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Submitted to English Department of STKIP Budidaya Binjai in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Scholar in Education (S.Pd)



Registration Number : 15033763

Study Program : English Department





Asalamuallaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

In the name of ALLAH SWT the most merciful. Firstly, the writer would
be thanks to the God, for bless me to accomplish this thesis.

Secondly, blessed and peace for our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has
bringing the human from the unerupulpus to the serupulpuse.

In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express gratitud to

Ummi Umara, M.Hum and Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd as the advisors, for their
advices, guidances, to constructives the writing and they spend their precious
time to read the written.

Her very special and sincerest thanks are fully addressed to her beloved parents
together with her sisters and brothers and her team of her business. And also my
beloved best friend. Cause their understanding and moral support during
completing this thesis, without their deep and sympathetic understanding this
thesis could not be completed.

May God bless them all for their services and good well.

Binjai, 2019
The writer,

Eva Novita Sari PA

NPM. 15033763



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1

1.1. Background of the Study...................................................... 1

1.2. The Identification of The Problem....................................... 5

1.3. The scoop of The Problem................................................... 5

1.4. The Formulation of The Problem......................................... 6

1.5. Purpose of The Study........................................................... 6

1.6. The Significant of The Study............................................... 6

REVIEW OF LITERATURE........................................................................... 8

2.1. Theoretical Framework........................................................ 8

2.1.1. The Definition of Reading.............................................. 8

2.1.2. Purpose of Reading......................................................... 11

2.1.3. The Basic Reading Skill …………………………………13

2.1.4. Reading Comprehension………………………………. 15

2.1.5. The Level of Comprehension In Reading……………... 16

2.1.6. The Problem of Reading Comprehension....................... 18

2.1.7 Method And Techniques For Improving

Comprehension.............................................................................. 19

2.1.8. Comprehension Skills..................................................... 21

2.1.9. Language Experience Approach (Lea)............................ 21

2.1.10. Procedure of Language Experience Approach In

The Class.................................................................................. 24

2.1.11. The Characteristics of Language Experience

Approach (LEA)............................................................................ 25

2.1.12. The Strategies of Language Experience

Approach (LEA)............................................................................ 25

2.1.13. The Advantages And Disadvantage of

Language Experience Approach.................................................... 26

2.2. Previous Research................................................................... 27

2.3. Conceptual framework............................................................ 28

2.4. Hypotheses.............................................................................. 29

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................ 31

3.1. The Location of The Study................................................... 31

3.2. Research Disign.................................................................... 32

3.3. The Population and Sampling.............................................. 33

3.4. The Variable of The Study................................................... 34

3.5. The Instrument of The Study................................................ 35

3.6. The Technique of The Data Analysis................................... 36

Reference ………………………………………………………. . 37

Appendix ………………………………………………………... 39


1.1. The Background Study

Nowadays, one of international language is use in many counties in

English. In Indonesia, English is not only considered to be the first foreign

language but it is taught as a compulsory subject from junior to senior high

school. Therefore nowadays many people, particularly students, ought to

mastering English. Although English has been taught for a long time, the result of

teaching English still considered unsatisfactory.

Because the result is considered unsatisfactory, the writers is aware of the

fact that learning English is complex. Because it is affected by same factors, they

are internal and external. The first factors comes from the learners themselves

such a motivation, interest, attitude and intelligence. While the latter comes from

outside of the learners, such as the situation and condition of environment,

learning materials, and the teachers ability handling of English teaching and

learning program.

Reading plays an important role in learning foreign language. Reading is

one of the most important skills in learning languages besides listening, speaking,

and writing because the fundamental goal to any reading activity is knowing

enough science concepts and knowing the languages especially comprehending or

understanding. In the real world, people who read, read for intellectual profit or

pleasure. Reading. helps students get more information and improves student
ability to think in English. Unfortunately, some learners have difficulties in

understanding reading, they also show lack of motivation in reading class. Lee

and Van Allen believe that the initial reading program should integrate the

students needs and experience.1

In the process of reading, the students are expected to understand the texts

they read. It is not an easy thing because many aspects should be known, such as

words, word combinations, context of the texts, and many others. These aspects

influence the readers, especially the students that put reading as a problem for

them. By having these aspects, the students will be easy to understand the text

they read. Reading, like speaking, occurs in a context rather than in isolation. The

meaning of a text is not found just in the sentences themselves, but is derived

from the previous knowledge stored in the students' mind and the processes

through which the students tackles it.

Research and experience tell us that the foundations of literacy are laid in

the early grades and that reading programs should be student centered. Reading

for meaning is paramount and reading should be rewarding for the reader.

