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Industrial application of hemp

History and future prospects of hemp as an alternative
resource for pulp

Fedor Gorbachev

March–May 2021

Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering


Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Energy and Environmental Engineering

Industrial application of hemp fibers
History and future prospects of hemp as an alternative resource for pulp

Bachelor's thesis 44 pages, appendices 1 page

March–May 2021

Following literature review was conducted to find the information on application

of industrial hemp’s fiber material in pulp and paper manufacturing as an alterna-
tive raw material. In addition to main research idea, it was decided to include
several related topics that were also reviewed. These additional topics were cho-
sen to provide background on aspects related to pulping and industrial hemp as
a fiber resource. Historical development of the material was decided to be in-
cluded also. Information was gathered through reading various articles, reports,
books and compilations. Key findings were analyzed to define advantages and
disadvantages of hemp’s raw material.

Information was gathered together to form the strength/weaknesses/opportuni-

ties/threats analysis in regard to using industrial hemp as a plant for harvesting
fiber material. Key findings indicated distinct advantages and deficiencies based
on plant’s natural characteristics.

It was proven through reviewing that fast growth rates, high yields of fibrous ma-
terial, stem’s fiber qualities and fiber’s suitability for pulping were main ad-
vantages of the hemp as an alternative resource. Nonetheless, research had
shown hemp’s significant dependance on climatic conditions and soil qualities.
Hemp was found to be highly demanding for huge amount of nutrients, as well as
being generally more expensive material for pulping industry. Despite financial
risks and economy related deficiencies hemp was still found as a material with a
notable potential.

Key words: hemp, alternative, pulp, paper, history



1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 4
2 CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND ........................................................... 6
2.1 Overlook to pulping and paper manufacturing process .................. 6
2.2 Description of non-wood fibers ....................................................... 9
2.3 Historical background on hemp .................................................... 13
2.4 Hemp’s biological characteristics ................................................. 18
2.5 Hemp’s ecology and agriculture ................................................... 23
2.6 Information on hemp’s end uses .................................................. 28
3 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................ 31
4 RESULTS ............................................................................................ 34
5 DISCUSSION ...................................................................................... 37
REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 41
APPENDICES .......................................................................................... 44
Appendix 1. Fibre properties and chemical composition of raw non-wood
and wood materials ...................................................................... 44


Deforestation and depletion of wood resources throughout most of human history

is an irrefutable fact. According to National Geographic (2019) this process has
not slowed down, despite many efforts. Observing satellite imagery, there is no
doubt that large territories previously occupied by forest ecosystems were either
urbanized or converted into agricultural areas. Deforestation took catastrophic
turn in tropical and equatorial regions of the Earth, namely in rainforest areas of
Oceania and Amazon. The latter has lost more than 17% of its area during last
50 years, and Indonesian forests are continuously replaced by palm oil planta-
tions (National geographic 2019). Regardless the fight against deforestation, not
all countries and cultures are interested in subversion of harmful impact their eco-
nomic development had made. Climatic changes also directly affect forests with
wildfires happening all around the world. To minimize the harm, forests are re-
grown where it is possible, sustainable practices are implemented by forestry in-
dustries, and to influence consumers’ choice on manufactured products specific
labeling has been established, however till this day the problem has not turned in
the opposite direction.

Papermaking is a growing sector of industry. Whether in high-income regions pa-

per consumption is decreasing, it is estimated that in developing countries rise in
demand for paper and cellulose-based products will certainly happen (Mayowa
2018, 56). In addition, steady growth of awareness on hygiene and health world-
wide results in growing demand for tissue paper products, like wipes, napkins,
hand towels (Naithani et al. 2020, 706). Given the fact that activities to eliminate
plastic waste and reduce number of plastics reaching environment and ocean are
also taken place worldwide, packaging manufacturers might turn to use alterna-
tives to plastics. Cardboards and their engineered composite variations might be-
come a crucial part of solution, or at least a transitional or alternative option for
mitigation of the plastic problem. (Devitt 2020.) Thus, an increase in demand for
the pulp required for paperboards manufacturing has its right to be expected. In
addition, economically developing regions of Asia and Africa might even further
increase demand for such packaging, when population there will become less
burdened with poverty and will tend to spend more on different products. The

main question is not when and where it might happen, but how drastically this will
affect the overall consumption of cellulose-based products. What will be the neg-
ative consequences for forestry industry and global wood resources?

It is worth mentioning, that wood and its engineered composite derivatives, like
CLT (cross laminated timber) and LVL (laminated veneer lumber) are increasing
in popularity as building materials, due to lesser impact on carbon footprint during
their production and overall lifecycle (Risen 2014). Developments in wood engi-
neering resulted in broad selection of strong composites comparable with other
conventional non-wood building materials. Some of these properties found to ex-
ceed qualities of concrete and metal (Risen 2014). It can be assumed that in near
future the range of used building materials might be turned in favor of these wood-
derivatives. Thus, raw timber demand might also increase drastically for building

Growing rates of forest depletion technically can be mitigated by implementing

complex of diversified measures, affecting each root cause of the problem.
Reestablishing raw material base for industries, which have been utilizing timber,
has a potential of decreasing rates of tree cutting at least for needs of tissue and
paper manufacturing. Transition from wood to paper-waste and fast-growing an-
nual plants is a topic to be reviewed and revised with regard to newer available
technologies and deficiencies these alternative materials may pose in the future.
This transition to non-wood cultures would directly affect the severity level of the
problem, additionally giving prospects for both smaller businesses and farms and
would leave more raw wood available for other applications. Non-wood plants
include many species, accounted as grasses, but all have cellulose fibers, which
are able to be converted into textiles or pulp due to their natural characteristics.
Each of them requires specific climatic and environmental conditions to produce
fibrous material, what makes it possible for pulpers to choose the crop dependent
on facility’s location. Not all of these crops are able to be grown on its full potential
in northern America, Europe, Russia and Nordic countries, places where paper
manufacturing has been developed to its fullest and massively. Because of that,
this paper has chosen for review the plant known to be naturally thriving in Eura-
sian temperate regions – hemp, often referred as industrial cannabis.


To bring the reader into understanding hemp potentials and possibilities for the
industries of pulping and paper manufacturing, this chapter specifies each related
concept: introduces basic processes of papermaking, lists its possible resource
base, describes history, biology and ecology of industrial cannabis, mentions re-
lated principles of its cultivation and processing, and at last describes its fibers
as a source for pulping.

2.1 Overlook to pulping and paper manufacturing process

In this part next questions are answered. First of all, what is the paper? How is it
produced? Where it came from? Which processes paper production includes and
what are the resources needed?

Paper, as well as different cardboards/paperboards and tissues are products

made from cellulosic pulp. These are applied in many modern operations, from
printing, wrapping, packaging, to usage in hygiene and insulation. (Britt n.d.) En-
cyclopedia Britannica [1] defines papermaking as a process in which sheets of
different resulting qualities are formed on woven screens from water suspension
of specifically prepared cellulose fibers (pulp matter). Modern paper manufactur-
ing is a highly technical industrial process, involving complex chemical processes
and high degree of mechanization on all of its path. Nevertheless, it is built on
ancient principles of operation, which had been set up in 2nd century AC in China.
(Britt n.d.) Papermaking process can be divided into two general stages: pulp
production (fibers-to-pulp) and paper manufacturing (pulp-to-paper) (Sappi Tube

A number of paper- and tissue- mills exclude pulp production stage and require
prepared pulp bales transported to them from the pulp distributers and producers.
(Valmet 2019; Sappi Tube 2012). Pulp of different fiber lengths and qualities is
able to be produced from wastepaper, timber and different types of non-wood
materials on specific facilities called pulp mills. Pulping can be done mechanically

or include chemical processes. (Britt n.d.) Process of chemical pulping consists

of several stages, which are extensively described in film made by Sappi Tube

Wood logs or recycled wooden off-cuts are transported from sawmills to the pulp
mill where they are pre-treated for pulping by chipping and debarking. Wastepa-
per requires refining, washing, screening and in some cases de-inking before it
can be used further (Britt n.d.). Non-wood fibers are pre-treated, according to
characteristics of the chosen fibrous material. After this stage fiber material either
mechanically processed, forming groundwood pulp suitable for paperboard and
newsletter paper, or it is fed into the digester for cooking to produce better quality
pulp (Britt n.d.). The cooking is carried out in complex engineered machinery,
where sophisticated chemical processes are conducted to dissolve lignin and
separate it from plant cellulose fibers. Lignin is a complex polymer, which is one
of main components of cellular walls of plants, playing a significant role in rigidity
of cells, giving them stiffness and strength. Despite being second most abundant
organic material on Earth, only few industrial implementations had been found for
it (Riddle et al. 2019, 43; Britannica [1] n.d.). The main purpose of cooking pro-
cess during pulping is to completely get rid of lignin content. (Riddle et al. 2019,
53) Hereafter yellowish softened fibers are washed to remove any traces of un-
wanted chemical residues after the cooking and then are bleached. After these
processes the making of pulp mass is finished. Pulp then is either dried and bailed
for transportation and export, or directly sent to the conveyor for next stages of
paper or tissue manufacturing.

