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Russell, A. J., Jassi, A., Fullana, M. A., Mack, H., Johnston, K.

Heyman, I., Murphy, D. G. and Mataix-Cols, D. (2013) Cognitive
behavior therapy for comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
in high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders:A randomized
controlled trial. Depression and Anxiety, 30 (8). pp. 697-708.
ISSN 1091-4269

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This is the accepted version of the following article: Russell, AJ,

Jassi, A, Fullana, MA, Mack, H, Johnston, K, Heyman, I, Murphy, DG
& Mataix-Cols, D 2013, 'Cognitive behavior therapy for comorbid
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in high functioning Autism Spectrum
Disorders: A randomized controlled trial' Depression and Anxiety, vol
30, no. 8, pp. 697-708, which has been published in final form at

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Word Count (excluding abstract, tables and references): 5,467

Cognitive behavior therapy for co-morbid Obsessive-Compulsive

Disorder in high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders: A

Randomized Controlled Trial

Russell, A.J*.,b Jassi, A.,c Fullana, M.A., b
Mack, H., abJohnston, K.,d

Heyman, I., Murphy, eDGM and ac Mataix-Cols, D.

*Corresponding author
Dept. of Psychology, Kings College London, Institute of Psychiatry
South London and Maudsley NHS Trust
Dept. of Psychosis Studies, Kings College London, Institute of Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Kings College London, Institute of

Dept. of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Science, Kings College

London, Institute of Psychiatry

Acknowledgements/Funding statements

This study was in part funded by NIHR-RP-PG-0606-1045

Dr Fullana was funded by a Marie Curie fellowship from the European Union

(no. 039668)

We would like to thank the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation

Trust for their support in carrying out this study.

Address for corresponding author: W6 University of Bath, Claverton Down,

Bath BA2 7AY


Background: High rates of anxiety disorders, particularly Obsessive

Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are reported in people with Autism Spectrum

Disorders (ASD). Group cognitive behavioural (CBT) treatment has been

found effective for anxiety in young people with ASD but not been OCD

specific. One uncontrolled pilot study of individual CBT for OCD for adults

with ASD showed good treatment efficacy.

Methods: Forty-six adolescents and adults (mean age 26.9 years, 35 Males)

with ASD and comorbid OCD were randomized to CBT for OCD or Anxiety

Management (AM), a plausible control treatment. Treatments were matched

in duration (mean of 17.4 sessions CBT; 14.4 sessions AM), the Yale Brown

Obsessive Compulsive Severity Scale (YBOCS) as primary outcome

measure and evaluations blind to treatment group. Treatment response was

defined as >25% reduction in YBOCS total severity scores.

Results: Both treatments produced a significant reduction in OCD symptoms,

within-group effect sizes of 1.01 CBT group and 0.6 for the AM group. There

were no statistically significant differences between the two groups at end of

treatment, althoughmore responders in the CBT group (45% vs 20%). Effect

sizes for self-rated improvement were small (0.33 CBT group; -0.05 AM

group). Mild symptom severity was associated with improvement in the AM

but not the CBT group. Family/carer factors were important for both groups,

in that increased family accommodation was associated with poorer


Conclusions: Evidence-based psychological interventions, both anxiety

management and CBT were effective in treating comorbid OCD in young

people and adults with ASD

The study was registered as a controlled trial (ISRCTN87114880).


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by qualitative impairments

in social communication and a restricted, repetitive pattern of interests and

behaviors, emerging in early childhood and enduring across the lifespan.

High rates of anxiety disorders have been reported in both young people 1

and adults2,3 with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Rates of disorders in

childhood range from 11-84% and a selective pattern of anxiety disorders,

namely Social Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and specific

Phobias has been reported4,5.

Childhood anxiety reduces social interactions, self-esteem and impoverishes

social skills in typically developing children6 thereby exacerbating problems

characteristic of ASD. Furthermore, behavioural problems have been noted

to be more likely related to fears in children with ASD than other groups7.

Co-morbid OCD has been reported to occur in 30% of young people with

ASD3,8 and high rates of OCD have also been reported in adults with ASD

both with and without intellectual disability9,10. OCD has considerable impact

on quality of life for both sufferers and carers and is listed in the World

Health Organisation’s top 20 leading causes of years lived with disability

among individuals aged 15-4411. OCD is a treatable anxiety disorder with

good evidence for the effectiveness of empirically based psychological

treatments such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)12.

There is emerging evidence that CBT may be effective in ameliorating

distressing and debilitating anxiety in people with ASD. Trials of Group CBT

interventions for anxiety symptoms 5 and anxiety disorders 13,14,15 adapted for

children with ASD have reported promising results.

To date, most adult treatment studies of CBT in ASD have been confined to

single case reports – for example its effectiveness for depression16 and

social anxiety disorder17. More recently, we reported18 preliminary evidence

from an uncontrolled pilot study of CBT for OCD in 24 adults with ASD and

co-morbid OCD: we found that of the 12 adults who received CBT for OCD,

7 (58%) showed a good treatment response in comparison to 2 (16%) in the

Treatment as Usual (TAU) group with a standardized effect size (Cohen’s d)

for CBT of 1.01. This is reasonably consistent with published treatment

response rates for behavior therapy (59%) and CBT (67%) in adults with

OCD without ASD19.

In summary, there is evidence of high rates of anxiety disorders, particularly

co-morbid OCD, in both young people and adults with ASD. Results of both

individual and group systematic psychological treatment evaluations for

anxiety disorders in children and adolescents with ASD have been

promising, but to date none have been OCD-specific. There is preliminary

evidence that CBT may be effective for OCD in ASD as compared to TAU

but this requires replication and comparison with other potentially effective

approaches for this group.

The aims of the present study were to systematically evaluate CBT for OCD

adapted for people with ASD via a RCT comparing the new intervention with

a plausible control treatment.



Participants were recruited from specialist ASD clinics, specialist adult and

pediatric OCD clinics and generic child and adult mental health services.

Participants were individuals with a confirmed diagnosis of an ASD, Verbal

IQ > 70 and co-morbid Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) aged

between 14 and 65 years. Participants were excluded if they had current

psychotic symptoms, a current episode of major depression, uncontrolled

epilepsy or current substance misuse. Participants were included only if

psychiatric medication was stable in the 6 weeks prior to study entry and if

they had a baseline Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS)

severity rating of >16, typically used for inclusion in clinical trials 20. Diagnosis

of ASD was confirmed using the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI).