Students learn to read by reading meaningful and motivating texts and the best

approach to teaching reading is a systematic and integrated approach. Reading is a

very complex process. It requires concentration. Reading is visual thing. The

printed words must produce meaningful thought units, not only must the readers

see and identify the symbols in front of him, but he must also interpret what he is

LIMBERBERG SCHON GLORIA. 1992. The Language Experience Approach: An Reading
Instruction Approach in a Bilingual Elementary School. Universidad Nacional Autooma de
Mexico. Volume 16, issue 2/3, 1992.
reading in the light of his own background, associates it with past experience, and

projects beyond this terms of ideas, a judgments, application and conclusion.

Reading is a part of the way people use language in daily life to gather

information, communicate with others and also for enjoyment. Reading always

occurs in context, that is, what we read is part of a broader situation or an

extended text.2 Contrary to the fact, was found that almost students in SMA

TAMANSISWA Binjai got difficulties in reading the sentence and to getting

information or the main idea of a text in their text book. The results are an average

of 6.5 this value are far below the minimum completeness criteria which have

been determined that 7.00. It caused by some factors such as; students had too

little recognized words or sight vocabulary, they got difficulties in recognizing

new words, and they got difficulties in organizing the words meaningful


Other aspect that is important in reading is comprehension. The reader

reads a text without comprehension, he is likely less to get the main idea or the

meaning of the text. In reading comprehension, the students are expected to have

their background knowledge to construct the meaning of the text. Then they

recreate the meaning intended by the writer and interpret the information well.

Reading comprehension requires very rapid and automatic processing of words,

strong skills in forming the general meaning, and representation of the main ideas.

Stephenson Lauren & Harold Barbara. 2009. Elements in the teaching of reading. Teachers,
Learners and Curriculum Volume 4, 2009
Comprehension is the process of eliciting and making meaning through

interaction and involvement with written language.3

Typically a child enters school with varying degrees of competence in

speaking their language. However, they usually have little knowledge about how

to read and write. Teaching reading then involves helping students masters the

challenges of linking written and spoken language. For students to link their

knowledge of spoken language to written language they first need to master the

alphabetic code, that is, the system of grapheme-phoneme correspondences that

link written words with their pronunciations. For more than forty grades there has

been ongoing debate about how reading, especially beginning reading, should be


However, problem often found in teaching, especially in teaching. The

reason for the failure of the study researchers examine a possible reason is the use

of less accurate methods of learning by the teachers. How to present the material

to the students is not good, so the result is not effective and efficient. Therefore, it

is generally found a lack of understanding on the implementation of the teaching

methods appropriate learning methods.

Therefore, with Language Experience Approach ( LEA ) is a whole

language approach that promotes reading and writing through the use of personal

experiences and their oral language. LEA is more appropriate to students who

have facility with language and are simultaneous, reader-based thinkers. And this

Journal of Studies in Education. 2016. How Can Students Improve Their Reading Comprehension
Skill?. Machrothing Institute.
approach helps them to visualize reading as “ talk written down “ and offers good

opportunities for developing the concepts of writing, word, and sentence.

The researchers used Language Experience Approach (LEA) as to know

how to teach reading comprehension. Based on background above, the research

intends to conduct an action research entitled The Effect of Using Language

Experience Approach On Students’ Reading Comprehension of Eleventh Grade

Of SMA TAMANSISWA Binjai Academic Grade 2019/2020.

1.2. Identification Of The Problems

In this study, the researcher identified some problems as follows:

1. Students still have difficulties in reading English text.

2. The lack of comprehension are the students’ main problem in reading

and understanding text.

3. The students’ pay less attention to comprehend their reading.

1.3. The Limitation Of The Problem

The researcher limits the study in the The Effect of Using Language

Experience Approach (LEA) On Students’ Reading Comprehension of Eleventh

Grade Of SMA TAMANSISWA Binjai Academic Grade 2019/2020.

1.4. The Formulation Of The problem

Based on the background above, it is necessary to formulate the problem

of the research as the follows: Does the Language Experience Approach (LEA)

affect on students’ achievement reading comprehension of the 2019/2020 eleventh

grade students’ of SMA TAMANSISWA Binjai?

1.5. The Objective Of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the objectives of the research is: To

find out The Effect of Language Experience Approach On Students’ Reading

Comprehension of Eleventh Grade of SMA TAMANSISWA Binjai Academic

Year 2019/2020.

1.6. The Significance Of The Study

the result are expected to give many advantages to English teachers, the

students, as well as the school.

