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4th International Conference on Operational Research (InteriOR) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/300/1/012005

Optimization of Personnel Assignment Problem Based on

Traveling Time by Using Hungarian Methods: Case Study on
the Central Post Office Bandung

Sudradjat Supian1, Sri Wahyuni2, Julita Nahar3, Subiyanto4*

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science,
Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

*Corresponding author:

Abstract. In this paper, traveling time workers from the central post office Bandung in
delivering the package to the destination location was optimized by using Hungarian method.
Sensitivity analysis against data changes that may occur was also conducted. The sampled data
in this study are 10 workers who will be assigned to deliver mail package to 10 post office
delivery centers in Bandung that is Cikutra, Padalarang, Ujung Berung, Dayeuh Kolot, Asia-
Africa, Soreang, Situ Saeur, Cimahi, Cipedes and Cikeruh. The result of this research is
optimal traveling time from 10 workers to 10 destination locations. The optimal traveling time
required by the workers is 387 minutes to reach the destination. Based on this result, manager
of the central post office Bandung can make optimal decisions to assign tasks to their workers.

1. Introduction
The personnel assignment problem is a special case of the transportation problem. It arises in a variety
of decision-making situations. A distinguishing feature of the personnel assignment problem is that
one worker is assigned to one and only one task [1].
In general, the assignment problem includes n tasks that must be assigned to n workers where each
worker has different competencies in completing each task [8]. The purpose of the assignment
problem is to assign each task appropriate to the worker so that the total expenditure of resources to
complete all tasks can be optimized. The optimized resource can be an assignment fee, time spent on
completing tasks, mileage and so on.
Many researchers have been applied assignment problem to solve decision-making situations. A
new approach to one sided assignment problems was developed by Sasaki [6]. Maxon and Bhadury [3]
proposed assignment problem with repetitive tasks and tried to introduce a human element into the
analysis. A simple random assignment problem with a unique solution was proposed by Bogomolnaia
and Moulin [2]. Nuass [4] described a special purpose branch-and-bound algorithm for solving
assignment problems. Sourd [7] studied the continuous assignment problem with the aim of solving

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4th International Conference on Operational Research (InteriOR) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/300/1/012005

scheduling problems with irregular cost functions. Odior et. al. [5] addressed a problem of
effectiveness of feasible solutions of assignment problems.
This research discusses how to optimize personnel assignment problem then solved by using
Hungarian method. This optimization process is applied to case study of the central post office
Bandung in assigning employees to deliver the packet to the destination location based on several
criteria owned by each employee and also conducted a sensitivity analysis of data changes that may
occur so as not to change the optimal assignment from the initial problem.

2. Materials and Methods

The concept of assignment problem based on traveling time by using Hungarian methods was applied
to solve a problem for case study on the central Post Office Bandung. Data collected (estimated time
requirements in minutes) from the central Post Office Bandung is shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Traveling time (in minutes)

1 26 40 27 35 39 70 30 75 63 30
2 30 45 30 32 35 75 30 79 62 32
3 29 30 20 32 30 83 34 80 62 30
4 26 32 25 30 36 80 29 75 60 29
5 29 37 27 31 35 85 27 76 60 30
6 27 37 30 30 36 90 30 69 57 35
7 25 42 30 35 30 69 34 66 58 36
8 30 41 26 28 30 87 28 67 58 37
9 25 41 29 36 40 90 30 78 60 34
10 25 40 23 30 38 88 32 68 62 28

Table 1 shows that the traveling time of 10 employees to deliver mailing packets to 10 post office
delivery centers in Bandung that is Cikutra (I), Padalarang (II), Ujung Berung (III), Dayeuh Kolot
(IV), Asia-Africa (V), Soreang (VI), Situ Saeur (VII), Cimahi (VIII), Cipedes (IX) and Cikeruh (X).

3. Result and Discussion

The goal of the assignment problem is to minimize the traveling time of of 10 employees to deliver
mailing packets to 10 post office delivery centers in Bandung. An important characteristic of this
assignment problem is the number of workers is equal to the number of destinations. It is explained in
the following way.
 Only one job is assigned to worker.
 Each worker is assigned with exactly one destination.
Based on the data collected, manager of the Central Post Office Bandung has ten workers for ten
separate destinations and the traveling time of assigning each destination to each worker is given. His
goal is to assign one and only destination to each worker in such a way that the total traveling of
assignment is minimized.
Balanced assignment problem: The number of workers is equal to the number of destinations.
The mathematical model of the assignment problem in this case can be written as follows:

4th International Conference on Operational Research (InteriOR) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/300/1/012005

Min T =

. =1 ; = 1,2, . . ,10

=1 ; = 1,2, . . ,10

= 0 or 1, for i and j
1, if worker i go to destination j
= , = 1,2, … ,10 and = 1,2, …,10.
0, if worker i does not go to destination j

