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Opening Activity

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Facilitator’s Manual
MYDev Life Skills Curriculum
An Adaptation of EDC’s Work Ready Now! Curriculum
Opening Facilitator’s Manual


By the end of the activity participants will:

✓ Introduce themselves with co‐participants

✓ Review what MYDev program is about
✓ Be familiar with the content of different modules
✓ Understand and agree to the program modalities of ALS and Skills Training
✓ Identify the importance of the two outputs that they will present at the end of
the Life Skills training: (a) a simple Business Proposal and (b) a Community
Service Project Plan.

Sessions/Activity Time
Session 1: MYDev Program & Life Skills 1 hr 20 min
1: Who is Who? 15 min
2: MYDev program and Life Skills 1 hr 5 min
 Session 2: Two Outputs & Agreements 50 min
3: Two Outputs to Develop: 30 min
- Business Proposal &
- Community Service Project Plan
4: Agreements & Next Steps 20 min
Total Time: 2 hrs 10 min

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Activity 1: Who is Who?

✓ Objective – By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
a. State the names of some co-participants (and possibly some characteristics)
 Time Required: 15 minutes
 Methodology: large group activity
 Materials and Preparation: (no materials needed)


1. Welcome learners, introduce yourself, and run a very brief activity to allow learners to
meet a few other co-participants.

Facilitator can use varied approaches or activities that will engage learners’
participation in order for them to get acquainted with co-participants.

For example, facilitators may choose one of the following activities (or do something

 By introducing a very short song: Kumusta ka or Moshi, moshi or any action song
that will encourage the participants to get to know their co-participants.
 By asking learners to turn to their left and their right (or in front and behind
them) to introduce themselves and get to know their co-participants.
 By asking them to form a straight line as fast as they can in front of the room in
alphabetical order using their first name (how they like to be called).
(15 min)

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Activity 2: MYDev Program and Life Skills

✓ Objectives – By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
a. Describe what the MYDev Program is
b. Describe the way this intervention will be implemented
c. Explain what Life Skills means and what the different modules will cover
d. Describe how to use the Participant’s Handbooks
 Time Required: 1 hr 5 minutes
 Methodology: brainstorming, small group work, large group discussion
 Materials and Preparation: flipchart paper / board, markers
 Copies of printed materials about the MYDev Program (using simple text and/or images to suit
learners’ literacy levels) to distribute to learners or to post in the class for everyone’s reference
 Copies of Participant’s Handbooks (1 per learner)
 Prepare metacards of each module and ALS or skills trainings to use as collage with learners (follow
figures below)
 A calendar marked with the dates when Life Skills sessions will take place
 Review the definition of Life Skills and Handout Opening.1: Life Skills in MYDev
 Set up the stations: Use the cover pages of each of the 9 modules of the Life Skills Package, cover the
title of the module. Form 9 stations and place one picture in each station.


1. MYDev Program – Give an overview of the MYDev Program using printed materials
prepared in advance.

Printed materials (text or images) about MYDev shall be distributed to the participants as
their guide as the facilitator discusses what MYDev is about. If there are limited copies, they
can be passed around and posted in the classroom. Facilitator may use an innovative activity
that will encourage individual /group participation.

(20 min)

2. Roll-Out Modality – Explain to learners that Life Skills in MYDev will be taught in two
parts. The first part will focus mainly on life skills that will prepare them for the
workplace. The second part will focus on financial fitness, entrepreneurship and civic
engagement that will prepare them to be productive in their work, and to be a person
who is concerned about others and contributing to peace and stability in one’s own

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Main messages to give learners:

 Life Skills will be taught in 2 stages during your participation in MYDev.

 This means that we will meet a few days to learn about Life Skills, then, you will go to your
ALS sessions or Skills Trainings, where you will be able to practice some of the things we
learned together. Then, after some weeks, we will meet again to learn more about Life
Skills. Specifically:
o If you are taking ALS or Skills Trainings, we will meet in two parts: before
your ALS or Skills Trainings (for example now) and after you finish your

Use the metacards of each module that you prepared to a collage where learners can see
how this will look like (see figures below). Present a collage of ALS modality ONLY or Skills
Training modality ONLY, depending on the intervention that your leaners are enrolled in.

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Explain the specific schedule (days of the week, times) and specific dates when you will meet
with learners, and the location. Show a calendar marked with the dates when Life Skills
sessions will take place.

3. Life Skills – Ask learners what they think Life Skills is all about. Collect a few responses
from different learners.

Explain that Life Skills in MYDev includes two sets of skills:

• Work Readiness Skills – Work‐related skills needed by young people to be successful at

work in the formal, non-formal and informal sectors.
o Include skills related to health and safety at work, work habits and conduct,
personal leadership at work, communicating with others at work, teamwork at
work, rights and responsibilities of workers and employers, and customer
o These work-related skills can help OSYs in preparing for work, keep and love the
work they have, and professionally grow in their workplace environment.

