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192E75266 - Médico Cirujano.

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Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

División Académica de Ciencias de la Salud

Licenciatura Médico Cirujano

English For Health

Lic. Norma Isabel Portilla Manica

Citlally Rodríguez Rios- 192E75266

Ciclo largo Agosto 2022 – febrero 2023


Uni 1 3



Unit 2:



Unit 3:


Unit 4




The methodology of the course is excellent, the teacher explains the topics very well
and the classes are dynamic, which greatly facilitates learning. I liked that each day
with a lot of optimism and a song related to the subject, the class started.

In this subject I learned the importance of being constant and studying daily, learning
new vocabulary, its pronunciation and grammar,

I learned common things from how to describe someone's appearance to the parts
and systems of the human body. Thanks to this I reinforced my previous knowledge
and opened my mind to new terms, now I can understand more lessons in English.
I also learned how to work in teams, with people I did not know. And I hope to
continue learning and put my knowledge into practice.
Then we learned about some parts of the body.

Head Shoulder Lips Tronk

Face Back Tongue Abdom (upper, lower)
Forehead Arm Teeth Breask
Eyebrow Elbow Jawbone Legs
Eyelashes Hands Ears Lob
Eyelid Fingers Nape Knee
Nose Nails Forearm Anklee
Chin Hair Palm of hand Foot
Mouth Temple wrisk Foot arch
Neck Eyes Fist Double chin
Hear Nostril Chest Little, ring, index, thumb,
Cheeks Groin (ingle) Knuckles (nudillos) middle finger.
Hip Thigh (muslo) Calf (pantorrilla) Heels (talones)

Then we saw a video about organs; anatomy systems.

- Heart - Brain - Lungs - Kidneys

Plump blood Skull Respiratory system Back
Circulatory system Central nervous Trachea Urinary system
Blood vessels system Diaphragm → Urine-Pee
Arteries (clogged) → Voluntary-Involuntar expand-contact, bring in, There are two
Unhealthy → Heart attack y bring out (oxygen). Ureters
Veins Spinal cord Sphincter muscle
Spleen (bazo) Nerves Urethra
Transplant, donate.

- Skin - Liver - Digestive system

Biggest organ Multifuncional Stomach
Harmful toxins Liver
Small, large intestine
Digestive system
Bile enzymes Anus
Feces- Poo

Next class- Nervous system

Body parts words

Upper part Middle part Lower part

Cabeza – Head ● Hombro = Shoulder ● Cintura = Waist

● Craneo = Skull ● Axila = Armpits ● Cadera = Hip
● Orejas = Ears ● Espalda = Back ● Gluteos = Buttocks
● Rostro = Face ● Columna Vertebral = Spine ● Muslo = Thigh
● Pelo = Hair ● Brazos = Arms ● Rodilla = Knee
● Frente = Forehead ● Antebrazo = Forearm ● Pantorrilla = Calf / Calves
● Ceja = Eyebrow ● Codo = Elbow ● Espinilla = Shin
● Pestañas = Eyelashes ● Muñeca = Wrist ● Talón = Heel
● Párpado = Eyelid ● Hand = Mano ● Tobillo = Ankle
● Ojos = Eyes ● Palma de la mano = Palm ● Pie = Foot / Feet
● Mejilla / Cachete = ● Nudillos = Knuckles ● Dedos del pie = Toes
Cheek ● Dedos de las manos =
● Nariz = Nose Fingers
● Boca = Mouth ● Dedo pulgar = Thumb
● Labios = Lips ● Uñas = Fingernails
● Encías = Gums ● Seno = Breast
● Dientes = Tooth / Teeth ● Pecho = Chest
● Lengua = Tongue ● Pezón = Nipple
● Barbilla / Mentón = ● Ombligo = Belly button
Chin ● Cintura = Waist
● Mandíbula = Jaw
● Garganta = Throat
● Cuello = Neck

Bones Orga
● Esqueleto = Skeleton ● Piel = Skin
● Huesos = Bones ● Cerebro = Brain
● Vértebra = Vertebrae ● Pulmones – Lungs
● Sangre = Blood ● Corazón = Heart
● Venas = Veins ● Riñ >● Nervios = Nerves ● Estómago – Stomach
● Esternón = Sternum ● Intestino grueso – Large intestine
● Húmero = Humerus ● Intestino delgado – Small intestine
● Falanges = Phalanges ● Ano = Anus
● Costillas = Ribs ● Próstata – Prostate gland
Coxis = Coccyx Pene = Penis