Based on data in the Table 1, the optimal assignments matrix was produced by applied the
Hungarian method in this case as shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Optimal Assignment Problem Matrix

1 3 7 4 7 9 0 4 8 7 2
2 3 8 3 0 1 1 0 8 2 0
3 9 0 0 7 3 16 11 16 9 5
4 4 0 3 3 7 11 4 9 5 2
5 5 3 3 2 4 14 0 8 3 1
6 3 3 6 1 5 19 3 1 0 6
7 3 10 8 8 1 0 9 0 3 9
8 7 8 3 0 0 17 2 0 2 9
9 0 6 4 6 8 18 2 9 2 4
10 2 7 0 2 8 18 6 1 6 0

Based on the optimal solution in Table 2, the assignment of workers from Central Post Office
Bandung to each post office delivery centers in Bandung can be seen in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Workers assignment determination

Worker Post office delivery centers in Bandung
1 Soreang
2 Dayeuh Kolot
3 Ujung Berung
4 Padalarang
5 Situ Saeur
6 Cipedes
7 Cimahi
8 Asia-Afrika
9 Cikutra
10 Cikeruh

By adjusting the decision variables with the initial table (Table 1) then the total traveling time (T)
is 387 minutes.

4th International Conference on Operational Research (InteriOR) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/300/1/012005

In order to determine the data changes range of traveling time that do not change the assigned
optimal assignment of workers, the sensitivity analysis was done. Sensitivity analysis to change of
objective function coefficient from traveling time data was obtained as shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Range of Travel Time Coefficient

1 [23, ∞) [33, ∞) [23, ∞) [28, ∞) [30, ∞) [−∞, 71] [26, ∞) [67, ∞) [56, ∞) [28, ∞]
2 [27, ∞) [37, ∞) [27, ∞) [−∞, 33] [34, ∞) [74, ∞) [29,31] [71, ∞) [60, ∞) [31,33]
3 [20, ∞) [29,31] [−∞, 21] [25, ∞) [27, ∞) [67, ∞) [23, ∞) [64, ∞) [53, ∞) [25, ∞)
4 [22, ∞) [−∞, 33] [22, ∞) [27, ∞) [29, ∞) [69, ∞) [25, ∞) [66, ∞) [55, ∞) [27, ∞)
5 [24, ∞) [34, ∞) [24, ∞) [29, ∞) [31, ∞) [71, ∞) [−∞, 28] [68, ∞) [57, ∞) [29, ∞]
6 [24, ∞) [34, ∞) [24, ∞) [29, ∞) [31, ∞) [71, ∞) [27, ∞) [68, ∞) [−∞, 58] [29, ∞)
7 [22, ∞) [32, ∞) [22, ∞) [27, ∞) [29, ∞) [68,70] [25, ∞) [−∞, 67] [55, ∞) [27, ∞)
8 [23, ∞) [33, ∞) [23, ∞) [27,29] [−∞, 31] [70, ∞) [26, ∞) [66,68] [56, ∞) [28, ∞)
9 [−∞, 26] [35, ∞) [25, ∞) [30, ∞) [32, ∞) [72, ∞) [28, ∞) [69, ∞) [58, ∞) [30, ∞)
10 [23, ∞) [33, ∞) [22,24] [28, ∞) [30, ∞) [70, ∞) [26, ∞) [67, ∞) [56, ∞) [−∞, 29]

Based on Table 4, it is obtained the range of coefficients changes from the objective function
allowed for each worker to reach the destination location does not change the initial assignment.

4. Conclusion
In this paper, the concept of assignment problem has been applied to solve a problem for of the central
post office Bandung which had a difficulty in assigning 10 workers to 10 destination locations of post
office delivery centers. Based on the data collected, Hungarian Method was used to solve the problem.
Optimal assignments of the cases were obtained for the central post office Bandung. It was obtained
that, the optimal assignment of workers from Central Post Office Bandung to each post office delivery
centers as follows: worker 1 to Soreang, worker 2 to Dayeuh Kolot, worker 3 to Ujung Berung, worker
4 to Padalarang, worker 5 to Situ Saeur, worker 6 to Cipedes, worker 7 to Cimahi, worker 8 to Asia-
Afrika, worker 9 to Cikutra, worker 10 to Cikeruh. The total optimal number of travelling time of the
cases is 387 minutes. The Sensitivity Analysis for assignment issues can illustrate the range of
coefficient value changes for the allowed objective function so that this does not change the optimal
assignment of the initial problem.

We would like to thank the financial support from Universitas Padjadjaran through the grant program
of the Academic Leadership Grant (ALG) and Central Post Office Bandung for providing travelling
time data.


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4th International Conference on Operational Research (InteriOR) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 300 (2018) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/300/1/012005

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