Diagnostic information was supplemented by the Autism Diagnostic

Observation Schedule (ADOS)21 for all participants. Assessment of other co-

morbid psychiatric diagnoses and to confirm the presence of OCD was

carried out using the MINI 5.0 neuropsychiatric interview22.

Delineating anxiety based obsessions and compulsions from the repetitive

routines and behaviors and circumscribed interests characteristic of ASD

was completed using the YBOCS-Symptom Checklist (YBOCS-SCL) and

according to the procedures developed in an earlier phenomenological

study10 which were detailed in the study manual. In brief, at the start of each

clinical interview care was taken to ensure that the participant was

cogniscent of the phenomena to be rated, that the discomfort and anxiety

basis for each potential OC symptom was clearly established using visual

tools if necessary. Eliciting of symptoms was achieved if needed by

enquiring about daily routines in total before gathering further

phenomenological information. Communication style and preferences of

each individual were also taken into account when administering the Y-

BOCS. The presence of obsessions/compulsions was not recorded unless

the ego-dystonic basis for unwanted internal phenomena and a resistance

to/recognition of the excessive nature of compulsions could be established.

All participants read an information sheet and signed consent forms to take

part in the study with developmentally appropriate information and assent

forms for participants aged 14-16 years.

The study was registered as a controlled trial (ISRCTN87114880) with

ethical approval granted by the local ethics committee.

Study design

A manual outlining ASD specific adaptations to standard CBT for OCD was

developed on the basis of a case note review of the pilot study18, expert

recommendations23,24 and the literature on cognitive and neuropsychological

function in ASD where deficits in emotion recognition and executive function

are reported. Standard cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for OCD was

adapted by (i) ensuring the building blocks for treatment (i.e. understanding

and differentiating emotions, particularly anxiety, and making links between

thoughts, feelings and behaviors) were in place, (ii) If required, educational

sessions about understanding and rating anxiety were provided before

moving on to present the rationale for treatment, (iii) visual tools and

concrete/special interest related analogies were used to convey

psychological concepts and (iv) a structured and therapist-directed approach

to sessional and homework content was taken.

The CBT treatment was predominantly Exposure and Response Prevention

(ERP) based and this was conducted in the usual hierarchal fashion both in

sessions and as homework. Post-hoc review of the treatment records

identified that an average of 10 (s.d. = 5.4) ERP homework tasks were set

and the compliance rate for ERP homework tasks was 79%. Cognitive

methods were also used to help individuals test out OCD and anxiety related

beliefs if appropriate. Post-hoc review identified that a mean of 2.7 (s.d =

3.2) sessions contained some cognitive techniques in the CBT group.

The control or comparison treatment was specified as Anxiety Management

(AM) to ensure that any treatment effects were solely due to the adapted

CBT for OCD rather than therapist contact, psycho-education about anxiety

and general anxiety reduction techniques. Furthermore, the general lack of

access to psychological treatment services for adults with ASD suggested

that TAU or a no-treatment condition would unfairly advantage the

experimental treatment and would not represent an adequate test of


The AM manual was developed for the present study by one of the authors

(MF) and was based on previous work25, 26

. It comprised 8 modules which

were adapted for ASD by including visual aides or concrete examples. The

modules included education about anxiety, diaphragmatic breathing and

practice, progressive muscle relaxation education and practice, education

about mood, healthy habits and problem-solving. The AM manual did not

contain any of the ‘active’ ingredients considered important in effective

treatment of OCD i.e. ERP or any cognitive strategies addressing OCD-

related beliefs.

The treatments were matched for duration (up to 20 sessions) and amount of

therapist contact (approximately 1 hour per session). Treatment completers

were defined as attending at least 7 sessions. Treatment duration was

specified as up to 20 sessions as prior experience had suggested that a

longer assessment and orientation to therapy phase was necessary for

some individuals with ASD. For further details regarding the treatments, see

Supplemental Material.

The treating therapists were all clinical psychologists (n=4) trained within a

cognitive behavioral framework who had extensive experience in treating

OCD in both young people and adults. All had received post-qualification

training in CBT for OCD having attended workshops delivered by OCD

specialists. All therapists delivered both treatments on a randomly allocated

basis. Three pilot cases (2 young people and 1 adult with ASD) were treated

with the CBT manual prior to commencing the RCT for feasibility and user

perspective purposes. This also allowed the trial therapists to be trained in

working more specifically with people with ASD and OCD. As therapists who

had worked in specialist OCD clinics, they had previous experience of

working with people with ASD. A consultant clinical psychologist with

expertise in both adult and pediatric cases (DMC) provided supervision for

the CBT cases.

Randomization procedure

Participants were randomized to the CBT or AM groups using a table of

random numbers (1:1 ratio) managed by an investigator who was part of the

Trial Management Committee but not a treating therapist.

Review of the study protocol by the ethics committee recommended that the

‘other’ treatment should be offered to participants on completion of the first

treatment. Thus, participants were informed via the study information sheet

that they could try the other treatment at or after 1 month follow-up following

completion of the first treatment if they wished.

Treatment Fidelity and Therapist Allegiance

A random proportion of cases (20%) were audio recorded to ensure

treatment fidelity. All treatment sessions were recorded and 20 percent of

these recordings were then randomly selected and rated by an independent

therapist, blind to treatment condition and outside of the clinical trial, as to

whether the session contained OCD targeted interventions such as ERP or

exploration of OCD-related beliefs. There was no evidence of cross-

contamination on the recordings i.e. none of the AM sessions were recorded

as containing any elements of CBT for OCD.

Outcome Measurement

Symptom Ratings were made by assessors blind to treatment group prior to

commencing treatment (i.e. no more than 4 weeks before the 1st treatment

session), end of treatment (1 week after the final treatment session), and at

1, 3, 6 and 12 month follow-up. Assessors were all trained clinicians

experienced in administering the YBOCS and interviewing people with ASD.

