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Problem Solving

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Training Module

Problem Solving

Popularizing sustainable policies that impact

school to work transition of the youth

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UNESCAP provides technical and financial aid to facilitate the recognition and enforcement of
policies that affect the student and youth population who undergo 'school to work transition'. The
focal points of this can be categorised as follows,

 Empowering the youth on policies that benefit all stakeholders

 Empowerment of policy makers
 Effective distribution of the positive effects of successful policies among all parties
 Enhancing the interrelationship among different stakeholders
 Enhancing the working capacity through training

Drawing on the advantages of Information and Communication Technology, the Ministry of

National Policies and Economic Affairs, national and private institutions which enforce policies that
affect the population which undergo school to work transition, and other institutions which
implement motivational programs for the targeted group, expects to formulate innovative policies.

NYSC, as the leading national youth development organization in Sri Lanka, implements pragmatic
approaches in enforcing policies that affect school to work transition, utilizing the support of third
parties, technical assistance and strategic methods. By effectively employing human resources with
national and international exposure, it is expected to introduce novel tools and training modules to
increase working capacity.

Thus, the aforementioned tools and resources will be utilized for a wider institutional involvement
and better exchange of knowledge and experience among countries. The youth in the field of
vocational and professional training in Sri Lanka and other regional countries can make use of the
training modules produced to meet the demands of their working environments.

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This training module provides technical guidance on the skills that should be achieved by students
and the youth community in their transition from school to the corporate world. The training
module is prepared to help youth policy makers, teachers, professional trainers, other training
facilitators and the youth community to enhance service capacities through self-exploration.

In executing this training module, the training time period shall be decided by the chief service
provider. The subject area has been scheduled to enable training time periods to be either one day
or two and a half day training programmes based on the needs of the target group. The subject
matter should be utilized in a manner which would enable a one day refresher discussion
consequent to the training.

Studying the training module before the commencement of the training programme is the
disposition of a skilled and experienced trainer. Therefore, we expect that you will study and
examine both the training module and the training programme. This would in turn instill self-
confidence within you. Hence we assert that it is your duty as a trainer to study in depth and gather
information on the subject area beyond what is included in the training module. This module will
provide you with the necessary guidance. The module will furnish the required technical direction
and subject matter needed for a skilled trainer to confidently conduct a sustainable and effective
training session.

Accordingly, steps should be taken to execute a high level training programme making use of the
well formulated session plan and supporting material. Apart from that, we recommend that you use
services of an assistant trainer which would aid you direct your attention to areas that you might
possibly overlook.

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Module Handbook for Problem Solving


Part 1 – Introduction about the Soft skills Handbook, Daily and Important Objectives, Advice for

Part 2 – Objective of the Soft skills Module

Contents Page No

Objective of the Training Module 05

Nature of the Soft skills Training (Training Time Period) 05

Description of the Training Field: (Training Content) 06

- Definition of a Problem 06

- Main causes for a Problem 06

- Brainstorming ideas for Problematic Situations 07

- Problem Solving and Decision Making Process 08

- Use of skills for Problem Solving 09

- Session plan on Skill Development 10

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Part 1


Aims and Objectives:

The youth in transition from school to work must develop skills within themselves to independently
resolve problems they will encounter regularly. It is the policy makers’ responsibility to provide
necessary facilities to support them in this regard. Hence, we aim to train the student and youth
population in problem-solving skills, which will assist them in adapting to situations and thereby
ensure a successful entrance into their working environments.

Guidelines for Trainers:

Identify your target group. Prepare the training programme and its session plan. Use youth-centered
training methods which enables you to make a more qualitative change. The Training is expected to
be interactive and to achieve the aims outlined for the youth skills’ development.

Part 2

Objectives of the Training Module:

At the end of this training session, participants will be able to,

1. Understand “What is a Problem?”

2. Identify causes of a problem
3. Analyze problematic situations to discern their nature and manage them.
4. Utilize effective problem-solving strategies
5. Solve problems in their daily lives.