Fémur = Femur Testículos – Testicles

Tibia = Tibia Vagina = Vagina

Rótula = Patella Ovarios = Ovaries

Omóplato = Scapula Útero = Uterus

Hígado = Liver


Accurate Correcto, preciso Developmental Retraso del
delay desarrollo
Accurately Precisamente Disease Enfermedad
Acquire Adquirir Diseased Enfermo
Acute Agudo Display Demostrar
Adjacent Adyacente Dizziness Mareo
Although Aunque Drowsy Somnoliento
Among Entre Due Debido a
Appear Aparecer Dye Tinte; contraste
Bleed Sangrar; sangrado Even Incluso
Blockages Bloqueos Feces Heces
Blow Soplar; golpe Fiber Fibra
Blurry visión Visión borrosa Field Campo
Bodily Corporal Fills Llenar
Bone Hueso Findings Hallazgos
Bruise Moretón For - Ante
Certain Cierto Growth Tumor
Child-Bearing age Edad fértil Harden Endurecerse
Clogged Obstruido Harm Dañar
Closely Íntimamente Harmful Nocivo; dañino
Clot Coágulo, coagular Harmless Inofensivo, inocuo
Collect Acumular Health care Profesional de la
salud; sanitario
Cough up Expectoración Hearing Audición

Cough Tos Hidden Escondido

Cyst Quiste Hold Sostener;
Cystic Quístico Hollow Hueco
Damage Daño Horse shoe Herradura
ILL Enfermo Painful Doloroso
ILLNESS Enfermedad Painless Indoloro
Improve Mejorar Physician Médico
Join Unir Process Proceso / Apófisis
Joint Articulación Proper Correcto;
Seizures vacunas Puncture Punción
Large Grande Radiologist Radiólogo
Surgery Cirugía Radiology Radiología
Leak Fuga; escapar Raised Elevado
Leaking Chorrear; gotear Range Rango
Lethargy Letargo Rate Índice; tasa, ritmo;
Life-Threatening Peligro de muerte Relieve Aliviar
Lumen Luz (de un Ridge Cresta, borde
Lying Recostado Risks Riesgos
Made up of Formado por Rule out Descartar
Magnetic field Campo magnético Seek Buscar
Seizures Convulsiones Sinuses Senos
Needle Aguja Sonographer Ecografista
Nodes Nódulos Numbness Entumecimiento

Otherwise Si no; de otra Stroke Golpe

Otosclerosis Otoesclerosis Such as Tal como
Surgical Quirúrgico
Swelling Inflamación;
Tissue Tejido
To asses Evaluar; valorar
To enhance Mejorar
To measure Medir
Perform Realizar
To undergo Sufrir; ser
sometido a
Transient Transitorio
Unborn No nacido
Weak Débil
Weakness Debilidad
Widely Ampliamente
Within Dentro de
The clinical history in Basic Services is the guide to identify health problems patient's
health and is completed with the doctor-patient exchange. In the exchange with the
patient, information is obtained about:
Questions aimed at knowing general information of the patient.

¿Cómo se llama? What's your name?

¿Qué edad tiene? How old are you? ¿Dónde vive? Where do you live?

¿Trabaja? Do you work? ¿Estudia? Do you study?

¿Qué hace?/ ¿A qué se dedica? ¿Cuál es su empleo? What's your job? ,

What do you do? What do you do for a living?

2. Questions aimed at knowing the chief complaint.

¿Qué lo trae al médico hoy? What brings you to the doctor today?

¿Cuál parece ser el problema? What seems to be the trouble?

¿Cuál es el problema? What's the problem?

¿Qué le sucede? What happens?

¿Qué es lo que más le molesta? What's been bothering you most?

¿Cuál es el principal problema por el que What is the main problem you wanted
quería verme? to see me about?

¿ En qué puedo servirle? How can I help you?

¿Cuál es su principal dolencia? What is your number one complaint?

3. Questions aimed at knowing the characteristics of the chief complaint.

¿Tiene algún dolor / fiebre… relacionada Do you have any pain / fever … associated
con esto? with this?

¿Cómo es el dolor? What is the pain like?

¿Qué tiempo hace que lo tiene? How long have you had it?

¿Cuándo fue la primera vez que lo notó? When was the first time you noticed it?

¿Cuándo le comenzó? When did it start?

¿Le duele cuando aprieto/presiono aquí? Does it hurt when I press here?