The benefits of the research were :

1. Theoretically

Theoretically, this research is expect to contribute positively to the

world of education in solving learning problem experienced by

2. Practically

a. Teachers : to give the English teacher a clear picture about the

application of Language Experience Approach ( LEA ).

b. Students : to enrich the students knowledge

c. Other researcher : this researcher is expected to give information,

model, or reference to be developed for further studies, the

researcher hope that other researchers evaluate, review,

reconstruct, or modify this study and write further studies for other

levels and objective

d. School : are input in order to improve and enhance the learning

outcome of English in particular.



2.1. Theoretical Framework

2.1.1. The Definition of Reading

Reading is the way to get information from something written. In English

Foreign Language (EFL) reading is one of the most important factor assessing

learner’s linguistic competence. But, it is a common problem for some students to

complain about having trouble with how to read efficiency. students always

confused about the main idea of the passage even if they can get a full mark to the

question following the passage. However, it is skills for reader should be master

in good reading skills to get information or ideas from the act of information. In

1985, the BNR researchers defined reading as “the process of constructing

meaning from written texts,” and noted that, “it is a complex skill requiring the

coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information” (p. 7). 4 .Vacca

and Vacca (1999) stated when teachers integrate writing and reading, they help

students use writing to think about what they will read and to understand what

they have read.5

In the other hand, reading helps in mental development and is known to

stimulate the muscle of the eyes. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels

Frankel Khaterine, Rowe Marjorle, Becker Bryce, and Pearson David P.2016. From “What is
Reading?” to What is Literacy?. Journal of Education. volume 196, number 3, 2016
Fakhruddin Afief. 2017. Reading Journal as a Way to Improve Students’ Reading
Comprehension. Volume 8, No. 2, August 2017.
of concentration and ads to the conversational skills of the reader. It is an

indulgence that enhance the knowledge acquired, consistently. The habit of

reading also helps readers to decipher new words and phrases that they come

across in everyday conversations (Grellet ,2001)6

Reading plays an important role in learning foreign language. Reading is

one of the most important skills in learning languages besides listening, speaking,

and writing because the fundamental goal to any reading activity is knowing

enough science concepts and knowing the languages especially comprehending or

understanding. In the real world, people who read, read for intellectual profit or

pleasure. Reading. helps students get more information and improves student

ability to think in English. Unfortunately, some learners have difficulties in

understanding reading, they also show lack of motivation in reading class.

In the process of reading, the students are expected to understand the texts

they read. It is not an easy thing because many aspects should be known, such as

words, word combinations, context of the texts, and many others. These aspects

influence the readers, especially the students that put reading as a problem for

them. By having these aspects, the students will be easy to understand the text

they read. Reading, like speaking, occurs in a context rather than in isolation.

In reading, students can’t control the language use because the researcer is

already set up the whole content. Besides, the reader don’t have any opportunities

to ask for clarification or additional information if they don’t get the idea of the

message. In reading, students need to work by themselves to interpret the text and
Al- Drees H. Muhammad. Teaching Reading Skills. Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
get the meaning of what the researcher wants convey. reading is a complex

process, Grabe argues that “many researchers attempt to understand and explain

the fluent reading process by analyzing the process into a set of component skills”

(1991, p. 379) in reading.7

Students should practice their reading gradually, so that their reading

ability and their reading experience will be improve. They may fine difficulty and

frustrating, but if they keep practicing, they will have a good sense of English and

will help them to grasp the total meaning of the words. Another thing that should

be remembered by students in reading they are not allowed too much watching

dictionary if they find difficulties, because it will slow down their reading rate and

cn make them bored. If they find new words, they should try guess the meanings

by trry to find out any clue words according to the context in the passage.

Reading is primarily a process of constructing meaning from written

words, and students are also evaluated how to apply a variety of comprehension

and critical thinking skill and strategies to do it well. These skills range from

making inferences, understanding cause and effect relationships, and summarizing

main ideas and key facts to understanding a writer’s point of view, recognizing

various persuasive devices, and being able to distinguish between fact and

opinion. Reading is very useful and important for us, not only in English Learning

but also in the other learning; physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, etc. We

can access more information though reading, it is important to know that reading

Alyousef Suleiman Hesham. 2006. Teaching Reading Comprehension to ESL/EFL Learners.
Journal of Language and Learning. Volume 5 Number 1 2006
not only mean reading situation and condition in this world but also increase


2.1.2. Purposes of Reading

Knutson (1997) notes “having a purpose means having a reason to read

and approaching a text with a particular goal in mind, weather that goal involves

learning or entertainment” (p. 49). In Knutson’s broader sense, as note by

Knutson, purpose of reading can divided into studying (or learning) and

entertainment (or fun).8 the purpose of reading is also to connect the ideas on the

page to what you already know. These are The other purpose of reading are:

1. Improving comprehension

Reading comprehension requires motivation, mental frameworks for

holding ideas, concentration and good study techniques. Here are some


a. Develop a broad background

Broaden your background knowledge by reading newspapers, magazines

and books. Become interested in world events.

b. Know the structure of paragraph

Good writers construct paragraphs that have a beginning, middle and end.

