stoves have also proved unacceptable in many places because people depend on smoky fires to keep thatched roofs dry and insect-free. Roofs do not last as long with a smokeless stove. Both of these examples illustrate how

6 designers functions cultures. can be misled of stoves with if they consider only which they are familiar those technical from their own


This book explains what fire is, and then discusses the various The material is based on is enclosed. ways in which fire and on the information from VITA's Documentation Center, manual This experts and users. of wood stove experiences requires no special technical skills. Each section is carefully designed to provide information help readers build the stove most useful to their needs. chapters are as follows: in a simple way what fire 2. HOW STOVES WORKexplains are, and describes basic stoves and their components.

to The

and heat

discusses the ways in which design including heat, conserve can be made to stoves and better stoves, improvements on traditional principles, building materials.



and maintenance information for and sawdust cook stoves. Singer,


design, construction, smokeless the Lorena, outlines the definitions

use, chula,


characteristics for many

of wood as fuel. clear A DICTIONARY OF TERNS gives technical terms used in the book.

A USER'S QUESTIONNAIRE is bound into the back of the book. This evaluation form is to be filled out and returned to VITA by will be used to revise and users of the manual. The information update future editions.


Fire is so important to human health and comfort years the Greeks and others thought it to be one We now know that fire elements of the universe. source of heat applied to fuel in the presence of that for many of the basic comes from a air.

How wood burns

Air is made of gases, mainly oxygen (02) and nitrogen &I Heat sources can be the sun, its rays focused on the wood, or the flame from a match or flint. The fuel in this case is wood. Wood is made mostly of cellulose, lignin, water (HzO), and other materials. Wood is an organic substance; it resin, once was a living thing.

the surface layer of the wood gives off When heat is applied, water, (C02), and some organic acids (see carbon dioxide Figure 1). The carbon dioxide and the water vapor cover the surface of the wood and prevent oxygen from coming into contact in smoke but no flame. with the wood. This results the surface of the wood chars (burns As the temperature rises, At the same time, heat is sent inward through into charcoal). the wood. This causes water to be freed from the inner part of the wood. Then gases and tar arr freed:. They spread over the surface of the wood. The tar reacts with the char to form volatile gases. These produce a flame, in the presence of oxygen. The flame gives out heat. Each gas requires a certain amount of air and must reach a cerS tain temperature before it will ignite. The greater the amount of air, the more heat the gases will carry away. But the wood Will not ignite if the proportion of excess air exceeds a certain limit. In this case, there are too few chemical reactions



to generate the heat heat from the reaction enough air present.

necessary to compensate for the loss of area. This also occurs when there is not

Once ignited, the gases burn with a luminous flame. The heat continues to drive more gases from the wood until only carbon monoxide and hydrogen are given out. The charcoal merely glows with little or no flame. An average of 30 percent of the radiation energy (see next section) is reabsorbed by the wood. This helps maintain the burning process. The various reactions summarized as follows: Substances Which React Char + air Tar + air Gas + air of the oxygen in the incoming air can

Where the Reaction Occurs fuel surface --------------flame --------------flame --------------> > >

Products carbon carbon monoxide, dioxide

carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water dioxide, carbon monox-

The main combustion products are carbon ide, water, and soot (carbon). When the flammable ly. Little slow (for the wood charcoal constant

burning 'process goes quickly, a lot of tar and highly gases are produced and a lot of heat is freed quickcharcoal is produced in that case. If burning is example, if there is little air and little heat near surface), then more carbon dioxide, water vapor, and are produced. Heat is given out at a much slower, more rate.


How heat is transferred

Heat is transferred in three ways: by conduction, by radiation, and by convection. Heat is transferred within the wood by confrom the flame to the wood by radiation, and from the duction, hot gases to the wood by convection (see Figure 2).

Conduction is the passage of heat through hot area to a cold area. If one end of a that hot end contains more energy than is transferred through energy difference motion af the atoms in the substance. a substance, from a substance is heated, the cold end. This the material via the

Some materials do not conduct heat very well. These materials are called insulators. Wood, air, and very porous clay bricks are relatively poor conductors of heat. Thus a brick stove, which is a poor conductor, will take a much longer time to heat up than a steel stove, which is a good conductor of heat. The rate at which heat is transferred through a material depends on: (1) the temperature difference, (2) the area that is being heated and cooled, (3) the ability of the material to conduct heat, and (4) the thickness of the material.

All bodies above absolute zero temperature give off energy i:?l the form of heat radiation. When heat radiation comes into contact with a solid, it is reflected, absorbed, or transmitted to the solid. A body gives off radiation over a range of wavelengths, and reaches a peak intensity at a particular wavelength for a given temperature. Radiation is given off at low temperatures mainly


rf8 Convecrion
Figure 2

14 It is therefore not visible. As the in the infrared spectrum. more and more of the radiation is given temperature increases, in the visible spectrum. Thus, while we off at wavelengths cannot see the heat radiation from a hot cooking pot and may glowing in a burn ourselves if we touch it, we can see bricks The amount of radiation received from a surface that is kiln. decreases rapidly with distance from.the giving off radiation source. yellow flame when it burns. The Wood gives out a luminous, .power to radiate heat is very high in luminous flames because the flame consists mainly of burning black carbon particles. light than burning gases. Burning carbon gives out a brighter As the number of carbon particles being given off decreases, so does the flame's power te give off heat. The blue flame given to give off off by burning charcoal has a much lower ability heat radiation than does the yellow flame of burning wood. Hot as do the walls of the combustion wood also radiates heat, from any chamber. Each piece of cold wood absorbs radiation surface of a higher temperature--from the combustion chamber and from other pieces of wood. The outer from the flame, walls, will also give off radiation to the surface of the walls outside. Radiation is ferred within

far the most common way in which heat a fire chamber.

is trans-

Convection involves some sort of fluid, the transport of heat such as air or water. by the movement of

Air in a room heated from the radiation of a fire moves upward. Colder, heavier, denser air moves in to take its place. In this case, the hot air has moved only because of its own natural buoyancy. The hot air is lighter and less dense than the cold air. This type of heat transfer is called natural convection. It is this buoyancy effect that causes heated air Buoyancy also permits colder air to leave a stove or fireplace. to enter and supply the oxygen needed for combustion.

15 into a fireplace by the On the other hand, if air is forced heat is transferred by forced convection or wind or a blower, This also accounts for the large loss of heat from a advection. pot sitting on an open fire on a windy day. Even though wind is produced by wind is called a natural phenomenon, the convection convection because it is not induced by buoyancy. "forced" of the characteristics Note: For a discussion ing factors which affect the efficiency EOW TO USE STOVES EFFICIENTLY. see 5. of of wood, includwood combustion,

How heat is contained

a fire and thus controlling the The simple act c-f enclosing amount of air fed into it greatly affects the intensity of the heat and the efficiency of the burning process. A cooking fire that is enclosed in some way becomes a stove.

Stove components

The most basic wood-burning cook stove is an open fire circled A pot is balanced on the by a few rocks or by bits of brick. rocks. This basic stove is unsatisfactory for the following reasons:
. . .


is very wasteful

of fuel. to regulate.

The temperature

is difficult

Smoke from the fire can cause or worsen eye and respiratory problems, and can leave cooking areas black with soot. Burns and scalds small children. are a danger, especially for babies and

In some areas, the efficiency increased greatly by simply

of this type building walls

of fire has been almost completely


around the fire. The top is covered with some kind of grating upon which the pot is placed. While this does not help a great deal with the smoke problem, it can result in substantial fuel savings. Adding a flue or chimney (described below) and a draft control further increases fuel efficiency, helps in temperature conand stops much of the smoke problem. An improved cook trol, stove can be made from a variety of designs, using many different types of materials. Fired bricks, sun-dried clay blocks, clay/sand mixtures, and sheet metal have all been used to make improved cook stoves (see Improving Traditional Stoves, which follows this section). Several



are common to all



firebox . flue or chimney /I,cF. air inlet i' 3 one or more dampers JC . baffles / 'L. heat exchangers Firebox The chamber in which the initial combustion takes place and the fuel is burned is the firebox. Some stoves may also contain a secondary firebox where many of the gases produced by the initial combustion are burned. There should be no uncontrolled points of entry for air in the firebox. Chimney or Flue The chimney, or flue, is the passage by which the gases and smoke leave the fire. The function of the chimney is to draw water vapor and smoke out of the kitchen and to create a pressure difference so that air is drawn into the firebox. The words "chimney@* and "flue" are often used interchangeably. Some


to mean only the passageway between the people interpret llflue" firebox and the chimney. To others, the "flue" is the passageway in the chimney. The chimney commonly extends upward from the stove a distance of l-3/4 to 2-1/2m (6' to 8')--or more. This distance varies with the type of stove and can best be determined by experimenSome stoves simply will not burn well until a certain tation. chimney height is reached. To find the best height, one can or start tall and take either start small and add sections, The top of the chimney should be about 3/4m away sections. (30") above the highest point of the roof. This is for both safety and preventing downdrafts from forcing smoke back into the stove. Downdrafts sometimes occur around buildings. The diameter of the chimney is also variable. There are equations that can be worked out taking into account the size of situathe Ifirebox, height of the flue, etc. But in a practical tion, chimney diameter will probably be determined by what is available at the lowest cost. Often this will be 1Ocm (4") galvanized stovepipe. For the range of designs presented in this manual, that size pipe is perfectly adequate. The chimney should have a cap on it to prevent rainwater from washing into the stove. It may also require a spark guard--a little screen cage--to prevent sparks from flying out onto flammable roofing material. Both cap and guard should be removThis is very able to permit easy cleaning of the chimney. important. The chimney must be cleaned regularly. As the hot gases and vapors cool, some substances condense and collect on the inside of the flue. a dark, One of those condensates is creosote, sticky, A heavy buildup of creosote very flammable material. can clog the chimney. Worse, it can catch fire from a flying spark. Creosote deposits can be burned off in the early stages by building a very hot fire in the stove. Or they can be removed by cleaning the chimney at least every six months. This can be done with a long-handled brush, or with a bundle of sticks and rags attached to a long pole.


A metal chimney will lose heat faster, and thus be more prone to a creosote buildup than will a clay or masonry chimney. Galvanized metal is preferred over blued metal by some people. In work has been done with a material that might be some places, "ferromud" --a form made of chicken wire, plastered with called clay to form a strong chimney. "Ferromud" may be significantly cheaper than either metal or clay chimney pipe. Air Inlet

The fuel must have oxygen to burn. Air is fed into the firebox through an air inlet and then sucke ythrough the fuel by the draft created by the flue or chimney. Because a strong draft causes a hot fire, an efficient stove will have an adjustable opening to allow the cook to control the rate of burning, and thus to control the temperature. Dampers A damper is a movable plate which controls the draft. One or more dampers can be used to control the flow of air. Placement and operation of the dampers depend on the design and construction material of the stove. If only one damper is used or needed, it should be placed at the mouth of the air inlet. A second damper can be placed at the end of the stove portion of the flue, just before it bends upward. Sometimes sections of commercial stovepipe are available which have dampers built in. A very large stove may require additional dampers to prevent the hot gases from reaching unused areas of the stove. The damper can be made of metal or blocks of clay or stone. It must fit very snugly so that it can block the flow of air completely. Sheet metal especially will be hot to the touch, so some kind of relatively cool handle should be provided. Baffle In a chula-type stove, like most of the ones in this manual, a baffle is a mound or step molded into the tunnel, A baffle or a


It prevents the direct series of baffles serves two purposes. them to burn more completeescape of the hot gases, allowing ly. And a carefully placed baffle redirects the flow of the hot the time the pot is exposed gases around the pot and increases to the+heat. Baffles can be placed at the exit of the combustion chamber. Here they will redirect the flame and gases back onto the suralso- redirect the flame and face of the wood. These baffles This heats the pots faster. Food gases under the pot surfaces. cooks more quickly. Baffles can also be placed in the flue. Here they will help keep the hot gases near the second and third pots. More heat is transferred to the pots. The food cooks more quickly. ITDG has done tests that show that baffles use by 50 percent when placed correctly.

can decrease


Heat Exchanger in most of the stoves discussed in this The heat exchangers These will vary from community manual are the pots themselves. as the foods cooked in to community and are as individual them. In Guatemala, cooking pots are often rounded clay vessels with relatively small necks. Cooks in many parts of the Sahel while pots of aluminum or brass use round, open, iron kettles, may be used in India.

