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Reference Manual

March 2009
Reference Manual

by ICRTouch LLP

This manual is designed as a reference guide to configuring

the more complex parts of ICRTouch.

For exact flag settings the ICRTouch programming manual

should be consulted.

For updates to this manual, and for further information

please visit the dealer's page on our website,
Contents I

Table of Contents

Part I ICRTouch Version Control 5

1 ICRTouch Version
Control 5

Part II Customer loyalty 7

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Customers & ...................................................................................................................................
customer groups 8
3 Customer related
function keys 9
4 Customer loyalty
and the network 10
5 Creating new...................................................................................................................................
customers at point of sale 11
6 Using Caller ...................................................................................................................................
ID for logging on customers 12
7 Configuring 3rd
party server for Fidelity Instant Loyalty 14
8 CRB (Impact)...................................................................................................................................
coin & note reval unit 16
9 Customer Pictures
................................................................................................................................... 18

Part III Hardware connection 20

1 Connecting and
configuring devices 20
2 Hardware connection
................................................................................................................................... 21
3 Network connection
................................................................................................................................... 22
4 Connecting a...................................................................................................................................
back office PC 24
5 Connecting an
Avery FX120 Scale 26
6 Using the USB
MS Cash Drawer 27
7 Connecting a...................................................................................................................................
Coin Dispenser 28

Part IV Euro/Sub currency 30

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 30
2 Sub currency...................................................................................................................................
main flag settings 31
3 Sub currency...................................................................................................................................
change over function 32
4 Sub currency...................................................................................................................................
function keys 33
5 Sub currency...................................................................................................................................
texts 34
6 Sub currency...................................................................................................................................
samples 35

Part V Floor plan 37

1 Sales mode usage
................................................................................................................................... 37
2 Modifying the
floor plan 39

Part VI Hairdressing Specification 41

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 41
2 Configuration
................................................................................................................................... 42

Part VII Time & Attendance 44

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II ICRTouch Reference Manual

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 44
2 Configuration
................................................................................................................................... 45
3 Reporting functions
................................................................................................................................... 46

Part VIII Hotel PMS Systems 48

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 48
2 ICRTouch Hotel
Server Spec 49
3 Remote Audit
Printer 51
4 Micros 4700 ................................................................................................................................... 52
5 Casio QT2000
Emulation 53
6 Guestline Interface
................................................................................................................................... 54
7 Guestline RezLynx
................................................................................................................................... 56
8 Guestmaster...................................................................................................................................
Protocol v1.0.4 58

Part IX EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer 60

1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 60
2 WinTI ................................................................................................................................... 61
3 Ocius/ILink -...................................................................................................................................
Chip & Pin 62
4 Commidea Chip
& Pin Terminal - Direct integration 64
5 Commidea Ocius
for PC 65
6 Thyron Paycell
................................................................................................................................... 66
7 YESpay for WinCE
................................................................................................................................... 67
8 Ocius for WinCE
................................................................................................................................... 69

Part X Screen layouts 71

1 Sales mode ................................................................................................................................... 71
2 Home mode ................................................................................................................................... 72
3 Program mode
................................................................................................................................... 73

Part XI Magnetic card format 75

1 Magnetic card
format 75

Part XII Hidden functions menu 79

1 Hidden functions
menu 79

Part XIII Examination of NET & Gross totalizors 81

1 Examination...................................................................................................................................
of NET & Gross totalizors 81

Part XIV Check Backup Master 84

1 Check Backup
Master 84

Part XV Misc 86
1 PLU List Import
Key 86
2 PLU Pictures................................................................................................................................... 87
3 PLU Notes ................................................................................................................................... 88

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP

Contents III

4 Launch Batch
File Status Key 89
5 Picture Frame
USB Drive 90
6 Registry Settings
................................................................................................................................... 91

Index 92

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ICRTouch Version Control


ICRTouch Version Control 5

1 ICRTouch Version Control

1.1 ICRTouch Version Control

The ICRTouch version number can be found by going to home mode without a clerk signed on.
Version number information is then shown at the top of the screen where the clerk name would
normally be displayed

Product Name
This identifies the ICRTouch product

OS Version
This represents the ICRTouch OS version. Version 2 is the 32bit Windows version and version 3 is
Windows CE. Both versions are practically identical, will be totally compatible in a network and will
maintain full file compatibility. At this time only v2 has support for chinese in the kitchen.

Major Version (2 digits)

This represents a new release of ICRTouch. Tills with different major version numbers should never
be mixed in a network. The major version also indicates the type of release. Even numbers are official
releases eg 2.48, 2.50 etc. Odd numbers are development releases, eg 2.47, 2.49. Development
releases are currently in the development cycle, they are only released privately at specific dealer
request. They will not have been subjected to the same rigorous testing phase as would an official
release version.

Release Number
The final digit in the version number represents a release number, this is incremented each time a
version undergoes a minor change. This will normally be bug fixes that have been detected after a
release, occasionally features that were added after a version was released. Although it is advisable to
ensure that all tills have the latest release number, no ill effects should be affected by having a network
of mixed release numbers.

Licence Number
This is the licence number of ICRTouch. This licence number is used when payment codes are
requested from ICR.
When hardware is deployed directly from ICR the network name of the unit is set as it's licence
number. Also the ICRTouch installation CD gives the option for matching the network name with the
till's licence number. This is good practice as it makes for very easy identification of tills on a Window's
network. Till's drives can easily be accessed by going Start | Run and typing \\LICENCENUMBER eg

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Customer loyalty


Customer loyalty 7

2 Customer loyalty

2.1 Overview
· Discounts by selective item Customers can have different discount rates for different
types of product, eg drink could be given a 5% discount, food 10% and nothing on tobacco
· Customer groups Customers can belong to different groups, meaning different types of
customers can be awarded different discount rates etc.
· Magnetic cards Cost effective magnetic cards can be used for logging on customers.
Customers can also be logged on using a 15 digit code, eg a phone number.
· Data shared across the network A master holds sales information regarding the
customers locally, all other program data regards customers are held on each terminal.
· Customer export facility The customer file can be exported with or without sales data,
that can be used for mail merge in Microsoft Word.
· Prepaid/account Customer cards can be loaded with balances, and the transactions paid
for using the card.
· Customer audit trail The system will maintain a journal roll for each customer. This can
be printed or viewed a sale at a time on screen. Can be useful for settling disputes in a prepaid
· Address can be printed on receipt & kp Useful for takeaway/home delivery
· Full reporting functions Full reporting on the customer file including spends, debtors,
liability, blacklisted customers, debits, credits etc.
· Links to US Robotics modems for logging on customer by phone
number Useful for takeaway/home delivery systems. New customers can also be also be
generated at point of sale using this method.
· Account number can be used for logging on customers Account numbers
can be used, including alpha numeric numbers entered via an on screen qwerty keyboard
· Customer Pictures Can be used to prompt with the picture of a customer at time of
logging the customer on.

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8 ICRTouch Reference Manual

2.2 Customers & customer groups

Customer features
The customer features file contains all information specific to each customer, name address, lookup
number etc. Each customer is linked to a customer group, the customer group file then contains
programming for discount rates, loyalty types, whether the customer's are pre-paid or not etc. See
customer programming earlier in the manual for more information.

Customer groups
The customer file contains information about how the customers work. This includes what type of
loyalty scheme, ie discount, points. What discount rates are applied, whether they are prepaid or not.
Whether they are allowed an overdraft, what is printed on their receipts etc. See customer group
programming earlier in the manual for more information.

Example customer/customer group tree

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Customer loyalty 9

2.3 Customer related function keys

PGM3 | Function Keys | Status Keys

Customer number
Used to open a customer, using a number entered on the keyboard.

Customer inquiry
Used to print out details of a customer on the receipt printer. Will prompt for a customer
memory number, but a customer card can be swiped at this point.

Customer hot card

Used to lock a customers card so that it can no longer be used at the tills. The hot card flag can
be unprogrammed in PGM3 -> Customer Features. Will prompt for a customer memory
number, but a customer card can be swiped at this point.

Customer transfer
Used to transfer the entire contents of one customer into another, including name, balance etc.
Will prompt for a customer memory number to transfer from and to, a customer card could be
swiped at these points.

View customer detail

Allows viewing of the individual customer electronic journal.

Customer CID logon

Used in conjunction with a US Robotics modem to log caller id info. When pressed a list of
caller's numbers are shown, if the customer's exist in the customer file then the customer's
name is shown next to it. Customers can also be logged on by typing in the phone number and
pressing this key.

PGM3 | Function Keys | Transaction Keys

Pay account
Used to pay monies into a customer's account when using prepaid/account customers.

PGM3 | Function Keys | Finalise Keys

Used to pay by account for account/prepaid customers.

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2.4 Customer loyalty and the network


The ICRTouch customer loyalty network uses a master slave relationship, whereby the customer totals
are held in a master and slaves poll the master for this information when the customer is logged on.
Programming information, however, is held locally so all machines must have identical copies of the
customer copy.

To configure a centralised customer file;

PGM3 | System Programming | System Configuration

On all machines set "Use centralised customer totals?" to Yes.

And on one machine, the customer master, set "This machine customer total master?" to Yes.

You must perform an IRC Initialise after any changes to network configuration for the system to
reconfigure itself correctly.

The customer audit trail

All transaction done with a customer are stored in the customer audit trail on the customer master.
The file will store 2,000 customer transactions and up to 10,000 items of detail. The last 100 records
of old data is purged when the file is full, so there is no need to do a file reset.

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Customer loyalty 11

2.5 Creating new customers at point of sale


When new customers are logged onto the system for the first time, ICRTouch has the ability to walk
the operator through filling in their details.

To configure for creation of customers at point of sale

PGM3 | Customers | Customer Control

Set "Auto create new customers?" to Yes.

If you require the user to be prompted for customer group, set "AC prompt for group?" to Yes.
If you require the user to be prompted for customer address, set "AC prompt for address?" to Yes.
If you require the user to be prompted for customer phone number, set "AC prompt for phone
number?" to Yes.

Customers are determined to be new customers by setting the "New customer?" flag in customer
programming to Yes.

This means whenever a customer with the new customer flag set is signed on, the user will be
prompted for customer details, at which point these details will be recorded and the new customer flag

Creating new customers when using account numbers

Customers can be created on the fly even when using account numbers. For this to work correctly
customers must have both the "New customer?" flag set and must have an empty "Account number".
When an unknown account number is entered, a new customer is created by searching for the first
available customer matching this criteria. The account number, entered, at this point is added into the
"Account number" field.

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2.6 Using Caller ID for logging on customers


ICRTouch can interface with most modems that have caller id support in order to capture caller id
information and enable customers to be logged on using their phone number. This is most useful for
home delivery environments.

It is very important to understand that only some modems support Caller Id and of these only some of
them support Caller Id on a UK BT line as this uses a different standard to the American standard that
many others support. UK Cable uses the American CID standard so most modems with Caller Id
support will work on one of these lines.

As from ICRTouch v2.525 we also have support for the Crucible Technologies Caller Id unit. This is a
custom designed unit that connects between the phone line and the RS232 port of the till. It is
designed only to do Caller Id and does it well. It's a little more expensive than a modem but we have
been very pleased with this product,

To configure for caller id logging

1. Connect and configure a modem

PGM3 | System Programming | IO Parameter

For the Crucible Technologies device this must be set to Device Type: Crucible Tech CID
Unit, baud rate 1200, No Parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
(For the Crucible Techonlogies Satellite 3 & 6 the settings are the same apart from baud rate
which is 9600)

For modems we'd normally suggest a baud rate of 38400. The device type must be set to

2. Set the initialisation string

PGM3 | System Programming | System Flags | Comms Control | Modem Init String

For US Robotics modems set the modem string to AT&F#CID=1&Y0&W0

For Rockwell {inc USRobtics USB} modems set the modem string to AT&F+VCID=1&Y0&W0
You can also try changing the CID=1 to CID=2 for RAW support in case the modem doesn't
support interpreted mode.