In order to address the validity of the blinding procedure, blind assessors

were asked to complete a questionnaire at each assessment point noting

which they thought was the randomization group and if this was (a) a

random decision, (b) revealed by the participant or (c) due to clinical

improvement27. Of the treatment completers, this section was not completed

in 8 (20%) of cases. None of the assessors were ‘unblinded’ to treatment

group (i.e. cited (b) as the reason for their choice of treatment group). Blind

assessors were accurate in their assignment of treatment group in 24 (60%)

of cases. They described their choice as ‘random’ in 30 (75%) of cases. In

18 (45%) of cases clinical improvement was also cited as a reason for group


Primary Outcome

The Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS)27 total severity

rating was the primary outcome measure. In addition to the 10 item severity

scale, the insight item from the Y-BOCS (Y-BOCS item 11) was also

included with the interviewer being asked to document ‘what is the worst

thing that the patient worries will happen if she/he did not respond to

obsessive thoughts or urges to perform compulsions?’ and then rating the

extent to which the patient is certain that the feared consequence is

reasonable and will actually occur ranging from (0) ‘certain that the feared

consequence will happen’ to (5) ‘certain that the feared consequence will not


A reduction of at least 25% on the YBOCS severity rating scale is

considered to be a sensitive but not specific measure of treatment

response28. A YBOCS total score of ≤ 12 for 1 week or more was used to

define remission28 with remission lasting for longer than 1 month being

defined as recovery.

Secondary Outcome

A broad range of outcome measures, including assessment of other anxiety

disorders was employed.

Clinical Global Impression (CGI) and CGI Improvement (CGIi) Rating


Dimensional Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (D-YBOCS)30

The D-YBOCS is a semi-structured interview to ascertain the presence and

severity of 6 symptom dimensions of OCD. Each symptom dimension is

rated for severity (0-15) with a global rating considering severity overall and

global impairment (0-30).

Self-Report (Adult) – Measures comprised the Obsessive Compulsive

Inventory-Revised (OCI-R)31; Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)32, Beck

Anxiety Inventory (BAI)33; Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS)34, and the

Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS)35 .

Self-Report (Youth ages 14-18) – OCI-R, BDI-Youth36; WSAS, and the

Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS)37.

Treatment Satisfaction - All participants were asked to rate their satisfaction

with the treatment they had received on an 8-point visual analogue scale

ranging from (0) ‘not at all satisfied’ to (8) ‘very much satisfied’.

Informant report (all participants) – A person who knew the participant well

such as parent, carer or spouse was asked to complete the Children’s

Obsessive Compulsive Inventory-Parent Version (PR-CHOCI-R)38 at each

measurement point. Severity scores can be obtained by summing up the

item responses to give ‘compulsions impairment (0-24), obsessions

impairment (0-24) and total impairment (0-48). Informants were also asked

to complete the Family Accommodation Scale-Parent Report (FAS-PR)39

where 13 items relating to the provision of reassurance, modification of

home routines etc are rated on a 5 point scale with a possible maximum

score of 52. A total score of 13 is generally used as a cut-off to indicate

clinically meaningful accommodation of OCD symptoms and this has been

associated with treatment outcome in pediatric OCD40 .

Correspondence between self-administered, clinician-administered and

informant-administered measures of symptom content and severity

There were modest but significant correlations between self and informant

reports of symptom severity and clinician-administered pre-treatment

measures. Furthermore, the sub-scales of the OCI-R were associated with

the relevant symptom dimensions on the D-YBOCS (see Table 1).

-Table 1 about here-

Power analysis

Based on the data from the pilot study18 a sample size calculation showed

that in order to detect statistically significant differences between the groups

on the primary outcome measure (YBOCS total severity rating) at alpha 5%

and 80% power, 19 participants would be required for each randomization

group. We recruited 23 participants in each group, allowing for 4 dropouts in

each treatment arm.

Data Analysis

Independent t-tests and χ 2 tests were used to consider any pre-treatment

differences between the groups on symptom measures and demographics.

Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were carried out on the primary outcome

measure controlling for baseline symptom severity to investigate any

difference between the two groups at the end of treatment. Repeated

measures analyses of variance were used to detect pre-post treatment

changes in the AM and CBT groups. Effect sizes were calculated using

Cohen’s d. All of the analyses were intention to treat and where outcome

data was not available, pre-treatment scores were not carried forward 41.


Participant flow

Seventy-five people were referred to the study, 8 (10.7%) were self-referrals,

24 (32%) were referred from community mental health services, 21 (28%)

were referred by specialist ASD services, 11 (14.7%) were referred by

specialist anxiety disorder clinics, 4 (5.3%) were referred by voluntary sector

services and referral information was missing for 7 (9.4%). Seventeen

(22.6%) of these 75 individuals did not meet eligibility criteria for the study

(see Figure 1), 2 people were eligible but geography prevented participation

and 10 people did not consent to take part.

Twenty three people were randomized to each of the 2 treatment groups

(AM and CBT) with 20 treatment completers in each group.

Figure 1 about here

Participants in the treatment groups were involved in the treatment arm of

the study for equivalent periods of time. The mean number of weeks

between pre-treatment and end-of-treatment ratings were: AM group = 23.74

(sd=10.37); CBT group =27.06 (sd=10.27). The mode or most usual length

of treatment in weeks was 25.

Demographics and Clinical features

Independent samples t-tests revealed no differences between the groups for

the mean domain and total scores on the ADOS, Verbal IQ, age, or pre-

treatment symptom scores (see Table 2).

The treatment groups did not differ with respect to gender distribution (AM

group 69.6%, CBT group 82.6% male), or the proportion of those under the

age of 18 (AM group n=6 (26.1%), CBT group n=3 (13%) youth protocol).

Table 2 about here

The groups did not differ significantly in respect of OCD symptom

dimensions with Contamination Obsessions and related compulsions

reported by 18 (78.2%) of the AM group and 20 (86.9%) of the CBT group,

Aggressive/Harm obsessions by 17 (73.9%) of the AM group and 14 (60.8%)

of the CBT group, Sexual/Religious obsessions by 5 (21.7%) of the AM

group and 9 (39.1%) of the CBT group; Symmetry obsessions by 16 (69.5%)

of the AM and 15 (65.2%) of the CBT group; Hoarding obsessions by 9

(39.1%) of the AM and 14 (60.8%) of the CBT group and miscellaneous

obsessions/compulsions endorsed by 10 (43.3%) of the AM group and 9

(39.1%) of the CBT group. The AM and CBT groups endorsed a mean of 3.1

(sd=1.2) and 3.3 (sd=1.4) OCD symptom dimensions respectively.

Number of Sessions

The mean number of treatment sessions was marginally greater in the CBT

(17.43; sd=4.3) than in the AM condition (14.43; sd=5.3) (t=-2.022, df=42,

p=.05, 95% C.I. -5.98 to -.006).