Pulp bales, when imported to the processing facilities, at the beginning are sent
to dissolver, where they are mixed with water to produce a pulp suspension, also
called “stock” (Valmet 2019). On combined pulp-tissue-mills and pulp-paper-mills
pulp is mixed with water on its way to next stages and then directly sent into
refining blades. There fibers are given variable degree of fibrillated ends to im-
prove their binding properties. After refining, fillers such as calcium carbonate are
added to the fiber suspension, by that giving the future tissue or paper more con-
trolled density and opacity. Dyes, ‘sizes’ and optical brighteners may also be
blended into the mixture. That mixture then enters the ‘headbox’ of paper or tissue
machine, where in both cases the fiber mixture is evenly injected at high pressure

and distributed to ‘gap-former’ rolls, which immobilize and rapidly drain the mate-
rial. As the result continuous web of paper is formed, which is then thoroughly
pressed and dried. Drying section of paper mills is the longest section of massive
paper machine. On the contrary drying section of tissue machines are much
smaller. During this stage qualitative characteristics of products, like thickness,
smoothness and consistency, are ensured. Then post-process is happening,
where paper passes through a series of sizing and coating presses on its way to
reeling and cutting into finalized products. (Valmet 2019; Sappi Tube 2012.)

Since paper production as well as tissue manufacturing requires a significant

amount of fresh water within its processes (100 L per kilogram of finished paper),
even if up to 90% of it can be recycled by modern paper mills (Sappi Tube 2012),
the industry leaves a significant impact on the environment. Energy consumption
of paper facilities is yet another concern for environmental engineers. In addition
to all of that, paper industry requires extensive base of raw materials, either gath-
ered from forests, plantations, or harvested as non-wood fiber cultures.

Historically wood was not the primary source for paper manufacturing until 1800s
and 1900s. When methods of producing groundwood pulp from trees had been
invented in 1857 and suitable paper machines had been developed, use of soft-
woods (wood of coniferous trees) and hardwoods (wood of deciduous trees) for
paper production became a reality. Before these developments, rags made of
linen and cotton were a scarce but main source for pulping. (Britt n.d.) However,
according to VNP (2007) report, nowadays the most commonly used material for
pulp production is wood. Either freshly sawn, or in form of leftovers from other
industrial applications of wood, timber provided around 90% of all fibrous raw
material in early 2000s. In 2015 annual world consumption of paper and card-
board was almost 411 million metric tons, while paper’s main markets were Asia,
Europe and Northern America, consequently (Mayowa 2018, 56). In addition,
Mayowa (2018) states, that continuous increase of paper, cardboard and tissue
usage has led the industry to utilize 35% of all annual worldwide wood harvest.

2.2 Description of non-wood fibers

Since papermaking requires cellulose fibers, it technically can employ different

sources of fiber instead of wood. However non-wood plants are contributing only
to a fraction of the raw fibrous material for world’s pulping needs (Zhong et al.
2018, 3). By year 2007 industrial application of non-wood fibers was expanding
only in countries with already established significant quantities of available annual
crops for pulping and where forest resources were scarce since the beginning of
industrialization. Only there, methods of pulping and papermaking from annual
crops have prevailed, with non-woods contributing up to 60% of all demanded
cellulosic fibers. During the first decade of 21st century leaders in term of volumes
of non-wood utilization, namely India and China, particularly have been fulfilling
70% of their annual demand in raw material from non-woods, including cereal
straw and bagasse (leftover fiber from squeezed sugarcane and some other cul-
tures). (Zhong et al. 2018, 3; VNP 2007; Britannica [1] n.d.) When compared to
wood, annual growing plants have their own advantages and disadvantages,
which will be mentioned further in this chapter. Fibers from these crops possess
rich variety of properties able to interest manufacturers in improving their fiber-
based products (Zhong et al. 2018, 3). From viewpoint of technology any paper
grade of desired qualities can be produced from pulps composed of combination
of either only non-wood fibers or their mix with wood fibers (VNP 2007). Pulping
methods for non-wood fibers, as well as wood pulping technologies, are ushered
into development by changing markets, environmental protection laws and newer
available technologies (Zhong et al. 2018, 9, VNP 2007). Nonetheless, environ-
mental protection fines and taxes since the start of 21-st century had resulted in
gradual decrease of non-wood pulping rates, especially in China due to deficien-
cies and environmental hazards of old undeveloped technologies within the coun-
try. It became cheaper to replace non-wood pulping facilities with more efficient
and sustainable wastepaper pulping and bigger wood-pulping factories, than try-
ing to develop newer technologies for non-woods, as it was stated in VNP report

Chemical compound of each non-wood material is different. Variability of plant’s

chemical composition is dependent on soil type and growing conditions. Cellulose
content hold from 32% to almost 90% of the material, depending on specie and

its harvested part. (Mayowa 2018, 57, 62.) Content ratios of lignin, cellulose and
other organic substances in plants are listed within Appendix 1, specifically com-
piled from report of VNP (2007) and work of Zhong et al. (2018). These non-wood
crops contain fibers widely variative in terms of dimensions, on average, dimen-
sionally comparable with short hardwood fibers (Mayowa 2018, 61) used for man-
ufacturing smooth and opaque papers (Britannica [1], n.d.). Small diameters of
non-wood put them into production of lower coarseness pulps. However, some
exceptional plant species in groups of bast fiber and seed hull fiber plants have
much longer fibers, which have to be shortened to be applied in pulping. Dimen-
sional differences between non-woods divides them into groups of softwood sub-
stitutes (specialty non-woods with longer fibers) applied in manufacturing spe-
cialty papers and textiles and hardwood substitutes (common non-woods, includ-
ing straws) used for producing higher strength, tensile resistant papers. (Mayowa
2018, 58, 61; VNP 2007.)

TABLE 1. Average annual yields of some plant species used in pulping and their
fiber dimensions (Sources: Zhong et al. 2018; VNP 2007)
Fiber yield Pulp yield Fiber length/diameter
(tons/ha/year) (tons/ha/year) (mm/µm)

Fast-growing deciduous 15 7.4 0.7–3.0 / 20–40

Scandinavian coniferous 1.5 0.7
Temperate coniferous 3.4 1.7 2.7–5.0 / 32–43
Fast-growing coniferous 8.6 4

Bagasse 9.0 4.2 1.0–1.7 / 20
Bamboo 4 1.6 2.7–4.0 / 15
Miscantus 12 5.7 1.2 / 20
Canary grass 8.0 4.0 1.0 / 20
Hemp 15 6.5 20 / 22
Kenaf 15 6.7 2.6 / 20
Wheat straw 4.0 1.9 1.0–1.5 / 13
Rice straw 3.0 1.2 0.5–1.4 / 8–10

The greatest advantage of all non-wood sources, when compared to timber is

that they can be planted and harvested within a year period, when trees require

many years of growing, or even decades before the harvest can be done (VNP
2007). In addition, some non-wood fibers have high yielding capacity, due to high
planting densities, that their ecology allows. In some cases, fiber yield from an-
nual plants can exceed annual fiber turnout from fast-growing woods (overall
wood fiber yield, divided by years trees were growing by the moment of cutting).
From Table 1 it can be seen that hemp as well as kenaf are able to produce as
much fiber as fast-growing deciduous trees and exceed turnout of even fast-grow-
ing softwoods. Since plant’s speed of growth depends on climate, in hotter and
sunnier regions the same plant species will tend to grow faster. For instance, this
is the reason why the index of fiber yield for coniferous trees grows significantly
from 1.5 to 3.4 and 8.6 tons/ha/year, while plant ‘moves’ from polar regions to
temperate and warm climates, achieving the fastest growth rates. This also ap-
plies to non-wood materials. However, some forms of non-woods are growing at
low temperatures, what allow their use in colder environments. In addition, when
compared to wood, non-wood plants generally contain less lignin, therefore mak-
ing cooking in the digester a much easier process during pulping, making it
cheaper and less burdening for the environment, when modern technologies are
in use. (Mayowa 2018, 57).

