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Diagnostic Exam in Philo

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur
Pandan, Caoayan, Ilocos Sur

S.Y. 2022-2023, First Semester

Directions: Carefully read the questions and shade the letter of the best answer on the bubble sheet
Do not write anything on the questionnaire.

1. It is the study or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and
principles which govern all things.
a. Anthropology b. Philosophy c. Epistemology d. Political Science

2. Rene Descartes is another renowned philosopher in his time. He also explained that there is
a particular reason that drives an individual to engage himself in philosophizing. Which of the
following is his reason?
a. The experience of death
b. The experience of doubt
c. Particular human experiences
d. Limitations and possibilities in life

3. It is a branch of Philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge and the rationality of belief; the
means of production of knowledge.
a. Aesthetics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Logic

4. Greg is very good in the art of correct thinking. He uses syllogisms to validate his reasoning. What
philosophy is this?
a. Epistemology b. Logic c. Aesthetics d. Ethics

5. Which of the following is an activity that requires a person to examine his/her thoughts, feelings
and actions and learn from experience?
a. Analysis
b. Reflection
c. Meditation
d. Perspective

6. The following statements describe philosophy, except:

a. Philosophy contributes to self-development.
b. Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical thinking
c. Philosophy does not improve problem-solving and decision making.
d. Philosophy helps us to be a good communicator who can present himself clearly

7. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Aristotle:

a. According to him, the experience of metaphysical uneasiness leads one philosophize.
b. He is the student of Plato
c. He is the Author of the book Politics
d. all of the above

8. True or false: Aristotle stressed that “man must take good care of its soul”.
a. True b. False

9. The statement, “Tangi kong dalangin, Ikaw lang ang mamahalin, Sana’y ito ay dinggin, Para
tayo’y magkapiling” means a person thinks of ____.
a. Oneself only
b. others only
c. special one
d. all persons
10. A Swiss-German philosopher saw the need to philosophize because of experience.
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Rene Descartes d. Karl Jaspers

11. Which of the following is true about Rene Descartes:

I. He is the father of Modern Western Philosophy
II. Father of Analytical Geometry
III. He introduced the cartesian plane as the application of his 6 th meditation.
IV. He did not believe that the mind and body is distinct but closely joined

a. I only b. I,II,III c. I and III onlyd. all of the above

12. It requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions to learn more
about one’s life and experience.
a. reflection c. sense of doubt b. sense of wonder d. sense of experience

13. The type of philosophical reflection which trains the mind to think logically. It is also the ability
of the mind to construct and evaluate arguments
a. Secondary reflection c. Primary reflection
b. Tertiary reflection d. all of the above

14. Imagine that you are in Boracay walking with Thales. He is convincing you that the only reality
is water. Would you believe in him?
a. No, because I had my own belief.
b. Yes, because Thales belongs to the school of monists which believes that only one kind of
stuff exists.
c. Either yes or no, I will have my own investigation that is based on the data and reason
d. Neither, I don’t care at all.

15. Identify which statement describes the difference between holism and partial thinking.
a. Holism is a perspective that looks at the “big picture” while partial thinking focuses on the
specific aspect of the situation.
b. Holism is a perspective that looks at the specific aspects of the situation while partial
thinking looks at the big picture.
c. Holism requires us to focus on a certain aspect of the problem while partial thinking
requires us to have an open mindset.
d. All of the above

16. Which of the following is true about Baruch Spinoza

I. Followed Aristotelian philosophy
II. Combined Christian doctrine with Platonic ideology
III. Opposed Descartes’ mind-body dualism
IV. The soul is the principle which explains all life
a. I only b. I & III only c. III only d. all of the above

17. Why is philosophy important?

a. Know the different philosophers and their philosophies in life.
b. See the downs and lows in the development and history of philosophy.
c. Survey the achievements of the different philosophers in various periods of history.
d. Enhances our minds, understand what we encounter every day, and value our judgement.

18. Which of the following group of words is an example of philosophizing?

a. to see, hear, feel, and think
b. wonder , doubt, experience, seeking
c. answer, belief, understanding, holding
d. to know, understand, analyze, and find answer

19. Which of the following is NOT an essential component of the human person?
a. Conscience b. Mind c. Soul d. Spirit

20. These are statements that expresses convictions that are not easily explained by facts.
a. Arguments b. Conclusionsc. Beliefs d. Explanation
21. It is the discipline that studies the moral relationships of human beings with the environment and
its non-human contents.
a. Ethics b. Environmental philosophy c. Epistemology d. logic

22. The talent show will begin at 8 pm

a. Truth b. Opinion

23. Which philosophical discipline referred to the shared awareness and understanding among
persons which is made possible by the awareness of the self and other?
a. Empathy b. Human Freedom c. Self-awareness d. Intersubectvity

24. What is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason?
a. Transcendence b. Frugality c. Aesthetics d. Prudence

25. Which of the following experiences describe the concept of embodiment?

a. Joy attaches a sentimental value to a pair of rubber shoes which was given by her mother.
b. Kim associates love with hypothalamus, a part of the brain that is responsible for feelings.
c. Ivy recalls a happy moment in her life and still feel the same happiness he felt at that moment.
d. Trina received a pat in her shoulder from her best friend and felt completely relieved at that

26. Carlo is a tall person with brown hair and brown eyes. What aspect of the human person is being
described in the statement?
a. Cognitive Self c. Psychological Self
b. Physical Self d. Sociological Self