Treatment Response (acute phase)

Table 3 shows, for blind clinical assessor, self and informant ratings, the

means and standard deviations for each measure at pre, post and 1 month

follow-up treatment, percent improvement change between pre- and post-

treatment and pre-treatment and 1 month follow-up, the mean difference,

95% confidence intervals and within-group effect sizes. In terms of missing

data, Y-BOCS and D-YBOCS ratings were available for all participants in

both groups at the start of treatment, 20 in the CBT group and 20 in the AM

group at the end of treatment, and 18 in the CBT and 17 in the AM group at

1 month follow-up. For the self-report measures, the OCI-R was completed

by 20, 17 and 17 in the CBT group and 19, 17 and 17 in the AM group at the

start, end and 1 month post treatment respectively. There was a similar rate

of completion with the other self-report measures. The Informant measures

were completed by 15, 14 and 11 in the CBT group and 14, 11 and 9 in the

AM group at the start, end and 1 month post treatment respectively.

Table 3 about here

ANCOVA, controlling for pre-treatment YBOCS severity ratings, detected no

significant differences between the treatment groups on the primary outcome

measure (YBOCS total severity scores) at end of treatment (F1,37,=1.127,


In the CBT group, univariate repeated measures ANOVAS established

significant changes in YBOCS total severity scores from pre-treatment to

end of treatment (F1,19,=15.089, p=.001). In the AM group, there were also

significant changes in YBOCS total severity ratings from pre-treatment to

end of treatment (F1,19,=20.169, p<.0001).

Within-group treatment effect sizes on the YBOCS were large and could be

considered clinically meaningful in the CBT group (1.15) and medium in the

AM group (0.6).

There were more treatment responders (i.e. had a >25% reduction in

YBOCS total severity ratings) in the CBT group as compared to the AM

group (9/20 (45%) vs 5/20 (20%) respectively). However this difference in

response rate was not statistically significant (X2=1.72, df=1, p=.160). When

a more stringent rating of treatment response i.e. a CGI ‘much or very much

improved’ combined with a >35% reduction in YBOCS total severity ratings

was considered, 6/20 (30%) of the CBT group achieved treatment response

compared with 2/20 (10%) of the AM group. Again the groups did not differ

significantly in the proportion of treatment responders. Slightly more

participants in the CBT group were classified as remitted cases (i.e. with a

YBOCS total severity rating of ≤ 12 1 week after treatment ended) as

compared with the AM group (5/20 (20%) vs 3/20 (15%)) but this difference
was not statistically significant.

Standardized effect sizes to further compare the 2 treatments were

calculated for end of treatment primary outcome ratings using Cohen’s d

(mean CBT – mean AM/pooled). Effect sizes were 0.4 for the YBOCS total

severity rating, 0.4 for YBOCS obsessions severity, 0.2 for YBOCS

compulsions and 0.3 for Clinical Global Impression, all indicating a small

advantage for CBT over AM after treatment.

Treatment Satisfaction

There were no differences between the 2 treatment groups as to their

reports of satisfaction with the treatments they had received: AM Group

mean satisfaction score=5.60 (sd=2.131); CBT Group mean satisfaction

score=4.9 (sd=2.3), t=.809(df=27) p=.425.

Maintanance of gains at long term follow-up

In the CBT group, there were significant changes in YBOCS total severity

scores from pre-treatment to 1-month follow-up (F1,17,=10.530, p=.005), 3-

month follow-up (n=10; F1,9,=11.602, p=.008), 6-month follow-up (n=12,

F1,11,=10.823, p=.007) and 12-month follow-up (n=11; F1,10,=9.831, p=.011).

The stability of the change over time can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2 about here

Cross-Over Cases

Nine (39%) participants in the AM group, compared with 3 (13%) participants

in the CBT group asked to ‘cross-over’ or try the other treatment either at or

after the 1 month follow-up point (X2 = 4.05, df=1, p=.044).

Eight of the 9 participants originally randomized to AM who ‘crossed-over’ to

CBT completed the second treatment and attended for symptom ratings

(AM+CBT). One participant was not available for end of treatment ratings

despite completing the treatment. There was a significant effect of this 2nd

treatment (F1,7= 7.703, p=.027) on the primary outcome measure when the

end of second treatment scores were compared to pre-treatment. There was

no change in YBOCS severity ratings for the 3 participants who completed

AM following CBT although the individuals attended readily and qualitatively

commented that they found the treatment helpful in general stress


Secondary Outcome Measures

Although clinician ratings of Clinical Global Impression (CGI) changed

significantly between pre-and post treatment (F=29.1, df=1,34, p<.001), this

did not vary by treatment group (F=2.28, df=1,34, p=.140). Figure 3 depicts

the percentage of participants in each group rated as ‘much or very much

improved’ and ‘minimally improved, unchanged or worse’ on the CGI

improvement scale. On the basis of this dichotomous rating, the treatment

groups differ significantly in terms of the proportion of participants in each

group rated as ‘much or very much improved’ (CBT group n=11; AM group

n=5; (2=3.886 (df=1), Fisher’s exact test p=0.050).

Figure 3 about here

Regarding self-report measures, neither of the groups showed significant

differences between pre-, post- and 1 month follow-up mean scores on any

of the self-ratings (See table 3). Informant ratings differed significantly

between pre- and post-treatment only for the AM group.

Moderating Factors

Symptom Severity

The 5 participants classified as treatment responders in the AM group had

significantly lower YBOCS severity ratings pre-treatment (mean=21.20,

sd=3.2) when compared to the non-responders in the AM group

(mean=26.8, sd=4.8; t=2.37 (df=17); p=.029, 95% C.I. 0.6-10.6). This was

not the case in the CBT group where responders and non-responders were

equivalent with respect to symptom severity before starting treatment (CBT

responder mean =24.8, sd=3.2; CBT non-responder mean =24.1, sd=4.4; t=-

.41 (df=16), p=.687). Similarly, treatment responders in the AM group had a

significantly lower CGI rating pre-treatment than non-responders (AM

responders mean=3.2, sd=.5; AM non-responders mean=4.5, sd=.6; t=3.56,

df=15, p=.003, 95% C.I. 0.5-2.0). The AM responders did not differ in terms

of number of OC symptoms from non-responders.