Another bonus of non-wood raw materials is the fact, that their cultivation is a
subject of agriculture. They do not require special equipment and vehicles, other
than already implemented in agricultural activities. And most of these plants are
already economically “pre-paid”, being sown for grain and oilseed (i.e straws and
stalks of annual and perennial crops, as byproducts of agriculture, are able to be
implemented for pulping). The exact same logic can be applied to industrial
plants’ residues (‘process residues’), like bagasse, flax scraps, cotton linters and
discarded hemp stalks, which are left after crops were processed into usable
products. However, their raw material cost is usually high, being competitive with
cost of wood. (VNP 2007.)

Non-woods are categorized in several ways. Being divided, based on their imple-
mentation and origin: industrial crops, naturally growing plants and agricultural
residues. The other categorization is based on nature and position of fiber mate-
rial in the plant. These are: grass (gramineous) fibers materials, bast fibers plants,
fruit (seed hull) fibers and leaf fibers plants. (Zhong 2018, 4; Mayowa 2018, 58;

VNP 2007). All of them possess features, desired by industries, other than pulp-
ing, so the problem for the bulk of non-wood fiber plant species is the competition
between end-uses of the materials and their residues. For instance, pulping will
often face competition from biofuel production or intends of using materials as
animal feedstock and bedding (VNP 2007).

But the main deficiency of non-woods to this day is related to raw material logis-
tics, their seasonal availability and storage. Averaging low bulk of non-wood raw
materials restrict the transportation to processing facilities and their size. By that
limiting pulping to smaller scale production and resulting in necessity for facilities
to be in proximity to raw material suppliers. Additional risks for pulpers exist in
seasonal nature of non-wood fiber cultures, what creates the prerequisite for
building large storages to supply pulp manufacturers all year round. (Mayowa
2018, 62; VNP 2007.)

Pulping and delignification of non-woods, nowadays are done by methods, which

already has been applied in pulping of wood-based materials. These methods
are listed below for the knowledge of reader. Zhong et al. (2018) have described
in detail most of pulping methods in ‘Pulping and Papermaking of Non-wood Fi-
bers’. If briefly described, lignin content of plants can be dissolved and filtered
from cellulose fibers by:
- applying diluted solution of alkaline chemical agent with addition of variety of
cooking agents, which define the technology behind different pulping methods
of alkaline pulping group.
- the Kraft process, which at one point has changed the industry of pulping, but
mostly has been implemented for raw wood materials.
- some other chemical methods applied to non-wood raw materials using sulfite
cooking liquid.
- organosolv pulping methods, where organic solvents, such as methanol, eth-
anol or organic acids are used as a cooking liquor.
- the number of chemi-mechanical pulping methods, which combine chemical
reactions with physical actions like steam explosion, dipping or grinding.
- biological methods, which apply microorganisms or enzymes, presenting ad-
vantages from environmental perspective, due to methods’ cleanness and en-
ergy efficiency. (Zhong et al. 2018, 10–19.)

2.3 Historical background on hemp

It is considered that hemp plant evolved within temperate regions of northern

hemisphere, most likely in steppes of central Eurasia, based on plant’s ecological
constraints. Within this biogeographical region earliest cultivation of the plant has
been started and ultimately it has been spread to other parts of the world by hu-
man actions. (Warf 2014, 418; Clarke & Merlin 2017, 1.) At a certain point of
human history cultivation processes distinguished plant into two subspecies
(Cannabis sativa, L.) and (Cannabis sativa, subsp. indica) (Warf 2014, 416), both
of which can be referred as industrial hemp and narcotic cannabis, due to many
arguments between botanists (Allegret 2013, 5). Despite history and geography
of spreading and cultivation for both plants are being closely intertwined, from
that point of time plants were not indistinguishable. Hemp was used for fibers,
what resulted in a long history of its practical utilization. And the narcotic cannabis
was used for its psychoactive qualities in medicine and as a part of reli-
gious/shamanistic rituals by different cultures within the region. (Warf 2014, 416–
417, 419–420.) Possible routes of both plant types spreading around regions of
the world by human activities are indicated in the Figure 1 below, based on the
results from books of Warf and Fike.

Figure 1. Suggested historical dissemination of Cannabis sativa, L. (Gorbachev

2021, adapted from: Warf 2014, Fike 2019)

Warf (2014) mentions that hemp (cannabis) is referred by different monikers: ‘ma’
in China, ‘kif’ in Arabic, ‘bhang’ and ‘ganja’ in India, and emphasizes that Sanskrit
name for hemp: ‘khanap’ had given, in one way or another, the base for European
denominations of the plant. When referring to linguistic analysis, etymology, there
is always a possibility of word misinterpretations, however there is a way to cor-
relate transformation of ‘khanap’ into Greek ‘kannabis’, Latin ‘cannabis’, Assyrian
‘quanaby’, Slavic ‘konopie’, ‘konoplya’, Gaelic ‘cainb’, Germanic ‘hanf’, ‘hemp’,
‘hampa’ with plant’s gradual propagation into the Europe through Middle East.
(Allegret 2013, 5–7; Warf 2014, 417; Wiktionary)

Core sampling from East European Plain revealed that the earliest evidence of
hemp in the palynological (study of pollen in archeology) record in Eurasia dates
back as early as 150,000 years ago. Definitely, prior to any exposure to humans,
cannabis was able to expand out from its regions of origination by natural ways.
But, more frequently, the majority of hemp palynological evidence corresponds
to the dates from around 10,000 BP (before present). From that point of time
traces of pollen more likely reflect ties with human interactions with the plant.
(Fike 2019, 4–5.) Due to the fact, that wild cannabis populations were easy to
grow and were evolutionally developed to be exploited as a multi-use plant for
human needs – it must have been included to the first plants brought into the
cultivation (Clarke & Merlin 2017, 3). In addition, recovered cannabis pollen sam-
ples from Europe date at the earliest to 3450 BC from the site in northern Italy.
Another finds from Germany, Scandinavia, England and France date back to the
period from 2900 BC to 1700 BC. No matter, while being cultivated or grown in
the wilds, hemp would have had the potential of being a valuable resource for
basic aspects of primitive society, especially when growing in a practical radius
to human settlements. (Allegret 2013, 6.)

According to Gibson (2006) archeological records indicates oldest use of hemp

plant as textile source at several millennia BC. Within regions close to the plant’s
origin, namely in China, hemp as a clothing material was depicted on ancient
pottery dating back to 6200–4000 BC. It was also found in remains of ropes dating
back to 5000–4000 BC. Within Europe textiles implied to be made from either
hemp, or flax had been found in Switzerland, Ireland, Greece and Austria dating

back to 25th century BC. (Allegret 2013, 6–8.) Allegret also mentions that canna-
bis was a familiar plant within the Roman society and principles of its cultivation
were described by Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella in his agronomy treatise
of the 1st century AD. In addition, Allegret then refers to the remains of ropes,
which have been made partly of hemp tow, found with the boat of 1st century AD,
which has been discovered in Marseille, France.

Not only textiles and ropes were made in ancient times from hemp fibers: the
oldest paper made of hemp was discovered in a tomb dating from 26th – 21st
centuries BC in China. And in 105 BС the Chinese Minister of Agriculture Tsaï-
Lun, has been documented to had started commercialization of paper made from
mulberry bark and hemp. (Allegret 2013, 7.) However, the information on origins
and earliest uses of hemp are shrouded by complicated rhetoric of both plant’s
advocates and critics (Warf 2014, 418) and may be veiled by archeological inac-
curacies, limited research and misinterpretations.

In Europe, with Roman conquests of early Common Era hemp and hemp-based
fiber technologies continued to spread around Mediterranean region. After Ro-
man Empire has fallen, hemp traveled through Western Europe to the northern
regions, but rules for the cultivation, established by Roman agronomist Palladius
in the 4th century, were still practiced for the duration of Middle Ages. Existing
Iconography, such as wood carvings and illustrations, as well as known recom-
mendations of Charlemagne (Charles the Great) prove continuation of hemp use
in Europe. But rather than for textiles and clothing it was primarily used as cord-
age, due to its fiber qualities desired in military and agricultural engineering. At
some point of time hemp production became another way to accumulate power
and wealth on the continent. (Fike 2019, 13–14; Allegret 2013, 8–9.) According
to Serkov, Smirnov & Alexandrova (2018) in Eastern Europe a quantity of smaller
nations was cultivating hemp for seeds, oil and fibers mostly to meet their inner
demand. These products were traded between closest neighbors, due to defi-
ciencies in farming technologies and underdevelopment of monetary exchange
in the region during Medieval times. By this, preventing small feudal Baltic and
Russian kingdoms to enter bigger markets.

