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Learning Guide 1 - LESSON 2

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2ND SEMESTER, SY 2020-2021

Course No. NSTP 2
Course Code
Descriptive Title National Service Training Program /
Civic Welfare Training Service 2
Credit Units 3 units
Term/ School Year Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021
Mode of Delivery Modular
Name of Instructor Hazel Vine A. Betarmos
Course Description The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) 2 is a sequel to CWTS 1. It
is designed to immerse students in activities that will arm them with
the capability to contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare
and the quality of life of the community and the enhancement of its
facilities especially those that are devoted to improving the health,
environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morale of the
Course Outcome At the end of this Learning Guides you MUST be able to:
1. Participate actively in teambuilding activities;
2. Manifest effective leadership/fellowship skills;
3. Organize community assemblies and linkages;
4. Assist in the implementation of civic welfare projects;
5. Determine the community problems and concerns and plan
some viable intervention measures;
6. Show a high level of interest in community-building tasks; and
7. Develop a harmonious working relationship with the
8. Appreciate the values of community immersion as a means of
developing themselves as trainees and helping other people
improve their way of life through the different dimensions of
development done in the locality.
SLSU Mission: SLSU will
a. Develop Science, Technology, and Innovation leaders and
b. Produce high-impact technologies from research and innovations;
c. Contribute to sustainable development through responsive
community engagement programs;
d. Generate revenues to be self-sufficient and financially-viable
SLSU Vision: A high quality corporate University of Science, Technology and



This course “Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)”, is one of the component in National
Service Training Program (NSTP) a course which comprises the knowledge, skills and
attitudes which shall form part of the curricula of all baccalaureate degree courses and of at
least two (2) year technical – vocational courses and is a requisite for graduation.

In this course, you are required to go through a series of learning guides in order to complete
each learning outcome. In each learning guide, there are lessons, learning tasks and exercises.
Follow and perform the tasks and exercises on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitate
to ask for assistance from your instructor/professor.

Remember to:
 Work through all the lessons in each learning guide. This is a self-pacing module that
you can work on at your convenient time within the term. The lessons are arranged
according to the expected outcomes and you are expected to achieve the task from the
first lesson to the last. The learning guide is given for you to read, learn and enjoy.
 Answer the learning tasks given every lesson in each learning guide. Learning tasks and
exercises are part of the lessons as an application or assessment of how much you have
learned, thus all of it should be answered.
 Complete the first learning guide before you can perform the next learning guide until
all learning guides will be finished.
 Use suggested references to supplement the materials provided in this course.


Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Learning Guide Title Scope of Instruction

I. Community Lesson 1 – Community Immersion Requisite of NSTP
Lesson 2 – Understanding the Concepts and Principles of Community
II. Community – Lesson 1 – The Process of Community Immersion
Based Project
Lesson 2 – Management of NSTP Community-Based Projects

Lesson 3 – Documentation, Monitoring, and Evaluation of NSTP

Community-Based Projects


Understanding the Concepts and Principles
of Community Immersion

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the concepts and principles underpinning community and community
2. Realize the importance of understanding the dynamics of the community and
community immersion as a way to realize the objectives of NSTP; and
3. Practice the standard operating procedures and establish protocols governing
community immersion.

Activate prior Knowledge:

 Before going through the pages, try to look at this photo. What you think this photo
shows? Write your answer below.


Acquire New Knowledge:

People involved in community immersion must be knowledgeable on the basics of community,

i.e., its meaning, concepts, underpinning principles, and nature of problems and issues arising
there from. These will enable the trainees to have a good grasp of the local situation, thereby
preparing them to appropriately respond to the multifarious concerns in the community and
properly carry out immersion projects and activities that is so conceived to bring about long-
term amelioration, and not just over-night, cosmetic solutions, of the social menaces and ills.


Noted community development specialist Arlien Johson once wrote that the term “community”
refers to a group of people gathered together in any geographic area, large or small, who have
common interests, actual or potentially recognized in the social welfare field.

As per concept, a community may be categorized as geographical or functional. The term

geographical community is defined in the purview of group of persons living the same
geographical location like in a certain village, town, neighborhood, district, area or territory.
Meanwhile, community is said to assume the functional nature if the aggregate of people though
not necessarily based on living in the same geographical location is bonded by a common end
such as fighting for the same cause, having eh same interests and goals. These are people who
hold common values, share common functions or express common interests.