Traditional stoves
Three Stones The most basic, and one of the most common, wood-burning cook stove is simply three stones arranged on the ground in a triUse of this stove differs from region angle (see Figure 3). to region. One of the more efficient ways of using it will now be examined in detail.


Figure 3

is started The fire with kindling. Once the kindling is burning, large pieces- of wood are placed between the stones. A pot is then balanced on the stones. The amount of heat given off by the burning wood can be increased or decreased by moving the wood further into or further away from the center of the stones. After a short period of time the stones become heated to at least 300*-SOO*C (556*-932OF). These hot stones absorb heat and also transfer some of it back to the fire, the pot, and the incoming air. This air also has to pass through the hot gaseous products of combustion. Thus the air is preheated and can therefore react more easily with the wood gases at the glowing ends of the sticks. So in the middle of the fire there is a very hot region with continual movement of hot gases out and the intake of colder air. Now, the energy to sustain the combustion of a piece of wood comes from both radiation from the flame and from the glowing tips of the other pieces of wood. As the pieces of wood are moved apart, the energy absorbed by any one piece decreases. Thus the rate of productivity of gases, tar, and charcoal decreases and therefore the total rate of heat released by the wood also decreases. Three- stone cookers have a number of drawbacks. The pot loses large amounts of heat by convection, particularly if it is exposed to any breeze. The hot gases produced in the fire quickly spread away from the cooking vessel, so very little of their heat energy is transferred to the pot. If the wind is


these gases dissipate more quickly and even less of blowing, their energy is transferred. If the pot is placed very close to the seat of the flame, much soot and tar is formed; the relatively cold surface of the pot may lower the temperature of the The smoke and danger of burns gases below the ignition point. and spilling from pots are also drawbacks, as is the discomfort of cooking on the ground. Chulas In many parts of southern Asia a mud stove known as a chula is versions of the chula. widely used. There are many different Probably the most common version is illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4

This stove consists of a hollow box with an opening at one end for inserting the wood, and a number of holes on top which allow cooking pots to be placed over the fire. The smoke escapes around the pot and out of the entrance. Under some conditions these stoves are less efficient than the three stones

22 configuration. Goldemberg and Brown (1979) have shown that the cooking pots absorb only a small percentage of the heat radiBut heat escaping up around the pot ation emitted by the fire. heats its sides fairly effectively by conduction. As the air it tends to flow over the top of the wood, enters the chula, not through or around it. Thus, much of this cold air flows directly into the flame zone. The large amount of excess air tends to lower the flame temperature and to prevent the ignition of the volatile wood gases. A widely used chula that burns scrap wood and straw (see Figure This stove is constructed in the 5) is found in Bangladesh. ground and consists of two holes linked together. Around the larger hole are ;ithree raised points on which the pot is Scraps of, wood and waste are placed in the hole and placed. lit. Air is drawn down the hole and mixes with the fuel. The flame and smoke are drawn up through the space between the pot and the pot stand.


Flgure 5

A more portable but less efficient version of this stove is seen in Figure 6. The stove is made by artisans from clay and Wood is placed through dung, and is sold in the marketplace.

23 in the bottom of the stove. the large hole and sits observations indicate that only part of the incoming actually drawn down to where the wood is burning. Visual air is

Figure 6

Stoves in Asia have been designed to burn rice hulls or sawdust. One widely used type is made of fired clay, with an inner Rice hulls are placed in the spout that has been perforated. spout. Burning twigs and paper are placed underneath. The heat from this burning material causes the rice hulls to catch fire. There is a sawdust that is built of outside. Kamado-style Cookerburning stove adobe brick. in northern Bali, Mud is plastered Indonesia, over the

The traditional Japanese earthenware cooker, the Kamado, can serve as a design model easily adapted to the village situathe tion (see Figure 7). Made almost entirely of ceramic, Kamado consists of an outer insulating shell that holds a A metal grill--the only nonremovable firebox and grate. ceramic part-- sits on a ceramic ring that holds pot and food above the fire. A hinged lid allows the stove to be used open

24 permitting baking, boiling, frying, and barbecueor closed, The double-walled design of firebox within shell, as well ing. as the ceramic material itself, serve to minimize heat conduction to the surrounding area. The temperature is controlled by the top damper and bottom damper to regulate the adjusting draft.

Figure 7

A 20-liter (5-gallon) drum or sheet metal cylinder can be substituted for the ceramic outer shell, though it will not possess the insulating capability of the original. The ceramic firebox and grate can be made locally in simple disc and cylinder shapes. They do not require firing in a high temperature kiln to be used in the stove.

_.__ ..___ __-.-


Simple metal stoves

Metal containers of approximately form the basis for several simple Rice Hull Stove 20-liter stoves. (5-gallon) size can

A small oil drum or other metal container, or a structure made iorms the fuel chamber for rice hulls or sawdust. An of brick, air vent is made in the side of the container at the bottom. A 6cm (2-l/2") stick of wood is placed on the floor of the container through the vent hole. Another 6cm (2-l/2") thick piece of wood is placed in the center of the container so that it touches the end of the stick lying on the bottom. Rice hulls or sawdust are poured around and over the two sticks and packed firmly with a block of wood. The chamber is filled to about 5cm (2") from the top. The two sticks are carefully removed, leaving a tunnel through the fuel from the air vent to the top. Sawdust Cook Stove This stove is used to burn sawdust. It is very similar to the rice hull stove. It is made from a tin can approximately 25cm X 25cm (10" X 10"). A,circular hole 1Ocm (4") in diameter is cut near the bottom of the tin. The inside of the tin is pl a stered with clay and cement 3cm (l-1/4") thick. Two bottles are placed inside the cooker n and the space around them is filled with sawdust (see Figure 8). The bottles are then removed. Iron or steel rods or straps are placed across the top of the container to support the cooking vessel.
Flgure 8

26 To light the fuel, a piece of firewood about half the thickness of the bottles used to form the air openings is used. This narrow stick is dipped in kerosene, set alight, and then carefully burning, pushed, while still into the air channel from the air vent (see Figure 9). When the fuel begins to burn, the pot is placed on the supports and the stove is ready for cooking (see Figure 10).

Figure 9 Figure 10

As the firewood burns, it is slowly pushed further into the opening. A lm (39") length of wood, 2cm (3/4") in diameter, and a full chamber of sawdust are said to provide a cooking flame for two hours' cooking. The air enters at the bottom of the hot inner casing, where it is heated. It then passes over the surface of the waste. The fuel burns outward leaving an onionshaped cavity (Figure 11).

Figure 11

27 Stove-in-a-bucket experimental cook stove A small, available galvanized metal bucket fits One grate Figure 12). inside the bucket about 15-1/4cm (6") from: the rim. This grate supports. charcoal or firewood. The second grate goes on top of the bucket. Food is cooked here--either in a pot or grilled directly over This stove has not the coals. been field tested, but would probably be short lived. consists of a commercially fitted with two grates (see


Figure 72


The efficiency of a stove depends on many factors, from the design of the stove to the type of fuel used. This section discan be reduced by cusses the ways in which energy losses improving the designs and the materials of traditional stoves.

Conserving heat
Energy losses in stoves
Only part of the wood's chemical food or provide heat. Losses occur

energy can be used due to:



Incomplete combustion. Some of the volatile gases and charcoal produced during the burning process do not react with the incoming oxygen; thus, the heat that would be generated by these reactions is lost. Incomplete combustion leads to the formation of soot and tar particles in the gas stream leaving the combustion zone. It can also lead to the formation of carbon monoxide, which may accumulate to a dangerous level in the living quarters. Heat carried away by the gases produced by combustion. The gases leaving the combustion zone are hot. Unless the pot can capture this heat, it is lost to the atmosphere. These gases also contain air. The greater the percentage of excess air (that is, the amount of air beyond that required to burn the greater the heat loss to the gas the wood completely), stream will be. Some heat energy is needed to exhaust flue gases and draw in combustion air. Losses due to heating the fire. Some of this but some is lost. a stove. The stove absorbs heat from heat will be transferred to the pot,


30 Losses to the atmosphere from the stove walls and the cooking pot. Any hot object will radiate and conduct%heat to anything cooler around it. gnergy used in evaporating moisture content. excess water from wood with high

Inefficient operation of the stdve for intended purpose. Examples: Having a high draft to allow faster cooking. Not using pot covers while cooking. Using wood pieces that are too large or too small. four losses can be minimized through proper stove

The first design.

Improving combustion efficiency

As discussed previously, wood burns efficiently if there is enough, but not too much, air. There should be a temperature of about 500 to 600C (932O to 1112OF) around the wood surface. High temperatures can be achieved by:
. .


the fire

box (combustion

chamber); by the walls back onto

reflecting part the wood surface

of the heat absorbed (Figure 13);

Figure 13


placing the pot away from the seat of the fire. The most efficient position for the pot is where the flame is not cooled by the pot's cold surface, but where the bottom of the pot still receives a large proportion of the radiant energy released from the fire; controlling the flow of cold air to the fire.

Air can be channeled around the wood by the use of grates or baffles. There are five ways that the air can be forced to flow through the wood (see Figure 14).








Figure 14

There is no evidence to date to show that any one of these designs is the best. However, it is known (Winkelman, 1953) that if a grate is used, the walls of the combustion chamber must slope in toward the grate (Figure 15), and that the area of the grate open to the passage of air must be approximately 25 to 30 percent of the total grate area.

Figure 15

32 More sophisticated are:







. .

recirculating the flue gases preheating the primary air adding secondary air at the 16).

end of





Figure 76

Using the heat from .the gas stream

The gases produced from the burning of wood in open fires escape almost immediately to the atmosphere. If these gases are taken from the combustion zone via the flue and passed around a pot, heat will be transferred from the gas stream to the colder pot. The longer the gases remain in contact with the pot and the more turbulent the motion of the gases, the greater will be the heat transferred. However, if too much heat is taken from these waste gases, water and creosote will condense out. Creosote can catch fire in the stove, and water causes corrosion of any metal stove parts.


inimizing heat loss from heating the stove

The heat required to heat a stove can be minimized in two or once or twice a day, ways. If food is to be cooked quickly, the stove should be designed with thin walls or of a material that does not readily absorb much heat. If cooking is done frequently throughout the day, a stove that has a thick wall and holds heat well should be constructed. This stove will always remain hot. When cooking, much less heat from the fire will be absorbed by these hot walls.

inimizing heat losses from pots and stove walls

Losses from pots can be minimized by heating the pots to the boiling point very quickly, and by preventing a draft from flowing around the pot. Setting the pot in the hot gas stream Considerably less heat is lost if the pot can prevent drafts. has a tight-fitting lid. A flat-bottomed pot captures radiant heat more efficiently thsn a round pot. However, the roundbottomed pot seems to capture heat more efficiently when the main form of heat transfer is via convection. Pots made of metal transfer heat much faster than earthenware pots. The amount of heat lost from a stove depends on the outer wall temperature of the stove and the speed of the air flowing past the stove. The closer the stove wall temperature is to the surrounding air temperature and the lower the speed of air flowing past the stove, the lower are the losses. Heat losses from stove walls can be lowered with some stoves by a double wall or brick lining.