Often, the first sentence will give an overview that helps provide a framework for

Cheon Jin Hyeok and Ma Hyun Jae. 2014. The Effect Of Reading Purpose on Reading
Comprehension And Perceived Difficulty. English Teaching, vol. 69, No. 2, Summer 2014.
adding details. Also, look for transitional words, phrases or paragraphs that

change the topic.

Identify the type of reasoning

Does the researcher use cause and effect reasoning, hypothesis, model

building, induction or deduction, systems thinking?

c. Anticipate and predict

Really smart readers try to anticipate the researcher and predict future

ideas and questions. If you're right, this reinforces your understanding. If you're

wrong, you make adjustments quicker.

d. Look for the method of organization.

Is the material organized chronologically, serially, logically, functionally,

spatially or hierarchical? See section 10 for more examples on organization.

e. Create motivation and interest.

Preview material, ask questions, discuss ideas with classmates. The

stronger your interest, the greater your comprehension.

f. Build a good vocabulary.

For most educated people, this is a lifetime project. The best way to

improve your vocabulary is to use a dictionary regularly. You might carry around

a pocket dictionary and use it to look up new words. Or, you can keep a list of

words to look up at the end of the day. Concentrate on roots, prefixes and endings.
g. Highlight, summarize and review.

Just reading a book once is not enough. To develop a deeper

understanding, you have to highlight, summarize and review important ideas.

2.1.3. The Basic Reading Skills

Some people think of the act of reading as a straightforward task that’s

easy to master. In reality it’s a complex process that draws on many different

skills. Here are some essential skills needed for reading.

1. Word recognition skill

According to strang (see above) “word recognition skill is the ability to

pronounce and recognize the meaning of unfamiliar words”. 9 Word recognition

skill is very important in comprehension; is helps the reader recognize unfamiliar

words. The larger the numbers of vocabulary a person has the more rapidly and

fluently he reads. Word recognition can achieved by applying: 1) context clause,

2) phonics, 3) structure analysis and the use of a dictionary.

2. Vocabulary

OKARA, Vol. II, Tahun 7, November 2012
Vocabulary is a list of word in which a reader can find words to express

the meaning. In other word recognition vocabulary is much larger than production


3. Comprehension skill

The objectives of reading is comprehension of the material that is read.

Comprehension embraces the total reading process. Mecullough and Tinker M.A

(1975) in their book teaching Elementary reading say: Comprehension depends

on grasping word meaning, grouping words into unitary thought complexes, that

is grasping the relation between words in the sentence, between sentences in the

paragraph in a large whole.10 In order to be able to comprehend better, the reader

must know the basic comprehension units in reading. They are:

1. Words

Word are very crucial for reading comprehension. Since reading is getting

the meaning, lack of vocabulary will lead to great difficulty understanding the

content of the reading material.

2. Phrases

To understand a sentence, someone needs more that just knowing the

meaning of words. Understanding phrases will be a great help.

3. Sentences

Ibid. p. 224.
In addition to knowing the meaning of words, the reader must know other

skills in order to understand s sentences perfectly.

4. Paragraph

Comprehension of paragraphs essential in all reading contains key ideas,

and the interpretation of its details.

5. Whole Selections

Understanding whole selections cannot be achieved easily withthout

understanding the prerequisite. The understanding of whole selections depends on

the understanding of the smaller unit word, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs.

2.1.4. Reading Comprehension

In student’s environment, school, public place they have to find the

symbol or information from the text. Unfortunately, they can read the text without

understanding meaning of the text. In reading there is an action of understanding

what you read, it is called comprehension. Reading comprehension is not a single

step or easily acquired skill. It is a very complex process that teachers find

difficult to teach. Comprehension is a process that involves thinking, teaching,

past experiences, and knowledge (Prado & Plourde, 2005). 11 Comprehension

depends not only on characteristics of the reader, such as prior knowledge and

working memory, but also on language processes, such as basic reading skills,

decoding, vocabulary, sensitivity to text structure, inference, and motivation.

Harvey Michele. Reading Comprehension: Strategies for Elementary and Secondary School
Students. Lynchburg College.
Therefore, reading comprehension is a complex process in which the

reader uses this ability to find information, it means that the readers must be able

to comprehend the meaning of printed work. Because comprehension is so

complex and requires multiple cognitive skills and stored memory, several

barriers to improving comprehension must be overcome. First, we must be able to

identify weaknesses in specific cognitive skills. Further, we must also have

procedures for enhancing those specific skills rather than general interventions

that target a limited number of skills without regard for identified strengths or


2.1.5. The Level of Comprehension in Reading

There are three important levels of comprehension and the good readers

reads all three.