Demand for hemp fibers has expanded, when European nations started develop-
ing navies and sailing technologies. Venetian city-state during its highest point
was an example of directly and indirectly supplying its navy and textile industry
with imported raw fibers from the regions they were controlling. However few na-
tions were able to produce sufficient supplies, despite plant being grown broadly
around the western part of the continent. The demand has opened new markets,
bringing Baltic states and Poland into supplier chain. (Fike 2019, 14.) When feu-
dal fragmentation within Russia was abolished and monetary exchange was en-
forced by economical and territorial integration, in the end of 1500s – beginning
of 1600s hemp cultivation has grown in the region to allow exporting (Serkov,
Smirnov & Alexandrova 2018, 134). Rise of Portugal, Spain and England as naval
powers contributed to their dependance on imported fibers, so Russia, with its
political and social changes started supplying England, then Spain and Holland
in 17th century. Peter the Great, the first Russian Emperor in the beginning of 18th
century introduced economical exporting reforms, which benefitted state’s hemp
manufacturers, which improved industry in Russia and made the country one of
the biggest suppliers of hemp in the world for next century. Despite efforts of
colonial empires to develop hemp production in controlled territories to become
less reliant on exported hemp, each of them continued being dependent on Rus-
sian suppliers. Fiber hemp was brought to the South America by Spain and Por-
tugal in 16th century. France and Britain brought the plant to Northern America
and became main contributors to industrial hemp on the continent, but due to
economic and agronomic reasons colonial hemp generally was of lower qualities
and more expensive, than hemp of Baltic region and Russia. That rendered its
production to the domestic uses. (Fike 2019, 14–16; Serkov, Smirnov &
Alexandrova 2018, 134.)

Fiber hemp’s history of cultivation in the region of Finland has started before in-
troduction of flax to Finno-Ugric populations, with oldest proof of seeds dating
back to times of Vikings and earlier. By centuries hemp was adapting to the north-
ern climatic conditions of the region and was known to be cultivated as far north
as 66°N latitudes (Kemi–Rovaniemi). During the beginning of 20th century in Fin-
land hemp was grown commercially on about 1500 ha of land, nonetheless when
cultivation ceased to exist in 1950’s, already established and naturally adapted
old hemp landraces had disappeared. (Pahkala et al. 2008, 105.)

Gradual decline of hemp production in the world started when at first steam en-
gine ships were invented, replacing hemp-based ropes with metal cables, and
when cheaper jute fibers had entered the market (Serkov, Smirnov &
Alexandrova 2018, 135). Invention of threshing machine for cotton started popu-
larizing its use and cultivation, and after many years cotton has dominated cloth-
ing industry by the end of 19th century. Flax and hemp clothing suffered serious
competition and did not survive. After World War I hemp and flax were becoming
less and less important in different industrial fields. With development of new
chemical processes hemp, flax and cotton were replaced by wood in sector of
papermaking. In addition, hemp has become the target for anti-narcotic propa-
ganda campaigns started in the USA in 1930s, which resulted in Marijuana Tax
Act, making cultivation of the plant uneconomical for farmers. (Allegret 2013, 19,
22.) In Russia since 1918, sown areas for hemp were depleted after chaos of
Revolution and Civil war, leaving the culture to household uses. Yet the industry
was resisting, developing new mechanical methods of processing and was con-
stantly improving by Soviet breeders. Despite the ruin, that World War II has
brought to the Europe, Soviet Union tried to restore rates of its former production,
until policies in agriculture of 1957 made it non-profitable, by favoring corn culti-
vation. (Serkov, Smirnov & Alexandrova 2018, 135–136). After the WWII USA
started imposing their view on hemp to the UN, what resulted in “worldwide” ban
campaigns. Hemp production has been associated with narcotic strains and all
plants varieties were put under drug laws, with most of hemp-based products
being considered controlled substances. (CRS 2019, 1). However, China, India,
USSR, Eastern European countries, France and Italy tried to resist this decision
(Allegret 2013, 22). The final destructive decision for the hemp cultivation in mas-
sive quantities in Russia was made in 1961, when USSR confirmed joining UN
convention on narcotic substances, as highlighted by Serkov, Smirnov &
Alexandrova, what resulted in steady industry decline.

However, hemp as the source of different products is not going anywhere. Devel-
opments and projects can be recognized in many countries. Growing number of
possible applications in different industries gives hope that the material may re-
turn back. And ultimately global and local economics will decide on hemp’s po-
tential and plant’s further development. (Fike 2019, 20; Allegret 2013, 23.)

2.4 Hemp’s biological characteristics

Hemp had a long history of selective breeding for different uses, which resulted
in significant differences on genome level. Strains of hemp are distinguishable by
characteristics they possess and biochemical differences they hold. (CRS 2019,
5). Biologically, plant can be divided into several species/subspecies, which are
subject to botanists’ continuous argues, as it was mentioned in part 2.3. Accord-
ing to Congressional Research Service report, only hemp with very low delta-9
THC content (dominant psychotropic substance in narcotic cannabis) is allowed
to be used for industrial needs. Despite the fact, that hemp can be bred also for
flowers and seeds, only fiber-hemp variants are of interest in this paper.

To begin with, hemp as well as flax, kenaf, jute, ramie belong to the group of bast
fiber plants, what technically describes annual plants with highly developed
phloem (vascular tissue) in which long, elastic and densely spaced fibers are lo-
cated in form of bundles or strands. These fibers, formed mostly of cellulose, play
supporting role in plants, being able to bear high-loads, due to their flexibility and
finesse. (Zhong Liu et al. 2018, 4; Mayowa 2018, 59; Britannica [3] n.d.)

Figure 2. Schematic representation of cross section of hemp stalk (Gorbachev

2021, based on: Fibershed 2020)

From Figure 2 the basic idea on hemp stalk’s structure can be obtained. Hemp
stem can technically be divided into outer bast fibers zone and the woody core,
also named hurd or shive. Both zones have their unique properties and com-
posed of different plant tissues. “Bast zone” is formed by phloem, sclerenchyma

and cortex. “Core zone” constitutes 70-80% of the stem and is formed by both
living and dead xylem cells (Riddle et al. 2019, 44). These distinct plant’s parts
able to be divided from each other by process of decortication. Processes of ret-
ting and mechanical peeling also able to free fiber bundles from the remaining
stem. In Picture 1 hemp stalk have been split to demonstrate the differences in
structure between parts of the stem. The picture shows structure of relatively
fresh stalk.

Picture 1. Image of hemp stalk with distinctly divided central woody core and
loosened bast fibers (Sources: Natrij 2002 (Wikipedia))

Major chemical components of hemp are cellulose and lignin – exact constituents
of most forms of plant matter (Riddle et al. 2019, 43). Hemp is comparable with
other bast fiber plants by fibers’ properties and their chemical composition. (Com-
parative table for different non-wood materials are given in Appendix 1). Fibers,
that are valuable for textiles, cordages and pulping, are collected from the primary
fibrovascular bundle portions of the stalk between the protective epidermis and
inner core. Hemp’s fiber bundles often reach length of 1–5 meters, however they
are composed of shorter overlapping cellular fibers of 1–5 cm in length, chained
by cohesive polymeric gums named pectins. (Riddle et al. 2019, 44; Britannica
[2] n.d.). Long bundled fibers with high cellulose and low lignin content make up
bulk of hemp’s bast, contributing to 70–90% of phloem’s matter. The remaining

tissue within bast is formed by shorter cellular fibers with higher lignin concentra-
tion. Secondary bast fiber bundles, which are located closer to the core, are less
valuable for production, due to shorter fibers’ length – around 2 mm. However,
woody core fibers have even shorter length – around 0.5–0.6 mm, being compa-
rable to the shortest lengths of the hardwood fibers. Nonetheless their length de-
fines them as the least valuable for industrial needs. (Riddle et al. 2019, 43–44;
Small 2017, 104). Smaller fibers, which form primary and secondary bundles, are
presented by elongated cells of cylindrical form with thick cellular wall and irreg-
ular polygonal cross-section. Their membrane-defined inner cellular space,
named lumen, is wrapped by three secondary cell walls and one primary wall,
which are formed by cellulosic microfibrils (fiber-like strands made of cellulose
polymers connected by hydrogen bonds). The microfibrils are 10–30 nanometers
in diameter. (Riddle et al. 2019, 44; Britannica [4] n.d.) Each of these layers play
different role in cell’s life and are defined by specific allocation of microfibrils. On
Figure 3 the layers of cellular wall are schematized.