Age was not significantly associated with treatment outcome. The main

outcome analysis was also repeated excluding those participants who

entered the Youth protocol (Age 14-16) and this did not affect the pattern of


Other variables

Other variables purported to be of interest as potential moderators of

treatment including Verbal IQ, ADOS scores and performance on executive

function measures were investigated in terms of their association with

treatment response i.e. the percentage change in total YBOCS severity

scores. None of these factors showed any association.

However, the group categorized as treatment responders (i.e. >25%

reduction in YBOCS ratings) differed significantly from non-responders on

the Family Accommodation Scale (FAS) at baseline (Mean treatment

responder FAS=18.22, s.d.=15.91; Mean treatment non-responder FAS

score=29.53, s.d.=12.30; t=2.015, df=24, p=.055, 95% C.I. of the difference -

.275-22.89). The treatment responder and non-responder groups did not

differ on the FAS at the end of treatment. There was a wide range of scores

on the FAS in the treatment response group at baseline and this reduced by

the end of treatment suggesting that family factors may have changed over

the course of treatment.

In terms of insight as ascertained by the Y-BOCS, 33 (71.7%) of all

participants could identify a specific feared consequence if they did not

respond to the obsessive thoughts or compulsive urges. Certainty about the

feared consequences differed post-treatment according to treatment

response at the trend level (responder mean rating=1.00 (sd=1.15), non-

responder mean rating=1.95 (sd=1.07); t=2.00 (df=26), p=.056), indicating

that non-responders tended to have worse insight scores.


This is the first clinical trial to provide evidence for the effectiveness of CBT

for co-morbid OCD in young people and adults with ASD. The effect of CBT

treatment in the present study was comparable to clinical trials of OCD in

people without ASD where aggregated effect sizes of 1.12 and 1.45 have

been reported from meta-analyses of CBT trials in adult 42 and pediatric43

OCD studies respectively Importantly, the treatment gains were sustained

over a 12-month follow-up period.

Unexpectedly, Anxiety Management, a plausible control treatment, was also

effective in bringing about a reduction in OCD symptoms in people with ASD,

particularly those with milder symptoms. It was not possible to separate the

two treatment groups at the end of treatment in terms of symptom severity,

although there were twice as many responders in the CBT than in the AM

group. Comparison between the effect sizes of the two treatments afforded

some small advantage for ERP-based CBT over AM.

This advantage for CBT was greater for ratings of obsessions. In an earlier

uncontrolled pilot study18 where CBT was compared with treatment as usual,

we noted an overall advantage for CBT, with a significant change in

obsessions severity ratings but not compulsions. It is possible that

measurement issues and in particular difficulties in disentangling ASD

preferred routines and stereotyped behaviours from anxiety based

compulsions has a role to play here. Alternatively, unwanted intrusive

thoughts/images/impulses may be associated with greater distress and thus

motivation for treatment than compulsive rituals where a preference for

routine and sameness in ASD may infer greater tolerance of these

symptoms. Further, outcome for adults with ASD is known to be poor with

low levels of employment and independent living. In the absence of full-

occupation, compulsive rituals may not present with a high level of daily


Significantly more patients in the AM group requested crossover to the CBT

group than did CBT patients to the AM group after the 1-month follow-up

than, indicating that the AM treatment although receiving similar satisfaction

ratings, was not perceived as being as potentially useful as the ERP based

treatment. The 8 patients who crossed over from AM to CBT and provided

data at the 1-month follow-up point achieved statistically significant

reductions in OCD severity, whereas those who crossed over from CBT to

AM (n=3) did not improve.

Setting aside the not inconsequential issues of sample size and statistical

power (discussed below), it is worth considering why AM might have

performed relatively well in people with ASD and co-morbid OCD,

particularly those with mild symptoms.

First, this is not an unprecedented finding. For example, Whittal et al.

(2010)44 in a study investigating Cognitive Therapy for obsessions found that

Stress Management (a credible control treatment) was also helpful in

reducing obsessions with equivalent pre-post effect sizes for both treatments

on the primary outcome measure. Unexpectedly, changes in OCD related

cognitions and threat appraisals occurred in the control group. In an internet-

based trial of self-help for panic and phobias 26, a similar anxiety

management control group did as well as the exposure therapy group on

some outcome measures. In an ASD specific study of group treatment for

anxiety in children, a social recreational programme was found to have a

similar effect on anxiety symptoms as CBT45. Thus, under certain

circumstances, non-specific interventions can lead to clinically significant

improvements in disorder-specific measures. In the current trial, it is

important to note that patients who responded to the control treatment had

significantly less severe OCD.

Second, it is important to consider that OCD is not the only commonly

occurring anxiety disorder in ASD. There is evidence that processing and

identification of emotions may be impaired in this group46 and the AM

intervention in the present study (with its focus on education about anxiety

and teaching of relaxation techniques), may have made anxiety a more

predictable and manageable emotion for some individuals. Risk factors for

anxiety disorders such as increased intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety

sensitivity may be elevated in people with ASD who have a preference for

routine and sameness and this may represent a pathway to OCD. Increasing

an individual’s capacity to manage the emotional consequences brought

about by uncertainty and anxiety may thus bring about a reduction in OCD


Further, the non-specifics of therapy may be more potent in this group who

can be socially isolated and lack support. The majority of clinical trials in

people with ASD have to date employed a wait list or treatment as usual

comparison condition. However, an RCT evaluating CBT for anxiety versus a

Social Recreational Program in young people with ASD had similar

difficulties to the present study in significantly separating the treatments in

terms of their effects on anxiety45.

There were no therapist effects in terms of numbers of treatment

responders. Prior to their work on the present study, the majority of the

therapists had gained some experience of working with people with ASD as

part of generic anxiety/OCD clinic work. Only one of the therapists had
previously worked in an ASD-specific service. Thus the results should be

generalizable to clinicians and psychological therapists trained in treating


Self-report of OCD and other anxiety symptoms were correlated with

clinician and informant ratings at pre-treatment but not at follow-up

suggesting they were not sensitive to change. Nonetheless, it is of benefit to

know that self-report measures can be used as an assessment tool to

accurately assess the content of anxiety related problems in young people

and adults with ASD and this is consistent with findings from other studies47.

It is also important to note that many of the participants in the study had

good insight into their OCD and that OC related beliefs were prevalent.