1. Literal Comprehension

Literal comprehension is refers to ability to understand what state by the

writer or taking the idea and facts that are directly stated on the printed page. The

basic of literal of comprehension is recognizing stated mind idea, detailed, cause

effect, and sequences. Mastering the basic of literal comprehension can be done

through understanding of vocabulary, sentence meaning in paragraph meaning,the

literal level is the easiest level of reading comprehension because a reader is not

required to beyond what they actually said. In this level, the readers know the

words meaning, able to paraphrase or recall of details directly in own words.

Reading between the lines.

2. Inferential Comprehension

Inferential comprehension refers to the ability to go beyond what its stated

directly, to understand what the writer means by looking for the inside meaning.

Readers identified and derived ideas and meaning from a text they are explicitly

stated. It can be said that inferential comprehension is the ability to get inference

or implied meaning from the text. In this level, the reader is able to infer factual

information, main idea, comparison, cause-effect relationship which is not

explicitly stated in the passage.

3. Creative Comprehension

Creative comprehension refers to the ability of reader to use his / her

imagination when reading the passage. Skill or creative reading comprehension

includes the understanding cause – effect relationship on a story problem solving

and producing the creation. In this level, the reader able to product and new idea,

develop his new insight through the reader material.

Reading a play is a good example of the level of comprehension. At the

lowest level there is just reproduction of the playwright’s words. At the next level

the researcher’s meaning emerges. The professional actor epitomizes the highest

level. He lives and create the part.12

2.1.6. Problems of reading comprehension

When we refer to problems related to reading comprehension certainly

there are a lot and they vary from the simplest to the biggest ones, and to our

surprise they may be different from what we think. The problem in reading

comprehension occurs for many reason, the three most important ones are listed


1. Vocabulary

New words are seen by students as a great obstacle to comprehend a text.

It is necessary for students to properly comprehend the words of the vocabulary of

a written passage in order to be able to decode the massage, thus comprehend the

written text.

2. Working memory

The students often complain of the fact that they cannot recall the

information they just read. They need to hold the information in working memory

long enough for the information to be more extensively process, and often some

of them lack it.

3. Absence of extensive reading

Students read a little or nothing. This is considered to be a great obstacle

for the students to comprehend a written text. These were the aims of the research,

and the result will be presented in the following. If a breakdown occurs in one of

the aspects mantion above then the students usually fail to decode the text, and
analyze its meaning, which often results in reading comprehension problems and


4. Type of text

The type of text is another factor that influences a lot reading

comprehension. It is considered to be one major barrier. Some texts are easy to be

perceived some others very difficult.

2.1.7. Methods and Techniques To Measure The Comprehension

Now for some specific techniques to measure comprehension which you

may find useful.

1. Pay attention to words

A section in this book is devoted to words and their use. Each subject in

the curriculum has its own special vocabulary and your success will depend to

some extent in your mastery of this. You should look at all words carefully.

2. Use the five W’s and the one H in all reading

Comprehension is based on a questions who, what, when, where why, and

how. Answers for the first for questions give you the facts. Why and how help

you to interpret these facts and to make generalizations.

3. Learn to phrase read

Phrase reading not only reduce the usual number of fixations per line but it

also makes the meaning clearer. Consider the word run, for example, and some of

its many different meanings: run the bath, in the long run, run of the house, run on

the rocks, run to earth, run the show. It is worth looking this word up in a

dictionary and seeing how many hundreds of phrases in everyday use contain the

words run. Its meaning depends completely on the phrase in which it is used.

4. Examine the structure of paragraphs

A good reader can pick out the key idea quickly, distinguish the details

supporting it, and recognize what are examples and illustrations. This is a skill

you should practice.

5. Summarize and evaluated

If you are reading to study, you may have to make notes, underline key

parts, draw a diagram or a graph. But event in your general reading, you should

stop at frequent intervals and mentally recall the key points raised. You will find

that your retention of material will be greatly improved.

2.1.8. Comprehension Skills

A lot of conflicting materials has been written about reading and what it is,

but one consistent fact emerges, that reading is made up of a collection of

different skills. Research studies conducted over the last half century have usually

isolated, these skills are:

1. Knowledge of words meanings

2. Knowledge of stated facts

3. Ability to identify the main theme

4. Ability to follow the organization of a passage

5. Ability to grasp casual relationship

6. Ability to draw inference

7. Ability to see the researcher’s purpose

It can be seen how these skills cut across the three levels of comprehension listed


2.1.9. Language Experience Approach ( LEA )

The Language Experience Approach (LEA) to reading instruction is based

on principles of learning that have been documented and discussed for many
grades (Huey, 1908; Smith, 1967). This research was intended to introduce

Language Experience Approach (LEA) as a method in teaching reading and

investigated how LEA improves students’ motivation and reading comprehension.

