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Dream Symbols 1

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In truth everything is a dream/programmed illusion/virtual reality experience created by a

consciousness source of light which set up layers/dimensions/grids/matrixes through

which the souls experience simultaneously. These programs follow patterns called Sacred
Geometry and repeat in loops, creating the illusion of linear time.

In the slower frequency movement of third dimension, one experiences linear time. As
one moves their conscious awareness into dreamtime, released from the physical body,
grid of experience, physical body, one experiences with time, and is able to move from
grid program to grid program, in what often appears as 'flying'.
The soul is able to consciously able to view one or more grid programs at the same time,
splitting the consciousness, moving in hyperspace, quantum physics, with a greater
understanding of the dynamics of its total experiences.

While in a physical body, it takes most of your conscious effect to focus on events around
you, as they are guided by emotions, the duality of the physical experience, which is bi-
polar. This mirrors swings in emotions and constant changes in environment as all grids
are in flux. In the physical, the goal is always to create balance and stability. Many
dreams are laced with emotions masking their true meaning.
A dream can warn us of potential danger.

Frequently things that trouble us crystallize in a dream.

Everyone who sleeps, dreams, including animals.

When you take a nap, you are ten times more likely to remember your dreams.

On average, we sleep for a third of each day. Take your age and divide it by 1/3 and you
will know how many years you have been asleep, on the other side, in this lifetime. For
example, if you are 30 years old, you have slept for 10 years.

Many dreams bring messages, some part of your soul's evolution. Dreamtime is often a
place of transformation for the soul where it awakens afterward enlightened about the
next step on its journey into awareness. This is a time where the soul and mind process
the path of the questor who returns in higher frequency of thought and personal mission.

If you can perceive of your dreams as projected illusion, in which you are experiencing
and learning, then so too shall you look upon your experiences in the physical, and
unlock the mysteries of humanity.

From the point of view of dreamtime and other realms of conscious awareness, our
reality is but a projected illusion in linear time.

... Dream well, my child ...

Dream Categories

Dreams are projections, just as we are projected thought experiencing in physical reality.
Dreams can be comprised of still images where you may see a face and telepathically
receive information from that person or they can be animations wherein you view
animated scenes.

Anxiety Dreams, Nightmares

These dreams often are fear-based and result in waking up with sweats and heart
palpitations. There is generally a situation going on in the person's physical life that
results in such dreams. Heed their warning and create change.

Creative Dreams
Within your dream you are shown something you are to create, perhaps something
affecting the destiny of humanity. Famous inventors, writers, artists, and musicians were
inspired by their dreams.

Color vs. Black and White Dreams

Some people feel that as a dream manifests into third dimension it moves from black and
white to color definition. Other believe that black and white dreams are dreamtime but
dreams in color are parallel experiences. Further, dreams in black and white indicate an
event in the far future, then same scene later manifesting as a dream in color meaning it is
getting closer to physical reality.

Episodic or Sequence Dreams

Your dream is like a movie, involving a story that goes on and on in sequential order.
Ellie's Sequence Dream of Creation, September 2004

Teaching Dreams

Dreams can have layers that unfold over many days. In that time, Spirit can teach you
through symbols of light or other means that raise your level of awareness. Shamanic
dreams often teach lessons.
Flying Dreams

These dreams are common. You fly free, escapism, ascension to source, time travel or
move through grid realities.

Repetitive Dreams
You have the same dream over and over as if a message is being sent from other side,
which you have to understand. Very often it is you sending yourself a message, often a

Precognitive or Prophetic Dreams

You dream about events that manifest in the future usually within 3 weeks if not
immediately. These can be personal or universal messages. You may also see your future
partner, your children, a place you will live, or future events for the planet.

Universal Dreams
These dreams are related to information you receive from the collective unconscious, the
grids of our experience, akashic records, hall of records, that which creates the reality in
which we live. Whenever a dream presents symbols of a cosmic nature, in all probability
it is a representation of a Universal dream. Such dreams are reflective of religious
experiences, and denote changes that are to occur at some future time.

Shared Dreams
You remember the events in your dream, that involve another person. At the same time,
another person in your dream remembers the same events
Spirit Dreams
Messages are given by those who have crossed over or a religious icon. These are often
the soul of someone you knew, guiding your journey or telling you that they are okay on
the other side.