1g or improving any stove to look ctions that stoves perform in the Some seemingly laborious or used. 2 great social significance. New adapted to the local traditional

34 cooking cooked. customs, cooking pots, and the types of food to be

Designers have followed two approaches in improving traditional combustion chamber engineering and the chimney-andstoves: damper approach.

Combustion chamber engineering

This involves modifying a traditional stove by insulating the changing the shape of the combustion chamber, or other firet-ox, means. This is the most recent approach being pursued by severincluding the Intermediate Technology Develal organizations, opment Group (ITDG) of England. None of these stoves has been initial results for stoves designed field tested. However, this method are very promising. using A few case studies follow. The Bangladesh chula--Dr. Nuruzzaman of the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research is carrying out work on burning of the this, stove. Dr. Nuruzzaman observed incomplete wood in the bottom of the stove. Using a thermocouple, he measured'the vertical distribution of temperature down the center a ceramic grate at the hottest place of the stove. He inserted and put the wood on this grate. He found that the amount of wood required to boil water was considerably reduced. this is a charcoal-burning stove, the design Thai stove --While principles used can be relevant to designers of wood-burning Keith Openshaw greatly reduced the amount of charcoal stoves. used and the amount of time required to prepare a meal on a traditional metal charcoal burner used in Tanzania. To improve this stove, he decided to insulate the sides, make them slope inwar *d, and improve the di stributia n of air around the charcoal. Openshaw found th lat a stove manufactured in Tha.iland met his requirements (see Figur 'e 17).

35 He provides the following description of the stove:

The clay stove described here originated in Thailand. It usually has three layers, although it may be purchased without the outer metal cover and middle ash layer. It is made almost entirely of local materials--clay and ash. Only the outer metal is paid for in foreign exchange. This outer metal cover is to give, the stove more durability. It is generally made from old tin cans such as are used for packing fruit. The middle layer is filled with ash (rice straw ash in this particular case), and has a simple cement seal to contain the ash. The inner layer is made of burnt clay about 3cm thick at the top, tapering to about lcm at the base. The fire grate is made of the same burnt clay material and secured with cement. If the grate breaks, it can be replaced without the need to buy a new stove. It is to buy one or two extra grates at the time of usual purchase. The air space in the grate is about 25 percent of area of the base, as compared to about 10 percent , the total in the metal stove. This could be one of the design features that make this type of stove more efficient. The clay stove has a larger diameter at the top than at the base and this acts as a kind of self-stoking device. It was noticed that unlike the metal stove, the charcoal never had to be moved around to obtain a complete burn, another good design feature. The rim of the stove has three raised platforms which support the pots and pans, and three depressions which allow an inflow of air at the top to supplement the air inflow at the base. The air intake at the base does not have a door, but it may be restricted by using a brick. Again there are various stove sizes, but the dimensions shown in Figure 17 are typical for household use. In field tests Openshaw found that this Thai stove much charcoal to boil water as the metal equivalent. took half as use It The

Dr. de Lepeliere's metal stove-- This stove was designed for in Africa. The stove was initially constructed from metal. has an inner combustion chamber that slopes at a 45O angle.

36 chamber has a number of holes around the outside. The combustion chamber sits inside a metal outer casing. The pot is placed inside, halfway down this outer casing (see Figure 18).

Figure 16

The air enters through the outer casing and absorbs heat from the hot inner chamber. This preheated air then enters through the inlet holes around the fuel, The incoming air serves effectively as an insulating layer between the combustion chamber and the outside. The heat that is lost from the fire is partially reintroduced by the incoming air. Heat is transferred to the pot both by radiation from the fire and by convection as the hot gases flow around it as they leave the stove. When the water in the pot has boiled, the rate of heat released can be lowered by placing mud over part of the inlet hole, The main disadvantage of this stove is that it requires fuelwood cut into small pieces, !i ITDG stove--Twd traditional Indian stoves were joined to make this stove. Still quite new, the stove has not yet been field

37 The stove was designed tested. and used for both craftspeople, to be portable, built by local cooking and baking (Figure 19).

Figure i9

The stove consists of two sections: a hollow box similar to the chula described on page 21, and an oven, or Tandoor. A grate is placed inside the firebox under the area where the first pot rests. The firebox is narrow towards its front, allowing the wood to serve as its own damper. Wood is fed into it continuof the wood ously. The heat released depends on the length The cooking port is designed to hold the lying over the grate. or to hold round-bottomed hot plates used for making chapatis, pots. The fire can be controlled by covering the inlet air hole. A small baffle is placed at the other end of the firebox. Gases and flame enter the Tandoor parallel to its walls. There is a great deal of turbulence in this region, and most of the volatile wood gases and tars react with the oxygen to form a very clean gas composed mainly of carbon dioxide and water vapor.

38 The hot gases then circulate around the lower wall and around the pot that has been placed in the outlet. Heat'is transferred both to the pot and to the walls of the Tandoor. Depending on the length of time that the stove has been in use, the residual heat can be used to bake bread.

The chimney=and=damper approach

Much of the earlier work carried out to of stoves was based on the development European countries. Two features distinguish those just described:

improve airtight these the

traditional stoves in stoves from stove to a

the ability to restrict single place; and




the use of a long pipe or chimney to take the combustion products away from the stove and supply the necessary pressure forces to cause the air to enter the stove.

All of these stoves have the same basic components: an air and wood inlet, an airtight combustion chamber or firebox, chimney, heating surfaces, and adjoining flues. Air and wood inlet --Except in some updraft stoves, wood and air enter through the same opening. The air is controlled by a damper at the front of the stove or at the back of the firebox or flue. If the damper is placed at the back, wood can be fed in continuously. Airtight


chamber or firebox--See
Combustion Efficiency.


Chimney-- The function of the chimney is to draw water vapor smoke out of the kitchen and to create a pressure difference that air is drawn into the firebox.

and so

The chimney can be made from clay pipes, sheet metal, cast iron, masonry, concrete pipes, bamboo, and so on. Brick or clay

39 pipes will have a longer life than sheet metal chimneys. The length and diameter of a chimney are very important. The bigger the greater should be the size of the chimney. If the stove, the chimney is not big enough, the stove will not be able to draw in enough air to operate at maximum efficiency. However, if the chimney is too big, the stove may be difficult to operate and heat losses will be increased. The maximum amount of air enters that the stove can be altered much more effectively by changing the diameter of the chimney than by changing its length. It is advisable not to have a diameter greater than 15-1/4cm (6"), as cold air could flow back down the chimney. and diameter The height can be worked out theoretically; however, trial and error is sufficient in most field situations. The length of the chimney is controlled by the height of the house; it should be higher than the highest point of the roof. When placing a chimney through a roof (especially one made of thatch) it is advisable to place a metal thimble around the chimney. A tin can may be used as a thimble (see Figure 20).


The chimney must be cleaned regularly to prevent fires. How often the chimney needs to be cleaned depends on how hot the stack gets, how green was the wood, and how much water was in the fuel. Normally the chimney would need cleaning every one to six months.

40 Heating surfaces and designs for transferring transferring the gases house.

adjoining flues --There are two basic the wood's energy to the pots and for from the firebox to the outside of the

The most widely used design for European cooking stoves is shown in Figure 21. One or two pots are positioned over the firebox and the other pots are placed over a second chamber that adjoins the firebox. Flames touch these pots when the damper on the air inlet is fully open. The pots also receive heat from the hot top plate that covers the stove. Waste gases usually flow past the oven and up the chimney. The sides and bottom of this stove are insulated.

Figure 21

An alternative design (see Figure 22) that has been tested by ITDG has proved reasonably successful . A checkerboard of bricks is placed in the second chamber. When the stove is operating at high heat the waste gases transfer their' heat to these bricks. When the fire dies down these hot bricks reradiate the stored heat to the pots.
Y Figure 22


A simpler

version of Figure 21 made from sheet metal has been (see Figure 23). The combusion designed by Dr. de Lepeliere chamber has been shaped to accommodate long pieces of wood. Air enters the combustion chamber underneath the stove. Both pots receive heat radiated from the flame. The hot flue gases also transfer some of their heat via convection as they pass around surfaces, however, become very the two pots. All of the stove's hot and radiate heat into the room. Aiso, it is difficult to remove the pots from the stove.

Figure 23

The second type of design was developed in India in the 1950s Research Laboratory (see Figure by the Hyderabad Engineering 24). Known as the HERL or smokeless chula, it was based on traditional Indian chulas and adapted by,S.P. Raju, former direcToday it forms the basis of many of the tor of the laboratory. stove designs being promoted throughout the world. The HERL chula is basically an IIL1' shaped block of bricks and mud, with holes on top for cooking pots. A tunnel runs horizonis built at the front of the tally through the stove. The fire


Figure 24

tunnel beneath the first pot. A chimney of clay or sheet metal is installed at the other end. Hot gases and flames flow through the tunnel, under the pots, and up the chimney. A damper provides draft control. The number of pot holes and the size and height of the stove can be adjusted to the useris needs. Some possible
. .


of this

type of stove



is not portable. if there is to be a marked

The damper must be used properly saving in fuel consumption.

To use this stove efficiently, the three cooking ports must be covered. When three pots cover the holes, the first two will gain heat fairly rapidly, while the third will take a longer time to heat up. The efficiency of the stove decreases markedly if the cooking holes are not covered. Should the family want to cook only one or two dishes, covers need to be placed over unused cooking holes. Much of the wood's energy is used in heating the stove in the heavier models. It is advisable not to let these stoves cool down. Regular use during the day will achieve this end.

43 These stoves can be dangerous to use. The stove will produce carbon monoxide when the damper of the air inlet is closed. could be poisoned if this carbon monoxide The occupants escapes to a poorly ventilated room. Cracks can form around the cooking holes. Heat and smoke will escape if these cracks are not mended regularly.

Two successful adaptations of the HERL chula are included in and the Lorena stove stove (see the Singer this manual: on the same HOW TO BUILD FOUR STOVES). Both stoves rely 4. a tunnel carrying hot gases beneath basic design element, i.e., of a chimney. Both stoves and past the pots, and the addition are examples of how the basic chula has been adapted to suit local cooking preferences and to utilize available building materials. The Singer stove is assembled from smaller blocks. The Lorena stove is built from a massive sand and clay block. The Lorena stove's design concepts and the HERL stoves in the following

differ from both ways:



The front damper controls not only how much oxygen is available, but where it is available and how fast it strikes the bed of coals. This gives it a very fast response. It can be fired up very quickly from coals, and can be damped down It also means that it can burn material more gradually. which is not easily combustible, bark, such as sawdust, corncobs and, possibly, peat. The proportion of sand (up to 85 percent) creates material that is neither adobe, clay, nor brick. This ial has a strength property near that of concrete. a new mater-

The great mass of a Lorena stove is sometimes an advantage. It enables the stove to absorb a greal deal of heat. This makes the chimney temperature very low. The stove should have a long, circuitous tunnel system for it to work well.