For other modems see the modem manual on how to turn on Caller ID. This can be tested in
HyperTerminal, the expected format is NMBR = 01983822008 {inc the spaces} or for RAW
format MESG = 80.............

For the Crucilble Technologies device this step is unneccesary as the caller id is always on.

3. To log customers onto the system you require a CUSTOMER CID LOGON button

PGM3 | Function Keys | Status Keys

Once this button is configured, you can press it to give a list of the most recent phone numbers
with customer name against them if they exist in the main file. You can also manually key in a
phone number and press this button to log a customer on.

4. If you require the phone number to appear on screen when it first rings;

PGM3 | Customers | Customer Control

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Customer loyalty 13

Set "Show CID info on display?" to Yes.

Auto creation of customers at point of sale

Customers can be created automatically at point of sale as on the previous page. For this to work
effectively customers must have the "New customer?" flag set to Yes and must have an empty phone
number field.

Other notes
1. You must have a Caller ID enabled line, this is a in the case of BT it is a select service that must be
paid for.
2. Multiple modems can be used on a single machine to govern multiple phone lines
3. New phone numbers are broadcast round the network, so only one machine needs to be connected
to a phone line
4. If you also intend to use a modem for a connection to a back office PC then there are things you
need to take into account.
i. You will have to use a separate modem for back office pc comms
i. The back office PC modem must be the first modem in the IO Parameter list
ii. You will not be able to use the init string to configure the modem. All modems will have to be
programmed by hand using a modem programming utility, and they will have to be set on a fixed
baud rate for them to be able to communicate with the till correctly.

Supported modems
At this time the only known external modem to fully support CID on a BT line is the Professional US
Robotics Courier. The external US Robotics Fax Modem does support BT Caller ID however we have
found that it sporadicly locks up for no real or apparent reason requiring a power cycle to bring it back
to life.

Most modems that support Caller ID will usually work with UK Cable.

We have found with just about all modems that they do not store the setting for Caller Id in flash.
Meaning if a modem is powered on and off it will stop sending caller id information. For this reason
ICRTouch resends the caller id command to a modem once every minute to refresh this setting.

The Crucible Technologies caller id unit is available from, the device
is called the CTI Meteor Plus {hardware only} and can be purchased for about £90. Ensure you follow
the link to the CTI Developers section as the unit on the front screen is more expensive and comes
with bundled software,

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2.7 Configuring 3rd party server for Fidelity Instant Loyalty


ICRTouch can interface with customer loyalty applications produced by 3rd party software vendors.
Here is an overview of the interface with Instant Loyalty by Fidelity. This is a real time customer loyalty
application that uses the ICRTouch front end for normal POS applications but seamlessly integrates
with Fidelity Instant Loyalty on the back for processing of customer loyalty information. This system
can even be used over a WAN, not only collecting customer sales information, but also allowing for
real time account balances.

To configure for Fidelity Instant Loyalty

1. Configure main system flags

PGM3 | System Programming | System Flags | 3rd Party Customer Server

Directory for server files

Set in here the location of the shared directory with the Fidelity server.
UNCs are acceptable eg \\server\share

Site number
This is the site number for the tills. This is only necessary when using multi site connected to
the server via a WAN.

Enclose fields using " in .csv export file?

Leave this as No.

Uses track 1 mag card swipes?

Leave this as No. Unless you are using loyalty cards with the number encoded on track 1.

Uses track 1 mag card swipes?

Leave this as No. Unless you are using loyalty cards with the number encoded on track 1.

Uses track 2 mag card swipes?

If you are using loyalty cards then they are usually encoded on track 2, set this to Yes.

Auto receipt when customer is used?

This is down to preference, but means that when a customer is logged onto a sale, a receipt will
be issued regardless of the receipt switch setting.

2. Configure function keys

Fidelity Instant Loyalty uses standard ICRTouch customer loyalty keys, but they have a flag on them
"Use 3rd party customer server (NOT ICRTouch)?", this should be set to Yes to indicate that the
loyalty system is being "outsourced".

PGM3 | Function Keys | Status Keys

Customer Number
This key is used for logging on Fidelity customers

Customer Inquiry
This key is used for doing a customer balance enquiry

PGM3 | Function Keys | Transaction Keys

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Customer loyalty 15

Pay Account
When using account balances, this key is used to pay money into the account.
No additional programming is required on this key, as it will automatically work with whatever
type customer is logged onto the system.

Exchange Points
When using points, this key can be used to pay off part of the balance using points.
No additional programming is required on this key, as it will automatically work with whatever
type customer is logged onto the system.

PGM3 | Function Keys | Finalise Keys

When using account balances, this key is used to pay for the current transaction using an
account balance.
No additional programming is required on this key, as it will automatically work with whatever
type customer is logged onto the system.

3. Configuring customer loyalty functionality

All functionality as regards customer loyalty is determined by settings in Instant Loyalty and the ICR
Server both supplied by Fidelity. For further information on the functionality of the customer loyalty
system please consult Fidelity.

Using magnetic cards with Fidelity Instant Loyalty

When a magnetic card is swiped it is first checked to see if it falls into one of the ICRTouch formats,
{clerk, check, loyalty or employee}, if it does then the card is dealt with internally. If it does not then
providing the appropriate flag for accepting magnetic card tracks is set to Yes then the entire contents
of that track is passed to the Fidelity server for processing.

For magnetic card format please contact Fidelity.

ICRTouch format loyalty cards are not used with Instant Loyalty.

When using magnetic card readers with ICRTouch, they must be configured to send down start and
end sentinel characters. ICRTouch uses this information to know that a magnetic card has been read,
without this information the magnetic card will be ignored.

If photo's are being used for customer validation then you must ensure that you are using the Win32
version of ICRTouch (Version 2), the 16bit version (Version 1) does not support on screen

Other notes

Do not configure magnetic card format in PGM3 | System Programming | System Flags | Fidelity
this is for interfacing ICRTouch to Total Control which has an off line customer loyalty system.
Configuring magnetic card format in here for cards that are to be sent to Instant Loyalty will mean that
they will be treated as Total Control cards and will not make it as far as Instant Loyalty.

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2.8 CRB (Impact) coin & note reval unit

ICRTouch can now interface with the wall mountable coin and note revaluation unit supplied by CRB
(Impact). The unit is used to customer account balances in an ICRTouch loyalty system in particular in
a prepaid environment such as a golf club.


The reval unit should be connected to the customer tracking master, although it can be connected to
any unit in the system. Operation speed will be faster when connected to the master as will error

The reval units communicate via RS485, however they are supplied with an RS232->RS485 converter
that allows them to be connected directly to an RS232 port on ICRTouch.

The serial port parameters are;

Baud Rate: 9600

Parity: None
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Connect Device: CRB Reval Unit

This is the only configuration required for the unit, upon restarting ICRTouch (or if left for a period of
time) the reval unit should display the welcome message. If it doesn't then it is not
configured/connected correctly.

Note, at this time only one reval unit can be connected to any 1 terminal in the system. Multiple units
can be used but must be connected on a per terminal basis.

Magnetic card format

Unfortunately the CRB reval unit will not accept track 1 magnetic cards, which means it will not accept
standard ICRTouch customer cards. We have added support to ICRTouch for a second type of loyalty
card that uses track 2, the format of this is; XXXXYYYYY (9 digits) where XXXX is the 4 digit site id (as
set in Customer Control) and YYYYY is a 5 digit customer number. eg 106400156 would be customer
156 in site id 1064.

Track 2 custom format cards can also be accepted by both ICRTouch and the CRB reval unit.

Using the CRB reval unit

Operation is very simple and straight forward. The user swipes their magnetic card in the unit, they are
then displayed with their customer name and current account balance. They then load money in to the
unit, the display updates to show the money they have loaded into the unit and their new customer
balance. When they have finished loading money into the unit they press the red button to log
themselves off of the unit. If no money is inserted into the unit for a period of 25 seconds the customer
is automatically logged off of the unit. 7 seconds prior to being logged off the unit will stop accepting

Log file

A text log file is generated in the ICRTouch directory of all operations performed on the reval unit, it's

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Customer loyalty 17

filename is reval.log. The log file is generated at action level, in that it will display every action
performed on the unit, such as card swiped, coin entered, button pressed etc.

Hardware connection note

We found when we connected up the unit we intergrated with that the RS232->RS485 converter didn't
supply the appropriate hardware handshaking lines, accordingly the till believed the unit to be offline all
the time. This is easily indicated by the "DEVICE ERROR" flashing in the bottom of the screen for the
serial device that the reval unit was connected to. Remeber that the 3 serial status indicators at the
bottom of the screen are not Serial 1 to 3, but are instead Serial Device 1 to 3. Thus if you have a
device programmed in IO Parameter on Serial 2 and another on Serial 4 and no other devices
programmed, then the first status box would be used to indicate Serial 2 and the second for Serial 4.

To make ICRTouch see the reval unit as being online (so that it can communicate with it) we found it
necessary to short together pins 7 & 8 on the converter on the till side.

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2.9 Customer Pictures

Customers can be attached to a picture, this allows a picture (full colour photo) to be attached to a
customer that can prompt the user Yes/No when the user tries to log the customer on.

Location for Customer Pictures

Customer Control | Directory for Customer pictures

Enter in here the directory where your pictures are stored. This can be a local folder eg
c:\icrtouch\pictures or a UNC eg \\server\pictures. If no directory is entered the root ICRTouch
directory is used.

Filename Format
R{NUMBER}.jpg - Where {NUMBER} is the account number of the customer
M{NUMBER}.jpg - Where {NUMBER} is the memory number of the Customer (1-MAXCUSTOMER)

eg RMN23.jpg for Customer with the account number or M56.jpg for Customer 56.

Either format can be used, but the system will always go for the account number format first.

File Format
Only jpgs are supported. The size of the dialog is 320x320 pixels, images smaller than this will be
centred in the dialog, images larger will be cropped.

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Hardware connection


20 ICRTouch Reference Manual

3 Hardware connection

3.1 Connecting and configuring devices

In an ICRTouch network all terminals can print to any printer connected to any terminal. There are 2
parts to configuring ICRTouch for external devices such as printers etc.

1. IO Parameter file

The IO parameter file for a serial device needs to be setup on the terminal that the device is physically
connected to only. The serial parameters for the device will need to be set up to match the device that
is plugged into it, eg baud rate etc. The type of device connected to the port will also need to be set.

2. Device connection file & Kitchen printer connection file

The device connection file contains the location of each device. This needs to be set up on all
terminals that are using the physical device. For each device in the table that is going to be used, you
need to tell the system which machine the device is plugged into, and also which serial port the device
is connected to, even if the device isn't physically connected to this machine, this is so that the system
knows where to send the printed data A backup route can also be programmed for most devices, this
is programmed in the same way as the primary connection, ie connected machine and port number. In
the event of the primary device failing data will automatically be re-routed to the backup device without
user intervention.

Customer displays, journal printers and cash drawers can only be connected locally to a machine.

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Hardware connection 21

3.2 Hardware connection

Connecting printers
Printers can be connected using standard 9 way to 25 way RS232 printer leads. Only RS232 printers
are supported.

Alternatively you can make your own up;

Connecting a barcode scanner

Barcode scanners can be connected either in the keyboard port, or via a serial port. The scanner
should be set to send the barcode number only, followed by a carriage return. No other data should be
sent. ICR recommend the use of keyboard wedge scanners wherever possible.

Connecting a magnetic card reader

Card readers can be either keyboard wedge or serial. The card reader should be set to send down
both tracks 1 & 2, and to send start and end sentinels. Without sending of start and end sentinels,
ICRTouch will not recognise that a card has been swiped. ICR recommend the use of keyboard
wedge mag card readers wherever possible.

You can have multiple devices plugged into the keyboard port.

