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CBR - Bilingual - Lasrumata Ida Nababan

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Bilingual Learning

UNIMED Lecturer Team


NIM : 1213311143





Praise and gratitude the authors say to God Almighty, because of his blessings and grace so
that the author can complete the critical book report assignment for this Bilingual Learning
course properly and on time. The book being reviewed is a book entitled "Bilingual
Learning". The author does not forget to thank:

 My parents who always pray for me, so that I can complete this critical book on time.
 Lecturer in the subject Mrs. Prof. Dr NAEKLAN SIMBOLON,S.Pd.,M.Pd and EVA
BETTY, M.Pd who have provided guidance, so that I can complete this assignment
 Friends of class M - PGSD students who always provide support so that this
assignment can be completed as it should.

The writer also realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this thesis, therefore the
writer apologizes if there are mistakes in writing and the writer also hopes for criticism and
suggestions that build the perfection of this thesis. Finally, the author would like to thank, I
hope this paper that the author made can be useful for writers and readers.

November 2022


Lasrumata Ida Nababan


FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
LIST OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTIN......................................................................................................................................... 4
A. Rationalizing The Importance CBR..................................................................................................................... 4
B. Purpose Of Writing CBR ..................................................................................................................................... 4
A. Benefit Of CBR Writing ...................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Identity Of Book .................................................................................................................................................. 5
I. Main Book ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Comparison Book ............................................................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
SUMMARY OF BOOK CONTENT ............................................................................................................................... 7
A. MAIN BOOKS .................................................................................................................................................... 7
B. COMPARISON BOOK ..................................................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER III ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
A. Book Advantages ............................................................................................................................................... 17
B. Lack of Book ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER IV ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
CLOSING ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
A. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
B. Suggestion.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................................................................... 20


A. Rationalizing The Importance CBR

The minimal development of science is due to the low interest in reading students at
this time. Criticizing books is one way that can be done to increase interest in reading.
Criticizing Books (Critical Book Review) is an activity to review a book in order to know
and understand what is presented in a book. Basically a book review focuses on evaluation
(explanation, interpretation and analysis) of the strengths and weaknesses, what is
interesting, and how the book These changes can change perceptions and ways of thinking
and become a consideration whether the knowledge gained is able to increase
understanding of a particular field of study.

In addition, criticizing books can also train our ability to analyze and evaluate the
discussion presented by the author. So that it becomes a valuable input for other writing
creative processes. Criticizing a book cannot be done if the critic does not read the whole
book. By doing this review, readers can find out the quality of the book by comparing the
work of the same author or other authors and can provide input to the author of the book
in the form of criticism and suggestions on the systematics of writing, content, and
substance of the book. In addition, for readers, Critical Book Review This book aims to
provide readers with guidance in choosing a book.

B. Purpose Of Writing CBR

1. To fulfill the tasks of Billingual Learning Courses
2. Improve students' ability to criticize and analyze book content
3. The results of book criticism will also make it easier for people to understand the contents of
the book so that it will indirectly reduce the habit of lazy reading due to too long narration.

A. Benefit Of CBR Writing

1. As a reference on how to perfect a book and find relevant reading sources
2. Improve students' skills in making good and correct research reports.
3. Make writers more honed in critiquing a book
B. Identity Of Book

I. Main Book

Book Title : Pembelajaran Bilingual

Writer : Tim Dosen

Publisher : Unimed

Publication City : Medan

Publication Year 2022

II. Comparison Book

Title Book : Bilingual Education Programs

Writer : Dr. Didik Santoso,M.Pd and Pirman Ginting,M.Hum

Publisher : Prenadamedia Group

Publication City : Kencana

Publication Year : April 2015

ISBN : 978 – 602 – 1186 – 60 – 2




Unit 1 Introduction

Course Overview

According to Baker (2000), bilingualism has an impact on the lives of children and their parents. Bilingual
will affect the child's identity, namely school, work, place of residence, travel and way of thinking.

The benefits of being bilingual when children learn two languages can be seen when they grow up, where
they will be able to access two literatures, can easily understand different traditions, and act and have a
more open way of thinking.

