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I. Objectives: At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

a. Define the crocheting

b. Identify the tools and materials
c. Demonstrate the five (5) basic stitches in crocheting

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Crocheting

References: Crochet for Beginners (

Materials: Mobile phone, Laptop/Desktop, Internet connection, crochet hook, crochet thread

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Before we start our lesson, class,

Let me remind you first our classroom rules.
 Be on time; sign in at least 10 minutes before
 Be prepared, your things must be prepared
before joining the class.
 Turn on your camera
 Do not eat during online class session
 Dress appropriately
 Mute your microphone when you are not
 Raise your hand to talk or ask teacher help.
Is everything clear? Yes ma’am

Very well, thank you!


Okay class, before we start our discussion we will

have a prayer first. May I request Mss. Jerica to lead
the prayer? (Mss. Jerica leads the prayer)

Our father in heaven……



Good morning class!

I’m Lanimie Tidalgo your teacher for today! Good morning, Ma’am Lani!

So, how was your day? “It was great Ma’am!”

“That’s good to know.” “Yes ma’am!”

Joanna, let me ask how many absent for today?

(Joanna reporting the absent)

Thank you, Joanna!

Warm up:

Let us now have some stretching and warm up.

Please follow my lead. (The students follows)
Neck roll
Side reach
Sky reach
Toe touch

Thank you for cooperation class!

Please sit down.
Ok. Let’s proceed
In this activity, In a one half sheet of paper, you are
going to guess this image and after that, write the (Student answer)
purpose of it.

It is Crocheting, ma’am! Many people

say that, this activity will helps us to
relax, reduce stress, and improve

Very Good!

Can you think of a specific subject where you can

relate this picture? Yes Mss. Marvie?

I think it is all about crocheting, ma’am.

Are you sure?

Yes, ma’am!
Wow! Great Idea!

B. Lesson Proper
I will group you into three groups. I will provide the
picture of this activity and all you have to do is, each
group will identify what is the correct answer
through guessing what kind of stiches.







I will give you 10 minutes to answer the activity.


Analysis: (Student answer)

Question 1. Based in the picture presented in

number 1. What kind of stiches is this? According to our group, ma’am. This
picture is Single Stitch.
Good Answer Group 1!

Question 2. Based in the picture presented in

number 2. What kind of stiches is this? This picture ma’am is Double Stich.

Very Good Group 2!

Question 3. Based in the picture presented in As what we have seen in this picture
number 3. What kind of stiches is this?
ma’am, it is Triple Stitch.

Great Group 3!

Question 4. Based in the picture presented in

number 4. What kind of stiches is this? This picture ma’am is Slip Stitch.

Very Good Group 4! Great!

Question 5. Based in the picture presented in This picture ma’am is Half Double
number 5. What kind of stiches is this? Stitch.

Excellent Group 5!

Ok class, let’s proceed to our discussion about


Okay Class, what is crocheting? Crochet, it is a type of knitting

traditionally practiced by peasants in
Scotland with a small hooked needle
known as a shepherd's hook, has gained
precedence over all other ornamental
works of a similar nature in the previous
seven years, supported by taste and
Very Good! Great Idea!

Base in your prior knowledge, what are the basic

stitches of crocheting? Single Stitch, Double Stitch, Triple
Stitch, Slip Stitch, Half Double Stitch
Very Good!

What are the tool and materials of crocheting?

Yarn, Hook, and Scissors ma’am.

Tools and Materials

In making crochet there are 5 most useful tools.

These are;
1. Yarns and crochet hooks
- Yarn is the most useful in crocheting. A set of
crochet hooks with a variety of sizes will save your
money and time.

Got it Class? Yes ma’am!

Very Good!

2. Flexible Tape Measure

- Every crocheter needs a measuring tape for
checking the gauge and to get proper size of the
project. And you can find tape measure or ruler
easily. But flexible tape measure is perfect for
measuring round and straight. I sometimes hate to
wrap and unwrap my tape again and again, so I like
this type of measuring tape. I think it’s handy and
easy to keep without tangling.

Are you familiar with Flexible Tape Measure, class? Yes ma’am!


3. Stitch Markers
- The reason I listed stitch markers in third place
here because these small and cute stitch markers will
need you every time to mark your stitches, where
you started, where you ended and keep you on track.
These stitch markers are cheap but easily break.

Did you know Stitch Markers, class?

Yes ma’am!


4. Scissors
- You will need a pair of scissors cutting the
yarn. Many crocheters like to keep a small but pretty
pair of scissors.

Do you know scissors Class?

Yes ma’am!

Very Good!

5. Yarn Storage
- I think every crochet lovers like me love to
have a very organized craft room and a great space
for yarns. I use cardboard boxes to store my yarns
right now. But I prefer to buy something like this one

Are you familiar with Yarn Storage, Class? Yes ma’am!

Okay! Excellent!

5 Basic Stitches in Crocheting

Okay Class, Let’s proceed the 5 basic stitches in Yes ma’am! We are!
Yes ma’am!
Are you excited to learn, Class?

Great to hear that you are excited, class. But before

we go into the basic stitches, we’ll mention the
foundation chain, a key term in crocheting needs a
foundation as well. The foundation chain is defined
as a cross – stitched row that serves as the base of
your crocheting. It holds all stitches and all the
succeeding rows you will make. Yes ma’am
Did you understand Class?