There was some indication that family factors (family accommodation) were

associated with treatment outcome in the present study and this is consistent

with findings of other anxiety intervention studies in ASD5 and outcome in

general pediatric OCD treatment studies40 . Group and individual

psychological interventions for anxiety disorders in this group should then

seek the engagement of relevant care-giving/supportive individuals in



While the study was well powered to detect within-group changes in

symptom severity, it may have lacked statistical power to detect a difference

between the two treatment groups. The power calculation was based on an

earlier pilot study where treatment was compared to no-treatment18. As

discussed above, the AM intervention clearly had some modest effect,

particularly in individuals with mild OCD symptoms. This indicates that larger

sample sizes will be needed to detect a statistically significant difference

between the groups. The results of the current trial will be useful to help

more accurate power calculations for future trials. However, the main

message of the current study is that standard CBT for OCD can be

successfully adapted for ASD participants who are traditionally perceived as

difficult to treat.

The disproportionally high number of participants who endorsed hoarding

symptoms in the CBT (60%) vs. the AM (40%) groups may also have

contributed to the lack of clearly significant differences between the groups

because hoarding symptoms are usually considered difficult to treat with

conventional CBT for OCD48. Given the current proposals to separate

hoarding from OCD in DSM-549, future treatment studies would probably

benefit from excluding any severe hoarding individuals from their samples.

The wide ranges of age and symptom severity may have had an impact on

the findings. Rounsaville et al. (2001)48 recommend reducing therapist and

participant heterogeneity and choosing narrow parameters with which to

define the treatment setting, participants and therapists in order to optimize

the power available in a small pilot trial. However, we felt that as a proof of

concept trial, it would be important to recruit a wide range of individuals.

The lack of follow-up information on the AM group is a weakness imposed by

our design, as it was unethical to withhold the evidence based treatment

(CBT) for longer than the 1-month follow-up and these patients had to be

offered the option of a cross-over. A further limitation was the absence of

detailed information about homework compliance and its association with

treatment response.

Not everyone did well as a result of treatment. A proportion of participants in

both groups (15% AM and 10% CBT) were rated as minimally or much

worse at 1 month follow-up on the Clinical Global Impressions Scale, one of

the secondary outcome measures. In addition to the lack of longer term

follow-up previously mentioned in the AM group, just over 50% of the

treatment completers in the CBT group remained in follow-up for 12 months.

It is possible that those lost to follow-up may also have deteriorated during

that period and thus the positive effects of the intervention may have been

limited to just those who stayed in the study.

In summary, psychological treatments for OCD can be successfully adapted

for comorbid ASD and OCD. Further testing of these promising interventions

with larger, more homogeneous samples is now required.


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Excluded (n=29):
Figure 1: Consort Flow Diagram
Assessed for Not meeting inclusion criteria:
eligibility (n= 75) No OCD (n=13) Epilepsy (n=1)
No ASD (n=2) VIQ< 70 (n=1)
Geography (n=2)
Refused to participate:
(n= 10)

Allocated to Anxiety Management

Allocated to CBT for OCD (n= 23) (n= 23)
Received allocated intervention Allocation Received allocated intervention (n=
(n= 23) 23 )

Lost to follow-up (n= 1): Discontinued intervention (n=3):

Major depressive episode Depression (n=1)
Discontinued intervention (n= 2 ): Follow-up Withdrew assent (n=1)
Acute medical admission (n=1) Reason unknown (n=1)
Withdrew from treatment (n=1)

Analyzed (n=20) Analyzed (n=20)

Excluded from analysis (n=3): Excluded from analysis (n=3):
Discontinued/lost to follow-up Discontinued intervention

Attended (n=17)
Attended (n=18) 1 month follow- Did not attend (n=2)
Did not attend (n=2) up Cross-over to other treatment after
Cross-over to other treatment this point (n=9)
(n=3) Entered follow-up (n=11)
Entered follow-up( n=17)

Table 1: Correlations of Clinician, Informant and Self-report severity ratings of OC symptoms
Rating Informant Informant Informant Clinician Self- Self- Self- Self- Self-report
Obsessions Compulsions total total report report report report Neutralising
severity severity severity severity Washing Hoarding Ordering Obsessing
Clinician .481
Obsessions p=.020
severity n=23
Clinician .276
Compulsions p=.155
Severity n=28
Clinician total .576
severity p=.001
Self-report .482 .265
total severity p=.015 p=.108
n=25 n=38
Clinician .468
Contamination p=.003
severity n=39
Clinician .394
Hoarding p=.014
severity n=38
Clinician .374
Symmetry p=.019
severity n=39
Clinician .419 .462
Aggression p=.01 p=.003
Obs severity n=37 n=38

Table 2: Age, ADOS, Verbal IQ and Symptom Measures at pre-treatment
Anxiety CBT Group t (df) p
Management Mean (SD)
Mean (SD)

Age in years 25.2 (13.5) 28.6 (11.3) -.93 (44) 1.00

Min=14 Min=14
max=65 max=49
ADOS Comm and RSI total 9.9 (4.7) 10.7 (4.2) -.49 (33) .621
WAIS/WISC Verbal IQ 97.3 (15.2) 102.5 (16.7) -.91 (30) .367
Clinician administered
YBOCS Obsessions severity 12.4(3.1) 11.6 (2.7) .90(39) .370
YBOCS Compulsions severity 12.9(2.8) 13.2(1.5) -.47(39) .638
YBOCS total severity 25.1(5.2) 24.8(3.7) .20(39) .839
DYBOCS Global severity 20.4(5.1) 20.6(3.7) -.15(41) .880
CGI 4.2(0.8) 4.1(0.7) .35(37) .725
Checking sub-scale 5.8(3.6) 6.4(3.7) -.37(33) .708
Hoarding sub-scale 5.1(3.6) 5.2(3.6) -.19(33) .849
Neutralising sub-scale 2.8(3.4) 3.3(3.0) -.58(33) .566
Obsessing sub-scale 6.6(3.6) 6.4(4.0) .26(32) .790
Ordering sub-scale 6.6(3.2) 5.3(4.4) .16(34) .256
Washing sub-scale 4.3 (4.1) 3.8(3.8) .16(34) .869
OCI-R Total 30.9(13.7) 30.5(15.9) .09(34) .929
Beck Depression Inventory 16.9(12.0) 17.3(13.5) -.11 (38) .912
Beck Anxiety Inventory 15.4 (10.9) 16.2(11.6) -.19 (37) .725
N=15 N=17
Spence Children’s Anxiety 27.8(4.7) 28.3(20.3) -.05 (6) .955
Scale Total Score N=5 N=3
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale 76.8(26.1) 67.5(33.5) .82(26) .418
Total Score
Work and Social Adjustment 18.5(9.5) 18.8(10.9) -.069 (30) .946
Parental/Carer Report
CHOCI Symptom Total 14.7(8.1) 14.4(6.0) .11(25) .908
CHOCI Impairment Total 28.9(12.5) 27.9(11.6) .21(25) .832
Family Accommodation Scale 24.1(13.5) 27.3(15.1) -.58(25) .562
ADOS Comm and RSI total: Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
Communication and Reciprocal Social Interaction domains scores total
WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales
WISC: Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children

