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Deeds To Habit

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Deeds to Habit

1. How to Build a Worship Routine That Lasts

- To start small but consistently (the most beloved deeds to Allah)
- Small good deeds will grow over time, appreciate the process rather than the outcome
- Be firm and resolve to make the deed a habit

2. How to Start a 5-minute Qiyam Habit

- Drink a lot of water before sleeping
- Remember the reward of making qiyam with 10 verses of the Quran

3. Rekindling Family Ties

- Learn your lineages to solidify your family ties
- Map out your personal family history as it’s inspiring to us

4. Mindful Eating
- Begin and end by invoking the name of Allah
- Take time to enjoy and savour the food
- Take multiple breaks to breathe
- Contemplate on our blessings and the origin of these foods

5. The Power of a Good Word

- Al-Hubab ibn Munzir’s story (to position Muslim army by the well of Badr)
- Huzaifah ibn Yaman (to save this ummah from reading errors)
- To not hold back any good in our words and actions
- Imam Al-Bukhari was inspired by a passing statement to collate the traditions of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh)

6. Istighfar
- People are just chronically fatigued most of the time
- Making istighfar increases us in strength
- Making istighfar decreases anxiety in studies

7. The Reward of Those Who Struggle

- Those who struggle, for them are 2 rewards

8. Transforming Struggles into Gratitude

- Gratitude is incredibly beneficial
- Different stations by struggling: Discontent, Patience, Acceptance, Gratitude
9. A Habit for the Morning
- Praise to Allah for waking us up and allowing us to start a new day
- If worldly affairs are our biggest concern when we get up in the morning, Allah will
stamp poverty in between our eyes and make our affairs difficult
- The opposite starts with invoking the name of Allah

10. How to Break Bad Habits

- Bad habits come from our nafs
- Our nafs likes instant gratification and pleasure
- Our bad habits are triggered by stimuli
- Urge-surfing: Observe the urge and put some distance between us and our urges
- The urges are like passers-by on the road, if we leave them be, they will depart

11. Give No Matter How Small

- Never belittle the donation or charity we do (half of a date)
- Finances is only one part of charity, time, talent and energy is also counted
- Start by having a spirit of always helping
- What is within our reach, how do we make it sustainable is also important

12. Reach Out

- Uplift and make people feel like they belong, include them
- Make people feel supported and relieve them of the difficulties

13. Extending Salaam

- Initiating salaam is very difficult for people nowadays
- Spreading salaam to those we know and those we don’t spreads love

14. A Morning Supplication

- Praise Allah, reorient ourselves that there is nothing to be associated with Allah, remind
ourselves of the outcome we wish to reach peacefully

15. 2 Easy Deeds to Enter Paradise

- Subhanallahx10, Alhamdulillahx10, Allahuakbarx10 after praying
- Subhanallahx33, Alhamdulillahx33, Allahuakbarx33 before sleeping

16. Reflecting on Nature

- Good for our hearts, souls and brains
- Contemplate on the origin of these creations and the power of the Creator
17. Calling Upon Allah
- Ask Allah for everything, a sacred habit that is lost

18. Islamic Meditation Practices

- Retreat: Do I’tikaaf at home year-round
- Reflect
- Remember Allah

19. Free Yourself from External Validation

- Build a sense of awareness
- Realise that external validation is not fully possible (constantly changing standard)
- Realise what Allah would want me to do

20. Give From What You Love

- It’s not giving up everything we like, it’s parting from what we like and give of what
makes us happy to others

21. Practise Patience

- Hastiness, the inability to wait is from the Shaytaan
- Develop our patience by forcing ourselves to wait and slow down

22. Cherish the Simple and Mundane

- Uwais al-Qarni’s story
- He was said by the Prophet pbuh as the best of his generation and he was even asked by
Umar al-Khattab and others to make forgiveness on behalf of them
- Use our niyyah to magnify our small deeds (small deeds can be made great with its
intention while big deeds can be made small with the lack of intention)

23. Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet pbuh

- If I want peace, send peace and blessings onto the Prophet pbuh

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