FIGURE 3. Structure of fiber’s cellular wall (Gorbachev 2021, based on Riddle et

- Primary cell wall is formed by randomly arranged mesh of microfibrils, hemi-
celluloses and some other biochemicals. This layer limits initial shape and size
of the cell, determines consequent changes in them and seizes cell’s growth
when becomes rigid;
- Secondary walls (S1, S2, S3) appear in cells, whose functions in plants life are
to carry fluids and provide mechanical support. These walls are formed usually
by the end of growth and elongation of primary cell layer. They are found in
dead, or near-dead fiber cells and in wood fibers. Microfibrils within relatively

thin S1 and S3 layers are positioned spirally. Within them left-hand and right-
hand spiral variations periodically cross/overlap each other. Middle wall S2
forms the bulk of cellular wall. Microfibrils within this layer are oriented parallel
to each other, forming one steeply inclined helix, whose angle defines either
fiber’s strength or its stretchability.
(Riddle et al. 2019, 44; Atlas of plant and animal histology 2019)

Fiber qualities and overall economic value of hemp products are dependent on
several factors related to biology, growing techniques and the processing.
Namely, these are: strain of the plant; stem’s thickness and length; maturity of
plant when it is about to be harvested; type of harvesting; the degree of retting
during bailing and storage. (Riddle et al. 2019, 44–45.) These factors will be dis-
cussed further in this part and in the part 2.4, which is devoted to ecology, agri-
culture and harvesting of hemp.

Growth and life of hemp depends on its reproductive morphology. Naturally, can-
nabis is a dioecious specie, with distinct differences between male and female
plants, which define plant’s traits and requirements. Their ratio in populations is
almost equal. Being a dioecious plant, hemp could not fertilize itself, so it is de-
pendent on and prone to cross-fertilization. However monoecious strains of hemp
have been produced by breeders, being entirely dominated by female phenotype
plants. Female plants are generally stronger and live relatively longer than male
plants. Male plants have shorter vegetative phase, lesser root system, thinner
stem and usually start deteriorating by the time of their flowering, what negatively
affects yield of both fiber and seeds (Chabbert et al. 2013, 28–29.) Additionally,
sexual dimorphism of cannabis makes male plants grow at faster rate and reach
up to 15% higher length than female ones, also having coarser fibers for yarn,
what have specialized them for rope production (Allegret 2013, 12; Chabbert et
al. 2013, 30).

Regardless of strain, root and stem morphology remains similar. Hemp’s root
system (about 9% of total hemp’s biomass) allocates superficially from 10–60 cm
below the ground, its main taproot able to reach depth of 2 m. The stem growth
up to 4.5–5 meters high, rarely branches and its diameter on average is 1–3 cm,
broadening from apex to base of the plant. At low sowing densities the plant has

an increased chance of branching, on the other hand, when the density is high,
plant will develop tall straight unbranched stem. Approximate representation of
these differences can be observed from Figure 4. Finesse of stalk’s diameter is
directly dependent on the plant density (number of individual plants per unit
ground area). The higher is this density the finer are stems. (Chabbert et al. 2013,
28–30.) According to Riddle et al. (2019) the desired supply of total biomass can
be fulfilled by either maximizing growth of larger individuals, or by growing smaller
plants with maximum non-restricting planting density.

High sowing density

Low sowing density

FIGURE 4. Schematic representation of height and branching of same genotype

fiber-hemp cultivated at different sowing densities (Gorbachev 2021)

Fiber yield received from hemp is dependent on stem’s diameter. On practice,

larger diameters of stalks result in smaller proportion of longer bast fibers per
mass of the material. On the contrary, finer stems have greater proportion of bast
fibers. Due to the fact that bast fibers are more valuable than core’s matter, grow-
ers and processors favors optimization of plant density with selection of specifi-
cally fiber-oriented varieties, adapted to required climatic, soil and local latitude
conditions. Stem’s fineness also affects the quality of decortication processes,
being an important characteristic for compatibility issues of incoming material into
processing. Moreover, it should be noted, that stalk’s biomass upbuilds exclu-
sively by the end of vegetative phase. After flowers start their development, plant
starts to bind bast fibers together to prevent its stem from lodging, thereby accu-
mulating lignin and pectin gums within sclerenchyma, what results in gradual de-
grade of fiber qualities needed for industrial uses. Thus, harvesting for fibers have
to be carried out before plant will enter its reproductive state. (Riddle 2019, 45.)

2.5 Hemp’s ecology and agriculture

As it was mentioned in part 2.2 non-wood fiber plant will tend to have different
cellulose and lignin contents in dependence with soil qualities and growing con-
ditions. Thus, amount of total biomass and qualities of hemp’s fibrous material
are reliant on certain conditions the cultivators will seek to adhere for each region
and even for each field. Cultivating hemp is not difficult in terms of agriculture,
but requires right management on many of its stages, starting from field selection,
date of sowing, seeding depth and seed preparation and ending with maintaining
right conditions while plant is still growing. (Riddle et al. 2019, 45; Kostuik & Wil-
liams 2019, 59.)

Depending on the natural zone hemp will show differences in its growing patterns
and morphology. In relation to geography some strains of the plant are more suit-
able for either fiber or oilseed harvesting than the others, even when in other
natural conditions plant may tend to behave differently. This became clearer
when result of study made by Grigoriev et al. (2009) are read, where central Eu-
ropean, southern and northern strains of the plant have been grown in harsh con-
ditions of Kola peninsula.

Naturally, wild hemp thrives in open environments with plenty of sunlight and
warmth, where it grows up to 4.5–5 m high. It requires well-drained nitrogen-rich
soils and temperate climates with adequate moisture. (Clarke & Merlin 2017, 1–
2, 31). Natural weedy populations of plant can be found on open banks of water-
bodies, margins of used agriculture lands, and other areas disturbed by human
actions, for example – rubbish piles, ditches and roadsides. These populations
will differ from cultivated ones, lacking most of their valuable and useful features.
(Small 2017, 8–9.) While describing climatic limitations of hemp, Small (2017)
underlines that wild plant variants show more tolerance to extremes of climatic
and environmental conditions, when compared to its domesticated counterparts.
Nonetheless trials for cultivated strains has been conducted in harsher conditions
of northern latitudes, which have shown that within climatic conditions of Kola
peninsula in Russia some variants of hemp were able to grow up to 1.4 m and
produce strong and flexible fiber material (Grigoriev et al. 2009, 48). Additionally,
Finnish experiments, which took place in Kanta-Häme (60°49’N) resulted in

plants reaching height of 2 meters on fertilized silty clay soil, what also proved
ability to produce significant yields of hemp stem matter within the North (Pahkala
et al. 2008, 107–108, 112, 114).

For cultivated strains many soil types are found to be suitable. Nonetheless, soil
with characteristics, like compaction, salinity, high acidity or high basicity have to
be avoided. Water in soil should never be standing and pH should range from
neutral to slightly acidic (6.5 to 7.0). Hemp tends to grow the best on adequately
tilled high fertile (rich in humus) soils formed on loam and sandy loam basis.
(Kostuik & Williams 2019, 60.)

Results of study conducted in Manitoba, Canada has derived amount of nutrients

needed for the plant in local soil conditions (Kostuik & Williams 2019, 60). In that
region, in accordance with soil maps, rich in humus black soils like CH – cherno-
zem (borols) and KS – kastanozem (mollisols) are presented. Slightly poorer in
organic matter, yet generally fertile grey forest soils (alfisols) are also presented
in Manitoba. (Science Borealis 2015.) Thus, results of the research can be ap-
plied to a number of high fertile soils. No matter the soil type, industrial hemp
requires fertilizers application. Generally, nitrogen is a key nutrient for hemp, as
it is for any other plant. The rates of nitrogen uptake by hemp during its vegetative
phase make it possible to refer to the plant as ‘nitrogen-hungry’. The oilseed
hemp variations, while actively elongating, were able to remove from soil up to 7
kg of N from a hectare per day, requiring from 112 to 224 kg/ha of total nitrogen
from applied fertilizers for the growth season, regarding to soil’s irrigation status.
Yet, for fiber hemp such rate of heavy nitrogen fertilization is not desirable. During
plant’s elongation, that excessive total nitrogen will deteriorate plant’s fiber qual-
ities, namely leading to thinner cellular walls and consequential weakening of bast
fibers. In that case, recommended amount of nitrogen is around 50–60 kg per
hectare and fertilizers are applied before seeds are planted. So, the addition of
nitrogen into the soil, whether it is fiber or oilseed hemp strain, is highly recom-
mended in right dosage, at the right placing and at the right time. In addition to
that, hemp is found to be non-tolerant to any seed-placed fertilizers, so fertilizers
have to be banded with soil prior to sowing, or precision placed away from seeds.
Another important chemical compound affecting hemp growth is phosphorus.
Around 50 lb (56 kg) of available P2O5 have to be presented in soil for oilseed

plants and 60 lb (67 kg) for fiber hemp variants. However certain limitations for
phosphorus application exist, dependent on soil moisture, structure and temper-
ature. Availability and environmental circulation of potassium are also important
factor for hemp growth. It affects root growth and defines strength and length of
hemp stalks and overall plant’s decease and environment resistance. Naturally
long stems of hemp associate it with extremely high uptake of potassium. More
than 330 kg of potassium per hectare are required for both seed and fiber hemp
during their growth cycle. Nonetheless, little amount of these nutrients is depos-
ited in seeds and leave the field after harvesting for oilseed. By some on-field
retting techniques mobile potassium as well as nitrogen are able to be returned
into the soil through leaching, thus became available for next crops. Due to the
fact that most of the nutrients are accumulated in green stalks, by decisions of
cultivators the fate of leftover nutrients is chosen. In case of choosing total bio-
mass harvesting, green bailing, water-based (wet) retting techniques these nutri-
ents are removed from field for good. (Kostuik & Williams 2019, 60–61; Riddle et
al. 2019, 46.)