Table 3; Pre and post treatment and 1 Month Follow-up clinician, self and informant ratings by group
Pre- Post 1 Month Pre-Post Pre-1MFUP Pre-Post % Pre-1MFUP Pre- Pre-
Treatment treatment FUP difference difference imp. % imp. Post 1MFU
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean 95% Mean 95% Mean (SD) Mean (SD) effect Effect
C.I. C.I. size size
CBT: Clinician ratings
Total severity 24.8(3.7) 17.8(8.4) 18.7(8.2) 7.0 ** 3.2-10.7 5.8 ***. 2-9.7 27.8(33.2) 23.5(32.1) 1.078 .958
Obsessions severity 11.7(2.8) 8.7(4.1) 8.5(3.6) 2.9 ** 1.1-4.7 3.1 ** 1.4-4.7 24.0(34.7) 25.2(30.9) .854 .922
Compulsions severity 13.1(1.5) 9.0(4.6) 9.7(4.5) 4.0 ** 1.7-6.3 3.2 ** 0.9-5.5 29.7(36.5) 23.9(35.7) 1.198 1.013
CGI 4.2(0.8) 3.3(1.1) 3.5(1.3) 0.9 ***0.4-1.4 0.8 ** 0.2-1.4 21.4(21.8) 19.6(25.3) .935 .648
Dimensional YBOCS:
Contamination 7.3(4.1) 3.9(3.8) 4.5(3.8) 3.4 ** 1.4-5.3 2.6 ** 0.8-4.5 41.4(48.6) 34.2(41.3) .860 .708
Hoarding 3.5(3.9) 1.7(2.8) 1.7(2.8) 1.7 * 0.2-3.3 2.1 * 0.3-3.9 48.8(55.7) 53.4(49.5) .530 .530
Symmetry 5.3(4.5) 4.2(4.6) 4.6(4.4) 1.1 -.2-2.5 1.2 -.3-2.8 35.5(47.1) 34.9(48.0) .241 .157
Aggression/Harm 3.8(4.3) 2.6(4.0) 2.2(3.5) 1.2 -.1-2.5 1.8 * .2-3.4 29.9(61.7) 65.7(39.3) .288 .408
Sexual/Religious 2.0(3.1) 1.2(2.3) 1.3(2.5) 0.8 -.2-1.8 0.8 -.3-1.9 37.3(51.4) 34.7(52.8) .293 .248
Miscellaneous 3.2(4.1) 1.4(3.0) 1.6(3.5) 1.8 * 0.4-3.1 1.7 * .1-3.2 60.6(45.4) 58.5(52.6) .501 .419
Global total 20.7(3.8) 15.5(7.1) 15.8(7.0) 5.2 *** 2.5-7.8 5.0 ** 2.1-7.9 26.7(30.1) 25.4(30.9) .913 .870
CBT: Self-Ratings:
OCI-R total 31.5(12.7) 26.8(15.3) 29.3(12.9) 4.7 -1.3-10.7 1.3 -6.9-9.7 20.2(45.8) -32.1(97.4) .334 .171
BDI 16.2(13.8) 15.7(16.5) 17.5(15.1) -.5 -3.9-4.9 2.0 -2.9-6.9 17.9(58.3) 16.4(39.1) .032 -.089
BAI 16.4(10.6) 14.0(11.6) 13.6(10.1) 2.3 -0.8-5.5 1.5 -3.8-6.9 14.1(52.9) 26.5(36.0) .215 .270
Liebowitz total 74.7(27.1) 67.8(34.9) 66.2(35.7) 6.9 -9.8-23.7 -2.2-17.6-13 7.0(34.7) -20.3(46.2.1) .220 .268
Spence total 28.3(20.3) 49.0(n=1) 20.0 -28.9 -1.40
Work and Social 19.0(10.4) 22.4(11.7) 14.1(9.1) 3.4 -7.8-1.0 4.6 -3.9-13.1 -24.4(43.5) 8.4(53.5) -.307 .501
Adjustment Scale
CHOCI severity 30.3(11.1) 25.8(10.5) 28.8(7.0) 4.5 2.1-11.1 2.7-7.5-13.0 4.9(41.1) -3.2(41.2) .416 .161
Family Acc. 26.9(15.2) 27.9(15.0) 21.1(9.3) -1 -11-8.9 6.3 -5.8-18.4 -33.1(90.1) 1.4(71.3) -.066 .460

