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Chittagong Grammar School Middle Section Holiday Pack: (Class7)

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Holiday Pack [Class7]

The following lessons need to be completed by students at home from 29thMarch to 2nd April 2020.
Zoom Classes and Holiday Packs will be done every alternate week.
Sunday, 29th March 2020
Subjects Required Resources Tasks
English DE, Vocabulary copy Copy the words and the given meanings from pages 180-
183 of DE and write them in the Vocabulary copy.
Learn them.
Bangla Bangla Text book. Poem:”Shrabone” Read the Poem & Kobiporichiti. Learn
Shoptoborna W/M
Mathematics New Elementary Ex 10.3 Pages 269, 270
Mathematics Text Book # 3 ( a-h )
1 Do in CW Copy
Creative LAWs textbook Unit -3 Personal Recounts
Writing Short Autobiographical accounts.
Read the extract on pg 32.
"My time in Auschwitz"
Do your turn 1 activity-pg 31
Do your turn 2 (B)
Choose any one topic from A and brainstorm ideas by using the
following guide on B.
*Do the activity in the book*

Physics Lower Secondary i)Watch the videos& PPT uploaded in Google

Science Matters(Text classroom(Code:dieupav)
Book),Google classroom ii) Read pages : 142 to 154(Chapter # 17)
Biology Text Book Chapter-12, page no. 53-54 (Read the pages).
Premarital sex, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted
infections, abortion, and some reasons for having abortion.

IT Worksheet ,Pencil Do the storyboard using Panda resource(Sec-A,Q:1)

(attached below pg-5)

Monday, 30th March 2020

Subjects Required Resources Tasks
English DE, Comprehension Complete the Q/A from pages 183-185 (1-17) based on 24th
copy March’s class discussion.
Bangla Bangla Grammar Book Classification of Sentences. Page:244-245,251-252 (Learn &
Mathematics New Elementary Ex 10.2 Pages 265,266
Mathematics Text Book #4 ( a – j )
1 Do in CW copy
Chemistry Lower secondary Chapter-18(Chemical changes) Read pages 170 to 177 thoroughly.
science matters vol-B

Literature Sheet attached below Go through Literary tools analysis given in the sheet.
(pg 4)
Geography Workbook Worksheet 7.4 ---Packed together ,Text book: Earth our home-2
page 110 ( Mixed Landuse)
Video link-
Art watch?v=L1CK9bE3H_s Watch video and based on that write the following in your copy:
1. color Mixing 2.Dat color Wheel 3. Primary colors 4. Secondary
Colors 5. Tertiary colors 5.Color Theory Terms 6.Hue 7.saturation
Value 9.Shade
10.Tint 11.Tone

Tuesday, 31st March 2020

Subjects Required Resources Tasks
English Comprehension copy Revise the DOs and DON’Ts of Content Points and Summary
Writing from Comprehension copy.
Bangla Bangla Transformations of Sentence. Page 248- 250 (Learn &
Grammar Book practice)

Mathematics New Elementary Ex 8.2 Pages 219, 220, 221

Mathematics Text Book # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
1 Do in CW Copy
Creative LAWs textbook Do pg 36.write the final draft using the brainstorm ideas in pg 34.
writing *Do the activity in textbook*
IT Worksheet, Windows Save the animation(Sec-A,Q:2,3), Solve the Q/A(Sec-B,Q:1,2)
movie maker, Pencil
(attached below)
History Text book Sher Shah and the rule of Afghans- read pg:82
Physics Lower Secondary Do the assignment in Google classroom(Code:dieupav)(Chapter :
Science Matters(Text 17,Pages # 142 to 154)
Book),Google classroom

Wednesday, 1st April 2020

Subjects Required Resources Tasks
English DE Underline the content points from pages 181-183
(Paragraphs 5-19) based on the question- “Write a
of 170 words of the techniques used by animals and
to ensure their survival in hot deserts”.
Use your pencil to underline 18 content points on the book.
Bangla Shorol Bangla Essay:”DeshVromon” (Revise & Write on Your Creative
Bayakoron O Writing Copy)
Mathematics New Elementary Ex 8.2 Pages 219,220,221
Mathematics Text Book # 11,12,13,15,16,17,18,19
1 Do in CW Copy
Chemistry Lower secondary Chap-18 (Chemical changes) Different types of chemical reactions-
science matters vol-B Single replacement and double replacement. (Class notes will be
uploaded on google classroom). Chemistry google class room
is mhf4gjy

Literature Flights of Fancy 2 Go through the word meanings given on pages 199-201
Video link-
Art H_s Watch video and based on that write the following in your copy:
1.color Temperatures 2.Color Scheme.4. Complementary Colors 5.
Analogous Scheme 6.Triadic Scheme etc.