This also was aimed to figure out teacher and students’ response the use of LEA

in teaching reading for young learners. According to the discussion, Allan (1963,

as cited in Wurr, 2002) introduces Language Experience Approach (LEA) as a

Ibid. p. 109.
Nessel D Denise and Dixon N Carol.2018. The Using Language Experience Approach With
English Language Learners. Corwin Press. 2018
method in teaching language. The method uses students’ experience and

knowledge as reading material.15

This study is intended to figure out how Language Experience Approach

(commonly abbreviated as LEA) improves students’ motivation and

comprehension in reading. The use of this method was chosen as the alternative

way in teaching reading for young learners based on its definition. The definition

of this method is using students’ experience and knowledge as reading material.

The language experience approach to reading introduces reading through

the use of language experience reading charts. These are original compositions

arising from the children's common experiences. With the help and guidance of

the teacher, the group or child composes stories and/or materials based on a trip,

the weather, a holiday, a greeting, a message, classroom rules, and the like

(Spache and Spache 1973).16

By using the language experience approach to initial reading, the

following skills are developed:

1) Sharing experiences: The ability to tell or illustrate something on a

purely personal basis.

2) Discussion of experiences: The ability to interact with what other

people say and write.

TEACHING READING FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. Journal of English and Education 2013, 1(1),
Spache. Op. cit. 02
3) Listening to stories: The ability to hear what others have to say and

relate it to their experiences.

4) Telling stories: The ability to organize one's thinking so that it can be

shared orally or through dictation in a clear and interesting manner.

5) Making and reading books: The ability to organize one's ideas into a

form that others can use and the ability to use ideas that others have shared

through books.

6) Outlining: The ability to use various methods of briefly restating ideas

in the order in which they were written or spoken.

7) Reading critically: The ability to determine the validity and reliability

of statements.

2.1.10. The Procedure of Language Experience Approach ( LEA ) in the


Traditionally, Language Experience Approach involves these step : a. The

teacher and the students discuss an experience in which all have recently

participated, such as a school field trip or the examination of an unusual object.

As the teacher and the students discuss their observations and reactions, the
students’ understanding of the experience is deepened while oral vocabulary and

language skills are developed and reinforced.

b. As students formulate and express their ideas, the teacher guides them

in creating a dictated account. Students offer statements that they want included in

the account, or the teacher selects statements from the ongoing conversation and

suggests that these be used. The teacherrecords the students’ statements on chart

paper, constructing the text while the students watch. Seeing their words written

down, students connect what they just said to what appears on the paper.

c. The teacher reads the account to the students, modeling the sound of

fluent, expressive reading. Students then read it several times, with teacher help as

needed, until they become familiar with it.

d. With the teacher’s guidance, students learn to recognize specific words

from the account and develop the decoding skills of context, phonics, and

structural analysis, using the account as a resource. Students may also write their

own thoughts to supplement and extend the dictation.

2.1.11. The Characteristics of Language Experience Approach ( LEA )

The characteristics of Language Experience Approach are all

communication skill such as reading, writing, language and skill are integrated,

difficult of vocabulary and grammar are determined by the learners own language

use, and learning and teaching are personalized, communicative and creative. By
Language Experience Approach ( LEA ) students are able to measure their ability

in learning especially reading.

2.1.12. The strategies of language teaching approach ( LEA)

Here some specific strategies which use in LEA, there are, planning

engaging experiences for students that encourage them to speak English,

Facilitating talk among students during and after planned experiences, taking

dictation from students based on a shared experience and reading the account to

and with students, using dictated accounts to build students’ sight vocabulary and

reading fluency, using dictated accounts to teach specific reading skills (e.g., the

use of context clues and phonetic analysis), and for the last using the process of

oral composing and students’ dictated accounts as the basis for students’ own


2.1.13. The advantages and disadvantages of language experience approach


a. The advantages of using language teaching approach (LEA) in learning

reading comprehension there are, this type of approach promotes confidence in

language usage. It creates a desire to reword and refine the child's own language,

language development is assured in a program that encourages self expression in

many media throughout the day, It helps children become increasingly sensitive to

their environment by discussing and recording their experiences, the development

of language experiences gives depth of meaning to art and construction activities,

discussion, verbal and then written, is used as a reading lesson for many activities

and it encourages greater creative experiences in writing original stories.

b. the disadvantages of language experience approach (LEA) in teaching

reading comprehension include, students are careless to use inventive spelling so

it makes students reoccur to interface the learning correct spelling, students are

not able to correct their errors in language ability. So they cannot correct their

errors, students are not able to address their issue in a consistent manner because,

language Experience Approach ( LEA ) is an interactive approach to teach

reading, and the last language Experience Approach is not currently in widespread


2.2. Previous Research

The effectiveness of using Language Experience Approach (LEA) in the

teaching and learning process is believe and prove by some researchers.