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3.3 Network connection

Network cable specification

All RJ45 patch leads and wall ports are wired direct pin to pin, and the same colour configuration
should be used through the system. Each till MUST go back to a port of it's own on a hub. RJ45 patch
leads can be made up to go between RJ45 wall ports and the network port on the touch screen.
Alternatively they can be bought pre-made from any computer supplier, they are exactly the same as
standard office network patch leads.

In a PC network it is very important that the colour scheme as above is followed exactly. In PC
networking 2 pairs of cables are used, one pair across pins 1 & 2 and another across 3 & 6. If these
pairs are not configured correctly then the result will be poor network performance.

Connecting 2 tills directly without a hub

For a 2 till network they can be connected directly without the use of a hub, in order to do this you must
crossover the network cable. The connections for one of the RJ45 plugs should be as above, the
connection for the second should be as below.

You'll notice that with this configuration the pair across pins 1 & 2 go to 3 & 6 and vice versa.

NOTE, this cable will only work connecting 2 tills directly together, it will not work when used with a
hub. Likewise 2 tills CANNOT be connected together using a standard patch lead without a hub.

Example System
Each till must go back to a port of it's own on the hub

EFT Servers sit on the network with the tills

Back office PC's sit on the network with the tills

Hubs can be linked together via the Uplink port on the first hub, and a standard port on the other hub,
this can also be useful if you have tills in separate parts of a building, in which case you'd only need to
run one piece of cable between the two areas

Access points for wireless networking should be plugged into a hub.

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3.4 Connecting a back office PC

There are 2 methods of connecting a back office PC to an ICRTouch tills system. Direct network
connection or remote connection via modem.

Direct network connection

This method should always be used when the back office PC is local to the ICRTouch till system.
Connection is via standard network cable with the PC connected to the hub with the tills just like the
tills. It is also possible to connect a PC to a till directly using a "cross-over" network cable.

For network connection the backoffice PC you may use either TCP/IP or IPX/SPX. ICRTouch side
does not require to know which protocol the back office PC is set to communicate with as it will simply
respond with the same protocol. If you use IPX/SPX then you must have to protocol installed at both
ends. To check this;

On Win98, Control Panel | Network and check that the "IPX/SPX-Compatible protocol" is
If it is not, select Add | Protocol | Microsoft | IPX/SPX-Compatible protocol

On WinXP, Control Panel | Network Connections, right click on Local Area Connection and
select Properties. Check that "NWLINK IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol"
is installed.
If it is not, select Install | Protocol | NWLINK IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport

There are no other settings required for IPX networking.

If you are using TCP/IP then you must have the proctocol installed and a valid IP Address configured at
both ends.

Remote modem connection

Till side configuration

1. Connect and configure a modem

PGM3 | System Programming | IO Parameter

ICR recommend using a baud rate of 38400 as overall this seems to give the best speed. At
faster speeds more retries happen, causing comms speed to be slower.

2. Set the modem initialisation string

PGM3 | System Programming | Comms Control | Modem Init String

The recommended init string is AT&FS0=1&Y0&W0

S0=1 tells it how many rings to answer after, 1-9 are valid values. 0 means do not answer

When the till boots it should acknowledge with an ok each initialisation command one at a time. If the
till responds "Timeout" then the till is not communicating with the modem. If the till responds "Error"
then one of the commands is written incorrectly.

All communications are dealt with the modem internally, ICRTouch does not use dial up networking or
anything else for communications.

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Hardware connection 25

PC Side configuration

Modem communications at PC side should be dealt with internally by the software application. There
is no need to have IPX loaded for modem comms, nor is it necessary to configure dial up networking.
If you are having trouble communicating via modem then there is an application developed by ICR, File
Editor, that can be downloaded from our website,, this has modem communications
built in and is a good test of the underlying set without any 3rd party software involvement.

Multi till communications via modem

For multi till networks polled by a back office PC there is no extra configuration required for a multi till
setup. ICRTouch will automatically gateway all PC communications through modem directly to the
relevant till. For example if the modem is connected to till 2 and the PC wants to communicate with till
1, then all data is forwarded directly to till 1 as if the PC were directly connected to it.

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26 ICRTouch Reference Manual

3.5 Connecting an Avery FX120 Scale

UK Weights and Measures Approval

ICRTouch has UK approval for an interface with an Avery FX120 scale. Our approval number is GB-
1208 and can be used with any CE marked pos hardware with a customer display.

Connecting the scale

IO Parameter settings are; 2400 baud, EVEN Parity, 7 data bits and 1 stop bit. Connected device is
Avery Scale. There is no route to setup in Device Connection.

You will also require the dll file Scale.dll available from ICR which adds scale communications
functionality to ICRTouch, this must be placed in the ICRTouch folder of each till.

You will need to allocate a weight key to the keyboard, this is a Status Key.
There is a flag on the PLU to indicate that it is a weight PLU, when set registering th PLU will cause it
to fetch the weight from the scale.

Manual weight entry is possible by entering the weight first, then pressing the weight key followed by
the PLU. The PLU must be configured to allow keyed weight entry.

It is not possible to change the Kg symbol when interfaced with a scale.

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Hardware connection 27

3.6 Using the USB MS Cash Drawer

For Windows XP

If you plan to use the USB MS Cash Drawer supplied by International Cash Drawer
in Ireland you will need to install the driver first, otherwise ICRTouch will complain
"Unable to find MSPOS_USB.DLL".

This can be downloaded from

There are 2 types, the older type {item 3.} and the newer HID Type {Item 4.} These
have been HID now for some 6 months so the latter is most likely the driver you will

It should be easy to tell, as the HID wont ask for a driver when it is plugged in as XP
has built in generic support for HID equipment, whereas the former will.

Run the install then copy the MSPOS_USB.DLL file from the it's install directory
{probably Program Files\M-S Cash Drawer} into the System32 directory so that all
applications can see it {ICRTouch included}

The dipswitches on the back of the drawer determine which drawer number it is,
ICRTouch supports up to 2 - see MS Cash Drawer instructions for this.

There is also a test utility in the MS Cash Drawer folder that enables you to test
whether the drawer works or not on the machine.


Please note none of the above applies to Windows CE {except the dipswitch/drawer
number bit} All Windows CE images supplied by ICR v1.14 onwards contain built in
driver support for the HID type cash drawer - the older type is not supported.

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28 ICRTouch Reference Manual

3.7 Connecting a Coin Dispenser

ICRTouch interfaces with the Telequip T-Flex coin dispenser.

Connecting the dispenser

The device must be connected using the supplied RS232 cable. ICRTouch communicates directly with
the device, no 3rd party software or OPOS drivers should be installed as these may interfere with
ICRTouch's ability to communicate.

IO Parameter settings are; 9600 baud, EVEN Parity, 7 data bits and 1 stop bit. Connected device is
Telequip T-Flex. There is no route to setup in Device Connection.

Once the coin dispenser device is setup in IO Parameter ICRTouch will automatically push change
amounts through it.

There are some additional settings that can be found in PGM3 | System Programming | System
Flags | Comms Control

Limit dispensed coins to:

Whole numbers above this amount are not dispensed as change eg if you had 5.00 set and
£17.50 change were to be awarded then only £2.50 will be dispensed.
0 means this setting has no effect.

Do not dispense if change is more than:

If the change amount is equal to or exceeds this value then no change will be dispensed.
0 means this setting has no effect.

Also display total change in input window?

When set the total change is displayed in brackets in the input window

Additional Notes
Only change for the first currency is dispensed.

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Euro/Sub currency


30 ICRTouch Reference Manual

4 Euro/Sub currency

4.1 Overview
ICRTouch allows use of a sub-currency, typically used in the UK to cover the Euro.

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Euro/Sub currency 31

4.2 Sub currency main flag settings

PGM3 | System Flags | Currency Exchange

Local to EURO(sub) exchange rate

The exchange rate to 6 decimal places for the conversion from the local currency to the sub
currency. Any amounts in local currency will be multiplied by this value to arrive at the sub
currency equivalent.

EURO(sub) decimal places

Number of decimal places used for the sub currency.

Show EURO(sub) total in REG window?

The sub currency total is always displayed at the bottom of the REG window with the local

Show EURO(sub) total on receipt/journal?

The sub currency total is always printed on the bottom of receipts, the journal and bills with the
local currency.

Show EURO(sub) total on cust display?

The sub currency total is always displayed on the customer display with the local currency.

Change in EURO(sub) (No, local)?

When set, the change is always in EURO's. When set to no the change is always the local

EURO(sub) uses 2nd drawer?

The 2nd cash drawer is fired to store EURO tenders/change.

Show change in both currencies?

The change amount is printed in the 'other' currency as well on the receipt, journal and
registration window.

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32 ICRTouch Reference Manual

4.3 Sub currency change over function

PGM3 | System Flags | Currency Exchange | Run EURO(sub) change over
This converts all preset prices AND sales data from the local currency to the sub currency, using the
currently programmed exchange rate. Currency symbols and decimals places are also copied across.
The sub currency function will then be turned off, and the system will function as a Euro, single
currency system.

Preset tenders and discount button are left at the same value, although their decimal place will be
converted if necessary. Ie a £10 preset tender key would remain as a €10 preset tender key.
Keyboard text however, will need to be updated manually.

This function needs to be run on each till in a system.

The function will only take about a minute to complete.

Once run this process can only be reset by manually changing back.

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Euro/Sub currency 33

4.4 Sub currency function keys

PGM3 | Function Keys | Status Keys | Subtotal

Subtotal is EURO(sub)?
The displayed subtotal will always be shown in the sub currency. If used in conjunction with the
toggle flag below, then the first currency to be displayed will be the EURO currency.

Toggles between EURO(sub) and local?

Each time the subtotal button is pressed it will switch between showing the local subtotal and
the EURO subtotal.

PGM3 | Function Keys | Status Keys | Euro Shift

The Euro shift function is used to specify that the next tender is going to be in sub-currency.
Press the Euro shift button, then enter the amount to be tendered in Euro's, then press a standard
cash button.
The Euro shift function only works with finalise keys of type 'cash'. The function also works with preset
tender buttons. All tenders go into the Euro in drawer totals, instead of the local currency totals. The
Euro shift is reset for the next tender operation.

PGM3 | Function Keys | Finalise Keys | Cash

Tendered amounts in EUROs(sub)?

This finalise key is then a EURO only finalise key. All tendered amounts are in Euro's. All
tenders go into the Euro in drawer totals, instead of the local currency totals. There is no
need to use the Euro shift button when the Euro flag is set.

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4.5 Sub currency texts

PGM3 | System Programming | Fixed totalizers
New in drawer totals added at records 31 to 39 for Euro in drawer. All Euro tender amounts whether
tendered through a Euro flagged cash button, or by using the Euro shift button will go into their Euro in
drawer totals. All Euro change amounts will come out of their equivalent Euro in drawer total.

PGM2 | Fixed characters

The currency symbol for the Euro is the second currency symbol and can be up to 4 digits in fixed
character record 6. ICRTouch fully supports the Euro symbol (€), and with all compatible external

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Euro/Sub currency 35

4.6 Sub currency samples

Registration window showing totals in both currencies

Sample receipt showing totals and change in both


Registration window showing total and change in both


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Floor plan


Floor plan 37

5 Floor plan

5.1 Sales mode usage

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· Individual clerks can be set to default to the floor plan at sign on, PGM3 | Clerk | Clerk Features.
· Individual terminals are set as to which floor plan level they default to, PGM3 | Machine Features |
General Feature | Check Tracking.
· The background images for the floor plans can be changed, see manager mode floor plan.
· Tables can be transferred from 1 table to another, by first opening the table that you wish to transfer
from, and then using the table transfer function to transfer to the new table.
· The split table function can be used to 'split' items out of a table, these can then be paid for
separately, or can be transferred to another table or check.
· In a centralised check system, all of the table information is retrieved from the check tracking
master. At the point of going into the floor plan, all table information is up to date. If the floor plan is
left on the screen, then the data could become out of date as other tills use tables, table information
will be updated approximately once a minute. Even if table information is out of date on a satellite,
the system will not allow a table to be opened that is currently open on another terminal, as the
master is always enquired before any operation on a table is performed.
· Check number busy messages will occur if another clerk has a table open and you attempt to open
that table, also remember that you can have clerk interrupt and table/check tracking at the same
time, so an interrupted clerk can still have a table open. This option can be turned off, by turning on
the auto new balance flag in PGM3 | Machine Features | General Feature | Check Tracking.
However if you have auto new balance turned on and have a table open with KP items in it and you
are interrupted these items will at that point go to the kitchen, and the table stored away.
· Number of covers and table number being shown on the floor plan can be changed in PGM3 |
Machine Features | General Feature | Check Tracking.