Of the three stoves discussed, the Lorena stove has found the widest acceptance. Recent work in Nepal has shown that it uses

44 much less wood than the its development. Details published regularly by Aprovecho Institute. HERL chula. Work is continuing on of improved versions are being Volunteers in Asia and by the

Because monolithic and brick stoves cannot be moved, some work has been carried out on the design of a ceramic stove that can be assembled in one place and then transported to the place in which it will be used. This stove, the portable Magan Chula (see Figure 25), has been designed, built, and disseminated by the Gandhiniketan Ashram. It consists of a number of single ovens that serve as pot seats, and a chimney base and round flues that connect the ovens. These are all made by a potter, either by hand or on a wheel. Holes are provided in the side walls of the ovens for the linkpipes that join one oven to another, and the oven to last the chimney. The various parts are assembled in the home. Each joint is and made secured airtight with mud. A baffle is placed in the middle to help promote heat transfer once the ovens have been joined. The passages connecting the first to the second and Pot seat third incline upward toward the Figure 25 chimney base. This improves the stove's performance.


Improved mud stoves have also been adapted to burn agricultural waste and sawdust. The waste is burned on a step grate placed inside the stove. The waste is fed from a hopper onto this grate. These stoves are used widely throughout Asia. They can be constructed from adobe bricks, heat resistant cement, steel, or ceramic material. The grate is usually inclined at a 45O angle. The percentage area of the grate that is open is 25-40 percent of the total grate area (see Figure 26).


Figure 26

by the rate at which The efficiency of these stoves is affected fuel is fed into them. Mukhopadhuay found that the maximum heat occurred at a feed rate of 3.5kg/hr for a stove with aongrate the is little information there area of 570cm2. As yet, and flues. effect of changing the size and shape of the firebox throughout the PhilipA step grate stove being disseminated pines is the Ipa stove (see Figure 27). It is constructed of a cement top. The chimney is made from sheet' adobe blocks with The cooking holes have cast iron covers. steel.

Figure 27

46 These stoves have also been widely modified for use in food processing. Figure 28 shows a stove used by 'gula jawa' coconut sugar producers in Blitar, East Java. It uses rice hulls for fuel. At 3,500 Indonesian rupiahs (about $8 US), this is one of the cheapest natural draft stoves available. Clay mortar is used rather than cement. The l-1/2m (5') chimney draws flames back to the last pot, l-1/4m (4-l/2') from the burning hulls in the grate. The floor slants slightly upward toward the back of the stove to increase the draft. The grate is a piece of perforated iron sheet placed almost vertically in the mouth of the There is some evidence that this type of grate is as stove. efficient as a step grate (Bruce Lamb, 1979). The stove will not operate with the pots removed. When the pots are replaced, air leaks around the edges are simply patched with a mixture of mud and rice hull ash.

Figure 28

The pot nearest the fire is the hottest, and the one nearest the chimney is the coolest. This is especially well suited to the process of cooking gula jawa, as different temperatures are required at different stages of the process. The temperatures of the pots range from a fast to a slow boil. This stove is used daily to down 50 liters (about 30 gallons) of coconut sap to 7kg t 3-l/2 lb) of light brown sugar cake. This requires half y sack (about 6kg [3 lb11 of rice hulls daily, burned over a p d of-four hours.

47 of the Technische Hogeschool, Eindhoven, The J.C. Overhaarte has designed a metal stove that is portable and Netherlands, burns both waste and small pieces of wood. Primary air enters into the middle of the combustion chamthrough four cylinders on top of the firebox. The hot gases flow ber. A pot sits underneath the pot and around the firebox. The gases transmit some of their heat to both the primary air inlets and to a second pot that is placed on the base of the stove. This stove of would radiate a lot of heat, but would not have a lifetime more than 12 months in humid conditions. Another stove (see Figure 29), made from a small oil drum, is reported to use half of the fuel that an open fire would around the use. The edges firebox door are bent back to cut avoid danger of the fingers.

Figure 29

Improving stove building materials

and durability of a stove depend on the The efficiency, safety, a mud materials and construction skills used. For example, stove with cracks around the firebox or cooking holes will let heat out. Smoke and poisonous gases may escape into the room.

Cast iron, steel plate and sheet metal

Most stoves produced iron or sheet plate in Europe and America are (at least 34mm [about l/10"] made of thick). cast They

last a long time (at least five years) and are very good conductors and radiators of heat. They can be produced in a small workshop or foundry, but are expensive to make and require considerable care in their construction if they are to be airThese stoves are mainly used for heating, and must be tight. insulated using a refractory brick if they are to be used for To date only one cast iron stove has been procooking only. duced specifically for Third World countries. There is no information available on its performance or cost. Cast iron surfaces are available in the developing world, howcooking These stoves often have removable rings so that pots of ever. different sizes can be used. Sheet steel stoves are used widely in both There are some important oping countries. stoves can be improved-- without increasing Corrosion of or by lining of the stove. Traditional in airtight the steel the stove developed ways in production and develwhich these costs.

can be inhibited by using a stove enamel with c1ay.l This will increase the life

methods of fabrication stoves of a more efficient


be improved, resulting design. Ole Wike's book,


(1979) gives this

formula for stove polish: us Metric 453.6 28.4 113.4 3.8 gm gm gm liters

Graphite Lamp Black Rosin Turpentine

1 1 4 1

pound ounce ounces gallon

Richolson modified the formula for Rijian conditions by substituting kauri gum (Kadua makadre) for rosin and by using a mixture of turpentine and methyl alcohol in equal parts to dissolve the gum. The gum also appeared soluble in ethyl alcohol, but not in either methyl alcohol or turpentine alone. Carbon cores from spent flashlight batteries can be used for graphite. The stove polish should be rubbed into the surface of the steel regularly after the stove has been used to slow corrosion.


Wood Stoves: How to Make and Use Them, is recommended for wishing to improve traditional sheet steel stoves.


Many societies are made by of steel and diminishing. vided by the use fired clay pots as cooking vessels. The pots local craf tspeople. However, with the introduction aluminum pots, the need for these craftspeople is Another source of revenue for them could be proproduction of fired clay stoves.

Pottery is not a material that withstands uneven heating or constant heating and cooling. When designing a pottery stove, care must be taken to:

Make the clay very open. This can be achieved or material fibers and crushed brick, dust, fired pottery (grog). Use clays Reinforce Line that can withstand heat.2 with a heat steel

by adding sawor discarded

. . .

the outside

of the stove with


or sheet. lining. and do not 1

the inside

of the stove


Pottery stoves heat up very quickly, are portable, take nearly as long to construct as mud stoves.

Mud and brick

"Mud " stoves are traditional in many areas. The nud is usually soil with a high clay content, mixed with cow dung, straw, sand, etc.

2At present this is generally ascertained through trial and error. However, work is being carried out by ITDG and collaborating organizations to develop materials that can be added to clay to improve its refractory properties. The results of this work will be published in the near future.


Different soils have different properties. Before a mud stove is made, the local soil should be tested. If it does not have the right proportion of clay to sand (about 20 to 30 percent clay and 70 to 80 percent sand), then extra clay or sand must be mixed in. The Lorena stove described elsewhere in this manual is made of a mixture that is mostly sand. Sand does not shrink when it dries because the individual grains of sand are rigid and hold each other apart (see Figure 30). The clay is the glue needed to hold the sand grains together. Clay and sand must be mixed together very thoroughly, as unmixed clay balls weaken the mix and prevent it from holding together. three ingredients:

Figure 30

The lorena

mix needs only

. .

a lot of sand to form the mass of the stove a little clay to glue the sand mass together water

If a pure clay soil is used, a lorena mix that is 75 to 85 percent sand must be made. When soils with less clay are used, less sand must also be used, especially if there is already sand in the soil. If the soil is ..r;.:e,. . +.?rc .of the clay-silt type, the silt ;;y :-..-.=. . s.5 * does not help much, so the sand - .. '..percentage should remain high . (see Figure 31). n Lorena ideally needs a fairly coarse sand and a soil with a high percentage of clay. More

Figure 37


than 60 percent clay is ideal. Avoid silty soils and soils without clay (such as volcanic ash soils and sandy soils), since these will have little or no glue power to hold the sand mass together. One formula Indonesia for l/2 (Flickinger, 1979) soils low in clay: was recently developed in

to 1 part wood 1 part

mix together


a little


2 parts sand 3/4 part grain chaff 1 pan constarch or cassava

starch already Organic creates used is surface

Soils with less than half clay can be used if they are mixtures of clay and sand rather than clay and silt. matter (leaves, twigs, straw or husks) in the soil problems, so use subsoil whenever possible. The soil from at least 20 to 40cm (about a foot) beneath the (see Figure 32).

Figure 32



the correct


mix is very

important. as soft it dries, shrinks mass will

With too much clay the lorena unevenly and cracks the stove. With too much sand the fall apart. lorena is

mass, too

and the

With too much silt the sand/clay mix is diluted, causing interior tunnel surfaces to flake away in the heat of a cooking fire. Stove builders using unfamiliar soils should first talk with a local brick or adobe maker to determine what the soil is like. One test is to make mud balls about the size of a chicken egg. Fire them in a hot fire. Check which mixture gives the hardest ball without cracking. In addition, it is recommended that a small test stove be built if the soils are unfamiliar. Test the small stove with fires for about a week and watch carefully for cracks, especially around the firebox. If there are no cracks after a week of use, it is fairly certain that it will not crack later. If there is very little clay in the soil, another material will have to be found to glue the sand mass together. Experiments have been carried out with raw sugar (it is used in building Mexican bread ovens), but more experiments with suitable glue materials are needed. Remember that although a 1:4 lorena mix (one with four portions sand) may be necessary in distance away a 1:2 or 1:l lorena mix may two layers of soil right next to each other ferent clay contents. portion soil mixed one place, a short be necessary. Even may have very dif-

Use the following lorena mix chart as a guide for soil/sand proportions. Watch carefully for cracks in the first stove produced, and be prepared to change the mix.

53 Soil (Percent) Pure clay Clay/sand Clay/silt soils soils soil5 15-25 25-35 25-35 Sand (Percent) 75-85 65-75 65-75

Proportion 1:5 to 1:3 1:3 to 1:2 1:3 to 1:2

To test to find out how much clay is in a soil, take a small handful of soil, add water to make a stiff mud, then mix it well in your hand. Open your hand and make a flat mud cake on palm your (see Figure 33). Slowly close your hand. The cake should shine as your hand begins to close. (If not, add water and try again.) If the shine goes away when your hand is opened but flat again, it means that the soil probably has a high or silt in proportion of . it. If the shine does not go away, it probably means that the Figure 33 soil contains a lot of clay.


Wet the soil until it becomes a stiff not watery). Roll the stiff mud into about 1Ocm (4") long. The palm of your hand can be used to roll out the worm on a flat, hard surface. Carefully pick up the worm of stiff mud at one end with just two of your fingers (see Figure 34). Hold the worm parallel to the ground. If the worm breaks off, it contains a lot of silt or sand. If it bends or sags but does not break off, it contains a lot of clay.,

mud (thoroughly moist but a pencil-thin worm of soil

Figure 34

54 Preparing bricks for stove construction

If the stove is to be constructed with sun-dried or kiln-fired use clays that have very little sand. For sun-dried bricks, a mixture is made of 50 percent by volume of clay, 40 bricks, percent by volume of sawdust, and 10 percent by volume of a These materials are binder --ash or cow dung being preferred. mixed with water, placed In a mold, and left to dry in the are joined together using mortar, lime and sun. The bricks sand, or clay and sand as mortar. The inside of these stoves can be further protected from the hot corrosive gases by plastering with a mixture of water, clay (kaolin), and powdered quartz. If the latter is not available, cow dung mixed with a small amount of clay can be used. Naterial from an ant hill, crushed fine and mixed with clay, also provides a heat-resistant coating. If these clay bricks are fired in a kiln, they will last much longer. The bricks that are to be closest to the heat in the stove should be slop-molded. This involves mixing the clay with sawdust, 50 percent by volume. Water is added until the mixture is very wet. The mixture is then poured into a mold. When the brick is fired, it has a very open structure that can withstand high temperatures. This type of brick also provides insulation for the combustion chamber. However, these bricks are not very strong and must either be surrounded by sturdier bricks, or have an outer coating of lime or cement mortar.