Marsuddin says in his researcher finding that the main reason in this efficacy is

that LEA contribution to the reading instruction in based on principle of learning.

The central principle is to use the students’ own vocabulary, language pattern, and

background on experience to create reading texts, making reading an especially

meaningful and enjoyable process. Meanwhile, Dewi Syntiawati Rahayu in her

research says that LEA helped students improve students’ motivation and reading

comprehension17. It can be seen from the result that both teacher and students’

gave positive response toward the use of LEA in teaching reading. The success of

LEA was supported by the appropriate selection of materials and teachers

Ibid, p. 50
capability in adapting the material to the procedures of LEA. Thus, the selection

of LEA should be compatible with students’ ability and needs.

In the other hand, Angela Coyne says that this research suggest that

significant gains can be made in the areas of oral language, reading and writing

when the child is provide with relevant and appropriate opportunities to develop

these abilities. Although these are arguably more subjective in nature, observation

made by teachers, parents, and the pupils indicate positive effects of this

approach. Meanwhile, Tati Sri Uswati and Itaristansi says that after being given

actions to use LEA, students are more excited and more focus on reading

comprehension learning. Learning becomes easier and fun. this is caused by and

idea that is told to be sourced from life experience or even experienced. Learning

is orderly directed so that the teacher can carry out his duties properly and


w. John Harker says that it is vary difficult for adults to recall what happen

when they learner things in childhood. They do recall more easily, however, the

striking circumstance under which they were supposed to learn things, the

classroom seen from a certain desk, a certain teachers awesome behavior, the

exercise book, the homework, the drills. Most people and many teacher in

consequence assume those memorable circumstances to have been the cause of

their learning. And some puzzled and uneasy with other less customary, and

seemingly unnecessary. Explanation such as the “language experience” approach

in learning assumptions of this approach, and hence to provide a lucid rationale

for it. The approach reduce the cognitive confusion that makes learning to read
difficult for so many children and ensure that they have a purpose in reading that

will render unnecessary a number of traditional but irrelevant compulsions.

2.2. The Conceptual Framework

Reading comprehension is complex process in which the reader uses this

ability to fid information. It means the readers must be able to comprehend the

meaning of printed words. Reading comprehension for students is difficult, they

have to take the meaning of the text from the writer that involves experience and

prior knowledge that the students has. In the fact, the students just read without

knowing or comprehend with text. It is essential in dayly live because without

reading the students do not provide them any information or ideas about depends

on the purpose of students needed.

This study is focused on the effect of Language Experience Approach (

LEA ) on the teaching of Reading Comprehension. Based on the previous

elaborations on the theoretical framework. Language Experience Approach (

LEA ) is an approach of reading instruction based on activities and stories

developed from personal experience of the learner. Students are involved in

planning, experiencing, responding to and reading experience and in participating

in activity of class.

So that is why, this study provide another approach in teaching namely

Language Experience Approach ( LEA ) where it enable students to face the

problems in reading and give teacher another way in teaching learning activities.

C. The Hypotheses
Based on theoretical and conceptual framework the hypothesis of this

research can be formulated: “ There is a significant effect of using Language

Experience approach (LEA) on students’ reading comprehension of eleventh

grade of SMA TAMANSISWA Binjai academic grade 2019/2020”.

Ha : There is significant effect of Language Experience Approach on reading

comprehension of 2019/2020 eleventh grade students’ of sma TAMANSISWA


Ho : There isn’t significant effect of Language Experience Approach on

reading comprehension of 2019/2020 eleventh grade students’ of sma



3.1. The time and location of the research

This research will be conduct at Senior High School of SMA

TAMANSISWA Binjai, for the eleventh grades students’ academic year

2019/2020 which is locate on Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 11 Kecamatan Kota

Binjai. The researcher will conduct the research on the first of semester of 2019

for six meeting.