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Floor plan 39

5.2 Modifying the floor plan

· The floor plan supports up to 10 floor plan levels.

· The floor plan background images are standard 256 colour 800x600 Windows .bmp files. They
must be saved with the file name FLOORPLN.BMP for floor plan level , or FLOORP?.BMP for levels
2 to 10, eg FLOORP3.BMP for level 3. A package such as Ms paint can be used to create a floor
plan image. To add/change a floor plan image, a recommended method is to copy the floor plan
image with the appropriate filename to a floppy, and then use the backup/restore function in
manager mode to 'load' the floor plan image in. NOTE if you are adding an extra level to the floor
plan the new level will not normally become active until the system is restarted.
· The number of floor plan levels available to the system is controlled by the image files available, ie if
floor plan images up to FLOORP4.BMP exist, then there will be 4 floor plan levels available. NOTE
floor plan levels must be contiguous.
· Holding down the arrow buttons whilst resizing/moving a table causes it to be resized/moved faster.

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Hairdressing Specification


Hairdressing Specification 41

6 Hairdressing Specification

6.1 Overview
· The ability to change stylist mid transaction The enables the system to deal
with transactions whereby multiple stylists have dealt with a single customer.
· Cashier commission The system will automatically calculate commission due to each
stylist. Commission rates can be different for each stylist with up to commissions available for
different types of product/service.
· Individual totals for each stylist End of day reports can show totals for each stylist,
for services, product sales etc.
· Different pricing structures for each stylist More experienced stylists can have
a different pricing structures than less.
· Customer loyalty The customer loyalty system can be used to track when customers last
visited, what products they regularly purchase. This information can also be exported for
Microsoft Word mail merge.
· Discounts Discounts can be given either manually or as part of the customer loyalty, this
can be preset to only discount services and not products.

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42 ICRTouch Reference Manual

6.2 Configuration
Configuration for hairdressing spec

Clerk Configuration
PGM3 | Clerk | Clerk Features | Price level at sign on
You can set a preset price level per clerk, this enables a sperate pricing structure per clerk to
be available.

PGM3 | Clerk | Clerk Features | Commission rate 1 - 4

Up to 4 commission rates per clerk can be configured in here. Each PLU has a flag to say
which commission rate it is linked to.

Function Key Configuration

PGM3 | Function Keys | Status Keys - Clerk Change
The clerk change key works exactly like a normal sign on key except that it allows the clerk of
the current sale to be changed without interfering with the sale. This way 2 cashiers can have
dealt with a single customer, whereby cashier 1 sign's on, registers the business that they have
done, then cashier 2 uses the Clerk Change key to take over the sale and register the work that
they have done.

PLU Configuration
PGM3 | PLU | PLU | Commission 1- 4
If cashiers are to be awarded commission on services then the appropriate commission rate
flags can be set.

Commission Text
PGM3 | System Programming | Fixed Totalizors - Records 44 to 47
The text for Commission 1 - 4 can be changed here

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Time & Attendance


44 ICRTouch Reference Manual

7 Time & Attendance

7.1 Overview
ICRTouch has a fully comprehensive Time & Attendance management system.

This effectively has 2 levels of operation;

If you configure shift patterns and job functions and then assign these to operators then the system will
calculate exact work time, based on the times they are meant to start and finish work, allowed grace
time (lateness before being penalised) and break times.

The system will deduct work time based on lateness outside of the grace time and round up to the next
time slot based on the rounding setting.

If you configure no job functions or shift patterns then purely clock in and clock out times are recorded
with no adjustments made for lateness etc.

Clocking in/out can be performed using magnetic cards, secret numbers or iButtons.

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Time & Attendance 45

7.2 Configuration
Configuration settings in ICRTouch

Employee Shifts
PGM3 | Clerk | Employee Shifts

Within here shift times are setup, eg morning shift, afternoon shift etc. You can also set the time
period during which breaks can be taken, and how long they can be late before incurring a penalty.

Employee Jobs
PGM3 | Clerk | Employee Jobs

Job functions can bet set in here, eg chef, cleaner etc. Each job can have up to 5 shift times set per
each day of the week.

Linking clerks to Jobs

PGM3 | Clerk | Clerk Features

Each clerk can be linked to up to 4 job functions.

Main status flags

PGM3 | System Programming | System Flags | Time & Attendance

The rounding time can be set in here as well as whether the system will log time changes and flag that
an employees work time could have been affected by the time change or not.

Master/Satelite configuration
PGM3 | System Programming | System Configuration

You must setup one time and attendance master and all the unit must be satelites, this way clocking in
and out operations can be performed on any terminal in the system.

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7.3 Reporting functions

The following Time & Attendance reports are available, these can be found in X/Z Mode | Period 1
Reports | Time & Attendance

Clocked In
This is a simple report that lists all employees that are clocked in, it also shows if they are on a break.

Hours Worked
This lists each employee in turn, followed by each day they have worked showing there start and end
times for that day including breaks (denoted by a 'b'). Infringements, lateness etc, is denoted by an 'i'
next to the time.

A worked time is given for each day with a total at the bottom.

Audit Trail
This allows access to the raw clocking in and clocking out data, showing each time & attendance
operation as it is performed.

The time & attendance file is 10,000 items long, either the Hours Worked report or the Audit Trail
report should be performed as a Z on a periodical basis to clear the file down. Performing the Hours
Worked report as a Z will only clear down work times that have been clocked out, anybody currently in
the middle of a work day will not be cleared down.

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Hotel PMS Systems


48 ICRTouch Reference Manual

8 Hotel PMS Systems

8.1 Overview
From version 2.52 ICRTouch has 6 options for posting to hotel PMS systems.

These are;

ICRTouch Specification
A shared text file interface using our own protocol. You can also set up a demonstration
interface using this specification.

Remote Audit Printing

A simple system that prints hotel postings to a remote audit usually in the front desk. For
hotels who do not have or require a direct link to a PMS system.

Micros 4700 Emulation

Emulates the RS232 interface of the Micros 4700.

Casio QT2000 Emulation - IPL v4.00

Emulates the shared text file interface of the Casio QT2000 without the need for IOPB12 or

A direct interface into Guestline using their OCX.

A direct interface into RezLynx over the internet.

A shared text file interface into Guestmaster using their protocol.

In order to post to a hotel PMS system you will need to configure the following;

A Hotel Transfer Finalise Key, this is used to initiate the post to the PMS.

System Flags | Hotel Posting, in here you need to configure the PMS type and other
configurable settings

System Programming | Device Connection & System Programming | IO Parameter, for

the RS232 based systems you will need to configure a device and a route.

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Hotel PMS Systems 49

8.2 ICRTouch Hotel Server Spec

ICRTouch Hotel Server Specification is our own interface developed by ICRTouch, when used with an
appropriately configured PMS system it will offer the greatest level of functionality. The interface
functions through shared text files, stored in a common directory {normally on the hotel server} that
both the hotel software and all the ICRTouch terminals have full read/write access to.

How it works
The file RoomFile.Txt is generated by the PMS system and contains all the details of the rooms that
are valid. ICRTouch will look for the presence of this file in the location as specified in the setting
Directory of hotel server, if it is unable to see/access this file then ICRTouch will through the error
FOLIOS FOR THIS ROOM FOUND would indicate that ICRTouch has successfully seen the file and
that the rooms are not populated correctly in the file by the PMS.

Each time ICRTouch performs a posting to a room it appends details of the posting to the file
Postings.Txt. The method of posting is offline, in that the hotel PMS software does not need to be
running and will process all posts in the Postings.Txt file when it starts.

If ICRTouch throws the error Unable to Create Output file, this would imply that the till running
ICRTouch does not have write permissions to the share where the hotel data is being performed.

Both RoomFile.Txt and Postings.Txt are text files and can be examined with a text editor {eg notepad}
during testing to ensure that the correct information is present.

Settings specific to ICRTouch Spec

Under System Flags | Hotel Posting

Set Hotel System to ICRTouch Server Spec

Set Directory of hotel server to a UNC or if preferred map network drive of where the RoomFile.Txt
file is created by the PMS. eg \\SERVERNAME\HOTELSHARE
Set Allow Alpha Room Numbers to Yes if the connected PMS can accept alpha numeric room
Set Post Group Totals (No, dept) to Yes if you wish PLU Group totals to be used, leave as no
Set Use shift allowances to Yes if you wish ICRTouch to prompt with a shift each time a posting is
made, eg Breakfast, Lunch etc. This information is passed in the posting.
Set Enclose Fields with " in .CSV file to Yes if you wish the exported Postings.Txt to have all fields
wrapped in quote marks, this is dependant on the PMS system

Other Information
Using this method ICRTouch posts the entire sale at PLU level. Each PLU is sent with either it's Dept
or PLU Group number based on the flag setting. A document detailing the protocol of our hotel server
spec is downloadable from the developers section on our dealers page. This is freely available and we
are happy for any PMS provider to have this in order to integrate.

Configuring a Test/Demonstration System

Create a text file Postings.Txt and copy the following into it;


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50 ICRTouch Reference Manual

FOLIO,MR SMITH,0.00,1000.00
FOLIO,MRS SMITH,0.00,1000.00
FOLIO,MR A JONES,0.00,1000.00
FOLIO,MRS WALTERS,0.00,1000.00

Point the Directory of hotel server at the location of this file.

This will create 3 rooms the first of which will have 2 occupants. For more information on this
specification see the document Hotel PMS Link.pdf in the developers section of our dealers page.

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP

Hotel PMS Systems 51

8.3 Remote Audit Printer

This is a very simple interface that allows hotels not running a PMS system or not having a PMS with
an interface to ICRTouch to perform hotel posting operations from the till. The till(s) simply print the
details of the posting on a remote audit roll printer normally sited at the front desk. This system is
totally offline and has no checking of room occupants etc.

Settings specific to Remote Audit Printing

Under System Flags | Hotel Posting

Set Hotel System to Remote Audit Printer

Set Allow Alpha Room Numbers to Yes if you wish to us alpha numeric room numbers.
Set Post Group Totals (No, dept) to Yes if you wish PLU Group totals to be used, leave as no
Set Use shift allowances to Yes if you wish ICRTouch to prompt with a shift each time a posting is
made this will be printed on the ticket
Set Print individual items to Yes if you wish the PLU's to be printed on the ticket.
Set Print Dept/Group Totals to Yes if you wish the totals of the depts {or groups} to be printed on the
Set Cut ticket after each posting to Yes if you want individual tickets to be printed, rather than a
continuous trail on an audit printer.

Under Device Connection | Hotel Printer/PMS

Set the terminal and the serial port that the printer is connected to.

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52 ICRTouch Reference Manual

8.4 Micros 4700

ICRTouch emulates the Micros 4700 for PMS postings. This works through an RS232 serial based

How it works
The protocol uses an RS232 connection to communicate fixed size messages between ICRTouch and
the PMS.

Conection issues sould be resolved by running HyperTerminal or similar at the PMS end and testing
for the communiction message from the POS.

Error Communications error with the PMS server would be an indication that the PMS server keeps
responding NAK which would be an indiciation that it doesn't understand what it has received.