This chapter outlines general construction types of wood conserving cook stoves: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Lorena stove The smokeless chula The Singer stove A simple metal stove stoves have been built may be necessary to Complete construction and used successfuly. Some adapt the designs to local references are found in the procedures for four

All of the modification conditions. Bibliography.

Lorena stove
The Lorena stove (see Figure 35) was developed in Guatemala. It resembles an improved Indian chula. It can reduce wood consumption by 25 to 50 percent if used properly. An active program in Guatemala promotes the lorena design as widely as possible. It has become very popular there and elsewhere. Small businesses now build the stove for local families who do not want to build their own. There are many reasons for this popularity. The stove can be built by unskilled workers using local materials. Its size can be changed for different families. Only simple hand tools are needed. Most important, the basic technology can be adapted broadly to different conditions and traditions. The stove also offers these technical advantages:





Figure 35


1. The long tunnel system extracts This heat would otherwise be lost 2. The high stove mass stores heat after the fire has died out. 3. The high mass of results in higher the firebox temperatures better

heat from the up the flue. for cooking



and baking


walls insulates the fire. This and more complete combustion. control of the f!re. They are

4. The damper system allows 5. Pots fit insulated

deeply and tightly into the stove. from outside air. No smoke escapes.

The stove is built from a mixture of sand and soil. This mixture is called lorena. The word comes from the Spanish words for mud (lodo) and sand (arena). The lorena is applied in layers to form a solid block. The chimney hole, pot holes, and firebox are then excavated before the lorena tunnels, hardens. Construction on the size the builder. takes from six hours of the stove, weather to several conditions, days, It depends and the skill of

1. Clay or clay-soil. About 120 buckets are needed for one square meter. 2. Sand. About 120 buckets are needed for one square meter. 3. Water. 4. Sheetmetal. 5. Chimney pipe. 6. Material to make a base if one is desired. Some cultures prefer to cook as closely as possible to the ground. Others prefer to cook while standing. If so, a base is needed. Concrete blocks, adobe, rammed earth, bricks, or large rocks can be used. The best choice depends on local materials and the individual stove design.


Tools and equipment

1. 2. 3. 4. Shovel Spoon Bucket Machete or other



Cons true tion

DESIGN The size and shape of the stove can be changed for different families or cultures. Local traditions are very important. So are individual household patterns. Families use their cooking fires in different ways. Cooking pots may vary. Some cooks may prefer to cook food quickly at high heat. Others may prefer to cook more slowly at lower heat. Information must therefore be collected on cooking patterns, the type of pots to be used, and the size and type of firewood *or other cooking fuels. The best people to provide this information are those who will actually use the stove. The stove will not be used effectively unless they participate. Here are some things to keep in mind during the design process: the firedown the

1. Pots that need the most heat box. Pots needing less heat tunnel system. 2. One pothole may fit
more than

should be placed over can be placed further one pot.

3. Try to keep the hot gases under the pots as possible. This can be done by bending as it passes beneath each pot (see Figure 4. The cook should be able to reach the pots

for as long a time the tunnel sharply 36). and damper easily.



Figure 36

5. The size of is needed. 6. The dimensions the guidelines 7. Lorena melts stove is built





the stove for

amount of fuel parts rain should cover

that follow if the

of the different in Figure 37. in the rain. outside. stoves crack


8. Long rectangular 1. The Lorena Mix

more easily

than other


The lorena stove is made from a mixture of sand and clay (or clay-soil). Sand forms the main mass of the stove. The clay holds it together. Water is used to help the process. Almost any type of sand will work. Coarse sand is best. Sand that is very coarse or that has gravel in it should be sifted through a screen with a 5mm (l/4") mesh. Ocean sands should be washed to remove salt. It is more difficult to get the right kind of clay. Pure clay is best. Clay-soil Clay-soil must be can also work well. excavated to avoid top soil and organic matter (see Figure 32, and adobe makers can help you find the page 51). Local potters best local clay.


( E

Figure 37


Soils can also be judged by the way they feel. Clay feels Sand feels gritty. greasy. Silt has a powdery feel. Try to It offers neither structure nor bonding. avoid silt. There is an easy 'way to test a clay sample. First wet the sample until it becomes a stiff mud. It should be moist, but not watery. Roll the sample so that it resembles a 1Ocm long pencil or worm. Pick up this "worm" at one end with two Hold it parallel to the ground. It contains a lot of fingers. clay if it bends or sags without breaking. The next step is to test whether the clay can stand a firing. Make a ball of damp clay. Place it in hot coals for an hour. Rub its surface with your thumb after it cools. It is no good if it flakes. The next step is to find the best ratio of soil to sand. Test batches made with different ratios. The ratio for soil to sand should be between 1:l and 1:3. The ratio for pure clay to sand should be between 1:3 and 1:s. Some clay soil will have a lot of silt. The silt does not help the clay hold the stove together. The clay may also have many lumps. If so, sift it first through a 5mm screen. You can also grind it with your feet. It is best to mix the sand and clay when they are dry. Add water only after the mixing is finished. The water does not have to be clear. It can be murky. But it should not be salty. An average stove with a top surface of one square meter requires about l/2 cubic meter of lorena mix. Approximately 200 litres of water will be needed for the mixture. This quantity of water will probably fit into a 550gallon drum. There is a quick way to test whether the mix has the right ratio of sand to clay. Take a handful of the mix. Add enough water to make a patty in your hard. Press the patty slightly against the hand. Turn your hand over, palm down, with your fingers closed. Open your fingers slowly. The patty should fall away cleanly. If it sticks to your hand or leaves a lot of mix behind, there is too much clay. If it drops too quickly or

62 there is too much sand. Adjust the ratio falls apart, and clay in the mix to adjust for the test results. of sand

Another way to test the ratio in the mix is by making a series First check whether each mix has the right of test blocks. DO this by making a hard packed ball in your amount of water. It should measure about 5cm (2") in diameter. Throw the hand. ball lm (approximately 3') in the air. Let it fall and hit your hand hard. Don't cushion it. The ball should stay intact. It is too dry if it cracks. It is too Wet if it comes apart. Be sure that all the mix samples have the right amount of water. Next make the test blocks. Each block should be a rectangular form approximately 30-l/2 X 13 X 1Ocm (1' X 5" X 4"). Pound the blocks until each is good and hard. Use a rammed earth if available. Remove the frame.' Let the blocks dry technique, Test for strength, as shown in Figure 38. The completely. strongest block makes the best stove.

Figure 33

Another test for cracks. 2.

is to make a small



a fire,

and watch

Make the Base

A base is needed if people cook their food while standing. It can be made from a variety of materials so long as it is solid and does not shift. Concrete blocks, adobe, or bricks can be used to form a box. This is then filled with compacted earth. Other materials that have been used successfully include mortared rock, tree stumps, and even a heavy table. The base

63 should closer be designed with to and more easily toe space. This lets the cook with the stove (see Figure 39). work

Figure 39

Mark the full size of the stove on the ground. Put the first layer of adobe blocks 1Ocm (4") in from the mark on the sides where the cook will stand (see Figure 40). The foundation can be laid using cement or any lore ila mixture to hold the blocks together.

Figure 40

64 The upper layers should overhang by a total of 1Ocm (4") on the CO&C's sides to allow foot space for comfort while cooking. Build the foundation 40-45cm (16-20") high if the cook will be standing up (see Figure 41).

Figure 41

Fill in the center of the Figure foundation (see with soil, rocks, 42) broken adobe blocks, or debris. Pack the material down and allow the foundation to dry overnight.

65 3. Make the Stove Bode (see Figure 43). with your hand,

Mix and lay one layer at a time onto the base Use the tested mix. Pound the lorena in firmly rocks, or a piece of wood.

Soil Mixture Layers

75 85

Figure 43

A finger pressed into the layer should go no deeper than lcm (l/3"). (Use only'--the strength of the finger, not of the whole hand.) Brace the side with your hand or a board when working near the edge (see Figure 44). Compress the edges well. These are areas that can cause trouble. Allow each layer to dry and firm until you cannot push your finger in more than half the fingernail depth before adding the next layer. It may take as long as one day per layer if the stove is constructed indoors.


Figure 44

Watch each layer carefully. Add more sand to the next cracks appear. Record any changes made,



Try to keep each layer level. Work a wetted board across the top of the completed stove in a zigzag motion. Cut away the high Fill the small holes (see Figure 45). Use the machete or parts. knife to even and smooth the sides. If the lorena should crack as the pot holes and tunnels are dug, fill the cracks with wet lorena. If cracks appear all the way down through the stove, demolish the stove. Break the lorena up and start again. (Cracks are due either to overworking the lorena when the layers are applied, cutting the tunnels when the layers are too wet, or to too much clay in the mix which causes uneven shrinkage of the layers as they dry.) Mark Stove Layout


Draw the outline of the desired layout on the stove body. Make the outlines slightly smaller than the hole needed. Figure 37 (on page 60) shows one possible stove layout. Local conditions may demand different designs.

Leveling Board




Stove Holes

First make sure the stove body is dry enough. If you cannot push your finger in more than lcm (l/3") (see Figure 46), the stove is dry enough to cut. , All tools used from now on must be wet. Holes made in the lorena should be sliced, not stabbed. Holes under the pots should go about halfway through the stove.

Figure 46


Slice small holes down the chimney hole. Use a spoon cutting tools wet.

center of each pot hole and the or knife for digging. Keep all

Cut the damper slots with a machete or large knife. One damper is the firebox door. The other two are located on either side of the waterbox hole (see Figure 37 on page 60). Cut perpendicularly into the stove surface, straight down into the Each cut should be about lcm (l/3"). Let the water on block. the blade loosen the lorena before cutting. Let the stove dry until the stove body is very firm throughout.





one hole can be made so that several pots may Plan carefully: be used on it (see Figure 47), Use a spoon and the pots themselves to enlarge and shape the hole. Work carefully.

Figure 47

Begin cutting with the spoon. Then wet the sides of the pot to be used on that hole. Twist the pot back and forth without any downward pressure. Look at the pattern made by the movement of the pot to see where the hole should be enlarged. Work slowly and carefully, until the pot fits down snugly into the hole. Complete Firebox


Shape the entrance in the form of an arch. The arch should be higher than it is wide, but not more than 2Ocm (8") wide. Also arch all tunnels This helps and the top of the firebox. distribute the weight and prevents lumping or cracking.


Flare easily. 8.




so that

wood can be loaded





Use a machete and a pot or empty can to dig out the waterbox as the container you hole. Dig the hole about the same height will use for water. Excavate Tunnels


Use the spoon to dig out tunnels connecting the ,firebox and the The tunnels must allow the hot air pot holes (see Figure 48!. inside the stove to circulate as freely as possible.

Make the tunnels at least large enough to accommodate a hand should rise to the holding three chicken eggs. The tunnels Make the section of the tunnel below each pot hole pots. shallow enough for only three fingers to fit between the pot After finishing the tunnels, build up the and the tunnel floor. floor beneath the pots using clay that was dug out when making the tunnel. 10. Add Chimney

Make sure the hole for the chimney is deeper than the tunnel the air added space so that This gives inside the stove. passage is less likely to get clogged up with fallen debris.