Table 3.1

Research schedule

Activity Month/Yearr 2019/2020

Apr May June July Aug Sept
The initial √
Plan √
Preparation of √
Legalization √ √
Seminar √
Data collection √ √
Session √
3.2 The Design of The Study

This study uses experimental research which will conducted with two

groups, namely Experimental and Control group design. The experimental group

receives a specific treatment; the control group receives no treatment. 18 The design

was applied in order to investigate the effect Language Experience Approach

( LEA ) on students’ reading comprehension. The treatment is expect to affect

reading comprehension skill. The group of experimental is talked by using

Language Experience Approach ( LEA ). Clearly the research can be figured as

following :

Table 3.2

Research Design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental group √ Language Experience √
Control group √ Conventional method √

Donal Ary, Introduction to Research in Education, (Canada: Thomson. 2006), p. 270
3.3. Population and sample

a. Population

A population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of

people, events, or objects. The larger group about which the generalization is

made is called a population.19

The population of this research is the eleventh grade students’ of SMA

TAMANSISWA Binjai. They consist of four classes. The total number of

students’is 128 students’, the real total of the students’ of SMA TAMANSISWA

BINJAI of eleventh grade , can be seen as follows :

Table 3.3


No Class Number of students

1. XI- IPA 1 38
2. XI- IPA 2 40
3. XI- IPS 1 27
4. XI- IPS 2 23
Total 128

b. Sample

A sample is a portion of a population. The small group that is observed is

called a sample.20 If the sample of the subject is less than one hundred it is better
Ibid., p. 148
Donal Ary,, Introduction to Research in Education, (Canada: Thomson. 2006) p. 148
to take the entire subject. Furthermore, if the subject is more than one hundred it

can be taken between 10-2-% or 20-25% or more than it. In this research the

writer chooses 63 students to the sample. The students are divided into two group;

the experimental group consisted of 23 students (XI-IPS 2) and control group

consisted of 40 students (XI-IPA 2). The experimental group is taught by using

Language Experience Approach (LEA) and control group is taught by using

conventional method.

Base on above, sample in this research is 49% from the Eleventh grade of

SMA Tamansiswa Binjai consist of 63 students using simple random sampling as

follow :

Table 3.4


Technique Samples
Class Students
Experimental LEA XI- IPS 2 23 Students
Control Conventional XI- IPA 2 40 Students
Total 63 tudents

3.4. The variable of the study

The validity is the most important consideration in developing and

evaluating measurement instruments.21 A concept which can take on different

quantitative values is called a variable. If one variable depends upon or is a

consequence of the other variable, it is termed as a dependent variable, and the

Donal Ary, Introduction To Research In Education, (Canada: Thomson. 2006), p. 225
variable that is antecedent to the dependent variable is termed as an independent

variable.22. The variable in this study were:

1. Independent Variable : Language Experience Approach (LEA)

2. Dependent Variable : Reading Comprehension

3.5. The Instrument Of The Study

Instrument has important function in this research. An instrument is one of

the significant steps in conducting this research. In this study the researcher

should acquire the data, a set of multiple choice test to measure the reading

comprehension, which is consist of 20 items. The test would be given two times to

the students. Students was asked to choose one correct option for each item. In

scoring the test , the cumulative score range is 0 – 100. To obtain the scores, the

correct answers were counted.

Formula: S = × 100

S : the score

R : the number of the correct answers

n : the number of the test

C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology, (New Delhi: New Age International Publishers,
2004), p. 34
a. Pre-test

The test is to measure the quality or difference of the sample’s reading


b. Post-test

In this test is to measure the sample’s achievement after the researcher do

teaching learning process.

3.6. The Technique of Data Analysis

T-Test are used to test the hypothesis of the research and statistical methods

for determining the hypothesis test to be used must be adapted to the statistical

assumptions, for example assumption of distribution and homogeneity of variants.

However, before calculating the t-test value to examine the hypothesis of this

research the researcher first do normality, validity, and Reliability test to collect

and analyze by computing the score of the rest.

1. Normality test

Normality test are performed to determine whether or not a normal data. It is

important to know related to the election statutes statistical test to be used.

Parametric test, for example, suggest the data to be normally distributed. If the

data distribution is not normal, it is recommended to use a non paper matrik test.

2. Validity test

The validity of this test is to measured the extent of what shuldd be

measure. There are a number of aspects of the validity of a measure that should be
checked. To interpret the test validity price, consult the price at the criticism price

of r at product moment, If so the item is valid.

3. Reliability

Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and

consistent results when given to different people on different occasions.

For the normal distribution of data and homogenous hypothesis test using

parametric statistical t test according to the following equation:23

x 1❑−x 2


x1 = deviation score of the experimental group

x2 = deviation score of the control group

x1 = the square of the deviation score of the experimental group

x2 = the square of the deviation score of the controlled group

n1 = the number of the students of the experimental group

n2 = the number of the students of the controlled group

Ibid,. p. 140.

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