Training Framework (Training Duration):

Training Workshop Duration Notes

Motivational Training One Day Non-residential
Capacity Building 2 ½ Days Residential
Follow-up Workshop One Day Non-residential

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Details of the training field: (Training content)
Subject/Field Objectives and Mechanisms
What is a problem? Identifying multiple problem situations and
What are the reasons that contribute to the Presenting information via a role play of
problem? group members – The reasons for the
 Difference between hopes and occurrence of problems will be analysed
expected result
 Mismatched and contradictory
perception by others on your views
 To establish self defense
Analysing problem situations Identifying parties related to the problem and
 Identifying the nature of the problem analysing the problem through the problem
 Constructing alternatives tree.
 Choosing the best alternative upon
assessing all alternative
 Utilizing the selected alternative
Strategies in solving problems – Assessing Sharing case studies and exchanging
the result successful experiences.
Advantages and positive impact in solving a Exchanging problem resolution experiences
problem and understanding its advantages.
Future measures Affirmation of strategy utilization.

 What is a problem?
Give all participants a Zoop card each. Firstly, advise them to individually write their opinion
on what is a problem. Along with it instruct them to note down the instances of any problem.
Afterwards allow them to compare their opinions and ideas with their neighbor and take down
on a separate sheet of paper the content that is mutually agreed by both. If both seem to have
similar opinions it should be written down as one fact. Next, make groups of four and eliminate
opinions that are only agreed to by two and list down what is commonly agreed by all four.

 Upon listing down the commonly agreed facts, find the answer to the question what is a

 Consequently, share with the participants the opinion and definitions of the trainer.

 What are the reasons for the occurrence of a problem?

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Advice participants to create a role play with members of their respective groups to provide
answers to the above question and its sub titles. Appoint a panel of judges for the role play and
furnish them with marking criteria. The panel of judges should provide feedback reflective of
the above topic and its sub titles. Final recommendations should be displayed in the form of flip
charts for the benefit of all participants.

Directions for the role play:

1) All members of the group should be part of either the role play or the panel of judges.

2) Trainer should provide assistance in the creation of the role play.

3) At the end of the role play, advise to first commend the positive aspects and then discuss
areas to be improved.

4) Advise to create the role play with emphasis on the sub titles.

 Creating alternatives to solve problematic situations:

Use the activity “Traffic Jam Exercise” as it is appropriate to achieve the purpose of
developing the ability to build alternatives to solve problematic situations. Select two
participants from each team (with both male and female participation). Place 11 A4 sheets with
a gap of 1 ft among each on the floor in a selected area of the room. The 10 participants must
proceed to stand on the sheets in two groups of five facing the other team, with one empty sheet
in between the two groups. Instruct the two teams to cross onto the other side.

Activity Instructions:

1. No group member can move past two others at once.

2. A foot placed forward cannot be drawn back.
3. No two group members of the same group can proceed in the same direction in any instance.
4. There must always be a spot for one to move forward when the two teams are crossing.
5. Rule breakers must be warned or taken appropriate measures against.
6. Players must refrain from moving or swinging their arms and legs out of their lane. If they
do, they may get injured from vehicles on either side of their lane.
7. Limit the activity to a maximum of 20 minutes.

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The two groups must proceed to move until their initial direction changes entirely. Build
alternatives step by step. Provide room to identify the next alternative if a decision in one instance
goes wrong. Also train the participants to assess every step taken by them to solve the problem.
Teams should be exposed assessing the potential consequences of at least two steps forward and
two steps back following their decision.

Problem Analyzing:
Choose a problem of significant consequences, thereafter brainstorm and establish the factors
affecting this problem. Assess the differences between these consequences and their overall societal
impact before attempting to solve this problem and discuss a suitable action plan. For this purpose,
draw up the action points on a Problem Tree and by understanding the activity below, attempt to
provide a series of solutions to this problem.