Very Good!

So now, we have first the Single Stitch Crochet.

Single crochet is a basic crochet stitch;
What is Single Stitch Crochet Class? Any idea? joining two together generates a decrease
that helps shape your work and allows
you to transition from rectangles to more
complicated project shapes. Single
Crochet is decreasing.

Great Idea!

Single Crochet, it is the first basic stitches. It is the

shortest stitch and result is firm, flat product. To
make a single stitch crochet, make sure the front side
of the chain is facing you, then insert the hook
through a chain, yarn over, pull the loop through the
chain, yarn over again, and pull through both loops
on the hook.
Yes ma’am.

Do you understand, class?

Very Good!
The double crochet stitch is the
So now let us proceed to Double Crochet. Any idea equivalent of two rows of single crochet
about Double Crochet, class? tall. So each row of double crochets will
be twice as high as single crochets.

Double Crochet is in single crochet, pass the hook

from the front to the back of the work through the
upper loop of a stitch other preview row. The thread
is a caught on the hook and drawn through this loop.

Do you understand oh how to make the Double

Yes ma’am.
stitch, class?

So now let us proceed to Half Double Stitch Crochet.

The half double crochet is higher than the

Any idea what is Half Double Crochet, class?
single crochet and shorter than the
double crochet. If you’ve mastered the
single crochet and double crochet, you
will find this stitch easy to try next.

Great Idea, Class!

Half double Crochet is a cross between a single and

a double crochet stitch. Begin with a yarn over,
insert the hook into a stitch, yarn over and pull
through the stitch; do another yarn over and pull
through the three loops on your hook.

Did you understand, Class? Yes ma’am.

Very Good class! I’ve seen how excited you are!

So now let us proceed to Triple Stitch Crochet.

Triple Stitch Crochet is the last basic

Any idea what is Triple Stitch Crochet, class?
stitches and also the tallest one.
Okay! Very Good!

Triple Crochet is the last basic stitches and also the

tallest one. To make triple crochet, yarn over the
hook twice; insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over
again and pull through the first of two loops (the two
closest to the end point); yarn over again and pull
through the remaining two loops.
Yes ma’am.

Do you understand, class?

Very Good class!

Okay class! Let us now proceed to Slip Stitch

Crochet. The slip stitch is a joining stitch that
produces no height. You will often use it
Any idea what is Slip Stitch Crochet, class? to join a round when working in the
round. Insert hook in indicated stitch or
space, yarn over, pull through stitch and
the loop on the hook.

Slip Stitch Crochet is the shortest of all crochet

stitches and is really more a technique than a stitch.
To make Slip Stitch, the turning chain-one does not
count as a stitch; therefore, insert the crochet hook
under both loops of the first stitch, yarn over and
draw the yarn through both loops of the stitch and
loop on the hook one slip stitch made. We will now
work a slip stitch in the same manner in each of the
next three stitches. Yes ma’am.
Do you understand, class?

Very Good class!

None so far, ma’am!
That was our lesson for today, class.

Any questions? Any clarification class?

Very Good!


In the same group, you’re going to answer the

following question. (student answer the question)

1. Base on the 5 basic Stitches, what Stitch do

you prefer to demonstrate? Single Crochet, ma’am. Because it is
easy to make.

Very Good!

2. If I will assigned you to make a product by

using basic stitch, what product you will you In our group ma’am, we will make a
make? And what kind of stitch do you use? jacket so we can used it when the
weather is called and we will use the slip
stitch because we think that slip stitch is
one of the best stich for the clothes or
Okay! Excellent!

3. Identify the five basic stitches in crocheting?

Single Stitch, Double Stitch, Triple
Stitch, Slip Stitch and Half Double
Stitch, ma’am.

Very Good!
IV. Evaluation

Match Statement A with Statement B.

Write the letter of the correct answers.

Statement A

a. Single Stitch e. Crocheting i. Scissors

b. Double Stitch f. Stitch Markers j. Slip Stitch

c. Triple Stitch g. Half Double Stitch

d. Flexible Tape Measure h. Yarn Storage

Statement B

1. It is a type of knitting traditionally practiced by peasants in Scotland with a small hooked needle
known as a shepherd's hook, has gained precedence over all other ornamental works of a similar
nature in the previous seven years, supported by taste and fashion.
2. Every crocheter needs this for checking the gauge and to get proper size of the project.
3. This will need you every time to mark your stitches, where you started, where you ended and
keep you on track.
4. You will need this for cutting the yarn.
5. This will use to store our yarns and hooks.
6. It is the first basic stitches. It is the shortest stitch and result is firm, flat product.
7. Is the Basic Stitches Crochet that equivalent of two rows of single crochet tall. So each row of
double crochets will be twice as high as single crochets.
8. It is Basic Stitch Crochet that a cross between a single and a double crochet stitch.
9. It is the last basic stitches and also the tallest one.
10. It is the shortest of all crochet stitches and is really more a technique than a stitch.
V. Assignment

For your assignment class!

1. How Crocheting helps you as a future TLE teacher? (5pts)

2. Create atleast 3 basic stitches in crocheting. Video is required.

Prepared By: Lanimie G. Tidalgo – BTLED – H.E 3A

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