Some of the potential abilities resulting from bilingual learning are as follows (Baker 2000):

a. Communication skills: broader communication and understanding two languages

b. Cultural awareness: absorption of foreign cultures and greater tolerance
c. Cognitive development skills: creative and sensitive in communication
d. Ability to develop personality: increase self-confidence and a sense of security in one's identity
e. Educational ability: improves educational achievement and makes it easier to learn a third language.

Bilingual Mastery Skills

Bilingual mastery skills are a fun thing for early childhood when children acquire these abilities from the
results of the bilingual process that is carried out.

What is important for parents and early childhood educators to know about bilingualism in children is:

a. All children are capable of learning two languages

b. It is important for children to know the language of their parents as a component of the child's
cultural identity and sense of community
c. Bilingual abilities become complete if the child has experience in two languages
d. The language that is used more often in society will provide more support
e. Parents can complement bilingual skills by using the language their children know best and using it
in a variety of ways.

Unit 2

Gretings and Introduction


 Introduction (Perkenalan Diri)

Bahasa Indonesia English

Halo, apa kabar ? Hi, how are you?

Nama saya Ibu Nia My name is ms. Nia

Saya adalah guru matematika kalian I am your math teacher

Senang berkenalan dengan anda Nice to meet you

Nama kamu siapa? What is your name?

Semoga kita bertemu lagi ya Hope to see you again

 Grettings and Form of Address (Menyapa dan Bentuk Panggilan)

Teacher student

Good morning children Good morning miss / mrs / mr

Good afternoon everybody Good afternoon (surname / first name)

Hello boys and girls Hello teacher

Unit 3 Checking Attendance, Organizing the Classroom, and Ending Lesson


 Checking attendance ( Memeriksa kehadiran )

a. Let’s call the roll
b. Let’s take the register
c. I am going to check the attendant list
d. Let’s check to see who is here
e. So, everyone is here except
f. So, only two people away

 Organizing the classroom (Mengatur kelas)

a. Put all your things away
b. Get your books and pencils out
c. Close the window beside you
d. Put your pencils down
e. Turn back to face tho front
f. Leave your drawing on the table

 Ending lesson (Mengakhiri pelajaran)

a. Okay, we have not enough time. We will continue oyr lesson on the next secti
b. Okay, pick up all of your things – and put the book in the cupboard
c. Okay students, make a line to say good bay – following the leader
d. Okay, it is a break time, so you can go out to play. But firstline up quietly by thedoor
e. Right, we have no time for anything else – stop writng

Unit 4

Giving Introductio in Inglish


Giving Instructions in English (Memberi Intruksi dalam Bahasa Inggris)

 Come in and please sit down

 Okay – sit down now please

 Sit down together sitting down and standing up at your tables

 Okay everyone sit down quietly

 Okay everybody, stop talking now and listen carefully

 Right, Taro, can you come here please?

 I want you to make two lines start from here (showing start points to the students)

Unit 5

Recalling Routines, Being Good – A Positive Approach to Discipline


Recalling routines : what we – do when (Mengingatkan hal – hal rutin : apa yang kita
lakukan ketika)

• What do we do when we are learning a new song?

• When we are having a story?

• When we are reading a big book?

• Come up and sit on the map

• Clear everything up nicely

Being good – a positive approach to disicipline (Berperilaku baik – pendekatan yang

positif terhadap disiplin)

• Please stop talking now. No more talking for a bit. Please keep quiet

• Please calm down now. Okay, that’s better

• Quiet please ! settle down and listen. That’s good Eva. Thank you Emilio

• No who can call tell me the name of the book? Lots of hands raised. Excellent

Unit 6

Explaning and demonstrating, turn giving


Explaining and demonstrating (Menjelaskan dan memperagakan)

o Today we are going to do some coloring. Look, i show your first how to do it. Do likethis (showing
how to color a flower)
o Now, it is your turn to do some drawing
o Now, it is your turn to do some painting
o Now, it is your turn to do sime sticking
o Next we are going to draw a house
o Look here’s a picture for your to color
o Here a sticker sheet for your to share

Turn Giving

o Everybody – all of you ready?

o Maria your turn
o Okay, this group now
o Anybody else? Hands up one a time ; don’t just shout out

o Okay, yellow team, next is your turn

o Rights now boys and girls all together

Unit 7

Asking For Helpers And Giving Things Out


Asking for helpers and giving things out (Meminta bantuan siswa dan membagikan barang)
I need two helpers please
So, can you give out these pictures to your friends? One each
So everyone has one paper?
Santi, can you help me? Can you give out the cards? Three for each table

Unit 8
Extra Pharases For Ball Games, Pharases Describing Position, Asking WhoWants A Turn


Extra Pharases for Ball Games (Frasa lain untuk permainan sepak bola)

Oh dear! You dropped it!