27. Vincent loses his arm and leg due to a car accident. He loses a part of his physical body which
makes up his physical identity. Which of the following statements is true about the concept of
a. Vincent can still be considered a human person despite losing a part of his identity.
b. Vincent is not fully considered a human person since he lacks one aspect of his
c. Neither a nor b
d. None of the above

28. Which among the following options is a disorder in the environment?

a. A basket of unwashed dirty clothes
b. A house with no single plant
c. A garden with dying plants
d. A library with a small number of books

29. Which of the given statements is true?

I. Prudence and frugality can only be applied in one environment.
II. Looking at aesthetics is a way of determining disorder
a. I and II b. I only b. none of these d. statement II

30. In which of the following scenarios is prudence demonstrated?

a. Ordering food that you can consume
b. Searching assignment answers over the internet
c. Keeping the lights on all day
d. Being friendly to neighbors

31. Knowledge and understanding of netiquette is useful because ___________

a. it helps you create a positive impression on those you meet in cyberspace.
b. it explains some of the technical limitations of online communications.
c. it explains the conventions already being used by millions of cybernauts.
d. All of the above.
32. A criminal who have committed a very heinous offense can still be considered a human person
despite of his cruelty and inhumane act. The statement is ___________.
a. True, the dignity is still retained in spite of his actions because it is his inherent right.
b. False, the dignity of humans are removed once they don’t treat other people just and right.
c. Neither a nor b
d. None of the above
33. Marie is very cheerful and friendly to her classmates. What aspect of the human person is being
described in the statement?
a. Cognitive Self b. Psychological Self c. Physical Self d. Sociological Self

34. The hardest subject in school is Philosophy.

a. Fact b. Opinion

35. Andrew's mother and father unloaded the van after the family returned from the soccer
tournament. Andrew was exhausted from playing in all eight games over the weekend. Andrew
wasn't helping, because he ran inside the house to call his grandparents to tell them about the games.
He had won a trophy for being the most valuable player, and his team had won all of their games. He
scored at least two goals in each of the games. He was extremely excited.
Which of these sentences is NOT a fact stated in the paragraph?
a. Something that can be proven c. A person's thoughts or feelings about something
b. Making a good choice d. A person who can prove something

36. In what way can the environment contribute to health and well-being?
a. It can be available anywhere.
b. It is the source of life.
c. It an produce products that provide medicinal value.
d. It is made up of consumers and producers
37. What is the act of using or other resources wisely and practically?
a. Aesthetics b. Prudence c. Frugality d. Economics

38. A science that deals with the relationships between groups of living things and their
a. Anthropocentrism b. Ecology c. Ecofeminism d. Ecocentrism

39. Which of the following sentences is an opinion?

a. They are all Facts.
b. School End on June 1st
c. They are all Opinions
d. The Treaty of Ghent tried to settle boundary disputes between the United States and
Canada, and was the worst treaty ever.

40. Sharks are scary ocean animals.

a. Fact b. Opinion

41. Opinions can be beliefs or judgments that rest on grounds insufficient to produce complete
certainty. It is a personal view, attitude, or appraisal of personal feelings.
a. True b. False

For items 42-45:

a.The first statement is true and the second statement is false
b.The second statement is true and the first statement is false
c. Both statements are true
d. Both statements are false

42. 1st Statement: Aristotle is the teacher of Plato.

2nd Statement: He is also the founder of the Academy of Athens.

43. 1st Statement: Arguments are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by
2nd Statement: Beliefs are statements that assumed a claim is true and provide reasons to support

44. 1st Statement: After 2 typhoons Rolly and Ulysses struck Luzon, many families were in need
of material help that Jolly and her sister initiated to donate their savings for the victims.
This is an example of genuine dialogue.
2 Statement: When someone treats the other person as object, this can be manifested like

when a houseowner maltreated his house helper for failing to wash his favorite jacket
when he needed it the other day.

45. 1st Statement: According to Aquinas, The truth is the conformity of the intellect and things
2nd Statement: According to Schopenhauer, Truth is the reference of a judgement to something
different from itself which is its sufficient reason.

46. 1st Statement: Freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of a person and set as apart from
other being.
2nd Statement: It is exercised caution and prudence and reflect on possible effects on doing actions.

47. 1st Statement: Man has the natural tendency to establish relationships with other
2nd Statement: We are primarily aware of people as objects and not as persons.

48. 1st Statement: Intersubjectivity refers to shared awareness and understanding among
2nd Statement: The views and ideas of other people, as well as social context, do not
influence our behavior as individuals.

49. 1st Statement: There is only one type of social relationship existing in every community.
2nd Statement: An Urban community is congested compared to a rural Community, and yet people
living in an urban community are not so close to each other.

50. 1st Statement: Society is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and
have a common territory and culture.
2nd Statement: It also refers to a companionship or friendly association with others, an alliance, a
community, or a union.

51. It refers to the separation of the soul and body.

a. happiness c. sadness b. life d. death

52. It is a kind of good that provides form of pleasure.

a. noble good c. useful good b. pleasurable good d. permanently good

53. According to __________, Acts of man are actions which are deliberately done.
a. Sartre b. Aristotle c. Aquinas d. None of these

Fore items 54-60: shade A if the statement is TRUE and shade B if the statement is FALSE

54. A choice is made from freedom if the person totally knows the kind of choice he makes even
though unsure with the consequences.

55. Intellectual choice usually refers to answers for hypothetical moral issues.

56. Practical choice usually pertains to choices for an actual moral dilemma.

57. Human actions are always conceived intellectually.

58. Freedom and obligation are two distinct philosophical concepts.

59. A person is totally responsible for an action even if he acted with an impaired conscience.

60. To be free is doing what you want.

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