A certain type of community has recently emerged. Some refer to it as just social movements but
its definition points out that it surfaced out to the two other types of community. It is called a
relevant community that defines a group of people having similar interests and goals as the
communities around them. These population have common interests in changing existing
institutions to their advantage in order to achiever redistribution of resources. It is geared
towards organization of the poor.


As a trainee, one should be aware of elements of a community in order to understand the

dynamics thereof. The important elements are demographics, history, culture, economy, and

In example, you were able to identify that it floods in a market area nearby the creek. During
rainy seasons, sales are very low because their merchandise gets soiled by the rain. They have
adapted by using improvised plastic covering to coat their merchandise but they are not so
attractive. What kind of projects do you think you can do by learning this information already?
By experience, the architecture and fine arts students training in the NSTP would usually think

of enhancing the features of the merchandise, covering the stalls to attract more consumers
evens during the rainy season.


An old adage says that, “Experience is the best teacher.” Going though the immersion process
and conducting community service activities/projects will enable the trainees to understand
how the people feel, think, say, and behave as dictated by their conditions and situations in life
as a means to make feel and realize that they are more fortunate than many tithers and the
students can do something to improve he lives of the marginalized and underserved.

As the Holy Scripture tell us, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Since students have
been given the rare opportunity and the distinct privilege of being schooled that they are
supposed to better the living conditions of those whom were not as auspicious as they are.

The basic questions as “What is the relevancy of the immersion part of the NSTP?” and “Why
would trainees need to study the behavior of the people in and that which composed the
community where they serve?” Answer to these sorts of questions is provided for in NSTP Act
and has served as the mandate and core of recognizing the role of the in-nation building. Young
people are vested with the obligation “to defend the security of the State and in fulfillment
thereof, the government may require each citizen to render personal military or civil service,”
(Section 2, NSTP Act of 2001) whether in times of peace or war. Simply put, aside from
becoming socially aware of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of their
communities, trainees are believed to possess the qualities and energies that, if properly
channeled and directed, will yield results towards arresting, if not totally annihilating, the
innumerable dilemmas of man.

The next question that a trainee is bound to ask is the first step of the process of immersion,
“Are trainees, young as they are, capable of responding to the stringent requirements of
community building and meeting the skills and knowledge criteria of transforming
communities?” Definitely, yes. The role of the youth in national/local development cannot be
overemphasized. To reinforce this are the very words of our national hero, “The youth is the
hope of the Fatherland.”


Community immersion is a essential strategy in community organizing work that entails

understanding of the different community concerns, process, dynamics and lifestyle through
exposure and engaging in different activities. It is different from the actual organizing work.
Immersion is just one of the strategies in plunging into community organization. Venture
undertaken may be integrated or specialized activities which entail entering, familiarizing and
involvement of the self in the conduct of the activities for community development.


(NDRRMP) 2011 TO 2018

 Publication date: 2011
 Source: Philippines

A plan which serves as the national guide on how sustainable development can be achieved
inclusive growth while building the adaptive capacities of communities; increasing the
resilience of vulnerable sectors; and optimizing disaster mitigation opportunities with the end
in view of promoting people’s welfare and security towards gender-responsive and right-based
sustainable development. It outlines the activities aimed at strengthening the capacity of the
national government and the local government units (LGUs) together with partner
stakeholders, to build the disaster resilience of communities and to institutionalize
arrangements and measures for reducing disaster risks, including projected climate risks and
enhancing disaster preparedness and response capabilities at all levels.

The plan highlights, among others, he importance of mainstream disaster risk reduction and
management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in the development processes such
as policy formulation, socio economic development planning, budgeting, and governance
particularly in the area of environment, agriculture, water, energy, health, education, poverty
reduction, land-use and urban planning and public infrastructure and housing among other. It
also highlights the need for institutionalizing DRRM policies, structures, coordination
mechanism and programs with continuing budget appropriation on DRR from national down to
local levels.

Community immersion in NSTP is devised as a strategy in molding and ‘conscientizing’ students

just so that they may be socially aware and responsible to their communities. This manner of
transformation is bent on training the youth to becoming civic conscious and defense prepared
individuals. The nature of immersion efforts done is along the dimensions of, but not limited to
education, health, safety education, sports and recreation, environmental services,
entrepreneurship, morals of citizenry and other social welfare concerns.

