Module No. 1
Module No. 1
Module No. 1
From the origin of human society, life has been greatly influenced by food.
The ancient tribal societies were based on hunting and gathering. Ninety-nine
percent (99%) of mankind's existence on earth has been as a HUNTER AND
GATHERER. Prehistoric agriculture developed mainly in the area of the Middle
East, Asia, Africa and in Europe. The most important crops were cereals, corn,
rice, barley, wheat, rye, sugarcane and sugar beets. Cereals are important
because they are the basis of human diet.
What is a Hunter/Gatherer?
Hunting/Gathering behaviors exist back 2 million years to the dawn of man’s
cultural evolution. No word for “work” exists in various languages of
hunter/gatherers. Primitive man satisfied his daily needs directly from nature by
hunting wilds animals, gathering wild plants and fishing. The hunters-gatherers
moved from one location to another in search of food to sustain them. The fishing
tribes were more likely settled in one place as a permanent home usually near
bodies of water.
The origin of agriculture pre-dates the invention of writing. Agriculture started
more than 10,000 years ago. Transition from hunting animals and gathering
crops to raising livestock and growing plants was very important for mankind.
The history of agriculture may be divided into four broad periods of unequal
length, differing widely in date according to region: Pre-historic; Historic through
the Roman period; Feudal; Scientific and Modern.
Pre-historic Period
The practice of agriculture started in the Neolithic Period. Sites occupied:
Asia, Africa and Europe. Neolithic farmers live caves and in small houses of mud
or wood some are in caves. The villages were surrounded by fields. Neolithic
agriculture was mixed.
The earliest tools of the farmer were made of wood and stone. The first tools
Adz used for gathering grain
Digging stick used to plant seeds
Rudimentary plow, a tree branch used to scratch soil.
Scientific Period
(Scientific Period 1)
The scientific period goes from 16th to the 20th century in this period:
Population and agriculture were increasing in Europe
Exploration and colonization started (colonial agriculture)
Slaves from Africa worked on cotton plantations in America
Scientific revolution ( new cultivation and types of cattle and sheep)
(Scientific Period 2)
Drainage (more land cultivated)
Farm machinery (John Deere)
Steam power used to replace animal power
Pests (Sprays, poisons)
Improvement in transportation (roads, canals, rail lines etc.)
Modern Agriculture
Modern Agriculture depends on engineering, technology, biological and
physical sciences. Mechanization has caused the decline of labor force but has
reduced the cost and increased variety of food available. Another factor of modern
agriculture is chemistry, which deals the selective breeding techniques, fertilizer,
herbicides, pesticides and fungicides.
Indo-Malayan migrants brought with them wet-rice for agriculture and carabao
was also use as source of animal power for cultivation. This type of agriculture
predominated near bodies of water like Rivers and Lakes. Slash-and-burn, kaingin
culture or non-plow farming predominated in other areas. This indicates a shifting
agriculture rather than sedentary type of rice culture and the tribe were mainly
Main crops consisted of rice, gabi, yams, bananas, corn, millet, coconuts,
citrus, ginger, clove, cinnamon and nutmeg.
No agricultural specialization existed. The pattern of agriculture was chiefly
subsistence. Farms were small, chiefly backyard in coastal and riverbank
Most barangays were self-sufficient. Land was abundant and population was
estimated to be about 500,000 by the mid-16 th century. Private Land ownership do
not exist
During this period absence of food surpluses were attributed to:
1. Absence of full-blown ruling class who could exploit producers for
2. Limited foreign trade.
3. Food Scarcity in some settlements.
This period introduced a non-producing class for which Filipinos produced
surplus leading to an increase in agricultural productions include: mulberry, cacao,
wheat, cucumber, cantaloupe, watermelon, coffee, new varieties of cereals, peas
and other vegetables.
The development of haciendas allowed for the introduction of technology and
processing, e.g. steam or hydraulic-powered sugar mills.
March 06, 1909 the college of agriculture was founded in Los Baños as a unit
of the University of the Philippines.
This characterized by the following:
1. Introduction of technological improvements.
2. Campaign for use of modern farm inputs and farm mechanization in
3. Building up of market for tractors and power tillers in the 60’s.
4. Establishment of the International Rice Research Institute.
5. Introduction of the high yielding rice varieties.
Further development and expansion of international agricultural trading
especially for coconuts and its by- products, tobaccos, sugar, pineapple, etc.
Drivers of agro-environment for a diverse cropping system
Wide range of soils and climate to grow different crops
Whole year round growing period
Sunlight: 11-13 hrs
Temperature: 24-32 °C
Rainfall: 2400-4000mm/yr
Population growth
Weak governance
Deteriorating natural resources endowments
Agriculture was derived from the Latin word ‘ager’ means (field) and
‘cultura’ means (cultivation)
Definition of Agriculture
Agriculture – it is a science, art, business/industry of managing the
growth of plants and animals for food, feed, fuel and fiber.