Other important factors for hemp cultivation are climatic conditions, humidity, tem-
perature and amount of sunlight and heat. Certain amount of heat received from
sun is required for each plant to grow and develop. Heat that is required for the
cultivated culture to develop is calculated through several methods, one being
the sum of active temperatures, which is applied in Russia and some other coun-
tries, another one being growing degree days (GDD), which is more commonly
used worldwide. For vegetation stage of oilseed hemp, the sum of active temper-
atures (total sum of average daily temperatures for days when temperature was
exceeding the threshold of 10°С) should be in the range of 2200–2900°С. For
comparison, corn variants require 1100–2900°С, oat 1000–1800°С, oilseed flax
1600–1800°С and fiber flax needs 1100–1500°C. (Gataulina 2018.) Fiber hemp
requires slightly less heat than oilseed type. From the point of total required GDDs
no solid and logical answer has been found, however from the work of Legros et
al. (2013) it was noted that total value of required heat depends on soil nutrients
availability and the variant of hemp. During active growth phase, development of
both woody core dry matter and fiber mass require heat in a linear fashion. More
nitrogen in soil leads to lesser heat requirement. Yet, regardless of total received
temperature and the date of sowing hemp en masse enters flowering on a specific

date, depending on latitude and plant’s variation, due to the fact that flowering
stage is determined by photoperiod. (Legros et al. 2013, 73, 81). Mayowa (2018)
states that hemp reaches maturity in 80–150 days. According to Kostuik & Wil-
liams (2019) most of plant’s variations require around 110 frost-free days to reach
flowering phase. Russian compilation papers and abstracts state that vegetative
stage duration for central-Russian landraces is around 100–115 days, when for
northern variants this duration is the shortest, taking 60–70 days due to seasonal
limitations. Southern types of European hemp, growing in Ukraine, south of Rus-
sia and Kazakhstan require 130–160 days to mature in general, but grow to their
fullest reaching double height (4 m) and fiber content of central-Russian hemp

Optimal temperatures for plant’s photosynthesis are in range from 25°C to 30°C.
The best growth is observed between 14°C and 27°C. Despite still able to grow
and give quality fiber material in northern locations hemp does not tolerate cold
temperatures (Small 2017, 36, 125), with frosts of –5°C being baneful for male
plants and –9°C killing the rest of hemp’s population at any point of its develop-
ment (Pahkala et al. 2008, 114). However, hemp shows more tolerance to hot
temperatures and arid environments, than to the cold, when adequate amount of
water is available for it through rainfalls or irrigation. Yet the plant is still sensitive
to droughts, what should be taken into account to prevent hemp’s dwarfing. In
temperate regions with sufficient rainfalls the irrigation is unnecessary for cultiva-
tion, due to general hemp’s requirement of 50–70 cm of precipitation per growing
season. On the contrary, when oversaturated or waterlogged the plant shows no
tolerance for that, especially the young plants. (Small 2017, 36, 125).

Hemp as an agricultural plant can be implemented into the traditional crop rota-
tion with either cereals or legumes, by this opening new opportunities for farmers.
Hemp cultivated after hemp should be avoided to prevent depletion of soil nutri-
ents, to decrease chances of plant’s deceases and to prevent reduction of fertility
rate and quality of oilseed products. For oilseed strains there are also limitations
to prior cultures, which have to be taken into account. However, rotation of fiber
hemp variants can be done after any previous crop, because not so many fungal
infestations of plants, which affect yields of fiber material have been found. (Rid-

dle et al. 2019, 38, 44; Kostuik & Williams 2019, 60–61.) To support fiber pro-
cessing facilities of a major output, depending on the obtained fiber yield signifi-
cant territories of farmland are required (approximately 3200 ha of cultivated land
supply annual demand of the industrial unit processing 3 tons per hour of fibers)
(Riddle et al. 2019, 41).

Harvesting technologies are selected in regard to processing technologies, in

general. Majority of currently implemented processing facilities require industrial
hemp to be delivered in form of bales, due to good packing density this way pose
for transportation and storage and general ease of integration. (Riddle et al. 2019,
47). For instance, it is the bales of hemp stalks, which are fed into high-tech ad-
vanced processing plant, called HempTrainä, a special design for decorticator
invented by Canadian Greenfield Technologies Corp. Packaging raw hemp ma-
terials in bales are done by two ways, first one implementing whole stalks and
other implementing cut hemp stalk material. However, most of decortication tech-
niques require straw not being cut too shortly. Dependent on the region and avail-
able agricultural machinery one of baling methods will be chosen. In Europe,
hemp stalks are usually cut to be baled. In addition, baling has to be performed,
when hemp straw material is mostly dry. (Riddle et al. 2019, 47).

Retting is an important process implemented after the harvesting. It is a microbial

process, during which bacteria digest most of cellular tissue surrounding fibrous
material, which hold fibers together. Proper retting practices define the final fi-
brous product qualities regardless the best practices of its cultivation or natural
conditions. Degree of retting influences further processability of the stalk material
during its decortication and separation, so the process is thoroughly monitored.
Over-retting deteriorates fibers, under-retting leads to inefficient and challenging
decortication. Fiber hemp producers choose between ‘dew’ retting method and
other retting methods (water retting and modified wet retting) to benefit ether from
returning nutrients back into the soil or from producing uniform better-quality fiber
material. (Riddle et al. 2019, 46–47; Kostuik & Williams 2019, 60–61, Britannica
[5] n.d.).

2.6 Information on hemp’s end uses

Industrial hemp historically was used for its strong fiber properties. In part 2.3
significance of its many applications in development of societies was emphasized
and explained. In addition to already mentioned applications, other uses are listed
within this chapter.

Hemp’s straw during separation processes divides into bast fiber material and
hurd, each being used separately in general. Despite bast fibers of hemp are at
least twice the value of woody core’s fibers, hurd is more economically valuable
in term of using its mass, which often 2–3 times larger. The hurd able to provide
equivalent or more revenue than the fibrous part for each kg of input material.
(Riddle et al. 2019, 51.)

Traditional consumer products made of hemp fibers, like ropes and clothing had
become obsolescent or been replaced, however in some cases they made a re-
turn as special niche-products. Hemp bast fibers are turned into the pulp needed
for manufacturing specialty papers for bibles, envelopes, banknotes, technical
filters and etc. (Small 2017, 111, 115). Yet, there are opportunities for producing
papers of more common implementation. More basic implementation for hemp
pulp was not only shown by the results of PureVision company in converting
whole hemp stalks into usable pulp matter (Pulp & Paper Canada 2019) but also
has been described and emphasized by many renowned industrial hemp advo-

Products derived from woody core of hemp can require the least amount of pro-
cessing, being implemented as animal bedding and cat-litter pellets or be sold as
a raw material for hempcrete (construction material produced from hurd fibers
mixed with lime) production (Riddle et al. 2019, 51). However, other uses are
available and newer ones are being developed. Another application includes the
woody core utilization either in conjunction with bast fibers or without them in the
pulping regardless of fiber lengths difference. According to Naithani et al. (2020)
through right cooking/defibrillation techniques pulp can be obtained from exclu-
sively hurd fibers, which in combination with hardwood pulp material can be used

for creation of quality tissues. In addition, from woody core, the lignin can be ex-
tracted and be used in chemical industries, where whole range of value-added
products can be manufactured (PureHemp Technology n.d.). Also, PureHemp
Tech mentions that sugars technically can be extracted after processes of biore-
fining and then be sold to other industries.

Based on many different sources Figure 5 was made to represent end-products,

which can be made from materials and derivatives of hemp plant.