In view of the fact that immersion is a major concern in development work, trainees may find it
significant to be guided by the following precepts:
- Trainees should immerse in actual community life to get to know the social, political and
economic situation of the people.
- Trainees may also undergo certain changes like increase in knowledge about the social
realities, development of good values, empathy towards other people, improvement of
social skills, among others.
- Trainees should identify the community people’s interest and aspirations.
- Trainees must recognize people’s resiliency and does not rob them of their right to have
community participation and determination of appropriate course of action.
- Trainees should be aware of the gain-negotiated sanction – the acceptance derived from
community relations coupled with the right to conduct immersion activities.
- Trainees must reflect on how their social analysis of the current situation is concretized in
community people’s lives. The analysis should have a much meaning for the trainees as for
the community.

The following are the forms of integration in community immersion:
- Home visits
- Living with selected families preferably with the key informants
- Informal discussions with individuals or groups
- Sharing in household and community activities (cooking with the community host, cleaning
- Attendance in social gatherings (fiestas, weddings, etc.)
- Assistance in production work (selling, farming, etc.)


When one goes to a community, he/she associates with the people whom intends to work with
as partners, allies Community-based service projects must be premised on the principle of
people empowerment and not the ‘dole out’ mentality. The parents, youth, the differently-abled
constituents, professionals, members of people’s organizations, and other formal and informal
group, and others who can be a potential collaborator or your project or activities. We do not
just work for and serve the people but rather we encourage their participation. This practice of
enjoining people’s support is adherent to the Confucian’ Philosophy of “give man a fish and he
will for a day; tech him how to fish and he will for a lifetime.” Community immersion is
empowering the people towards development of the locality.


It is desired that one fundamental pre-requisite qualification among those who intend or are
tasked to undergo community immersion is a full understanding of the concepts and theories
behind the dynamics of groups and community. In the same breath, knowing the very process
of immersion is a primordial condition. This is so because this endeavor requires a great deal of
know-how and sills in facilitating interventions planning and managing community service
projects, among others.

Training-wise, community developers/organizers and social workers are most qualified

because it is assumed that they have more or less formal background on carrying out these
kinds of undertaking.

As for NSTP, students enrolled in NSTP-CWTS/LTS 2 are mandated to undergo community

immersion for a period covering a minimum of 54 hours to a maximum of 90 hours as cited
from CHED-prescribed Program of Instruction (POI), 2007 edition.


The community immersion aspect of NSTP will be able to benefit not only the communities
served but more so the student-trainees who may be accorded with the following advantage:

- Opportunity for the trainees to comprehend people’s lives because of the chance given to
them to see real life situation, live identify and associate with the people therein;
- Gain social acceptance derived from community relations coupled with the right to offer
- Enhance experiences in conducting asset mapping such as identifying geographic coverage,
point out resources and the use, and the relationships of people with the existing resources;
- Establish rapport and relationship with different people who may be of help to them at
some future time;
- Develop their conscientization ability. It helps them realize issues that will help solve
problems in the community. It is important for them to do something that can change their
- Acquire first-hand experiences in dealing with community work; and the
- Chance to learn life skills that will enrich and better their persons.

Most important of all, community immersion is in consistent with the innate and ultimate
intention of helping people as immortalized in the words that spell the extension creed by Dr.
Y.C. James Yen of the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.

The Extension Creed

Go to the people.

Live with the people. Learn from them.

Plan with them. Work with them.

Start with what the know.

Build on what they have.

Teach by showing, learn by doing.

Not by showcase but a pattern.

Not odds and ends but a system.

Not piecemeal but integrated approach.

Not to conform but to transform.

Not relief but release.


It is a basic rule that trainees must be well-versed with the area, skilled to communicate with
community people and disciplined to keep yourself from responding indifferently towards
diverse types of personalities.

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Prudence, therefore, orders that community “immersionists” must be well-informed of the
prescriptive and prescriptive and proscriptive norms in the conduct community immersion.

Hereunder is a guide prepared by Dr. Florida C. Labuguen and Ms. Emily Rose M. Bautista in
manuscript form entitled ‘Essential Protocols When Visiting Community.”

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“Community immersion is vital to the development of the trainees’ knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in
realizing the penultimate ends of NSTP.”
Answer the following questions as a guide in portraying a community you envision.
1. What makes an ideal community?


2. What is the role of each institution/ community participants in the establishment of

peaceful and orderly community?


Based on your understanding in this lesson, enumerate the importance of community
immersion to our society.

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