Place a chimney into the block. the lorena where nails may not be remains steady.

pipe into the chimney hole. Sink it 15cm (6") If the chimney needs support, put nails into the chimney should rest inside the stove. The necessary if the chi::,ney fits very tightly and

Add another chimney pipe. Th, higher the pipe, draws air to the stove. Loren? stoves seem to 183cm (6') of chimney to operate :?ficiently. If the stove is constructed should be at least 80cm (32") the roof to ensure good draft. 11. Make the Dampers inside higher

the better it need at least

a building, the chimney than the highest point of

Use scrap sheet metal and make the dampers as shown in Figure 56 on page 81. Each damper should be a little wider than the tunnel so that it can be used to control the flow of air through the tunnel. Rounding off the bottom edges of the dampers will movement of the dampers inside the stove. 12. Fill Finishing cracks with Touches fresh lorena that is pounded in well. water on or scrap allow easier

Complete the body of the stove by lightly splashing the sides and top and running the machete, knife, metal over the surfaces until they are smooth. When dry, apply whitewash, plaster, or varnish,

as desired.

Use of the stove

1. Put pots in place. Make SU~C all the pot and waterbox pot is filled and in place. holes are covered


2. Open damper doors. 3. Place light. kindling







door for


4. 'Close firebox damper and adjust waterbox The stove is now ready for cooking. 5. Slow fire down and conserve heat




damper doors.

For slow cooking: 1. Pull coals forward and add a large of sawdust. and begin to cook. stops piece of firewood.

2. Pour in a bucketful 3. Close damper doors

The lorena stove is easy to maintain. If the stove drawing, the tunnels or chimney pipes need to be cleaned.

Smokeless ctwla
This chula (see Figure 49 on the following page) is based on the findings of S.P. Raju and the Hyderabad Engineering Research Laboratory. Raju's book, "Smokeless Kitchens for the Millions," was first published in India in 1953. Since then his chula, and variations on the basic design, have undergone extensive testing and are in widespread use. The chula is virtually smokeless, and cuts firewood use by as much as 40 percent over an open fire. The materials--clay and sand and bits of scrap metal--are generally abundant and usually free. Construction is simple enough that almost anyone could build the stove. This particular model has three pot holes, and provides for hot water without the use of additional fuel,



Pat Holes I\

PlatfnmjI, . =rrm


73 The stove can be built on the floor in the traditional manner, but many cooks are finding that they prefer the convenience and safety of a stove that is about waist high. or concrete platform can be used to hold the A stone, brick, but remember that the chula stove. A table may be convenient, is very may weigh more than 200 pounds so be sure the table Space under the table or platform can be used to store sturdy. or other goods. fuel wood, cooking utensils,

Materials .
. . . . . Clay --about 200 lbs. vary, but a 3:l

and cow dung (proportions Sand, sawdust, clay/sand mixture has worked well) Lumber-- for the platform and forms (if

desired) reinforce cans, or various commercial and

Scraps of tin, bailing, pieces of wire--to parts of the stove and to make dampers Drain tile, stovepipe-round roofing for the chimney tile, tin portions

Brick or stone-- for the platform for the chimney if necessary

of the stove,


Cons true tion

1. Make the Platiform or Stand

If you choose to construct a platform or stand, the following directions may prove practical (see Figure 50). Dimensions here followed by inches in parentheses. are given in rough metric, Prepare 24-l/2") four for thick pieces the legs. of wood 1Ocm X 1Ocm X 60cm (4" X 4"' X


Protective Tin Sheet

/ /

Pfeces of Board

(as needed)




Figure 50

75 Get two long boards 2-1/2cm X 15cm X 125cm (1" x 6" X 50") two short boards 2-1/2cm X 15cm X 75cm (1" X 6" X 30"). Nail the first two legs to the extremities of each short


Connect these two structures with the long boards, nailing them well to each side. This will form the structure for the stand. Brace table legs with diagonal boards as shown. Prepare pieces of board to fit the dimensions to the frame. This platform top. Nail them firmly be covered with a tin sheet for more protection heat of the stove. 2. Make the Form chula lumber of the table or stand may against the

The clay will be easier to work with, and the finished if a form is made to mold the clay. If will look better, is unavailable or expensive, the form can be eliminated.

The chula itself will be 15cm (6") high, the chimney base will be 20cm (8") high. For the form for the chula use boards that are 15cm (6") wide; for the chimney base use 2Ocm (8") boards. Following the dimensions in Figure together firmly enough to hold the loosely enough to be removed easily. 3. Make the Chimney 51, fasten the boards weight of the clay, but

Make the chimney before beginning the stove (see Figure 52). Round tin cans, 15cm (6") in diameter, can be fitted one on top of the other, or may be soldered together to form the chimney. Prain pipes or round roofing tiles can also be used. In some places it may prove practical to pack prepared earth around a afterwards. diameter, which is withdrawn Pipe of suitable or cement pipes can also be used. Galvanized sheets, asbestos, The chimney highest point should be about 3/4m (2-1/2a) higher than the of the roof. A cowl or cap on top of the chimney



Chimey Cap removable for cleaning Tin, Clay Or Asbestos Pipe


Figure 52

to prevent the entrv of rainwater may be made of tin for pipe chimneys, or of flat stone or flat asbestos for masonry chimneys. The cowl must be removable for cleaning the chimney. 4. Draw the Stove Plan

Put the form in place on the stand and draw a plan of the stove directly on the stand. Use the dimensions in Figure 53 as a guide.


the Clay in water overnight.

Soak the clay



+ t&--

/ 4 s? D

-I 0 u < m z
n -. u1 s f G,

t Ei


Next day, take off the water and mix the clay well with sand, sawdust, or cow dung. Three parts of clay to one part of sand has proved a good mixture. Knead it Let it very well stand and cover with moist sacks.

overnight. of the stove. In this

(Bricks can be used in building the walls be needed.) case, less clay will 6. Make the Stove

Start with the base of by putting down a air), 2.5cm (1") thick at the pot hole (see Figure 54). the base of the chimney, (1") thick again.

the fire duct (channel for heat and layer of clay. The base slopes from front to 7.5cm (3") thick at the last Beneath the hot water chamber and at the floor of the duct drops to 2.5cm

Build the 'walls around the duct 12.7cm (5") high. Start up the building the wall to hold the chimney. Continue building clay around the fire duct to a depth of 12.7cm (5"). Place a block of clay in the center of the hot water chamber. This will support the hot water pot without blocking the duct. Fill the fire duct space with sand. If you are not using a opening with a piece of wood, wooden form, cover the firebox cardboard, or metal to keep the sand from spilling out. Set the chimney block the duct. in place.



does not


down and

Put down a 2.5cm,, (1") thick layer of clay for the top of the stove. Scrap metal strips or heavy w'ire may be used to reinforce the stove top between and around the pot holes (see Figure 55). Cut out the pot holes with a wet knife. Shape the a wet pot holes to fit the pots. This can be done by setting pot in place and gently turning it back and forth until the pot hole conforms to the bottom of the pot. Remove the pot.


Section B-B



Rsinlbrce Roof With Hard Material (IronJile, etc.1

Cut 'a slot for the damper with a little wider than the fire either side).

Figure 55

a wet knife. duct (about

Make the slot 1.25cm [l/2"]



To make the damper (see Figure 56), cut a 15cm X 17.5cm (6" X 7") rectangle out of sheet metal. Nail thin wooden strips along


Thin Sh Metal Adjustment Pin


Figure 56


one short edge as shown. Punch two or three row down the center of the damper. To use the damper, slide it by inserting a nail through The nail will get hot.) into the slot. the appropriate

holes Adjust hole.

in a vertical the opening (Be careful.

Build up the chimney base to a depth of 20cm (8"). Smooth the surface of the clay with water. Cover the chula with damp sacks and allow it to dry. When the stove is dry, remove the wooden forms and sweep out the sand. Mend cracks that have developed during the drying process by moistening the surface of the cracks and filling in with the clay mixture.

Use of the stove

To lay the fire, first make a base of wood shavings, other available tinder or crumpled paper, and then add small pieces of wood. Put larger wood, chopped to size, on top. Light the fire, and leave the firebox open until the fire is going well, For higher heat, open the damper. To lower the heat, half close the damper. To put out the fire, close the damper completely. Pans should fit the cooking holes closely. The base of the cooking utensil should be 3-5cm (l-2") below the surface of the hole. Be sure all pot holes are covered when the stove is in use. Use a pot lid or a piece of metal. Keep the stove clean. Cover all pot holes before removing ashes from the firebox. From time to time it may be necessary to coat the stove with a thin slurry of clay and water to clean it. Cracks same kind of and chips can be mended with the clay/sand/water mixture that the stove was made of. Clean the chimney regularly--about every four to six months. This lessens the danger of chimney fires due to creosote buildup, and prevents the chimney from clogging.


Singer stove
(Figure 57) is an efficient, The Singer stove relatively cooking smokeless stove similar to the smokeless chulas of It can be molded in clay, India. or built of either sun--dried The molded stove has a life expectancy of or burned bricks. brick construction will last much about a year; the sun-dried A burned-brick stove is the most expensive alternative, longer. but will last for many years. Because the sun-dried brick constrution is more durable without being much more costly, directions are given here for using this material. The stove can be built to any height and with two or more pot holes. The stove can also be built with either a straight or bent flue. With a straight flue, the stove requires somewhat more room, but it is cheaper and easier to build. Careful consideration should be given to the position of the stove. Even the smaller versions are quite heavy and difficult to move once in place. Because the stove is virtually smokeless it can be used indoors. With suitable protection from the rain, it can also be used out-of-doors. Detailed waist-high instructions stove with are three given for the construction pot holes and a straight flue. of a


. . . .

Clay Ashes or sand Sawdust, rice hulls, straw (if desired) Water Lumber and nails for 'the forms meter three of material pot holes. will be required

Approximately one-half cubic for a waist-high cooker with

The proper proportion of dry materials will depend on the type of soil in a given area and the local manufacturing methods. It



. -4
I -

Pot Holes

1 Fuel Storage

Figure 57


may be best to experiment with several mixtures to see which one will make the best blocks. In some areas a mixture of three parts clay to one part sand is used. In other areas, ten parts of clay are mixed with one part of finely cut straw. When experimenting, be sure to keep careful records so that a good mixture can be duplicated easily. The clay should be broken up and crushed, and sifted through a wire screen to remove large rocks, sticks, and other material. Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly before adding the water. Add just enough water to make a mix that is pliable enough to be worked easily but firm enough to hold its shape. Mixing can be done with a special mixer, a heavy wooden paddle, or by treading on the mixture.

1. Make the Forms

With straight, smooth lumber construct a form for the plates for the cooking surface (see Figure 58). Suggested dimensions for a finished plate are 5.5cm (2') thick X 34cm (13-l/2") long X 27cm (11") wide, but these may be adjusted to suit special requirements. The form consists of a base plank, the central form; and a top plank. The form may be fitted with hand grips to assist in lifting it away after the plate is made. Before the inside with the clay mixture is put into the form, sprinkle ash dust to ensure that the finished piate wiii slide out easily without sticking. Press the clay mixture into the form. Allow to dry slightly.

Carefully mark the cooking hole and cut it out with a wet knife or other sharp tool. The suggested diameter of the hole is 20cm (8"), but this may vary according to special requirements, such as the size of the pots to be used. It will be necessary to make two or three burner plates depending on the style of stove you choose. The holes for the pots can all be the same size, or can be different'sizes to accommodate a variety of pots.