Sexual Dreams
Sex plays a major part in our dream world for many of us. This depends of its importance
in our everyday lives. It's a powerful driving force, like hunger and ambition. While we're
awake, sex is ruled by social restrictions and conventions, but in our dreams, even the
most timid of us can have explicit and excitingly sexy dreams once our repressed selves
are asleep. Sexual dreams are very coming during puberty.

Tunnel Dreams

You experience yourself moving through a tunnel into a white light or returning from the
light. This may be accompanied by the sound of whooshing water. You may meet
someone, or meet yourself, at the end of the tunnel, much like a Near Death Experience.
While moving through the tunnel, you may move alone or see others. You can fly quickly
or slowly. You can experience emotions with this dream journey, which often brings
transformational messages.
Lucid Dreams

As consciousness is evolving to higher frequency of light and sound, so too are our
dreams. With this comes the lucid dream in which you can control and alter the events in
your dreamtime by realizing that you are dreaming.

If you become a lucid dreamer, this does not mean that all of your dreams are of this type.
Dreams vary as with all things your consciousness experiences.

There are many methods to use to create lucid dreaming. Here are just a few.

Before going to sleep, tell yourself think, I am going to have a lucid dream. This phrase
will remain in your mind. When you dream, it will activate and you will know you are

Next you must find a symbol that when seen in dreamtime allows you to recognize that
you are dreaming.
Let's say your symbol is the 'sun'. Whenever you see that symbol in a dream, your mind
will realize that you are dreaming and begin to interact freely.

For example . . . you are dreaming that you are walking on the beach on a nice sunny day.
You look up and see the sun! Your mind relays the message to you, this is all a dream.
You now can stop alter the events of this scene, projection, or move to another. The
important things is expanding your conscious awareness to the point that you perceive the
dream as a dreamtime experience.

This takes practice, but can be done. It will help you realize what is occurring on the
other side when you sleep and the nature of dreams as projected illusion.

External & Internal Factors That Affect Dreams While Sleeping

Just about anything external or internal can be incorporated in your dreams and influence
the events. Sometimes the influences are positive while other times they create fear and
panic as they are warnings.
- Crystals can enhance dream state in many ways, depending on the type of crystal and
how it is used. It can be placed near your, under the pillow, or worn.

- Books Photos,

- Audio tapes or other recordings playing while you sleep

- Music

- Sound Machine that creates a soothing noise, water, white noise, other

- Astrological Influences, Moon, Depends on your chart

- Scents, Herbs

- Health issues

- Diet

- Chemicals in the Body

- Emotional Issues

- External stimuli while you are sleeping, Ex. It is raining heavily outside, so water could
be incorporated in your dream. The soul can take information from anything it is
experiencing and incorporating it into your dream.

- Events occurring prior to going to sleep: Media (TV, Radio, Video), something you have
read, a conversation, or other physical activities can impact on your dreams

Before and After Dreamtime

As reality is programmed illusion, you can preset your programming for dreamtime,
before you go to sleep.

The power of suggestion often works when it comes to dreams.

If you want to remember at least one dream, tell yourself that before going to sleep.

If you do not want to have scary dreams, before you go to sleep, mentally state that, I do
not want to have scary dreams. This is good to do when your life is in turmoil.

If someone is attacking you in dreamtime, tell your spirit guides to protect you, and never
allow that person near you. Example: An old lover who wants to contact with you in
It is often helpful to review the events of your day before going to sleep, as if watching a
movie. This is helpful if you wish to work out issues during dreamtime.

After you wake up, it is best to remain still and focus on your dreams experiences.

Remembering & Interpreting Dreams

We dream in a higher frequency of thought and light than our physical experience.
Therefore when we slow down our frequency as we return to our conscious awareness to
the physical mind and body, we often do not have the means to understand what occurred
in dreamtime.

Once consciousness enters, the physical mind, we return to the 'realms of forgetfulness'
about who we are and the nature of a soul's experiences. Our thought processes move too
slowly. Many view the physical as the dreamtime, as a result, as we are no longer aware.
they see reality as a dream.

Some people remember their dreams while others have little or no recognition.

Dreams help you work out issues. Emotions can distort memory. We often do not
remember dreams because we do not wish to deal with the issues addressed.

Most people remember what I call 'wake-up dreams.' As your consciousness returns to
the physical mind, it slows down to a frequency where it become aware of something that
is occurring on the other side that it wishes to remember. You wake up and you
remember, if only for few minutes as your consciousness slowly returns to physical
frequency. It is then you must record your dream information before the events are lost in

Dream Journal, It often useful to keep a dated journal of your dreams. Keep it by your
bed. Write the notes in the journal as soon as you 'wake up.' You may not understand their
content until later. using a tape recorder is also advisable.