Error No response from hotel server would be an indication that the hotel server has taken too long
to reply, meaning either the PMS hasn't received the request, or isn't monitoring for the request or isn't
running even.

Settings specific to Micros 4700 Emulation

Under System Flags | Hotel Posting

Set Hotel System to Micros 4700 Emulation

Set Allow Alpha Room Numbers to No
Set Post Group Totals (No, dept) to Yes if you wish PLU Group totals to be used, leave as no
Set Use shift allowances to Yes if you wish ICRTouch to prompt with a shift each time a posting is
made, eg Breakfast, Lunch etc. This information is passed in the posting.

Under Device Connection | Hotel Printer/PMS

Set the terminal and the serial port that the hotel PMS is connected to. You should only have one
ICRTouch terminal physically connected to the hotel PMS, all other terminals will route through this.

Under IO Parameter

Configure the appropriate serial port as Connect Device: Hotel PMS, configure the serial port speed
etc to match that of the PMS system.

Other Information
Using this method ICRTouch posts sales as department {or PLU group} totals. Only the first 4 depts
are passed, departments outside of this range are dropped.

Account Id field - This is soft configurable on the Micros 4700 to either 16 or 19 digits, this is fixed to 16
digits under ICRTouch.
Number of Covers field - This is soft configurable on the Micros 4700 to either 4 or 5 digits, this is fixed
to 4 digits under ICRTouch.
Our entire message block length is 199 bytes.

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP

Hotel PMS Systems 53

8.5 Casio QT2000 Emulation

ICRTouch emulates the Casio QT2000, IPL version 4.00 and VHS system, there is no need for the
IOPB12 or the VHS software, ICRTouch interfaces directly with the text files that are fed to the VHS
software. The interface functions through shared text files, stored in a common directory {normally on
the hotel server} that both the hotel software and all the ICRTouch terminals have full read/write
access to.

How it works
The file RoomGst.Txt is generated by the PMS system and contains all the details of the rooms that
are valid. ICRTouch will look for the presence of this file in the location as specified in the setting
Directory of hotel server, if it is unable to see/access this file then ICRTouch will through the error
FOLIOS FOR THIS ROOM FOUND would indicate that ICRTouch has successfully seen the file and
that the rooms are not populated correctly in the file by the PMS.

Each time ICRTouch performs a posting to a room it appends details of the posting to the file
Hotel.Log. The method of posting is offline, in that the hotel PMS software does not need to be
running and will process all posts in the Hotel.Log file when it starts.

If ICRTouch throws the error Unable to Create Output file, this would imply that the till running
ICRTouch does not have write permissions to the share where the hotel data is being performed.

Both RoomGst.Txt and Hotel.Log are text files and can be examined with a text editor {eg notepad}
during testing to ensure that the correct information is present.

Settings specific to QT2000 Emulation

Under System Flags | Hotel Posting

Set Hotel System to QT2000 Emulation (IPL v4.00)

Set Directory of hotel server to a UNC or if preferred map network drive of where the RoomGst.Txt
file is created by the PMS. eg \\SERVERNAME\HOTELSHARE
Set Allow Alpha Room Numbers to No
Set Post Group Totals (No, dept) to Yes if you wish PLU Group totals to be used, leave as no

Other Information
Using this method ICRTouch posts sales as department {or PLU group} totals. Only the first 4 depts
are passed, departments outside of this range are dropped.

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP

54 ICRTouch Reference Manual

8.6 Guestline Interface

ICRTouch interfaces to Guestline via the use of an OCX supplied by Guestline. There is an application
available on ICRTouch's dealer website that can be download that acts as an interface between
ICRTouch terminals and the Guestline hotel server - Guestline Server Interface. This typically is
installed on the Guestline server itself and interfaces directly with the OCX, it is then able to receive
data from the tills via the intertill network who can then communicate with the hotel database.

How it works
Guestline Server Interface must be installed somewhere on the network and be able to see the
Guestline hotel server and also be visible to the tills. It can be installed on one of the tills but is typically
installed on the Guestline hotel server itself and will reside in the Windows SysTray as a little ICR icon.
In any case which ever piece of hardware it is installed on, it must also be installed with the Guestline
OCX. The Server Interface will error on startup Class not registered if the Guestline OCX is not
present - contact Guestline for getting this installed.

Once installed configuration of the Guestline Server Interface can be performed by either right clicking
or double clicking on the icon in the SysTray. Instructions for configuring this interface can be found in
the help menu, there is some test functionality built into the servlet that allows you to test for the
presence of a room, a booking or a function without the need to do a posting using the point of sale.
All errors during posting are added to a log file ICRTouch.log, the last 50 lines of which are displayed
in the servlet.

All tills must be configured to communicate TCP/IP when using the Guestline Server, IPX is no longer
supported by this interface. This means they must all have a valid IP Address set under Windows and
must also have the Use TCP/IP flag set to Yes in System Configuration.

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP

Hotel PMS Systems 55

Settings specific to Guestline Interface

Under System Flags | Hotel Posting

Set Hotel System to Guestline/RezLynx

Set Post Group Totals (No, dept) to Yes if you wish PLU Group totals to be used, leave as no
Set Use shift allowances to Yes if you wish ICRTouch to prompt with a shift each time a posting is
made, eg Breakfast, Lunch etc.

Other Information
Using this method ICRTouch posts the entire sale at PLU level. Each PLU is sent with either it's Dept
or PLU Group number based on the flag setting, these are matched to Guestline Charge Codes which
can be configured in the Guestline Interface Server. +Amt and +% keys are passed across as dept
49 and -Amt and -% keys are passed across as dept 50, if you are using these then you should ensure
that you have appropriate charge code links setup for them.

Guestline allows sales to be posted by Room number, Booking number or Function by Booking
Number. There are flags on the hotel posting finalise key that determine which of these it works with.

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8.7 Guestline RezLynx

ICRTouch interfaces to RezLynx via the internet. There is an application available on ICRTouch's
dealer website that can be download that acts as an interface between ICRTouch terminals and the
RezLynx web server - ICRTouch RezLynx Interface. This typically is installed on one of the computers
at the front desk, but may be installed on one of the tills, it is then able to receive data from the tills via
the intertill network who can then communicate with the hotel database over the internet.

How it works
ICRTouch RezLynx Interface must be installed somewhere on the network and have access to the
internet and also be visible to the tills. It can be installed on one of the tills but is typically installed on
the on the front desk computer for ease of configuration and access to the log files etc and will reside
in the Windows SysTray as a little ICR icon.

Once installed configuration of the ICRTouch RezLynx Interface can be performed by either right
clicking or double clicking on the icon in the SysTray. Instructions for configuring this interface can be
found in the help menu, there is also a Test button on the ICRTouch RezLynx that tests the connection
to the RezLynx web server and also tests which tills it can see through the network. If the system
passes this test then all should function satisfactorily. All errors during posting are added to a log file

All tills must be configured to communicate TCP/IP when using the ICRTouch RezLynx Interface, IPX
is not supported by this interface. This means they must all have a valid IP Address set under
Windows and must also have the Use TCP/IP flag set to Yes in System Configuration.

Settings specific to ICRTouch RezLynx Interface

Under System Flags | Hotel Posting

Set Hotel System to Guestline/RezLynx

Set Post Group Totals (No, dept) to Yes if you wish PLU Group totals to be used, leave as no
Set Use shift allowances to Yes if you wish ICRTouch to prompt with a shift each time a posting is
made, eg Breakfast, Lunch etc.

Configuring the ICRTouch RezLynx Interface App

Under Settings

Configure Site Id, Device Id, User name and Password to connect to the RezLynx system.
Charge codes {Analysis Codes} will need to be mapped against depts, invalid charge codes will
mean items will not be posted.

Use the Test Connection option to confirm access to the RezLynx system and the network of till.

For further info see the built in help page.

Other Information
Using this method ICRTouch posts the entire sale at PLU level. Each PLU is sent with either it's Dept
or PLU Group number based on the flag setting, these are matched to RezLynx Charge Codes
{Analysis Codes} which can be configured in the RezLynx Interface Server. +Amt and +% keys are
passed across as dept 49 and -Amt and -% keys are passed across as dept 50, if you are using these

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP

Hotel PMS Systems 57

then you should ensure that you have appropriate charge code links setup for them.

There are 2 log files within the RezLynx Interface Server, one is a system log that logs all events. The
other is a 'Not Posted' log that shows all items that have not been posted into the system and why.
ICRTouch does warn the operator when not all items are posted to an account, though it is unaware of
which items and why. The log file should be consulted for this information.

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8.8 Guestmaster Protocol v1.0.4

This interface functions through shared text files, stored in a common directory {normally on the hotel
server} that both the hotel software and all the ICRTouch terminals have full read/write access to.

How it works
The file PMSData.Csv is generated by the PMS system and contains all the details of the rooms that
are valid. ICRTouch will look for the presence of this file in the location as specified in the setting
Directory of hotel server, if it is unable to see/access this file then ICRTouch will throw the error
FOLIOS FOR THIS ROOM FOUND would indicate that ICRTouch has successfully seen the file and
that the rooms are not populated correctly in the file by the PMS. A Zero credit error would indicate
that no credit limit has been set on the PMS.

Each time ICRTouch performs a posting to a room it appends details of the posting to the file
EPOSData.Csv. The method of posting is offline, in that the hotel PMS software does not need to be
running and will process all posts in the EPOSData.Csv file when it starts.

If ICRTouch throws the error Unable to Create Output file, this would imply that the till running
ICRTouch does not have write permissions to the share where the hotel data is being performed.

Both PMSData.Csv and EPOSData.Csv are text files and can be examined with a text editor {eg
notepad} during testing to ensure that the correct information is present.

Settings specific to ICRTouch Spec

Under System Flags | Hotel Posting

Set Hotel System to Guestmaster Protocol

Set Directory of hotel server to a UNC or if preferred map network drive of where the PMSData.Csv
file is created by the PMS. eg \\SERVERNAME\HOTELSHARE
Set Allow Alpha Room Numbers to Yes if the connected PMS can accept alpha numeric room
Set Post Group Totals (No, dept) to Yes if you wish PLU Group totals to be used, leave as no

Other Information
Using this method ICRTouch posts the entire sale at PLU level. Each PLU is sent with either it's Dept
or PLU Group number based on the flag setting.

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EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer


60 ICRTouch Reference Manual

9 EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer

9.1 Overview
ICRTouch has 4 different options for processing online credit card transactions, all of these require
additional 3rd party software and/or hardware

Commidea provided solutions

The traditional method of processing credit cards using a magnetic card reader at the till.

Ocius/ILink - Chip & Pin

Commidea's solution for taking Chip & Pin cards. Requires Commidea's Ocius software
solution and additional devices for taking Chip & Pin cards.

Commidea Chip & Pin Terminal - Direct Integration

Slightly more compact system where ICRTouch sends EFT transactions directly to the Chip &
Pin terminal, this is then configured to communicate directly to Commidea over a broadband
internet connection, no additional on site software is required.

Yes Pay provided solution

Yes Pay integrated EFT software communicates directly to chip and pin terminals connected to
the device and uses a broadband internet connection for authorisations.

Thyron provided solution

Thyron Paycell
This is a standalone Chip & Pin device, it is connected to one of the tills through an RS232
interface and can be shared by multiple tills. The device process transactions over a GPRS

In order to configure an EFT system you will need to configure the following;
A EFT Finalise Key, this is used to initiate the EFT transaction.

System Flags | EFT Control, in here you need to configure the EFT System type and other
configurable settings

System Programming | Device Connection & System Programming | IO Parameter, for

the RS232 based systems you will need to configure a device and a route.

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EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer 61

9.2 WinTI
WinTI is our traditional method of processing EFT transactions. A magnetic card reader is required on
the POS, details of the credit card are passed to WinTI for processing. All voucher printing is handled
by the POS.