Can you get it?
Can you reach it?
Kick it over here
Throw it gently
Who can catch it?
Pass it back to me
Get a goal. Roll it, don’t bounce it. Throw it away now
Mind the windows
No other ball games allowed in the classroom

Pharases Describing Position

 In the left
 In the middle
 Next to the tree
 At the top of the tree
 Right at the front of the picture
 Asking Who Wants a Turn
 Who wants to start, hands up
 Which group has not been?
 Who has still not had aturn?
 Who still wants a go?
 One more go who wants the last a go?

Unit 9 Setting Up Pairs and Groups, Children in Pairs and GroupsPenyajian

Setting Up Pairs and Groups (Membuat Pasangan dan Pengelompokan)

 Are you ready ? Yiu are going to do this in pairs

 You’ re going to work
 So now everybody. In threes
 Quite please! You will be playing this in groups of three or four
 Listen carefully
 Here are two pictures, but you must not show them
Children in Pairs or Groups (Anak – anak berpasangan atau dalam kelompok)

Student 1
 Who wants to start?
 Whose turn is it?
 Who’s next?
 You first and then me, okay?
 Have you finished?
Student 2
 Me! / Not me!
 Mine ! Yours! Ana’s
 Me! Ana!
 Yes, I am done
 All right
 No, you firs
 No yet, please give me a minute

Unit 10 Phonic Approach and Finding Place


Phonic approach (Pendekatan ponik)

Who can Find A letter which says Like for banana?

Can you Point to A word beginning With a w sound as in wolf
Can anyone See A words that starts With a n sound?
A word that ends With cat?
A word that rhymes

Finding The Place (Menemukan Tempat)

 You need to open your on page 13. Read what it says

 Please open your activity book page 22. Can you read it on your own?
 Find where we done reading last time. Is it on page 30? Can you do what it says?
 Go to page 14. Please, read it out loud, Yanti! The rest of you keep quit and listen to

Unit 11 Story Questions and Prompts

Story qustions and prompts (Pertanyaan tentang cerita dan arahan)
 Was eating the cheese (at the beginning of the story)
 Saw the bird aeting the cheese?
 Wanted the cheese?

 Can you tell me more about it?
 Why did you do that bit yellow?
 Who’s get a spare pencil?
 Can someone lend Giorgio a pencil / some colours?
 Here’s one! Here you are

Unit 12 Praktek Pembelajaran Bilingual yang Bernuansa ke SD- an

a. Numbering
 Cardinal numbers

0 Zero Zirou
1 One Wan
2 Two Tuw
3 Three Tri :
4 Four Fo :
5 Five Faif
6 Six Siks
7 Seven Seven
8 Eight Eitj
9 Nine Nain
10 Ten Ten

 1 st = first
 2 nd = second
 3 td = third
 4 th = fourth
 5 th = fifth
 6 th = sixth
 7 th = seventh
 8 th1 = eighth
 9 th = ninth
 10 th = tenth
Unit 1 Intoduction

The development of science and techonology have brought many changes in almost all
aspects of life that demans a quality system of international scale In Indonesian
hilingual education has recently been a trend to find schools with bilingual program
meaning that it is applying the use of two languages in teaching a subject contact

Unit 2 Bilingual Program

Bilingual program is a model of instruction applied in bilingual class. As a model of

instruction, it shows a process of teaching and learning in the classroom Teaching
involves teachers to deliver knowledge and the way how to educate learnes

Unit 3 Bilingual Education

Bilingual education is term that has both a specific and generic meaning with respect to
children who do not know English The topic of billingual education has received
heightened attention over the past few decades (Trujillo M 2007) How to educate
children with limited English skills or English leames, is a highly controversial and
debatable issue that deserves attention because of the vast numbers pf English leammes
in the United States Today