Interpreting Dreams, Interpretation of dreams often vary. One must know about the
dreamer and what is going on around them if this is a personal dream. If it is a universal
dream, it may be more easily understood. For example, a friend of mine dreamed about
the Twin Towers in Manhattan being engulfed in water and collapsing. He dreamed this
over and over again but did not understand its full meaning until the events of 9/11
occurred several weeks later. He is a fireman. He saw the water from the hoses. He lost
many friends on 9/11.

Some dreams are exact in content while others are metaphoric. Most dreams have

Your mind can only process the events in the dream based on symbols it understands. If
you experience a dream that is not within the vocabulary of your mind, you will not be
able to process and remember it. The physical mind has to be able to make sense of a
dream, for you to remember it. It's like a young child being taught calculus. It has no way
of understanding, and therefore processing or interpreting what it is being shown, so it
forgets what it sees.

In dreamtime you generally receive messages in symbols or archetypes whose meaning

you must later discover. This is not unlike messages received in meditations or other
states of altered consciousness.

Here is an example, You dream about 'keys.' Keys open locks, doorways. Something new
will be shown. You must then look at the number of keys given, the metal of which they
were made, and anything else given in your dream related to these keys, such as ... who
gave them to you.

Death in a dream does not necessarily mean a physical death in as much as a

transformation, old giving way to something new and better.

A Dream Dictionary is often helpful in deciphering symbols as well as searching the

internet for the symbolic meaning of that which has been shown to you.

Asking for Guidance, What I have discovered about myself is that when I am uncertain
about an issue I go to sleep and ask for guidance.

Sometimes I am shown events in a dream that I remember and help me focus.

Other times, I don't remember the dream when I wake up, but I know I have processed
the information and know what the solution is. I often wake up with feelings of closure
about issues. My soul has made the decision that is best for me in third dimension.
Dream Wizards or Oracles

As far back as memory serves, humans have always dreamed and in some way were
aware of their dreams, if not able to understand them. In pre-historic times, dreams were
recorded on cave walls where one might find a prone body with an image above it and
wavy lines connecting the 2 images.

Most dreams were linked with the 'supernatural', messages sent from gods or ways to heal
the person dreaming as reality has always been about healing and the journey of
humanity back to its creational source.

Every ancient civilization developed some manner in which to record dreams, often
recorded as oral tradition to be kept by the Record Keepers, Elders, Shaman, of that
culture. If a message came from god, it was prophecy, holy and would one day determine
to journey of the people.

The earliest recorded dreams are derived from materials dating back approximately 5000
years, in Mesopotamia.

The Sumerians, the first cultural group to reside in Mesopotamia, left dream records
dating back to 3100 BC.

According to these early writings, deities and royals, such as the 7th century BC scholar-
king Assurbanipal, gave careful attention to dreams.

Within Assurbanipal's archive of clay tablets, portions of the story of the legendary king
Gilgamesh were found. In this epic poem, one of the earliest known classical stories,
Gilgamesh reported his recurring dreams to his goddess-mother Ninsun, who made the
first recorded dream interpretation.

His dreams were taken as prophecy and used to guide actions in the waking world. These
attitudes recorded in the Gilgamesh epic provide a valuable source of information about
ancient dream beliefs.

Assyria , The Assyrians believed in dreams as omens. For example, if a person fled in
their dreams it indicated all would be lost.

Babylon , The Babylonians divided dreams into two categories, Good dreams were sent
by the Gods and Bad dreams sent by Demons. Mamu


Ancient Hebrews believed dreams were connections with God. However bad dreams
were the work of Demons.

The biblical figures Solomon, Jacob, Nebuchadnezzar and Joseph were all visited in their
dreams by God or prophets, who helped guide their decisions.

It was recognized and accepted that the dreams of kings could influence whole nations
and the futures of their peoples.

The Talmud, which was written between 200 and 500 AD, includes over two hundred
references to dreams. It states that "dreams which are not understood are like letters
which are not opened."

The Hebrews incubated dreams in order to receive divine revelation.

Atlanteans used dreams temples and crystals arranged in a specific matrix
to enhance their dreams thus receiving messages from those of our realms.

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