We have 2 methods of communication between the POS and WinTI, Text Mode and Socket Mode.
The recommended method is Socket Mode.

Text Mode works with shared text files in the format T00000XX.IN and T00000XX.OUT where XX is
the terminal number, eg T0000002.IN would be the communications file for Till 2. The location of
these files can be specified in EFT Control | Server Directory and should be pointed at a shared
resource on the EFT server which is the Commidea data directory. UNC network paths should be
used in the Server Directory eg \\Server\Data. You should also ensure that the tills all have write
access to this share.

Socket Mode works using a TCP/IP socket connection to the EFT server. The IP Address of the
server should be entered in EFT Control | Server IP Address. The default port for WinTI is 1024, you
should ensure that this port is not firewalled on the server.

For either communication method it is important that you have a valid IP Address on both the POS
terminal and the Commidea server and that they are on the same subnet.

Settings specific to WinTI

Under System Flags | EFT Control


Set Use socket mode comms (if no, text) to Yes if you wish to communicate over an IP socket or No
if you wish to use shared text files.
Socket Mode - Set Server IP Address to be the IP Address of the server, eg - You can
also specify a custom port if required, eg
Text Mode - Set Server Directory to the UNC path of the share of the data directory of the Commidea
server, eg \\Server\Data

EFT Account Number - this is the 3 digit account number as used in WinTI, normally 001 but maybe
something else.

Prompt for cash back - The unit will prompt asking for a cash back amount when set.
Cash back adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether cash back amounts used will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.
Cash back Out-drawer totalizor - Is the In Drawer totalizor that cash back monies are taken from,
normally Cash in Drawer.
Prompt for gratuity - The unit will prompt asking for a gratuity amount when set.
Gratuity adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether gratuity amounts taken will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.
Allow customer not present transactions - When set the unit will ask whether the customer is
present or not.

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62 ICRTouch Reference Manual

9.3 Ocius/ILink - Chip & Pin

Ocius is Commidea's new solution for processing credit card transactions using Chip & Pin cards.
CAM {Commidea Application Manager} is used for configuration of Ocius/ILink

We have 2 methods of communication between the POS and Ocius, Text Mode and Socket Mode.
The recommended method is Socket Mode.

Text Mode works with shared text files in the format T00000XX.IN and T00000XX.OUT where XX is
the terminal number, eg T0000002.IN would be the communications file for Till 2. The location of
these files can be specified in EFT Control | Server Directory and should be pointed at a shared
resource on the EFT server and will be the same location that is configured with CAM | ILink Settings.
UNC network paths should be used in the Server Directory eg \\Server\EFT. You should also ensure
that the tills all have write access to this share.

Socket Mode works using a TCP/IP socket connection to the EFT server. The IP Address of the
server should be entered in EFT Control | Server IP Address. The default port for ILink is 29000, you
should ensure that this port is not firewalled on the server.

For either communication method it is important that you have a valid IP Address on both the POS
terminal and the Commidea server and that they are on the same subnet. IP Addresses will have to be
assigned statically, there is no support for DHCP using this system as many of the configuration
settings require an IP Address entered against them.

In order to process EFT transactions effectively ILink will need to have a POS Route configured within
CAM. POS routes tell ILink which terminal to forward credit card transactions on to, if you do not have
a POS route set then ILink will return the error UNKNOWNCLIENT when you attempt to process a
credit card transaction.

If you are using socket mode then you configure the POS route with the IP address of the POS
terminal and point it at which ever Chip & Pin terminal that that POS is to be using.

If you are using text mode then the POS route is the name of the text file that the target terminal is
using, eg T0000001 for till1, T0000002 for till 2, T0000015 for till 15 etc. If you are using Bill Lodging,
you will also need to set up a POS route for this, this will be T1000???.

An additional POS route for Bill Lodging if you are using Socket Mode is not necessary.

Settings specific to Ocius/ILink

Under System Flags | EFT Control


Set Use socket mode comms (if no, text) to Yes if you wish to communicate over an IP socket or No
if you wish to use shared text files.
Socket Mode - Set Server IP Address to be the IP Address of the server, eg - You can
also specify a custom port if required, eg
Text Mode - Set Server Directory to the UNC path of the share of the data directory of the Commidea
server, eg \\Server\EFT

EFT Account Number - this is the 3 digit account number as used in WinTI, normally 001 but maybe
something else.

Prompt for cash back - The unit will prompt asking for a cash back amount when set.
Cash back adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether cash back amounts used will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.
Cash back Out-drawer totalizor - Is the In Drawer totalizor that cash back monies are taken from,
normally Cash in Drawer.
Gratuity adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether gratuity amounts taken will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.

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EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer 63

Enable Bill Lodging - Table balances are sent from the POS to ILink for processing directly on the
Chip & Pin terminal.
Send Checks - When set, Checks are Sent.
Send Tables - When set, Tables are Sent.
Only send printed bills - When set, only tables/checks that have had bills printed are sent down to

Bill Lodging Information

The check master will resync all the checks/tables with Commidea ILink upon restart of ICRTouch.
There is also a funciton in Inline Functions that allows this to be done manually - this can be done on
any machine which will in turn instruct the check master to perform the op.

Before using the Bill Lodging functionality with Commidea and Ocius please read and understand the

If you begin a credit card transaction on an Ocius terminal using the Bill Lodging facility on a table and
then during this time make changes to the same table on one of the tills then it is entirely possible to
end up with 2 instances of the same table within the ILink system. Further to this payments made to
the 1st instance will not be sent by ILink to the POS and will thus result in data loss. We also found it
impossible to remove this first instance from ILink.

The Ocius terminals are only able to show 9 open bills. Setting the Only send printed bills flag
means that only checks/tables that have had a bill printed will be sent to Bill Lodging is a good way to
ensure that the checks/tabels pending is kept to a minimum. Further to this, the limit lies in the
terminals themselves rather than ILink, Entering data when the unit prompts ENTER POS
REFERENCE will only download bills that begin with the entered data. eg entering T1 would download
only Table 1, Table 10, Table 11 .... Table 100, Table 101 ... etc.

Sadly these issues are outside of our control, it is important that you and your customer understand
these implications before proceeding with an installation making use of the Bill Lodging facility.

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64 ICRTouch Reference Manual

9.4 Commidea Chip & Pin Terminal - Direct integration

ICRTouch can be configured to directly communicate with Commidea's EFT terminal, this in turn is
configured to communicate with Commidea over a broadband internet connection. None of the
additional Ocius/CAM/ILink software is required for this interface.

Only Socket Mode communications works with this method.

The IP Address of the EFT device should be entered in EFT Control | Server IP Address. The
default port for this is 25000.

It is important that you have a valid IP Address on both the POS terminal and the EFT device and that
they are on the same subnet. IP Addresses will have to be assigned statically, there is no support for
DHCP using this system as many of the configuration settings require an IP Address entered against

Settings specific to Direct Communications with the Commidea Terminal

Under System Flags | EFT Control


Set Server IP Address to be the IP Address of the device, eg - You can also specify a
custom port if required, eg

EFT Account Number - this is the 3 digit account number as used in WinTI, you need to get this
information from Commidea.
Account ID - this is the Account ID attached to the WinTI EFT account, you need to get this
information from Commidea.

Prompt for cash back - The unit will prompt asking for a cash back amount when set.
Cash back adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether cash back amounts used will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.
Cash back Out-drawer totalizor - Is the In Drawer totalizor that cash back monies are taken from,
normally Cash in Drawer.
Gratuity adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether gratuity amounts taken will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.

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EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer 65

9.5 Commidea Ocius for PC

Ocius for PC is an application written by Commidea that is desgined to run on the terminal in the
background requiring only an RS232 pin pad for Chip & Pin authorisation. To all intense purposes the
Ocius for PC application emulates a standalone Verifone terminal and to this end the configuration
instructions in the previous section should be followed.


You should use as the IP address, this is a local loop back IP address and basically means

Aside from the standard settings require for "Direct to Verifone" there is an additional flag that needs to
be set;

System Flags | EFT Control | Constantly Monitor for Receipts

This tells ICRTouch to monitor for the files c:\receipt1.txt and c:\receipt2.txt which are copies of the
EFT auth slips that are generated during the EFT transaction cycle and are copied by ICRTouch to it's
local receipt printer.

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9.6 Thyron Paycell

ICRTouch can be configured to directly communicate with Thyron's Paycell EFT terminal. This uses
RS232 to communicate, the device can be shared between multiple pos terminals.

Settings specific to Thyron Paycell

Under System Flags | EFT Control


Prompt for cash back - The unit will prompt asking for a cash back amount when set.
Cash back adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether cash back amounts used will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.
Cash back Out-drawer totalizor - Is the In Drawer totalizor that cash back monies are taken from,
normally Cash in Drawer.
Gratuity adds to drawer totalizor - Determines whether gratuity amounts taken will add in to the
credit card in drawer totalizor.
Use Thyron in portable mode - When set the unit is 'assumed' to be in a cradle, cash back requests
are prompted on the units screen instead of being requested at the pos.

Under Device Connection | Thyron Paycell

Set the terminal and the serial port that the Thyron device is connected to. This can be routed through
other terminals.

Under IO Parameter

Configure the appropriate serial port as Connect Device: Thyron Paycell, configure the serial port
settings to 19200, NONE, 8, 1.

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EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer 67

9.7 YESpay for WinCE

All hardware supplied by ICRTouch running Windows CE comes presinstalled with YESpay EFT, these
instructions detail how to activate the product ready for use.

Check that your hardware has YESpay and java preinstalled

From within Windows CE double click on My Device followed by Hard Disk. You should see a CrEme
folder and a YesEFT folder, if either of these are missing contact us and we can organise these for
you. You will also need an active internet connection.

Connect and configure Yes EFT for your pin pad

From standard Yes EFT is configured to work with a VeriFone [Dione] Secura connected to Serial Port
2, the settings for this can be found in the file properties\ file inside the yeseft folder.
The serial port setting is smartcardreader.port=COM2:

For settings more advanced than this you should take advice directly from YESpay.

Configuring Yes EFT with your merchant id and terminal id

Run ConfigureYesEFT.exe inside the YES EFT folder.

Unless told to do otherwise leave the Yes Pay and Creme locations as standard. Enter the Merchant
ID and Terminal ID for your site as given to you by YESpay then run 'Do Setup'.

Merchant ID 23 and Terminal ID 22980045 are for a test account.

Yes EFT can now be launched by running the LaunchYesEFT.exe application found in the YesEFT
folder. After a few seconds the pin pad should acknowledge that everything is working by showing
YES EFT on it's display. To configure Yespay to launch automatically everytime the terminal is started
copy 'Launch Yes EFT (Shortcut)' shortcut into the StartUp folder found on the Hard Disk, do not copy
the application itself as it requires LaunchYesEFT.ini to be in the same folder.

Configure ICRTouch to work with YESpay

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68 ICRTouch Reference Manual

Set System Flags | EFT Control | EFT SYSTEM to Yes Pay

All other settings can be left empty in which case ICRTouch will use it's default configuration which is;

Server IP Addres:

Message Port: 11000
Receipt Port: 12000
Interactive Port: 15000


Yes EFT outputs a log file to YesEFT\Logs\yescps.log. You will not be able to open this whilst Yes
EFT is running, but you will be able to make a copy of it and view it that way. Enchanced logging
information can also be acquired by setting logging.level to 3 in the file. In the
standard install this is set to 2.

CreMe can be configured to dump it's output to a file in the root directory 'My Device' called jscpout.txt,
this is decided when it is launched and depends on the settings in the batch file. There is an
alternative launch batch file in YesEFT\Logs\ that launches YesEFT with this turned on. Make sure
that YesEFT isn't running when you do this, so you may need to take the batch file out of the startup
directory if it is there.