Pre- Post 1 Month Pre-Post Pre-1MFUP Pre-Post % Pre-1MFUP Pre- Pre-
Treatment treatment FUP difference difference imp. % imp. Post 1MFU
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean 95% Mean 95% Mean (SD) Mean (SD) effect Effect
C.I. C.I. size size
AM: clinician ratings
Total severity 25.1(5.1) 20.8(7.8) 20.7(5.4) 4.7 ***2.5-6.8 3.8 ***2.1-5.6 20.3(23.4) 16.2(14.3) .652 .837
Obsessions severity 12.4(3.0) 10.5(3.8) 11.9(2.3) 2.0 ** 0.9-3.0 2.2 ***1.2-3.3 17.6(21.9) 19.7(17.9) .554 .187
Compulsions 12.9(2.8) 10.3(4.7) 10.8(3.0) 2.7 ** 1.1-4.3 1.9 * 0.9-3.1 22.5(30.6) 13.1(20.8) .672 .723
CGI 4.2(0.8) 3.7(1.1) 3.7(1.2) 0.5 ** 0.2-0.8 0.6 ** 0.1-0.9 13.9(18.4) 14.9(19.6) .519 .490
Dimensional YBOCS:
Contamination 5.8(4.3) 4.8(4.8) 4.9(4.4) 1.0 -.5-2.5 0.8 -.6-2.2 22.3(69.6) 27.6(45.0) .219 .206
Hoarding 2.9(3.8) 2.5(3.6) 2.0(3.4) 0.3 -1.4-2.1 0.8 -1.4-3.1 54.9(36.0) 68.7(39.2) .108 .249
Symmetry 5.4(4.3) 4.6(3.9) 3.7(3.7) 0.8 -.6-2.2 2.0 * .2-3.7 21.8(40.8) 43.1(43.2) .194 .423
Aggression/Harm 6.5(4.4) 5.3(4.6) 4.5(4.1) 1.2 -.1-2.6 2.1 * .27-3.9 29.4(37.7) 36.8(41.7) .266 .470
Sexual/Religious 1.6(3.4) 2.2(4.2) 2.2(4.2) -.6 -2.4-1.2 -1.0 -2.8-.8 52.5(55.0) 19.5(14.7) -.157 -.157
Miscellaneous 3.3(4.2) 1.6(4.7) 1.1(2.2) 1.6 * 0 .2-3.0 1.9 * -0.2-3.9 58.9(46.8) 51.5(50.8) .381 .656
Global total 20.3(4.7) 17.1(7.5) 17(5.9) 3.2 ** 1.1-5.2 2.9 ** 1.3-4.5 18.5(27.1) 15.7(14.9) .511 .524
AM: self-ratings:
OCI-R total 30.3(11.9) 30.9(13.4) 31.1(14.4) -.5 -5.2-4.2 -.06 -4.6-4.5 -4.3(28.7) -.68(23.5) -.047 -.060
BDI 17.1(12.4) 17.5(12.0) 18.8(12.3) -.4 -5.2-4.3 -1.3 -7.2-4.6 -10.2(60.3) -16.7(85.9) -.032 -.137
BAI 16.6(12.2) 17.2(12.7) 15.4(13.1) -.5 -5.6-4.5 -.6 -4.0-5.4 -23.1(97.5) 4.3(60.2) -.048 .094
Liebowitz total 72.4(29.1) 78.8(43.7) 76.4(37.1) -5.7 -29-17.6 -3 -15.3-19.1 -11.0(56.9) -0.5(30.4) -.172 -.119
Spence total 27.5(3.5) 36.5(13.4) 36.0(14.1) -7 -95-81.9 -8.5-103-86.7 -23.3(32.9) -28.6(34.8) -.919 -.827
Work and Social 17.9(9.5) 17.2(7.5) 15.7(6.3) 0.6 -4.9-6.2 .92 -4.6-6.5 -28.6(85.9) -50.6(167.9) .081 .272
Adjustment Scale
CHOCI severity 27.8(12.7) 21.0(13.5) 20.3(15.4) 6.8 * -.1-13.7 4.1 -4.4-26.6 21.6(56.7) 19.9(48.1) .518 .531
Family Acc. 20.8(13.1) 22.3(17.2) 17.8(17.1) -1.5 -9.1-6.1 .2 -9.7-12.2 -7.0(50) 5.0 (55.7) -.098 .196
AM=anxiety management, 1MFUP=one month follow-up ratings
Significance of change on 2-tailed related test *<.05, **<.01, ***<.001

Figure 2: YBOCS total severity (pre and end treatment, 1M FUP) by
treatment group and 3 (n=10), 6 (n=12) and 12M (n=11) FUP for CBT group


YBOCS total severity
















Figure 3: Percentage of participants rated as ‘minimally improved, unchanged or
worse’ and ‘much or very much improved’ on the Clinical Global Improvement
Scale by treatment group

Description of the treatments
CBT treatment
The duration of each session ranged from 41 to 74 minutes (mean session
length=60 minutes, s.d=7.5). Homework was set at every session, which
included reading materials from the session, completing OCD diaries and
exposure tasks. The compliance rate for homework was 90%, although this
included even partial completion of the homework tasks. On average 10
(s.d=5.4) ERP tasks were set as homework throughout treatment and the
compliance rate for these was 79%. The mean compliance rate for other
homework such as reading materials and keeping records was 89%. In
terms of session content and how the treatment was generally structured, a
mean of 2.7 sessions (s.d=1.6, range 1-6) comprised anxiety education;
OCD education was included in 3 to 13 sessions (mean=5.8, s.d.=2.9);
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) was covered in up to 16 sessions
(mean=8.6, s.d.=5.3) and a mean of 2.7 sessions (s.d.=3.2) included
cognitive intervention techniques. Relapse prevention took between 0 to 2
(mean=1, s.d.=0.7) sessions.

In terms of the frequency of using ASD specific modifications, work with 1

participant incorporated the use of their special interest to help convey
concepts, therapists were noted on the record forms as needing to be ‘more
directive’ in sessions for 13 (68%) of participants, 6 (32%) participants
needed ‘rules’ to engage with the structure of the sessions (e.g. how much
time to spend talking on non-OCD topics etc), 9 (47%) of participants’
sessions record forms had reference to concrete examples being needed
and use of visual material to convey concepts was incorporated in 11 (58%)
of participants’ sessions. Nine (47%) participants in the CBT group had
direct involvement of parents/carers in sessions.

Anxiety management treatment

The duration of the sessions ranged from 28 to 71 minutes (mean=57
minutes, s.d.=8.3). Homework was set at every session, which included
reading materials, practicing techniques learnt in the sessions and keeping
records. The compliance rate for homework was 95%, which included even
partial completion of the homework tasks.

With regards to content of the treatment, between 1 to 8 sessions were

focused on learning and practicing breathing exercises (mean=3.9, s.d.=1.8)
and between 1 to 13 sessions included relaxation practice (mean=5.5, s.d.
=3.1). Sessions on mood ranged from 0 to 3 (mean=1.4, s.d.=0.82), 0 to 10
sessions were on healthy habits (mean= 3.9, s.d.= 2.7) and 0 to 4 sessions
were spent on problem solving (mean =1.9, s.d.= 1.2).

In terms of modifying the AM treatment to make it suitable for people with

ASD, there were no records suggesting any participants had their special
interests incorporated into the session. Therapists were noted as being

‘more directive’ in sessions for 5 (25%) of participants, 1 (5%) participant
needed rules for the sessions, 6 (30%) needed reference to concrete
examples, 9 (45%) needed visual aids and 6 (30%) of participants’
parents/carers were directly involved in sessions.


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