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T3 E 657 Grammar Glossary KS34 Cards Ver 4

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Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A form of verb in which the subject is

Active voice performing the action, e.g. The student

completed the assessment.
e.g. The music stopped.

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An adjective describes something and is

Adjective used before a noun to modify it or after a

verb to complement it, e.g. The delectable
cake. e.g. cruel, unusual, beautiful.

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An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective,

Adverb another adverb or whole clause. Often, but

not always, end in –ly, e.g. He unexpectedly
jumped up. e.g. always, hungrily, fiercely.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A word or phrase, which is used like an

adverb to modify a verb or clause. Usually
describes when, where, why or how
Adverbial something is done, e.g. The aeroplane
landed in the middle of the night. e.g. Once
or twice, I saw him looking at me.
Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Two words with opposite meanings,

Antonym e.g. light/ dark. e.g. good and bad.

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The most common form of determiner;

can either be definite or indefinite, e.g. The
Article chair (definite)/ A house (indefinite).
e.g. a, an, the.

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Modal verbs with be, have and do, e.g.

Auxiliary verb Adam was doing his homework in his room.
e.g. I had to go to the dentist.

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A group of words including a subject and a

verb. You can have both dependent and
independent clauses, e.g.
Clause When it was raining this morning
I still had to walk to school.
independent clause dependent clause

e.g. The wind howled.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

e.g. Miss Khan is a teacher.

Complement She painted the wall purple.

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Cohesion When it is clear how a text fits together.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

When two or more words are joined to

create a new meaning, e.g. ice cream,
Compound brother-in-law, snowball.
e.g. headteacher, bookcase, keyboard.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Links two words or phrases. Can either

be subordinating (e.g. because, although,
Conjunction therefore) or coordinating (e.g. and, so,
but). e.g. She called to Ramesh and Paul, yet
they ignored her.
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Coordinating e.g. The window was open but the door

conjunction was closed.

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e.g. You can either take the bus or the train.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Specifies a noun as known or unknown.

It goes before the modifier. Examples of
Determiner determiners are articles and possessives,
e.g. My parents are very strict.
e.g. the, an, those.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Omission of a word or phrases that might

be expected, e.g. During lunch time, we
Ellipsis played football…and then went back to
class. e.g. He waited… nothing.
Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A word’s history and origins. e.g. The word

chocolate comes from the Aztec word xocoatl,
Etymology a word for a drink produced from
cacao beans.

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Every sentence (usually) has at least one

verb that is either past or present tense.
Finite verb These verbs are finite, e.g. The cat escaped
over the fence. e.g. The student yawned.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A word or phrase that is placed before the

verb in a sentence. When we do this with
adverbs, we call them fronted adverbials,
Fronted e.g. Everywhere she looked, there was
mess. e.g. With trembling hands,
he opened the box.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Two words that look and sound the same

but have different meanings, e.g. bark (The
Homonym sound a dog makes/ the outer layer of a
tree). e.g. I saw the band play live; the lead
guitarist wore a wedding band.
Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

The basic form of the verb, used as the

‘head’ word in the dictionary, e.g. To run, to
Infinitive sing, to jump. e.g. I want to be better
at football.

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Adding –ed to walk or change child to

Inflection children – this produces an inflection of the
word. e.g. child / children.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Does not need an object to complete its

Intransitive meaning, e.g. It happened yesterday (only

verb requires the verb to make sense).

e.g. He sang.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A sentence has at least one main clause

that can stand alone, e.g. Despite the bad
Main clause weather, they still went for a walk. e.g. The
bus was early, despite the traffic.
Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Used to change the meaning of other verbs,

Modal verbs e.g. We might be able to go on holiday this
year. e.g. You must go to the shops.

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A word or phrase that makes meaning

more specific, e.g, The vegan restaurant
Modify/Modifier won an award.
e.g. You are only allowed one.

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A word’s internal make-up – its root words/

Morphology prefixes/suffixes.

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Naming words that can be used after

determiners. There are many types of
Noun noun, e.g. The garden. e.g. table, Tesco,
Great Britain, silence, Hannah.
Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A phrase with a noun as its head, e.g. The

friendly dog wanted to be stroked.
Noun phrase e.g. The woman with the red hat
saw him first.

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Usually, a noun/pronoun/ noun phrase

that comes straight after the verb, e.g. The
Object student wrote the assignment.
e.g. She ate the cake.

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This is where the subject undergoes the

Passive action of the verb, e.g. The assignment was
sentence written by the student. e.g. The cake was
eaten by her.

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Verb form used to talk about something,

Past tense which has already happened, e.g. The rain
poured down. e.g. I walked to the shops.
Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

This can be a noun with an apostrophe or a

Possessive possessive pronoun, e.g. Her book/ Emma’s
birthday gift. e.g. Their aunt’s dog.

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Added at the beginning of a word to create

Prefix a new one, e.g. Unhappy. e.g. subheading

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Describes location/position/relations of
time, e.g. in, at, before, above, inside.
Preposition e.g. She put the book on the table
under the stairs.

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The progressive verb is used to describe

events in progress. Combines the participle
Progressive with a form of the verb, e.g. I was running.
e.g. She was walking to school.
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Used in place of the noun, e.g. You need to

Pronoun be home by 9pm. e.g. he, she, it.

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Received A regionally neutral accent used by a

minority of speakers in England.
pronunciation Usually used in dictionaries.

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Different varieties of the same language

Register used for different purposes. e.g. Please
pass the salt or chuck us the salt.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A type of subordinate clause that modifies

the noun, e.g. They caught the person who
Relative clause stole the money. e.g. The man, who worked
at the factory, was late.
Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A word, which can stand alone without

a prefix or suffix. They often have other
Root word words in their ‘family’. e.g. Child is the root
word for children.

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The form of English used worldwide in both

Standard English speech and writing.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

A syllable pronounced more forcefully than

Stress its surrounding syllables.
e.g. begin, decide, sofa.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

The person or thing that is being discussed,

described or dealt with, e.g. The manager
Subject spoke to the customer. e.g. I saw the boy
through the window.
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A clause subordinate to another part of the

Subordinate sentence, e.g. After the storm, there was a

clause lot of damage. e.g. I ran, without thinking,

to open the door.

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Added to the end of a word to create a new

Suffix word. Cannot stand-alone, e.g. preventable.
e.g. thoughtfully, enjoyment, friendship.

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A ‘beat’ in a word. e.g. Umbrella has three

Syllable syllables: um-brell-a.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Two or more words with similar meanings,

Synonym e.g. angry/ infuriated.
e.g. happy and ecstatic.
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Needs at least one object in the sentence

Transitive verb to complete its meaning, e.g. The student

asked if he could borrow a pen. e.g. Lin
threw the book.

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Action words that have a tense, e.g. Run,

Verb think, dance, sit. e.g. to be, to think, to run.

Grammar Glossary Grammar Glossary

Every word belongs to a word class, which

Word class helps us to understand how that word can
be used, e.g. verb, noun, adjective, adverb.

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