CreMe Java Runtime

Please note a 30 day trial version of the CreMe Java runtime is supplied as standard on these
machines the 30 day trial begins from the first time that a Java application is run, after this period a full
licence will need to be purchased. This can be purchased from ICRTouch at a price of £25 per POS.
You will need to know the licence number of the terminal prior to purchasing this licence as product
activation is encoded in with the ICRTouch licence file.

Quick Setup Guide

1. Connect Verifone Secura {or alternative compatible pin pad} to COM2
2. Copy the CrEme enabled ICRTouch licence {network.buf} into the \Hard Disk\ICRTouch folder - or
use the 30 day evaluation period
3. Run ConfigureYesEFT.exe in the \Hard Disk\YesEFT folder and enter the terminal id and merchant
id as supplied by Yes Pay
4. Copy the 'Launch Yes EFT (Shortcut)' shortcut into the \Hard Disk\StartUp folder and run it
5. In ICRTouch configure EFT Type to YesPay
6. Create a new Finalise Key, keytype EFT and allocate it to the keyboard.

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EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer 69

9.8 Ocius for WinCE

All hardware supplied by ICRTouch running Windows CE comes presinstalled with Commidea Ocius
for CE, these instructions detail how to activate the product ready for use.

Check that your hardware has Ocius for CE installed

From within Windows CE double click on My Device followed by Hard Disk. You should see a
Ocuis4CE, if this is missing contact us and we can organise it for you. You will also need an active
internet connection.

Connect and configure Ocius for your pin pad

From standard Ocius for CE is configured to work with a VeriFone [Dione] Secura connected to Serial
Port 2, the settings for this can be found in the file PED.Settings.ccf file inside the Ocisu4CE folder.
The serial port setting is <COMPort>COM2</COMPort>

For settings more advanced than this you should take advice directly from Commidea.

Ocius for CE can now be launched by running the LaunchOcius.exe application found in the Ocius4CE
folder. The first time it is launched it will ask you to enter it's GUID, this is a 32 character string
supplied by Commidea on the install advice for the site. Once you have entered this Ocius4CE will
download updated software, accounts details, configuration settings etc. This process will take around
5 minutes.

To configure Ocius to launch automatically everytime the terminal is started copy 'Launch Ocius
(Shortcut)' shortcut into the StartUp folder found on the Hard Disk, do not copy the application itself as
it requires LaunchOcius4CE.ini to be in the same folder.

Configure ICRTouch to work with Ocius


Server IP Addres:

EFT Account Number: Enter Account code from Commidea install advice
Account ID: Enter Account ID from Commidea install advice
Await EFT dockets: Set to YES
Use SaleID in Merchant Ref: Set to NO if you want to manually specify a REF with each sale

Accessing the Ocius setup menu

The ocius.ini file include with our installation of Ocius for CE instructs Ocius to start automatically
without prompting to "Start Communications". This has the downside that it will will not be able to
access the setup menu. In order to access this menu, rename ocius.ini to something else and then
restart Ocius.

Quick Setup Guide

1. Connect Verifone Secura {or alternative compatible pin pad} to COM2
2. Copy the 'Launch Ocius (Shortcut)' shortcut into the \Hard Disk\StartUp folder and run it
3. Launch Ocius and enter your GUID
5. Server IP: Set EFT Acc Number and Account ID as per Commidea Install Advice. Set
Await EFT Dockets and Use Sale ID to Yes.
6. Create a new Finalise Key, keytype EFT and allocate it to the keyboard.

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Screen layouts


Screen layouts 71

10 Screen layouts

10.1 Sales mode

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72 ICRTouch Reference Manual

10.2 Home mode

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Screen layouts 73

10.3 Program mode

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Magnetic card format


Magnetic card format 75

11 Magnetic card format

11.1 Magnetic card format

Customer loyalty cards
ICRTouch uses magnetic swipe cards for customer loyalty. There are now 3 formats of magnetic
customer loyalty card that can be used by ICRTouch. The original ICRTouch specification that uses
track 1, a new specification that has been added to support the CRB (Impact) reval unit that uses track
2 and the custom card format that allows magnetic cards from other systems (either track 1 or track 2)
to be used with ICRTouch.

Format 1 - Track 1
The customer number must be stored in track 1 of the magnetic card, in the format ICRXXXXYYYY.

XXXX is the 4 digit site ID code. This must match the site ID set in PGM3, Customer Control.
Ask ICR for a site ID number.
YYYY is the customer record number.
eg ICR10010023 would open customer 23 at site ID 1001

The track must be 11 digits long, with no padding.

Format 2 - Track 2
Format 2 has been added to enable support with the CRB wall mountable reval unit.

The customer number must be stored in track 2 of the magnetic card, in the format XXXXYYYYY.

XXXX is the 4 digit site ID code. This must match the site ID set in PGM3, Customer Control.
Ask ICR for a site ID number.
YYYYY is the customer record number.
eg 100100023 would open customer 23 at site ID 1001

The track must be 9 digits long, with no padding.

Please note that format 2 now has provision for 5 digits of customer number as opposed to 4 of format
1. This allows customer number's greater than 9999 to be used.

Format 3 (custom format cards) - Tracks 1 & 2

Custom format magnetic cards enables ICRTouch to accept loyalty cards that were originally
developed for other systems. Encodings on both track 1 and track 2 are accepted.

Which tracks are accepted and the format of the layout is configured in PGM3 | Customers |
Customer Control | Custom format mag cards

Custom card format contains the layout of the track data that represents a customer loyalty card.
The card should be entered in it's entirety replacing the digits on the card that are to represent the
customer number with X's.

You need to flag 1 of the tracks to yes to indicate which track of the magnetic card the data is coming

eg if you had a card that had track data 1056000145 and the portion of the card 0001 represented the
customer number, then you would enter the data 1056XXXX45 into the Custom card format field.

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From then on every time the system encountered a card that was 10 digits long, starting with 1056 and
ending in 45, it would extract the number sitting behind the XXXX as being the intended customer
number to be logged on.

Check cards
ICRTouch can use magnetic swipe cards to open checks. These cards are in the format CHKXXX.

XXX is the number of the check. This can be any length up to 8 digits long.
eg CHK1001 for Check number 1001.

If the card is swiped at the beginning of a sale, you are given the option to print a bill for the check, or
open the check. If it is swiped at the end of a sale, then the sale balance will be transferred to the

Clerk cards
ICRTouch can use magnetic swipe cards to sign on clerks. These cards are in the format CLKXXX.

XXX is the number of the clerk.
eg CLK23 for clerk number 23.

Time & attendance employee cards

ICRTouch can use magnetic swipe cards for clocking in and clocking out. These cards are in the
format EMPXXX.

XXX is the number of the employee.
eg EMP23 for employee number 23.

Hotel Room Cards

Magnetic cards can be used for sending sales directly to the hotel server. These cards are in the
format ROOMX

X is the number that is posted to the hotel server.
Alpha numeric room numbers are supported by the card system abd will be passed to the hotel
server if the hotel server supports that format.
Length limits will also be dictated by the hotel server that the system is connected to.
eg ROOM11 for room number 11.
ROOM11A for room number 11A.

Function Key Macro Cards

ICRTouch has the ability to read in a string of data on track 1 that represents a list of function keys to
be pressed in the order that they appear on the card. Each function is proceeded by a 3 letter code to
represent the function type followed by a numeric code that represents the record number.

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Magnetic card format 77

There are 5 types of function code, these are;

FXD - Represents fixed keys, these are the numeric keys and decimal point on the keyboard
FIN - Finalise keys, cash keys etc
TRN - Transaction keys
STS - Status keys

The number that follows the symbol is always function key record number {starting at 1} except in the
case of the type FXD whereby the digits that follow are entered in this case a string of data containing
the characters 0 - 9, C {clear} and . {decimal point} are accepted.

If dialogs requiring user input are encountered during the processing of the string then the function will
stop, await for the input before proceeding to finish function execution.

Erroneous data in the string will cause the function to be halted at that point, eg having FXM instead of



Would press Status key number 25.


Would enter 1.5 then press Status Key 10 then press PLU 12 followed by Finalise Key 1.

There are a maximum of 79 characters available to track 1 on a magnetic card.

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Hidden functions menu


Hidden functions menu 79

12 Hidden functions menu

12.1 Hidden functions menu

When prompted for a clerk number when entering program mode, the clerk code 2552 can be used.
This will always give access to all programming modes. This number cannot be used to sign on in any
other mode.

When prompted for a clerk number when entering program mode, the clerk code 88888888 can be
used, this will give access to the hidden functions menu. The following items can be found in the
hidden functions menu;

Sales Data Reset

This resets all sales data on this terminal to zero.

Note if you are using customer loyalty, in order to keep the sales data for the loyalty file up to date you
will need to send it in from another terminal afterwards.

Note that if the target machine is a check tracking master, the check file will be zeroed as well.

Enable Mouse/Remove Mouse

Turns on or off the mouse pointer, so that the terminal can be used with a mouse.

Enable NET Drivers/Remove NET Drivers

Turns on or off the networking of the till. Useful if you do not have a network card installed, as it will
stop it from coming up with error messages. May need to set this to yes when installing a new
terminal. The terminal will need rebooting after making a change here.

Turn Off Journal/Turn On Journal

Turns on or off the electronic journal. Note that the view journal button will no longer function if set to

Master Reset
CLEARS OUT THE ENTIRE MEMORY CONTENTS OF THE TILL, and brings it back to a default,
blank program. The till then determines which terminal ID it is by looking at others on the LAN, and
then prompts to suck it's program from one of the other terminals on the LAN.

Exit to Windows
Leaves the application without shutting windows down.

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Examination of NET & Gross


Examination of NET & Gross totalizors 81

13 Examination of NET & Gross totalizors

13.1 Examination of NET & Gross totalizors

The sales totalizors of ICRTouch fall loosely into 2 categories, those that are net and those that are
gross. They are calculated at different times during a sale, sometimes across different terminals, in
the case of floating clerks and centralised checks, and sometimes across different sales, in the case of
check tracking. This can cause apparent differences in these 2 types of totalizors.

Gross totalizors
Gross totalizors are calculated as items are rung into the till. Gross Sales, Department totals, PLU
Group totals and PLU totals are all gross totalizors. These are calculated at the till that they are rung
into, regardless of whether the sale itself is cashed off on another. Gross totals are the total of all
items sold on this till.

Net totalizors
Net totalizors are calculated when sales are cashed off at the till. Net Sales, the 'in-drawer' totalizors
and finalise keys are all Net totalizors. These are calculated on the till that the sale is cashed off on,
regardless of which till the items that are in the sale were actually rung in on. Net totals are the total of
all sales paid for at this till.

Why are there often differences between these 2 type of totalizor?

This question always crops up when a new till system is installed. The 3 main causes for differences in
these 2 types of total are floating clerks, check tracking and discounts/premiums.

Floating Clerks

As items are rung into a sale, the gross totals are calculated, depts, plu's etc. If the clerk's sale is now
'floated' to another terminal and cashed off, the net totals will now be calculated. The result is that the
gross totals will stay on the terminal that the clerk was originally on, however the net totals will be on
the terminal that the sale was cashed off. An X/Z report taken on till A will show gross totalizors, gross
sales, dept sale, plu groups sales etc, but no net totalizors, net sales, cash in drawer etc. However till
B will be the opposite of this showing net totalizors but no gross totalizors. An inline consolidated
report between the 2 tills will show these 2 types of totals as being equal. If for any reason this clerk's
sale is not 'cashed off' during that day, or the till powered down without it being cashed off, then the net
totals for that sale will not be calculated, and may even be carried across to the next day.

Check Tracking

The rules that apply to check tracking are similar to floating clerks. When checks are stored, only their
gross totals are calculated, much like if a sale is not cashed off with a clerk. The check's net totals will
ONLY be calculated when that check is cashed off.