Thursday, 2nd April 2020

Subjects Required Resources Tasks
English DE, Comprehension Copy the Summary question on the Comprehension copy.
copy Copy the content points in the copy from pages 181-183 of
DE (18 content points).
Do not write the Summary.
Bangla Bangla Text Revise chapter “RokeyaSakwat” Hossain. Page 41-42(Read The
book.Shoptoborna chapter For MCQ)
Mathematics New Elementary Pages 80, 81
Mathematics Workbook # 1 (all), 2,3,4
Book 1 Do in CW Copy
Biology Text Book Chapter-12, page no. 55-56 (Read the pages).
Birth control methods, Temporary birth control methods
(name of the five temporary birth control methods).
Procedure of Rhythm method and spermicide
Geography Workbook Worksheet 10.3 ---Protecting our Earth ,Text book: Earth our home-
2 page 176- 179 ( Reduce the impact of Global warming and Ozone
Depletion-------- International, National,Individual)
History Return of Mughals Read Pgs:83-84

Literature (for 30th March)

Funeral blues W. H. Auden

In the second stanza, Auden uses
color symbolism. For example, he
refers to "the white necks of the
public doves" and then to the
"black cotton gloves" that he wants Stop all the clocks, cutoff the telephone, In the first two stanzas, almost every
the policemen to wear. The color Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, line is phrased as an imperative
white symbolizes the innocence sentence and thus begins with a
and purity that the speaker Silence the pianos and with muffled drum verb. This repetitionof imperative,
associates with his loved one, and Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. or command, phrases lends a sense

the color black symbolizes the grief

that he feels now that his loved of urgency to the tone of the poem,
one is dead. In this stanza the poet Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead implying that the speaker feels that
also makes use the death of his loved one needs to
ofpersonificationwhen he gives Scribblingon the sky the message ‘He is Dead’. be met with an urgent, immediate
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public
human characteristics to the doves, response from the world. There is
aeroplane who is moaning and Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. also the use of Alliteration as well as
Assonance in the 1st stanza. For
In the 3 Stanza, the poet has made He was my North, my South, my East and West, example-Clocks, Cut (Alliteration)
use of anaphora in the first 3 lines. The and muffled, drum (Assonance)
repetition of the word “my” not only My working week and my Sunday rest,
gives a sense of possessiveness of the My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
poets towards his friend but also states
how much place this person had I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
occupied his life and time. The mention
of directions, the mention of times has
also been used symbolically. The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, In the fourth stanza, Auden uses
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun, metaphorical imagery when the
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood; speaker says to "pack up the moon
and dismantle the sun." The
For nothing now can ever come to any good. implication is that now that his loved
one is dead, neither the day nor the
Again it can be noticed how the night can bring him any comfort.
first three lines of the last stanza
starts with imperative sentences In the 4th Stanza, the poet also makes use of hyperbole. We find
or commands. This reflects the this evident when he wants the stars to be packed up and the
poets anger which has transformed sun to be dismantled, the ocean being poured away and the
woods being swept up…the hyperbolic expression gives us an
from sorrow, pain and despair. The Of the first
last stanza does not quite have the understanding of the poet’s intensity of his grief due to the loss
same tone as the first stanza. The he encountered.
tone of sorrow is actually
transformed into anger by the time
we come to the last stanza.

Module 4:Worksheet- Animation for a Purpose

Name: Section:
Panda news channel is making a website. You will create an animated character to put on the
website. This character uses the Panda logo of Panda news channel. It will be used to create
interest in the news channel via the website. You have been given a panda image called
PandaLogo.jpg. There is an image of the components that make up the panda image. This is
called PandaLogoParts.jpg
Section A:
1.Create a storyboard of 4 frames for the animation.

2. Create your animation according to your storyboard in Windows Movie Maker.Save your
animation as YourNameAnimation.(Project+Movie)

3. The animation needs to have some music or sound to go with it(Add any music). Find and
save it along with your animation. This can be a separate file. Save as

Section B:
Panda news channel wants to use the animation to attract attention on the website. Theweb
users should link the logo with the news channel.
1. How does your animation attract web users to the news channel? Use detailsabout how
you made the panda move to explain your answer.





2. Why does that sound complement your animated panda? Give details ofhow the sound will be
attractive to the web users.




Instructions: In page 7, there are 2 images of Panda are given. You will use

the Panda logo parts image to create your animation. You have to copy the

image from word file and need to paste in Paint to proceed. For example

you can show, in the first picture the logo parts are separated. And in the

next pictures gradually the parts can be joined to form the complete Panda.

Even you can any kinds of body movement of the Panda. You will save the

images as Panda1, 2, 3, 4 respectively.




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