¿Podría señalar exactamente dónde le Could you show me where exactly the pain
duele? is?

¿Se le corre hacia algún otro lugar? Does the pain go to any other place?

¿Se le aumenta cuando se Does it increase when you move/walk/stand

mueve/camina/se para? up?

¿Cómo se le alivia? How do you get relief?

La historia natural de la enfermedad incluye:

Inception / Onset of the disease
Posibles preguntas:
• When did you first notice this?
• When did the pain start?
• Location
• Where does it hurt?
• Show me where the problem is, please.
• Does the pain last long?
• How long does it last?
Al llenar la historia clínica de atención primaria en Periodoncia, en el interrogatorio
se recogen los datos de interés que aporta el paciente en las diferentes partes de
la historia clínica.
Age: In this specialty the age is important because some periodontal affection are
related to the age. Chronic gingivitis, juvenile periodontitis, begins in childhood and
Posibles preguntas:
-How old are you?
-What´s your age?
Other forms of periodontitis appear in young adults and elderly.
• Sexo: It has not been demonstrated that periodontal disease is more prevalent in
a sex than in another.
• Occupation: It is important to know those individuals that use their teeth as
auxilliary work instruments (shoe maker, hairdresser, circus artist, and electrician).
Also those that according to their jobs are in contact with toxic substances such as:
Mercury, bismuth and arsenic.
• En historia de la enfermedad actual se recogen:
The most common symptoms of periodontal disease:
Gingival bleeding, inflammation, tooth mobility.
Posibles preguntas:
-Do your gums bleed? /Do you have bleeding?
-When did you first notice this? How long ago did you notice the bleeding?
-What makes your gums bleed? (spontaneous, caused by something, brushing,
flossing, eating, sucking)
-Is the bleeding spontaneous? (caused by something/brushing/ flossing/ eating/
-How often does the bleeding occur? Do your gums bleed when you brush/floss?
Do your gums bleed while brushing/ flossing/eating/sucking?
-What´s the bleeding like? (Mild, moderate or severe)
- Have you ever had “gum boils”?
-Do you have bleeding gums, bad taste or bad breath/mouth odor?

4.- Questions aimed at confirmation and follow up of pregnancy.

¿Es soltera o casada? Are you single or married?

¿Padece alguna enfermedad? Do you suffer from any disease?

¿Con quién vive? Who do you live with?

¿Qué grado de escolaridad tiene? What is your educational level?

¿Usa algún anticonceptivo? Are you using any birth control?

¿Ha estado embarazada anteriormente? Have you been pregnant before?

¿Desea este embarazo? Do you want to have this baby?

¿Se ha hecho alguna radiografía

Have you had any X-ray recently?

¿Toma algún medicamento? Do you take any medicine?

Le han realizado alguna transfusión de

Have you received a blood transfusion?

¿Ha ingerido alguna bebida alcohólica

Have you drunk any alcohol recently?

¿Tiene algún familiar con enfermedad

Do you have any relative with genetic disease?

¿Se ha realizado alguna vez la prueba ¿Cuándo? Have you ever had the Pap smear?
citológica? When?

¿Cuántos embarazos ha tenido? How many pregnancies have you had?

¿Cuándo tuvo la última menstruación? When did you have your last period?

¿Cuántos partos ha tenido? How many deliveries have you had?

¿Normal o cesárea? Normal delivery or ¿Algún aborto/ legrado? Any miscarriage

caesarean section? /interruption of pregnancy?

¿Recuerda la fecha del último Do you remember the date of your last
embarazo? pregnancy?

¿Cómo fue el embarazo anterior? How was your previous pregnancy like?
Description of human body systems
Immune system: Protection of an organism against external agents.
Organs: skin, bone marrow, blood, thymus, lymphatic
system, spleen, mucosa.
Lymphatic system Transports lymph unidirectionally towards the heart.
Organs: lymphatic vessels (capillaries, collectors,
trunks, and ducts), bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes,
spleen, lymphatic tissues (pharyngeal tonsils, Peyer's
patches, lymphoid tissue), and lymph.
Muscular system Allows the skeleton to move, stay firm and also gives
shape to the body
Nervous system Capture and quickly process signals exercising control
and coordination over the other organs to achieve an
adequate, timely and effective interaction with the
changing environment.
Autonomic nervous Autonomic sensory receptors and neurons. Control
system involuntary actions.
Skeletal System Provides support, support, and protection to soft
tissues and muscles in living organisms.
Integumentary system: Separate, protect and inform the animal of the
environment that surrounds it; sometimes it also acts as
an exoskeleton. It is formed by the skin and the
Endocrine system They secrete a type of substances called hormones,
which are released into the bloodstream and regulate
some of the body's functions.