Many restaurants specify a terminal as being a waiter station, and as such used only for ringing items
into checks/tables, they are often not equipped with a drawer, and sales are not cashed off at them.
X/Z reports taken from a till like this will always show very high gross totalizors, but little or no net
totalizors. The other side to this is that there is often a till where bills are paid at, but usually not used
for ringing items into. X/Z reports taken from this till will usually show very high net totalizors, but little
or no gross totalizors. However an inline consolidated report for these tills will shows these 2 types of
total as being equal.
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82 ICRTouch Reference Manual

Note if checks/tables are not cashed off on one day, then their net totalizors WILL TILL NOT be
calculated. This will give a difference on an X/Z report of all tills, in gross and net totalizors of the value
of any check/table that has not been chased off. To compound the situation, when the check/table is
noticed next day, and cashed off, it will have contributed to the net totalizors for that day, but not the
gross totalizors. On the first day all of the gross totalizors will be higher than the net totalizors, but on
the next it will be the other way around, by the same amount. This also will occur if temporary tabs are
run up by staff and regular customers using checks.

With both floating clerks and check tracking the 2 types of totalizor will always end up being equal,
across all tills, over a period, excluding exceptional circumstances, eg power failure in the middle of a
sale, or Z clearing the check tracking file.

Discounts/Premiums, Service Charge etc

Any discounts or premium amounts applied will be added/subtracted from net totalizors. However they
will not affect the gross sales totalizor and will only affect PLU, PLU Group & Dept totals when it is a %
discount/premium and the 'NET Totalizing for PLU's and Depts' flag is set in;

PGM3->Machine Features->General Feature->Machine Control 2.

Under most circumstances these totals appear in net totalizors but not in gross totalizors. The gross
and net totalizors will normally be different by any discounts/

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Check Backup Master


84 ICRTouch Reference Manual

14 Check Backup Master

14.1 Check Backup Master

When using a centralised check system in a network of ICRTouch tills you can configure a check
backup master to take over when the master breaks / goes offline.

How to Configure:
1) Within System Configuration (Program 3 ->System Flags ->System Configuration) there is a flag
I am a backupmaster (only set one per till network) set to yes.

2) Manager Functions-> Inline Functions-> IRC initialize (on any till)

3) Manager Functions-> Inline Functions-> Send check file to backup (this needs to be done on the
chk master) this sends the current chk indexes, chk details and reservation details to the backup

When the master goes wrong:

If the check master is offline then when trying to access the check file (through open check, floorplan
or reservations) the tills on the network will error with check master offline

To convert over to the backup master

Manager Functions-> Inline Functions-> Switch to backup chk mst

When the master is put back onto the network it will display a message saying that the backup master
has become the master and the master will now become a satellite. You will need to manually setup a
new backup master and do an IRC initialize.

How it works:

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86 ICRTouch Reference Manual

15 Misc

15.1 PLU List Import Key


The PLU list import function allows a text file list of PLU's to be imported and registered at the till.

Function Key Programming - Status Key

Item list number: determines it's file name
Use programmed dir location? Use the programmed 3 program location for the file location, see below
Delete file after use? This disposes of the import file after it has been read in

Import File
Filename: SaleItemsX.lst where X represents the number specified above.
Location should be in ICRTouch\SaleItemList or in the location in System Flags | Comms Control if
"Use Programmed Location is set?"

File format
PLU number, Qty, Preset value override

If the PLU number is proceeded with an R then it's random code is used

If Qty is omitted a Qty of 1 is used, if value is omitted then it's normal price is used.

If a preset price is used the PLU must be set to be preset overridable

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Misc 87

15.2 PLU Pictures

PLUs can be attached to a picture, this allows a picture (full colour photo) to be attached to a PLU, this
can either be displayed through the use of a picture inquiry button, or even prompt the user Yes/No
when the user tries to sell the product.

Location for PLU Pictures

System Flags | Comms Control | Directory for PLU pictures

Enter in here the directory where your pictures are stored. This can be a local folder eg
c:\icrtouch\pictures or a UNC eg \\server\pictures. If no directory is entered then the root ICRTouch
directory is used.

Filename Format
R{NUMBER}.jpg - Where {NUMBER} is the random code or barcode of the product
M{NUMBER}.jpg - Where {NUMBER} is the memory number of the PLU (1-MAXPLU)

eg R12345670.jpg for PLU with the barcode 12345670 or M56.jpg for PLU 56.

Either format can be used, but the system will always go for the random code format first.

File Format
Only jpgs are supported. The size of the dialog is 320x320 pixels, images smaller than this will be
centred in the dialog, images larger will be cropped.

The PLU PICTURE ENQUIRY is a status key, this can be pressed prior to pressing a PLU to look up
it's picture.

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88 ICRTouch Reference Manual

15.3 PLU Notes

PLUs can be attached to a text file of notes that can be called up on screen using the PLU notes
inquiry key.

Location for PLU Notes

The location of PLU notes is fixed in the ICRTouch\PLUNotes directory.

Filename Format
R{NUMBER}.txt - Where {NUMBER} is the random code or barcode of the product
M{NUMBER}.txt - Where {NUMBER} is the memory number of the PLU (1-MAXPLU)

eg R12345670.txt for PLU with the barcode 12345670 or M56.txt for PLU 56.

Either format can be used, but the system will always go for the random code format first.

File Format
The text file should be a standard ASCII text file, Multibyte Unicode files are not supported. Each line
should be no more than 40 columns wide, anything over 40 columns will be truncated.

Double width can characters can be created by immediately preceding it with an underscore eg

The PLU NOTES ENQUIRY is a status key, this can be pressed prior to pressing a PLU to it's text file
and display it on screen.

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Misc 89

15.4 Launch Batch File Status Key


The Launch Batch File key enables external applications to be launched from a button on the sale
mode screen.

Function Key Programming - Status Key

Keytype: Launch Batch File

Batch File number: This relates to the file name of the batch file, see below

Wait until completion? Determines whether ICRTouch waits until the batch file has finished before
returning control to the user

Launch as minimized? Determines whether the batch file is hidden whilst it runs

Batch File
Filename: batchXX.bat where XX represents the number specified above. 2 digits are used to
represent single digit numbers, eg batch01.bat, batch20.bat etc.

Location should be in ICRTouch\batch eg ICRTouch\batch\batch01.bat etc.

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90 ICRTouch Reference Manual

15.5 Picture Frame USB Drive

ICRTouch can be configured to display images placed on a removeable usb drive whilst the screen
saver is running, much like a digital photo frame. This can be used to allow bar managers to easily ad
or change current promotions or advertising material that are shown on the displays whilst ICRTouch is

Take a USB Stick and create an ICRTouch folder in it

In the ICRTouch folder create the file RemovableDisk.xml - this can {should} be an empty file

In the ICRTouch folder create a folder "Picture Frame"

In the Picture Frame folder place whatever images you like {bmp/jpg/jpeg/png/gif are all supported}

The USB stick can be plugged/unplugged into the till at any time, but will only be detected by the
screen saver if it is plugged in at the time when the screen saver starts. Whilst the screen saver is
running at each 'image change' it will include images from the USB Stick.

The time between images changes is set in the ScreenSaver.xml file that can be found in the Skin
folder of the skin you are using - look in PGM5 to determine which one you are using. This file can be
edited in notepad;

<SCREENSAVER imagetime="100" ScreenOffFillColour="FFFFFF" >


From standard the image time is 100, this means that the current image will remain on screen for 100
seconds before being changed. ICRTouch will also wait until the current scrolling message has
finished. You can set this to whatever you like, 5 seconds is quite good if you're planning on using lots
of images.

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Misc 91

15.6 Registry Settings

ICRTouch's registry settings are all stored in: HKLM\Software\ICR\ICRTouch

Name Type
WindowedMode String Set to True to run in a Window
XResolution Dword Only applies when in Windowed mode
YResolution Dword
IgnoreUSB String When True doesn't attempt to look for the Blue usb dongles
IgnoreLPT String As above but for Parallel
IgnoreSer String As above but for Serial
NoOnlineUpdates String When True hides the online update menu in PGM5
NoCustBalOnRct StringWhen True stops customer balances from being printed on
customer receipts
TCPPort Dword Overides the standard port number (5555) for the back office
TCP socket

ICRTouch Launcher
The ICRTouch Launcher's registry settings are all stored in: HKLM\Software\ICR\ICRTouch\Launcher

Name Type
Delay Dword Time delay in MS before ICRTouch is started. Increase this if
you are having trouble with ICRTouch starting too early in the
boot phase
LaunchApp String Targets ICRTouch
NoCancel String When set to True removes the Cancel button
StartDir String Working Directory for ICRTouch

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92 ICRTouch Reference Manual

Customer loyalty cards 75

Index Customer master 10

Customer number 9
Customer Pictures 18
Customer total master 10
-3- customer transfer 9
Customers 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
3rd Party Customer Server 14

-A- -D-
Device Connection 20
Account 7, 9
Direct PC connection 24
Account number 7
Auto create customers 11
Auto creation of customers at point of sale
Avery FX120 26
12 -E-
EFT 60
Employee cards 75
-B- Employee Jobs 45
Employee Shifts 45
Back office PC 24
Enable mouse 79
Barcode scanner 21
Enable net drivers 79
Euro 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
-C- Euro chage over 32
Euro shift 33
Caller ID 7, 12 Exit to Windows 79
Casio QT2000 48, 53
Check cards 75
CID 7 -F-
Clerk cards 75
Fidelity 14
Clerk change 41, 42
Fidelity Instant Loyalty 14
Clerk commision 41, 42
Floor plan 37, 39
Clocking In 44, 45
Function key macro cards 75
Clocking Out 44, 45
Coin Dispenser 28
coin revaluer 16
Commidea 60, 62, 64, 69
CRB 16 Guestline 48, 54, 56
Creating new customers using acc no's 11 Guestmaster 48, 58
Credit Cards 60
CreMe 67
Cross over lead 22 -H-
Crucible Technologies 12 Hair dressing 41, 42
CTI Meteor 12 Hidden functions 79
Currency exchange 31, 33 Home delivery system 12
Customer accounts 14 Home mode screen 72
Customer audit trail 7, 10 Hotel Posting 48
Customer cid logon 9 Hotel Server 48
Customer groups 8 Hotel Transfer Cards 75
Customer hot card 9 Hours Worked 46
Customer inquiry 9
Customer loyalty 7

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP

Index 93

-I- -P-
ILINK 60, 62 Pay account 9
Impact 16 PLU Notes 88
Instant Loyalty 14 PLU Notes Enquiry 88
IO Parameter 20 PLU Picture Enquiry 87
IPX/SPX 24 PLU Pictures 87
PMS 48

-J- Prepaid 7
Printer cable spec 21
Program mode screen 73
Java 67
jpeg 18, 87
jpg 18, 87 -R-
-K- Recalibrate screen 79
Receipt printers 20
Registry Settings 91
Kitchen Printers 20
Remove mouse 79
Remove net drivers 79
-L- RezLynx 56
Room Cards 75
Licence Number 5
Logging on customers with caller id 12
-M- Sale Item List Import 86
Sales data reset 79
Magnetic card format 75 Sales mode screen 71
Magnetic card reader 21 Scale 26
Magnetic cards 7, 75 Sub currency 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
Master reset 79
Micros 4700 48, 52
Modem PC connection 24 -T-
Table plan 37, 39
-N- Telequip T-Flex 28
text 88
NET & Gross totalizors 81 Thyron 66
Network 10, 22 Thyron Paycell 60
Network cable spec 22 Time & Attendance 44, 45, 46
Network connection 22 Turn off EJF 79
Network Name 5 Turn on EJF 79
note revaluer 16
Notes 88
-O- USB MS Cash Drawer 27

OCIUS 60, 62
Ocius for CE 69 -V-
Ocius for PC 65
Version Number 5

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94 ICRTouch Reference Manual

Weight PLU 26
WinTI 60, 61

Yes EFT 67
Yes Pay 60
YESpay 67

© 2009 ICRTouch LLP


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