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• Civic Engagement Skills – Values and skills for living in and helping to improve
quality of life in our community and overall society.
o Include values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills to: (a) enable young people to
think critically and act creatively for personal, community, and national
development, and (b) contribute to improvements in young people’s
development assets.

Are learners allowed to take skills training only or ALS only? Explain MYDev’s concept of
wholistic youth development below that you have written in a metacard, as applicable to the
learners’ course. Cite examples: many employers nowadays look for workers who are not only
skilled in building wiring or welding but who come to work on time, confident, and respectful.
Skills should go with good manners and right conduct, etc.
(10 min)

Technical Skills + Life Skills = Successful Youth

Education (ALS) + Life Skills = Successful Youth

*Note to facilitator: Handout Opening.1: Life Skills in MYDev may be used as personal
reference and for more details.
(10 min)

4. Content of the Modules – Have learners make their best guess about what they think
each module covers.

Facilitator may use different approaches to introduce the content of each module. One
example is provided below.

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Possible way of introducing each module:

 Use the cover pages of each of the 9 modules of the Life Skills Package, cover the
title of the module in a way that you will be able to uncover it again later on for
other uses.
 Form 9 stations and place one picture in each station.
 Ask learners to form 9 groups and assign each group to a station.
 Ask learners to discuss:
 What is the picture about?
 How do you think this picture relates to Life Skills based on what you
learned about what Life Skills is in MYDev?
 Allow 3 minutes for groups to discuss.
 Have each group share their thought and ideas of each picture. After each group
shares, state the title of the module and give examples of what they will learn in
that module.
 The facilitator may also ask the participants, “Which among the modules do you find
most interesting?” This way the facilitator should at least have an initial idea about
the interest of his participants.
(15 min)

5. Distribute Participant’s Handbooks to all learners. Explain that each learner will have
his/her own Participant’s Handbook for each of the modules covered in this traning.
They are responsible for it.

Ask them to browse through the Participant’s Handbook for Module 1. What do you
find? (Answers may include: list of activities in the module, key topics, a proverb,
handouts or assignments for learners, reading materials, writing spaces, etc.).

Walk them through the main parts of the Participant’s Handbook. Explain that during the
training, they will need to read or complete Handouts in their Participant’s Handbook, or
write something about what they learned in the Writing Spaces at the end of each
session. Ask them to find some examples of Handouts and Writing Spaces in their
Participant’s Handbooks, and show them to the large group.

Talk about the importance of thinking and reflecting about what you learn – the
Reflection Space at the end of each module is a space for free writing where they can
express their feelings, opnions, reactions about what they learned and use it to reflect
on their own learning.

Explain that they need to have their Participant’s Handbook at all times!
(10 min)

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 Handout Opening.1: Life Skills in MYDev

In MYDev, Life Skills includes two sets of skills:

Work Readiness Skills – Work-related skills needed by young people to be successful at

work in the formal, non-formal and informal sectors.

Civic Engagement Skills – Values and skills for living in and helping to improve
quality of life in our community and overall society.

Work readiness skills Civic engagement skills

• Specific work‐related skills • Values and skills for living in

needed by young people to be and contributing to a
successful at work in the developing and changing
formal, non‐formal and social milieu.
informal sectors. • Values, attitudes, and
• Include work‐related health knowledge to enable young
and safety at work, work people to think critically and
habits and conduct, personal act creatively for personal,
leadership at work, community, and national
communicating with others at development and that
work, teamwork and contribute to improvements in
collaboration at work, rights young people’s development
and responsibilities of assets.
workers and employers, and
customer service.

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Activity 3: Two Outputs to Develop
✓ Objectives ‐ By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
a. Recognize the importance of each module in building two final products at
the end of the program
b. Describe the two main outputs that they will need to prepare and present at
the end of the program
 Time Required: 30 minutes
 Methodology: brainstorming, large group discussion
 Materials and Preparation:
 Review Handout Opening.2: Business Proposal Format
 Review Handout Opening.3: Giving Back to Our Community


1. Explain that by the end of the program, all learners need to present two different
 A simple Business Proposal, and
 A Community Service Project Plan

Pictures can be used to associate business plan and community service project as motivating
visuals to draw ideas of learners. A guided discussion will follow. The significance of the
two (2) topics shall be given emphasis and its rational shall be discussed thoroughly.

Show two pictures to associate business plan proposal and community service project.
Ask participants about their thoughts, what they think the pictures show.

Ask if they have experienced business planning and rendering community service in
their own community. Draw ideas from the participants about the significance of
business plan proposal and Community Service Planning.
(5 min)

2. Explain more about each output using points in the table below.
(10 min)

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Main message to give learners:

Explain each output:

 A Business Plan – Is a plan where you explain how you propose to start a new
business or to improve an existing business. (refer to Handout Opening.2 to
describe this output – explain that this handout is explained in detail in Module 8)
o You will work on this individually, in pairs, or in groups. You will decide.