Plan View
1 1 24 1 1 30 1 1 30

1 7 1 1 1

Isl 12 I
11 1
Figure 58

Al I Dimensions in Centimeters

Do Not Scale Drawing

87 similar to the plate form Construct a form to make the bricks, Suggested dimensions for a finished brick are described above. 5cm (2") thick X 10.5cm (4-l/4") wide X 22.5cm (9") long, but the dimensions may be adjusted to suit special requirements. 300 bricks of this size will be needed. The Approximately process for forming a brick is the same as that for forming a plate. A form wiil also be needed for the firebox door (see Figure block is 14cm X 15cm X 5cm 59). Make it so that the finished (5-l/2" X 6" X 2"). There should be an opening 4cm high X 6cm wide (l-1/2" X 2-l/2") along one 15cm (6") edge. This opening See the section Make the Firebox Door for is for the damper. The damper must be directions for finishing this block. attached while the clay is still damp.

All Dimensions in Centimeter

Figure 59


Make the Stove

Mark the outline of the base of the stove. Use the measurements Begin to lay the bricks, using any in Figure 60 as a guide. good mortar.



Al I Dimensions in Centimeters Do Not Scale Drawings


Lay the bricks a layer at a time, overlapping joints where possible. The fuel storage space can be spanned by brick, heavy plank, or sheet metal. The next layer of brick is laid directly over this span. The dimensions of the firebox and flue have been carefully designed to provide maximum heat and minimum wood consumption. Follow these dimensions carefully when building the stove, cutting or shaping the clay bricks if necessary. (Note: For a small business enterprise, it might be desirable to make the bricks to size instead of cutting them to fit.) Mortar the cooking layer of bricks. 3. Make the Chimney t(ile, longer brick, or than clay plates into place in the same way as for a

Build the chimney (see Figure 61) of clay masonry. Masonry is better, safer, and lasts tile, but it is more costly. With masonry, the inside 6") or 20cm X 20cm (8" chimney.

dimensions should be 15cm X 15cm (6" X X 8") depending on the height of the

clay tile) The diameter of the chimney pipe (of hard-baked depends on the size of the hearth and the height of the chimney. For chimneys up to 4m (13') high, pipe with a 12cm (5") internal diameter is normally satisfactory. For longer chimneys The minimum the pipe diameter can be reduced to 1Ocm (4"). recommended chimney height is 2.5m (8') from the cooking surface to the top of the last tile. The top of the chimney should be at least 80cm (32") higher than the highest point of the The tiles should be roof. The chimney must be air-tight. assembled with care, the joints mortared, and a cover provided The cover should be removable to to prevent rain from entering. make cleaning the chimney easier. A tin or zinc finishing plate is provided just below the roof rafters. The space between the metal piece and the roofing must be made watertight by applying a waterproof material such as roofing tar or other available mastic.


Rain COW

Assembling Bolt SuppoptBrackti Holeo(3) Places Equally Spaced

* I

FIgwe 61

91 4. Make the Firebox Door form for the firebox the door as follows. door. While

Pour the clay into the special the clay is still damp, finish Cut a piece of sheet metal 1Ocm (3" X 4"). Smooth the Figure 62). Bend the metal The damper will get grip. strips on either side of fingers. With a heavy nail, edge. Press the nail pletely covers the

into a rectangle approximately 8cm X This will be the damper (see edges. on one side as shown to form a handhot so, if desired, nail thin wooden the 2cm (3/4") fold to protect the

punch a hole in the damper near the top into the damp clay so that the damper comopening in the firebox door. The damper


Firebox Door / Pivot Nail Hole



Damoer Layout

Pivot Nail

\Tbo-IX2X8 wood strip8

Figure 62


yet fit snugly against should pivot on the nail, to prevent the passage of air and smoke.

the clay


block of clay or Instead of the metal damper, a snug-fitting door. brick may simply be placed in the opening of the firebox While the clay is still damp cut two holes halfway through the accommofirebox door as shown in Figure 63. 'These holes will date the handle for the door and should be made to fit it. The handle can be a smooth, forked, hardwood stick, or made of It should be easily removed so that it will not be coiled wire. in the way when the stove is in use. For a permanent handle, make two bolt holes all the way through the door. When the clay attach a wooden or bent metal handle with has dried hard, to handle when hot.) Be sure the (Wood will be easier bolts. handle is placed high enough on the blcck to clear the damper when it is pivoted into the open position.

Firsbox Door c

Wooden Handle

Metal Handle

Figure 63


The firebox door must fit snugly into the opening of the fireIf the block is too large, it may be necessary to sand the box. not to take too much edges with rough sand paper. Be careful off.

Use of the stove

first make a base of wood shavings, other To lay the fire, available tinder or crumpled paper, and then add small pieces of wood. Put larger wood, chopped to size, on top. To increase close the fuel door with the damper open. To lower the heat, the heat, half close the damper. To put the fire out, close the damper completely. Pans should closely fit the cooking holes. The base of the cooking utensil should be 3cm-5cm (1" -2") below the surface of the hole. An unused hole should always be covered. For pans smaller can be used. the hole, rings/platewashers The stove should be cleaned regularly first patched immediately. To clean, remove ashes from the firebox. and all cover all than

damaged places pot holes and

cover all the pot holes. Remove the To clean the chimney, first removing all the chimney cover and sweep the chimney clean, once every six soot. The chimney should be cleaned at least months. The use of wet or damp wood causes damage to the chimney through the accumulation of creosote, which leads to risk of fire. Chimneys heavily coated with creosote should therefore be replaced by new ones. If a chimney should catch fire, the pasand the fire sage leading to the chimney should be blocked extinguished.


Sawdust cook stove

A sawdust-burning cook stove can be built easily by converting roughly) can of the kind used to a square 5-gallon (20-liter, The stove will require a base package paint or vegetable oil. and a fairly heavy metal cover to of brick, stone, or metal, allow proper draft and to support a cookpot. The chimney can be made of commercially available stovepipe or ducts, or custom fabricated of sheet metal. A 2kg (4-l/2 lb) charge of sawdust will give four to five hours of good cooking fire. The stove is fueled by packing sawdust into the can around four upright wooden rods (bro::lsticks are good). The sticks are four holes in the sawdust. A bit of carefully removed, leaving fuel oil is sprinkled on the sawdust around the holes and When the fire is burning well, the cover is placed on lighted. the stove and cooking can begin. Most of the smoke and fumes will be carried away from the cooking area through the chimney. The stove is not totally smokeless, nor is it 100 percent efficient. The stove's paint can firebox may burn out and have to be replaced regularly. However, the stove does make good use of a fuel source that is frequently overlooked--and often free--and it is smokefree enough to make a significant difference in the cook's environment. If the firebox does have to be replaced, another discarded can is usually available at little or no cost. The chimney and stove top--parts that will probably have to be purchased or specially built--should last indefinitely. Construction directions given here include cially available ducting for the chimney. easily made to order in the approximate ready-made parts. the use of commerThe chimney can be dimensions of the

. .

1 5-gallon 1 sheet

or 20-liter metal "grill"

can to cover top of can


4 wooden rods


5cm (2")

diameter, are


equal (stone,

to can depth

desired Base--as brick, or metal) 1 reducer x 6-l/4") fitting,


as materials


1Ocm X 18cm to 8cm x 16cm (4"

x 7" to 3"

Chimney (ready-made 1 reducer




lOCm X 18cm to

7cm X 15cm (4

x 7


X 6")


. . .

1Ocm X 18~x1 X 45~x11(4,I X 7" X 18") 1Ocm X 18cm X 70~x1 (4" X 7" X 28") 1Ocm X 18cm K 57~ (4.' X 7" X 23-l/2") 1Ocm X 18cm X 107cm (4 X 7 X 42-3/4) may vary according to installation) exhaust hood


Chimney cap Reinforcing rod to support



on installation)

Tools and equipment


Tin snips Soldering


Construe tion
1. Make the Stove

Decide where the stove will be used. It can be used indoors or outside. In some areas cooking is done outdoors in an enclosed patio or courtyard. Be sure to place the stove at least one meter (one yard) away from the walls fox safety.


level base out of brick, stone, or metal Arrange a flat, between the ground and braces. ~110~ about 15cm (6") clearance the bottom of the stove. Set the can on the base, making sure it will not tip or wobble. See Figure 64 for assembly the can. of the-can so that each width in from each corinto these holes. of one side of guidelines.

Cut the top off

Cut or punch four holes in the bottom hole is about one-third of the can's ner. The wooden rods should fit snugly Cut an 8cm X 16cm (3" X 6-l/4") the can, approximatley 3cm (1")

rectangle out from the top.

Fasten the 1Ocm X 18cm to 8cm X 16cm (4" X 7" to 3" X 6-l/4") reducer around the opening in the can. This can be done soldering or bolting. Make the Chimney



Assemble the rest of the ducting to form the chimney. Sizes given in the parts list are approximate, depending on the installation. They should serve as a guide, however, to the overall height of the chimney, the location of the suction exhaust hood, and the clearance from the surrounding walls. Angles between ducts should be as wide as possible (135' or more) to obtain a better flow of combustion gases. The top of the chimney should be at least 80cm (32") higher than the highest part of the roof. The suction exhaust hood provides an opening in the chimney which adds enough draft to prevent smoke and gases from backing up into the stove and cooking area. In some places it may be possible to purchase one ready-made, but more likely it will have to be made to order. Separate two of the vertical there is a space of about sections of chimney duct 1Ocm (4") between them. SO that Bolt or




Figure 64


solder four equally spaced rigid metal strips between the two To the edge of the upper section pieces of duct. attach a flared hood that reaches down far enough to shield the opening, but is wide enough at its lower edge to allow plenty of draft. The flared section can be improvised by using a reducer, or can be cut from the bottom of a chimney cap or a large funnel. The chimney will require support, depending on how and where the stove is installed. If the stove is used in a courtyard, the chimney can be attached to the wall with guy wires or metal In this case, the chimney should have about a 30cm straps. (12") clearance from the wall to avoid a fire hazard and to provide adequate draft for the suction exhaust hood. Additional support for the semi-horizontal sections may also be necessary. The end of the duct that fits into the stove requires its own support, wherever the stove is used. This allows the firebox portion to be moved easily for fueling and/or replacement.

Use of the stove

Put a wooden rod firmly into each hole can. Be sure,the rods stand straight. in the bottom of the

Add sawdust to a depth of about 16cm (6"). Pack the sawdust with a wooden block and a few sprinkles of water. The sawdust should be packed firmly, but it should not be so wet that it will not burn. Carefully sawdust. remove the rods, leaving four holes in the compacted

Add a small quantity of fuel oil to each hole and light it with a large wick. It may take some practice to learn the technique of lighting the stove easily. Once there is a flame in each hole, smoke and gases out of the chimney. A 2kg (4-l/2 lb) charge of good cooking fire. cover the can to force four or five the hours

of sawdust will



The choice and use of fuel directly affect the efficiency of a of the wood, and the way it is placed stove. Type and condition in the firebox all contribute to how well the stove will operate.

Choosing wood
Some fires are more difficult to light and produce less heat The characteristics of the fuel--in this case, than others. wood --and how it is placed in the firebox determine the amount and the rate at which heat will of heat the fire will produce, be given off. The most important physical characteristic of wood that affects the amount of heat that is released is the amount of moisture and material like resin or sap the wood contains. Some of the other factors that are important in affecting the heat of the fire are the density of the wood, the size of the the temperature of the area in wood, how the wood is stacked, and the amount of air entering the which the wood is burning, area. Considerable energy is used to evaporate excess water and other forms of moisture from wood with a high content 'of moisture. The greater the moisture content of wood, the lower is its heating value, and the harder it is to ignite. Part of the chemical energy of the wood must be used to boil off the it dilutes the volatile gases water. As the water is released, and lowers the temperature of the gas mixture, making ignition more difficult (see Figure 65).