Figure 5. Varieties of hemp plant and products derived from hemp’s processing.
(Gorbachev 2021)

From the figure, the obvious division of product lines can be observed, in regard
to hemp’s type: oilseed variants are used to produce hemp seed yields, while
fiber-oriented strains are grown for stalk biomass. The low planting density rec-
reational types are grown for flowers, containing high concentrations of *CBD
(cannabidiol) and **THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) chemicals. CBD oils may be im-
plemented in care products and medicine, if CBD has the proper legal status.
THC is forbidden in industrial applications due to its nature of being a psychoac-
tive compound.

Picture 2. Bottle of hemp’s oil produced in Russia (Gorbachev 2021)

Hemp oilseed types and dual-purpose variants are mostly cultivated for grain.
Seeds can be peeled and marketed as gluten free hemp’s seeds or be pressed
into the seed oil, which can be used in food industries or for manufacturing value-
added products, like oil paints. In terms of taste and health hemp seeds and oil
are considered as high-quality consumer products. Hemp grain production al-
ready has established itself on the markets of Canada, the USA and Russia as a
health product and food supplement. In addition, oilcake that is left after pressing
the hemp seeds for oil is implemented as animal feed and ingredient for beer
manufacturers. Husk, which is a waste product of peeling, can be grinded into
the flour.


The main idea of this literature review was to find and present information on
hemp’s possible industrial application as a fiber source for pulping as an alterna-
tive for timber, in regard to modern technology and qualities the paper industry
seeks for. The explanation for choosing this research question was justified in the
introduction for this review. It was also decided to include information on fiber
hemp biology, agriculture, natural requirements and historical application to em-
phasize on the potential this plant has held in agriculture, before its application
had declined worldwide. To logically construct this review, each concept related
to both hemp and paper production was described in the way to provide decent
context for the reader. Results of the review were planned to be structured in a
form of SWOT (Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis, as a tool
of utility in defining advantages and disadvantages of hemp as an alternative raw
material. In the discussion section results of the review were combined with con-
ceptual evaluation.

Due to the fact that in this review paper manufacturing was not the initial goal of
description, its basic processes and related terms were chosen to be mentioned.
For that matter encyclopedic sources and video materials were selected. From
official films available for general public, which were produced by Sappi Ltd.
(South African Pulp and Paper Industries) and Valmet Oyj (Finnish developer of
pulp, paper and energy technology), idea on processes behind pulp, paper and
tissue manufacturing became clear and concise for a brief reference.

Considering that hemp is an uncommon crop and unfamiliar material for pa-
permaking, its place within alternative non-wood pulp materials had to be de-
scribed in a short manner. A special part was dedicated for non-woods, their
characteristics and use in the pulping industry. For that matter search of literature
has been conducted using ‘non-wood’ as a primary key word in different search
engines. University library search engine was used at first place, then google
scholar was implemented. Several works have been chosen as the result, which
had included information on hemp’s place within this plants group, despite being
generally dedicated to non-wood pulping. One of these works was a technical

report initiated by VNP company’s interest in finding appropriate non-wood ma-

terial for the climatic conditions of Netherlands, which also included review on
Chinese experience in the field of non-wood pulping. From all these papers tables
presenting fiber and non-woods characteristics has been modified and combined
into the one, which was added into appendices.

Next chapters in this literature review were dedicated to hemp, its biology, eco-
logical constrains and agriculture. To find more specified literature on these top-
ics, a bunch of articles were studied, which had been published in agricultural
and hemp related journals. Through university some of these journals have been
assessed. In addition, while searching for materials to exclude possibilities of in-
cluding biased opinions into the review, published works on Research Gate have
been browsed and expertise of several authors has been checked. To find more
solid proof of certain points from the articles, some books and compilations have
been read and referred. Some of these books were accessed by other means
than university library. As addition to scientifically reviewed materials, websites
also were quickly browsed to help with contextual understanding.

To start with hemp related information, its history of dissemination and application
has been included. Materials like specific book chapters and independent re-
searches has been used to describe history in a chronological order. In addition,
Russian research paper was used to provide perspective on plant’s history of
industrial use in Eastern Europe. For that exact material in Russian language and
for some others which were used in other parts of the review, translation into
English has been done in particularly accurate way to prevent loss and distortion
of theses and conclusions.

Parts on hemp’s biology and ecology were the hardest in term of combining avail-
able materials and presenting them in a way general reader could understand.
For describing features of biology and morphology several books were used. One
of the books has been written by French authors, some others have been works
of American researchers. To supplement information on structure of fiber cell, an
open web database ‘Atlas of Plant and Animal Histology’ from University of Vigo
has been referred. Available materials have been supplementing each other for
most of the review, however while listing environmental requirements, a problem

for interpretation has appeared. Namely, information on required heat in GDD

units for plant’s development differed so significantly from one source to another,
so it was decided to turn to web searching. Fact checking on that matter has not
provided the answer, so it was decided to include comparable information from
Russian textbook provided through agricultural universities and to omit GDD in-
dicators, despite their significance.

During searches for the review part on hemp’s end-uses, generalized web brows-
ing and books’ implications have been used. In addition, news articles have been
implemented into the search to find evidence of already established innovative
technology behind hemp pulping and usage of the material. Through these arti-
cles several companies have been found, which had piloted certain existing pro-
cesses into newer and sustainable form, able to give prospects for businesses
and for development of hemp as the material. Official webpages for these tech-
nologies have been referred in the review. However, this kind of materials had an
increased chance of unreliability.



• Wide area of dissemination: from polar cir- • Requires significant expenditures on fertili-
cles to tropics. Adaptivity. zation when cultivating. Requires a lot of
• Wide range of strain variations for different heat for growing.
climates and implementations. • Competition for field-space with other crops.
• Optimal growth temperatures are between • Serious dependence on climatic and soil
14°C and 27°C. conditions.
• Rapid growth. Adapts to high planting densi- • Requires proximity of processing industries
ties. to the points of cultivation.
• For cultivation and harvesting requires agri- • Takes out large amounts of nutrients from
cultural machinery. the soil.
• Can be established into crop rotation. • Processing is not simple. It requires many
• Does not require much water during cultiva- skills and practical knowledge.
tion. • Extraction of quality fibers requires retting
• The height of stems reaches several meters methods, that are burdening for the environ-
on average. ment and do not return nutrients into the soil.
• Produces high yields of fibrous matter, ex- • Currently produced fibers are more expen-
ceeding annual yields of softwoods. sive compared to cotton for textiles and
wood for pulping.
• High quality of bast fiber material.
• Lack of significant production of hemp-
• Established sales markets for each outgoing
based pulp and paper. Lack of established
supplier chains.
• All of stem’s structural parts can be imple-
• Often farmers emphasize on cultivation of
mented in pulping: both bast and hurd.
oilseed variations.
• Produced paper from bast fibers is of a high
• There is no mass production, that can affect
quality and tensile strength, defining it for
trends in the industry, making it cheaper and
specialty use.
more commonly used.
• Hurd fibers are able to be implemented for
• Lack of massive researches for implement-
production of papers similar to hardwood pa-
ing hemp in paper manufacturing.
per grades.


• General consideration of hemp as a niche • Climate related risks such as sudden cold
product by masses gives opportunities for snaps or prolonged periods of rainfall can
corresponding marketing and its benefits. lead to crop failure, if occur during the grow-
• Ability to develop production technologies ing stage.
from scratch gives a ‘start-up’ opportunity to • The overall quality of fibrous material may
profit from technology provision and selling. turn out to be worse than is required for pulp-
• Established pulping technologies can be ap- ing, by making mistakes in execution of har-
plied to hemp, requiring mostly minor vesting and retting techniques. What results
changes into the process. in financial losses.
• Development of newer and efficient tech- • Employed personnel requires education due
niques gives prospects for spreading of to partly lost culture of production and pro-
‘tree-free’ paper products. cessing of hemp.
• Existing laws, if not written to differentiate in-
dustrial hemp variants from marijuana, pre-
vents any cultivation and processing of the

Advantages of hemp as an alternative source of fibers for pulping:

To begin with, hemp is a fast-growing annual culture, which grows to 1.5–5 me-
ters on average. In some cases, plant can reach height of 6 meters. Ability of fiber
hemp variations to be densely planted poses huge benefit for the industry, due to
higher yields of produced biomass. In addition, annual fiber yield from industrial
hemp per hectare is exceeding annual fiber yield of coniferous and some decid-
uous tree species employed in papermaking. The plant is able to be implemented
within crop rotation and be grown in many temperate regions, if farmlands are
adequately prepared and maintained. Harvesting for biomass can be done usu-
ally by the end of plant’s vegetation phase with employment of commonly used
agricultural machinery. Hemp is related to bast fiber materials, which have a thin
layer of bast, formed by strong and long bundles of fibers, and have a thick woody
core, also known as hurd. Since fibers for pulping can technically be extruded
from all parts of plant’s stem, pulping facilities can employ separated fibers or use
whole stalks. In case of only employing bast fibers into pulping, high quality spe-
cialty papers are manufactured. In case of using woody core fibers, more com-
mon types of paper products can be manufactured. These paper products will
have characteristics closer to papers and tissues made from hardwood fibers. In
regard to technologies of cooking and separating fibers during pulping, most of
them can be applied to hemp, but require minor changes to them. Some compa-
nies are not only changing the existing methods but developing new technology
to improve hemp’s processing efficiency and sustainability, also implementing
extraction of useful by-products of processing, like lignin and sugars.