 A Community Service Project Plan – Is a plan where you state what you propose
to do to help your community improve/get better, why you propose that, how
you plan to do it, and when you will do each step of your plan. (refer to Handout
Opening.3 to describe this output – explain that this handout is explained in detail
in Module 9)
o You will work on this in groups. Each class will develop at least 2 Community
Service Project Plans, but it could be more.

3. Explain more about the overall assignment using points in the table below.
(10 min)

Main messages to give learners:

Explain the overall assignment:

 You will need to use different skills and things you learn in each module to
prepare these outputs.
 You will work on these outputs on your own time. Class time will be for you to
learn new skills and knowledge that you can use to develop your outputs.
 You will present both outputs to the class at the end of the program
 I (the facilitator) will review both outputs and give you feedback on ways to
improve it so you can carry them out afterwards.
 You need to think of the Business Plan as something you really want to
implement, using the skills you learned in MYDev.
 You will be required to implement the Community Service Project Plan before
MYDev’s graduation – it is a graduation requirement.
 MYDev will help you with the skills and knowledge to develop these outputs.
 MYDev will NOT provide any resources for you to carry out these plans. So try to
lower costs in your outputs and think of ways to find other resources (if needed).
 You may be able to use the Business Proposal to approach other institutions for
seed or start‐up capital if you develop a very good Business Proposal.

4. Ask if learners have any questions and clarify as needed

(5 min)

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 Handout Opening.2: Business Proposal Format Proposal

Submitted to:

Name of the Business:

Type of Business: (retail, wholesale, production, services) Location of the Business:

Product Description (PRODUCT: The product that you will sell or the service that you will

Target Customers / buyers (The people or customers that you think will buy your product or your
service. Examples: young mothers, children, farmers, etc.)

Location of the business (The place of production, production area)

Product Price (Determine the selling price for each of your products or services)
Product 1.
Product 2.
Product 3.

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Promotion (Describe your market outlets, for example, selling place, location of buyers, etc. And
describe how you will advertise your product or service to your intended customers. Example,
word of mouth, fliers, radio, speaking in events, public display)

Production (List the needed equipment, tools, utensils, raw materials /supplies, and skills needed
to start a business)
a. Equipment, tools, utensils:
b. Raw materials / supplies needed:
c. Skills needed:
d. Personnel needed:
e. Number of products produced in a month:


A. Fixed Capital -‐‐ List of tools, equipment, utensils and other machineries
and calculate the Total Fixed Capital cost (refer to Handout 8.8)

B. Production Capital ‐‐ List of raw materials, supplies, production staff for 1 month and
calculate the total cost (refer to Handout 8.9)

C. Calculate Total Start-Up Capital for the Business (A plus B)

D. Estimated Profit for 1 month operation (refer to Handout 8.9)

Proposal Submitted by: (full name) ____________


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 Handout Opening.3: Giving Back to Our Community

Name of Project
Community Service Project of (Name of Team Members)

I. What is the community problem or need? Ano ang pangangailangan o problema sa

aming barangay na aming tutugunan?

II. What do we plan to do? Anu-anong hakbang ang aming gagawin?

III. Who and how many community members will benefit from this project? Sino at ilan
ang matutulungan ng aming project?

IV. How do we plan to organize and implement this project? Paano namin isasagawa ang
project na ito?

V. When do we plan to implement this project? Kailan namin gagawin ang project na ito?

VI. Expected Positive Results (Project Outcomes and Benefits) Mga magagandang resulta na
inaasahan namin sa aming project

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Activity 4: Agreements & Next Steps

✓ Objective ‐ By the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
a. Describe what the main rules of the training are and what is expected from each
participant and the facilitator
 Time Required: 20 minutes
 Methodology: brainstorming, large group discussion
 Materials and Preparation:
 Metacards for all learners to write down their ideas of “house rules”
 1-2 cartolinas or manila papers to stick in the house rules
 Tape


1. Explain that before we start with the modules, we need to agree on the rules of the
game. What is expected from each of us during this training?

The Opening session can end with general agreements on attendance, house rules, gender
sensitivity guidelines (just very brief) and other issues that facilitators and service provider
would like to raise and clarify with the participants.

Encourage learners to come up with their own rules. Start by asking:

• “Do you think it is important to have a set of rules and guidance to follow in every
Explain that to make their attendance in this training meaningful and successful, we
would need to set some “house rules” which all
of us will agree with.
Have learners work in pairs. > Low Literacy <
For very low literacy levels, ask
Distribute metacards where participants write down learners to say out the house rules
their suggestions and will discuss among themselves. that they suggest rather than writing
In the end, everyone should agree with the rules they it down on metacards).

The set of rules may be written in cartolina or manila paper. Everyone will affix their
signature (or a symbol that represents them) as part of their commitment.
(20 min)

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