Unit 4 Dimensions Of Bilinguality

Bilingulity is viewed as the psyhological state of an individual who has access to more
than one linguisaccess is moludimensial as it varies along a number of psycological
and sociological dimension We have found me following dimension relvant relative
competence cognitive organisation, age of acquisition, exogeneity, social cultural
status, and cultural identity

Unit 5 Types Of Bilingual Education Programs

a. Dual Language School

In dual-language schools, also called mainstream bilingual education (Baker 1993)

the curicullum is delivered in two languages conventionally half of the day in one
language and half in the other

b. Canadian Immersion Education

This program developed in Canadian public schools to make English speakers

fluent in French. A group of parents and linguist frustrated with the poor result of
French foe eign languages education looked for an altenate approach to teaching

c. Two-Way Bilingual Education

Two-way bilingual education as an educational approach that integrates languages

minority and language majority students for all or most of the day, and provides
content instruction and literacy instruction to all students in both languages

Unit 6 Researc Method

a. Research Design

Before conducting the research, the reseacher has already held a moni tour (plimenary
observation and interview) with the imformants (teachears, observation and students)
to obtain plimenary data about the problems of the implemntation of bilingual
education in the school

b. Research Setting

In a qualitative research, a researcher usually does not have fixed shdule of what to the
done but teh reseacher is more like loosely schedule traveler than the other

c. Data and Data Sources

The data of this study were the implementation of bilingual education programs In
collecting data, the subject of this study in turn were the teachers headmasters and

d. Techniques For Collecting The Data

The ways collecting data were in a variaty of ways, such as observasition, interviews
and tape recording Bogdan and Biklen (1992.2) say that in depth interview and
participant observation are common ways in qualitative research

Unit 7 Discussion

In reference to the findings of this research, it can be seen that there is a gap between the
theones proposed bt Brisk (2006) As stated in the theory the linguist states that there are two
main types of bilingual education programs, namely the first type has no limitations in the
number one of years student can attend.


A. Book Advantages
Main Book

1. Judging from the aspect of the book appreance, the main book that I am reviewing has a fairly
simple cover
2. From the aspect of the page layout, as well as the fonts, this book is very good. The layout is easy to
see and it is not difficult to find pages in the book The font size is pretty good, the words used are
also good because there are no mistakes in writing each ord, and the page layout is also in
accordance with the table of contents
3. In this book, according to the author, it is very good in presenting the material, the title of the book
and the contents of the book are appropriate and do not run away from the topic
4. This book is accompanied by examples that make the reader not bored in reading this book
5. This book is also equipped with questions, where readers can answer these questions

Comparison Book

1. Judging from the appearance of the book the comparison book has an attractive cover The cover of
the book is colorful and has pictures that make the reader more interested in reading it.
2. In terms of identity of a book, the comparison book have met the criteria for a book because it is
equipped with the title of the book, the name of the author of the book, ISBN, city of publisher, and
other book identities
3. In this book, according to the author, it is very good in presenting the material, the title of the book
and the contents of the book are appropriate and do not run away from the topic
4. This book is accompanied by examples that make the reader not bored in reading this book.

B. Lack of Book
Main Book
1. The weakness of this main book lies in the identity of the book This book does not fully
present the names of the authors of this book, there is no published city, and lastly does not
have an ISBN
2. There are no picture in the book, so readers will fell bored quickly

Comparison Book

1. Judging from the aspect of layout and layout, as well as writing and use of fonts, this book is
not good because it does not comply with applicable regulations
2. The discussion is broad enough to make the reader bored in reading this book
3. There are no picture in the book, so readers will fell bored quickly.


A. Conclusion
After analyzing the types of bilingual education programs, the conclusion were drawn as Full -
English, in which all the instructions are delivery in English. The teachers tend to apply English
complete when explaining the materials. The English expressions they applied were still simple
Dominant English which provides the instruction with both of the languages English and
Indonesian, in which English is applied more dominantly than Indonesian

B. Suggestion
Student of applied linguistics study program should explore and ivestigate some other phenomena of
bilingual educations program in any teaching of bilingual classes in order to reveal soe other types
and reason of the implementation of bilingual education programs.

Santoso Didik & Ginting Pirman, 2015 Bilingual Education Programs Kencana Prenadamedia

Lecturer Team 2022 Bilingual Learning Medan Unimed

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