Overall disadvantages:

Hemp if used as an alternative source for papermaking, currently cost more than
wood raw materials. Paper and pulp produced from hemp is several times more
expensive than conventional paper. These costs include expenditures on fertili-
zation, management and processing. Even when cultivated on rich soils, hemp
requires significant nutrient addition and exposure to a lot of heat. It leaves fields
in depleted state after harvesting, so cost of replenishing fields for next crops
might be included. If the plant is cultivated on poor soils it is prone to failing or

giving lesser quality biomass. Hemp cannot be cultivated on the same field for
several years in a row, so the raw material has to be either transported or stored,
to supply processing facilities all year round. Any harmful climate conditions
posed by sudden and extreme changes, like cold snaps or long raining periods,
kill the plant. Processing and retting techniques to separate bast fibers from
woody core are time consuming, energy non-efficient, require certain expertise
of employed people and require a lot of fresh water, which becomes contami-
nated by leaking nutrients. Older techniques, used in some countries are even
more harmful for the environment, due to serious deficiencies in implemented
heating and chemical processes and long period of it not being updated to exist-
ing environmental laws. In addition, laws controlling narcotic substances pose
risks for cultivation, if not written adequately.


As it was stated within the introduction growing rates of forest depletion can be
mitigated by implementing range of diversified measures. Finding solution for the
deforestation is in economic interests of both huge industries and the environ-
ment. The base for reestablishment of raw materials was reviewed on the exam-
ple of industrial fiber hemp. To define its advantages as a replacement of wood,
useful information has been gathered. Before each advantage and drawback of
hemp is discussed, it is important to mention some other possible actions to re-
duce rates of forests depletion both deliberate and radical:

- at first, forests might be reintroduced onto barren territories where agriculture

has ceased to exist or into disused urbanized areas, at least in the form of
plantations to make these areas profitable. Established plantations have to be
favored for wood harvesting and be fully restored after each logging. Intact
natural forests have to be protected at all costs by corresponding laws and
protection initiatives.
- secondly, agricultural methods have to be continuously developing to increase
its productivity and efficiency. Grazing and ranching of livestock may be limited
to a certain degree and attached to already existing area. Livestock population
can be also gradually reduced to a such number, that is technically demanded
for human needs. In addition, clearing of forests for agricultural uses have to
be strictly controlled. Cultivation of technical crops, like soybean, oil palm, sug-
arcane and coffee, also has to be limited in regard with its worldwide demand.
- From socio-economic point, education of rural populations, exposed to forests
can be carried out. Severe degree of prosecution of Illegal logging activities
and unsustainable practices in longer term will be able to form public con-
sciousness on harm of deforestation.

However, the least controversial variants are to grow new forests, use plantations
and to gradually transit pulping and papermaking industries to other raw materi-
als. The latter variant after completion of this review can be accounted as realistic
and promising.

To begin with, high yields of hemp fibers partly compensate the drawbacks re-
lated to lack of all year availability of materials. Nonetheless actions on increasing
the base of available raw material should be taken, in order to make the pro-
cessing cheaper and more desirable for big industries and investors, turning their
attention on trying, at least, partial transitioning to hemp fiber material. Increasing
rates and volumes of hemp pulp production will help the material become com-
petitive with the wood-pulping market. However, increasing raw material base will
require conversion of significant areas of available farmland to hemp cultivation,
leaving some crops behind, what has its own disadvantages. Ironically, in the
worst-case scenario forest areas can be cleared for industrial hemp’s cultivation,
so it has to be kept in mind.

Sustainable methods used in pulping companies have their disadvantages, for

example use of recycled paperboard and paper waste is not a long-playing solu-
tion, due to the fact that recovered cellulose fibers cannot be recycled indefinitely.
However, fibers from some non-wood plants are stated to be recyclable several
times more, when compared to wood-based fibers, due to different structure of
fiber cells. Hemp bast fibers are more suitable for production of specialty papers
than for common paper grades. The qualities bast fibers possess are favored by
textile industries for cloth manufacturing. Currently hemp clothes are expensive
niche products, which has their own potential as a sustainable clothing. Due to
the fact that any hemp variation meets its water demand from precipitation in
temperate regions and often does not require excessive irrigation, from the point
of sustainable water use, hemp is a textile source less burdening for the environ-
ment than cotton. However, in term of other requirements for cultivation, hemp is
inferior to flax, which requires less heat and nutrients.

Hemp’s woody core (a.k.a. hurd) fiber material is more suitable for making com-
mon types of paper, due to core’s fiber dimensions and qualities being similar to
hardwoods. Transitioning to hemp pulp can be started from that point, or at least
from employing fraction of such pulp into wood pulp to enhance paper qualities
and reduce use of wood. Also, some pulping technologies already are able to
implement whole stalks into processing. At this point, it is possible to say, that
processing stages like retting and decortication can be in some way neglected
with all related to them money expenditures and environmental issues. It is also

possible to say that paperboards from hemp pulp are able to be manufactured,
similarly by the processes implemented in pulping facilities, which are producing
unbleached kraft paper from straws left after crop harvesting. Due to the fact, that
paperboard papers do not require bleaching, some spending related to this can
be diminished.

Main issues with hemp occur when it comes to its cultivation and natural require-
ments. Soil is one of main defining aspects for plants growth and fiber qualities.
Rich in humus soils, like chernozem or kastanozem are valuable natural re-
sources and already employed for cultivation of other agricultural crops. They can
be found only in specific regions of the world, formed by suitable climatic condi-
tions and geology. However, there are other nutrient rich soil types around the
world which are fit for hemp cultivation but will require significantly more fertiliza-
tion for supplying hemp’s demand. Through research hemp was found to be a
‘nitrogen-hungry’ plant species, what is reflected in its fast growth rates and sig-
nificant biomass yields. In case of cultivating for fiber material, despite the gen-
erally lesser consumption of nutrients, fertilization of fields will have to be applied
more often than for oilseed variations of plant, because harvesting of total bio-
mass with implementing out-of-field retting techniques won’t be able to return any
fraction of nutrients into the soil through natural leaking. Water retting techniques
are contaminating water bodies with leaking nutrients during the processing, so
nutrient removal and retrieval can be established in terms of preventing water
contamination and finding the way of returning nutrients into the soil in one way
or another. It is important to keep in mind, that soil nutrients are able to be re-
plenished by growing legume cultures on fields, as follow-up crops and also leav-
ing them to ret on site. Nonetheless, for any possible way to replenish soil nutri-
ents, financial expenditures have to be made by cultivators, which further may be
included in the cost of raw hemp fiber material.

It is worth mentioning, that green stalks or other leftovers of oilseed hemp can be
implemented into production of biofuel, as well as many other remaining straw
materials from other cultures. Generally speaking, for non-wood fiber plants this
option is not possible and even pose risks for the demand of final products, due
to the fact if implemented for biofuel production, there will be no material left for
fiber extraction. Despite being a reasonable and sustainable idea, obsession of

huge companies and overall society in producing biofuels is called ‘biomania’ by

some specialists of non-wood fiber materials. Biofuel production from agricultural
residues cannot coexist with non-wood pulping and papermaking. However, there
may be a solution in transitioning raw base for biofuels into implementing un-
wanted plant species or invasive ones. For instance, throughout all Europe and
Western Russia toxic and poisonous Heracleum (giant hogweed) plants are dis-
tributed around disused agricultural fields, roads, rail-roads and other urbanized
areas, posing risks to populations and ecosystem. Maybe technologies for their
biorefining can be invented or studied to find these species economically benefit-
ting applications.

In conclusion, a lot can be said about industrial hemp and its application in pulp-
ing. It has its own burdening disadvantages and limitations, as well as significant
environmental and economic benefits. As the result, it is more than possible to
call hemp a resource of huge potential, which must be studied, developed and


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Appendix 1. Fibre properties and chemical composition of raw non-wood and

wood materials (Adapted from tables of Zhong et al. 2018 & VNP 2007)

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