Figure 65

and the longer The denser the wood, the harder it is to ignite Dense wood also produces relatively more it takes to burn. coals. In the case of less dense wood, more of the is burned while charcoal the gases are still burnand ing. Thus softwood coconut husks produce less charcoal and more tars, and evolve more gases at a than temperature lower since However, hardwoods. dense wood produces more volume, unit heat Figure 66 Per are fireboxes smaller needed to produce the same heat output (Figure 66'). Pieces of wood under l-1/4cm to 2-1/2cm (l/2" to 1") diameter pieces of will usually sustain their own flame, whereas larger wood will not, unless there is an external source of heat such as charcoal or kindling (see Figure 67). Large pieces of wood if sufficient air is to burn without flames, may continue available and if the wood, is not too damp. These smoldering


Figure 67

logs 'pot

give out considerable on the boil.'1


and are often

used to keep a

In choosing wood which will burn efficiently, the type of wood Some wood burns quickly, giving out a lot of heat is important. giving over a short period of time. Other wood is slow burning, out more even heat for a longer time. Different kinds of wood may therefore be appropriate for cooking different kinds of food. Different varieties of wood are capable of producing different amounts of heat per unit volume. This is due to such factors as the moisture content and the density of the particular type of

An ingenious and efficient method of providing energy both for heating and cooking is the fire stick used by the Australian Aborigines. The fire in diameter that has been stick is a piece of hardwood 5-10~1~ (2-4) it is pulled away from the center of the ignited at one end. Once ignited, fire and left to smolder slowly in the sand. When camp is moved, the person holds the fire stick in front of his body during the journey. The smoldering stick gives out sufficient heat to protect the person from the freezing desert nights but does not go into flames for two reasons: the wood gases are blown away from the hot surface before they 1. can ignite, and the since the stick has a diameter greater than 2-1/2cm (l), 2. glowing end is not able to sustain its own flame. is held against On arrival at a new camp the smoldering end of the stick some dry grass or leaves and a new fire is started. 1


choice wood. However, many users of wood stoves have little about which type of wood to use. This table shows the heating value of some different vi .ieties of wood. It assumes that all the wood is thoroughly dried. Basic Heat Value (dry) BTUs/lb 8900 8760 8660 8400 9850 8810 9000 9700 8680 9140 8180 8670 8820 1135 8880 9600 8920 8700 8780

Type of Wood Tro&ical Species ....................... Ash (white) Beech ............................. Birch (white) ..................... ,Cedar (whi.te) ..................... ,Cypress ........................... Elm ............................... Fir (Douglas) ...................... 1 Hemlock ........................... Hickory (Shelback) 1 ................ 1 Yaple ............................. t3ak (black). ....................... f3ak (red) ......................... t3ak (white) ....................... 1 Pine (pitch) ...................... Pine (white) 1 ...................... Pine (yellow) 1 ..................... Poplar ............................ 1 !spruce ............................ ITamarack ..........................

Using wood
A stove is being operated inefficiently large a piece of wood is used for a short the air inlet damper is set too low efficiency. when too much or too cooking time, or when for good combustion

103 Efficient use of the stove begins with the placement of wood in Crooked pieces of wood stacked unevenly channel air the fire. between the pieces and allow the air to mix with the volatile fire that wood gases. If you blow at the base of a smoldering has been well stacked, the wood will ignite. However, if you blow at a point where air cannot circulate, the fire will not ignite and your blowing on it may put it out. In this case, the ! air has blown the flammable gases away from a hot area too cool It is essential that air enters the fuel in for them to ignite. t.he fireplace or stove so that it can circulate and mix well with the gases produced in the burning process (see Figure 68).


Figure 66

To obtain efficient combustion of wood, the area around the wood's surface should be at a temperature above that of the ignition point of the volatile gases, and should have enough air to cause the gases to ignite.

Dictionary of terms
BAFFLE--Used to redistribute heat, to redirect the flow of exhaust gases so they can be better used. In stoves disare usually a mound or step in cussed in this book, baffles the tunnel. BINDERS--Materials cement. that hold things together, such as


measure, a . BRITISH THERMAL UNITS (BTUs) --One type of heat value BTU is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. COMBUSTION--Burning, COMPACTED--Packed until CONDENSATION--The liquid the burning solid. that forms when a gas cools. process.

CONDUCTION--The transfer of heat through the air between the open fire, heat is lost fire and the pot. In a traditional into the open air; in the improved stove, passages or ducts leading from the fire to the cooking pots are sealed so that only air controlled by the dampers reaches inside the stove. CONSERVE--To keep from loss or waste; to save.

CONVECTION--The transfer of heat by circulatory motion: hot gases rise and cooler gases sink, creating a turbulence. In convection is uncontrolled open wood fire, a traditional, and the wind can disperse the hot gases and prevent them from reaching the pot. In an improved stove, passages for the flow of air and gases are constructed' in such a way that convection is example, by adding baffles) (for


the hot air is that The turbulence ensures increased. bounced directly up against the bottom of the pot, rather than being carried openly across the bottom of the pot. substance that someCREOSOTE--A burnable liquid or tar-like times forms in chimneys. It forms when unburned firebox gases cool. It can cause dangerous chimney fires. DAMPER--A sliding stove. door that controls the gas and air and into flow in a

DOWN-DRAFT--Air that DRAFT--An air current


down the chimney

the room.

in a stove.

EFFICIENCY--In stoves, this is a measure of how well fuel is used, or the economy of fuel use. Efficiency is a measure of the amount of heat actually used, as compared to the amount of heat which was available. The better the efficiency of the stove, the more of the available heat is actually used for choking. To a user, the only meaningful measure of a stove's efficiency is whether it burns less wood and gives at least as much satisfaction as the previous method. FIREBOX--The FLUE--A duct chamber in which or passage for fuel is burned.

gas or air. burning air fuel.

GRATE--A frame for INLET--Opening KINDLING--Small fire. that

holding allows

or gas to enter. leaves, etc. Used to start words lodo


of wood, dry

LORENA--A sand and clay mixture. [mud] and arena [sand]), MACHETE--A large knife

(From the


from South America.



made from stone,


or hard material.

MOISTURE CONTENT--The moisture content of fuel is the amount of water contained in a given unit of that fuel. Recently cut wood can obtain significant amounts of water; this moisture lowers heat value (in other words, the number of BTUs the available) obtained from a fire in two ways. First, water represents a good portion of the weight in the total mass of wood but does not add to the heat value of the when the wood is Second, what heat is available fire. burned must be used first to dry the wood. NATURAL DRAFT--A flow OUTLET--An opening PERFORATED--Full POT HOLES--The placed. RADIATE--To give that of air that air is not man-made. or gas to exit.


of holes. holes off from on the heat. a hot object that can be felt at a top of a stove where pots are

RADIATION--Heat distance. RAKE--To stir SILT--Sediment

or move around. deposited by water; fine flame. sand.

SMOLDER--To burn or smoke without STOKING--Adding SUBSOIL--The soil. It more fuel.

bed of earth or earthy material under usually has little organic matter. air through. device used to measure

the surface


THERMOCOUPLE--Metal accurately.



TOE SPACE--Space at the bottom TOXIC--Poisonous. TROWEL--A hand tool used for

of a stove


a person's



and smoothing.

WARMERBASIN--A hole cut into the top of the stove in which food can be warmed but not cooked. There is no direct contact with hot gases from the firebox. WATERPROOF--Not letting water through.

Ahula, B.D., Gupta, O.N., and Srinivasan, K.S., A Study on the and Research Report #17, Efficiency of Chulas, Technical National Buildings Organization and UN Regional Housing (UDC 643.332) (New Delhi: n.d.). Center/ECAFE. Victor J., Theory and Practice Collection of Articles 1923-1926, of Lime Manufacture, June 1946. A

Azbe, de

Guido and Ki-Zerbo, Jacquelin, Improvement of Lepeliere, Fireplaces for Domestic Use of Firewood: Its Potential and to the Club du Sahel through a Impact on the Sahel, report joint consultancy for CILLS and the UNFAO, May 1979. Energy and Economic Development, D., Forest Press, Oxford, Massachusetts USA, 1975. Clarendon


Evans, Ianto, edited by Kalin, Jim and Darrow, Ken, Lorena Owner-Built Stoves, Appropriate Technology Project/ Volunteers in Asia, (Stanford, California USA, 1979). Frieire, P., Education: Readers Publishing The Practice Co-operative, of Freedom, 1974. London and

Goldemberg, J. and Brown, R.I., Cooking Stoves: State of the Art, Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (n.d.). Harahap, Dr., a comprehensive forthcoming; Development Indonesia. Harris, M., Current "The Cultural Anthropology survey on step grate Center, Technology India's Sacred cookers, Bandung, Cattle,"

Ecology of #7, 1966.


, personal



109 P

110 Karki, A. and Coburn, B. The Prospect of Biogas as One of the Sources of Energy in Nepal, 10th World Energy Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 1977. personal correspondence to ITDG, 1979. Charring Pyrolysis 16th Symposium on

Lamb, Bruce, Lee,

R.E. and Singer, J.M., C.K., Chaiken, of Wood in Fires by Laser Stimulation, Combustion, 1976.

Makhijani, A. and Poole, Third World, Ballinger chusetts USA, 1975.

A., Energy and Agriculture Publishing Co., Cambridge, Cooking USA.

in the MassaFuels in

Martin, L.H., The Economy and Economics of Washington Ghana, Washington University, Mukhopadhuau, T.K. and Maheshhwari, Stoves for Rural Communities, ISAE, Kharagpur. Nuruzzman, Bangladesh Research, personal Odend'hall, ment,"

R.C., Husk Fired Domestic 16th Annual Conference, and in Their Industrial Environ-

Council of Scientific correspondence, 1979. Indian Cattle

S., "Energetics of Human Ecology #l.

Openshaw, K., The Gambia: A Wood Consumption Survey and Timber Trend Study 1973-2000, unpublished report to the ODA/LRD Gambia Land Resource Development Project, Midlothian, Great Britain, 1973. tist,

"Wood Fuels 6;:883, 1974.

in the Developing on the Thai


New SciencorresEndi-

Results of test pondence, 1979. Overhaarte, hoven,


personal Hodgeschol,

J.C., Family Cooker, Technische The Netherlands, 1977.



S.P., Literature

Smokeless Society,

Kitchens Madras,

for the Millions, India, 1961. the Rural UNICEF,

Christian Family," Nairobi,

for Reddy, A., "Simple Energy Technologies Village Technology in Eastern Africa, Kenya, 1976.

Rhodesia--An Richards, A.I., Land, Labour and Diet in Northern Economic Study of the Bamba Tribe, Oxford University Press (first published 19391, 1960. , Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe, Kegan, Paul, London, England, 1932. Richolson, Jerry, respondence, Shaller, Dale V., Stove and Its Department 1979. of Forestry, Fiji, Routledge personal and cor-

A Sociocultural Assessment of Diffusion in Highland Guatemala,

the Lorena March 1979,

Singer, H., Report to the Government ment of Fuelwood Cooking Stoves Food and Agriculture Organization,

of Indonesia on Improveand Economy in Fuelwood, Rome, Italy, 1961.

Siwatibau, S.A., A Survey of Domestic Rural Energy Use and Potential in Fiji, Center for Applied Studies, Fiji, 1978. Thomas, B., Two Studies in African Nutrition: An Urban and pural Community in Northern Rhodesia, Rhodes-Livingstone Papers #24, International African Institute, 1954. Walton, J.D., Roy, A.H. and Bomar, S.H., A State of the Art Survey of Solar Powered Irrigation Pumps, Solar Cookers and Wood Burning Stoves for Use in Sub-Sahara Africa: Final Technical Report, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia USA, January 1978. Wike, Ole, Wood Stoves: How to Anchorage, Alaska USA, 1.977. Make Them, Northwest Pubs,


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