Agriculture includes cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting crops,
breeding and raising of livestock, dairying, forestry and fishery.
As an Art – it is an art because it requires skill to produce crops even with little or
no scientific training. The art of the crop science reaches its greatest expression
in horticulture, especially in ornamental horticulture where plants are raised for
their esthetic qualities, e.g., in floral arts as well as in landscaping.
As a Business – plants are not grown simply to satisfy the needs of man but
realize some profit in the producing it. Thus, maximization of output relative to
production input is one the guiding principles of production.
Agriculture is the science and art of raising crops and animals with the use of
resources like land (soil), water, materials such as inputs and the available
An agricultural farm is an agricultural production unit implementing factors of
production with the intention of earning a profit for the farmer.
With the above premise, an agriculturist refers to a person who has the
competence to scientifically diagnose and pursue opportunities- design and
implement appropriate strategies, manage resources. Also he/she should be
able to provide scientific, technical and policy advice in implementing
programs that would promote agricultural development.
A. Perform the tasks in the technical and scientific fields with confidence and
1. Examine the inter and intra dependence of systems within the context of
agricultural development
2. Map out strategic plans using technical, scientific, market and other sources
of information
3. Prepare workable agricultural plans, programs and feasibility studies.
4. Formulate alternative measures to solve potential problems in implementing
agricultural plans and programs
1. Know and analyse existing agricultural laws, rules, regulations and related
2. Identify policy impacts and gaps.
3. Formulate recommendations for policy reforms.
4. Design and implement strategies for advocacy.
G. Practice and promote public safety in the use of agricultural technology
Competencies not acquired during the regular semester from the various
subjects enrolled will be done during summer called the "bridging program".
Hence, it is expected that students who obtained a certificate may opt to work for
a while to earn for his studies and later returned to finish the degree.
The major fields offered are the following: Agricultural Economics, Animal
Science, Crop Protection, Crop Science and Soil Science.
A university or college offering the degree program may follow the general
tract or the highly specialized tract or with specialization. The possible major
areas are: Agricultural Economics, Animal Science, Crop Protection, Crop
Science and Soil Science.
In the third quarter of 2020, agricultural production inched up by 0.7 percent.
Increases in production were noted for crops and fisheries during the period.
However, livestock and poultry posted reductions in outputs (Table 2a and Figure 1).
At current prices, the value of agricultural production at PhP 404.6 billion was 4.1
percent higher than the previous year’s level (Table 4a and Table 5a). From January
2020 to September 2020, agricultural production declined by -0.2 percent (Table 2a).
Crop production grew by 4.8 percent.
It contributed 52.7 percent to the total agricultural output. The production
levels of palay and corn were up by 15.2 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively.
Double -digit production growths were noted for sugarcane at 23.8 percent and
cacao at 12.0 percent. Output increases were also recorded for potato at 7.5
percent, eggplant at 3.4 percent, mongo at 3.0 percent, sweet potato at 2.7 percent,
and mango at 2.1 percent. Meanwhile, double -digit contractions in production were
registered for tobacco at -30.1 percent and calamansi at -16.9 percent. Outputs were
lower for pineapple by -8.6 percent, cabbage by -5.0 percent, rubber by -4.0 percent,
tomato by -1.4 percent, banana by -1.3 percent, and onion by -1.2 percent.
Production declines ranging from -0.2 percent to -1.1 percent were observed for
cassava, abaca, coffee, ampalaya, and coconut. Collectively, production of “other
crops” grew by 0.4 percent. At current prices, the value of crop production amounted
to PhP 211.1 billion or 10.8 percent higher as compared to the previous year’s
record. From January 2020 to September 2020, crops posted a 2.3 percent
improvement in production.
Livestock production, which accounted for 17.5 percent of the total
agricultural output, was down by -7.6 percent during the period.
Hog recorded a reduction in output at -7.7 percent. Likewise, production of
cattle and carabao dropped by -10.7 percent and by -6.3 percent, respectively.
Outputs were up for dairy by 16.0 percent and goat by 0.4 percent. At current prices,
the value of livestock production at PhP 71.4 billion represented a -1.6 percent
decline this quarter. For the first nine (9) months of 2020, livestock production
declined by -5.5 percent.
Poultry production decreased by -3.8 percent.
It shared 14.0 percent in the total agricultural production. Chicken production
contracted by -7.2 percent this period. On the other hand, duck had 2.3 percent
increment in output. Production improved by 6.0 percent for chicken eggs and by 3.1
percent for duck eggs. At current prices, the value of poultry production amounted to
PhP 58.7 billion, down by -4.4 percent from the previous year’s level. From January
2020 to September 2020, poultry recorded a -2.8 percent drop in output.