Instant Effect Effect of the

Stage 1
What is the

Stage 2 Core problem

What is the Core

effect? Issue

Stage 3 Immediate Couse

What is the
Reason for
Stage 4 Secondary Couse Issue

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 Problem solving steps and decision making:

1) Clearly identify the problem

2) Generate alternative solutions
3) Analyse and choose the best possible solution
4) Choose the most ideal solution
5) Implement the most ideal solution
6) Evaluate the results

Implementation – Team decision making to be presented using Visual Aid.

Example: At the end of this course, the teams will join in on a Trip; to this effect the expenses to be
borne per person will be decided by the organisation committee. Any participant unable to attend the
Trip will be presumed to forego this opportunity for financial reasons.

How to get him to participate in the organized trip?

1 Identify the issue clearly Direct the group to assess the situation and to identify the real
issue faced.
Encourage the group to present ideas along different
2 Identify the suitable options Make the group realize the importance of this step in solving
to address the issue the problem.
Two participants should get together to build suitable
alternatives by making use of the knowledge acquired from the
above exercise.
3 Analyze the suitable It is necessary to think over your ideas thoroughly in order to
solutions select the most suitable solution. To better understand these
concepts, direct the group to study the following situations.

What are the best subjects to be selected for the next study
session? What are the criteria that you considered when
arriving at this selection?

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4 Select the most suitable It is important to understand the reason/s behind the strategies
solution employed in solving the problem.
Advise the group to clearly note down such criteria in a piece
of paper
 The time invested to solve the problem should be time
efficient,cost efficient and feasible
 The ideas must be reasons to solve the problem
 The ideas should not offend or oppose any other

List out the ideas as “our suggestions” and use for


5 Execute the selected solution Make the participants realize that the solution arrived at, is the
result of the input of all participants.

6 Assess the selected solution Successfully solving a problem or the failure to do so depends
on the above factors .If the problem is not solved by the
solution arrived at, restart the process all over again.

Following these steps may also help you to successfully solve the problems faced in the day to day
life as well.

Utilizing skills in solving problems:

Use the knowledge acquired here to solve the problems that you face in your household or
You shall be able to use this knowledge in the issues faced in your personal life.

Utilizing this knowledge in the next study session

Problem solving is a complex skill that is difficult to grasp. But in order to successfully solve a
problem that arises in the workplace or day to day life, it is a necessary skill. You must practice the
techniques given in this module to improve the skill of problem solving. Constant training and
informing oneself of other techniques is also important.

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Session Plan
Subject Area Problem Solving Location
Time/ 1 Day – 8 Hours Team Number and Total

No Time Sub Subject Field Methdology Assistance

30 mins Introduction Presentation Pictures ,Video clips
01 Defining the problem/Creating awareness on the nature of the problem Multimedia Computers
02 60 mins What is a problem? Presentation Zoop card .Zoop card board
Give instructions for the activity. Individual activities Flip chart paper.Marker pen
Listing problems, discussing about problems and arriving at Group activities Pins.Multimedia .Computers
03 120 mins What are the causes of problems? Presentations Flip chart paper
Provide instructions on conducting activities to explain problematic Group activities Flip chart board
situations, discussion and arriving at conclusions. Role plays Multimedia .Computers

04 90 mins Building alternatives for problematic situations Presentations A4 Papers

Identifying the nature of the problem and create alternatives. Group activities Glue/ Sellotape
Assess all alternatives and use the best selected alternative. Flip chart paper. board
05 120 mins Analysing the problem Presentations Flip chart paper.flip chart board
Identifying the nature of the problem Case study Multimedia .Computers
Listing the solutions to the problem Brain storming Marker pen
Executing the solutions. Acting out
Group activities
06 30 mins Importance of using strategies in solving problems Assessing ideas and Flip chart paper, Flip chart
group suggestions board.Marker pen
07 30 mins Positive impact in solving problems (Advantages & Disadvantages) Presenting discussions Flip chart paper.flip chart board
Importance of using problem solving techniques Multimedia .Computers
08 15 mins Summarizing Presentations Flip chart paper.flip chart board

Facilitator: ……………………………………………………… Assistant Facilitator: ……………………………………………………

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