• Bleeding = Sangrado
• Heartburn = Ardor de estómago
• Dizziness = Vértigos
• Drowsiness = somnolencia
• Headache = Dolor de cabeza
• Pain = Dolor
• Chills = Escalofríos
• Swelling = Inflamación
• Strain = Desgarre muscular
• Stomachache = Dolor de estómago
• Sweat = sudor
• Vomit = Vómito
• Sore throat = dolor de gargant


• “Apply pressure to control the bleeding” ---> Aplique presión para controlar el
• “I have a headache”---> Tengo dolor de cabeza.
• “You have a minor muscle strain in your chest” ---> Tiene una leve distensión
muscular en su pecho
• “She was stricken by pain and began to vomit.” ---> sintió mucho dolor y
comenzó a vomitar
• Allergy = Alergia
• Cold = Resfriado
• Cough = tos
• Fever = Fiebre
• Food poisoning = Intoxicación por alimentos
• Heart attack = Infarto
• Hemorrhage = Hemorragia
• Flu = Gripe
• Chickenpox = Varicela


“The patient had an allergy to penicillin.” ---> El paciente era alérgico a la

• “Contact your doctor if the cough persists.”---> Póngase en contacto con
su médico si la tos persiste.
• “He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice.”---> Sufría de gripe y
había perdido la voz.
• “He's got a headache and a slight fever.”---> Tiene dolor de cabeza y un poco
de fiebre.

• Antibiotics = Antibióticos
• Band-aids = Curitas
• Tablet = Comprimidos
• Injection = Inyección
• Sedative = Sedantes
• Painkillers = Analgésicos
• Prescription drugs = Medicamentos con receta
• Sedative = Calmante
• Anaesthesia = Anestesia


• “The nurse is coming to give you an injection.” ---> La enfermera vendrá a

darte una inyección.
• “The sedative makes people very somnolent.” ---> El sedante hace que las
personas tengan sueño.
• “Take this painkiller, it usually acts fast.” ---> Tome este analgésico,
generalmente actúa rápido.
• “Surgeons prefer total anaesthesia for some procedures”---> Los cirujanos
prefieren la anestesia total para algunos procedimientos.

Reading strategies for clinical cases

a) The clinical case corresponds to a syndrome or disease that is already known,

although its infrequency or rarity poses problems for its identification or diagnosis.
b) The study of the described patient(s) allowed the identification of clinical
manifestations not previously referred to as part of the syndrome or disease in
question, or else these manifestations constitute symptoms, signs, or alterations
of infrequent complementary examinations.
c) It is a clinical or congenital or hereditary syndrome, not previously described in
the medical literature.
d) The study of the clinical case was complemented with the use of new diagnostic
procedures that were more precise or more sensitive than those previously
reported in the medical literature.
e) Useful therapeutic procedures, not previously described, were used in the
management of the patient(s) studied.
f) In the treatment of patients, recently used drugs were used, according to what
was published in the medical literature.


The human body is a complex and highly organized structure, made up of cells that
work together to perform specific functions necessary to sustain life. Passing through
the tissues and organs. The cells of a tissue are not identical but work together to
carry out specific functions.
Final reflection

In medicine it is vitally important to be able to communicate effectively with the doctor

or patient. This vocabulary in English will help you make medical consultations, read
studies and even listen to lectures.

Bibliographic reference

(a) Patellar and Achilles Reflexes. (2021, February 1).

Retrieved August 5, 2021, from

(b) Pérez, J. & Gardey, A. (2015). Acto reflejo. Obtenido de

(c) Tortora, G. & Derrickson, B. (2006). Principios de

Anatomía y Fisiología. 11ª edición. Editorial médica

(d) Lumen. Reflexes | Anatomy and Physiology I [Internet].
2018 [cited 5 August 2021]. Availa
ble from:

(e) Purves D, Augustine GJ, Fitzpatrick D, et al., editors.

Neuroscience. 2nd edition. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer
Associates; 2001. Flexion Reflex Pathways. Available

(f) Lumen. Boundless anatomy and physiology. Peripheral

nervous system. Reflexes. Available from:

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