Fisheries production, which shared 15.8 percent in the total agricultural
output, grew by 1.9 percent.
Higher output increases were noted for bigeye tuna at 39.9 percent, Bali
sardinella at 31.5 percent, blue crab 25.5 at percent, cavalla at 18.9 percent,
yellowfin tuna at 16.1 percent, frigate tuna at 13.6 percent, and roundscad at 12.8
percent. Improved production levels were also registered for grouper at 2.5 percent,
skipjack at 0.3 percent, and squid at 0.03 percent. Meanwhile, fimbriated sardines
and tiger prawn posted double-digit reductions in outputs by -21.7 percent and -11.3
percent, respectively. Decreases in production were reported in the following:
mudcrab by -9.7 percent, milkfish by -6.1 percent, slipmouth by -4.3 percent, indian
mackerel by -3.7 percent, seaweed by -1.1 percent, and big-eyed scad by -1.0
percent. Threadfin bream and tilapia had less than -1.0 percent decline in outputs.
For “other fisheries”, production went up by 2.1 percent. At current prices, the value
of fisheries production which amounted to PhP 63.4 billion was lower by -0.9 percent
this quarter. In the first three quarters of 2020, fisheries production increased by 0.2
GDP declines by -4.2 percent in the first quarter of 2021 (at Constant 2018
The Philippine Gross Domestic Product (GDP) posted a decline of -4.2 percent in the
first quarter of 2021. The main contributors to the decline were: Construction, -24.2
percent; Other Services, -38.0 percent; and Real Estate and Ownership of
Dwellings, -13.2 percent.
On the other hand, contributors to growth were led by: Financial and insurance
activities, 5.2 percent; Public administration and defense; compulsory social
activities, 7.5 percent; and Human health and social work activities, 11.7 percent.
Other industries which managed to grow during the period were: Information and
communication, 6.3 percent; Manufacturing, 0.5 percent; and Electricity, steam,
water, and waste management, 1.9 percent.
Among the major economic sectors, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (AFF)
declined by -1.2 percent in the first quarter of 2021. Likewise, Services and Industry
contracted by -4.4 percent and -4.7 percent, respectively during the period.
On the demand side, Household Final Consumption Expenditure (HFCE) declined
by -4.8 percent, along with the following items: Gross Capital Formation (GCF), -18.3
percent; Exports, -9.0 percent; and Imports, -8.3 percent.
On the other hand, the Government Final Consumption Expenditure (GFCE) grew
by 16.1 percent in the first quarter of 2021.
The National Year of the Rice is part of the Philippine government’s bid to
achieve rice-self-efficiency beginning 2013. It is an advocacy campaign which
aims to promote responsible rice consumption for better health and less rice
wastage and productive farming through the promotion of efficient rice
technologies and inspiring to do better.
It was in the year 2013 that the National Year of the Rice was proclaimed
by President Benigno S. Aquino III under Proclamation no. 494 on October 18,
2012 to enjoin everyone in this advocacy.
4. What is the reason behind the proclamation of the National Year of the Rice
(NYR 2013) by President Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino?
5. What was the feature of your curriculum? What are the National
Certificates under TESDA which you could apply for assessment?
8. What was the average farm gate price increase of the commodities in all
subsectors of agriculture? Why there was an increase?
Activity 1
Geographical Distribution and Production of Rice in the Philippines
1. Top 1 Province producing rice in Region in terms of Volume (tons/ha).
2019-2020 Data
Regions Province Tons/Ha
NCR Nueva Ecija 220,703
CAR Kalinga 158,284
ILOCOS Pangasinan 1,135,379
CAGAYAN VALLEY Isabela 1,359,556
CENTRAL LUZON Nueva Ecija 1,937,019
MIMAROPA Oriental Mindoro 430,967
BICOL Camarines Sur 317,290
WESTERN VISAYAS Iloilo 1,018,989.02
CENTRAL VISAYAS Siquijor 1,502.00
VI. Summary
The module brought about discussions on the historical development of
agriculture at the global scale and that of the Philippines in particular. The new
BSA program, the duties and competencies that must be acquired and the
potential National Certificates that the students can get aside from the embedded
Certificate in Agricultural Science awarded after completion of the requirements
after second year were presented.
At the latter part, the performance of the agriculture sector has been
presented and discussed giving emphasis on the contribution of the sector to the
society. Indeed, it was timely to present as early as the first module the statistics
on agricultural performance so that the students will know the importance of their
degree and continue to enrol in the program.
VII. References