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Jointed-footed animals

Bilaterally symmetrical

Metamerically segmented

Coelomate, Schizocoelic formation


Cuticular exoskeleton

Segmental appendages with no locomotor cilia

Tagmosis & cephalization

Periodic moulting

Paired, jointed and segmental appendages

Striped muscles

Peri-visceral haemocoel & reduced coelom

Open circulatory system with dorsal heart

Branchiae, tracheae, book gills and book lungs

Malpighian tubules & green glands

Nervous system
Marine prawn

Segmented body
Body divided into cephalothorax (13= 5cephalic + 8thoracic) & abdomen (6)
Terminal conical process- telson
EXOSKELETON = chitin + calcium

Protects body and provide attachment for muscles.

Sclerites= terga (dorsal) + sterna (ventral)

Extension of terga- pleuron

Pleuron – (epimeron) – appendages

Carapace- fusion 0f 13 cephalothoracic terga. Rostrum.

Compound eyes

Females- sternum of last thoracic segment has cup like outgrowth called

(19 pairs)

Cephalic Thoracic Abdominal

Appendages Appendages Appendages
(5 pairs) (8 pairs) (6 pairs)
Appendages are:


Biramous- because they have 2 processes arising from the protopodite

outer process- exopodite (unsegmented in all appendages)

Inner process- endopodite (either unsegmented or segmented)

Protopodite (base of appendage) has 2 segments- coxa & basis

Coxa- basal segment-remains attached o body wall

Basis- terminal segment- bears exopodite & endopodite


✓ Antennules
Tactile structures
✓ Antennae

✓ Mandibles Masticatory structures

✓ First maxillae
Feeding jaws
✓ Second maxillae
✓ 1st pair of cephalic appendages
✓ Protopodite (3 segments- Pre-coxa, coxa, basis)
Flagellar process (2)
✓ Pre- coxa- concave side has compound eyes & statocyst
✓ 2nd pair of cephalic appendages
✓ Protopodite (2 segments- coxa, basis)
Filamentar process (2)
✓ Coxa carries excretory organ- green / antennary gland
✓ Basis bears an expanded-unsegmented exopodite &
many jointed endopodite (3 segments)
✓ Uniramous appendages
✓ Cutting
✓ On each side of mouth
✓ Tooth, calcified base and two jointed palp

✓ Small, thin leaf like

✓ Uniramous appendages
✓ Protopodite- flat lobular coxa + basis
Endopodite- flat leaf like
✓ No exopodite
✓ Gnathobases
✓ Pushing food into mouth
✓ Last pair of cephalic appendages
✓ Thin leaf like and biramous
✓ Protopodite- 4 lobed, bilobed coxa + bilobed basis
exopodite- flat & unsegmented- broad & fan like. Scaphognathite / baler
endopodite- flat & unsegmented- small
✓ Feeding & respiratory organ

Maxillipeds- feeding Peraeopods- walking

(first 3 pairs of appendages) Last 5 pairs of appendages
✓ Biramous
✓ 2 segmented protopodite (coxa + basis)
✓ 5 segmented endopodite- ischium, merus, carpus, propodus,
dactylus. (chelae??)
▪ Chelipeds – chelate- non chelate appendages
▪ function
✓ Unsegmented exopodite

Alimentary canal Digestive gland- heptopancreas

• Stomodaeum: Mouth, Buccal cavity, • Bilobed
oesophagus, stomach (intima?) • Hepato-pancreatic duct
• Mesodaeum: intestine • Functions
• Procodaeum: rectum, anus (intima?)
✓ Mouth: labrum- mandibles- labium (paragnathae)
✓ Buccal cavity- oesophagus
✓ Stomach: cardiac (internal masticatory apparatus)+ pyloric (filtering

✓ Intestine- rectum- anus (sphincter)

✓ Omnivores, extracellular digestion
✓ Chelipeds collects food
✓ 2nd maxillae push food into mouth
✓ Mandibles masticate
✓ Maxilla & Maxillipeds push to oesophagus(peristalsis)
✓ Stomach – churning & internal mastication
✓ Absorption – hepato-pancreas & intestine
✓ Storage as glycogen & fats
✓ Gills(18 + 18), epipodites, vascular lining of branchiostegites.
✓ Gill chamber, gill axis, gill lamellae, gill filaments
✓ Dendrobranch
✓ Ventilation of gills
✓ Setose hair function
✓ Open circulatory system- Sinuses & lacunae
✓ Arteries, blood, heart present, veins & capillaries absent
✓ Hb & RBC absent. HEAMOCYANIN

Heart → Arteries → sinuses → Lacunae → ventral Sinuses

Pericardial sinus  Eff. Branchial  gills  Aff. Branchial

channels channels
✓ Pair of antennary glands
✓ 3 parts: end sac, labyrinth, bladder

✓ Green glands- excretion & osmoregulation

✓ Ultra-filtration & selective reabsorption
✓ Excretory products

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